HomeMy WebLinkAboutBylaw 1808 - Land Use BylawBYLAW NO. 1808 KNEEHILL COUNTY — LAND USE BYLAW BEING A BYLAW OF THE COUNCIL OF KNEEHILL COUNTY, IN THE PROVINCE OF ALBERTA, TO ESTABLISH A NEW LAND USE BYLAW AND RESCIND FORMER LAND USE BYLAW 1773 AND AMENDMENTS THERETO WHEREAS, pursuant to the Municipal Government Act, Chapter M-26, Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000, as amended, a Municipal Council must pass a Land Use Bylaw; and WHEREAS, THE Council of Kneehill County has decided to update the Land Use Bylaw which divides the Municipality into districts and regulates the use and development of land and buildings within the Municipality as prescribed in the Bylaw; and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing into the proposed Bylaw was scheduled for and held on September 8, 2020, commencing at 10:00 a.m. at the Kneehill County Office; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of Kneehill County, in the Province of Alberta, duly assembled and under the powers conferred upon it by the Municipal Government Act, RSA 2000, Chapter M-26, enacts as follows: 1. This bylaw shall be cited as the Kneehill County Land Use Bylaw. 2. The use and development of land and buildings within Kneehill County shall be established as per Schedule "A", attached to and forming part of this Bylaw. 3. Kneehill County Land Use Bylaw 1773 is hereby repealed and amendments thereto. 4. That this bylaw shall take effect on the date of the third and final reading. READ a first time in Council this 11th day of February, 2020. READ a second time in Council this 8t" day of September, 2020. READ a third time in Council and finally passed this 22"d day of September, 2020. t VE CHIEF AO ISTRATIVE OFFICER LAND USE BYLAW 1808 Land Use Bylaw 1808 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS: PART I ENACTMENT PAGE 1. Title 6 2. Purpose 6 3. Previous Bylaws 6 4. Applications in Process 6 5. Severability 6 6. Compliance with other Legislation 7 7. Non-Conforming Buildings & Uses 7 8. Establishment of Land Use Districts 8 PART II APPROVING AUTHORITIES 9. Subdivision & Development Authority 10 10. Subdivision & Development Appeal Board 11 11. Municipal Planning Commission 11 PART III ADMINISTRATION 12. Forms 13 13. Amendments 13 PART IV DEVELOPMENT PERMIT PROCEDURES 14. Development Permit Required 15 15. Development Permit Not Required 15 16. Application for Development Permit 17 17. Application for Home Occupation 20 18. Permitted Use Applications 20 19. Discretionary Use Applications 22 20. Application for Unlisted Proposed Use 23 21. Development Agreements 23 22. Application Decisions 23 23. Compliance Certificates 24 24. Temporary Use & Development Approvals 24 25. Development Permits & Notices 25 26. Environmental Review 26 PART V APPEAL PROCEDURE 27. Appeal Procedure 30 28. Court of Appeal 30 PART VI ENFORCEMENT 29. Contravention 33 30. Prohibitions 33 31. Non-Compliance 33 32. Stop Orders 34 33. Offences & Penalties 34 PART VII GENERAL LAND USE REGULATIONS 34. Uses Permitted in All Land Use Designations 37 35. Accessory Buildings & Structures 37 36. Corner Parcel & Site Triangles 37 37. Dwelling Units Per Lot 38 Land Use Bylaw 1808 3 38. Development Near Water 38 39. Floodplain Development 38 40. Hazard Lands 39 41. Height of Buildings & Structures 39 42. Livestock Allotted per Acre on Parcels 20 Acres or Less 40 43. Projections into Setbacks 41 44. Relocation of Buildings or Structures 41 45. Rural Industrial District 42 46. Residential & Industrial Uses Adjacent 42 47. Site Development 42 48. Topographic Features 43 PART VIII SPECIFIC USE REGULATIONS 49. Alternative & Renewable Energy Systems 47 50. Animal Shelter, Veterinary Clinic, Veterinary Hospital or Commercial Kennel Regulations 48 51. Bed & Breakfast Establishments 48 52. Campgrounds 48 53. Cannabis Cultivation, Processing and Nursery Facilities 49 54. Cannabis Sales – Medical and Non-Medical 51 55. Creative Architecture 52 56. Drainage 52 57. Gas & Oilfield Services Business, Minor 53 58. Geothermal Energy Systems 53 59. Hamlet Regulations 53 60. Hens 54 61. Home Occupations 55 62. Housing, Garden Suites 56 63. Housing, Modular 57 64. Housing, Manufactured 57 65. Indoor Riding Arena, Private 58 66. Man-made Water Features 58 67. Portable Storage Containers 59 68. Recreational Vehicle Storage - Major 59 69. Recreational Vehicle Storage - Minor 60 70. Secondary Suite 60 71. Solar Energy Systems 60 72. Stripping, Excavation, Extraction & Grading 61 73. Vehicle & Construction Materials Storage 62 74. Wind Energy Conversion Systems 63 75. Work Camp 65 76. Wrecking Yard (Auto & Equipment Wreckage Site) 66 PART IX LANDSCAPING, FENCING & SCREENING 77. Landscaping Requirements 68 78. Fences 68 PART X PARKING PROVISIONS 79. Parking Requirements 71 80. Road Approaches 72 Land Use Bylaw 1808 4 PART XI SIGN REGULATIONS 81. Definitions for Signage 74 82. General Sign Regulation 74 83. Prohibited Signs 76 84. Signs NOT Requiring a Development Permit 76 85. Signs Requiring a Development Permit 76 86. Freestanding Signs 77 87. Fascia or Wall Sign 78 88. Portable Signs 78 89. Projecting Signs 78 90. Signage for a Bed & Breakfast 79 PART XII LAND USE DISTRICTS 91. Agriculture District 82 92. Agriculture Business District 87 93. Country Residential District 90 94. Hamlet Residential District 93 95. Hamlet Commercial District 96 96. Hamlet Industrial District 99 97. Hamlet General District 102 98. EX Hamlet 105 99. Health and Public Services District 108 100. Highway Commercial District 111 101. Local Rural Commercial District 114 102. Light Industrial District 118 103. Industrial District 122 104. Recreation District 126 105. Manufactured Home District 130 106. Direct Control District 134 107. Specific Direct Control District 1 136 108. Specific Direct Control District 2 137 109. Specific Direct Control District 3 138 110. 111. 112. Specific Direct Control District 4 Specific Direct Control District 5 Specific Direct Control District 6 140 143 145 PART XIII DEFINITIONS 148 PART XIV LAND USE MAPS 176 Land Use Bylaw 1808 5 PART 1 - ENACTMENT 1. Title 2. Purpose 3. Previous Bylaws 4. Applications in Process 5. Severability 6. Compliance with other Legislation 7. Non-Conforming Buildings & Uses 8. Establishment of Land Use Districts Land Use Bylaw 1808 6 PART 1 - ENACTMENT 1. Title This Bylaw may be cited as the “Kneehill County Land Use Bylaw.” 2. Purpose The purpose of this Bylaw is to regulate the orderly, economical and beneficial development and use of land and buildings within the County, and for that purpose the Bylaw, among other things, (a) Divides the County into land use districts; (b) Prescribes and regulates, for each land use district, the purpose for which the land and buildings may be used; (c) Establishes the roles of the Development Authority; (d) Establishes the method of making decisions on applications for development permits, including the issuing of development permits; (e) Sets out the method of appealing a decision relative to this Bylaw; and (f) Provides the manner in which notice of the issuance of a development permit is given. The Bylaw shall be applied in a manner that serves to implement statutory plans and local plans, which have been adopted by the County, and is consistent with the Municipal Government Act (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”) and the County's Municipal Development Plan as amended from time to time. 3. Previous Bylaws Bylaw No. 1773 and amendments thereto are hereby repealed. 4. Applications in Process All redesignation, subdivision and development applications received in a complete form prior to the effective date of this Bylaw shall be processed and considered based on the regulations in effect consistent with Bylaw 1773, unless prior to a decision being made on the application, the County receives a duly signed amended application requesting that said subdivision, redesignation, or development application be processed and considered based on the regulations of this Bylaw. No additional fees will be required for this amendment. 5. Severability If any provision of this Bylaw is held to be invalid by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction, that decision will not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Bylaw. Land Use Bylaw 1808 7 6. Compliance with other Legislation No developments, other than those uses and developments exempt under the Act and regulations thereto and those designated as “Not Requiring a Development Permit” in this Land Use Bylaw shall be undertaken within the County unless a development application has been approved and a development permit has been issued. A person applying for, or in possession of, a valid development permit is not relieved from the responsibility of ascertaining and complying with, or carrying out development in accordance with: (a) The requirements of the Alberta Safety Codes Act, R.S.A. 2000, Chapter S-1; (b) Bylaws and Policies of the County; (c) The requirements of any other appropriate federal, provincial or municipal legislation; (d) The conditions of any caveat, covenant, easement or other instrument affecting a building or land; (e) The requirements of Alberta Agricultural Operation Practices Act, R.S.A. 2000, Chapter A-7; and (f) General Municipal Servicing Standards, as amended. 7. Non-Conforming Buildings & Uses (1) If a Development Permit has been issued on or before the day on which this Bylaw or a Land Use Amendment Bylaw comes into force, and the Bylaw would make the development in respect of which the permit was issued a non-conforming use or non-conforming building, the development permit continues in effect in spite of the Bylaw coming into force. (2) A non-conforming use of land or a non-conforming use of a building may be continued, but if that use is discontinued for a period of six (6) consecutive months or more, any future use of the land or buildings shall conform to the provisions of this Land Use Bylaw. (3) A non-conforming use of part of a building may be extended throughout the building, but the building, whether or not it is a non-conforming building, may not be enlarged or added to and no structural alterations shall be made to it. (4) A non-conforming use of part of a lot may not be extended or transferred in whole or in part to any other part of the lot and no additional buildings shall be erected upon the lot while the non-conforming use continues. (5) A non-conforming building may continue to be used, but the building may not be enlarged, added to, rebuilt or structurally altered except: (a) as may be necessary to make it a conforming building; (b) as the Development Authority considers necessary for the routine maintenance of the building; and (c) in accordance with Section 18(2) and Section 19(1) where the variance is considered by the Development Authority to be minor. (6) If a non-conforming building is damaged or destroyed to the extent of more than 75 percent of the value of the building above its foundation, the building may not be repaired or rebuilt except in accordance with the Land Use Bylaw. Land Use Bylaw 1808 8 (7) The use of land or the use of a building is not affected by the reason only of a change of ownership, tenancy, or occupancy of the land or building. 8. Establishment of Land Use Districts (1) The locations and boundaries of the land use districts are shown on the Land Use District Maps, which form Part XIV of this Bylaw. (2) The District boundaries shown on the Land Use Maps shall be interpreted as follows: (a) Where a boundary follows a public road, railway, pipeline, power line, utility right-of-way, or easement, it follows the center line, unless otherwise clearly indicated; (b) Where a boundary is shown as approximately following the County boundary, it follows the County boundary; (c) Where a boundary is shown as approximately following the edge or shorelines of any river, lake, creek or other water body, it follows the edge or shoreline; (d) Where a boundary is shown as approximately following a lot line, it shall be deemed to follow the lot line; (e) Where land use districts have been established in accordance with a proposed subdivision of land, the districts shall be understood to conform to the certificate of title or the plan or survey when registered in a land title office. Upon registration, the district boundary shall be adjusted in accordance with the plan of survey or descriptive plan; and (f) In circumstances not covered above, the location of the boundary shall be determined: i. using any dimensions given on the map; or ii. where no dimensions are given, measurement using the scale shown on the map. (3) Where the exact location of the boundary of a land use district cannot be determined, using the rules in Subsection (2), the Council, on its own motion or on a written request, shall fix the location: (a) In a manner consistent with the provisions of this Bylaw; and (b) With the appropriate degree of detail required. (4) The location of a district boundary, once fixed, shall not be altered except by an amendment of this Bylaw. (5) The Council shall keep a list of its decisions fixing the locations of district boundaries. (6) Redesignation of any parcel shall only apply to the immediate area required to develop the intended use. Approximate boundaries can be used for redesignation purposes. Where subdivision is required to legally establish the property boundaries the dimensions of the redesignated parcel will automatically conform to the subdivided parcel, irrespective of the dimensions otherwise approved. Land Use Bylaw 1808 9 PART II – APPROVING AUTHORITIES 9. Subdivision & Development Authority 10. Subdivision & Development Appeal Board 11. Municipal Planning Commission part 1I – APPROVING AUTHORITIES Land Use Bylaw 1808 10 9. Subdivision & Development Authority (1) Pursuant to Kneehill County Bylaw 1784 and amendments thereto, The Municipal Planning Commission is established to act as the Subdivision and Development Authority to exercise powers and duties for Kneehill County pursuant to the Municipal Government Act. The Municipal Planning Commission shall: (a) Perform such duties as are required pursuant to this Bylaw and amendments thereto; and (b) Consider and if necessary, state terms and conditions on planning and development matters referred by the Development Officer. (2) The Development Officer acting as the Development Authority established pursuant to Kneehill County Bylaw 1784 and amendments thereto: (a) Shall perform such duties as specified in this Bylaw, Bylaw 1784, and the Act; (b) Shall keep and maintain for the inspection of the public during office hours, a copy of this Bylaw and all amendments thereto and ensure that copies of same are available to the public at a reasonable charge; (c) Shall keep a register of all applications for development including the decisions thereon and the reasons therefore, and all orders as per Destruction & Retention of Corporate Records Bylaw 1641 and amendments there to; (d) Shall receive all completed development permit applications; (e) Shall consider and decide on all complete development permit applications for permitted uses in any Land Use District; (f) Shall refer at his or her discretion, a permit application for comments to those authorities whose interest or jurisdiction may be affected; (g) Shall refer with recommendations, to the Municipal Planning Commission for its consideration and decision, applications for a discretionary development permit for those uses listed in Part XII Land Use Districts, which constitute a discretionary use in a District; (h) May refer any other development permit applications to the Municipal Planning Commission; (i) May refer any other planning or development matters to the Municipal Planning Commission for its review, support or advice; (j) Shall refer all such applications to the Alberta Energy Regulator within 1.5 km (0.93 mile) of a sour gas facility; (k) Shall refer, to adjacent urban centers any application for a discretionary use falling within a 1.6 km (1 mile) radius of the relevant municipality, unless otherwise stated in an Intermunicipal Development Plan; (l) Shall refer, to adjacent rural municipalities any application for a discretionary use falling within a 0.8 km (0.5 mile) radius of the relevant municipality, unless otherwise stated in an Intermunicipal Development Plan; (m) Shall refer, within hamlets any application for a discretionary use, to contiguous properties only; Land Use Bylaw 1808 11 (n) Shall refer any such application to adjacent land owners for a discretionary use or for a proposed development requesting a variance/relaxation in excess of 15% in any hamlet/ex-hamlet district and in excess of 20% in any other district of any listed maximum or minimum standard goes to the Municipal Planning Commission for approval; (o) Shall refer as per Section 606 of the MGA to adjacent landowners all applications for redesignation; (3) A Subdivision Authority may approve or refuse an application for subdivision approval; and (a) A Subdivision Authority may approve an application for subdivision approval even though the proposed subdivision does not comply with the Land Use Bylaw if, in its opinion: i. the proposed subdivision would not: a. unduly interfere with the amenities of the neighbourhood; or b. materially interfere with or affect the use, enjoyment or value of neighbouring parcels of land; and ii. the proposed subdivision conforms with the use prescribed for that land in the Land Use Bylaw. 10. Subdivision & Development Appeal Board The Subdivision and Development Appeal Board established by Bylaw of Kneehill County shall perform all duties as specified in Bylaw 1780 and amendments there to. 11. Municipal Planning Commission The Municipal Planning Commission established by Bylaw of the Municipality of Kneehill County shall perform all duties as specified in Bylaw 1784, and amendments thereto. Land Use Bylaw 1808 12 PART III – ADMINISTRATION 12. Forms 13. Amendments Land Use Bylaw 1808 13 PART 1II - ADMINISTRATION 12. Forms (1) For the purpose of administering this Land Use Bylaw, the Development Authority shall prepare such forms and notices as he or she may deem necessary. (2) Any such forms or notices are deemed to have the full force and effect of this Land Use Bylaw in the execution of the purpose for which they were designed, authorized and issued. 13. Amendments (1) Any person may apply to have this Bylaw amended. (2) Council may initiate amendments to this Bylaw by its own motion. (3) Council shall make all amendments to this Bylaw in conformity with the Act, by bylaw. (4) If an amendment to the Bylaw is refused, a similar application may not be received for six (6) months following the final date of the decision. Land Use Bylaw 1808 14 PART IV – DEVELOPMENT PERMIT PROCEDURES 14. Development Permit Required 15. Development Permit Not Required 16. Application for Development Permit 17. Application for Home Occupation 18. Permitted Use Applications 19. Discretionary Use Applications 20. Application for Unlisted Proposed Use 21. Development Agreements 22. Application Decisions 23. Compliance Certificates 24. Temporary Use & Development Approvals 25. Development Permits & Notices 26. Environmental Review Land Use Bylaw 1808 15 PART 1V – DEVELOPMENT PERMIT PROCEDURES 14. Development Permit Required Except as otherwise provided for in Section 15 Development Permit NOT Required, no development shall be commenced or continued within the County unless a development permit has been issued, the development permit has not expired and the development is in accordance with the terms and conditions of a development permit issued pursuant to this Bylaw. 15. Development Permit Not Required (1) A Development Permit is not required with respect to the following developments and/or uses unless specifically excluded in a Land Use District or Direct Control Bylaw, but developments that do not require a permit shall comply with the provisions of this Bylaw such as setbacks and must comply with all other applicable legislation, regulations and bylaws: (a) Those uses and developments exempt under the Act and regulations thereto; (b) The carrying out of works of maintenance or repair to any building provided that such works do not include structural alterations or major works of renovation; (c) The creation and maintenance of all shelterbelts (including trees, hedges & shrubs) greater than 10.6 m (35 ft.) from the right of way of a local road, 41.1 m (135 ft.) from the right of way of a highway, and 30.5 m (100 ft.) from an intersection. No variance will be granted for setbacks; (d) The completion of a building which was lawfully approved whether or not it was under construction at the date of this Bylaw enactment, provided the building: i. is completed within twelve (12) months from the date this Bylaw comes into full force and effect; and ii. is completed in accordance with any development permit issued for it. (e) The use of a building referenced in Section 15(1)(d) for the purpose for which construction was started; (f) The construction, maintenance and/or repair of public works, services or utilities carried out by or on behalf of federal, provincial or municipal government authorities; (g) The construction, maintenance and repair of private walkways, pathways, driveways and similar works on privately owned property. Approval from the County is required for access onto a municipal road; (h) The use of a building or part thereof as any official temporary use in connection with a federal, provincial, or municipal election, referendum, census, or plebiscite; (i) The construction of temporary federal, provincial, or municipal work camps; Land Use Bylaw 1808 16 (j) The construction of an accessory building or structure less than 3.05 m (10 ft.) high and not more than 18.58 m2 (200 ft2) in floor area; (k) The construction of grain bins, and/or silos. Note: All structures must meet the required setbacks in the Agriculture District so as not to interfere with County road maintenance/ expansion and sightlines; (l) "The construction of decks less than 0.60 m (2.0 ft) do not require a development permit, but when a deck becomes covered or enclosed, it shall be considered an addition to the principal building and is required to meet the district requirements for the principal building, thus a development permit will be required; (m)The erection of a satellite dish, light standard, or flagpole and structures less than 7.6 m (25 ft.) in height from grade, when located and sited on a parcel containing a single detached dwelling, duplex or manufactured home, in accordance with the accessory building setback provisions; (n) Signage in accordance with Section 84, Signs NOT Requiring a Development Permit; (o) Ornamental pond, being a man-made water feature where its value is decorative. Exception: In a Hamlet District, ornamental ponds, having a depth greater than 1 m (3.28 ft.) require a development permit; (p) Dugouts & Borrow Pits do not require a development permit prior to construction. Notwithstanding any other provision in this bylaw, dugouts and man-made water bodies must be set back a minimum of 15.2 m (50 ft.) from any side or rear property line and a minimum 30.5 m (100 ft.) from any County road right-of-way. All side slopes should not exceed a slope of 3:1 on all four sides; (q) Roof mounted solar panels for residential or private commercial use only; and (r) Storage Containers on lands zoned Agriculture District and Agriculture Business greater than 20-acres. (s) Prefabricated garden sheds. (2) In all districts, excluding the Agriculture District, a development permit is not required for the erection or construction of gates, fences, walls or other means of enclosure less than 0.9 m (3 ft.) in height in front yards and less than 1.8 m (6 ft.) in side and rear yards, except on Corner Parcels or where abutting on a road used by vehicular traffic where they must meet the regulations set out for Corner Parcels in Section 36. What is a Development? Development includes the carrying out of any construction, excavation, stockpiling or other operation, in, on, over or under land, or the making of any change in the use or intensity of use of any land or building either permanently or temporarily. The Province allows municipalities, through the Municipal Land Use Bylaw, to regulate developments via the "Development Permit" process; however, not all developments require the issuance of a development permit. Please consult with the County Development Officer in order to determine whether your development requires the issuance of a permit. Land Use Bylaw 1808 17 (3) In the Agricultural District, a development permit is not required for the erection or construction of any gates, open fences (non-opaque), walls, or other means of enclosure less than 2.4 m (8 ft.) in height provided that such gates, fences, walls, or other means of enclosure do not impede sight lines of vehicular traffic on roads meeting regulations set out for Corner Parcels in Section 36. 16. Application for Development Permit (1) An application for a development permit shall be made to the Development Authority, in writing on a form prescribed by the Development Officer and shall be accompanied by: (a) One (1) copy of a fully dimensioned, scaled site plan, indicating: i. existing parcel(s) dimensions and area; ii. location of all the existing and proposed buildings, structures, wells, and septic tanks and fields; iii. the location of all existing and proposed registered easements or rights-of-way; iv. existing and proposed site access; v. north arrow, scale and date of drawing with the site plan; vi. watercourses; vii. water bodies including dugouts and dams; viii. ravines; ix. slopes in excess of 15%; x. where applicable, existing and proposed approaches, driveways, parking and loading areas, abutting streets, avenues and lanes, and surface drainage patterns; xi. where applicable, the location of abandoned and proposed wells, septic tanks, disposal fields, culverts and crossings, for structures of greater than 47 m2 (500 ft.2); and xii. A current Certificate of Title will be obtained by the Development Authority. (b) a satellite image is acceptable for a site plan, as long as the required information is noted; (c) floor plans, elevations, and cross sections if required by the Development Authority; (d) a statement of uses; (e) if the applicant is not the registered owner, a statement of the applicant’s interest in the land accompanied by the written consent of the registered owner(s); (f) the estimated commencement and completion dates; (g) the estimated cost of the project or contract price; (h) a non-refundable development permit administration fee, as established by the Master Rates Bylaw; (i) any other plans and information the Development Authority may deem necessary to properly evaluate the proposed development, which may include, but not be limited to: i. a plan of survey prepared by an Alberta Land Surveyor; Land Use Bylaw 1808 18 ii. topography; iii. soil characteristics; iv. potential for flooding, subsidence or erosion; v. legal description of subject property and all abutting properties; vi. identification of all drainage courses and/or the proposed storm water drainage plan; vii. landscape plan; viii. site grades, the front, rear and side yards, and landscaped areas; ix. sign location and details; x. the design and location of sidewalks, patios, playgrounds, and other similar features; xi. schedule showing area of site, building floor area, number of units, number of parking and loading spaces and a calculation of lot coverage and floor space ratio; xii. existing and proposed services (public or private systems location); xiii. a Storm Water Management Study, prepared by a qualified professional, describing how storm water runoff will be managed, in terms of both runoff rates and volumes and water quality, its potential for flooding, subsidence and/or erosion; xiv. the availability and adequacy of municipal services which, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, may include fire protection (water model), education services, student transportation, and police protection; xv. a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, conducted in accordance with the Canadian Standards Association, where the potential for prior contamination of a site exists. Follow-up assessments and remedies may be required based on the results of the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment; xvi. a plan outlining a buffering or interface treatment to minimize impacts of commercial and industrial land uses on neighboring land uses may be required. xvii. a Noise Attenuation Study, conducted by a qualified professional, may be required. The separation distance shall be as prescribed by the Development Authority, recognizing the type and magnitude of both the proposed development and surrounding land uses; xviii. a detailed Geotechnical Engineering Study, prepared by a qualified professional, for development on lands that may be prone to flooding, erosion, slope stability or other hazard risk that confirms that the site is suitable for the proposed development and describing any measures to be taken to safeguard the proposed development; and xix. a Safety Codes Plan Review of engineered drawings done by a qualified professional may be required prior to approval at the fee listed in the Master Rates Bylaw. Land Use Bylaw 1808 19 (2) The applicant, within 20-days of the receipt of the application will receive in writing notice that the application is either deemed complete, or notice of deficiencies. (3) The Development Authority may refuse to accept an application for a development permit where the information required by Section 16(1) has not been supplied or where, in the opinion of the Development Authority, the quality of the material supplied is inadequate to properly evaluate the application. (4) The Development Authority may consider an application and render a decision without all of the information required by Section 16(1) if, in the opinion of the Development Authority, a decision on the application can reasonably be made without such information. (5) In addition to the development permit application requirements in Section 16(1), the Development Authority or Council may require additional information deemed necessary to evaluate the application, which may include the following: (a) A statement describing how relevant statutory and non-statutory plans such as the Municipal Development Plan, Area Structure Plans, Outline Plans and Intermunicipal Plans, have been considered and affect the application and this Bylaw; (b) Preparation and approval of supporting plans such as Area Structure Plans, Area Redevelopment Plans, and Outline Plans in accordance with municipal policy at the discretion of the Development Authority; and (c) Any technical studies. (6) If the proposed development or land use is located within an Environmentally Significant Area (ESA), as defined by the province, and amended from time to time, the Development Authority will determine if the proposed land use or development requires a full or basic environmental review, or neither (see Section 26).   Meet with the Planning & Development Department Complete and submit a Developemnt Application and fee If development contains discretionary uses, notifications are made to adjacent landowners and agencies, then to the MPC for decision Approval or denial of application Appeal may be made to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Obtain other permits required prior to development Land Use Bylaw 1808 20 17. Application for a Home Occupation (1) An application for a Home Occupation development permit shall be made to the Development Authority and shall include the following: (a) A detailed description of the business, including the types of operations or activities that will take place at the site; (b) The detailed description of the materials, equipment and/or vehicles that will be used, where they will be stored on site and, if stored outside, what screening will be provided from the road and neighbors; (c) The number of resident and non-resident employees visiting or working at the property; (d) The number of anticipated business visits per day to the property; (e) The number of parking spaces on the property; and (f) Other measures that will be undertaken to avoid potential nuisance effects for neighbors. (2) In addition to the regulations listed above, other regulations may apply. See Section 61 for regulations specific to Home Occupations. (3) A business license may be issued for non-residents wanting to do business in Kneehill County or for a mobile business for a resident and/or non-resident.   18. Permitted Use Applications (1) Upon receipt of a completed application for a development permit for a permitted use in any district, other than a Direct Control District, the Development Officer shall approve, with or without conditions, an application for a permitted use where the proposed development conforms to this Bylaw, the Municipal Government Act, the Subdivision and Development Regulation, and statutory plans and may require: (a) the applicant to enter into a development agreement or an interim agreement, which shall form part of such a development permit and may be required to be registered by caveat against the title to the site at the Land Titles Office, to do any or all of the following: i. to construct or pay for the construction of a road required to give access to the development; ii. to construct, or pay for the construction of: a. a pedestrian walkway system to serve the development; or b. pedestrian walkways to connect the pedestrian walkway system serving the development with a pedestrian walkway system that serves or is proposed to serve an adjacent development, or both; iii. to install or pay for the installation of public utilities, other than telecommunications systems or works, that are necessary to serve the development; iv. to construct or pay for the construction of: a. off-street or other parking facilities; and Land Use Bylaw 1808 21 b. loading and unloading facilities; v. The payment of any applicable off-site levy or redevelopment levy imposed by bylaw; (b) Any measures to ensure compliance with the requirements of this Land Use Bylaw or any other statutory plan adopted by the County; (c) Easements and/or encroachment agreements; (d) The provision of a real property report to the satisfaction of the Development Authority; (e) The provision of security, acceptable to the County, to ensure compliance with this Bylaw, a development permit, an agreement under this clause and/or a statutory plan, which security may include, but is not limited to, an irrevocable letter of credit or cash to ensure the terms of the permit are carried out; (f) Time periods stipulating completion of development; and (g) Any measures to ensure compliance with applicable federal, provincial and/or other municipal legislation and approvals. (2) Upon receipt of a completed application for a development permit for a permitted use in any District, other than a Direct Control District, that does not conform to the requirements of the Land Use Bylaw, the Municipal Government Act, the Subdivision and Development Regulation, and statutory plans, the Development Authority: (a) May refuse the application stating the reasons for refusal; or (b) May approve the application subject to conditions to ensure that the application conforms to the requirements of the Land Use Bylaw, the Municipal Government Act, the Subdivision and Development Regulation, and statutory plans; or (c) May approve the application, subject to those regulations of this Bylaw that pertain to an application for a permitted use, if in the opinion of the Development Authority, the proposed development: i. would not unduly interfere with the amenities of the neighborhood; Land Use Bylaw 1808 22 ii. would not materially interfere with or affect the use enjoyment or value of the neighboring sites; iii. conforms to the use prescribed for that land or building in the Land Use Bylaw; and iv. would not require a variance of any minimum or maximum standard within the district in excess of 15% within any hamlet/ex-hamlet district and 20% in any other district. 19. Discretionary Use Applications (1) Upon receipt of a completed application for a discretionary use in any District other than a Direct Control District, the Development Authority, at its discretion, may approve the application for a discretionary use subject to conditions listed under Section 18(1) and any conditions that the Development Authority may deem appropriate to ensure compatibility with the amenities of the neighborhood and the use, enjoyment and value of neighboring parcels of land, including, but not limited to the following: (a) Limiting the time of operation including hours of the day, days of the week, or parts of the year; (b) Specifying the period of time during which the development may continue; (c) Limiting the number of patrons; (d) Requiring attenuation or mitigation of noise or any other nuisances that may be generated by the proposed development; (e) Regarding the location, character and appearance of buildings; (f) Regarding mitigations recommended by an environmental assessment; and (g) Regarding the grading of the site or such other matters as are necessary to protect the site from other developments or to protect other developments from the site; (2) For a discretionary use in any District other than a Direct Control District, the Municipal Planning Commission, in its discretion, may refuse an application for a discretionary use permit stating the reasons for its refusal. (3) The Municipal Planning Commission may relax or vary a standard of the bylaw pertaining to site coverage, setbacks, height restrictions, access, parking and loading requirements, and lot dimensions and sizes. Land Use Bylaw 1808 23 20. Application for an Unlisted Similar Proposed Use Where the proposed use is not listed in a land use district, it will be considered a discretionary use and the Municipal Planning Commission may consider it to be so listed if, in their opinion, it is sufficiently similar in character, compatibility and purpose to a listed use within a subject district. 