HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 Financial Statementspl~ e* MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF KNEEHILL # 48 NAME OF MUNICIPALITY ~ FINANCIAL STATEMENT For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31 st 19 80 /Ilbpjta MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AO*k C., PROVINCE OF ALBERTA ALBERTA MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS fi FINANCIAL STATEMENT For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1922, MUNICIPALITY NIWTCIPAL DISTRICT . . .QF .KNEEEIILL #48..................... . . MUNICIPALITY MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF KNEEH #48 GENERAL OPERATING FUND ool STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE FORM 1-1 For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31. 19.8+ Ow 01' 'ii%w REVENUE Estimates Actual item 2 page 66)) 100 TAXES (to agree with Schedule A-2 700 16r, 190-1 110 Real Pro ert , , , _ 1 y p ecial Assessment (frontage) 120 S 11 900 2 p 140 Business " 4 200 3 gf)s 4 6n 190 Other (Power, Pipe, T.V.) 93 200 4 , 940,.111 - 22 200 GRANTS IN LIEU OF TAXES . 49,800. J 49,985, 1-31 ~ 5 l 210 F d 962. 84 era e 6 T ) G 230 Provincial (to include A 49,022. 47 . . . 7 encies 250 Own A g 260 Other Local Governments 8 . 9 anizations nt Or 270 N G . g on- overnme . • 290 Other •10 300 SERVICES PROVIDED TO OTHER GOV'TS ..........................12 310 Federal . . 13 in ial 330 P rov c .............................14 encies 350 Own A g ........................................15 360 Other Local Governments 390 Other 16 52,800, 400 SALES OF GOODS AND SERVICES 18 412 Sewage Services 6,434, 413 Waste Disposal Services 19 419 Other Public Utilities 20 420 Sale of Goods 21 430 Sale of Services 22 480 Recreational and Cultural .............................................23 (except Land) 24 490 Other 85. )0 , 500 OTHER REVENUE FROM OWN SOURCES 26 514 Mobile Unit Licenses 27 . Licenses and Permits 519 Other 34,266, i5L . . . 28 520 Fines (municipal by-laws only) 29 530 Rentals 43 65() 47 540 Concessions and Franchises 30 , 31 . 550 Returns on Investments 560 Penalties and Costs (to include Schedule A-2, item 3, page 6) 32 590 Other 33 11 287. 2 600 UNCONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM OTHER GOV'TS page 65) (Schedule R 2,500. 550, 535. 96 , 34 l 610 F d era e ......................35 620 Provincial 550 535. 6 630 Other Local Governments ......................................36 700 CONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM FEDERAL OR PROVINCIAL GOV'TS & THEIR AGENCIES 389 582 1 i 452 494 grm , . Z (Schedule R, page 65) - 37 . ~ , 710 Federal 38 i i l 730 P 451,494- 15- rov nc a 800 CONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM OTHER LOCAL GOWTS. (Schedule R, page 65) 39 pa e 65) 900 OTHER TRANSFERS (Schedule R , g 910 From Own Reserves & Allowances: 40 10) bi it 2 Y l d F 3 i ' S em , page orm ears urp us ( e t , or 911 Pr 41 for Future Ex enditures 912 R p eserve 42 913 Allowance for Uncollectible Taxes 37 ............43 . 919 Other . . 920 From Other Funds: .....................................44 : (specify) eratin O g p Capital: (specify) .....Genes3l 45 --61,840, 990 Other (specify) ......................................................46 4,908,6 82. 47 5,325,351. 6 TOTAL REVENUE a e 10) item 5 bit Form 3 DEFICIT FOR YEAR (d 761 528. 764, 718. 73 g , p , e GRAND TOTAL 5, 670, 210. 6,090,070. '0"11' MUNICIPALITY ML]NICIPAL. DISTRICT. OF. KNE'ERILL..#48.............................. . GENERAL OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE FORM 1-2 For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31. 19-BO 112 C 4001, EXPENDITURE Estimates Actual 01 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES 01 Legislative (include Form 51, page 69) 1 02 General Administrative 2 99 Other 3 10,075. 00 02 PROTECTIVE SERVICES 85,916. L,-' - 01 Police Protection 4 02 Law Enforcement (F.I.S.-ECF-10-73, P.4) 6 03 Fire Protection 5 23,255. 30 04 Emergency Measures: 01 Disaster Services 7 04 Ambulance Services 8 27 .9(;4 - fifL 99 Other Emergency Measures ..........................................12 2,500. 00 99 Other Protective Services ..............................................13 34,251. 04 03 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 1 2,523,450. 2,628,082.159 01 Common Services 14 02 Road Transport (include street lighting) 15 2,628,082. 59 99 Other ...............................................................22 04 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 29, 500. 60,895. 43 02 Sewage Collection & Disposal P3 26 386. 90 03 Garbage & Waste Collection & Disposal 24 34 508. 53 99 Other 25 05 PUBLIC HEALTH & WELFARE SERVICES 12,000- 10,_502_._T6_5 01 Public & Other Health, Medical Care, Hospital Care (include Cemeteries) ..26 10 5132. 65 05 Social Welfare .......................................................27 06 Preventive Social Services ............................................28 99 Other ...............................................................29 06 ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 119,600.1 03 Agricultural Service Board ............................................30 128,228o 2 07 Housing 31 99 Other 32 07 RECREATION & CULTURAL SERVICES & EDUCATION 99,463J 25;495_ 100 01 Recreation Buildings & Facilities 33 15 697. 89 02 Cultural Buildings & Facilities 34 03 Recreation Programs (Facility) 35 04 Cultural Programs (Facility) 36 05 Education (not school requisitions) 37 06 Programs (Non-Facility) 38 99 Other 39 209, 797. 1 08 FISCAL SERVICES 2, 506, 410. 2,661,049. 192- 01 Debt Charges (to agree with Schedule A-4, page 6) 40 83,754. 13 02 Transfers to Own Reserves & Funds (to agree with Schedule A-1, page 6) 41 1,155,8 2 03 Unconditional Transfers to Other Governments & Their Agencies (to agree with sub-total, Form 50, page 68) .............................42 1,421,404. 37 99-01 Previous Years" Deficits Recovered (credit Form 3, item 2, page 10) ...43 TOTAL EXPENDITURE 5 670 52 SURPLUS FOR YEAR (credit Form 3, item 5 page 10) , . GRAND TOTAL 5,670,210 6, 090, 070. 36 4 MUNICIPALITY MUNICIPAL .DISTRICT .QF -HIS TT I . #48........... , , , „ . , . . GENERAL OPERATING FUND C BALANCE SHEET FORM 2 As at December 31, 1980 113 ASSETS 100 CASH ON HAND AND ON DEPOSIT 110 Cash on Hand ............................................1 6F425- 1 ~ 120 Cash in Bank 2 497,942, ' 200 RECEIVABLES 492,235144 210 Taxes (to agree with Schedule A-2 item 12 page 6) 3 213 984. 78 , , 4 220 Federal 962. 84 . . . 230 Provincial 5 21,151. 61 . . 6 250 Local Governments 9,074. 93 . . 261 Due From Own Funds: Capital: 02 General 111,838. 90 04 Water 99 Other (specify) 4$ . 8 8 81 31 : 03 Water ratin O -11 R - 4A . . . g pe 99 Other (specify) 270 Trade Accounts ..........................................9 362- 6 9 280 Accrued ................................................10 15, 541 - 2J_ 290 Other (specify) 11 300 INVESTMENTS (Analysis of Investments, page,74) 12 1,375,120 00 400 LOANS AND ADVANCES 410 Short-Term .............................................13 420 Long-Term 14 7,713. 45 500 TANGIBLE ASSETS (Inventories) 15 1,322,131 84 700 OTHER ASSETS 19 ree with 460 Liabilities) (specify): t Accounts (to a 730 T 3,845. 2L- g rus Tax.Sale..& . Publ i c. Reserve. Trust . . 740 Deposits ............;...................................20 988 00 790 Other ......21 900 ACCUMULATED DEFICIT (credit Form 3, item 6, page 10) 22 TOTAL ASSETS 23 114 LIABILI 11ES 100 SHORT-TERM BORROWINGS (include overdrafts) 1 159,184 03 . . 200 PAYABLES . . . . . 210 Federal 2 220 Provincial (include Requisitions Unpaid page 68) 3 , 230 Local Governments (include Requisitions Unpaid, page 68) . 4 52,165. 92 241 Due To Own F unds: Capital: 02 General 5 61,025. 