HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981 Financial Statementsh s t ~y4 MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS FINANCIAL STATEMENT For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19--s-,,. MUNICIPALITY RM11k. #45 MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF KNEEHILL 448 REPORT TO RATEPAYERS FINANCIAL STATEMiNT DECEMBER 31st, 1981 -;;W REVENUE ACTUAL -_DECEMBER- BUDGET Taxes & Grants In I4eu of Taxes` $4,369,642.22 4,371,400. Penalties, Costs, Interest & Drilling Fees 210,881,10 216,100. Grants - Municipal Assistant Fines & Administrations 453,032.43 429,983. Sales, Rentals & Transfers 51,607.16 35,800. Protection Services 15,896.10 15,800. Transportation - Sales & Rentals, 73,600.52 51,000. Transportation - Grants 1,151,792.80 942,003. Water & Sewer 24,372.96 35,002. A.S.B. Sales & Rentals 37,q&2.94 24,100. A.S.B. Grants 56,764.45 70,700. Parks 9,293.00 -0- - TOTAL REVENUE FOR 1981 $6,454,645.68 $6,191,888. DEFICIT FOR 1981 $ 343,307.78 656,178. GRAND TOTAL $6,797,953.46 $6,848,066. EXPENDITURES ACTUAL DECEMBER 31st BUDGET ----------------------------------------------------------+°w Council Fees ' 72,581.32 70,800. Office Salaries & Benefits 191,723.34 187,300 Office Expenses 61,430.55 71,500. Unconditional Transfers: Planning Requisition 17,974.97 17,975. School Supplementary Requisition 1,100,579.13 1,100,579. School Foundation 455,286.00 455,286. Home for the Aged 52,691.40 63,564. Hospital (Elnora) 5,300.77 8,359. Office Capital 9,085.75 15,000. Interest, Donations & Tax Cancellations 46,106.88 104,000. Fire & Ambulance 69,775.69 79,666. Utility Officer, Radio Expense & Capital 44,132.13 Public Works, Salaries, Wages & Bene fits 1,256,860.50 Public Works Equipment Rentals 339,541.82 Public Works Gravel Crushing 352,116.09 Freight, Phone, Engineering & Other 149,133.03 Public Works Equipment Repairs 290,387.35 Public Works Material - Fuel 320,414.44 Public Works Material - Road Oil 667,015.09 Public Works, Culverts & Other 210,461.43 Public Works Capital 701,622.06 Airport Maintenance 1,872.50 Water, Administration, Interest & Principal Sewer Interest and Principal Garbage and Waste Disposal Cemeteries A.S.B. Salaries, Wages & Benefits A.S.B. Expenses, Supplies & Capital Recreation - Parks Grants - Towns and Villages Trochu Pool Alta. 75 Community Organizations 22,547.49 20,935.12 46,421.38 16,154.08 83,280.45 77, 337.68 24,247.87 66,396.35 7,524.58 816.22 16,200.00 $6,797,q53.46 51,650. 1,395,300. 325,000. 275,000. 105,900. 300,000. 300,000. 475,000. 200,700. 870,000. 3,000. 25,092. 12,595. 40,000. 12,000. 88,100. 80,100. 24,500. 66,400. 7,5000. 16,200. ---------$6,848,066. MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF KNEEHILL # 48 PROJECT COSTING REPORT Year Ending December 31, 1981 Good Standard Grade Projects (Main Crew) 15.5 Miles of Road were constructed at an average cost of $51,218.73 per mile. Standard Grade Projects (Small Crew) 10.9 Miles of road were regraded at an average cost of $23,309.05/mile. Light Coat Surfacing Projects (General Crew) 68.3 Miles of road were resurfaced at an average cost of $13,320.70/mile. 18.9 Miles of road were sealed at an average cost of $6,834.15/mile. 7.6 Miles of road were covered with Calcium Chloride at a total cost of $13,208.38 Total cost of Crack Filling was $11,983.85. Total cost of Cold Mix Patching was $14,031.98. Graveling Summary (Gravel Crew) A total of 124,811 Cubic Yards of Gravel were hauled to 523.7 Miles of road at an average cost of $6.76 per cubic yard. A further 58,867 Cubic Yards were stockpiled at an average cost of $3.54 per Cubic Yard. A total of 183,678 Cubic Yards of gravel were moved in 1981. * All above costs swe based on 1981-82 Alberta Transportation Equipment and Haul Prices. -R_ MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF KNEEHILL # 48 TAXES RECEIVABLE STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 1982 BALANCE JANUARY 1, 1981 $ 213,984.78 CURRENT LEVY 4,298,278.13 PENALTY & COSTS 19,835.41 TAXES REINSTATED 401.25 TOTAL TAXES DUE 4,532,499.57 COLLECTED 1981 4,345,493.80 CANCELLATIONS 1,234.13 UNCOLLECTED TAXES, DECEMBER 31, 1981 185,771.64 C.. ALBERTA MUNICIPAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS g TABLE OF CONTENTS` Pape COVER SHEET 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ll STATEMENTS: 1. AUDITOR'S REPORT FS1 2. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET FS2 3. COMBINED OPERATING REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FS3 4. COMBINED CAPITAL FINANCING ACQUIRED AND APPLIED FS4 5. TAXES LEVIED AND GRANTS IN LIEU FS5 6. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF SURPLUS (DEFICIT) FS6 7. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF EQUITY IN FIXED ASSETS FS7 S. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FS7 MUNICIPAL TREASURER'S REPORT: 1. COMPARATIVE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE FOR OPERATIONS AND CAPITAL FRI 2. COMPARATIVE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FOR OPERATIONS AND CAPITAL FRI 3. COMPARATIVE INVENTORIES FOR OPERATIONS FR2 4. COMPARATIVE INVESTMENTS FOR OPERATIONS AND CAPITAL FR2 5. INVESTMENTS BY TYPE HELD FR2 6. ENGINEERING STRUCTURES FIXED ASSETS FR3 7. BUILDING FIXED ASSETS FR4 S. MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT FIXED ASSETS FR5 9. LAND FOR GOVERNMENT USE FRO 10. VEHICLES FIXED ASSETS FR? 11. DEBENTURES, BONDS AND MORTGAGE ISSUES FRO 12. LONG-TERM CAPITAL BORROWING AND CAPITALIZED LEASES FR9 13. LONG-TERM BORROWING FOR OPERATIONS FR/0 14• STATEMENT OF TRUST LIABILITIES FR11 15. METER RENTALS AND ANY DEPOSIT LIABILITIES FRI t 16. PREPAID LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS AND OTHER LIABILITIES FR11 17. OPERATING FUNCTIONS COMPARATIVE ALLOWANCES AND RESERVES FR12 16. CAPITAL FUNCTIONS COMPARATIVE ALLOWANCES AND RESERVES FR13 19. OPERATING FUNCTIONS REVENUES BY TYPE AND EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT (Shown as'14.1 to 14.7' for required pages) FR14.1 20. CAPITAL FUNCTIONS FINANCES ACQUIRED AND FINANCES APPLIED ' ' (Shown " 16. 1 to 15.7 for required pages) FR 15.1 21. FINAL REPORT ON ASSESSMENTS AND VALUATIONS FOR YEAR FRI O 22. SUMMARY TABLE OF COMPARATIVE MILL RATES FRIO 23. PAYMENT TO COUNCILLORS FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES FR17 24. SUMMARY MUNICIPAL STATISTICS FR17 £ - 25. MUNICIPAL TREASURER'S CERTIFICATE FR17 26. LOCAL AUTHORITIES BOARD INFORMATION RETURN FR1 O P ~ Y ¢ g 1 G ......................HI~iILL .#48....................................... MUNICIPALITY AUDITOR'S REPORT The Mayor or Reeve and Council of: K NICIPAL. DIS ICT .OF. I HILL. 64$ . , . . We have examined the Consolidated Balance Sheet of.. ` hg. M • D...Qf . Kne *41, #48, , . , , , as at December 31, 19 81 and the related statements of Combined Operating Revenues and Expenditures, Combined Capital Financing Acquired and Applied, Taxes Levied and Grants in Lieu, Consolidated Statement of Surplus (Deficit) and Consolidated Statement of Equity in Fixed Assets for the year then ended. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests and other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, these financial statements present fairly the financial position of the municipality as at December 31, 19_&3 - and the results of its operations and changes in capital financing for the year then ended in accordance with the disclosed basis of accounting described in Note 1 applied on a basis con- sistent with that of the preceding year. Dated at ..TbrP!q Hills........ this l9~h... day of ..February 19-826.1. Firm Henry Van Den Hovenr C.A...... , . , . . Address $p ..130,..RWgpe Bills, . Alberta . . . . . . . . . Telephone:.. 443-5595 SPECIAL REPORT OUALIFICATIONS. r.+ BILL #48 . • ' . " . MUNICIPALITY I f LVROVL1UA I CU dALA1Yt,.C ,19tC I A 8 1 A At D b 31 t L s ecem er s YEAR t PRECEDING CURRENT CONSOLIDATED ASSETS YEAR YEAR 19-W 19-K 110 Cash on Hand 6,425 5,511 121 Cash in Chartered Banks 2 122 Cash in Near Banks and other Financial Institutions 3 497 942 239 042 t 100 TOTAL CASH ON HAND AND ON DEPOSIT 504 367 244,553 210 Taxes and Grants in Lieu Receivable . S 9-13 9 740 187 2X0 Receivable from Other Governments . _!II , 31 189 , R4 193 270 Trade Accounts Receivable . 7 , 53 904 9,51- 395 290 All Other Receivables a 200 TOTAL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 145 - R07 997 328- 10 300 TOTAL INVESTMENTS, LOANS AND ADVANCES 1 11 382, 833 , 1, 735, 586. 477 Trust Accounts Administered (Total) ........................................t? 490 Other Assets (Specify Capital - S . ......t2 - 988 7 053 - 13 , 400 TOTAL OTHER ASSETS 4,833 120318. 570 Land Held tot Resale . t 590 Other Inventories !Tangible Assets) . 5 '320 -132 2 _19-5 500 TOTAL INVENTORIES (TANGIBLE ASSETS) 1,322,132 1,312,966 610 ENGINEERING STRUCTURES FIXED ASSETS 763,243 777 040 to 620 BUILDING FIXED ASSETS t 390,664 390,664 19 630 MACHINERY. FOUIPMENT FIXED ASSETS 2,798,114 3,143, 469 640 LAND FOR OWN GOVERNMENT USES 20 146,853 144,012 21 650 VEHICLES FIXED ASSETS 962,772 1,0890335 22 600 TOTAL FIXED ASSETS 5,061,646 5,544,5;0 23 800 DEBT CHARGES RECOVERABLE 24 900 NET ACCUMULATED DEFICITS 25 TOTAL CONSOLIDATED ASSETS 8.582.956 9,147,271 CONSOLIDATED LIABILITIES PRECEDING YEAR CURRENT YEAR 19~} 19_.g} 26 100 TOTAL SHORT-TERM LOANS AND OVERDRAFTS 340,009 2X0 Payable to Other Governments . . . ...............27 166 270 Trade Accounts Payable. and Accrued .........?e ' 45 999 ' 91 845 290 All Other Payables , 1 30 200 TOTAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 98,158 100,027. 