21. Development Agreement (1) The Municipality may register a caveat pursuant to the provisions of the Land Titles Act and the Municipal Government Act in respect of an agreement under this Section against the Certificate of Title for the land that is the subject of the development, which said caveat shall be discharged when the agreement has been complied with. (2) The Municipal Planning Commission may require conditions consistent with Section 18(1) or any other conditions as deemed appropriate. The applicant may be required to enter into an agreement to construct or pay for the construction of public roadways or parking facilities, to install or pay for the installation of utilities and/or to pay an off-site levy imposed by bylaw. This may involve the applicant posting security with respect to the development and paying for construction, where the development requires a road or traffic infrastructure improvement specifically to accommodate the development. The applicant for a development permit may be required to provide dust control adjacent to existing residences located on roads impacted by the development. The Municipal Planning Commission may require that commercial vehicular traffic be limited to certain roads when gaining access to and from a site.  22. Application Decisions (1) In the case where an application for a development permit has been refused pursuant to this Section of the Bylaw or ultimately after appeal, the submission of another application for a permit on the same parcel and for the same or similar use of land by the same or any other applicant may not be accepted by the Development Authority for at least six (6) months after the date of the final decision unless, in the opinion of the Development Authority, the reasons for refusal have been adequately addressed or circumstances of the application have changed significantly. (2) If a decision is not made on a development permit application within forty (40) days after it is deemed complete by the Development Authority, the applicant may deem it to be refused at the end of the 40-day period, as per Section 684(1)(3) of the Municipal Government Act, unless the applicant for a development permit enters into an agreement with the Development Authority to extend the 40-day period. The 40-day time-period begins when the application may reasonably be deemed complete. (3) If a subdivision authority fails or refuses to make a decision on an application for subdivision approval within the time prescribed by Section 6 of the Subdivision and Development Regulations, the applicant may, within 14 days after the expiration of the time prescribed, as per Section 681 (1) of the Municipal Government Act. (a) treat the application as refused and appeal it in accordance with Section 678 of the Municipal Government Act; or Land Use Bylaw 1808 24 (b) enter a written agreement with the subdivision authority to extend the time prescribed in the subdivision and development regulations. (4) A subdivision authority must make a decision on an application for subdivision within 21 days where no referrals were required (as per Subdivision and Development Regulation 6(a)).   23. Compliance Certificates (1) Where the Municipality is requested to provide comments on a Real Property Report (RPR) with respect to legally established or non-conforming development, the Development Authority may state whether a development is conforming, non-conforming, or legally non- conforming based on: (a) A Real Property Report (RPR) that has been prepared not more than one (1) year prior to the date of the application. Two (2) original copies of the RPR to be provided; (b) If RPR is older than one (1) year, an affidavit is required stating that nothing has changed in that time, however a RPR greater than fifteen (15) years will not be accepted; and (c) A current Certificate of Title may be obtained by the Development Authority. 24. Temporary Use & Development Approvals (1) Where a proposed development is for a discretionary use, the Development Authority may issue a temporary development permit for that development if: (a) the proposed development is of a temporary nature; or (b) The Development Authority wishes to ensure that the development authorized by the permit will cease by a specified date or will not be ongoing indefinitely. (2) Temporary use applications shall be subject to the following conditions: (a) The applicant or developer is liable for any costs involved in the cessation or removal of any development at the expiration of the permitted period; (b) The Development Authority or the Municipal Planning Commission may require the applicant to submit an irrevocable letter of credit or other acceptable form of security guaranteeing the cessation or removal of the temporary use; and (c) Any other conditions as deemed necessary, including a development agreement. (3) Unless otherwise specified on the face of the development permit or in the conditions of development approval, if the development or use authorized by a development permit is not commenced and diligently pursued within twelve (12) months from the effective date of the permit, such permit approval ceases and the permit itself is deemed void, expired and without effect. Land Use Bylaw 1808 25 (4) A temporary development permit may be renewed prior to the expiration/expiry date, upon application to the Development Authority, provided that no changes have been made to the original application. The development shall not be continued after expiration of the development permit and prior to renewal of the development permit, unless the Development Authority has agreed to allow it to continue during the processing of the renewal application. The Development Authority has no obligation to approve it. (5) When a permit for a temporary use expires, a new application is required. Such application shall be dealt with as a new application and there shall be no obligation to approve it on the basis that a previous permit had been issued. (6) Upon expiration of a temporary development permit, the development or use thereby authorized shall cease to be continued. All uses and/or buildings, structures, equipment, and things erected, placed upon or used in or upon lands or buildings in connection with the development shall be removed within 120 days from the lands or buildings upon, or in which the development was being carried out. The County is not liable for any costs involved in the cessation or removal of the development at the expiration of the time period stated in the permit. Held security will be released upon completion of an inspection by the County, certifying that the temporary use has been removed. 25. Development Permits & Notices (1) Any decision by the Development Authority on a development permit application shall be given in writing to the applicant. (2) If an application is conditionally approved or refused by the Development Authority, the notice of decision shall contain the conditions imposed as part of the approval or the reasons for the refusal. (3) Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, the granting of a development permit shall: (a) Indicate only that the development to which the permit relates is authorized in accordance with the provisions of this Bylaw and shall in no way relieve or excuse any person from complying with this or any other bylaws, order and regulations affecting such works; and (b) Be without prejudice to the Development Authority’s rights to refuse any other permit or approval that may be required of it in respect of the development by this or any other bylaw. Land Use Bylaw 1808 26 (4) A development permit shall come into effect twenty-one (21) days after the date of the issue of the Notice of Decision, as described in Section 25(6) of this Bylaw, unless an appeal is made to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board. Any development commenced prior to the development permit coming into effect, is done solely at the risk of the applicant. (5) If an appeal is made, pursuant to Part V of this Bylaw, a development permit shall not come into effect until the appeal has been determined and the permit may be modified or nullified thereby. (6) When a permit for a discretionary use or permitted use with a variance has been granted, the Development Authority shall: (a) Notify in writing all registered owners of land who submitted letters of concern and in the opinion of the Development Authority may be affected; and/or (b) The applicant shall post a notice of the decision conspicuously on the property for which the application has been made; and/or (c) Publish a notice of the decision in a newspaper circulating in the Municipality stating the legal description of the land on which the development was approved, the land use approved, and the procedure for any appeals. (7) If the development authorized by a permit is not commenced within twelve (12) months from the effective date, or carried out with reasonable diligence, the permit approval ceases and the permit itself is deemed void, expired and without effect, unless an extension to this period has been granted by the Development Authority. 26. Environmental Review (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Bylaw, the Development Authority may require the following prior to approving any development on lands located within Kneehill County (a) Recommendations for impact mitigation resulting from the approved environmental review shall be applied and adhered to as a condition of the development permit; (b) Where provincial or federal statute requires environmental reporting, such reporting may be combined with County requirements for simplicity; (c) A qualified environmental professional must undertake both basic reviews and full reviews. Both types of reviews must specifically answer these three questions: i. What are the environmental features of importance in the area potentially impacted by the proposed development or land use? ii. What are the reasonably foreseeable impacts on those environmental features of importance by the proposed development? iii. What actions or strategies are recommended to minimize negative impacts and maximize positive impacts? (d) A full environmental review shall be required for proposed land uses or developments that are considered to have a high likelihood of having detrimental impacts on environmental features of importance. Full environmental reviews will include a field- based environmental impact and mitigation report undertaken during the season(s) appropriate to observe the ecological functions of concern. Where more than one trigger Land Use Bylaw 1808 27 below activates an environmental review, the review shall consider all triggers in a cumulative fashion. These reviews may be required for: i. Developments requiring a land use redesignation or an Area Structure Plan prior to public hearing; or ii. New applications, or expansions of 10% or greater on existing development permits, for: a. Abattoir; b. Any development that contains a component of hazardous/noxious uses; c. Compost facility; d. Destruction or alteration of 10,000 m2 (2.47 acres) or more of Riparian Area; e. Gas bar; f. Golf course; g. Medical cannabis production facility standard processing (micro- processing & nursery are exempt); h. Cannabis standard cultivation (micro-cultivation, & nursery are exempt); i. Natural resource extractive industry; j. Recreational, major; k. Recreational resort; l. Waste Management Facility, Major; m. Wind energy conversion system; and n. Wrecking yard iii. Any application that the Development Authority has reason to believe warrants a full review, for cause. (e) A basic environmental review may be required for proposed land uses or developments that are considered to have a moderate likelihood of having detrimental impacts on environmental features of importance. Basic environmental reviews do not require a field- based environmental impact and mitigation report. Where more than one trigger below activates an environmental review, the review shall consider all triggers in a cumulative fashion. These reviews may be required for: i. New applications, or expansions of 10% or greater on existing development permits, for: a. Agricultural processing; b. Airstrip; c. Country recreation lodge; d. Destruction or alteration of between 2,500 m2 (0.62 acre) and 10,000 m2 (2.47 acres) or more of riparian area; Land Use Bylaw 1808 28 e. Home occupation, major; f. Outdoor storage facility; g. Recreation area; h. Recreational, minor; i. Recycling collection point; j. Recycling depot; and k. Waste management facility, minor ii. Any application that the Development Authority has reason to believe warrants a basic review. (f) The following proposed land uses or developments are considered to have a very low likelihood of having detrimental impacts on environmental features of importance. An environmental review is not required for the following types of development: a. Accessory building; b. Dwelling unit; c. Addition to a dwelling unit or accessory building; and d. Home occupation, minor Land Use Bylaw 1808 29 PART V – APPEAL PROCEDURE 27. Appeal Procedure 28. Court of Appeal Land Use Bylaw 1808 30 PART V – APPEAL PROCEDURE 27. Appeal Procedure (1) An appeal may be made to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board, in accordance with the Act, if the Development and/or Subdivision Authority: (a) Fails or refuses to issue a development permit to a person within forty (40) days of receipt of the completed application (see Section 22(2)) or fails to issue a decision on a subdivision application within sixty (60) days of receipt of the application, or such time longer granted by the applicant in writing; (b) Issues a development permit or approves a subdivision subject to conditions; or (c) Issues an order under s, 645 of the Act. (2) The person applying for the permit or affected by the order, under Section 27(1), or any other person affected by an order, decision of a development permit may appeal to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board. (3) Notwithstanding Section 27(1) no appeal lies in respect of the issuance of a development permit for a permitted use unless the provisions of the Land Use Bylaw were relaxed, varied or misinterpreted. (4) An appeal shall be made by serving a written notice of appeal to the secretary of the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board within twenty-one (21) days after a development permit has been posted or fourteen (14) days after a subdivision approval: (a) The date on which the applicant is notified, or (b) The date on which the notice was advertised or posted in accordance with this Bylaw or as required by the Act. (5) The written notice shall provide the reason(s) for the appeal. (6) In accordance with the Act, there is no appeal to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board on a decision made by Council with respect to a development permit application in respect of a Direct Control District. 28. Court of Appeal (1) The appeal procedure before the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board shall be conducted in accordance with the Act and the Procedural Bylaw 1779 and amendments thereto. (2) Pursuant to the Act, an appeal lies to the Court of Appeal on a question of law with respect to: (a) A decision of the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board; or (b) The Municipal Government Board on a decision of an appeal under the Act, an intermunicipal dispute of the Act or a subdivision appeal. Land Use Bylaw 1808 31 (3) An application for leave to appeal pursuant to Section 28(2) must be filed with the Court of Appeal within thirty (30) days after the issue of the decision sought to be appealed, and notice of the application must be given to: (a) Kneehill County; Municipal Government Board or the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board; and (b) Any other person(s) that the Judge directs. Land Use Bylaw 1808 32 PART VI – ENFORCEMENT 29. Contravention 30. Prohibitions 31. Non-Compliance 32. Stop Orders 33. Offences & Penalties Land Use Bylaw 1808 33 PART V1 - ENFORCEMENT 29. Contravention (1) Pursuant to the Act, the Designated Officer may enforce the provisions of the Act, the conditions of a development permit and this Bylaw. Enforcement may be by written notice of contravention, written stop order notice, or any other authorized action to gain compliance. (2) This section shall not prevent any Enforcement Officer from issuing a violation ticket requiring a court appearance of the defendant, pursuant to the provisions of the Provincial Offences Procedures Act, or from issuing a stop order in lieu of or in addition to issuing a violation ticket in accordance with Section 33 of this Bylaw. 30. Prohibition (1) No person shall contravene or permit a contravention of this Bylaw. No person shall commence or undertake a development, use, or sign that is not in compliance with this Bylaw. (2) No person shall contravene a condition of a permit issued under this Bylaw. (3) No person shall authorize or conduct any development that is at variance with the description, specifications or plans that formed the basis for the issuance of a development permit. No person shall modify any description, specifications, or plans that formed the basis for the issuance of any permit by a Development Authority. The applicant is bound by their approved site plan and information submitted in their application. 31. Non-Compliance (1) If, after a development permit has been issued, the Development Authority may cancel, suspend, or modify as considered appropriate, the development permit by notice, in writing, to the holder of the permit if it becomes aware that: (a) The application for the development contains a misrepresentation; (b) Facts concerning the application or the development were not disclosed which should have been disclosed at the time the application was considered; (c) The development permit was issued in error; (d) The application was cancelled by way of written notice from the applicant; and/or (e) If the condition(s) imposed in the development permit have not been complied with.    Land Use Bylaw 1808 34 32. Stop Orders (1) Pursuant to the Act, the Development Authority or Designated Officer may by written notice order the registered owner, the person in possession of the land or buildings or the person responsible for the contravention, or all or any of them to: (a) Stop the development or use of the land or buildings in whole or in part as directed by the notice; (b) Demolish, remove, replace the development or landscaping; or (c) Take such other measures as are specified in the notice so that the development or use of the land or buildings is in accordance with the Act, a development permit, subdivision approval, or this Bylaw, as the case may be, within the time specified by the notice. (2) Pursuant to the Act, the order shall specify a deadline for compliance and: (a) State a time within which the development or use must comply with the order; and/or (b) State that if the development or use does not comply with the order within the specified time, the County will take the action or measure at the expense of the Person(s) named. (3) Pursuant to the Act, if the person(s) named fail to comply with the order of the Development Authority, the Municipality may enter on the land or building and take any action necessary to carry out the order. (4) The County may register a caveat, under the Land Titles Act, against the certificate of title for the land that is subject to the order. The caveat will be discharged when the order has been complied with to the satisfaction of the County. (5) The County’s costs of carrying out any actions required for compliance may be added to the tax roll of the land subject to the order. (as per Section 553(1)(h.1) of the MGA) 33. Offences & Penalties (1) Development permit applications submitted after development has commenced, as determined by the Development Authority shall be required to pay an application fee which is double the application fee which would be otherwise applicable as per Section 33(7). The commencement of development may include, but are not limited to, site preparation, construction of buildings, etc. (2) Enforcement action may be taken in the following circumstances: (a) A failure to comply with a development permit approval or conditions forming part thereof; (b) A failure to comply with an order under sections and provisions of the Municipal Government Act (MGA); (c) A failure to comply with a decision of the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board; (d) Obstruction or hindrance of any person exercising or performing their powers under this Bylaw; or (e) Use of land in a manner contrary to the provisions of this Bylaw. Land Use Bylaw 1808 35 (3) A person or persons who contravene or fail to comply with any provision of this Bylaw is guilty of an offence and is: (a) Liable, upon summary conviction, to the specified penalty set out in Section 33(7); (b) Notwithstanding Section 33(7), where no penalty is specified for an offence, a person or persons who contravene a provision of this Bylaw are liable to the following fines: i. First offence - $250.00; ii. Second offence - $500.00; and iii. Third and subsequent offences - $1,000.00 (4) In the event of a default of payment of any penalty, the person(s) may be subject to imprisonment for up to six (6) months. (5) Where it is reasonably believed that any provisions of this Bylaw have been contravened, in addition to any other remedy at law, the Enforcement Officer may: (a) Serve upon those accused of such contravention, a violation ticket in accordance with Section 33(3) or Section 33(7) where payment of the penalty amount is accepted in lieu of prosecution for the offence; (b) Serve upon those accused of such contravention, a violation ticket in accordance with the Provincial Offences Procedure Act, where payment of the penalty may be accepted in lieu of prosecution, or where those accused of such contravention are required to appear in court without the alternative of making a voluntary payment; and/or (c) Notify those accused of such contravention that payment of a penalty made to the County or the Provincial Court of Alberta shall constitute an acceptance of a guilty plea and a conviction for the offence. (6) Any person who contravenes the same provision of this Bylaw after the date of the first conviction is liable to the specified penalties for such second, third or subsequent offence charges. (7) Specified Penalties for Offences under the Land Use Bylaw: Offence First Offence Second Offence Third Offence or subsequent offence Fail to obtain a Development Permit Double Application Fee $1000.00 (plus required fee) $1500.00 (plus required fee) Fail to comply with Development Permit/ Development Permit conditions $500.00 $1000.00 $1500.00 Exceed maximum number of livestock on parcels <20-acres $150.00 $250.00 $500.00 Land Use Bylaw 1808 36 PART VII – GENERAL LAND USE REGULATIONS 34. Uses Permitted in All Land Use Designations 35. Accessory Buildings & Structures 36. Corner Parcel & Site Triangles 37. Dwelling Units Per Lot 38. Development Near Water 39. Floodplain Development 40. Hazard Lands 41. Height of Buildings & Structures 42. Livestock Allotted per Acre on Parcels 20 Acres or Less 43. Projections into Setbacks 44. Relocation of Buildings or Structures 45. Rural Industrial District 46. Residential & Industrial Uses Adjacent 47. Site Development 48. Topographic Features   Land Use Bylaw 1808 37 PART VI1 – GENERAL LAND USE REGULATIONS 34. Uses Permitted in All Land Use Designations (1) The following uses do not require a development permit in any land use district: (a) Public utility; (b) Road; (c) Highway; and (d) Park 35. Accessory Buildings & Structures (1) Accessory buildings and structures shall not be located in front yards in a Residential District. (2) Accessory buildings and structures shall not be located on an easement or right-of-way. (3) Accessory buildings and structures shall be separated from principal structures a minimum of 0.9 m (3 ft.), measured from the eaves of the accessory building to the eaves of the principal building. (4) Accessory buildings and structures shall not be used as a dwelling or contain bedrooms or sleeping facilities unless it is within the Agricultural District and has been approved by the Development Authority. (5) Where a building or structure on a lot shares an integrated roof structure with the principal building on the lot and has not more than 9.5 m (31.2 ft.) between their closest exterior walls, it is part of the principal building and is not an accessory building. (6) A portable storage container may be considered as an accessory building to be used for storage purposes only in accordance with Section 67. 36. Corner Parcel & Sight Triangle (1) On a corner parcel within a hamlet, no wall, fence, shrub, tree, hedge or other such object shall be allowed at a height greater than 0.9 m (3 ft.) above the lowest street grade within the sight triangle formed by the boundaries of the site common with the street abutting them and a straight line connecting points of each of the said boundaries of a distance of 7.0 m (23 ft.) from the point where they intersect.   Land Use Bylaw 1808 38 (2) On corner parcels contigous to a highway or road, the Alberta Transportation “Minimum Site Triangle” Design Guidelines shall apply. (3) Notwithstanding Section 36(1), standard fencing as permitted by Section 78 may be permitted within the identified sight triangle so long as it does not form a visual barrier for sightlines. 37. Dwelling Units Per Lot (1) Unless otherwise stated in this Bylaw, the maximum number of dwelling units permitted per lot is one. (2) Notwithstanding Section 37(1), where supported by the Development Authority an additional dwelling unit may be considered in an Agricultural District having a parcel size of at least 4.05 ha (10 acres). (3) On parcels greater than 4.05 ha (10 acres), additional dwellings may be considered on agriculture zoned lands as a discretionary use. (4) Garden Suites may be considered a discretionary use on any agriculture zoned parcel. 38. Development Near Water (1) Unless permitted in an Area Structure Plan no part of any building shall be developed within 38.1 m (125 ft.) of a river, lake, stream, or other permanent water body. (2) Notwithstanding Section 38(1), the Development Authority may require additional reports to be submitted by a qualified professional engineer to help determine the setback distance. The setback may be reduced if supported by a report submitted by a qualified professional, engineer or surveyor. 39. Floodplain Development (1) Where a parcel is adjacent to a water body and any portion of the parcel falls within the 1:100-year floodplain, a Development Permit application shall be accompanied by the following information to ensure development is outside the floodplain: Sight Triangle a, b > 7.0 m; c < 0.9 m Land Use Bylaw 1808 39 (a) Elevation of the site as prepared by a qualified surveyor or engineer; (b) Proposed elevation of the main floor of residential buildings as prepared by a qualified surveyor or engineer; and (c) A statement and/or analysis, which demonstrates the suitability of the development to the site as compared to other locations on the parcel. (2) Notwithstanding Section 39(1), no new development or the expansion of existing development shall be allowed within the 1:100-year floodplain of any watercourse or water body as determined by the Province. 40. Hazard Lands (1) Development on Hazard Lands, Environmentally Significant Areas, or other natural, environmental and historical resource lands may require additional information prior to approval, which may include, but not be limited to: (a) Environmental Impact Assessment; (b) Geotechnical Engineering Study; (c) Biophysical Assessment; (d) Historical Impact Assessment; (e) Potential for flooding, subsidence or erosion; and (f) Any other plans and information the Development Authority may deem necessary   41. Height of Buildings & Structures (1) Any of the following structures may exceed the maximum height regulations of this Bylaw: (a) Chimney or fire wall; (b) Place of worship spire, belfry, steeple, dome, cupola; (c) Communication towers, antennas or masts; (d) Transmission towers; (e) Utility poles; (f) Mechanical appurtenances constituting not more than 10 percent of the total roof area of a building provided that the appurtenance is screened; (g) Elevator housing, mechanical skylight, ventilating fan; (h) Flagpoles for federal, provincial or municipal flags; and (i) Farm silos for the storage of agriculture products. Land Use Bylaw 1808 40 42. Livestock Allotted per Acre on Parcels 20 Acres or Less The following livestock allotment is allowed on agriculturally zoned parcels of 8.09 ha (20 acres) or less without a development permit: (a) Table 1: Number of Animals Allotted per acre; (b) Other specific species of animals not included in Table 1 may be considered at the discretion of the Development Authority; (c) All animals shall be contained on the landowner’s property to the satisfaction of the Development Authority; (d) All parcels of land on which livestock are kept may be required to provide a Manure Management Plan to reduce odour and to ensure no runoff onto adjacent lands, riparian areas, or to a watercourse; (e) The Table is not to be considered a cumulative allowance of all of the noted livestock types per acre, and only the non-residential portion of the parcel will be considered in the per acre calculation; (f) Anyone wishing to exceed the number of livestock per acre must apply for a Livestock Development Permit accompanied by a Manure Management Plan; and (g) A Premise Identification Number (PID) is required by Provincial authorities for all animal types. Animal Type Number of Animals per one (1) Acre. Cow or Steer (over one year of age) 1 Horse, Donkey, Mule, or Ass (over one year of age) 1 Swine (excluding wild boar) 1 Calves (up to one year of age) 2 Equine yearling (up to one year of age) 2 Llama 2 Alpaca or miniature horse or donkey 3 Ostrich 3 Sheep or Goats 3 Ducks, Turkeys, Pheasants, geese, or similar fowl 10 Chickens 30 Rabbits or similar species 20 Land Use Bylaw 1808 41 43. Projections into Setbacks (1) No building or structure other than the following shall be located in the setbacks required in this Bylaw: (a) Chimneys, cornices, leaders, eaves, gutters, pilasters, belt courses, sills, bay windows and similar features provided such projections do not exceed 0.6 m (2 ft.) measured horizontally; (b) Fencing and retaining walls subject to the regulations of this Bylaw; (c) Unenclosed verandas, deck, balcony, porch or steps, eaves, canopies and awnings may project into a required setback provided such projections do not exceed 1.5 m (5 ft.) in the case of a front yard or an exterior side yard; 0.6 m (2 ft.) in the case of an interior side yard; or 2.0 m (6.6 ft.) in the case of a rear yard; (d) Ramps providing an accessible route for individuals with disabilities must be constructed in accordance with the Alberta Building Code; and (e) Utilities, cisterns, storage tanks, underground parking and similar structures constructed entirely beneath the surface of the ground provided such underground projections are covered by sufficient soil depth to accommodate landscaping and/or are hard surfaces to accommodate access needs. 44. Relocation of Buildings or Structures (1) Except as otherwise provided for in this Bylaw, no person shall relocate a building or structure, or portion thereof, onto a parcel without first obtaining a development permit for the moved-on building or structure. The moved-on building or structure shall comply with the appropriate land use district regulations. (2) Before considering any application for a moved-on building and in addition to the requirements of Section 16, the Development Authority shall require a development permit application that includes recent color photographs of all elevations including additions; (3) As a condition of issuing a development permit approval for a moved-on building, the Development Authority may require a letter of undertaking (agreement) and the posting of security in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit or cash, in the amount of the total estimated costs to relocate the building, to be provided prior to the issuance of a building permit and the building being moved on site. This security will ensure that any required modifications to the design, construction, siting, finishing and cladding of the relocated building are completed. (4) The conditions shall be completed within one year of the issuance of the development permit or as determined by the Development Authority. (5) The security will be released once all the conditions have been completed by the applicant to the satisfaction of the Development Authority, and are met within the time frame as set out in the development permit. Land Use Bylaw 1808 42 (6) Upon expiry of the development permit, the Development Authority or designate may inspect the site to determine compliance. If the required work has not been completed to the satisfaction of the Development Authority, administration may use the security to have the work completed and bring the building into compliance as per recommendation by the Development Authority.   45. Rural Industrial Development (1) Industrial uses and rural industrial parks shall be located within a reasonable distance of: (a) A highway to which the planned use or park has access; or (b) A railway to which the park has access, or both; and (c) Industrial uses will be limited to 1 or 2 lots unless they are part of an approved Area Structure Plan. (2) Rural industrial parks with a minimum density of three (3) or more lots must be included in an approved Area Structure Plan. (3) Industrial uses and rural industrial parks shall be located and designed so as not to create conflicts with adjacent or surrounding land uses through unsightly appearance, emission of noise or pollutants, creation of dust or similar disturbances. (4) Industrial uses and rural industrial parks shall not locate on lands having a potential for flooding, erosion, subsidence, steep slopes or otherwise containing adverse physical features. (5) Industrial uses and rural industrial parks shall have adequate wastewater disposal systems and available water supplies as required by appropriate authorities. 46. Residential & Industrial Uses Adjacent (1) In considering subdivision or development permit applications for residential uses adjacent to existing industrial developments or industrial uses adjacent to existing residential developments, the Development Authority may impose conditions addressing: (a) Provision of proper services and access to the site; (b) Screening, aesthetics and landscaping; (c) Control of signage; (d) Noise control; (e) A development agreement, with the need to provide security; and (f) Any other issue deemed necessary by the Development Authority.   47. Site Development (1) The design, siting, external finish, architectural appearance and landscaping generally of all buildings, including any accessory buildings or structures and signs and any reconstruction, shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. Land Use Bylaw 1808 43 48. Topographic Features Figure 1 illustrates the terms used in this subsection. (1) For the purpose of this section, the following definitions apply:  “Bench” means a plateau or level slope (less than 15%) occurring between the brink of one slope and the toe of another.  “Brink of Slope” means the point where a slope begins to fall off steeper than 20%.  “Escarpment” means a river valley wall, typically up to 91 m (300 ft.) high.  “Escarpment Protrusion” means the projection of the brink of an escarpment slope by a least 30.5 m (100 ft.) into a valley.  “Height of Slope” means the point where a slope begins to rise steeper than 20%.  “Toe of Slope” means the transition line between the slope where the grades exceed 15% and the adjacent lowland area where the grade is less than 15%. (2) Slopes: (a) For isolated land projections such as hummocks and buttes, slopes greater than 20% shall not be developed unless otherwise approved by the Development Authority; (b) For isolated land projections such as hummocks and buttes, slopes greater than 15% and less than 20%, any proposed development may require special engineering or other treatment; and (c) If isolated land projections require leveling: i. the Development Authority may require a contour plan or engineering study; ii. the resulting slopes shall not exceed 20%; and iii. the contours, leveling, compacting and other engineering and environmental aspects shall be satisfactory to the Development Authority. (3) Escarpment Protrusions: (a) Escarpment protrusions wider than 91 m (300 ft.) at their widest point shall not be removed; (b) All escarpment protrusions that are removed or leveled must result in grades where the protrusion formerly existed of not greater than 15%, not including the adjoining escarpment wall; and (c) A maximum slope of 33% shall result for escarpment lands where protrusions are removed or leveled (i.e. for the escarpment wall formed by the cut of the former protrusion). Land Use Bylaw 1808 44   Figure 1: Topographic Features – Perspective View    Figure 2: Topographic Features – Elevation  (4) Setbacks from Toes of Slopes (Figure 2): (a) Unless otherwise approved by the Development Authority, setbacks from toes of slopes shall be the greater of: i. 9.1 m (30 ft.) where the height of slope is less than 6.1 m (20 ft.); ii. one-third the slope height, where the height of slope exceeds 30.5 m (100 ft.). Land Use Bylaw 1808 45 (5) Setbacks from Brink of Slopes (Figure 2): (a) Unless otherwise approved by the Development Authority, setbacks from brinks of slopes shall be: i. 12.2 m (40 ft.), where the Height of Slope is less than 6.1 m (20 ft.); ii. two (2) times the Height of Slope, where the Height of Slope is between 6.1 m (20 ft.) and 22.8 m (75 ft.); iii. 45.7 m (150 ft.), where the Height of Slope is greater than 22.8 m (75 ft.); and iv. For the purposes of this Section the Height of Slope shall be measured from the toe of the slope to the Brink of Slope. (6) Setbacks from Benches: (a) Unless otherwise approved by the Development Authority, Section 48(4) and (5) apply for benches using the following. i. the slope above the bench to determine the set-back from the toe; and ii. the slope below the bench to determine the set-back from the brink of slope.      