49 04 Water 61.,,02.5.49 99 Other (specify) Operating: 03 Water 6 99 Other (specify) 250 Trade Accounts 260 Debenture Installments 8 270 Accrued 9 000 290 Other (specify) ..........................................10 300 LONG-TERM DEBT 310 Debentures (Schedule Q-3, page 62) .....................11 350 Other Long-Term Borrowings (Schedule Q-5, page 64) 12 400 OTHER LIABILITIES 3,845.121 13 . 420 Prepayment of Taxes . . 460 Trust Accounts (to agree with 730 Assets) (specify): 14 3,845 21 Tax Sale & Public Reserve Trust 470 Deposits ................................................15 490 Other .16 500 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES (to agree with Schedule A-3, 500, page 6) 17 5,742. 45 600 RESERVES (to agree with Schedule A-3, 600, page 6) 18 11,914. 00 900 ACCUMULATED SURPLUS (debit Form 3, item 6, page 10) 19 3,525,715. 53 TOTAL LIABILITIES 20 '4,706,401. _22; 5 C 101- MUNICIPALITY MUNICIPAL DISTRICT. QF. I91EMIU. #48.................... . GENERAL OPERATING FUND 08-02 TRANSFERS TO OWN RESERVES & FUNDS SCHEDULE A-1 During the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19 80(,__11 15) 01 Reserves & Allowances Reserves: ~~1W~. J~ eS t Allowances: 2 02 Other Funds: Operating: Water Frontage ..............................................................3 Utility Deficit (specify) Other (specify) 4 Capital: (specify) GeT erza ............................1,139,358.04• .....................wal~..................................... _438.36.'............. 1,155,891. 42 08-02 TOTAL TRANSFERS TO OWN RESERVES &.FUNDS (to agree with 08-02, page 4)'I TAXES RECEIVABLE SCHEDULE A-2 As at December 31, 1985 117 Current Year's Levy Prior Year's Arrears Taxes on Property Acquired For Taxes Total (not including Property Acquired for Taxes) (toagree with page73) 1 19$0 1 l J B 14 -5. 9 1, o q2_ 2 296 -41- 910,442, 33_ an. , . ance a e 3) (100 a L 2 C 3,686,763. 90 _ 31-6116,763, K g evy , p urrent . 3. Penalties and Costs in 19 40 a e 3) (to 560 7,874. 86 10,246. 11 25. 94 4 18,146. 1 g , p i t ted R 4 T 5 991 79 ns a axes e . f ed T T 5 6 rans err axes . "6. Amounts Placed on Roll 7 for Collection: Accounts Utilit y Other . TOTAL DUE 7 3,694,638, 220,392, - 86 . . 8. Collections in 190 3,506,170. 10 194, 669. 41 150. 00 3, 700, 989. 1 includin Costs g 9. Discounts Allowed (to Schedule A-4 page 6) 930 1 , , - - 1 Cancellations 10 56- 1A 409- U As- I 11 00 - ;7 . _ _ 11. Taxes Transferred 12. UNCOLLECTED TAXES (total to 114 10 agree with 210 Assets, page 5) 188, 412. 52 25,313. 50 258 06 213, 984. 8 " Must be shown in appropriate Surplus/Deficit Accounts. ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES AND RESERVES SCHEDULE A-3 As at December 31, 19 $0 500 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES: (to agree with 500 Liabilities, page 5) (specify) uncollectible• taxes......... . 600 RESERVES: to agree with 600 Liabilities, page 5) 11 914 0 (specify) Future ,>?ditures............................. 08-01 DEBT CHARGES 116 SCHEDULE A-4 During the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19$0 810 Interest on Short-Term Loans 821 Interest on Debenture Debt 2 IIfl9 829 Interest on Other Long-Term Borrowings 3 831 Principal on Debenture Debt 4 64,470. 6 839 Principal on Other Long-Term Borrowings 5 890 Other 6 ?A - 4Q 930 Discounts (include Schedule A-2, item 9 and to agree with page 71-1 (918) (3) ) (specify) 08-01 TOTAL DEBT CHARGES (to agree with 08-01, page 4) 8 83,754. 3 6 MUNICIPALITY MUNICIPAL DISTRICT..OF..IZIEE 3TIMA48..... GENERAL CAPITAL FUND STATEMENT OF CAPITAL FINANCING FORM 4 For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19 _B0 121 C e- FINANCES ACQUIRED Estimates I Actual UNEXPENDED FUNDS FROM PREVIOUS YEARS 1 6 F 051 -71; • • • • • . • • • TERM DEBT INCURRED LONG - Debentures (issued to Federal) ........2 Debentures (issued to Provincial) ..........................................3 Debentures (issued to Others) .............................................4 Other Long-Term Borrowings .............................................5 e 10)1 1 a it 3 66 & F 6 l S 02 282 1 - g em ,p orm , , page e TRANSFERS (Schedu ..............6 l F d F , , rom era e ...........7 l i i 104,1372- From Prov nc a .......................a al Governments F L oc rom ......................................9 From Own Reserves From Other Funds: Operating (specify) • • 10 1#139t358. 04 ..................11 ) cif i l C y (spe ap ta From Other (specify) .....................................................12 1 e 10) a i 3 6 H R F 229.778115 g tem , p orm , ( OT E .................................13 d Assets f Fi l S 219,814, xe a e o ................................14 Return on Investments 219 - Other (specify) 15 9,745. 00 TOTAL ACQUIRED 1,517,851 42 vided b : b NDITURE P 111 838 90 y e pro to OVEREX E 1 Contributions from Own Operating Fund 1 ved but not Received r A i B ng pp o orrow temporary. agUired 1a Assets Sale of Assets 2,641 4 . . Other (specify) ..Grants. & .DebentureS 1 109 197. 42 GRAND TOTAL 2 1, 629, 690 32 C122 r- FINANCES APPLIED Estimates I Actual OVEREXPENDITURE OF PREVIOUS YEARS 1 15.244 95 arate Works in Progress) FIXED ASSETS (do not se p Structures ineerin En 175,819, _QJL . g g Buildings Machinery & Equipment-Alberta Disaster Services excluded Machinery & Equipment-Alberta Disaster Services-Cost Shared Machinery & Equipment-Alberta Disaster Services-Grant Land 7 116,500. Other (Temporary Acquisition of Fixed Assets) 1 1 e 10) 3 a it OTHER 6 F 61 840101 em , p g ( orm , Interest on Short-Term Borrowings Other Financial Charges 1 Transfers to Own Reserves & Funds (to agree with Schedule B-1, page 9) V 1 ecif ) vernments (s r G Oth f t T y p e o rans ers o Other (specify) . 1 . TOTAL APPLIED 1,629,6904 32 'UNEXPENDED FUNDS (set out details below) 1 GRAND TOTAL 1 1,629,690. 32 'UNEXPENDED FUNDS C el - Expended By-Law No. (if applicable) Source of Funds Project (if applicable) Total Funds Received Current Year Total of Previous Years Unexpended J)ebent,u -e Bixley Sewer 51,458, JE 6,051, _M 4-90406- 3-7 -0 TOTAL (to agree with Unexpended Funds in above Statement) • • • • • • . 0 7 f 7 MUNICIPALITY .........................Nli)Z\TICIPAL . DISTRICT. CIE. IOUIiILL. #48................... . GENERAL CAPITAL FUND C tp- (Wr BALANCE SHEET FORM 5 As at December 31, 1980 123 ASSETS 100 CASH ON HAND'AND ON DEPOSIT 110 Cash on Hand 120 Cash in Bank ............................................2 200 RECEIVABLES . 4 220 Federal 230 Provincial 5 s 250 Local Governments 261 Due From Own Funds: 7 Operating: 01 General . 03 Water 99 Other (specify) 8 Capital: 04 Water 99 Other (specify) 270 Trade Accounts 280 Accrued 10 2 90 Other (specify) ill - 1 12 300 INVESTMENTS (Analysis of Investments, page 74) . . 400 LOANS AND ADVANCES 410 Short-Term .............................................13 420 Long-Term .............................................14 500 TANGIBLE ASSETS 4, 902, 374. 26 520 Temporary Acquisition of Fixed Assets (include Land for Resale) 16 2,641. 48 530 Fixed Assets (to agree with Schedule B-2, page 9-1) 4, 899, 732. 78 600 DEBT CHARGES RECOVERABLE 700 OTHER ASSETS 730 Trust Accounts (to agree with 460 Liabilities) (specify) 19 ...................................................4....... i....... 740 Deposits ................................................20 21 . 790 Other ............................................z...... 900 ACCUMULATED DEFICIT (credit Form 6, item 8, page 10) TOTAL ASSETS ......................................i................... 4,902,374. 6 C124 LIABILIT IE5 100 SHORT-TERM BORROWINGS (include overdrafts) 200 PAYABLES 38. 90 210 Federal . 2 _ 220 Provincial ................................................3 230 Local Governments 241 Due To Own Funds: 01 General eratin O 111 838. 