HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 Financial StatementsAlb3ria MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS FINANCIAL STATEMENT For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1989 MUNICIPALITY Municipal District of Kneehill #48 ADDRESS ~.32 Main Street Box 400 Three Hills, Alberta POSTAL CODE.... ! ~A~.. TELEPHONE. 443-5541 FAX 443-5115 NAME OF: MAYOR/REEVE:........ QttQ .UAff TREASURER: JohnC. Jeffery MAFP 118 (89/10) SUGGESTIONS TO THE AUDITOR AND THE SECRETARY-TREASURER NO PRINTED HEADING TO BE ALTERED IN ANY WAY TO THE AUDITOR Four blank Financial Statement forms have been mailed to the Secretary-Treasurer and when the audit is completed, the ORIGINAL should be mailed to the Deputy Minister of the Department in the envelope provided; one copy retained by yourself; and two handed to the Secretary-Treasurer. If any additional blank forms are required they may be obtained from the Department at a cost of $1 per copy. Before commencing the audit, your attention is directed to the Duties of the Auditor, as set out in Sections to 77, of the Municipal Government Act, a study of which is essential. In accordance with the custom of previous years, a list of suggestions is appended, and we trust you will find them useful during the course of the audit. 1. Ensure that the audit file contains all legislation pertinent to municipalities, complete with all amendments to date, as listed in "A Guide to the Municipal Auditor in Alberta." 2. Obtain a signed engagement letter from the Secretary-Treasurer. 3. Have the Secretary-Treasurer prepare certifications regarding inventories, liabilities, etc. 4. For comparison purposes obtain a copy of the approved budget, and amendments thereto, and obtain explanations of material variances between actual expenditures and budget. 5. Obtain the by-law register and analyse for pertinent audit information. 6. Obtain a copy of the most recent Municipal Corporate Review report and review for pertinent audit in- formation. 7. Prepare analyses and verify authenticity of entries for all reserve accounts, surplus accounts, investment in fixed assets accounts. 8. Ensure that required trust accounts are properly set up, administered and applied only for their specifically designated purposes. 9. Review recording of fixed assets to ensure that accounting treatment is consistent with Council's policy 10. decisions. Complete normal Auditor's verification procedures for assets, liabilities, revenues, expenditures, finance acquired and finances applied. 11. Ensure that all debenture funds have been applied as authorized by the applicable Local Authorities Board Order(s), and that any unexpended debenture funds are segregated and held pursuant to Sections 393 and 394 of the Municipal Government Act, RSA 1980. 12. Ensure that cross-referencing within financial statements and schedules has been verified. 13. Ensure that any materially important information relating to the financial statements (e.g. changes in ac- counting procedures, contingent liabilities, major new undertakings, etc.) are included to the financial statements. 14. Have the financial statements approved by the Secretary-Treasurer. 15. Report any control problems revealed in your review of the accounting system to the Secretary-Treasurer and Council. NOTE CAREFULLY See that each document that passes through your hands bears the word "Audited" and your initials. Mail personally, the requisite number of tax and utility verification notices. See that Bank Pass Book Balances are verified by a certificate from the Bank. GENERAL Your particular attention is drawn to Sections 70, 71, 72 and 73 of the Municipal Government Act and a cc.,, of your report should be attached to this Statement. The Auditor is responsible for mailing a copy of this Statement and his report to the Deputy Minister on or before the 28th day of February and the Secretary- Treasurer must cause a copy of this Statement and Report, or the Report and a synopsis of the Statement, to be published on or before March 31 as provided for by Section 67 of the Municipal Government Act. TO THE SECRETARY-TREASURER Please advise your Auditor that the blank Financial Statements are in your hands, and draw his attention to the suggestions above, as soon as you receive them. Your books and accounts should be closed off at December 31 st. They should be totalled and balanced and ready for the Auditor not later than January 31 st, and earlier if possible. May we also remind you that it is not a part of the Auditor's duty to make entries, or compute totals in your books, his sole duty being to check and verify the position already arrived at by yourself-making any corrections he may deem necessary. Please note that you are now required to make a report and we would draw your attention to the Certificate you are required to sign. All Government Trust Tax collections in bank, and on hand, at December 31 st, should be forwarded immediately after the close of the year, and the prescribed form, showing the distribution, should also be attached to your cheque. All cash on hand at the date of the audit should be deposited in the proper bank account, before the audit is finaA- completed, so that the statement will exhibit the least possible amount of cash on hand. -4600, It is not necessary to print the contents of this page on the Financial Statements, but the Report of the Auditor must be incorporated in the statements supplied to the electors, in accordance with Section 67 of the Municipal Government Act. Your co-operation is requested in carrying out the above suggestions. ALBERTA MUNICIPAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Page COVER SHEET i TABLE OF CONTENTS ii STATEMENTS: 1. AUDITOR'S REPORT 1 2. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 2 3. COMBINED OPERATING REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES 3 4. COMBINED CAPITAL FINANCING ACQUIRED AND APPLIED 4 5. TAXES LEVIED AND GRANTS-IN-LIEU 5 6. DETAILED BREAKDOWN OF SPECIAL MUNICIPAL LEVIES 5 7. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 6 8. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF EQUITY IN FIXED ASSETS 7 9. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 7 SUPPORTING SCHEDULES AND MUNICIPAL TREASURER'S REPORT: 1. COMPARATIVE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE FOR OPERATIONS AND CAPITAL......... 8 2. COMPARATIVE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FOR OPERATIONS AND CAPITAL............ 8 3. COMPARATIVE INVENTORIES FOR OPERATIONS 9 4. COMPARATIVE INVESTMENTS FOR OPERATIONS AND CAPITAL 9 5. INVESTMENTS BY TYPE HELD 9 6. ENGINEERING STRUCTURES FIXED ASSETS 10 7. BUILDING FIXED ASSETS 11 '8. MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT FIXED ASSETS 12 9. LAND FOR GOVERNMENT USE 13 10. VEHICLES FIXED ASSETS 14 11. DEBENTURES, BONDS AND MORTGAGE ISSUES 15 12. ANALYSIS OF DEBENTURE DEBT 16 13. FUTURE DEBENTURE DEBT CHARGES BY YEARS 16 14. LONG-TERM CAPITAL BORROWING AND CAPITALIZED LEASES 17 15. LONG-TERM BORROWING FOR OPERATIONS 18 16. STATEMENT OF TRUST LIABILITIES 19 17. METER RENTALS AND OTHER DEPOSIT LIABILITIES 19 18. PREPAID LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS AND OTHER LIABILITIES 19 19. 20 OPERATING FUNCTIONS COMPARATIVE ALLOWANCES AND RESERVES CAPITAL FUNCTIONS COMPARATIVE ALLOWANCES AND RESERVES 20 21 . 21. OPERATING FUNCTIONS REVENUES BY TYPE AND EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT (Shown as 22.1 to 22.7 for required pages) 22.1 22. TOTAL OPERATING FUNCTIONS REVENUES BY TYPE AND EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT 23 23. CAPITAL FUNCTIONS FINANCES ACQUIRED AND FINANCES APPLIED (Shown as 24.1 to 24.7 for required pages) 24.1 24. TOTAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS FINANCES ACQUIRED AND FINANCES APPLIED 25 25. STATEMENT OF UNEXPENDED/OVEREXPENDED CAPITAL FUNDS 26 26. FINAL REPORT ON ASSESSMENTS AND VALUATIONS FOR YEAR 27 27. SUMMARY TABLE OF COMPARATIVE MILL RATES 28 28. PAYMENT TO COUNCILLORS FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES 29 29. SUMMARY MUNICIPAL STATISTICS 29 30. MUNICIPAL TREASURER'S CERTIFICATE 29 31. FINANCIAL/STATISTICAL INFORMATION 30 32. ALBERTA MUNICIPAL PARTNERSHIP IN LOCAL EMPLOYMENT 31 33. STATUTORY DECLARATION 32 Municipal District of Kneehill ,#48,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , MUNICIPALITY AUDITOR'S REPORT The Mayor or Reeve and Council of: t9unicipal..Dist.ric:t, ,of, KneehiJ_l..#4.8 We have examined the Consolidated Balance Sheet of. the, Municipal. District of Kneehill #48 as at December 31, 1989 and the related statements of Combined Operating Revenues and Expenditures, Combined Capital Financing Acquired and Applied, Taxes Levied and Grants-in-Lieu, Consolidated Statement of Surplus (Deficit) and Consolidated Statement of Equity in Fixed Assets and the schedules supporting these statements for the year then ended. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests and other procedures as we con- sidered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, these financial statements present fairly the financial position of the municipality as at December 31, 1989 and the results of its operations and changes in capital financing for the year then ended in accordance with the disclosed basis of accounting described in Note 1 (page 7) applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Dated at . Three Hills, AB this . 23.1 d day of . Februar.y 19.90.... Signed ......1~ . Firm. Rhodes & Co. , Certified General, Accoun x 30 Three.Hills, Alberta Telephone: .(4Q3).443-SS95 Address Postal Code pj. ?A0... _ . SPECIAL REPORT QUALIFICATIONS. look 14110 M.D. Kneehill #48 MUNICIPALITY CON50LIUA 1 tU tfALANL;t ,1'Itt 1 F S 2 As At December 31 st, 1989 1 PRECEDING 2 CURRENT CONSOLIDATED ASSETS YEAR YEAR 1988 1989 i 110 Cash on Hand 2 121 Cash in Chartered Banks r 122 Cash in Near Banks and other Financial Institutions 3 4 100 TOTAL CASH ON HAND AND ON DEPOSIT 5,912. 32,547. 210 Taxes and Grants-In-Lieu Receivable 5 585- 262 ,833, 226 2X0 Receivable from Other Governments s , 351 - -452 . 409,571, 270 Trade Accounts Receivable . 290 All Other Receivables 5 47#379- 62 ,796, s . 200 TOTAL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (FR1.24) 673 ,830, 717 ,590, 10 1 1 300 TOTAL INVESTMENTS, LOANS AND ADVANCES (FR4 21) 2.174.925. 2,578,698. 477 Trust Accounts Administered (Total) 11 21448. 2,448. 490 Other Assets (Specify Capital = $ ) 12 35,909, 35,780. 13 400 TOTAL OTHER ASSETS 38.357 38,228. 570 Land Held for Resale (FR3-11) 14 3 ,841, 3 841. 590 Other Inventories (Tangible Assets) 1 5 1 1,868,560- 1,918,508, 16 500 TOTAL INVENTORIES (TANGIBLE ASSETS) (FR3-22) 1,872,401. 1,9221349-, 17 610 ENGINEERING STRUCTURES FIXED ASSETS (FR6.53) 1,460,481. 1,470,574. 18 620 BUILDING FIXED ASSETS (FR7-53) 646,666. 702,754. 1s 630 MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT FIXED ASSETS (FR8.53) 5,636,028. 5,862,452. 20 640 LAND FOR OWN GOVERNMENT USES (FR9-53) 191,144. 191,144. z1 650 VEHICLES FIXED ASSETS (FR10-53) 2,145,682. 2,219,767. 22 600 TOTAL FIXED ASSETS 10,080,001. 10,446,691. 23 800 DEBT CHARGES RECOVERABLE 24 900 NET ACCUMULATED DEFICITS (FS6.99-6) TOTAL CONSOLIDATED ASSETS 25 14,845,426. 15,736,103. PRECEDING CURRENT CONSOLIDATED LIABILITIES YEAR YEAR 1988 1989 26 100 TOTAL SHORT-TERM LOANS AND OVERDRAFTS 76,352. 21,952. 2X0 Payable to Other Governments 27 76,547. 86,632._ 270 Trade Accounts Payable 28 76,205. 177 717. 29 290 All Other Payables 18,841. 6,800. _ 30 200 TOTAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (FR2-21) 171, 593. 293,101. 310 Debenture, Bond and Mortgage Debts (FR11-53).. 31 322 Long-Term Capital Borrowing and Capitalized Leases (FR12.53), . 32 323 Operations Long-Term Borrowing (FR13-51).. 33 34 300 TOTAL LONG-TERM DEBT OBLIGATIONS 47X Meter Rentals and Other Deposit Liabilities (FRI5.9).. , 35 477 Administered Trust Liabilities (Total) (FR14-6)... 36 2,448. 2,448. 490 Other Liabilities (Specify Capital = $ (FR16.14).. 37 68,278. 168,473. 38 400 TOTAL OTHER LIABILITIES 70,726. 170 921. 39 6XX TOTAL ALLOWANCES FOR OPERATING FUNCTIONS (FR17.53) 40 66X TOTAL CAPITAL ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES (FR18-53) 41 7XX TOTAL RESERVES FOR OPERATING FUNCTIONS (FR17-53) 160,000. 200,000. 42 76X TOTAL RESERVES FOR CAPITAL (FR18-53) 1,386,323. 1,698,240. 43 800 TOTAL EQUITY IN FIXED ASSETS (FS7.14) 9,889,862. 10,292,124. 44 900 NET ACCUMULATED SURPLUS (FS69912) 3,090,570. 3,081,717. 45 TATAI r nuQni In ATg:n 1 IAR11 ITICC C C C M.D. IWEEHILL #48 MUNICIPALITY COMBINED OPERATING REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES By Function for the Year Ended December 31, 1989 FS3 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS OPERATING REVENUES (FR19-16) 2 OPERATING EXPENDITURES (FR19.35) 3 NET COST OF OPERATIONS (FR19-36) 4 NET GAIN FROM OPERATIONS (FR19-37) 11 Council and Other Legislative 12 General Administration and Other 2 13 061 604 130- 96 551 3 , 1 1 4 21 Police Department and Services Used 5 23 Fire Fighting and Preventive Service 6 250. ] 24 Disaster Service and Emergency Measures 7 25 Ambulance Services and First Aid 3 26 By-Laws Enforcement and Other 9 25,000, 107,661. 