HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971 Financial StatementsF- 4U41 FINANCIAL STATEMENT for the Year ending December 31st 1971 MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF tNF!?I?.......................................... No..................... PROVINCE OF ALBERTA AUDITOR .a.-A-BARUZ.AND.LaRANY........ ADDRESS VBM.H1LL%..AIM=A......... REEVE x;,, W,..BROwH ADDRESS A 'A:. TELEPHONE ..5F-? 8 SECRETARY-TREASURER c.,,g;, xzHC ADDRESS . Ate, Hyss ALBERTA. AMOUNT OF BOND .....9Sj4RQl94 NUMBER OF BOND. 2831....................... COMPANY ...MU..D=1AL.ASSAHAN.CI..QWAXX.I,JITw DATE SURETYSHIP BEGAN ..dALY.1.14bb. BOND RENEWED TO."LX.J...M1.... HAS BOND BEEN CHANGED DURING 1971? IF SO, GIVE FULL DETAILS: NAME OF BANK AT TREASURY BRANCH AT .„HILLS, ALBERTA. Number of Verification Tax Notices Mailed by Auditor under Sec. 70 319........... NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1972 M THREE HILLS COMMUNITY CENTRE 1:30 p.m. Sharp Lilhoapgr lby- MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES, Di-i- I willson FAGS 2 L BALANCES, DECEMEBER n, 1970 General Acemml Others (Specify) pax?'oll Public Reserves Trust Account Tax Sale Surplus Trust Account TOTALS 01 2. RECEIPTS ON ACCOUNT TAXATION (To 2. LICENSES AND PERMITS Professional Business----- The Mobile Fquipmen apenslnE Act 2,Mo~7ile Homes 1 RECEIPTS Branch Bank Cash on Nand with Item 7, Schedule 12, Page 12) 3,378 15 d. BENTS, CONCESSIONS AND FRANCHISES sundry Rentals-3,.525. QQ Equipment Rental .-_..15,579.01 19,104 01 Concessions and Franchises 6. INTEREST, EXCHANGE, PREMIUMS, ETC. Interest Earning ..2,454.8° Exchange Debenture Premiums Tax Sale Surplus Transferred to General Account...._......_....._..........._......__ Miscellaneous (Specify) 7. SERVICE CHARGES Commissions . Certificates and Search Fees 57 00 _ . _ Sanitary and Other Charges Sewer Service Charges - 1sE13 0~, . _ Miscellaneous (Specify) U. GENERAL CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND (Other than Items 9 and 10 above, Specify) 12. PUBLIC UTILITIES (Other than Items 9 and 10 above, Specify) Electric Light and Power--Capital General Waterworks-Capital General .4.,b44.35 4,644 35 12. MISCELLANEOUS Overpaid Taxes Suspense 69+00 Income Tax Pound Surplus--, Refunds 11.20..-.... Tax Sale Surplus lli~ @5 Supplies Sold .-74b..28._..Gravel..S41d_.13t208.68.._.. Public Reserves Junk Sold 179.01. Assets Sold (Specify) Land 115.34....... . WBather..Modification b00,.OG The Homeowners Tax Discount Act (For Payment to Applicants) 11 " " Administratich..1,.558.7.5....._...__- M.D. Dividend 5,523, J3,.....-..-A..S.BA,A 9,477..31._..----. Surface Lease 209..OQa -Ambulance.-Suspense 797..99....._.-_.. Assessor Services 1,46.9x15 Stationery 1,034.44 Planning Commission 72$..74 . History Book 90.40 Road Damages 2,QQ0 QQ 0 0 Continued on Pace 6) 0 PAYMENTS PAGR s 3- Roadsidehedgesprovideveryeffectivesnowtraps, which eliminatealargeamountofsnowplowing. Let'sgetmorelivingsnowfencesplantedandsavesnowplowingdollars. PESTCONTROL Four1080Baitsweresetoutonlocationswhererequestshad beenmadetoCounciltocontrolcoyotes. Onelocationistobemoved toserveanotherlocationlaterinthewinter. Thesebaitsareonlyplacedwhererequestedandinlocations wheretheyareatleastonemilefromanyinhabitedhuildings. All baitsitesareininaccessibleareasandwelloveronemileawayfromanyfarmsite. Againthisyear, A.S.H. personnellookedaftertheMunicipalPark, schoolyardsandcemeteries. Inconclusion, Iwouldliketoextendaninvitationtodis- cussyourAgriculturalproblemsandideaswithus, eitherinthe officeorwhenevertheopportunitypresentsitself. Iwouldliketothankyou, theratepayers, theMunicipalCouncil,DepartmentofAgricultureandofficestafffortheirhelpandco- operationovertheyears. Respectfysubmitted, GordonL. Park AgriculturalFieldman 1. OUTSTANDING CHEQJES, VOUCHERS OR OVERDRAFTS, DEC. H, 1970 General .10.9.877.23Tax Sale Surplus Overdraft.... Others•-Specify by Accounts) Payrell.....13,694.1.2......... L GENERAL GOVERNMENT seariw.-s.. Traw.11,50Qe44 Assistants 1720.96Assessor.........11r714c. Audit Fees 972.64 Councillors' Fees, Etc. (See Page 21 for Details) .1419 Legal and Tea Recovery Expenses 413A9 2 seizure, Rent Printing and Stationery 1,025 63......LTO 1,14440 Elections 453252 Postage, Telegrams, Telephone.1,393. 2g. inswance _984.74,..... Office Esp. 8 Association Feee........711..04........... Bond Premium.,... 49.40 . Collectors Fee..._ Delegates 3x016 15.. Tam and Rural Planning Act Superannuation (M.D. Share) .9x944.00,.......Staff ....PrQ_.011..OnRI...._ Newspaper _......._...3,042..54 33 101 a PROTECTION TO PERSONS AND PROPERTY Fue$t..._ •71.._Police Pound 43'1/x,._. 4. PUBLIC WORKS Lbo„r.275 ~5e531 tad Fuel-- 6811481t7.. Shop...expense ...._7. II..I.Qe .._2 WQJ1aD_.Gfisatlvl Roadm me-Hueage._...._.. Right ...of_.way............ ents Insurance Licenses 9x99.Tov1>}..._...._ 56,814 1 41 S. SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL............1,500 00 a HEALTH (Ex. HospitalSee Item 13) Public Health (MILO., Clinics, Etc.) _ . _ Medial, Dental and Allied Services-For Indigents............Other . - Indigent Hospital Care Hospital Grants..... 7. SOCIAL WELFARE Aid to Aged and Infirm-Maintena ce Grano Aid to Unemployed Employebbre (Ex. Health-See Item 8)1,246 z8. AM to Unemployables (Ex. Health See Item 8)69.:95. Mothers' Allowance....._...__ Child Welfare Grant Eta 804..140 0. EDUCATION (Requisitions) Public Schoo12331784.00 Separate school_._ The School Foundation P+'ogrem614.'~65.00---._._ 848,551 00 0. RECRE2T[oN AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Parks._.... 66 Rinks Cemetery -3.00 Weigh Scales _ 10. DEBT CHARGES Debentures 423?4t15.. Exchange Interest on Sons _..9.,$7Q..82 14,266. 97 11. GENERAL CAPITAL AND IRAN FUND (Specify) Ambulance 8.092.20 Public Works _2,0,1,952.38 A S B. 6,192.85. H. PUBLIC UTILITIES Electric Light and Power-Capital Genera] Waterworks-Capital .3.70,15 General ..1.,787.12 13 JOINT OR SPECIAL EXPENDITURES MtmidpdNoapiW....42x144.47.+-1pXL118TyRa~9pltei_22,502.9.5_..-_-- Health Unit Requwtiom13x29140.Q.... Homes for the Aged Act .8,092.20 Others (Specify) 14. MISCELLANEOUS Hall.. Seed Grain (Govt. Guar.) Public Reserves Refund of Overpaid Taxes..... Payment of Tax Sale Surplus Seariees Purchased Suspense..... 323.05 Income Tax........... Seed Grain (Municipal) civil Da ca1,372..65 Misc. (Specify) Taxes 82.50 The Homeowners Tax Discount Act (Payments to Applicants) 74,258.•31.. Surface reclamation 153.12 86 Caathraad on Page F) ARM PACx 1 RECEIPTS 14, ADVANCES AND CHARGES REPAID (By Individuals) Relief.-........... Hospital and Medical............... Pests and weeds Seed Grain and Feed, etc.; Municipal..._..... Govt, Guar....._.......... Miscellaneous (Specify) 15, LOANS (Specify) 16. OUTSTANDING CREQUES, VOUCHERS OR OVERDRAFTS DECEMBER 51, 1971 General.614.233a.19 Tax Sale Surplus Trust a/c OveMreft Othens-SpceBy by accounts) .E4Yd'411.-_._12u39$e/ - 885,000 1 00 73,631 1 65 17. TOTAL COMBINED CAPITAL AND LOAN FUNDS BALANCE SHEET Exhibit 1-Form 1 ASSETS I General Special Utilities Total Capital and Activities Capital and Capital and Loan Fund Capital and Loan Funds Loan Funds 2 ROADSIDE SEEDING About thirty-five miles of newly-graded and backsloped roads were seeded to a grass legume mixture. Our standard mixture con- sists of Crested Wheat, Fescue and Alfalfa, but if a farmer wishes to use the road allowance for hay, Brome grass can be included at his request„ ROADSIDE SPRAYING About four hundred miles of road was sprayed for brush and weed control. Some roadsides in Division 2 were treated with Soil Sterilant to prevent the growth of grass. This is a narrow strip approximately 1i ft. wide on each shoulder. Patches of Toadflax have been treated where found or reported on M. D. roads. LIVESTOCK INSECT CONTROL The Municipal District of Kneehill #48 became a Warble Con- trol Area with the passing of a by-law in September after having a petition circulated to determine the cattlemen's interest in the control of the "Warble' which is one of the five named pests in Alberta, L Fixed Assets andWorks in Progress 1,784,366....22 $35,1,91...83._1,819,858_. 05..._It is the farmers' responsibility to see that cattle are r. Duefrom Sinking Fund forRetire-free of the Warble fly, If cattle were not treated in the fall, mentofDebentures _they should be inspected this spring and if Warbles are present A Investments (Securities)._______.they should be treated with either the systemics or Warble Powder 4. Cash mdBank e.l+aaa.___.._._....Rotenone). A spray service is provided at cost by Your A.S.B. S. Accounts Receivable Omer Asset 4a3z7 .,34 .4-Approximately 3,000 head were sprayed for Lice or Warbles 7. Due from Other Funds 4s-419-.. 44 .4,412, 46_.in 1971, S. DeRcits or Extraodhrery Ezpensea apiralced 9. Total _I $1,788,723 156 I $ i I $39,911 129 1,828,634 85. SHELTERBELT SPRAYING Shelterbelt spraying was done on about twelve farms for the control of various insects, eg. spruce mites, spruce sawfly, aphids and others. This service is provided at cost and on a request basis only. COMBINED REVENUE FUNDS PORTABLE LIVESTOCK SCALE BALANCE SHEET Exhibit 3-Form 12 This scale is available to livestock men on a daily rental ASSETS basis of $5,00 per day. The scale has assisted the R.O.P. testing of beef cattle in the area. General Special Revenue Activities Utilities Revenue Total Revenue Fund Revenue Funds Fans,SEPTIC TANK FORMS L Cash 58,863.....50 ' $ $5 M8863 These are available to farmers for the construction of x Inveafinenta _ _15,120. W 51, M_-Septic tanks on a weekly rental basis. 3. Accounts Receivable 13,.966...-37 535.. 2Q 14,501. 57.-.. 4. Taxes Receivable J,$'J1Q96...21-21--FERTILIZER TEST PLOTS 5. Taxes Receivable on Property Acquired for Taxes 9,6419...23_619_.23__A test plot was set out again on the farm of W. Irving at A mvc"+m 29b,222---- -291ra22?..49._.Huxley on Rapeseed and Wheat. More work on Rapeseed is needed, but 7. Other Assets v,.._there is a good indication that Rapeseed responds well to appli-R Due from CapnelandLoan Funds 22,191 BO 22491 1.30 cations of nitrogen, 9. Due from Other Revenue Funds 5,6.!E6 49 _5,6$6 49_.... 10. Due from Sinking, Reserve and Trust TREE PLANTINGFunds . 1. Deficit 77297 77 I2. Total-927,080 ~10 I $I 466,519 I$ 933,599 156 About 93,000 trees were planted in the Municipal District. Trees are provided without charge by the Department of Agri-NOTE:Column i, Item Sshall consist of Items 8, 4,5,6 on Page 9. Column 1, Item sball consist of and lS an Page B. culture and planted by the Municipal tree planter, tractor and 8Column1, Item 8 andnd 9 shall consistnsist oof Itemsems 7, 9 and 9 on Page S.Crew, Trees must be ordered through the local Agricultural office Column 9, Item 7 shall consist of Items 6, 7 and 8 on Pages 18 and 22 prior to spring planting. Grants are available to assist in the cultivation of field and roadside plantings for the first three years. 0 TWENTY-SIXTHANNUALREPORT AgriculturalServiceBoardoftheMunicipalDistrictofKneehill448 ThePersonneloftheAgriculturalServiceBoardin1971were' Mr. CliffPoole, ChairmanCouncilMember Mr. ArtBauerCouncilMember Mr. FrankHoppinsRatepayerMember Mr. H. J. ClarkRatepayerMember Mr. DanPeters, DistrictAg, GovernmentMember Mr. JohnJefferySecretarytotheBoard Mr. GordonParkAgriculturalFieldman Mr. LorneBosseAssistantAgricultural Fieldman ThefollowingisasummaryofactivitiesinwhichtheA.S.B. and/orAg. Fieldmanhadapart: Drumheller & DistrictAg. SocietyMeetings - ShortCourses InserviceTrainingCourse (1week) - Olds MarketingSeries - ThreeHills E.M.O. Conference - Calgary SilageFeeding & HandlingTour - Linden-Acmearea UnifarmPollutionSeminar - Edmonton A.S.B. ProvincialConference - Edmonton KneehillExtensionCouncilMeetings - ThreeHills 4-HActivities & Exchange, BeefSale, etc. Alta. HorticulturalAssociationMeetings GrasshopperMeeting - Stettler LocalMeeting - OrkneySchool Aswelookbackon1971, weareremindedthat1971wasayearoftrialsandtribulationsasfarasfarmerswereconcerned. Awarmspringseasoncoupledwithamplemoisturesentcropsofftoanexcellentstart, withverylushgrowth. However, asthe summerprogressedverylittlemoisturecame, thenahotdryAug-ustsothatcropsdidnotproduceasgoodashadbeenanticipated earlyintheseason. AhailstorminJulycutaswaththroughthe centreoftheDistrictseriouslyaffectingyieldstothosehit. LateJulyandAugustsawaveryseriousinfestationofBeet webwormonRapeseedcrops. Verydiligenteffortsonthepartof thefarmersandaerialspraycompanieswereabletosavemostof thecrop. Anout-breakofBerthaArmywormsalsoaffectedRape- seedcropsinthenortheastcorneroftheMunicipalDistrict. It isverydifficulttosaythatwewillorwon'thaveaninfestation during1972ornot, butIbelievethatthereisagoodchance. WEEDCONTROL Thegeneralattitudetowardsweedcontrolisgood, although moreeffortisindicatedalongfencelines, andsloughsandother wasteareas. Moreacresweretreatedforweedcontrolin1971 thanintheprevioustwoseasons. Buckwheathasincreasedover thepastfewyears, therefore, someofthenewerherbicidessuch asBuctrilandBanvelwillhelptobringtheseweedsundercon- trol. CanadaandSowThistlemustbewatchedcloselyespecially alongwasteareas. Farmersareaskedtoreportsuspiciouslook- ingweedsforidentification. AssistanceinWeedControlisalso availableforcertainperennialweedssuchasToadflax. PAGZ a0PAYMENTS 15. LOANS s ) _885,000 00 BALANCES DECEMBER 31 197116 reasury Br anch Bank Cash on H and General Account 81,043 53.....38,222 45 119,265 98 Others (Specify) pvroll 49b 48....t496 48....... Depo it in transit.