31 310 Debenture, Bond and Mortgage Debts 96 458 117 1916 322 Long-Term Capital Borrowing and Capitalized Leases 32 , - , 323 Operations Long•Tertn Borrowing 3.3 - 34 300 TOTAL LONG-TERM DEBT OBLIGATIONS 96,458 _ 117,126 47X Meter Rentals and Any Deposit Liabilities 35 477 Administered Trust Liabilities (Total) 36 490 Other Liabilities (Specify Capital - $ 37 38 400 TOTAL OTHER LIABILITIES 3s845 • 5,266 39 6XX TOTAL ALLOWANCES FOR OPERATING FUNCTIONS 5,743 196. 40 66X TOTAL CAPITAL ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES 26,652. 41 7XX TOTAL RESERVES FOR OPERATING FUNCTIONS 11,914. 42 76X TOTAL RESERVES FOR CAPITAL 43 800 TOTAL EOUITY IN FIXED ASSETS 4, 825, 696, 5, 413, 064. 900 NET ACCUMULATED OPERATING SURPLUS 3'514 P 490 3,171,583 TOTAL CONSOLIDATED LIABILITIES Q ra27 Ae-.t, n "i1i .KNEEHiLL #48. MUNICIPALITY COMBINED OPERATING REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES F S 3 By Function for the Year Ended December 31, 19-83: FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS 1 OPERATING REVENUES 2 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 3 NET COST OF OPERATIONS 4 NET C11" FROM OPERATIONS 11 Council and Other Legislative 72 581 R1 2 12 General Administration and Other 602 51 , 308 "ro 839 956 3 # , , 4 21 Police Department and Services Used ............5 23 Fire Fighting and Preventive Service R B 555 829 42 15,726, 24 Disaster Service and Emergency Measures r - Y RAS , 896 25 Ambulance Services and First Aid 6.935 28 By-Lows Enforcement and Other ................a .29-Utilities. & . Cta'=MiCat.iOnS....10 15 000, 44.132 2 32 . . - 12 31 Common Services and/or Equipment Pod Streets, Walks, Lighting 13 32 Roads 1 995 394 1 987 552 15R 3 069 , 14 . , , , , 1 1 ........................'.5 33 Airport Services 1 873 1 87-1 34 Public Transit Systems .......................'.5 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage ....................'.r ,e 41 Water Supply and Distribution System 19 100 548 - 29 9 349 20 , , 42 Sanitary Sewage Service and Treatment 19 3M 90 935 1 551 22 , , , 43 Garbage Collection 3 Disposal .................?3 421 48 46.421 . ..............................................25 51 Preventive Social Services ...................26 52 Day Care.... Z7 53 Other Public Health ?5 56 Cemeteries and Crematoriums ..................?s 90 1 6 154 16,064 30 ~ . 61 Municipal Planning, Zoning d Development 62 Community and/or Agricultural Services '...32 94-527 16() Al R 66 091 66 Subdivision Land and Developments .............33 - 67 Public Housing Operations 34 69 Land/Housing/Building Rentals and Other ........35 36 3> 71 Recreation Board and Other Services , , 35 72 Recreation/Parks Facilities and Programs..... --19 -97 -999- 185 11.9 193 17 74 Culture: Community Hall, Library, Museum, etc. ...10 . , 1 41 42 ..............................................43 91 Gas Production and Distribution ................44 92 Electrical Production and Distribution ............!5 93 Telephone Systems 46 .............................!a 49 97 Operating Contin erlciea Reserve 51 TOTAL FUNCTIONALIZED OPERATIONS GENERAL MUNICIPAL REVENUES: 100/200 Net Taxes for General Purposes 52 510 Penalties and Costs on Taxes ..................53 540 Revenues from Franchises a Concession Contracts 54 550 Returns on 590 Other Revenues from Own Sources .............S6 730 Federal Govt. d Agencies Unconditional Grants s7 740 Provincial Govt. d Agencies Unconditional Grants.. r 750 Local Governments Unconditional Grants....... , 59 1 616, 630 ] 9- S49 370 80 9-9 5,166, 221 . , £ §'<2 ' ' 4~ 3, 572, 252. ; : _ k 92,661 1,20 380 22 790 Other Unconditional Grants ....................so M 61 TOTAL GENERAL MUNICIPAL REVENUES 3,206,283 u 3,206.283. 62 TOTAL MUNICIPAL OPERATING FUNCTIONS 4)822,913 5,166,221 , 572,252 3 228'944 NET SURPLUS Oq.QE MLFOR YEAR 343.308 64 96 County School Functions . GRAND TOTAL OPERATING FUNCTIONS 4 X322 .913 15,166,221 .572.2 5 3 FS3 ~rr✓ ~ KNEEHII,L #48 MUNICIPALITY COMBINED CAPITAL FINANCING ACQUIRED AND APPLIED SS 4 By Function For The Year Ended December 31, 19 81 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS 1 FUNDED CAPITAL AVAILABLE* 2 OVEREXPENO• ITURES AT YEAR END 3 CAPITAL FUNDS APPLIED" 4 UNEXPENDED FUNDS AT YEAR END 11 Council and Other Legislative ...................1 11 777 777 12 General Administration and Other ................2 3 21 Police Department and Services Used ............s 23 Fire Fighting and Preventive Service .............e 24 Disaster Service and Emergency Measures ........7 25 Ambulance Services and First Aid ..............:a 26 By-Laws Enforcement and Other ................9 ..29.... Comumicati.ons..................10 13,617 13,617 ..............................................11 31 Common Services and/or Equipment Pool ........!2 1 081 03 32 Roads, Streets, Walks, Lighting ................?3 , , ..............................................14 33 Airport Services. 0 34 Public Transit Systems .......................!6 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage ........17 ................!s 41 Water Supply and Distribution System ...........!o 14 .11 14 331 ...................2o 42 Sanitary Sewage Service and Treatment .........;1 ..............22 43 Garbage Collection & Disposal ...23 24 ...........................25 51 Preventive Social Services ....................26 52 Day Care ..................................27 53 Other Public Health ..........................a& 56 Cemeteries and Crematoriums .................29 30 61 Municipal Planning, Zoning b Development .......31 62 Community and/or Agricultural Services ..........32 IS M4 IS M4- 66 Subdivision Land and Developments.......... ..33 67 Public Housing Operations 34 69 Land/Housing/Building Rentals and Other 35 .........................36 . .........37 71 Recreation Board and Other Services ..........3a 72 Recreation/Parks Facilities and Programs 39 74 Culture: Community Haft, Library, Museum, etc. ...40 .......................N ..................................42 .43 91 Gas Production and Distribution 44 92 Electrical Production and Distribution 4s - 93 Telephone Systems ........46 ...........47 48 .........................49 _ 97 General Capital Reserves so TOTAL MUNICIPAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS 61 1,234,855 J 14, 331 - , 249,186. S2 96 County School Functions . - GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS 53 13234,855 (1) 14$331 412490 IN. (2) (1) Amount to be entered for deletion from equity as Overexpenditures in the 'Consolidated Statement of Equity' on page FS?. (2) Amount to be entered for addition to equity as Unexpended Balances in the 'Consolidated Statement of Equity' on page FS7. Includes prior year's Unexpended Funds. • ' Includes prior year's Overexpenditure. IIILL x#48 MUNICIPALITY TAXES LEVIED AND GRANTS IN LIEU For Preceding Year And Current Year Ended December 31, 1981 F S 5 ITEM DESCRIPTIONS PRECEDING YEAR AMOUNT 2 CURRENT YEAR AMOUNT LEVIES FOR REVENUE: T 110 Real Property Taxes R14 7 102.278 3 120 Special Assessments and Local Improvements . ? . 130 Mobile Home License Fees Collected . , 19'. 499 14 170 Business Taxes 4 9W 4.219 190 Power, Pipe, Cable T.V. and Other Taxes . s 940' 111 1176-481 230 Federal Grants in Lieu of Taxes 9 1-072 240 Provincial Grants in Lieu of Taxes 4q n22 55,636 250 Other Local Government Grants in Lieu e l 270 Other Grants in Lieu of Taxes s 1001200 TOTAL TAXES AND GRANTS IN LIEU 10 31749,188 4, 369, 642. EXPENDED BY TRANSFERS: " 74X Provincial Planning Fund Requisition . 1. . . 19 549 177 9 7 51, 74X School Foundation Program Requisition(s) Total . L SUPPLEMENTARY SCHOOL REQUISITIONS: 10 >d ;..:`f:°'ryw, x•..... 75X ee. S.D. No.. .+3 929.389 1 100 579 75X ........S.D. No...... 75X ........S.D. No...... . 15 75X S.D No...... . to 75X ........S.D. No . 1. 75X ........S.D. No...... 8 75X . .S.D.No...... . +e 75X ......................................................S.D. No...... 20 HEALTH AND OTHER REQUISITIONS: nor. a 75X E] H.D. No.. 44. .2.1 495 . 75X H.D. No...... . ?2 75X . . .......H.D. No...... . ?3 75X Nursing Home ..2s 75X Auxiliary Hospital . z5 . 75X Goldon Hills. Lodge Seniors Foundation 26 54 529 52,591 75X Seniors Foundation 27 . 75X Seniors Foundation 28 75X Seniors Foundation 29 7401750 SUB-TOTAL FOR REQUISITION TRANSFERS ;c 1,421,404 1,631,732 BALANCE OF LEVIES FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES 31 2,327,784 2,737,910 ALLOCATED AS SPECIAL MUNICIPAL LEVIES: 120 Special Assessments and Local Improvements . ..32 I~A97 195 -W 1XX/2XX Debt and Other Specified Levies for Operations ..33 _ 1XX12XX Levies for Capital Projects and Special Reserves .34 1001200 SUB-TOTAL SPECIAL MUNICIPAL LEVIES 35 184,427 195,540 1001200 NET TAXES FOR GENERAL MUNICIPAL PURPOSES (1) 3e 2,143,357 2,542,370 (1) The 'Net Taxes for General Municipal Purposes' must be the same as the amount on page FS3. Note: The space below this form can be used to set out details about special levies if desired. SPECIAL 1981 1980 Ambulance 32,986 26,984 Recreation 88,699 87,191 Frontage Water. 