82,661- 10 11 31 Common Services and/or Equipment Pool 1 1 678 1 678 - 32 Roads, Streets, Walks, Lighting 13 14 ,.9 , 33 Airport Services 15 34 Public Transit Systems 16 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage 17 18 41 Water Supply and Distribution System 1 20 42 Sanitary Sewage Service and Treatment 21 7,406. 1,847. 5,559. 22 43 Garbage Collection & Disposal 23 2.4 3,886. 92,454. 88,568. wwr~ 25 51 Family and Community Support Services 26 108,187. 108 187. 52 Day Care 27 53 Other Public Health 28 56 Cemeteries and Crematoriums 29 525. 10,058. 9,533. 30 61 Municipal Planning, Zoning & Development 31 62 Community and/or Agricultural Services 32 110 304. 309 131. 198,827. 66 Subdivision Land and Developments............ 33 67 Public Housing Operations 34 69 Land/Housing/Building Rentals and Other 35 36 37 71 Recreation Board and Other Services.......... 36 72 Recreation/Parks Facilities and Programs 39 23,300. 130,695, ,395. 107 74 Culture: Community Hall, Library, Museum, etc... 40 1 75 Convention Centre 41 42 43 91 Gas Production and Distribution 44 92 Electrical Production and Distribution 45 93 Telephone System 46 47 48 49 97 Operating Contingencies Reserve 50 51 TOTAL FUNCTIONALIZED OPERATIONS 1,312,650. 6,764,863. 1 1 5,469,858. 17,645. GENERAL MUNICIPAL REVENUES C 100/200 Net Taxes for General Purposes.. (FS5-36) 52 510 Penalties and Costs on Taxes 53 540 Revenues from Franchises & Concession Contract s54 550 Returns on Investments-Interest/Dividends/etc... 55 590 Other Revenues from Own Sources............ .6 730 Federal Govt. & Agencies Unconditional Grants 5/ 740 Provincial Govt. & Agencies Unconditional Grants . 56 750 Local Governments Unconditional Grants........ 59 990 Other 60 61 IIJIAL litrvtrlHL MUNI4r1YAL ntVtrvVtJ 5,453,501. 5,453,501. ti 2 TOTAL MUNICIPAL OPERATING FUNCTIONS 6,766,151. F6,764,863. 5,469 , 858. 5,471,146. 6J & NET SURPLUS OR DEFICIT FOR YEAR :''s:.};.}::<}:::};,::a:; z}}::>.:;;:}::>}:•:;:::: }}r;:;:}:; »1,288. 96 County School Functions 64I l GRAND TOTAL OPERATING FUNCTIONS SURPLUSI DEFICIT 6,766,151. 6,764,863. 3 M.D. HI~iILL #48 MUNICIPALITY COMBINED CAPITAL FINANCING ACQUIRED AND APPLIED F S 4 By Function for the Year Ended December 31, 1989 C FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS I FUNDED CAPITAL F AVAILABLE ' (FR20.19) OVEREXPEND- ITURES AT YEAR END (FR20.24) 3 CAPITAL FUNDS I APPLIED ' • (FR20-41) T UNEXPENDED FUNDS AT YEAR END (FR20-42) 11 Council and Other Legislative 12 General Administration and Other ' . 75,693. 500. 76,193. 4 21 Police Department and Services Used ' 23 Fire Fighting and Preventive Service 24 Disaster Service and Emergency Measures 7 25 Ambulance Services and First Aid 8 26 By-Laws Enforcement and Other 9 0 1 31 Common Services and/or Equipment Pool 12 358 32 Roads, Streets, Walks, Lighting 13 1 on-7 '7) 1 721 1 007 ..............................................ill , , 33 Airport Services 15 34 Public Transit Systems 16 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage ....................17 18 41 Water Supply and Distribution System 19 108 853. 62,180. 171 033. 20 42 Sanitary Sewage Service and Treatment 21 22 43 Garbage Collection & Disposal .................23 10QQ_Q . 750. 9,250. 24 ..............................................25 51 Family and Community Support Services 26 52 Day Care ..................................:'7 53 Other Public Health. ~1'1 56 Cemeteries and Crematoriums ...................9 30 61 Municipal Planning, Zoning & Development 1 62 Community and/or Agricultural Services 3:1 136 1284 136 284 66 Subdivision Land and Developments .............33 67 Public Housing Operations ....................34 69 Land/Housing/Building Rentals and Other ........35 38 :37 71 Recreation Board and Other Services 38 72 Recreation/Parks Facilities and Programs 39 2,919 104.978. 107 917o 74 Culture: Community Hall, Library, Museum, etc.... 40 , 75 Convention Centre ..........................41 47 43 91 Gas Production and Distribution .14 92 Electrical Production and Distribution ............45 93 Telephone System ...........................45 47 48 49 97 General Capital Reserves .....................50 1-10,00 TOTAL MUNICIPAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS 51 1,500,733. 167,658. 1,659,141. 9,250. 96 County School Functions .....................52 GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS J, 1,50Q,733. (1) 167,658.1 1 1,659,141. (2) 9,250. (1) Amount to be entered for deletion from equity as Overexpenditures in the 'Consolidated Statement of Equity' on page 7. (2) Amount to be entered for addition to equity as Unexpended Balances in the 'Consolidated Statement of Equity' on page 7. C' Includes prior year's Unexpended Funds. Includes prior year's Overexpenditure. M.D. Kq=LL #48 MUNICIPALITY TAXES LEVIED AND GRANTS-IN-LIEU For Preceding Year and Current Year Ended December 31, 1989 S5 F F ITEM DESCRIPTIONS PRECEDING YEAR 2 CURRENT YEAR AMOUNT AMOUNT I::::>~s::;.::..;fi:•,;.;::,•::xJf:::~s+.u:<Y:J: •-:.:J: :isJ::•::-ss:::•:2:::>£s::::«:>,:•';<.zz:::<::::<.J:. LEVIES FOR REVENUE: JJ::>..„J:.Ju:..><.r:>.x<:r:::>.:s'.::: N?: •.:;:::•:::ti::::..:J::::,::.,:;•:::.J. 111 Residential Taxes 37 220 328, 210 P450 1 -49 19 141,374- 112 Commercial Taxes ......................................................38 113 Industrial Taxes ........................................................3s 114 Farmland Taxes ........................................................40 3,375.8 110 SUB-TOTAL FOR REAL PROPERTY TAXES 1 4,792,306. 4,996,219. 120 Special Assessments and Local Improvements (FS5.32) 2 ' 130 Mobile Home License Fees Collected 3 7,944. 6,917. 170 Business Taxes 4 ,138 8 ,468 - R Cable T.V. and Other Taxes 5 Pipe 190 Power 1 . , , 230 Federal Grants-In-Lieu of Taxes s 1,114 240 Provincial Grants-In-Lieu of Taxes 7 61,206 . 66,362. 250 Other Local Government Grants-In-Lieu 8 270 Other Grants-In-Lieu of Taxes 9 10 1001200 TOTAL TAXES AND GRANTS-IN-LIEU 7,049,239. 7,417,634. EXPENDED Y TRANSFERS' 755777'.77,77- . .:;:::.::..:•:...:::;:.J 74X Provincial Planning Fund Requisition 11 21,100. 0,471. 74X School Foundation Program Requisition(s) Total 2 585,773, 614.770. SUPPLEMENTARY SCHOOL REQUISITIONS: :::.:#JV:..,:;::::::J:JJ:;;.:;;.: '::v:.:;`;::.Jro:x;.J`.r.J:J::::.J:;;;.J:•::J:;.:.::: J:,.,.:~. .........Three .Hills. School S.D. N0.6.0 ...13 75X 2,114,544. 2,201,801. . 75X ......................................................S.D. No....... 14 75X ......................................................S.D. No....... 15 75X ......................................................S.D. No....... 16 75X ......................................................S.D. No....... 17 75X S.D. No....... 18 75X ......................................................S.D. No....... 19 75X .:....................................................S.D. No....... 20 ITIONS. ' OTHER REQUIS H.D. N0.45 21 Hills Three 75x 15,252, . ..............H.D. No. 26 ...22 75X Olds 179- 6 H.D. No...3 23 75X ler Drumhel , ,444, R 11,924- , ......................................24 75X Nursing Home . 75X Auxiliary Hospital ..TL'Chu 25 10 _91;f; 11 174- . Seniors Foundation 26 Hills Lodge 75X Gol den . Seniors Foundation 27 75X 75X Seniors Foundation 28 75X Seniors Foundation 29 7401750 SUB-TOTAL FOR REQUISITION TRANSFERS BALANCE OF LEVIES FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES 1 2,815,818. 4,233,421. 2,947,354. 4,470,280. :?::<>€E'>'.>E%;.JJJ:;.JJ::-.::.:;.:.:J•;;;J:::>.:;;;:.;:::.;:.::>:;>.;:J:.JJJ:.JJ::;::..::; ALLOCATED AS SPECIAL MUNICIPAL LEVIES: 120 Special Assessments and Local Improvements (FR19-1, FR20-2) 32 16,978, 1 XX/2XX Special Levies for Operations (FR19-1) 33 1 XX/2XX Levies for Capital Projects and Special Reserves (FR20.2) 34 1001200 SUB-TOTAL SPECIAL MUNICIPAL LEVIES 36 16,978. 16,978. 1 1001200 NET TAXES FOR GENERAL MUNICIPAL PURPOSES (1) (FS3.52) 3611 4,216,443. 1 4,453,302. 1 (1) The 'Net Taxes for General Municipal Purposes' must be the same as the amount on page 3. F S 5A DETAILED BREAKDOWN OF SPECIAL MUNICIPAL LEVIES SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AND LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS (LINE 32) SPECIAL LEVIES FOR OPERATIONS (LINE 33) LEVIES FOR CAPITAL PROJECTS AND SPECIAL RESERVES (LINE 34) '~rrrr FUNCTION AMOUNT FUNCTION AMOUNT FUNCTION AMOUNT 41 9,572. 42 7,406 16,978. r M.D.........3II.. #48.................................................. . MUNICIPALITY CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF SURPLUS (DEFICIT) F S 6 As at the Year Ended December 31, 1989 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS AIRPORT SERVICES PUBLIC TRANSIT SYSTEMS ITEM DESCRIPTIONS 33 34 DEFICIT SURPLUS DEFICIT SURPLUS - Preceding Year Balance ' 7 1 7 - Adjustments to Prior Years 8 2 8 - Current Year Operations (from page 3) 9 3 9 - Transfers to and from Other Functions a ' ° a 10 -SUB-TOTAL 11 6 11 - Balance at Year End 12 s 12 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS STORM SEWERS AND WATER SUPPLY AND DRAINAGE SYSTEMS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS ITEM DESCRIPTIONS 37 41 DEFICIT SURPLUS DEFICIT SURPLUS - Preceding Year Balance 681484. - Adjustments to Prior Years e 2 8 -Current Year Operations (from page 3) ' 9 3 9 12,086. - Transfers to and from Other Functions a 10 a 10 -SUB-TOTAL 11 5 68,484. 11 12,QB6- - Balance at Year End 12 12 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS SANITARY SEWAGE GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE AND TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEMS ITEM DESCRIPTIONS 42 43 DEFICIT SURPLUS DEFICIT SURPLUS ' 1 16 354 ' 7 - Preceding Year Balance . , - Adjustments to Prior Years 8 2 8 -Current Year Operations (from page 3)........ 9 5,559. 3 88,568. 9 - Transfers to and from Other Functions 10 a 10 88,568. - SUB-TOTAL i ll 21,913. 5 88,568. 11 88,568. - Balance at Year End 1 ,2 21,913. 6 12 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS SUBDIVISION LAND GAS PRODUCTION AND AND DEVELOPMENTS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS ITEM DESCRIPTIONS 66 91 DEFICIT SURPLUS DEFICIT SURPLUS - Preceding Year Balance i 1 7 - Adjustments to Prior Years ` 8 2 a - Current Year Operations (from page 3) 9 3 9 - Transfers to and from Other Functions a 0 a 10 - SUBTOTAL s 1 1 e i t - Balance at Year End ° 12 6 12 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS ELECTRICAL PRODUCTION TELEPHONE SYSTEM AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS (EDMONTON ONLY) ITEM DESCRIPTIONS 92 93 DEFICIT SURPLUS DEFICIT SURPLUS - Preceding Year Balance 1 7 1 7 - Adjustments to Prior Years 2 8 2 8 - Current Year Operations (from page 3) 3 9 3 9 - Transfers to and from Other Functions a 10 4 10 it 5 11 -SUBTOTAL - Balance at Year End 6 2 s ' 2 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS COUNTY SCHOOL ITEM DESCRIPTIONS 96 DEFICIT SURPLUS DEFICIT SURPLUS - Preceding Year Balance ' 7 1 - Adjustments to Prior Years 2 8 2 8 -Current Year Operations from page 3 9 3 9 - Transfers to and from Other Functions a 10 a 10 - SUB-TOTAL 11 e 11 - Balance at Year End ' 2 s 12 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS ALL OTHER OPERATIONS TOTAL NET ACCUMULATED DEFICIT/SURPLUS DEFICIT/SURPLUS (TO FS2) ITEM DESCRIPTIONS 98 99 DEFICIT SURPLUS DEFICIT SURPLUS - Preceding Year Balance ' 3 142 700. 6 12 3,081,717, - Adjustments to Prior Years 2 29,296, e 19,155, -Current Year Operations (from page 3) 3 9 5,381,290 - Transfers to and from Other Functions a 10 88 .,568, - SUB-TOTAL 1 1 8 61 - Balance at Year End . Any adjustments to prior years entered on Lines 2 or 8 of any function must be fully explained in the notes to the financial statements on Page 7. a M.D. Kneehill #48 MUNICIPALITY F S 7 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF EQUITY IN FIXED ASSETS TO DECEMBER 31, 1989 ITEM DESCRIPTIONS C C FROM EQUITY PRECEDING YEAR BALANCE OF EQUITY I Prior Year Unexpended/Overexpended (2) II I 193,980. 119,889,862. CHANGES DURING THE YEAR: 310 Debentures, Bonds and Mortgages (FR11-53) 320 Long-Term Debt and Capitalized Leases (FR12.53) ~'F?%<:>i.':r::o:.r:.i>:;y ~:.r::t•}:.: > > ' r'•` *x`'^`> « ' 490 Other Assets and/or Liabilities(') a •>'`'•'•.^`<_•;`:?f::?.< 610 Engineering Structures Fixed Assets (FR6-53) . 's 29,296- -49,-389 <<?s%?'«:.•':':%i><:<::„>; 620 Buildings Fixed Assets (FR 7-53) ~ ' f f f 630 Machinery, Equipment, ui ment, Fixed Assets... ry, Q P • (FR8-53) 7 74q -601 97 S . ^kf ~'.~:>~'<;wt'~~t?', ~ . 640 Land for Own Government Use........ FR9-531 y 650 Vehicle Fixed Assets (FR o-53) • • y 74,085. ffi,h3 'tt'•'t t<%:>'•% ~ U 66X Fixed Assets Valuation Allowances (or Depreciation)' :r:.•}?`.i`. j^y}yt::it,ti4s?::?n; ~~~•:~~r~~r>:t,;.:::y;;~:~;s.;:~;:.; XXX Overex enditures at Year End . . . . . . . (F S4-53) P 67 658. : K:. ::.t•: nc, 9 y 1 1 X Unexpended Balance for Capital Projects FS4-53 , X, .v r..r:.. . . ~ n . TOTAL CHANGES TO EQUITY THIS YEAR 800 CLOSING BALANCE OF EQUITY IN FIXED ASSETS (FS2-2.43) 10,292,124. (2) Line 1, Col. 1 - Prior year unexpended funds (PRIOR YR. FS4-4-53) Line 1, Col. 2 - Prior year overexpenditures (PRIOR YR. FS4-2.53) (1) Any entry on Line 4, Column 1 or 2, must be fully explained in the notes to the financial statements on Page 7. ,i NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS '(Include relevant notes for accounting policies, procedures and principles; for any material adjustments or changes in financial position; and for any contingent liabilities or major new projects.) *NOTE 1. Accounting Policies: The Municipality follows generally accepted accounting principals except as herein stated. Accrual Basis: All transactions are accounted for on a full accrual except that interest on debenture loans, if any, is not accrued. Inventories: Inventories of supplies are recorded at cost using the FIFO inventory method. Inventories of land for resale are recorded at the accumulated costs of raw land. Fixed Assets: Are recorded at cost and no depreciation is taken thereon. Funds for the acquisition of fixed assets were derived from current revenue and government grants. Capital additions not financed by grants were recorded as current expenditures. The amount of grants and current expenditures used to acquire fixed assets were credited to equity in fixed assets. Reserves: Operating: increases or decreases are recorded as current expenditures or current revenues. Capital:; increases are recorded as current expenditures and decreases are recorded as capital funds acquired. *NOTE 2 Investments: Investments are recorded at cost. Reserves for Capital During 1989 the Municipality charged current expenditures $311,917. for additions to capital reserves *NOTE 3 Small School Levy The Municipality imposed a small school surcharge levy, on the two Hutterian Colonies in the Municipality, in the amount of $18,000. This levy had the effect of increasing both taxes and the supplementary school requisition by $18,000. 946,555. 1 1,348,817. M.D. of Kneehill #48 NOTES To rINANCIAL STATIIINTS C *NOTE 4 PAGE 2 Prior Period Adjustments Certain adjustments were made relating to the 1988 fiscal year. An amount of $19,155. was recorded as a current expenditure for the acquisition of a capital asset. This amount should have been an over expenditure for 1988. The adjustment made to these financial statements was to increase both Accumulated Surplus and Finances Acquired by $19,155. and to decrease both Fixed Assets and Equity in Fixed Assets by $19,155. The amount set up in 1988 as finances applied for ~r the Swalwell Water Project, for use of the Municipality's men and equipment was overstated by $29,296. The adjustment made to these financial statements was to adjust finances acquired for $29,296. and to decrease Fixed Assets, Equity in Fixed Assets and Accumulated Surplus for $29,296. *NOTE 5 Contingencies: Contingent liabilities exist for various suits and claims which have arisen in the normal course of business. In the opinion of the administration of the Municipality, the outcome of these contingencies will not have a material effect on the Municipality's financial position. C Albaia, MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS SUPPORTING SCHEDULES & MUNICIPAL TREASURER'S REPORT For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1989 MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF KNEEHILL #48 MUNICIPALITY M.D. OF KNEEHILL #48 MUNICIPALITY COMPARATIVE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE FOR OPERATIONS AND CAPITAL For Preceding Year and as December 31, 1989 F R 1 200 OPERATING RECEIVABLES 200 CAPITAL RECEIVABLES FUNCTIONS PRECEDING YEAR BALANCE CURRENT BALANCE 3PRECEDING YEAR BALANCE 4 CURRENT BALANCE i nt and Grants-in-Lieu XX Current Taxes XX Arrears Taxes and Grants-in-Lieu X X Taxes on Property Acquired for Taxes 207, 51 . 3 5 , 3 166,282 . 60,551 :`:::>~»>':><<: Lighting Streets Walks 32 Roads 322,836 3 1 , 15 , , 34 Public Transit Systems 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage t, 7 41 Water Supply and Distribution 1 , 910 2,834 42 Sanitary Sewage Service and Treatment ni 56 Cemeteries and Crematoriums > > 100 125 62 Community and/or Agricultural Services = 1 1 , 9 7 16,794 66 Subdivision Land and Developments 67 Public Housing Operations 14 69 Land/Housing/Building Rentals and Other.......... 1 16 17 72 Recreation/Parks Facilities & Programs 111 12 91 Gas Production & Distribution 1`3 92 Electrical Production & Distribution ! 93 Telephone System 96 County School Functions. 98 All Other Functions Receivables 74,690 129,589 24 GRAND TOTAL FUNCTIONS RECEIVABLES (1) 6 3 830 1 0 (1) The sum of Operating and Capital balances for preceding and for current year must equal the "200 Total Accounts Receivable" amounts in the 'Consolidated Balance Sheet' on page 2. COMPARATIVE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FOR OPERATIONS AND CAPITAL For Preceding Year and as December 31, 1989 F R 21. _j 200 OPERATING PAYABLES 200 CAPITAL PAYABLES FUNCTIONS PRECEDING YEAR BALANCE L CURRENT BALANCE 3PRECEDING YEAR BALANCE 4 CURRENT BALANCE 32 Roads, Streets, Walks, Lighting 1 1 . 1 8 1 6 480 34 Public Transit Systems 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage 3 4 41 Water Supply and Distribution 41 195 2.441 42 Sanitary Sewage Service and Treatment r, 7 702 56 Cemeteries and Crematoriums 8 62 Community and/or Agricultural Services 9 2 2 66 Subdivision Land and Developments 10 67 Public Housing Operations 11 69 Land/Housing/Building Rentals and Other.......... 12 113 14 72 Recreation/Parks Facilities & Programs 1 72,000 73,275 25,901 91 Gas Production & Distribution 113 92 Electrical Production & Distribution 17 93 Telephone System 18 96 County School Functions 19 98 AIIOtherFunctions Payables lu 31,230 36,223 14,367 zi GRAND TOTAL FUNCTIONS PAYABLES (2) 154.7R9 16.808 25,901 (2) The sum of Operating and Capital balances for preceding and for current year must equal the "200 Total Accounts Payable" amounts in the 'Consolidated Balance Sheet' on page 2. M.D. OF KNEEHILL #48 MUNICIPALITY COMPARATIVE INVENTORIES F R 3 For Preceding Year and as December 31, 1989 CW' 0- ~Ww 500 INVENTORIES FUNCTIONS REPORTED 1 PRECEDING YEAR BALANCE 2 CURRENT BALANCE 31 Common Services and/or Equipment Pool 1 32 Roads, Streets, Walks, Lighting 2 1,835.9 2 1 864 34 Public Transit Systems 3 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage 4 5 41 Water Supply and Distribution ci I $42 13,572 42 Sanitary Sewage Service and Treatment n 56 Cemeteries and Crematoriums 62 Community and/or Agricultural Services 1 u 22,206 66 Subdivision Land and Developments..... (FS2-14) 11 3.841 3,841 67 Public Housing Operations 12 69 Land/Housing/Building Rentals and Other.......... 13 14 15 91 Gas Production & Distribution 16 92 Electrical Production & Distribution 17 93 Telephone System 18 19 96 County School Functions 20 98 All Other Functions Inventories 21 2 , 5 0 ,13 22 GRAND TOTAL FUNCTIONS INVENTORIES (1) 1 , 872 , 401 1,922,349 (1) Must equal the preceding and current year amounts in "500 Total Inventories (Tangible Assets)" in the Consolidated Balance Sheet on page 2. COMPARATIVE INVESTMENTS FOR OPERATIONS AND CAPITAL F R 4 For Preceding Year and as December 31, 1989 300 OPERATING INVESTMENTS 300 CAPITAL INVESTMENTS FUNCTIONS REPORTED PRECEDING YEAR BALANCE 2 CURRENT BALANCE 3PRECEDING YEAR BALANCE 4 CURRENT BALANCE 32 Roads, Streets, Walks, Lighting 1 34 Public Transit Systems 2 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage 3 4 41 Water Supply and Distribution 5 42 Sanitary Sewage Service and Treatment e, 7 e 62 Community and/or Agricultural Services 9 66 Subdivision Land and Developments 10 67 Public Housing Operations 11 69 Land/Housing/Building Rentals and Other.......... 12 13 14 91 Gas Production & Distribution 15 92 Electrical Production & Distribution 16 93 Telephone System 17 18 96 County School Functions 19 s8 All Other Functions Investments • 20 -2,174 , 925 2,578,698 21 GRAND TOTAL FUNCTIONS INVESTMENTS (2) 2,174,925 2,578,698 NIL N I L (2) The sum of Operating and Capital balances for the preceding year and the current year must equal the "300 Total Investments, Loans and Advances" on page 2. irr INVESTMENTS BY TYPE HELD AT DECEMBER 31, 1989 F R 5 1 2 3 4 B FEDERAL PROVINCIAL LOCAL SECURITIES ANK CERTIFICATES GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENTS BONDS AND AND TERM AND AGENCIES AND AGENCIES AND AGENCIES DEBENTURES DEPOSITS OPERATING INVESTMENTS s 55u,UUU r CAPITAL INVESTMENTS 2 GRAND TOTAL INVESTMENTS 3 2,550,0 to, 5 123 9 M.D. OF KNEEHILL # 48 MUNICIPALITY 610 ENGINEERING STRUCTURES FIXED ASSETS F R 6 Continuity During the Year Ended December 31, 1989 F FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS 1 BEGINNING OF YEAR BALANCE 2 ADDITIONS DURING THE YEAR s REDUCTIONS DURING THE YEAR a CURRENT YEAR END BALANCE 11 Council and Other Legislative i 12 General Administration and Other ..............................................4 21 Police Department and Services Used 5 23 Fire Fighting and Preventive Service 24 Disaster Service and Emergency Measures i 25 Ambulance Services and First Aid 1s 26 By-Laws Enforcement and Other 9 29 , 21 29 , 82 1 10 ..............................................11 31 Common Services and/or Equipment Pool ........12 ................13 Lighting Walks Streets 32 Roads 39 , 690 39,690 . , , , 14 . 33 Airport Services .............................1 34 Public Transit Systems .......................16 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage ....................17 18 41 Water Supply and Distribution System ...........19 846,6o3 18 1 29,296 836,224 .......................................20 42 Sanitary Sewage Service and Treatment 21 465,609 465,609 . 43 Garbage Collection & Disposal .................23 24 25 51 Family and Community Support Services 52 Day Care 27 53 Other Public Health. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 56 Cemeteries and Crematoriums ..................29 ..............................................3n 61 Municipal Planning, Zoning & Development 62 Community and/or Agricultural Services ..........:i2 66 Subdivision Land and Developments ..............33 67 Public Housing Operations ....................34 69 Land/Housing/Building Rentals and Other ..............................................3t; 37 38 71 Recreation Board and Other Services 39 tion/Parks Facilities and Programs e 72 R 78,758 20 , 72 99 , 2 30 ecr a 40 Museum etc Librar Hall mmunit lt C 74 C , , y, y ure: o u 41 ntion Centre 75 C onve ..............................................42 ..............................................a3 91 Gas Production and Distribution ................a4 92 Electrical Production and Distribution ............45 93 Telephone System ..........................46 ..............................................47 48 49 50 TOTAL MUNICIPAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS '1 1460, 481 39 , 389 29 , 296 1 , 470,574 96 County School Functions :3 F RAND TOTAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS G l1) , 460 , 481 (2) 39 , 389 (2) 29 , 296 l1) 1, 470 , 574 (1) The grand total amounts for "Beginning of Year Balance" and "Current Year End Balance" must agree with appropriate balance sheet items on page 2. (2) The grand total amounts for "Additions" and "Reductions" must agree with the appropriate change in equity items on page 7; and these amounts are to include any adjustments to prior years' balances or for other noted reasons. NOTE: List any assets of Other Local Governments assumed by and/or transferred to Other Local Governments. 1n M.D. OF KNEEHILL X48 MUNICIPALITY 620 BUILDING FIXED ASSETS Continuity During the Year Ended December 31, 1989 F R 7 C II FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS I BEGINNING OF YEAR BALANCE 2 ADDITIONS DURING THE YEAR 3 REDUCTIONS DURING THE YEAR 4 CURRENT YEAR END BALANCE 11 Council and Other Legislative 12 General Administration and Other 2 8o,138 500 80 638 .......3 _ 4 21 Police Department and Services Used 5 23 Fire Fighting and Preventive Service 6 24 Disaster Service and Emergency Measures 7 25 Ambulance Services and First Aid 26 By-Laws Enforcement and Other 9 5 , 74 3 5,743 10 - - 11 31 Common Services and/or Equipment Pool . . . . . .12 32 Roads, Streets, Walks, Lighting . 