Land Use Bylaw 1808 46   PART VIII – SPECIFIC USE REGULATIONS 49. Alternative & Renewable Energy Systems 50. Animal Shelter, Veterinary Clinic, Veterinary Hospital or Commercial Kennel Regulations 51. Bed & Breakfast Establishments 52. Campgrounds 53. Cannabis Cultivation, Processing and Nursery Facilities 54. Cannabis Sales – Medical and Non-Medical 55. Creative Architecture 56. Drainage 57. Gas & Oilfield Services Business, Minor 58. Geothermal Energy Systems 59. Hamlet Regulations 60. Hens 61. Home Occupations 62. Housing, Garden Suites 63. Housing, Modular 64. Housing, Manufactured 65. Indoor Riding Arena, Private 66. Man-Made Water Features 67. Portable Storage Containers 68. Recreational Vehicle Storage - Major 69. Recreational Vehicle Storage - Minor 70. Secondary Suite 71. Solar Energy Systems 72. Stripping, Excavation, Extraction & Grading 73. Vehicle & Construction Materials Storage 74. Wind Energy Conversion Systems 75. Work Camp 76. Wrecking Yard (Auto & Equipment Wreckage Site) Land Use Bylaw 1808 47 PART VIII – SPECIFIC USE REGULATIONS 49. Alternative & Renewable Energy Systems  (1) Alternative & Renewable Energy Systems for commercial generation purposes shall require a development permit application which shall include the following information where applicable: (a) The manufacturers specifications indicating: i. the rated DC output in kilowatts; ii. safety features and sound characteristics; iii. type and material used; and iv. certification mark as per Alberta STANDATA LEG-ECR2, if applicable. (2) Any private ground-mounted alternative or renewable energy systems in a hamlet shall be located and screened, by land forms, natural vegetation or other means to minimize its visual impact on adjacent residences, public roads, trails or other public areas. Ground- mounted renewable energy systems for a commercial solar generation facility are prohibited in hamlets. (3) Any ground-mounted alternative or renewable energy systems in any district (excluding Hamlets) may be required to be located and screened by land forms, natural vegetation or other means to minimize the visual impact on adjacent residences, public roads, trails or other public areas. All ground-mounted systems require a development permit. (4) Upon abandonment or termination of any alternative or renewable energy system’s use, the entire facility and all components associated with the system, including towers or support structures, shall be removed and the site restored to its pre-construction condition. (5) Upon abandonment or termination of any geothermal energy system, closure of all facilities and wells; removal of all above-ground components and gravel (if not maintained for other uses); recontouring the surface; and revegetation are required. (6) All plumbing, reservoirs, pumps and other equipment associated with solar or geo-thermal heating or cooling systems shall require plumbing, electrical and building permits as required and must meet all applicable provincial plumbing, electrical and building code and any other municipal requirements (7) Alternative & Renewable Energy Systems can be applied to grid-connected or stand-alone configurations in agricultural, residential, commercial, and industrial applications. (8) Only private use alternative and renewable energy systems are permitted in residential areas. (9) Any necessary Safety Codes permits must be obtained. Land Use Bylaw 1808 48 50. Animal Shelter, Veterinary Clinic, Veterinary Hospital or Commercial Kennel Regulations (1) An animal shelter, veterinary clinic, veterinary hospital, or commercial kennel may need to provide soundproofing pens, rooms, exercise runs, or holding stalls to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. (2) An animal shelter, veterinary clinic, veterinary hospital, or commercial kennel facility shall meet public health regulations, be kept in a manner satisfactory to the health regulatory authority and is required to obtain any other permits, authorizations and approvals. (3) A commercial kennel including any outdoor runs or exercise areas shall be located a minimum of 76.2 m (250 ft.) from any neighbouring homes. (4) A commercial kennel including any outdoor runs or exercise areas may be required to be visually screened from existing dwellings on adjoining parcels to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. (5) All exterior exercise areas (runs) shall be enclosed with a fence acceptable to the Development Authority with a minimum height of 1.8 m (6 ft.). (6) All exterior exercise areas (runs) shall be sited behind the principal building. (7) The Development Authority may regulate the hours that the animals are allowed outdoors.   51. Bed & Breakfast Establishments (1) The operation of a bed and breakfast establishment shall be accessory to the principal use of an owner-occupied dwelling. (2) The Development Authority may permit a bed and breakfast establishment only if, in the opinion of the Development Authority, it complies with the following regulations: (a) Minimal exterior modification of the structure or grounds may be made only if such changes are compatible with the character of the area or neighborhood; (b) A bed and breakfast is not permitted in a housing, single-detached that is also used as a boarding or lodging house; (c) Parking regulations shall be in accordance with Section 79 Parking Requirements; and (d) Signage for a bed and breakfast shall be in accordance with Section 91.   52. Campgrounds (1) An approved site plan shall be required by the Development Authority as a condition of development approval. (2) In determining the appropriateness and suitability of a site for a proposed campground development, the Development Authority shall consider such factors as accessibility, compatibility with adjacent land uses, environmental sensitivity, fire hazards, and physical suitability/serviceability of the site itself. (3) A campground shall be developed to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. Land Use Bylaw 1808 49 (4) Roads leading to a proposed campground may be required, as a condition of development approval, to be brought into a condition necessary to sustain the volume and type of traffic to be generated by the proposed campground. (5) Each stall or campsite shall be accessible by means of an internal road that is at least 3.0 m in width where the access is for one-way traffic, or at least 6.0 m in width where the access is for two-way traffic. (6) The internal road network shall be properly signed for users and for emergency response vehicles and shall be sensitive to the topography and environmental characteristics of the site. (7) A suitable ingress and egress shall be provided so that every campground may be readily serviced in emergency situations; 24-hour emergency communications service (e.g. telephones) shall be provided. (8) Fire extinguishers capable of dealing with electrical and wood fires shall be kept in all service buildings. (9) Fires will be permitted only in designated fire pits or other such facilities. (10)One (1) parking stall shall be provided per campsite. (11)Any campground development shall meet all applicable provincial and federal regulations. (12)Any campground development shall be limited to one dwelling unit per development site for housing, employee, which may include a Housing, Single-Detached, a Housing, Modular or a Housing, Manufactured. A second dwelling unit for housing, employee may be considered as a discretionary use. (13)Notwithstanding Section 52(12), Housing, Modular or Housing, Manufactured are not permitted in a campground. (14)Park Models may be considered as a seasonal discretionary use. They may also be considered for employee housing.   53. Cannabis Cultivation, Processing and Nursery Facilities (1) All cannabis cultivation, processing and nursery facilities will be required to redesignate their land to the Light Industrial District. (2) A cannabis cultivation and processing facility shall operate only under applicable Federal licensing. Proof of valid Federal licensing and the activities as approved hereunder shall be provided to the Development Authority. This includes micro-cultivation, micro-processing, and nursery facilities. (3) All licensed processes and functions shall be fully enclosed within a building(s). Land Use Bylaw 1808 50 (4) An applicant shall demonstrate the ability to comply with municipal water allotments or prove a licensed source of water: (a) water modeling may be required. (5) Landscaping and screening shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Development Authority (6) The Development Authority may impose the following conditions pertaining to a cannabis cultivation, processing, and nursery facility: (a) Setbacks from roads, residential uses, and other developments; (b) Delivery route requirements and location of access to the lands; (c) Provision of a waste management plan, completed by a qualified environmental engineering professional that includes detail on: i. the incineration of waste products and airborne emissions, including odour; ii. the quantity and characteristics of liquid and waste material discharged by the facility; and iii. the method and location of collection and disposal of liquid and waste material. (d) All loading facilities shall be fully enclosed within the building; (e) All garbage containers and waste material shall be fully enclosed within the building; (f) The site shall be fully enclosed by a fence. Fencing on all street frontages shall be contained within the property lines so as not to obscure landscaping; (g) An engineered Drainage Plan may be required; (h) The use shall not emit nuisances including, but not limited to, odour, noise, smoke, airborne particles and light, that may have a negative impact to adjacent sites or surrounding area; (i) A Security Plan must be provided and accepted by the County; (j) There shall be no retail sales allowed unless approved by the Development Authority under Light Industrial Zoning; (k) No dispensary is allowed on site unless approved by the Development Authority under Light Industrial Zoning; (l) A Ventilation Plan may be required; (m) A full Environmental Review may be required; (n) An engineered Storm Water Management Plan may be required; (o) All development must comply with the Safety Codes Act; (p)The applicant shall comply with all approvals granted by Health Canada; and (q)A disposal plan outlining the proposed means or removing and disposing of waste product from the operation shall be approved in writing prior to the occupation of the approved building. (8) All services required by a cannabis cultivation, processing and nursery facility will be borne by the Developer. Land Use Bylaw 1808 51 54. Cannabis Sales Medical and Non-medical (1) All Cannabis Medical and Non-medical Sales will be required to redesignate the property to a Local Rural Commercial District. A facility that includes retail, cultivation and/or processing will be required to redesignate to the Light Industrial District. (2) Cannabis sales for medical and non-medical uses shall operate only under applicable Federal and Provincial licensing. Proof of valid Federal and Provincial licensing and the activities as approved hereunder shall be provided to the Development Authority. (3) All licensed processes and functions shall be fully enclosed within a building(s). (4) Siting of a Cannabis Retail Sales for medical and non-medical use facility is prohibited within 300 metres of a health care facility, school, school reserve parcel, hospital, child care facility, playground, sports/playing field, skateboard/bicycle park, zoo, outdoor theatre, outdoor splash park/pool, church, community center, rodeo grounds, golf course, cemeteries and any similar public use facilities. (5) The separation distance between a Cannabis Retail Sales for medical and non-medical use and any other Cannabis Retail Sales for medical and non-medical use shall be not less than 100 metres from each other. (6) Separation distances shall be determined by measuring a straight line from the closest point of the building on the lot on which the existing Cannabis Retail Sales for medical and non-medical use is located to the closest point of the building on the lot on which the proposed Cannabis Retail Sales for medical and non-medical use is located. (7) Separation distances from a Cannabis Retail Sales for medical and non-medical use to a public use facility/area shall be measured from the closest point of the proposed facility to the property line of any other specified public use as noted in 54(5). (8) Hours of operation for a retail facility shall be limited to Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. (9) Signage for the facility shall be limited to the facility itself. (10) Retail locations are restricted from selling any cannabis infused edible products prior to legalization. (11) Retail locations are prohibited from having stock that is not contained in a secure location. (12) All garbage containers and waste material shall be fully contained inside the building. (13) A security plan must be provided and accepted by the Development Authority. (14) A Public Utility and Waste Management Plan, may be required, as a condition of a development permit, completed by a qualified professional, that includes details on: (a) The incineration of waste products and air borne emission, including smell; (b) The quantity and characteristics of liquid and waste material discharged by the facility; and Land Use Bylaw 1808 52 (c) The method and location of collection and disposal of liquid and waste material. (15) Before granting a development permit for a Cannabis Retail Sales for medical and non- medical use where the use is discretionary, the Development Officer shall: (a) notify, in writing, property owners within ½ mile distance of the proposed site of the Cannabis Retail Sales for medical and non-medical use that the application has been received and give the adjacent property owners 21 days to provide written comments to the Development Officer with respect to the proposed Cannabis Retail Sales for medical and non-medical use; (b) advise the applicant for the development permit for the Cannabis Retail Sales for medical and non-medical use that their application will not be considered completed until the time given to the property owners to provide written comment on the proposed development has expired; and (c) consider the comments received from the property owners prior to making a decision on the development permit application. 55. Creative Architecture  (1) Creative architecture, including, but not limited to Tiny Homes, Cargo-Tecture Homes and Grain Bin Homes are discretionary in the Agriculture District, and County Residential District. (a) In the submission for Creative Architecture housing development within the Country Residential District, the Outline Plan or Area Structure Plan, as required by the Development Authority, must demonstrate that all homes to be contained within the district will be Creative Architecture housing. (2) Creative architecture housing types must have a permanent foundation capable of supporting the maximum anticipated load of the home during all seasons without settlement or other movement. (3) The design, siting, external finish and architectural appearance of the home shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. (4) Engineered stamped drawings must be submitted with the application showing how the creative architecture home will meet current safety codes.   56. Drainage (1) At the discretion of the Development Authority, the applicant shall be required to grade a parcel in such a manner that all surface water will drain from the building site to any existing or proposed storm sewer system. (2) At least 2% slope (2 cm vertically for every 1 m horizontally) must be maintained to provide positive drainage away from dwellings and accessory buildings. (3) Parcels within hamlets or multi-parcel subdivisions shall be graded so storm water does not drain on to any adjoining property. (4) The Development Authority, at their discretion, may establish parcel and building elevations if it is believed that drainage from existing elevations will affect neighboring parcels. Land Use Bylaw 1808 53 (5) No development shall alter the natural drainage course without the consent of Alberta Environment and Parks, the Development Authority, and the affected parties.   57.Gas & Oilfield Services Business, Minor (1) The business shall be contained within an enclosed building(s) and the outdoor storage of any materials, heavy vehicles, equipment and/or pipes is restricted to 20% of the total parcel size or an area within the subject Agriculture parcel of 1 ha (2.5 acres) more or less whichever is the lesser (excluding any access road required to access the same) (2) Shall not include the use or storage of toxic, explosive or radioactive materials. (3) The subject parcel and all outdoor storage shall be screened at the discretion and to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. (4) At the discretion of the Development Authority the developer may be required to landscape and screen the area in a similar fashion to those required in Light Industrial and Industrial Districts of this Bylaw. (5) At the discretion of the Development Authority, the parking requirements shall be that as described in this Bylaw’s Light Industrial and Industrial Districts. (6) The landowner/applicant shall comply with all applicable Provincial and Federal Legislation and regulations including but not limited to the Safety Codes Act, the Alberta Building Code and the Alberta Private Sewage Treatment and Disposal Regulation. (7) Shall not generate a nuisance such as smell, smoke, dust, noise, traffic, vibrations, heat and intense light sources and shall not be unsightly in appearance. (8) Any intensification of use shall require a new development permit. Should the Development Authority consider an application for intensification as potentially generating a nuisance, the business may be required to relocate to more suitable non-agricultural lands. 58. Geothermal Energy Systems (1) Geothermal installations must be stamped by a qualified Professional Engineer registered under the “Engineering, Geological, or Geophysical Professions Act” of the Province of Alberta or have the system and installer certified by the Canadian GeoExchange Coalition (CGC) or other future governing body having jurisdiction with the Province of Alberta. (2) All Geothermal systems installed within the County shall be Closed Loop systems. Open Loop systems are prohibited. (3) Heat-transfer fluids used within a geothermal system shall be of the most environmentally friendly type available at the time of installation such as propylene glycol. Engineered stamped drawings for the system are required to be submitted prior to installation. 59. Hamlet Regulations (1) The expansion of hamlets shall be limited to lesser productive agricultural lands wherever possible and shall only be permitted if it can be demonstrated infill development is not suitable. (2) Residential lots or smallholdings located in hamlets shall not be considered or construed to be country residential parcels. Land Use Bylaw 1808 54 (3) Commercial kennels shall not be permitted in any Hamlet District. (4) Livestock (with the exemption of licensed hens) shall not be maintained or kept at any density on parcels of land within any Hamlet District. (5) Dugouts are not permitted inside of hamlet boundaries (6) Burning of refuse, garbage, compost and other materials is not permitted within any Hamlet District. (7) No new parcel of land shall be designated as Hamlet General District and no existing parcel of land shall be re-designated Hamlet General District. Boundary adjustments, however, may be considered. (8) No new or existing parcel of land shall be zoned or rezoned EX-Hamlet district unless the subject parcel is located in an existing Hamlet as listed within the Land Use Bylaw at the time of introduction of the EX-Hamlet district and the existing Hamlet has been deemed by Council to no longer have Hamlet status. (9) Exterior storage or parking of a derelict motor vehicle for more than fourteen (14) consecutive days is prohibited in the residential Hamlet Districts and districts where the land is used primarily for residential purposes. (10)No occupant of a principal dwelling in a residential area/district shall permit a recreational vehicle to be used for living or sleeping accommodation for longer than a 14-day period. This includes unoccupied lots.   60. Hen Regulations (for CR, XH, HR, & HG) (1) A Hen Permit and Premises Identification Number are required for any person wanting to keep hens in districts that hens are permitted. (2) Hens are a permitted use in County Residential, EX-Hamlet, Hamlet Residential and Hamlet General Districts. (3) The applicant must reside on the property on which the hens will be kept. (4) A Hen Permit is not transferable from one person to another or from one property to another. (5) Hens must be kept in a “Coop” (6) Each hen must be provided with at least 0.37 m2 (3.98 ft2) of interior floor area, and at least 0.92 m2 (9.9 ft2) of outdoor enclosure, within the coop. (7) At least one nest box per coop and one perch per hen, that is at least 15 cm (5.9 inches) long must be provided and maintained in the coop. (8) A person may apply to keep no more than four (4) mature hens and no less than two (2) mature hens. Meet with the Planning & Development Department Submit a Hen Permit Application Review Raising Chickens in Alberta Apply for a Premises Identification Number If approved, renew annually (no charge) Land Use Bylaw 1808 55 (9) Hens are not to be released into the wild or buried on the property. (10) In the designated areas no person shall: i. keep a rooster; ii. keep a hen, other than an hen for which a valid Hen License has been issued; iii. sell eggs, manure, meat, or other products derived from hens; iv. slaughter a hen on the property; v. dispose of a hen except by delivering it to a farm, abattoir, veterinarian, or other operation that is lawfully permitted to dispose of hens; and vi. keep a hen in a cage, kennel, or any shelter other than a coop.  (11) Refer to Animal Control Bylaw for further information.    61. Home Occupations (1) Any home occupation is to be operated as a secondary use to the principal residential use. (2) In Agricultural Districts, a home occupation shall be confined to the residence or farmyard site. (3) The permanent residents of the property shall be engaged in a major home occupation. No more than three off site employees shall be permitted to be engaged in a home occupation, major. (4) No persons other than permanent residents of the property shall be engaged in a home occupation, minor. (5) A home occupation shall not interfere with the rights of adjacent landowners to the quiet and private enjoyment of their property and the home occupation shall not adversely affect the amenities of the surrounding area. (6) A home occupation shall not include any use or operation which will cause or create a nuisance by way of dust, noise, smell, smoke, vibrations, heat, or intense light sources that is detectable beyond the property boundary, or excessive traffic, in the opinion of the Development Authority (7) In hamlets, a home occupation shall be confined to the residence as per definition of Home Occupation, Minor, and be subordinate to the principal use as a residence and shall be limited to those uses which do not impact adjacent properties. Outside storage of materials, goods or equipment is not permitted within the hamlet. (8) In other districts, the Development Authority, if it deems appropriate, may allow materials, goods, or equipment to be stored on the site provided the storage of such is contained entirely within a dwelling unit (home occupation, minor), an enclosed accessory building (home occupation, major), or otherwise screened to the satisfaction of the Development Authority and does not present a fire or health hazard. (9) A home occupation, major in an Agricultural District may contain outdoor storage of any materials, heavy vehicles, equipment and/or pipes, however it is restricted to 20% of the total parcel size or an area, within the subject Agriculture parcel, of 1 hectare (2.5 ac) whichever is the lesser (excluding any access road required to access the same). Land Use Bylaw 1808 56 (10) Food trucks must have permission of the landowner and/or tenant for the operation, coordination and cooperation with other organizational groups. No parking on public access roadways without permission. Garbage collection, containment and disposal must be provided for the function. (11) Food Trucks Operating on Kneehill County lands, must obtain a valid vendor permit. (12) A home occupation shall not include the use or storage of toxic, explosive or radioactive materials. (13) A home occupation may be required, to provide parking in accordance with Section 79 of the Land Use Bylaw, at the discretion of Development Authority. (14) A home occupation shall comply with all applicable Provincial and Federal legislation and regulations including but not limited to the Safety Codes Act, the Alberta Building Code, and the Alberta Private Sewage Disposal Systems Regulation. (15) Any Major Home Occupation with outdoor storage: (a) Shall screen the outdoor storage area at the discretion of and to the satisfaction of the Development Authority; and (b) May be required to landscape and screen the area in accordance with requirements in Light Industrial and Industrial Districts of this Bylaw, at the discretion of the Development Authority. 62. Housing, Garden Suite (1) A garden suite will only be allowed on any size parcel in the Agriculture District if the applicant has one of the following housing types: Housing, Single Detached; Housing, Modular; or Housing, Manufactured. (2) Only one garden suite per lot is allowed. (3) All garden suites must meet safety codes and will require a building permit. (4) A garden suite cannot be located on property that already has an secondary suite unit. (5) A garden suite will need adequate water and wastewater services either through a shared or individual system. (6) A garden suite must be a standalone unit and cannot be attached to the primary residence. (7) A garden suite will have its own municipal address. (8) The floor area of a garden suite will be less than 1000 ft.2. (9) The garden suite should be located in close proximity to the residential home: (a) It must be located within the established primary residential yard site; and (b) It can be a minimum of 3 m (10 ft.) from the primary residence. (9) A garden suite must remain on the lot with the primary residence and will not be considered for a separate subdivision. Land Use Bylaw 1808 57 63. Housing, Modular (1) The external appearance of Housing, Modular units must be acceptable to the Development Authority having regard to compatibility with other buildings in the vicinity, and must provide confirmation that safety code requirements have been met. (2) All Housing, Modular shall be placed on a permanent foundation in accordance with Alberta Building Codes. (3) The undercarriage of each Housing, Modular unit shall be completely screened from view by skirting within 60 days of placement of the unit; and (4) Any application for a development permit to locate a used Housing, Modular unit shall include recent color photographs of all elevations (i.e. front, side and rear views) including additions. 64. Housing, Manufactured (1) The external appearance of Housing, Manufactured units must be acceptable to the Development Authority having regard to compatibility with other buildings in the vicinity, and must be CSA approved. (2) All Housing, Manufactured units shall be placed on a permanent foundation in accordance with Alberta Building Codes. (3) The undercarriage of each Housing, Manufactured unit shall be completely screened from view by skirting within 60 days of placement of the unit. (4) All accessory structures such as steps, patios, porches, additions, skirting and storage facilities shall be factory prefabricated or of a quality equivalent thereto, so that design and construction will complement Housing, Manufactured unit. Additions to a Housing, Manufactured unit shall have skirting equivalent to that of the existing unit. All Housing, Manufactured units shall be provided with steps and landings to all entrances within 30 days of their placement. (5) Any application for a development permit to locate a used Housing, Manufactured unit shall include recent color photographs of all elevations (i.e. front, side and rear views) including additions. (6) A Housing, Manufactured unit 20 years of age or older will be considered a discretionary use and may be required to upgrade the exterior finish to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. The Manufactured Home District is exempt from Section 64(6). A Building Permit is required for a move-on dwelling/manufactured home as well as electrical, plumbing, gas and private sewage permits. All necessary permits must be submitted at the same time Manufactured homes over 35 years of age will not be permitted. Manufactured homes 20-35 years of age are considered a discretionary use. Land Use Bylaw 1808 58 (7) A Housing, Manufactured unit over 35 years of age will be prohibited. (8) Relocatable industrial accommodation is prohibited as a permanent dwelling. (9) Park models are for seasonal use only and may not be considered as a permanent dwelling unless evidence of four-season status is provided. 65. Indoor Riding Arena (1) A Riding Arena, Private shall be used solely by the occupants of the residence. (2) The Development Authority may require a manure management plan as a condition of a development permit. (3) A Riding Arena, Commercial are not considered farm buildings and must meet all Alberta Building Code requirements for public occupancy. 66. Man Made Water Features (1) Man-Made Water Features include but are not limited to: (a) ornamental ponds greater than 1m deep within a Hamlet, (b) large fishponds, or (c) storm water ponds. (2) The Development Authority may impose fencing requirements on any Man-Made Water Feature it deems necessary for safety concerns. (3) Notwithstanding any other provision in this Bylaw, Man-Made Water Features in the Agriculture District shall meet the following conditions: (a) Man-Made Water Features shall have a minimum setback of 15.24 m (50.0 ft.) from a side or rear property line; (b) Man-Made Water Features shall have a minimum setback 30.5 m (100 ft.) from any municipal road right-of-way, setbacks to a highway will be set by Alberta Transportation; and (c) All side slopes shall not exceed a slope of 3:1 on all four sides. (4) Dugouts and Man Made Water Features that require approval through a provincial agency do not require a development permit. Land Use Bylaw 1808 59 67. Portable Storage Containers (1) On a lot designated Agriculture, Agriculture Business, Commercial or Industrial and larger than 20 acres, any number of portable storage containers of any size are permitted provided they meet the minimum setback requirements for that Land Use District. (2) On a lot designated Agriculture or Agriculture Business 8.09 ha (20 acres) or less, two portable storage containers of any size per 1.6 ha (4 acres) is permitted provided they meet the minimum setback requirements for that Land Use District. A development permit is required. (3) In the Agriculture district on parcels less than 1.6 ha (4 acres) they may have two (2) portable storage containers of any size provided it meets the minimum setback requirements. Increasing the density per acre of portable storage containers will require Municipal Planning Commission approval. (4) In all other designated Residential districts, one (1) portable storage container, no larger than 6.1 m (20 ft.) in length and 3.0 m (10 ft.) in width, is considered a discretionary use provided it meets the minimum setback requirements for that Land Use District. (5) The exterior finish should match or compliment the exterior finish of the principal building or be screened from view to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. 68. Recreational Vehicle Storage, Major (1) Recreational vehicle storage will only be considered on a lot equal to or greater than 8.1 hectares (20 acres). (2) A development permit application must include a site plan, and a screening plan. A drainage plan is to be provided by a professional engineer or professional engineering technologist. (3) The site shall be bermed, with a screened fence on top of the berm, unless it can be shown that the development would be visually screened year round, from any road, by existing natural vegetation (i.e. trees and/or bush). The existing natural vegetation must exceed 2.5 metres in height. (4) The site shall be graded with the top soil being removed and stored on site. (5) A four (4) inch minimum gravel base shall be provided for the area to be used for storage. (6) Except for emergency situations, all vehicle trips to the recreational vehicle storage site shall be restricted to: (a) Monday to Saturday between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.; and (b) Sunday and Statutory holidays between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. (7) The subject parcel shall include an occupied dwelling. (8) There shall be no dumping or washing on site. (9) Reclamation of the site must be executed once the recreational vehicle storage facility is discontinued. (10) The development permit shall indicate the maximum number of recreational vehicles to be stored on the property. Land Use Bylaw 1808 60 (11) RV storage sites are for storage only not occupation of the units. 69. Recreational Vehicle Storage, Minor (1) Parcel size must be equal to or greater than 8.1 ha. (20 acres). (2) The maximum number of RVs shall not exceed 50. (3) The parcel shall include an occupied dwelling. (4) Storage area must be located beside or to the rear of the dwelling. (5) The development permit must include a site plan and a screening plan. (6) There shall be no dumping or washing on site. (7) The development permit shall indicate the maximum number of recreational vehicles to be stored on the property. (8) RV storage sites are for storage only not occupation of the units. 70. Secondary Suites (1) Secondary Suites, where permitted in this Bylaw as an accessory use, shall comply with the following regulations: (a) Secondary Suites shall be limited to one (1) within a Principal Housing, Single-Detached; (b) Secondary Suites are not permitted in a Housing, Single-Detached that is used as a Boarding or Lodging House or a Bed and Breakfast Establishment; and (c) Secondary Suites must meet Alberta Building Code standards. 71. Solar Energy Systems (1) Applications for a private use solar energy system with ground-mounted arrays may be considered in any district except the Manufactured Home District (MHD). (2) Solar energy systems with ground-mounted arrays and associated equipment will require a development permit and will need to meet setbacks for the district. (3) Solar arrays may be installed on the roof of any building or may be ground mounted in a rear or side yard. Private use roof installed solar arrays will not require a development permit. (4) Approval from the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) and any other provincial or federal agency or utility company is required prior to the operation of any grid-connected solar energy system as required. (5) Before granting a development permit where the use is discretionary, the development authority shall notify, in writing, property owners within a one (1) mile distance of the proposed site and give adjacent property owners twenty-one (21) days to provide written comments to the Development Officer with respect to the proposed facility. The development authority will consider the comments received from the property owners that are within our authority to consider prior to making a decision on the development permit application. Land Use Bylaw 1808 61 (6) The Development Authority may require the applicant to provide a Basic Environmental Review prepared by a qualified professional. (7) If the solar energy system with a ground-mounted array is decommissioned, the applicant is required to return the project location to the same or better land capability it had before the project started. For example, top soil, altered drainage systems, or compacted soil resulting from construction, operation, or decommissioning of the site should be mitigated. A decommissioning and or mitigation plan may be required. (8) If a solar array is being mounted on a tower/pole, the applicant will have to adhere to the height requirements of the applicable district as stated in the Bylaw. (9) There shall be no aboveground portion of an alternative energy structure located in a front yard. A solar array may be ground mounted in a side yard, provided the structure complies with the minimum side yard setback requirements of the District. (10) A solar array that is mounted on a wall may project a maximum of: (a) 1.5 m (5 ft.) from the surface of that wall, when the wall is facing a rear lot line; and (b) in all other cases, 0.6 m (2 ft.) from the surface of that wall. (11) If a roof mounted solar array requires raising of the top of the array for alignment, the top of the array shall not project above the highest roofline by more than 0.3 meters (1 ft.). The solar array must not extend beyond the outermost edge of the roof. (12) Safety code permits are required. (13) Solar collectors must be located so that glare is not directed at adjacent sites and does not affect traffic safety.   72. Stripping, Filling, Excavation, Extraction & Grading (1) A development permit application for site stripping, filling, excavation, extraction, grading and/or re-contouring may be required when no other permit is being applied for. The development permit application is to include the following information: (a) Location and dimensions of the proposed disturbed area on the lot; (b) Existing land use; (c) Existing conditions of the land including topography, vegetation, surface drainage patterns, and water courses; (d) Type of excavation, stripping or grading proposed, showing elevations and cross-sections, and the effect on existing drainage patterns; and (e) The proposed timing and phasing program. (2) The Development Authority may also require the following additional information: (a) A plan showing land reclamation proposals, where applicable, upon the eventual completion of the operation; (b) The costs required to reclaim the property; (c) Proposed access and hauling activities; and (d) A written explanation of the precautions to be taken to ensure minimal dust and environmental disturbance. Land Use Bylaw 1808 62 (3) In considering whether to approve lot grading the Development Authority may have due regard for: (a) The general purpose of the district in which the site is located and the future use of the site as proposed in a reclamation plan; (b) The provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any relevant statutory plans; (c) A statement of the effect on water courses and drainage patterns; (d) Any Geotechnical Report; (e) Conservation of designated historical resources; (f) Environmentally sensitive areas; (g) Conditions related to dust control and weed control; (h) Conservation of water courses, maintenance of positive drainage, and potential drainage effects on adjacent or nearby properties; and (i) The safety and the potential nuisance effect on adjacent properties. (4) Where, in the process of development, areas require leveling, filling or grading, the topsoil shall be removed before work commences, stockpiled and must be replaced following the completion of the work, unless specifically permitted in a development permit. (5) The permanent placing or storage of fill may be allowed in any land use district, providing: (a) A development permit has been issued for that use; (b) The fill does not contain construction rubble or any hazardous substances; and (c) A reclamation plan, satisfactory to the Development Authority, has been prepared for the site. (6) As required by the Development Authority, the undeveloped portion of a site, excluding park areas, driveways, outdoor storage and service areas must be graded. (7) Stripping of vegetation or grading shall be done in a manner, which will minimize soil erosion by ensuring that the extent of the disturbed area and the duration of its exposure are minimized. (8) The proposed building grade shall, to the extent practical, retain the natural contour of the land, minimize the necessity to use retaining walls, and ensure positive drainage to appropriate receiving watercourses. 73. Vehicle & Construction Materials Storage (1) Exterior storage or parking of a derelict motor vehicle more than fourteen (14) consecutive days is prohibited in all residential districts and districts where the land is used primarily for residential purposes. (2) No person maintaining more than one recreation vehicle or more than two (2) motor vehicles in a residential district shall allow them to be kept in a manner which, in the opinion of the Development Authority is unsightly or tends to adversely affect the amenities of the district. (3) Exterior storage of any object or chattel which, in the opinion of the Development Authority, is unsightly or adversely affects amenities of the County is prohibited in all districts. Land Use Bylaw 1808 63 (4) Exterior excavation, storage or accumulation of material required during the construction stage is prohibited in residential districts unless all necessary safety measures are undertaken; the owner of such materials or excavations assumes full responsibility to ensure the situation does not prevail any longer than reasonably necessary to complete a particular stage of construction work. (5) Storage of materials used in construction of a development is prohibited in any Land Use District beyond the period necessary for the completion of the development, which is determined by the Development Authority. 