HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 Financial Statementsa 3- WHEATONWHEATSTUBBLE - SoilTestRecommendation N-40P-15 FertilizerFertilizerNetReturnFert. Fert, UsedRateCost/AcreYield@ $1.00/bu.ProfitLoss 34-0-0120#5.3428.4128.418.77 - 11-48-030#546131.7131.7110.93 - 891 11-48-06013.30)$7.7529.5129.517.46 - 34-0-01004.45) 11-48-040#2.2030.8030.8014.30 - s 11-48-031.65)$3.8823.8223.825.44 34-0-052.23) 11-48-0346)$9.21126.2126.212.70 - 17.5 11-48-030#1.65)$11.8835:2035.209.02 - 34-0-023010.23) Check14.3014.30 TreePianti Approximately90,000treeswereplantedinthisM.D, duringthe springof1969. Thisrepresentsapproximately8-jmilesoffieldshelter- beltsand6milesofroadsidehedges, plusanumberoffarmsteadplantings. ThetreeswereagainpickedupattheNurseryandhauledbyM.D. truck. Grantswerepaidforthecultivationoftreesplantedforfieldandroad- sideplantings. AgainthisyeartheA.S.B. PersonnellookedaftertheMunicipal Park, Cemetary, and6choolYards. Inconclusion, Iwouldliketoextendaninvitationtoyou, the ratepayers, todiscussyourproblemswithuseitherattheoffice, by telephone, oraswearethroughthecountry. IwouldliketotakethisopportunitytothanktheM.D. Council, DepartmentofAgriculture, andofficestaff, fortheirhelpandco-opera- tionduringthepastyears. Respectfullysubmitted, GordonL. Park Ag. Fieldman FINANCIAL STATEMENT for the Year ending December 31st 1969 j ~ MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF IJR! No PROVINCE OF ALBERTA AUDITOR A A.BARRIE.A COMPANY ADDRESS .BOX 6~(',TF~iEE.HILLSr dLB6tiTA REEVE .ReH :RWW?? ADDRESS Akgs..A > TELEPHONE 5.4:7436 SECRETARY-TREASURER.G,.Q,=q ADDRESS ,.x -.H ,.."AaA AMOUNT OF BOND 1D,AAD NUMBER OF BOND ..&k8.2R3A61............... COMPANY THE.PBUDEbmiAL..AsmwcE.,c Tixx.LTA DATE SURETYSHIP BEGANdubg.l/66........ BOND RENEWED TO .?ay-111......... HAS BOND BEEN CHANGED DURING 1969? IF SO, GIVE FULL DETAILS:..... NQ.......... . The Bank of Montreal Trochu, Alberta NAME OF BANK ....The-Royal-Rank.of-Ganada ATThrA&.Hi]la,..Alberta..,, TREASURY BRANCH AT Number of Verification Tax Notices Mailed by Auditor under Sec. 70 9 ANNUAL MEETING OF ELECTORS OF THE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF KNEEHILL No. 48, a WILL BE HELD AT 1:00 P.M. on the afternoon of Monday, March 16th 1970 at THREE HILLS COMMUNITY CENTRE Lithographed by MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES - Edmonton & Calgary h PAM a 7 ' RECEIPTS L BALANCES, DECEMEBER 31, 1968 Treasury Br enrb Bank Caah on Hand General Accamt . _ Others (speeuy) Royal Montreal............. 48x085 98 113-'460 ka&71 14.-.. 46._ 10.2x6.71 53.....150_}757 Public Reserves Trust Account _ Tax Sale Surplus Trust Aoaunt 633 29 633 TOTALS 48,085 98 120,965 44 102,6711 53 271,722 1 RECEIPTS ON ACCOUNT TAXATION (To agree with Item T, Schedule 12, Pate 12) L LICENSES AND PERMITS Profeseioaal Businea The Mobile Equipment Licensing Act Other (Specify) Mobile L ROM, CONCESSIONS AND FRANCHISES Sundry Rant la_.4,1W144.- Equipment Rental 6. INTEREST, EXCHANGE, PREMIUMS, ETC. Interest Rar ings. R.,133,0. Excbange___ 6..0_-__ Debenture Prernboas Tax Sale Surplus Transferred to General Account.- Miscellaneous (Specify) T. SERVICE CHARGER Commissions certificates and search Pun -33:..00-...... Sanitary and Other Charge-.--- Sewer Service Charges S. RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Recreation Services._.-._____ Community Services including Cemetery R CONTRIBUTIONS, GRANTS AND SUBSIDIES I. DEDENTURES-PROCZEDS OF BALES General Account special Activities Utilities IL GENERAL CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND (Other than Items 9 and 10 above, specify) IL PUBLIC UTILITIES (Other than Item 9 and 10 above, Specify) Electric Light and Power-Capital General _ waterworks-Capital . _ General .__.3+119 Q5 13. MISCELLANEOUS overpaid Taxes 250-76-.-.... Suspense._ Income Tax Pound Surplus- a16150 Refunds..27-7-cM Tax Sale Surplus. Supplies Sold Public Reserve . .-AMificallaDenlls...814..75..._..... _ Assets Sold (Specify) _.WhOp_...10.,0f81..OD T=k 25 00. Bunk oars... 525 00------- The Homeowners Tart Discount Act (For Payment to Applicants) _ . ...48.,798.14... if " AA-4 -4 A17r 17r E1ecition dapostit &.re unds 100.00-.-._ clue - 1 ARY x u4VA L,]k7. s+c 2,.75083 n &t.u.1al.- ..._..1,432.25 - - M..R.opairB................. ....._...._....60.5 68....._............. supplies.._ _ -_..52.40. _._....._.. r ..GxaY.el 7,108..14--.......-.. Continued on Page 2- a specific job and when properly used are a very important tool in our Agricultural Production. Let us all be very careful to mix only the required amount of chemical or to dispose of any surplus in such a way that no hazard is created for human or animal life. When cleaning and treating seed, 722 95 it would be better to under-estimate and make use of a drill box treat- ment for the last few acres to be sown. 51,575 73 Roadside Seeding Approximately 30 miles of roadside, plus burrow pits were seeded to grass legume mixture. Our standard mixture consists of Crested Creeping Red Fescue, and Alfalfa, but if a farmer wishes to useWheat the roadside for hay, brome grass can be included at his request. 10 26 Roadside Spraying 6,538 69 About 300 miles of road were sprayed for brush and weed control, Toadflax was treated in patches on roads where it appeared in the M.D. 802 00 Livestock Spraying Approximately 2800 head of cattle were sprayed on 32 farms for the control of lice and/or warbles. Spraying was done at cost and only at the request of the farmer. 133 6a Shelterbelt Spraying This was done on 21 farms for the control of various insects (spruce mites, aphids, etc.) and again done at cost and at the request of the farmer. 4,255 26 Portable Livestock Scale This scale is available to all farmers on a daily rental basis of 105 00 5.00. r7,912 03 Septic Tank Forms Available on a weekly rental basis. Fertilizer Test Plots Two plots were set out this year. One at Acme on the R. Brown farm, and one at Puxley on the C.W. Irving farm. This plot was not harvested due to unfavorable harvest conditions. The plots were set out on a field scale, being one-half mile long and the width of the drill. The plots were swathed and combined. The results of the Acme plot are as follows: 119. 05 FALLOW - Soil Test Recommendation N-25 P-15 Fertilizer Cost/Acre Yield Net Return Profit Loss Used Rate for Fert 2 $1.00/bu. (Fertilizer) e 11-48-0 50# 2.75 58.30 58.30 $1.55 - 11-48-0 30# 1.65 57.42 57.42 $1.77 -127-14-0 110#5.33 53.57 X53.57 5.76 23-23-0 110 5.61 53.35 53.35 - 6.56i7.7334-0-0 75TI 3.337 50.60 50.60 Check - - 54.0 154.00 - - 3 TIJSNTY-FO(iRTflANNDALRRHORT AgriculturalServiceaoardoftheMunicipalDistrictofi,neehill „48 ThePersonneloftheAgriculturalServiceBoardin1969were: Mr. DuncPeters, Chairman Mr. CliffPoole Mr. ArtBates Mr. FrankHoppina Mr. DanielPeters Mr. H. Hanson ) Mr. GordonKing) Mr. GordonPark Mr. LorneBases CouncilMember CouncilMember RatepayerMember RatepayerMember Governmenteiaber SecretaryoftheBoard AgriculturalFieldman AssistantAgriculturalFieldman Itismypleasuretopresenttoyouthis24thAnnualReportfor theKneehillA.S.B. Itiscertainlynotnecessarytoremindyou, thefarmer, that1969 wastosaytheleastaratherdifficultyearwithspring ;root, drought, thenprolongedharvestconditions, withstillagreatdealtobeharvested thisopring. Thentotopitalloffwehavehadverylimitedluotas. We canallhopeforbetterthingstocomeasweenterthisdecade. ThefollowingisasummaryofactivitiesinwhichtheA.S.B. and/or theAg. Fieldmanhadapart. DrumhellerAg. Society - DirectorsMeetings - ShortCourses, etc. A.S.B. RegionalConferenceHighRiver HorticulturalShortCourseAcmettThreeHills MunicipalE.M.O. ConferenceCalgary FertiliserCo-ordinatingMeetingCalgary SoilskFertiliserMeetingsVariousLocationsinM.D. WeedControlMeetings AlbertaHorticulturalAnnualMeetingOlds WeedInspectorsClinicCalgary 4-HFieldDays - AchievementDays, etc. SprayerSchoolSdgewick BrandingDemonstrationHuxley ProvincialWeedTourLethbridge A.S.B. TourM.D. ofKneehill SeedPlantRatingSchoolTaber ProvincialA.S.B. ConferencePeaceRiver LivestockCourseThreeHills AnnualFlower & VegetableShowsAcmelThreeHills CanadaWeedCommitteeConferenceEdmonton GeneralWoodControl ThegeneralattitudetowardsweedcontrolinthisM.D. hasalways beengod. However, frontanddroughtatthetimewhenmostfarmers wouldnormallyapplytheirweedcontrolherbicides, seriouslyaffected thenumberofacresnormallytreated, consequentlymanyfieldswere laterfoundtohaveagreaternumberofweedsgoingtoseed. Therefore, itwillbeimportantforalltobeonguardagainstmoreseriousweed problems. WildBuckwheat, inparticular, hasshownupmorethanusual. Itinveryimportantthatallwasteareassuchasfencelinesand loughs, arelookedaftertopreventreinfestationtootherwiseclean fielda. Toadflaxisaseriouswedproblemonomanyofourroadsideand wasteareasoffarms. Farmersareremindedthatchemicalsforthecon- trolofToadflaxareavailableonaone-thirdcostbasis. Letusalltaketimetot1k, read, andDrocerlyunderstandthe labelrecommendationsbeforeusinganyesticiHerbice, ornsecti- cide. Allchemicalsonthemarkethavebeenthoroughlytestedtodo 2 1 PAYMENTS PAGe 9 L OUTSTANDING CHEQUES, VOUCHERS OR OVERDRAFTS, DEC. 21, 1969 General Tax Sale Surplus Overdraft. Others--Specify by Accounts) . TreaauTy..Branch.....24,788.A3Dtreel.......... 28,.501r92 _ 2 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SeLries Sec. Tree, %59Q,WAssi tants13.,957.25 Assessor 7,978.60_, Audit Fee. 890.00 Councillors' Fen, Etc. (See Page 21 for Details) 11,995 20 Legal and Tax Recovery Expenses 578, 80,,........ Seizures _ _ _ Rent ....._.5750 Printing and Stationary.-4,045.09_. L.T.0.398-35...._.. Elections .~12B.26..._..._,._ Postage, Telegrams, Telephone.... 1, 572.821nsurance1,306.42.... Office Esp. 5.,252..00...... Association Fen 707..00..... Bond Premium .127.-63.........Appraisfll ..................625-.00........ Collators Fa Delegateal.,7.89..10...... Town and Rural Planning Act 3,372 00._..... Superannuation (M.D. Share) _..8.,380.41 _..ULC Hiaa .._..236..52.. 270 39 24 9. PROTECTION TO PERSONS AND PROPERTY Fire 4,089..32.. Police Pound..453.65._... Street Lighting __1,412.23.... Pests and Weeds Agricultural Services Board 29.755.82..._-.............. 35.711 02 4. PUBLIC WORKS Labour Zi7.,36.5.99Meteriel101a.445.r13Machmery Repairs Hamlets_..._ surreys...$4...Fwi nand ngn_...._..._2,50.6...40._....._....._....._......_...._..-... 667 9. SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL _ _ run ou L HEALTH (Ex. Hospital--See Item 13) Public Health (M.H.o, Clinics, Eta.) _ Medical, Dental and Allied Servi.-For fndigenta.200.25.... Other Indigent Hospital Care Hospital Grants. 7. SOCIAL WELFARE Aid to Aged and fns-Maintenaoa Grants__ . _ Aid to Unemployed Employabes (Ex. Health-See Item 6) _ 1,$37.$5 Aid to Unemployables (Ex. Healthy Item 6) _...,.._....._...._.._.6.74..73._...._......_.. Mothers' All-ance_....._....._......_...._......_. Child Welfare Grants, Etc. R. EDUCATION (Requisitions) Public School 287,J50-00 Separate Sahocd 1,000,M__ The School Foundation n2E!M.. 5.56 .31.00.-- 844.681 1 00 9. RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Hudson Bay Route 25.00 Parka_.... 374.58- Rinks-......... Cemetery .2..00_....._.-. Weigh Scah '.D.d..._....kOG.GD..._..._._.._ 10. DEBT CHARGES 1L GENERAL CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND 319 58 I2 PUBLIC UTILITIES Electric Light and Power-Capital........ _ General Water"rks--Capiw. General _....1 326 48 12 JOINT OR SPECIAL RXPENDrrURES Haepitelisatkn Benefit Pian..49,504.43-.. Municipal Hospital . Health unit Requisition11,294.00_... Homes for the Aged Act 14. MISCELLANEOUS Hail-,_... _ Seed Grain (Govt. Guar.) Public Reserves Refund of Overpaid Taxes...-2.50...76 Payment of Tax Sae Surplus SemvitiesPurchased @.P.eDde.... _100.00.... income Ts. Seed Grain (Municipal) .N S-F. ...ehequea ...........349 08 Civil Defence 1.,425.56._.-.Misr.(Specify).-.__....5'Y........-725 DO The llomeowners Tax Discount Act (Payments W Applicants) .......7.66780.0.,5....... n n p n " (applied.. to..-tax roll..)........ _.....32,018.Q9 Cathm" an Pqa q PAGN e $ RECEIPTS 18. ADVANCES AND CHARGES REPAID (By Individuals) Belief.-ET+,.55._.._. Hospital and Medial....................... Pests and Weeds Seed Grain and Feed, eta; Municipal _ Govt, Guar Mixellaneow (Specify) 15. LOANS (Specify) 716.500 00 16. OUTSTANDING CUES, VOUCHERS OR OVERDRAFTS DECEMBER 31, 1969 General Tax Sale Surplus Trust a/c Overdraft Others-Specify by amounts) BOya1_-Qsll6.21, Pgyroll Accounts 12.674-16 17 616.87 Treace. Branch _ lll~f97.25 - 150,90M 2 17. TOTAL COMBINED CAPITAL AND LOAN FUNDS BALANCE SHEET Exhibit 1-Form 1 ASSETS General Capital and Loan FVmd SpecW Activities Capital and Loan Funds Utilities Caplral and Doan Funds Total Capital and Loan Funds L Fixed Assets and Works in Progress 1._._.._--.. L Due from Sinking Fund for Retire- ment of Debentum Iowamsmts(Securities)S L Cub and Bank R.Lnaa Aeemnnts ReafvabN5 0. Other Assets 5s3 5 T. Due from Other Funds 12 8. Deficits or Extaodinuy Expenses Capitalized _ 9. TOW . -1...1,546 66/1 39.1 i 1 37,970 80 1 i_1,63616351 19 COMBINED REVENUE FUNDS BALANCE SHEET Exhibit 3-Form 12 ASSETS General special Utilities Total Revenue Activities Revenue Revenue Fund Revenue Funds Funds Funds L Cash 1 1-.2, 22 66 L Investments 00_ 3. Accounts Receivable 13.78 ll~15~2 43 _ L Taxes Receivable 455s107 4L...455,107 4.1.._ 5. Texas Receivable on Property Acquired for Taxes 19 ,951.24...19 957i.