-,-10,p1 Q8„14x49?98 Public Reserves Trust Account Tax Sale Surplus Trust Amount .930 .71..-.11 8.30 71...._ rorALS 70 38,222 45 132,495 15 132,495 15 17. Above Cash on Band was Deposited January , 1971 TOTAL PAYMENTS 3,366,566 31 COMBINED CAPITAL AND LOAN FUNDS Etlhiblt I-Form 1 BALANCE SHEET LIABILITIES General Special Utilitin Total Capital and ActivitiesL ICapitaland Capital and Loan Fund Capital and Loan Fonda Loan Funds Loan Funds L Debenture Debt (Unmatmed)i-. 25,2-355...y 22 1..43_..29-- 2. Other Long-Term Indebtedness 8. Temporary Lana (Other than Inter tuna) - - - 4, Accounts Payable-.--.___--_ s, Other Liabilities - S. Reserves 7. Da to other Funds 21,4&?g3.-.701e_9Y-_22x14 0__ 8. Investment In Capital Assets 1 880741 87 ll 965 43 1 753 846 30CapitalSurplus)1.. A g. Total .......I 1-789-723 Sb f L........._....I S 1.7 COMBINED REVENUE FUNDS E,;hlbit 3-Form 12 BALANCE SHEET LIABILITIES General Special Utilities Total Revenue Activities Revenue Revenue Fund Revenue Funds Funds Funds L Bank Overdrafts i:............... . _ I 2. Temporary loans 3. Accounts Payable _10,122_..14 1-1-11.11-1 .10.,122.U.... 4. Other Liabilities .5,10$.64 2.,100 00 7,208 84.. 3. Reserves _ _12x101„77_ Due to Capital and Loan Funds 4,419 46 _4,419 46 7. Due to other Revenue Fonda 5,686.49 5,686 1,9 8. Due to Sinking, Reserve and Trust Funds . 0608 869. Surpluses 94,894,000 86 I 080 1927 10 1 I 6 519 146 933 599_501e. Total s NOTE: Column 1, Item 3 shall consist of Items 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 on Page 9. Column 1, Item 4 shall consist of Items 14 and 15 on Page 9. Column 1, Item 6 shall consist of Items 10,11 and 12 on Page 9. Column 1, Item 7 shall consist of Items 11 and 12 on Page 9. Column 3, Item 3 shall consist of Items 3 and 4 on page 19. Column 3, Item 4 shall consist of Items 6, 7 and 8 on Page 19. PAGae GENERAL FUND STATEWff OF GENERAL REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE Exhibit 10-Fbrin 25 REVENUE 1. TAXATION FOR MUNICIPAL, SCHOOL, AND HOSPITAL PURPOSES REAL PROPERTY Lend, Buildings and Improvement, (Including minimums and Education Tax) Electric Power Line. x138.:18 Pip. Lt...181,546.:.20...................92.,.73Aa...38_ 1 481 384 47 BUSINESS - _ .4r757....50... OTHER (Specify) ?8.......... 2:435 67 67 2. LICENSES AND PERNITS Professional Bu,inew The Mobile Equipment Licensing AM TOTAL CURRENT TAX LEVY to agree with Schedule 12, Page 12 .1 1,488, 577 S RENTS, CONCESSIONS AND FRANCHISES Sundry Renrala...3,150.x0Q Equipment Rental _...111 35,.9B.... _ _ v Concessions and Franchises V_ FIVES _ 1,540. 00 5. INTEREST, TAX PENALTIES, ETC. Interest Earnings 2f454.89..-Exahenge Tax Sale Surplus Transferred to General Account Penalties and Costs (To agree with Item 5, Schedule 12, Page 12) -.........16,530..2.5...... Miwalhpeau (Specify) 20 6 SERVICE CHARGES Commissions Certificates and Search Fees Sanitary and Other Charges Sewer service Charges....._1,.987.92..... Miaesllaneous (Specify) 7. RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Recreation Services _ .ReereiU40 ..QILAt Psrka.50Q 00,_...Nuisance-Grmmda D 00-,. Community Services including Cemetery...15.0.00 $ 00 CONTRIBUTIONS, GRANTS AND SUBSIDIES (See Page 15 for Details) 9. THE HOMEOWNERS TAX DISCOUNT ACI'........74:25&..31.... ...AdminiR.tration...-....... 06 1& MESf~LANEOUS (Specify) 11 7,831 74 if. TOTAL REVENUE _2,219,413.....54..... 12. SURPLUS FROM PREVIOUS YEARS (If Used) 13. TOTAL _2219,413 54..... 11. DEFICIT FOR YEAR (Excess of Expenditure over Revenue) 15. GRAND TOTAL REVENUE SECTION 2,219,413 54 Only Current Taxes actually Levied by the Municipality are to be shown under Item 1, the total of which must agree with total current taxlevyinTaxesReceivableStatement, Page 12. Penalties and Costs imposed on all Taxes Levied by the Municipality are to be shown under Item 5, and which must be in agreement withtotalPenaltiesandCostsIteminTaxesReceivableStatementonPage12. Proceeds from Sale of Lands under the Tax Recovery Act must be applied on arrears of taxes and costs and the surplus if any placed inTaxSaleSurplusTrustAccount (Sec. 22, Tax Recovery Act). Cancellation of Arrears of Taxes should be charged against Reserve for Uncollectable Taxes (Item 16, 17, Page 9) and not charged to theExpenditureStatement; it however, provision was made in the budget for Reserve for Uncollectable Taxes such would appear as an Expendi-ture under Item 12, Page 7. Our present Government has pledged themselves to remove educational costs from the property tax; this is no small task to maintain equality between high and low assessed municipalities.We are about average in Kneehill so a watchful eye must be kept to the future. I feel deeply indebted to the members of Council and staff of Kneehill for their fine co-operation over the years. We do have problems, but are able to work out solutions in a democratic manner. Respectfully submitted, Ralph W. Brown GENERAL FUND P.m, Etthibit 10-Ftlma 25 STATEMENT OF GENERAL REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE Ourthreefiretrucksaredoinggoodworkandreducingthe lossescausedbythishazard. Ourfiremenaretobecomplimented. OurAgriculturalServiceBoardcontinuestocarryonmany worthwhileprojects, asyouwillseefromthatReport; thisisan areainwhichgrantsareusedtoagreatextent. OurCapitalpurchaseswerehighin1971asoutlinedinour FinancialStatement. Themainreasonwnsthebuyingbackofour twoEuclidScraperswhichhadbeentradedin; thesewereusedon theconstructionofoursecondaryroadworkwhenhiredbythePro- vincialGovernment. Thiswasaveryexcellentinvestmentasthey notonlyearnedconsiderablemoney, butwehaveasaleablemachine ofalmostlastyear'sbuybackprice. Wewillnotbeabletomake useofsuchadealagain, asweproposetousethesecondaryroad fundstowardhardsurfacing. Aswewilllikelybeshortofmoniesinthewayofgrantsfor dirtworkforseveralyears, Councilwillbemakingsomeimportant decisions. Wemusteithercutbackonouroiltreatmentofroads andbuildingofgradesorraisetaxesaccordingly. Farmpeopleareentitledto, andshouldreceivethesame increaseinincomethatothersegmentsofoursocietyhaveenjoyed, beitbyoutrightsubsidy, twopricesystemorwhathaveyou. We aregettingtheearofmanypeopleinresponsiblepositions, such asbusinessandgovernment. Letushopeitisnottoolittleor toolate. Oursmalltownbusinessmenarebeinghurtrightalong withus. Untilmoreprosperoustimescometothefarm, wewilltry ourbesttoholdtheline. Wehavenotraisedyourtaxesinline withtheinflationoftheday, andwewilldoourbesttokeep expenditureswithinreason. Yourrequestsforaddedservicescan onlyresultinhighertaxes. Attimeofwritingwehavenotseenthecompletefinancial picture. Iexpectasmallsurplus, butcanexpandonthis, and proposalsforthecomingyearcanbediscussedwithyouatthe AnnualMeetingtobeheldMarch20, 1972at1:30P.M. inthe ThreeHills' CommunityCentre. Wehavereceivedmanyletters, andpersonalthanksforour SeniorCitizenCertificates. Thesearemuchappreciatedbythese peoplewhoturnedthisareafromthevastopenprairietothe presentdaymodernconveniences, suchasroads, schools, hospitals, electricity, andmoreandmorearebeingconnectedbynaturalgas systems. WethankourSeniorCitizensforsuchasplendidheritage. Councilelectionsarenowheldeverythreeyears. Theentire CouncilwasDeselected, withtheexceptionofMr. GeorgesLemay whodidnotseekre-election. WewelcomeMr. RegCampbellas CouncillorforDivision7, followinginhisfather'sfootsteps. Kellyservedthearealongandwellformanyyears. ThischangeinelectionsgivesCounciltheopportunityto makefarbroaderplansforthefuture. Onlytimewilltellif thisisabettersystemthaninthepastwherepartoftheCouncil changedeachyear. IamnowservingmyfourthtermasPresidentoftheAlberta AssociationofMunicipalDistricts & Counties, apositionIcan onlyholdwiththestrongco-operationofthisCouncil. TheCom- mitteeworkbetweenmeetingshasbeenablycarriedoutbythem. I wasabletoattendallregularmeetingslastyear, arecordthat willbehardtomaintainasIambecominginvolvedinsuchthings asTri-LevelConferences, betweenFederal, ProvincialandMunicipal Governments, WesternUnionofMunicipalities, Saskatchewan, Manitoba andAlbertaAssociations. L GENERAL GOVERNMENT (ADMINISTRATION) S.UA -Sam Trw.-14500.00_ Assistants-17,221046• Assessor ._U0,644.56-_.__.__.~._.. Andtt Few -972.60-__... Cann iu re Foot, Etc. (.a Pass 21 for Details) .14,813.62.__.._- legal and Tax Recovery zxpemx.-413,92..- seisum Rant Printing and statlanary....1,0.51.40- I.T.0..-1v088.05- Elections Postage, Telegrams, Telephone -,1,.500..(57-- Insurance-.897,24----- Office Zap. _$e744,0],_- Association Fw.._7. Bond Premium ...__.,U9 W..._._-.._..-.-~..__ collector$ Fan._..._..._..__......... Delootes...jy(J18.15•-- Town and Rural Planning Aet.._.2,,Q Superannuation (MD. Sham).... 9a 944..0.0_.. other (Specify)Staff$omotion 75.35 Hsplggae.__B.enefits..------ 10,516.69._.._.__. se^.Patary nd lani atant.nOq.-.--._...-371.64...-.._..._......_......_.._.__.....-.__...._..__.-99,797 99 2. PROTECTION TO PERSONS AND PROPERTY 40766 i 624.s32ghtlystmtLpIra_M7345... Police ..........Pound 04159 26343 784PestandWeedsAgricultureserviceBard3 a PUBLIC woo"460Laboor275a6B.~ 53teteriat4!+a321•41'M.nhimrrRewin-100,030.16 Toole . 1 7001116floosie60682.72.._.._.__.._Worlrmena,.CompensatFlle1 L el 89 d_ IDRUranee~,QL.e50 _ pginggall;.gq~AHEtd@ _1aG80.00 License-_....__....67.roo --.__..._~lirZCQJIa[t4oxa._______.___.334r.~..759,430 39 SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL - S HEALTH (Ex. Hospital Requidtlom-See Item la) Public Health (Mxo, CEnim. Etc.) Medial, Dental and Allied Services-Fa Indigenti._...._..._ Other indigent Hospital Care Hospital Grants SOCIAL WELFARE Aid to Aged and Infirm--Maintenance......, Grant 5AidtoUnemployedEmptoyebtes (Ex. Health--See Item Aid to Unemoloyables (Ex Health-See Item 5) 0080Mothers' Allowance Child Welfare Grants, etc 2,116 13 7. EDUCATION (Requisitions) Public school 233.786.00 Separate School The School Foundation Program- 63 4, 7,656051--949-551 00 RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES 266.61... Rinks ._Cemetery...,3.00.-..._.... Weigh Scala-Parke Hall.__. Grants (specify)-...,.,325..00..._ special Activities (Specify) Aecreati(m....-9 $09.60:.... 9. DEBT CHARGES 26DebentureDebtCharges (See Page Temporary Debt Charges (Interest)-.9,870.82_,.. &ehenge....... 12 366 09 Discount on Debentures. 15. UTILITIES Deficits Pravided-Electric Light Waterworks Other (Specify) 3330T1axMunicipalLevies-Water Frontage 1,330 83 ODur(Specify) 11. PROVISION FOR RESERVES 7 00 Uncollectable Taxes23a48M1.... Accounts Receivable ORtI@@11ati.AA. 1EI.Q411@Se 11R.F 2'@ Contingencies.... Future Expenditures 23,964 91 12. CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND., _ . 13. JOINT OR SPECIAL. EXPENDITURES Municipal Hospital Requisition -_33.077.94,-AuxLUarg..Hospit4l.-_...224%2+95._..........._. _ Halo Unit Requlsitim13.a294.00-.. Homes for the Agee Am _.8,092 20 Othera(apecify)76.967 09 IN. THE HOMEOWNERS TAR DISCOUNT ACT. - Payments To Applicants 24, 16 Credited To Tex Roll 64,83&.15 Credited To Commissions 74,258 15. MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES Trade and Industrial Development Discount on Current Taxes YA3Ce114MRSDJ6 ...._31.00 aruDefence1,372.65 Mi..(specify) Taxea 82.50, Surfiace.Reclamation....-163.12.........1649 27 x,134,028..86.. 26. TOTAL EXPENDITURE DEFICIT FROM PREVIOUS YEARS (if actually provided for) - -17 2,174e028 86.. I2. TOTAL SURPLUS FOR YEAR (Excess of Revenue over Expenditure) _19 20. GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURE SECTION 2,219x413.54. PAW a GENERAL REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET ErhNt S-Form IS L NBF BALANCES DECEMBER 31,1971 General Account Public Rearvea Trust Accmmt..._ Tax Sale Surplus That Account TOTAL L BVY~T/IEV1R ASSETS _ B..& Dank Cash onHaod a ACCOUNTS RRCEVVABLE Sundry Acommis and Rents Receivable Agreements for Sao. Parts and Woods Seed Grain Hospital, Aid and Relief Accounts Chargabla to parson _..a?8.7$-__. Miscellaneous (Specify) MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF KNEEHILL NO. 48 1971 Another year has passed and time to reflect on last year's58,863 50 business and ponder about the future. 41,120 00 For the most part, craps were good throughout the Municipality with the usual exceptions of losses to the elements in various parts. A new loss was introduced on a larger scale than before, in the Beet webworm and the Bertha Army Worm in Rapeseed craps; this gave the growers of this crop many anxious moments and a real problem to our Agricultural Service Board and District Agriculturalist. Many long hours were put in before control came. Sever ...AccoDDta 41554. 37 1. DUE FROM OTHER MUNICIPALITY - - Debentures Assumed Ambulance SBa 190.49 Other (Specify) 4.M.O . _.._...7 284 86 a DUE FROM PROVINCE Surface Reclamation 163.12 Public Welfare Assistance Act.. 63.9------- Homes for Aged Ad._..-.._---.._._._.__...__....._..._.......... r' Municipal Grants Act L.T.O.233.,78._.._ Road Grant_CuetomM 5,300.. 