HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974 Financial Statementsnfl c, Municipal District of Kneehill, No 48 For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31 st 1974 NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Monday, March 31, 1975 THREE HILLS COMMUNITY CENTRE 1:30 p.m. Sharp Alban MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS O Willson business services Rd. mlli-, IPAL WPPL I I I 1 NlnN-1 I4 e o MUNICIPALITY MUNZ.GIPAL.DZS UQT..OF..MF&ILL148 CONSOLIDATION OF OPERATING FUND STATEMENTS OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE 2 (Forms 1, 7,13,19, 25, 31 and 37 - as applicable) For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19 -24 kFVFNUF 100 TAXES 200 GRANTS IN LIEU OF TAXES , 300 SERVICES PROVIDED TO OTHER GOVERNMENTS 400 SALES OF GOODS AND SERVICES 500 OTHER REVENUE FROM OWN SOURCES r110 UNCONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTS 1-- - 01 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES 169,363 82 02 PROTECTIVE SERVICES 37 944 144 03 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 04 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 05 PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE SERVICES A06ENVIRONMENTALDEVELOPMENTSERVICES 07 RECREATION AND CULTURAL SERVICES AND EDUCATION ll 08 FISCAL SERVICES 09 OTHER SERVICES 52 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL INSTRUCTION 53 JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL INSTRUCTION 54 SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL INSTRUCTION 55 SPECIAL EDUCATION 56 COMMUNITY SERVICES 57 PUPIL PERSONNEL SERVICES 58 SCHOOL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE 59 EARLY CHILDHOOD SERVICES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 6 SURPLUS FOR YEAR GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURE 2, CONSOLIDATION OF 4ERATING FUND BALANCE SHEETS Forms 2, 8,14, 20, 26, 32 and 38 - as applicable) As at December 31, 19 -74 100 CASH ON HAND AND ON DEPOSIT 1 0 1 200 RECEIVABLES 80 62 81 300 INVESTMENTS 120 00 400 LOANS AND ADVANCES a00 TANGIBLE ASSETS 18 2 700 OTHER ASSETS 1 529 09 900 ACCUMULATED DEFICIT TOTAL ASSETS 1 075 2 12 LIABILFTIES 100 SHORT-TERM BORROWINGS 200 PAYABLES 300 LONG-TERM DEBT 400 OTHER LIABILITIES 500 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCE,' 600 RESERVES 900 ACCUMULATED SURPLUS TOTAL LIABILITIES 0 e ROADSIDESEEDING MUNIUIPALITY k,VNICIPAL.AISTRICT.OF..101EkHILL.~14R. GENERAL OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31,1974 FORM 1-1 3Weseededapproximatelyfortymilesofroadsideonnewlygraded roadsin1974. Wealsore-seededanumberofmilesofroadwhere thegrassseedhadnotestablishedtoowell. Weareattempting todothisworkinthefallaswefeelweshouldgetabetter catchofthegrassseedatthistimeofyear. LIVESTOCKINSECTCONTROL Wehavehadamanatthelocalauctionmarketstoinspectcattle forwarblesforthepasttwosprings. Wegetreportsofall cattlegoingthroughtheyardsthatareinfestedwithwarbles. Weprovideasprayservicetointerestedlivestockmenforthe sprayingofcattleinfestedwithliceorwarblesatcost. Last yearwesprayed17herdsofcattlemakingatotalof1569head sprayed. SHELTERBELTSPRAYING Wesprayed24shelterbeltsin1974forthecontrolofinsects. Itisgoodtoseethepridethatsomepeopletakeintheir shelterbelts. Inanareasuchasthis, wherethereisalimited growthoftrees, awellestablishedshelterbeltcancertainly addtotheappearanceofanarea. PORTABLELIVESTOCKSCALE Theweighscalewasusedthirtytimeslastyearforweighing cowsandcalves. Itisrentedoutat $5.00perdayunlesswe takethescaleoutanddotheweighing. Wethencharge $15.00 forthefirsthourofweighingand $10.00anhourforanyextra time. Wepurchasedanewscalethislastfallastheoldone wasgettingprettybadlyshookup. Wereceivedagrantof 600.00onthepurchaseofthenewscalefromtheProvincial Government. TREEPLANTING Closeto100,000treeswereplantedintheMunicipalitylastyear. Wedonotplantanyordersoflessthan200treesastheseare generallyreplacementsanditistoohardtousemachineryfor thisjob. Themajorityofthesetreeswereplantedbythe ServiceBoardwithnocharge. Treesareprovidedfreeofcharge fromtheProvincialNurseryatOliverandfromtheP.F.R.A NurseryatIndianHead, Saskatchewan. Treesshouldbeordered earlyaswehadalotofcancellationsonthelateorders. WeareattemptingtofillalllateordersatIndianHead. GENERAL Ihaveenjoyedworkinginthisareaandworkingwiththepeople oftheareaforthepasttwoyears. TherearemanythatIhaven't metyet, andIamlookingforwardtohavingtheopportunitytodoso. Shouldyouhaveaprobleminyourarea, wewouldbepleasedtohave youcomeintodiscussitwithus. Thiswouldbeagoodwayfor youtofindoutaboutsomeofourprogramsthatcouldbeofvalue toyou. Respectfullysubmitted: J ~ NormanSoder AgriculturalFieldman REVENUE Estimates Actual loo TAXES 2,014,387 54 110 Real Property 2,007,378 06 120 Special Assessment 140 Business 4,573 81 190 Other 2,435 62 200 GRANTS IN LIEU OF T= 11 7 28 210 Federal 230 Provincial 11,575 28 250 Own Agencies 260 Other Local Governments 270 Iron-Government Organizations 290 Other 300 SERV PRO 1,7_94 06 310 Federal 330 Provincial 0 350 Own Agencies 360 Other Local Governments 390 Other 400 SALES OF GOODS AND SERVICES 33 412 Sewage Services 1,720 49 418 Waste Disposal Services 420 Sale of Goods 25,261 430 Sale of Services 15,019 9~8 480 Recreational and Cultural 490 Other 2,097 34 500 OTHER REVENUE FROM OWN SOURCES 392 0511514MobileUnitLicenses3. 91~2 91 519 Other Licenses and Permits 0 8 5'20 Fines 8 0 530 Rentals 1 540 Concessions and Franchises 550 Returns on Investments 10 6 8 560 Penalties and Costs 7 6 6 590 Other 600 UNCONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTS (Schedule P)24829.41 00 610 Federal 620 Provincial 248,294 QC 630 Other Local Governments 700 L'ONDITIONALTRANSFERSFROM FEDORPROV GOVERN& THEIR AGENCIES (SCHEDULE P)290,746184 710 Federal 1 026 730 Provincial 800 CONDIT ERS FROM OTHER LOCAL GOVERNMENTS (Schedule P) 900 OTHER TRANSFERS (Schedule PI 910 From Own Reserves & Allowances: 911 Prior Years Surplus 912 Reserve for Future Expenditures 913 Allowance for Uncollectible Taxes 919 Other 920 From Other Funds . 9:10 Transters from Own Agencies 990 Other TOTAL REVENUE 2.662.2P9 10 DEFICIT FOR YEAR 17 771 9 GRAN DTOTALREe'ENt'E 2 837 0 0 99 TWENTY-NINTH ANNUAL REPORT MUNICIPALITY M'UNIOIPAL llIGTRICT OF KN~1iILL 4.8. 4 GENERAL OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19 -U- FORM 1-2 EXPENDITURE Estimates Actual 01 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES 01 Legislative 15.876 I SO 169,363 82 02 General Administrative 143,487 02 99 Other 02 PROTECTIVE SERVICES 7 9' 01 Police Protection 03 Fire Protection 04 Emergency Measures 12 3 93 99 Other 18 810 6 03 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 1,233,286 63 01 Common Services 02 Road Transport 1,233,286 3 99 Other 04 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 1 600 00 02 Sewage Collection & Disposal 03 Garbage & Waste Collection & Disposal 1X600 00 99 Other 05 PUBLIC HEALTH & WELFARE SERVICES 32.481 158 01 Public Health, Medical Care, Hospital Other HealthCare 26 920 09 05 Social Welfare 06 Preventive Social Services 99 Other 5,281 06 ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 55,095 6 03 Agricultural Service Board 55,o95 6 9 Other 07 RECREATION & CULTURAL SERVICES EDUCATION 968 117 93 01 Recreation Buildings & Facilities 02 Cultural Buildings & Facilities 03 Recreation Programs 'Facility)132 52- 04 Cultural Programs (Facility) 05 Education 6 00 06 Programs (Non-Facility)28,016 6 99 Other 08 FISCAL SERVICES 339,170 01 Debt Charges 17-1215 1 92 02 Transfers to Own Reserves, Funds encies (Schedule Ad)A 32z,o1,5 02 g 03 Unconditional Transfers to Other Governments Their A enciesg 04 Conditional Transfers to Other Governments and Their Agencies 9901 Previous Years' Deficits Recovered 9999 Other TOTAL EXPENDITURE 2 837 060 99 SURPLUS FOR YEAR GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURE 2,837,060 99 AGRICULTURAL SERVICE BOARD OF THE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF KNEEHILL #48 The Personnel of the Agricultural Service Board in 1974 were: Mr.Arthur Bauer, Chairman Council Member Mr.Reg. Campbell Council Member Mr.Findlay Code Farmer Member Mir,Harold Bowe Farmer Member Mr.John Jeffery Secretary to the Board Mfr.Russ Horvey District Agriculturist Mr.Glenn Smyth Assistant Ag. Fieldman Mr.Norman Soder Agricultural Fieldman CROPS GENERAL 1974 was a variable type of year for agriculture. Some of our climatic conditions were quite erratic. Hail in the easternpart of the area in early May, a very wet spring, more hail in June, a heavy frost in early September and then a heavy snow fall in early October placed a lot of stress on the farmers. The con- ditions also caused some very erratic crop yields that ranged from poor to extremely good. It was unfortunate that some of the farmers lost their crop or had poor yields when grain prices were high. LIVESTOCK GENERAL Livestock conditions were generally good throughout the area with the exception of problems with calves in the spring. Then the drop in the price of cows and calves didn't help any of our live- stock men. It is hoped that the Cow-Calf Advance Program was of assistance to some of the farmers. It is interesting to note that only 203 of our farmers took advantage of this advance. The average advance amounted to $2,528.10 making a total of 513,310.00 advanced through our Municipal office. MEETINGS Agricultural Service Board meetings are held on the third Monday of every month with the exception of the meetings that are held in March, July and November. In these months the meetings are held jointly with the Municipal Council on the fourth Monday. In 1974 we held a total of eight meetings. WEEDS Generally speaking, weeds are not causing the problems in this Municipal District that they are in other areas. Wild Oats are probably still the weed that is causing the farmer the greatest economic loss. Canada and Sow thistles are starting to cause considerable concern in some areas. Toad Flax, while it doesn't spread as readily as the thistles, is becoming evident in areas that we were not aware of previously. The big problem with these weeds is that they get established in the more unassessable areas which make them harder to get at to control. The farmers in this Municipal District are to be commended on their weed control programs. I have heard remarks from people outside of the area who have stated that this is generally the cleanest area in the Province. There are always weeds new to the area, coming in. 1',e are always pleased to have farmers bring in weed specimens for identification. Sometimes a serious weed problem can be stopped before it gets established. ROADSIDE SPRAYING While the responsibility of controlling weeds on roadside is the responsibility of the farmer whose land the road runs parallel to, we have been attempting to do some additional control. We fell down rather badly in this last year as we changed over to a different spray outfit. We ran into some problems with this and did not get our spraying program much more than off the ground. e would like to spray all new construction for the past three years as well as secondary roads. Then we would like to spray an# patches of the more persistant perennials. Aft 2- Taxccllecti:,nsgaveagainbeenregd. Taxesreceivable atDecember31st, 1974wereapproximately $426,000.GO, compared with '471,000.00theyearbefore. AsatR-arch1st, thearrears onlyamountedtoapproximately '124,000.00. Thepenaltyrate hasbeenraisedfromTOto10effectivelarch1st, 1976. ThePropertyTaxReductionPlanbenefitedsomeover previousyears, andpenalizedethers, dependingcntheamount ofassessmentinvolved. WeexpecttheGovernmenttoresurfacetheSecondaryRoad l'umber8G5 - Allinghamtc ''Iimborne, andheavypavefromWimborna toournorthboundary. ThiswilljoinupwithRedDeeron theirInnisfailEastPrcject, servingthewesthalfofthis 6'.unicipalDistrictverywell. Tendersfcrthisprojecthave beencalled. WearestillhopingtodevelopacommonSanitaryLandFill withourtownsandvillagesandseveralsitesarenowunder