40181 4,181 Sewer 11,119 7,752 Fire 58,555 58,319 195,540 184,427 G KNEEiILL, #148 MUNICIPALITY CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF SURPLUS (DEFICIT) F S 6 As at the Year Ended December 31, 19 81 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS ITEM DESCRIPTIONS AIRPORT SERVICES 33 PUBLIC TRANSIT SYSTEMS 34 DEFICIT SURPLUS DEFICIT SURPLUS - Preceding Year Balance 1 > 1 t - Adjustments to Prior Years 2 a 2 a - Current Year Operations (from page FS3)....... 3 9 3 9 - Transfers to and from Other Functions • 0 4 0 - SUB-TOTAL 5 1 5 1 - Balance at Year End e 2 e 12 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS ITEM DESCRIPTIONS STORM SEWERS AND DRAINAGE SYSTEMS 37 WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS 41 _ DEFICIT SURPLUS DEFICIT SURPLUS - Preceding Year Balance 1 7 1 T - Adjustments to Prior Years 2 a 2 e - Current Year Operations (from page FS3)....... 3 e 3 9 - Transfers to and from Other Functions 0 0 - SUB-TOTAL 5 1 S 1 - Balance at Year End e 2 e 2 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS ITEM DESCRIPTIONS - SANITARY SEWAGE SERVICE AND TREATMENT 42 GARBAGE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SYSTEMS 43 DEFICIT SURPLUS DEFICIT SURPLUS - Preceding Year Balance 1 1 7 - Adjustments to Prior Years 2 a - 2 a - Current Year Operations (from page FS3)....... 3 9 3 9 - Transfers to and from Other Functions . 4 0 4 to - SUB-TOTAL . 5 1 - 5 t - Balance at Year End . . . a - - 2 e 2 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS ITEM DESCRIPTIONS _ SUBDIVISION LAND AND DEVELOPMENTS 66 GAS PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS 91 DEFICIT SURPLUS DEFICIT SURPLUS - Preceding Year Balance 1 > 1 7 - Adjustments to Prior Years 2 e 2 9 - - Current Year Operations (from page FS3)....... 3 9 3 9 - Transfers to and from Other Functions 0 0 - SUBTOTAL 5 1 5 1 - Balance at Year End 6 z e 12 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS ITEM DESCRIPTIONS ELECTRICAL PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS 92 TELEPHONE SYSTEMS (EDMONTON ONLY) 93 DEFICIT SURPLUS DEFICIT SURPLUS - Preceding Year Balance 1 7 1 > - Adjustments to Prior Years 2 a 2 a - Current Year Operations (from page FS3)....... 3 9 3 9 - Transfers to and from Other Functions 0 • 0 -SUB-TOTAL 5 1 s 1 - Balance at Year End e 2 ` e 2 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS ITEM DESCRIPTIONS - - i - - C COUNTY SCHOOL 98 DEFICIT SURPLUS DEFICIT SURPLUS - Preceding Year Balance 1 1 - Adjustments to Prior Years 2 e 2 a - Current Year Operations (from page FS3)....... 3 9 3 9 - - Transfers to and from Other Functions 4 _ _ 0 4 10 - SUB-TOTAL 5 t 5 11 - - - Balance at Year End e 2 e 12 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS ITEM DESCRIPTIONS ALL OTHER OPERATIONS DEFICIT/SURPLUS 98 TOTAL NET CUMULATED DEFICIT/SURPLUS (TO FS2) 99 DEFICIT SURPLUS DEFICIT SURPLUS -Preceding Year Balance 1 ~ .595 715 - Adjustments to Prior Years 2 , a - Current Year Operations (from page FS3)....... 3 340959 9 e 12 3 171 583 - Transfers to and from Other Functions -4 ' 0 , , - SUB-TOTAL 5 0 959 1 - Balance at Year End e 2 1 S5 157 G J NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS • (Include relevant notes for accounting policies, procedures and principles; for any material adjustments or changes M financial position; and for any contingent liabilities or major new projects.) 'NOTE t. Accounting Policies: It is this municipality's practice to apply accounting principles which are common to and generally accepted in municipal accounting. These principles differ significantly from generally accepted accounting principles applied in carrnercial account. These differences include the charging of debenture principal and current funds used for capital purchases to expenses in the year of payment. No depreciation is charged against revenue and all fixed assets are recorded at original cost only. 1{NF~R914L #48 MUNICIPALITY F .S 7 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF EQUITY IN FIXED ASSETS TO DECEMBER 31, 19_81,_ Y MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS UNAUDITED SCHEDULES & MUNICIPAL TREASURER'S REPORT For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19 81 ICNEEiILL #48 MUNICIPALITY G J KNEERILL #48 . MUNICIPALITY COMPARATIVE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE FOR OPERATIONS AND CAPITAL UNAUDITED For Preceding Year and as at December 31, 19R]_ F R 1 200 OPERATING RECEIVABLES 200 CAPITAL RECEIVABLES FUNCTIONS 1 PRECEDING YEAR BALANCE 2 CURRENT BALANCE 3PRECEDING YEAR BALANCE 4 CURRENT BALANCE XX Current Taxes and Grants-in-Lieu 1 188,413 159,381 XX Arrears Taxes and Grants-in-Lieu ? 25 314 26 195 XX Taxes on Property Acquired for Taxes 3 25A 19A 1 34 Public Transit Systems s 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage 41 Water Supply and Distribution 017 in S 6RR 42 Sanitary Sewage Service and Treatment , , 10 56 Cemeteries and Crematoriums 62 Community and/or Agricultural Services 12 24 130 66 Subdivision Land and Developments 13 F 67 Public Housing Operations 69 Land/Housing/Building Rentals and Other ..........'S 1e , . 74 Recreation/Parks FacNities & Programs t8 91 Gas Production & Distribution !9 92 Electrical Production & Distribution 93 Telephone Systems 96 County School Functions 22 . T98 AN Other Functions Receivables . ?3 rQ ()71 77 M GRAND TOTAL FUNCTIONS RECEIVABLES (1) 24 307,145 297,328 (1) The sum of Operating and Capital balances for preceding and for current year must equal the "200 Total Accounts Receivable" amounts In the 'Consolidated Balance Sheet' on page FS2. COMPARATIVE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FOR OPERATIONS AND CAPITAL UNAUDITED For Preceding Year and as at December 31, 19 J$L_ MR 2 200 OPERATING PAYABLES 200 CAPITAL PAYABLES FUNCTIONS PRECEDING YEAR BALANCE 2 CURRENT BALANCE 3PRECEDING YEAR BALANCE 4 CURRENT BALANCE 34 Public Transit Systems . ? 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage 4 41 Water Supply and Distribution 5 42 Sanitary Sewage Service and Treatment 56 Cemeteries and Crematoriums 62 Community and/or Agricultural Services 9 66 Subdivision Land and Developments 10 67 Public Housing Operations 1 69 Land/Housing/Building Rentals and Other.......... 12 14 74 Recreation!Parks Facilities & Programs 15 52 166 66 ,:m? 91 Gas Production & Distribution 16 92 Electrical Production & Distribution 1 r 93 Telephone Systems 's 96 County School Function .......................to 98 All Other Functions Receivables ?9 GRAND TOTAL FUNCTIONS PAYABLES (2) 21 98,158 100,027 (2) The sum of Operating and Capital balances for preceding and for current year must equal the "200 Total Accounts Payable" amounts in the 'Consolidated Balance Sheet' on page FS2. OWN ~Vw KN>•~-I #48........................... MUNICIPALITY COMPARATIVE INVENTORIES FOR OPERATIONS F R 3 For Preceding Year and as at December 31, 198 500 OPERATING INVENTORIES FUNCTIONS REPORTED PRECEDING YEAR BALANCE 2 CURRENT BALANCE 31 Common Services and/or Equipment Pool..........' 32 Roads. Streets, Walks, Lighting ? 1 312 685 1 300 704 34 Public Transit Systems 3 , , 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage ......................1 s 41 Water Supply and Distribution 9 42 Sanitary Sewage Service and Treatment e 56 Cemeteries and Crematoriums 9 62 Community and/or Agricultural Services........... 10 9.447 8A21 66 Subdivision Land and Developments 11 67 Pubic Housing Operations 69 Land/Housing/Building Rentals and Other.......... 73 .............................................14 ..............................................15 91 Gas Production & Distribution ?6 92 Electrical Production & Distribution 93 Telephone Systems 4 ....................10 96 County School Functions 70 98 AN Other Functions Receivables 2- GRAND TOTAL FUNCTIONS INVENTORIES (1) 22 l 1r322,132 1r309,125 UNAUDITED (1) Must equal the preceding and current year amounts in "500 Total Inventories (Tangible Assets)" in the Consolidated Balance Sheet on page FS2. COMPARATIVE INVESTMENTS FOR OPERATIONS AND CAPITAL F R 4 UNAUDITED For Preceding Year and as at December 31, 19 81 300 OPERATING INVESTMENTS 300 CAPITAL INVESTMENTS FUNCTIONS REPORTED 1 PRECEDING YEAR BALANCE 2 CURRENT BALANCE 3PRECEDING YEAR BALANCE 4 CURRENT BALANCE 34 Public Transit Systems ? 37 Strom Sewers and Drainage 3 . . . 41 Water Supply and Distribution 6 42 Sanitary Sewage Service and Treatment e e 62 Community and/or Agricultural Services o 88 Subdivision Land and Developments ...............1o 67 Pubic Housing Operations 11 69 Lard/Housing/Building Rentals and Other.......... _ 13 14 . 91 Gas Production & Distribution 1 a 92 Electrical Production b Distribution t6 _ 93 Telephone Systems I! _ ,96 County School Functions ?P 98 AN Other Functions Investments 20 1 .382 833 --2 M5 5W 21 GRAND TOTAL FUNCTIONS INVESTMENTS (2) - 1,382,833 1,7351586 (2) The sum of Operating and Capital balances for the preceding year and the current year must equal the "300 Total Investments, Loans and Advances" on page FS2. INVESTMENTS BY TYPE HELD AT DECEMBER 31, 19 S3 F R 5 UNAUDITED 1 FEDERAL 2 PROVINCIAL 3 LOCAL 4 SECURITIES (RANK CERTIFICATES GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENTS BONDS AND AND TERM AND AGENCIES AND AGENCIES AND AGENCIES DEBENTURES DEPOSITS OPERATING INVESTMENTS 725 OW CAPITAL INVESTMENTS .0 TOTAL INVESTMENTS 120 1.725.000 000 ® KNEEHILL #48 MUNICIPALITY 610 ENGINEERING STRUCTURES FIXED ASSETS F R 6 UNAUDITED Continuity During the Year Ended December 31, 19 81 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS t BEGINNING OF YEAR BALANCE 2 ADDITIONS DURING THE YEAR 3 REDUCTIONS DURING THE YEAR 4 CURRENT YEAR END BALANCE 11 Council and Other Legislative 12 General Administration and Other 2 ..............................................3 .1 21 Police Department and Services Used b 23 Fire Fighting and Preventive Service .e 24 Disaster Service and Emergency Measures ........7 25 Ambulance Services and First Aid 26 By-Laws Enforcement and Other ................a .......................tA .t.t 31 Common Services and/or Equipment Pool ........1.2 32 Roads. Streets, Walks, Lighting . 