95 P. Fins Agricultural Service Hoard _2,699.15.._..._. 8.555 27 6. DUE FROM DOMINION OF CANADA (Specify) E.M.O. 71 7. DUE FROM GENERAL CAMAL FUND ua.a it~a%r i e a (tal ) 704.97 704 97 9. DUE FROM OTHER FUNDS (Sbddng, Reserve or Trust Funds-Specify)' 10. TAXES RECEIVABLE (Not Including Property Acquired for Taxes) $ .096 L 11. TAKES RECEIVABLE ON PROPERTY ACQUIRED FOR TAXES q 61Q 173 u. DMOMRIES (Value of Consumable Goods or Supplies on Hand) I3. ACCRUED ITEMS (Specify) 14. OTHER CURRENT ASSETS (specify) I.S. DEFICIT-Exhibit 9 (Page 12) TOTAL ASSETS NOTE BE AGREEMENTS FOR SALE (Item 3).-Reserve for Agreements for Sale should be set up under Item 15, Page 9 to avoid duplication of Assets, as these assets are already included in Taxes Receivable. Assets of Seed Grain (Govt. Guar,) with liability to Govt.-under Item 19, Libality under Ism 6, Page 9. H no liability to Govt.-asset, if shown, under Item 3, Reserve, if any, under Item 15, Page 9. N9.-Total of Items 30 and 11 must agree with Total Uncollected Taxes, Schedule 12, Page 12. REEVEtS REPORT This has been a year of tremendous road work done in the Mun- icipality, The Provincial Government completed paving between Tor- rington and Trochu, and graded Highway #27 from Highway #21 to the Morrin Bridge; this is of great benefit to this District; The past year saw a worthwhile start on nur secondary road pro- gram. The road from 2 miles north of Linden tn.the Three Hills west road, then west to Allingham was rebuilt to highway standards - 11 miles in this project. We were very fortunate in having equipment available and were hired to do this work thus we had funds avail- able to extend our oil treatment, or emuision surface to 22 miles in 1971. We now have 124 miles either paved or nil treated. We started with 3,91 miles north of Acme in 1964, 51 miles in the follow- ing year and approximately 6 miles each of the next two years. We then changed to the cheaper type of work so more people could get the advantages of dust free roads. We are nearly caught up with grades that are ready for this light surface work, as it is only standing up as well as the base grade under it. We will also ask you to please use caution about heavy loads, particularily during spring break-up. If the present policies are followed regarding our secondary road system, it is expected to get these roads surfaced with a heavy asphalt coat, which is much more costly, but has a much longer life expectancy. Many small projects were also completed making many imprnve- ments for the benefit of all. The gravel trucks, now five tandems, work around the year, stockpiling during the winter and spreading on the roads when the season permits. We held our regular meeting with our School and Hospital Boards, Towns and Villages within the area. We have many mutual problems - nuisance grounds, cemeteries, common road problems, etc. From this co-operation of our Towns and Villages, an ambulance was purchased for the area's use. Much credit must be given to the people of the Linden District who are operating this unit on a voluntary basis. The emergency fire phone number is used for this - 546-3777. We are getting enquiries from far and near as to the operation of this unit. Our basic ingredient is co-operation with people who still have a feeling for their fellow man. rl rI ir . wu EX P E N D I T U R E S SA N I T A T I O N WE L F A R E 0. 16 5 % MI S C E UB 03 5 2 % . 35 2 % IN T E R E S T , PE N A L T I E S SE R V I C E CH A R G E S & RE C R E A T I O N 1.05 8 % LI C E N C E S , RE N T S & FI N E S 0. 91 6 % yB U S I N E S S & FR O N T A G E TA X E S 0. 48 2 % up c is l oR K S . Ep U C A T i O a / \ 39 % ~ FO U N D A T I O N 72 4 5 % SU P P L E M E N T A R Y 27 . 55 % NM E N T MI S GE N E R A l d 59 % EL L - AN E - HO M E OW N E R 0I S 0 0 0 N T S GU S 3.41 % - . 07 5 % CA P I T A L 10 % UN C O L L E C T A B L E TA X E S y 1.1 % RE C R E A T I O N & DE B I T CH A R G E S 1. 03 % r e m tq r ~ F a F m r ta l l < y ~ m ~ R1 In C Z' d PACT 10 GENERAL CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND STATEMENT OF SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF FUNDS Exhibit 7-Form 17 Source of Funds (Funds Provided) 1. UNEXPENDED, FUNDS (from previous year)* L DEBENTURES-PROCEEDS OF SALE (Par value) The Alberta Municipal Flounce Corp , Other Debenture Sales A OTHER (Specify) 10. OVEREXPENDITURE (to be provided) (Specify) u. TOTAL _ . 1 304,012 120 eFrom the General Capital and Gan Fund Balance Sheet of the previous year. GENERAL CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND BALANCE SHEET Exhibit 4--Form 13 ASSETS 1. GENERAL FIXED ASSETS (at Cost) (See Schedule 10, Page 14) 1,784,366 22 2. WORKS IN PROGRESS (Specify) 3. BALANCE, DECEMBER 31, 1971 Capital Account-Treasury Branch Bank _ _ Cash on Hand 4. INVESTMENTS (Specify) 5. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (Gross) PAeE a RESIDENT FABkQim --.1a ACTUAL COUNT OF POPULATION AS AT 10-39-03 ESTIMATED POPULATION ..539 . OR DOMINION CENSUS OF JUNE 19 NUMBER OF TAKABLR PARCELS IN THE MA LANDS UNDER THE TAX RECOVERY ACT Total aumbr of Parala }Cully Au-03171isLtld (S c R))911tS 185 Number at Parcels Sold N Public &y in 1971 8 e p y ru e uo Number of Parcels Sold at Private Ede In 1971.._... Number Under Tax Notification Number of Pamle Gash under See. Will in 1971 Date Gat Tax Notification Registered at LT.0.Apri1 131... Date of Last Public Sale M9rCh.29.,.11..._...Tbtel PamL Dolt With In 1971._,....,._. Public Sae MalCh29y.1911_~.- _1$5.44_.__ Receipts from Linda Sold or Leased in 1971,....... -_..„_...._.........._..._.Private Sae 78 Gam _ Public Sale Receipts in 1971 from Lands Sold or leased prior to 1971 lpriv.t. Sale TOTAL TAR SALE and LEASE RECEIPTS IN 1971.__...._....,_......14133_S._ Above. Receipts have been credited as follows: Credited to Costs and Commissions General Account 9~7._9 Provincial Trust Account Tax Sae Surplus Taut Account l L5--Blr...,_ Total Tax Sales and Lame Receipts Accounted for 1 133 78 TAXES CANCELLED Amalgamated Tax _3,9.81_..6-6_..... UNDER SEC. 27(3) Specify Any Other Cancellation Total Cancellations 1'1881 66 INVENTORY OF ROAD EQUIPMENT No. of Valuallan Purellued Dlspowd of Yalmtlon Dwrlptlon Each ._ember l' M. Dunne 1971 I Total DuAN 1971 ember. a. 1971 aclrr $e Type 3- -50,000 00 50,O.Q0......00 la5e.. 0.0._ L . 1.. .350 00 350._.00 _300....00.._ r r levating .1-. ..,.100 00 100...00 _1QD....QO_ 1.- 70 W _ 70...- 00 SQ 0Q_. Graders-.Motor W..._......1,0,3Q6 00__....210.,.306.... 00- -....37,591 (M Truexs-Motor & Busse S24- 75,0W 00._.....766 n..4 69 151,374 69_-3.3,7Z., A_.....100,009 00 oW akei' ..7.,000 W 7,000-_ W 6,000.. _00.- Rgu~nk( 1_ 7,000 OQ 7,000_.00 .....6,000 00_ 9 k c~ j# Pac7ieP 83. ..._.500 00 - 500.._. W 400-.. W_ 22600 00 1,300 00...._.1 11,~900_.. Q000 .__1a,7(7yg0~G0s...00__Scrapen 1 },Iy Q~288Q1 UU 88--14M Mixer 1 Rotary Plow 1.. 100 00 . 100... W 1W..99- Trailers 4. 8,5Q0 90.... 83500.. 00 . _ 8000 00 _ Tools & Fquipmen _..-T 9,5QQ 0Q ._._21393.... 69 111893 .69. _ 40,300 00„ FWD Truck 1 700 DO . 700. 00 . _ . _.1700 00.... Roti3r,&Ripper 1. es. 5,500 00 5,5QR... 00 _.......__5rr~ qq_ Loader & Equip. . 1. . 32,000 00 32,000.. 00 30aPM. Motor Scrapers 6_ 161,500 00. 118,624 00 290,1.2/3.. 0Q . _250,00 ' 00_. Fidel Wagons & Tar ks - ..1,700 00 _ 1,700. 09 _ _ 1,500. 00... Rubber Packers... 2 _ 6,500 00 6,500... QQ 63000 -CO Sheepsfoot Face s_3. 31500 00 _ 3,SQ0. 00 3.,000, 00- Traxcavator 1 15,000. W_. 15000 00 .._........133000. 00. SteelRoller 1 sa I Soo 00. _ 1,800 00_ _1,600 00 Chip Spreader 1 6,000 -00 6,000 00 5,500 00 Asphalt Dist. 1 2,000 00 2,000 00 1,750, 00 i 1 581,120 100 1 238,998 138 820,1181 381 71,318 655,200100 SECRETARY-TREASURER'S CERTIFICATE The information contained in this Report is as shown by the Books and Records of the Municipal District, from my own observation, or obtained from other officials of the District-end all of which I certify to be true and correct according to the best of my knowledge, and belief, AND IN AGREEMENT WITH THE AUDITOR'S REPORT WHERE NECESSARY Dated purer. AP4kPMiiM SECRETARY-TREASURERSREPORT AREAOFMUNICIPALDISTRICTINACRESScheduleE 1. LAND (IncludingStreets, LanesandHighways): LandAssessedforTaxationatyearend815+567 LandExemptfromTaxation (Ex. ofPublicPula, etc, Streets, LanaandHighways) LandiePublicParksandPlaygrounds . . . . _ LandinStreets,Lamesandlllghways16366.......__ TotalLandArea AWATERAREA (NotOtherwiseIncluded) TOTAL _1 GRANDTOTALLANDANDWATERAREAI457...._....._...._ ROADANDSTREETMILEAGEScheduleV SURFA®ROADSAND81RETTSEAROADSaSTREETS ClaoltkklmOilRthanmeuRnumtneuOmer RTHdTotal Pavement.SurtaesaGravelSurfacesIGradedandOther Drained) LProvincialHighways: Main14.- .10.41... Secondary - - LDistrictRonda43__...3D1120.7446-.239.....192.8. . SuburbanRoads (Hamlets) 4. LanesandAlleys (Hamlets)4 .g.._ TaalRoadandStreetMilage3...._.12 _1138. _45.4,-239...4L EXEMPTIONS (OmitCents) ScheduleC VALUATIONOFPROPERTYEXEMPTFROMTAXATION CLASSIFICATIONparcels,LandBuildingsTotal 1. GOVERNMENTPROPERTY: iDi 1t omnon: OtherthenIndianLands _ _ IndWLnds TOTALDOMINION _NILUILR Provincial: Utilities Uwertsped[y) .._UnpgfgRi@1_2810810......_.. Parke,._..._._3.6401360-.....__2IM........- TOTALPROVINCIAL51x.45 _11360 Municipal:332,2453181061055UsedbyMunicipality _62011r3~92140Schools (IncludePublic, ExcludePrivateSchools) - _ 1r 1 84019'702810 PublicParksx PublicHospitals PublicLibrseies._.................... PropertyAcquiredforTaxes (See. 72(5), TaxRecoveryAct)..179.......1375.90.11960 Other (Specify) ..CemAIM10A.._181,1501,150 MmicipaliLiea..........71BD _bED2.30......... TOTALMUNICIPAL .m07.1 .9,370 _971.441..._.._. 2PROPERTYUSEDFOBEDUCATIONAL, FMIGIOUS, CRARIT- ABLEANDW16~F'AEEPURPOSES: School (Private), CollegesandUniversities PropertyusedforReligiousPurposes _22S35_0 _454340._...._.. PropertyusedforCharitableandWelfarePurposes TOTALPROPERTYUSEDFOREDUCATIONAL, RELI-221,04044,35045,390 GIOUS, CHARITABLEANDWELFAREPURPOSES . AINDUS2TGALANDBUSDIESSENTERPRISES _ 4. OTIM (specify). Rinkg..4.. Heo4ea~ cD.........41,6801,7009,380..-..... QQ.>Mt=ty.Halla1 GRANDTOTALEXEMPTIONS .21472434r49Q32,810..._.. GENERAL CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND PA07 D Exhibit 7-Form 17 STATEMENT OF SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF FUNDS Application of Fends (Expenditure) 1. OVERE7IPENDTTUR6 OF PREVIOUS YEAR PROVIDED (Specify) 4. COST OF ISSUING AND SELLING DEBENTURES 5. DISCOUNT ON SALE OF DEBENTURES-11 not provided by Revenue Fund 6. OTHER (Specify) 7. UNEXPENDED FUNDS. . CASH INVR4TMENT5 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE . DUE FROM OTHER FUNDS _ OTHER TANGIBLE ASSVn S. TOTAL To the General Capital and Lan Fund Balance Sheet (Exhibit 4). GENERAL CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND BALANCE SHEET Exhibit 4-Form 13 5. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (Specify) 4 S (Specify) e 5. OTHER CAPITAL LIABILITIES (Specify) 6. RESERVES (Specify) _ _ 21,",61 Z3 7. INVESTMENT IN CAPITAL (OR FIXED) ASSETS (CAPITAL SURPLUS) (Exhibit 6, Page 12) 2,7Q,8W 87 TOTAL CAPITAL LIABumm 1,988,743 56 eAt$ U GENERAL REVENUE FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) ACCOUNT Esfdbit {-Form 24 BalanceIIDeb" Credit L Bab- of Surplus; (or Deficit) at Beginning at you 1 Stuptue =t 7orludd (o Qermt &Mre6.,Trmsfemd b _ { g4.676fwoeealAanuueandBapmdltonAeoamt, Z h t 1s i Adjustments Affecting Opentioe of Previous Yon: (Specify) L Balance after Above AdjusbsmU A Other Transactions Affecting Surplus: (Specily) L Sw oc DeSdt tar Yw Under BevNw-Brayht &7;,r fnm l7eneal Revenue cad ISWOdsnn Acaamt, Bu1dMt 7. Balance of Surplus or Deficit at End of Year--Cneled Forward to General Revenue Fwd Balance Shoat, Exhibit 8 Totals of Debit and Credit Colamm 8L4xo60.. GENERAL CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND STATEB>EItPP OF TWE.STMZM IN CAPITAL ASSETS Exhibit i-Form id JJ Debit II credit II Balance L Balance of Investment in Capitol Assets at Beginning of Year _ 2. Adjustments Affecting Operations of Previous Years: (Specify) Balance after Above Adjustments L Other AdjaMseng Affecting Investment in Capital Assets: Averts acquired by decd or Oft -•RexenueAU%d-----.-_ Assets written off Retirement of Debenture from ordinary Revenue or SinkingFund other L Amen of Other Municipalities Acquired L Liabilities of Other Municipalities Assumed 7. Assets Transferred to Other Municipalities S. Liabilities Assumed by Other A Balance of Investment in Capital Assets at End of Year--Carried forward to General Capital Loan Fwd Balance Sheet, Exhibit 4 IR Totals of Debit and Credit Columns Sebedub "ass 11 PAM er FUTURE DEBENTURE DEBT CHARGES BY YEARS Pehdpsl or Siddeg 1 vnirubeme~Eg and (Muld) Fudge Principal Maturities of Sialrint Fund Debentures Basis! Debentures Stakes randDebwturesTotal Anayds by Yon Principal 7afuestShdcftFundPetadpal1hbM Regu s Interest Requirements achngobosit= L Genernb 1972 1973.....__..__-_-..__1188.71 1.56 1974,__ 1915 .1314 49 1 180 79 1976 1.x382.31- _ 1,112.9b 1977 to Maturity 14 _ TOTAL y15g228.651......... .....1......_....._ 1 1.......... ..