13 5 10 , 265 53.597 563,862 14 33 Airport Services .............................15 34 Public Transit Systems .......................16 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage ....................17 18 41 Water Supply and Distribution System ...........19 20 42 Sanitary Sewage Service and Treatment .........21 654 5 22 43 Garbage Collection & Disposal .................23 815 750 1 6 24 ..............................................25 51 Family and Community Support Services r6 52 Day Care ..................................27 53 Other Public Health..' 28 56 Cemeteries and Crematoriums 29 ..............................................30 61 Municipal Planning, Zoning & Development I 1 62 Community and/or Agricultural Services ..........32 5 50 1 5,501 66 Subdivision Land and Developments .............:13 67 Public Housing Operations ....................34 69 Land/Housing/Building Rentals and Other ........35 36 ..............................................37 71 Recreation Board and Other Services.......... 3A 72 Recreation/Parks Facilities and Programs 39 43,550 1 , 2 41 44,791 etc... 40 Library Museum 74 Culture: Community Hall _ , , , 41 75 Convention Centre ..............................................42 43 91 Gas Production and Distribution ................44 92 Electrical Production and Distribution ............45 93 Telephone System ..........................46 47 49 49 50 TOTAL MUNICIPAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS 51 646 , 666 56,088 702 , 75 4 52 96 County School Functions 63 GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS (1) 646, 666 (2) 56 , 088 (2) (1) 702 , 754 (1) The grand total amounts for "Beginning of Year Balance" and "Current Year End Balance" must agree with appropriate balance sheet items on page 2. C(2) The grand total amounts for "Additions" and "Reductions" must agree with the appropriate change in equity items on page 7; and these amounts are to include any adjustments to prior years' balances or for other noted reasons. NOTE: List any assets of Other Local Governments assumed by and/or transferred to Other Local Governments. M..D, OF.KN.LEHIL.L..#48................................ MUNICIPALITY 630 MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT FIXED ASSETS Continuity During the Year Ended December 31, 1989 F R 8 C 'Irrr C FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS BEGINNING OF YEAR BALANCE ADDITIONS DURING THE YEAR 3 REDUCTIONS DURING THE YEAR 4 CURRENT YEAR END BALANCE 11 Council and Other Legislative 12 General Administration and Other = 207,642 75,440 19 1 5 263,927 ...............................................i 4 21 Police Department and Services Used 23 Fire Fighting and Preventive Service f' 9,371 9,371 24 Disaster Service and Emergency Measures 25 Ambulance Services and First Aid + 26 By-Laws Enforcement and Other 137,343 27,885 12,000 153,228 10 11 31 Common Services and/or Equipment Pool 1 1,358 1,358 32 Roads, Streets, Walks, Lighting . ................l ! 5,131,242 771.002 683.457 5,218,787 14 33 Airport Services 1', 34 Public Transit Systems 16 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage ....................1 7 ..............................................ln 41 Water Supply and Distribution System 1,e zo 42 Sanitary Sewage Service and Treatment . . . . . . . . . 11 43 Garbage Collection & Disposal 13 a 51 Family and Community Support Services .........2h 52 Day Care ..................................17 53 Other Public Health. ~ Jii 56 Cemeteries and Crematoriums ...30 61 Municipal Planning, Zoning & Development ........s 62 Community and/or Agricultural Services.......... 1 13(4309 59.199 31,439 151,o62 66 Subdivision Land and Developments .............33 67 Public Housing Operations ....................34 69 Land/Housing/Building Rentals and Other .........111 1 ..............................................36 37 71 Recreation Board and Other Services 38 72 Recreation/Parks Facilities and Programs 3`> 20,128 48,141 3,550 64,719 74 Culture: Community Hall, Library, Museum, etc....40 75 Convention Centre ..........................41 42 43 91 Gas Production and Distribution a4 92 Electrical Production and Distribution 45 93 Telephone System ..........................46 ..............................................47 48 ..............................................49 50 TOTAL MUNICIPAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS 11 ..5,6 36,028 976,02S 96 County School Functions GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS ' (1) 5,636,028 (2) 976,025 (2) 749,601 (1) 5,862,452 (1) The grand total amounts for "Beginning of Year Balance" and "Current Year End Balance" must agree with appropriate balance sheet items on page 2. (2) The grand total amounts for "Additions" and "Reductions" must agree with the appropriate change in equity items on page 7; and these amounts are to include any adjustments to prior years' balances or for other noted reasons. NOTE: List any assets of Other Local Governments assumed by and/or transferred to Other Local Governments. M.D. OF KNEEHILL #48 MUNICIPALITY 640 LAND FOR GOVERNMENT USE Continuity During the Year Ended December 31, 1989 F R 9 C FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS 1 BEGINNING OF YEAR BALANCE 2 ADDITIONS DURING THE YEAR 3 REDUCTIONS DURING THE) EAR 4 CURRENT YEAR END BALANCE 11 Council and Other Legislative 12 General Administration and Other 119 119 3 4 21 Police Department and Services Used 5 23 Fire Fighting and Preventive Service 6 24 Disaster Service and Emergency Measures 7 25 Ambulance Services and First Aid B 26 By-Laws Enforcement and Other 9 10 11 31 Common Services and/or Equipment Pool ........12 32 Roads, Streets, Walks, Lighting . . . . . ..1 3 loo.468 109 , 46 8 14 33 Airport Services .............................15 34 Public Transit Systems .......................16 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage ....................1 7 19 41 Water Supply and Distribution System ...........19 3,000 3,000 ..............................................20 42 Sanitary Sewage Service and Treatment .........21 34,540 3 4 , 5 40 22 43 Garbage Collection & Disposal .................23 2,404 2,4o4 24 25 51 Family and Community Support Services .........26 52 Day Care ..................................27 53 Other Public Health. • .........................26 56 Cemeteries and Crematoriums ..................29 30 61 Municipal Planning, Zoning & Development .......:s 1 62 Community and/or Agricultural Services . . . . . . . . . .32 0 0 66 Subdivision Land and Developments .............33 67 Public Housing Operations ....................34 69 Land/Housing/Building Rentals and Other ........35 36 37 71 Recreation Board and Other Services 38 72 Recreation/Parks Facilities and Programs ........39 1 , 5 3 41,563 Museum, etc....40 74 Culture: Community Hall Library , , 75 Convention Centre ..........................41 42 43 91 Gas Production and Distribution ................44 92 Electrical Production and Distribution 45 93 Telephone System ..........................46 47 48 49 50 TOTAL MUNICIPAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS 51 191,144 391 , 144 52 96 County School Functions 53 GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS (1) 191,144 (2) (2) (1) 191,144 (1) The grand total amounts for "Beginning of Year Balance" and "Current Year End Balance" must agree with appropriate balance sheet items on page 2. C(2) The grand total amounts for "Additions" and "Reductions" must agree with the appropriate change in equity items on page 7; and these amounts are to include any adjustments to prior years' balances or for other noted reasons. NOTE: List any assets of Other Local Governments assumed by and/or transferred to Other Local Governments. M.D. OF KNEEHILL #48 MUNICIPALITY 650 VEHICLE FIXED ASSETS Continuity During the Year Ended December 31, 1989 F R 1 0 C C C FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS 1 BEGINNING OF YEAR BALANCE ADDITIONS DURING THE YEAR 3 REDUCTIONS DURING THE YEAR 4 CURRENT YEAR END BALANCE 11 Council and Other Legislative 12 General Administration and Other 30,193 30 , 1 3 ..............................................3 4 21 Police Department and Services Used 6 23 Fire Fighting and Preventive Service es 396,290 396 s 24 Disaster Service and Emergency Measures 7 25 Ambulance Services and First Aid a 26 By-Laws Enforcement and Other 9 15,475 15 , 475 10 11 31 Common Services and/or Equipment Pool ........12 32 Roads, Streets, Walks, Lighting .................13 1,551.834 1 551 834 14 33 Airport Services . 34 Public Transit Systems .......................16 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage ....................1 7 18 41 Water Supply and Distribution System 19 20 42 Sanitary Sewage Service and Treatment 21 22 43 Garbage Collection & Disposal .................23 1 , 550 1 , 550 24 5 51 Family and Community Support Services .........:1, 52 Day Care ..................................27 53 Other Public Health ..........................2m 56 Cemeteries and Crematoriums ..................:.+1 ..............................................:3u 61 Municipal Planning, Zoning & Development . . . . . . . 3 i 62 Community and/or Agricultural Services . . . . . . . . . .32 133,091 74,085 207,176 66 Subdivision Land and Developments .............33 67 Public Housing Operations ....................34 69 Land/Housing/Building Rentals and Other ........36 36 37 71 Recreation Board and Other Services 38 72 Recreation/Parks Facilities and Programs ........3S 17,249 17,249 etc....40 Museum Library 74 Culture: Community Hall , , , .41 75 Convention Centre ..............................................4L 43 91 Gas Production and Distribution ................44 92 Electrical Production and Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . .4b 93 Telephone System ..........................46 47 48 49 so TOTAL MUNICIPAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS 5 1 145,682 74,085 2,219,767 96 County School Functions 1 1 s3 GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS J [(J ) 2,145,682 (2) 74,o85 (2) (1) 2,219,767 (1) The grand total amounts for "Beginning of Year Balance" and "Current Year End Balance" must agree with appropriate balance sheet items on page 2. (2) The grand total amounts for "Additions" and "Reductions" must agree with the appropriate change in equity items on page 7; and these amounts are to include any adjustments to prior years' balances or for other noted reasons. NOTE: List any assets of Other Local Governments assumed by and/or transferred to Other Local Governments. M.D. OF KNEEHILL #48 MUNICIPALITY 310 DEBENTURES, BOND AND MORTGAGE ISSUES Continuity During the Year Ended December 31, 1989 F R 1 1 C C C FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS 1 BEGINNING OF YEAR BALANCE 2 ADDITIONS DURING THE YEAR 3 REDUCTIONS DURING THE YEAR 4 CURRENT YEAR END BALANCE 11 Council and Other Legislative 12 General Administration and Other ..............................................:s ..............................................4 21 Police Department and Services Used 5 23 Fire Fighting and Preventive Service 6 24 Disaster Service and Emergency Measures 7 25 Ambulance Services and First Aid H 26 By-Laws Enforcement and Other 9 10 ..............................................11 31 Common Services and/or Equipment Pool . . . . . . . .1'2 32 Roads, Streets, Walks, Lighting . ? 3 14 33 Airport Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 34 Public Transit Systems .......................16 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage ....................1 7 18 41 Water Supply and Distribution System ...........i9 20 42 Sanitary Sewage Service and Treatment . 