__.29 S. Inventories 223,801.88..2771801 B8 7. Other Assets 100_100 00 0. Due from Capital and Loan Fantle .22,191 80.2,191 80 6. Due from other Revenue Funds m. Due from Sinking, Reserve and Trust Funds 11. Deficit I u. Total 1876,839-..I 9r I 1- 3,873-II880, 712 Page 2 Early in January a majority vote made possible the purchase of a fire truck for the Linden Area, This truck was delivered in May, but we were able to get the use of a Civil Defense pumper prior to delivery of our own truck. The Fire Commissioners office gives this group of Volunteer Fire Fighters a very good report. The other two fire areas are doing a good job. We are also supported by the fire brigades of P.B.I., Three Hills,Trochu, and Drumheller. Each time we add another unit it makes the present units more efficient, as we get standby service or assistance in extreme cases.Because of the general good condition of our machinery, we were able to cut down on Capital Expenditures thereby holding the line on Municipal taxes in 1969. I must commend the School Division and other governing bodies for similar action, holding the line on our total tax levy. We are faced with continuing rising costs, just as we are in our own lives. Little hope can be expected from Senior Governments in the way of grants as they have problems too. Your Council, I am sure will do their level best to get as much for the dollar as possible.They are taxpayers and have the same personal financial problems as anyone else The Personnel of the staff was little changed in 1969,Mr. Harvey Hanson resigned in June, fdr. John Jeffery started with us in August. There has been changes amongst our hourly employees, but not excessive,The Home Economist, Miss Young was transferred, Miss Leavitt has taken her place, Mr. Tom Seaborn has been Assistant to ourD.A., Mr. Dan Peters,Our employees, for the most part are diligent, conscientious workers and carry out Council Policies in a capable manner.I feel deeply indebted to these employees and our Council for their co-operation and support. I have been able to serve in other areas of Municipal Government with assurance that your affairs are well looked after.We wish to thank Mr. Duncan Peters for his nearly 15 years of service to this I4.D, and welcome bir, Art Bauer to our Council.Respectfully submitted,Ralph Brown Reeve NOTE: Column 1, Item 3 shall consist of Items 3, 4, 5, 6 on Page 8.Column 1, Item 7 shall consist of Items 19 and 15 on Page S.Column 1, Items 8 and 9 shall consist of Items 7, 8 and 9 on Page 8.Column 3, Item 7 shall consist of Items 6, 7 and 8 on Pages 18 and REEVE'SREPORT ItisagainaprivilegetoreporttotheRatepayersof theMunicipalDistrictofKneehillonsomeofthepastyear's activities. Thisisabriefoutline; summariesofmeetings werepublishedregularilyintheThreeHillsCapital; detailed informationcanbehadfromthefinancialstatement. Thegrainfarmerhashadaverydifficultyear, having troublegettingthecropharvested, andnotbeingableto sellwhathedidget. Somecropisstilllyingoutover about2/3oftheMunicipality. Ofthecropsthreshed, yields weregood, withtheexceptionoflossesduetohail, frostand otherclimatefactors. Probablythemostunusualbitofdamage wastheheavyfrostofJune12th, settingmanycropsbacktwo weeksormore. Livestockpriceswerequitesatisfactoryin 1969, whichhelpedthesituationforthoseabletobeinthis position. TheroadprogramwentasplannedbyCouncil. Whileno newadditionalgrantswereavailabletowardthesecondary roadsystemweregradedandgravelled6milesnorthofWimborne, andregraded13mileseastandwestofThreeHills, regravelled 15ofthisas2mileswerebuiltlastyear. Wealsodidoil treatmentof10milesonthePopeLeaseroadbetweenCarbonand Drumheller. Thesearehighstandardroads. Onlocalroadsweoiltreated10milesfromHighway #21 throughLinden; onemileofthisroadwasleftbecausethef approachtotheC.N.R. crossingandthegeneralconditionof thismilewerenotgoodenoughtospendtheextramoneyon withoutfirstgrading. Thiswillbedoneinthenearfuture. TwomilesweregradedandgravelledNEofHuxley, WestofSec. 27&34--34-23-4, 2milesNWofHuxleyNofSec. 34,35,36--33-24-4 and3milesSEofThreeHillsNofSec, 25 & 26-31-23-4andNof Sec, 30-31-22-4. OnelargebridgewasinstalledontheKneehillCreekeast ofCarbon, asmallbridgeNWofThreeHillsW-16-32-24-4. Two culvertswereputinTY-26-28-24-4, SEofGraingerandW-4-30-25-4, NEofAcme. Some92,153cubicyardsofgravelwereplacedonourroads, allofwhichwashauledbyourowntrucks. Ouroilingorlightsurfacingprojectappeartobereal goodvalueformoniesspent. Wehavedonesomerepairworkon theseprojects, butverylittlecomparedtothecontinualmaiten- nceofgravelroads, andlossofgravel. Thebiggestfactor isthatitmustbeplacedonagood, well-drainedcompacted grade. Therewillbeaperiodoftimewhenloadingrestrictions willhavetobeimposed, andwehopeco-operationinthisrespect willaddmuchtothelifeoftheseprojects. AtthetimeofwritingwearenegotiatingwiththeDepartment ofHighwaystotakeovertheroadfromHighway#21toMorrinBridge andinturn, theMunicipalitytakeoverHighway #26initsentirety, providedthatbeforetakeovertheportionof #26betweenAcme - LindenjunctionandBeiseker, andthepartbetweenHighway #21 andCarbonbepaved, TheM. D. ofRockyViewhasagreedtothis proposalonthe4milessouthofAcmeinthatM.D. 2 ae~ PAYMENTS PAGZ S I5 LOANB r8y)716,500 00 reasury Br anch Bede Cash on H and la BAI,ANCBS DaCmNBmg 7l, 1969 General Account .6,4774.47.,.447 1 1344122 03 Others (specify) L 8,24.2 73 8,247 73..-- Montreal.._.....----....._.18, 8 54 tt8~;_8'i9 54-- PayrolliC,==ts-.._.....16.7 84.390 45 558_I 39.- 4apasita3n.-transit.1,7Q..070-12,11$- PublicReservesTrustAccount Taa sale Surplus Tnust Account 652...- 9'OTALa 86,688_,44 40,200,.75 47,647 13 174,,536.._32._.-.174,536 32 17. Above Cash on Hand eras Deposited January , 1970 TOTAL PAYbI12M.....3,101, 2S0 E COMBINED CAPITAL AND LOAN FUNDS Exhibit 1-Form 1 BALANCE SHEET LIABILITIES Generl Special Utilitiesp Total Cop t A italCa lhl area Lan Fend FCa Loan Funds Can Funb a n mdaL L Debenture Debt (Unoatirzed)27,453 .22 1_.........1_._24,007...-.26-t-- 51,460.48_ L Other Long-Term Indebtedness r. 3. Temporary Lens (Other then Inter. fund) l Accounts Payable..___ S Other Liabilities l -0 Due to Other Funds 704_2.2,191 a Inveebnent in Capital Assets capital surplus)529,343.96._14.4 531415 3L . . 9. Tam I 1 14596,M4-.1'9._9..._ COMBINED REVENUE FUNDS Exhibit 3-Form 12 BALANCE SBEET LIABILITIES General Revenue Fwd Special Activities Revenue Funds Utilities Revenue Funds Tom Revenue Funds 1. Bank Overdrafts 3.._ 25.t890 .3. .25.,890._...:86-- 2. Temporary Loans._.._...._.... 3. Accounts Payable 114297_.1._11,297_.... l Other Liabilities .1 s_.n..8 525-AO_...15,423-30... 5. Reserves 161692...1....16,692_....1.._.. 6. Due to Captor and Lan Fiends 2,649_.12...64.9.......12.- 7. Due to Other Revenue Funds 3.,759 6.-...3,759._..36 8. Due to Sinking Reserve and Trust I e. Surplus"804.299 HS b 10. Total NOR Column 1, Item 3 stall consist of Items 3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 8 and 9 on Page 9. Column 1, Item 4 shall consist of Items 14 and 15 on Page 9. Column 1, Item 6 shall consist of Items 10,11 and 12 on Page 9. Column 1, Item 7 shall consist of Items 11 and 12 on Page 9. Column 3, Item 3 shall consist of Items 3 and 4 on page 19. Column 3, Item 4 shall consist of Items 6, 7 and 8 on Page 19. Ar%PACiI GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF GENERAL REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE Exhibit 10-Form 25 REVENUE I. TAXATION FOR MUNICIPAL, SCHOOL, AND HOSPITAL PURPOSES REAL PROPERTY Land, Buildings and Improvements (Including minimums and Education Tax)1.,273,321.26.... Electric Power Line 8,352.27-.11 Pipe I.ine.129,90$,3Q 136,260..57 _ 1 411 581 85 BUSINESS 4:.,2.42.70 4,242 70 OTHER (Specify) _Frontage .2,445..37 22,445 37 TOTAL CURRENT TAX LEVY to agree with Schedule 12, Page 12 1,418,269 92 2. LICENSES AND PERMITS Professional-___.- Dusmess Building 62.00 The Mobile Equipment Licensing Act -...2,1$1.01 Other (Specify) ..?Pb.120.H=e_License...._.....-214.&S . 5. RENTS, CONCESSIONS AND FRANCHISES Sundry Rentals-_41100_01D.- Equipment Rental -16.,845.20 Concessions and Franchises 20.945 0 4. FINES 802 00 5. INTEREST, TAX PENALTIES, ETC. Intereat Earrings 2,133.00_. Exchange.......60 Tax Sale Surplus Transferred to General Account _ . Penalties and Costs (To agree with Item 3, Schedule 12, Page 12) .._.12.,184.97 , Miscellaneous (Specify) _ a SERVICE CHARGES Commissions .._......._A omaakln6rs.-Diseount3 ....._...(175..7-5• _ Certificates and Search Feea.....-... 3'2000._.7SanitaryandOtherChargesSewerServiceCharges1,714,20 Miscellaneous (Specify) 2,472 5 T. RECREA77ON AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Recreation Services Community Services including Cemetery .105.00..105 S CONTRIBUTIONS, GRANTS AND SUBSIDIES (See Page 15 for Details)474,994 5 9. THE HOMEOWNERS TAX DISCOUNT ACT .49,473 9 30. MISCELLANEOUS (Specify) A A M D DividURd 3,650-69 Water Works ShBre_of..AdministratiDn 480.00 Pound _SW-p1us 200 D0.._ tstoTy.-Book _ . _ _ _302.80 W 4,633 9 11. TOTAL REVENUE 1,988,471D3 12. SURPLUS FROM PREVIOUS YEARS (If Used) 13. TOTAL 1,9$8,473 3... Q 14. DEFICIT FOR YEAR (Excess of Expenditure over Revenue) _ 1 15. GRAND TOTAL REVENUE SECTION cans .no , Only Current Taxes actually Levied by the Municipality are to be shown under Item 1, the total of which must agree with total current taxlevyinTaxesReceivableStatement, Page 12. Penalties and Costs imposed on all Taxes Levied by the Municipality are to be shown under Item 5, and which must be in agreement with total Penalties and Costs Item in Taxes Receivable Statement on Page 12. Proceeds from Sale of Lands under the Tax Recovery Act must be applied on arrears of taxes and costs and the surplus if any placed in Tax Sale Surplus Trust Account (Sec. 29, Tax Recovery Act). Cancellation of Arrears of Taxes should be charged against Reserve for Uncollectable Taxes (Item 16, 17, Page 9) and not charged to the Expenditure Statement; if however, provision was made in the budget for Reserve for Uncollectable Taxes such would appear as an Fxpendi-ture under Item 11, Page 7. SFSIDENT FARMERS . 1500 - PAOi 41 ACTUAL COUNT OF POPULATION AS AT 8 UB ESTIMATED POPULATION OR DOMINION CENSUS OF.TUNE 1966 6,264.. , NUMBER OF TAXABLE PARCELS IN THE Mm, 5700 LANDS UNDER THE TAX RECOVERY ACT Total number of Parcels Finally Acquired by Muni-Number of Parcels Sold at Public Sale in 1969 NoAeripalitynotSold (Sea 20), u at December 31,1969 442. . Number UnderTaxNotificatlon 164 Number of Pwels Sold at Private Sale in 1969 -None D L Number of Parcels Leased under Sec. 29(1) in 1969 1 ate ast Tax Notification Registered at LT.O r11 1/69_ Date of Last Public Sale r. 31/69,Total Pawls Dealt With in 1969 1 Public Sale Non. Receipts from Lands Sold or Leased in 1969 Private Sate Leases _ _ blSaleu N e Receipts in 1969 from Lands Sold or Leased prior to 1969 Salev.E ta ses 120-1-1 TOTAL TAX SALE and LEASE RECEIPTS IN 1969 1.211...00..._ Above Receipts have been credited as follows: Credited to Costs and Commissions General Account Tax.-ATrearS 1 OQ-._... Provincial Trust Account Tax Sale Surplus Trust Account Total Tax Sales and Lease Receipts Accounted for 120 00 TAXES CANCELLED Amalgamated Tax UNDER SEC. 27(3)Specify Any Other Cancellation Total Cancellations INVENTORY OF ROAD EOUIPMENT No. of Destrlylion Lath Va1u611 n DNember 31, 196- Purehued Durlna 1969 Total ur~rinn 969 DecemberrJl, 1'199 Qctprs-Tavck Type L 3 63,000 DQ 63,000 OD 56,000.00...._.. 1 500 00 500 425...DO 060x- lava ng 2 350 00 350 300...D-.._ 1 1W QO 100 0 100 0 Graders-Motor S_.......150,000 00 34,520.00 184,520 00 156,842_ Trucks-Motom9c buss 3...65,000 DO 35x540-00 100,540 00-17,.37 00 65,000 0......_ Sngws lows Packert1 8 9,000 00 9,000 00 9.,000 DO.._1....12,000 Qa 12,0.00 90 .9.,000 00._ Cook Cars & Dunk cai VoWator pack,r ts 3_ 1 1,000 900 00- 00 1 000 00 750 04.. gOQ_00 700 D0._. Scrapers Bwc Mixer 4 1 2A,000 00,20,000.00 17,50 0011.1. Rotary Plow 1 2.1 ODU 200 00 00 2,000 D0 1,.5 00. Trailers 5 5 3,500 00 200 3,500 00 00 17 3100 DO_ 00Tools & Equip. _7,500 00 2,675.-00 10,175 00 009 DOWDTruck180000800007000Rooter & ripper 2 7,000 00 7,000 DO 6 00 QOLoader & Equip 1 20,000 00 20,000 00 15,00 00._ lgner motor sox r- 2 70,CO 70,000 00 0055 OD.Euclid 11 7 3 80,000 00 80,000 00 70 00 DOuelWagon & tan 2,500 DO 2,500 00 Q0 00lubberpackers28,000 00 8,000 00 007 0400 heepsfoot packerI 2 2,500 00 2 500 00 302 00TraxcavatlatSpR 1 21,000 00 21 000 00 17,00 DOteelroer12,175 00 2,575 00 2,00 DOLipspreader17,500 00 7,500 50 6,50 00 as halt dist.00 1 00 3,20011 00 2,50C 00 549,325 1 00 83,435 J00 j 632,760 I OU 1 17,375 100 514,292 00 SECRETARY-TREASURER'S CERTIFICATE The information contained in this Report is as shown by the Books and Records of the Municipal District, from my own observation, or obtained from other officials of the District-and all of which I certify to be true and correct according to the best of my knowledge and belief, AND IN AGREEMENT WITH THE AUDITOR'S REPORT WHERE NECESSARY. Dated January 20, 1970' 2 , Secre ry-Tre r. PAWU SECRETARY-TREASURER'SREPORT AREAOFMUNICIPALDISTRICTINACRESScheduleE 1. LAND (IncludingStreets, LanesandHighways): - 1-11AssessedforTaxationatyearend . _......_.-._$15.,66.3-...._..._.. LadExemptfromTaxation (Ex. ofPublicParke, etc, Streets, ImesandHighways) -.._1.,394..__._.... LandInPublicPartsandPlaygrounds . andinStsets, IanesandHighways _.-_......16270 TotalLandArea33,80p7r~...._...SWATERAREA (NotOtherwiseIncluded) TOTAL $.50 GRANDTOTALLANDANDWATERAREA . L_....._..g34i657 i LProvincialHighways: qMain kSecondary _ LDistrictRoads LSuburbanRoads (Hamlets) - LImesandAlleys (Hamlets) TotalRodandSheetMUage ROADANDSTREETMILEAGEScheduleV SURPACRDROADSANDBTRd78Z"mROADSaSMEM BituminousBSmalmw ~Lp~utm~dRxmesLuxAeesGmelISurtpmrricw (GndeaandIayes Seal EXEMPTIONS (OmitCents) ScheduleC VAt.UA770NOFPROPERTYEXEMPTFROMTAXATION CLASSIFICATIONPaParceeslarlLandBuildingsTats! LGOVERNMENTPROPES4T: Dominion: i1 OtherthanIndianImds IodlanLands TOTALI)DMRNION_.___-_.___Nil_NilNil Provlnzid: ImmS -0ther10..__. other (Speedy) C,rninobg.._...._,21,90........... Parka____.. .l0._...- TOTALPROVINCIAL___..__.._..73._1.,36024,710 Municipal: 33..........24.W.3,810 Schools (IncludePublic, ExcludePrivateSchools)24,-1,620a,.,320 _ .82x949. PublicParks72,060x°,630 PublicHospitals _210_..21n PublicLibraries PropertyAcquiredforTaxes (Sea22(5), TuxRecoveryAct)..4423,520-.6,.795 Oltes (specify) _Sst2He#eliea...___.__._._._.-.._.._..,--1,150..._..1.50 Ohha. Muninipalitea._.___.._.._._.._._ TOTALMUNICIPAL -5'3PI....... . LPROPERTYUSEDFOREDUCATIONAL, MAGIOUS, CHARIT- ABLEANDWELFAREPURPOSES: School (Private), College: andUniversities2.__80.,970,.._.....840,70092],,670..._. PropertyusedforReligiousPurposes22.17040 -Ix4,35045,390 PropertyusedforCharitableandWelfarePurposes TOTALPROPERTYUSEDFOREDUCATIONAL, REED GIOUS, CHARITABLEANDWELFAREPURPOSES2482010L_885,0507,060 a. INDUSTRIALANDBUSINESSZNTZRPMES 4. OTHER (Specify); 1,6$0...._._._1.._............ . Gn»1niLy..Ha]ls------- - -17.1 GENERAL FUND PAgxt Exhibit 10-Form 25 STATEMENT OF GENERAL REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE 0 GRANDTOTAL1®mloNe648 ._119702011006720 .11125,740.... L GENERAL GOVERNMENT (ADMINISTRATION) - - saLrleo-Sec. Tree.... 9.,500.00_ Aaaiaw ts13,g57,R5-. Assessor .$,853.10 Audit Fem1,DW...00....._. Councillors' Fee, Etc. (see Page 21 for Details) _11,995.20 _ Legal and Tax Recovery Expenses.....581..80.. seizures Rent-57.50 Printing and stationery 3,643..44_. L.T.O.....393.4Q Elections 529-26 . Postage, Telegrams, Telephone 1,557.82.._.... lnsurancel,001...92...._.... Office Exp..59313-14,._._..._._.-_ Association reel _..701-00.._.... Bond Premtmo.-IV 63.._...._Miacellanecua..._.-.....-241..52_...-_..._._._. Collectors Fees Delegetes...17189..10.... Tow and Rural Planning Act ....._.3,372,OD. Superannuation (MD. Share)10,203..20...-other (specify) APPJ'ai4lLl.__._...b2. tdical Coverage 4,041.44 U.I.O. o P G769 29anadaension3. 85. Newspaper...Gro I a /up nsurance 8 Sect s' A3s st, Mileage 34~uZb _85,789 9 2. PROTECTION TO PERSONS AND PROPERTY Fre 3,841 72 PokcePound 101./+5 streetLghting 12412a21v Peel and Weeds _ Agriculture Service Board . z7r 96 33,297 36 5. PUBLIC WORKS Lebam.247,365.94rateriel122,357.5liacMcery Rgnisa..-101,.513...62,._.._...._,.._...__._..__._.-........... Fuel ....64,951.41...._ ...................311m, Vs. and_.Engineeriog........... -...2,506,00 Shcps 1),7D0.91..._ Hired -F4viPment .H l 6amets32 oy _G> aYel __.._..43,420 u- 9-t 2,434 01 ERal4 -'..6 and. L~Gd Rsnt - H10.Il0_~ Workmena CoYpensation Iaaurgggg and.Li~ g__6,359.C1 dl ens Miles e 2 2 71 Tools Riht_oP Way _74 _Mlgcellap~onB-...._ .._14604 627 389 73 4. SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL .724 90 5. HEALTH (Ex. Hospital Requisitions-See Item 13) Public Health (M.H.O, CBdm, Etc.) Medial, Dental and AIDed Services-For Indigents ....200,.25 Other Indigent Hospital Care Hospital Grants 200 9. SOCIAL WELFARE Aid to Aged and ldirm-Maintenance Grants _ Aid to Unemployed Errployables (Ex. Health-4ce Item 5) ....1,876,.52_......... Aid to Unemployable (Ex. Heald-See Item 5) _ 674..73--.._............ Mothers' Allowance Child Welf are Grants, etc.00.00_..__._....._... Juven-tle._Offenders...... .........210.45-----------.561 7o 7. EDUCATION (Requisitions) Public schoo1287#1.50.00 separate schooll,0p0..00........ The School Foundation Pmgram556-531,00 a RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Hudson Bay Route 25.00 Parka 318.08 Rinks ...Cemetery ...7.D0.._........Weigh Scals._. JU........... 100.0o_ Hall . Grants (specify) .200.-00......... Special Activities (Specify) Rectreation....._,.. .02_ 9. DEBT CHARGES Debenture Debt Charges (See Page 26) 2,s49.5-28-- Temporary Debt Charges (Interest)-15-,302.83.. Exchange-.....-, ...-7x49 . Discount on Debentures lo. UTILrrm Deficits Provided-Electric Light- .............Waterworks Other (Specify) Municipal Levies-Water Frontage Tax _......_1,336,13.-_ Other (Specify)1.336 1 11. PROVISION FOR RESERVES Uncolleclable Taxe..5.,921.81... Accounts Receivable Contingencies Future Expenditure _ _ 12 CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND 107,866 83 13. JOINT OR SPECIAL EXPENDITURES Hospitalization Benefit Plan. 29,504.43- Municipal Hospital Requisition 4.zu Health Unit Requisition. 13,294.00. Homes for the Aged Act .6,/499.20._.-............ others (specify) Municipal Hospital Ievy_Actxued 13, 70,38 ll6 S83 Ol M. THE HOMEOWNERS TAX DISCOUNT ACT. - Payments To Applicants . . Credited To Tax Ron 32,018..09 Credited To Commissions 675.75..49,473 89 50.0015. MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES Seed Plant Association Grant Trade and Industrial Development Sundt}[.....-125.,00 Civil Defence 1,272.43 Misc. (Specify)Surface Reclamation. 11$.32 1.565 75 I& TOTAL EXPENDITURE 1,905,396 77 17. DEFICIT FROM PREVIOUS YEARS (if actually provided for) Ig. TOTAL _1,90,5,396 77- 19. SURPLUS FOR YEAR (Excess of Revenue over Expenditure)83x076 26 20. GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURE SECTION 1,98$,473 03.. PAGx t GENERAL REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET Exhibit 8-Form 19 1. NET BALANCES DBCIEViBER 21,1969 Treasury Branch General Account Public Reserves Trust Account Tax Sale Surplus Trust Account 7 ASSETS _ Bank Cash on Hand 86 TOTAL I _.1,875-1-.53-1 47,64.: 2. 24VESTNMNTS Victory Bonds 41.,000.00 Other Bonds 120 QQ. . Debenture 2. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Sundry Accounts and Rents Receivable .....,...4,$32.50 Agreements for Sale Pests and Weeds Seed Grain Hospital, Aid and Relief Accounts Chargeable to Person .............654709..............._..._.._.. Mtecellaneous (Specify) Agreem_enp,Chattel Mortgage Re Seed Play t,_ 3,QQ...... SeyeT..AC9olBits $gcexvable _......_..227,5.6 5,787 15 L DUE FROM OTHER MUNICIPALITIES Debentures Assumed Other (Specify) E.M.D 153.l 5. DUE FROM PROVINCE Public Welfare Assistance Act..... 413...84 Home for Aged and Infirm AM _ Crown Property Municipal Grants Act L.T.O._.150.73._... Road Grant ...9uatola....... 2,477.96 WC Board 1xBRC.C"MQ 95r31Aericultural Service Board .1,388-25.... 526 09 6. DUE FROM DOMINION OF CANADA (Specify) E.M.O. 571 88 7. DUE FROM GENERAL CAPITAL FUND 21,486 E 8. DUE FROM UTILITIES (Specify) Water Wanks OapAtal 4Q4.97.. 704 97 9. DUE FROM OTHER FUNDS (Sinking Reserve or Trust Funds-Specify) 19. TAXES RECEIVABLE (Not Including Property Acquired for Taxes)45'4107 41 11. TAXES RECEIVABLE ON PROPERTY ACQUIRED FOR TARES 19,957 29 12. INVENTORIES (Value of Consumable Goods or Supplies on Hand) Renni•s 8}708.70.._. _ History Books .....1.}337 00 Material 13,21!,.86..... Postage 116,00 Gravel StecY File. 250,664.,60 Statio.nory - 1,229.50__.. Grave] Pit _ 55,00 A.S,B, Material 1,676.20_..277,801 8 13. ACCRUED ITEMS (S cify) Suspense re lr.^,c Owners Grants 100.00 100 00 14. OMER CURRENT ASSETS (Specify) 15. DEFICrT-Exhibit 9 (Page 12) TOTAL ASSETS I 876,839 P9 NOTE RE AGREEMENTS FOR SALE (Item 3).-Reserve for Agreements for Sale should be set up under Item 15, Page 9 to avoid duplication of Assets, as these assets are already included in Taxes Receivable. Assets of Seed Grain (Govt. Guar.) with liability to Govt.-under Item 14, Libality under Item 6, Page 9. If no liability to Govt.-asset, if shown, under Item 3, Reserve, if any, under Item 15, Page 9. N8.-Total of Items 10 and 11 must agree with Total Uncollected Taxes, Schedule 12, Page 12. Schedule 9-Form 11 FUTURE DEBENTURE DEBT CHARGES BY YEARS Principal or Sinking Fund Requirements and Interest) and Future Principal Maturities of Sinking Fund Debentures PAM 0 Serial Debenture Slnk;ng Fund Debentures Total Analysia by Years Sinking Princli and Mato Pl oI Principal Interest Fund Interest Sinking Fund Interest Sinking Fund Requirements Requirements Debentures TOTAL 34I.}4JJ •F,(.~ AQ., AF.A,, NJS i a e - a 2. Special Activities: 1970 1971 1973 11 1973 19731o Maturity TOTAL 3. Public Utilities: 1970 576.9£,$1,323A90$ i $ $ $ - 608.85 1,292.031971 197 2.49 1,25£•)9 .64 - 677.99 1,222.891973 185.43715.44 1 1971 1975toMaturity . _29.,7$5.51.11.,94.2..4,9. TOTAL 24„007.26$18,225.13$ s $ $ $ - 4. Total: 1970 1.599.33 $2,796.32 $ $ $ $ $ 1,683 86 2,712.291971 o 623.23 1979 21,866.70 529.451973 1,965,45 2,430.70974 42,572.22 23,254.47 _1s75toMaturity GRAND TOTAL 51,464.4.8$36,346.965 $ $ $ $ AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE A/We have examined the books and accounts of the Municipal District of Itneehill-#48 for the 1969 and made such tests of the accounting records and other supporting evidence "I/we considered necessary in the year ending December 31st circumstances. )[/we certify that in dgtlour opinion the foregoing financial statements are properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and correct view of the financial affairs of the Mun icipality as at December 31st, 1969 and the results of its operations for the year ended on that date accord- ing to the best of got/our information,the explanations given to gm(us, and as shown by the records, subject to any qualifications mentioned in the Auditor's Special Report herewith. Dated at Three, Hills, Alberta this 26th, day of JaDUary ,1970 Signed Address Box 696, Three Hills, Alberta. for J.A.BARRIE AND COMPANY PAM ANALYSISOFDEBENTUREDEBTCHARGESFO169 serveSioknyFV DebentureDebtClassificationInterest Debentures Prm Debenture- SinkingFund Total Debenture ImtelmbRequirementsDebtCharges LDebenturesIssued: General- Sewers .ss11749...05 Sidewalks Hospitals . . .272..76...69._1n4623 Libraries Other _ TotalGeneral _ _ _ _s-115230197227.,.s1 $ 2,49528 SpecialActivity (Specify)- s...__... TotalSpecialActivities _s1I PublicUtilities- waterSupplysystems-1,354.10..41 ._...546.77-s1y900-87 ElectricbightandPower Gassupplysystem Other (Specify) TotalPublicUtilities _41.--...._. _I41-_.L._....._sL.s TotalDebtChargesonDebenturesIssueds-11354110...1s546177sL......-. 1s1,900...187 2. DebenturesAssumedfromOtherMunicipalities (Specifynameof Municipalityandpurposeforwhichissued) _ .41.._..s TotalDebtChargesonDebenturesAssumed Schedule6-Form8 PLACEOFPAYMENTOFUNMATUREDDEBENTUREDEBTASATDECEMBER31, 1969 PayableIn- LCanadaOnly aLandon (England) Only 3. London (England) andCanada 4. NewYorkOnly....- S. NewYorkandCanada 9. Landon (England), NewYorkandCanada 7. Other (Specify)- TO'T'ALUNMATUREDDEBENTUREDEBT48 VERIFICATIONOFCASHONHANDATDECEMBER31, 1969 CabonhandatDecember31,1969, asperCashStatement, Page5s.....47,647113-.. CashreceivedbetweenDecember31,1969, anddateofthisAudit .2Q,331 TOTAL _s.......67s97899.._ DeductcashdepositedinDunkbetweenDecember31,1969, anddateofthisAudit65,64153.... CubanHandActuallyCountedbyme/usatdateofthisAudio11 $2,37746 1 Pte`GENERAL REVENUE FUND a Fxhibk 8-Form 19 BALANCE SHEET LIABILITIES 1. RANK OVERDRAFT Treasury -Br.=eh........25,022.35,--Aoyel .865...51 2 g 86 2. TEMPORARY LOANS 3. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Salaries--Sec: Tree.Assistants Assessor Auditor.,...,..... Hospital Bills Doctor Bills Rellei_...... 157.. 0~..._._ . _ Machinery (Current) -...,Labour Material-- Councillors (See Page 21 for Details) - PubAc works 2,317 34 General Dope rat 61.14 _Raormtim.......... 4 6Il.00protection,_ty TropartY .U.297 91 4. DEBENTURES AND COUPONS DUE Principal Interest S. DUE TO OTHER MUNICIPALITIES Debentures Assumed: Principal..._.............. Interest Other (Specify) A DUE TO PROVINCE Old Age and Blind Pension Mothers' Allowance.....,.... Child Welfare Provincial Training School Sanatorium _ Workmen's Compensation Board _ Hospitalisation Benefits Act The School Foundation Program 7. DUE TO DOMINION OF CANADA (Specify) 8. DUE TO SCHOOL AUTHORITIES School Requisition Unpaid 9. DUE TO SPECIAL, DISTRICT AUTHORITIES (Specify) Hospital Requisition, Unpaid 10. DUE TO GENERAL CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND 11. DUE TO U1'HdTIP.q (Specify) W terworks R=yu)e T 7S0 'A 12. DUE TO OTHER FUNDS (Sinking, Reserve or Trust Funds-Specify) 13. ACCRUED ITEMS 14. OTHER LIABH.ITIPS (Specify) Machinery Notes Tax Sale Surplus Trust Account _ _ _ ...._,......_.____1r49.e1~i_...-_.. Public Reserves Trust Account . 549 13. RESERVE FOR UNCOLLECTABLE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Agreements for Sale _ _ . Other Accounts Receivable 575.15...11 1-1--.11.1-- . 16. RFSS WE FOR UNCOLLECTABLE TARES 6 004 0o 17. RESERVE FOR PROPERTY ACQUIRED FOR TAXES 10,692 91 18. OTHER RESERVES (Specify) 18. SURPLUS-ExhLMt 9 (Page 12)504,299 95 TOTAL REVENUE FUND LIABILITIES 576.539 29 N.B.-When applicable a Public Reserve Trust Account must be established under Item 14 in accordance with Section 25 and 26 of The Planning AM PACE 10 GENERAL CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND STATEMENT OF SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF FUNDS Exhibit 7-Form 17 Source of Funds (Funds Provided) 1. UNEXPENDED FUNDS (from previous year)* CASH INVESTMENTS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE, Due from other funds and other tangible assets x DEBENTURES-PROCEEDS OF SALE (Par value) The Alberta Municipal Finance Corp. . Other Debenture Sales 3. PROVIDED BY GENERAL REVENUE FUND (Item 12, Page 7)107,866 3 4. SALE OF FIXED ASSETS (Specify) Land...._RDd.. Buildings 10,0.00.00 Equipment. 18,514.97 8,514 7 5. PROVIDED BY INSURANCE RECOVERIES (Specify) 6. CONTRIBUTIONS, GRANTS AND SUBSIDIES (See Page 15 for Details) 7. PROVIDED BY GIFTS 8 INTEREST AND EXCHANGE Interest Eemings._..... Exchange 5. OTHER (Specify) 10. OVEREXPENDITURE (to be provided) (Specify) u. TOTAL 136 381 80 From the General Capital and Loan Fund Balance Sheet of the previous year. GENERAL CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND BALANCE SHEET Exhibit 4-Form 13 ASSETS 1. GENERAL FIXED ASSETS (at Cost) (See Schedule 10, Page 14)1,593,30C 79 2, WORKS IN PROGRESS (Specify) 3. BALANCE, DECEMBER 31, 1965 Capital Account-Treasury Branch., Bank _ Cash on Hand 4. INVESTMENTS (Specify) 5. ACCOUNTS RECEI V ABLE (Cross) 6. DUE FROM OTHER FUNDS (Specify) 7. OTHER TANGIBLE ASSETS (Specify) . 1)ue from Olds Hospital , He_De6enture - 5,363,b_Q 5.363 60 8. DEFICIT AND/OR EXTRA-ORDINARY EXPENSES CAPITALIZED (Exhibit 6, Page 12) TOTAL CAPITAL ASSETS 1,598,66 39 f 4,396 ~5.. I; AS AT DECEMBER 31,19 Debentures Owners' Total Share 2-._...__.__._..._L._._.I =_.-._..22:089 21±007, 11 Exhibit 2-Form 2 and Schedule 1-Form 3 Reserve for Net Utunstvred Unsold Debentures RetirementFundof Debt UEzIdeluding Serial Sinking Fund Debentures Debentures) Debentures Debentures 1 u 00z I zb I 1 1 I l I Ia55 Exhibit 5-Form 14 GUARANTEES Principal ountAm afNameofBy-law Maturity I Rate of Original Outstanding Pay ments Amount of Principal Debtor No,Date interest Amount Dec, 31st,Default by Default Paid of Debt 1969 Debtor by Guarantor a) Other Municipal or School Corporations: i i TOTAL b) Private Corporations, Com- panies or Persona: 4-. TOTAL ,5 5 GRAND TOTAL 1 $ I NOTB Mark "X" opposite debts guaranteed as to principal only. Mark "Y" apposite debts guaranteed as to interest only. All other debts will be considered guaranteed as to both principal and interest. Sinking Funds against Total of (a) above (if any) Sinking Funds agabst Tots: of (b) above (if any) TOTAL SINKING FUNDS $ REMARKS.-(Give explanations where necessary to assure a clear understanding in respect of any of the above Guarantees. Also note here any other Indirect or Contingent Liabilities.) PAMN 8ehadtda8--Form10 IPLACEOFPAYMENTOFFUTUREDEBENTURE ASATDECEMBER AmountPayableInI01197719711972 LCanadaOnly Landon (England) Only L4,39615._4.132-_. London (England) andCanada NewYorkOnly v NowYakandCanada London (England), NewYorkandCanada 7. Other: (Specify) TOTAL..4......_._. G.b..15..........t .-.-....._-4396..15.._.....4.. _._.4,39b.15-...._. ANALYSISOFDEBENTUREDEBTANDLOCALIMPROVEMENTDEBENTURES GrowUwuturedDebt (ExcludingUnsoldDebentures) DebentureDebtCWufiationSerialDebenturesSinkingFwd MShShamb'aIShare M Sh pality's LGENERAL: 22,089.162. , SidewaBra Other: (Specify) a TOTAL _ 2. SPECIALACTIVITIES: Specify) t 5 51/8 51/4 53/9 - _ ] -.._.28.,935 82 AFW% GENERAL CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND ( 1 Exhibit 7-Form 17 STATEMENT OF SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF FUNDS PAGx 11 Application of Funds (Expenditure) 1. OVEREXPENDITURE OF PREVIOUS YEAR PROVIDED (Specify) 079ER (Specify) 7. UNEXPENDED FUNDS' CASH INVESTMENTS _ ACCOUNTS RFkT"ABLE DUE FROM OTHER FUNDS _ - OPBER TANGIBLE ASSETS a TOTAL 136,381 To the General Capital and Lan Fwd Balance Sheet (Exhibit 4). GENERAL CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND BALANCE SHEET Exhibit 4-Form 13 LIABILITIES L DEBENTURE DEBT (Excluding Unsold Debentures) (See Exhibit 2, Page 24 for Deta6) The Self-Liquidating Projeeta Act.. The Municipal Capital Expenditure Loess Act _ The Munkipalitiee Additional Borrowings Powers Act The Alberta Municipal Finance Cory. ..............--_-.__._.._-se~4-_. Other Debenture Dent 71,453 22 2. TEMPORARY LOAN AND BANK OVERDRAFT 3. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (Specify) Aft11VPACx1s GENERAL REVENUE FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) ACCOUNT Exhibit 9--Form 24 Debit Credit Balance 1. Balance of Surplus (or Deficit) at Beginning of Year I ;321,523..69L.- 2. Surplus or Deficit included in Current Budget-Transferred to 217 523 9GeneralRevenueandExpenditureAccmmt, Exhibit 10 1_ a Adjustments Affecting operations of Previous Years: (Specify) 1968 Receivabla..Ad Adjustment .300._9.Q..... 4. Balance after Above Adjustments 721.'223......9 5. Other Transactions Affecting Surplus: (Specify) Surplus or Deficit for Year Under Review Brought forward from General Revenue and Expenditure Account, Exhibit 10 83,o76.--26-.. 7. Balance of Surplus or Deficit at End of Year-famed Forward to General Revenue Fund Balance Sheet, Exhibit 8 804,299...95.....8.4x.299 95 a Totals of Debit and Credit Colunuu s 804..599..95....1 1; $04594 95_. 