90 p g: 03 Water 99 Other(specify) Capital: 04 Water 99 Other (specify) 250 Trade Accounts 7 270 Accrued .................................................9 290 Other(specify) ...........................................10 300 LONG-TERM DEBT 54,711. 64 310 Debentures (Schedule Q-3, page 62) 54,711. 64 350 Other Long-Term Borrowings (Schedule Q-5, page 64) 12 400 OTHER LIABILITIES . 460 Trust Accounts (to agree with 730 Assets) (specify) 14 470 Deposits 15 490 Other 16 500 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES (to agree with Schedule B-3, 500, page 9) 600 RESERVES (to agree with Schedule B-3, 600, page 9) 700 EQUITY IN FIXED ASSETS (debit Form 6, item 8, page 10) 4,735,823. 72 TOTAL LIABILITIES 4,902,374. 2 6 l Y MUNICIPALITY MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF NNF'F' ILL #48„ GENERAL CAPITAL FUND TRANSFERS TO OWN RESERVES & FUNDS SCHEDULE B-1 During the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19.80 - 125 Reserves & Allowances: Reserves lspecifyl ...............................................................1 Allowances (specify) .............................................................2 I/ Other Funds: Operating (specify) Generc- l . 3 61,840, 101 Capital (specify) .......................................................4 TOTAL TRANSFERS TO OWN RESERVES & FUNDS (to Finances Applied, page 7) ...5 61,840. 01 Poll C C ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES AND RESERVES SCHEDULE B-3 As at December 31, 19812 500 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES: (to agree with 500 Liabilities, page 8) (specify) 600 RESERVES: (to agree with 600 Liabilities, page 8) (specify) i EXPENDITURE FOR GENERAL FIXED ASSETS 127 SCHEDULE B-4 Functional Classification Engineering Buildings Machinery & Land Total of Services Structures Equipment 1 2 3 4 2,741. 42 2 01 General Government 5 1 6 1 7 12, 590. 00 8 12,590 .0( 02 Protective 9 10 1 11 234 268 1 17 12 100 000 00 1 •334,268 .1-, 03 Transportation , . , , . , 13 14 14 15 16 16,500- 00 186,446 ,011 04 Environmental Health 69 946 169,946. 08 08 17 18 19 20 05 Public Health & Welfare 21 22 23 24 06 Environmental Development 6,814. 69 07 Recreation & Cultural 25 5,873. 00 26 27 3,872. 00 28 9,745 .0( & Education Total Expenditure for General Fixed 29 Assets (to agree with Fixed Assets, Finances Applied, page 7, 552 605 ' ' 3 excluding "Other") 175,819 1 01 1 1, 260, 286. 28 116,500 00 9 0 C) MUNICIPALITY ............MMICIPAL. DIs!r=. oF. ENEg u- 448 "FIXED ASSETS SCHEDULE B-2 As at December 31; 19 M 126 FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF SERVICES Engineering Structures Buildings Machinery & Equipment Land Total 142,913, 01 GENERAL GOVT: l 01 L i i 9 1 7 8 1 9 ve eg at s trative l Ad ini 02 G In I ll 76,343. 3 2 66,451, 5 3 enera m s 02 PROTECTIVE: 1 15 16 17 01 Police Protection 20 163 837. 1 2t 03 Fire Protection 4 M 22 23 24 25 easures Emergency 0 29 99 Other 3,778,839, 15 03 TRANSPORTATION: 01 Common Services . 40 31 32 33 d T t 02 R 36 -4, 361 A-45 r. 37 107,457. 8k ranspor oa 620,286- 1-31 04 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: osal 02 Sewa e Collection & Dis 38 585 092. 9 39 653. 541 4o 1 41 34,540. 0 p g 03 Garbage & Waste Collection l & Di 42 43 1 44 1 45 sposa 99 Other 4A 47 48 49 05 PUBLIC HEALTH & WELFARE: 01 Public & Other Health, ital Care Medical & Hos so 151 52 53 p 05 Social Welfare la 55 .56 57 06 Preventive Social Services s;g 59 60 61 109 R45. 06 ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT: ricultural Service Board 03 A R2 63 5 -10-3. 64 10411491- 19 165 5o- nn g 07 Housing gft .67 68 69 99 Other 7n 171 72 73 25,117. 25, 76 07 RECREATION & CULTURAL: s & Facilities 01 Recreation Buildin 6,821. 3 10,475. 75 50 .76 5,775. 3 77 2,045. 10 g . ildin & Facilities l B 02 C lt 711 79 80 81 gs ura u u 99 Other 92 1 183 84 85 T OTAL FIXED ASSETS (to agree with 530 Assets, page 8) . 603, 971. 6 390, 663. 88 3, 760, 885. 4 144, 211. 0 4, 899, 732. 78 'Include Works in Progress. co MUNICIPALITY ....................MU.NTCIPAL. pI$~'RICT, OF, I ET3ILL, #48, , , , , , , , , . GENERAL OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF SURPLUS (DEFICIT) FORM 3 For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19 80 118 DEBIT 1. Balance of Surplus (or Deficit) at Beginning of Year 2. Prior Years' Surplus or Deficit included in Current Budget - Transferred to General Operating Fund, Revenue and Expenditure Statement (page 3 or 4) 3 4 3. Adjustments Affecting Operations of Previous Years: (specify) Reinstatewnt. Taxes. (Property. Acquired, . 4. Other Transactions Affecting Surplus: (specify) Prior Years' Utility Fund surplus (deficit) transferred from Fund Surplus (deficit) Statement 2 5. Surplus or Deficit for Year Under Review -Brought forward fromGeneral Operating Fund, Revenue and Expenditure Statement (page 3 or 4) 764 718. 73 6. Balance of Surplus or Deficit at End of Year - Carried 3,525,715. 53 forward to General Operating Fund, Balance Sheet (page 5) 7. Totals of Debit and Credit Columns 4, 290, 434. 26 GENERAL CAPITAL FUND STATEMENT OF EQUITY IN FIXED ASSETS For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19 80 DEBIT 1. Balance of Equity in Fixed Assets at Beginning of Year 2. Adjustments Affecting Operations of Previous Years: (specify) 3. Other Adjustments Affecting Equity in Fixed Assets: Assets acquired by deed or gift Assets written off Book value of Assets sold (include land) . Debenture Principal Paid from own Operating Fund 0. Long-Term Borrowing Principal Paid from own Operating Fund . . Transfers (Finances Acquired, page 7) %No Other (Finances Acquired, page 7) . Other (Finances Applied, page 7) 4. Assets of Other Local Governments Assumed 5. Liabilities of Other Local Governments Assumed 6. Assets Transferred to Other Local Governments 7. Liabilities Assumed by Other Local Governments 8. Balance of Equity in Fixed Assets at End of Year-Carried forward to General Capital Fund, Balance Sheet (page 8) 4 9. Totals of Debit and Credit Columns • • • • • 5 823. 72 078. 88 CREDIT FORM 6 CREDIT 5 8 10 MUNICIPALITY ..................MUNICIPAL .DISTRICT OF K. N=LL,#48 WATER OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE FORM 19 For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19-00 411 REVENUE Estimates Actual 300 SERVICES PROVIDED TO OTHER GOVTS 11 400 SALES OF GOODS AND SERVICES 13 173. 74 18 411 Sale of Water . . 12.976 -21 . . . 490 Other . . 24 . . 500 OTHER REVENUE FROM OWN SOURCES 25 , 1.267. 125 700 CONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM FEDERAL OR PROVINCIAL GOV'TS & THEIR AGENCIES (Schedule R, page 65) .........................................................37 710 Federal 730 Provincial ...........................................................38 1,267 .25 800 CONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM OTHER LOCAL GOVTS (Schedule R, page 65) 39 900 OTHER TRANSFERS (Schedule R, page 65) 66,206. 11 910 From Own Reserves & Allowances: 912 Reserve for Future Expenditures ...................................41 919 Other ...........................................................43 920 From Other Funds: Operating: (specify) ............General ............................44 4,18 .62 Capital: (specify) ..............Water ...............................45 62,025 .49 990 Other (specify) ......................................................46 TOTAL REVENUE 47 647, 80 DEFICIT FOR YEAR (debit Form 21, item 4, page 31) . , GRAND TOTAL . 412 EXPENDITURE Estimates Actual 04-01 WATER SUPPLY 01 Administration 14 02 Purification & Treatment ...........................................15 03 Service of Supply .................................................16 14,48 L_~ 04 Transmission & Distribution . . . .............17 9 '72 L-" 05 Pumping ..........................................................18 431 1--aa 06 Customer Billing & Collection ......................................19 99 Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...........22 r. ? r c;7 08 FISCAL SERVICES 71 16 01 Debt Charges (to agree with Schedule G-3, page 27) .................40 02 Transfers to Own Reserves & Funds (to agree with Schedule G-1,page 27) 41 TOTAL EXPENDITURE 52 91 648- 95 SURPLUS FOR YEAR (credit Form 21, item 4, page 31) GRAND TOTAL 91, 648. 