21 22 43 Garbage Collection & Disposal .................23 ..............................................24 25 51 Family and Community Support Services .........26 52 Day Care ..................................27 53 Other Public Health ...........................28 56 Cemeteries and Crematoriums 29 30 61 Municipal Planning, Zoning & Development .......31 62 Community and/or Agricultural Services ..........32 66 Subdivision Land and Developments .............33 67 Public Housing Operations ....................34 69 Land/Housing/Building Rentals and Other ........35 36 37 71 Recreation Board and Other Services ...........36 72 Recreation/Parks Facilities and Programs 39 etc....40 Museum Library 74 Culture: Community Hall , , , ................41 75 Convention Centre 42 43 91 Gas Production and Distribution ................44 92 Electrical Production and Distribution ............45 93 Telephone System ..........................46 47 ..............................................48 ..............................................49 50 TOTAL MUNICIPAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS 51 1 ~ N I L N I L N I L N I L 52 96 County School Functions 1 1 53 GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS l1) N I L 1,2, N I L (2) NIL l11 N I L (1) The grand total amounts for "Beginning of Year Balance" and "Current Year End Balance" must agree with appropriate balance sheet items on page 2. C(2) The grand total amounts for "Additions" and "Reductions" must agree with the appropriate change in equity items on page 7; and these amounts are to include any adjustments to prior years' balances or for other noted reasons. NOTE: List any assets of Other Local Governments assumed by and/or transferred to Other Local Governments. Add in this space, or attach a sheet, a listing of any debentures completely or partially paid out prior to the normal maturity date. M.D. OF KNEEHILL #48 MUNICIPALITY ANALYSIS OF DEBENTURE, BOND AND MORTGAGE DEBT as at December 31, 1989 F R 2 5 eo", 1%wr' DEBENTURE DEBT FUNCTIONS REPORTED 1 MUNICIPALITY'S SHARE 2 OWNERS' (1) SHARE 3 CURRENT YEAR END BALANCE 31 Common Services and/or Equipment Pool 1 32 Roads, Streets, Walks, Lighting 2 34 Public Transit Systems 3 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage 4 s 41 Water Supply and Distribution 6 42 Sanitary Sewage Service and Treatment 7 s s 62 Community and/or Agricultural Services........... io 66 Subdivision Land and Developments 11 67 Public Housing Operations 12 69 Land/Housing/Building Rentals and Other.......... 13 14 15 91 Gas Production & Distribution 16 92 Electrical Production & Distribution 17 93 Telephone System 16 19 96 County School Functions 20 98 All Other Functions Debenture Debt 21 [GRAND TOTAL FUNCTIONS DEBENTURE DEBT 22 NIL NIL NIL (1) If special frontage tax levied show Owners' Share Breakdown FUTURE DEBENTURE, BOND AND MORTGAGE F R 2 6 DEBT CHARGES BY YEARS MUNICIPAL (1) SCHOOL ANALYSIS BY YEARS 1 PRINCIPAL 2 INTEREST 3 PRINCIPAL a INTEREST 1990 1 1991 2 1992 3 1993 4 1994 5 1995 to Maturity 6 TOTAL NIL NIL NIL NIL (1) To be completed by Counties and Town of Devon. SOURCE OF DEBENTURES, BONDS & MORTGAGES OUTSTANDING F R 2 7 (MUNICIPAL BORROWING ONLY) as at December 31, 1989 C SOURCE OF BORROWINGS AMOUNTS Alberta Municipal Financing Corporation 1 Province of Alberta 2 Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation 3 Municipal Development and Loan Board 4 Government of Canada 5 Alberta Mortgage and Housing Corporation (1) 6 Alberta Opportunity Company 7 Public Bond Issue a United States Market 9 European Market ..............................................1o Mortgage Borrowing ..........................................11 Other .........................................................12 TOTAL DEBENTURES, BONDS AND MORTGAGES (2) 13 NIL Long-Term Capitalized Leases .................................14 (1) Do not Include contingent liabilities (2) Total must agree with FR11-4-51 M.D. OF KNEEHILL #48 MUNICIPALITY 322 LONG-TERM CAPITAL BORROWING AND CAPITALIZED LEASES F R 1 2 Continuity During the Year Ended December 31, 1989 C C I FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS II BEGINNING 1 OF YEAR BALANCE 2 ADDITIONS DURING THE YEAR 3 REDUCTIONS DURING THE) EAR 4 CURRENT YEAR END BALANCE 11 Council and Other Legislative 1 12 General Administration and Other 2 ..............................................3 ..............................................4 21 Police Department and Services Used 5 23 Fire Fighting and Preventive Service 6 24 Disaster Service and Emergency Measures 7 25 Ambulance Services and First Aid 6 26 By-Laws Enforcement and Other 9 10 11 31 Common Services and/or Equipment Pool ........12 32 Roads, Streets, Walks, Lighting . 13 14 33 Airport Services .............................15 34 Public Transit Systems .......................16 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage ....................17 18 41 Water Supply and Distribution System ...........19 20 42 Sanitary Sewage Service and Treatment . . . . . . . . .21 22 43 Garbage Collection & Disposal .................23 24 ..............................................25 51 Family and Community Support Services .........:w 52 Day Care 21 53 Other Public Health ..........................26 56 Cemeteries and Crematoriums ..................29 ..............................................30 61 Municipal Planning, Zoning & Development ........31 62 Community and/or Agricultural Services ..........32 66 Subdivision Land and Developments .............33 67 Public Housing Operations ....................34 69 Land/Housing/Building Rentals and Other ........35 36 37 71 Recreation Board and Other Services.......... ,39 72 Recreation/Parks Facilities and Programs ........39 74 Culture: Community Hall, Library, Museum, etc.. ..40 .75 Convention Centre ..........................41 42 43 91 Gas Production and Distribution ................44 92 Electrical Production and Distribution ............45 93 Telephone System ..........................46 47 48 49 50 TOTAL MUNICIPAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS 51 N I L N I L N I L N I L 52 96 County School Functions ' GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS (1) N I L (2) N I L (2) N I L (1) N I L (1) The grand total amounts for "Beginning of Year Balance" and "Current Year End Balance" must agree with appropriate balance sheet items on page 2. * (2) The grand total amounts for "Additions" and "Reductions" must agree with the appropriate change in equity items on page 7; and these amounts are to include any adjustments to prior years' balances or for other noted reasons. NOTE: List any long-term capital borrowing of Other Local Governments assumed by/or transferred to Other Local Governments. M.D. OF KNEEHILL #48 MUNICIPALITY 323 LONG-TERM BORROWING FOR OPERATIONS Continuity During the Year Ended December 31, 1989 F R 1 3 C C FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS BEGINNING OF YEAR BALANCE 2 ADDITIONS DURING THE YEAR 3 REDUCTIONS DURING THE YEAR 4 CURRENT YEAR END BALANCE 11 Council and Other Legislative 1 12 General Administration and Other 2 3 4 21 Police Department and Services Used 5 23 Fire Fighting and Preventive Service 6 24 Disaster Service and Emergency Measures 25 Ambulance Services and First Aid H 26 By-Laws Enforcement and Other y 10 11 31 Common Services and/or Equipment Pool ........12 32 Roads, Streets, Walks, Lighting .................13 14 33 Airport Services 15 34 Public Transit Systems .......................16 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage ....................17 18 41 Water Supply and Distribution System ...........1 y 20 42 Sanitary Sewage Service and Treatment .........21 .............................................22 43 Garbage Collection & Disposal .................23 .............................................24 25 51 Family and Community Support Services .........2.6 52 Day Care 27 53 Other Public Health .........................28 56 Cemeteries and Crematoriums 29 30 61 Municipal Planning, Zoning & Development . . . . .31 62 Community and/or Agricultural Services ..........32 66 Subdivision Land and Developments .............33 67 Public Housing Operations ....................34 69 Land/Housing/Building Rentals and Other ........35 36 37 71 Recreation Board and Other Services 38 72 Recreation/Parks Facilities and Programs ........39 74 Culture: Community Hall, Library, Museum, etc....40 75 Convention Centre ..........................41 42 .............................................43 91 Gas Production and Distribution 44 92 Electrical Production and Distribution 45 93 Telephone System ...........................46 47 .............................................46 .............................................49 501 , TOTAL MUNICIPAL OPERATING FUNCTIONS (1) NIL NIL NIL (1) NIL (1) The grand total amounts for "Beginning of Year Balance" and "Current Year End Balance" must agree with appropriate balance sheet items on page 2. (2) The grand total amounts for "Additions" and "Reductions" must agree with the appropriate change in equity items on page 7; and these amounts are to include any adjustments to prior years' balances or for other noted reasons. C M............... LL ..148.......................... MUNICIPALITY The "Year End Liability Balance" in the Statement of Trust liabilities must be less than or equal to the amount shown for the "477 Trust Accounts Administered (Total)" asset item in the Consolidated Balance sheet, page 2. 4001" Counties and the Town of Devon are to insert lines for any appropriate school amounts. %W All opening and year end balance must agree with appropriate items in the "Consolidated Balance Sheet", Schedule FS2. 477 STATEMENT OF TRUST LIABILITIES For the Year Ended December 31, 1989 F R 1 4 2 3 4 OPENING TRUST TRUST YEAR END BALANCE LIABILITY CLAIMS LIABILITY ADDITIONS REDUCTIONS BALANCE Tax Sale Surplus Trust Liability 2,448 2,446 Cemetery Perpetual Care Liability 2 Others 3 4 5 TOTAL TRUST ACCOUNT LIABILITIES ti 2,448 2 , 448 47X METER RENTALS AND OTHER DEPOSIT LIABILITIES For the Year Ended December 31, 1989 FR15 z 3 a YEAR END OPENING NEW DEPOSITS LIABILITY BALANCE DEPOSITS REFUNDED BALANCE 32 Deposits for Road Maintenance . 41 Water Meter Deposits 2 91 Gas Meter Deposits 3 92 Electricity Meter Deposits 4 Others 5 6 fi J TOTAL METER AND OTHER DEPOSIT LIABILITIES N I L N I L 490 PREPAID LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS AND OTHER LIABILITIES For the Year Ended December 31, 1989 FR 1 6 OPENING BALANCE NEW 2 PREPA DS & OTHERS 3 REDUCTIONS THIS YEAR 4 LIEABILI ND BALANCE 32 Roads, Curbs, Walks . 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage 2 41 Water Distribution Improvements Prepaid.......... 3 42 Sanitary Sewage Improvements Prepaid 4 4X (Specify) 5 6 7 Other Prepayments Deterred Revenues, etc. a Defe. .rr.ed . . . F.C. .SS Grant 9 68,278 168,736 78,921 158,093 .o ...............................................2 Excess Collections on Requisitions 13 10,38o 10,38o ,4 TOTAL PREPAYMENTS AND OTHER LIABILITIES 68, 278 179,116 78,921 168,473 Oft M.D. OF KNEEHILL #48 MUNICIPALITY OPERATING FUNCTIONS COMPARATIVE ALLOWANCES/RESERVES BALANCES F R 1 7 For Preceding Year and as at December 31, 1989 C 6XX OPERATING ALLOWANCES 7XX OPERATING RESERVES FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS PRECEDING YEAR BALANCE 2 CURRENT BALANCE 3 PRECEDING YEAR BALANCE 4 CURRENT BALANCE 11 Council and Other Legislative 1 12 General Administration and Other 2 3 4 21 Police Department and Services Used ............5 23 Fire Fighting and Preventive Service 6 24 Disaster Service and Emergency Measures 7 25 Ambulance Services and First Aid 8 26 By-Laws Enforcement and Other 9 10 11 31 Common Services and/or Equipment Pool ........12 32 Roads, Streets, Walks, Lighting ................13 14 33 Airport Services .............................15 34 Public Transit Systems .......................16 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage ....................17 18 41 Water Supply and Distribution System ...........19 ............................................20 42 Sanitary Sewage Service and Treatment .........21 22 43 Garbage Collection 8 Disposal .................23 24 25 51 Family and Community Support Services .........26 52 Day Care 27 53 Other Public Health ..........................28 56 Cemeteries and Crematoriums 29 30 61 Municipal Planning, Zoning & Development .......31 62 Community and/or Agricultural Services 32 160 ,000 200,000 66 Subdivision Land and Developments .............33 67 Public Housing Operations ....................34 69 Land/Housing/Building Rentals and Other ........35 36 37 71 Recreation Board and Other Services ...........36 72 Recreation/Parks Facilities and Programs ........39 74 Culture: Community Hall, Library, Museum, etc....40 75 Convention Centre ..........................41 42 43 91 Gas Production and Distribution ................44 92 Electrical Production and Distribution ............45 93 Telephone System ...........................46 47 48 . 49 97 Operating Contingencies Reserve ..............50 TOTAL MUNICIPAL OPERATING FUNCTIONS 5 N I L 160,000 200,000 96 County School Functions sz GRAND TOTAL OPERATING FUNCTIONS (1) 53 N I L I F 160 , 000 200 , 0 00 (1) To agree with total operating allowances and operating reserves on the Consolidated Balance Sheet, page 2. C M.D. OF KNEEHILL #48 MUNICIPALITY CAPITAL FUNCTIONS COMPARATIVE ALLOWANCESIRESERVES BALANCES F R 1 8 For Preceding Year and as at December 31, 1989 I 6XX CAPITAL ALLOWANCES 7XX CAPITAL RESERVES FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS PRECEDING YEAR BALANCE 12 CURRENT BALANCE 3 PRECEDING YEAR BALANCE 4 CURRENT BALANCE 11 Council and Other Legislative i 12 General Administration and Other 3 4 21 Police Department and Services Used 5 23 Fire Fighting and Preventive Service 6 24 Disaster Service and Emergency Measures 7 25 Ambulance Services and First Aid 6 26 By-Laws Enforcement and Other 9 16 11 31 Common Services and/or Equipment Pool 12 32 Roads, Streets, Walks, Lighting ................13 181 1 14 33 Airport Services .............................15 34 Public Transit Systems .......................16 37 Storm Sewers and Drainage ....................17 .............................................1a 41 Water Supply and Distribution System 19 .............................................211 42 Sanitary Sewage Service and Treatment .........21 22 43 Garbage Collection & Disposal .................23 24 25 51 Family and Community Support Services .........26 52 Day Care 27 53 Other Public Health ..........................2& 56 Cemeteries and Crematoriums ..................29 30 61 Municipal Planning, Zoning & Development ! i 62 Community and/or Agricultural Services ..........3? 