13 12 058 19 QAR ..............................................1.4 33 Airport Services .............................1.5 34 Public Transit Systems .......................1.e 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage ....................v I......... 1A 41 Water Supply and Distribution System ...........1.a 15A 971 13 331 172.602 ..............................................20 , , 42 Sanitary Sewage Service and Treatment .........2t 5g5 ()q3 585 559 ..........................................22 , 43 Garbage Collection 8 Disposal .................23 . .........................24 ..................................25 51 Preventive Social Services •26 52 Day Care ..................................27 53 Other Public Health ,...2e 56 Cemeteries and Crematoriums •2e ..............................................30 61 Municipal Planning, Zoning b Development .......31 62 Community and,or Agricultural Services ..........32 66 Subdivision Land and Developments .............33 67 Public Housing Operations ....................34 69 Land'Housing Building Rentals and Other ........35 ....................................3e . 7 71 Recreation Board and Other Services ...........3a 72 Recreation,Parks Facilities and Programs 39 fi,821- 74 Culture: Community Hall, Library, Museum, etc.... ............41 - . ...42 .4 91 Gas Production and Distribution ................44 92 Electrical Production and Distribution ......45 - 93 Telephone Systems ..........................4e ..............47 ...............................4e ................49 - TOTAL MUNICIPAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS - 5t L -763,243 - 13 ?9? - 777 040 52 96 County School Functions . . . . GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS s3 11) 763,24<3 (2) 13,797 (2) (1) 777,040 (1) The grand total amounts for "Beginning of Year Balance" and "Current Year End Balance" must agree with appropriate balance sheet items on page FS2. (2) The grand total aritounts for "Additions" and "Reductions" must agree with the appropriate change in equity items on page FS7; and these amounts are to include any adjustments to prior years' balances or for other noted reasons. NOTE: List any assets of Other Local Governments assumed by and/or transferred to Other Local Governments 0 Kneehill,.#4 8.. MUNICIPALITY 620 BUILDING FIXED ASSETS R 7 UNAUDITED Continuity During the Year Ended December 31, 1981 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS 1 BEGINNING OF YEAR BALANCE 2 ADDITIONS DURING THE YEAR 3 REDUCTIONS DURING THE YEAR 4 CURRENT YEAR END BALANCE 11 Council and Other Legislative ...................1 12 General Administration and Other 2 76 343 76 44.1 I . 21 Police Department and Services Used d 23 Fire Fighting and Preventive Service e 24 Disaster Service and Emergency Measures ........7 25 Ambulance Services and First Aid 26 By-laws Enforcement and Other ................a ..............................................1A ..............................................t1 31 Common Services and/or Equipment Pool ........12 32 Roads, Streets. Walks, Lighting . is 997 R88 997 8-88 ..............................................1.4 , , 33 Airport Services .............................1s 34 Public Transit Systems .......................1.e 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage .....................1.7 is 41 Water Supply and Distribution System ...........1.s ..................20 42 Sanitary Sewage Service and Treatment .........21 654 654 ................22 43 Garbage Collection b Disposal .................23 ..............................................24 ..............................................25 51 Preventive Social Services ....................76 52 Day Care ..................................27 53 Other Public Health •.2e 56 Cemeteries and Crematoriums ?9 ..............................................30 61 Municipal Planning, Zoning 3 Development .......31 62 Community and/or Agricultural Services ..........32 .9 303 .5 3M 66 Subdivision Land and Developments .............33 , 67 Public Housing Operations ....................34 69 land/Housing!Building Rentals and Other ........35 ..............................................36 ..............................................7 71 Recreation Board and Other Services ...........3a 72 Recreation/Parks Facilities and Programs 3s 10 476 10 426 74 Culture- Community Hall, Library, Museum, etc. ...40 , , ..............................................41 ..............................................4 91 Gas Production and Distribution ................44 92 Electrical Production and Distribution ............4e 93 Telephone Systems ..........................4a 47 4e 49 TOTAL MUNICIPAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS 51 390 664 390,664 52 96 County School Functions GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS 53 (1) 390,664 (2) (2) (1) 390,664 (1) The grand total amounts for "Beginning of Year Balance" and "Current Year End Balance" must agree with appropriate balance sheet items on page FS2. (2) The grand total amounts for "Additions" and "Reductions" must agree with the appropriate change M equity Hems on page FS7; and these amounts are to include any adjustments to prior years' balances or for other noted reasons. NOTE: List any assets of Other Local Governments assumed by and/or transferred to Other Local Governments (eehill #48 MUNICIPALITY 630 MACHINERY, EOUIPMENT FIXED ASSETS F R 8 UNAUDITED Continuity During the Year Ended December 31, 1981_ FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS + BEGINNING OF YEAR BALANCE 2 ADDITIONS DURING THE YEAR 3 REDUCTIONS DURING THE YEAR 4 CURRENT YEAR END BALANCE 11 Council and Other Legislative 12 General Administration and Other 2 60 843 9 836 9 9 2 452 63 ...........................................3 , , - - - 0 A 21 Police Department and Services Used s 23 Fire Fighting and Preventive Service A 3!71 371 Q 24 Disaster Service and Emergency Measures ........7 ' J 25 Ambulance Services and First Aid a 26 By-Laws Enforcement and Other a .29. C muLmications .....................1.o 58,893 13 617 72,510 31 Common Services and/or Equipment Pool i a 32 Roads, Streets, Walks, Lighting, . 2,596,141 819,544 504Y250 2 911 435 ..............................................14 33 Airport Services 1,5 34 Public Transit Systems .......................+.e 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage ....................+7 ...............to 41 Water Supply and Distribution System ...........to ..1.1.1.................20 42 Sanitary Sewage Service and Treatment .........21 .............22 43 Garbage Collection 8 Disposal . ...............23 _ ..................24 51 Preventive Social Services 26 52 Day Care ....27 J - 53 Other Public Health. . 2s 56 Cemeteries and Crematoriums ..................2e .........................30 61 Municipal Planning. Zoning & Development .......31 62 Community and/or Agricuhurai Services ..........32 80,925, 66 Subdivision Land and Developments.... o 33 67 Public Housing Operations ....................34 69 Land'Housing,Building Rentals and Other ........35 .............36 ..................37 71 Recreation Board and Other Services ...........3s 72 Recreation/Parks Facilities and Programs 39 74 Culture: Community Halt, Library, Museum, etc 40 41 42 43 91 Gas Production and Distribution .44 92 Electrical Production and Distribution ............4S 93 Telephone Systems 47 ..............................................4a ..............................................49 ..............................................so 70TAL MUNICIPAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS 51 ?98,113 854,691 509,335 3,143,469 s2 96 County School Functions . S GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS 2 79.,799.113 (2) (2) 111 (1) The grand total amounts for "Beginning of Year Balance" and "Current Year End Balance" must agree with appropriate balance sheet items on page FS2. (2) The grand total amounts for "Additions" and "Reductions" must agree with the appropriate change in equity items on page FS7; and these amounts are to include any adjustments to prior years' balances or for other noted reasons. NOTE: List any assets of Other Local Governments assumed by and/or transferred to Other Local Governments HI QIILL #48 MUNICIPALITY 640 LAND FOR GOVERNMENT USE F R 9 UNAUDITED Continuity During the Year Ended December 31, 19__§_1_ FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS i BEGINNING OF YEAR BALANCE 2 ADDITIONS DURING THE YEAR 3 REDUCTIONS DURING THE YEAR 4 CURRENT YEAR END BALANCE 11 Council and Other Legislative ...................I 12 General Administration and Other ? 