---1 t Special Activities: 1972 .1..... . i _ 1 .1.._.... 1...-~_.1 _ -1... 1973.......... 1974....._....__._.__.._-.__ 1975 1976 1977 to Maturity TOTAL _1..._,. ...1............ ._....1...._._..._.._..1....-....-.._.._{...- - . A Public Utilities: 2¢. n 1972 1 677 1 22299 9 417y3Q8 8917 _ 715.44 1-,55.431914 218,428 -6_1975 -754..98_ ..1,145.89 1976 1977toMatudty9,69E 42 5aI83...31~_, qq99 152 20Tz1ALg'.1 1 . 1...-.._... /TO L Total: 1972 {1,7.12.92_ {.2,.629.291...._ i.-._ { { 8.7.117 z8 g7 2973 . _ 1 965.45 21974 I1-1,928,629 11-2.069.47 .a~~ 1975 . - ' 'z-A.''1'. 1975 _ 2A79 -(a.- ?*217..14 . 1977 to Maturity _......._....38,323.74-.. 18.,71Q..65 TAXES RECEIVABLE AS AT DECEMBER 31, 1971 Schedule 12-Form 20 Nrrmt YearY Levr not lae1.4aa Proprr, PHOr Year's Amara cot neludine Property revs on rqdAcquiredforTaxes)Mautrad Tot 7kxai f hMtW Lands L Balance, January 1. 1971 eye o1LV,,8eLw 98_ L Current Yera9 Lay 2 8.1e488,5n 64,. 4. Paaltles and Cats added in 1971 18,471_1(1_59._15 3Ao.53Q_.25- a 7ozes Rebooted .FiL'e Loll S Taxes Transferred L TOTAL DUE..,..._..._.___..........144M..6.74 9.6.._.1.5335 6.%._90...-1 13.753,Ol_.t 838 Q64-.87....... 7. Collections in 1971, including Comte 77 Dismwb"**,W 9. cwmsauons 19 794 41 4Q 3 484 41 A. Taxes Transferred x lL UNCOLLECTED TAXES. DEC, M,1971 378x27.Q._A _j 1o8T825 37 9-1,619..23_.446,715.44. GRAND TOTAL 4)ga177a29... 138x837..$51 ..1 1 _ 1 AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE kw. have examined the books and accounts of the Municipal District of for the year ending December 31st,1971 and made such tests of the accounting records and other supporting evidence sir(lwe considered necessary in the cireumstmces. Ilwe certify that in /our opinion the foregoing financial statements are properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and correct view of financial affairs of the Municipality as at lember 31st, 1971 and the results of its operations for the year ended on that date according to the beat of~our information, the ex- planations given to #/us, and as shown by the records, subject to my qualifications mentioned in the Auditor's Special Report herewith. Dated at..T)r.aa..N111d this ...............27 day ot........... JABUa!'f................... .....,1972 Signed Add, 33ax-69ftr.....Thi"..111.18y..~i2'tY•.......................... J. A. BALUE & CCHFANY ng Q~7 r 1 Es 3 rn Oz0 a r. n sILrr 0zxz IA S Y l I' ~ 4 q Q E E p pp 7 O W O p3 H IM IM v r YQ ~ 4 R I! I fi l l acacc is 5 li p a lI w v i a to10 i~ II CAvIOr 19 7 1 MI L L RA T E S , AS S E S S M E N T AN D RE Q U I S I T I O N ST A T E M E N T Sc b e d t d e B AS S E S S E D VA L U A T I O N , DE C , 31 , 19 7 0 ( OM I T CE N T S ) el l E Ao r m n m t m aN r W t i . rs / br i e / Lo a b I tz i - ro k Po r e , Li - I t ri p . Li m I Te e rw r ~ ~ ew a R p t ~ y° ~ u0 ° PM . W- I- 7 NO T E . - - SS p e c w 9e h o d ae d ll s * td Le e k s to be en t e r e d un d e r Sc h o o l DI v W o s or Ho s p i t a l Db b k L I Sh l e e o e n t k Va s t to in c l u d e eo e t r s l vN u s of 14 a w d In s o l e r pm v W a fo r by Se e t f m SI M en d Sr ! of Sb e Se b o o l Ac t W Se e l l e n 14 of Th e Al b e r t a 9o g U a b Ac t . iw e r t th e Am ~ eo t en d mi l l Ro t e we d fo r T- Fl - pu r p o e e a . Ar e a s he a t w ap p n e s W p th w a r t th e AM e e s m e g t 1. th e T. Ra E ar th e tA s pr o v i d e d fo r by th e El e c t r i c Po w e r ed lt h e An e r s s r n t Ar t . al " d AC . G PAta 14 ALLOCATED FOR PUBLIC WORKS Total Allocated over all M.D. to be Shown Hero BSTIMATM n ACTUAL c ryl w Public Works Expenditure, Item k Page t _ Repairs ioo29- oo P.W. Works Capin Expenditure, 201 952 38 100 00 . Item s, Schedule 11, Page IS . _ GrEPel_ 961 382 97 T_~119~,... ................_...__..__......._....-S.a~.. Total Public Works Ixpeodlture 9P. U-Expanded Dee M, 1971 TOTAL_...._-'-~Qx600--.A0... 78? _7'7 ESTIMATE OF EJEFINDITUBE Over•Expended Dee M, 1971 . '.t1r_ From Capital 195,000 00 CapitelIDlpenditure 285,498.38 GRAND TOTAL,_..._,-Q15,s600. 00,. Lees Trades and Sales s2,546. 00 201,952 38 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS Lend, Btdl hqm Plant and Equipment, and Municipal Improvements Schedule 10-Form 15 machinery Functional Classification Lend Buildings Engineering and Tom Structures Fgm' L Goodell! Government: 36MunicipalOffices 2. Protection So Persons and property: - 42,846.91pineDepartoteat Police Department dmbtlnice -8.a092r20 Shat Lighting Pests and Weeds A Paddle Works: Workshops, Yards and Other Buildings B id 6,537-M 169,481"94- 18,389."6-7 r ges Drains and Ditches Sidewalks Shasta andRoads e324r392.621,530,299.92 1. SaaSaeaa end Waste Removal: Comfort stations Garbage and Was% Collections and Disposal Sewers Sewage Treatment and Dispoml.__..-_._.__.,-...._..._ Street Cleaning and Flushing 32P-9401.73- s, Nea&- Halm offices, curia, Laboratories, Hospitals E Sotto Welfare: Welfare Offices, Charitable Institutions T. Redecetim Services: Amusement Farb and Playgrounds 14307.45 Golf Conne$....... .__..___.~.4_.._.._..____ Skating Rinks andAromas; Community contras and Halle Sw6omtog Fork Beano and a cosusmeity edevdta: Alf Galleries, Libraries and Museums . Exhibitions and Fain Parks and CematWa Weigh scales 9. Miscellaneous, N 03 (Specify)6 53.5465354Plmp.1cm, e,_ PAYMENTS AND INST COUPONS (Combined) 31.19 45 PAM m 1975 1976 1977 to Maturity Tas i.....39 79,015 14 i..--.._..- 4.396...15-s _ 4r..1S_-..._s._._ 52.0 34_s 29,p15_34__ AS AT DECEMBER 31.19 Bshiblt 2-Form t and Schedule 1-Form 1 Unsold Deb entures - Debentures Resew for Retirement of Not Unmdured Debt (Exc -Ung ca dIowaeu' 1lhare Tom boohves Debentures) uaW Debentures re Dahmaum i--- i i 22,BZ1 43 i i 482177-i9 i s .l Exhibit 5-Form 14 GUARANTEES Principal Amami of ouPrincipalDebtorNoww ate Rlotaw of Original Outstanding Prymenle m Defa of Debt Amount Dec. 3110. DDebt ter o Deb 1971 Debtor by Gnseootde 1.1 Omer mtnmal or School I I I I I I I I I I TOTAL b) Private Carl or TOTAL v . v. r v , GIIAND TOTAL NOTE: M opposite debts ~teedpsas to t ~ principal only. Mark "Y" opposite debts gum sa to interest only. All other interest,considereddebtswillbe ScakinglhMae aphstTotal of (a)above (if any) Sinking Funds against Total of (b) above (R any) TOTAL SINKING FUNDS s... REMAR83t(Give explanation, where necessary to moon a cleat understanding in respect of any of the above Guarantees. Also note hen any other Indirect or Contingent Liabilities-) Tom General Fixed Aaete-Item 1, Elddbit 9, Page 10 t - ' 4.21 s249,174.34 $,A5,947-10 1 n481~384.5~ 1t78/+~~'66.22 FAGSK ScMide "am10 PLACEOFPAYMENTDUTUREDEBENTURE ASATDECEMBER AnaamtPerin { I 1972I19731974 LCanadaOnlyt----4,326 -15._._i---4e15_t4,396.. Landon (Engkw)) Only LLondon (England) andCanada lNewYorkOnly S. NowYorkandCanada ALondon (9-1-ad), NwYorkandCanada T. Omar. (Specify) I TOTAL .l.39615.._...~.. AghkOTAILSOFCONTRIBUTIONS, GRANTS AND SUBSIDIES PAGZ U REVENGE GRANTS Reodpte Revmw DONE4WN GOVESPOSK T (Specify) Aft PADx 16 WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND STATEMENT OF SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF FUNDS Exhibit 19-Form 37 Source of Funds (Funds Provided) 1, UNEXPENDED FUNDS (from previous years)- CASH S OTHER (specify) Grants (See Page 15) 7. TOTAL From the Water Supply System Capital and Loan Fund Balance Sheet of the Previous year. WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND BALANCE SHEET Exhibit 17-Form 33 ASSETS L UTILITY PLANT Buildings and PludandEgWpment-__.__,_.._ Transmission and Didiibution system Other Towl Leas Accumulated Depreciation 4A 46... X BALANCES, DECEMBER 31, 1971 Gpitel Acmunt-TSewry Brancb.. CaahonHmd _ _ 3. INVESTMENTS (Temporary) . 4. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (Grow) S OTHER DrMT8FENTS AND SPECIAL FUNDS Physical Properly Depredation Fan&_.......... _ Other! ) _...._...._,_._a_~._.__..____._....._.._,..._... a DUE FROM oFw at FUNDS (specify) ..._Water..... 4i~4 • _ 4,419 7. OTHER CAPITAL ASSETS IMAYMENTS TO COUNCILLORS FOR MEETING PAW 21 Sec. 46, The Municipal Government Act) Dt.W=name el camdDar Na dMwY IDaT I gW Y1M1 Rate Aatamt Due 1.1971 l=D.htem 1970 TeW Dun FLAY 1977 Weee Due 11-31.1977 1 A. H. Church z 2 N 1860 P 960 70 960 70 C. W. Poole 2 1z8C w 916 alb 0 H. W. Brown BW 2T 26 27 0 ro 1341, 870 v a 923 17 78 90 923 791 79 04.._..auerA.9 s T. A.. Ferguson_..2 t E06_8!4 92 908.62 908 6Z 391 14 7....A G.r_Ca~pbell.._86 Pk 86 10 R«ve 00 R W Brotrn.214_..48.210 48 T 7z_..I 8629 4g. PAYMENTS TO COUNCILLORS OF SUPERVISION Sec. 46, The Municipal Gov ernment Act) Dlelnon N_ o1 ewmeakl Dart AaG I IIBY I BaM I Amaunl for 197D1un I Bat— Due imm 1970 T-W Dua petal J. 1971 Balwp Due Dec. U, 19TI 1 A. H... Church 17'to...1.11 6?4 6?4.6 ?4.....Bz C W Poole 2 N 953 Q21 SE?821 21 86 a .R Y Brows 3 w g 109..80 1.1~ W_Bauer 5 T A ,Ferguson 8 C4 41...Q4 e 8 C. Shmelke 2 1 150$755 96 755.4.4 7 Geo Lemay......5-lf~i 18Sz 32 s 9 l0._.... 11 TOTAL ._.....~.op. 'x+l_..... ANY OTHER PAYMENTS TO COUNCILLORS WHATSOEVER NOT SHOWN ABOVE Sec. 46, The Municipal Government Act) Dlv.Nwe of CaunMaar Dan Bate MR.Bate Amt. Due Bal. Du. for I97I from 197. Tow Due Paw m I Hal. Due 19T1 INea h. 19T1 Row= tun Pgmmt t B. ChurchA 1754 697 9 697 9 9 Co.._ y- 94.8 7..2,34 04 a.236.0..2 0 R. W. Brown 6 1331 159 7 5.5.9..72 959 7 u a. w4 Bauer 1031 SI L2 22 ell 5 T Q. Ferguson 54 I 21 1,66 2 x444_3 x469 g 4, C, Shmelke 7+1034 561 5 61 5 561 5 7 Geo_,Leme~p . _U 1C5 Q....2P0.10 X09 1 g R. , G. Campbell.,.3 88 85 e5_85 9 30 3 ToTAt 7 d~1 1 r) v 5,821 5 82 1.50 821 A DEFICIT (Exhibit 18, Page 20) TOTAL Assets 35.491 3 PA0i0 14RSUPPLYSYSTEMCAPITALANDLOANFU WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM A0 STATEMENTOFCAPITALSURPLUSExhibit18-Form38 CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND i STATEMENT OF SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF FUNDS Exhibit 19-Fam S7 DebitCreditHahne AppRcetlen of Funds (Eapenditue) fLBalanceofCapitalSurplusatBegirodngofYearll1~._1. OVEREXPENDITURE OF PREVIOUS YEARS PROVIDED (Specify) SAdjustmentsAffectingOperationsofPreviousYears: (Specify) VIEXPENDITUREFORACQUISITION OF UTILITY PLANT (Specify) LBalanceafteraboveAdjustment band LOtherTransactionsAffectingSurplus: (Specify)Buildings AssetWrittenOR Engineering Structures RetirRmentofDebenturesfromUtilityRevenueorfromStaid" Fuoaa_.608 Machinery and Equipment „ 170 15 2, INTEREST ON TEOIPORARY BORROWINGS AND BANK CHARGES ExpanseofL (kpitl6urplwatendofYear-Carriedforwardto1196543 4. DISCOUNT ON SALE OF DEBENTURES-If not Provided by Utility or Cenral Revenue Fund............. LUtilityCapitalsadI,ceuFundBalanceSheet, Exhibit17S. OTHER (specify) LTbtahofDebitandCreditColumns _.11296543._.. WATERSUPPLYSYSTEMREVENUEFUND L DNti%PeNDIII FUND- (Specify) STATEMENTOFSURPLUS (DEFICIT)Exhibit21-FormSS Cash Investments DebitCreditIBalance Accounts Receivable Other Investments _ LBalanceofSurplus (orDeficit) atBeginningofYear _26498_.s Due From Other Funds LAdjustmentsAffectingOperationsofPreviousYears: (Specify)Other Capital Assets _ i. TOTAL 170 15 26498 To Water Supply System Capital and Loan Fund Balance Sheet (Exhibit 17). LHalanceafterAboveAdjustment lownTrosactlamaAffectingSurplus: (specify) WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM LeurpimaorD~dtforYearunderaawiaa-eroudtEor~.rasam DtWqRevenueareaEapmditiueStt~emt L n56,2 _ q-5--CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND L8urolworDeficitTransferredtoGeneralRevenueFundDuring BALANCE SHEET Exhibit 17-Form SS yearunderReview--CarriedForwardtoGeneralRevenueand bScpmditunStatement, Exhibit10 . 7. BalanceofSurplusorDeficitatEndofYear-CarriedForwardto29777 LIABILITIES UNUbRevenueFundBalanceSheet, Exhibit20 . 5627556275 1. DEBENTURE DEBT (Excluding Unsold Debentures) (See Exhibit 2 ,Page 23, for Detail) s. S. TotalsofDebitandCreditColumnsT.The Self-Liquidating Projects Act The Municipal Capital ExperoLture Loans AM 14356_ The Municipalities Additional Borrowings Powers Act The Albert Municipal Finance Corp...-.... _sr4~t.!- 6.-.__ Other Debenture Debt 2. TWIPORARY LOANS AND BANK OVERDRAFT I. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (Specify) . PAGE to WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE Exhibit 22 (A)-Form 40 REVENUE 1. SALE OF WATER: Residentiel- Metered Saks.. Flat Rate Sala 3,16204Commercal- Metered Sala Flat Rate Sala Industrial- Metered Sales Flat Rate Sala _ Public Authorities (Other than Own Municipality)- Metered Saees._.._.._............. Flat Rate Sala......_......_..... Own Municipality- Metered Sala. Flat Rate Sala Other (Specify)- Imption Private Fin Protection Hydrant Rentals or Public Fire Protection Sales to Other Water Utilities A MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE (Specify): 169.83ForfeitedDiscountsandPenaltiesLtiubmen Servicing of Customea' installations L PROVIDED BY GENERAL REVENUE FUND: General or Spa" Ana Rata Loral Improvement Charge-Owners' 4. TOTAL REVENUE 2: DEFICIT FOR YEAR (Excess of Expenditure over Revenue) (To Exhibit 21, Page 20) A GRAND TOTAL REVENUE SECTION _ BAGS IN0WATERSUPPLYSYSTEM Exhibit 22 (A)-Form 40 STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE EXPENDITUBE 1. ADMINISTRATION AND GENERAL 2. CUSTOMERS' RULING AND COLLECTING _ 2. WATER PURCHASED , .1,677 6o 4. SOURCE OF SUPPLY Maintenance 5. POWER AND PUMPING: Maintenance ton..............,.. , v~.