consideration. Thewageagreementfor1975withouremployeeswasincreased approximately20;"a. Thisisasubstantialincrease, butwith incometaxdeducted, theincrease4_nmostcasesislessthan 12% net, whichislessthantheinflationfactorcf1974. WeareinvolvedinmanywayswiththeTownsandVillages infireprotection, recreation, ambulance, sanitarylandfill, etc. Forthemostpartwehaveexcellentco-operationfrom thesepeople. Thevolunteersonthefiredepartmentsandthe ambulancearedoingexcellentworkanddeserveourpraiseand. thanks. AspecialthanksmustgototheLinden1+ursingHome fortheleanofstafftr, workwiththeambulancevolunteersand forlookingafterthelaundry. Wearefortunateinhavingareliableanddedicatedstaff ofemployees. Whiletherearechangesoccuringfromtimeto timewearewellpleasedwiththeircc-operationandservice. OurSecretarywashonouredthisyearinhisre-election asPresidentcftheAlbertaRuralMunicipalAdministrators Association. Ithasbeenaprivilegetospendnearly20yearsonCouncil withmenofthecalibreofStanSchmelke. Stanretiredlast fallafter32yearscfservice. Weallwishhimwell. Hewasreplacedbyhr. LeonardLitzwhoseexperienceas apreviousemployeewiththeMunicipalDistrictwillenablehim tomakearealcontribu.ticnforthebettermentoftheMunicipality. ThepresentCouncilhasbeenmostco-operativeandIowe themaspecialthanksforallthemanyfavoursthroughouttheyear. Wehaveattemptedtokeepyouinformedofvarious municipalhighlightswithshortarticlesintheThreeHills Capital. Howeverifatanytimeanyratepayerwishesinformation onspecificitemsorproblems, IamsureCouncilmembersorthe staffwillbegladtodiscussmatterswithyou. Respectfullysubmitted RalphW. Brown, Reeve. MUNICIPV II N MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF KNZ~HILL W48 1l.NF.HAL OPERATING FUND BALA.N( 'I: SIIKEI I-uh111! As ut Deccurber 31st, 19 74 ASSETS NI)EPOSIT100CASHONHANDANDOI 590 15124, 110 Cashon Hand 67r831 46 120 Cash in Hank _1 67 200 RECEIVABLES A-21,l210TShd 425,789 g Iueaxesce 220 Federal Government 571 r nt230PiilGn 6 rov nc a e nme v rnm nts250LlG 6 55 1 eocaoe 260 own Funds and Agencies 261 hue From Own Funds l Ca ital FundGe01 20 740 60 pnera 03 W r O Fundteratingaep 04 Water Ca ital Fund 4.332 47 1 p 99 - other 262 Due From Own A enciesg 270 Trade Accounts 05 280 Accrued 17,782 25 90 Other . 3(N) INVESTMENTS 120 00 12o on 400 LOANS AND ADVANCES 410 Short Tenn 420 Long Term 500 TANGIBLE ASSETS 418, 510 Inventories 418,239 590 Other s700OTHERASS1•T ecil'vi 109pl Tax Sale TrustL,730 Trust De 455 99p erve x? PStPU1Ii4C3 1 ()r73 in 790 Other 900 ACCUMULATED DEFICIT TOTAL ASSE'I'S 1,063,835 20, LIABILITIE S 100 SHOR'F-TERM BORROWINGS _195 0000 q5 200 PAYABLFS 921 :29 RR 210 Federal 10 Provincial 130 other local lerecrnmrnts 240 Own Funds and Agencies 341 I luc to own Fund, 02 - General Capital Fund 03 - Water Operating Fund 04 - Water Capital Fund 99 - other 242 Due to Own Agenc,- 250 Trade Accounts 17p719 88 160 Debenture Instillment., 270 Accrued kv,ahl-3 75n on 2911 Other 10 0 LONGTERM Dhai'I' 110 Debentures (khwlalem 130 other IongTerni Iii,rr-ings 390 Other Lmg'I'erm Ik6t . 400 OTHER 13AL'Il.11'11:sispccl)si T". S;ales.TX'U.@t 408 15 1,481 460 True c h?.serve TrustD~y,~.,n., .1,073 10 491, )'her 500 ASSET'1AIAAIIONALLOWANCES (ScheduleA-:{ 1100 RESEli\ E. -S, li,, lc A3 900 N'l'l'Ml'LA3'EDSURPLUS ....I TOfALLIABILITI&<Q~3~ a35 1 2i 0 0 MUNICIPALITY k1UiVIUI a,.UIMUCT.CF Kfiz,, IILL.it48... GENERAL OPERATING FUND SCHEDULE A-I 6 08-02 TRANSFERS TO OWN RESERVES, FUNDS & AGENCIES During the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19 74 of Reserves & Allowances Reserves:..Reserve for Uncollectable Taxes 2 612 7 Allowances: 02 Own Funds (Specify): Watex. Revenue. Fund. n Frontage Tax General. Capital. and Loan Funda asset Acquisitions 297.101 0 03 Own Agencies (Specify): 8-02 TOTAL TRANSFERS TO OWN RESERVES, FUNDS AND AGENCIES 322,045 02 TAXES RECEIVABLE As at Ikremher 31.19 74 SCHEDULE A-2 Current Year's Prior Year's Levy (not includ-Arrears (not in-Taxes on ing Property eluding Property Propertv Acquired Total Acquired for Acquired for For Taxes Taxes)Taxes) Jan 1st, 191. Balance 467,786 3,588 1 08 2. Current Year's Levy 230143385 27 2 2?1 3. Penalties and Costs added in 19-2 7.563 11 2 56 7.56 67 4. Taxes Reinstated 5. Taxes Transferred 6. Amounts Placed on Roll for Collection: Utility Accounts Other 7. TOTAL DUE 2,014,385 27 475.349 8 3,593 54 2,493,328 29 8. Collections in 19 74 including Costs 1,701,170 OB 342,603 62 2,043,773.70 9. Discounts Allowed 10. Cancellations 22,633 79 78 6 23,612 47 11. Taxes Transferred 152 2 152 2 12. UNCOLLECTED TAXES, DECEMBER 31st 19 Z6 13p21151 19i 1100112 425,782 8 GENERAL OPERATING FUND SCHEDULE A-3 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES AND RESERVES As at December :31. 19 -71, 500 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES 600 RESERVES: 000 06 R.eaerve. fcr..UacQlle.ctable. Accouats..Receivabl Reserve, for Unegllectable.Taxes, 5,658.6 Reserye.for, Property,Acquired, for .Taxes......, 2,462.59 e to T;UIICIP:;L DISTRICT OF KII°HILL ,'#48 UEVE'S REPORT MARCH 10th, 1975 It is again, a privilege to present a report dealing with some of the highlights of the 1974 activities rithin the Punici.pality. This is the 14th consecutive report I have been privileged to submit to you as Reeve. 1974 probably could be termed better than an average production, year, yet frost and grades made it less favourable than 1973. However this is a large enough area that many different opinions may be expressed as to net outcome. One sure thing to comment on is that the livestock industry had a very difficult year and to date 1975 has only seen a further decline of all farm prices. It would appear that we have a marketing system and a transportation system, under present management, toally incompetent to handle our crop production. The past year was a busy one, and an expensive one for the Municipality. January to Irlarch had extremely high snow plowing costs and a late wet spring made the early part of the season difficait for road construction. Nevertheless we regraded 3 miles of secondary roads and 31 miles of local road, plus many repair jobs of installing culverts and other improvements. We oil treated 29 miles of secondary road and 62 miles of local road, regravelled 34 miles of secondary and 352 miles cf local roads. Our total road mileage is 204412 miles, so 26.3;0 cf cur road mileage received varying amounts of attention. Our normal road grants have not kept up to inflation, but we were fortunate in getting the road paved from Trochu to the Red Deer River at Provincial Government expense. The Linden Overpass was completed at a cost to this Municipality of approximately the same as the cost of grading 12 to 2 miles of local road. There were several grants applicable to this project. During the period of early May until late September we worked the main crew two shifts, giving us 16 working hours. The best we could get with a single crew was around 10 hours per day. During October we did work a single shift of longer hours. As our wage agreement with the employees calls for time and one half on all overtime, our labour costs were higher than anticipated. While we anticipated some raise in expenses due to inflation, we just didn't forecast the extreme inflationary trend that took place last year, hence an overexpenditure of some $ 175,750.24 The two :ray radio system is proving its value in better communication between foremen and machine operators and in many other ways. Our Assessment is rising slowly by the extension of oil companies' gathering systems and additions to plants. 2 MUNICIPALITY .......:iu,ICIPALDISTFICTOF,XN! aILI. ,4~ 68INSURANCEINFORCE FORM Amount of overage Co. Insuranc yb AverageYearly PremiumRate Per $100of Coverage) Buildings Furniture & Equipment63,18233 liabilityComprehensive1,000,0001235 Other OtherHeLquipmnt204968890';25 Vehicles: Bus:AmountofThirdPartyliability & RoadHazardAccident Benefits-LimitPerPerson CollisionCoverage-AmountDeductible $ SpecifiedPerilsCoverageand/or Comprehensive - AmountDeductible $ Other:BodilyInjury & PropertyDamageLimits1,000,000 AccidentBenefits - LimitPerPerson CollisionCoverage - AmountDeductible $250 SpecifiedPerilsCoverageand/or Comprehensive - AmountDeductible $250 Secretary - Treasurers Bond Number1CO50 DateSuretyBeganJqa. 1/74RenewedToJan. 1/76 CompanyCANADIANAOCID-720TLFIREINSMWICEC0fPMT77 INVENTORYOFROADEQUIPMENT Description No. of Each Valuation December31,1973 Purchased During1974TOTAL Disposedof hm;ng1974 Valuation December31, 1974 Tractors-TrackType Tractors-Wheeled-3,2000013,20000250000 Grader-Elevating-1100001000010000 Graders--Blade _ Graders-Motor- Trucks-Motor-11000007o -.4o6941216GDDO100000 Snow-plows108,00000600008600oo7,50000 DozerBlades CookCare0DD0000000 Fresnos Scrapers1010,5000010.500008,00000 Plows PostDriver0 HevsterPacker b1 5,000 1,20 00 006000 5,000 8.150 00 001,46000 4,50000 00Mixer10000000000 Trailers Tools & Equip,10012,6512727,2512711.147000000 F.W.D. Truck Rooter & Ripper 1 1 700 3.500_ _ 00 00 00 00 00 00 600 000 00 00 Loader & 2,quip.235,000006000081.5000070.00000 MotorScrapers FuelWagons 200.000 1-.200 01 00 1200.000 1.200 00 00 1715-000 1000 00 00 RubberPackers24,3000014.300003,50000 SheensfootPader2,000002,0000010000 TraaCavato=1100000060970016.9,7ooo15,00000 SteelRoller120000120000100050 ChipSAreader1000000 Aspha1Dis11, 200on1C)SooQD2Q700loo9WDOiqnnnnnI Padin ;4stam 1 240318572Lnip157Ppnnonni0 WEETOTALS7-9-1015 - 57 ARY•TREASURER'SCERTIFICATE TheinformationcontainedinthisReportisasshownbytheBooksandRecordsoftheMunicipality, frommyownobservation, orobtainedfromotherofficialsoftheMunicipality-andallofwhichIcertify tobetrueandcorrectaccordingtothebestofmyknowledgeandbelief, ANDINAGREEMENTWITHTHE AUDITOR'SREPORTWHERENECESSARY. Dated /ASecrMary-7~eaku/cr. MUNICIPALITY GENERAL CAPITAL FUND STATEMENT OF CAPITAL FINANCING Fo. tho Fvo..I vos. F„aod n--t-- 10 7L FORM 4 7 FINANCES ACQUIRED Estimates Actual UNEXPENDED FUNDS USED (from Previous Years)* LONG-TERM DEBT INCURRED Debentures (issued to Federal) Debentures (issued to Provincial) Debentures (issued to Others) . Other Lon -Term Debt incurred TRANSFERS (Schedule Q)2C)7-101 70 From Federal From Provincial From Local Governments From Own Reserves From Own Operating Fund 297,101 U From Other Funds . From Other OTHER 57,504 124 Sale of Fixed Assets Return on Investments 52,504 2-4 Other TOTAL AC 1)IRED 35L-6ot;j, QREXPENDITURE** DTOTALACQUIRED Unexpended funds used for expenditure on the undernoted projects in the cmTent year. By-law No. Source Project No. and or description Amount Overexpenditure to be provided by: 1. Contributions From General Operating Fund 2. Borrowing Approved but not Received 3. Sale of Assets . 4. Other FINANCES APPLIED Estimates Actual OVEREXPENDITURE (of PrevigUa Yrars) FIXED ASSETS 354 605 1 94 Engineering Structures Buildings k 26 Machinery & Equipment 10 Land Other OTHER Interest on Short-Term Borrowings Other Financial Charges Transfers to Own Reserves and Allowances (Schedule Al) Transfers to Own Funds (Schedule 141 i Other TOTAL APPLIED 3 54 605 94 UNEXPENDED FUNDS* 1 GLUNU TOTAL APPLIED 35L.60r 151 0Z94 Unexpended funds for expenditures on the undernoted projects in future years: Bylaw No, Source Project No. and/or Description Amount 0 0MUNICIPALITY S MUNICIPAL DISTR.ICT,OF ENE}]DILL,j4&' GENERAL CAPITAL FUND BALANCE SHEET FORM 5 As at December 31, 19 74 ASSETS 100 CASH ON HAND AND ON DEPOSIT h H dConanas110 120 Cash in Bank 200 RECEIVABLES t220FdlGovernmeneera 230 P i i l G tovernmenrovnca t0LlG sovernmen25oca 260 Own Funds and Agencies dtiF01GlOperangunenera F dtOti03Wngunaerpera l FundtCit04Waerapa 99 Other: t270TdA sccounrae 280 A dccrue h290O ert 300 INVESTMENTS D ADVANCESA400LOANSN T0Sh erm41ort- 420 L Termung- LE ASSETS 2,204,0121 26 500 TANGIB l B 2)t S h d530FidA 2,204,012 26 s c e u exesse 590 Oth er 600 DEBT CHARGES RECOVERABLE 2,506 9 2 Sob 97 700 OTHER ASSETS (Specify) t De it730T sposrus 790 Other 900 ACCUMULATED DEFICIT TOTAL ASSETS 2 206 51 23 LIABILITIES 100 SHORT-TERM BORROWINGS 200 PAYABL ES 210 F derale 220 Provincial r Ducal Governments230Othe 240 Own Funds and Agencies FundlOatinG01 740 60 per genera ratin FundWtO03pegaer ital FundWaterCa04p 99 Oth re 250 Trade Accounts ables270AccruedPay 290 Other TERM DEBT300LANG 2107961 72 ntures (Schedule 0)310 D b 21,786 e e Term Borrowings350OtherLang 390 Other Lang-Term Debt 400 OTHER LIABILITIES (Specify) 460 Trust Deposits 490 Other 500 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES (Schedule B3) 600 RESERVES (Schedule B-3) 700 EQUITY IN FIXED ASSETS 2,163 991 91 2,163,991 91 TOTAL LIABILITIES 2206 1 2 MUNICIPALITY NNYIQIP L..PISTPICT,OF,ki 7TiIL;t-W48...... 