119 119 Land Fbr -ReL-:Sa1e ...:...............3 2 64i 2 641 4 , , 21 Police Department and Services Used ............s 23 Fire Fighting and Preventive Service .............e 24 Disaster Service and Emergency Measures ........7 25 Ambulance Services and First Aid ...............a 26 By-Laws Enforcement and Other ................9 .................................to r~ 31 Common Services and/or Equipment Pool ........l2 32 Roads, Streets, Walks, Lighting . 107 458 !?Do 107 258 u , , 33 Airport Services is 34 Public Transit Systems to 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage 7 ..................is 41 Water Supply and Distribution System t9 ............20 42 Sanitary Sewage Service and Treatment .........21 _34,540._ - - - 34 540 .......1 .22 . 43 Garbage Collect,on 8 Disposal . 23 .24 .25 - - - - - 51 Preventive Social Services . . .26 _ - 52 Day Care . . ......a7 53 Other Public Health ..........................28 56 Cemeteries and Crematoriums ..................29 . 30 61 Municipal Planning, Zoning A Development .......31 62 Community and/or Agricultural Services ..........32 66 Subdivision Land and Developments .............33 - 67 Public Housing Operations ................34 69 Land'Housing'Building Rentals and Other ........3s 36 ....................37 71 Recreation Board and Other Services ...........3e 72 Recreation/Parks Facilities and Programs 39 _ 9 045 74 Culture Community Hall, Library, Museum, etc. ...,go , --te . 41 42 .43 91 Gas Production and Distribution ................44 92 Electrical Production and Distribution •45 93 Telephone Systems ..........................*6 ..............................................47 ..............................................48 49 ..............................................s0 FoTAL MUNICIPAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS si 146 853 2 841 144,012 52 96 County School Functions . GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS ]53 0146,853 853 (2) (2) 2,841 (1) 144,012 (1) The grand total amounts for "Beginning of Year Balance" and "Current Year End Balance" must agree with appropriate balance sheet Items on page FS2. (2) The grand total amounts for "Additions" and "Reductions" must agree with the appropriate change In equity Items on page FS7; and these amounts are to include any adjustments to prior years' balances or for other noted reasons. NOTE: List any assets of Other Local Governments assumed by and/or transferred to Other Local Governments Amok HI~iILL ,i#48 MUNI....C..IPA..LIT..Y.......................... 650 VEHICLE FIXED ASSETS F R 1 0 UNAUDITED Continuity During the Year Ended December 31, 19 81 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS i BEGINNING OF YEAR BALANCE 2 ADDITIONS 1 DURING THE YEAR .3 REDUCTIONS DURING THE YEAR 4 CURRENT YEAR END BALANCE 11 Council and Other Legislative ...................1 12 General Administration and Other 3 4 21 Police Department and Services Used ............5 23 Fire Fighting and Preventive Service 453 167 453 167 24 Disaster Service and Emergency Measures ........7 , , 25 Ambulance Services and First Aid ...............a 26 By-Laws Enforcement and Other ................9 ..............................................!o 31 Common Services and/or Equipment Pool ........1.2 32 Roads, Streets, Walks, Lighting t3 759 308 264 RMI 141 996 879 521 ...........................!4 , - , , 33 Airport Services .............................t5 34 Public Transit Systems .......................!a 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage 7 . is 41 Water Supply and Distribution System ...........?9 ..............................................20 42 Sanitary Sewage Service and Treatment .........21 .....................22 43 Garbage Collection d Disposal .................23 .............................................24 ..............................................25 51 Preventive Social Services ....................as 52 Day Care ..................................27 53 Other Public Health ..........................28 58 Cemeteries and Crematoriums 29 ..............................................30 61 Municipal Planning, Zoning b Development .......31 62 Community and/or Agricultural Services ..........32 66 Subdivision Land and Developments .............33 ' ' 67 Public Housing Operations ....................34 69 Land/Housing/Building Rentals and Other ........3s ...............................3E ..............................................37 71 Recreation Board and Other Services ...........de 72 Recreation/Parks Facilities and Programs 39 74 Culture: Community Hall, Library, Museum, etc. ...40 ..4~ ..............................................42 ..............................................43 91 Gas Production and Distribution ................44 92 Electrical Production and Distribution •4s 93 Telephone Systems .47 ..............................................4E ..............................................49 50 s~ TOTAL MUNICIPAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS 962,772 i 267.859 141.296 1.089,,335 5 2 96 County School Function 11 GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS 53 i1) 962,772 (2) 267,859 112) 141,296 (1) 1 089, 335 (1) The grand total amounts for "Beginning of Year Balance" and "Current Year End Balance" must agree with appropriate balance sheet items on page FS2. (2) The grand total arriounts for "Additions" and "Reductions" must agree with the appropriate change in equity items on page FS7: and these amounts are to include any adjustments to prior years' balances or for other noted reasons. NOTE: List any assets of Other Local Governments assumed by and/or transferred to Other Local Governments C . "ILL. #4$ MUNICIPALITY 310 DEBENTURES, BOND AND MORTGAGE ISSUES F R UNAUDITED Continuity During the Year Ended December 31, 19g3_ FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS BEGINNING OF YEAR BALANCE 2 ADDITIONS DURING THE YEAR 3 REDUCTIONS DURING THE YEAR 4 CURRENT YEAR END BALANCE 11 Council and Other Legislative ...................1 12 General Administration and Other ................2 ..........................3 4 21 Police Department and Services Used ............5 23 Fire Fighting and Preventive Service .............e 24 Disaster Service and Emergency Measures ........7 25 Ambulance Services and First Aid ...............s 26 By-Laws Enforcement and Other ................9 ..............................................10 ..............................................11 31 Common Services and/or Equipment Pod ........12 32 Roads, Streets, Walks, Lighting (Municipal)........ 13 14 33 Airport Services .............................15 34 Public Transit Systems .......................1e 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage ....................17 .........................................1a 41 Water Supply and Distribution System i9 41 !746 $ 42 Sanitary Sewage Service and Treatment .........21 54 719 93 51 1 467 76 762 ..........................a2 P , , 43 Garbage Collection A Disposal a3 .............................a4 ..............................................a5 51 Preventive Social Services ....................2a 52 Day Care ..................................27 53 Other Public Health 26 56 Cemeteries and Crematoriums ....2a 30 61 Municipal Planning, Zoning 8 Development .......31 62 Community and/or Agricultural Services ..........32 66 Subdivision Land and Developments .............33 67 Public Housing Operations ....................34 89 Land/Housing/Building Rentals and Other ........35 .........................36 ...........................37 71 Recreation Board and Other Services ...........3a 72 Recreation/Parks Facilities and Programs 39 _ 74 Culture: Community Hall, Library, Museum, etc. ...40 ..............................................41 ..............................................42 ......43 91 Gas Production and Distribution ................44 92 Electrical Production and Distribution ............45 _ 93 Telephone Systems ..........................4e ..............................................47 4a ..............................................49 ..............................................50 TOTAL MUNICIPAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS 51 96 458 23.517 2,849 1171126 52 96 County School Functions 1 1 GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS 531 (1) 96.458 L23,517 (2) 2,849 (1) 117,126 (1) The grand total amounts for "Beginning of Year Balance" and "Current Year End Balance" must agree with appropriate balance sheet Ron on page FS2. (2) The grand total amounts for "Additions" and "Reductions" must agree with the appropriate change in equity Items on page FS7; and these amounts are to include any adjustments to prior years' balances or for other noted reasons. NOTE: List any debentures of Other Local Governments assumed by and/or transferred to Other Local Governments. Add in this space, or attach a sheet, a listing of any debentures completely paid out prior to the normal maturity date. 9 BILL. M MUNICIPALITY UNAUDITED The Statement of Trust Account Assets has been deleted. Instead the "Year End Liability Balance" In the Statement of Trust Liabilities must be less than or equal to the amount shown for the "477 Trust Accounts Administered (Total)" asset item in the Consolidated Balance Sheet, page FS2. Counties and the Town of Devon are to insert lines for any appropriate school amounts. All opening and year end balances must agree with appropriate items in the "Consolidated Balance Sheet," P. FS2. 