1 1 GENERAL CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT IN CAPITAL ASSETS Exhibit &--Form 16 Debit Credit Balance 1. Balance of Investment in Capital Assets at Beginning of Year 5~La.281 26- 2. Adjustments Affecting Operations of Previous Years: (Specify) Asset Lisposal and-Depreoietioa.._...------'-13,87E Balance after Above Adjustments _ 4. Other Adjustments Affecting Investment in Capital Assets: Assets acquired by deed w gift Assets written off ......_1lapreciatj an...............1/2.,350....30...... Retirement of Debenture from ordinary Revenue or Sinking 503 20Fund . _ . _ O hter 5. Assets of Other Municipalities Acquired 8. Liabilities of Other Municipalities Assumed 7. Assets Transferred to Other Municipalities......._......._......_......_...-_...._....._ 8. Liabilities Assumed by Other Municipalities 9. Balance of Investment in Capital Assets at End of Year~arried forward to General Capital Loan Fund Balance sheet, Exb bit a 520-543 96... 10. Totals of Debit and Credit Column .1 ; ;81:1661 16 1 1 S 681,1661 16 TAXES RECEIVABLE AS AT DECEMBER 31, 1969 Schedule 12-Form ZD IQAYMENTS TO COUNCILLORS FOR MEETING PA" 21 Sec. 46, The Municipal Government Act) No.Amount Due Bakep Due Tae PW Y I xalasas Dw Dt,wm I Naed pnxumer of Del' Aels Mils, Nate fn loss free, 1968 use 1969 Dee•31.1969 1 A.H._.Ghurch_.... Meek 21._.1849-.299.S~790 0 790 0 2......... .21-1-.20--.738 8k 73$ 8...._...A&-Brtum.__.......90 20-.1260_12.711 2a 711.2Q 711 2Q 4.9uncan..FEters_.._.1.9_528 528 4 .A.W._2auer_2 2_.2G.-64.12 42 116 fiB_1.7 6 s 5.-T-A.Fergusan 21_7eL 20..,80fi_12.5RE1 U s 6.S.G,..Schmelke._..._19-1 20..1342-12.691 Q4.641 04 691 44 t .7 30 G-Lemay........13....20~321--12 296 52-298 52 PAYMENTS TO COUNCILLORS OF SUPERVISION Sec. 46, The Municipal Government Act) Division Name of Counculw Daral IRateIMo.IIts, Amami Dos ]W- Due tan 1969 Iron 1986 Total Me Pell In 19.9 NWnw Dw Dec. 71. 1969 t ChurchAE 0°420 905-.12 6.0.323 323..4 2 S. W. Poole 19 17.74.592 88 mg . Brown 7 362 1s3 44 183 44 183 a__.....Ihlncan.Peters 12i 505.110 60 310 310 60 A W._Hauer.. x...5-T. A..Eergusan 1..19*9]11,499 20 c._2... 0 Lturlsg.................. L.---_.. _..`ur -2fi 60 10 ll Current Year lavT Ian Pm Prior Year's A-- Toal Acquire Ta Aequired fat T aresI y.rf.Ited lands 1. Balance, Janueryl lass i3g2'439 .70.,._18,901.,39 401L334 09 z. Current Year's levy _ . _418'025 3....X14 418, 2~9 92 . Penalties and Cats added in 1989 12010 1 174x a Texas Reinstated 757 5 757 45TexasTransferred s. TOTAL DUE 1'419r045 83 094,443 31 1 1 = 20,077 29 1 1 $ l-x832,5-43, T. Collection in 1989, including Cosa 1,.,_054,4.2...4....296.'527 89.=...120..00 1,381157.73.-. Discounts Allowed S 14$55 5,14 5$9. Canwnatign.......... 10 Texas Transferred 1 81 r 643 4_......75.45 11. UNCOLLECTED TARES, DEC. 31,1969 18 11 921123_,23.......p 19,957.9 475,064 70 TOTAL ................I ANY OTHER PAYMENTS TO COUNCILLORS WHATSOEVER NOT SHOWN ABOVE Sec. 46, The Municipal Government Act) DW.Nome o1 Counelllos Days Rate Maa Ntt Amt. Dne ol 1969 Ra Due from 1968 Toul Due Para le 1989 Due Dec. sl, 1969 Reason ran Pymmt 1492 12.694 04 699 04 699 019. a PDgle 20,1224 12 1951 C8 51 8._1,0 0jxmolttsa_WSZk_. s R.1{._.HrDM1 20 674 674 34 0 674 7 64. 20 D0mlittes.Wark_.. Worknmmittee a Duncan Patera 3 2 873 0 J73..3 Hauer.......A W e12 4 04 10...30--10 00 taw-..Work.._ c55 T.A...Fergusoa 3~/20r 1129 12 1046 48 1046 48 ttee-.Work a6 S.C...Schmelke..........71_20 e 1173 12 685 76 685-6-.685 76 ttle-:Work 20.21-32 52 32-52 32 52.Go=ittee Work.. 9 10 ll 12 1 5073 1721 073 2 5073 72TOTALj012087 i r > A r r r r r r bl Q~ R gR ~ 0. R 2 il l y , ai l ki I I ~ 1 kl ( o V I rA y I ~ I I ~ v[i 70 o ~ o i ; C: w i i c I~ wm N ~ron A IN ara y ~ ozCzd re 19 6 9 MI L L RA T E S , AS S E S S M E N T AN D RE Q U I S I T I O N ST A T E M E N T Sc h e d u l e B AS S E S S M VA L U A T I O N . DE C . 31 . 19 6 9 ( OM 1 T CE N T ) an d 7 BW l d l n p an d Im p r o v e m e n U He c t r i c Po w e r Li n e Pi p e Li n e I Bu s i n e s s ax I To t a l MI T I Ra t e I A- - - t on Wh t c h Re q . V I Bm e d i Re q u W t i o n Re q u W O o e s Ow i n s fm m Pr e v l o u a Ye a r s ey R is i t l o ~ u Un p a i d MU N I C I P A L 15 , 13 8 , 13 6 . . . . 2, 74 0 . , . 20 4 15 7 , 5` . 2. , . 45 1 , 1. . . . . 84 a g 2 4 20 , 57 1 , 88 L , I zo TM SC H O O L Fo U N D A T T O N 15 , 13 8 , 13 6 12 , 74 0 , 20 4 11 5 7 , 59 0 12 , 45 1 , 10 0 1 12 0 03 0 1 28 1 19 t 8 7 6 . 31 0 7 1 55 6 ? . 53 1 . W Ni l Ni l SC H O O L DI V I S I O N OR DI S T . No . Na m e 60 Th r e e Hi l l s . . . . . . 15 , 02 5 , 73 1 . . 2.4 7, 41 8 . , 77 0 6 12 , 45 $ 16 9 28 6 , 15 0 . 00 Am s l g t e 19 6 9 20 Po n t m a i n 10 6 , 13 0 9, . 27 0 73 . 51 9 0 . 0 1- 26 . 6 11 6 , 05 1 2a 0 o o 00 Ni l . . . . . Ni l 84 . , 85 4 84 . , . 85 4 . 39 . . . . i. . . . TO T A L 15 . 13 1 86 1 _ . 2. . 6. 02 . 80 9 8 1 81 9 , 6. 6 I 17 7 7 I 28 8 . 15 0 . HO S P I T A L DI S T R I C T ' No In n i s P a a i l 16 38 5 , 4 81 9 x 9 2 5 . 1" . 2. 05 . 02 5 19 5 1, 24 6 1 8 8 8 1 1 54 0 0 4 Ni l Ni l Th r e e Hi l l s le g y me d e se e ac c r u a l n 2. . . 75 0 . . 71 9 3, Re g v i it i o n ca n e s le d Ge n e r a l Ro y t a n e. . . _ fm d , _ Ba d a n c sh e . . . et . . . . L TO T A L 38 5 , 40 0 181 9 , 92 5 1 I I 20 5 , 32 5 I 3. 5 1 I I I- TH E BE N E F I T S PL A L N AT I O N 15 , 13 8 , 13 6 . . . . . . 2, 74 0 , 20 4 15 7 , 59 0 . . . . _ 20 , 48 7 , 03 0 I 4.0 1 19 , 87 6 , 10 7 1 79 , 50 4 . 43 1 SP E C I A L ly ) Au . il i a g Ho LE V I L + R ( Ss it p a He a l t h Un i t _ 15 , 13 $ , 13 6 2, 74 9 1 2 0 4 . 15 7 5 - 9' . 41 4 1 . 12 0 0 87 , 03 0 7 pe r ca p i t a . 13 . , 29 4 . 00 Ni l - . . . . . Ni l Go l d e n Hi ll s Lo d g e 6. . - 38 , 1 5, 1 13 2, 74 0 . , 29 4 15 7 , 09 0 2, 45 1 , 1 20 . , 48 7 , 0 30 3 19 . . , 87 6 , 10 7 _ 6, 49 9 , 20 Ni l Ni l T u r T~ ue N P H I R' Rr e pp7 7 gg 3 55 7 7 3, 01 Z6 8 5 g~ 5 Rr - h R cm e n~en R f. . re TO T A L 2,33 2 ; 49 5 2. 0 TO T A L 1 5.6 NO T E - - Sp e c i a l Se l i c a l an d Hm * W Le v i e s to be en t e r e d un d e r Sc h o o l Di v i s i o n or Ho s p i t a l Dl s f r i c L Th i s St a t e m e n t is no t to in c l u d e no m i n a l va l u e s of Le a s e d Le n d s as pr o v i d e d fo r by Se c t i o n 28 4 an d 21 7 of Th e Sc h o o l Ac t an d Se c t i o n 14 of Th e Al b e r t a Ho s p i t a l s Ac t . la s e r ! th e As s e s s m e n t an d Mi l l Ra t e us e d fo r Ta x a t i o n pu r p o s e s . o h In s e r t th e As s e s s m e n t fr o m th e Ta x Ro l l or th e Eq u t a l i u d As e e a u m s e t as ap p l i c a b l e . ic As pr o v i d e d fo r by th e He c h i e Po w e r an d Pi p e Li n e Am e s ® am t Ar t n ro r rr PADx 14 ALLOCATED FOR PUBLIC WORKS Total Allocated over all M.D. to be Shown Here 0 ESTIMATES ACTUAL Labour F-15, 2.00.990... _QQ..... Public Works Expenditure, Item 2, Page 7 ._...._622,369..:.73..... Repairs ._.__._....9Q.QQ_..QQ.... Public Works Capita Expenditure, Material M _QQ.. - Item a, Schedule u, Page 15.. _ 721251 09 232.,0.._- x..... Told Public Works Expenditurl.-_- _I - Under-Expended Dec. M, 1969 TOTAL __69z,oe~ oo. _ ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURE Over-Expended Dee 91,1969 IYrm Capita Account --..._._......_..45.,.734...x..._ Capital expenditure 96,766.06 GRAND TOTAL _.._7 781 D0. Less trades & sales 24.514.97 72,251.09 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS Land, Buildings, Plant and Equipment, and Municipal Improvements Schedule 10-Form 15 Machinery want TotsFunctionalClassificationLandBuildings structures ID eACa u WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM Exhibit 22 (A)-Form 40 STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPBNDITUBE EXPENDITURE 1. ADMINISTRATION AND GENERAL 2. CUSTOMS' BILLING AND COLLECTING 480 00 2. WATER PURCHASED .1,2o6 91 4. SOURCE OF SUPPLY: Maintenance operation 6. POWER AND PUNMG: Manten.nn Operation 9. PURIFICATION AND TREATMENT., Maintenance operation 7. TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION: Maintenance..............and......... Operation 93 07 L OTC (Exclusive of Depreciation and Debenture Debt Charges): (Specify) t Contributions to Capita and Loan Fund 9. PROVISION FOR LOSSES ON ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 10. PROVISION FOR DEPRECIATION T. DEBENTURE DEBT CHARGES: (See Page 26) Inkreatl.,354.10-..._ Serial Debenture -Princ..._546.72-. Sinking Fund Debent%r uiremenu....._.....---_..___.._._...___ 9001 7 IL TOTAL EXPENDITURE 4.563 Pegs 20)To Eadbrt 21ditEfRevenueoverure13. SURPLUS FOR YEAR (Excess o xpen 14. GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURE SECTION 89 WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM Exhibit Form 38 REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET LIABILITIES L General Government: 34e575.5bi_1Q.&.r~i10...621QS474s016municipalOffices.._.__..___......_..._......_.-.__...._.__..M L Protection to Persons and Prop": 42.,846•°.1FinDepartment DepartmentPlioce Street Lighting Pests and Weeds 1,165.08_ .-35y~20.19 --82,882.14 L Public Works: Workshops, Yards and Other Buildings _.11.,422.8D_ B id 168.,592.00 r ges Drains and Ditches 12.057.84Sidewalks 1,152,460-961r356,B09,69StreetsandRoade-.__ 4. Saelteden and Waste Removal: Comfort Stations Garbage and Waste Cullectioas and Disposal Sewen Sewage Treatment and Street Cleaning and Flushing S Health: Health Offices, Clinics, Laboratories, Hospitals.___ L Soda Welfare: Welfare Offices, Charitable Institutions 7. Recreation Services: Amusement Parks and Playgrounds 94&-5-3.... Golf Courses Skating Rinks and Aromas_,.._.249...10. Community Centres and Ham 11 27,7474.x 5 Swimming Poole, Beach" andB.ms.. L Community Services: Art Galleries, Libraries andMuseums Exhibitions and Faun _ _ _ Markets Parks and Cemeteries Taudd Campo _ . . Weigh Sales 9. Miscellaneous, N.OP.: (Specify)653:54653S4P_ump_.Housa Total General Fixed Assets-Item 1, Exhibit 4, page 10 $ 71749.25 M 247,431.70 M 45r 776, 901 1,292, 342* 94-1,593,300.79 B. ACCRUED ITEMS 7. CUSTOMERS' DEPOSITS 2 00 B. OTHER CURRENT LIABILITIES (Specify) 9. RESERVES (Specify) 699 02 10. SURPLUS (To Exhibit 21, Page 20) TOTAL LIABILITIES 3.873 14 TfeACgu WATERSUPPLYSYSTEM STATEMENTOFREVENUEANDEXPENDITUREExhibit22 (A)-Form40 1. SALEOFWATER: Residential- MeteredSales _ FlatRateSales. Commercial- MeteredSalesFlatRateSales1._..-2x891•.'/3 Industrial- MeteredSaks..... FlatRateSales. PublicAuthorities (OtherthanOwnMunicipality)- MeteredSales...__ FlatRateSala OwnMunicipality— MeteredSalesFiatRateSales Other (Sperffy)- IrrigationCo.'sPrivateFireProtection...... HydrantRentalsorPublicFireProtection _ Sal" toOtherWaterUtilities-2.89133 2. MISCELLANEOUSREVENUE (Specify): Customers' ForfeitedDiscountsandPenalties....----..-.....27-.70 ServicingofCustomers' Installations _12.00 - 3. PROVIDEDBYGENERALREVENUEFUND: GeneralorSpecialAreaRates . LocalImprovementCharges--Owners' Share1.3361 LTOTALREVENUE _._4.26716 3. DEFICITFORYEAR (ExcessofExpenditureoverRevenue) (ToExhibit21, Page20) 73 CGRANDTOTALREVENUESECTION189 WATERSUPPLYSYSTEM REVENUEFUNDBALANCESHEETExhibit20-Form38 AOTHERCURRENTASSETS (Specify) 9. DEFICIT (ToExhibit21, Page20) TOTALASSETS3,873 DE LS OF CONTRIBUTIONS, GRANTS AND SUBSID PACT 13 IES REVENUE GRANTS Receipts Revenue DOMINION GOVERNMENT (Specify) E.M.Q.--- 5- ..1.,948.... 75._ _ ._._1,441.55._ PROVINCIAL. GOVERNMENT (Specify) Municipalities Assistance Act 261,845.28._...269,.645-28_ Public Welfare Assistance Act_.......2,616..-75_... Bane for Aged and Infirm Act OCDtiaQeaCy Rclad.Grant._....7 522 . Crown Property Municipal Grants Act _ Agricultural Service Board........1x1/,4.....15-9,137...97.._ Lands and Forest Leases 915...35_...915...35._Ida, Hospital. Debenture _746 23...746.23._ Road Grant _ B M 0 103x711-..00 D. 711 a Re.80IIrCe8 Road Grsat_ _000 92- QStmfonuRunlea,e+i,... l..+O- GRAND TOTAL .._I $ -IaZZo.. _ 10.1 t -47fa+99&J-25_ GENERAL CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND Sehedole 11-Form 18 ERPENDITUR& FOR GENERAL FELED ASSET'S Functional Classification See Schedule 10-Form 15) Nature of Work or Asset Acquired I Land Buildings Engineering Machinery, f ,total Structures Fum General Governmen crnmting._p]>iac 514x954.00 3.-.--...-._..._..,.over'head--prol.ector 187,68 15x141-68...ProteFtl9D to.pera,Firetruak_&19x1 a 94-and Property 2) HooRS& Trllck.4,578.35_ A1b11c..Horks )v AWIAe._...... or grader -..phawi 743.7.1- 24 474-n6 - 34fJZQ.~ 1-~prea~ar ptlal t_Dlstrihutor. reYel.Srucka (4)26,316,65. -Qther..trucka (4)._...9,222.00. Toole.-sad Generate 2,1.;0.00, e pl'e88 L_L. .52549.. 96,766.96__ Trades"& Sales 13,334..41 _ 123,051.39 136,361.60. ACCCUIIti_g MaChint7.,.4,Q44..QQ x Gravel trucks_(3)._.10,G41.5gOthertrunks (2) _31333,50_ S11o&11000.00 Miecelime-Qua.items. .1,139.42 28,514.97- Total Expenditure for General Fixed Assets S $ $ S 5107,76, 83 NOTE: Capital Expenditures on roads, streets and highways shall be deemed to include: (a) new construction; (b) acquisition of land and rights-oi-ways; (c) major improvements, such as elevating, surfacing, widening, etc. All other road, street or highway expenditure dull be tonddered 'Maintenance" (q.v.). PAGE 16 WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND STATEMENT OF SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF FUNDS Exhibit 19-Form 37 Source of Funds (Funds Provided) 1. UNEXPENDED FUNDS (from previous yeara)* CASH RTVESTI1306T3 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE, Other investments, due from other funds and other capital assets L DEBENTURES-PROCEEDS OF SALE (Par value) The Alberta Municipal Finance Corp. Other Debenture Sales L PROVIDED BY UTILITY REVENUE FUND FOR Acquisition of Utility Plant Debenture Discount d. PREMIUM ON DEBENTURES A OTHER (Specify) Grants (See Page 15) g. OVEREXPENDITURE (to be provided) (Specify) 7. TOTAL - From the Water supply System Capital and Loan Fund Balance Sheet of the Previous year. PAGE IT WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND STATEMENT OF SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF FUNDS Exhibit 19-Form 37 Appliatlm of Fonda (Expenditure) 1. OVERKXPENDITURE OF PREVIOUS YEARS PROVIDED (Specify) ro Water Supply System Capital and Loan Fund Balance Sheet (Exhibit 17). WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND Lands Buildings and Improvement Plant and Equipment hm®lofom and Distribution System Other Total Lee Accumulated Depreclatlm L BALANCES, DRCRI®ER 31,1969 CapitalAccount-Trnaury Branch_..-_....-----... L ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (Gross) L OTHER INVESTMENTS AND SPECIAL FUNIM PhFACKI Property Depreciation Funds Sinking Funds Other (Specify) _ _ L DUE FROM OTC FUNDS (Slimy) 2r6y9.12--- 2.649 12 7. OTHER CAPITAL ASSETS BALANCE SHEET Exhibit 17-Form 35 LIABILITIES 1. DEBENTURE DEBT (Excluding Unsold Debentures) (See Exhibit 2,Page 24, for Detail) The Self-Liquidating Projects Act The Municipal Capital Expenditure Iaem The Municipalities Additional Borrowings Powers Act The Alberta Municipal Finance Corp. •(7/,-------- Other Debenture Debt 2. TEMPORARY LOANS AND BANK OVERDRAFT 3. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (Specify) TOTAL CAPITAL L1ABH3TEIS 1 35, 321 68 WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND BALANCE SHEET Exhibit 17-Form 35 PAGE16 WATERSUPPLYSYSTEM CAPITALANDLOANFUND STATEMENTOFSOURCEANDAPPLICATIONOFFUNDSExhibit19-Form37 SourceofFunds (FundsProvided) 1. UNEXPENDEDFUNDS (frompreviousyeara)* CASH RTVESTI1306T3 ACCOUNTSRECEIVABLE, Otherinvestments, duefromotherfundsandothercapitalassets LDEBENTURES-PROCEEDSOFSALE (Parvalue) TheAlbertaMunicipalFinanceCorp. OtherDebentureSales LPROVIDEDBYUTILITYREVENUEFUNDFOR AcquisitionofUtilityPlant DebentureDiscount d. PREMIUMONDEBENTURES AOTHER (Specify) Grants (SeePage15) g. OVEREXPENDITURE (tobeprovided) (Specify) 7. TOTAL - FromtheWatersupplySystemCapitalandLoanFundBalanceSheetofthePreviousyear. PAGE IT WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND STATEMENT OF SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF FUNDS Exhibit 19-Form 37 Appliatlm of Fonda (Expenditure) 1. OVERKXPENDITURE OF PREVIOUS YEARS PROVIDED (Specify) ro Water Supply System Capital and Loan Fund Balance Sheet (Exhibit 17). WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND Lands BuildingsandImprovement PlantandEquipment hm®lofomandDistributionSystem Other Total LeeAccumulatedDepreclatlm LBALANCES, DRCRI®ER31,1969 CapitalAccount-TrnauryBranch_..-_....-----... LACCOUNTSRECEIVABLE (Gross) LOTHERINVESTMENTSANDSPECIALFUNIM PhFACKIProperty DepreciationFunds SinkingFunds Other (Specify) _ _ LDUEFROMOTCFUNDS (Slimy) 2r6y9.12--- 2.64912 7. OTHERCAPITALASSETS BALANCE SHEET Exhibit 17-Form 35 LIABILITIES 1. DEBENTURE DEBT (Excluding Unsold Debentures) (See Exhibit 2,Page 24, for Detail) The Self-Liquidating Projects Act The Municipal Capital Expenditure Iaem The Municipalities Additional Borrowings Powers Act The Alberta Municipal Finance Corp. •(7/,-------- Other Debenture Debt 2. TEMPORARY LOANS AND BANK OVERDRAFT 3. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (Specify) TOTAL CAPITAL L1ABH3TEIS 1 35, 321 68 WATERSUPPLYSYSTEM CAPITALANDLOANFUND BALANCESHEETExhibit17-Form35 T f eACg u WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE Exhibit 22 (A)-Form 40 1. SALE OF WATER: Residential- Metered Sales _ Flat Rate Sales. Commercial- Metered Sales Flat Rate Sales 1._..-2x891•.'/3 Industrial- Metered Saks..... Flat Rate Sales. Public Authorities (Other than Own Municipality)- Metered Sales...__ Flat Rate Sala Own Municipality— Metered Sales Fiat Rate Sales Other (Sperffy)- Irrigation Co.'s Private Fire Protection...... Hydrant Rentals or Public Fire Protection _ Sal" to Other Water Utilities-2.891 33 2. MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE (Specify): Customers' Forfeited Discounts and Penalties....----..-.....27-.70 Servicing of Customers' Installations _12.00 - 3. PROVIDED BY GENERAL REVENUE FUND: General or Special Area Rates . Local Improvement Charges--Owners' Share 1.336 1 L TOTAL REVENUE _._4.2 67 16 3. DEFICIT FOR YEAR (Excess of Expenditure over Revenue) (To Exhibit 21, Page 20) 73 C GRAND TOTAL REVENUE SECTION 189 WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET Exhibit 20-Form 38 A OTHER CURRENT ASSETS (Specify) 9. DEFICIT (To Exhibit 21, Page 20) TOTAL ASSETS 3,873 DE LS OF CONTRIBUTIONS, GRANTS AND SUBSID PACT 13 IES REVENUE GRANTS Receipts Revenue DOMINION GOVERNMENT (Specify) E.M.Q.--- 5- ..1.,948.... 75._ _ ._._1,441.55._ PROVINCIAL. GOVERNMENT (Specify) Municipalities Assistance Act 261,845.28._...269,.645-28_ Public Welfare Assistance Act_.......2,616..-75_... Bane for Aged and Infirm Act OCDtiaQeaCy Rclad.Grant._....7 522 . Crown Property Municipal Grants Act _ Agricultural Service Board........1x1/,4.....15-9,137...97.._ Lands and Forest Leases 915...35_...915...35._Ida, Hospital. Debenture _746 23...746.23._ Road Grant _ B M 0 103x711-..00 D. 711 a Re.80IIrCe8 Road Grsat_ _000 92- QStmfonuRunlea,e+i,... l..+O- GRAND TOTAL .._I $ -IaZZo.. _ 10.1 t -47fa+99&J-25_ GENERAL CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND Sehedole 11-Form 18 ERPENDITUR& FOR GENERAL FELED ASSET'S Functional Classification See Schedule 10-Form 15) Nature of Work or Asset Acquired I Land Buildings Engineering Machinery, f ,total Structures Fum General Governmen crnmting._p]>iac 514x954.00 3.-.--...-._..._..,.over'head--prol.ector 187,68 15x141-68...ProteFtl9D to.pera,Firetruak_&19x1 a 94-and Property 2) HooRS& Trllck.4,578.35_ A1b11c..Horks )v AWIAe._...... or grader -..phawi 743.7.1- 24 474-n6 - 34fJZQ.~ 1-~prea~ar ptlal t_Dlstrihutor. reYel.Srucka (4)26,316,65. -Qther..trucka (4)._...9,222.00. Toole.-sad Generate 2,1.;0.00, e pl'e88 L_L. .52549.. 96,766.96__ Trades"& Sales 13,334..41 _ 123,051.39 136,361.60. ACCCUIIti_g MaChint7.,.4,Q44..QQ x Gravel trucks_(3)._.10,G41.5gOthertrunks (2) _31333,50_ S11o&11000.00 Miecelime-Qua.items. .1,139.42 28,514.97- Total Expenditure for General Fixed Assets S $ $ S 5107,76, 83 NOTE: Capital Expenditures on roads, streets and highways shall be deemed to include: (a) new construction; (b) acquisition of land and rights-oi-ways; (c) major improvements, such as elevating, surfacing, widening, etc. All other road, street or highway expenditure dull be tonddered 'Maintenance" (q.v.). PADx14 ALLOCATEDFORPUBLICWORKS TotalAllocatedoverallM.D. tobeShownHere 0 ESTIMATESACTUAL LabourF-15, 2.00.990... _QQ..... PublicWorksExpenditure, Item2, Page7 ._...._622,369..:.73..... Repairs ._.__._....9Q.QQ_..QQ.... PublicWorksCapitaExpenditure, MaterialM _QQ.. - Itema, Scheduleu, Page15.. _ 72125109 232.,0.._- x..... ToldPublicWorksExpenditurl.-_- _I - Under-ExpendedDec. M, 1969 TOTAL __69z,oe~ oo. _ ESTIMATEOFEXPENDITUREOver-ExpendedDee91,1969 IYrmCapitaAccount --..._._......_..45.,.734...x..._ Capitalexpenditure96,766.06 GRANDTOTAL _.._7781D0. Lesstrades & sales24.514.97 72,251.09 GENERALFIXEDASSETS Land, Buildings, PlantandEquipment, andMunicipalImprovementsSchedule10-Form15 Machinery wantTotsFunctionalClassificationLandBuildings structures ID eACa u WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM Exhibit 22 (A)-Form 40 STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPBNDITUBE EXPENDITURE 1. ADMINISTRATION AND GENERAL 2. CUSTOMS' BILLING AND COLLECTING 480 00 2. WATER PURCHASED .1,2o6 91 4. SOURCE OF SUPPLY: Maintenance operation 6. POWER AND PUNMG: Manten.nn Operation 9. PURIFICATION AND TREATMENT., Maintenance operation 7. TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION: Maintenance..............and......... Operation 93 07 L OTC (Exclusive of Depreciation and Debenture Debt Charges): (Specify) t Contributions to Capita and Loan Fund 9. PROVISION FOR LOSSES ON ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 10. PROVISION FOR DEPRECIATION T. DEBENTURE DEBT CHARGES: (See Page 26) Inkreatl.,354.10-..._ Serial Debenture -Princ..._546.72-. Sinking Fund Debent%r uiremenu....._.....---_..___.._._...___ 9001 7 IL TOTAL EXPENDITURE 4.563 Pegs 20)To Eadbrt 21ditEfRevenueoverure13. SURPLUS FOR YEAR (Excess o xpen 14. GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURE SECTION 89 WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM Exhibit Form 38 REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET LIABILITIES LGeneralGovernment: 34e575.5bi_1Q.&.r~i10...621QS474s016municipalOffices.._.__..___......_..._......_.-.__...._.__..M LProtectiontoPersonsandProp": 42.,846•°.1FinDepartment DepartmentPlioce StreetLighting PestsandWeeds1,165.08_ .-35y~20.19 --82,882.14 LPublicWorks: Workshops, YardsandOtherBuildings _.11.,422.8D_ Bid 168.,592.00 rges DrainsandDitches 12.057.84Sidewalks 1,152,460-961r356,B09,69StreetsandRoade-.__ 4. SaeltedenandWasteRemoval: ComfortStations GarbageandWasteCullectioasandDisposal Sewen SewageTreatmentand StreetCleaningandFlushing SHealth: HealthOffices, Clinics, Laboratories, Hospitals.___ LSodaWelfare: WelfareOffices, CharitableInstitutions 7. RecreationServices: AmusementParksandPlaygrounds94&-5-3.... GolfCourses SkatingRinksandAromas_,.._.249...10. CommunityCentresandHam1127,7474.x5 SwimmingPoole, Beach" andB.ms.. LCommunityServices: ArtGalleries, LibrariesandMuseums ExhibitionsandFaun _ _ _ Markets ParksandCemeteries TauddCampo _ . . WeighSales 9. Miscellaneous, N.OP.: (Specify)653:54653S4P_ump_.Housa TotalGeneralFixedAssets-Item1, Exhibit4, page10 $ 71749.25M247,431.70M45r776, 9011,292, 342* 94-1,593,300.79 B. ACCRUED ITEMS 7. CUSTOMERS' DEPOSITS 2 00 B. OTHER CURRENT LIABILITIES (Specify) 9. RESERVES (Specify) 699 02 10. SURPLUS (To Exhibit 21, Page 20) TOTAL LIABILITIES 3.873 14 i r > A r r r r r r bl Q~ R gR ~ 0. R 2 il l y , ai l ki I I ~ 1 kl ( o V I rA y I ~ I I ~ v[i 70 o ~ o i ; C: w i i c I~ w m N ~r o n A IN a r a y ~ o z C z d r e 19 6 9 MI L L RA T E S , AS S E S S M E N T AN D RE Q U I S I T I O N ST A T E M E N T Sc h e d u l e B AS S E S S M VA L U A T I O N . DE C . 31 . 19 6 9 ( OM 1 T CE N T ) an d 7 BW l d l n p an d Im p r o v e m e n U He c t r i c Po w e r Li n e Pi p e Li n e I Bu s i n e s s ax I To t a l MI T I Ra t e I A- - - t on Wh t c h Re q . V I Bm e d i Re q u W t i o n Re q u W O o e s Ow i n s fm m Pr e v l o u a Ye a r s ey R is i t l o ~ u Un p a i d MU N I C I P A L 15 , 13 8 , 13 6 . . . . 2, 74 0 . , . 20 4 15 7 , 5` . 2. , . 45 1 , 1. . . . . 84 a g 2 4 20 , 57 1 , 88 L , I zo TM SC H O O L Fo U N D A T T O N 15 , 13 8 , 13 6 12 , 74 0 , 20 4 11 5 7 , 59 0 12 , 45 1 , 10 0 1 12 0 03 0 1 28 1 19 t 8 7 6 . 31 0 7 1 55 6 ? . 53 1 . W Ni l Ni l SC H O O L DI V I S I O N OR DI S T . No . Na m e 60 Th r e e Hi l l s . . . . . . 15 , 02 5 , 73 1 . . 2.4 7, 41 8 . , 77 0 6 12 , 45 $ 16 9 28 6 , 15 0 . 00 Am s l g t e 19 6 9 20 Po n t m a i n 10 6 , 13 0 9, . 27 0 73 . 51 9 0 . 0 1- 26 . 6 11 6 , 05 1 2a 0 o o 00 Ni l . . . . . Ni l 84 . , 85 4 84 . , . 85 4 . 39 . . . . i. . . . TO T A L 15 . 13 1 86 1 _ . 2. . 6. 02 . 80 9 8 1 81 9 , 6. 6 I 17 7 7 I 28 8 . 15 0 . HO S P I T A L DI S T R I C T ' No In n i s P a a i l 16 38 5 , 4 81 9 x 9 2 5 . 1" . 2. 05 . 02 5 19 5 1, 24 6 1 8 8 8 1 1 54 0 0 4 Ni l Ni l Th r e e Hi l l s le g y me d e se e ac c r u a l n 2. . . 75 0 . . 71 9 3, Re g v i it i o n ca n e s le d Ge n e r a l Ro y t a n e. . . _ fm d , _ Ba d a n c sh e . . . et . . . . L TO T A L 38 5 , 40 0 181 9 , 92 5 1 I I 20 5 , 32 5 I 3. 5 1 I I I- TH E BE N E F I T S PL A L N AT I O N 15 , 13 8 , 13 6 . . . . . . 2, 74 0 , 20 4 15 7 , 59 0 . . . . _ 20 , 48 7 , 03 0 I 4.0 1 19 , 87 6 , 10 7 1 79 , 50 4 . 43 1 SP E C I A L ly ) Au . il i a g Ho LE V I L + R ( Ss it p a He a l t h Un i t _ 15 , 13 $ , 13 6 2, 74 9 1 2 0 4 . 15 7 5 - 9' . 41 4 1 . 12 0 0 87 , 03 0 7 pe r ca p i t a . 13 . , 29 4 . 00 Ni l - . . . . . Ni l Go l d e n Hi ll s Lo d g e 6. . - 38 , 1 5, 1 13 2, 74 0 . , 29 4 15 7 , 09 0 2, 45 1 , 1 20 . , 48 7 , 0 30 3 19 . . , 87 6 , 10 7 _ 6, 49 9 , 20 Ni l Ni l T u r T~ ue N P H I R' Rr e pp7 7 gg 3 55 7 7 3, 01 Z6 8 5 g~ 5 Rr - h R cm e n~en R f. . re TO T A L 2,33 2 ; 49 5 2. 0 TO T A L 1 5.6 NO T E - - Sp e c i a l Se l i c a l an d Hm * W Le v i e s to be en t e r e d un d e r Sc h o o l Di v i s i o n or Ho s p i t a l Dl s f r i c L Th i s St a t e m e n t is no t to in c l u d e no m i n a l va l u e s of Le a s e d Le n d s as pr o v i d e d fo r by Se c t i o n 28 4 an d 21 7 of Th e Sc h o o l Ac t an d Se c t i o n 14 of Th e Al b e r t a Ho s p i t a l s Ac t . la s e r ! th e As s e s s m e n t an d Mi l l Ra t e us e d fo r Ta x a t i o n pu r p o s e s . o h In s e r t th e As s e s s m e n t fr o m th e Ta x Ro l l or th e Eq u t a l i u d As e e a u m s e t as ap p l i c a b l e . ic As pr o v i d e d fo r by th e He c h i e Po w e r an d Pi p e Li n e Am e s ® am t Ar t n ro r rr Aft 11VPACx1s GENERALREVENUEFUNDSURPLUS (DEFICIT) ACCOUNT Exhibit9--Form24 DebitCreditBalance 1. BalanceofSurplus (orDeficit) atBeginningofYearI ;321,523..69L.- 2. SurplusorDeficitincludedinCurrentBudget-Transferredto2175239GeneralRevenueandExpenditureAccmmt, Exhibit101_ aAdjustmentsAffectingoperationsofPreviousYears: (Specify) 1968Receivabla..AdAdjustment .300._9.Q..... 4. BalanceafterAboveAdjustments721.'223......9 5. OtherTransactionsAffectingSurplus: (Specify) SurplusorDeficitforYearUnderReviewBroughtforwardfrom GeneralRevenueandExpenditureAccount, Exhibit1083,o76.--26-.. 7. BalanceofSurplusorDeficitatEndofYear-famedForwardto GeneralRevenueFundBalanceSheet, Exhibit8804,299...95.....8.4x.29995 aTotalsofDebitandCreditColunuus804..599..95....11; $0459495_. 11 GENERALCAPITALANDLOANFUND STATEMENTOFINVESTMENTINCAPITALASSETSExhibit &--Form16 DebitCreditBalance 1. BalanceofInvestmentinCapitalAssetsatBeginningofYear5~La.28126- 2. AdjustmentsAffectingOperationsofPreviousYears: (Specify) AssetLisposaland-Depreoietioa.._...------'-13,87E BalanceafterAboveAdjustments _ 4. OtherAdjustmentsAffectingInvestmentinCapitalAssets: Assetsacquiredbydeedwgift Assetswrittenoff ......_1lapreciatjan...............1/2.,350....30...... RetirementofDebenturefromordinaryRevenueorSinking50320Fund . _ . _ Ohter 5. AssetsofOtherMunicipalitiesAcquired 8. LiabilitiesofOtherMunicipalitiesAssumed 7. AssetsTransferredtoOtherMunicipalities......._......._......_......_...-_...._....._ 8. LiabilitiesAssumedbyOtherMunicipalities 9. BalanceofInvestmentinCapitalAssetsatEndofYear~arried forwardtoGeneralCapitalLoanFundBalancesheet, Exbbita520-54396... 10. TotalsofDebitandCreditColumn .1 ; ;81:16611611S681,166116 TAXESRECEIVABLEASATDECEMBER31, 1969 Schedule12-FormZD IQAYMENTS TO COUNCILLORS FOR MEETING PA" 21 Sec. 46, The Municipal Government Act) No.Amount Due Bakep Due Tae PW Y I xalasas Dw Dt,wm I Naed pnxumer of Del' Aels Mils, Nate fn loss free, 1968 use 1969 Dee•31.1969 1 A.H._.Ghurch_.... Meek 21._.1849-.299.S~790 0 790 0 2......... .21-1-.20--.738 8k 73$ 8...._...A&-Brtum.__.......90 20-.1260_12.711 2a 711.2Q 711 2Q 4.9uncan..FEters_.._.1.9_528 528 4 .A.W._2auer_2 2_.2G.-64.12 42 116 fiB_1.7 6 s 5.-T-A.Fergusan 21_7eL 20..,80fi_12.5RE1 U s 6.S.G,..Schmelke._..._19-1 20..1342-12.691 Q4.641 04 691 44 t .7 30 G-Lemay........13....20~321--12 296 52-298 52 PAYMENTS TO COUNCILLORS OF SUPERVISION Sec. 46, The Municipal Government Act) Division Name of Counculw Daral IRateIMo.IIts, Amami Dos ]W- Due tan 1969 Iron 1986 Total Me Pell In 19.9 NWnw Dw Dec. 71. 1969 t ChurchAE 0°420 905-.12 6.0.323 323..4 2 S. W. Poole 19 17.74.592 88 mg . Brown 7 362 1s3 44 183 44 183 a__.....Ihlncan.Peters 12i 505.110 60 310 310 60 A W._Hauer.. x...5-T. A..Eergusan 1..19*9]11,499 20 c._2... 0 Lturlsg.................. L.---_.. _..`ur -2fi 60 10 ll CurrentYearlavT IanPm PriorYear'sA-- Toal AcquireTaAequiredfatTaresIy.rf.Itedlands 1. Balance, Janueryllassi3g2'439 .70.,._18,901.,39401L33409 z. CurrentYear'slevy _ . _418'0253....X14418, 2~992 . PenaltiesandCatsaddedin1989120101174x aTexasReinstated 757575745TexasTransferred s. TOTALDUE1'419r04583094,4433111 = 20,0772911 $ l-x832,5-43, T. Collectionin1989, includingCosa1,.,_054,4.2...4....296.'52789.=...120..001,381157.73.-. DiscountsAllowed S14$555,145$9. Canwnatign.......... 