___.__._.. 6. PURIFICATION AND TREATMENT: Maintenance . operation 7. TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION: Maintenance....... _ Operation OTHER (Exclusive of Depreciation and Debenture Debt Charges): (Specify) Contributions to Capita and Lao Fund 170.15 170 15 169 83 , a. rA„e,ar„n r 11. DEBENTURE DEBT CHARGES: (See Page 22) Interestl,a9 ft 3.._. Serhf Debeatwsa-PAou...608.85 . 1,330 83 Sinking Fund Debentures-Reguinments 4,.662._.10._.. 12. TOTAL EXPENDITURE 562... 15..... 13. SURPLUS FOR YEAR (Excess of Revenue over Expenditure) (To Exhibn 21, Page 20) 5.225 L5 14, GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURE SRC27ON WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET Exhibit 20-Form 38 ASSETS 0. OTHER CURRENT ASSETS (Specify) 9. DEFICIT (To Exhibit 21, Page 20) TOTAL ASSETS 88 ease 45 WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM Exhibit 20--Form 38 REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET LIABILITIES 1. BANK OVERDRAFT . 2. TEMPORARY LOANS s ACCOUNTSPAYABLE 4. DEBENTURES AND COUPONS DUE Principal Interest 5, DUE TO OTHER FUNDS (Specify) Water works.-Gapital.... .4,. . 4,419 46 8. ACCRUED ITEMS 7. CUSTOMERS' DEPOSITS 2,100 00 S, OTHER CURRENT LIABILITIES (Specify) 9. RESERVES(Specify) 10. SURPLUS (To Exhibit 21, Page 20) TOTAL LIABILITIES h.519 G(~ PAGEto WATERSUPPLYSYSTEM STATEMENTOFREVENUEANDEXPENDITUREExhibit22 (A)-Form40 REVENUE 1. SALEOFWATER: Residentiel- MeteredSaks.. FlatRateSala 3,16204Commercal- MeteredSalaFlatRateSala Industrial- MeteredSalesFlatRateSala _ PublicAuthorities (OtherthanOwnMunicipality)- MeteredSaees._.._.._............. FlatRateSala......_......_..... OwnMunicipality- MeteredSala. FlatRateSala Other (Specify)- ImptionPrivateFinProtection HydrantRentalsorPublicFireProtection SalestoOtherWaterUtilities AMISCELLANEOUSREVENUE (Specify): 169.83ForfeitedDiscountsandPenaltiesLtiubmen ServicingofCustomea' installations LPROVIDEDBYGENERALREVENUEFUND: GeneralorSpa" AnaRata LoralImprovementCharge-Owners' 4. TOTALREVENUE 2: DEFICITFORYEAR (ExcessofExpenditureoverRevenue) (ToExhibit21, Page20) AGRANDTOTALREVENUESECTION _ BAGS IN0WATERSUPPLYSYSTEM Exhibit 22 (A)-Form 40 STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE EXPENDITUBE 1. ADMINISTRATION AND GENERAL 2. CUSTOMERS' RULING AND COLLECTING _ 2. WATER PURCHASED , .1,677 6o 4. SOURCE OF SUPPLY Maintenance 5. POWER AND PUMPING: Maintenance ton..............,.. , v~.___.__._.. 6. PURIFICATION AND TREATMENT: Maintenance . operation 7. TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION: Maintenance....... _ Operation OTHER (Exclusive of Depreciation and Debenture Debt Charges): (Specify) Contributions to Capita and Lao Fund 170.15 170 15 16983 , a. rA„e,ar„n r 11. DEBENTURE DEBT CHARGES: (See Page 22) Interestl,a9 ft 3.._. Serhf Debeatwsa-PAou...608.85 . 1,33083 Sinking Fund Debentures-Reguinments 4,.662._.10._.. 12. TOTAL EXPENDITURE 562... 15..... 13. SURPLUS FOR YEAR (Excess of Revenue over Expenditure) (To Exhibn 21, Page 20) 5.225L5 14, GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURE SRC27ON WATERSUPPLYSYSTEM REVENUEFUNDBALANCESHEETExhibit20-Form38 ASSETS 0. OTHERCURRENTASSETS (Specify) 9. DEFICIT (ToExhibit21, Page20) TOTALASSETS 88 ease 45 WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM Exhibit 20--Form 38 REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET LIABILITIES 1. BANK OVERDRAFT . 2. TEMPORARY LOANS s ACCOUNTSPAYABLE 4. DEBENTURES AND COUPONS DUE Principal Interest 5, DUE TO OTHER FUNDS (Specify) Water works.-Gapital.... .4,. . 4,419 46 8. ACCRUED ITEMS 7. CUSTOMERS' DEPOSITS 2,100 00 S, OTHER CURRENT LIABILITIES (Specify) 9. RESERVES(Specify) 10. SURPLUS (To Exhibit 21, Page 20) TOTAL LIABILITIES h.519 G(~ PA0i0 14R SUPPLY SYSTEM CAPITAL AND LOAN FU WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM A0 STATEMENT OF CAPITAL SURPLUS Exhibit 18-Form 38 CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND i STATEMENT OF SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF FUNDS Exhibit 19-Fam S7 Debit Credit Hahne AppRcetlen of Funds (Eapenditue) f L Balance of Capital Surplus at Begirodng of Year ll 1~._1. OVEREXPENDITURE OF PREVIOUS YEARS PROVIDED (Specify) S Adjustments Affecting Operations of Previous Years: (Specify) V I EXPENDITURE FOR ACQUISITION OF UTILITY PLANT (Specify) L Balance after above Adjustment band L Other Transactions Affecting Surplus: (Specify)Buildings Asset Written OR Engineering Structures RetirRment of Debentures from Utility Revenue or from Staid" Fuoaa_.608 Machinery and Equipment „ 170 15 2, INTEREST ON TEOIPORARY BORROWINGS AND BANK CHARGES Expanse ofL (kpitl 6urplw at end of Year-Carried forward to 11 965 43 4. DISCOUNT ON SALE OF DEBENTURES-If not Provided by Utility or Cenral Revenue Fund............. LUtilityCapitalsadI,ceu Fund Balance Sheet, Exhibit 17 S. OTHER (specify) L Tbtah of Debit and Credit Columns _.112965 43._.. WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM REVENUE FUND L DNti%PeNDIII FUND- (Specify) STATEMENT OF SURPLUS (DEFICIT)Exhibit 21-Form SS Cash Investments Debit Credit I Balance Accounts Receivable Other Investments _ L Balance of Surplus (or Deficit) at Beginning of Year _264 98_.s Due From Other Funds L Adjustments Affecting Operations of Previous Years: (Specify)Other Capital Assets _ i. TOTAL 170 15 264 98 To Water Supply System Capital and Loan Fund Balance Sheet (Exhibit 17). L Halance after Above Adjustment l own Tro sactlama Affecting Surplus: (specify) WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM L eurpima or D~dt for Year under aawiaa-eroudt Eor~.ra sam DtWq Revenue area Eapmditiue Stt~emt L n 56,2 _ q-5--CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND L 8urolw or Deficit Transferred to General Revenue Fund During BALANCE SHEET Exhibit 17-Form SS year under Review--Carried Forward to General Revenue and bScpmditun Statement, Exhibit 10 . 7. Balance of Surplus or Deficit at End of Year-Carried Forward to 297 77 LIABILITIES UNUb Revenue Fund Balance Sheet, Exhibit 20 . 562 75 562 75 1. DEBENTURE DEBT (Excluding Unsold Debentures) (See Exhibit 2 ,Page 23, for Detail) s. S. Totals of Debit and Credit Columns T.The Self-Liquidating Projects Act The Municipal Capital ExperoLture Loans AM 14356_ The Municipalities Additional Borrowings Powers Act The Albert Municipal Finance Corp...-.... _sr4~t.!- 6.-.__ Other Debenture Debt 2. TWIPORARY LOANS AND BANK OVERDRAFT I. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (Specify) . Aft PADx16 WATERSUPPLYSYSTEM CAPITALANDLOANFUND STATEMENTOFSOURCEANDAPPLICATIONOFFUNDSExhibit19-Form37 SourceofFunds (FundsProvided) 1, UNEXPENDEDFUNDS (frompreviousyears)- CASH SOTHER (specify) Grants (SeePage15) 7. TOTAL FromtheWaterSupplySystemCapitalandLoanFundBalanceSheetofthePreviousyear. WATERSUPPLYSYSTEM CAPITALANDLOANFUND BALANCESHEETExhibit17-Form33 ASSETS LUTILITYPLANT Buildingsand PludandEgWpment-__.__,_.._ TransmissionandDidiibutionsystem Other Towl LeasAccumulatedDepreciation4A46... XBALANCES, DECEMBER31, 1971 GpitelAcmunt-TSewryBrancb.. CaahonHmd _ _ 3. INVESTMENTS (Temporary) . 4. ACCOUNTSRECEIVABLE (Grow) SOTHERDrMT8FENTSANDSPECIALFUNDS PhysicalProperly DepredationFan&_.......... _ Other! ) _...._...._,_._a_~._.__..____._....._.._,..._... aDUEFROMoFwatFUNDS (specify) ..._Water..... 4i~4 • _ 4,419 7. OTHERCAPITALASSETS IMAYMENTS TO COUNCILLORS FOR MEETING PAW 21 Sec. 46, The Municipal Government Act) Dt.W=name el camdDar Na dMwY IDaT I gW Y1M1 Rate Aatamt Due 1.1971 l=D.htem 1970 TeW Dun FLAY 1977 Weee Due 11-31.1977 1 A. H. Church z 2 N 1860 P 960 70 960 70 C. W. Poole 2 1z8C w 916 alb 0 H. W. Brown BW 2T 26 27 0 ro 1341, 870 v a 923 17 78 90 923 791 79 04.._..auerA.9 s T. A.. Ferguson_..2 t E06_8!4 92 908.62 908 6Z 391 14 7....A G.r_Ca~pbell.._86 Pk 86 10 R«ve 00 R W Brotrn.214_..48.210 48 T 7z_..I 8629 4g. PAYMENTS TO COUNCILLORS OF SUPERVISION Sec. 46, The Municipal Gov ernment Act) Dlelnon N_ o1 ewmeakl Dart AaG I IIBY I BaM I Amaunl for 197D1un I Bat— Due imm 1970 T-W Dua petal J. 1971 Balwp Due Dec. U, 19TI 1 A. H... Church 17'to...1.11 6?4 6?4.6 ?4.....Bz C W Poole 2 N 953 Q21 SE?821 21 86 a .R Y Brows 3 w g 109..80 1.1~ W_Bauer 5 T A ,Ferguson 8 C4 41...Q4 e 8 C. Shmelke 2 1 150$755 96 755.4.4 7 Geo Lemay......5-lf~i 18Sz 32 s 9 l0._.... 11 TOTAL ._.....~.op. 'x+l_..... ANY OTHER PAYMENTS TO COUNCILLORS WHATSOEVER NOT SHOWN ABOVE Sec. 46, The Municipal Government Act) Dlv.Nwe of CaunMaar Dan Bate MR.Bate Amt. Due Bal. Du. for I97I from 197. Tow Due Paw m I Hal. Due 19T1 INea h. 19T1 Row= tun Pgmmt t B. ChurchA 1754 697 9 697 9 9 Co.._ y- 94.8 7..2,34 04 a.236.0..2 0 R. W. Brown 6 1331 159 7 5.5.9..72 959 7 u a. w4 Bauer 1031 SI L2 22 ell 5 T Q. Ferguson 54 I 21 1,66 2 x444_3 x469 g 4, C, Shmelke 7+1034 561 5 61 5 561 5 7 Geo_,Leme~p . _U 1C5 Q....2P0.10 X09 1 g R. , G. Campbell.,.3 88 85 e5_85 9 30 3 ToTAt 7 d~1 1 r) v 5,821 5 82 1.50 821 ADEFICIT (Exhibit18, Page20) TOTALAssets35.4913 FAGS K ScMide "am 10 PLACE OF PAYMENT DUTURE DEBENTURE AS AT DECEMBER Anaamt Perin { I 1972 I 1973 1974 L Canada Only t----4,326 -15._._i---4e 15_t 4,396.. Landon (Engkw)) Only L London (England) and Canada l New York Only S. Now York and Canada A London (9-1-ad), Nw York and Canada T. Omar. (Specify) I TOTAL .l.396 15.._...~.. AghkOTAILSOFCONTRIBUTIONS, GRANTS AND SUBSIDIES PAGZ U REVENGE GRANTS Reodpte Revmw DONE4WN GOVESPOSK T (Specify) PAta14 ALLOCATEDFORPUBLICWORKS TotalAllocatedoverallM.D. tobeShownHero BSTIMATMnACTUAL crylwPublicWorksExpenditure, ItemkPaget _ Repairsioo29- ooP.W. WorksCapinExpenditure, 20195238 10000 . Items, Schedule11, PageIS . _ GrEPel_ 96138297 T_~119~,... ................_...__..__......._....-S.a~.. TotalPublicWorksIxpeodlture 9P. U-ExpandedDeeM, 1971 TOTAL_...._-'-~Qx600--.A0... 78? _7'7 ESTIMATEOFEJEFINDITUBEOver•ExpendedDeeM, 1971 . '.t1r_ FromCapital195,00000 CapitelIDlpenditure285,498.38 GRANDTOTAL,_..._,-Q15,s600. 00,. LeesTradesandSaless2,546. 00 201,95238 GENERALFIXEDASSETS Lend, BtdlhqmPlantandEquipment, andMunicipalImprovementsSchedule10-Form15 machinery FunctionalClassificationLendBuildingsEngineeringandTom StructuresFgm' LGoodell! Government: 36MunicipalOffices 2. ProtectionSoPersonsandproperty: - 42,846.91pineDepartoteat PoliceDepartmentdmbtlnice -8.a092r20 ShatLighting PestsandWeeds APaddleWorks: Workshops, YardsandOtherBuildings Bid 6,537-M169,481"94- 18,389."6-7 rges DrainsandDitches Sidewalks ShastaandRoadse324r392.621,530,299.92 1. SaaSaeaaendWasteRemoval: Comfortstations GarbageandWas% CollectionsandDisposal Sewers SewageTreatmentandDispoml.__..-_._.__.,-...._..._ StreetCleaningandFlushing32P-9401.73- s, Nea&- Halmoffices, curia, Laboratories, Hospitals ESottoWelfare: WelfareOffices, CharitableInstitutions T. RedecetimServices: AmusementFarbandPlaygrounds14307.45 GolfConne$....... .__..___.~.4_.._.._..____ SkatingRinksandAromas; CommunitycontrasandHalle Sw6omtogForkBeanoand acosusmeityedevdta: AlfGalleries, LibrariesandMuseums . ExhibitionsandFain ParksandCematWa Weighscales 9. Miscellaneous, N03 (Specify)653.5465354Plmp.1cm, e,_ PAYMENTS AND INST COUPONS (Combined) 31.19 45 PAM m 1975 1976 1977 to Maturity Tas i.....39 79,015 14 i..--.._..- 4.396...15-s _ 4r..1S_-..._s._._ 52.0 34_s 29,p15_34__ AS AT DECEMBER 31.19 Bshiblt 2-Form t and Schedule 1-Form 1 Unsold Deb entures - Debentures Resew for Retirement of Not Unmdured Debt (Exc -Ung ca dIowaeu' 1lhare Tom boohves Debentures) uaW Debentures re Dahmaum i--- i i 22,BZ1 43 i i 482177-i9 i s .l Exhibit 5-Form 14 GUARANTEES Principal Amami of ouPrincipalDebtorNoww ate Rlotaw of Original Outstanding Prymenle m Defa of Debt Amount Dec. 3110. DDebt ter o Deb 1971 Debtor by Gnseootde 1.1 Omer mtnmal or School I I I I I I I I I I TOTAL b) Private Carl or TOTAL v . v. r v , GIIAND TOTAL NOTE: M opposite debts ~teedpsas to t ~ principal only. Mark "Y" opposite debts gum sa to interest only. All other interest,considereddebtswillbe ScakinglhMae aphstTotal of (a)above (if any) Sinking Funds against Total of (b) above (R any) TOTAL SINKING FUNDS s... REMAR83t(Give explanation, where necessary to moon a cleat understanding in respect of any of the above Guarantees. Also note hen any other Indirect or Contingent Liabilities-) TomGeneralFixedAaete-Item1, Elddbit9, Page10t - ' 4.21s249,174.34 $,A5,947-101n481~384.5~ 1t78/+~~'66.22 n g Q~7 r 1 E s 3 rn O z 0 a r. n s IL rr 0 z x z IA S Y lI' ~ 4 q Q E E p pp 7 O W O p 3 H IM IM v r YQ ~ 4 R I! I fi l l a c a c c is 5 li p a lI w v i a to 10 i~ II CA v I O r 19 7 1 MI L L RA T E S , AS S E S S M E N T AN D RE Q U I S I T I O N ST A T E M E N T Sc b e d t d e B AS S E S S E D VA L U A T I O N , DE C , 31 , 19 7 0 ( OM I T CE N T S ) el l E Ao r m n m t m aN r W t i . rs / br i e / Lo a b I tz i - ro k Po r e , Li - I t ri p . Li m I Te e rw r ~ ~ ew a R p t ~ y° ~ u0 ° PM . W- I- 7 NO T E . - - SS p e c w 9e h o d ae d ll s * td Le e k s to be en t e r e d un d e r Sc h o o l DI v W o s or Ho s p i t a l Db b k L I Sh l e e o e n t k Va s t to in c l u d e eo e t r s l vN u s of 14 a w d In s o l e r pm v W a fo r by Se e t f m SI M en d Sr ! of Sb e Se b o o l Ac t W Se e l l e n 14 of Th e Al b e r t a 9o g U a b Ac t . iw e r t th e Am ~ eo t en d mi l l Ro t e we d fo r T- Fl - pu r p o e e a . Ar e a s he a t w ap p n e s W p th w a r t th e AM e e s m e g t 1. th e T. Ra E ar th e tA s pr o v i d e d fo r by th e El e c t r i c Po w e r ed lt h e An e r s s r n t Ar t . al " d AC . G eAt$ U GENERALREVENUEFUNDSURPLUS (DEFICIT) ACCOUNT Esfdbit {-Form24 BalanceIIDeb" Credit LBab- ofSurplus; (orDeficit) atBeginningatyou 1Stuptue =t7orludd (oQermt &Mre6.,Trmsfemdb _ { g4.676fwoeealAanuueandBapmdltonAeoamt, Zht1s iAdjustmentsAffectingOpentioeofPreviousYon: (Specify) LBalanceafterAboveAdjusbsmU AOtherTransactionsAffectingSurplus: (Specily) LSwocDeSdttarYwUnderBevNw-Brayht &7;,rfnm l7enealRevenuecadISWOdsnnAcaamt, Bu1dMt 7. BalanceofSurplusorDeficitatEndofYear--CneledForwardto GeneralRevenueFwdBalanceShoat, Exhibit8 TotalsofDebitandCreditColamm8L4xo60.. GENERALCAPITALANDLOANFUND STATEB>EItPPOFTWE.STMZMINCAPITALASSETSExhibiti-Formid JJDebitIIcreditIIBalance LBalanceofInvestmentinCapitolAssetsatBeginningofYear _ 2. AdjustmentsAffectingOperationsofPreviousYears: (Specify) BalanceafterAboveAdjustments LOtherAdjaMsengAffectingInvestmentinCapitalAssets: AvertsacquiredbydecdorOft -•RexenueAU%d-----.