HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023.04.25 Council Minutes signedJ<ned cou 1600-2nd Stre( Three Hills, TOM 2AO CALL MEETING TO ORDER 1.0 Agenda 1.1 Additions to the Agenda 1.2 Adoption of the Agenda 2.0 Approval of Minutes 2.1 Regular Council Meeting Minutes of April 11, 2023 3.0 Appointments (Public Hearings & Delegations) 3.1 Delegation- Kneehill Adult Learning, Mary Amendt and Kal Szucs @ 10:00 a.m. 4.0 Infrastructure- Roads/Bridges/Water/Wastewater/Environment 4.1 Gorr Road Overlay 5.0 Community Services 5.1 Planning 5.1.1 Municipal Development Plan Review Process 5.1.2 Renewable Energy Information Session 5.1.3 Public Engagement Options for the MDP Review 5.1.4 Regarding Potential intervenor Status for Renewable Energy 5.2 Agricultural Service Board & Parks 5.2.1 Policy Review— 12-3 Commemorative Bench Program 5.3 Protective Services No Report 5.4 Economic Development No Report 6.0 Corporate Services 6.1 Fourth Quarter Report — 2022, Preliminary Operating and Capital Budget Results 7.0 New and Unfinished Business 7.1 Bylaw #1881- Repeal of Obsolete Bylaws 7.2 Bylaw #1883- Master Rates Bylaw 7.3 Community Grants to Non -Profit Organizations Policy #15-3, Round 7.4 Bylaw #1882- Tax Exemption Bylaw 7.5 Division 7 Ratepayer Engagement 8.0 Disposition of Delegation & Pudic Hearing Business 8.1 Kneehill Adult Learning 9.0 Council and Committee Reports 9.1 Sr. Housing Conference 9.2 Kneehill Housing Corporation 9.3 Town Hall Meeting 9A Drumheller Solid Waste Association 9.5 Councillor Cunningham Report 10.0 Council Follow-up Action List 11.0 Closed Session 11 A Third Party Business (Section 16) @ 11:00 a.m. 12.0 Motions from Closed Session MINUTES OF THE APRIL 25, 2023 REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF KNEEHILL COUNTY HELD AT THE KNEEHILL COUNTY OFFICE, 1600- 2ND STREET NE, THREE HILLS, ALBERTA PRESENT: Division No. 1 Division No. 2 Division No. 3 Division No. 4 Division No. 5 Division No. 6 Division No. 7 ALSO PRESENT: Chief Administrative Officer Director of Infrastructure Director of Community Services Director of Corporate Services Acting Manager of Financial Operations Manager of Planning and Development Recording Secretary Faye McGhee, Councillor Debbie Penner, Councillor Jerry Wittstock, Reeve Carrie Fobes, Councillor Laura Lee Machell-Cunningham, Councillor Wade Christie, Councillor Kenneth King, Deputy Reeve Mike Haugen Mike Ziehr Kevin Gannon Kinza Barney Marika Von Mirbach Barb Hazelton Carolyn Van der Kuil CALL TO ORDER Reeve Wittstock in the Chair Reeve Wittstock called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. AGENDA 1.0 Agenda 1.1 Additions to the Agenda Additions under Council and Committee Reports 9.3 Town Hall Meeting Assistant Minister 9.4 Drumheller Solid Waste Association 9.5 Councillor Cunningham Report ADOPTION OF 1.2 Adoption of Agenda AGENDA 143/23 Councillor Christie moved approval of the agenda as amended. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MINUTES 2.0 Minutes 2.1 Regular Council Meeting Minutes of April 11, 2023 144/23 Deputy Reeve King moved approval of the April 11, 2023 Council Meeting minutes as presented. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 2023 INFRASTRUCTURE 4.0 Infrastructure- RoadsBridges/WaterlWastewater/Environment 4.1 Gorr Road Overlay 145/23 Councillor McGhee moved that Council follow the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole and approve the installation of an 80mm ACP overlay and maintaining a 9.Orn top surface on the proposed Range Road 25-1 overlay project, which would include implementing a seasonal road ban. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY COMMUNITY SERVICES PLANNING 146/23 5.0 Community Services 5.1 Planning 5.1.1 Munici al Development Plan Review Process Councillor McGhee moved that Council appoint the following Councillors and Members -at -Large for each of the sector workshops for the Municipal Development Plan review. Agriculture Residential & Hamlet Councillor Ken King Councillor Jerry Wittstock Councillor Wade Christie Councillor Debbie Penner Councillor Jerry Wittstock Councillor Carrie Fobes Member -at- Kendra Member -at- Mike Keet Large Donnelly Large Member -at- Brian Member -at- Ruth Purees Large Kostrosky Large Smith Environment Transportation & & Utilities Recreation Councillor Ken King Councillor Wade Christie Councillor Carrie Fobes Councillor Debbie Penner Councillor Laura Lee Councillor Faye McGhee Machell- Cunningham Member -at- Amy Merrill Member -at- Rob Park Large Large Member -at- Murray Woods Member -at- Rick Vickery Large Large 2 Initials COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 2023 Natural Economic Dev Resources & & Growth Renewable Management Energy Councillor Jerry Wittstock Councillor Wade Christie Councillor Laura Lee Councillor Laura Lee Machell- Machell- Cunningham Cunningham Councillor Carrie Fobes Councillor Faye McGhee Member -at- Nicole Member -at- Doug Price Large Deschamps Large Member -at- DaVon Baerg Member -at- Doug Herman Large Large ARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5.1.2 Renewable Energy Information Session 147/23 Councillor Penner moved that Council direct staff to add Daryl Bennett as an additional presenter at Trochu, June 12th, 2023 renewable energy information session pending availability with reimbursements to come from strategic initiatives funding. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5.1.3 Public Engagement Options for the MDP Review 148/23 Councillor McGhee moved that Council accept engagement option 2 for the MDP Review as presented. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5.1.4 Regarding Potential Intervenor Status for Renewable Ener�y 149/23 Deputy Reeve King moved that Council direct Administration to seek County participation in AUC hearings for renewable energy developments occurring within Kneehill County. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 150/23 Deputy Reeve King moved that Council direct Administration to develop recommended items for AUC consideration during participation opportunities. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY The Chair called for a recess at 9:36 a.m. and called the meeting back to order at 9.53 a.m. with all previously mentioned members present. 3 Initials COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 2023 AG SERVICES 5.2 Agricultural Service Board and Parks 5.2.1 Policy, Review-12-3 Commemorative Bench Program 151/23 Councillor Cunningham moved that Council approves the amendments to Policy 12-3, the Commemorative Bench Policy as presented. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY APPOINTMENTS 3.0 Appointments 3.1 Kneehill Adult Learning, Mary Armendt & K41 Szucs Mary Armendt and Kai Szucs from Kneehill Adult Learning provided Council an overview of the services they provide in Kneehill County. CORPORATE SERV 6.0 Corporate Services 6.1 Fourth Quarter Report- 2022 Preliminary Operating and Capital Budget Results 152/23 Councillor McGhee moved that Council approves reserve contributions of $3,964,964, as detailed in Appendix C. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 153/23 Councillor Cunningham moved that Council approves $1,961,478 of capital project carry forwards including funding sources, as detailed in Appendix D. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 154/23 Councillor Christie moved that Council approves $445,001 of operating project carry forwards including funding sources, as detailed in Appendix D. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY The Chair called for a recess at 10:52 a.m. and called the meeting back to order at 11:01 a.m. with all previously mentioned Council members present. CLOSED SESSION 11.0 Closed Session 155/23 Councillor Christie moved that Council convene in Closed Session to discuss Third Party Business pursuant to Section 16 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, at 11:01 a.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 156/23 Deputy Reeve King moved that Council return to open meeting at 11:45a.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Initials COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 2023 11:45 a.m. — meeting recessed to allow return of public. 11:46 a.m. - meeting resumed. NEW BUSINESS 7.0 New and Unfinished Business 7.1 Bylaw #1881- Repeal of Obsolete Bylaws 157/23 Councillor Christie moved that Council provide first reading to Bylaw 1881 that being a bylaw to repeal obsolete, redundant, and outdated bylaws. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 158/23 Councillor Cunningham moved that Council provide second reading to Bylaw 1881. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 159/23 Councillor Penner moved that Council provide unanimous consent for third and final reading to Bylaw 1881. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 160/23 Councillor McGhee moved that Council provide third and final reading to Bylaw 1881. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7.2 Bylaw #1883- Master Rates Bvlaw 161/23 Councillor Penner moved that Council provide first reading to Bylaw 1883 that being to establish rates, fees, and charges for various goods, licenses, permits and services. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 162/23 Councillor Cunningham moved that Council provide second reading to Bylaw 1883. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 163/23 Councillor Christie moved that Council provide unanimous consent for third and final reading to Bylaw 1883. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 164/23 Councillor Fobes moved that Council provide third and final reading to Bylaw 1883, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Initials COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 2023 7.3 Community Grants to Non -Profit Organizations 165/23 Deputy Reeve King moved that Council approve the following Round One Community Grants to Non -Profit Organizations: Three Hills Minor $2,000.00 Softball Equipment for Girls Softball aged 7-13 Three Hills & District $3,884.00 Purchase Snow Dog Track Agricultural Society Setter with Cross -Country Attachment Swalwell Ladies Town $1,200.00 To mark the last of the and Country Club unmarked cemetery plots at the Swalwell Cemetery Kneehill Bow Hunters $1,500.00 New Targets & Archers Society Trochu Golf and $5,925.00 Replace Three Irrigation Country Club Controllers Trochu Pottery Club $3,269.00 Purchase New Kiln \'T'i1105M.110 ►j • 7.4 Bylaw #1882- Tax Exemption Bylavv 166/23 Councillor Christie moved that Council provide second reading to Bylaw 1882 that being a bylaw to pass a tax incentive for the maintenance and development of Community Family Medicine Clinics within the County. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 167/23 Deputy Reeve King moved that Council provide third and final reading to Bylaw 1882. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7.5 Division 7 Rate a er Engagement The Chair called for a recess at 12:28 p.m. and called the meeting back to order at 1:16 p.m. with all previously mentioned members present. 