66 Subdivision Land and Developments .............33 67 Public Housing Operations ....................34 69 Land/Housing/Building Rentals and Other ........35 36 .............................................37 71 Recreation Board and Other Services ......38 72 Recreation/Parks Facilities and Programs 39 74 Culture: Community Hall, Library, Museum, etc....40 75 Convention Centre ..........................41 42 43 91 Gas Production and Distribution 14 92 Electrical Production and Distribution 45 93 Telephone System ...........................46 47 48 49 97 General Capital Reserves 50 1,386,323 1 16,321 TOTAL MUNICIPAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS 51 11 N I L 1,386,323 1 1,698,240 96 County School Functions 52 53 GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL FUNCTIONS (1) NIL 1,386,323 1 , 698,240 C (1) To agree with total capital allowances and capital reserves on the Consolidated Balance Sheet, page 2. C M•.R..4F,KNEE I.LL.#48...................... MUNICIPALITY OPERATING FUNCTIONS REVENUES BY TYPE AND EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT For the Year Ended December 31, 1989 F R 1 9 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS ITEM DESCRIPTIONS C %4W REV ENUES BY TYPE: ::..:>::.:>a:::.:.:.:::;•.;::::-....:::...; 100/200 Special Municipal Levies 1 300 Sales to Other Governments.......... 2 14 266 400 Sales of Goods and Services 3 5,910 250. 520 Licenses & Permits 4 2 12 530 Fines Issued 5 550 Return on Investments held for Function 6 560 Rental Revenues 7 4 000 590 Other Revenues from Own Sources 8 294, 830 Federal Conditional Grants 9 840 Provincial Conditional Grants.......... 1o 24 466 850 Local Government Conditional Grants... 11 910 Drawn from Operating Allowances...... 12 920 Drawn from Operating Reserves 13 930 Contributed from Operating Functions... 14 940 Contributed from Capital Sources , 5 960 Gross Recoveries fm Operating FunctionA6 2,000 990 Other 17 18 TOTAL FUNCTION OPERATING REVENUES (To soL 1) NIL 53,061 250 N I L BUDGETED OPERATING REVENUES N I L 163, 285 250 N I L EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT C BUDGETED OPERATING GAIN BUDGETED OPERATING COST Notes: 1. One column to be completed for each operating function (except 'County School') reported on audited statement page 3, Combined Operating Revenues and Expenditures. 2. The following item values must agree with page 3: (a) Total Function Operating Revenues, (b) Total Function Operating Expenditures, (c) Net Function Operating Cost or (d) Net Function Operating Gain. 100 Salaries, Wages and Benefits.......... 19 9 , 91 32 -5-,4-4B 200 Contracted and General Services....... 20 7 , 5 7 115,133 1 , 0 1 300 Purchases from Other Governments 21 59 500 Materials, Goods, Supplies and Utilities 22 27,515 7X0 Grants to Government 23 761 Contributed to Other Operating Functions 24 762 Contributed to Capital Programs........ z5 75 , 9 3 763 Added to Function Operating Allowances 26 764 Added to Function Operating Reserves 27 765 Contributed to Own Municipal Agencies . 28 6,08 770 Grants to Individuals and Organizations 29 26,19 9 810 Bank Charges & Short-Term Interest.... 30 24, 114 820 Long-Term Debt Charges .............31 830 Debenture Debt Charges 32 960 Gross Recoveries to Operating Functions 33 990 Other Transactions, Discounts, Adjustments 3 , 5 46 LOT AL FUNCTION OPERATING EXPENDITURES 5 (To FS3COL. 2) 127,348 604,330 61,01 N I L BUDGETED OPERATING EXPENDITURES 131 700 535,850 59.870 2 3 50 36 NET FUNCTION OPERATING COST (To FS3-COL. 3) 127,348 551.269 60 Am N I L ,NET FUNCTION OPERATING GAIN 31 (To FS3-COL. 4) M.D. OF KNEEHILL #48 MUNICIPALITY OPERATING FUNCTIONS REVENUES BY TYPE AND EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT F R 1 9 For the Year Ended December 31, 1989 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS ITEM DESCRIPTIONS REVENUES Y TYPE 100/200 Special Municipal Levies 1 T: 5 r 300 Sales to Other Governments 2 400 Sales of Goods and Services 3 4o,262 10 , 1 520 Licenses & Permits 4 530 Fines Issued 5 550 Return on Investments held for Function 6 560 Rental Revenues 7 9 , 99 590 Other Revenues from Own Sources 8 345 70 830 Federal Conditional Grants 9 840 Provincial Conditional Grants.......... 10 25,000 909,630 850 Local Government Conditional Grants... 11 910 Drawn from Operating Allowances...... 12 920 Drawn from Operating Reserves 13 930 Contributed from Operating Functions... 14 940 Contributed from Capital Sources 15 1 , 205 960 Gross Recoveries fm Operating FunctionAO 990 Other 17 TOTAL FUNCTION OPERATING REV SE To -COL 1) BUDGETED OPERATING REVENUES 1 25.000 1 5.000_ _ N I L NIL 960,941 655,400 19,790 17,300 EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT 100 Salaries, Wages and Benefits 19 69,320 1.726,024 200 Contracted and General Services....... 20 2,990 - 1 10 4 300 Purchases from Other Governments 21 500 Materials, Goods, Supplies and Utilities 22 8,079 1,438,072 6 504 7X0 Grants to Government 23 761 Contributed to Other Operating Functions 24 762 Contributed to Capital Programs........ ,5 27,272 1,358 789,916 763 Added to Function Operating Allowances 26 764 Added to Function Operating Reserves 27 765 Contributed to Own Municipal Agencies 2e 770 Grants to Individuals and Organizations 29 4,841 810 Bank Charges & Short-Term Interest.... 30 820 Long-Term Debt Charges .............31 830 Debenture Debt Charges 32 960 Gross Recoveries to Operating Functions 33 1 , 200 990 Other Transactions, Discounts, Adjustmen3S TOTAL FUNCTION OPERATING EXPE (To NDITU Ee!' 107,661 1,678 M62,310 7,704 BUDGETED OPERATING EXPENDITURES 99.300 N I L 1 4.932 200 8,300 NET FUNCTION OPERATING COST To FS3-COL. 3) 6 82 , 661 1 , 678 4,101,369 NET FUNCTION OPERATING GAIN 37 (To FS3-COL. 4) 12,06 BUDGETED OPERATING GAIN 9 , 000 BUDGETED OPERATING COST I F 74 , 300 N I L 4,276 _,9n0 Notes: 1. One column to be completed for each operating function (except 'County School') reported on audited statement page 3, Combined Operating Revenues and Expenditures. 2. The following item values must agree with page 3: (a) Total Function Operating Revenues, (b) Total Function Operating Expenditures, (c) Net Function Operating Cost or (d) Net Function Operating Gain. M.D. OF KNEEHILL #48 MUNICIPALITY OPERATING FUNCTIONS REVENUES BY TYPE AND EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT F R I 9 N For the Year Ended December 31 1989 , FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS ITEM DESCRIPTIONS Cm (43-7) (5T__)_ j (56_~ REVENUES BY TYPE: :.::::'.i:::::::. n.:.i........ }2:iY.:;iii: ; vi~~vv:.: vy::.;::•.:::: ..:'J~ :::v: ~$?iiii<ii;{::: j;:ti; tr:: :::2 : >:i:':<S<::::::ji iS:4:::::v:•'ri::;:;:::;: ::iylt:':j:::l$:~J::~>'?i' :1;:;}': :?:is ii 100/200 Special Municipal Levies 1 v.:::::::n:::::::::~.~::w:::::v::..vn 7 4 0 6 , .:.:.:::.:.:::v::::::::v::•:::n::~m~:: :v :n. ;..:.:..::4:::.::::::.~:h:::•.~:::::::.: :v::w::::.~::w:<:: iYi:iiy<ry!5::. 300 Sales to Other Governments.......... 2 400 Sales of Goods and Services 3 3 , 525 35 , 9 0 520 Licenses & Permits 4 530 Fines Issued 5 550 Return on Investments held for Function s 560 Rental Revenues i 1,765 590 Other Revenues from Own Sources 8 6 , 0 $ 830 Federal Conditional Grants 9 840 Provincial Conditional Grants.......... 1o 7T,-921 72,559 850 Local Government Conditional Grants i 1 2 3 , 1 78 910 Drawn from Operating Allowances...... 12 920 Drawn from Operating Reserves 13 930 Contributed from Operating Functions... 14 940 Contributed from Capital Sources 15 960 Gross Recoveries fm Operating Function§s 990 Other 17 18 TOTAL FUNCTION OPERATING REVENUES (To FS3-COL. 1) 406 886 108 187 525 110,304 BUDGETED OPERATING REVENUES 7.0 .00 2 200 111,125 00 1 8 500 EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT: 1 ' 00 Salaries, Wages and Benefits.......... 13 119 60 97,722 68,026 200 Contracted and General Services....... 20 87,421 9,178 2 11,8 1 1 300 Purchases from Other Governments 21 500 Materials, Goods, Supplies and Utilities 22 1 4 3,073 1,287 126 63,722 7X0 Grants to Government 23 761 Contributed to Other Operating Functions 24 762 Contributed to Capital Programs........ 25 1 10 884 763 Added to Function Operating Allowances 26 764 Added to Function Operating Reserves 27 40 000 765 Contributed to Own Municipal Agencies . 28 770 Grants to Individuals and Organizations 29 14,688 810 Bank Charges & Short-Term Interest.... 30 820 Long-Term Debt Charges .............31 830 Debenture Debt Charges 32 960 Gross Recoveries to Operating Functions 33 Roo 990 Other Transactions, Discounts, Adjustmeni$ TOTAL FUNCTION OPERATING EXPENDITURES , FS3COL T 2 R4 454 92 A08-187 10,058 309 ,131 ( o . ) 1 7 , BUDGETED OPERATING EXPENDITURES 4 , 200 96 , 900 121,125 13,500 369 , 600 36 NET FUNCTION OPERATING COST (To FS3-COL. 3) 88,568 NIL 9 , 5 3 3 198,827 NET FUNCTION OPERATING GAIN 3i (To FS3-COL 4) 5 559 . , BUDGETED OPERATING GAIN 2,800_ BUDGETED OPERATING COST 94 , 700 10,000 00 13,0 2 31 ,100 Notes: 1. One column to be completed for each operating function (except 'County School') reported on audited statement page 3, Combined Operating Revenues and Expenditures. 2. The following item values must agree with page 3: (a) Total Function Operating Revenues, (b) Total Function Operating Expenditures, (c) Net Function Operating Cost or (d) Net Function Operating Gain. M.D. OF KNEEHILL #48 MUNICIPALITY OPERATING FUNCTIONS REVENUES BY TYPE AND EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT F R 1 9 For the Year Ended December 31, 1989 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS ITEM DESCRIPTIONS EVENUES BY TYPE, . :....s.'•;:.:t::';::::::%:i....:.x.;:i•;:.,.J.. i:.;:.: ~...:r.•.+ ::.::::...:::::.:t iCi:,~;:::::}; :.:.r•.. ~:::csssss:.::::::::• :::::::::::::::+:t:<:).C:SSSi: is2:;$:: ..:.::.:::::.::::t;n;ys :.c....:::s:;:;s..• AR•>ss::.:>s;•sss;•sss!::::~:v:; J.v:::; •Y:: i.::4::ttxtttt•'F .:.,...:.,.:.,:;:.sss:~::.:...::.:r ••s:~:::: .l'~::.:.:'::.:,•:........:.::::}:iriJf rr:::.. ;::-::l•s t:•ssjit;:t:>::; ;::'t::j;: s: .:::s`f.•:~':::::.x::.s:: F..F f.. , ..:i{.8• ;rv'x•:{•:•::.::;~:.N:./...... ..nr .r. ...:.:.........r::••:::J.::::. ::::s~:J•.~; ...:.~::s:•:;;•> .:L:;viss::ss:•:';£ixis';C :.::.:J,•: :....,.J ..s........:. .......:x.;.::.,.:. 3.~ t.:..::. f •t•.v.:M;{.vt• :.t';: i , ,<:.:s:::.. ::::::::r:.s: . :......x:`.. :.sstxts:•?!.: rr.~..:::.ss:.sxsioss:<c i: :t:ts:: i•: is .`ta vv;; .•b.:~: ri:?~:i5{:is:;O;t,S.: C: .s: .:.c:..:,tsst:t:::s:::i`Rsif.•"::•r%': s:.: !tt:::~ ~::..xu.~:.:~....... 100/200 Special Municipal Levies 1 300 Sales to Other Governments.......... 2 400 Sales of Goods and Services 3 3,300 520 Licenses & Permits 4 530 Fines Issued 5 550 Return on Investments held for Function 6 560 Rental Revenues 7 590 Other Revenues from Own Sources 8 830 Federal Conditional Grants 9 840 Provincial Conditional Grants.......... io 20,000 850 Local Government Conditional Grants... 11 910 Drawn from Operating Allowances...... 12 920 Drawn from Operating Reserves 13 930 Contributed from Operating Functions... 14 940 Contributed from Capital Sources 15 960 Gross Recoveries fm Operating Functiond6 990 Other 17 16 TOTAL FUNCTION OPERATING REVENUES (To FS3COL. 1) 23,300 N I L BUDGETED OPERATING REVENUES 32 , 081 N I L EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT 100 Salaries, Wages and Benefits.......... 19 129 200 Contracted and General Services....... 20 91 .2 300 Purchases from Other Governments 21 500 Materials, Goods, Supplies and Utilities 22 9 , 4 3 3 7X0 Grants to Government 23 81,078 761 Contributed to Other Operating Functions 24 762 Contributed to Capital Programs........ ?5 2 , 2 39 130,000 763 Added to Function Operating Allowances 26 764 Added to Function Operating Reserves 27 765 Contributed to Own Municipal Agencies 28 770 Grants to Individuals and Organizations 29 1 , 00 810 Bank Charges & Short-Term Interest.... 