-_ Assetswrittenoff RetirementofDebenturefromordinaryRevenueorSinkingFund other LAmenofOtherMunicipalitiesAcquired LLiabilitiesofOtherMunicipalitiesAssumed 7. AssetsTransferredtoOtherMunicipalities S. LiabilitiesAssumedbyOther ABalanceofInvestmentinCapitalAssetsatEndofYear--Carried forwardtoGeneralCapitalLoanFwdBalanceSheet, Exhibit4 IRTotalsofDebitandCreditColumns Sebedub "ass 11 PAM er FUTURE DEBENTURE DEBT CHARGES BY YEARS Pehdpsl or Siddeg 1 vnirubeme~Eg and (Muld) Fudge Principal Maturities of Sialrint Fund Debentures Basis! Debentures Stakes randDebwturesTotal Anayds by Yon Principal 7afuestShdcftFundPetadpal1hbM Regu s Interest Requirements achngobosit= L Genernb 1972 1973.....__..__-_-..__1188.71 1.56 1974,__ 1915 .1314 49 1 180 79 1976 1.x382.31- _ 1,112.9b 1977 to Maturity 14 _ TOTAL y15g228.651......... .....1......_....._ 1 1.......... ..---1 t Special Activities: 1972 .1..... . i _ 1 .1.._.... 1...-~_.1 _ -1... 1973.......... 1974....._....__._.__.._-.__ 1975 1976 1977 to Maturity TOTAL _1..._,. ...1............ ._....1...._._..._.._..1....-....-.._.._{...- - . A Public Utilities: 2¢. n 1972 1 677 1 22299 9 417y3Q8 8917 _ 715.44 1-,55.431914 218,428 -6_1975 -754..98_ ..1,145.89 1976 1977toMatudty9,69E 42 5aI83...31~_, qq99 152 20Tz1ALg'.1 1 . 1...-.._... /TO L Total: 1972 {1,7.12.92_ {.2,.629.291...._ i.-._ { { 8.7.117z8g7 2973 . _ 1 965.45 21974 I1-1,928,62911-2.069.47 .a~~ 1975 . - ' 'z-A.''1'. 1975 _ 2A79 -(a.- ?*217..14 . 1977 to Maturity _......._....38,323.74-.. 18.,71Q..65 TAXESRECEIVABLEASATDECEMBER31, 1971 Schedule12-Form20 NrrmtYearYLevr notlae1.4aaProprr, PHOrYear'sAmara cotneludinePropertyrevsonrqdAcquiredforTaxes)MautradTot7kxaifhMtWLands LBalance, January1. 1971eyeo1LV,,8eLw98_ LCurrentYera9Lay28.1e488,5n64,. 4. PaaltlesandCatsaddedin197118,471_1(1_59._153Ao.53Q_.25- a7ozesRebooted .FiL'eLoll STaxesTransferred LTOTALDUE..,..._..._.___..........144M..6.749.6.._.1.53356.%._90...-113.753,Ol_.t838Q64-.87....... 7. Collectionsin1971, includingComte77 Dismwb"**,W 9. cwmsauons19794414Q348441 A. TaxesTransferred x lLUNCOLLECTEDTAXES. DEC, M,1971378x27.Q._A _j1o8T825379-1,619..23_.446,715.44. GRAND TOTAL 4)ga177a29... 138x837..$51 ..1 1 _ 1 AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE kw. have examined the books and accounts of the Municipal District of for the year ending December 31st,1971 and made such tests of the accounting records and other supporting evidence sir(lwe considered necessary in the cireumstmces. Ilwe certify that in /our opinion the foregoing financial statements are properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and correct view of financial affairs of the Municipality as at lember 31st, 1971 and the results of its operations for the year ended on that date according to the beat of~our information, the ex- planations given to #/us, and as shown by the records, subject to my qualifications mentioned in the Auditor's Special Report herewith. Dated at..T)r.aa..N111d this ...............27 day ot........... JABUa!'f................... .....,1972 Signed Add, 33ax-69ftr.....Thi"..111.18y..~i2'tY•.......................... J. A. BALUE & CCHFANY AP4k PMii M SECRETARY-TREASURER S REPORT AREA OF MUNICIPAL DISTRICT IN ACRES Schedule E 1. LAND (Including Streets, Lan es and Highways): Land Assessed for Taxation at year end 815+567 Land Exempt from Taxation (Ex. of Public Pula, etc, Streets, Lana and Highways) Land ie Public Parks and Playgrounds . . . . _ Landin Streets,Lames andlllghways 16 366.......__ Total Land Area A WATER AREA (Not Otherwise Included) TOTAL _1 GRAND TOTAL LAND AND WATER AREA I 457...._....._...._ ROAD AND STREET MILEAGE Schedule V SURFA®ROADS AN D 81RETTS EA ROADS a STREETS Claoltkklm Oil Rthanmeu Rnumtneu Omer RTHd Total Pavement.Surtaesa Gravel Surfaces IGradedand Other Drained) L Provincial Highways: Main 14.- .10.41... Secondary - - L District Ronda 43__...3D 1120.7446-.239.....192.8. . Suburban Roads (Hamlets) 4. Lanes and Alleys (Hamlets)4 .g.._ Taal Road and Street Milage 3...._.12 _1138. _45.4,-239...4L EXEMPTIONS (Omit Cents) Schedule C VALUATION OF PROPERTY EXEMP T FROM TAXATION CLASSIFICATION parcels,Land Buildings Total 1. GOVERNMENT PROPERTY: iD i 1 t om n on: Other then Indian Lands _ _ IndWLnds TOTAL DOMINION _NIL UIL R Provincial: Utilities Uwer tsped[y) .._UnpgfgRi @1_2 810 810......_.. Parke,._..._._3.640 1360-.....__2 IM........- TOTAL PROVINCIAL 5 1x.45 _11360 Municipal:33 2,245 31810 61055UsedbyMunicipality _6201 1r3~921 4 0Schools (Include Public, Exclude Private Schools) - _ 1r 1 840 19'70 2 810 Public Parks x Public Hospitals PublicLibrseies._.................... Property Acquired for Taxes (See. 72(5), Tax Recovery Act)..179.......137 5.90.11960 Other (Specify) ..CemAIM10A.._18 1,150 1,150 MmicipaliLiea..........7 1 B D _bED 2.30......... TOTAL MUNICIPAL .m 07.1 .9,370 _971.441..._.._. 2 PROPERTY USED FOB EDUCATIONAL, FMIGIOUS, CRARIT- ABLE AND W16~F'AEE PURPOSES: School (Private), Colleges and Universities Property used for Religious Purposes _22 S35_0 _454340._...._.. Property used for Charitable and Welfare Purposes TOTAL PROPERTY USED FOR EDUCATIONAL, RELI-22 1,040 44,350 45,390 GIOUS, CHARITABLE AND WELFARE PURPOSES . A INDUS2TGAL AND BUSDIESS ENTERPRISES _ 4. OTIM (specify). Rinkg..4.. Heo4ea~ cD.........4 1,680 1,700 9,380..-..... QQ.>Mt=ty.Halla 1 GRAND TOTAL EXEMPTIONS .21 4724 34r49Q 32,810..._.. GENERAL CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND PA07 D Exhibit 7-Form 17 STATEMENT OF SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF FUNDS Application of Fends (Expenditure) 1. OVERE7IPENDTTUR6 OF PREVIOUS YEAR PROVIDED (Specify) 4. COST OF ISSUING AND SELLING DEBENTURES 5. DISCOUNT ON SALE OF DEBENTURES-11 not provided by Revenue Fund 6. OTHER (Specify) 7. UNEXPENDED FUNDS. . CASH INVR4TMENT5 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE . DUE FROM OTHER FUNDS _ OTHER TANGIBLE ASSVn S. TOTAL To the General Capital and Lan Fund Balance Sheet (Exhibit 4). GENERAL CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND BALANCE SHEET Exhibit 4-Form 13 5. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (Specify) 4 S (Specify) e 5. OTHER CAPITAL LIABILITIES (Specify) 6. RESERVES (Specify) _ _ 21,",61 Z3 7. INVESTMENT IN CAPITAL (OR FIXED) ASSETS (CAPITAL SURPLUS) (Exhibit 6, Page 12) 2,7Q,8W 87 TOTAL CAPITAL LIABumm 1,988,743 56 PACT10 GENERALCAPITALANDLOANFUND STATEMENTOFSOURCEANDAPPLICATIONOFFUNDSExhibit7-Form17 SourceofFunds (FundsProvided) 1. UNEXPENDED, FUNDS (frompreviousyear)* LDEBENTURES-PROCEEDSOFSALE (Parvalue) TheAlbertaMunicipalFlounceCorp , OtherDebentureSales AOTHER (Specify) 10. OVEREXPENDITURE (tobeprovided) (Specify) u. TOTAL _ . 1304,012120 eFromtheGeneralCapitalandGanFundBalanceSheetofthepreviousyear. GENERALCAPITALANDLOANFUNDBALANCESHEET Exhibit4--Form13 ASSETS 1. GENERALFIXEDASSETS (atCost) (SeeSchedule10, Page14) 1,784,36622 2. WORKSINPROGRESS (Specify) 3. BALANCE, DECEMBER31, 1971 CapitalAccount-TreasuryBranchBank _ _ CashonHand 4. INVESTMENTS (Specify) 5. ACCOUNTSRECEIVABLE (Gross) PAeE a RESIDENT FABkQim --.1a ACTUAL COUNT OF POPULATION AS AT 10-39-03 ESTIMATED POPULATION ..539 . OR DOMINION CENSUS OF JUNE 19 NUMBER OF TAKABLR PARCELS IN THE MA LANDS UNDER THE TAX RECOVERY ACT Total aumbr of Parala }Cully Au-03171isLtld (S c R))911tS 185 Number at Parcels Sold N Public &y in 1971 8 e p y ru e uo Number of Parcels Sold at Private Ede In 1971.._... Number Under Tax Notification Number of Pamle Gash under See. Will in 1971 Date Gat Tax Notification Registered at LT.0.Apri1 131... Date of Last Public Sale M9rCh.29.,.11..._...Tbtel PamL Dolt With In 1971._,....,._. Public Sae MalCh29y.1911_~.- _1$5.44_.__ Receipts from Linda Sold or Leased in 1971,....... -_..„_...._.........._..._.Private Sae 78 Gam _ Public Sale Receipts in 1971 from Lands Sold or leased prior to 1971 lpriv.t. Sale TOTAL TAR SALE and LEASE RECEIPTS IN 1971.__...._....,_......14133_S._ Above. Receipts have been credited as follows: Credited to Costs and Commissions General Account 9~7._9 Provincial Trust Account Tax Sae Surplus Taut Account l L5--Blr...,_ Total Tax Sales and Lame Receipts Accounted for 1 133 78 TAXES CANCELLED Amalgamated Tax _3,9.81_..6-6_..... UNDER SEC. 27(3) Specify Any Other Cancellation Total Cancellations 1'1881 66 INVENTORY OF ROAD EQUIPMENT No. of Valuallan Purellued Dlspowd of Yalmtlon Dwrlptlon Each ._ember l' M. Dunne 1971 I Total DuAN 1971 ember. a. 1971 aclrr $e Type 3- -50,000 00 50,O.Q0......00 la5e.. 0.0._ L . 1.. .350 00 350._.00 _300....00.._ r r levating .1-. ..,.100 00 100...00 _1QD....QO_ 1.- 70 W _ 70...- 00 SQ 0Q_. Graders-.Motor W..._......1,0,3Q6 00__....210.,.306.... 00- -....37,591 (M Truexs-Motor & Busse S24- 75,0W 00._.....766 n..4 69 151,374 69_-3.3,7Z., A_.....100,009 00 oW akei' ..7.,000 W 7,000-_ W 6,000.. _00.- Rgu~nk( 1_ 7,000 OQ 7,000_.00 .....6,000 00_ 9 k c~ j# Pac7ieP 83. ..._.500 00 - 500.._. W 400-.. W_ 22600 00 1,300 00...._.1 11,~900_.. Q000 .__1a,7(7yg0~G0s...00__Scrapen 1 },Iy Q~288Q1 UU 88--14M Mixer 1 Rotary Plow 1.. 100 00 . 100... W 1W..99- Trailers 4. 8,5Q0 90.... 83500.. 00 . _ 8000 00 _ Tools & Fquipmen _..-T 9,5QQ 0Q ._._21393.... 69 111893 .69. _ 40,300 00„ FWD Truck 1 700 DO . 700. 00 . _ . _.1700 00.... Roti3r,&Ripper 1. es. 5,500 00 5,5QR... 00 _.......__5rr~ qq_ Loader & Equip. . 1. . 32,000 00 32,000.. 00 30aPM. Motor Scrapers 6_ 161,500 00. 118,624 00 290,1.2/3.. 0Q . _250,00 ' 00_. Fidel Wagons & Tar ks - ..1,700 00 _ 1,700. 09 _ _ 1,500. 00... Rubber Packers... 2 _ 6,500 00 6,500... QQ 63000 -CO Sheepsfoot Face s_3. 31500 00 _ 3,SQ0. 00 3.,000, 00- Traxcavator 1 15,000. W_. 15000 00 .._........133000. 00. SteelRoller 1 sa I Soo 00. _ 1,800 00_ _1,600 00 Chip Spreader 1 6,000 -00 6,000 00 5,500 00 Asphalt Dist. 1 2,000 00 2,000 00 1,750, 00 i 1 581,120 100 1 238,998 138 820,1181 381 71,318 655,200100 SECRETARY-TREASURER'S CERTIFICATE The information contained in this Report is as shown by the Books and Records of the Municipal District, from my own observation, or obtained from other officials of the District-end all of which I certify to be true and correct according to the best of my knowledge, and belief, AND IN AGREEMENT WITH THE AUDITOR'S REPORT WHERE NECESSARY Dated purer. rl rI ir . wu EX P E N D I T U R E S SA N I T A T I O N WE L F A R E 0. 16 5 % MI S C E UB 03 5 2 % . 35 2 % IN T E R E S T , PE N A L T I E S SE R V I C E CH A R G E S & RE C R E A T I O N 1.05 8 % LI C E N C E S , RE N T S & FI N E S 0. 91 6 % yB U S I N E S S & FR O N T A G E TA X E S 0. 48 2 % up c is l oR K S . Ep U C A T i O a / \ 39 % ~ FO U N D A T I O N 72 4 5 % SU P P L E M E N T A R Y 27 . 55 % NM E N T MI S GE N E R A l d 59 % EL L - AN E - HO M E OW N E R 0I S 0 0 0 N T S GU S 3.41 % - . 07 5 % CA P I T A L 10 % UN C O L L E C T A B L E TA X E S y 1.1 % RE C R E A T I O N & DE B I T CH A R G E S 1. 03 % r e m tq r ~ F a F m r ta l l < y ~ m ~ R1 In C Z' d PAWaGENERALREVENUEFUNDBALANCESHEETErhNtS-FormIS LNBFBALANCESDECEMBER31,1971 GeneralAccount PublicRearveaTrustAccmmt..._ TaxSaleSurplusThatAccount TOTAL LBVY~T/IEV1R ASSETS _ B..& DankCashonHaod aACCOUNTSRRCEVVABLE SundryAcommisandRentsReceivable AgreementsforSao. PartsandWoodsSeedGrain Hospital, AidandReliefAccountsChargablatoparson _..a?8.7$-__. Miscellaneous (Specify) MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF KNEEHILL NO. 48 1971 Another year has passed and time to reflect on last year's58,86350 business and ponder about the future. 41,12000 For the most part, craps were good throughout the Municipality with the usual exceptions of losses to the elements in various parts. A new loss was introduced on a larger scale than before, in the Beet webworm and the Bertha Army Worm in Rapeseed craps; this gave the growers of this crop many anxious moments and a real problem to our Agricultural Service Board and District Agriculturalist. Many long hours were put in before control came. Sever ...AccoDDta41554. 