10TexasTransferred181 r 6434_......75.45 11. UNCOLLECTEDTARES, DEC. 31,19691811921123_,23.......p19,957.9475,06470 TOTAL ................I ANY OTHER PAYMENTS TO COUNCILLORS WHATSOEVER NOT SHOWN ABOVE Sec. 46, The Municipal Government Act) DW.Nome o1 Counelllos Days Rate Maa Ntt Amt. Dne ol 1969 Ra Due from 1968 Toul Due Para le 1989 Due Dec. sl, 1969 Reason ran Pymmt 1492 12.694 04 699 04 699 019. a PDgle 20,1224 12 1951 C8 51 8._1,0 0jxmolttsa_WSZk_. s R.1{._.HrDM1 20 674 674 34 0 674 7 64. 20 D0mlittes.Wark_.. Worknmmittee a Duncan Patera 3 2 873 0 J73..3 Hauer.......A W e12 4 04 10...30--10 00 taw-..Work.._ c55 T.A...Fergusoa 3~/20r 1129 12 1046 48 1046 48 ttee-.Work a6 S.C...Schmelke..........71_20 e 1173 12 685 76 685-6-.685 76 ttle-:Work 20.21-32 52 32-52 32 52.Go=ittee Work.. 9 10 ll 12 1 5073 1721 073 2 5073 72TOTALj012087 PAM N 8ehadtda 8--Form 10 I PLACE OF PAYMENT OF FUTURE DEBENTURE AS AT DECEMBER Amount Payable In I 011977 1971 1972 L Canada Only Landon (England) Only L4,396 15._4.13 2-_. London (England) and Canada New York Only v Now Yak and Canada London (England), New York and Canada 7. Other: (Specify) TOTAL..4......_._. G.b..15..........t .-.-....._-4396..15.._.....4.. _._.4,39b.15-...._. ANALYSIS OF DEBENTURE DEBT AND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DEBENTURES Grow Uwutured Debt (Excluding Unsold Debentures) Debenture Debt CWufiation Serial Debentures Sinking Fwd MShSham b'a I Share M Sh pality's L GENERAL: 22,089.162. , SidewaBra Other: (Specify) a TOTAL _ 2. SPECIAL ACTIVITIES: Specify) t 5 5 1/8 5 1/4 5 3/9 - _ ] -.._.28.,935 82 AFW% GENERAL CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND ( 1 Exhibit 7-Form 17 STATEMENT OF SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF FUNDS PAGx 11 Application of Funds (Expenditure) 1. OVEREXPENDITURE OF PREVIOUS YEAR PROVIDED (Specify) 079ER (Specify) 7. UNEXPENDED FUNDS' CASH INVESTMENTS _ ACCOUNTS RFkT"ABLE DUE FROM OTHER FUNDS _ - OPBER TANGIBLE ASSETS a TOTAL 136,381 To the General Capital and Lan Fwd Balance Sheet (Exhibit 4). GENERAL CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND BALANCE SHEET Exhibit 4-Form 13 LIABILITIES L DEBENTURE DEBT (Excluding Unsold Debentures) (See Exhibit 2, Page 24 for Deta6) The Self-Liquidating Projeeta Act.. The Municipal Capital Expenditure Loess Act _ The Munkipalitiee Additional Borrowings Powers Act The Alberta Municipal Finance Cory. ..............--_-.__._.._-se~4-_. Other Debenture Dent 71,453 22 2. TEMPORARY LOAN AND BANK OVERDRAFT 3. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (Specify) PACE10 GENERALCAPITALANDLOANFUND STATEMENTOFSOURCEANDAPPLICATIONOFFUNDSExhibit7-Form17 SourceofFunds (FundsProvided) 1. UNEXPENDEDFUNDS (frompreviousyear)* CASH INVESTMENTS ACCOUNTSRECEIVABLE, Duefromotherfundsandothertangibleassets xDEBENTURES-PROCEEDSOFSALE (Parvalue) TheAlbertaMunicipalFinanceCorp. . OtherDebentureSales 3. PROVIDEDBYGENERALREVENUEFUND (Item12, Page7)107,8663 4. SALEOFFIXEDASSETS (Specify) Land...._RDd.. Buildings10,0.00.00 Equipment. 18,514.978,5147 5. PROVIDEDBYINSURANCERECOVERIES (Specify) 6. CONTRIBUTIONS, GRANTSANDSUBSIDIES (SeePage15forDetails) 7. PROVIDEDBYGIFTS 8INTERESTANDEXCHANGE InterestEemings._..... Exchange 5. OTHER (Specify) 10. OVEREXPENDITURE (tobeprovided) (Specify) u. TOTAL13638180 FromtheGeneralCapitalandLoanFundBalanceSheetofthepreviousyear. GENERALCAPITALANDLOANFUNDBALANCESHEET Exhibit4-Form13 ASSETS 1. GENERALFIXEDASSETS (atCost) (SeeSchedule10, Page14)1,593,30C79 2, WORKSINPROGRESS (Specify) 3. BALANCE, DECEMBER31, 1965 CapitalAccount-TreasuryBranch., Bank _ CashonHand 4. INVESTMENTS (Specify) 5. ACCOUNTSRECEIVABLE (Cross) 6. DUEFROMOTHERFUNDS (Specify) 7. OTHERTANGIBLEASSETS (Specify) . 1)uefromOldsHospital , He_De6enture - 5,363,b_Q 5.36360 8. DEFICITAND/OREXTRA-ORDINARYEXPENSESCAPITALIZED (Exhibit6, Page12) TOTALCAPITALASSETS1,598,6639 f 4,396 ~5.. I; AS AT DECEMBER 31,19 Debentures Owners' Total Share 2-._...__.__._..._L._._.I =_.-._..22:089 21±007, 11 Exhibit 2-Form 2 and Schedule 1-Form 3 Reserve for Net Utunstvred Unsold Debentures RetirementFundof Debt UEzIdeluding Serial Sinking Fund Debentures Debentures) Debentures Debentures 1 u 00z I zb I 1 1 I l I Ia55 Exhibit 5-Form 14 GUARANTEES Principal ountAm afNameofBy-law Maturity I Rate of Original Outstanding Pay ments Amount of Principal Debtor No,Date interest Amount Dec, 31st,Default by Default Paid of Debt 1969 Debtor by Guarantor a) Other Municipal or School Corporations: i i TOTAL b) Private Corporations, Com- panies or Persona: 4-. TOTAL ,5 5 GRAND TOTAL 1 $ I NOTB Mark "X" opposite debts guaranteed as to principal only. Mark "Y" apposite debts guaranteed as to interest only. All other debts will be considered guaranteed as to both principal and interest. Sinking Funds against Total of (a) above (if any) Sinking Funds agabst Tots: of (b) above (if any) TOTAL SINKING FUNDS $ REMARKS.-(Give explanations where necessary to assure a clear understanding in respect of any of the above Guarantees. Also note here any other Indirect or Contingent Liabilities.) PAM ANALYSIS OF DEBENTURE DEBT CHARGES FO 1 69 serve Siokny FV Debenture Debt Classification Interest Debentures Prm Debenture- Sinking Fund Total Debenture Imtelmb Requirements Debt Charges L Debentures Issued: General- Sewers .s s 11749...05 Sidewalks Hospitals . . .272..76...69._1 n46 23 Libraries Other _ Total General _ _ _ _s-11523 01 972 27.,.s 1 $ 2,495 28 Special Activity (Specify)- s...__... Total Special Activities _s 1 I Public Utilities- water Supply system s-1,354.10..41 ._...546.77-s 1y900-87 Electric bight and Power Gas supply system Other (Specify) Total Public Utilities _41.--...._. _I 41-_.L._....._s L.s Total Debt Charges on Debentures Issued s-11354 1 10...1 s 546 1 77 s L......-. 1 s 1,900...1 87 2. Debentures Assumed from Other Municipalities (Specify name of Municipality and purpose for which issued) _ .41.._..s Total Debt Charges on Debentures Assumed Schedule 6-Form 8 PLACE OF PAYMENT OF UNMATURED DEBENTURE DEBT AS AT DECEMBER 31, 1969 Payable In- L Canada Only a Landon (England) Only 3. London (England) and Canada 4. New York Only....- S. New York and Canada 9. Landon (England), New York and Canada 7. Other (Specify)- TO'T'AL UNMATURED DEBENTURE DEBT 48 VERIFICATION OF CASH ON HAND AT DECEMBER 31, 1969 Cab on hand at December 31,1969, as per Cash Statement, Page 5 s.....47,647 1 13-.. Cash received between December 31,1969, and date of this Audit .2Q,331 TOTAL _s.......67s978 99.._ Deduct cash deposited in Dunk between December 31,1969, and date of this Audit 65,641 53.... Cub an Hand Actually Counted by me/us at date of this Audio 1 1 $2,377 46 1 Pte`GENERAL REVENUE FUND a Fxhibk 8-Form 19 BALANCE SHEET LIABILITIES 1. RANK OVERDRAFT Treasury -Br.=eh........25,022.35,--Aoyel .865...51 2 g 86 2. TEMPORARY LOANS 3. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Salaries--Sec: Tree.Assistants Assessor Auditor.,...,..... Hospital Bills Doctor Bills Rellei_...... 157.. 0~..._._ . _ Machinery (Current) -...,Labour Material-- Councillors (See Page 21 for Details) - PubAc works 2,317 34 General Dope rat 61.14 _Raormtim.......... 4 6Il.00protection,_ty TropartY .U.297 91 4. DEBENTURES AND COUPONS DUE Principal Interest S. DUE TO OTHER MUNICIPALITIES Debentures Assumed: Principal..._.............. Interest Other (Specify) A DUE TO PROVINCE Old Age and Blind Pension Mothers' Allowance.....,.... Child Welfare Provincial Training School Sanatorium _ Workmen's Compensation Board _ Hospitalisation Benefits Act The School Foundation Program 7. DUE TO DOMINION OF CANADA (Specify) 8. DUE TO SCHOOL AUTHORITIES School Requisition Unpaid 9. DUE TO SPECIAL, DISTRICT AUTHORITIES (Specify) Hospital Requisition, Unpaid 10. DUE TO GENERAL CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND 11. DUE TO U1'HdTIP.q (Specify) W terworks R=yu)e T 7S0 'A 12. DUE TO OTHER FUNDS (Sinking, Reserve or Trust Funds-Specify) 13. ACCRUED ITEMS 14. OTHER LIABH.ITIPS (Specify) Machinery Notes Tax Sale Surplus Trust Account _ _ _ ...._,......_.____1r49.e1~i_...-_.. Public Reserves Trust Account . 549 13. RESERVE FOR UNCOLLECTABLE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Agreements for Sale _ _ . Other Accounts Receivable 575.15...11 1-1--.11.1-- . 16. RFSS WE FOR UNCOLLECTABLE TARES 6 004 0o 17. RESERVE FOR PROPERTY ACQUIRED FOR TAXES 10,692 91 18. OTHER RESERVES (Specify) 18. SURPLUS-ExhLMt 9 (Page 12)504,299 95 TOTAL REVENUE FUND LIABILITIES 576.539 29 N.B.-When applicable a Public Reserve Trust Account must be established under Item 14 in accordance with Section 25 and 26 of The Planning AM PAGxt GENERALREVENUEFUND BALANCESHEETExhibit8-Form19 1. NETBALANCESDBCIEViBER21,1969TreasuryBranch GeneralAccount PublicReservesTrustAccount TaxSaleSurplusTrustAccount7 ASSETS _ BankCashonHand 86 TOTALI _.1,875-1-.53-147,64.: 2. 24VESTNMNTS VictoryBonds41.,000.00OtherBonds120QQ. . Debenture 2. ACCOUNTSRECEIVABLE SundryAccountsandRentsReceivable .....,...4,$32.50 AgreementsforSalePestsandWeedsSeedGrain Hospital, AidandReliefAccountsChargeabletoPerson .............654709..............._..._.._.. Mtecellaneous (Specify) Agreem_enp,ChattelMortgageReSeedPlayt,_ 3,QQ...... SeyeT..AC9olBits $gcexvable _......_..227,5.65,78715 LDUEFROMOTHERMUNICIPALITIES DebenturesAssumed Other (Specify) E.M.D153.l 5. DUEFROMPROVINCE PublicWelfareAssistanceAct..... 413...84HomeforAgedandInfirmAM _ CrownPropertyMunicipalGrantsActL.T.O._.150.73._... RoadGrant ...9uatola....... 2,477.96 WCBoard1xBRC.C"MQ95r31AericulturalServiceBoard .1,388-25.... 52609 6. DUEFROMDOMINIONOFCANADA (Specify) E.M.O. 57188 7. DUEFROMGENERALCAPITALFUND21,486E 8. DUEFROMUTILITIES (Specify) WaterWanksOapAtal4Q4.97.. 70497 9. DUEFROMOTHERFUNDS (SinkingReserveorTrustFunds-Specify) 19. TAXESRECEIVABLE (NotIncludingPropertyAcquiredforTaxes)45'410741 11. TAXESRECEIVABLEONPROPERTYACQUIREDFORTARES19,95729 12. INVENTORIES (ValueofConsumableGoodsorSuppliesonHand) Renni•s8}708.70.._. _ HistoryBooks .....1.}33700 Material13,21!,.86..... Postage116,00 GravelStecYFile. 250,664.,60Statio.nory - 1,229.50__.. Grave] Pit _ 55,00 A.S,B, Material1,676.20_..277,8018 13. ACCRUEDITEMS (Scify) Suspenserelr.^,cOwnersGrants100.00 10000 14. OMERCURRENTASSETS (Specify) 15. DEFICrT-Exhibit9 (Page12) TOTALASSETSI876,839P9 NOTEREAGREEMENTSFORSALE (Item3).-ReserveforAgreementsforSaleshouldbesetupunderItem15, Page9toavoidduplicationof Assets, astheseassetsarealreadyincludedinTaxesReceivable. AssetsofSeedGrain (Govt. Guar.) withliabilitytoGovt.-underItem14, LibalityunderItem6, Page9. IfnoliabilitytoGovt.-asset, if shown, underItem3, Reserve, ifany, underItem15, Page9. N8.-TotalofItems10and11mustagreewithTotalUncollectedTaxes, Schedule12, Page12. Schedule 9-Form 11 FUTURE DEBENTURE DEBT CHARGES BY YEARS Principal or Sinking Fund Requirements and Interest) and Future Principal Maturities of Sinking Fund Debentures PAM 0 Serial Debenture Slnk;ng Fund Debentures Total Analysia by Years Sinking Princli and Mato Pl oI Principal Interest Fund Interest Sinking Fund Interest Sinking Fund Requirements Requirements Debentures TOTAL 34I.}4JJ •F,(.~ AQ., AF.A,, NJS i a e - a 2. Special Activities: 1970 1971 1973 11 1973 19731o Maturity TOTAL 3. Public Utilities: 1970 576.9£,$1,323A90$ i $ $ $ - 608.85 1,292.031971 197 2.49 1,25£•)9 .64 - 677.99 1,222.891973 185.43715.44 1 1971 1975toMaturity . _29.,7$5.51.11.,94.2..4,9. TOTAL 24„007.26$18,225.13$ s $ $ $ - 4. Total: 1970 1.599.33 $2,796.32 $ $ $ $ $ 1,683 86 2,712.291971 o 623.23 1979 21,866.70 529.451973 1,965,45 2,430.70974 42,572.22 23,254.47 _1s75toMaturity GRAND TOTAL 51,464.4.8$36,346.965 $ $ $ $ AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE A/We have examined the books and accounts of the Municipal District of Itneehill-#48 for the 1969 and made such tests of the accounting records and other supporting evidence "I/we considered necessary in the year ending December 31st circumstances. )[/we certify that in dgtlour opinion the foregoing financial statements are properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and correct view of the financial affairs of the Mun icipality as at December 31st, 1969 and the results of its operations for the year ended on that date accord- ing to the best of got/our information,the explanations given to gm(us, and as shown by the records, subject to any qualifications mentioned in the Auditor's Special Report herewith. Dated at Three, Hills, Alberta this 26th, day of JaDUary ,1970 Signed Address Box 696, Three Hills, Alberta. for J.A.BARRIE AND COMPANY PAW U SECRETARY-TREASURER'S REPORT AREA OF MUNICIPAL DISTRICT IN ACRES Schedule E 1. LAND (Including Streets, Lanes and Highways): - 1-11 Assessed for Taxation at year end . _......_.-._$15.,66.3-...._..._.. Lad Exempt from Taxation (Ex. of Public Parke, etc, Streets, Imes and Highways) -.._1.,394..__._.... Land In Public Parts and Playgrounds . and in Stsets, Ianes and Highways _.-_......16 270 Total Land Area 33,80p7r~...._...S WATER AREA (Not Otherwise Included) TOTAL $.50 GRAND TOTAL LAND AND WATER AREA . L_....._..g34i657 i L Provincial Highways: q Main k Secondary _ L District Roads L Suburban Roads (Hamlets) - L Imes and Alleys (Hamlets) Total Rod and Sheet MUage ROAD AND STREET MILEAGE Schedule V SURPACRD ROADS AND BTRd78 Z"m ROADS a SMEM Bituminous BSmalmw ~Lp~utm~dRxmesLuxAeesGmelISurtpmrricw (Gndea and I ayes Seal EXEMPTIONS (Omit Cents) Schedule C VAt.UA770N OF PROPERTY EXEMP T FROM TAXATION CLASSIFICATION PaParceeslarl Land Buildings Tats! L GOVERNMENTPROPES4T: Dominion: i 1 Other than Indian Imds Iodlan Lands TOTALI)DMRNION_.___-_.___Nil_Nil Nil Provlnzid: ImmS -0ther 10..__. other (Speedy) C,rnino bg.._...._,21,90........... Parka____.. .l 0._...- TOTALPROVINCIAL___..__.._..73._1.,360 24,710 Municipal: 33..........24.W.3,810 Schools (Include Public, Exclude Private Schools)24,-1,620 a,.,320 _ .82x949. Public Parks 7 2,060 x°,630 Public Hospitals _210_..21n Public Libraries Property Acquired for Taxes (Sea 22(5), Tux Recovery Act)..442 3,520-.6,.795 Oltes (specify) _Sst2He#eliea...___.__._._._.-.._.._..,--1,150..._..1.50 Ohha. Muni ni palitea._.___.._.._._.._._ TOTAL MUNICIPAL -5'3PI....... . L PROPERTY USED FOR EDUCATIONAL, MAGIOUS, CHARIT- ABLE AND WELFARE PURPOSES: School (Private), College: and Universities 2.__80.,970,.._.....840,700 92],,670..._. Property used for Religious Purposes 22.17040 -Ix4,350 45,390 Property used for Charitable and Welfare Purposes TOTAL PROPERTY USED FOR EDUCATIONAL, REED GIOUS, CHARITABLE AND WELFARE PURPOSES 24 82 010L_885,050 7,060 a. INDUSTRIAL AND BUSINESS ZNTZRPMES 4. OTHER (Specify); 1,6$0...._._._1.._............ . Gn»1niLy..Ha]ls------- - -17.1 GENERAL FUND PAgxt Exhibit 10-Form 25 STATEMENT OF GENERAL REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE 0 GRAND TOTAL 1®mloNe 648 ._1197020 11006720 .11125,740.... L GENERAL GOVERNMENT (ADMINISTRATION) - - saLrleo-Sec. Tree.... 9.,500.00_ Aaaiaw ts13,g57,R5-. Assessor .