67 VALUATION OF PROPERTY EXEMPT FROM TAXATION (DOLLARS ONLY) Classification Land Buildings Engineering Structures Total 1. GOVERNMENT PROPERTY: Dominion: LandsIdihthO MIL PDI NIL NIL anannert di L dI IITL NTT, sanann TOTAL DOMINION Provincial: UnPatentedFkiGi 810 810 t ee . fc AirportPark9ifOthS 1,680 1,810yerpec liisc.Dame7Qv9ig TOTAL PROVINCIAL 11,960 1,810 13,770 Municipal: litiMi 775 100 875 yunpacUsedbyOwn Schools (Include Public, Exclude l 1 170 58 330 59 500 s) .Private Schoo kbliP 65o 1 2 0 1 00 sarPuc GrrnwdsN 1 Lo 140is orksFebbliPesre+u c W Property Acquired for Taxes (Sec. Act)erR5T2 430 100 530 ecov yax2 Cemete;leshSif 1,480 1,480Oter (pec y of aldtie sQtherkhuiiciP TOTAL MUNICIPAL 6.065 63,670 69.735 2. PROPERTY USED FOR EDUCA. TIONAL, RELIGIOUS, CHARIT- ABLE AND WELFARE PURPOSES: P D Iiihr 76,776 672.299 rers t esi Property used for Religious 1 180 57 340 58.520 Purposes . Property used for Charitable and seslfPWurpoaree TOTAL PROPERTY USED FOR EDUCATIONAL, RELIGIOUS, CHARITABLE AND WELFARE PURPOSES 77,956 729,639 807,595 3. INDUSTRIAL AND BUSINESS ENTERPRISES 1r)tsRSif 4,880 8,900 1 80 y):4. OTHE pec ecreati 4? . ommwlity Halls 1,100 24-800 TAL EXEMPTIONS 1,961 828,819 930,780 GRAND TO IIUIdICIPALDISTP.ICT0MUNICIPALITYFKPI ~;;IILL ;r48 6CROADANDSTREETMILEAGE C11RFACRDR0AL1CANIT) CTRRGTCIPAPT14RrlAt1C-J OilImproved TreateEarth OtherGradedand onadeftammuc=CSurfacesGravelSurfacesDrainedOtherTotal 1. ProvincialHighways: Main1 Secondary85506193 2. LocalRoadsandStree447 ItPoblicla :aI a. . . no Mileage10993i1,094504592392,044t SEWERANDWATERMAINMILEAGENUMBEROFPARCELS LStormSewers _ 1. No. ofTaxableParcels5,847 2. SanitarySewers1tulle2. No. ofParcelsExempt203 _ 3. WaterMains2miles3. TotalNumberofParcels6.050_ Water: Electricity: Gas: NumberofHunk-ups49NumberofHookupsNumberofHookups No. ofBuildingsNo. ofBuildingsNo. ofBuildings forwhichserviceforwhichserviceforwhichservice isnotavailable: isnotavailable: isnotavailable: No. ofHydrantsNo. ofStreetLights AREAOFMUNICIPALITY - INACRES 1. LAND (IncludingStreets, LanesandHighways):....... AssessedforTaxationasatyearend landBuiltUpon LandinUse, notBuiltUpon landnotinuse TotalLandAssessedforTaxation853,04800 LandExemptfromTaxation (Ex, ofPublicParks, etc., Streets, LanesandHighways)1,39400 landinPublicParksandPlaygrounds48000 LandinSheets, LanesandHighways16,39400 TotalLandArea87600 2. WATERAREA (NotOtherwiseIncluded) TOTAL850M GRANDTO'T'ALLANDANDWATERAREA872,16600 ANALYSISOFINVESTMENTS Bonds, Debentures, StockorOtherSecuritiesbyFunds! IssuedorGuaranteedb General Funds Special Activities Funds Utilities Funds Trust FundsTotal 1. DominionGovernment t. ProvinceofPrinceEdwardIsland 3. ProvinceofNovaScotia 4. ProvinceofNewBrunswick i. ProvinceofQuebec 6. ProvinceofOntario ProvinceofManitoba ProvinceofSaskatchewan 9. Prr4inceofAlberta 10. ProvinceofBritishColumbia 11. OwnMunicipality 12. OtherMunicipalities 13. SchoolCorporations 14. othersMtuv.eipal,Fin,0o,1°000E12000 120012000 Toogre, withthetotalsasshownintheCapital,RevenueandTrustFundsBalanceSheets. MUNICIPALITY :UN~GjPaL, I$.T1.UCT..U.T4~4aULL.;ik$ GENERAL CAPITAL FUND SCHEDULE B-I TRANSFERS TO OWN RESERVES, ALLOWANCES AND FUNDS During the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19 34 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS SCHEDULE B-2 As at December 31, 19 - Engineering Machinery Functional Classification Structures Buildings and Land Total Equipment 01 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES: 01 Legislature 02 General Administrative '76.3.3 , 22,900.07 19.00 94.262.45 99 Other 02 PROTECTIVE SERVICES: 01 Police Protection 03 Fire Protection 42,846,91 42,846,91 04 Emergency Measures 99 Other 5-08 58.097-55_62,25.2..63 03 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES: 01 Common Services 02 Road Transport 12,057.84 292,817.61 1,711,D6R.48 6.5 17.80 1.951 481,73 99 Other 04 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES: 02 Sewage Collection & Disposal 32,940.73 653.54 33,594 27 03 Garbage & Waste Coll& Disposal 99 Other 05 PUBLIC HEALTH & WELFARE SERVICES: 01 Public Health, Medical & Hospital Care& Other Health 05 Social Welfare 06 Preventive Social Services 99 Other 06 ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOP MENT SERVICES: 03 Agricultural Service Board 07 RECREATION & CULTURAL SERVICES& EDUCATION: 01 Recreation Buildgs Facilities... 948.53 9,318.29 1,307,45 11p57 Z7 02 Cultural Buildings, & Facilities . 03 Recreation Programs (Facility) 14 Cultural Programs (Facility) 06 Programs (Non-Facility) 99 Other TOTAL GENERAL FIXED ASSETS 45,947.10 303,979.61 1,846,221.30 7,864,25 2,204,012,26 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES AND RESERVES SCHEDULE' 11,;t 500 INN RESERVES: ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES: a 0 MUNICIPALITY 1"?VI'I.ICIPAL DISTRICT OF KLJEaiILL .d48 i n GENERAL OPERATING FUND U STATEMENT OF SURPLUS (DEFICIT) For Fiscal Year Ended December 31. 19 74 FORM 3 DEBIT CREDIT of YearBalanceofSurlus (or Deficit) at Be innin1 994 744 01pgg 2. Surplus or.Deficit included in Current Budget - Transferred to General Operating Fund, Revenue and Expenditure Statement 3. Adjustments Affecting Operations of Previous Years: (Specify) adjustment of 197J Tax Sale Surplus Trust 549 1 Adjust 11ecreation Grants1973 Trochu luacellaneaus 4. Other Transactions Affecting Surplus: (Specify) tmdReservaTrustFF.uhlic 1,073 10 djustment cif t?eserge for Uncallectable Tie 1$094 6 5. Surplus or Deficit for Year Under Review - Brought forward from General Operating Fund Revenue and Ex- penditure Statement 71,771 9 6. Balance of Surplus or Deficit at End of Ytar - Carried Forward to General Operating Fund Balance Sheet 836,884 Ol 7. Totals of Debit and Credit Columns 1,012,7291 00 1 012 72 00 GENERAL CAPITAL FUND STATEMENT OF EQUITY IN FIXED ASSETS For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19 - FORM6 DEBIT CREDIT Balance of Equity in Fixed Assets at Beginning of Year1 1 894, 184 2. Adjustments Affecting Operations of Previous Years: (Specify) 3. Other Adjustments Affecting Equity in Fixed Assets: Assets acquired by deed or gift Assets written off Debenture Principal Paid from own Operating Fund 1,250 00 Capital Loan Principal Paid from own Operating Fund Contributions from own Operating Fund 1 297. 1 n1 7n ASSptS.........Other LRgS 4A P?9P 43 Qf Fixed 28,544 Assets of Other Municipalities Assumed4 Liabilities of Other Municipalities Assumed5 6. Assets Transferred to Other Municipalities 7. Liabilities Assumed by Other Municipalities 8. Balance of Equity in Fixed Assets at End of Year - Carried forward to General Capital Fund Balance Sheet 2~ 163,991 91 9. Totals of Debit and Credit Columns 2,192,536 137 1 eMUNICIPALITYj' UN.I9ZFAL. p~S^ ZG~..OL.k:iQt 7{lIu. A6 SECRETARY-TREASURER'S REPORT LANDS UNDER THE TAX RECOVERY ACT Total number of Parcels Finally Municipality but not SolduiredbAc Number of Parcels Sold at Public Sale in 1974 7 yq 20) as at December 31Sec 1974 51 Number Under Tax Notification 80 Number of Parcels Sold at Private Sale in 1974 Date Last Tax Notification Reg. atL.T.0,1474 Number of Parcels Leased Under Sec 29 (U in 1974 Date of Last Public Sale .28 3 74 Total Parcels Dealt With in 1974 11 Public Sale 210.00 Private SaletsfromLandsSoldorLeasedin1974Recei 300-00 p Leases Public Sale eased prior to 19741974fromLandsSoldorliRit Private Saleneceps leases TOTAL. TAX SALE AND LEASE RECEIPTS IN 1974 Above Receipts have been credited as follows: Credited to Costs and Commissions Credited to Municipal Account Credited to School and Other Trust Accounts 10.00 Credited to Tax Sale Surplus Trust Account Total Tax Sale and Lease Receipts Accounted for 10.00 TAXES CANCELLED Municipal or Amalgamated Taxes 995.50 27 (3) SchoolUNDERSec italHosp Any Other CancellationecifSyp Total Cancellations 995.50 STANDING OF LANDS FINALLY ACQUIRED TAXES Assessed Number Value Municipal of Dollars or Amal-Other Total Parcels Only)gamated School Hospital Specify)Taxes 1973AtDecemberlll 7 67 3,588.71 3,588.71 Add: 1974 penalties on above 6 2.56 Add: 1974 Levy on above (if any)2.2 2.27 Add: Acquired during 1974 Total 57 675 3.593-54 3,593-54 Deduct 1974 Cancel- lations on above 978.68 978.68 Total 57 675 2,614.86 2,614.86 Deduct 1974 S e Notee below)S e 6 145 152.27 152.27 ee Standing at 1974Dec31 51 530 2,462.59 2,462.59 NOTE.-Show number of parcels actually sold during 1974, with their assessed value and the total receipts from both sales and leases actually applied on taxes during 1974. The above Statements do not include Deferred Payments. Resident Farmers ~,5tet['42tS.d.................. 1 r450 Estimated Population of Municipality 5,890 Actual Count of Municipality as at 19 Actual Dominion Census Count of June 1971 _5-P-89 - 0 63 AUDITOR'SSPECIALREPORT MUNICIPALITY v,'.dICIP,,L,DISTPSCT„OF,Y,,7 ]fILL,;.4 WATER OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 74 Budgetfigureshavenotbeendisclosed, sincethebudgetwasnot preparedontheF.I.S. basis. NUMBEROFVERIFICATIONTAXNOTICESMAILEDBYAUDITORUNDERSEC. 70 .......100 NUMBEROFVERIFICATIONUTILITYNOTICESMAILEDBYAUDITORUNDERSEC. 70 AUDITOR'SREPORT TO: TheMembersoftheCouncil MWIFAL. ASSG~ .4k .KN131ZJG NameofMunicipality) Wehaveexaminedthebalancesheetsofthevariousfundsof .I~Ie..Ulit]7ttilp.B1..U1,StI'10.1i Af. IineehillasofDecember31st, 19Ui. andtherelatedstatementsof Revenueandexpenditure, Surplus (deficit), Capitalfinancing, andEquityinfixedassetsfortheyearthenended. Ourexaminationincludedageneralreviewoftheaccountingproceduresandsuchtestsofaccountingrecordsand othersupportingevidenceasweconsiderednecessaryinthecircumstances. Inouropinion, theseFinancialstatementspresentfairlythefinancialpositionofthemunicipalityasat December31st, 1924- andtheresultsofitsoperationsfortheyearthenended, inaccordancewithgenerally acceptedaccountingprincipalsastheyapplytoAlbertaMunicipalities. Further, inouropinion, theadditionalstatementsandreports, whenconsideredinrelationtotheaforementioned statements, presentfairlythesupplementalinformationshown. DATEDATTHREEEIIIiAlberta,,THIS15thDAYOFVarch1975 SIGNEDADDRESST1FR2HTii;, JRIPY1 H1LPHAI '21+ C6cCO. Ac'rd1WP -2Accountants NOTE: IftheAuditorisunabletoexpressanunqualifiedopinionuponthefinancialstatements, heshouldnotsign theabovereportbutshouldrenderhisownreport. FORM 19 25 REVENUE Estimates Actual 300 SERVICES PROVIDEDTO OTHER GOVERN 400 SALES OF GOODS AND SERVICES 5,252 47 411 Sales of Water 5,116 490 Other 135 0 500 OTHER REVENUE FROM OWN SOURCES 600 UNCONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTS (Schedule P) 610 Federal 620 Provincial 630 Other Local Governments 700 CONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM FED OR PROV GOVERN & THEIR AGENCIES Schedule P) 710 Federal 730 Provincial 800 CONDITIONALTRANSFERS FROM OTHER LOCAL GOVERNMENTS (Schedule P) 900 OTHER TRANSFERS (Schedule P)1 330 83 910 From Own Reserves & Allowances: 911 Prior Years' Surplus 912 Reserve for Future Expenditures 919 Other 920 From Other Funds: 930 Transfers from Own Agencies 990 Other TOTALREVENUE 6 1 1 1 F30 DEFICIT FOR YEAR GRAND TOTAL REVENUE 61 EXPENDITURE Estimates Actual 0401 WATER SUPPLY 5,660 77 01 Administration 480 00 02 Purification & Treatment 03 Service of Supply 04 Transmission & Distribution R!...........116 00 05 Pumping 2 1 4L 06 Customer Billing & Collection 99 Other 2.603 I 08 FISCAL SERVICES 11,900 88 01 Debt Charges 1 900 88 02 Transfers to Own Reserves, Funds and Agencies (Schedule tip r 03 Unconditional Transfers to Other Governments Their Agencies 04 Conditional Transfers to Other Governments Their Agencies 99 Other TOTAL EXPENDITURE 7,561 6 SURPLUS FOR YEAR GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURE 7,561 6 0 MUNICIPALITY 26 IjTNICIPAL, JSTRICT,OF,P~ 31JIL,.ir4.S........ WATER OPERATING FUND BALANCE SHEET As At December 31, 1974 ASSETS 0 FORM 20 100 CASH ON HAND AND ON DEPOSIT 110 Cash on Hand 120 Cash in Bank 200 RECEIVABLES 11,790 92 230 Federal Government 230 Provincial Government 250 Local Governments 260 Own Funds and Agencies OL General Operating Fund 02 General Capital Fund 04 Water Capital Fund 99 Other: 270 Trade Accounts Installation,,Qo,$ts280Accrued 11,790 2 290 Other 300 INVESTMENTS 400 LOANS AND ADVANCES 410 Short-Term 420 Long-Term 500 TANGIBLE ASSETS 510 Inventories 5% Other 100 OTHER ASSETS (Specify) : 730 Trust Deposits 790 Other 900 ACCUMULATED DEFICIT TOTAL ASSETS LlIA151111 L IISn 100 SHORT-TERM BORROWINGS 200 PAYABLES 10,704 11 210 Federal 220 Provincial 230 Other Local Governments 240 Own Funds and Agencies 01 - General Operating Fund 10,704 11 02 - General Capital Fund 04 - Water Capital Fund 99 - Other: 250 Trade Accounts 260 Debenture Installments 270 Accrued Payables 290 Other I 300 LONGTERM DEBT 310 Debentures (Schedule 0) 350 Other Long-Term Borrowings 390 Other Long-Term Debt 400 OTHER LIABILITIES (Specify)550 00 460 Trust Deposits O 00 490 Other 500 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES (Schedule G2). 600 RESERVES Schedule G2.......................... 900 ACCUMULATED SURPLUS 6 81 TOTAL LIABILITIES 11 790 92 MUNICIPALITY .......,INNICIPAL,LISTIiICT„OF.INI~LL,X48 n~PAYMENT TO COUNCILLORS FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES FORM 45 62 Division Or Ward (It A licablel NAME For Attendance at Meetings Nfileage For Attendance at Conventions For Administrative Supvis'yWork TOTALS MAYOR, REEVE OR CHAIRMAN R.W. BROWN 2 012.0 g 556 25 00245.0 MEMBERS OF COUNCIL A. W. POOLE 00 882.15 6 0 577.50 A.bl. BAUrT 1,627.50 629.E 832.00 245,00 333 J.A. FERGUSON 2 80.00 888.30 668 0 2 0 gS.O. SQHT=,L 1,132.50 620.15 59 .DO 60.00 2 L. G. LITZ 365.00 161.90 475.00 87.50 1.089.40 R.G. CAHPB;LL 1.470.00 55.20 692.00 192.50 2,809.701 OTAIS 12,662.50 5,293.40 5,330.90 2,590.00 25,876.8 PAYMENT TO SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEMBERS FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES FORM 46 division Or Ward (If Applicable) NAME For Attendance at Meetings For Mileage For Attendance at Conventions Far Administrative Supvis'yWork TOTALS CHAIRMAN MEMBERS OF SCHOOL COMMITTEE TOTALS CONTINGENT LIABILITIES FORM 47 MUNICIPALITYI,,.UI1 'IPALDISTIIICTOFKPdB1I1.T,. 48 61REQUISITIONSFORM44 Requisitions AuthorityforRequisition0803OwingFromRequisitionRequisition RequisitionPreviousYearsPaidUnpaid FoundationProgram 617,93400 V SchoolDivisionorDistrict: No. Name 6O-Three. Hills, School.,iliv... 322,03500 r HospitalDistrict: No. Name SpecialLevies (Specify): Home. ,for, the, .Agedcm09 A.*tbulance A112.1167c) MUNICIPALITY iN°1P]IP~I DISTDSCT OF Y 1LGIiILL,if48........ . WATER CAPITAL FUND FORM 22 STATEMENT OF CAPITAL FINANCING 2 8FortheFiscalYearEndedDecember :31,19 74 FINANCES ACQUIRED Estimates Actual UNEXPENDED FUNDS USED (from Previous Years)* LONGTERM DEBT INCURRED Debentures (issued to Federal) Debentures (issued to Provincial) Debentures (issued to Others) Other Ian Term Debt incurred TRANSFERS (Schedule Q)3,727 §0 From Federal From Provincial From Local Governments From Own Reserves From Own Operating Fund From Other Funds .GAn0Xa1.GAerat;Ln9.FfMd 30727 M From Other A OTHER Sales of Fixed Assets Return on Investments Other TOTAL ACQUIRED OVEREXPENDITURE** GRAND TOTAL ACQUIRED 72 0 Unexpended funds used for expenditure on the undernoted projects in the current year: By-Law No.Source Project No. and/or Description Amount Overex rnditure to be provided by: Contribution form Own Operating Fund 2. Borrowing Approved but not Received 3. Sale of Assets 4. Other: FINANCES APPLIED Estimates Actual OVEREXPENDITURE of Previous Yeare FIXED ASSETS 3,727 50 Engineering Structures Buildings Machinery & Equipment 3,727 Land Other OTHER I t t Sh T B ineresonort-erm orrow ngs Other Financial Charges Transfers to Own Reserves and Allowances (Schedule H-q Transfers to Own Funds (Schedule Hdl Other TOTAL APPLIED 3 7 UNEXPENDED FUNDS* GRAND TOTAL APPLIED 3.727 1 1 Unexpended funds for expenditures on the undernoted projects in future years: By-Law No. Source Project No, and, or Description Amount 6 MUNICIPALITY r: W.CZM Dap X$ZW QT.IUL`,14ZZU .71.0 29 WATER CAPITAL FUND BALANCE SHEET As at December 31, 19./r ASSETS FORM 23 loll CASH ON HAND AND ON DEPOSIT 110 Cash on Hand 120 Cash in Bank 200 RECEIVABLES 220 Federal Government 230 Provincial Government 270 Local Governments 260 Own Funds and Agencies 01 - General Operating Fund 02 - General Capital Fund 03 - Water Operating Fund 99 - Other: SO Trade Accounts 280 Accrued 290 Other 300 INVESTMENTS 400 LOANS AND ADVANCES 410 Short-Term 420 Long-Term 500 TANGIBLE; ASSETS 1 81 730 Fixed Assets (Schedule H-2)55,351 81 590 Other 600 DEBT CHARGES RECOVERABLE 700 OTHER ASSETS (Specify) 730 Trust Deposits 7910ther 900 ACCUMULATED DEFICIT TOTAL ASSETS 55. LIABILITIES 100 SHORT-TERM BORROWINGS 200 PAYABLES 210 Federal 220 Provincial 230 Other Local Governments 240 Own Funds and Agencies 01- General Operating Fund .4,332 47 02 - General Capital Fund . 03 - Water Operating Fund 99 - Other: 250 Trade Accounts 270 Accrued Payables 290 Other 8(10 LONGTERM DEBT 20,785 0 310 Debentures (Schedule 0)20,785 50 350 Other Long-Term Borrowings 390 Other Long-Term Debt 400 OTHER LIABILITIES (Specify) . 460 Trust Deposits . 490 Other 500 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES (Schedule H-3).7 981 116 600 RESERVE.' 1 700 Et UITY N FIXED ASSETS 22,252 6 TOTAL LIABILITIES 55,351 81, t r, a 0 w E. Z W W d W F d a a a zd t] W a d H• W E+ SS a H: F q' ~I H H. Z a F z W d W a ~ p d z a A&I 01 N t1t 0 Wm E 0 C 0 o I a I I I E I ro z7a Cr m C~Gi N F 7 m Ug=R w C c a'C N to m o N 1~c c"to W N d mo 0 a a 0 U r to to 0 o W U N r a o m N N 01 0 o to mm Go N N 10 a u 4 4 r N C f w ym ° m m v w ad d ~8 X mmm 00 6 G m ?j 3 mw"S w's d om m F Q E. W m d 0 Y b L U d m v wm e x~ o m ra Y ct~~ti ab B 0 c 3 ~ mo° 7o°S u C v = yW o~ q W w > u v v F 0 G d ea`a~ w 7 7 C 2 U m 3 t` m. af H: wa a z: mc at wa r=. wT o; zH• U: Q4 H• aa H. F Y Q: F a" H: Um U. F H: F a U z 59 4T--TT1O c L,toC- F, W01 J r 0 0 m v t 0 10 OO N mm 3cee to C'j Os~m rto Q00 vyU 0mo a a GoE G lv vm E.C'uGrCC Eo UPQ vym wEro'~ ro0am Gu>~O6c3 W->v r v:gGGC SyFy :rJ~ N .SUM r y c9 OumNy E y A 00u LQ z O iC EG0C Q> 4' G' ro T uG . 4 C ) mmo L VLU? > Oro jVlU ~M . 0 TFO147V>a E y Eou~ 2L 'C r.°tsorj s r cw ~xc;, o~ C GW xTcm0y c ab ICzon Gwu :ev cc EzTc E6L' ¢ic 7pUE[~~rw Ow awlS c El4 F MUNICIPALITY .l"UT ICIFAL, DISTRICT, OF.YNE~IILL, A WATER CAPITAL FUND SCHEDULE H-1 TRANSFERS TO OWN RESERVES. ALLOWANCES AND FUNDS During the Fiscal Year Ended December 3l, 1971, 30 Reserves & Allowances: Reserves: Allowances r - Own Funds: TOTAL TRANSFERS TO OWN RESERVES, ALLOWANCES & FUNDS WATER CAPITAL FUND SCHEDULE H FIXED ASSETS As At December 31, 192-4 Functional Classification Engineering Structures Buildings Machinery and Equipment Land Total 04 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 01 Water Supply: 01 Administration 02 Purification & Treatment 03 Service of Supply 3,727 D 3.727 50 04 Transmission & Distribution 05 Pumping 99 Other TOTAL WATER SYSTEM FIXED ASSETS..55,351 81 55,351 81 WATER CAPITAL FUND SCHEDULE H3 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES AND RESERVES As At December 31, 19- i Repr94ation,.at. per,,year 600 RESERVES: MUNICIPALITY .....I:~IICIPAL,DISTRICT,OP,](P1.II{nw............... WATER OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF SURPLUS (DEFICIT)31 For theF'iscal Year Ended December 31. 1974 FORM 21 r s i 58 DEBIT CREDIT 1. Balance of Surplus for Deficit) at Beginning of Year 1 515 16 2. Adjustments Affecting Operations of Previous Years (Specifv): 3. Other Transactions Affecting Surplus (Specify): 4. Surplus or Deficit for Year Uader Review - Brought forward from Water Operating Fund Revenue and Expenditure Statement 978 35 5. Surplus or Deficit Transferred to General Operating Fund during Current Year fi. Balance of Surplus or Deficit at End of Year - Carried forward to Water Operating Fund Balance Sheet 536 81 i. Totals of Debit and Credit Columns 1,5151 16 1 515 16 WATER CAPITAL FUND FORM 24 STATEMENT OF EQUITY IN FIXED ASSETS For the Fiscal Year Ended December Ill. 1974 DEBIT CREDIT 1. Balance of Equity in Fixed Assets at Beginning of Year 2222,821 0 2. Adjustments Affecting Operations of Previous Years (Specify): 3. Other Adjustments Affecting Equity in Fixed Assets: Assets acquired by deed or gift 100 00 Assets written off Debenture Principal Paid from own Operating Fund 715 45 Capital Loan Principal Paid from ownOperating Fund Contributions from own Operating Fund Other Depreciation, for., tlie..ypAX 1 383 80 Assets of Other Municipalities Assumed4 5. Liabilities of Other Municipalities Assumed 8. Assets Transferred to Other Municipalities Liabilities Assumed by Other MunicipalitiesI 8. Balance of Equity in Fixed Assets at End of Year - irried forward to Water Capital Fund Balam, Sheet 22,252,68 9. Totals of Debit and Credit Columns 23,636 L48 23,636 48 m: > 3' y L H x E a~ W ix: r/ z c O: d4 C, x U r> H: za H' Q' x 2 pl U H' Q L C r t` c0 N C i 3~cc Cynu Q 9 r cOI 3 a c Z r CO co t y n E o Sycv ca r o v Q m h r\ L u C C ID O a a i Y Q w v er c C v S C QE x s R. : m c ~ ik n s r y x l Eu~S c'c a z.e yAF a%eo=~c~ub.~y._ z MJ , IN I C I P A L I T Y . , 14 U N I b I A L DI S T R I C T OF , KP S P U L L , . # 4$ . . . . . . , , . , , . • . . . . . . , FU T U R E DE B E N T U R E DE B T CH A R G E S BY YE A R S SU H F . DU L E o i ~ Pr i n c i u a l an d Si n k i n g Fu n d Re q u i r e m e n t s an d In t e r e s t ) an d Fu t u r e Pr i n c i p a l Ma t u r i t i e s ul ' Si n k i n g , Fu n d De b e n t u r e s SE R I A L DE B E N T U R E S AD J U S T M E N T S AR I S I N G FR O M BO U N D A R Y CH A N G E S NE T SE R I A L DE B E N T U R E S SI N K I N G FU N D DE B E N T U R E S Pr i n c i p a l AN A L Y S I S BY YE A R S AS S U M E D FR O M OT H E R AS S U M E D BY OT H E R Fu n d Si n k i n Ma t u r i t i e s of Si n k i n F d Pr i n c i p a l In t e r e s t Pr i n c i p a l In t e r e s t Pr i n c i p a l In t e r e s t Pr i n c i p a l In t e r e s t g Re q u i r e m e n t s In t e r e s t g un De b e n t u r e s GE N E R A L 1, 31 4 49 1, 18 0 79 1 31 9 1, 18 0 79 1!17 1 : 1, 38 2 31 1,11 2 97 1, 38 2 1 1, 11 2 37 - ls l Is 7 H 1 28 7 6 l 28 6 96 6 19 . 9 81 88 7 0 86 1 45 1 8 60 Is m s to Ma t a t , t. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 1 6 12 2 j5 . 24 6 1 41 6 12 43 TO T A L . 21 . 78 6 72 11 . 31 1 21 , 78 6 72 11 . 31 1 9q PU B L I C UT I L I T I E S . 75 4 98 1 14 5 89 75 4 98 1,14 5 89 r.r, ts 7 70 04 17 7 70 1,10 4 17 1 ` 1. 7 84 o 7 1 06 0 1 84 0 73 1. 06 0 1 19 „ 11 88 7 20 1,01 3 9 88 7 20 1. 01 1 6( ) 19 . s 93 6 22 6 6 6 22 6 6 19 , st 1 pi Ma t u r i t y 16 . 56 9 6 6. 65 3 93 1 16 . 56 9 67 6- 6s 3 q 3 ro T A L 20 ; 78 5 0 11 42 8 20 8 0 11 48 - 1 SC H O O L . 19 7 , } 19 7 1 1 . . . . . 19 . . . 19 7 1 1 1 19 7 9 19 8 1 p- M: tt t l n t ~ . 19 - - 2, o6 9 7 2, 32 6 68 2, 06 9 7 2, 32 6 68 n 21 1 7 9 01 2, 21 7 1 2, 17 9 01 21 ' 1 r, - . 2, 29 4 2, 10 1 6 2.29 4 33 - 2, 10 1 6 1 f . 2 1 1.98 0 28 2. 41 5 . 87 . 1. 98 0 28 19 . 9 1. 79 7 7 1. 85 2 2 1. 79 7 1 67 1 1.85 2 2 19 S O to Ma t u r i t y 31 81 81 12 77 6 6 1 8l 81 12 77 V 36 ~ GR A N D TO T A L 42 57 2L_ _ 22 23 , 25 4 47 , 21 5 7 2 1 22 1 23 - j v H a 4 w = x 4 xa ma : ~ a~ ' ; y. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cm o m x ~ 7~ z' Z r- E- Z " j ^ ' a co E 0 ° > 9 ^ P m E ti w n• m o G H C1 C " 3 C7 ' o m 3 C a C f~ C7 U) Cr ; w p 0 w m Ci y CJ ~ m o ~ 3. Vi ~ w m ' c x U7 G ' O w : m m p• t1 ti 7 C7 y . 