477 STATEMENT OF TRUST LIABILITIES For The Year Ended December 31, 19_81 FR14 1 2 TRUST 3 TRUST YEAR END OPENING BALANCE LIABILITY CLAIMS LIABILITY ADDITIONS REDUCTIONS BALANCE 1 lus Trust LiebNity Sale Sur T 27R 889 167 p ax ? etual Care Liability Per t C p eme ery r Oth erve ~ R P bli s e es c. u 4 e TOTAL TRUST ACCOUNT LIABILITIES a 3P945 11420 T 5,265 47X METER RENTALS AND ANY DEPOSIT LIABILITIES For The Year Ended December 31, 19 81 FR15 OPENING BALANCE 2 NEW DEPOSITS 3 DEPOSITS REFUNDED 4 YEAR END LIABILITY BALANCE osits for Road Maintenance 32 D ep ? osits r Meter De 41 W t p a e 49 Other Utility Connection Deposits 3 .............................•.4 Others 5 e 7 . . e e TOTAL METER AND OTHER DEPOSIT LIABILITIES 490 PREPAID LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS AND OTHER LIABILITIES For The Year Ended December 31, 19 R1 FR 1 6 OPENING BALANCE 2 NEW PREPAIDS b OTHERS 3 REDUCTIONS THIS YEAR 4 YEAR END LIABILITY BALANCE Curbs, Walks, 1 32 Roads , 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage 41 Water Distribution Improvements Prepaid........... 3 42 Sanitary Sewage Improvements Prepaid • 0 (Specity) ....................................0 ........................................0 ................................................7 Other Prepayments, Deferred Revenues, etc. a 9 .................10 ...............................?1 . . ..................................?Z 73 [TOTAL PREPAYMENTS AND OTHER LIABILITIES 14 1 • 1. Kneehill ##48 MUNICIPALITY UNAUDITED OPERATING FUNCTION COMPARATIVE ALLOWANCESIRESERVES BALANCES F R 1 7 For Preceding Year and as at December 31, 19_$].__ 6XX OPERATING ALLOWANCES 7XX OPERATING RESERVES FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS PRECEDING YEAR BALANCE 2 CURRENT BALANCE 3 PRECEDING YEAR BALANCE 4 CURRENT BALANCE 11 Council and Other Legislative ...................1 12 General Administration and Other ................2 196- 110914 -0- . . . .........:............3 .......................4 21 Police Department and Services Used ............5 23 Fire Fighting and Preventive Service .............a 24 Disaster Service and Emergency Measures ........7 25 Ambulance Services and First Aid ...............a 26 By Laws Enforcement and Other ................9 . . 31 Common Services and,or Equipment Pool ........12 32 Roads. Streets, Walks. Lighting ................t3 14 33 Airport Services . .......................15 34 Public Transit Systems to 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage t7 I.,...................... Is 41 Water Supply and Distribution System ...........19 ............................................20 42 Sanitary Sewage Service and Treatment .........21 .....22 43 Garbage Collection 8 Disposal .................23 ....24 .................25 51 Preventive Social Services x.26 52 Day Care. . .....................27 53 Other Public Health (can include Cemeteries) .....26 56 Cemeteries and Crematoriums 29 ........................30 61 Municipal Planning, Zoning d Development .......31 62 Community and/or Agricultural Services ..........32 66 Subdivision Land and Developments .............33 67 Public Housing Operations ....................34 69 Land/ Housing, Building Rentals and Other ........35 . ....................36 ..........................37 71 Recreation Board and Other Services ...........3a 72 Recreation/Parks Facilities and Programs 39 74 Culture: Community Han, Library, Museum, etc. ...40 41 .............................................42 43 91 Gas Production and Distribution ................44 92 Electrical Production and Distribution ............45 93 Telephone Systems 46 .............................................47 48 .............................................49 97 Operating Cont s Reserve ..............5o TOTAL MUNICIPAL OPERATING FUNCTIONS 61 5,743 196 11,914 -0-- 96 County School Functions .....................62 s3i F RAND TOTAL OPERATING FUNCTIONS (1) 5, 743 196 14 11.1 (1) To agree with total operating allowances and operating reserves on the Consolidated Balance Sheet, page FS2. C Kneehill #48 MU-14- 6pA6:r UNAUDITED CAPITAL FUNCTIONS COMPARATIVE ALLOWANCES/RESERVES BALANCES F U RI 8 For Preceding Year and as at December 31, 19_x_ 6XX CAPITAL ALLOWANCES 7XX CAPITAL RESERVES FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS PRECEDING YEAR 2 BALANCE CURRENT BALANCE 3 PRECEDING YEAR BALANCE 4 CURRENT BALANCE 11 Council and Other Legislative :1- 12 General Administration and Other ................2 3 21 Police Department and Services Used ............6 23 Fire Fighting and Preventive Service .............e 24 Disaster Service and Emergency Measures ........7 25 Ambulance Services and First Aid ...............a 26 8y-Laws Enforcement and Other ................9 _ ......................10 11 31 Common Services and%or Equipment pool ........t2 Lighting ................i3 Walks Streets 32 Roads , , , . ....................14 33 Airport Services . is 34 Public Transit Systems .......................16 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage - 17 11 . . .............................re 41 Water Supply and Distribution System ...........19 ......................20 42 Sanitary Sewage Service and Treatment .........21 ..................22 43 Garbage Collection 8 Disposal ............23 . ...............24 ............................25 51 Preventive Social Services ....................26 52 Day Care •..27 53 Other Public Health (can include Cemeteries) .....2s - 56 Cemeteries and Crematoriums ..................29 ........................30 61 Municipal Planning, Zoning 6 development .......31 62 Community and%or Agricultural Services ..........32 66 Subdivision Land and Developments....... -33 67 Public Housing Operations ....................34 69 Land'Housing!Building Rentals and Other ........35 .................36 . ....................37 . ..3e tion Board and Other Services r 71 R ea ec 72 Recreation, parks Facilities and Programs 30 74 Culture Community Hail, Library, Museum, etc. .......................41 . . 42 .43 91 Gas Production and Distribution 44 92 Electrical Production and Distribution ........45 ..................46 93 Telephone Systems . ..........................47 ..............46 ..............................49 ~ TOTAL MUNICIPAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS S1 ) 26,652 L- _ -0- -0- -0- 52 96 County School Functions GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS (1) 63 ~ ~~~v -n.....e.. - -A render raamuA 26,652 n M tho ronxolidatad Ralance Sheet. Dace F -O- -0- S2. 10 to agree Mail wla, wyn- o..v..o C I........... Kneehill 448 UNAUDITED MUNICIPALITY OPERATING FUNCTIONS REVENUES BY TYPE AND EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT F R 1 9 For the Year Ended December 31, 19 RI FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS ITEM DESCRIPTIONS REVENUES BY TYPE: 100/200 Taxes and Grants in Lieu Council Admin . Fire 58,555 Fhlergency Ambulance C~p 32.9 86 300 Saks to Other Governments ............s 400 Saks of Goods and Services 1.905 520 Professional 3 Other Licenses d Permits . 9 7RO 530 Municipal By-Law Fines Issued......... s 1 550 Return on Investments held for Function . e 560 Rental Revenues .....................r 14 ZZY40 , 590 Other Revenues from Own Sources e 12 51.1 830 Federal Conditional Grants 840 Provincial Conditional Grants ?o 850 Local Government Conditional Grants ti 910 Drawn from Operating Allowances...... !T 5 547 920 Drawn from Operating Reserves !P 11 914 930 Contributed from Operating Functions... 940 Contributed from Capital Sources !A 960 Gross Recoveries fm Operating Functions1e 990 Grants fm Non-Government 3 Other Sourcew ~e TOTAL FUNCTION OPERATING REVENUES 51.0607 58P555 896 32,986 BUDGETED OPERATING REVENUES EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT: ? ' ,c,; ~Y'tt'.:!:c 35,800 ,:..fi::::p:,:;:SQ:>;v;?:; 58,319 r . < <y., a 800 >"+yoty 26,984 0: . 's 100 Salaries, Wages and Benefits 50 439 3 91-=3 200 Contracted and General Services....... 20 0 . 829 300 Purchases from Other Governments 2' ' ' 202 ' 500 Materials, Goods, Supplies and Utilities _ . 7X0 Grants to.....~~1.... Government 23 ' 761 Contributed to Other Operating Functions 2, 762 Contributed to Capital Programs........ 25 c) nRA 763 Added to Function Operating Allowances 2e 764 Added to Function Operating Reserves 2. 765 Contributed to Own Municipal Agencies . 2a 770 Grants to Individuals and Organizations 29 12 914 9.6 051 810 Bank Charges d Short-Term Interest.... . 820 Long-Term Debt Charges 31 830 Debenture Debt Charges 32 960 Gross Recoveries to Operating Functions 33 990 Other Transactions, Discounts, Adjustmen?a 35 TOTAL FUNCTION OPERATING EXPENDITURES 72,581 308,446 42,829 896 260051 BUDGETED OPERATING EXPENDITURES 700 800 367,800 45,866 800 33, 000 3e NET FUNCTION OPERATING COST 72,581 256,839 37 NET FUNCTION OPERATING GAIN 15,726 6,935 BUDGETED OPERATING GAIN BUDGETED OPERATING COST 70,8W 332,000 12,453 6,016 Notes: 1. One column to be completed for each operating function (except 'County School') reported on audited statement page FS3, Combined Operating Revenues and Expenditures. 