30 820 Long-Term Debt Charges .............31 830 Debenture Debt Charges 32 960 Gross Recoveries to Operating Functions 33 990 Other Transactions, Discounts, Adjustmen?d 10 , TOTAL FUNCTION OPERATING EXPENDITURES (To FS3COL. 2) 130 , 695 140 , 379 BUDGETED OPERATING EXPENDITURES 157,600 NIL 3u NET FUNCTION OPERATING COST (To FS3-COL. 3) 107,395 140 , 379 NET FUNCTION OPERATING GAIN 3i (To FS3COL. 4) BUDGETED OPERATING GAIN BUDGETED OPERATING COST 12S.519 NIL Notes: 1. One column to be completed for each operating function (except 'County School') reported on audited statement page 3, Combined Operating Revenues and Expenditures. 2. The following item values must agree with page 3: (a) Total Function Operating Revenues, (b) Total Function Operating Expenditures, (c) Net Function Operating Cost or (d) Net Function Operating Gain. M.D. OF KNEEHILL #48 MUNICIPALITY C C OPERATING FUNCTIONS REVENUES BY TYPE AND EXPENDITURES OBJECT For the Year Ended December 31, 1989 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS ITEM DESCRIPTIONS GRAND TOTAL 99 REVENUES BY TYPE: :;'>::<ti':k;:?;: ~?::':',•r'`'::%:i ~i?`ti;;<3ti,`~ti fii r :v :w:n:•ry:h::.;. y}•.:?:iii;••: iiii::4:+iii:?. 100/200 Special Municipal Levies 1 16,978 300 Sales to Other Governments.......... . 2 1 4 266 400 Sales of Goods and Services . 3 100 26 1 520 Licenses & Permits . 4 2,125 530 Fines Issued ..5 550 Return on Investments held for Function . 6 560 Rental Revenues . 7 15,264 590 Other Revenues from Own Sources . 9 6,797 830 Federal Conditional Grants . 9 840 Provincial Conditional Grants.......... to 850 Local Government Conditional Grants . 11 23,178 910 Drawn from Operating Allowances..... . )2 920 Drawn from Operating Reserves . 13 930 Contributed from Operating Functions (1 ).t4 940 Contributed from Capital Sources (2)... . t5 1,205 960 Gross Recoveries fm Operating Func... . t6 990 Other . 1.7 TOTAL FUNCTION OPERATING REVENUES ie 1 , 312 , 6 50 BUDGETED OPERATING REVENUES 1 , 152,641 EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT: <:<,?<';::::•.,::::: . 100 Salaries, Wages and Benefits . 19 > > 200 Contracted and General Services....... 20 1,470,076 300 Purchases from Other Governments 21 9 500 Materials, Goods, Supplies and Utilities .22 , , 1559178 7X0 Grants to Government 23 81,078 761 Contributed to Other Operating Func. (1) 24 762 Contributed to Capital Programs (3).... . 25 , , 763 Added to Function Operating Allowances .26 764 Added to Function Operating Reserves 27 0 , 000 765 Contributed to Own Municipal Agencies . .2a 6,088 770 Grants to Individuals and Organizations .29 62,328 810 Bank Charges & Short-Term Interest.... 30 2 , 1 1 820 Long-Term Debt Charges .31 830 Debenture Debt Charges .32 960 Gross Recoveries to Operating Functions 33 34 2,000 990 Other Transactions, Discounts, Adjustments 13,925 TOTAL FUNCTION OPERATING EXPENDITURES35 6 64,863 BUDGETED OPERATING EXPENDITURES 36 NET FUNCTION OPERATING COST 6,553,645 5,469,858 NET FUNCTION OPERATING GAIN 37 17,645 BUDGETED OPERATING GAIN 1 1 , 80o BUDGETED OPERATING COST 5 , 412 , 804 Notes: The following items must agree: 1. FR19A-99-14 must agree with FRI 9A-99-24. 2. FR19A-99-15 must agree with FR20A-99-34. 3. FR19A-99-25 must agree with FR20A-99-15. FR19A M.D. OF KNEEHILL #48 MUNICIPALITY CAPITAL FUNCTIONS FINANCES ACQUIRED AND FINANCES APPLIED F 0 By Type and Object for the Year Ended December 31, 1989 R 2 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS ITEM DESCRIPTIONS Crz) 32 CAPITAL FINANCES ACQUIRED: XXX Preceding Year Unexpended FundsBal'ce. 100/200 Special Municipal Levies 310 Debentures, Bonds and Mortgages Issued 3 322 Long-Term Borrowed 8 New Capital Leases4 550 Return on Investments held for Function 570 Insurance Proceeds s 590 Other Revenues from Own Sources..... 1,205 6X0 Sale of Fixed Assets H 360 21 , 00 830 Federal Capital Grants 9 840 Provincial Capital Grants 10 850 Local Government Capital Grants 3 3 86X From Own Municipality Boards or Agencies'' 910 Drawn from Function Capital Allowances. 13 920 Drawn from Function Capital Reserves 14 930 Contributed from Operating Functions... 15 75 , 9 3 2 7 , 2 72 1, 35 789,916 940 Contributed from Other Capital Functions' t3 253 970 Developers' Agreements and Levies » 990 Other la i 9 TOTAL OF FUNDED CAPITAL AVAILABLE (To FS4-COL. 11 75,693 27,885 1,358 1,007,721 BUDGETED FUNDED CAPITAL 66, 000 14 , 800 841 , 900 I X X1,11 re" : EREXPENDITUR OV EST BE PROVIDED BY' 100/200 Future Property Levies.......... . . 3XX Borrowing Approved but not Received 2 3 915 Future Contributions from Operations 22 500 990 Other (Specify) ............3 TOTAL OVEREXPENDITURES AT YEAR END (To FS4-COL. 2) 500 GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL FINANCING 76,193 27,885 1,358 , 1,007,721 BUDGETED TOTAL CAPITAL FINANCING 66 , 000 14 , 800 841 , 900 CAPITAL FINANCES APPLIED: XXX Prior Year's Overexpenditures Balance 2u 490 Other Assets Acquired 27 610 Engineering Structures Additions 28 620 Buildings Fixed Assets Additions 29 500 53,597 630 Machines, Equipment Additions........ ,3o 75 , 440 27,885 1,358 771 , 002 640 Land acquired for Government Use 31 650 Vehicle Additions 32 7X0 Grants to Government 3:3 761 Contributed to Operating Functions ,34 1 , 205 762 Contributed to Other Capital Functions - 253 763 Additions to Function Capital Allowances. 36 764 Additions to Function Capital Reserves _3, 181,917 765 Contributed to Own Municipality Agencies 38 770 Grants to Individuals and Organizations 39 990 Other Transactions and Adjustments 40 TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS APPLIED 4' (To FS4-COL. 31 76 ,193 27, 885 1,358 1,007,721 BUDGETED CAPITAL APPLICATIONS 66 , 000 14 , 800 841 , 900 42 UNEXPENDED CAPITAL BALANCE AT YEAR END (To FS4-COL. 41 GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL FINANCING 43 76,193 27,885 1,358 1,007,721 BUDGETED TOTAL CAPITAL FINANCING 66,000 14 , 800 841 , 900 Notes: 1. One column to be completed for each function reported on audited statement page 4, Combined Capital Financing Acquired and Applied, (except amounts for 'School Capital'). The following item values must agree with page 4: (a) Total of Funded Capital Acquired, (b) Total Overexpenditures at Year End, (c) Total Capital Funds Expended, (d) Unexpended Capital Balance at Year End. M.D. OF KNEEHILL . #/48 MUNICIPALITY CAPITAL FUNCTIONS FINANCES ACQUIRED AND FINANCES APPLIED F R 2 0 By Type and Object for the Year Ended December 31, 1989 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS I ITEM DESCRIPTIONS 41 2 2 CAPITAL FINANCES ACQUIRED: .>:::c . „;.:.:srr>>:>:::;.: XXX Preceding Year Unexpended FundsBal'ce. 100/200 Special Municipal Levies 310 Debentures, Bonds and Mortgages Issued ' 322 Long-Term Borrowed & New Capital LeaseS4 550 Return on Investments held for Function . 5 570 Insurance Proceeds G 590 Other Revenues from Own Sources..... 7 6X0 Sale of Fixed Assets a 1 4 700 700 830 Federal Capital Grants 9 840 Provincial Capital Grants 10 6 1 10 000 850 Local Government Capital Grants 1 1 12,244 86X From Own Municipality Boards or Agencies 2 910 Drawn from Function Capital Allowances. 33 920 Drawn from Function Capital Reserves 14 930 Contributed from Operating Functions... 3 6 110,884 2 , 2 39 940 Contributed from Other Capital Functions( 6 10,000 700 970 Developers' Agreements and Levies 7 990 Other e 29 , 29 TOTAL OF FUNDED CAPITAL AVAILABLE 108,853 10,000 136 , 284 2 , 9 39 ITo FS4-COL. tl BUDGETED FUNDED CAPITAL t 2 $ , 480 32 , 500 I V OEREXPENDITURES TO BE PROVIDED BY: 100/200 Future Property Levies.... 48,150 3XX Borrowing Approved but not Received 23 915 Future Contributions from Operations 22 3,203 104,978 990 Other (Specify) . ~ t7P.P tS.. • _ • 23 10 , 27 24 TOTAL OVEREXPENDITURES AT YEAR END (To FS4-COL 2) 6 2 180 104 9 ]8 . GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL FINANCING 1 1 171,033 10,000 136,284 107,917 BUDGETED TOTAL CAPITAL FINANCING 12 8,48o 32 , 500 CAPITAL FINANCES APPLIED: • XXX Prior Year's Overexpenditures Balance 2b 152,116 , 490 Other Assets Acquired 27 610 Engineering Structures Additions....... 28 1 , 9 1 7 20,472 620 Buildings Fixed Assets Additions 2y 750 1 , 2 1 630 Machines, Equipment Additions........ 30 52 , 199 3 , Q 640 Land acquired for Government Use 31 650 Vehicle Additions :32 74,085 7X0 Grants to Government 33 761 Contributed to Operating Functions 34 762 Contributed to Other Capital Functions 35 10,000 700 763 Additions to Function Capital Allowances. 36 764 Additions to Function Capital Reserves 37 765 Contributed to Own Municipality Agencies 38 770 Grants to Individuals and Organizations 39 990 Other Transactions and Adjustments 40 TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS APPLIED , (To FS4-COL. 3) i-11,0_33- o t 6 284 107 917 BUDGETED CAPITAL APPLICATIONS 128.480 32,500 42 UNEXPENDED CAPITAL BALANCE AT YEAR END (To FS4-C0L 4) L,250 GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL FINANCING 43 I L t 171,033 10 000 136 284 107,917 BUDGETED TOTAL CAPITAL FINANCING I L 1 1 128,48o 32 , 500 Notes: 1. One column to be completed for each functio n reported on audited statement page 4, Combined Capital Financing Acquired and Applied, (except amounts for 'School Capital'). 2. The following item values must agree with page 4: (a) Total of Funded Capital Acquired, (b) Total Overexpenditures at Year End, (c) Total Capital Funds Expended, (d) Unexpended Capital Balance at Year End. M...D... OF KNEFHILL #48 MUNICIPALITY CAPITAL FUNCTIONS FINANCES ACQUIRED AND FINANCES APPLIED F R 2 0 By Type and Object for the Year Ended December 31, 1989 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS ITEM DESCRIPTIONS 9 CAPITAL FINANCES ACQUIRED: XXX Preceding Year Unexpended FundsBal'ce. 1 100/200 Special Municipal Levies 2 310 Debentures, Bonds and Mortgages Issued 3 322 Long-Term Borrowed 8 New Capital LeaseS4 550 Return on Investments held for Function . 5 570 Insurance Proceeds 1; 590 Other Revenues from Own Sources..... 7 6X0 Sale of Fixed Assets 8 830 Federal Capital Grants s 840 Provincial Capital Grants 10 850 Local Government Capital Grants 1 1 86X From Own Municipality Boards or Agencies" 910 Drawn from Function Capital Allowances. 1'1 920 Drawn from Function Capital Reserves 14 930 Contributed from Operating Functions... 15 1 30 , 000 940 Contributed from Other Capital Functionslf 970 Developers' Agreements and Levies 1 r 990 Other 18 TOTAL OF FUNDED CAPITAL AVAILABLE FS4COL 1 1 0 000 . (To ) BUDGETED FUNDED CAPITAL N I L I OVEREXPENDITURES TO BE PROVIDED BY: 100/20U Future Property Levies.......... . 3XX Borrowing Approved but not Received 1 915 Future Contributions from Operations z2 990 Other (Specify) ....................21 TOTAL OVEREXPENDITURES AT YEAR END To FS4-COL 2) GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL FINANCING 1 30 , 000 BUDGETED TOTAL CAPITAL FINANCING N I L CAPITAL FINANCES APPLIED: XXX Prior Year's Overexpenditures Balance 26 490 Other Assets Acquired 27 610 Engineering Structures Additions....... 2H 620 Buildings Fixed Assets Additions 19 630 Machines, Equipment Additions........ 30 640 Land acquired for Government Use 31 650 Vehicle Additions 32 7X0 Grants to Government 33 761 Contributed to Operating Functions 34 762 Contributed to Other Capital Functions 35 763 Additions to Function Capital Allowances. - 764 Additions to Function Capital Reserves ...17 , 765 Contributed to Own Municipality Agencies iH 770 Grants to Individuals and Organizations 31) 990 Other Transactions and Adjustments 4o TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS APPLIED 11 1 30 , 000 (To FS4-COL. 3) BUDGETED CAPITAL APPLICATIONS N I L 42 UNEXPENDED CAPITAL BALANCE AT YEAR END (To FS4-COL. 41 43 GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL FINANCING 1 30 , 000 BUDGETED TOTAL CAPITAL FINANCING N I L Notes: 1. One column to be completed for each function reported on audited statement page 4, Combined Capital Financing Acquired and Applied, (except amounts for 'School Capital'). The following item values must agree with page 4: (a) Total of Funded Capital Acquired, (b) Total Overexpenditures at Year End, (c) Total Capital Funds Expended, (d) Unexpended Capital Balance at Year End. M.D. OF KNEEHILL #48 MUNICIPALITY CAPITAL FUNCTIONS FINANCES ACQUIRED AND FINANCES APPLIED F R 2 0 A By Type and Object for the Year Ended December 31, 1989 C C FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS ITEM DESCRIPTIONS GRAND TOTAL gg CAPITAL FINANCES ACQUIRED: XXX Preceding Year Unexpended Funds Bal'ce. 1 100/200 Special Municipal Levies 2 310 Debentures, Bonds and Mortgages Issued 3 322 Long-Term Borrowed & New Capital Leases, 550 Return on Investments held for Function . 5 570 Insurance Proceeds 6 590 Other Revenues from Own Sources..... 7 1 , 205 6X0 Sale of Fixed Assets 8 232,36o 830 Federal Capital Grants 9 840 Provincial Capital Grants .............1o 77 , 313 850 Local Government Capital Grants ......11 12,244 86X From Own Municipality Boards or AgencieW 910 Drawn from Function Capital Allowances.13 920 Drawn from Function Capital Reserves . 14 930 Contributed from Operating Func. (2) ....15 1,137,362 940 Contributed from Other Capital Func. (1). 