37 1. DUEFROMOTHERMUNICIPALITY - - DebenturesAssumedAmbulanceSBa190.49 Other (Specify) 4.M.O . _.._...728486 aDUEFROMPROVINCESurfaceReclamation163.12 PublicWelfareAssistanceAct.. 63.9------- HomesforAgedAd._..-.._---.._._._.__...__....._..._.......... r' MunicipalGrantsActL.T.O.233.,78._.._ RoadGrant_CuetomM5,300.. 95P. FinsAgriculturalServiceHoard _2,699.15.._..._. 8.55527 6. DUEFROMDOMINIONOFCANADA (Specify) E.M.O. 71 7. DUEFROMGENERALCAMALFUND ua.ait~a%riea (tal ) 704.97 70497 9. DUEFROMOTHERFUNDS (Sbddng, ReserveorTrustFunds-Specify)' 10. TAXESRECEIVABLE (NotIncludingPropertyAcquiredforTaxes) $ .096L 11. TAKESRECEIVABLEONPROPERTYACQUIREDFORTAXESq61Q173 u. DMOMRIES (ValueofConsumableGoodsorSuppliesonHand) I3. ACCRUEDITEMS (Specify) 14. OTHERCURRENTASSETS (specify) I.S. DEFICIT-Exhibit9 (Page12) TOTALASSETS NOTEBEAGREEMENTSFORSALE (Item3).-ReserveforAgreementsforSaleshouldbesetupunderItem15, Page9toavoidduplicationof Assets, astheseassetsarealreadyincludedinTaxesReceivable. AssetsofSeedGrain (Govt. Guar,) withliabilitytoGovt.-underItem19, LibalityunderIsm6, Page9. HnoliabilitytoGovt.-asset, if shown, underItem3, Reserve, ifany, underItem15, Page9. N9.-TotalofItems30and11mustagreewithTotalUncollectedTaxes, Schedule12, Page12. REEVEtS REPORT This has been a year of tremendous road work done in the Mun- icipality, The Provincial Government completed paving between Tor- rington and Trochu, and graded Highway #27 from Highway #21 to the Morrin Bridge; this is of great benefit to this District; The past year saw a worthwhile start on nur secondary road pro- gram. The road from 2 miles north of Linden tn.the Three Hills west road, then west to Allingham was rebuilt to highway standards - 11 miles in this project. We were very fortunate in having equipment available and were hired to do this work thus we had funds avail- able to extend our oil treatment, or emuision surface to 22 miles in 1971. We now have 124 miles either paved or nil treated. We started with 3,91 miles north of Acme in 1964, 51 miles in the follow- ing year and approximately 6 miles each of the next two years. We then changed to the cheaper type of work so more people could get the advantages of dust free roads. We are nearly caught up with grades that are ready for this light surface work, as it is only standing up as well as the base grade under it. We will also ask you to please use caution about heavy loads, particularily during spring break-up. If the present policies are followed regarding our secondary road system, it is expected to get these roads surfaced with a heavy asphalt coat, which is much more costly, but has a much longer life expectancy. Many small projects were also completed making many imprnve- ments for the benefit of all. The gravel trucks, now five tandems, work around the year, stockpiling during the winter and spreading on the roads when the season permits. We held our regular meeting with our School and Hospital Boards, Towns and Villages within the area. We have many mutual problems - nuisance grounds, cemeteries, common road problems, etc. From this co-operation of our Towns and Villages, an ambulance was purchased for the area's use. Much credit must be given to the people of the Linden District who are operating this unit on a voluntary basis. The emergency fire phone number is used for this - 546-3777. We are getting enquiries from far and near as to the operation of this unit. Our basic ingredient is co-operation with people who still have a feeling for their fellow man. GENERAL FUND P.m,Etthibit 10-Ftlma 25 STATEMENT OF GENERAL REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE Our three fire trucks are doing good work and reducing the losses caused by this hazard. Our firemen are to be complimented. Our Agricultural Service Board continues to carry on many worthwhile projects, as you will see from that Report; this is an area in which grants are used to a great extent. Our Capital purchases were high in 1971 as outlined in our Financial Statement. The main reason wns the buying back of our two Euclid Scrapers which had been traded in; these were used on the construction of our secondary road work when hired by the Pro- vincial Government. This was a very excellent investment as they not only earned considerable money, but we have a saleable machine of almost last year's buy back price. We will not be able to make use of such a deal again, as we propose to use the secondary road funds toward hard surfacing. As we will likely be short of monies in the way of grants for dirt work for several years, Council will be making some important decisions. We must either cut back on our oil treatment of roads and building of grades or raise taxes accordingly. Farm people are entitled to, and should receive the same increase in income that other segments of our society have enjoyed, be it by outright subsidy, two price system or what have you. We are getting the ear of many people in responsible positions, such as business and government. Let us hope it is not too little or too late. Our small town businessmen are being hurt right along with us. Until moreprosperous times come to the farm, we will try our best to hold the line. We have not raised your taxes in line with the inflation of the day, and we will do our best to keep expenditures within reason. Your requests for added services can only result in higher taxes. At time of writing we have not seen the complete financial picture. I expect a small surplus, but can expand on this, and proposals for the coming year can be discussed with you at the Annual Meeting to be held March 20, 1972 at 1:30 P.M. in the Three Hills' Community Centre. We have received many letters, and personal thanks for our Senior Citizen Certificates. These are much appreciated by these people who turned this area from the vast open prairie to the present day modern conveniences, such as roads, schools, hospitals, electricity, and more and more are being connected by natural gas systems. We thank our Senior Citizens for such a splendid heritage. Council elections are now held every three years. The entire Council was Deselected, with the exception of Mr. Georges Lemay who did not seek re-election. We welcome Mr. Reg Campbell as Councillor for Division 7, following in his father's footsteps. Kelly served the area long and well for many years. This change in elections gives Council the opportunity to make far broader plans for the future. Only time will tell if this is a better system than in the past where part of the Council changed each year. I am now serving my fourth term as President of the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts & Counties, a position I can only hold with the strong co-operation of this Council. The Com- mittee work between meetings has been ably carried out by them. I was able to attend all regular meetings last year, a record that will be hard to maintain as I am becoming involved in such things as Tri-Level Conferences, between Federal, Provincial and Municipal Governments, Western Union of Municipalities, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Alberta Associations. L GENERAL GOVERNMENT (ADMINISTRATION) S.UA -Sam Trw.-14500.00_ Assistants-17,221046• Assessor ._U0,644.56-_.__.__.~._.. Andtt Few -972.60-__... Cann iu re Foot, Etc. (.a Pass 21 for Details) .14,813.62.__.._- legal and Tax Recovery zxpemx.-413,92..- seisum Rant Printing and statlanary....1,0.51.40- I.T.0..-1v088.05- Elections Postage, Telegrams, Telephone -,1,.500..(57-- Insurance-.897,24----- Office Zap. _$e744,0],_- Association Fw.._7. Bond Premium ...__.,U9 W..._._-.._..-.-~..__ collector$ Fan._..._..._..__......... Delootes...jy(J18.15•-- Town and Rural Planning Aet.._.2,,Q Superannuation (MD. Sham).... 9a 944..0.0_.. other (Specify)Staff$omotion 75.35 Hsplggae.__B.enefits..------ 10,516.69._.._.__. se^.Patary nd lani atant.nOq.-.--._...-371.64...-.._..._......_......_.._.__.....-.__...._..__.-99,797 99 2. PROTECTION TO PERSONS AND PROPERTY 40766 i 624.s32ghtlystmtLpIra_M7345... Police ..........Pound 04159 26343 784PestandWeedsAgricultureserviceBard3 a PUBLIC woo"460Laboor275a6B.~ 53teteriat4!+a321•41'M.nhimrrRewin-100,030.16 Toole . 1 7001116floosie60682.72.._.._.__.._Worlrmena,.CompensatFlle1 L el 89 d_ IDRUranee~,QL.e50 _ pginggall;.gq~AHEtd@ _1aG80.00 License-_....__....67.roo --.__..._~lirZCQJIa[t4oxa._______.___.334r.~..759,430 39 SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL - S HEALTH (Ex. Hospital Requidtlom-See Item la) Public Health (Mxo, CEnim. Etc.) Medial, Dental and Allied Services-Fa Indigenti._...._..._ Other indigent Hospital Care Hospital Grants SOCIAL WELFARE Aid to Aged and Infirm--Maintenance......, Grant 5AidtoUnemployedEmptoyebtes (Ex. Health--See Item Aid to Unemoloyables (Ex Health-See Item 5) 0080Mothers' Allowance Child Welfare Grants, etc 2,116 13 7. EDUCATION (Requisitions) Public school 233.786.00 Separate School The School Foundation Program- 63 4, 7,656051--949-551 00 RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES 266.61... Rinks ._Cemetery...,3.00.-..._.... Weigh Scala-Parke Hall.__. Grants (specify)-...,.,325..00..._ special Activities (Specify) Aecreati(m....-9 $09.60:.... 9. DEBT CHARGES 26DebentureDebtCharges (See Page Temporary Debt Charges (Interest)-.9,870.82_,.. &ehenge....... 12 366 09 Discount on Debentures. 15. UTILITIES Deficits Pravided-Electric Light Waterworks Other (Specify) 3330T1axMunicipalLevies-Water Frontage 1,330 83 ODur(Specify) 11. PROVISION FOR RESERVES 7 00 Uncollectable Taxes23a48M1.... Accounts Receivable ORtI@@11ati.AA. 1EI.Q411@Se 11R.F 2'@ Contingencies.... Future Expenditures 23,964 91 12. CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND., _ . 13. JOINT OR SPECIAL. EXPENDITURES Municipal Hospital Requisition -_33.077.94,-AuxLUarg..Hospit4l.-_...224%2+95._..........._. _ Halo Unit Requlsitim13.a294.00-.. Homes for the Agee Am _.8,092 20 Othera(apecify)76.967 09 IN. THE HOMEOWNERS TAR DISCOUNT ACT. - Payments To Applicants 24, 16 Credited To Tex Roll 64,83&.15 Credited To Commissions 74,258 15. MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES Trade and Industrial Development Discount on Current Taxes YA3Ce114MRSDJ6 ...._31.00 aruDefence1,372.65 Mi..(specify) Taxea 82.50, Surfiace.Reclamation....-163.12.........1649 27 x,134,028..86.. 26. TOTAL EXPENDITURE DEFICIT FROM PREVIOUS YEARS (if actually provided for) - -17 2,174e028 86.. I2. TOTAL SURPLUS FOR YEAR (Excess of Revenue over Expenditure) _19 20. GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURE SECTION 2,219x413.54. PAGaeGENERALFUNDSTATEWffOFGENERALREVENUEANDEXPENDITUREExhibit10-Fbrin25 REVENUE 1. TAXATIONFORMUNICIPAL, SCHOOL, ANDHOSPITALPURPOSES REALPROPERTY Lend, BuildingsandImprovement, (IncludingminimumsandEducationTax) ElectricPowerLine. x138.:18Pip. Lt...181,546.:.20...................92.,.73Aa...38_ 148138447 BUSINESS - _ .4r757....50... OTHER (Specify) ?8.......... 2:43567 67 2. LICENSESANDPERNITS ProfessionalBu,inew TheMobileEquipmentLicensingAM TOTALCURRENTTAXLEVYtoagreewithSchedule12, Page12 .11,488, 577 SRENTS, CONCESSIONSANDFRANCHISES SundryRenrala...3,150.x0QEquipmentRental _...11135,.9B.... _ _ v ConcessionsandFranchises V_ FIVES _ 1,540. 00 5. INTEREST, TAXPENALTIES, ETC. InterestEarnings2f454.89..-Exahenge TaxSaleSurplusTransferredtoGeneralAccount PenaltiesandCosts (ToagreewithItem5, Schedule12, Page12) -.........16,530..2.5...... Miwalhpeau (Specify) 206 SERVICECHARGES Commissions CertificatesandSearchFees SanitaryandOtherChargesSewerserviceCharges....._1,.987.92..... Miaesllaneous (Specify) 7. RECREATIONANDCOMMUNITYSERVICES RecreationServices _ .ReereiU40 ..QILAtPsrka.50Q00,_...Nuisance-GrmmdaD00-,. CommunityServicesincludingCemetery...15.0.00 $ 00 CONTRIBUTIONS, GRANTSANDSUBSIDIES (SeePage15forDetails) 9. THEHOMEOWNERSTAXDISCOUNTACI'........74:25&..31.... ...AdminiR.tration...-....... 06 1& MESf~LANEOUS (Specify) 11 7,83174 if. TOTALREVENUE _2,219,413.....54..... 12. SURPLUSFROMPREVIOUSYEARS (IfUsed) 13. TOTAL _2219,41354..... 