74. Wind Energy Conversion Systems For the purpose of this section, the following definitions apply:  "Blade" means an element of a WECS rotor that forms an aerodynamic surface to extract energy from the wind.  "Blade Clearance" means the minimum distance from grade to the bottom of the rotor’s arc.  "Grade for WECS" means the elevation of the finished ground surface at the completion of the building or structure, excluding minor variances.  "Horizontal Axis Rotor" means a WECS where the rotor is mounted on an axis parallel to the earth’s surface.  "Rotor’s Arc" means the total path traveled by a WECS’ blade.  "Total Tower Height" means the height of the tower from grade to the furthest vertical extension of the rotor.  "Tower" means the structure that supports the rotor or other energy collection device of the WECS above the ground.  "Vertical Axis Rotor" means a WECS where the rotor is mounted on an axis perpendicular to the earth’s surface.  "Wind Energy Conversion System" (WECS) means an aggregation of parts, including the base, supporting structure, tower, generator, rotor, blades, etc., in such configuration as necessary to convert wind energy into mechanical or electrical energy. (1) The intent of the following procedures and standards is to provide for the development of wind energy conversion systems (WECS) in a manner that minimizes impacts on both the environment and resident/landowners within the County. (2) Development Standards for a Wind Energy Conversion System. (a) Minimum setbacks: i. A WECS shall be located so that the outside of the Rotor’s Arc is a minimum of 7.6 m (25 ft.) from the vertical projection of the parcel boundary; ii. A WECS shall be located a distance of at least 0.8 km (0.5 mile) from a dwelling not belonging to the owner of the land on which the WECS is located. This includes an undeveloped parcel that has been subdivided for residential purposes; Land Use Bylaw 1808 64 1. The current owner of a dwelling or subdivided residential property not belonging to the owner of the land on which a proposed WECS is located may waive the 0.8 km (0.5 mile) required setback by providing notice in writing to the Development Authority. iii. All other uses: as per the Development Authority; and iv. Road allowances: as per the respective district requirements. (b) Minimum blade clearance is 7.6 m (25 ft.); (c) Tower access shall be protected by means acceptable to the Development Authority and may include such things as a locked fence and anti-climbing devices; (d) Subject to the requirements of any other federal or provincial regulation the WECS shall have a non-reflective, matte finish in a color satisfactory to Development Authority; (e) All power lines on the WECS site shall be underground unless otherwise approved by the Development Authority; and (f) A road use agreement will be required during the construction phase. (3) Approval Process for a Wind Energy Conversion System. (a) All development permit applications for a WECS shall be accompanied by: i. A scaled site plan showing existing features and development, the location of the proposed WECS, related facilities, and access roads; ii. A visual representation of the proposed WECS including scaled elevations and digital representations; iii. An Impact Assessment (IA), shall be required by the Development Authority to address things such as visual impacts, noise, and nuisance; iv. A Decommissioning Plan outlining how the WECS site will be reclaimed after it discontinues producing power; and v. Any other information that the Development Authority determines is pertinent to the decision making process. (b) Prior to making a decision on a development permit application, the Development Authority may require the applicant to provide an opportunity for the general public to view and comment on the proposal. At the discretion of Development Authority, the consultation may consist of a public meeting and/or mail-outs to residents / landowners. The Development Authority will determine all details concerning notification, advertising, and the format for gathering public input; and (c) In addition to public consultation, the Development Authority may refer the application to any agency or stakeholder it determines may be affected by the proposal. (4) A private wind energy conversion system may be considered as a discretionary use in any Land Use District. They will be subject to height restrictions of the district; they cannot exceed one and half times the height restrictions. Land Use Bylaw 1808 65 75. Work Camp (1) Federal, provincial, or municipal work camps do not require a development permit. Any other permits, licenses or authorizations required shall be obtained and any federal, provincial and municipal legislation must be adhered to at all times. (2) A development permit for a temporary work camp may be issued for up one (1) year. The development permit shall be reviewed annually by the Development Authority. (3) An application for a development permit for a work camp must provide the following information to the satisfaction of the Development Authority (a) Type and purpose of the camp; (b) Adjacent land uses; (c) A comprehensive site plan including, total area of the camp, camp boundary lines, building locations, sizes, and uses, access location, driveways, parking and landscaping; (d) Detailed building plans, including the type and number of rooms, and building elevations; (e) Detailed servicing plan including drainage and grading; (f) The start date for development, date of occupancy, and camp removal date; (g) Reclamation measures for the land once the camp has been removed; and (h) Letters of support from the adjacent landowners or residents if required by the Development Authority. (5) As a condition of approval, the Development Authority may include the following conditions: (a) Requirement for County road upgrading (if required) or entering into a road use agreement with respect to impact on the roadway used to provide access to the camp, such as dust control and other matters; (b) Requirements to limit noise to certain hours and days (generally 7 am to 11 pm), with the exception of generator noise, which must be mitigated by shielding or other method when it may be detrimental to an adjacent property; (c) Requirement to maintain any existing natural buffers (trees, etc.); and (d) Requirement to mitigate traffic impact by using vans or buses for transporting workers to and from job sites or urban areas.   Land Use Bylaw 1808 66 76. Wrecking Yard (Auto & Equipment Wreckage Site) (1) Wrecking yards shall be located at least 800 m (0.5 miles) from any existing adjacent dwelling (except that of the owner). (2) Wrecking yards shall have a minimum storage area of 0.81 ha (2.0 acres) and a maximum storage area of 4.04 ha (10 acres), and must be completely fenced and screened by a type of fence approved by the Development Authority to a height of 2.4 m (8.0 ft.). (3) All vehicles within a wrecking yard shall be stored within the enclosure and maintenance of the site shall be in accordance with any standards deemed necessary by the Development Authority. Land Use Bylaw 1808 67 PART IX – LANDSCAPING, FENCING & SCREENING 77. Landscaping Requirements 78. Fences Land Use Bylaw 1808 68 PART 1X – LANDSCAPING, FENCING & SCREENING 77. Landscaping Requirements (1) The Development Authority may require that landscaping and/or screening is provided in conjunction with any development, and is addressed as part of the development permit application. The intent of landscaping and screening is to contribute to a reasonable standard of appearance for developments, to provide a positive overall image for the County. (2) Landscaping and screening requirements may be applied to commercial and industrial uses. (3) Garbage and waste material must be stored in weather and animal proof containers and screened from adjacent sites and public thoroughfares. (4) On corner parcels, setbacks for landscaping and fencing must be in accordance with Section 36. (5) Prior to issuing a development permit the Development Authority may require submission of a detailed landscape plan satisfactory to the Development Authority outlining at a minimum the following: (a) The location of the trees and shrubs to be planted, including distance between trees and the anticipated full growth radius at maturity; (b) The number of trees and shrubs to be planted; and (c) The common name of the trees and shrubs to be planted.   78. Fences (1) All solid fences (including chain link fences with solid slats that may create visual barrier) shall be located no closer than: (a) 41.1 m (135 ft.) from a primary highway right-of-way; and (b) 10.7 m (35 ft.) from a County road right-of-way with the exception of an intersection where the required setback shall be 30.5 m (100 ft.) unless otherwise approved by the Development Authority. (2) Except as otherwise specifically stated in this Bylaw: (a) No fence shall exceed 1.8 m (6 ft.) in height, except: i. Livestock fencing constructed with wire mesh in agricultural districts which may not exceed 2.4 m (8 ft.) in height unless otherwise approved by the Development Authority; and ii. Wrecking yard fencing which may not exceed 2.4 m (8 ft.) in height; Land Use Bylaw 1808 69 (b) No fence situated in the yard front of any residential or commercial designated lot shall exceed a height of 0.9 m (3 ft.) unless otherwise approved by the Development Authority; (c) No fence shall use barbed wire except in Agricultural and Industrial Districts; (d) No fence shall use razor wire in any district except as required by provincial and federal regulations; and (e) Screening as a visual barrier, may be required by the Development Authority as a condition of a development permit.                Land Use Bylaw 1808 70         PART X – PARKING PROVISIONS 79. Parking Requirements 80. Road Approaches Land Use Bylaw 1808 71 PART X – PARKING PROVISIONS 79. Parking Requirements (1) The number of off-street parking spaces for any development shall be according to requirements set out in each applicable land use district. (2) For multiple use sites, parking requirements shall be based on the calculation of parking required for each individual use. (3) A parking space shall not be less than 3.0 m (10 ft.) wide and 5.5 m (18 ft.) long and 16.7 m2 (180 ft. 2) in area. Category of Use Minimum Parking Requirement  Agriculture Business District At the discretion of the Development Authority.  Auction Mart  Auction Mart, Livestock 5 per 93 m2 (1000 ft.2 )of Building Gross Floor Area  Health & Public Services  Highway Commercial District  Local Rural Commercial District  Light Industrial District  Industrial District 3 per tenant or business or as required by the Development Authority  Recreation District At the discretion of the Development Authority  Direct Control District At the discretion of the Development Authority.  Hotel  Motel 1 per 2 sleeping units  Bed and Breakfast Establishment  Boarding or Lodging House 1 per guest room  Home Occupation, Major  Home Occupation, Minor 1 per non-resident, on-site employee in addition to required residential parking  Other Uses At the discretion of the Development Authority (4) Guest parking for Housing, Apartment or Housing, Townhouse shall be available at an entrance of the site and shall be clearly identified as guest parking. (5) Guest parking for a Manufactured Home Park shall be located on the site. Land Use Bylaw 1808 72 80. Road Approaches (1) The Development Authority, in consultation with the County Transportation Department may exercise the right to determine the most suitable access and egress point(s) onto a County road with regards to any subdivision or development permit application. (2) As a condition of subdivision or development approval, the Development Authority may require the construction of new approaches, upgrading of existing approaches and/or removal of approaches to achieve the desired long-term planning and transportation objectives of the County. Land Use Bylaw 1808 73 PART XI – SIGN REGULATIONS 81. Definitions for Signage 82. General Sign Regulation 83. Prohibited Signs 84. Signs NOT Requiring a Development Permit 85. Signs Requiring a Development Permit 86. Freestanding Signs 87. Fascia or Wall Sign 88. Portable Signs 89. Projecting Signs 90. Signage for a Bed & Breakfast Land Use Bylaw 1808 74 PART X1 – SIGN REGULATIONS 81. Definitions for Signage For the purpose of this section, the following definitions apply:  “Billboard” means a structure, primarily self-supporting, which is used for the display of general advertising, the subject matter of which is not necessarily related to the use or ownership of the property on which the structure is located.  “Fascia Sign” or “Wall Sign” means a sign placed flat and parallel to the face of the building so that no part projects more than one foot from the building.  “Freestanding Sign” means a sign on a standard or column permanently attached to the ground and which is not connected in any way to any building or other structure.  “Illuminated Sign” means any sign illuminated either directly from a source of light incorporated in or connected with the sign, or indirectly from an artificial source.  “Portable Sign” means a sign that can be carried or transported from one site to another.  “Projecting Sign” means a sign, which is attached to a building or structure so that part of the sign projects more than one foot from the face of the building or structure.  “Roof Sign” means any sign placed on or over a roof.  “Sign Area” means the total surface area within the outer periphery of the said sign, and in the case of a sign comprised of individual letters or symbols, shall be calculated as the area of a rectangle enclosing the letters or symbols. Frames and structural members not bearing advertising matter shall not be included in computation of surface area.  “Sign Height” means the vertical distance measured from natural grade at the base of the sign to the highest point of such sign.  “Temporary Sign” means a sign or banner that is not permanently installed or affixed, advertising a product, activity or event on a limited time basis and does not include a portable sign. 82. General Sign Regulations The following provisions apply to signage that has been, or is to be, placed on privately owned land. (1) Excluding those signs listed in Section 84, “Signs NOT Requiring a Development Permit”, no sign or sign structure shall be erected without development permit approval and the prior consent of the registered owner and the occupant of the land in question. (2) Development permit applications which require signs that do not meet the requirements of Section 84 will submit the necessary fee for sign applications as per the Master Rates Bylaw along with the application for development or use. (3) The process for approval of the sign will be attached to the same decision making process as the main application/use. Land Use Bylaw 1808 75 (4) Any permanent signs over 64ft2 is considered to be a discretionary use. (5) All development permit applications for signs proposed to be developed adjacent to a provincially controlled highway shall be referred to Alberta Transportation. (6) All signs and sign structures located on County property shall be kept in a safe, clean and tidy condition and, if not so kept, may be required by resolution of Council to be renovated or removed. (7) All signs shall be wholly located within the boundaries of the site on which they are located and are not bound by the yard setbacks of the district in which it is located, but shall not impede sight lines. (8) No sign shall project higher than the roofline of the building to which it is attached unless otherwise approved by the Development Authority. (9) No signs, billboards or any other advertising structures shall be placed on or affixed to public property without the prior approval of the appropriate public body and the Development Authority. (10) Adjacent to the Town of Drumheller, there are special regulations to control signage into the Town. Along the south side of Highway No. 9 in the N ½ 21 and the N ½ 22-028-20- W4M, the only signs that will be permitted are those in the Drumheller Community Business Signs Program. Alberta Transportation will determine the location of these signs and the construction and installation of the sign structure must adhere to all departmental specifications and regulations. Adjacent to the highway rights-of-way, no private signs will be permitted. (11) Adjacent to the Town of Drumheller in the E ½ 35-28-20-W4M and through Section 26-028- 20-W4M, existing private signs will be allowed to remain, subject to Alberta Transportation Guidelines. (12) Illuminated signs may be considered in the agricultural district if there is an approved commercial or industrial business use on the subject lands; (13) Flashing, intermittent, animated digital display signs and/or scintillating lights that are visible from a road or highway are prohibited; (14) Signs situated within the sight triangle must adhere to the provisions of Section 36; (15) No sign or sign structure shall be erected where it may interfere with, obstruct or be confused with any authorized traffic sign, signal or device; (16) No sign shall be placed on any property without the express permission of the property owner; this includes County-owned property; (17) No sign shall extend or overhang into a neighboring property, and no sign shall overhang a public street right-of-way except for an approved canopy, awning, projecting, hanging, or other suspended sign where approved by the Development Authority; and (18) No person, owner or tenant shall post a sign, which contains statements, words or pictures of an obscene or pornographic nature. Land Use Bylaw 1808 76 83. Prohibited Signs (1) Signs that are not expressly permitted in this Bylaw are prohibited and without restricting or limiting the generality of the foregoing, the following signs are specifically prohibited: (a) Vehicle Signs. Any sign on a vehicle or trailer used primarily as a static advertising display, but not if said vehicle is used in the normal day-to-day operations of the business; (b) Signs affixed to utility poles or trees; (c) Illuminated signs are prohibited within residential districts;   84. Signs NOT Requiring a Development Permit (1) The following signs may be erected on any land or affixed to the exterior of any building without the need for a development permit: (a) Non-illuminated signs for identification, direction or warning, no more than 1.5 m² (16 ft2) in sign area, and limited to two (2) per parcel; (b) Non-illuminated signs relating to a person, partnership, or company practicing a profession, business or trade, no more than 1.5 m² (16 ft.²) in sign area, and limited to two (2) per parcel; (c) Non-illuminated signs relating to a religious, educational, cultural, recreational club or institution or to a motel or apartment building, no more than 1.5 m² (16 ft.²) in sign area, and limited to two (2) per parcel; (d) Non-illuminated signs of local authorities, utility boards or other public or quasi-public bodies; (e) Non-illuminated signs offering any residential, commercial, or industrial site for development, sale, lease or rent, provided the sign does not exceed 3.0 m² (32 ft²) in sign area; (f) Non illuminated signs associated with municipal, provincial and federal elections; and (g) Signs by a government or government agency. (h) Private signs approved by a provincial agency (2) Temporary signs relating to the sale or renting of land, the sale of goods or livestock, the carrying out of building or similar work, or announcement of any local event are exempt from obtaining a development permit provided the following conditions are met: (a) Maximum one (1) temporary sign not exceeding a sign area of 6.0 m² (64 ft²); and (b) The temporary sign shall be removed by the advertiser within fifteen (15) days of the completion of the event, sale, or works to which such signs relate. 85. Signs Requiring a Development Permit (1) An application for a development permit to structurally alter or erect a sign that requires a development permit shall be made to the Development Authority and shall include the following: Land Use Bylaw 1808 77 (a) A letter of consent from the registered owner of the land or building upon which the sign will be located; (b) The owner of the sign; (c) The location of all existing and proposed signs on the building façade or on a site plan of the parcel indicating the front and side property lines, setbacks and distances from existing buildings; (d) Two copies of a rendering / illustration of the proposed sign with dimensions and total sign area, height of top and bottom of the sign above average ground level and thickness of the sign; (e) Materials, finishes, colors, size of lettering and graphics; (f) Mounting or installation details: the Development Authority may require that a structural drawing be prepared and sealed by a Professional Engineer; (g) Mounting height or clearance to grade; and (h) The appropriate fee as set out in the Master Rates Bylaw and amendments there to. 86. Freestanding Signs (1) Freestanding signs shall be located on the affected property. (2) Maximum one (1) freestanding sign per lot unless there are multiple businesses, in which case one (1) additional identification or business directory sign shall be permitted. (3) Illuminated freestanding signs may be allowed in Commercial and Industrial Districts and may be considered for a commercial use in the Agriculture District. Illumination may be subject to hours of operation in the Agriculture District. (4) Copy is permitted on both sides of freestanding signs, therefore allowing the sign area to be double the permitted sign area. (5) The maximum sign height is 1.5 m (5 ft.) for freestanding signs in Residential Districts, unless it is a neighborhood identification sign. (6) The maximum sign height is 9.5 m (31.2 ft.) for freestanding signs in all except Residential Districts. (7) Freestanding signs shall not be located closer than: (a) 1.0 m (3.3 ft.) to a property line within any Hamlet District; (b) 10 m (33 ft.) to a property line abutting a county road; or (c) In accordance with Alberta Transportation’s setback requirements where abutting a provincially controlled highway. Land Use Bylaw 1808 78 87. Fascia or Wall Signs (1) Fascia signs may be allowed in all districts but are restricted to the first story of the building in Residential and Agricultural Districts. (2) Maximum one (1) awning, canopy, projecting or fascia sign per business frontage unless there are multiple businesses, in which case one (1) additional identification or business directory sign shall be permitted. (3) Fascia signs shall not project more than 0.4 m (1.3 ft.) horizontally from the building face to which it is attached. (4) Illuminated fascia signs shall be permitted in Commercial and Industrial Districts and may be considered for a commercial use in the Agriculture District. 88. Portable Signs  (1) Portable signs may be allowed in all districts except Residential Districts. (2) Maximum one (1) portable sign shall be displayed per development site. (3) Portable signs shall not be located on public property or on a required off-street parking space or a driveway. 89. Projecting Signs (1) Maximum one (1) awning, canopy, projecting or fascia sign per business frontage. (2) Copy is permitted on both sides of projecting signs, therefore allowing the sign area to be double the permitted sign area. (3) The maximum sign area is 1.5 m2 (16 ft2) for a projecting sign. (4) A projecting sign shall have a minimum vertical clearance from grade or, if applicable, a sidewalk, of 2.4 m (8 ft.). Land Use Bylaw 1808 79 90. Signage for a Bed & Breakfast (1) Each bed and breakfast shall provide one (1) on-site freestanding sign for the purpose of identifying the bed and breakfast and shall be regulated in accordance with the following requirements: (a) A sign for a bed and breakfast establishment shall be located within the yard, front and must be visible from a public road; and (b) A sign for a bed and breakfast establishment may be attached to either existing fencing or on independent posts to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. Land Use Bylaw 1808 80 PART XII – LAND USE DISTRICTS 91. A Agriculture District 92. AB Agriculture Business District 93. CR Country Residential District 94. HR Hamlet Residential District 95. HC Hamlet Commercial District 96. HI Hamlet Industrial District 97. HG Hamlet General District 98. HPS Health and Public Services District 99. XH EX Hamlet District 100. HWY- C Highway Commercial District 101. LRC Local Rural Commercial District 102. LI Light Industrial District 103. I Industrial District 104. R Recreation District 105. MH Manufactured Home District 106. DC Direct Control District 107. DC1 Specific Direct Control District 108. DC2 Specific Direct Control District 109. DC3 Specific Direct Control District 110. DC4 Specific Direct Control District 111. DC5 Specific Direct Control District 112. DC 6 Specific Direct Control District XI1 – LAND USE DISTRICTS 91. AGRICULTURE DISTRICT A Land Use Bylaw 1808 82 91. A - Agriculture District Purpose To preserve better agricultural land and to provide areas for the conduct, accommodation, and continuation of a wide-range of agricultural and compatible uses. Permitted Uses (a) Accessory Building (b) Agricultural Building (c) Agriculture, Extensive (d) Greenhouse, Private (e) Home Occupation, Minor (f) Housing, Modular (g) Housing, Manufactured (h) Housing, Single-Detached (i) Man-made Water Feature as per Sec. 66 (j) Market Garden (k) Move On Building (l) Office (m) Portable Storage Container (n) Public Utility Building (o) Riding Arena, Indoor Private (p) Secondary Suite (q) Solar, Private - Ground Mounted (m) Temporary Second Dwelling (n) Tourist Information Services & Facilities (o) Tree Farm   A G R I C U L T U R E D I S T R I C T A Land Use Bylaw 1808 83 Discretionary Uses (a) Abattoir (b) Accessory use(s) (c) Agricultural Processing (d) Agricultural Support Services (e) Agricultural Tourism (f) Airport (g) Airstrip (h) Animal Shelter (i) Auction Mart (j) Auction Mart, Livestock (k) Automotive & Recreational Vehicle Sales & Rentals (l) Bed and Breakfast Establishment (m) Boarding or Lodging House (n) Brewery/Distillery & Sales (o) Cemetery (p) Cheese Processing (q) Commercial Kennel (r) Communication Tower (s) Community Garden (t) Community Hall (u) Corn Maze (v) Creative Architecture (w) Culinary Herb Production (x) Cut Flower Market (y) Day Care Facility, Major (z) Day Care Facility, Minor (aa) Farm Gate Sales (bb) Feed Mills, Grain Elevators, Seed Cleaning Plants, & Fertilizer Storage & Distribution (cc) Gas & Oilfield Services Business, Minor (dd) Hemp Processing (ee) Home Occupation, Major (ff) Honey Processing (gg) Housing, Cluster Farm (hh) Housing, Employee (ii) Housing, Garden Suite (jj) Intensive Vegetative Operation (kk) Landscaping, Commercial (ll) Livestock as per Section 42 (mm) Meat Market / Butcher (nn) Medicinal Herb Production (oo) Natural Resource Extractive Industry (pp) Place of Worship (qq) Public or Quasi-Public Use (rr) RV Storage – Major (ss) RV Storage – Minor (tt) School (uu) Second Dwelling, on parcels greater or equal to 4.04 ha (10 acres) (vv) Sign (ww) Solar Generation Facility (xx) U-Pick (yy) Waste Management Facility, Major (zz) Waste Management Facility, Minor (aaa) Wind Energy Conversion System (bbb) Wind Energy Conversion System, Private (ccc) Wool Processing (ddd) Work Camp (1) Density (a) Maximum of three (3) lots per quarter section, including the balance of the quarter section, but not including lots for public or quasi-public use or public utility. (b) Only one dwelling unit shall be permitted per Lot unless otherwise allowed in this Land Use Bylaw and approved by the Development Authority. (c) Maximum total area of all subdivided bare parcels from a quarter shall not exceed 4.04 ha (10 acres); exempt from this requirement is a subdivision proposed solely for an existing farmstead, existing historical farmstead, or a fragmented parcel. (d) If an undeveloped road services the proposed subdivision, the applicant is required to build the road as part of their subdivision conditions in accordance with Kneehill County General Municipal Servicing Standards. (e) Approval may be given to an application for subdivision for a parcel of land that is separated from the balance of the landholding by a road or railway, abandoned railway, or a permanent naturally occurring creek or body of water. Each new parcel created Land Use Bylaw 1808 84 must contain a suitable building site and have direct physical or legal access (registered on title) to a public road satisfactory to the Development Authority. (f) Larger subdivisions, where the use is agricultural, may be considered when the subject lands being contemplated have two or more well-defined existing uses that are distinct. (2) Subdivision Regulations (a) Minimum lot area is 64.7 ha (160 acres) for an agriculture, extensive principal use. Or the largest remaining remnant of a previously subdivided quarter section. (b) For a bare parcel residential principal use the following lot areas apply: i. Minimum lot area is 0.8 ha (2 acres). ii. Maximum lot area is 2.02 ha (5 acres). (c) Subdivision approvals for developed farmsteads shall be a minimum of 0.8 ha (2 acres) and may incorporate shelterbelts, ancillary buildings, on-site sewage disposal and water systems and access. In some cases, additional pastureland may be considered. (d) Minimum and maximum lot areas for all other uses at the discretion of the Subdivision Authority. (e) Subdivisions of lots should not be allowed where, in the opinion of the Subdivision Authority, potential conflicts with adjacent or surrounding land uses would result. (3) Other Regulations (a) Water wells and private sewage treatment and disposal systems that meet current code requirements shall be located on the parcel they service. (b) Both the proposed parcel and the remainder parcel shall have direct legal and physical access to a public road. Access can be through an easement or panhandle road if acceptable to the Development Authority. (4) Siting Regulations (a) Minimum Yard, Front Setback: 41.1 m (135 ft.) from a highway. (b) Minimum Yard, Front Setback: 30.5 m (100 ft.) from a local road. (c) Minimum Yard, Side Setback: 7.6 m (25 ft.) (d) Minimum Yard, Rear Setback: 7.6 m (25 ft.) (5) Development Regulations (a) Minimum Gross Floor Area for Housing, Single-Detached: 74 m² (800 ft.2) (b) Minimum Gross Floor Area for other uses: at the discretion of the Development Authority. (c) Maximum Height for a Dwelling Unit: 10.7 m (35 ft.) or 3.5 stories Housing, Cluster, Farm and Housing, Employee are exempt from (5)(a) & (c) Land Use Bylaw 1808 85 (6) Additional permanent housing, single-detached on parcels greater than or equal to 4.05 ha (10 Acres) are subject to the following: (a) The Development Authority shall not approve an additional permanent housing, single- detached on parcels less than 4.05 ha (10 acres) unless permitted elsewhere in this Land Use Bylaw. (b) All additional permanent housing, single-detached are subject to the requirements of Subsection (4) and (5). Exception: approved Garden Suites are exempt from minimum gross floor area. (c) On parcels containing greater than or equal to 4.05 ha (10 Acres) the additional permanent housing, single-detached is subject to the following condition: (i)The permanent housing, single–detached may be required to tie in to the existing water and sewage systems, utilities, and use existing access roads driveways and approaches existing on the lot. (7) A Development Officer may approve a temporary second dwelling subject to the following: (a) The applicant shall, within one year of occupying the new dwelling, remove, destroy or render uninhabitable the former dwelling located on the lands to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. (b) As a condition of issuing a development permit approval for a temporary second dwelling, the Development Authority may require an irrevocable letter of credit or cash, representing the costs which may be incurred by the County in the event the owner should breech this agreement and fail to remove, destroy or render uninhabitable the former within one year of occupancy of a new residence. (c) The security will be released once all the conditions have been completed by the applicant to the satisfaction of the Development Authority, and are met within the time frame as set out in the development permit. (d) Upon expiry of the development permit, the Development Authority or designate will inspect the site to determine compliance. If the required work has not been completed to the satisfaction of the Development Authority, the County may use the security to have the work completed and bring the building into compliance as per recommendation by the Development Authority. (8) Special Requirements (a) The Development Authority may impose conditions on any development permit to ensure that safe and proper access to the lot(s) is provided. The development permit conditions may also address the control of animals and livestock on lots. (b) Agricultural land, in particular, Canada Land Inventory Capability for Agriculture classifications 1 to 3 shall be encouraged to be preserved for agricultural purposes. (9) In addition to the regulations listed above, other regulations may apply. These include Part VII – General Land Use Regulations, Part VIII – Specific Land Use Regulations, Part IX – Landscaping, Fencing and Screening, Part X – Parking and Loading Regulations, and Part XI – Sign Regulations. 92. AGRICULTURE BUSINESS DISTRICT AB Land Use Bylaw 1808 87 92. AB - Agriculture Business District Purpose To provide opportunities for larger subdivisions if necessary where specific agricultural uses for commercial purposes can be accommodated on a smaller scale. Uses within this district further the Municipal Development Plan’s goals of maintaining a rural and agricultural focus for the County by allowing for businesses that are related to agricultural pursuits and are an appropriate adjacent use to agricultural operations. Permitted Uses (a) Accessory Building (j) Market Garden (b) Agriculture Building (k) Office (c) Agriculture, Extensive (l) Portable Storage Container (d) Community Garden (m) Public Utility Building (e) Culinary Herb Production (n) Solar, Private - Ground Mounted (f) Cut Flower Market (o) Temporary Second Dwelling (g) Farm Gate Sales (p) Tourist Information Services & Facilities (h) Greenhouse, Commercial (q) Tree Farm (i) Housing, Single Detached (r) U-Pick Discretionary Uses (a) Accessory Use(s) (l) Housing, Employee (b) Agriculture Processing (m) Intensive Vegetative Operation (c) Agriculture Support Services (n) Landscaping, Commercial (d) Agriculture Tourism (o) Livestock (per Sec. 42) (e) Brewery/Distillery & Sales (p) Meat Market / Butcher (f) Cheese Processing (q) Medicinal Herb Production (g) Commercial Aquaculture (r) Retail Store (h) Corn Maze (s) Riding Arena, Commercial (i) Feed Mills, Grain Elevators, Seed Cleaning Plants, Fertilizer Storage & Distribution (t) Sign (u) Wind Energy Conversion System, Private (v) Wool Processing (j) Hemp Processing (k) Honey Processing (1) Density (a) Maximum of 16.18 ha (40 Acres) per quarter section, including the balance of the quarter section, but not including lots for public or quasi-public use or public utility. (b) Should be located along highways or well developed roads. AB A G R I C U L T U R E B U S I N E S S D I S T R I C T Land Use Bylaw 1808 88 (2) Subdivision Regulations (a) For a bare parcel principal use the following lot areas apply: i. Minimum Lot Area is 4.05 ha (10 acres). ii. Maximum Lot Area is 16.18 ha (40 acres). (b) Subdivision of lots should not be allowed where, in the opinion of the Subdivision Authority, potential conflicts with adjacent or surrounding land uses would result. (3) Siting Regulations (a) Minimum Yard, Front Setback: 41.1 m (135 ft.) from a highway. (b) Minimum Yard, Front Setback: 30.5 m (100 ft.) from a local road. (c) Minimum Yard, Side Setback: 7.6 m (25 ft.) (d) Minimum Yard, Rear Setback: 7.6 m (25 ft.) (4) Development Regulations (a) Minimum Gross Floor Area for Housing, Single-Detached: 74 m² (800 ft.2) (b) Minimum Gross Floor Area for other uses: at the discretion of the Development Authority. (c) Maximum Height for a Dwelling Unit: 10.7 m (35 ft.) or 3.5 stories (5) When permitted, these parcels should not: (a) Fragment existing farming units; (b) Provide access that would result in unduly severing of the agricultural land; (6) Uses that will largely be contained within a commercial building should be located on marginal or non-arable land when possible. (7) Water wells and private sewage treatment and disposal systems shall be located on the parcel they service. (8) Both the proposed parcel and the remnant parcel shall have direct legal and physical access to a public road. (9) Applications to redesignate land to Agriculture Business District will be evaluated on their own merits. Proposals shall be compatible with adjacent uses. Developers will be required to install services, provide access to the parcel and the parcel must be suitable for adequate water and sewer servicing. (10) In addition to the regulations listed above, other regulations may apply. These include Part VII – General Land Use Regulations, Part VIII – Specific Land Use Regulations, Part IX – Landscaping, Fencing and Screening, Part X – Parking and Loading Regulations, and Part XI – Sign Regulations. 93. COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT CR Land Use Bylaw 1808 90 93. CR – Country Residential District Purpose The purpose of this district is to provide for residential development at rural densities. Permitted Uses (a) Accessory Building (b) Greenhouse, Private (c) Hen License (d) Home Occupation, Minor (e) Housing, Modular (f) Housing, Single-Detached (g) Public Utility Building (h) Solar, Private - Ground Mounted Discretionary Uses (a) Accessory Use (b) Bed and Breakfast Establishment (c) Creative Architecture (per Sec 93(7)) (d) Day Care Facility, Major (e) Day Care Facility, Minor (f) Livestock (per Sec 42) (g) Moved-On Building (h) Portable Storage Container (i) Public or Quasi-public Use (j) Secondary Suite (k) Sign (l) Wind Energy Conversion System, Private (1) Subdivision Regulations (a) Minimum Lot Area: 0.20 ha (0.5 acres) (b) Maximum Lot Area: 1.62 ha (4.0 acres) (c) Density: 5 Country Residential Parcels minimum. (2) Development Regulations (a) Maximum Lot Coverage: Forty (40) percent (b) Maximum Height of a Principal Building: The lesser of 10.7 m (35 ft.) or three stories. (c) Maximum Height of an Accessory Building: The lesser of 6.0 m (20 ft.) or two stories. (3) Siting Regulations (a) Minimum Yard, Front Setback: 41.0 m (135 ft.) from a highway. (b) Minimum Yard, Front Setback: 30.5 m (100 ft.) from a local road. (c) Minimum Yard, Front Setback: 7.6 m (25 ft.) from a property line for internal roads in a cluster development. (d) Minimum Yard, Side Setback: 7.6 m (25 ft.) (e) Minimum Yard, Rear Setback: 7.6 m (25 ft.) (4) Dwelling Regulations (a) Minimum Gross Floor Area: 93 m² (1000 ft²) CR C O U N T R Y R E S I D E N T I A L D I S T R I C T Land Use Bylaw 1808 91 (5) Special Requirements (a) Accessory buildings and uses (including satellite dishes) may be erected or placed within the yard, front at the discretion of the Development Authority. (b) Holiday Trailer and Recreational Vehicle (RV) Restrictions: i. Not more than two (2) holiday trailers shall be stored or parked on a parcel at one time unless otherwise approved by the Development Authority. (6) Applications to redesignate land to the Country Residential District will be evaluated on their own merits. Proposals shall be compatible with adjacent uses and agricultural land, (in particular Canada Land Inventory classifications 1 to 3, shall be encouraged to be preserved for agricultural purposes). Developers will be required to install services, provide access to the parcel and the parcel must be suitable for adequate water and sewer servicing. (7) Creative architecture may be considered in the Country Residential District if all the lots in the district are designated for creative architecture development. (8) In addition to the regulations listed above, other regulations may apply. These include Part VII – General Land Use Regulations, Part VIII – Specific Land Use Regulations, Part IX – Landscaping, Fencing and Screening, Part X – Parking and Loading Regulations, and Part XI – Sign Regulations. 94. HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR Land Use Bylaw 1808 93 94. HR – Hamlet Residential District Purpose The purpose and intent of this district is to provide for Hamlet residential uses having regard to the essentially rural character of the area. Permitted Uses (a) Accessory Building (b) Greenhouse, Private (c) Hen License (d) Housing, Single-Detached (e) Housing, Modular (f) Moved-on Building (g) Solar, Private – Ground Mounted Discretionary Uses (a) Accessory use(s) (b) Bed and Breakfast Establishment (c) Boarding or Lodging House (d) Community Garden (e) Community Hall (f) Day Care Facility, Minor (g) Home Occupation, Minor (h) Housing, Apartment (i) Housing, Duplex (j) Housing, Manufactured (k) Housing, Townhouse (l) Place of Worship (m) Portable Storage Container (n) Public or Quasi-public Use (o) Public Utility Building (p) School (q) Secondary Suite (r) Sign (s) Wind Energy Conversion System, Private (1) Servicing Regulations Servicing regulations as per Bylaw 1699 Water & Wastewater Services Bylaw, as amended from time to time. (2) Development Regulations (a) Minimum Gross Floor Area for Housing, Single- Detached; Housing, Modular; and Housing Manufactured: 74 m² (800 ft.²) (b) Maximum Lot Coverage: 40% (c) Other uses at the discretion of the Development Authority. (3) Siting Regulations (a) Principal Buildings and Structures: (i) Minimum Yard, Front Setback (for new Construction): 7.6 m (25 ft.) (ii) Minimum Yard, Front Setback for other uses: at the discretion of the Development Authority (iii) Minimum Yard, Side Setback (interior): 1.5 m (5 ft.) HR H A M L E T R E S I D E N T I A L D I S T R I C T Land Use Bylaw 1808 94 (iv) Minimum Yard, Side Setback (exterior): 4.6 m (15 ft.) (v) Minimum Yard, Rear Setback: 7.6 m (25 ft.) (vi) Maximum Height: 10.7 m (35 ft.) or 3 stories (vii) Notwithstanding Subsection Siting Regulations 3(a)(iii), a lot having no direct vehicular access to the yard, rear shall maintain one yard, side setback of a least 3.0 m (10 ft.). (b) Accessory Buildings and Structures: (i) Minimum Yard, Front Setback: 7.6 m (25 ft.) (ii) Minimum Yard, Front Setback for other uses: at the discretion of the Development Authority (iii) Minimum Yard, Side Setback (interior): 1.0 m (3 ft.) (iv) Minimum Yard, Side Setback (exterior): 3.0 m (10 ft.) (v) Minimum Yard, Rear Setback: 1.0 m (3 ft.) (vi) Maximum Height: 4.6 m (15 ft.) (vii) Notwithstanding Subsection Siting Regulations 3(b)(iii), a lot having no direct vehicular access to the yard, rear shall maintain one yard, side setback of a least 3.0 m (10 ft.). (4) Special Requirements (a) Setbacks may be relaxed at the discretion of the Development Authority. (b) Additions to existing structures within setback requirements cannot be extended where further encroachment would occur without a relaxation. (c) Front yard setbacks for existing structures may be considered to be conforming, but no further encroachment may occur without a relaxation. In addition to the regulations listed above, other regulations may apply. These include Part VII – General Land Use Regulations, Part VIII – Specific Land Use Regulations, Part IX – Landscaping, Fencing and Screening, Part X – Parking and Loading Regulations, and Part XI – Sign Regulations. 95. HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HC Land Use Bylaw 1808 96 95. HC – Hamlet Commercial District Purpose To provide a range of commercial uses within hamlets which caters to the needs of local residents and the surrounding rural area. Discretionary Uses (a) Accessory Use(s) (b) Auction Mart (c) Automotive and Recreational Vehicle Sales and Rentals (d) Brewery/Distillery & Sales (e) Bulk Fuel Depot (f) Campground/RV Park (g) Car/Truck Wash (h) Commercial Storage (i) Community Garden (j) Community Hall (k) Day Care Facility, Major (l) Equipment Rentals (m) Farm & Industrial Equipment & Machinery Sales & Service (n) Funeral Home (o) Gas Bar (p) Hotel (q) Housing, Mixed Use (r) Liquor Sales (s) Motel (t) Motor Vehicle Servicing, Repair & Storage – Service Station (u) Museum (v) Portable Storage Container (w) Public or Quasi-public Use (x) Public Utility Building (y) Recreational, Minor (z) Recycling Collection Point (aa) Recycling Depot (bb) Sign (cc) U-Pick (dd) Veterinary Clinic (ee) Veterinary Hospital (ff) Warehousing (gg) Wind Energy Conversion System, Private (1) Subdivision Regulations (a) Minimum Lot Area: As required by the Subdivison Authority (2) Development Regulations (a) Maximum Lot Coverage: Sixty Percent (60%) (b) Maximum Height of any Principal or Accessory Structure: 12.0 m (39.4 ft.) Permitted Uses (a) Accessory Building (b) Eating and Drinking Establishment (c) Financial Service (d) Office (e) Personal Service Facility (f) Restaurant (g) Retail Store (h) Solar, Private – Ground Mounted HC H A M L E T C O M M E R C I A L D I S T R I C T Land Use Bylaw 1808 97 (3) Siting Regulations (a) Minimum Yard, Front Setback As required by the Development Authority (b) Minimum Yard, Rear Setback As required by the Development Authority (c) Minimum Yard, Side Setback 1.5 m (5 ft.) (d) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(c), where a firewall is provided, the minimum Yard, Side Setback may be 0.0 m (0.0 ft.), subject to Building Code requirements. (4) Special Requirements (a) All uses which involve outdoor storage of goods, machinery, vehicles, building materials, waste materials, etc. shall be screened to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. (b) No variance to Yard, Side Setbacks shall be given if the site is located adjacent to residential district. (c) Additions to existing structures within setback requirements cannot be extended where further encroachment would occur without a relaxation. (d) Front yard setbacks for existing structures may be considered to be conforming, but no further encroachment may occur without a relaxation. (5) In addition to the regulations listed above, other regulations may apply. These include Part VII – General Land Use Regulations, Part VIII – Specific Land Use Regulations, Part IX – Landscaping, Fencing and Screening, Part X – Parking and Loading Regulations, and Part XI – Sign Regulations. 96. HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HI Land Use Bylaw 1808 99 96. HI – Hamlet Industrial District Purpose To provide a suitable range of light industrial uses having regard to the rural character of the Hamlet. Permitted Uses  (a) Accessory Building (b) Automotive and Recreational Vehicle Sales and Rentals (c) Farm and Industrial Equipment and Machinery Sales and Service (d) Office (e) Solar, Private – Ground Mounted (f) Veterinary Clinic  Discretionary Uses (a) Abattoir (b) Accessory Use(s) (c) Agricultural Processing (d) Agricultural Support Services (e) Bulk Fuel Depot (f) Car/Truck Wash (g) Commercial Storage (h) Equipment Rentals (i) Feed Mills, Grain Elevators, Seed Cleaning Plant, Fertilizer Storage & Distribution (j) Gas & Oilfield Services Business, Minor (k) Industrial Manufacturing/Processing (l) Meat Market/Butcher (m) Motor Vehicle Servicing, Repair & Storage – Service Station (n) Outdoor Storage Facility (o) Portable Storage Container (p) Public or Quasi-public Use (q) Public Utility Building (r) Recycling Collection Point (s) Recycling Depot (t) Sign (u) Veterinary Hospital (v) Warehousing (w) Wind Energy Conversion System, Private (x) Wrecking Yard   (1) Subdivision Regulations (a) Minimum Lot Area: As required by the Subdivision Authority (2) Development Regulations (a) Maximum Lot Coverage: Sixty Percent (60%) (b) Maximum Height of any Principal or Accessory Structure: 12.0 m (39.4 ft.) (3) Siting Regulations (a) Minimum Yard, Front Setback: 7.6 m (25 ft.) (b) Minimum Yard, Side Setback: 1.5 m (5 ft.) (c) Minimum Yard, Rear Setback: 7.6 m (25 ft.) Unless otherwise indicated by the Development Authority HI H A M L E T I N D U S T R I A L D I S T R I C T Land Use Bylaw 1808 100 (d) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(b), a lot abutting a Residential District shall maintain a minimum yard, side setback of 7.6 m (25 ft.). (4) Special Requirements (a) Additions to existing structures within setback requirements cannot be extended where further encroachment would occur without a relaxation. (b) Front yard setbacks for existing structures may be considered to be conforming, but no further encroachment may occur without a relaxation. (5) All uses which involve outdoor storage of goods, machinery, vehicles, building materials, waste materials, etc. shall be screened to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. (6) No variance to setbacks shall be given if the site is located adjacent to residential district. (7) In addition to the regulations listed above, other regulations may apply. These include Part VII – General Land Use Regulations, Part VIII – Specific Land Use Regulations, Part IX – Landscaping, Fencing and Screening, Part X – Parking and Loading Regulations, and Part XI – Sign Regulations.   97. HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT HG Land Use Bylaw 1808 102 97. HG – Hamlet General District Purpose The purpose and intent of this district is to provide for a mixture of Hamlet Commercial, Residential and Industrial uses in hamlets whose small size and/or existing mixture of land uses is such that it is not deemed practical for their detailed designation into several land use districts. Permitted Uses (a) Accessory Building (b) Hen License (c) Housing, Modular (d) Housing, Single-Detached (e) Greenhouse, Private (f) Move-on Building (g) Office (h) Solar, Private – Ground Mounted Discretionary Uses (a) Abattoir (b) Accessory use(s) (c) Adult Care Facility (d) Agricultural Processing (e) Agricultural Support Services (f) Auction Mart (g) Automotive and Recreational Vehicle Sales and Rentals (h) Bed and Breakfast Establishment (i) Boarding or Lodging House (j) Bulk Fuel Depot (k) Campground/RV Park (l) Car/Truck Wash (m) Cemetery (n) Commercial Storage (o) Community Hall (p) Day Care Facility, Major (q) Day Care Facility, Minor (r) Eating and Drinking Establishment (s) Equipment Rentals (t) Farm and Industrial Equipment and Machinery Sales and Service (u) Feed Mills, Grain Elevators, Seed Cleaning Plants, Fertilizer Storage & Distribution (v) Financial Service (w) Funeral Home (x) Gas Bar (y) Home Occupation, Minor (z) Hotel (aa) Housing, Apartment (bb) Housing, Duplex (cc) Housing, Manufactured (dd) Housing, Mixed Use (ee) Housing, Townhouse (ff) Industrial Manufacturing/Processing (gg) Liquor Sales (hh) Meat Market/Butcher (ii) Motel (jj) Motor Vehicle Servicing, Repair & Storage – Service Station (kk) Museum (ll) Outdoor Storage Facility (mm) Personal Service Facility (nn) Place of Worship (oo) Portable Storage Container (pp) Public or Quasi-public Use (qq) Public Utility Building (rr) Recreational, Minor (ss) Recycling Collection Point (tt) Recycling Depot (uu) Restaurant (vv) Retail Store (ww) School (xx) Secondary Suite (yy) Sign (zz) Veterinary Clinic (aaa) Veterinary Hospital (bbb) Warehousing (ccc) Wind Energy Conversion System, Private HG H A M L E T G E N E R A L D I S T R I C T Land Use Bylaw 1808 103 (1) Development Regulations (a) Every development in the Hamlet General District shall conform to regulations governing lot coverage, yards, setback, height, etc. outlined in the appropriate Hamlet Residential, Commercial or Industrial District schedules elsewhere in this Bylaw. (b) The design, siting, external finish and architectural appearance of all buildings including accessory buildings or structures and all signs and landscaping shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Authority to ensure that adequate protection is afforded to the amenities of the area. (c) Outside storage shall be visually screened from all adjacent sites and public thoroughfares. (2) Special Requirements (a) No new parcel of land shall be designated as Hamlet General District, and no existing parcel of land shall be redesignated Hamlet General District. Boundary adjustments may be considered. (b) Additions to existing structures within setback requirements cannot be extended where further encroachment would occur without a relaxation. (c) Front yard setbacks for existing structures may be considered to be conforming, but no further encroachment may occur without a relaxation. (3) In addition to the regulations listed above, other regulations may apply. These include Part VII – General Land Use Regulations, Part VIII – Specific Land Use Regulations, Part IX – Landscaping, Fencing and Screening, Part X – Parking and Loading Regulations, and Part XI – Sign Regulations. 98. EX HAMLET DISTRICT XH Land Use Bylaw 1808 105 98. EX – EX Hamlet District Purpose The purpose and intent of this district is to provide for appropriate uses and development of land that are ostensibly residential in nature and are located within neighborhoods that are no longer considered hamlets. The rationale behind the creation of the EX-Hamlet district is to allow for the development of parcels in ex-hamlets that are now legally non-conforming and as such are subject to restrictions as per the Municipal Government Act and Section 7 Non-Conforming Buildings & Uses of this Land Use Bylaw. Permitted Uses (a) Accessory Building(s) (b) Hen License (c) Housing, Modular (d) Housing, Single-Detached (e) Solar, Private – Ground Mounted Discretionary Uses (a) Accessory use(s) (b) Bed and Breakfast Establishment (c) Community Garden (d) Home Occupation, Minor (e) Housing, Manufactured (f) Portable Storage Container (g) Public or Quasi-public Use (h) Public Utility Building (i) Secondary Suite (j) Sign (k) Wind Energy Conversion System, Private (1) Subdivision Regulations (a) Servicing regulations as per Bylaw 1699 Water & Wastewater Services Bylaw, as amended from time to time. (2) Development Regulations (a) Minimum Gross Floor Area for Housing, Single-Detached and Housing, Manufactured: 74 m² (800 ft.) (b) Maximum Lot Coverage: 40% (3) Siting Regulations (a) Principal Buildings and Structures: (i) Minimum Yard, Front Setback: 7.6 m (25 ft.) (ii) Minimum Yard, Front Setback for other uses: at the discretion of the Development Authority (iii) Minimum Yard, Interior Side Setback: 1.5 m (5 ft.) (iv) Minimum Yard, Exterior Side Setback: 4.6 m (15 ft.) (v) Minimum Yard, Rear Setback: 7.6 m (25 ft.) (vi) Maximum Height: 10.7 m (35.0 ft.) or 3 stories XH E X H A M L E T D I S T R I C T Land Use Bylaw 1808 106 (vii) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a)(iii), a Lot having no direct vehicular access to the Yard, Rear shall maintain one Yard, Side Setback of a least 3.0 m (10 ft.). (b) Accessory Buildings and Structures: (i) Minimum Yard, Front Setback: 7.6 m (25 ft.) (ii) Minimum Yard, Front Setback for other uses: at the discretion of the Development Authority (iii) Minimum Yard, Interior Side Setback: 1.0 m (3.2 ft.) (iv) Minimum Yard, Exterior Side Setback: 3.0 m (10 ft.) (v) Minimum Yard, Rear Setback 1.0 m (3.2 ft.) (vi) Maximum Height 4.6 m (15 ft.) (vii) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(b)(iii), a lot having no direct vehicular access to the yard, rear shall maintain one yard, side setback of a least 3.0 m (10 ft.). (4) Special Requirements (a) Setbacks may be relaxed at the discretion of the Development Authority. (b) Additions to existing structures within setback requirements cannot be extended where further encroachment would occur without a relaxation. (c) Front yard setbacks for existing structures may be considered to be conforming, but no further encroachment may occur without a relaxation. (5) In addition to the regulations listed above, other regulations may apply. These include Part VII – General Land Use Regulations, Part VIII – Specific Land Use Regulations, Part IX – Landscaping, Fencing and Screening, Part X – Parking and Loading Regulations, and Part XI – Sign Regulations. 99. HEALTH & PUBLIC SERVICES DISTRICT HPS Land Use Bylaw 1808 108 99. HPS – Health and Public Services District Purpose The purpose of this district is to provide areas where the uses and facilities are used by the public, or are essential services. This includes but is not limited to health, religious and other institutional facilities and services. Permitted Uses (a) Accessory Building (b) Massage Therapy Service (c) Optometrist Services (d) Personal Services Facility (e) Move-on Building (f) Office (g) Public Library (h) Solar, Private – Ground Mounted Discretionary Uses (a) Accessory Use (b) Adult Care Facility (c) Chiropractic Clinic (d) Counselling Services (e) Fire Service (f) Group Home, Major (g) Group Home, Minor (h) Health Services Facility (i) Medical Clinic (j) Place of Worship (1) Subdivision Regulation (a) Minimum Lot Area As required by the Subdivision Authority (2) Development Regulations (a) Maximum Lot Coverage Sixty Percent (60%) (b) Maximum Height of any Principal 12.0 m (39.4 ft.) or Accessory Structure: (3) Siting Regulations (a) Minimum Yard, Front Setbacks As required by the Development Authority (b) Minimum Yard, Rear Setbacks As required by the Development Authority (c) Minimum Yard, Side Setbacks As required by the Development Authority (d) Notwithstanding Subsection (3) (c), where a firewall is provided, the minimum Side Setback may be 0.0m (0.0 ft.), subject to Building Code requirements (4) Special Requirements (a) All uses which involve outdoor storage of goods, machinery, vehicles, building materials, waste materials, etc. shall be screened to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. (b) No variance to Yard, Side Setbacks shall be given if the site is located adjacent to any residential districts. (c) Parking requirements will follow Section 79 requirements. HPS H E A L T H & P U B L I C S E R V I C E S D I S T R I C T Land Use Bylaw 1808 109 (5) Applications to redesignate land to Health and Public Services District will be evaluated on their own merits. Proposals shall be compatible with adjacent uses and agricultural land, in particular Canada Land Inventory classifications 1 to 3, shall be encouraged to be preserved for agricultural purposes. Developers will be required to install services, provide access to the parcel and the parcel must be suitable for adequate water and sewer servicing. (6) In addition to the regulations listed above, other regulations may apply. These include Part VII – General Land Use Regulations, Part VIII – Specific Land Use Regulations, Part IX – Landscaping, Fencing and Screening, Part X – Parking and Loading Regulations, and Part XI – Sign Regulations. Massage Therapy Personal ServicesOptometrist Services Adult Care Facility Chiropractic Clinic Counselling ServicesMedical Clinic 100. HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HWY-C Land Use Bylaw 1808 111 100. HWY-C – Highway Commercial District Purpose To provide a range of essential services adjacent to highways to serve the motoring public. Permitted Uses (a) Accessory Building (b) Automotive and Recreational Vehicle Sales and Rentals (c) Culinary Herb Production (d) Cut Flower Market (e) Eating and Drinking Establishment (f) Equipment Rentals (g) Farm and Industrial Equipment and Machinery Sales and Service (h) Gas Bar (i) Hotel (j) Motel (k) Motor Vehicle Servicing, Repair and Storage – Service Station (l) Office (m) Personal Services Facility (n) Public Utility Building (o) Restaurant (p) Retail Store (l) Security Suite (m) Solar, Private – Ground Mounted (n) Tree Farm Discretionary Uses (a) Accessory Use(s) (b) Agricultural Processing (c) Agriculture Support Services (d) Agriculture Tourism (e) Animal Shelter (f) Auction Mart (g) Auction Mart, Livestock (h) Brewery/Distillery & Sales (i) Bulk Fuel Depot (j) Campground/RV Park (k) Car/Truck Wash (l) Cheese Processing (m) Commercial Kennel (n) Commercial Storage (o) Conference Centre (p) Drive-Through Business (q) Feed Mills, grain elevators, seed cleaning plants & fertilizer storage & distribution (r) Financial Service (s) Greenhouse, Commercial (t) Landscaping, Commercial (u) Liquor Sales (v) Market Garden (w) Meat Market/Butcher (x) Portable Storage Container (y) Public or Quasi-public Use (z) Recreational, Minor (aa) Recycling Collection Point (bb) Recycling Depot (cc) RV Storage – Major (dd) RV Storage – Minor (ee) Sign (ff) Truck Stop (gg) Warehousing (hh) Wind Energy Conversion System – Private (ii) Wool Processing (1) Subdivision Regulations (a) Minimum Lot Area: Note: 1 acre (0.4 ha); may need a bigger minimum to meet highway setback (b) Minimum Lot Width: 30.5 m (98.4 ft.) HWY-C H I G H W A Y C O M M E R C I A L D I S T R I C T Land Use Bylaw 1808 112 (2) Development Regulations (a) Lot Coverage: Sixty Percent (60%) (b) Height of any Principal or Accessory Structure 12.0 m (39.4 ft.) (3) Siting Regulations (a) Minimum Yard, Front Setback adjacent to a Highway without a service Road, or as required by Alberta Transportation: 41.1 m (135 ft.) (b) Minimum Yard, Front Setback adjacent to a Highway with a service Road, or as required by Alberta Transportation: 7.6 m (25 ft.) (c) Minimum Yard, Side Setback: 1.5 m (5 ft.) (d) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(c), where a Lot is adjacent to a residential district, the minimum Yard, Side Setback shall be 9.1 m (30 ft.). (e) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(c), a lot having no direct vehicular access to the yard, rear shall maintain one yard, side setback of a least 3.0 m (10 ft.). (f) Minimum Yard, Rear Setback: 6.1 m (20 ft.) (4) Special Requirements (a) The exterior finish shall be brick, stucco, wood, metal, or other siding to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. (b) Highway commercial development in the rural areas shall be limited to those developments, which intend to provide goods and services to the general traveling public. (c) Proposals should be evaluated to ensure that: i. the development is located adjacent to a major transportation route; ii. the development provides suitable accesses/engineered service roads so as not to interfere with traffic, or create a hazard to traffic as determined by the County and/or Alberta Transportation; and iii. the appropriate authorities approve the sewage disposal system and water system or a suitable plan is provided. (5) In addition to the regulations listed above, other regulations may apply. These include Part VII – General Land Use Regulations, Part VIII – Specific Land Use Regulations, Part IX – Landscaping, Fencing and Screening, Part X – Parking and Loading Regulations, and Part XI – Sign Regulations. 101. LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LRC Land Use Bylaw 1808 114 101. LRC – Local Rural Commercial Purpose To provide for commercial development within the County, including tourist uses which charge a fee. Permitted Uses (a) Accessory Building (b) Automotive and Recreational Vehicle Sales and Rentals (c) Culinary Herb Production (d) Cut Flower Market (e) Eating and Drinking Establishment (f) Gas Bar (g) Motor Vehicle Servicing Repair & Storage – Service Station (h) Office (i) Personal Services Facility (j) Public or Quasi-public Use (k) Public Utility Building (l) Restaurant (m) Retail Store (n) Security Suite (o) Solar, Private – Ground Mounted (p) Temporary Second Dwelling (q) Tourist Information Services & Facilities (r) Tree Farm (s) U-Pick (t) Veterinary Clinic Discretionary Uses (a) Accessory Use(s) (b) Agricultural Processing (c) Agricultural Support Service (d) Agricultural Tourism (e) Animal Shelter (f) Auction Mart (g) Auction Mart, Livestock (h) Brewery/Distillery & Sales (i) Bulk Fuel Depot (j) Campground/RV Park (k) Cannabis Retail Sales – Medical & Non-medical (l) Car/Truck Wash (m) Cheese Processing (n) Commercial Kennel (o) Commercial Storage (p) Drive-Through Business (q) Equipment Rentals (r) Farm and Industrial Equipment and Machinery Sales and Service (s) Financial Service (t) Funeral Home (u) Greenhouse, Commercial (v) Hemp Processing (w) Hotel (x) Housing, Employee (y) Landscaping, Commercial (z) Liquor Sales (aa) Market Garden (bb) Meat Market / Butcher (cc) Motel (dd) Portable Storage Container (ee) Recreational, Minor (ff) Recycling Collection Point (gg) Recycling Depot (hh) Storage Rental Facilities (ii) Riding Arena, Commercial (jj) RV Storage – Major (kk) RV Storage – Minor (ll) Sign (mm) Veterinary Hospital (nn) Warehousing (oo) Wind Energy Conversion System, Private (pp) Wool Processing      LRC L O C A L R U R A L C O M M E R C I A L D I S T R I C T Land Use Bylaw 1808 115   (1) Subdivision Regulations (a) Minimum Lot Area: 1 acre (0.4 ha) (b) Minimum Lot Width: 30.5 m (100 ft.) (2) Development Regulations (a) Maximum Lot Coverage: Sixty Percent (60%) (b) Maximum Height of any Principal or Accessory Structure: 12.0 m (39.4 ft.) (3) Siting Regulations (a) Minimum Yard, Front Setback from the rights-of-way of Roads other than primary Highways: 30.5 m (98.4 ft.) (b) Minimum Yard, Front Setback from Primary Highways: as required by Alberta Transportation (c) Minimum Yard, Side Setback: 7.6 m (25 ft.) (d) Minimum Yard, Rear Setback: 7.6 m (25 ft.) (4) Parking (a) Onsite parking requirements shall be determined by the Development Authority based on the evaluation of each individual application. (5) Special Requirements (a) The exterior finish of any building shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. (6) For development in the Local Rural Commercial District, the following criteria shall apply to each application: (a) The development shall be located adjacent to a road that meets the standard local road or art road County standard. (b) The access location shall be approved by the Development Authority in consultation with the County’s Transportation Department. (c) The development shall have good access to any highway. If multiple enterprises are included in one site an Outline Plan or Area Structure Plan will be required. (d) The development shall have suitable access and/or service roads so as not to interfere with traffic, or create a hazard to traffic. (e) In approving any developments that require upgrading of municipal roads to give proper access to the development, the applicant shall pay for the upgrading of the road in compliance with the County’s current road building policy or GMSS. (f) The development shall have adequate sewage disposal systems and available water supplies as required by appropriate authorities. (g) If required by the Development Authority, the development shall also obtain approval under the Special Events Bylaw for specific events. Land Use Bylaw 1808 116 (7) In addition to the regulations listed above, other regulations may apply. These include Part VII – General Land Use Regulations, Part VIII – Specific Land Use Regulations, Part IX – Landscaping, Fencing and Screening, Part X – Parking and Loading Regulations, and Part XI – Sign Regulations. 102. LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT LI Land Use Bylaw 1808 118 102. LI – Light Industrial District Purpose To provide for a wide range of low intensive industrial and commercial land uses in the rural areas, which are easily accessible. Permitted Uses (a) Accessory Building (b) Automotive and Recreational Vehicle Sales and Rentals (c) Cannabis, Micro-Cultivation (d) Cannabis, Micro-Processing (e) Cannabis, Nursery License (f) Cannabis, Sale License (Medical) (g) Farm and Industrial Equipment and Machinery Sales and Service (h) Industrial Manufacturing/Processing (i) Industrial Storage & Warehousing (j) Motor Vehicle Servicing, Repair & Storage – Service Station (k) Office (l) Public Utility Building (m) Security Suite (n) Solar, Private – Ground Mounted (o) Veterinary Clinic Discretionary Uses (a) Abattoir (b) Accessory Use(s) (c) Agricultural Processing (d) Agricultural Support Services (e) Auction Mart (f) Auction Mart, Livestock (g) Bulk Fuel Depot (h) Cannabis, Sale License (Non-Medical) (i) Cannabis, Standard Cultivation (j) Cannabis, Standard Processing (k) Car/Truck Wash (l) Commercial Storage (m) Data Centre (n) Drive-through Business (o) Eating and Drinking Establishment (p) Equipment Rentals (q) Gas Bar (r) Gas & Oilfield Services Business, Minor (s) Hazardous/Noxious Uses (t) Housing, Employee (u) Meat Market/Butcher (v) Outdoor Storage Facility (w) Portable Storage Container (x) Public or Quasi-public Use (y) Restaurant (z) Recycling Collection Point (aa) Recycling Depot (bb) Sign (cc) Truck Stop (dd) Veterinary Hospital (ee) Warehousing (ff) Wind Energy Conservation System, Private (gg) Wrecking Yard (1) Subdivision Regulations (a) Minimum Lot Area: 1 acre (0.4 ha) (b) Minimum Lot Area Width 30.5 m (98.4 ft.) LI L I G H T I N D U S T R I A L D I S T R I C T Land Use Bylaw 1808 119 (2) Development Regulations (a) Minimum Gross Floor Area for Housing, Employee: 74 m² (800 ft.²) (b) Minimum Gross Floor Area for Other uses: at the discretion of the Development Authority (c) Maximum Lot Coverage: Sixty Percent (60%) (d) Maximum Height of any Principal or Accessory Structure 12.0 m (39.4 ft.) (3) Siting Regulations (a) Minimum Yard, Front Setback from the rights-of-way of a primary highway or as required by Alberta Transportation: 41.1 m (135 ft.) (b) Minimum Yard, Front Setback from the rights-of-way of a Road other that a primary Highway: 30.5 m (100 ft.) (c) Minimum Side Yard Setback: 7.6 m (25 ft.) (d) Minimum Yard, Rear Setback: 7.6 m (25 ft.) (4) Landscaping Requirements (a) Notwithstanding requirements listed in Part IX, Landscaping, Fencing and Screening, a minimum 3.0 m (10 ft.) wide landscaped buffer shall be provided along the rear and side parcel boundaries adjacent any residential land use. Landscaping shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Development Authority, and may include construction of a 1.8 m (6 ft.) solid fence or wall and the planting of trees and may include the planting of shrubs and/or other vegetation and the construction of a landscaped berm. (b) Notwithstanding (a) above, at the discretion of the Development Authority, screening may be provided along the rear and side parcel boundaries adjacent to non-industrial use land uses and may include the construction of a 1.8 m (6 ft.) tall solid screened fence and the planting of trees, shrubs and other vegetation. (c) Landscaping requirements within the front yard shall be at the discretion of the Development Authority. (d) Landscaping must not impede the sight triangle of intersections of roads and approaches as per Section 36. (5) Special Requirements for Rural Industrial Development (a) Industrial uses and rural industrial parks shall be located within a reasonable distance of: i. a primary highway to which the planned use or park has access; or ii. a railway to which the park has access, or both. (b) Rural industrial parks (3 or more lots) must be contained within an approved Area Structure Plan. Land Use Bylaw 1808 120 (c) Industrial uses and rural industrial parks shall be located and designed so as not to create conflicts with adjacent or surrounding land uses through unsightly appearance, emission of noise or pollutants, creation of dust or similar disturbances. (d) Industrial uses and rural industrial parks shall not locate on lands having a potential for flooding, erosion, subsidence, steep slopes or otherwise containing adverse physical features. (e) Industrial uses and rural industrial parks shall have adequate sewage disposal systems and available water supplies as required by appropriate authorities. (6) In considering subdivision or development permit applications for industrial uses adjacent to existing residential developments, the Development Authority may impose conditions addressing: (a) The provision of proper services and access to the site; (b) Aesthetics; (c) The control of signage; (d) The control of noise; (e) A development agreement, with the need to provide security; and (f) Any other issue deemed necessary by the Development Authority. (7) In addition to the regulations listed above, other regulations may apply. These include Part VII – General Land Use Regulations, Part VIII – Specific Land Use Regulations, Part IX – Landscaping, Fencing and Screening, Part X – Parking and Loading Regulations, and Part XI – Sign Regulations.   103. INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT I Land Use Bylaw 1808 122 103. I –Industrial District Purpose To provide for a wide range of industrial uses suitable for rural areas. Permitted Uses (a) Abattoir (b) Accessory Building (c) Agricultural Processing (d) Agricultural Support Services (e) Auction Mart (f) Auction Mart, Livestock (g) Automotive and Recreational Vehicle Sales and Rentals (h) Bulk Fuel Depot (i) Car/Truck Wash (j) Commercial Storage (k) Drive-through Business (l) Farm and Industrial Equipment and Machinery Sales and Service (m) Gas Bar (n) Industrial Manufacturing/Processing (o) Industrial Storage & Warehousing (p) Motor Vehicle Servicing, Repair & Storage – Service Station (q) Office (r) Portable Storage Container (s) Public Utility Building (t) Security Suite (u) Solar, Private – Ground Mounted Discretionary Uses (a) Accessory Use(s) (b) Commercial Aquaculture (c) Compost Facility, Commercial (d) Eating and Drinking Establishment (e) Equipment Rentals (f) Gas & Oilfield Services Business, Minor (g) Hazardous/Noxious Uses (h) Housing, Employee (i) Natural Resource Extractive Industry (j) Outdoor Storage Facility (k) Public or Quasi-public Use (l) Restaurant (m) Recycling Collection Point (n) Recycling Depot (o) Sign (p) Truck Stop (q) Warehousing (r) Waste Management Facility, Major (s) Waste Management Facility, Minor (t) Wind Energy Conversion System (u) Wind Energy Conversion System, Private (v) Wrecking Yard (1) Subdivision Regulations (a) Minimum Lot Area: 1.0 ac (0.4 ha) (2) Development Regulations (a) Minimum Gross Floor Area for Housing, Employee: 74 m² (800 ft.²) (b) Minimum Gross Floor Area for Other uses: at the discretion of the Development Authority. (c) Minimum Density: 1 lot per quarter section. I I N D U S T R I A L D I S T R I C T Land Use Bylaw 1808 123 (3) Siting Regulations (a) Minimum Yard, Front Setback from the rights- of-way of a primary highway or as required by Alberta Transportation: 41.1 m (135 ft.) (b) Minimum Yard, Front Setback from the rights- of-way of a road other than a primary highway. 30.5 m (100 ft.) (c) Minimum Yard, Side Setback 7.6 m (25 ft.) (d) Minimum Yard, Rear Setback 7.6 m (25 ft.) (4) Landscaping Requirements (a) Notwithstanding requirements listed in Part IX, Landscaping, Fencing and Screening, a minimum 3.0 m (10 ft.) wide landscaped buffer shall be provided along the rear and side parcel boundaries adjacent any residential land use. Landscaping shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Development Authority and may include construction of a 1.8 m (6 ft.) solid screened fence or the planting of trees and may include the planting of shrubs and/or other vegetation and the construction of a landscaped berm. (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (4)(a) above, at the discretion of the Development Authority, screening may be provided along the rear and side parcel boundaries adjacent non- industrial use land uses and may include the construction of a 1.8 m (6 ft.) tall solid screened fence and the planting of trees, shrubs and other vegetation. (c) Landscaping requirements within the front yard shall be at the discretion of the Development Authority. (d) Landscaping must not impede sight triangle of intersections of roads and approaches as per Section 36. (5) Parking (Minimum Standards) (a) Parking requirements shall be determined by the Development Authority based on the evaluation of each individual application. (6) Special Requirements for Rural Industrial Development (a) Industrial uses and rural industrial parks shall be located within a reasonable distance of: i. a primary highway to which the planned use or park has access; or ii. a railway to which the park has access, or both. (b) Rural industrial parks (containing 3 or more lots) must be contained within an approved Area Structure Plan. (c) Industrial uses and rural industrial parks shall be located and designed so as not to create conflicts with adjacent or surrounding land uses through unsightly appearance, emission of noise or pollutants, creation of dust or similar disturbances. (d) Industrial uses and rural industrial parks shall not locate on lands having a potential for flooding, erosion, subsidence, steep slopes or otherwise containing adverse physical features. Land Use Bylaw 1808 124 (e) Industrial uses and rural industrial parks shall have adequate sewage disposal systems and available water supplies as required by appropriate authorities. (7) In considering subdivision or development permit applications for industrial uses adjacent existing residential developments, the Development Authority may impose conditions addressing: (a) Providing proper services and access to the site; (b) Screening, aesthetics and landscaping; (c) Control of signage; (d) Noise control; (e) A development agreement, with the need to provide security; and (f) Any other issue deemed necessary by the Development Authority. (8) Special Requirements (a) All outdoor storage shall be adequately screened from adjacent sites to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. (9) In addition to the regulations listed above, other regulations may apply. These include Part VII – General Land Use Regulations, Part VIII – Specific Land Use Regulations, Part IX – Landscaping, Fencing and Screening, Part X – Parking and Loading Regulations, and Part XI – Sign Regulations.   