$,853.10 Audit Fem1,DW...00....._. Councillors' Fee, Etc. (see Page 21 for Details) _11,995.20 _ Legal and Tax Recovery Expenses.....581..80.. seizures Rent-57.50 Printing and stationery 3,643..44_. L.T.O.....393.4Q Elections 529-26 . Postage, Telegrams, Telephone 1,557.82.._.... lnsurancel,001...92...._.... Office Exp..59313-14,._._..._._.-_ Association reel _..701-00.._.... Bond Premtmo.-IV 63.._...._Miacellanecua..._.-.....-241..52_...-_..._._._. Collectors Fees Delegetes...17189..10.... Tow and Rural Planning Act ....._.3,372,OD. Superannuation (MD. Share)10,203..20...-other (specify) APPJ'ai4lLl.__._...b2. tdical Coverage 4,041.44 U.I.O. o P G769 29anadaension3. 85. Newspaper...Gro I a /up nsurance 8 Sect s' A3s st, Mileage 34~uZb _85,789 9 2. PROTECTION TO PERSONS AND PROPERTY Fre 3,841 72 PokcePound 101./+5 streetLghting 12412a21v Peel and Weeds _ Agriculture Service Board . z7r 96 33,297 36 5. PUBLIC WORKS Lebam.247,365.94rateriel122,357.5liacMcery Rgnisa..-101,.513...62,._.._...._,.._...__._..__._.-........... Fuel ....64,951.41...._ ...................311m, Vs. and_.Engineeriog........... -...2,506,00 Shcps 1),7D0.91..._ Hired -F4viPment .H l 6amets32 oy _G> aYel __.._..43,420 u- 9-t 2,434 01 ERal4 -'..6 and. L~Gd Rsnt - H10.Il0_~ Workmena CoYpensation Iaaurgggg and.Li~ g__6,359.C1 dl ens Miles e 2 2 71 Tools Riht_oP Way _74 _Mlgcellap~onB-...._ .._14604 627 389 73 4. SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL .724 90 5. HEALTH (Ex. Hospital Requisitions-See Item 13) Public Health (M.H.O, CBdm, Etc.) Medial, Dental and AIDed Services-For Indigents ....200,.25 Other Indigent Hospital Care Hospital Grants 200 9. SOCIAL WELFARE Aid to Aged and ldirm-Maintenance Grants _ Aid to Unemployed Errployables (Ex. Health-4ce Item 5) ....1,876,.52_......... Aid to Unemployable (Ex. Heald-See Item 5) _ 674..73--.._............ Mothers' Allowance Child Welf are Grants, etc.00.00_..__._....._... Juven-tle._Offenders...... .........210.45-----------.561 7o 7. EDUCATION (Requisitions) Public schoo1287#1.50.00 separate schooll,0p0..00........ The School Foundation Pmgram556-531,00 a RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Hudson Bay Route 25.00 Parka 318.08 Rinks ...Cemetery ...7.D0.._........Weigh Scals._. JU........... 100.0o_ Hall . Grants (specify) .200.-00......... Special Activities (Specify) Rectreation....._,.. .02_ 9. DEBT CHARGES Debenture Debt Charges (See Page 26) 2,s49.5-28-- Temporary Debt Charges (Interest)-15-,302.83.. Exchange-.....-, ...-7x49 . Discount on Debentures lo. UTILrrm Deficits Provided-Electric Light- .............Waterworks Other (Specify) Municipal Levies-Water Frontage Tax _......_1,336,13.-_ Other (Specify)1.336 1 11. PROVISION FOR RESERVES Uncolleclable Taxe..5.,921.81... Accounts Receivable Contingencies Future Expenditure _ _ 12 CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND 107,866 83 13. JOINT OR SPECIAL EXPENDITURES Hospitalization Benefit Plan. 29,504.43- Municipal Hospital Requisition 4.zu Health Unit Requisition. 13,294.00. Homes for the Aged Act .6,/499.20._.-............ others (specify) Municipal Hospital Ievy_Actxued 13, 70,38 ll6 S83 Ol M. THE HOMEOWNERS TAX DISCOUNT ACT. - Payments To Applicants . . Credited To Tax Ron 32,018..09 Credited To Commissions 675.75..49,473 89 50.0015. MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES Seed Plant Association Grant Trade and Industrial Development Sundt}[.....-125.,00 Civil Defence 1,272.43 Misc. (Specify)Surface Reclamation. 11$.32 1.565 75 I& TOTAL EXPENDITURE 1,905,396 77 17. DEFICIT FROM PREVIOUS YEARS (if actually provided for) Ig. TOTAL _1,90,5,396 77- 19. SURPLUS FOR YEAR (Excess of Revenue over Expenditure)83x076 26 20. GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURE SECTION 1,98$,473 03.. Ar% PACiI GENERALFUND STATEMENTOFGENERALREVENUEANDEXPENDITURE Exhibit10-Form25 REVENUE I. TAXATIONFORMUNICIPAL, SCHOOL, ANDHOSPITALPURPOSES REALPROPERTY Land, BuildingsandImprovements (IncludingminimumsandEducationTax)1.,273,321.26.... ElectricPowerLine8,352.27-.11PipeI.ine.129,90$,3Q136,260..57 _ 141158185 BUSINESS4:.,2.42.70 4,24270 OTHER (Specify) _Frontage .2,445..37 22,44537 TOTALCURRENTTAXLEVYtoagreewithSchedule12, Page121,418,26992 2. LICENSESANDPERMITS Professional-___.- DusmessBuilding62.00 TheMobileEquipmentLicensingAct -...2,1$1.01 Other (Specify) ..?Pb.120.H=e_License...._.....-214.&S . 5. RENTS, CONCESSIONSANDFRANCHISES SundryRentals-_41100_01D.- EquipmentRental -16.,845.20 ConcessionsandFranchises20.9450 4. FINES80200 5. INTEREST, TAXPENALTIES, ETC. IntereatEarrings2,133.00_. Exchange.......60 TaxSaleSurplusTransferredtoGeneralAccount _ . PenaltiesandCosts (ToagreewithItem3, Schedule12, Page12) .._.12.,184.97 , Miscellaneous (Specify) _ aSERVICECHARGES Commissions .._......._Aomaakln6rs.-Diseount3 ....._...(175..7-5• _ CertificatesandSearchFeea.....-... 3'2000._.7SanitaryandOtherChargesSewerServiceCharges1,714,20 Miscellaneous (Specify) 2,4725 T. RECREA77ONANDCOMMUNITYSERVICES RecreationServices CommunityServicesincludingCemetery .105.00..105 SCONTRIBUTIONS, GRANTSANDSUBSIDIES (SeePage15forDetails)474,9945 9. THEHOMEOWNERSTAXDISCOUNTACT .49,4739 30. MISCELLANEOUS (Specify) AAMDDividURd3,650-69 WaterWorksShBre_of..AdministratiDn480.00 Pound _SW-p1us200D0.._ tstoTy.-Book _ . _ _ _302.80 W 4,6339 11. TOTALREVENUE1,988,471D3 12. SURPLUSFROMPREVIOUSYEARS (IfUsed) 13. TOTAL1,9$8,4733... Q 14. DEFICITFORYEAR (ExcessofExpenditureoverRevenue) _ 1 15. GRANDTOTALREVENUESECTIONcans .no , OnlyCurrentTaxesactuallyLeviedbytheMunicipalityaretobeshownunderItem1, thetotalofwhichmustagreewithtotalcurrenttaxlevyinTaxesReceivableStatement, Page12. PenaltiesandCostsimposedonallTaxesLeviedbytheMunicipalityaretobeshownunderItem5, andwhichmustbeinagreementwith totalPenaltiesandCostsIteminTaxesReceivableStatementonPage12. ProceedsfromSaleofLandsundertheTaxRecoveryActmustbeappliedonarrearsoftaxesandcostsandthesurplusifanyplacedin TaxSaleSurplusTrustAccount (Sec. 29, TaxRecoveryAct). CancellationofArrearsofTaxesshouldbechargedagainstReserveforUncollectableTaxes (Item16, 17, Page9) andnotchargedtothe ExpenditureStatement; ifhowever, provisionwasmadeinthebudgetforReserveforUncollectableTaxessuchwouldappearasanFxpendi-tureunderItem11, Page7. SFSIDENT FARMERS . 1500 - PAOi 41 ACTUAL COUNT OF POPULATION AS AT 8 UB ESTIMATED POPULATION OR DOMINION CENSUS OF.TUNE 1966 6,264.. , NUMBER OF TAXABLE PARCELS IN THE Mm, 5700 LANDS UNDER THE TAX RECOVERY ACT Total number of Parcels Finally Acquired by Muni-Number of Parcels Sold at Public Sale in 1969 NoAeripalitynotSold (Sea 20), u at December 31,1969 442. . Number UnderTaxNotificatlon 164 Number of Pwels Sold at Private Sale in 1969 -None D L Number of Parcels Leased under Sec. 29(1) in 1969 1 ate ast Tax Notification Registered at LT.O r11 1/69_ Date of Last Public Sale r. 31/69,Total Pawls Dealt With in 1969 1 Public Sale Non. Receipts from Lands Sold or Leased in 1969 Private Sate Leases _ _ blSaleu N e Receipts in 1969 from Lands Sold or Leased prior to 1969 Salev.E ta ses 120-1-1 TOTAL TAX SALE and LEASE RECEIPTS IN 1969 1.211...00..._ Above Receipts have been credited as follows: Credited to Costs and Commissions General Account Tax.-ATrearS 1 OQ-._... Provincial Trust Account Tax Sale Surplus Trust Account Total Tax Sales and Lease Receipts Accounted for 120 00 TAXES CANCELLED Amalgamated Tax UNDER SEC. 27(3)Specify Any Other Cancellation Total Cancellations INVENTORY OF ROAD EOUIPMENT No. of Destrlylion Lath Va1u611 n DNember 31, 196- Purehued Durlna 1969 Total ur~rinn 969 DecemberrJl, 1'199 Qctprs-Tavck Type L 3 63,000 DQ 63,000 OD 56,000.00...._.. 1 500 00 500 425...DO 060x- lava ng 2 350 00 350 300...D-.._ 1 1W QO 100 0 100 0 Graders-Motor S_.......150,000 00 34,520.00 184,520 00 156,842_ Trucks-Motom9c buss 3...65,000 DO 35x540-00 100,540 00-17,.37 00 65,000 0......_ Sngws lows Packert1 8 9,000 00 9,000 00 9.,000 DO.._1....12,000 Qa 12,0.00 90 .9.,000 00._ Cook Cars & Dunk cai VoWator pack,r ts 3_ 1 1,000 900 00- 00 1 000 00 750 04.. gOQ_00 700 D0._. Scrapers Bwc Mixer 4 1 2A,000 00,20,000.00 17,50 0011.1. Rotary Plow 1 2.1 ODU 200 00 00 2,000 D0 1,.5 00. Trailers 5 5 3,500 00 200 3,500 00 00 17 3100 DO_ 00Tools & Equip. _7,500 00 2,675.-00 10,175 00 009 DOWDTruck180000800007000Rooter & ripper 2 7,000 00 7,000 DO 6 00 QOLoader & Equip 1 20,000 00 20,000 00 15,00 00._ lgner motor sox r- 2 70,CO 70,000 00 0055 OD.Euclid 11 7 3 80,000 00 80,000 00 70 00 DOuelWagon & tan 2,500 DO 2,500 00 Q0 00lubberpackers28,000 00 8,000 00 007 0400 heepsfoot packerI 2 2,500 00 2 500 00 302 00TraxcavatlatSpR 1 21,000 00 21 000 00 17,00 DOteelroer12,175 00 2,575 00 2,00 DOLipspreader17,500 00 7,500 50 6,50 00 as halt dist.00 1 00 3,20011 00 2,50C 00 549,325 1 00 83,435 J00 j 632,760 I OU 1 17,375 100 514,292 00 SECRETARY-TREASURER'S CERTIFICATE The information contained in this Report is as shown by the Books and Records of the Municipal District, from my own observation, or obtained from other officials of the District-and all of which I certify to be true and correct according to the best of my knowledge and belief, AND IN AGREEMENT WITH THE AUDITOR'S REPORT WHERE NECESSARY. Dated January 20, 1970' 2 , Secre ry-Tre r. REEVE'S REPORT It is again a privilege to report to the Ratepayers of the Municipal District of Kneehill on some of the past year's activities. This is a brief outline; summaries of meetings were published regularily in the Three Hills Capital; detailed information can be had from the financial statement. The grain farmer has had a very difficult year, having trouble getting the crop harvested, and not being able to sell what he did get. Some crop is still lying out over about 2/3 of the Municipality. Of the crops threshed, yields were good, with the exception of losses due to hail, frost and other climate factors. Probably the most unusual bit of damage was the heavy frost of June 12th, setting many crops back two weeks or more. Livestock prices were quite satisfactory in 1969, which helped the situation for those able to be in this position. The road program went as planned by Council. While no new additional grants were available toward the secondary road system we regraded and gravelled 6 miles north of Wimborne, and regraded 13 miles east and west of Three Hills, regravelled 15 of this as 2 miles were built last year. We also did oil treatment of 10 miles on the Pope Lease road between Carbon and Drumheller. These are high standard roads. On local roads we oil treated 10 miles from Highway #21 through Linden; one mile of this road was left because the f approach to the C.N.R. crossing and the general condition of this mile were not good enough to spend the extra money on without first grading. This will be done in the near future. Two miles were graded and gravelled NE of Huxley, West of Sec. 27&34--34-23-4, 2 miles NW of Huxley N of Sec. 34,35,36--33-24-4 and 3 miles SE of Three Hills N of Sec, 25 & 26-31-23-4 and N of Sec, 30-31-22-4. One large bridge was installed on the Kneehill Creek east of Carbon, a small bridge NW of Three Hills W-16-32-24-4. Two culverts were put in TY-26-28-24-4, SE of Grainger and W-4-30-25-4, NE of Acme. Some 92,153 cubic yards of gravel were placed on our roads, all of which was hauled by our own trucks. Our oiling or light surfacing project appear to be real good value for monies spent. We have done some repair work on these projects, but very little compared to the continual maiten- nce of gravel roads, and loss of gravel. The biggest factor is that it must be placed on a good, well-drained compacted grade. There will be a period of time when loading restrictions will have to be imposed, and we hope co-operation in this respect will add much to the life of these projects. At the time of writing we are negotiating with the Department of Highways to take over the road from Highway#21 to Morrin Bridge and in turn, the Municipality take over Highway #26 in its entirety, provided that before takeover the portion of #26 between Acme - Linden junction and Beiseker, and the part between Highway #21 and Carbon be paved, The M. D. of Rocky View has agreed to this proposal on the 4 miles south of Acme in that M.D. 2 ae~PAYMENTS PAGZ S I5 LOANB r8y)716,500 00 reasury Br anch Bede Cash on H and la BAI,ANCBS DaCmNBmg 7l, 1969 General Account .6,4774.47.,.447 1 1344122 03 Others (specify) L 8,24.2 73 8,247 73..-- Montreal.._.....----....._.18, 8 54 tt8~;_8'i9 54-- PayrolliC,==ts-.._.....16.7 84.390 45 558_I 39.- 4apasita3n.-transit.1,7Q..070-12,11$- PublicReservesTrustAccount Taa sale Surplus Tnust Account 652...- 9'OTALa 86,688_,44 40,200,.75 47,647 13 174,,536.._32._.-.174,536 32 17. Above Cash on Hand eras Deposited January , 1970 TOTAL PAYbI12M.....3,101, 2S0 E COMBINED CAPITAL AND LOAN FUNDS Exhibit 1-Form 1 BALANCE SHEET LIABILITIES Generl Special Utilitiesp Total Cop t A italCa lhl area Lan Fend FCa Loan Funds Can Funb a n mdaL L Debenture Debt (Unoatirzed)27,453 .22 1_.........1_._24,007...-.26-t-- 51,460.48_ L Other Long-Term Indebtedness r. 3. Temporary Lens (Other then Inter. fund) l Accounts Payable..___ S Other Liabilities l -0 Due to Other Funds 704_2.2,191 a Inveebnent in Capital Assets capital surplus)529,343.96._14.4 531415 3L . . 9. Tam I 1 14596,M4-.1'9._9..._ COMBINED REVENUE FUNDS Exhibit 3-Form 12 BALANCE SBEET LIABILITIES General Revenue Fwd Special Activities Revenue Funds Utilities Revenue Funds Tom Revenue Funds 1. Bank Overdrafts 3.._ 25.t890 .3. .25.,890._...:86-- 2. Temporary Loans._.._...._.... 3. Accounts Payable 114297_.1._11,297_.... l Other Liabilities .1 s_.n..8 525-AO_...15,423-30... 5. Reserves 161692...1....16,692_....1.._.. 6. Due to Captor and Lan Fiends 2,649_.12...64.9.......12.- 7. Due to Other Revenue Funds 3.,759 6.-...3,759._..36 8. Due to Sinking Reserve and Trust I e. Surplus"804.299 HS b 10. Total NOR Column 1, Item 3 stall consist of Items 3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 8 and 9 on Page 9. Column 1, Item 4 shall consist of Items 14 and 15 on Page 9. Column 1, Item 6 shall consist of Items 10,11 and 12 on Page 9. Column 1, Item 7 shall consist of Items 11 and 12 on Page 9. Column 3, Item 3 shall consist of Items 3 and 4 on page 19. Column 3, Item 4 shall consist of Items 6, 7 and 8 on Page 19. PAGNe $RECEIPTS 18. ADVANCESANDCHARGESREPAID (ByIndividuals) Belief.-ET+,.55._.._. HospitalandMedial....................... PestsandWeeds SeedGrainandFeed, eta; Municipal _ Govt, Guar Mixellaneow (Specify) 15. LOANS (Specify) 716.50000 16. OUTSTANDINGCUES, VOUCHERSOROVERDRAFTSDECEMBER31, 1969 GeneralTaxSaleSurplusTrusta/cOverdraft Others-Specifybyamounts) BOya1_-Qsll6.21, PgyrollAccounts12.674-16 17616.87 Treace. Branch _ lll~f97.25 - 150,90M2 17. TOTAL COMBINEDCAPITALANDLOANFUNDS BALANCESHEETExhibit1-Form1 ASSETS General Capitaland LoanFVmd SpecW Activities Capitaland LoanFunds Utilities Caplraland DoanFunds Total Capitaland LoanFunds LFixedAssetsandWorksinProgress1._._.._--.. LDuefromSinkingFundforRetire- mentofDebentum Iowamsmts(Securities)S LCubandBankR.Lnaa AeemnntsReafvabN5 0. OtherAssets5s35 T. DuefromOtherFunds12 8. DeficitsorExtaodinuyExpenses Capitalized _ 9. TOW . -1...1,54666/139.1i137,970801i_1,6361635119 COMBINEDREVENUEFUNDS BALANCESHEETExhibit3-Form12 ASSETS GeneralspecialUtilitiesTotal RevenueActivitiesRevenueRevenue FundRevenueFundsFunds Funds LCash11-.2, 2266 LInvestments00_ 3. AccountsReceivable13.78ll~15~243 _ LTaxesReceivable455s1074L...455,1074.1.._ 5. TexasReceivableonProperty AcquiredforTaxes19 ,951.24...19957i.