2 yx , 1 Cr 1 . 3 m R° S o m c. to z y U] Cr y : r~ 3~ < w C 3 9 a C• C o w m y th C CC : UC p m' rn : c . z H 3 N N 5 t°m 0 m 0 o 0 0 o w v C m m o ni . 01 N T 7 m In vs Vt O N tn n O O C C H l~ A N w A m o w w 10 o 10 C 10 O O 0O a 3 C z b 0 1 n n S C C : t~1 Cr J 54 SJxzaz 3 a a; U r d. Sr - t= 7C ~ o z: zm : a z' H: S~ = q: c.ns H: x U WF z: n4QY a ? zE C x nr C Zr s yc~ 3m m z ° 030 z i M m C S G? U C bi 2 p Q Nt NN U Nc- 0 c pJ 01 u m~ N I a an a a ram xa a b a ms m o x a o N e EF CTd0mTn f e e MU N I C I P A L I T Y . . . . . . IN I I C I P I I L , DI S T R I C T , OF , iu J 51 1 1 L. 1/ 48 AN A L Y S I S OF DE B E N T U R E DE B T AN D LO C A L IM P R O V E M E N T DE B E N T U R E S SC H E D U L E a - : 1 As at De c e m b e r : U, 14 74 - 55 GR O S S U N M A T P R E D DE B T ( EX C L U D I N G UN S O L D DE B E N T U R E S ) DE B E N T U R E DE B T Se r i a l De b e n t u r e s Si n k i n g Fu n d De b e n t u r e s TO ' CA I . CL A S S I F I C A T I O N Mu n i c i p a l i t y ' s Sh a r e Ow n e r s ' Sh a r e Mu n i c i p a l i t y ' s Sh a r e Ow n e r s ' Sh a r e GE N E R A L : Ai r p o r t s Bo u l e v a r d s Bu i l d i n g s Cu r b s & Gu t t e r s l 2 61 0 66 1 s Ho s p i t a Ub r a r i e s _ Se w e r s Si d e w a l k s St r e e t s r ~ w~ ~ ~ Oa ni ° oy a O r w Bu s li n e s ) Ot h e r ' 2 66 1 0 1 1 2 TO T A L . PU B L I C UT I L I T I E S : 20 , 78 5 50 20 , 76 5 50 Wa t e r Su p p l y Sy s t e m El e c t r i c i t y Su p p l y Sv s t e m Ga s Su p p l y Sy s t e m Te l e p h o n e Ot h e r : TO T A L . SC H O O L . Sc h o o l s Re p a i r Sh o p s & Wa r e h o u s e s Sc h o o l Bu s e s Ga r a g e s & Bu s Re p a i r Sh o p s Re s i d e n c e s & Do r m i t o r i e s Ot h e r . . TI ) TA L GR A N D TO T A L " DE B E N T U R E DE B T 2, 66 1 50 39 , 91 0 92 42 , 57 2 2z 54 S J x z a z 3 a a; Ur d.Sr- t=7C ~ o z: zm: az' H: S~= q: c. n s H: x UW Fz: n 4 Q Y a ? z E Cxn r C Zr s y c~ 3mm z ° 0 30 z i M mC SG?U Cbi2 pQ N t N N UN c- 0c p J01u m~N I a a naa r a m x aa b am smo x a o NeE F C T d 0 m T n f e e MUNICIPALITY ......INIICIPIIL,DISTRICT,OF,iuJ 5111 L.1/48 ANALYSIS OF DEBENTURE DEBT AND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DEBENTURES SCHEDULE a -:1 As at December:U, 14 74- 55 GROSSUNMATPRED DEBT (EXCLUDING UNSOLD DEBENTURES) DEBENTURE DEBT Serial Debentures Sinking Fund Debentures TO'CAI. CLASSIFICATION Municipality's Share Owners' Share Municipality's Share Owners' Share GENERAL: Airports Boulevards Buildings Curbs & Gutters l 2 61 0 661 sHospita Ubraries _ Sewers Sidewalks Streets r ~w~~~Oa ni °oyaOrw Bus lines) Other' 2 661 0 1 1 2 TOTAL. PUBLIC UTILITIES:20,785 50 20,765 50 Water Supply System Electricity Supply Svstem Gas Supply System Telephone Other: TOTAL. SCHOOL. Schools Repair Shops & Warehouses School Buses Garages & Bus Repair Shops Residences & Dormitories Other . . TI )TAL GRAND TOTAL" DEBENTURE DEBT 2,661 50 39,910 92 42,572 2z MJ,INICIPALITY . , 14UNIbIAL DISTRICT OF,KPSPULL,.#4$......,,.,,.•......, FUTURE DEBENTURE DEBT CHARGES BY YEARS SUHF.DULEo i ~ Princiual and Sinking Fund Requirements and Interest) and Future Principal Maturities ul' Sinking, Fund Debentures SERIAL DEBENTURES ADJUSTMENTS ARISING FROM BOUNDARY CHANGES NET SERIAL DEBENTURES SINKING FUND DEBENTURES Principal ANALYSIS BY YEARS ASSUMED FROM OTHER ASSUMED BY OTHER FundSinkin Maturities of Sinkin F d Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest g Requirements Interest g un Debentures GENERAL 1,314 49 1,180 79 1 31 9 1,180 79 1!171 :1,382 31 1,112 97 1,382 1 1,112 37- lsl Is7H 1 28 7 6 l 28 6 966 19.9 81 887 0 861 45 1 8 60 Isms to Matat,t............1 6 1 6 122 j5.246 1 41 6 12 43 TOTAL.21.786 72 11.311 21,786 72 11.311 9q PUBLIC UTILITIES. 754 98 1 145 89 754 98 1,145 89 r.r,ts 7 70 04 17 7 70 1,104 17 1 `1.7 84o 7 1 060 1 840 73 1.060 1 19 „11 887 20 1,013 9 887 20 1.011 6() 19.s 936 22 6 6 6 22 6 6 19,st1 pi Maturity 16.569 6 6.653 93 1 16.569 67 6-6s3 q 3 roTAL 20;785 0 11 42 8 20 8 0 11 48-1 SCHOOL. 197,} 19711. . . . . 19.. . 197111 1979 1981 p- M:tttlnt~ . 19--2,o69 7 2,326 68 2,069 7 2,326 68 n 21179 01 2,217 1 2,179 01 21'1 r,-.2,294 2,101 6 2.294 33-2,101 6 1 f .2 1 1.980 28 2.415 .87.1.980 28 19.9 1.797 7 1.852 2 1.797 1 671 1.852 2 19SO to Maturity 31 81 81 12 776 6 1 8l 81 12 77V 36~ GRAND TOTAL 42 572L__22 23,254 47,215721 221 23-j v Ha4w =x 4 xa ma: ~a~' ; y. ~~~~~Cmomx~7~ z'Z r- E- Z "j ^ 'a co E 0 ° > 9 ^ P m E ti w n• m o G HC1C "3 C7 'o m3C aC f~ C7 U) Cr;w p 0wmCiyCJ ~ m o ~ 3. Vi ~w m 'cx U7 G 'O w : m m p• t1ti7C7y . 2 yx,1 Cr1 .3 m R° S o m c. to z yU] Cry: r~ 3~<w C39 a C• C o w m y th C CC: UC p m'rn: c . z H 3 N N 5 t° m 0 m0 o 0 0 o w v C m m o ni. 01 N T 7 m In vs Vt O Ntnn O O C C H l~A N w A m o ww10o10 C 10 O O 0Oa 3 C z b 0 1 n n S C C : t~1 CrJ MUNICIPALITY .....I:~IICIPAL,DISTRICT,OP,](P1.II{nw....... . . . . . . . . WATEROPERATINGFUNDSTATEMENTOFSURPLUS (DEFICIT)31FortheF'iscalYearEndedDecember31. 1974 FORM21r si 58 DEBITCREDIT1. BalanceofSurplusforDeficit) atBeginningofYear1515162. AdjustmentsAffectingOperationsofPreviousYears (Specifv):3. OtherTransactionsAffectingSurplus (Specify):4. SurplusorDeficitforYearUaderReview -BroughtforwardfromWaterOperatingFundRevenueandExpenditureStatement978355. SurplusorDeficitTransferredtoGeneralOperatingFundduringCurrentYearfi. BalanceofSurplusorDeficitatEndofYear -CarriedforwardtoWaterOperatingFundBalanceSheet53681i. TotalsofDebitandCreditColumns1,515116151516WATERCAPITALFUNDFORM24STATEMENTOFEQUITYINFIXEDASSETSFortheFiscalYearEndedDecemberIll. 1974DEBITCREDIT1. BalanceofEquityinFixedAssetsatBeginningofYear2222,82102. AdjustmentsAffectingOperationsofPreviousYears (Specify):3. OtherAdjustmentsAffectingEquityinFixedAssets:Assetsacquiredbydeedorgift10000AssetswrittenoffDebenturePrincipalPaidfromownOperatingFund71545CapitalLoanPrincipalPaidfromownOperatingFundContributionsfromownOperatingFundOtherDepreciation, for., tlie..ypAX138380AssetsofOtherMunicipalitiesAssumed45. LiabilitiesofOtherMunicipalitiesAssumed8. AssetsTransferredtoOtherMunicipalitiesLiabilitiesAssumedbyOtherMunicipalitiesI8. BalanceofEquityinFixedAssetsatEndofYear -irriedforwardtoWaterCapitalFundBalam, Sheet22,252,689. TotalsofDebitandCreditColumns23,636L4823,63648 m: > 3' y L H x Ea~ W i x: r/ zc O: d4 C, x U r> H: za H'Q' x 2 plUH'QL C r t` c0 N C i 3~ cc Cy n u Q 9 r c OI 3ac Z r CO co t y n E o Sy c v ca r o v Q m hr\ L u C C IDO a a i Y Q w v er c C vS C Q E x sR. : m c ~ i k n s r y x l Eu ~ S c' c a z. e yA F a% eo = ~ c~ub . ~ y. _ z UNCONDITIONAL (600) CONDITIONAL: (700-800) General Government Services Protective Services ................ . Transportation Services: Road Transport ................. . Air Transport .. Public Transit Other: .. Environmental Health Services: Water Supply Other Public Health & Welfare Services .... Environmental Development Services Recreation, Cultural Services & Education ...... . Other Services: Gas . -Electricity: Elementary School Instruction ,Junior High School Instruction Senior High School Instruction Special Education Community Services .......... . Pupil Personnel Services .... . School Operation and Maintenance Early Childhood Services TOTALS i 0-, g ;,, t'l '.fl t'l ::,; ;;i "!' i MUNICIPALITY Federal Government • and Agencies :u·CD � .>-j :CD .Q ·f-'• :� :t�· :::> :p :c+ � :0 -CD :>-i �f:; r1'°� I-> � � "' g � t'l ..,< ► r C: ::; 0 z ► 5 � n t'l "!' ' I-' � . !{(W;I;Q;rr�. Prnrm:�r. w·. ;K;:(,l�_�:(,r.,_ .ii!+.$ CAPITAL TRANSFERS RECEIVED During the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19 _1__4 Provincial Government and Agencies �:'.l � r C: :;:; ►► ► 00..,.., ►o t'l ;z :,:i � > r.i "' f: ► 3 0 'Og-::E ��> >:-z r-n -.i r� izO 0 [';; (/) t'l ;,, < f/2 (/) n :r t'l 0 C: r t'l ::r: '"' I � r :;:; ► .., t'l ::,; (/) -< � ::::: ::J >< t'l 0 ► (/) (/) t'l .., Other Local Governments :::i � -ooococ- tr1 -0�,1::,,.wtv-:E Z� < 0'1:l--3W'1:l►� S3 � a § � s. at �., 5· s §. £ a: � �cm �-� 5· � � Z .... w :I ti) --3 §.gP.o5·g: l'i""E...,= :r tJ '< � ti::] �- � g: :;. : 3 .., g.� :I:: c.:,.... 00 0 t'l = ::,; <:=; Own Reserves and Allowances � = � o·= !!:. n ii, ;_ i? 1i 0 = 'II 11 ltfil I � ff 00 = "' [fl V, V, \,.) � � V, V, 1� \,.) � � �tc!l ;� �� r s:: s l;) r f.... � "") 3 g_ 5' "' "' =� � '< r = Q. [ SCHEDULE (i Own �unds and Agencies g",7 289.758 1,727 (, _ ,g,; 300,829 :;:; ► ► '" .., ► t'l � '"'l :ti � >< (") :;; ls?; 3 ► .... g--en '""3 ;:, gJ � :- .., '"'l - "'c: � � (/) n :r t'l 0 � t'l :r t'_; .., 0.., ► r .., ;,, ► z (/) '"'l t'l 1;5 .., 0 0 :;:;z ::,; t'l (/) t'l ::,; < ► r r 0 � ► z n t'l (/) l'i" '"'l C: z 0 (/) Other "' 62 t;O 61 20 0 � � "l C = � � �� � � � � Totab �,- ')<!q. 7,;g 1 '7')'7 /... "'" 300,829 ;,, � ;,, � "' <(I'; 10 :; 00 ;g l'i" :':::: 0 � � � ,� 62 ,;n ,;� 20 .., � z (/) "l -t'l � 65 5 -3 c.n CCI i:C C: zri ; ► C..,� It§·"°·H :o -H •>rj ::,, "0 5-o r ,. :;:; :c; � Z:;:, :H � � � :§ -f/2 t'l :A � tz:j ,::l :O � � (") .>-, g, &l ?; :� �> � ;!;<:! �f: � :� � 0 '"'l :� "' :;:, C: .H 3;,. z :r g-z o :r :� 1t:-' w :oo :,;► rs "l C: z 0 co [Jl. n: :r t'l: ::,· C: : � r: t'l: Q �: 0 � 0 � 6MUNICIPALITYr: W.CZMDapX$ZWQT.IUL`,14ZZU .71.029WATERCAPITALFUNDBALANCESHEETAsatDecember31, 19./rASSETS FORM23lollCASHONHANDANDONDEPOSIT110CashonHand120CashinBank200RECEIVABLES220FederalGovernment230ProvincialGovernment270LocalGovernments260OwnFundsandAgencies01 - GeneralOperatingFund02 - GeneralCapitalFund03 - WaterOperatingFund99 - Other:SOTradeAccounts280Accrued290Other300INVESTMENTS400LOANSANDADVANCES410Short-Term420Long-Term500TANGIBLE; ASSETS181730FixedAssets (ScheduleH-2)55,35181590Other600DEBTCHARGESRECOVERABLE700OTHERASSETS (Specify)730TrustDeposits7910ther900ACCUMULATEDDEFICITTOTALASSETS55.LIABILITIES100SHORT-TERMBORROWINGS200PAYABLES210Federal220Provincial230OtherLocalGovernments240OwnFundsandAgencies01- GeneralOperatingFund .4,3324702 - GeneralCapitalFund .03 - WaterOperatingFund99 - Other:250TradeAccounts270AccruedPayables290Other8(10LONGTERMDEBT20,7850310Debentures (Schedule0)20,78550350OtherLong-TermBorrowings390OtherLong-TermDebt400OTHERLIABILITIES (Specify) .460TrustDeposits .490Other500ASSETVALUATIONALLOWANCES (ScheduleH-3).7981116600RESERVE.'1700EtUITYNFIXEDASSETS22,2526TOTALLIABILITIES55,35181,tr, a0w E.ZWWdWFdaaazdt]Wad H• W E+ SSa H: F q' ~ I HH. ZaFzW d W a ~ p d za A& I 01 N t1 t 0 WmE 0 C 0 o I a I I I E I ro z7 a Cr m C~ Gi N F 7 m Ug = R wC ca' C N to m o N 1~c c" to W N dmo 0aa0U r toto 0o W U N r a o mNN 01 0 o to mmGo NN 10 a u 4 4 rN C f w ym ° mm v w ad d ~ 8 X mm m 00 6 G m ? j 3 mw " S w' s do m mFQE. Wmd 0YbL Ud m vwm e x~ o m ra Y ct ~ ~ ti ab B 0c 3 ~ m o° 7o ° S u C v = yW o~ q W w > u v v F 0 G d ea ` a~ MUNICIPALITY I,,.U I1 'IPAL DISTIIICT OF KPdB 1I1.T,. 48 61 REQUISITIONS FORM 44 Requisitions Authority for Requisition 0803 Owing From Requisition Requisition Requisition Previous Years Paid Unpaid Foundation Program 617,934 00 V School Division or District: No. Name 6O-Three. Hills, School.,iliv... 322,035 00 r Hospital District: No. Name Special Levies (Specify): Home. ,for, the, .Aged cm 09 A.*tbul anc e A1 12.116 7c) MUNICIPALITY iN°1P]IP~I DISTDSCT OF Y 1LGIiILL,if48........ . WATER CAPITAL FUND FORM 22 STATEMENT OF CAPITAL FINANCING 2 8FortheFiscalYearEndedDecember :31,19 74 FINANCES ACQUIRED Estimates Actual UNEXPENDED FUNDS USED (from Previous Years)* LONGTERM DEBT INCURRED Debentures (issued to Federal) Debentures (issued to Provincial) Debentures (issued to Others) Other Ian Term Debt incurred TRANSFERS (Schedule Q)3,727 §0 From Federal From Provincial From Local Governments From Own Reserves From Own Operating Fund From Other Funds .GAn0Xa1.GAerat;Ln9.FfMd 30727 M From Other A OTHER Sales of Fixed Assets Return on Investments Other TOTAL ACQUIRED OVEREXPENDITURE** GRAND TOTAL ACQUIRED 72 0 Unexpended funds used for expenditure on the undernoted projects in the current year: By-Law No.Source Project No. and/or Description Amount Overex rnditure to be provided by: Contribution form Own Operating Fund 2. Borrowing Approved but not Received 3. Sale of Assets 4. Other: FINANCES APPLIED Estimates Actual OVEREXPENDITURE of Previous Yeare FIXED ASSETS 3,727 50 Engineering Structures Buildings Machinery & Equipment 3,727 Land Other OTHER I t t Sh T B ineresonort-erm orrow ngs Other Financial Charges Transfers to Own Reserves and Allowances (Schedule H-q Transfers to Own Funds (Schedule Hdl Other TOTAL APPLIED 3 7 UNEXPENDED FUNDS* GRAND TOTAL APPLIED 3.727 1 1 Unexpended funds for expenditures on the undernoted projects in future years: By-Law No. Source Project No, and, or Description Amount 0 MUNICIPALITY 26 IjTNICIPAL, JSTRICT,OF,P~ 31JIL,.ir4.S........ WATEROPERATINGFUNDBALANCESHEET AsAtDecember31, 1974 ASSETS 0 FORM20 100CASHONHANDANDONDEPOSIT 110CashonHand 120CashinBank 200RECEIVABLES11,79092 230FederalGovernment 230ProvincialGovernment 250LocalGovernments 260OwnFundsandAgencies OLGeneralOperatingFund 02GeneralCapitalFund 04WaterCapitalFund 99Other: 270TradeAccounts Installation,,Qo,$ts280Accrued11,7902 290Other 300INVESTMENTS 400LOANSANDADVANCES 410Short-Term 420Long-Term 500TANGIBLEASSETS 510Inventories 5% Other 100OTHERASSETS (Specify) : 730TrustDeposits 790Other 900ACCUMULATEDDEFICIT TOTALASSETS LlIA151111LIISn 100SHORT-TERMBORROWINGS 200PAYABLES10,70411 210Federal 220Provincial 230OtherLocalGovernments 240OwnFundsandAgencies 01 - GeneralOperatingFund10,70411 02 - GeneralCapitalFund 04 - WaterCapitalFund 99 - Other: 250TradeAccounts 260DebentureInstallments 270AccruedPayables 290OtherI 300LONGTERMDEBT 310Debentures (Schedule0) 350OtherLong-TermBorrowings 390OtherLong-TermDebt 400OTHERLIABILITIES (Specify)55000 460TrustDepositsO00 490Other 500ASSETVALUATIONALLOWANCES (ScheduleG2). 600RESERVESScheduleG2.......................... 900ACCUMULATEDSURPLUS681 TOTALLIABILITIES1179092 MUNICIPALITY .......,INNICIPAL,LISTIiICT„OF.INI~LL,X48 n~PAYMENT TO COUNCILLORS FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES FORM 45 62 Division Or Ward (It A licablel NAME For Attendance at Meetings Nfileage For Attendance at Conventions For Administrative Supvis'yWork TOTALS MAYOR, REEVE OR CHAIRMAN R.W. BROWN 2 012.0 g 556 25 00245.0 MEMBERS OF COUNCIL A. W. POOLE 00 882.15 6 0 577.50 A.bl. BAUrT 1,627.50 629.E 832.00 245,00 333 J.A. FERGUSON 2 80.00 888.30 668 0 2 0 gS.O. SQHT=,L 1,132.50 620.15 59 .DO 60.00 2 L. G. LITZ 365.00 161.90 475.00 87.50 1.089.40 R.G. CAHPB;LL 1.470.00 55.20 692.00 192.50 2,809.701 OTAIS 12,662.50 5,293.40 5,330.90 2,590.00 25,876.8 PAYMENT TO SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEMBERS FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES FORM 46 division Or Ward (If Applicable) NAME For Attendance at Meetings For Mileage For Attendance at Conventions Far Administrative Supvis'yWork TOTALS CHAIRMAN MEMBERS OF SCHOOL COMMITTEE TOTALS CONTINGENT LIABILITIES FORM 47 0 63 AUDITOR'S SPECIAL REPORT MUNICIPALITY v,'.dICIP,,L,DISTPSCT„OF,Y,,7 ]fILL,;.4 WATER OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 74 Budget figures have not been disclosed, since the budget was not prepared on the F.I.S. basis. NUMBER OF VERIFICATION TAX NOTICES MAILED BY AUDITOR UNDER SEC. 70 .......100 NUMBER OF VERIFICATION UTILITY NOTICES MAILED BY AUDITOR UNDER SEC. 70 AUDITOR'S REPORT TO: The Members of the Council MWIFAL. ASS G~ .4k .KN 131ZJG Name of Municipality) We have examined the balance sheets of the various funds of .I~Ie..Ulit]7ttilp.B1..U1,StI'10.1i Af. Iineehill as of December 31st, 19 Ui. and the related statements of Revenue and expenditure, Surplus (deficit), Capital financing, and Equity in fixed assets for the year then ended. Our examination included a general review of the accounting procedures and such tests of accounting records and other supporting evidence as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, these Financial statements present fairly the financial position of the municipality as at December 31st, 19 24- and the results of its operations for the year then ended, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principals as they apply to Alberta Municipalities. Further, in our opinion, the additional statements and reports, when considered in relation to the aforementioned statements, present fairly the supplemental information shown. DATED AT THREE EIIIi Alberta,,THIS 15th DAY OF Varch 19 75 SIGNED ADDRESS T1FR2 HTii;, JRIPY1 H 1LPH A I '21+ C 6c CO. Ac'r d1W P -2 Accountants NOTE: If the Auditor is unable to express an unqualified opinion upon the financial statements, he should not sign the above report but should render his own report. FORM 19 25 REVENUE Estimates Actual 300 SERVICES PROVIDEDTO OTHER GOVERN 400 SALES OF GOODS AND SERVICES 5,252 47 411 Sales of Water 5,116 490 Other 135 0 500 OTHER REVENUE FROM OWN SOURCES 600 UNCONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTS (Schedule P) 610 Federal 620 Provincial 630 Other Local Governments 700 CONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM FED OR PROV GOVERN & THEIR AGENCIES Schedule P) 710 Federal 730 Provincial 800 CONDITIONALTRANSFERS FROM OTHER LOCAL GOVERNMENTS (Schedule P) 900 OTHER TRANSFERS (Schedule P)1 330 83 910 From Own Reserves & Allowances: 911 Prior Years' Surplus 912 Reserve for Future Expenditures 919 Other 920 From Other Funds: 930 Transfers from Own Agencies 990 Other TOTALREVENUE 6 1 1 1 F30 DEFICIT FOR YEAR GRAND TOTAL REVENUE 61 EXPENDITURE Estimates Actual 0401 WATER SUPPLY 5,660 77 01 Administration 480 00 02 Purification & Treatment 03 Service of Supply 04 Transmission & Distribution R!...........116 00 05 Pumping 2 1 4L 06 Customer Billing & Collection 99 Other 2.603 I 08 FISCAL SERVICES 11,900 88 01 Debt Charges 1 900 88 02 Transfers to Own Reserves, Funds and Agencies (Schedule tip r 03 Unconditional Transfers to Other Governments Their Agencies 04 Conditional Transfers to Other Governments Their Agencies 99 Other TOTAL EXPENDITURE 7,561 6 SURPLUS FOR YEAR GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURE 7,561 6 a0 MUNICIPALITY1"?VI'I.ICIPALDISTRICTOFKLJEaiILL .d48 inGENERALOPERATINGFUND USTATEMENTOFSURPLUS (DEFICIT) ForFiscalYearEndedDecember31. 1974 FORM3 DEBITCREDIT ofYearBalanceofSurlus (orDeficit) atBeinnin199474401pgg 2. Surplusor.DeficitincludedinCurrentBudget - Transferred toGeneralOperatingFund, RevenueandExpenditure Statement 3. AdjustmentsAffectingOperationsofPreviousYears: (Specify) adjustmentof197JTaxSaleSurplusTrust5491 Adjust11ecreationGrants1973Trochu luacellaneaus 4. OtherTransactionsAffectingSurplus: (Specify) tmdReservaTrustFF.uhlic1,07310 djustmentcift?esergeforUncallectableTie1$0946 5. SurplusorDeficitforYearUnderReview - Brought forwardfromGeneralOperatingFundRevenueandEx- penditureStatement71,7719 6. BalanceofSurplusorDeficitatEndofYtar - Carried ForwardtoGeneralOperatingFundBalanceSheet836,884Ol 7. TotalsofDebitandCreditColumns1,012,72910010127200 GENERALCAPITALFUND STATEMENTOFEQUITYINFIXEDASSETS FortheFiscalYearEndedDecember31, 19 - FORM6 DEBITCREDIT BalanceofEquityinFixedAssetsatBeginningofYear11894, 184 2. AdjustmentsAffectingOperationsofPreviousYears: (Specify) 3. OtherAdjustmentsAffectingEquityinFixedAssets: Assetsacquiredbydeedorgift Assetswrittenoff DebenturePrincipalPaidfromownOperatingFund1,25000 CapitalLoanPrincipalPaidfromownOperatingFund ContributionsfromownOperatingFund1297. 1n17n ASSptS.........OtherLRgS4AP?9P43QfFixed28,544 AssetsofOtherMunicipalitiesAssumed4 LiabilitiesofOtherMunicipalitiesAssumed5 6. AssetsTransferredtoOtherMunicipalities 7. LiabilitiesAssumedbyOtherMunicipalities 8. BalanceofEquityinFixedAssetsatEndofYear - CarriedforwardtoGeneralCapitalFundBalanceSheet2~ 163,99191 9. TotalsofDebitandCreditColumns2,192,5361371 e MUNICIPALITY j' UN.I9ZFAL. p~S^ ZG~..OL.k:iQt 7{lIu. A6 SECRETARY-TREASURER'S REPORT LANDS UNDER THE TAX RECOVERY ACT Total number of Parcels Finally Municipality but not SolduiredbAc Number of Parcels Sold at Public Sale in 1974 7 yq 20) as at December 31Sec 1974 51 Number Under Tax Notification 80 Number of Parcels Sold at Private Sale in 1974 Date Last Tax Notification Reg. atL.T.0,1474 Number of Parcels Leased Under Sec 29 (U in 1974 Date of Last Public Sale .28 3 74 Total Parcels Dealt With in 1974 11 Public Sale 210.00 Private SaletsfromLandsSoldorLeasedin1974Recei 300-00 p Leases Public Sale eased prior to 19741974fromLandsSoldorliRit Private Saleneceps leases TOTAL. TAX SALE AND LEASE RECEIPTS IN 1974 Above Receipts have been credited as follows: Credited to Costs and Commissions Credited to Municipal Account Credited to School and Other Trust Accounts 10.00 Credited to Tax Sale Surplus Trust Account Total Tax Sale and Lease Receipts Accounted for 10.00 TAXES CANCELLED Municipal or Amalgamated Taxes 995.50 27 (3) SchoolUNDERSec italHosp Any Other CancellationecifSyp Total Cancellations 995.50 STANDING OF LANDS FINALLY ACQUIRED TAXES Assessed Number Value Municipal of Dollars or Amal-Other Total Parcels Only)gamated School Hospital Specify)Taxes 1973AtDecemberlll 7 67 3,588.71 3,588.71 Add: 1974 penalties on above 6 2.56 Add: 1974 Levy on above (if any)2.2 2.27 Add: Acquired during 1974 Total 57 675 3.593-54 3,593-54 Deduct 1974 Cancel- lations on above 978.68 978.68 Total 57 675 2,614.86 2,614.86 Deduct 1974 S e Notee below)S e 6 145 152.27 152.27 ee Standing at 1974Dec31 51 530 2,462.59 2,462.59 NOTE.-Show number of parcels actually sold during 1974, with their assessed value and the total receipts from both sales and leases actually applied on taxes during 1974. The above Statements do not include Deferred Payments. Resident Farmers ~,5tet['42tS.d.................. 1 r450 Estimated Population of Municipality 5,890 Actual Count of Municipality as at 19 Actual Dominion Census Count of June 1971 _5-P-89 - IIUIdICIPAL DISTP.ICT 0MUNICIPALITYF KPI ~;;IILL ;r48 6 C ROAD AND STREET MILEAGE C11RFACRDR0AL1C A NIT) CTRRGTC IPAPT14 RrlAt1C-J Oil Improved Treate Earth Other Graded and onade ftammuc=CSurfacesGravel Surfaces Drained Other Total 1. Provincial Highways: Main 1 Secondary 85 50 6 193 2. Local Roads and Stree 447 It Poblic la :a I a. . . no Mileage 109 93i 1,094 50 459 239 2,044t SEWER AND WATER MAIN MILEAGE NUMBER OF PARCELS L Storm Sewers _ 1. No. of Taxable Parcels 5,847 2. Sanitary Sewers 1 tulle 2. No. of Parcels Exempt 203 _ 3. Water Mains 2 miles 3. Total Number of Parcels 6.050_ Water: Electricity: Gas: Number of Hunk-ups 49 Number of Hookups Number of Hookups No. of Buildings No. of Buildings No. of Buildings for which service for which service for which service is not available: is not available: is not available: No. of Hydrants No. of Street Lights AREA OF MUNICIPALITY - IN ACRES 1. LAND (Including Streets, Lanes and Highways):....... Assessed for Taxation as at year end land Built Upon Land in Use, not Built Upon land not in use Total Land Assessed for Taxation 853,048 00 Land Exempt from Taxation (Ex, of Public Parks, etc., Streets, Lanes and Highways)1,394 00 land in Public Parks and Playgrounds 480 00 Land in Sheets, Lanes and Highways 16,394 00 Total Land Area 87 6 00 2. WATER AREA (Not Otherwise Included) TOTAL 850 M GRAND TO'T'AL LAND AND WATER AREA 872,166 00 ANALYSIS OF INVESTMENTS Bonds, Debentures, Stock or Other Securities by Funds! Issued or Guaranteed b General Funds Special Activities Funds Utilities Funds Trust Funds Total 1. Dominion Government t. Province of Prince Edward Island 3. Province of Nova Scotia 4. Province of New Brunswick i. Province of Quebec 6. Province of Ontario Province of Manitoba Province of Saskatchewan 9. Prr4ince of Alberta 10. Province of British Columbia 11. Own Municipality 12. Other Municipalities 13. School Corporations 14. others Mtuv.eipal,Fin,0o,1°0 00E 120 00 120 0 120 00 To ogre, with the totals as shown in the Capital,Revenue and Trust Funds Balance Sheets. MUNICIPALITY :UN~GjPaL, I$.T1.UCT..U.T4~4aULL.;ik$ GENERAL CAPITAL FUND SCHEDULE B-I TRANSFERS TO OWN RESERVES, ALLOWANCES AND FUNDS During the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19 34 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS SCHEDULE B-2 As at December 31, 19 - Engineering Machinery Functional Classification Structures Buildings and Land Total Equipment 01 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES: 01 Legislature 02 General Administrative '76.3.3 , 22,900.07 19.00 94.262.45 99 Other 02 PROTECTIVE SERVICES: 01 Police Protection 03 Fire Protection 42,846,91 42,846,91 04 Emergency Measures 99 Other 5-08 58.097-55_62,25.2..63 03 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES: 01 Common Services 02 Road Transport 12,057.84 292,817.61 1,711,D6R.48 6.5 17.80 1.951 481,73 99 Other 04 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES: 02 Sewage Collection & Disposal 32,940.73 653.54 33,594 27 03 Garbage & Waste Coll& Disposal 99 Other 05 PUBLIC HEALTH & WELFARE SERVICES: 01 Public Health, Medical & Hospital Care& Other Health 05 Social Welfare 06 Preventive Social Services 99 Other 06 ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOP MENT SERVICES: 03 Agricultural Service Board 07 RECREATION & CULTURAL SERVICES& EDUCATION: 01 Recreation Buildgs Facilities... 