104. RECREATION DISTRICT R Land Use Bylaw 1808 126 104. R – Recreation District Purpose The purpose and intent of this district is to provide for a broad range of rural recreational uses. Permitted Uses (a) Accessory Building (b) Cabin (c) Campground/RV Park (d) Housing, Employee (e) Museum (f) Natural Science Exhibits (g) Public or Quasi-public Use (h) Public Utility Building (i) Recreational, Minor (j) Retail Store (k) Solar, Private – Ground Mounted (l) Temporary Second Dwelling (m) Tourist Information Services and Facilities Discretionary Uses (a) Accessory Use(s) (b) Country Recreational Lodge (c) Eating and Drinking Establishment (d) Golf Course (e) Housing, Park Model (f) Portable Storage Container (g) Private Recreational Facility (n) Recreational, Major (o) Recreational Resort (h) Recreational Trails (i) Restaurant (j) Riding Arena, Indoor Private (k) Sign (1) Subdivision Regulations (a) Minimum Lot Area: 1.0 ac (0.4 ha) (2) Development Regulations (a) Minimum Gross Floor Area for Housing, Single-Detached: 74 m² (800 ft.²) (b) Minimum Gross Floor Area for other uses at the discretion of the Development Authority. (3) Siting Regulations (a) Minimum Yard, Front Setback from the rights-of- way of a primary highway or as required by Alberta Transportation: 41.1 m (135 ft.) (b) Minimum Yard, Front Setback from the rights-of-way of a road other than a primary highway: 30.5 m (100 ft.) (c) Minimum Yard, Side Setback 7.6 m (25 ft.) (d) Minimum Yard, Rear Setback: 7.6 m (25 ft.) R R E C R E A T I O N D I S T R I C T Land Use Bylaw 1808 127 (4) Recreation Trails (a) The Development Authority shall consider development permits for recreational trails on lands designated as Recreation District and shall be accompanied with a comprehensive plan, written to the satisfaction of the Development Authority, including but not limited to the following: i. access to the site and adjacent lands; ii. signage; iii. garbage disposal; iv. range of activities; v. maintenance; vi. insurance and liability; and vii. public safety. (b) No permits will be issued until the Development Authority is satisfied that these issues have been addressed. (c) The Development Authority may refer any development permit application for recreational trails or development concerning abandoned railway rights-of-way to the relevant federal and provincial government departments for comment. (d) If the Development Authority has a concern regarding the environmental impact of a proposed recreational trail or development in abandoned railway rights-of-way, the Development Authority may require the applicant to provide an Environmental Impact Assessment or report prepared by a qualified professional in a form satisfactory to the Development Authority. (5) Special Requirements (a) The area designated Recreation District shall be only that portion of the site proposed for recreation development. (6) Campground/RV Park: (a) Development permit applications for a campground/RV park shall be accompanied with a comprehensive site plan, written to the satisfaction of the Development Authority, including but not be limited to the following: i. a fully dimensioned and scaled comprehensive site plan that includes the following information:  total area of the campground/RV park;  park boundary lines;  locations of all proposed buildings, including sizes and uses, road accesses, proposed campground/RV sites, roads and laneways, parking areas, landscaping, including the number and type of trees and shrubs proposed; ii. detailed building plans, including building elevations; and iii. detailed servicing plan including drainage and grading. Land Use Bylaw 1808 128 (7) In addition to the regulations listed above, other regulations may apply. These include Part VII – General Land Use Regulations, Part VIII – Specific Land Use Regulations, Part IX – Landscaping, Fencing and Screening, Part X – Parking and Loading Regulations, and Part XI – Sign Regulations.  105. MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT MH Land Use Bylaw 1808 130 105. MH – Manufactured Home District Purpose: To provide an area for, and to regulate, the development and use of land for manufactured homes, and other uses, herein listed, which are compatible with a residential area, either on separately registered parcels or in comprehensively designed parks wherein sites are rented or owned as part of a condominium. The area must be connected to municipal sewer and water systems. For the purpose of this District, the following definitions apply: "Lot" means the total area of land reserved for the placement of an individual manufactured home and for the exclusive use of its occupant(s); and "Structure" means a subordinate building, which is an addition to, or supplements the facilities provided by a manufactured home, such as awnings, storage structures, carports, porches and skirting. Permitted Uses (a) Accessory Building (b) Housing, Modular (c) Housing, Manufactured (d) Security Suite (e) Solar, Private – Ground Mounted Discretionary Uses (a) Home Occupation, Minor (b) Housing, Park Model (c) Portable Storage Container (d) Public or Quasi-public Use (e) Public Utility Building (f) Sign (1) New Manufactured Home Park Development Requirements (a) Comprehensive Siting Plan: i. A comprehensive siting plan satisfactory to the Development Authority is required for all manufactured home parks. The plan shall identify and provide detail regarding dimensions and treatments for the following: a. Entire site and individual “lots” b. Roads c. Walkways d. Recreation areas e. Storage areas f. Parking areas g. Perimeter landscape area (b) Maximum gross density is 17 manufactured homes per hectare (7 per acre) (c) Minimum manufactured home park area is 2 hectares (4.9 acres) MH M A N U F A C T U R E D H O M E D I S T R I C T Land Use Bylaw 1808 131 (d) Maximum park area is 4 hectares (9.9 ac) (e) Minimum lot area: i. Interior parcels 375 m² (4,036 ft2.) ii. Corner parcels 420 m² (4,520 ft.2) (f) Maximum lot coverage is 50%. (g) Minimum yard requirements for new housing, manufactured “lots” shall be at least: i. 4.5 m (15 ft.) from one another; ii. 6.1 m (20 ft.) from any manufactured home park boundary; iii. 3.0 m (10 ft.) from any side internal access road or common parking area; iv. 6.1 m (20 ft.) from the front lot line; v. 1.5 m (5.0 ft.) from any side lot line; vi. 4.5 m (15 ft.) from the rear lot line; and vii. Attached structures shall be at least 1.5 m (5 ft.) from any lot line. (h) Minimum Yard, Front Setback: 41.1 m (135 ft.) from a highway. (unless otherwise permitted from Alberta Transportation) (i) Minimum Yard, Front Setback: 30.5 m (100 ft.) from a road. (unless otherwise permitted by Development Authority) (j) Minimum Manufactured Home Gross Floor Area is 74 m² (800 ft.²) (k) Minimum Manufactured Home Width is 4.27 m (14 ft.). (l) Maximum Height is 4.9 m (16 ft.). (m) Recreation Area: i. A minimum of 5% of the total area of a manufactured home park shall be set- aside in a suitable location as a recreation area. Playground apparatus or other recreation facilities shall be provided in accordance with a recreation site plan approved by the Development Authority. (n) Landscaped Areas: i. All areas of a manufactured home park not developed or occupied by park roads, walkways, driveways, parking aprons, buildings or other developed facilities, including paved playgrounds, shall be landscaped. ii. A manufactured home park shall have on its perimeter a landscaped area not less than 3.0 m (10 ft.) in width between any manufactured home lot and a boundary line of the development. This buffer shall not comprise part of the 5% recreation area requirement. iii. The Development Authority may require the provision of a screening fence or wall within the 3.0 m (10 ft.) perimeter. Land Use Bylaw 1808 132 iv. The height, material, style, finish and siting of the fence / wall shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. (o) Roadways: i. All manufactured home park roadways shall have at least a 12 m (39.4 ft.) rights- of-way and a traffic lane no less than 8 m (26.2 ft.) in width. (p) Walkways: i. Internal pedestrian walkways, where provided, shall be a minimum of 1.5 m (5 ft.) in width. (q) Storage Areas: i. Common storage areas, separate from the manufactured home lot, shall be provided for storage of seasonal recreational equipment not capable of storage on the manufactured home lot. Such storage areas shall be screened and shall have an area of not less than 20 m² (215 ft.²) per manufactured home lot. (r) Utilities: i. All utility services and all utility wires and conduits shall be installed underground. (s) Fences and Lot Lines: i. Fences and hedges shall be allowed only if they are erected and maintained by the manufactured home park operator to a uniform standard throughout the manufactured home park. All lot lines shall be clearly defined on the ground by permanent flush stakes, or markers, with a lot number or other address system. (t) Building Design: i. All manufactured homes shall be factory built. Skirting or any attached structure shall be factory built with matching exterior finish, or be of durable all-weather construction and designed in a manner that will enhance the appearance of the manufactured home development. Each manufactured home shall be leveled, blocked and skirted, and the hitch skirted within 30 days of being placed on a lot. (u) Development Permits: i. All manufactured homes in a manufactured home park require a development permit. (2) In addition to the regulations listed above, other regulations may apply. These include Part VII – General Land Use Regulations, Part VIII – Specific Land Use Regulations, Part IX – Landscaping, Fencing and Screening, Part X – Parking and Loading Regulations, and Part XI – Sign Regulations. 106. DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT DC Land Use Bylaw 1808 134 106. DC – Direct Control District Purpose The purpose of these Districts is to provide for the development of land uses under individually unique circumstances requiring site-specific controls where the application of conventional land use districts would be inappropriate or inadequate. (1) Uses (a) In approving a Bylaw for a Direct Control District for a particular site, Council shall specify those uses that may be allowed. (2) Development Standards (a) In approving a Bylaw for a Direct Control District for a particular site, Council shall establish the development standards that apply. (3) Administrative Provisions (a) This District shall only be applied where the following conditions are met: i. The development is, in the opinion of Council, considered appropriate for the site having regard for the policies and objectives of any statutory plans applicable to the site and surrounding area and its compatibility with the scale and character of surrounding development; or ii. The use of any other District on the site would, in the opinion of Council, result in potential conflicts with existing or future surrounding developments, should the full development potential of such district be utilized; or iii. The development is of a unique form or nature not contemplated or reasonably regulated by another District. (b) In addition to the information required by this Bylaw for an amendment application, the applicant shall also provide the following: i. Support rationale explaining why the proposed district is desirable for the site having regard for the conditions listed in (1) above; ii. A list of uses proposed for the site; iii. An explanation of the methods used to obtain public input and written documentation of the opinions and concerns of surrounding property owners and residents and how the proposed development responds to those concerns; iv. Plans and elevations that would help substantiate the need for the District and establish the development standards that would apply to the site; and v. Any other information as may be required by the Development Authority to evaluate the proposed development and its potential impacts. (c) In approving a Bylaw for a Direct Control District for a particular site, Council may specify: i. The Development Authority for those uses to be decided upon; and ii. Those development standards for which a variance may be granted. DC D I R E C T C O N T R O L D I S T R I C T Land Use Bylaw 1808 135 (4) Special Requirements (a) Unless otherwise specified by a specific Direct Control District, or by Council, or its delegate, the regulations of Part VII – General Land Use Regulations, Part VIII – Specific Land Use Regulations, Part IX – Landscaping, Fencing and Screening, Part X – Parking and Loading Regulations, and Part XI – Sign Regulations shall apply. (b) Council may, as part of its decision making process, require that an opportunity be provided for public review of a proposal within a Direct Control District. (c) The Municipal Planning Commission shall review development proposals within a direct control district and provide comments and recommendations that will be forwarded to Council. (d) Subdivision applications in a direct control district shall be referred to Council for review and recommendation as part of the Subdivision Authority’s decision-making process. Land Use Bylaw 1808 136 107. DC1 – Specific Direct Control District DC1 Location: All of NW ¼ Sec. 27-33-26-W4, excepting there out Subdivision Plan 971 1371 Purpose To accommodate a mix of residential, agricultural, recreational, and other uses as deemed appropriate by Council (1) Permitted Uses (a) One-family dwellings (b) Accessory buildings (c) Extensive agriculture (2) Discretionary Uses (a) Recreational uses as determined by Council or its delegate (b) Other uses determined by Council as being appropriate for the subject site (3) Development Standards (a) All development standards as determined by Council or its delegate (4) Maximum Number of Lots per Quarter Section (a) Two, or as determined by Council or its delegate (5) Minimum Parcel Size (a) As determined by Council or its delegate. Litz DC1 Land Use Bylaw 1808 137 108. DC2 – Specific Direct Control District DC2 Location: 1.2 hectares (3 acres) portion of SE ¼ Sec 27-28-20-W4 Purpose To accommodate a mix of residential, agricultural, recreational, and other uses as deemed appropriate by Council. (1) Permitted Uses (a) Detached dwellings (b) Accessory buildings (c) Extensive agriculture (2) Discretionary Uses (a) Other uses determined by Council as being appropriate for the subject site (3) Development Standards (a) All development standards as determined by Council or its delegate (4) Maximum Number of Lots per Quarter Section (a) One, or as determined by Council or its delegate (5) Minimum Parcel Size (a) As determined by Council or its delegate Herman DC2 Land Use Bylaw 1808 138 109. DC3 – Specific Direct Control District DC3 Location: Plan 9712479, Lot 4 (Part of NE ¼ Sec 1-32-24-W4M) Purpose To accommodate and allow for greater control of the development or expansion of a honey processing plant in close proximity to country residential and agricultural district parcels. To prohibit uses that are not appropriate for the subject site, that may be in conflict with adjacent land uses and development as determined by Council or its delegate. To accommodate uses that are appropriate for the subject site, and are not in conflict with adjacent land uses and development as determined by Council or its delegate. (1) Permitted Uses (a) Plant for the manufacturing and processing of honey. (b) Accessory buildings (2) Discretionary Uses (a) As determined by Council or its delegate as being appropriate for the subject site and surrounding land uses. (3) Development Standards: (a) All development standards as determined by Council or its delegate. (4) Minimum Parcel Size: (a) 1.92 Acres (0.775 Hectares) more or less. (5) Maximum Number of Lots: (a) One (1). (6) Minimum Setback Requirements: (a) Front Yard: i. 41 m (135 ft.) from the rights-of-way of a primary highway or as required by Alberta Transportation; ii. 30.5 m (100 ft.) from the rights-of-way of all other roads. (b) Side Yard: 6.13 m (20 ft.). (c) Rear Yard: 7.6 m (25 ft.). (d) Notwithstanding the above minimum setback requirements, accessory buildings may be located at the discretion of Council or their Delegate. DC3 Land Use Bylaw 1808 139 Honey Farm Land Use Bylaw 1808 140 101. DC4 – Specific Direct Control District DC4 Location: 172.193 hectares (425.5 acres) in Section 22-27-21-W4M lying north of the Rosebud River and west of Range Road 212. Purpose To accommodate a comprehensive motorsports resort as described in the Badlands Motorsports Resort Area Structure Plan Bylaw #1597, Sections 3.7 (Development Plan Components) through Section 3.11 inclusive, and including but not limited to driving courses, maintenance and servicing facilities, recreational services, residential uses, park areas, conservation areas and other uses as deemed appropriate by Council. (1) Permitted Uses (a) None (2) Discretionary Uses (a) Accessory Buildings / Accessory Use (b) Automotive and Recreational Vehicle Sales and Rentals (c) Detached Dwelling (d) Drinking Establishment (e) Drive-Through Business (f) Duplex (g) Guest Child Care Facility (h) Hotel/Motor Hotel (i) Motor Vehicle Racing Track (j) Motor Vehicle Servicing, Repair and Storage (k) Multi-Attached Dwellings (l) Office (m) Outdoor Storage Facility (n) Personal Services (o) Private Recreation Facility (p) Public Utility (q) Public Utility Building (r) Recreation Area (s) Restaurant (t) Retail Store DC4 Land Use Bylaw 1808 141 (u) Service Station (3) Conditions of Subdivision or Development (a) The County shall not endorse a Plan of Survey for Subdivision of the Lands or approve a Development Permit for the Lands until the Developer has first: i. Executed a development agreement(s) with the Municipality in form and substance satisfactory to the County of its sole discretion to ensure all subdivision and development of the lands conform to the principles upon which this and other pertinent bylaws are based and shall require construction or payment for the construction or a road or roads required to give access to the subdivision or development in accordance with the May 30, 2014, Watt Consulting Group Transportation Impact Assessment, inclusive of signage and advertising. (As per MGB Order 016/15) ii. Executed a development agreement(s) with the Municipality in form and substance satisfactory to the County at its sole discretion to ensure all subdivision and development of the Lands conforms to the principals upon which this and other pertinent Bylaws are based, and shall address: a. Construction or payment for the construction of a road or roads required to give access to the subdivision or development; b. Construction or payment for the construction of a pedestrian walkway system to serve the subdivision or development or a proposed adjacent subdivision; c. Installation or payment for the installation of public utilities that are necessary to serve the subdivision. d. Submission to the Municipality of complete plans and specifications, and financial security to the satisfaction of the municipality. iii. Submitted to the subdivision and development authorities in form and substance satisfactory to the County at its sole discretion the following documents: a. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) b. Road Access Route and Design c. Transportation Impact Assessment (TIA) a. Including all primary and secondary routes to the Plan area in both Kneehill County & Wheatland County d. Water Supply and Distribution Design Options e. Comprehensive Site Development Plan f. Design Guidelines for Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture g. Design Guidelines for Environmental Reclamation and Protection h. Site Servicing Analysis (Storm, Sanitary, Gas, Power, Cable, Telephone) iv. Complied with this or any other condition(s) issued by the subdivision or development authorities. (4) Development Standards Land Use Bylaw 1808 142 (a) Those standards as further described in Sections 3.7 to 3.14 inclusive and Sections 3.16 and 3.17 of the Badlands Motorsports Resort Area Structure Plan, as informed by the Conditions Prior to Development or as approved by Council or its delegate. (5) Maximum Number of Lots (a) The maximum number of fee-simple or bare land condominium lots will be determined by Council or its delegate as appropriate for the subject site based on sound planning principles, including but not limited to the Conditions Prior to Development. (6) Minimum Parcel Size (a) The minimum parcel size will be determined by Council or its delegate as appropriate for the subject site, based on sound planning principles, including but not limited to the Conditions Prior to Development." THAT in PART VIII- LAND USE MAPS, the following land TO be re-designated from “A” Agriculture District to Direct Control DC4 District hereby described as follows: BMR Land Use Bylaw 1808 143 111. DC5 – Specific Direct Control District DC5 – Cannabis Recreational Production District DC5 Location: Portion of SE-18-030-24-W4 specifically the 1224 m2 area shown in Bylaw 1803 and below. Purpose The purpose of this district is to provide areas where Cannabis recreational production facilities can be accommodated on a smaller scale. To prohibit uses that are not appropriate for the subject site, that may be in conflict with adjacent land uses and development as determined by Council or it delegate. To accommodate uses that are appropriate for the subject site, and are not in conflict with adjacent land uses and development as determined by Council or its delegate. Permitted Uses Office Public Utility Building Discretionary Uses Accessory use(s) Cannabis seed production and sales Cannabis recreational production facility As determined by Council or its delegate Cannabis clone production and sales (1) Subdivision Regulations (a) Minimum Lot Area As required by the Development Authority (2) Development Regulations (a) Maximum Lot Coverage Sixty Percent (60%) (b) Maximum Height of any Principal or Accessory Structure: 12.0 m (39.4 ft.) (3) Siting Regulations (a) Minimum Yard, Front Setbacks As determined by the Council or its delegate (b) Minimum Yard, Rear Setback As determined by the Council or its delegate (c) Minimum Yard, Side Setbacks As determined by the Council or its delegate DC5 Land Use Bylaw 1808 144 (4) Special Requirements (a) All uses which involve outdoor storage of goods, machinery, vehicles, building materials, waste materials, etc. shall be screened to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. (b) No variance to Yard, Side Setbacks shall be given if the site is located adjacent to any public area uses as per Section 63 of the Land Use Bylaw 1773 and amendments thereto. (c) Signage shall not be located outside of the permitted production location. (d) All licensed processes and functions shall be fully enclosed within a building(s). (5) Applications to redesignate land for Cannabis Production will be evaluated on their own merits. Proposals shall be compatible with adjacent uses and agricultural land, in particular Canada Land Inventory classifications 1 to 3, shall be encouraged to be preserved for agricultural purposes. Developers will be required to install services, provide access to the parcel and the parcel must be suitable for adequate water and sewer servicing. (6) In addition to the regulations listed above, other regulations may apply. These include Part VII – General Land Use Regulations, Part VIII – Specific Land Use Regulations, Part IX – Landscaping, Fencing and Screening, Part X – Parking and Loading Regulations, and Part XI – Sign Regulations. O’Brian Land Use Bylaw 1808 145 112. DC6 – Specific Direct Control District DC6 Location: Plan 1014421, Block 1, Lot 1 (Part of NW ¼ Sec 30-33-26-W4M) Purpose To accommodate and allow for control of the development or expansion of a micro cultivation, processing and Federal medical sales of Cannabis within agricultural district parcels. To prohibit uses that are not appropriate for the subject site, that may be in conflict with adjacent land uses and development as determined by Council or its delegate. To accommodate uses that are appropriate for the subject site, and are not in conflict with adjacent land uses and development as determined by Council or its delegate. (1) Permitted Uses (a) Office (b) Portable Storage Container (2) Discretionary Uses (a) Accessory Use(s) (b) Cannabis Indoor Micro Cultivation (c) Cannabis Processing (d) Cannabis Medical Sales (e) As determined by Council or its delegate as being appropriate for the subject site and surrounding land uses. (3) Conditions of Development: (a) All development conditions as determined by Council or its delegate, including but not limited to Section 62 Medical Cannabis Production Facilities and Section 63 Cannabis Retail Sales and Cannabis Recreational Production Facility. (4) Development Standards: (a) All development standards as determined by Council or its delegate. (5) Parcel Size: (a) 300 m2 more or less. (6) Maximum Number of Lots: (a) One (1). (7) Minimum Setback Requirements: DC6 Land Use Bylaw 1808 146 (a) Front Yard: i. 30.5 m (100 ft.) from the rights-of-way of all local roads. (b) Side Yard: 7.6 m (25 ft.). (c) Rear Yard: 7.6 m (25 ft.). (d) Notwithstanding the above minimum setback requirements, accessory buildings may be located at the discretion of Council or their Delegate. Corrigal Land Use Bylaw 1808 147 PART XIII – DEFINITIONS Land Use Bylaw 1808 148 PART XIII - DEFINITIONS A “Abattoir” means a premise where livestock is slaughtered and the meat is cut, cured, smoked, aged, wrapped, or frozen for distribution. “Accessory” means a use, separate building or structure that is subordinate to, exclusively devoted to, permitted only in conjunction with and located on the same site as the principal use, building, or structure. An accessory building shall not be used as a dwelling unit unless approved by the Development Authority and it meets the required Alberta Building Codes. “Accommodation Unit” means one or more rooms that provide sleeping accommodation and bathroom facilities for not more than two persons, but is not equipped with self-contained cooking facilities. “Act” means the Municipal Government Act, RSA 2000, c M-26, as amended. “Adult Care Facility” means a residential building with two or more accommodation units designed to provide long term housing wherein adult residents, who because of their circumstances cannot or do not wish to maintain their own households, are provided with meal services and may receive such services as housekeeping and personal care assistance. “Agricultural Building” means a building that: (a) is built to required safety code standards; (b) does not contain a residential occupancy; (c) is located on land used as a farm, or is designated for agricultural use and directly supports the primary farm operation; (d) has a low occupant load; (e) is not used or occupied by, or expected to be used or occupied by, the public or persons other than the farmer or farmers that own the building, their immediate family, and/or their employees, that may be in the building from time to time; (f) does not include Cannabis Cultivation, Processing, Nursery, or Retail Facilities; (g) may be used for housing livestock; (h) may be used for storing or maintaining machinery associated with the operation of the farm on which it is located. “Agriculture, Extensive” means the raising of crops or the rearing of livestock, either separately or in conjunction with one another and includes buildings and other structures incidental to the operation, excludes Cannabis Cultivation, Processing, Nursery, or Retail facilities. “Agricultural Processing” means an agricultural business operation that includes the use of land or a building for the upgrading of a product for distribution or for sale that is originally produced in an agricultural operation, but does not include an abattoir or Cannabis Cultivation, Processing, Nursery, or Retail facilities. “Agricultural Support Services” means the use of land, buildings and structures for the purpose of suppling goods, materials or services directly related to the agricultural industry. Without restricting the Land Use Bylaw 1808 149 generality of the foregoing, this shall include the sale and storage of seed, feed, fertilizer, chemical products, fuel, and agricultural machinery and may include such facilities as grain terminals, feed mills, seed cleaning plants, and bulk fertilizer storage and distribution plants. Does not include Hazardous/Noxious Uses or any cannabis support services. “Agricultural Tourism” means a use or building that provides for tourism ventures related to agriculture. This may include hosting school groups for farm tours, a pumpkin patch, a Christmas tree farm, etc. “Airport” means an area of land or water, including the frozen surface thereof, or other supporting surfaces used or intended to be used either in whole or in part for the arrival and departure or servicing of aircraft and includes any building, installation, or equipment in connection therewith for which an airport license has been issued by Transport Canada. "Airstrip" means an area of land or water, including the frozen surface thereof, or other supporting surfaces used or intended to be used either in whole or in part for the arrival and departure or servicing of aircraft and includes any building, installation, or equipment in connection therewith. “Alternative Energy System” means any system that harnesses natural elements such as wind, solar, water (including rainwater) or geothermal sources to generate electrical, thermal or mechanical energy and does not utilize any form of non-renewable resources. The use of rainwater for irrigation and watering of plants is not included in this definition. “Animal Nuisance” means and includes any use of or activity upon any premises which is offensive to any person acting reasonably, or has or may be reasonably expected to have a detrimental impact upon any person or other premises in the neighbourhood or is an imminent danger to public health or safety, or materially depreciates the value of other land or improvements on adjacent land, and may include the following: 1. noise; 2. trespass upon property; 3. threat to public health; 4. accumulation of animal waste; 5. accumulation of material contaminated by animal waste; 6. inappropriate disposal of dead stock; 7. lack of adequate containment or shelter; which in the opinion of an Enforcement Officer, having regard for all circumstances is obnoxious or likely to unreasonably detract from the comfort, repose, health, peace or safety of persons or property within the boundaries of the County. “Animal Shelter” means a use for the temporary accommodation, care, or impounding of small animals and livestock within an enclosed building which may include indoor animal grooming, training, and daycare, but does not include commercial kennels, or veterinary hospital/clinics. “Arable Land” means land within the Canada Land Inventory (CLI) capability for Agriculture classifications 1 through 3 (no/moderate/moderate to severe limitations) and/or a Farmland Assessment rating (FAR) of 41% which is being used for crops. “Area Structure Plan” means a statutory plan, adopted by Council pursuant to the Municipal Government Act, providing a framework for subsequent subdivision and development of an area. Land Use Bylaw 1808 150 “Auction Mart” means a parcel and/or building used for the temporary storage of goods, excluding animals / livestock, which are sold on the premises by public auction from time to time. “Auction Mart, Livestock” means a parcel and/or building used for the temporary storage of goods, including animals / livestock, which are sold on the premises by public auction from time to time. "Automotive and Recreational Vehicle Sales and Rentals" means a place where motor vehicles and recreational vehicles are sold or leased and where vehicles may only be displayed or stored on portions of the site approved exclusively for storage or display. “Awning” means a roof-like covering of canvas or similar fabric material, which may or may not be retractable, projecting from and being entirely supported from the exterior wall of a building. B “Balcony” means an unenclosed outdoor seating platform, projecting from the face of a wall, cantilevered or supported by columns or brackets and usually surrounded by a balustrade or railing. “Bare Parcel” means a parcel containing no servicing or buildings or structures. “Basement” means that portion of a building which is partly underground but which has two feet of its height from finished floor to finished ceiling above the adjacent Finished Grade. “Bed and Breakfast Establishment” means the use of accommodation units either attached to or part of a single-detached dwelling for the temporary accommodation of the travelling public for remuneration, and may include serving meals to guests. “Better Agricultural Land” means Canada Land Inventory Capability for Agriculture classifications 1 to 3 and/or a Farmland Assessment Rating (FAR) of 41 percent or more. These ratings are subject to confirmation by detailed site and soil investigation and interpretation by the Development Authority. “Boarding or Lodging House” means a building where meals are served for remuneration or rooms are rented to not more than four persons, not including the proprietor and his immediate family, but does not include a hotel, motel, or other similar use. Billeted housing for students is exempt. “Borrow Pit” describes an area where material (usually soil, gravel or sand) has been dug-up and removed for use at another location. Borrow pits can be found close to many major construction projects. “Brewery” means a business where beer is commercially made. “Buffer” means a row of trees, shrub, or a berm, the construction of a fence or other barrier and/or the use of land base to create a visual screen and/or noise and nuisance attenuation for separation between sites, districts or public roadways and areas. “Building” includes anything constructed or placed on, in, over, or under land, but does not include a highway or a road or a bridge that forms part of a highway or road. “Building Width” means the lesser of the two horizontal dimensions of a building or structure. "Bulk Fuel Depot" means lands, buildings, and structures for the bulk storage and distribution of petroleum products. This may include key lock operations. “Building Demolition” means the pulling down, tearing down or raising of a building. C Land Use Bylaw 1808 151 “Cabin” means a single detached dwelling with a maximum floor area of 65.03 m2 (700 ft2) which is used for a seasonal recreational residence. This use does not include manufactured dwellings, holiday trailers, motor homes and similar recreation vehicles, boarding or lodging houses. “Campground/RV Park” means a commercial recreational development for the purpose of providing seasonal temporary tourist accommodation for recreational vehicles, campers, tent trailers, tents or similar recreational vehicles. A campground is not construed to mean a development for the purpose of accommodating year round storage or long-term or permanent occupancy by recreational vehicles or manufactured homes. A campground may include a potable water supply or sewage disposal facilities. “Cannabis” means a cannabis plant, any part of a cannabis plant, including the phytocannabinoids produced by, or found in, such a plant, regardless of whether that part has been processed or not, other than a part of the plant referred to in Schedule 2 of the Cannabis Act. Any substance or mixture of substances that contains or has on it any part of such a plant. Any substance that is identical to any phytocannabinoid produced by, or found in, such a plant, regardless of how the substance was obtained. “Cannabis Accessory means (a) a thing, including rolling papers or wraps, holders, pipes, water pipes, bongs and vaporizers that is represented to be used in the consumption of cannabis or a thing that is represented to be used in the production of cannabis; or (b) a thing that is deemed to be represented to be used in the consumption of cannabis or the production of cannabis providing that a thing is commonly used in the consumption or production of cannabis if that thing was sold at the same point of sale as cannabis. “Cannabis Infused Edible” means any edible food product (liquid or solid) that contains cannabinoids, especially tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). “Cannabis License” means a license under Federal and/or Provincial Acts and Regulations that authorizes the purchase, sale, transport, possession, storage or use of cannabis. “Cannabis Micro Cultivation Facility” means the licensee can cultivate any variety of cannabis, produce cannabis seeds, cannabis plants, and fresh and dried cannabis. The area used for cultivation must be less than 200m2 (2152.78 ft2). “Cannabis Micro Processing Facility” means a small scale production of cannabis products and/or the packaging and labelling of products for sale to the public. Small scale is defined as processing less than the equivalent of 600 kilograms of dried cannabis a year. “Cannabis Oil” means an oil, in liquid form at room temperature of 22 +/- 2oC, that contains cannabis in its natural form. “Cannabis Retail Sales” means a retail store, licensed by the Province of Alberta, where non-medical Cannabis and Cannabis accessories are sold to individuals who attend the premises. “Cannabis Standard Cultivation Facility” means the licensee can cultivate any variety of cannabis, produce cannabis seeds, cannabis plants, and fresh and dried cannabis. “Cannabis Standard Processing Facility” means a large-scale production of cannabis products (e.g. cannabis oil) and/or the packaging and labelling of products for sale to the public. “Cannabis Supplier” means a person who holds a license under the Federal Act that authorizes the person to produce cannabis for commercial purposes or to sell cannabis to the Commission. “Cargo-tecture Homes” any home or building built entirely or partially from ISO shipping containers. Must meet the requirements of the Alberta Building Code. “Car/Truck Wash” means the provision of facilities, including a central water supply for washing vehicles. Land Use Bylaw 1808 152 “Cemetery” means land that is set apart or used as a place for the internment of the dead or in which human bodies, pets, and/or animals or cremated remains have been buried. “Commercial Aquaculture” means the production and marketing of fresh-water fish in compliance with both federal and provincial legislation and may include extensive or intensive production practices. “Commercial Kennel” means a use which may include outdoor runs, pens or enclosures to conduct a commercial business involving the buying, selling, breeding for sale, letting for hire, boarding or training of dogs; including animal shelters but does not include a veterinary hospital or clinic. “Commercial Storage” means a use in a building or group of buildings providing lockers available for rent to the public for the indoor storage of personal goods. “Communication Tower” means a tower federally regulated by Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) Canada under the Radiocommunication Act. Communications towers may include cell towers, wireless internet towers, and oil/gas communications towers. “Community Garden” means a single piece of land gardened collectively by a group of people. Community gardens utilize either individual or shared plots on private or public land. “Community Hall” – see public or Quasi-public use “Compost Facility” means a development used to collect and process organic matter into compost and may include the storage of non-composted organic matter, sorting and packaging facilities and sales of compost, but does not include a manure storage facility as defined in the Agricultural Operation Practices Act. “Conference