11. DEFICITFORYEAR (ExcessofExpenditureoverRevenue) 15. GRANDTOTALREVENUESECTION2,219,41354 OnlyCurrentTaxesactuallyLeviedbytheMunicipalityaretobeshownunderItem1, thetotalofwhichmustagreewithtotalcurrenttaxlevyinTaxesReceivableStatement, Page12. PenaltiesandCostsimposedonallTaxesLeviedbytheMunicipalityaretobeshownunderItem5, andwhichmustbeinagreementwithtotalPenaltiesandCostsIteminTaxesReceivableStatementonPage12. ProceedsfromSaleofLandsundertheTaxRecoveryActmustbeappliedonarrearsoftaxesandcostsandthesurplusifanyplacedinTaxSaleSurplusTrustAccount (Sec. 22, TaxRecoveryAct). CancellationofArrearsofTaxesshouldbechargedagainstReserveforUncollectableTaxes (Item16, 17, Page9) andnotchargedtotheExpenditureStatement; ithowever, provisionwasmadeinthebudgetforReserveforUncollectableTaxessuchwouldappearasanExpendi-tureunderItem12, Page7. Our present Government has pledged themselves to remove educational costs from the property tax; this is no small task to maintain equality between high and low assessed municipalities.We are about average in Kneehill so a watchful eye must be kept to the future. I feel deeply indebted to the members of Council and staff of Kneehill for their fine co-operation over the years. We do have problems, but are able to work out solutions in a democratic manner. Respectfully submitted, Ralph W. Brown 0 TWENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT Agricultural Service Board of the Municipal District of Kneehill 448 The Personnel of the Agricultural Service Board in 1971 were' Mr. Cliff Poole, Chairman Council Member Mr. Art Bauer Council Member Mr. Frank Hoppins Ratepayer Member Mr. H. J. Clark Ratepayer Member Mr. Dan Peters, District Ag, Government Member Mr. John Jeffery Secretary to the Board Mr. Gordon Park Agricultural Fieldman Mr. Lorne Bosse Assistant Agricultural Fieldman The following is a summary of activities in which the A.S.B. and/or Ag. Fieldman had a part: Drumheller & District Ag. Society Meetings - Short Courses Inservice Training Course (1 week) - Olds Marketing Series - Three Hills E.M.O. Conference - Calgary Silage Feeding & Handling Tour - Linden-Acme area Unifarm Pollution Seminar - Edmonton A.S.B. Provincial Conference - Edmonton Kneehill Extension Council Meetings - Three Hills 4-H Activities & Exchange, Beef Sale, etc. Alta. Horticultural Association Meetings Grasshopper Meeting - Stettler Local Meeting - Orkney School As we look back on 1971, we are reminded that 1971 was a yearoftrialsandtribulationsasfarasfarmerswereconcerned. A warm spring season coupled with ample moisture sent cropsofftoanexcellentstart, with very lush growth. However, as the summer progressed very little moisture came, then a hot dry Aug-ust so that crops did not produce as good as had been anticipated early in the season. A hailstorm in July cut a swath through the centre of the District seriously affecting yields to those hit. Late July and August saw a very serious infestation of Beet webworm on Rapeseed crops. Very diligent efforts on the part of the farmers and aerial spray companies were able to save most of the crop. An out-break of Bertha Army worms also affected Rape- seed crops in the northeast corner of the Municipal District. It is very difficult to say that we will or won't have an infestation during 1972 or not, but I believe that there is a good chance. WEED CONTROL The general attitude towards weed control is good, although more effort is indicated along fence lines, and sloughs and other waste areas. More acres were treated for weed control in 1971 than in the previous two seasons. Buckwheat has increased over the past few years, therefore, some of the newer herbicides such as Buctril and Banvel will help to bring these weeds under con- trol. Canada and Sow Thistle must be watched closely especially along waste areas. Farmers are asked to report suspicious look- ing weeds for identification. Assistance in Weed Control is also available for certain perennial weeds such as Toadflax. PAGZ a0PAYMENTS15. LOANS s ) _885,000 00 BALANCES DECEMBER 31 197116 reasury Br anch Bank Cash on H and General Account 81,043 53.....38,222 45 119,265 98 Others (Specify) pvroll 49b 48....t496 48....... Depo it in transit.-,-10,p1 Q8„14x49?98 Public Reserves Trust Account Tax Sale Surplus Trust Amount .930 .71..-.11 8.30 71...._ rorALS 70 38,222 45 132,495 15 132,495 15 17. Above Cash on Band was Deposited January , 1971 TOTAL PAYMENTS 3,366,566 31 COMBINED CAPITAL AND LOAN FUNDS Etlhiblt I-Form 1 BALANCE SHEET LIABILITIES General Special Utilitin Total Capital and ActivitiesL ICapitaland Capital and Loan Fund Capital and Loan Fonda Loan Funds Loan Funds L Debenture Debt (Unmatmed)i-. 25,2-355...y 22 1..43_..29-- 2. Other Long-Term Indebtedness 8. Temporary Lana (Other than Inter tuna) - - - 4, Accounts Payable-.--.___--_ s, Other Liabilities - S. Reserves 7. Da to other Funds 21,4&?g3.-.701e_9Y-_22x14 0__ 8. Investment In Capital Assets 1 880741 87 ll 965 43 1 753 846 30CapitalSurplus)1.. A g. Total .......I 1-789-723 Sb f L........._....I S 1.7 COMBINED REVENUE FUNDS E,;hlbit 3-Form 12 BALANCE SHEET LIABILITIES General Special Utilities Total Revenue Activities Revenue Revenue Fund Revenue Funds Funds Funds L Bank Overdrafts i:............... . _ I 2. Temporary loans 3. Accounts Payable _10,122_..14 1-1-11.11-1 .10.,122.U.... 4. Other Liabilities .5,10$.64 2.,100 00 7,208 84.. 3. Reserves _ _12x101„77_ Due to Capital and Loan Funds 4,419 46 _4,419 46 7. Due to other Revenue Fonda 5,686.49 5,686 1,9 8. Due to Sinking, Reserve and Trust Funds . 0608 869. Surpluses 94,894,000 86 I 080 1927 10 1 I 6 519 146 933 599_501e. Total s NOTE: Column 1, Item 3 shall consist of Items 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 on Page 9. Column 1, Item 4 shall consist of Items 14 and 15 on Page 9. Column 1, Item 6 shall consist of Items 10,11 and 12 on Page 9. Column 1, Item 7 shall consist of Items 11 and 12 on Page 9. Column 3, Item 3 shall consist of Items 3 and 4 on page 19. Column 3, Item 4 shall consist of Items 6, 7 and 8 on Page 19. ARMPACx1RECEIPTS14, ADVANCESANDCHARGESREPAID (ByIndividuals) Relief.-........... HospitalandMedical............... Pestsandweeds SeedGrainandFeed, etc.; Municipal..._..... Govt, Guar....._.......... Miscellaneous (Specify) 15, LOANS (Specify) 16. OUTSTANDINGCREQUES, VOUCHERSOROVERDRAFTSDECEMBER51, 1971 General.614.233a.19TaxSaleSurplusTrusta/cOveMreft Othens-SpceBybyaccounts) .E4Yd'411.-_._12u39$e/ - 885,000100 73,631165 17. TOTAL COMBINEDCAPITALANDLOANFUNDS BALANCESHEETExhibit1-Form1 ASSETS I GeneralSpecialUtilitiesTotal CapitalandActivitiesCapitalandCapitaland LoanFundCapitalandLoanFundsLoanFunds 2 ROADSIDE SEEDING About thirty-five miles of newly-graded and backsloped roads were seeded to a grass legume mixture. Our standard mixture con- sists of Crested Wheat, Fescue and Alfalfa, but if a farmer wishes to use the road allowance for hay, Brome grass can be included at his request„ ROADSIDE SPRAYING About four hundred miles of road was sprayed for brush and weed control. Some roadsides in Division 2 were treated with Soil Sterilant to prevent the growth of grass. This is a narrow strip approximately 1i ft. wide on each shoulder. Patches of Toadflax have been treated where found or reported on M. D. roads. LIVESTOCK INSECT CONTROL The Municipal District of Kneehill #48 became a Warble Con- trol Area with the passing of a by-law in September after having a petition circulated to determine the cattlemen's interest in the control of the "Warble' which is one of the five named pests in Alberta, LFixedAssetsandWorksinProgress1,784,366....22 $35,1,91...83._1,819,858_. 05..._It is the farmers' responsibility to see that cattle are r. DuefromSinkingFundforRetire-free of the Warble fly, If cattle were not treated in the fall, mentofDebentures _they should be inspected this spring and if Warbles are present AInvestments (Securities)._______.they should be treated with either the systemics or Warble Powder 4. CashmdBanke.l+aaa.___.._._....Rotenone). A spray service is provided at cost by Your A.S.B. S. AccountsReceivable OmerAsset4a3z7 .,34 .4-Approximately 3,000 head were sprayed for Lice or Warbles 7. DuefromOtherFunds4s-419-.. 44 .4,412, 46_.in 1971, S. DeRcitsorExtraodhreryEzpensea apiralced 9. Total _I $1,788,723156I $ iI $39,9111291,828,63485. SHELTERBELT SPRAYING Shelterbelt spraying was done on about twelve farms for the control of various insects, eg. spruce mites, spruce sawfly, aphids and others. This service is provided at cost and on a request basis only. COMBINEDREVENUEFUNDS PORTABLE LIVESTOCK SCALE BALANCESHEETExhibit3-Form12 This scale is available to livestock men on a daily rental ASSETS basis of $5,00 per day. The scale has assisted the R.O.P. testing of beef cattle in the area. GeneralSpecial RevenueActivities Utilities Revenue Total Revenue FundRevenueFundsFans,SEPTIC TANK FORMS LCash58,863.....50 ' $ $5M8863 These are available to farmers for the construction of xInveafinenta _ _15,120. W51, M_-Septic tanks on a weekly rental basis. 3. AccountsReceivable13,.966...-37535.. 2Q14,501. 57.-.. 4. TaxesReceivableJ,$'J1Q96...21-21--FERTILIZER TEST PLOTS 5. TaxesReceivableonProperty AcquiredforTaxes9,6419...23_619_.23__A test plot was set out again on the farm of W. Irving at Amvc"+m29b,222---- -291ra22?..49._.Huxley on Rapeseed and Wheat. More work on Rapeseed is needed, but 7. OtherAssets v,.._there is a good indication that Rapeseed responds well to appli-RDuefromCapnelandLoanFunds22,191BO224911.30 cations of nitrogen, 9. DuefromOtherRevenueFunds5,6.!E649 _5,6$649_.... 10. DuefromSinking, ReserveandTrust TREE PLANTINGFunds . 1. Deficit7729777 I2. Total-927,080 ~10I $I466,519I$ 933,599156 About 93,000 trees were planted in the Municipal District. Trees are provided without charge by the Department of Agri-NOTE:Columni, ItemSshallconsistofItems8, 4,5,6onPage9. Column1, ItemsballconsistofandlSanPageB. culture and planted by the Municipal tree planter, tractor and 8Column1, Item8andnd9shallconsistnsistoofItemsems7, 9and9onPageS.Crew, Trees must be ordered through the local Agricultural office Column9, Item7shallconsistofItems6, 7and8onPages18and22 prior to spring planting. Grants are available to assist in the cultivation of field and roadside plantings for the first three years. 0 PAYMENTS PAGR s 3- Roadside hedges provide very effective snow traps, which eliminate a large amount of snowplowing. Let's get more livingsnowfencesplantedandsavesnowplowingdollars. PEST CONTROL Four 1080 Baits were set out on locations where requests had been made to Council to control coyotes. One location is to be moved to serve another location later in the winter. These baits are only placed where requested and in locations where they are at least one mile from any inhabited huildings. All bait sites are in inaccessible areas and well over one mile awayfromanyfarmsite. Again this year, A.S.H. personnel looked after the MunicipalPark, school yards and cemeteries. In conclusion, I would like to extend an invitation to dis- cuss your Agricultural problems and ideas with us, either in the office or whenever the opportunity presents itself. I would like to thank you, the ratepayers, the Municipal Council,Department of Agriculture and office staff for their help and co- operation over the years. Respectf y submitted, Gordon L. Park Agricultural Fieldman 1. OUTSTANDING CHEQJES, VOUCHERS OR OVERDRAFTS, DEC. H, 1970General .10.9.877.23Tax Sale Surplus Overdraft....Others•-Specify by Accounts) Payrell.....13,694.1.2......... L GENERAL GOVERNMENT seariw.-s.. Traw.11,50Qe44 Assistants 1720.96Assessor.........11r714c. Audit Fees 972.64 Councillors' Fees, Etc. (See Page 21 for Details) .1419 Legal and Tea Recovery Expenses 413A9 2 seizure, Rent Printing and Stationery 1,025 63......LTO 1,14440 Elections 453252 Postage, Telegrams, Telephone.1,393. 2g. inswance _984.74,..... Office Esp. 8 Association Feee........711..04........... Bond Premium.,... 49.40 . Collectors Fee..._ Delegates 3x016 15.. Tam and Rural Planning Act Superannuation (M.D. Share) .9x944.00,.......Staff ....PrQ_.011..OnRI...._ Newspaper _......._...3,042..54 33 101 a PROTECTION TO PERSONS AND PROPERTY Fue$t..._ •71.._Police Pound 43'1/x,._. 4. PUBLIC WORKS Lbo„r.275 ~5e531 tad Fuel-- 6811481t7.. Shop...expense ...._7. II..I.Qe .._2 WQJ1aD_.Gfisatlvl Roadm me-Hueage._...._.. Right ...of_.way............ ents Insurance Licenses 9x99.Tov1>}..._...._ 56,814 1 41 S. SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL............1,500 00 a HEALTH (Ex. HospitalSee Item 13) Public Health (MILO., Clinics, Etc.) _ . _ Medial, Dental and Allied Services-For Indigents............Other . - Indigent Hospital Care Hospital Grants..... 7. SOCIAL WELFARE Aid to Aged and Infirm-Maintena ce Grano Aid to Unemployed Employebbre (Ex. Health-See Item 8)1,246 z8. AM to Unemployables (Ex. Health See Item 8)69.:95. Mothers' Allowance....._...__ Child Welfare Grant Eta 804..140 0. EDUCATION (Requisitions) Public Schoo12331784.00 Separate school_._ The School Foundation P+'ogrem614.'~65.00---._._ 848,551 00 0. RECRE2T[oN AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Parks._.... 66 Rinks Cemetery -3.00 Weigh Scales _ 10. DEBT CHARGES Debentures 423?4t15.. Exchange Interest on Sons _..9.,$7Q..82 14,266. 97 11. GENERAL CAPITAL AND IRAN FUND (Specify) Ambulance 8.092.20 Public Works _2,0,1,952.38 A S B. 6,192.85. H. PUBLIC UTILITIES Electric Light and Power-Capital Genera] Waterworks-Capital .3.70,15 General ..1.,787.12 13 JOINT OR SPECIAL EXPENDITURES MtmidpdNoapiW....42x144.47.+-1pXL118TyRa~9pltei_22,502.9.5_..-_-- Health Unit Requwtiom13x29140.Q.... Homes for the Aged Act .8,092.20 Others (Specify) 14. MISCELLANEOUS Hall.. Seed Grain (Govt. Guar.) Public Reserves Refund of Overpaid Taxes..... Payment of Tax Sale Surplus Seariees Purchased Suspense..... 323.05 Income Tax........... Seed Grain (Municipal) civil Da ca1,372..65 Misc. (Specify) Taxes 82.50 The Homeowners Tax Discount Act (Payments to Applicants) 74,258.•31.. Surface reclamation 153.12 86 Caathraad on Page F)