948.53 9,318.29 1,307,45 11p57 Z7 02 Cultural Buildings, & Facilities . 03 Recreation Programs (Facility) 14 Cultural Programs (Facility) 06 Programs (Non-Facility) 99 Other TOTAL GENERAL FIXED ASSETS 45,947.10 303,979.61 1,846,221.30 7,864,25 2,204,012,26 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES AND RESERVES SCHEDULE' 11,;t 500 INN RESERVES: ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES: 00MUNICIPALITY S MUNICIPALDISTR.ICT,OFENE}]DILL,j4&' GENERALCAPITALFUNDBALANCESHEETFORM5 AsatDecember31, 1974 ASSETS 100CASHONHANDANDONDEPOSIT hHdConanas110 120CashinBank 200RECEIVABLES t220FdlGovernmeneera 230PiilGtovernmenrovnca t0LlGsovernmen25oca 260OwnFundsandAgencies dtiF01GlOperangunenera FdtOti03Wngunaerpera lFundtCit04Waerapa 99Other: t270TdAsccounrae 280Adccrue h290Oert 300INVESTMENTS DADVANCESA400LOANSN T0Sherm41ort- 420LTermung- LEASSETS2,204,012126 500TANGIB lB2)tShd530FidA2,204,01226 sceuexesse 590Other 600DEBTCHARGESRECOVERABLE2,50692Sob97 700OTHERASSETS (Specify) tDeit730Tsposrus 790Other 900ACCUMULATEDDEFICIT TOTALASSETS22065123 LIABILITIES 100SHORT-TERMBORROWINGS 200PAYABLES 210Fderale 220Provincial rDucalGovernments230Othe 240OwnFundsandAgencies FundlOatinG0174060 pergenera ratinFundWtO03pegaer italFundWaterCa04p 99Othre 250TradeAccounts ables270AccruedPay 290Other TERMDEBT300LANG210796172 ntures (Schedule0)310Db21,786 ee TermBorrowings350OtherLang 390OtherLang-TermDebt 400OTHERLIABILITIES (Specify) 460TrustDeposits 490Other 500ASSETVALUATIONALLOWANCES (ScheduleB3) 600RESERVES (ScheduleB-3) 700EQUITYINFIXEDASSETS2,163991912,163,99191 TOTALLIABILITIES220612 MUNICIPALITY NNYIQIP L..PISTPICT,OF,ki 7TiIL;t-W48...... 67 VALUATION OF PROPERTY EXEMPT FROM TAXATION (DOLLARS ONLY) Classification Land Buildings Engineering Structures Total 1. GOVERNMENT PROPERTY: Dominion: LandsIdihthO MIL PDI NIL NIL anannert di L dI IITL NTT, sanann TOTAL DOMINION Provincial: UnPatentedFkiGi 810 810 t ee . fc AirportPark9ifOthS 1,680 1,810yerpec liisc.Dame7Qv9ig TOTAL PROVINCIAL 11,960 1,810 13,770 Municipal: litiMi 775 100 875 yunpacUsedbyOwn Schools (Include Public, Exclude l 1 170 58 330 59 500 s) .Private Schoo kbliP 65o 1 2 0 1 00 sarPuc GrrnwdsN 1 Lo 140is orksFebbliPesre+u c W Property Acquired for Taxes (Sec. Act)erR5T2 430 100 530 ecov yax2 Cemete;leshSif 1,480 1,480Oter (pec y of aldtie sQtherkhuiiciP TOTAL MUNICIPAL 6.065 63,670 69.735 2. PROPERTY USED FOR EDUCA. TIONAL, RELIGIOUS, CHARIT- ABLE AND WELFARE PURPOSES: P D Iiihr 76,776 672.299 rers t esi Property used for Religious 1 180 57 340 58.520 Purposes . Property used for Charitable and seslfPWurpoaree TOTAL PROPERTY USED FOR EDUCATIONAL, RELIGIOUS, CHARITABLE AND WELFARE PURPOSES 77,956 729,639 807,595 3. INDUSTRIAL AND BUSINESS ENTERPRISES 1r)tsRSif 4,880 8,900 1 80 y):4. OTHE pec ecreati 4? . ommwlity Halls 1,100 24-800 TAL EXEMPTIONS 1,961 828,819 930,780 GRAND TO MUNICIPALITY .......:iu,ICIPAL DISTFICT OF,XN! aILI. ,4~ 68 INSURANCE IN FORCE FORM Amount of overage Co. Insuranc yb Average Yearly Premium Rate Per $100 of Coverage) Buildings Furniture & Equipment 63,182 33 liability Comprehensive 1,000,000 1235 Other Other He Lquipmnt 2 049 688 90';25 Vehicles: Bus:Amount of Third Party liability & Road Hazard Accident Benefits-Limit Per Person Collision Coverage-Amount Deductible $ Specified Perils Coverage and/or Comprehensive - Amount Deductible $ Other:Bodily Injury & Property Damage Limits 1,000,000 Accident Benefits - Limit Per Person Collision Coverage - Amount Deductible $250 Specified Perils Coverage and/or Comprehensive - Amount Deductible $250 Secretary - Treasurers Bond Number 1 CO50 Date Surety Began Jqa. 1/74 Renewed To Jan. 1/76 Company CANADIAN AO CID-720T L FIRE INSMWICE C0 fPMT77 INVENTORY OF ROAD EQUIPMENT Description No. of Each Valuation December 31,1973 Purchased During 1974 TOTAL Disposed of hm;ng 1974 Valuation December 31, 1974 Tractors-Track Type Tractors-Wheeled-3,200 00 1 3,200 00 2 500 00 Grader-Elevating-1 100 00 100 00 100 00 Graders--Blade _ Graders-Motor- Trucks-Motor-1 1 000 00 7o -.4o6 94 1 21 6 GD DO 1 000 00 Snow-plows 10 8,000 00 600 00 8 600 oo 7,500 00 Dozer Blades Cook Care 0 DD 0 00 00 00 Fresnos Scrapers 10 10,500 00 10.500 00 8,000 00 Plows Post Driver 0 Hevster Packer b 1 5,000 1,2 0 00 00 6 0 00 5,000 8.150 00 00 1,460 00 4,500 00 00Mixer10000000000 Trailers Tools & Equip,1 00 12,651 27 27,251 27 11.147 00 00 00 F.W.D. Truck Rooter & Ripper 1 1 700 3.500_ _ 00 00 00 00 00 00 600 000 00 00 Loader & 2,quip.2 35,000 00 6 00 00 81.500 00 70.000 00 Motor Scrapers Fuel Wagons 200.000 1-.200 0 1 00 1 200.000 1.200 00 00 1715-000 1 000 00 00 Rubber Packers 2 4,300 00 1 4.300 00 3,500 00 Sheens foot Pad er 2,000 00 2,000 00 1 00 00 Traa Cavato=1 10 000 00 60970 0 16.9,7o oo 15,000 00 Steel Roller 1 200 00 1 200 00 1 000 50 Chip SAreader 1 00 0 00 0 Aspha1 Dis 1 1, 200 on 1 C)Soo QD 2Q 700 l oo 9W DO iq nnn nn I Padin ;4stam 1 24 0318 57 2L nip 1 57 Pp nno nni0 W EETOTALS7-9-10 15 - 5 7 ARY•TREASURER'S CERTIFICATE The information contained in this Report is as shown by the Books and Records of the Municipality, from my own observation, or obtained from other officials of the Municipality-and all of which I certify to be true and correct according to the best of my knowledge and belief, AND IN AGREEMENT WITH THE AUDITOR'S REPORT WHERE NECESSARY. Dated /A SecrMary-7~eaku/cr. MUNICIPALITY GENERAL CAPITAL FUND STATEMENT OF CAPITAL FINANCING Fo. tho Fvo..I vos. F„aod n--t-- 10 7L FORM 4 7 FINANCES ACQUIRED Estimates Actual UNEXPENDED FUNDS USED (from Previous Years)* LONG-TERM DEBT INCURRED Debentures (issued to Federal) Debentures (issued to Provincial) Debentures (issued to Others) . Other Lon -Term Debt incurred TRANSFERS (Schedule Q)2C)7-101 70 From Federal From Provincial From Local Governments From Own Reserves From Own Operating Fund 297,101 U From Other Funds . From Other OTHER 57,504 124 Sale of Fixed Assets Return on Investments 52,504 2-4 Other TOTAL AC 1)IRED 35L-6ot;j, QREXPENDITURE** DTOTALACQUIRED Unexpended funds used for expenditure on the undernoted projects in the cmTent year. By-law No. Source Project No. and or description Amount Overexpenditure to be provided by: 1. Contributions From General Operating Fund 2. Borrowing Approved but not Received 3. Sale of Assets . 4. Other FINANCES APPLIED Estimates Actual OVEREXPENDITURE (of PrevigUa Yrars) FIXED ASSETS 354 605 1 94 Engineering Structures Buildings k 26 Machinery & Equipment 10 Land Other OTHER Interest on Short-Term Borrowings Other Financial Charges Transfers to Own Reserves and Allowances (Schedule Al) Transfers to Own Funds (Schedule 141 i Other TOTAL APPLIED 3 54 605 94 UNEXPENDED FUNDS* 1 GLUNU TOTAL APPLIED 35L.60r 151 0Z94 Unexpended funds for expenditures on the undernoted projects in future years: Bylaw No, Source Project No. and/or Description Amount 00MUNICIPALITYk1UiVIUIa,.UIMUCT.CFKfiz,, IILL.it48... GENERALOPERATINGFUND SCHEDULEA-I 608-02TRANSFERSTOOWNRESERVES, FUNDS & AGENCIES DuringtheFiscalYearEndedDecember31, 1974 ofReserves & Allowances Reserves:..ReserveforUncollectableTaxes26127 Allowances: 02OwnFunds (Specify): Watex. Revenue. Fund. nFrontageTax General. Capital. andLoanFundaassetAcquisitions297.1010 03OwnAgencies (Specify): 8-02TOTALTRANSFERSTOOWNRESERVES, FUNDS ANDAGENCIES322,04502 TAXESRECEIVABLE AsatIkremher31.1974 SCHEDULEA-2 CurrentYear'sPriorYear's Levy (notinclud-Arrears (notin-Taxeson ingPropertyeludingPropertyPropertvAcquiredTotal AcquiredforAcquiredforForTaxes Taxes)Taxes) Jan1st, 191. Balance467,7863,588108 2. CurrentYear'sLevy2301433852722?1 3. PenaltiesandCosts addedin19-27.563112567.5667 4. TaxesReinstated 5. TaxesTransferred 6. AmountsPlacedonRoll forCollection: UtilityAccounts Other 7. TOTALDUE2,014,38527475.34983,593542,493,32829 8. Collectionsin1974 includingCosts1,701,170OB342,603622,043,773.70 9. DiscountsAllowed 10. Cancellations22,6337978623,61247 11. TaxesTransferred15221522 12. UNCOLLECTEDTAXES, DECEMBER31st19Z613p2115119i1100112425,7828 GENERALOPERATINGFUNDSCHEDULEA-3 ASSETVALUATIONALLOWANCESANDRESERVES AsatDecember :31. 19 -71, 500ASSETVALUATIONALLOWANCES 600RESERVES: 00006 R.eaerve. fcr..UacQlle.ctable. Accouats..Receivabl Reserve, forUnegllectable.Taxes, 5,658.6 Reserye.for, Property,Acquired, for .Taxes......, 2,462.59 e to T;UIICIP:;L DISTRICT OF KII°HILL ,'#48 UEVE'S REPORT MARCH 10th, 1975 It is again, a privilege to present a report dealing with some of the highlights of the 1974 activities rithin the Punici.pality. This is the 14th consecutive report I have been privileged to submit to you as Reeve. 1974 probably could be termed better than an average production, year, yet frost and grades made it less favourable than 1973. However this is a large enough area that many different opinions may be expressed as to net outcome. One sure thing to comment on is that the livestock industry had a very difficult year and to date 1975 has only seen a further decline of all farm prices. It would appear that we have a marketing system and a transportation system, under present management, toally incompetent to handle our crop production. The past year was a busy one, and an expensive one for the Municipality. January to Irlarch had extremely high snow plowing costs and a late wet spring made the early part of the season difficait for road construction. Nevertheless we regraded 3 miles of secondary roads and 31 miles of local road, plus many repair jobs of installing culverts and other improvements. We oil treated 29 miles of secondary road and 62 miles of local road, regravelled 34 miles of secondary and 352 miles cf local roads. Our total road mileage is 204412 miles, so 26.3;0 cf cur road mileage received varying amounts of attention. Our normal road grants have not kept up to inflation, but we were fortunate in getting the road paved from Trochu to the Red Deer River at Provincial Government expense. The Linden Overpass was completed at a cost to this Municipality of approximately the same as the cost of grading 12 to 2 miles of local road. There were several grants applicable to this project. During the period of early May until late September we worked the main crew two shifts, giving us 16 working hours. The best we could get with a single crew was around 10 hours per day. During October we did work a single shift of longer hours. As our wage agreement with the employees calls for time and one half on all overtime, our labour costs were higher than anticipated. While we anticipated some raise in expenses due to inflation, we just didn't forecast the extreme inflationary trend that took place last year, hence an overexpenditure of some $ 175,750.24 The two :ray radio system is proving its value in better communication between foremen and machine operators and in many other ways. Our Assessment is rising slowly by the extension of oil companies' gathering systems and additions to plants. 