__.29 S. Inventories223,801.88..2771801B8 7. OtherAssets100_10000 0. DuefromCapitalandLoanFantle .22,19180.2,19180 6. DuefromotherRevenueFunds m. DuefromSinking, ReserveandTrust Funds 11. Deficit Iu. Total1876,839-..I9rI1- 3,873-II880, 712 Page 2 Early in January a majority vote made possible the purchase of a fire truck for the Linden Area, This truck was delivered in May, but we were able to get the use of a Civil Defense pumper prior to delivery of our own truck. The Fire Commissioners office gives this group of Volunteer Fire Fighters a very good report. The other two fire areas are doing a good job. We are also supported by the fire brigades of P.B.I., Three Hills,Trochu, and Drumheller. Each time we add another unit it makes the present units more efficient, as we get standby service or assistance in extreme cases.Because of the general good condition of our machinery, we were able to cut down on Capital Expenditures thereby holding the line on Municipal taxes in 1969. I must commend the School Division and other governing bodies for similar action, holding the line on our total tax levy. We are faced with continuing rising costs, just as we are in our own lives. Little hope can be expected from Senior Governments in the way of grants as they have problems too. Your Council, I am sure will do their level best to get as much for the dollar as possible.They are taxpayers and have the same personal financial problems as anyone else The Personnel of the staff was little changed in 1969,Mr. Harvey Hanson resigned in June, fdr. John Jeffery started with us in August. There has been changes amongst our hourly employees, but not excessive,The Home Economist, Miss Young was transferred, Miss Leavitt has taken her place, Mr. Tom Seaborn has been Assistant to ourD.A., Mr. Dan Peters,Our employees, for the most part are diligent, conscientious workers and carry out Council Policies in a capable manner.I feel deeply indebted to these employees and our Council for their co-operation and support. I have been able to serve in other areas of Municipal Government with assurance that your affairs are well looked after.We wish to thank Mr. Duncan Peters for his nearly 15 years of service to this I4.D, and welcome bir, Art Bauer to our Council.Respectfully submitted,Ralph Brown ReeveNOTE: Column1, Item3shallconsistofItems3, 4, 5, 6onPage 8.Column1, Item7shallconsistofItems19and15onPage S.Column1, Items8and9shallconsistofItems7, 8and9onPage 8.Column3, Item7shallconsistofItems6, 7and8onPages18and TIJSNTY-FO(iRTfl ANNDAL RRHORT Agricultural Service aoard of the Municipal District of i,neehill „48 The Personnel of the Agricultural Service Board in 1969 were: Mr. Dunc Peters, Chairman Mr. Cliff Poole Mr. Art Bates Mr. Frank Hoppina Mr. Daniel Peters Mr. H. Hanson ) Mr. Gordon King) Mr. Gordon Park Mr. Lorne Bases Council Member Council Member Ratepayer Member Ratepayer Member Government eiaber Secretary of the Board Agricultural Fieldman Assistant Agricultural Fieldman It is my pleasure to present to you this 24th Annual Report for the Kneehill A.S.B. It is certainly not necessary to remind you, the farmer, that 1969 was to say the least a rather difficult year with spring ;root, drought, then prolonged harvest conditions, with still a great deal to be harvested this opring. Then to top it all off we have had very limited luotas. We can all hope for better things to come as we enter this decade. The following is a summary of activities in which the A.S.B. and/or the Ag. Fieldman had a part. Drumheller Ag. Society - Directors Meetings - Short Courses, etc. A.S.B. Regional Conference High River Horticultural Short Course Acme tt Three Hills Municipal E.M.O. Conference Calgary Fertiliser Co-ordinating Meeting Calgary Soils k Fertiliser Meetings Various Locations in M.D. Weed Control Meetings Alberta Horticultural Annual Meeting Olds Weed Inspectors Clinic Calgary 4-H Field Days - Achievement Days, etc. Sprayer School Sdgewick Branding Demonstration Huxley Provincial Weed Tour Lethbridge A.S.B. Tour M.D. of Kneehill Seed Plant Rating School Taber Provincial A.S.B. Conference Peace River Livestock Course Three Hills Annual Flower & Vegetable Shows Acme l Three Hills Canada Weed Committee Conference Edmonton GeneralWood Control The general attitude towards weed control in this M.D. has always been god. However, front and drought at the time when most farmers would normally apply their weed control herbicides, seriously affected the number of acres normally treated, consequently many fields were later found to have a greater number of weeds going to seed. Therefore, it will be important for all to be on guard against more serious weed problems. Wild Buckwheat, in particular, has shown up more than usual. It in very important that all waste areas such as fence lines and loughs, are looked after to prevent reinfestation to otherwise clean fielda. Toadf lax is a serious wed problem ono many ofour roadside and waste areas of farms. Farmers are reminded that chemicals for the con- trol of Toadflax are available on a one-third cost basis. Let us all take time to t1 k, read, and Drocerly understand the label recommendations before using any estici Herbic e, or nsecti- cide. All chemicals on the market have been thoroughly tested to do 2 1PAYMENTS PAGe 9 L OUTSTANDING CHEQUES, VOUCHERS OR OVERDRAFTS, DEC. 21, 1969 General Tax Sale Surplus Overdraft. Others--Specify by Accounts) . TreaauTy..Branch.....24,788.A3Dtreel.......... 28,.501r92 _ 2 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SeLries Sec. Tree, %59Q,WAssi tants13.,957.25 Assessor 7,978.60_, Audit Fee. 890.00 Councillors' Fen, Etc. (See Page 21 for Details) 11,995 20 Legal and Tax Recovery Expenses 578, 80,,........ Seizures _ _ _ Rent ....._.5750 Printing and Stationary.-4,045.09_. L.T.0.398-35...._.. Elections .~12B.26..._..._,._ Postage, Telegrams, Telephone.... 1, 572.821nsurance1,306.42.... Office Esp. 5.,252..00...... Association Fen 707..00..... Bond Premium .127.-63.........Appraisfll ..................625-.00........ Collators Fa Delegateal.,7.89..10...... Town and Rural Planning Act 3,372 00._..... Superannuation (M.D. Share) _..8.,380.41 _..ULC Hiaa .._..236..52.. 270 39 24 9. PROTECTION TO PERSONS AND PROPERTY Fire 4,089..32.. Police Pound..453.65._... Street Lighting __1,412.23.... Pests and Weeds Agricultural Services Board 29.755.82..._-.............. 35.711 02 4. PUBLIC WORKS Labour Zi7.,36.5.99Meteriel101a.445.r13Machmery Repairs Hamlets_..._ surreys...$4...Fwi nand ngn_...._..._2,50.6...40._....._....._....._......_...._..-... 667 9. SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL _ _ run ou L HEALTH (Ex. Hospital--See Item 13) Public Health (M.H.o, Clinics, Eta.) _ Medical, Dental and Allied Servi.-For fndigenta.200.25.... Other Indigent Hospital Care Hospital Grants. 7. SOCIAL WELFARE Aid to Aged and fns-Maintenaoa Grants__ . _ Aid to Unemployed Employabes (Ex. Health-See Item 6) _ 1,$37.$5 Aid to Unemployables (Ex. Healthy Item 6) _...,.._....._...._.._.6.74..73._...._......_.. Mothers' All-ance_....._....._......_...._......_. Child Welfare Grants, Etc. R. EDUCATION (Requisitions) Public School 287,J50-00 Separate Sahocd 1,000,M__ The School Foundation n2E!M.. 5.56 .31.00.-- 844.681 1 00 9. RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Hudson Bay Route 25.00 Parka_.... 374.58- Rinks-......... Cemetery .2..00_....._.-. Weigh Scah '.D.d..._....kOG.GD..._..._._.._ 10. DEBT CHARGES 1L GENERAL CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND 319 58 I2 PUBLIC UTILITIES Electric Light and Power-Capital........ _ General Water"rks--Capiw. General _....1 326 48 12 JOINT OR SPECIAL RXPENDrrURES Haepitelisatkn Benefit Pian..49,504.43-.. Municipal Hospital . Health unit Requisition11,294.00_... Homes for the Aged Act 14. MISCELLANEOUS Hail-,_... _ Seed Grain (Govt. Guar.) Public Reserves Refund of Overpaid Taxes...-2.50...76 Payment of Tax Sae Surplus SemvitiesPurchased @.P.eDde.... _100.00.... income Ts. Seed Grain (Municipal) .N S-F. ...ehequea ...........349 08 Civil Defence 1.,425.56._.-.Misr.(Specify).-.__....5'Y........-725 DO The llomeowners Tax Discount Act (Payments W Applicants) .......7.66780.0.,5....... n n p n " (applied.. to..-tax roll..)........ _.....32,018.Q9 Cathm" an Pqa q PAMa7 'RECEIPTS LBALANCES, DECEMEBER31, 1968TreasuryBrenrbBankCaahonHand GeneralAccamt . _ Others (speeuy) Royal Montreal............. 48x08598 113-'460 ka&71 14.-.. 46._ 10.2x6.7153.....150_}757 PublicReservesTrustAccount _ TaxSaleSurplusTrustAoaunt63329633 TOTALS48,08598120,96544102,671153271,722 1RECEIPTSONACCOUNTTAXATION (ToagreewithItemT, Schedule12, Pate12) LLICENSESANDPERMITS ProfeseioaalBusinea TheMobileEquipmentLicensingAct Other (Specify) Mobile LROM, CONCESSIONSANDFRANCHISES SundryRantla_.4,1W144.- EquipmentRental 6. INTEREST, EXCHANGE, PREMIUMS, ETC. InterestRarings. R.,133,0. Excbange___ 6..0_-__ DebenturePrernboas TaxSaleSurplusTransferredtoGeneralAccount.- Miscellaneous (Specify) T. SERVICECHARGER Commissions certificatesandsearchPun -33:..00-...... SanitaryandOtherCharge-.--- SewerServiceCharges S. RECREATIONANDCOMMUNITYSERVICES RecreationServices._.-._____ CommunityServicesincludingCemetery RCONTRIBUTIONS, GRANTSANDSUBSIDIES I. DEDENTURES-PROCZEDSOFBALES GeneralAccount specialActivities Utilities ILGENERALCAPITALANDLOANFUND (OtherthanItems9and10above, specify) ILPUBLICUTILITIES (OtherthanItem9and10above, Specify) ElectricLightandPower-CapitalGeneral _ waterworks-Capital . _ General .__.3+119Q5 13. MISCELLANEOUS overpaidTaxes250-76-.-.... Suspense._ IncomeTaxPoundSurplus- a16150 Refunds..27-7-cMTaxSaleSurplus. SuppliesSold PublicReserve . .-AMificallaDenlls...814..75..._..... _ AssetsSold (Specify) _.WhOp_...10.,0f81..ODT=k2500. Bunkoars... 52500------- TheHomeownersTartDiscountAct (ForPaymenttoApplicants) _ . ...48.,798.14... if " AA-4 -4A17r17r E1ecitiondapostit &.reunds100.00-.-._ clue - 1ARYxu4VAL,]k7. s+c 2,.75083 n &t.u.1al.- ..._..1,432.25 - - M..R.opairB................. ....._...._....60.568....._............. supplies.._ _ -_..52.40. _._....._.. r ..GxaY.el7,108..14--.......-.. ContinuedonPage 2- a specific job and when properly used are a very important tool in our Agricultural Production. Let us all be very careful to mix only the required amount of chemical or to dispose of any surplus in such a way that no hazard is created for human or animal life. When cleaning and treating seed, 72295 it would be better to under-estimate and make use of a drill box treat- ment for the last few acres to be sown. 51,57573 Roadside Seeding Approximately 30 miles of roadside, plus burrow pits were seeded to grass legume mixture. Our standard mixture consists of Crested Creeping Red Fescue, and Alfalfa, but if a farmer wishes to useWheat the roadside for hay, brome grass can be included at his request. 1026 Roadside Spraying 6,53869 About 300 miles of road were sprayed for brush and weed control, Toadflax was treated in patches on roads where it appeared in the M.D. 80200 Livestock Spraying Approximately 2800 head of cattle were sprayed on 32 farms for the control of lice and/or warbles. Spraying was done at cost and only at the request of the farmer. 1336a Shelterbelt Spraying This was done on 21 farms for the control of various insects (spruce mites, aphids, etc.) and again done at cost and at the request of the farmer. 4,25526 Portable Livestock Scale This scale is available to all farmers on a daily rental basis of 10500 5.00. r7,91203 Septic Tank Forms Available on a weekly rental basis. Fertilizer Test Plots Two plots were set out this year. One at Acme on the R. Brown farm, and one at Puxley on the C.W. Irving farm. This plot was not harvested due to unfavorable harvest conditions. The plots were set out on a field scale, being one-half mile long and the width of the drill. The plots were swathed and combined. The results of the Acme plot are as follows: 119. 05 FALLOW - Soil Test Recommendation N-25 P-15 Fertilizer Cost/Acre Yield Net Return Profit Loss Used Rate for Fert 2 $1.00/bu. (Fertilizer) e 11-48-0 50# 2.75 58.30 58.30 $1.55 - 11-48-0 30# 1.65 57.42 57.42 $1.77 -127-14-0 110#5.33 53.57 X53.57 5.76 23-23-0 110 5.61 53.35 53.35 - 6.56i7.7334-0-0 75TI 3.337 50.60 50.60 Check - - 54.0 154.00 - - 3 a 3- WHEAT ON WHEAT STUBBLE - Soil Test Recommendation N-40 P-15 Fertilizer Fertilizer Net Return Fert. Fert, Used Rate Cost/Acre Yield @ $1.00/bu.Profit Loss 34-0-0 120#5.34 28.41 28.41 8.77 - 11-48-0 30#5461 31.71 31.71 10.93 - 891 11-48-0 60 13.30)$7.75 29.51 29.51 7.46 - 34-0-0 100 4.45) 11-48-0 40#2.20 30.80 30.80 14.30 - s 11-48-0 3 1.65)$3.88 23.82 23.82 5.44 34-0-0 5 2.23) 11-48-0 34 6)$9.211 26.21 26.21 2.70 - 1 7.5 11-48-0 30#1.65)$11.88 35:20 35.20 9.02 - 34-0-0 230 10.23) Check 14.30 14.30 Tree Pianti Approximately 90,000 trees were planted in this M.D, during the spring of 1969. This represents approximately 8-j miles of field shelter- belts and 6 miles of roadside hedges, plus a number of farmstead plantings. The trees were again picked up at the Nursery and hauled by M.D. truck. Grants were paid for the cultivation of trees planted for field and road- side plantings. Again this year the A.S.B. Personnel looked after the Municipal Park, Cemetary, and 6chool Yards. In conclusion, I would like to extend an invitation to you, the ratepayers, to discuss your problems with us either at the office, by telephone, or as we are through the country. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the M.D. Council, Department of Agriculture, and office staff, for their help and co-opera- tion during the past years. Respectfully submitted, Gordon L. Park Ag. Fieldman FINANCIAL STATEMENT for the Year ending December 31st 1969 j ~ MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF IJR! No PROVINCE OF ALBERTA AUDITOR A A.BARRIE.A COMPANY ADDRESS .BOX 6~(',TF~iEE.HILLSr dLB6tiTA REEVE .ReH :RWW?? ADDRESS Akgs..A > TELEPHONE 5.4:7436 SECRETARY-TREASURER.G,.Q,=q ADDRESS ,.x -.H ,.."AaA AMOUNT OF BOND 1D,AAD NUMBER OF BOND ..&k8.2R3A61............... COMPANY THE.PBUDEbmiAL..AsmwcE.,c Tixx.LTA DATE SURETYSHIP BEGANdubg.l/66........ BOND RENEWED TO .?ay-111......... HAS BOND BEEN CHANGED DURING 1969? IF SO, GIVE FULL DETAILS:..... NQ.......... . The Bank of Montreal Trochu, Alberta NAME OF BANK ....The-Royal-Rank.of-Ganada ATThrA&.Hi]la,..Alberta..,, TREASURY BRANCH AT Number of Verification Tax Notices Mailed by Auditor under Sec. 70 9 ANNUAL MEETING OF ELECTORS OF THE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF KNEEHILL No. 48, a WILL BE HELD AT 1:00 P.M. on the afternoon of Monday, March 16th 1970 at THREE HILLS COMMUNITY CENTRE Lithographed by MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES - Edmonton & Calgary h