168/23 Deputy Reeve King moved that Council receive the Division 7 Rateapyer Engagement report for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY DISPOSITION OF 8.0 Disposition of Delegation Business & Public Hearing Business DELEGATION BUSINESS 8.1 Kneehill Adult Learnin 169/23 Councillor Christie moved that Council receives for information the Kneehill Adult Learning Presentation. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6 Initials COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 2023 COUNCIL REPORTS 9.0 Council and Committee Reports 9.1 Senior Housing Conference- Councillor Cunningham provided a report for Council on the conference she attended. 9.2 Kneehill Housing Corporation- Councillor Cunningham provided the minutes from the March 29'fi, 2023 meeting. 9.3 Town Hall Meeting -Councillor Christie provided Council an update on the meeting he attended. 9.4 Drumheller Solid Waste Association- Councillor Penner provided Council a report on the Drumheller Solid Waste Association. 9.5 Councillor Cunningham Reports- Councillor Cunningham provided a verbal report on the Division 5 Ratepayer meeting held yesterday, the Golden Hills Lodge Dinner and to thank all volunteers in Knechill County as it is National Volunteer week. 170/23 Deputy Reeve King moved that Council receive the Council and Committee reports for information, as presented. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY COUNCIL ACT LIST 10.0 Council Follow -Up Action List 171/23 Councillor Christie moved that Council receive for information the Council Follow -Up Action List as presented. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ADJOURNMENT Adiournme_nt The meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m. Jerry Wittstock Reeve rLIU Mike Haugen CAO 7 f (� Initials COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 2023 Appendix A: Operating Budget ��t� Summary by Function COUNTY at at December 31, 2022 (unaudited) 2022 Budget Q4 Actual (unaudited) Variance Revenues Licenses and Permits (88,100) (107,064) (18,964) Operating Grants (314,861) (362,080) (47,219) Other Revenue (116,000) (650,453) (534,453) Sale of Goods and Services (1,386,750) (1,839,820) (453,070) Sales to Other Governments (145,478) (146,416) (938) Rental Income (145,846) (139,600) 6,246 Penalties and Fines (125,000) (1,168,800) (1,043,800) Property Taxes (24,011,496) (24,022,067) (10,571) Special Taxes and Frontage (331,374) (395,153) (63,779) Return on Investments (527,800) (1,250,545) (722,745) Transfer from Reserves (859,600) (424,134) 435,466 Capital Equipment Plan Sales (100,000) (124,018) (24,018) Total Revenues (28,152,305) (30,630,150) (2,477,645) Expenses Contract and General Services 3,004,771 2,460,802 543,969 Materials, Goods, Supplies, and Utilities 3,766,410 3,863,363 (96,953) Salaries, Wages and Benefits 9,700,296 8,693,756 1,006,540 Other Expenses 138,382 122,662 15,720 Provision for Allowances 1,000,000 1,071,553 (71,653) Purchases from Other Governments 590,064 563.994 16,070 Transfer to Other Governments 637,364 602,761 34,603 Transfer to Individuals and Organizations 276,600 159,843 - 116,757 Transfer to Local Boards and Agencies 153,356 147,534 5,822 Contributions to Reserves 7,335,462 7,839,159 (503,697) Non TCA Operating Projects 567,800 187,976 379,824 Gravel (Inventory) Projects 991,800 936,157 55,643 Total Expenses 28,152,305 26,649,560 1,502,746 Net - (3,980,590) (3,980,590) A0 V Initials COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 2023 Appendix B: Operating Budget eehil i Summary by Department COUNTY at at December 31, 2022 (unaudited) 2022 Budget Q4 Actual (unaudited) Variance Revenues General (24,789,186) (26924,701) (2,135,516) Administration (592,009) (626,206) (34.197) Fire (106,076) (n,578) 28,498 Enforcement (64.648) (40r478) 24,170 Transportation (634,800) (712,653) {77,853) Water (1,326,385) (1,561,005) (234,620) Wastewater (14,500) (10.880) 620 Waste Management (96,000) (117,928) (21.928) Health (90,000) (90,000) Cemetery (7,300) (8.800) (1,500) Planning (107,600) (134,206) (26,606) Agriculture (186,402) (191,636) (6,234) Economic Development (26,600) (2Q420) 5,080 Parks (112,900) (110,658) 2242 Total Revenues (28.152,305) (30,630,T50) (2,477.645) Expenses General 5.943.152 6,417,285 (474,133) Legislative 1.135,003 986,666 148,337 Administration 3,850,007 3,085,541 764,466 Fire 1,316.797 1263,149 62,648 Disaster 85,345 69,564 15,781 Enforcement 905.851 840,163 66,688 Transportation 9,353.749 8.848,296 505,454 Water 2,294,021 2,385,377 (91.356) Wastewater 147,812 124,478 23,334 Waste Management 615,387 567,977 47,410 Health 31,942 40,431 (809) Cemetery 85,944 52,832 33,112 Planning 562,687 550,581 12,106 Agriculture 834.610 620,223 214.387 Economic Development 213,055 99,660 113,405 Parks 777,943 697,346 80,597 Total Expenses 28,152,305 26,649,560 1,502.745 Hai - (3980,5g0) (3,980,590) Initials COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 2023 .Xneehild COUNTY 2022 Preliminary Surplus (unaudited) Appendix C: Operating Budget Results - Restatements and Recommendations Reserve Contributions Relaled to Specific Unbudgeted Revenues $ (3,980,590) Caen oescriptian To Reserve Amount Special Taxes and Frontage Water riser fees Water $ 46,769 Return on Investments Higher than anticipated investment returns Revenue Stabilization $ 772,745 Capital Equipment Plan Sales Sales of equipment higherthan budgeted Capital Equipment Replacement $ 24,018 To increase carry -forward projeci budgets: proier:t Total Carry -Forward Amount To Reserve �pQypt Asset Management $ 100.900 Revenue Stabilization $ 52,956 Corporateinitatives $ 250,000 RevenueSYabilization $ 60,476 Ratated to remaining surplus' Adjusted Surplus To Reserve Capital Equipment Replacement $ 1,000,000 Revenue Stabilization $ 2,000,000 S (15.626) 10 Initials COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 2023 week ill Appendix D: Project Summary and Carryforw.ards COUNTY 2p7a Ta1x1 Po iNng Mdni—o Tehl Grq- BW9e3;3P Poll duegrl Apprxxak ]0]2 Yor{nd rundllgho:n 3undln0 xx per Furwud Fundin@saurce FUNw Rr4rmrxlb edgned Budu1 BudOel FJpenses Wimp 2077 Apperdxc Amami N� eaphal Pr Jetle 1 wxfix idttFx MYrtlwrwlex - 7151FIW 9353 [arylnrn..M Rene - 110111 Hrtlp ar�Tx _ T-"xxl�vp 'rmphnw:Fm PurtpgxlA'xnrnnl 52.4,a;s'v laEFxn .I D9A19 ry.l—W 3g9tln - aa1.! Ww.rNsvr.. nep71 x irrAxxhptrryexr paxrt!pn1lu..xa-lrxrlH 1;]:rJ - ADW Ia,WN rbnFwe - _ t,tg7 a IAxjrx-xill0xx ldartlnrwx:A ! 33IJiW 4'J,690 Cxr rFowwQ 14a.4, - MI. HuillingN»mr - a flop Gan hYCwntl Nero hgeA tJ6Rpi no= 12G919 Ua rorwerb 100,301 - lMMI CCl' 14'. 11wnn.76111 - G prtllm!a [tern Snee Pl0lrrt n8, n 7DDW 90.I94 O ..O. _ 29MG 7 E .ge - 147.1r - 14T,567 32017 Ce r—.. lK755 - 114250 Co1'Err9aw peoere - 0 deF�xlce Cwryon J-PAm - 1,320.Op0 Cs:eper - 1MAW 9 "P ]ei0]r Plgxl-Of691@ MAN - M W W,513 C "r—d 19$11@ 1G6,110 GFIP G,- - D[I-3tr]ba 5G,3rJ - 5511] ar l— - To IT 3. R l �1-- l Aul - 1K5W 110R c-pi- DAn ,A—". tp2 11 Cxwl•I ,qupmerl!`fxn vcivm 7 2FQ nlm A1PdeP iTgT12 2A122W Id993w lN+r}FvnxA 1.113,vAx Gx IdPna!_x�grrzrl!'lal 9lsrn•x soon Mom ]1k333 1423131 Taw GpmlProlxelx I$31.T2d 1,@61,l20 1,96i aT0 Opeletinq Fr,k,% 12 qmd NNlralk9fWV 6gaD] 1v4. umwn 4aMJ ROM LaryFax 'A— 035a0 A..