Centre” means an establishment used for the holding of meetings, conventions, seminars, workshops, product and trade shows, or similar activities, and may include dining and lodging facilities for the use of participants, as well as compatible accessory facilities. “Confined Feeding Operation” (CFO) means fenced or enclosed land or buildings where livestock are confined for the purpose of growing, sustaining, finishing or breeding by means other than grazing and any other building or structure directly related to that purpose. A CFO does not include residences, grazing livestock operations, seasonal feeding and bedding sites, equestrian stables, auction markets, racetracks or exhibition grounds. A CFO must meet the requirements of the Agricultural Operation Practices Act (AOPA) and associated regulations through the administration of the Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB). “Contractor, General” means development used for industrial service support and construction. Typical uses include oilfield support services, laboratories, cleaning and maintenance contractors, building construction, landscaping, concrete, electrical, excavation, drilling, heating, plumbing, paving, road construction, sewer or similar services of a construction nature which may require on-site storage space for materials, construction equipment or vehicles normally associated with the contractor service. Any sales, display, office or technical support service areas shall be accessory to the principal general contractor use. “Contractor, Limited” means development used for the provision of electrical, plumbing, heating, painting, catering and similar contractor services primarily to individual households and the accessory sales of goods normally associated with the contractor services where all materials are kept within an enclosed building, and there are no accessory manufacturing activities or fleet storage of more than four vehicles. No outside storage of materials shall be permitted as part of contractor, limited use. “Coop” means a fully enclosed weather proof structure and attached outdoor enclosure used for the keeping of hens, that is no larger than 10 m² (107.64 ft²) in a floor area, and no more than 2.5 m (8.20 ft) in height. Land Use Bylaw 1808 153 “Corner Parcel” means a parcel having frontage on two or more streets at their intersection. “Council” means the Council of Kneehill County. “Counseling Services” means therapy that involves a person trained to listen to individuals to help them find ways to deal with specific life questions/issues. Common services include but are not limited to: marriage and family, guidance and career, rehabilitation, mental health, substance abuse, and educational counseling. “Country Recreational Lodge” means a country recreational center which provides for the short-term or occasional lodging and boarding of patrons and may include a guest ranch, dude ranch or similar development with a central services building with or without guest cottages, and camping and including accessory facilities or other services operated incidentally only as a service to the principal use and intended for patrons of the recreational development, but excluding motels, hotels, or the use of lodging facilities for permanent habitation or residence other than caretaker purposes. “County” means Kneehill County “Creative Architecture” means a development that is original, innovative, or a uniquely designed structure or building created with regard for aesthetic effect. These developments include, but are not limited to Tiny Homes, Cargo-tecture Homes and Grain Bin Homes. “Culinary Herb Production” means the commercial production of ready-to-eat culinary herbs and spices. D “Data Centre” means a building, dedicated space within a building, or a group of buildings used to house computer systems and associated components, such as telecommunications and storage systems. It generally includes backup components and infrastructure for power supply, data communication connections, environmental controls (e.g. air conditioning, fire suppression) and various security devices. May include encryption and processing for blockchain transactions. “Day Care Facility, Major” means a use that provides daytime personal care and supervision for seven or more children according to the Alberta Child Care Licensing Act. Day care facilities do not include overnight accommodation. “Day Care Facility, Minor” means the use of a dwelling unit for the care of not more than six children according to the Alberta Child Care Licensing Act. “Deck” means an outdoor seating area supported by the ground being more than 0.6 m above Finished Grade with no walls except for privacy partitions and railings. “Derelict Motor Vehicle” means any inoperative motor vehicle, which has all or part of its superstructure removed, or a motor vehicle, which is in a dilapidated or unsightly condition. “Designated Officer” means a Development Officer, Bylaw Enforcement Officer, Peace Officer, or any other official appointed by Council to enforce the provisions of this Bylaw or as established by a bylaw of Kneehill County. “Detached Dwelling” see Housing, Single-Detached. “Development” means: (a) an excavation or stockpile and the creation of either of them; Land Use Bylaw 1808 154 (b) a building or an addition to or replacement or repair of a building and the construction or placing of any of them on, in, over or under land; (c) a change of use of land or a building or an act done in relation to land or a building that results in or is likely to result in a change in the use of the land or building; or (d) a change in the intensity of use of land or a building or an act done in relation to land or a building that results in or is likely to result in a change in the intensity of use of the land or buildings. “Development Authority” means a Development Authority established pursuant to the Municipal Government Act to exercise development powers and duties on behalf of the County, and may include one or more of the following: a designated officer(s); a Municipal Planning Commission; and/or any other person or organization. A Development Authority means the person or persons appointed pursuant to Bylaw 1784, as amended. “Development Officer” means a person appointed as Development Officer pursuant to this Land Use Bylaw. “Development Permit” means a document authorizing development issued under this Bylaw. “Discretionary Use” means those uses of land, buildings or structures for which development permits may only be issued at the discretion of the Development Authority following due consideration of the merits of the individual proposal. The proponent must demonstrate the use of a specific site within a particular district is compatible with adjoining land uses, complies with the intent of the standards for operation in that district, and is consistent with all applicable statutory plans. “Distillery” means a place where alcoholic drinks are made by distillation. “Drive-Through Business” means an establishment with facilities for on-site service to customers who remain in their vehicles, but does not include cannabis, retail. Service station is a separate use. “Dugout” means the excavation of land that results in man-made features that entrap water and includes a private dam, excavation for a water supply, and/or excavation for general agricultural purposes, but does not include ornamental ponds designed for a depth shallower than one meter, storm water ponds, private lakes or lagoons for the purposes of processing wastewater. “Duplex” see Housing, Duplex. “Dwelling Unit” means a self-contained set of rooms capable of occupancy by one or more persons, including provisions for living, sleeping, cooking and sanitation; containing not more than one kitchen, with a direct entrance to the open air or to a common hallway or corridor, without passing through any other dwelling unit, and used or capable of being occupied as a permanent residence for one family. Does NOT include recreational vehicles, tents, buses, travel trailers, or other vehicles. E “Easement” means the right to use land generally for access to other property or as a right-of-way for a public utility. Easements must be registered on Title with one or more parcels. “Eating and Drinking Establishment” means a use where food and/or beverages are offered to the public for consumption within the Premises or off site. Typical uses include, but are not limited to, restaurants, cafes, fast-food outlets, catering establishments, dairy bars, coffee shops, delicatessens, and licensed drinking establishments. Excludes, establishments for cannabis use or edibles. “Enforcement Officer” means a bylaw enforcement officer, or a community peace officer employed by Kneehill County. Land Use Bylaw 1808 155 “Environmental Features of Importance” means those ecological or environmental factors that are listed as being of value in individual environmentally significant areas, as defined by the province and amended from time to time. “Environmental Impact Assessment” means a report prepared by a current member of the Alberta Professional engineers, Geologists, and Geophysicists of Alberta (APEGGA) that identifies, predicts, and assesses the effects or impacts that a proposed use or development is likely to have on the environment and may include recommended actions to remediate or minimize the effects or impacts. “Environmental Review” means a review of a proposed development within a defined geographic area prepared by a qualified environmental professional (QEP) that identifies and assesses the environmental significance and sensitivity of existing vegetation, wetlands and other water features, wildlife habitat and unique physical features. Recommendations on terms and conditions to be included in the development permit regarding the protection of the environmental features listed in the defined geographic area must be provided. Only those environmental features that are listed in the defined geographic area as being of importance to that location may be considered in an environmental review. For the purpose of this Bylaw the following levels of environmental review apply to this definition: (a) Basic Review for proposed developments listed in Section 26(e) whose potential impact on the environment is considered as having a chance of being moderate. A qualified environmental professional will conduct a desktop review evaluating potential impacts and mitigations to environmental features of importance. Once the basic review is completed and submitted to the County, a meeting may be required with a County representative to discuss the proposed project, issues of concern and recommendations for conditions of approval. (b) Full Review for proposed developments listed in Section 26(d) whose potential impact on the environment is considered as having a high chance of being significant. A report based on both desktop and field investigation, which considers the proposed development, and a more detailed analysis of potential effects and mitigation. In addition to the information used to prepare the basic review, it must include a site biophysical field investigation conducted by a qualified environmental professional during the appropriate season. It may include proposed development plans, identification of riparian areas, air photos, databases, and literature review. A Qualified Environmental Professional must undertake either basic reviews and/or full reviews. They both must specifically answer these three questions: 1. What are the environmental features of importance in the area potentially impacted by the proposed development or land use? 2. What are the reasonably foreseeable impacts on those environmental features of importance? 3. What actions or strategies are recommended to minimize negative impacts and maximize positive impacts? “Environmentally Significant Area (ESA)” means an area considered to have environmental features of importance to Kneehill County, as defined by the 2010 Summit Report and the province, and as amended from time to time. “Equipment Rentals” means a use, which provides for the storage and rental of tools, appliances, office machines, furniture and construction equipment, but does not include the rental of motor vehicles. “Ex-Hamlet” means lands that are ostensibly residential in nature and are located within neighborhoods that are no longer considered hamlets. “Excavation” means to uncover (something) by digging away and removing the earth that covers it. Land Use Bylaw 1808 156 “Exempt” means development that does not require a Development Permit if it meets all requirements of this Bylaw. “Existing” means existing as of the date of adoption of this Bylaw. “Extraction” means the action of taking out something, especially using effort or force. F “Farm and Industrial Equipment and Machinery Sales and Service” means the sales, rental, assembly, and servicing of farm and industrial type equipment and machinery. For clarity, this does not include sales of recreational vehicles (RVs). “Farm Gate Sales” means the sale of small quantities of farm products, which are produced within the same farming operation and lands in which the intended sale is to take place. Product sales shall take place during daytime hours. “Farmstead Separation” means a part of a parcel of land for an existing habitable dwelling, approved by the Subdivision Authority, and may include other improvements used in connection with an agricultural operation such as quonsets, grain bins, sheds, and ancillary structures such as corrals, pasture, dugouts, storage areas for farm machinery, equipment and products. “Feed Mills, Grain Elevators and Seed Cleaning” means facilities in which grains and/or animal feeds are prepared and/or stored during shipment to or from farms. “Fence” means a vertical physical barrier constructed out of typical building material (wire, wood, plastic, or tubular steel) to prevent visual or unauthorized access or both. “Filling” means the import and placement of earth material (e.g. clay, sand, gravel) to a depression in the ground, likely caused by excavation, with the purpose of modifying grades, drainage, or to build up a site for development. This does not include the import of waste materials. “Financial Service” means a use provided by a bank, trust company, credit union, or related Business. “Finished Grade” means the elevation of the surface of the ground at any point on the site of a completed development. “First Parcel Out” means the first parcel to be subdivided from an unsubdivided quarter section. It is not necessary for a habitable residence to be located on the site. “Floodplain” means low-lying land next to a watercourse that is subject to periodic inundation (see figure below). A 1:100-year floodplain, which is the result of a flood having a 1 percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year, is used for purposes of development. In the absence of information that identifies the 1:100-year floodplain elevation, the best available information, as determined by a qualified professional able to perform flood hazard mapping study, must be used to establish the historic high-water level for a water body. The floodplain can be divided into two zones once a flood hazard mapping study has been completed. “Floodway” means the area within which the entire design flood can be conveyed while meeting certain water elevation rise, water velocity and water depth criteria. Typically the floodway includes the river channel and some adjacent overbank areas. “Flood Fringe” means the land along the edges of the flood risk area that has relatively shallow water (less than 1 meter deep) with lower velocities (less than 1 meter/second). Land Use Bylaw 1808 157 “Floor Area Ratio” means the figure obtained when the Gross Floor Area of all buildings on a parcel is divided by the area of the parcel. “Front Yard” see Yard, Front. “Funeral Home” means development used for the preparation of the deceased for burial, the provision of funeral services, and the purification and incineration of human remains. G “Garage” means a detached Accessory building or a portion of a Principal building used solely for the parking or temporary storage of private motor vehicles. “Gas Bar” means a facility where vehicle fuels, lubricant and fluids are sold to the public, but vehicle maintenance and repairs are not done. Service station is a separate use. “Gas and Oilfield Services Business, Minor” means a business that provides limited support services to oilfield and pipeline operations. Typical services in this use include but are not limited to, hot shots, inspection, maintenance, testing, well conditioning, well logging, x-ray and diagnostic cathodic protection wireline services or other such similar services. This use does not include the use or storage of toxic, explosive or radioactive materials. “General Municipal Servicing Standard” Provides the minimum specific requirements to assist the County and a potential developer in the design, preparation and submission of plans and specifications for approval and/or construction of Municipal Improvements and Systems that will meet the servicing requirements for commercial, industrial and residential subdivision and development within the County. “Geothermal Closed Loop System” means a system that circulates the fluid out through the ground and back through the heat pump in a continuous loop with high-density PE pipe. “Geothermal Open Loop System” means a system that runs the domestic well water through it and discharges it somewhere. “Geothermal Energy” means a renewable source of energy that employs the use of a heat pump to warm or cool air by utilizing the constant temperatures of the earth. Land Use Bylaw 1808 158 “Geothermal Energy Device” means a device or system of devices designed to collect, store and distribute thermal energy generated in the earth. “Golf Course” means the outdoor development designated for the playing of golf. Accessory uses include a pro shop, clubhouse, restaurant, licensed dining area, lounge, driving range and picnic area. “Grade” means the elevation at which the development and lowest point of the finished ground surface meet. “Grain Bin Structures” means any home or building built entirely or partially from metal grain bins. Must meet the requirements of the Alberta Building Code. “Greenhouse” see Intensive Vegetative Operation. “Greenhouse, Private” means an accessory structure used for the raising of crops for private use. Cannabis cultivation, processing and nursery facilities are excluded from this definition “Gross Floor Area” means the greatest horizontal area of a building above grade within the outside surface of exterior walls or within the glass line of exterior walls and the centerline of firewalls but not including the floor areas of basements, attached garages, sheds, open porches or breezeways. “Groundwater” means all water under the surface of the ground. “Group Care Facility” means a supervised residential dwelling unit, licensed or approved under Provincial legislation, for the accommodation of persons, excluding staff, referred by hospitals, courts, government agencies or recognized social service agencies or health professionals. “Group Home, Limited” means a development consisting of the use of a building as a facility which is recognized, authorized, licensed or certified by a public authority as a social care facility intended to provide room and board for six (6) residents or less, excluding staff, for foster children or disabled persons, or for persons with physical, mental, social or behavioural problems, and which may be for the personal rehabilitation of its residents either through self-help or professional care, guidance and supervision. The residential character of the development shall be primary with the occupants living together as a single housekeeping group and using cooking facilities shared in common. The use class does not include treatment facilities such as detoxification centres. “Group Home, Major” means a development consisting of the use of a building as a facility which is recognized, authorized, licensed or certified by a public authority as a social care facility intended to provide room and board for seven (7) residents or more, excluding staff, for foster children or disabled persons, or for persons with physical, mental, social or behavioural problems, and which may be for the personal rehabilitation of its residents either through self-help or professional care, guidance and supervision. The residential character of the development shall be primary with the occupants living together as a single housekeeping group using cooking facilities shared in common. “Guest Child Care Facility” means an accessory building or accessory use for the care, entertainment and supervision of children associated with the users of a principal use. H “Hamlet” means an unincorporated community as defined by the Municipal Government Act. “Hazard Land” means lands which may be prone to flooding, shoreline erosion or slope instability hazards or any hazard that may result in life loss or injury, property damage, or environmental degradation and lands in proximity to water bodies and water courses with slopes greater than 10%. Land Use Bylaw 1808 159 “Hazardous/Noxious Uses” means development used for manufacturing, fabricating, processing, assembling, storing, producing or packaging of goods, materials, or products where: (a) the use may be detrimental to public health, safety or welfare beyond the boundaries of the site or parcel upon which it is situated; or (b) the use may be incompatible with residential or other development because of toxic gases, smells, wastes, noise, dust or smoke emission which are not confined to the site or parcel upon which the use is situated. This use includes: i. abattoirs, slaughterhouses and rendering plants, ii. forage manufacturing plants, iii. anhydrous ammonia storage facilities, iv. explosives storage or manufacturing facilities, v. fertilizer manufacturing plants, vi. gas processing plants, vii. petrochemical industries or refineries, viii. metal industries, which are involved in the concentration, refining, smelting, or resmelting of ores or metals, ix. administrative offices, warehousing, storage and wholesale distribution facilities associated with the above shall be treated as part of this use. “Waste disposal facility” and “Wastewater treatment plants” are separate uses. “Health Services Facility” means the provision of physical and mental health services on an outpatient basis. Services may be of a preventive, diagnostic, treatment, therapeutic, rehabilitative or counseling nature. Typical uses include medical or dental services, doctor’s clinics, acupuncture clinics, massage therapy, counseling services, chiropractor offices, physiotherapy offices, optometrists and other similar uses. “Height” means when used with reference to a building or structure, the vertical distance between a horizontal plane through grade level and a horizontal plane through: (a) the highest point of the roof in the case of a building with a flat roof or a deck roof; (b) the average level of a one-slope roof; and (c) the highest point in the case of a pitched, gambrel, mansard, or hipped roof. “Hemp Processing” means the processing of industrial hemp into products used for textiles, cordage, paper products, animal bedding, garden mulch, fuel and an assortment of building materials. “Hen” means a domesticated female chicken that is at least 16 weeks of age. “Hen Permit” means a permit issued by the Development Authority authorizing the permit holder to keep hens on a specific property permitted as a use within this bylaw. “Highway” means land used or surveyed for use as a public highway or road, and includes a bridge forming part of a public highway or road and any structure incidental to the public highway or road or bridge, subject to the direction, control and management of the Province. “Home Occupation, Major” means an occupation, trade, profession or craft carried on by a resident of a dwelling that is secondary to the residential use of the dwelling and may include the use of accessory Land Use Bylaw 1808 160 buildings. It does not include a bed and breakfast establishment, a cannabis, retail or cannabis accessory establishment. “Home Occupation, Minor” means an occupation, trade, profession or craft carried on by a resident of a dwelling that is secondary to the residential use of the dwelling. The home occupation shall be wholly contained within the dwelling unit. It does not include a bed and breakfast establishment, a cannabis, retail or cannabis accessory establishment “Honey processing” means the process to remove wax and any other foreign materials from honey. “Hotel” means use, which provides exclusively for the temporary accommodation of the travelling public for remuneration. Access to guestrooms is by way of interior corridors connected to a main lobby that contains a central check-in facility. A hotel may include a restaurant, banquet/meeting rooms, a retail store, drinking establishment, personal services, or Recreational, Minor or fitness center. “Housing, Apartment” means a building containing three or more dwelling units that share a common building entrance, internal hallway, stairs and other facilities such as laundry, garbage and common parking area. “Housing, Cluster, Farm” means three or more detached dwellings, duplexes or multiple family dwellings which are located on farm land. “Housing, Duplex” means a building designed to accommodate two households living independently in separate dwelling units either side by side or above and below each other. Must meet the requirements of the Alberta Building Code. “Housing, Employee” means a dwelling unit that is an accessory use, intended for occupation by an employee of the principal use. Must meet the requirements of the Alberta Building Code. “Housing, Garden Suite” means a detached, single storey dwelling unit, which is less than 800ft2, is located on the same lot in close proximity to the principal dwelling, and shall constitute part of the total lot coverage. A garden suite shall include cooking, sleeping and sanitary facilities. Must meet the requirements of the Alberta Building Code. “Housing, Modular” means a dwelling unit constructed in a factory certified to CSA A277, built with a wood floor system sited on a foundation of concrete, masonry block, preserved wood or insulated concrete panels on concrete or wood footings in accordance with the Building Code in effect at the time of application. “Housing, Manufactured” means a dwelling unit constructed in a factory certified to CSA A277, built on a steel frame and sited on pilings, screw piles or blocking according to the CSA Z240.10.1 standard including skirting. “Housing, Mixed Use” means dwelling unit(s) sharing a building with a commercial, retail or institutional use. The dwelling unit(s) may have a shared or separate entrance, however the entrance shall not be through the commercial space. This does not include a cannabis, retail or cannabis accessory establishment. “Housing, Park Model” trailers, although considered recreational vehicles, are transportable and primarily designed for long-term or permanent placement at a destination where an RV is allowed. When set up, park models are connected to the utilities necessary to operate home style fixtures and appliances. Park models cannot be considered a permanent dwelling unless evidence of four-season status is provided. The CSA definition means trailers that are constructed to the CSA Z241 standard and will bear a label indicating such. They meet the following criteria: i. it is built on a single chassis mounted on wheels; ii. It is designed to facilitate relocation from time to time; Land Use Bylaw 1808 161 iii. it is designed as living quarters for seasonal camping and may be connected to those utilities necessary for operation of installed fixtures and appliances; and iv. it has a gross floor area, including lofts, not exceeding 50 m2 (538 ft2) when in the set- up mode, and has a width greater than 2.6 metres (8 ft 6 in) in the transit mode. “Housing, Single-Detached” means a detached building containing one dwelling unit. A Secondary Suite can be included in Housing, Single-Detached where specifically defined as an Accessory Use in this Bylaw. Must meet the requirements of the Alberta Building Code. “Housing, Tiny” means a self-contained dwelling unit on a permanent foundation comprising of 500 ft2 or less. Must meet the requirements of the Alberta Building Code. “Housing, Townhouse” means a building designed to accommodate more than two dwelling units where each dwelling shares a least one party wall, and each dwelling has a separate, but not necessarily at grade, access. I “Industrial, Light” means the use of land, buildings and/or structures for an industrial activity that creates no adverse impacts beyond the boundaries of the site for which the associated activity takes place due to appearance, emission of contaminants, noise, traffic volume, odour and fire. No hazardous industrial use. “Industrial, Heavy” means the use of land, buildings and/or structures for an industrial activity that creates significant adverse impacts beyond the boundaries of the site for which the associated activity takes place due to appearance, emission of contaminants, noise, odour, traffic volume, fire explosive hazards or dangerous goods. “Industrial Manufacturing/Processing” means development principally associated with manufacturing, assembling, fabrication, processing and research/testing activities and includes other accessory uses related to or supportive of the manufacturing, processing or assembly activity, such as offices, storage areas, display areas, and limited sales of goods produced on site. “Industrial Storage” means moderate to extensive open storage or stockpiling of raw materials, vehicles and machinery that may be partly or wholly visible off an industrial site. “Intensive Vegetative Operation” means a system of tillage for the concentrated raising of specialty crops including, but not limited to tree farms, commercial greenhouses, plant nurseries, sod farms, and similar uses. Medical Cannabis production facilities, recreation cannabis production and cannabis, retail are excluded from this definition. “Internal Access Road” means a private internal access allowance within a campground, manufactured home park, or medium density housing development, which is suitable for vehicular use. L “Lane” means a public road providing secondary access to one or more parcels. “Landscaping” means any combination of trees, bushes, plants, flowers, lawns, bark mulch, decorative boulders and gravel, decorative paving, planters, foundations, sculptures, fences, and the like arranged and maintained so as to enhance the appearance of a property, or where necessary, to Land Use Bylaw 1808 162 effectively screen a lot, site or storage yard. Landscaping does not include parking areas, sidewalks, and un-cleared undergrowth or weed growth. “Landscaping, Commercial” means a business that encompasses a full spectrum of services that modifies the visible features of an area of land, including living elements, such as flora or fauna. May include indoor and outdoor storage of products for purchase. “Licensed Cannabis Dealer” has the same meaning as in Section 2 of the Narcotic Control Regulations. “Licensed Cannabis Premises” is defined as the premises where cannabis is sold pursuant to a provincial cannabis license. “Licensed Cannabis Producer” means a holder of a license issued under Section 35 of the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (SOR/2016-230). “Liquor Sales” means for the wholesale or retail sale or distribution to the public of any and all types of alcoholic spirits or beverages as defined by the Alberta Liquor Control Act. “Livestock” means animals such as poultry, horses, cattle, bison, sheep, swine, goats, bees, llamas, fur-bearing animals raised in captivity, and domestic cervids within the meaning of the Livestock Industry Diversification Act. “Lot” means: (a) a quarter section; (b) a river lot or settlement lot shown on an official plan, as defined in the Surveys Act, that is filed or lodged in the Land Titles Office; (c) a part of a parcel of land described in a certificate of title if the boundaries of the part are described in the certificate of title other than by reference to a legal subdivision, or (d) a part of a parcel of land described in a certificate of title if the boundaries of the part are described in the certificate of title by reference to a plan of subdivision. For the purposes of this Bylaw, the use of the terms lot, parcel, and site shall be interchangeable within the context of this Bylaw, except where a different meaning is provided for use within a particular section. “Lot Area” means the total area within the Property Lines of a lot. “Lot Coverage” means the percentage of the Lot Area that may be built upon including Accessory buildings or structures and impervious surfaces. “Lot Depth” means the horizontal distance between the midpoints of the front and rear Property Lines. “Lot Width” means the horizontal distance of a Lot measured between the side Property Line at the minimum Yard, Front Setback Land Use Bylaw 1808 163 M “Manufactured Home Park” means a parcel comprehensively designed, developed and operated to provide sites and facilities for the placement and occupation of Housing, Manufactured on a long-term basis. Does not have a registered plan of subdivision for individual lots. Spaces, or spaces with individual manufactured homes already sited on them may be rented. Ownership and responsibility for the maintenance of internal roads, underground services, communal areas and buildings, snow clearance and garbage collection, together with general park management, rests with the management. “Manure Management Plan” – A plan which outlines how the manure produced at a site will be handled in a way that ensures sufficient land is available for the application of the manure at rates not exceeding the nutrient levels that will be utilized by the crops. This plan may include, but not be limited to: Soil type & texture, site/field information, manure production rates, nutrient levels and manure application rates. “Marihuana (Marijuana)” means the substance referred to as “cannabis” (marihuana) in Item 1 sub- item (2) of Schedule II of the Controlled Drug and Substances Act, s.c. 1996 – c. 19, as amended and its successor. “Market Garden” means the growing of vegetables or fruit for commercial purposes. This use includes an area for the display and sale of goods or produce grown or raised on site. Medical and recreational cannabis production facilities, cannabis, retail and cannabis accessory are excluded from this use. “Massage Therapy Service” means the use of massage for health-related purposes, including to relieve pain, rehabilitate sports injuries, reduce stress, increase relaxation, address anxiety and depression, and aid general wellness. It involves manipulating the soft tissues of the body to manage a health condition or enhance wellness. “May” is a discretionary term, providing notification that the regulation in question can be enforced if the County chooses to do so, and is usually dependent on the particular circumstances of the specific parcel and application. “Meat Market/Butcher” means a person who may slaughter animals, prepare standard cuts of meat and poultry for retail sale. Land Use Bylaw 1808 164 “Medical Cannabis Production Facility” means a facility of one or more buildings used for the purposes of growing, labelling, packaging, testing, destroying, storing, researching and developing, shipping and receiving of medical Cannabis (marihuana) and cannabis oil by a licensed producer in natural, fresh, dry or processed form. This use does not include retail production sites, sales or a dispensary. “Mobile Vendor” means a self-contained vehicle, trailer or stand that is capable of being moved from one location to another that is equipped to prepare, serve and sell food, or goods. The mobile vendor is on a specific location for a period of seven (7) consecutive days or more. “Motel” means a use which provides exclusively for the temporary accommodation of the travelling public for remuneration. Access to each guestroom is directly from the outside and the required parking is located at grade. Rooms may include a bar or kitchen facilities. The motel may also include indoor or outdoor pools, a drinking establishment, and employee housing. “Motor Vehicle Racing Track” means a paved motor vehicle course or courses specifically designed, constructed and maintained for racing, testing and demonstrating motor vehicles and motorcycles. "Motor Vehicle Servicing, Repair and Storage" means a facility or area for the maintenance of motor vehicles and includes the supply and sale of fuels, oils, lubricants, tires and other parts and accessories and the storage and protection of vehicles, both indoors and in secured and screened compounds. “Moved-on Building” means a building that has been assembled at and previously occupied or used on a site other than the site it is proposed to be moved on to, and which is to be moved more or less whole to the proposed location. A Moved-in Building may be any type of building that is listed as a permitted or discretionary use in any land use district, except Housing, Modular and Housing, Manufactured. “Multi-Attached Dwellings” see Housing, Townhouse. “Municipal Development Plan” means a statutory plan adopted by Council pursuant to the Municipal Government Act, which contains policies for the future development and use of land in the Municipality. “Municipal Planning Commission” means the Municipal Planning Commission appointed by Council. “Municipality” means Kneehill County. N “Natural Resource Extractive Industry” means the extraction of natural resources such as clay, sand, gravel, limestone, coal, petroleum and other minerals, and may include primary treatment into a raw marketable form. “Natural Science Exhibits” means development for the preservation, confinement, exhibition or viewing of plants, animals and other objects in nature. Typical facilities would include zoos, botanical gardens, arboretums, planetariums, aviaries and aquariums. “Non-arable Land” means Canada Land Inventory (CLI) capability for Agriculture classifications 4 through 7 that contain severe limitations such as topography or inundation by streams or lakes, which restricts the use of the land for crop production. “Non-conforming Building” means a building: (a) that is lawfully constructed or lawfully under construction at the date a Land Use Bylaw affecting the building or the land on which the building is situated becomes effective, and Land Use Bylaw 1808 165 (b) that on the date the Land Use Bylaw becomes effective does not, or when constructed will not, comply with the Land Use Bylaw. “Non-conforming Use” means a lawful specific use: (a) being made of land or a building or intended to be made of a building lawfully under construction at the date a Land Use Bylaw affecting the land or building becomes effective; and (b) that on the date the Land Use Bylaw becomes effective does not, or in the case of a building under construction will not, comply with the Land Use Bylaw. “Nuisance” means an activity or use that endangers personal or community health or safety and includes uses or activities that are out of character with