95 25 MUNICIPALITY m7NICIPAL DISTRICT OF KNEEHiu #48 WATER OPERATING FUND BALANCE SHEET FORM 20 As at December 31, 19M 413 HJJC 1 J 100 CASH ON HAND AND ON DEPOSIT 110 Cash on Hand 1 120 Cash in Bank 2 200 RECEIVABLES 4 l 220 Federa 5 i l a 230 Provinc 8 l G overnments 250 Loca 261 Due From Own Funds: ital: 02 General 7 C 62 025. 49 ap 99 Other (specify) 01 General 8 i ng: Operat 99 Other (specify) 270 Trade Accounts 9 280 Accrued ...............................................10 290 Other (specify) ................11 300 INVESTMENTS (Analysis ofInvestments, page 74)••••••••••••-••••••••..•• ••••••....12 400 LOANS AND ADVANCES 410 Short-Term ............................................13 420 Long-Term ............................................14 500 TANGIBLE ASSETS (inventories) 15 700 OTHER ASSETS 730 Trust Accounts (to agree with 460 Liabilities) (specify) 19 740 Deposits 20 790 Other 21 900 ACCUMULATED DEFICIT (credit Form 21, item 6, page 31) 22 . 1 F92S_ 1491 TOTAL ASSETS ........................................................................23 . RI _31 R_ I 4.V 414 LIABILITIES 100 SHORT-TERM BORROWINGS (include overdrafts) 1 200 PAYAB LES 2 210 Federal 3 220 Provincial 4 230 Local Governments 241 Due To Own Funds: l 5 i l 02 G C enera : ap ta 99 Other (specify) 6 Operatin : 01 General 81, 318. 48 g 99 Other(specify) 7 250 Trade Accounts 8 . 260 Debenture Installments . 9 270 Accrued 290 Other (specify) .........................................10 300 LONG-TERM DEBT . 310 Debentures (Schedule 0-3, page 62) .....................11 350 Other Long-Term Borrowings (Schedule Q-5, page 64) ....12 400 OTHER LIABILITIES . .....14 460 Trust Accounts (to agree with 730 Assets) (specify) 470 Deposits ...............................................15 490 Other .................................................18 500 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES (to agree with Schedule G-2, 500, page 27) 17 600 RESERVES (to agree with Schedule G-2, 600, page 27) 18 900 ACCUMULATED SURPLUS (debit Form 21, item 6, page 31) 19 TOTAL LIABILITIES ....................................................................20 81, 318, 26 MUNICIPALITY MUNICIPAL,DISSRI(72 OF.MEEHILL.#48.......................... WATER OPERATING FUND 08-02 TRANSFERS TO OWN RESERVES & FUNDS SCHEDULE G-1 During the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19$0 415 Reserves & Allowances: Reserves (specify) ...............................................................1 Allowances (specify) .............................................................2 Other Funds: Operating (specify) ...................................................3 Capital (specify) .......................................................4 TOTAL TRANSFERS TO OWN RESERVES & FUNDS (to agree with 08 - 02, page 25)..5 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES AND RESERVES SCHEDULE G-2 As at December 31, 19- 500 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES: (to agree with 500 Liabilities, page 26) (specify) 600 RESERVES: (to agree with 600 Liabilities, page 26) (specify) 08-01 DEBT CHARGES SCHEDULE G-3 Duringthe Fiscal Year Ended December 31,19- 416 810 Interest on Short-Term Loans 1 821 Interest on Debenture Debt 2 8,564, 829 Interest on Other Long-Term Borrowings 3 831 Principal on Debenture Debt .................................................4 63,323, 839 Principal on Other Long-Term Borrowings 5 890 Other 6 930 Discounts 7 08-01 TOTAL DEBT CHARGES (to agree with 08-01, page 25) . 71,888. 27 OWN MUNICIPALITY 14jNICIPAL, DisTRICT.OF..K~=ILL . #48............. . WATER CAPITAL FUND I, 4rl"_ STATEMENT OF CAPITAL FINANCING FORM 22 For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19-80 421 FINANCES ACQUIRED Estimates Actual UNEXPENDED FUNDS FROM PREVIOUS YEARS . LONG-TERM DEBT INCURRED . 2 bentures (issued to Federal) D . e Provincial) d t (i D b t 3 o ures ssue e en ed to Others) (i s D b t q ures s u e en Other Long-Term Borrowings 5 item 3 page 31) page 66 & Form 24 TRANSFERS (Schedule S , , , From Federal 6 From Provincial 7 67,124 1R From Local Governments 8 From Own Reserves 9 From Other Funds: Operating (specify) Genera1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • •10 438. 76 Capital (specify) ...................................11 From Other (specify) ............................12 item 3, page 31) OTHER (Form 24 , Sale of Fixed Assets ...................................................13 Return on Investments .................................................14 Other (specify) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOTAL ACQUIRED 67,563. 1 4 OVEREXPENDITURE to be provided by: 1,000. 100 Contributions from Own Operating Fund .................................16 Borrowing Approved but not Received ...................................17 Sale of Assets .........................................................18 Other (specify). GranttS. jor. debEntures 19 1 000 100 GRAND TOTAL 68 563. 14 422 FINANCES APPLIED Estimates Actual OVEREXPENDITURE OF PREVIOUS YEARS = ~ FIXED ASSETS (do not separate Works in Progress) I fnn n n no Engineering Structures .................................................2 wo OD Buildings gs ..............................................................3 t - - Machinery & Equipment ................................................q Land 7 Other (Temporary Acquisition of Fixed Assets) OTHER (Form 24, item 3, page 31) 1 1 69,09-;_1 4q Interest on Short-Term Borrowings 9 Other Financial Charges 10 Transfers to Own Reserves & Funds (to agree with Schedule H-1, page 30) .11 Other (specify) 13 , TOTAL APPLIED "UNEXPENDED FUNDS (set out details below) GRAND TOTAL is 68,563. "UNEXPENDED FUNDS Expended By-Law No. (if applicable) Source of Funds Project (if applicable) Total Funds Received Current Year Total of Previous Years Unexpended TATA1 /t.. .~...v e -;*6 I 1.o.,-.4- 4 r-,4I ;n ~k-"- Ct.f.-ti _ 28 MUNICIPALITY .............DmICIPAL,. DISTRICT. OF. KNEEH=. #k48............................... . WATER CAPITAL FUND BALANCE SHEET FORM 23 As at December 31, 19-80 423 ASSETS 100 CASH ON HAND AND ON DEPOSIT 110 Cash on Hand 1 120 Cash in Bank 2 200 RECEIVABLES 61,025, 149 . 220 Federal q 230 Provincial 5 250 Local Governments 6 261 Due From Own Funds: Operating: 01 General 61,025. 49 99 Other (specify) Capital: 02 General 8 99 Other (specify) 270 Trade Accounts 9 280 Accrued ..............................................10 290 Other (specify) . 11 . 300 INVESTMENTS (Analysis of Investments, page 74 12 400 LOANS AND ADVANCES 410 Short-Term ...........................................13 420 Long-Term ...........................................14 500 TANGIBLE ASSETS 159,271,F-03 520 Temporary Acquisition of Fixed Assets ..................16 530 Fixed Assets (to agree with Schedule H-2, page 30) ...17 159 271. 03 600 DEBT CHARGES RECOVERABLE 18 700 OTHER ASSETS 730 Trust Accounts (to agree with 460 Liabilities) (specify): 19 740 Deposits ..............................................20 . 790 Other 900 ACCUMULATED DEFICIT (credit Form 24, item 8, page 31) .........................q = = F 4 2934 TOTAL ASSETS 220 .2 96. -52 424 LIABILITIES 100 SHORT-TERM BORROWINGS (include overdrafts) 1 200 PAYABLES 62 P 0251 49 210 Federal ................................................2 220 Provincial .............................................3 230 Local Governments ....................................q 241 Due to Own Funds: Operating: 01 General 5 99 Other (specify) Capital: 02 General 6 62,025, 49 99 Other (specify) 250 Trade Accounts 7 270 Accrued 9 290 Other (specify) ........................................1 300 LONG-TERM DEBT 411746.1 42 310 Debentures (Schedule Q-3, page 62) ...................11 41,746, A2_ 350 Other Long-Term Borrowings (Schedule Q-5, page 64) ...12 400 OTHER LIABILITIES • . 