16 10,953 970 Developers' Agreements and Levies 17 990 Other 16 29,296 F TAL OF FUNDED CAPITAL AVAILABLE 19 1,500,733 BUDGETED FUNDED CAPITAL 1 , 083, 680 REXPENDITURESTO BE PROVIDED BY: OVE 100/200 Future Property Levies 20 4 i 150 3XX Borrowing Approved but not Received ..21 915 Future Contributions from Operations ...22 108,681 990 Other(Specify) ..Grants............ 23 l0, 27 F OTAL OVEREXPENDITURES AT YEAR END 24 167,658 25 GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL FINANCING 1 668 91 BUDGETED TOTAL CAPITAL FINANCING 1,083,680 CAPITAL FINANCES APPLIED: ismom XXX Prior Year's Overexpenditures Balance ..26 1 80 490 Other Assets Acquired ........27 610 Engineering Structures Additions 28 39,389 620 Buildings Fixed Assets Additions .......29 56,088 630 Machines, Equipment Additions 30 971,524 640 Land Acquired for Government Use.... 31 650 Vehicle Additions 32 74,05 7X0 Grants to Government 33 761 Contributed to Operating Functions (3) 34 1,205 762 Contributed to Other Capital Functions (1) 35 (10,953 763 Additions to Function Capital Allowances. 36 764 Additions to Function Capital Reserves 37 311,917 765 Contributed to Own Municipality Agencies36 770 Grants to Individuals and Organizations 39 990 Other Transactions and Adjustments 40 TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS APPLIED 41 1,659,141 BUDGETED CAPITAL APPLICATIONS 42 UNEXPENDED CAPITAL BALANCE AT YEAR END L 1 , 06,680 9 , 250 GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL FINANCING 43 1,668,391 BUDGETED TOTAL CAPITAL FINANCING 1,083,680 Notes: The following items must agree: 1. FR20A-99-16 must agree with FR20A-99-35. 2. FR20A-99-15 must agree with FR19A-99-25. 3. FR20A-99-34 must agree with FR19A-99.15. C11 M.D. OF KNEEHILL #48 MUNICIPALITY STATEMENT OF UNEXPENDEDIOVEREXPENDED CAPITAL FUNDS AS AT DECEMBER 31,1989 FR20B PROJECT 1 CURRENT 2 PRIOR YEAR'S P N 3 COSTS TO BE FINANCING 1 UNEXPENDED 12 13 OVEREXPENDED PARTICULARS YEAR COSTS OVEREX E D• ITURES FINANCED (TOTAL 1 8 2) 1 ° PRIOR YEAR'S UNEXPENDED FUNDS e DEBENTURES & LONG-TERM BORROWING e GRANTS 7 DRAWN FROM CAPITAL RESERVES 3 CONTRIBUTED FROM OPERATING FUNC. 9 DEVELOPERS' 1 AGREEMENTS AND LEVIES 1 D SALE Of ASSETS AND OTHER BALANCE AT YEAR END CODE BALANCE AT YEAR END Swalwell 17,502 1 8 084 1 8 Kneehill cree k 1 41 14,032 is.447 Keivers Lake 63,114 Admin Bldg. Soo 500 Pesticide 750 750 10,000 9,250 Bldg. TOTAL 83,281 193,980 277,261 79,557 39,296 9,250 167,658 NOTE: CODE NO.: Column number for type of financing making up unexpended or overexpended balance. M.D. OF KNEEHILL #48 MUNICIPALITY FINAL REPORT ON ASSESSMENTS AND VALUATIONS FOR 1989 F R 2 1 LAND ASSESSMENT BUILDINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT ITEM DESCRIPTIONS EXEMPT FROM SUBJECT TO EXEMPT FROM SUBJECT TO AND ENGINEERING TOTAL ASSESSMENT S.F. PUBJECT 5 , SCHOOL FOUNDATION 2 SCHOOL FOUNDATION a SCHOOL FOUNDATION , SCHOOL FOUNDATION 5 STRUCTURES TAXABLE PROPERTY ASSESSMENTS Commercial Properties . 302,570 2 0 20 2 0 680 3,076,570 Industrial Properties 461,370 6 617 440 34 911,950 41 990 76 M Residential Properties 2 02 5,420 24,880 6,243,450 ..:i : `?i3't » 8 2 Farming Properties... 822 280 2,805,370 131,230,25 TOTAL TAXABLE PROPERTY ASSESSMENTS 124,628, 020 6 611,100 9,048,820 9,120,760 35,182,630 184,591,330 OTHER TAXABLE ASSESSMENTS Railway Rights-of-Way e 1,370,610 1, 3 70 , 610 Pipe Lines 2 0 71,408,540 71 410 00 Electrical Power Services 8 2 ,740,250 2 740 250 Cable T.V. Systems 9 11 40 11,74o Sec. 25 Municipal Tax Act 29 24,140 % 10 418,050 ITOTAL OTHER TAXABLE ASSESSMENTS r o 24,14o 2,36o 39 3 > 910 75 , 5 31,140 75 ,951, 550 GOVERNMENT PROPERTIES 3 Municipal Electrical System . . W _ Municipal Gas System 12 Municipal Telephone System 28 . . Municipal Rental Properties 13 Leased Grazing a La and Tax Recovery nds4 TOTAL MUNICIPAL ASSESSMENTS 15 Alberta Government Telephones 18 . > > z 152 6oo Alberta Liquor Control Board 17 Other Provincial for Grants•in•Lieu...... 18 8,850 10 410 Alberta Housing Corporation 19 Seniors Self-Contained Units 30 _ TOTAL PROVINCIAL ASSESSMENTS 20 1 , 560 8 , 850 T 2 ,15 2 , 600 7 2,163,010 1 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ASSESSMENTS 710 7 29,880 37,590 21 , GRAND TOTAL ASSESSMENTS 124,652,160 6,622,730 9,442,730 9,159,490 T112,866,370 I 262,743,480 F I 22 Year Last General Assessment became effective for taxation purposes: Land 19_ Improvements 19 AOR% t, j 0 M.D. OF KNEEHILL # 40 MUNICIPALITY SUMMARY TABLE OF COMPARATIVE MILL RATES For The Year Ended December 31, 1989 FR22 PRECEDING YEAR 1988 CURRENT YEAR 1989 1p 5 6 SINGLE FAMILY MULTIFAMILY ELECTRIC POWER SINGLE FAMILY MULTIFAMILY ELECTRIC POWER RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL(2) IF NONRESIDENTIAL AND PIPE LINE RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL(2) IF NONRESIDENTIAL AND PIPE LINE MUNICIPAL MILLS Operating Special Levies Capital Special Levies 2 Other Municipal Services ---15-737 1 1 15 . ] 7 16.4 39 16.4 16.4 16.439 TOTAL MUNICIPALMILLS 15.737 15.137 15.737 15.737 16.439 16.439 16,439 16.439 EDUCATION MI . s 4 s ` e ~ School Foundation Program........... t n e,.: ~.w. . , , .:.ir,.:. r:,.:. ,..n, ...........`rfi .n. . n.:::~.,..r a.:. ~:.n.. 5.026 .........,..e . : 5.026 >.r 3 ,918 ,918. School Boards Representative (1) E 8.294 8,294 8.294 8.873 8.234 8.23 8,234 9,278 TOTAL EDUCATION MILLS 8,294 8.294 13.320 13.899 8.234 8.234 13.152 14.196 OTHER REQUISITION MILLS 6 0.131 0.73 0.737 0.846 0.728 0.728 0.728 0.728 0 TOTAL REPRESENTATIVE MILL RATES 24-768 24.768 29.794 30.482 25.401 25.401 30.319 31.363 (1) Public School Board io 8.294 8.294 8.294 8.873 8.234 8.234 8.234 9.278 Separate School Board 1, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2) Rural Municipalities may use this column for farmland mill rates if they differ from single family residential. M. D.. OF. KNE.EH.I,LL.. 4.8 MUNICIPALITY PAYMENT TO COUNCILLORS AND COUNTY SCHOOL AUTHORITY REPRESENTATIVES For The Year Ended December 31, 1989 F R 2 3 DDIVISION WARD IF APPLICABLE) NAME [~LALARIES FEES MILEAGE Z ANp 1 SUBSISTENCE 13 TOTAL embers of Council and County School Authority Representatives 1 CODE Finlay 2 HOFF Otto 11,610 - 1,89n 13,50n 3 BOAKE, Robert E. 13,700 - 1,828 15,52 4 MARZ Richard A. 14,195 - 1,141 15.3-AA 6 HASTIE Bruce 6 VICKERY Rick 2,9 5 149 3,297 7 HOGG Lawrence 14,i4o 1,846 . 15,981; 5 MUELLER, Harold 11 44 1.74 13, 192 TOTAL z L 91,755 12,571 104,326 LESS SCHOOL PURPOSES (1) 3 0 0 0 TOTAL FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES 1 F !91,755 12 , 5 71 l 0 4 , 326 (1) Counties Unly SUMMARY MUNICIPAL STATISTICS AT DECEMBER 31, 1989 1 PERSONNEL: FULL TIME 1. Appointed Office Staff i 2. Public Works Staff z 30 3. Other People on Payroll 3 7 PART TIME 1. Appointed Office Staff a 2. Public Works Staff 5 3. Other People on Payroll s 2 71 TOTAL STAFF ON PAYROLL 1 46 Population 4 s Total Area of Municipality 331 ha. .957 io Length of all open roads maintained 2 , 79 1.56km. Surety Bond No ..........SY.. 0.. 1. 2..1 5y Jubilee Insurance. Age.n.cies FR24 z i Water Mains Length 6 • 591 km. Number of Fire Hydrants z 13 3 Sanitary Sewer Mains Length 7.599 km. Storm Sewer Mains Length a km. Number of Parcels - Taxable Properties 5 7068 s - Exempt Properties 264 F Total Parcels 7332 Summer Villages: Number of Residences a F 0 Fire, Theft and Liability Insurance by Jubilee Insurance Agencies MUNICIPAL TREASURER'S REPORT The information contained in the supporting schedules and reports is as shown by the books and records of M u n 1 c.i.pa.l....... .D i s.t r-i-ct. of.. Kneeh i 1.1. . . .#48 . . . . . . or is from my own observations and valuations, or is from other appointed or elected officials of this municipality. To the best of my knowledge the schedules and reports present fairly the information requested, and agree with the audited statements where specifically required. Dated Municipal Treasurer 9Q NOTE: This form to be completed and returned directly to: The Local Authorities Board 6th Floor, Pacific Plaza 10909 Jasper Avenue EDMONTON, Alberta T5J 31_9 FINANCIALISTATISTICAL INFORMATION FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1989 MUNICIPALITY NAME: FORM FS2, PAGE 2 COLUMN 2, LINE 26 COLUMN 2, LINE 42 MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF KNEEHILL #48 TOTAL SHORT-TERM LOANS &OVERDRAFTS $ 21,952 TOTAL RESERVES FOR CAPITAL $ 1,698,240 FORM FS3, PAGE 3 COLUMN 1, LINE 61 TOTAL GENERAL MUNICIPAL REVENUES $ 5,453.501 COLUMN 3, LINE 63 NET DEFICIT FOR YEAR $ COLUMN 4, LINE 63 NET SURPLUS FOR YEAR $ 1 , 288 FORM FS5, PAGE 5 COLUMN 2, LINE 10 TOTAL TAXES & GRANTS-IN-LIEU $ 7,417,634 FORM FR1 1, PAGE 15 COLUMN 3, LINE 51 REDUCTIONS IN DEBENTURES, BOND & MORTGAGE ISSUES $ NIL COLUMN 4, LINE 51 DEBENTURES, BOND & MORTGAGE ISSUES $ N I L COLUMN 3, LINE 52 REDUCTIONS IN DEBENTURES, BONDS & MORTGAGE N I L ISSUES - COUNTY SCHOOL $ COLUMN 4, LINE 52 DEBENTURES, BONDS & MORTGAGE ISSUES - COUNTY SCHOOL $ N I L FORM FR12, PAGE 17 COLUMN 3, LINE 51 REDUCTIONS IN LONG-TERM CAPITAL BORROWING & CAPITALIZED LEASES $ N I L COLUMN 4, LINE 51 LONG-TERM CAPITAL BORROWING & CAPITALIZED LEASES $ NIL FORM FR13, PAGE 18 COLUMN 3, LINE 51 REDUCTIONS IN LONG-TERM BORROWING N I L FOR OPERATIONS $ COLUMN 4, LINE 51 LONG-TERM BORROWING FOR OPERATIONS $ ETC FORM FR19A, PAGE 23 LINE 1 SPECIAL MUNICIPAL LEVIES $ 16,978 LINE2 SALES TO OTHER GOVERNMENTS $ 14,266 LINE 3 SALES OF GOODS & SERVICES $ 100 , 261 LINE 4 PROFESSIONAL & OTHER LICENSES & PERMITS $ 2 , 125 LINE 5 MUNICIPAL BY-LAW FINES ISSUED $ L INE6 RETURN ON INVESTMENTS $ INE 7 C RENTAL REVENUES $ 15,264 LINE 8 OTHER REVENUES FROM OWN SOURCES $ _6,797 LINE 17 OTHER $ LINE 25 CONTRIBUTION TO CAPITAL PROGRAMS $ 1,137,362 LINE30 BANK CHARGES &SHORT-TERM INTEREST $ 24, 1,14 LINE 31 LONG-TERM DEBT CHARGES $ N4L LINE 32 DEBENTURE DEBT CHARGES $ N I L FORM FR21, PAGE 27 COLUMN 1, LINE 22 LAND ASSESSMENT EXEMPT FROM S.F.P. $124,652,160 COLUMN 3, LINE 22 BUILDINGS & IMPROVEMENTS EXEMPT FROM S.F.P. $ 9,442,730 TOTAL ASSESSMENTS EXEMPT FROM S.F.P. $13 ,09 90 COLUMN 2, LINE 22 LAND ASSESSMENT SUBJECT TO S.F.P. $ 6.622.730 COLUMN 4, LINE 22 BUILDINGS & IMPROVEMENTS SUBJECT TO S.F.P. $ 9 , 149,_90 COLUMN 5, LINE 22 MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT, ENGINEERING STRUCTURES SUBJECT TO S.F.P. 11 $ 2,866,370 TOTAL ASSESSMENTS SUBJECT TO S.F.P. $12 8.648.59U COLUMN 6, LINE 22 GRAND TOTAL ASSESSMENTS $26 2.743.480 FORM FR22, PAGE 28 OLUMN 1/2, LINE 9 TOTAL MILL RATE - RESIDENTIAL 2 5.401 ~OLUMN 5, LINE 9 TOTAL MILL RATE - NON-RESIDENTIAL 30 , 319 FORM FR24, PAGE 29 COLUMN 1 POPULATION 4,996 COLUMN 1, LINE 9 TOTAL AREA OF MUNICIPALITY (HECTARES) 331,957 C G M.D. OF KNEEHILL #48 MUNICIPALITY ALBERTA MUNICIPAL PARTNERSHIP IN LOCAL EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM (AMPLE) For the Year Ended December 31, 1989 To assess the success of the AMPLE grant program, Alberta Municipal Affairs is requesting that you complete this questionnaire as part of the Financial Statement. This will provide the Province with the in- formation needed to assess the impact of this program during each fiscal year. Your co-operation will be gratefully appreciated. 1. We used our 1989 AMPLE grant as follows: 142,585 TOTAL AMPLE GRANT $ 142 , 585 2. Our Capital Expenditures of the 1989 AMPLE grant were broken down as follows: 1. Operating Expenditures $ Reserves $ 2. Capital Expenditures $ Reserves $ 3. Debt Retirement $ KILOMETRES ESTIMATE OF ADDITION (A) PROJECT (WHERE MAN YEARS OF REPLACEMENT (R) DESCRIPTION AMOUNT APPLICABLE) EMPLOYMENT BOTH (B) STATUTORY DECLARATION C C Municipal District of Kneeh i 1 1 No. 48 , Alberta, Canada Municipality In the matter of the Alberta Partnership Transfer program (APT), 1, John C. Jeffery, Municpal Administrator of the mun i c i pal D i s t r i c t of Kneeh i l l No. 48 in the Province of Alberta do solemnly declare as follows: During 1989 the Municipal D i s t r i c t - of Kneeh i 11 No. 48 Municipality YES NO A) Was responsible for its own policing service by virtue of: Operating its own police force. X Contracting with the Province of Alberta for police services. X Contracting with another municipality for police services. X Contracting with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for police services. _ X AND/OR B) Operated an approved conventional public transit system. X AND/OR C C C) Operated a transportation system for senior citizens and/or handicapped in- dividuals or provided other specialized transportation services for these in- dividuals. X And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing that it is of the same force and effects as if made under oath. Declared before me at the Municipal Distrig Kneehill #/48 in the Province of Alberta, this 27 day of February A.D. 19 90 rea er Wfimissioner for Oaths - M. JEAN "UMNSON A Camddwi" fa fletta m end for the Provime o N lbe s, 1 s~~ M1 r4 mtissiat Exp 32