-satiliTaor m.er.W 13 SnxMNI ]xn Slury I;tltl3 - 12M I233 C PNb - - S.Ix! 1A Axd•I �hgaS'epAl WADS - G06n0 39,3ti1 l3wwkly - - 13,Tw 16 Cbud ServHlrrPemxulien M= 20D00 Obm/�N` - - 20Dm 1G u-tt Caaaus bPRmxxl— I1,0aa - Rom 6.i Cglpkh - - - 3A11 13 Eery1—: prvdapmarl-Lxadar MllYn¢ loon - lzi p - Carr€wwanl K= � Ta WO 1levmre Slatilrt�on .rue 1@ EvoraniOntlWPenl-&tulaV.Anab'xis 7A3] - 7" 7003 C.," - - - 19 Woet PAena9mlwt imam Imm SZWD Carr^ —4 /T,3C4 5;956 IY.300 nrmut5litil�Wrr ix!rrt - ip FireTnxrynP 47003 AAW 5.659 G"PEIw6M 25A03 YD,[00 gmm�ue 21:Ip111sltlon iHmc 16,4f1 21 CPryaalelridiriAu 254002 "DOD A476C.r ftlelf4 19!,E2q 69,47G 253AW grxmu:8tawb.LEn i,cvc Tow OPenHrp lmict• W...um DG7" 10Y,970 M0459 !2l.432 M D. GGT66 11 Initials COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 2023 Appendix E: Cash and Investment neehilZ Summary COUNTY as at December 31, 2022 Bank Accounts Account Balance as at Interest December 31, 2022 Rate Servus General Bank Account $ 25,902,920.73 5.70% AUMA High Interest Savings Account $ 10,366,572.06 4.80% Canadian Western Bank $ 15,427,778,77 4.95% Investments Investment Term Balance as at Interest December 31, 2022 Rate 1 - 8shore GIC September 14, 2022 - Sept 13, 2023 $ 2,054,443.76 3.65% 2-Haventree Bank July 16,2021 -January 16,2024 $ 4,102,183.42 1.75% 3 -Tandia Credit Union October 14, 2021 - January 16, 2023 $ 5,091,268.10 1.501/0 4 - Canadian Western Bank November 24, 2021 - March 24, 2023 $ 5,079,955.88 1.45 % 12 t Initials COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 2023 CV neehill Appendix F: Reserve Continuity COUNTY as at December 31, 2022 Dp.i.9 242'n"'-"n92022Gperatir9 xa22tapiWl P9s18odget Approvals 24228adWted 1 (Deficit)el Lna"aed Bataece Balorxe eortrlbut aaa nudge nN Budgetml r�n9 BakRrce 2422 PraJe.s AvalktWa For 2023 In Q2 t In Q3 Amami Marion/ Ammwt i4o A IT 306.404 71,789 t46,500) 231,693 35,672 267,365 Transilianal Funds 636,112 636,112 636112 Capitof Equipment Replacemenl 7,149,923 2,326,389 - (2,426,265) (135,060) zrrzr 364.633 xalmev4u1 7,279,590 727ssnn Dlsasier Rerovery 179.090 160.000 - 205.934 a u 535.024 536.024 8uildin s Capital Replacement 1.662.956 49%500 (265,080) 1,899,456 24,8d6 1929.302 Grad 1.849.529 250,0110 - 2,099,529 7099.529 Roads 14,856.578 2,890,800 17,747,37n 17,747,378 Bridges 1,117,653 - (287,500) 830,153 830,153 llrlraotruclure 850,000 BSG,GOG B50,000 Water 3929,625 314985 (125,Gun) 4,119,610 35,621 4,155,231 Water Servlce Area 9,870,639 - - 5,870,639 5,B70,638 Environmental 1.95U42 1,956542 1950542 Municipal 142,679 142,679 142,679 Palls 016,007 - 775,000) 518,993 1.321.992 802r999 Contingerle7 1,639A64 - 4147,567) 1.491,897 1.491 JW Hamlet Infra ILL ure 3.305,609 - - 3,385,609 3.305,609 Revanue Slahilizan., 4.168,914 (849,600) 296,762 amnz 3,61 ku7fi 56.256 3,672,332 Total49,6D1,fi27 7,335,463 (849,600} (4,732,832) (135,Guu) 668,329 52,087,981 7,4Y9,387 53,567,368 Motion Motes 2t 1122- C-11. McGhee moved that Council app,-- t,draw et S135.900 from the Capital Equipmmeo Replacement ReseNa to hind Capital Nuipmenl Plan purchases tar which tW Guolcs ware hVI'm (bun ungmally budgeted. 231122 - C--ill. McGhee meyed that 0—ol nm.d the COpilnl Rdplaeamen! nF the Tnlee Hd45 Tinder for an amount not Ia -d S575,OQn and ludherm0re that the egldpmeal it to de landed mmugh the Mauiti,al SLaialnable Fmding (Wv ), We. odgmaF6vd9,atapprava1lr:duded54t P.633 M frmdirg fm/ofbeCEP m—. additforlalS100.009 was apprcmd to be funded lr0m MS4555,367 Was spent in 2021. reduced CEPd�aw by $419.62,10 ha funded th.49 MSC 253/22- DapWy Reeve King —ad that Council approve a comri6utlan of S206,93d to Fhe Oiasler Recovery reserve, received From the Disaster Recovery Pm gram related to 2CI8 Dverfarrd ri-dhq 259122 - Councilor McGhee na—d that Coonal approve a contribution of 3296,762101ho Rwanue Sta&gzat— reserve ieloled 1. PERC.edit. -lived. 774122 - COun A t M,ahea tnuved that c—mi approves , d— of OUDD from the Capital EgraptnaM Replocemem Reserve to had Cap1131 EgWpmenl Plan pmcahses for which the quales were "her than ai,oiaony budgeted. Nola q3 post Midget appmvale faCFp reeertre rRNVdPS: decrea9eddew of $419,633 from mOVon 2.13/2z increaseddraw ofS55,OtlQ fmm moaon 2Y4f22 rc-sulanq In ner deceaseddrav� ofS36d,dd3 13 �V '` Initials