460 Trust Accounts (to agree with 730 Assets) (specify)....... 14 470 Deposits ..............................................15 490 Other ................................................16 500 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES (to agree with Schedule H-3, 500, page 30) 17 600 RESERVES (to agree with Schedule H-3, 600, page 30) 18 700 EQUITY IN FIXED ASSETS (debit Form 24, item 8, page 31) 19 R9 S72 TOTAL LIABILITIES 20, ??n 9qA 29 MUNICIPALITY ...............................MUNICIPAL. DISTRICT.OF OF. RiMilLL. #48............. . WATER CAPITAL FUND TRANSFERS TO OWN RESERVES & FUNDS SCHEDULE H-1 During the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19$9 425 Reserves & Allowances: Reserves (specify) ...............................................................1 Allowances (specify) .............................................................2 Other Funds: Operating (specify) ...................................................3 62,025. 9 Capital (specify) ......................................................4 TOTAL TRANSFERS TO OWN RESERVES & FUNDS (to Finances Applied page 28) "FIXED ASSETS 426 SCHEDULE H-2 As at December 31, 1980 Functional Engineering Machinery & r lassification Structures Buildings Equipment Land Total 3 4 5 04-01 WATER t 2 SUPPLY (to agree 159, 271. 03 159, 271.03 with 530 Assets, page 29) "Include Works in Progress ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES AND RESERVES SCHEDULE H-3 As at December 31, 19- 500 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES: (to agree with 500 Liabilities, page 29) (specify) .................Depreciation 2-~% 26,65 .37 600 RESERVES: (to agree with 600 Liabilities, page 29) (specify) < 30 MUNICIPALITY MUNZC~P .1~ISTlGT..QF..u..#4$ WATER OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF SURPLUS (DEFICIT) FORM 21 For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1930 418 DEBIT 1. Balance of Surplus (or Deficit) at Beginning of Year 2. Adjustments Affecting Operations of Previous Years: (specify) 3. Other Transactions Affecting Surplus: (specify) Prior Years' surplus (deficit) transferred to General Operating Fund Surplus (Deficit) page 10 3 4. Surplus or Deficit for Year Under Review - Brought forward from Water Operating Fund Revenue and Expenditure Statement (page 25) 5. Surplus or Deficit Transferred to General Operating Fund during the 1 Current Year (page 3 or 6) . 6. Balance of Surplus or Deficit at End of Year - Carried forward to Water Operating Fund, Balance Sheet (page 26) 7. Totals of Debit and Credit Columns WATER CAPITAL FUND STATEMENT OF EQUITY IN FIXED ASSETS For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19$0 1. Balance of Equity in Fixed Assets at Beginning of Near 2. Adjustments Affecting Operations of Previous Years: (specify) 3. Other Adjustments Affecting Equity in Fixed Assets: Assets acquired by deed or gift Assets written off .........Dr~PxOCiatiQn Book value of Assets sold (include land) Debenture Principal Paid from own Operating Fund Long-Term Borrowing Principal Paid from own Operating Fund.. Transfers (Finances Acquired, page 28) Other (Finances Acquired, page 28) Other (Finances Applied, page 28) 4. Assets of Other Local Governments Assumed 5. Liabilities of Other Local Governments Assumed 6. Assets Transferred to Other Local Governments 7. Liabilities Assumed by Other Local Governments 8. Balance of Equity in Fixed Assets at End of Year-Carried forward to Water Capital Fund, Balance Sheet (page 29) . 9. Totals of Debit and Credit Columns 11, 001.1 85 DEBIT 89,8724 24 155,879.) 50 CREDIT 4 FORM 24 CREDIT 879 4 31 MUNICIPALITY MUNICIPAL.DTSTRZC ..0F. JQUXULT,14.8 SCHEDULE 0-3 ANALYSIS OF DEBENTURE DEBT As at December 31, 19-B0 GROSS UNMATURED DEBT (EXCLUDING UNSOLD DEBENTURES) DEBENTURE DEBT SERIAL DEBENTURES SINKING FUND DEBENTURES CLASSIFICATION Municipality's Share *Owners' Share Municipality's Share Owners' Share TOTAL GENERAL 48 49 54,711. 4 54,711. 64 PUBLIC UTILITIES: Water Supply 1o 33 41,746. 2 41#746- - U- Electricity 11 34 Gas 12 35 Telephone 13 36 Air Transport 14 37 Public Transit 15 38 TOTAL PUBLIC UTILITIES TOTAL SCHOOL 50 GRAND TOTAL 23 46 96,458. 6 47 96,458. 6 *If special frontage tax levied show Owners' Share breakdown. To agree with classification totals (principal only), page 63, and 310 Classification inCapital Fund Balance Sheets. 0 MUNICIPALITY MMICIPAL DI=CP OF MEMILL #48 FUTURE DEBENTURE DEBT CHARGES BY YEARS r-QAA ( PRINCIPAL AND SINKING FUND REQUIREMENTS AND INTEREST) AND FUTURE PRINCIPAL MATURIIItJ Ur b INKINU rums uttstNIUnts ,v~J a~ntuuut u w SERIAL DEBENTURES ADJUSTMENTS ARISING FROM BOUNDARY CHANGES SINK ING FUND DEBENTU RES ASSUMED FROM OTHER ASSUMED BY OTHER Sinking Fund Principal ANALYSIS BY YEARS Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Requirements Interest Maturities GENERAL 1 l 1 11466. 42 1 2 4,832. 36 - Current p us l 2 C urrent p us Current plus 3 5 ;681. 91 6 4;616. 87 7 Current plus 4 1,802. 4 4,496. 43 Current lus 5 9 1,932, 20 366, lo 4 58 p Plus 6 to maturit 11 258- 46 LD , 12 464,10- gi y TOTAL F 54.711. 64 69,551, 76 PUBLIC UTILITIES Current plus 1 .....1 15 Current plus 2 1,382, 1,473. 33 64 14 3, 9. is 3,318. 35 54 17 Current plus 3 570, 87 la 3,221, 31 Current plus 4 t9 1,675. 02 0 3,117, Z Current plus 5 .....21 22 3,00. 57 Plus 6 to maturity 33 R S7. AS 24 '40404- 41 TOTAL - 0 41.746. _ 42 .n7A- 46 IS SCHOOL Current plus 1 .....25 - 26 27 Current plus 2 28 Current plus 3 29 30 31 Current plus 4 2 Current plus 5 33 34 Plus 6 to maturity 36 TOTAL ` GRAND TOTAL.. , ...3 96, 458. 06 131 115, 628. 11 •To agree with classification totals, page 62, and 310 Classification in Capital Fund Balance Sheets. MUNICIPALITY MUNIC.T.PAL.D=RIOT-OF. -K\T=LL •#48........................... ANALYSIS OF REPAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL DUE ON LONG-TERM BORROWINGS (Refer to Municipal Government Act Section 314) SCHEDULE Q-5 905 ANALYSIS BY YEARS l P i i l D T PRINCIPAL BALANCE OWING ON ORIGINAL LONG-TERM BORROWING MADE IN: r nc pa ota ue Current Year Current Year Minus 1 Current Year Minus 2 Current Year Minus 3 Current Year Minus 4 Prior Current Year Minus 4 GENERAL: Current plus 1 Current plus 2 Current plus 3 TOTAL PUBLIC UTILITIES: Current lus 1 7 8 p Current plus 2 . 10 11 Current plus 3 12 TOTAL SCHOOL: Current lus 1 13 14 16 17 I la p Current plus 2 _ .19 20 21 22 23 1 24 Current plus 3 25 26 27 2a 29 . 30 Current lus 4 - . p Current plus 5 2 Plus 6 to maturity 43 . 44 4 TOTAL GRAND TOTAL..... . 49 T1 "to agree with 350 Liabilities in appropriate Balance Sheets NOTE: THIS SCHEDULE NOT TO INCLUDE DEBENTURES rn a MUNICIPALITY ~ NWZCTPAL DISTRICT Q], IQ TILL . j, , . #48 API, ~ ANALYSIS OF TRANSFERS • OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE SCHEDUJH During the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19_ 906 Federal Government & Their Agencies (610/710) Provincial Government & Their Agencies (620/730) Other Local Governments (630/800) Own Reserves & Allowances (910) Other Funds (920) Other (990) Total UNCONDITIONAL (600) 550,535. 96 Municipal Assistance • • • • • • • • • • • 1 410,523 00 2 Mobile Construction Equipment • . • • Other . 3 4 134,557 98 5 . . . . UNCONDITIONAL (900) • • . • • • • • • • • • • • s 37. 65 7 128,046 .12 a 128,083. 77 TOTAL -UNCONDITIONAL , . 550,535 96 37. 65 128,046 12 678,619. 