2. The following item values must agree with page FS3: (a) Total Function Operating Revenues, (b) Total Function Operating Expenditures, and (c) Net Function Operating Cost, or (d) Net Function Operating Gain 3. An index will be provided for column headers to use to complete 5 columns for each full page; with instructions to complete as many pages as needed for the number of municipality functions being reported. C.~ 0 Kneehill #48 • MUNICIPALITY UNAUDITED OPERATING FUNCTIONS REVENUES BY TYPE AND EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT F R 1 9 For the Year Ended December 31, 191_ FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS REM DESCRIPTIONS REVENUES BY TYPE: 100/200 Taxes and Grants In Lieu 1 UTILITIES ~A9VI. & 2 PUBLIC WORKS <°t • ;`~..Y. AIRPORT 33 WATER 1 4 181 SEWER n><S 11 119 300 Sales to Other Governments........... ? , 400 Sales of Goods and Services ? 520 Professional b Other Licenses b Permits . 530 Municipal By-Law Fines Issued......... s 550 Return on Investments held for Function . e 560 Rental Revenues 94 R9R 590 Other Revenues from Own Sources..... ~ 1 331 59 830 Federal Conditional Grants 9 840 Provincial Conditional Grants +o 1 151 -79.1 457 814 850 Local Government Conditional Grants i 910 Drawn from Operating Allowances...... 920 Drawn from Operating Reserves 1? 930 Contributed from Operating Functions... if 940 Contributed from Capital Sources 10 960 Gross Recoveries fm Operating Functions+d 990 Grants fm Non-Government 8 Other Source is TOTAL FUNCTION OPERATING REVENUES 15, 000, 1, 225,394 20,199 19,3M BUDGETED OPERATING REVENUES EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT: 15, 000 t ? ' kx f t f Y 1~${ ",C Y• ':.kN ....C CFj. 993,003 .SCr L y'` > 3 {'`Y i1 n. Ty~.h yt , : sik •~'i%~l'b'qq t.f ..ten v1. y:4•: 'i:..... 18,527 : :.ii' '>,"yy~}:~ '1 n.:'::'{..t 'RS" 16,475 ~ . 100 Salaries, Wages and Benefits 76e 27 956 861 1 2 20 200 Contracted and General Services........ . _ , 373 , , 840 791 873 1 300 Purchases from Other Governments ?I , - ) , 973 7 5 472 500 Materials, Goods, Supplies and Utilities sz 376 9 488-9-72 , 36 1 55 7X0 Grants to ...............Government z3 , - 761 Contributed to Other Operating Functions A00 1 8M 762 Contributed to Capital Programs........ ss , 763 Added to Function Operating Allowances 2a 764 Added to Function Operating Reserves 765 Contributed to Own Municipal Agencies . 28 770 Grants to Individuals and Organizations 29 810 Bank Charges b Short-Term Interest.... 30 820 Long-Term Debt Charges 31 830 Debenture Debt Charges 32 A71 6 990 980 Gross Recoveries to Operating Functions 33 , 990 Other Transactions, Discounts, Ad)ustmeds 35 TOTAL FUNCTION OPERATING EXPENDITURES 44,132 4P287,552 1 873 22,548 20,935 BUDGETED OPERATING EXPENDITURES 51,650 4,246,900 3, 000 251 092 12,895 36 NET FUNCTION OPERATING COST 29,132 3,062,158 1,873 2, 349 1,551 37 NET FUNCTION OPERATING GAIN BUDGETED OPERATING GAIN 3,580 BUDGETED OPERATING COST 36,650 3 253 897 3,000 6565 Notes: 1. One column to be completed for each operating function (except 'County School') reported on audited statement page FS3, Combined Operating Revenues and Expenditures. 2. The following Item values must agree with page FS3: (a) Total Function Operating Revenues, (b) Total Function Operating Expenditures, and (c) Net Function Operating Cost, or (d) Net Function Operating Gain 3 An index will be provided for column headers to use to complete 5 columns for each full page; with instructions to complete as many pages as needed for the number of municipality functions being reported. MILL #48 ...............................MUNICIPAL UNAUDITED OPERATING FUNCTIONS REVENUES BY TYPE AND EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT F R 1 9 For the Year Ended December 31, 19 81 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS ITEM DESCRIPTIONS REV ENUES BY TYPE' Garbage :;:t;..:°: K 4: `ti+`Tt-v'£.':;?;':i : Cemeteries :3'~' \ n A.S.B. .sf,:S;.,>,.. `c'py Rec. & Par C~p r o; ' ~:.r::C~ :F% 1001200 Taxes and Grants in Lieu ? RR Agg 300 Sales to Other Governments 2 400 Sales of Goods and Services 3 520 Professional b Other Licenses d Permits . 530 Municipal By-Law Fines Issued s 550 Return on Investments held for Function . P 560 Rental Revenues 9 999 590 Other Revenues from Own Sources..... P , 830 Federal Conditional Grants s 840 Provincial Conditional Grants 1A 56 764 850 Local Government Conditional Grants 1.1 , 910 Drawn from Operating Allowances...... 920 Drawn from Operating Reserves ?3 930 Contributed from Operating Functions... 940 Contributed from Capital Sources !5 960 Gross Recoveries fm Operating Functions'A 990 Grants fm Non-Government b Other Sources. 1s TOTAL FUNCTION OPERATING REVENUES 90 94,527 97,992 BUDGETED OPERATING REVENUES 94,800 87,232 EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT: a 6Sk .'fir, gtit ' ) 34r KJ- Y~ ,:'t £ ' ~,y? o,• 100 Salaries, Wages and Benefits 83 280 200 Contracted and General Services 19 MR , 7 18R R 767 300 Purchases from Other Governments j 44 54-9 , , , 500 Materials. Goods. Supplies and Utiliti -1 879, 79 4r, R07 17 4RI 7X0 Grants to... ,Li(JCal..... Governm 73 991 761 Contributed to Other Operating Funct , 762 Contributed to Capital Programs.... ---13 7SR 763 Added to Function Operating Allowances 2s 764 Added to Function Operating Reserves 27 765 Contributed to Own Municipal Agencies . ?e 770 Grants to Individuals and Organizations 29 9 775 17 0716. 810 Bank Charges E Short-Term Interest.... 30 y 820 Long-Term Debt Charges ..............3t 830 Debenture Debt Charges 32 960 Gross Recoveries to Operating Functions 33 990, Other Transactions, Discounts, Adjustment's 35 TOTAL FUNCTION OPERATING EXPENDITURES 46,421 16,154 160,618 115,185 BUDGETED OPERATING EXPENDITURES 40,000. 12,000 178, 200 114, 600. 36 NET FUNCTION OPERATING COST 46,421 16,064 663,091 170193 37 NET FUNCTION OPERATING GAIN BUDGETED OPERATING GAIN BUDGETED OPERATING COST 40, 000 12 000 83 400 27,36 8 Notes: 1. One column to be completed for each operating function (except 'County School') reported on audited statement page FS3, Combined Operating Revenues and Expenditures. 2. The following item values must agree with page FS3: (a) Total Function Operating Revenues, (b) Total Function Operating Expenditures, and (c) Net Function Operating Cost, or (d) Net Function Operating Gain 3. An index will be provided for column headers to use to complete 5 columns for each full page; with instructions to complete as marry pages as needed for the number of municipality functions being reported. C ID "n ill #48 ...MUNICIPALITY UNAUDITED CAPITAL FUNCTIONS FINANCES ACQUIRED AND FINANCES APPLIED F R 2 0 By Type and Object for the Year Ended December 31, 191_ FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS ITEM DESCRIPTIONS CAPITAL FINANCES ACOUIRED: XXX Preceding Year Unexpended Funds Bal'ce.. 1 WAT1M SEWER ADMIN. OO62ul[J i- CATIONS 29 PUBLIC WORKS 3 100/200 Taxes and Grants in Lieu ? 310 Debentures, Bonds and Mortgages Issued ? 23 517 322 Long-Term Borrowed 8 New Capital Lease94 550 Return on Investments held for Function 5 570 Insurance Proceeds ..................0 590 Other Revenues from Own Sources...... ? 6X0 Sale of Fixed Assets e 2 691 379,481 830 Federal Capital Grants ? 0 840 Provincial Capital Grants 19 77 60A 850 Local Government Capital Grants 86X From Own Municipality Boards or Agencled? 910 Drawn from Function Capital Allowances. 13 920 Drawn from Function Capital Reserves ..14 930 Contributed from Operating Functions... 15 A AA%Z 9 086 13 18617 17Q1 r-90 940 Contributed from Other Capital Functions A 7 , , 970 Contributions from Developers......... 990 Grants fm Non-Government 8 Other SourcA! 19 TOTAL OF FUNDED CAPITAL AVAILABLE 109,664 11,777 13,617 , 081,103 BUDGETED FUNDED CAPITAL OVEREXPENDITURES TO BE PROVIDED BY: :Y.1: k Z* { tr fJ'M' ` 1~ 1}, 4 \ {r K+.., ✓vt tr h ;af L~'t S x 100,200 Future Property Levies........... ?4 3XX Borrowing Approved but not Received ?i 915 Future Contributions from Operations ?3 990 Other (Specify) .DebentUr40S• . ' • • • ?4 - 14 q11 24 TOTAL OVEREXPENDITURES AT YEAR END 14,331 25 GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL FINANCING 14,331 109,664 11,777 13,617 , 081,103 13UDGETED TOTAL CAPITAL FINANCING CAPITAL FINANCES APPLIED: 4, r . x .:'w w F .:56 :•:%i ;k w p'QC.•.a,;:.: >::;i< 109,197 < x ?s:•. X4:.0" 2 ..cb. . ,:~•.`'J;: 5#000. k:i': >.iE*~. .f::x: } a " 15,000. .S<; s"z:;, 870,1000. - 3 ti's. XXX Prior Year's Overexpenditures Balance 490 Other Assets Acquired 1(lUT 197- - 9, 641 _ 610 Engineering Structures Additions....... ?9 13 331 467 620 Buildings Fixed Assets Additions 630 Machines, Equipment Additions........ 3G 29.96 13 6317 91 -9 .9" 640 Land Acquired for Government Uses 3? _ 650 Vehicles Additions . 3? A R(w) 7X0 Grants to Government 33 761 Contributed to Operating Functions 762 Contributed to Other Capital Functions 3s 763 Additions to Function Capital Allowances. 3e 764 Additions to Function Capital Reserves 37 765 Contributed to Own Municipality Agencies 311 770 Grants to Individuals and Organizations 39 990 Other Transactions and Adjustments P 41 TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS APPLIED 14)331 109,664 11 777 13,617 081 103. BUDGETED CAPITAL APPLICATIONS 109,197 5, 000 15 000 870, 000. 