the district in which they are situated resulting in noise, dust, odor, the excessive accumulation of junk or similar impacts that affect the use and enjoyment of neighboring properties. O “Office” means a use, which provides for the provision of professional, management, administrative or consulting services in an office setting. Typical uses include, but are not limited to, the offices of lawyers, accountants, travel agents, real estate and insurance firms, investment planners, clerical and secretarial agencies. This use does not include financial services as defined. “Off-Site Parking” occurs when parking for a place occurs off of the parcel on which that place is located. Usually, this means street side parking or parking in an allocated parking lot. “Ornamental Pond” means a man-made water feature created for landscaping purposes having a depth shallower than 1 m (3.28 ft.) but does not include storm water management facilities. More information on regulations around man-made water features can be found in Section 66, Man-made Water Features of this Bylaw. “Outdoor Storage Facility” means land and/or buildings used for the outdoor storage of goods and materials and may include the collection and distribution of goods and materials, excluding dangerous or hazardous goods and materials. May include a lumberyard. “Outline Plan” means a detailed Land Use plan for an area of land that is typically smaller than the land covered by an Area Structure Plan and which conforms to all Statutory Plans. An Outline Plan is adopted by resolution of Council, Pursuant to Part 17 of the Act, and is otherwise equivalent to a “Conceptual Scheme” as described in the Act. “Overlay District” means additional development regulations superimposed on specific areas of the County, which supersede or add to the development regulations of the District for which the land is designated under this Bylaw. The Overlay Districts will be contained in Part of this Bylaw. “Owner” means the person(s) registered under the Land Titles Act as the owner of the fee simple estate in land and, in respect of any other property other than land, the person in lawful possession of it. P “Parcel” means the aggregate of one or more areas of land described in a certificate of title or described in a certificate of title by reference to a plan filed or registered in a land titles office. Land Use Bylaw 1808 166 “Park” means any public outdoor area or lot set aside specifically for passive or active recreation including tot-lots, playgrounds, walkways, trails, greenbelts, buffers, nature interpretation, environmental protection areas, and similar land uses. “Patio” means any solid structure meant for support of people or materials out of doors and located at or less than 0.6 m above Finished Grade. The projection of patios into required setbacks is regulated in Section 43, Projections into Setbacks. “Permanent Foundation” means the provision of providing a base for a building approved under the Alberta building Code. “Permitted Use” means a use, which is compatible with other uses in the district and for which a development permit has been issued, provided it otherwise conforms to this Land Use Bylaw. “Personal Service Facility” means the provision of a service to individuals on a commercial basis and includes but is not limited to such services as photographers, travel agencies, beauty salons, dry cleaners, massage services, spas including their associated offices. This does not include medical or health related services or cannabis, retail or cannabis accessory services. “Place of Worship” means a building used for religious worship by an association of persons that is organized for the conduct of religious services, rites and worship and is permanently established as to the continuity of its existence. Accessory uses may include, but not be limited to, a residence for a caretaker or head of the congregation and an assembly hall. “Porch” means a roofed Structure projecting from the exterior wall of a building with walls, which open or are screened to facilitate use as a seasonal outdoor living area. The projection of porches into required Setbacks is regulated in Section 43, Projections into Setbacks “Portable Storage Container” means a secure, steel/wood structure that is portable in nature (e.g. sea can, cargo container, shipping container etc.). “Principal” means the main or primary use, building, or structure. “Private Recreation Facility” means a land or a building used:  where members of a club or group assemble to participate in recreation, social or cultural activities  where there are sports, recreation, cultural, or social events for the members of the group  where there may be an area for the preparation or consumption of food  that may have meeting rooms for the administration of the group  where members of the club or the group have restricted access to the land or building through ownership, membership or invitation “Property Line” means a legal boundary of a lot. “Property Line, Exterior Side” means a Property Line other than a front or rear Property Line and is separating the lot from the flanking street or across route in a bare land strata plan. “Property Line, Front” means the Property Line separating the lot from the street and in the case of a Corner Parcel or through lot, the Property Line having the shortest length separating the lot from the street. “Property Line, Interior Side” means a Property Line other than a front, rear, or exterior side Property Line. “Property Line, Rear” means the Property Line or point of intersection of the side Property Lines farthest from and opposite to the front Property Line. Land Use Bylaw 1808 167 “Public or Quasi-public Use” means a use of land, and/or a building, for the purposes of public administration and service and shall also include the use of land and/or a building for the purpose of assembly, worship, instruction, culture, recreation or other community activity. “Public Utility” means a system or works used to provide one or more of the following for public consumption, benefit, convenience or use:  water or steam  sewage disposal  public transportation operated by or on behalf of the Municipality  irrigation  fuel  electric power  heat  waste management  telecommunications  natural gas “Public Utility Building” means a building in which the proprietor of a public utility maintains its offices, or maintains or houses equipment used in connection with the public utility. Q “Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP)” means individuals with one or more of the following designations or other related environmental professionals able to perform the necessary level of environmental review as appropriate.  RPBio (Registered Professional Biologist)  RF (Registered Forester)  EP (Environmental Professional)  EPt (Environmental Professional Trainee)  QEP (Qualified Environmental Professional)  EPI (Environmental Professional Intern) R “Rear Yard” see Yard, Rear. “Recreation Area” means an area of land used by the public for recreational purposes. Activities may include, but are not limited to walking, running, cycling, horseback riding, cross-country skiing, and riding of all-terrain vehicles and snowmobiles. Land Use Bylaw 1808 168 “Recreational Resort” means a commercial development, which allows for leisure and vacation accommodation in association with indoor, outdoor, or passive recreation and other amenities, which form an integral part of the development. "Recreational, Major” means a use for high intensity commercial recreation, sports or amusement where there may be many spectators. An Area Structure Plan or Area Concept Plan may be required. Typical uses may include a golf course, racetrack, fair/rodeo grounds, commercial equestrian arena, ski hill, Scout/Guide camps, religious outdoor retreat camps, and sport camps. “Recreational, Minor” means a use for recreation, sports and amusement where patrons are predominantly participants and any spectators are incidental and attend on a non-recurring basis. Typical facilities would include athletic clubs; health and fitness clubs; outdoor unenclosed hockey rinks; paint ball facilities; bowling alleys; racquet clubs; sports fields; tennis courts; driving ranges; miniature golf establishments; rifle and pistol ranges; indoor ice arenas; curling rinks; and archery ranges. “Recreation Trail” means a travel way established either through construction or use which is passable by at least one or more of the following, including, but not limited to: foot traffic, bicycles, in- line skates, wheelchairs, cross-country skis. “Recreation Vehicle” means a portable structure designed and built to be carried on a vehicle or to be transported on its own wheels and which is intended to provide temporary living accommodation for travel or for recreation purposes and which does not need any special license or permit to travel on the public road systems other than a usual trailer or vehicle license, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes such vehicles as a motor home, a camper, a travel trailer, a tent trailer, or boat but does not include a manufactured home. “Recreational Centre and Lodge” see Country Recreational Lodge. “Recreational Vehicle Park” means a planned development for the short-term use of recreational vehicles with a higher level of service provided than in a campground. The recreational vehicle park shall not be used as year round storage, or accommodation for residential use. A recreational vehicle park may be developed in association with related recreational activities’ such as hiking or riding trails, picnic grounds, boating facilities and playgrounds. “Recreational Vehicle Storage, Major” means a compound created for storage exceeding 50 units on a parcel of land greater than 8.1 ha (20 acres) for recreation vehicles and equipment such as boats, seadoos, trailers and ATVs. “Recreational Vehicle Storage, Minor” means a compound created for storage limited to a maximum of 50 units, for recreational vehicles and equipment such as boats, seadoos, trailers and ATVs. “Recycling Collection Point” means a primary or incidental use that serves as a neighborhood drop- off point for the temporary storage of recoverable materials. No permanent storage or processing of such items is allowed. “Recycling Depot” means development used for the acceptance and temporary storage of bottles, cans, tetra-packs, newspapers and similar household goods for reuse, where all storage is contained within an enclosed building. It may include a container yard for recycling bins. “Relocatable Industrial Accommodation” means a building providing accommodation for an industrial work force living and working in a temporary location, but does not apply to manufactured homes, prefabricated single-family dwelling units, or other types of prefabricated or manufactured buildings. These Industrial Accommodations cannot be considered for a permanent dwelling or be located where the work force will be at a permanent location. Land Use Bylaw 1808 169 “Renewable Energy” means a Development whose Principal Use is the generation of energy for commercial or residential use, from wind, solar, geothermal or other sources that do not depend on finite, non-renewable resources such as fossil fuels. “Reserve Land” means a municipal, school, or environmental reserve that has been dedicated in accordance with the Act. “Restaurant” see Eating and Drinking Establishment. “Retail Store” means a building where merchandise is offered for retail sale and is stored only in reasonably sufficient quantities to supply normal retail needs. It may include limited outdoor display of goods for sale (excludes retail for cannabis) “Riding Arena, Private” means a building or structure in which equestrian, athletic or recreational activities are carried out on the lot upon which the arena is located. More information on riding arenas can be found in Section 65 of this Bylaw. “Riding Arena, Commercial” means public facilities (buildings, shelters, or other structures) at which horses are exercised or trained, training in equestrian skills or equestrian competitions or shows are held. “Riparian Area” includes any lands that adjoin or directly influence a water body, and includes floodplains (see Figure 3), and land that directly influences alluvial aquifers. Typical examples of riparian area include the lush vegetation that grows on floodplains and watercourse banks. They usually are distinctly different from surrounding lands because of unique soil and vegetation characteristics that are influenced by the presence of water above the ground and below the surface. Water is present due to a water body or elevated water table such as seep or spring. Riparian areas perform several important functions, which may include but not limited to: (a) Protecting ground and surface water from contamination; (b) Exchange of groundwater and surface water; (c) Filtering of nutrients and minerals; (d) Providing habitat for fish, waterfowls, and wildlife; (e) Building, stabilizing stream banks and channels; and (f) Contributing to biodiversity. Land Use Bylaw 1808 170 Riparian Area “Road” means land used or surveyed for use as a public highway or road, and includes a bridge forming part of a public highway or road and any structure incidental to the public highway or road or bridge, subject to the direction, control and management of the County. “Rural Industrial Park” means the use of land, buildings and/or structures for an industrial activity that creates moderate to significant adverse impacts beyond the boundaries of the site for which the associated activity takes place due to appearance, emission of contaminants, noise, traffic volume, odour, fire, explosive hazards or dangerous goods. May include moderate to extensive open storage or stockpiling of raw materials, vehicles and machinery that may be partly or wholly visible off the site, minor to large structures, significant noise in the general operations of the use, or potential exposure of the environment to chemicals and other forms of pollution from the general operations of the use. S “Screening” means a fence, wall, berm, hedge or other barrier providing visual and/or acoustic separation of sites. “Seasonal” means the use or occupation of a site, dwelling, recreational vehicle or park model recreation vehicle between May 1st and October 31st of a calendar year. “Second Dwelling” means a dwelling unit that is permanent in nature and is being placed on the same parcel with an existing dwelling unit. “Secondary Suite” means a second self-contained dwelling unit located within a detached principal dwelling unit. The secondary suite must have a separate entrance from the principle building, either from a common indoor landing or directly from the exterior of the building. A secondary suite shall include a cooking area, a sleeping area and sanitary facilities. “Security/Operator Suite” means a secondary building or portion of a building used to provide on-site accommodation by the employer for persons employed on the property, a residence for the site caretaker or operator of a commercial or industrial establishment, or for the on-duty security personnel Land Use Bylaw 1808 171 at a storage facility when permitted in the District. No more than one Security/Operator Suite is permitted on a site. “Service Station” means a building or a portion thereof for the servicing and repair of motor vehicles and includes the sale of fuel, oils and other accessories for motor vehicles. “Setback” means the required minimum distance that a development must be setback from a Property Line or any other feature of a site as specified by the Bylaw. “Shall” is a directive term that indicates that the actions outlined are mandatory and therefore must be complied with, without discretion. “Should” is a directive term that provides direction to strive to achieve the outlined action but is not mandatory. When the regulation is directed to the developer, the onus is on the applicant to justify when the desired action/result is not proposed and/or will not be achieved. “Side Yard” see Yard, Side. “Sight Triangle” means the triangular space formed by the front and exterior side property lines of a Corner Parcel and a line drawn from a point on one Property Line to a point on the other property line, each such point being 7.0 m from the point of intersection of the property lines as defined in Section 36, Corner Parcel & Site Triangles of this Bylaw. “Similar and Compatible Uses” means those uses, which in the opinion of the Development Authority, are similar to one of the Permitted or Discretionary uses and which conform to the general purpose of the district. “Solar Array” means one or more Solar Energy Conversion Devices plus the mounting structure for the devices. Note that this energy is not in a form that is useable by its intended energy loads. The energy is merely used to feed into other components that together form a Solar Energy System. “Solar Array, Ground Mount” means a Solar Array that is mounted on a stand-alone structure mounted on the ground, on tower(s) or on pole(s) specifically intended for the array. A Solar Energy System incorporating a Solar Array, Ground Mount can be used to provide energy service to buildings located on or off site. “Solar Array, Roof Mount” means a Solar Array that is mounted on the roof of a structure. “Solar Energy Conversion Device” means a device that converts energy contained in sunlight into electrical or heat energy. “Solar Energy System” means a system of components that convert energy contained in sunlight into useable electrical or heat energy. “Solar Farm” is an installation or area of land in which a large Solar Energy System is installed in order to generate electrical or heat energy for commercial sale to off-site customers. “Solar, Generation Facility” means an energy resource created by solar panels where the capacity of the facility designed to be commercial is for the sole purpose of creating power to put back into the grid. “Solar, Private” Ground Mounted – means a solar array designed to create an energy resource to power private use buildings only. These arrays are fixed to the ground typically with screw piles. “Storage Rental Facility” means storage facilities for rent or lease of space to individuals usually for storing of household goods or to small businesses usually storing excess inventory or archived records. “Street” means a road other than a lane. “Stockpile” means the use of land where gravel or clay is stockpiled for future use. Land Use Bylaw 1808 172 “Stripping” means to take away or remove the earth in thin strips or layers. “Subdivision and Development Appeal Board” means the board established by Council. “Subdivision and Development Authority” means the authority established by Council by bylaw to make decisions on subdivision applications (and other subdivision and discretionary development related matters). “Subdivision and Development Regulation” means the Subdivision and Development Regulation (AR 43/202), as amended. T “Temporary” means a period of time up to 1 year, unless otherwise specified in a development permit. “Temporary Second Dwelling” means a dwelling unit that is temporary in nature and is only to be occupied during the construction or location of a new dwelling unit on the parcel. “Tourist Information Services and Facilities” means the use of a parcel of land or a building to provide information to the travelling public and may include washrooms and picnic facilities. “Truck Stop” means the provision of facilities including a service station and restaurant for the temporary parking of licensed tractor/trailer units. A truck stop also may include a convenience store and restaurant facilities, and may include overnight accommodation. U “Un-subdivided Quarter Section” means a titled area of 160 acres (64.7 hectares) more or less but excluding previous subdivision for roads, road widening, school sites and other public and quasi-public uses. V “Veterinary Clinic” means a use, which provides for the medical care and treatment of animals and includes the provision for their overnight accommodation but does not include kennels, outdoor pens, and enclosures. “Veterinary Hospital” means a use, which provides the medical care and treatment of animals and includes provision for their accommodation and confinement in outdoor pens, runs, and enclosures. W “Warehousing” means a facility for the indoor storage of goods and merchandise and may include offices related to the administration of the warehouse facility as an accessory use. Warehousing includes mini or self-storage facilities. “Watercourse” means the bed and shore of a river, stream, lake, creek, lagoon, swamp, marsh or other natural body of water, or a canal, ditch, reservoir or other man-made feature, whether it contains or conveys water continuously or intermittently. Land Use Bylaw 1808 173 “Waste Management Facility, Major” means a site used primarily for the storage, processing, treatment and disposal of solid and/or liquid wastes, which may have adverse environmental impact on adjacent sites by virtue of potential emissions and/or appearance. Typical uses include sanitary landfills, garbage transfer and compacting stations, recycling facilities, incinerators, sewage lagoons, wrecking and scrap metal yards, and similar uses. “Waste Management Facility, Minor” means a site used for the storage, recycling, disposal and filling of clean clay, waste concrete and paving materials, non-noxious scrap building materials, and similar non-hazardous wastes which normally do not generate any environmental pollution to the site and surrounding lands. This includes a dry waste site. “Water Setback” means the horizontal distance between the side lot lines of a waterfront lot measured at right angles from the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) of a watercourse, such as a river, lake or wetland. “Wool Processing” means the method of using raw wool and converting it into cleaned, graded yarn or wool products for retail sales. “Work Camp” means a residential complex used to house camp workers by various contracting firms on a temporary basis, and without restricting the generality of the above, the camp is usually made up of a number of mobile units, clustered in such fashion as to provide sleeping, eating, recreation, and other basic living facilities. The units may be dismantled and removed from the site from time to time. “Wrecking Yard” means land and buildings that are used for the storage and dismantling of old or wrecked vehicles and / or machinery for the purpose of recycling their components. Y “Yard, Front” means that part of the Lot which extends across the full width of a lot located between the side Property Lines measured perpendicular from the Property Line, Front to the nearest wall or supporting member of a principal building or structure. “Yard, Rear” means that part of the lot which extends across the full width of a lot located between the side Property Lines measured perpendicular from the Property Line, Rear to the nearest wall or supporting member of a principal building or structure. “Yard, Side” means that part of a Lot which extends from the Yard, Front to the Yard, Rear between the side Property Lines of a Lot and the nearest wall or supporting member of a principal building or structure. “Yard, Exterior Side” means a yard extending from the Yard, Front to the Yard, Rear between the Property Line, Exterior Side of the parcel to the wall of the principal building thereon. “Yard, Interior Side” means a yard extending from the Yard, Front to the yard, rear between the Property Line, Interior Side of the parcel to the wall of the principal building thereon. Land Use Bylaw 1808 174 All other words and phrases mean the same as they do in the Municipal Government Act, or the Subdivision and Development Regulation. Where words and phrases are not defined, they are given their common dictionary definitions. Land Use Bylaw 1808 175 PART XIV – LAND USE MAPS 17Huxley N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved Hwy 582 Rge Rd 260Nelson AveAlberta AveManitoba AveSunnyslope N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved King St Main St Queen S tWacker AveAlberta AveRailway AveAlberta AveAlberta AveRailway AveRailway AveTWP RD 302 Swalwell N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved Torrington N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved Wimborne N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved M a i n S t Main S t Rge Rd 2 2 1 Twp Rd 291 Hesketh N NOT TO SCALE Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 AllinghamAllingham N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved Beynon TWP RD 2 7 5 Beynon N NOT TO SCALE Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Bircham RGE RD 252Bircham N NOT TO SCALE Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 TWP R D 2 1 1 A Dunphy N NOT TO SCALE Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Equity Hwy 21Equity N NOT TO SCALE Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 RGE RD 224Hwy 583 Ghost Pine Creek N NOT TO SCALE Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 RGE RD 244Grainger N NOT TO SCALE Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Kirkpatrick H w y 5 7 5 Kirkpatrick N NOT TO SCALE Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 TWP 27 RNG 21 W 4 TWP 27 RNG 20 W 4 TWP 28 RNG 20 W 4 Beynon 2930 34333231 123456 1110987 12 131415161718 25 36 1 12 13 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 27 RNG 20 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 27 RNG 21 W 4 TWP 27 RNG 20 W 4 TWP 28 RNG 20 W 4 Beynon 2930 3231 56 87 1718 2322 252627 363534 123 1110 12 1314151617 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 27 RNG 21 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 27 RNG 21 W 4 TWP 27 RNG 20 W 4 TWP 28 RNG 21 W 4 TWP 28 RNG 20 W 4 34333231 123456 1110987 12 242322212019 27282930 131415161718 3534333231 36 1 12 24 25 13 36 456 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 28 RNG 20 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 27 RNG 21 W 4 TWP 27 RNG 20 W 4 TWP 28 RNG 21 W 4 TWP 28 RNG 20 W 4 363534 123 1110 12 242322212019 252627282930 131415161718 363534333231 123456 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 28 RNG 21 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 28 RNG 22 W 4 Hesketh Sharples 24 25 13 36 242322212019 252627282930 131415161718 363534333231 123456 1110987 12 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 28 RNG 22 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 28 RNG 24 W 4 TWP 29 RNG 23 W 4 TWP 28 RNG 23 W 4 24 25 13 36 242322212019 252627282930 131415161718 363534333231 1 12 123456 1110987 12 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 28 RNG 23 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 28 RNG 24 W 4 TWP 29 RNG 23 W 4 PUL 242322212019 252627282930 131415161718 363534333231 1 12 123456 1110987 12 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 28 RNG 24 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 29 RNG 21 W 4 TWP 29 RNG 20 W 4Dunphy Kirkpatrick 353433323136 1 12 24 13 456 7 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 29 RNG 20 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 29 RNG 21 W 4 TWP 29 RNG 20 W 4Gatine Dunphy Kirkpatrick 363534333231 123456 1110987 12 242322212019 27282930 131415161718 34333231 456 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 29 RNG 21 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 29 RNG 22 W 4 TWP 29 RNG 21 W 4 Hesketh Sharples 36 363534333231 1 12 24 25 13 36 123456 1110987 12 242322212019 252627282930 131415161718 363534333231 1 123456 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 29 RNG 22 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 29 RNG 24 W 4 TWP 29 RNG 23 W 4 CARBON 36 363534333231 1 12 24 25 13 36 123456 1110987 12 242322212019 252627282930 13161718 363534333231 1 123456 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 29 RNG 23 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 29 RNG 25 W 4 TWP 29 RNG 24 W 4 TWP 29 RNG 23 W 4 Grainger Entice Dam 363534333231 12 24 25 13 123456 1110987 12 242322212019 252627282930 131415161718 363534333231 123456 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 29 RNG 24 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 29 RNG 26 W 4 TWP 29 RNG 25 W 4 ACME Cosway Buoyant Bircham 123456 1110987 12 2423222120 252627282930 131415161718 363534333231 123456 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 29 RNG 25 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 29 RNG 26 W 4 ACME 123456 1110987 12 242322212019 252627282930 131415161718 363534333231 123456 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 29 RNG 26 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 30 RNG 22 W 4 TWP 30 RNG 21 W 4 Orkney 3456 36 34333231 1 12 24 25 13 36 456 987 212019 282930 161718 34333231 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 30 RNG 21 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 30 RNG 23 W 4 TWP 30 RNG 22 W 4 TWP 30 RNG 21 W 4 Orkney 12345 6 363534333231 31 123456 1110987 12 242322212019 252627282930 131415161718 363534333231 30 18 31 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 30 RNG 22 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 30 RNG 23 W 4 12345 6 36 363534333231 1 12 24 25 13 36 123456 1110987 12 242322212019 252627282930 131415161718 363534333231 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 30 RNG 23 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 30 RNG 24 W 4 SWALWELL Swalwell Dam King St Main St Queen StWacker AveAlberta AveRailway AveAlberta AveAlberta AveRailway AveRailway AveTWP RD 302 12345 56 363534333231 13 123456 1110987 12 242322212019 252627282930 131415161718 363534333231 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 30 RNG 24 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 30 RNG 26 W 4 TWP 30 RNG 25 W 4 Bargrave LINDEN 12345 56 363534333231 25 36 123456 1110987 12 2423222119 2526272830 131415161718 363534333231 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 30 RNG 25 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 30 RNG 26 W 4 1234 56 363534333231 123456 1110987 12 242322212019 252627282930 131415161718 363534333231 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 30 RNG 26 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 31 RNG 22 W 4 TWP 31 RNG 21 W 4 1 56 1 12 24 25 13 36 3456 10987 212019 282930 161718 3231 3635 34333231 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 31 RNG 21 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 31 RNG 23 W 4 TWP 31 RNG 22 W 4 TWP 31 RNG 21 W 4 Ghost Pine Creek 123456 123456 1110987 12 242322212019 252627282930 131415161718 363534333231 3635 3534333231 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 31 RNG 22 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 31 RNG 23 W 4 Ghost Pine Creek1123456 1 12 24 25 13 123456 1110987 12 242322212019 252627282930 131415161718 3635343332 3635 3534333231 TOWN OF THREE HILLS N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 31 RNG 23 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 31 RNG 24 W 4 123456 123456 1110987 12 242322212019 252627282930 131415161718 3534333231 3635 3534333231 TOWN OF THREE HILLS N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 31 RNG 24 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 31 RNG 26 W 4 TWP 31 RNG 25 W 4 TWP 31 RNG 26 W 4 Keivers Lake Rge R d 2 60 Manitoba Ave123456 123456 1110987 12 242322212019 252627282930 131415161718 363534333231 19 30 18 31 3635 3534333231 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 31 RNG 25 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 31 RNG 26 W 4 TWP 31 RNG 26 W 4 Keivers Lake Sunnyslope Allingham Hwy 582 Rge Rd 260 Nelson AveAlberta AveManitoba Ave123456 6 1234 11109 12 24232221 252627282930 13141516 363534333231 6 7 19 30 18 31 3534333231 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 31 RNG 26 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 32 RNG 22 W 4 TWP 32 RNG 21 W 4 1 1 12 24 25 13 36 56 7 19 30 18 31 36 3231 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 32 RNG 21 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 32 RNG 23 W 4 TWP 32 RNG 22 W 4 TWP 32 RNG 21 W 4 Ghost Pine Creek 123456 123456 1110987 12 242322212019 252627282930 131415161718 363534333231 363534333231 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 32 RNG 22 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 32 RNG 23 W 4 Ghost Pine Creek Equity 123456 6 123456 1110987 12 242322212019 252627282930 131415161718 363534333231 6 7 19 30 18 31 3635343332 31 TOWN OF THREE HILLS N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 32 RNG 23 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 32 RNG 24 W 4 Equity 123456 123456 1110987 12 242322212019 252627282930 131415161718 363534333231 30 18 3534333231 TOWN OF THREE HILLS N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 32 RNG 24 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 32 RNG 25 W 4 123456 123456 1110987 12 242322212019 252627282930 131415161718 363534333231 363534333231 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 32 RNG 25 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 32 RNG 27 W 4 TWP 31 RNG 26 W 4 TWP 32 RNG 26 W 4 Allingham Torrington 25 36 123456 123456 1110987 12 242322212019 252627282930 131415161718 3635333231 363534333231 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 32 RNG 26 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 32 RNG 27 W 4 TWP 32 RNG 26 W 4 Torrington 1 12 2423 2526 13 36 56 56 87 2019 2930 1718 3231 3231 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 32 RNG 27 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 33 RNG 23 W 4 TWP 33 RNG 22 W 4 23456 123456 1110987 12 22212019 27282930 1415161718 34333231 363534333231 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 33 RNG 22 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 33 RNG 23 W 4 TWP 33 RNG 22 W 4 TROCHU Equity 123456 123456 1110987 12 242322212019 252627282930 1314151618 363534333231 363534333231 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 33 RNG 23 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 33 RNG 24 W 4 Equity 123456 12 24 25 13 36 123456 1110987 12 242322212019 252627282930 131415161718 363534333231 36 363534333231 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 33 RNG 24 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 33 RNG 25 W 4 Wimborne 123456 123456 1110987 12 242322212019 252627282930 131415161718 363534333231 30 18 363534333231 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 33 RNG 25 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 34 RNG 27 W 4 TWP 33 RNG 27 W 4 TWP 33 RNG 26 W 4 Wimborne Torrington 123456 123456 1110987 12 242322212019 252627282930 131415161718 363534333231 19 30 18 31 3635333231 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 33 RNG 26 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 34 RNG 27 W 4 TWP 33 RNG 27 W 4 TWP 33 RNG 26 W 4 Torrington 561 1 12 24 25 13 36 36 56 87 2019 2930 1718 3231 3231 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 33 RNG 27 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 34 RNG 22 W 4 TWP 34 RNG 21 W 4C 24 25 13 36 19 2930 333231 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 34 RNG 21 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 34 RNG 22 W 4 TWP 34 RNG 21 W 4 23456 1110987 242322212019 252627282930 131415161718 363534333231 19 30 31 34333231 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 34 RNG 22 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 34 RNG 23 W 4 Huxley 123456 1110987 12 242322212019 252627282930 131415161718 363534333231 7 19 30 18 31 363534333231 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 34 RNG 23 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 35 RNG 24 W 4 TWP 34 RNG 25 W 4 TWP 34 RNG 24 W 4 1234 123456 1110987 12 242322212019 252627282930 131415161718 363534333231 363534333231 5 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 34 RNG 24 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 35 RNG 25 W 4 TWP 35 RNG 24 W 4 TWP 34 RNG 26 W 4 TWP 34 RNG 25 W 4 12 6 123456 1110987 12 242322212019 252627282930 131415161718 363534 363534333231 5 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 34 RNG 25 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 35 RNG 25 W 4 TWP 34 RNG 26 W 4 TWP 34 RNG 27 W 4 123456 11109 12 24232221 25262728 13141516 6 7 19 30 18 363534333231 31 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 34 RNG 26 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 34 RNG 26 W 4 TWP 34 RNG 27 W 4 561 36 3231 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 34 RNG 27 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 35 RNG 25 W 4 TWP 35 RNG 24 W 4 TWP 34 RNG 25 W 4 TWP 34 RNG 24 W 4 12346 2423 2526 3635 2322212019 2627282930 3534333231 5 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 35 RNG 24 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved TWP 35 RNG 25 W 4 TWP 35 RNG 24 W 4 TWP 34 RNG 26 W 4 TWP 34 RNG 25 W 4 12 6 24 25 242322212019 252627282930 363534 N NOT TO SCALE Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT TWP 35 RNG 25 W 4 Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved LINDEN N NOT TO SCALE Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 PUBLIC HEALTH Westview Care Community 17 N NOT TO SCALE Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 PUBLIC HEALTH Boyd's Alternative Health & Financial Services TOWN OF THREE HILLS N NOT TO SCALE Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 PUBLIC HEALTH Kneehill County/Medical Clinic Keivers Lake N NOT TO SCALE Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 PUBLIC HEALTH Keiver's Lake Campground 9 45 8 N NOT TO SCALE Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 PUBLIC HEALTH Swalwell Dam & Campground 20 N NOT TO SCALE Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 PUBLIC HEALTH Braconnier's Campground 9 SWALWELL King St Main St Queen S tWacker AveAlberta AveRailway AveAlberta AveAlberta AveRailway AveRailway AveTWP RD 302 N NOT TO SCALE Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 PUBLIC HEALTH Swalwell Curling Rink & Ball Diamond 27 TWP 28 RNG 21 W 4 2221 28 N NOT TO SCALE Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 PUBLIC HEALTH Horseshoe Canyon Huxley 17 N NOT TO SCALE Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 PUBLIC HEALTH Huxley Ball Diamond & Curling Rink 12 N NOT TO SCALE Legend: A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AB AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS DISTRICT C CROWN LANDS CR - COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HR - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HC - HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HI - HAMLET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HG - HAMLET GENERAL DISTRICT LRC - LOCAL RURAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT XH - EX - HAMLET DISTRICT HWY-C - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT IN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTREC RECREATION DISTRICT MH MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT PUL - PUBLIC UTILITY LOTPUL DIRECT CONTROL DISTRICT Provincial Highway Secondary Gravel County Gravel Bridge Railway Primary Provincial Highway Provincial Highway Private Gravel County Unimproved Kneehill County Bylaw No. 1808 PUBLIC HEALTH Vantage Point Resources