73 CONDITIONAL (700, 800, 900) 9 10 t1 12 13 14 n l G G t S i era e overnmen erv ces . • • • • • • Pr tecti e Services: o v 15 16 17 18 19 20 Police Protection 119 120 121 122 123 124 Law Enforcement 21 22 23 24 25 26 Fire Protection Emergency Measures: 27 28 29 30 31 32 Ambulance Services 33 34 35 36 37 38 Other 2,500. 00 131 132 133 134 135 136 Other . . 15,000. 00 Transportation Services: 374,669. '71 39 40 41 42 43 44 Road Transport 374,668 .71 45 46 47 48 49 50 Air Transport 51 52 53 54 55 56 Public Transit Sub-total-Conditional (carried forward) 392,16 .71 392,168. 1 MUNICIPALITY ......................MUNICIPAL, DISTRICT OF IQNEEHILL .#48 rn c~ ANALYSIS OF TRANSFERS • OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE During the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19430 SCHEDULE R CONTINUED 906 Federal Provincial Other Own Government & Government & Local Reserves & Other Their Agencies Their Agencies Governments Allowances Funds Other Total (610/710) (620/730) (630/800) (910) (920) (990) Sub-total - Conditional (brought forward)........ 392,168 71 392,168 71 Environmental Health Services:...... 57 58 59 60 61 62 l W S y upp ater 125 128 127 128 129 130 Sewage Services 63 84 85 88 87 88 Other 69 70 71 72 73 74 Public Health & Welfare Services , . Environmental Develo ment Services 75 76 48,741 17 77 78 79 80 48,741. 17 p Recreation, Cultural Services & Education 81 82 10,950. 00 83 84 85 88 10, 950. 00 Fiscal Services: Interest Stabilization 87 2,902. 22 . B8 89 90 91 92 93 Other Other Services: 94 95 96 97 98 99 Gas 100 101 102 103 104 105 Electricity 106 107 108 109 ~ 110 111 hone Tele p TOTAL - CONDITIONAL 454, 762 10 1 J 454, 762. 10 GRAND TOTAL 1,005,298. 06 37. 65 128,046 12 118 1,133, 381. J83 a~ MUNICIPALITY t,=IO.IPAL.DZS RjCr.-OF•1QNEEiILL-048....................... ANALYSIS OF TRANSFERS - CAPITAL FUNDS FINANCES ACQUIRED SCHEDULE S During the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19-..80 (_90-7) Federal Provincial Other Government & Government & Local Own Other Their Agencies Their Agencies Governments Reserves Funds Other Total CONDITIONAL: 1 2 General Government Services..... 3 4 5 2,436. 42 6 2,436 42 Protective Services: 12,590. 00 Police Protection 7 8 9 10 11 12 Law Enforcement 122 123 124 125 126 127 Fire Protection 13 14 15 16 17 18 Emergency Measures: 19 20 21 22 23 24 Ambulance Services Other 25 26 27 28 29 30 Other 128 129 130 131 132 12,590. 00 133 Transportation Services 1,116,006. 97 31 32 33 34 35 36 Road Transport 1,116, 006. 97 Air Transport • • • • . 37 38 39 40 41 42 Public Transit • • . 43 44 45 46 47 46 Sub-total (carried forward) 1,131, 033. 39 1,131, 033. 39 . CP,OF.I0=ILL.#48,.,.,•• MUNICIPALITY MUNIC.IPAL. DISTRI. 0 Cn J ANALYSIS OF TRANSFERS - CAPITAL FUNDS FINANCES ACQUIRED During the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19_N 907 ) SCHEDULE S CONTINUED Federal Provincial Other Government & Government & Local Own Other Their Agencies Their Agencies Governments Reserves Funds Other Total Sub-total (brought forwards 1 011`1 001, -3Q 'U' Environmental Health Services...... 49 50 51 52 53 54 l Water Su 67,124. 8 y pp 116 117 118 119 120 121 e Services Sewa 38,090. 50 104 572. 4 g 55 56 57 58 59 60 Other 61 62 63 64 65 66 Health & Welfare Services. • bli P c u 67 68 69 70 71 72 5,566 .74 5,566 74 ment Services Environmental Develo p Recreation, Cultural Services 73 74 75 76 77 78 cation & Ed • . u 79 80 81 82 83 84 Fiscal Services . 1 Other Services: 85 86 87 88 89 90 Gas 91 92 93 94 95 96 Electricit y . . 97 98 99 100 101 102 hone Tele p 38,090. 50 171,697. 32 1,139,796. 80 115,349,584. 62 GRAND TOTAL "To surer, with total of all Capital Transfers in all Capital Funds (Finances Acquired items 6-12 inclusive) ,J LJ MUNICIPALITY MUNICIPAL .DISTRICT.,OF..FN=M .#4.8............................. . CD V ASSESSMENTS UPON WHICH TAXES ARE LEVIED AND MILL RATE STATEMENT, 1980 908 FORM 49 NON-RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY TOTAL TAXABLE ASSESSMENT DESCRIPTION ASSESSMENT ON WHICH MILL RATE APPLIED MILL RATE ASSESSMENT ON WHICH MILL RATE APPLIED MILL RATE 'Real Property: Land . 15,296 991 Education: School Foundation Program 11,376, 532 a 37. Buildings & Improvements 5, 52B, 494 , School Division or District: (identify) Other Property: Three. Hills.#.60 25,791,477 9 35. 762 960. t9 35. 1 Electric Power Installations ........3 Pipe Line . . . ...4 S, S2R 0 06n Fire.Protection............... . Cable T.V. Systems . 5 . 3- 0 762,790- 3. 0 PROPERTY ASSESSMENT TOTAL... • • • • Business 8 Recreation . of Rental Value or Mill Rate ) . • • • • • •Troc 1u • - Special • • • TOTAL TAXABLE ASSESSMENT 7 26,659 535 `Do not include assessment valuations on which grants in lieu of taxes are paid. ONLY TO BE COMPLETED BY Health (Identify): Hospital Districts: 10 20 RURAL MUNICIPALITIES: Electric Power Installations and Pipe Line Mill Rates: Auxiliary Hospital Districts: 11 21 Supplementary School Hospital Nursing Homes: . 12 22 . . . Homes for Aged: Olden. Hills. LQd5e . 26,221,414 13 2. 762,960 23 Municipal: General 26,221,414 14 77. 2 762,960 24 77. 2 Debenture Debt 15 25 Special Levies:. Ambulance • • . . • • • • • • • • 16 i- n 762 96n 26 . TOTAL MILL RATE ~ , POSSIBLE 471 160. 8 27 125. 7 MUNICIPALITY MUNICIPAL. DIS> UCT. W. ?T.T,..#4q 08-03 UNCONDITIONAL TRANSFERS For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19 _2D FORM 50 909 r C AUTHORITY FOR REQUISITION UNCONDITIONAL TRANSFER OR REQUISITION REQUISITIONS OWING FROM PREVIOUS YEARS REQUISITION PAID REQUISITION UNPAID FOUNDATION PROGRAM: Requisition 1 424,44S .00 424,44 9.00 -0- Additional Levy 2 TOTAL FOUNDATION PROGRAM 424, 44 .00 3 424, 44 .00 4 -0- SUPPLEMENTARY SCHOOL REQUISITIONS: School Division or District: No. Name ...60 ......................'Iree.lli.l.ls.. C)99 "AR -M 929,38 1.00 -0- TOTAL SUPPLEMENTARY SCHOOL REQUISITION 5 929,389. 00 6 929,38 9.00 7 nil HEALTH REQUISITIONS: Hospital District: No. Name 4.4 EnOrna 21 49c;1 1; 1 9 .45 il Auxiliary Hospital 22 Nursing Home 23 Home for the Aged Golden .>Li.l.ls Lodge 24 54, 529 L2L0_ 54,529 .20 nil TOTAL HEALTH REQUISITIONS: 8 55,024. 65 9 55, 024 .65 10 nil PROVINCIAL PLANNING FUND REQUISITION: 11 19 - ;,dl ~ 79 12 12.541 .72 13 nil IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TAX TRANSFER:... . 14 15 16 SUB-TOTAL * 1,421,404. 37 17 1, 421, 404 .37 18 IN COUNTIES ONLY: SUPPLEMENTARY SCHOOL REQUISITION (transfer to School Operating Fund - Schedule A-1, page 6) 9 GRAND TOTAL: 20 1, 421, 404 37 1, 421, 404.37 nil 'to agree with 08-03, page 4 68 C MUNICIPALITY MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF .Rgl j ? #.4$ PAYMENT TO COUNCILLORS FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES FORM 51 19-0 910 DIVISION OR WARD (IF APPLICABLE) NAME SALARIES OR FEES MILEAGE AND SUBSISTENCE TOTAL Mayor, Reeve or Chairman: 1 Gilbert A. Berdahl 5906. 25 1,311 80 7,218 05 Members of Council: 2. Clifford W. Poole 4,1A 00 813 .20 4,938 .20 2. OFt-n Hoff 91 5 3- Ralpb W- Bram nn -4 r, q -a 469 50 1 P - - 4- A-rF- W- Rai]er 4 sn -nn . 749 -An. Richard Maerz 1. .00 484 2,059 ,56 T. A. Fercruson 6.61 0 2 - 6. Teonard Litz 1.76~ -50 432 ,3D 2,194 JJ(L Has i Bruce 1 507 - .60 1,670 .10 7. Reginald G. Campbell 5,40 -00 1.157 .20 6 757 .2 D . - Unallocated Expenses TOTAL 34,268. 5 7,565 .90 41, 834 15 `to 01-01, page 4 69 CONTINGENT LIABILITIES 19 _ FORM 53 MUNICIPALITY I=ICIPAL. DISTRICT. CF. KNEEHILL. #.48........................... . CONSOLIDATED CROSS CLASSIFICATION OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAMS AND BY OBJECTS FOR 19_ FORM 54 NOTE FORM 54 TO INCLUDE ALL OPERATING FUNDS EXCLUDING INTERFUND OPERATING TRANSFERS Government Services General For Resale For Own Transfer Financial Other Personnel Services Or General Account Goods Payments Charges Transactions Totals FUNCTION -Programs (100) (200) Supply (300) (400) (500) (700) (800) (900) 911 1 01 -GENERAL GOVERNMENT: 287,868 40 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 01 - Legislative 35,301. 