42 UNEXPENDED CAPITAL BALANCE AT YEAR END 43 GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL FINANCING 140331 109,664 11,777 13,617 ,081.103 BUDGETED TOTAL CAPRAL FINANCING 109,197 5,000 15,000 870,000 Notes: 1. One column to be completed for each function reported on audited statement page FS4, Combined Capital Financing Acquired and Applied, (except amounts for 'School Capital'). 2. The IonowkV Mom values must agree with page FS4. (a) Total of Funded Capital Acquired. (b) Total Ovorexpenditures at Year End. (c) Total Capital Funds Expended. (d) Unexpended Capital Balance at Year End. Kneehill #48 ...........................MUNICIPAL UNAUDITED CAPITAL FUNCTIONS FINANCES ACQUIRED AND FINANCES APPLIED F R 2 0 By Type and Object for the Year Ended December 31, 19 81 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS ITEM DESCRIPTIONS A. S. B, CAPITAL FINANCES ACOUIRED: , •s ; XXX Preceding Year Unexpended FundsBal'ce..1 100/200 Taxes and Grants In Lieu ? 310 Debentures, Bonds and Mortgages Issued 3 322 Long-Term Borrowed d New Capital Lease94 550 Return on Investments held for Function $ 570 Insurance Proceeds .................4 590 Other Revenues from Own Sources...... ? 6X0 Sale of Fixed Assets. 4 926 4 830 Federal Capital Grants 9 , 840 Provincial Capital Grants !R 850 Local Government Capital Grants ? ? 86X From Own Municipality Boards or Agencied? 910 Drawn from Function Capital Allowances. 13 920 Drawn from Function Capital Reserves ..14 930 Contributed from Operating Functions... 15 13-768 940 Contributed from Other Capital Functions 14 970 Contributions from Developers......... 1? 990 Grants fm Non-Government & Other Source! is TOTAL OF FUNDED CAPITAL AVAILABLE BUDGETED FUNDED CAPITAL 18 r 694 OVEREXPENDITURES TO BE PROVIDED BY: 100200 Future Property Levies........... ?4 3XX Borrowing Approved but not Received ?t 915 Future Contributions from Operations ?2 t 990 Other (Specify) ....................?3 24 TOTAL OVEREXPENDITURES AT YEAR END GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL FINANCING 25 F DGETED TOTAL CAPITAL FINANCING CAPITAL FINANCES APPLIED: ' 20,000 :).:;k?d,.o:i~'%. ...t; d2 t $ ~ <:.;,.:<::t::.::.; t:•:ty:+: ;:>.S:JR'i'~ Z:.. ...~,.t•. C'v. k , ? l XXX Prior Year's Overexpenditures Balance ?9 490 Other Assets Acquired 610 Engineering Structures Additions....... ?9 620 Buildings Fixed Assets Additions ?9 630 Machines, Equipment Additions........ X 640 Land Acquired for Government Uses 3? 650 Vehicles Additions 3Y 7X0 Grants to Government 33 781 Contributed to Operating Functions 762 Contributed to Other Capital Functions 35 763 Additions to Function Capital Allowances. ?A 764 Additions to Function Capital Reserves 37 765 Contributed to Own Municipality Agencies 3e 770 Grants to Individuals and Organizations 39 990 Other Transactions and Adjustments AO 41 TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS APPLIED 18 694 BUDGETED CAPITAL APPLICATIONS 20,000. 42 UNEXPENDED CAPITAL BALANCE AT YEAR END GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL FINANCING 43 18,694 BUDGETED TOTAL CAPITAL FINANCING 20#000 Notes: 1. One column to be completed for each function reported on audited statement page FS4, Combined Capital Financing Acquired and Applied. (except amounts for 'School Capital'). 2. The following item values must agree with page FS4. (a) Total of Funded Capital Acquired. (b) Total Ove(expenditures at Year End. (c) Total Capital Funds Expended. (d) Unexpended Capital Balance at Year End. 3 Use titles as d1rected for column headers, and as many pages as needed. ' .....................KNEEHILI..#48.. . MUNICIPALITY FINAL REPORT ON ASSESSMENTS AND VALUATIONS FOR 19 81 F R 2 1 UNAUDITED As Submitted to the Assessment Equalization Board BUILDINGS AND 5 MACHINES 6 LAND ASSESSMENT IMPROVEMENTS EQUIPMENT TOTAL AND ITEM DESCRIPTIONS r 1 2 3 4 ENGIN EERING ASSESSMENT EXEMPT SUBJECT EXEMPT SUBJECT STRUCTURES OR FROM 1 TO SCHOOL FROM TO SCHOOL 11 SUBJECT TO VALUATION S.F.P. FOUNDATION S.F.P. FOUNDATION S.F.P. TAXABLE PROPERTY ASSESSMENTS x Commercial Properties .................1 416 340 12 695 453- '41 Industrial Properties ? >q 30 " . - ' . 1 nqq 7Aq , . no; ?Of, 4 092 721 Residential Properties 3 , 10 390 . . . F arming Properties 4 , mkc TOTAL TAXABLE PROPERTY ASSESSMENTS 4 452 197 1 805,750 1 224 345 1 4739 735 3, 018,991 !0,975,018 OTHER TAXABLE ASSESSMENTS . + • 'I.; }k'::i*!X'. : it Y:>j.:: RaUwa R' hts-of•Wa ...............6 <,a^' Resources Wells and Pipe Lines 7 14 3 260 6 6 143 760 Electrical Power Systems - . , 161 100 , , - 761 100 able T.V. Systems . C , , 10 TOTAL OTHER TAXABLE ASSESSMENTS 21,441 6,491,469 6,512,910 GOVERNMENT PROPERTIES g ,zY Municipal Electrical System 11 Municipal Gas System (500+Population) 12 ka Municipal Rental Properties 3 _ Leased, Grazing and Tax Recovery Land814 15 TOTAL MUNICIPAL ASSESSMENTS 7 Alberta Government Telephones........ ? 4 s:. A; 11A LIA Alberta Liquor Control Board . Y 3>'}>'3~z;, Other Provincial for Grants in Lieu ?0 <s>> Alberta Housing Corporation 19 20 TOTAL PROVINCIAL ASSESSMENTS 320,670 320,670 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ASSESSMENTS 21 _ 6,180 : 6,180 - - - - = 22 GRAND TOTAL ASSESSMENTS G L4,452,197 833,371 1,224,345 1,794,405 9,510,460 7,814,778 OTHER VALUATIONS: :i.£?€~::c~?.i • .e::..: ~ : e• iz• : ; 4s~,.s?~J:: <:''•::F ' z ` :.t • ~><is ''E > ; . ;;r.g4 ` pc's& Est, ' ' 0 . . : : , , ,ib...i'ry::;• • ; . t:,: ..v ....3.::: i:.-;:.i•'r6:...., . u . ~2:Xi° ~ . , ~ Lease, License and Permit Revenues ....23 <; J Supplementary Assessment Revenues ...24 Business Assessments 70...0 Mills) 25 _~Q~ 4.220 Mobile Home Valuations(. Mills) 26 120-722 „4 14.656 TAX EXEMPT PROPERTIES: a { E iig, M'~ i o ` cc Total Non-Taxable Properties 27 124,523, 1,244,865 . 1,369,388 SUMMARY TABLE OF COMPARATIVE MILL RATES F R 2 2 UNAUDITED For The Year Ended December 31, 19_$]_ PRECEDING YEAR 19_-So CURRENT YEAR 19-81, RESIDENTIAL 2 NON-RESIDENTIAL 3 RESIDENTIAL 4 NON-RESIDENTIAL MUNICIPAL MILLS EsJ ,y h a Operating Special Levies 1 11.1 11 -1 .5 11. Capital Special Levies 2 Other Municipal Services 3 77 9 777 91711-1711 On n 4 TOTAL MUNICIPAL MILLS 88.3 88.3 101.5 101.5 EDUCATION MILLS ~3 < y a4 z s»~~ x " , . School Foundation Pr 1► .1 38 38 School Boards (Representative) .........a 35 1 . R5 1 zA A - A . II; I TOTAL EDUCATION MILLS 35.1 72.5 38.6 77.0 OTHER REQUISITION MILLS TOTAL REPRESENTATIVE MILL RATES 123.4 160.8 140.1 178.5 ...~eebill.#.40.... MUNi61PAUTY PAYMENT TO COUNCILLORS FOR MUNICIPAL' PURPOSES 19 81 UNAUDITED 'Includes only payments of Councillors fees and expenses for attendance at Council meetings. at council Committee meetings, and at Boards or Related Authorities meetings as appointed and directed by Council. _ FR23 DIVISION (IF APPLICABLE) I SALARIES NAME OR FEES Z MILE GE 3 AND SU TOTAL BSISTENCE Mayor, Reeve or Chairman: 1 Gilbert A. Berdahl 6,925 T 614. 7,539 Members of Council: Otto Hoff 5 150 65R 5 OR . - , on 7 575 758 7RI 2 , 6 650 - q 1 7 . 717A . TOTAL (Total amount should be less than expenditures for '11 Council and Other Legislative' on page FS3). 48, 950 2,812 51,762 flRl2 4 UNAUDITED SUMMARY MUNICIPAL STATISTICS FOR 19 81 AT DECEMBER 31, 19 81 PERSONNEL:__ FULL TIM i 1. Appointed Office Staff...... ? 2. Public Works Staff.... 3 Other People on Payroll -0- 2 PERSONNEL^ PART TIME 1. Appointed Office Staff Water Mains Length 4. 74 km 2. Public Works Staff --Q - Number of Fire H drants 3. Other People on Payroll . ..e. y 8 ~ TOTAL STAFF ON PAYROL~ 3 it S S M i _ 48 an ary ewer a ns Length 9. 86 km Population Reported by Affidavit 5974 Storm Sewer Mains Length -0- km o Total Area of Municipality 337, 395. ha Number of Parcels s - Taxable Properties 6298 10 Surfaced Roads Length 315.1 km - Exempt Properties a 195 Other Roads Maintained 2451.3 km - Total Parcels 6493 6752598 Surety Bond No e [Summer Villages Number of Parcels with Residences -0- Fire, Theft and Liability Insurance by........ Jubi.lee -Insurance by J-ubilee •Insurance MUNICIPAL TREASURER'S REPORT The information contained in the unaudited schedules and reports is as shown by the books and records of...The . Municipal -Dist-riat - of - Kneehi•11• • . • • . • . • . • • • • . • • • • . • • • . or is from my own observations and valuations, or is from other appointed or elected officials of this municipality. To the best of my knowledge the schedules and reports present fairy the Information requested, and agree with the audited statements where specifically required. Dated February. 11th... Municipal Treasurer rt]1 7 NOTE: This form to be completedci returned directly to The Local Authorities Board 6th Floor, Pacific Plaza 10909 Jasper Avenue EDMONTON, Alberta T5J 31-9 NAME OF MUNICIPALITY KNMILL #48 Summary of Municipal ) Population 5974 Date of Last Census June, 1976 Statistics ) (Form FR24, Col.1 line8) ) From FS3 Col.3 & 4 ) Net Surplus for Year Net Deficit for Year 343, 308. line 63 1 Form FS3 Cot. 1 ) Total General Municipal Revenues 3,206,283 line 61 1 Form FS2 Col. 2 total of lines ) Total Current Assets 3,590,433 4, 9, 10 8 16 ) Form FS2 Col. 2 ) total of lines ) Total Current Liabilities 445,302 26, 30 & 38 ) Form FR19 all functions ) Operating Expenditures - Contributed to Cross total of line 25 ) Capital Programs 746-,5-4-1- Form FS5 Col. 2 ) 4 369 642 line 10 ) Total Taxes and Grants in Lieu , , Form FR22 ) Column 3 ) Total Representative Mill Rate 140.1 line 9 Form 21 ) Column 6 ) Total Assessments 27,814,778 line 22 1 Form FR1 1 ) Column 4 ) Total Long Term Debt _ 117,126 line 51 FR18