8 19,210 .1 9 10 19 12 13 14 15 02 - General Administrative . 150, 900. 1 45,728 .6-) 7,932. 0 333. 0 17, 786 .2 600. 57 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 99 - Other I' 10,075.1 00 912 1 02 - PROTECTIVE 87,947. 65 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 8 01 - Police Protection 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 02 - LawEnforcement 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 03 - Fire Protection 23,255. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 04 - Emergency Measures 676 7 29,764, 99 - All Other Protective . . . . . . . . . 23 26,187. 9 24 410 8 25 26 27 71652 2 28 29 913 03 -TRANSPORTATION; 2,628,082 .51 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 01 - Common Services 02 - Road Transport 9 1, 256, 446. 37 10 272, 814 ,62 11 12 13 1,098,821 ,60 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 03 - Air Transport • . 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 04 - Public Transit 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 99 - Other Sub-totals-Carried forward ,468.836. 22 338,840 95 31,187. 70 333 50 ,124, 260. ' 1 39, 839 6 600 5 003, 898. 4 MUNICIPALITY MUb=PAL. DISTRICT..OF. iTT,T, .#4& CONSOLIDATED CROSS CLASSIFICATION OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAMS AND BY OBJECTS FOR 19-EL FORM 54 CONTINUED Government Services, General For Resale For Own Transfer Financial Other Personnel Services Or General Account Goods Payments Charges Transactions Totals FUNCTION -Programs (100) (200) Supply (300) (400) (500) (700) (800) (900) Sub-Totals Brought Forward 1,468,836 L 338 8401 95 31,1871 70 3331 50 1,124,2601 10 39,839. 60 600 57 3,003,898 .64 914 1 04 - ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 01 - Water Supply . 14,489. 49 430 M 620 .57 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 02 - Sewage Collection & Disposal 26,017 24 369, 66 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 03 - Garbage & Waste Collection & Disposal. 34,5081 53 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 99 - Other 915 t 05 - PUBLIC HEALTH & WELFARE: 9 C; Ot - Public & Other Health, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Medical & Hospital Care 10,502. 65 9 10 11 2 13 14 15 05 - Social Welfare 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 06 - Preventive Social Services 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 99 - Other , . Sub-Totals Carried Forward 1,496,3531 461 341, 931 25 80,185 . 7 10,836, 15 1,124, 690 19 39,839. 6 1,221. 14 3,095,057 [1 Apo% (NP 0 MUNICIPALITY . . . . ..MWICIPAL• • DIMRIC . OF. RZEHI)-Lr 448 , . CONSOLIDATED CROSS CLASSIFICATION OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAMS AND BY OBJECTS FOR 1980 FORM 54 CONTINUED Government Services General Servi For Resale For Own Transfer Financial Other Personnel ces Or General Account Goods Payments Charges Transactions Totals FUNCTION -Programs (100) (200) Supply (300) (400) (500) (700) (800) (900) Sub-Totals Brought Forward 49 . 4 6 41, 31 d 12 0,185, 72 0 8 6. 1 124 9 221 ' 1 - , , 16 1 06 - ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPME 9 128,228 .72 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 03 - Agricultural Service Board 79 924. 4 12.236. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 07 - Public Housing 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 99.Other 917 1 07 - RECREATION, CULTURAL & EDUCATION: 225,495 00 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 01 - Recreation Buildings & Facilities....... 430 10, .291 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 02 - Cultural Buildings & Facilities 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 03 - Recreation Programs (Facility) 23 24 25 28 2T 28 29 04 -Cultural Programs (Facility) 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 05 - Education . . 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 06 - Programs (Non-Facility) 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 99 -Other . . 209 797. 11 Sub-Totals Carried Forward 1,581,545. 0 354,167. 80 80,185. 72 10,836. 15 !171,187. 1 249,636. 71 1,221. 14 L44812 1 0 0 MUNICIPALITY ...........MMICIPAL. DISTRICT. OF. IZIM11L..#48 CONSOLIDATED CROSS CLASSIFICATION OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAMS AND BY OBJECTS FOR 19LQ-- FORM 54 CONTINUED Government Services General For Resale For Own Transfer Financial Other Personnel Services Or General Account Goods Payments Charges Transactions Totals FUNCTION -Programs (100) (200) Supply (300) (400) (500) (700) (800) (900) Sub-Totals Brought Forward 1, 581, 545. 90 354,167 80 80,185 72 10, 836 15 1,171,187 81 249i636 171 1,2 21 14 3,448,781 ,23 918 1 08 - FISCAL: 2,728,757 .46 2 3 01 - Debt Charges 155, 642. 29 4 02 -Transfers to Own Reserves and Funds. 1,151,710 .80 03 - Uncond. Transfers to other Gov'ts & their Agencies 1,421,404 37 6 99.01 Previous Years' Deficits Recovered.. . 919 09 - OTHER: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 01 - Gas 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 02 - Electricity 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 99 - Telephone . GRAND TOTAL 1,581r545. 9 354,167 M 80,185 72 10,836. 15 1,171,18M 1 2,822,751 ,881 155, 642. 29 1, 221. 14 6,177, 538 69 NOTE: FORM 54 TO INCLUDE ALL OPERATING FUNDS EXCLUDING INTERFUND OPERATING TRANSFERS. 'To exclude i nterfund operating transfers. MUNICIPALITY .M[.I IPAL. DISTRICT. OF. 1QXEE•E=..#48 8 AUDITOR'S SPECIAL REPORT No. OF VERIFICATION TAX NOTICES MAILED BY AUDITOR UNDER SEC. 70, THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ACT . No. OF VERIFICATION UTILITY NOTICES MAILED BY AUDITOR UNDER SEC. 70, THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ACT AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE TO: The Members of the Council M(JNI~IPAL DISTRICT OF IiILL4$ (Name of Municipality) We have examined the balance sheets of the various funds of . The. M.D . at . Kneehill . #•48 as at December 31, 1980 and the related statements of Revenue and Expenditure, Surplus (Deficit), Capital Financing, and Equity in Fixed Assets for the year then ended. Our examination included a general review of the accounting procedures and such tests of accounting records and tither supporting evidence as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, these financial statements present fairly the financial position of the municipality as at December 31, 19.Nand the results of its operations for the year then ended, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the previous year, subject to any qualifications mentioned in the Auditor's Special Report herewith. Further, in our opinion, the additional statements and reports, when considered in relation to the aforementioned statements, presents fairly the supplemental information shown. Dated at . ilIS this 28th. day of ....Ja1?. 112 ,19 81 Signed ~;..,...4 Address Box„1 30,,.„Three..Hills,, . Alta. Firm ..HENRY . ,VAN, Dom. .HOVEN, ..C.• A. . 72 ~J Total number of Parcels Finally Acquired by Municipality but not sold (Sec. 20) as at December 31 of current year Number Under Tax Notification Date Last Tax Notification Registered at L.T.O. Date of Last Public Sale MUNICIPALITY M~JNICIPAL DISTRICT OF FAIL T; X48 SECRETARY-TREASURER'S REPORT 19 _g0 LANDS UNDER THE TAX RECOVERY ACT 8 7 Number of Parcels Sold at Public Sale in current year Number of Parcels Sold at Private Sale in current year Number of Parcels Leased Under Sec. 29(1) in current year Total Parcels Dealt with in current-year 1 2 nil, 3 (Public Sale 25 00 Receipts in current year from (Public Sale Receipts from Lands Sold or • (Private Sale 125.00 Lands Sold or Leased in (Private Sale leased in current year (Leases prior years (Leases i nil TOTAL TAX SALE AND LEASE RECEIPTS IN CURRENT YEAR Above Receipts have been credited as follows: ,1 to Commissions to Municipal Account . tlrrr to Taxes to Tax Sale Surplus Trust Account Total Tax Sale and Lease Receipts Accounted for . TAXES CANCELLED UNDER SEC. 27(2) The Tax Recovery Act TAXES ON PROPERTY ACQUIRED FOR TAXES C 135. 01 Number of Parcels Assessed Value WOU.Rg OW) Total Taxes 1. Balance, Jan. 1, 19$0 296. 41 2. Current Year's Levy -0- 3. Penalties & Costs added in 19$Q 25. 94 4. Taxes Reinstated 221' 72 5. Taxes Transferred 6. Amounts Placed on Roll for Collection 7. TOTAL DUE 544. 07 8• 'Collections in 1980 including costs 1 $20. 150. 00 9. Discounts Allowed 10. Cancellations 135. 31 11. Taxes Transferred 12. UNCOLLECTED TAXES, December 31, 194 258. 76 'NOTE-Show number of parcels actually sold during current year, with their assessed value and the total receipts from both sales and leases actually applied on taxes during the current year. The above statements do not include Deferred Payments. ".to Schedule A-2, page 6. 921 Resident Farmers .................................................................estimate.... 116 Actual Count of Municipality as at June -1926 ...5.8,30• . . Actual Dominion Census Count Z~4JUSteCI•••••••••••.•••.•••••••••.••.•. 597 Census Used for Provincial Grant Purposes 597 73 MUNICIPALITY .........................~MC1PAL. AlSTUCT. jQF.. NE j 4 ROAD AND STREET KILOMETRES 19 M W, C 'G 922 ' S URFACED ROADS AND STREETS EARTH R OADS, Etc. Oil Concrete Bituminous Gravel Other Improved (Graded & Drained) Other Total 1. Provincial Highways: Main 23 33 144. 14 -0- 1 1 1 -7 Secondary 2 2. Local Roads & Streets. 83 2~L 13. 8 1653 UL 70 359- 12 3 3. Public Lanes & Alleys.. 4. 83 2. 1 9- 56 -0- -0- - - - 4 16. 90 TOTAL KILOMETRES 206 39 279. 1 . 1740. 6 707 .85 359. 12 10 - 3292T 3 SEWER AND WATER MAIN KILOMETRES 923 1. Storm Sewers 1 n 2. Sanitary Sewers ...............2 9~ 6 3. Water Mains .................3 4 Total 4 14. 0 ANALYSIS OF MUNICIPALLY OWNED UTILITIES NUMBER OF PARCELS 924 1. No. of Taxable Parcels t 6972- 2. No. of Exempt Parcels 2 3. Total Number of Parcels 3 6457 FOR SUMMER VILLAGES ONLY: No. of Taxable Parcels on which residential buildings are located ...4925 WATER: ELECTRICITY: GAS: Number of Hook-ups.. 1 101 Number of Hook-ups ...2 Number of Hook-ups 3 No. of Buildings No. of Buildings No. of Buildings Unserviced............ Unserviced • ............5 Unserviced No. of Hydrants No. of Street Lights...... Total 9 AREA OF MUNICIPALITY -INHECTARES 926 LAND: Assessed for Taxation as at year end . • • 328,312 52 Exempt from Taxation (excluding Public Parks, etc.,Streets, Lanes and Highways) 2 460 641 In Public Parks and Playgrounds 3 1 416 97 In Streets, Lanes and Highways 4 6,634 n Total Land Area 336,825 _ 00 TOTAL WATER AREA (not otherwise included) • 5 569, 96 TOTAL AREA 6 337,394 96, ANALYSIS OF INVESTMENTS (Bonds, Debentures, Stocks or Other Securities by Funds) 928 Issued or Guaranteed by: General Funds Utilities Funds School Funds Total 1. Dominion Government 1. 17. 33. 2. Province of Prince Edward Island 2• 18. 34. 3. Province of Nova Scotia 3• 119. 35. 4. Province of New Brunswick........ 4. 20. 36. 5. Province of Quebec 5. 21. 37. 6. Province of Ontario . . . 6. • 7. Province of Manitoba 7• 23. 9. 8. Province of Saskatchewan 8. 24• 40. 9. Province of Alberta 9• 25. • 10. Province of British Columbia 10. 26. • 11. Own Municipality 12. Other Municipalities 12' . 13. School Corporations 40. 14. A.M.F.C . 30. ' 15. Bank Certificates or Term Deposits. . 16. Other.. .MtM.. Fi OnCe . CArp,. 16. 120 .00 32. 48 . 120. 0 • TOTAL 1, 375,120 .0 J I 1,375,120.. 00 MUNICIPALITY ...................................K1=1PAL. DISTRICT'. QF. lel=U. 4.48......... . VALUATION OF PROPERTY EXEMPT FROM TAXATION (DOLLARS ONLY) 1980 (Include valuation of property subject to grants in lieu of taxes) 927 Classification Land Buildings Engineering Structures Total 1. DOMINION GOVERNMENT PROPERTY: Indian Lands Other inn 10540 1 o-r,4o TOTAL DOMINION GOVERNMENT PROPERTY 1 100 2 10540 3 10,640 2. PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT PROPERTY: Utilities (include AGT- Engineering Structures) 311,990 311 990 Other (specify) .....Parks Dams 0 TOTAL PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT PROPERTY 21'050 4 1550 5 311,990 334,590 3. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT PROPERTY: Used by Own Municipality 9 -A85_ _ _ 4400 8Rr' Schools (Include Public, exclude Private Schools) Public Parks Public Hospitals Public Libraries Property Acquired for Taxes (Sec. 24, Tax Recovery Act) 165 Other (specify) C MletpXi eS, , , , , , , , , , , , , - 960 960 ....Public . Resezve..Land r. 60 1 9c) ....Other. Municipalities - - TOTAL MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT PROPERTY 7 150120 8 7,690 g 22, 210 4. PROPERTY USED FOR EDUCATION, RELIGIOUS, CHARITABLE AND WELFARE PURPOSES: Schools (Private), Colleges and Universities 5,318 ,099,745 ,175, 063 Property Used for Religious Purposes 1,260 58,050 S9 ,41 n Property Used for Charitable and Welfare Purposes 8 TOTAL PROPERTY USED FOR EDUCATIONAL, RELIGIOUS, CHARITABLE AND WELFARE PURPOSES 76'578 10 1 111,157,795 12 1, 234, 373 5. INDUSTRIAL AND BUSINESS ENTERPRISES: 13 14 1,180 1,180 6. OTHER (specify) Ccgmnanity Center . 1,575 38,260 39,835 RqQr.qa Rink 4,240 1 17.520 21,760 TOTAL OTHER . . . . . . . . . . . . g 5.815 17 55,780 18 61,595 GRAND TOTAL EXEMPTIONS 118 , 663 1,234,535 311,990 19 1,665,188 MUNICIPALITY MUNICIPAL.DISTRICT,.4F.. M .#4$....................... . INSURANCE IN FORCE 19 JM AMOUNT CO- AVERAGE YEARLY OF INSURANCE PREMIUM RATE (PER $100 OF FORM COVERAGE % COVERAGE) Buildings RXUR 60964 . r. 2. 00 10146 90 Furniture & 312, 883.00 - 90) = 4,378.00 Equipment Liability Comprehensive 1,686.00 Other 771942() 150000,000.00 6.00 Other Mar-binery RXKP 6057n 4419400-00 11,732.00 Vehicles: Amount of Third Party Liability & Road Hazard Accident Bus Benefits- Limit Per person • . • • . • 1,000,000-00 0 Collision Coverage-Amount Deductible $ Specified Perils Coverage and/or Comprehensive- Amount Deductible $ Other Bodily Injury & Property Damage Limits All Perils 660.00 Accident Benefits-Limit Per Person Collision Coverage-Amount Deductible $ Specified Perils Coverage and/or Comprehensive- Amount Deductible $ . . Secretary- Number: ....67.5259.8 Amount X50 r 000.00 . . Treasurer's Bond Date Surety Began:.. J?ua?Y. Est,,,1980_ , , , . , , Renewed to:. January lstr 1981 . . . . . . . . Company: Jubilee..Ins =ance INVENTORY OF ROAD EQUIPMENT r (MOV ell Description No, of Each Asset Value December 31,19_ Current Year Purchases TOTAL Current Year Disposals Asset Value December 31, 1990- Tractors-Track Type Tractors-Wheeled 175,000- nn 2n.,i-? 60 _.195,326, 60 79.627. 92 j2 010 0 Graders-Elevating I f)(L 0() 100, ADL 0 Graders-Blade _ Graders-Motor Trucks-Motor 90,000- QD 141.692 .5S 433,692, 55 2 992. 77 230,00n- -0.0- Snow-plows _ - Dozer Blades 99,392. 00 00 51,703 00 450400. 00 Scrapers 6,000, 00 000. 00 19,955. 00 00, Plows CUTpaction iip. 260 000. 00 252,993 .25 512 993. 25 11,000. 00 500f000- 00 mige- 4 5, 0 0 0. -O-Q 14, 810 d2- 10. 12 327 52 - 11.690 .00 66,690. 00 -0- 67 ; . 00 Total Road Equipment 1,671,10 .00 1, 233, 56 a52 ,904,669. 52 499,074 71 2,6891000. 00 SECRETARY-TREASURER'S CERTIFICATE The information contained in this Report is as shown by the Books and Records of the Municipality, and from my own observation, or obtained from other officials of the Municipality - and all of which 1 certify to be true and correct according to the best of my knowledge and belief, AND IN AGREEMENT WITH dTHE AUDITOR'S REPORT WHERE Dat c'' . /j~.