2 Aft 2- Tax ccllecti:,ns gave again been regd. Taxes receivable at December 31st, 1974 were approximately $426,000.GO, compared with '471,000.00 the year before. As at R-arch 1st, the arrears only amounted to approximately '124,000.00. The penalty rate has been raised from TO to 10 effective larch 1st, 1976. The Property Tax Reduction Plan benefited some over previous years, and penalized ethers, depending cn the amount of assessment involved. We expect the Government to resurface the Secondary Road l'umber 8G5 - Allingham tc ''Iimborne, and heavy pave from Wimborna to our north boundary. This will join up with Red Deer on their Innisfail East Prcject, serving the west half of this 6'.unicipal District very well. Tenders fcr this project have been called. We are still hoping to develop a common Sanitary Land Fill with our towns and villages and several sites are now under consideration. The wage agreement for 1975 with our employees was increased approximately 20;"a. This is a substantial increase, but with income tax deducted, the increase 4_n most cases is less than 12% net, which is less than the inflation factor cf 1974. We are involved in many ways with the Towns and Villages in fire protection, recreation, ambulance, sanitary land fill, etc. For the most part we have excellent co-operation from these people. The volunteers on the fire departments and the ambulance are doing excellent work and deserve our praise and. thanks. A special thanks must go to the Linden 1+ursing Home for the lean of staff tr, work with the ambulance volunteers and for looking after the laundry. We are fortunate in having a reliable and dedicated staff of employees. While there are changes occuring from time to time we are well pleased with their cc-operation and service. Our Secretary was honoured this year in his re-election as President cf the Alberta Rural Municipal Administrators Association. It has been a privilege to spend nearly 20 years on Council with men of the calibre of Stan Schmelke. Stan retired last fall after 32 years cf service. We all wish him well. He was replaced by hr. Leonard Litz whose experience as a previous employee with the Municipal District will enable him to make a real contribu.ticn for the betterment of the Municipality. The present Council has been most co-operative and I owe them a special thanks for all the many favours throughout the year. We have attempted to keep you informed of various municipal highlights with short articles in the Three Hills Capital. However if at any time any ratepayer wishes information on specific items or problems, I am sure Council members or the staff will be glad to discuss matters with you. Respectfully submitted Ralph W. Brown, Reeve. MUNICIPV II N MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF KNZ~HILL W48 1l.NF.HAL OPERATING FUND BALA.N( 'I: SIIKEI I-uh111! As ut Deccurber 31st, 19 74 ASSETS NI)EPOSIT100CASHONHANDANDOI 590 15124, 110 Cashon Hand 67r831 46 120 Cash in Hank _1 67 200 RECEIVABLES A-21,l210TShd 425,789 g Iueaxesce 220 Federal Government 571 r nt230PiilGn 6 rov nc a e nme v rnm nts250LlG 6 55 1 eocaoe 260 own Funds and Agencies 261 hue From Own Funds l Ca ital FundGe01 20 740 60 pnera 03 W r O Fundteratingaep 04 Water Ca ital Fund 4.332 47 1 p 99 - other 262 Due From Own A enciesg 270 Trade Accounts 05 280 Accrued 17,782 25 90 Other . 3(N) INVESTMENTS 120 00 12o on 400 LOANS AND ADVANCES 410 Short Tenn 420 Long Term 500 TANGIBLE ASSETS 418, 510 Inventories 418,239 590 Other s700OTHERASS1•T ecil'vi 109pl Tax Sale TrustL,730 Trust De 455 99p erve x? PStPU1Ii4C3 1 ()r73 in 790 Other 900 ACCUMULATED DEFICIT TOTAL ASSE'I'S 1,063,835 20, LIABILITIE S 100 SHOR'F-TERM BORROWINGS _195 0000 q5 200 PAYABLFS 921 :29 RR 210 Federal 10 Provincial 130 other local lerecrnmrnts 240 Own Funds and Agencies 341 I luc to own Fund, 02 - General Capital Fund 03 - Water Operating Fund 04 - Water Capital Fund 99 - other 242 Due to Own Agenc,- 250 Trade Accounts 17p719 88 160 Debenture Instillment., 270 Accrued kv,ahl-3 75n on 2911 Other 10 0 LONGTERM Dhai'I' 110 Debentures (khwlalem 130 other IongTerni Iii,rr-ings 390 Other Lmg'I'erm Ik6t . 400 OTHER 13AL'Il.11'11:sispccl)si T". S;ales.TX'U.@t 408 15 1,481 460 True c h?.serve TrustD~y,~.,n., .1,073 10 491, )'her 500 ASSET'1AIAAIIONALLOWANCES (ScheduleA-:{ 1100 RESEli\ E. -S, li,, lc A3 900 N'l'l'Ml'LA3'EDSURPLUS ....I TOfALLIABILITI&<Q~3~ a35 1 2i TWENTY-NINTH ANNUAL REPORT MUNICIPALITYM'UNIOIPALllIGTRICTOFKN~1iILL4.8. 4 GENERALOPERATINGFUND STATEMENTOFREVENUEANDEXPENDITURE FortheFiscalYearEndedDecember31, 19 -U- FORM1-2 EXPENDITUREEstimatesActual 01GENERALGOVERNMENTSERVICES 01Legislative15.876ISO 169,36382 02GeneralAdministrative143,48702 99Other 02PROTECTIVESERVICES79' 01PoliceProtection 03FireProtection 04EmergencyMeasures12393 99Other188106 03TRANSPORTATIONSERVICES1,233,28663 01CommonServices 02RoadTransport1,233,2863 99Other 04ENVIRONMENTALHEALTHSERVICES160000 02SewageCollection & Disposal 03Garbage & WasteCollection & Disposal1X60000 99Other 05PUBLICHEALTH & WELFARESERVICES32.481158 01PublicHealth, MedicalCare, Hospital OtherHealthCare2692009 05SocialWelfare 06PreventiveSocialServices 99Other5,281 06ENVIRONMENTALDEVELOPMENTSERVICES55,0956 03AgriculturalServiceBoard55,o956 9Other 07RECREATION & CULTURALSERVICES EDUCATION96811793 01RecreationBuildings & Facilities 02CulturalBuildings & Facilities 03RecreationPrograms 'Facility)13252- 04CulturalPrograms (Facility) 05Education600 06Programs (Non-Facility)28,0166 99Other 08FISCALSERVICES339,170 01DebtCharges17-1215192 02TransferstoOwnReserves, Funds encies (ScheduleAd)A32z,o1,502 g 03UnconditionalTransferstoOtherGovernments TheirAenciesg 04ConditionalTransferstoOtherGovernments andTheirAgencies 9901PreviousYears' DeficitsRecovered 9999Other TOTALEXPENDITURE283706099 SURPLUSFORYEAR GRANDTOTALEXPENDITURE2,837,06099 AGRICULTURAL SERVICE BOARD OF THE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF KNEEHILL #48 The Personnel of the Agricultural Service Board in 1974 were: Mr.Arthur Bauer, Chairman Council Member Mr.Reg. Campbell Council Member Mr.Findlay Code Farmer Member Mir,Harold Bowe Farmer Member Mr.John Jeffery Secretary to the Board Mfr.Russ Horvey District Agriculturist Mr.Glenn Smyth Assistant Ag. Fieldman Mr.Norman Soder Agricultural Fieldman CROPS GENERAL 1974 was a variable type of year for agriculture. Some of our climatic conditions were quite erratic. Hail in the easternpart of the area in early May, a very wet spring, more hail in June, a heavy frost in early September and then a heavy snow fall in early October placed a lot of stress on the farmers. The con- ditions also caused some very erratic crop yields that ranged from poor to extremely good. It was unfortunate that some of the farmers lost their crop or had poor yields when grain prices were high. LIVESTOCK GENERAL Livestock conditions were generally good throughout the area with the exception of problems with calves in the spring. Then the drop in the price of cows and calves didn't help any of our live- stock men. It is hoped that the Cow-Calf Advance Program was of assistance to some of the farmers. It is interesting to note that only 203 of our farmers took advantage of this advance. The average advance amounted to $2,528.10 making a total of 513,310.00 advanced through our Municipal office. MEETINGS Agricultural Service Board meetings are held on the third Monday of every month with the exception of the meetings that are held in March, July and November. In these months the meetings are held jointly with the Municipal Council on the fourth Monday. In 1974 we held a total of eight meetings. WEEDS Generally speaking, weeds are not causing the problems in this Municipal District that they are in other areas. Wild Oats are probably still the weed that is causing the farmer the greatest economic loss. Canada and Sow thistles are starting to cause considerable concern in some areas. Toad Flax, while it doesn't spread as readily as the thistles, is becoming evident in areas that we were not aware of previously. The big problem with these weeds is that they get established in the more unassessable areas which make them harder to get at to control. The farmers in this Municipal District are to be commended on their weed control programs. I have heard remarks from people outside of the area who have stated that this is generally the cleanest area in the Province. There are always weeds new to the area, coming in. 1',e are always pleased to have farmers bring in weed specimens for identification. Sometimes a serious weed problem can be stopped before it gets established. ROADSIDE SPRAYING While the responsibility of controlling weeds on roadside is the responsibility of the farmer whose land the road runs parallel to, we have been attempting to do some additional control. We fell down rather badly in this last year as we changed over to a different spray outfit. We ran into some problems with this and did not get our spraying program much more than off the ground. e would like to spray all new construction for the past three years as well as secondary roads. Then we would like to spray an# patches of the more persistant perennials. ROADSIDE SEEDING MUNIUIPALITY k,VNICIPAL.AISTRICT.OF..101EkHILL.~14R. GENERAL OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31,1974 FORM 1-1 3Weseededapproximatelyfortymilesofroadsideonnewlygraded roads in 1974. We also re-seeded a number of miles of road where the grass seed had not established too well. We are attempting to do this work in the fall as we feel we should get a better catch of the grass seed at this time of year. LIVESTOCK INSECT CONTROL We have had a man at the local auction markets to inspect cattle for warbles for the past two springs. We get reports of all cattle going through the yards that are infested with warbles. We provide a spray service to interested livestock men for the spraying of cattle infested with lice or warbles at cost. Last year we sprayed 17 herds of cattle making a total of 1569 head sprayed. SHELTERBELT SPRAYING We sprayed 24 shelterbelts in 1974 for the control of insects. It is good to see the pride that some people take in their shelterbelts. In an area such as this, where there is a limited growth of trees, a well established shelterbelt can certainly add to the appearance of an area. PORTABLE LIVESTOCK SCALE The weigh scale was used thirty times last year for weighing cows and calves. It is rented out at $5.00 per day unless we take the scale out and do the weighing. We then charge $15.00 for the first hour of weighing and $10.00 an hour for any extra time. We purchased a new scale this last fall as the old one was getting pretty badly shook up. We received a grant of 600.00 on the purchase of the new scale from the Provincial Government. TREE PLANTING Close to 100,000 trees were planted in the Municipality last year. We do not plant any orders of less than 200 trees as these are generally replacements and it is too hard to use machinery for this job. The majority of these trees were planted by the Service Board with no charge. Trees are provided free of charge from the Provincial Nursery at Oliver and from the P.F.R.A Nursery at Indian Head, Saskatchewan. Trees should be ordered early as we had a lot of cancellations on the late orders. We are attempting to fill all late orders at Indian Head. GENERAL I have enjoyed working in this area and working with the people of the area for the past two years. There are many that I haven't met yet, and I am looking forward to having the opportunity to do so. Should you have a problem in your area, we would be pleased to have you come in to discuss it with us. This would be a good way for you to find out about some of our programs that could be of value to you. Respectfully submitted: J ~ Norman Soder Agricultural Fieldman REVENUE Estimates Actual loo TAXES 2,014,387 54 110 Real Property 2,007,378 06 120 Special Assessment 140 Business 4,573 81 190 Other 2,435 62 200 GRANTS IN LIEU OF T= 11 7 28 210 Federal 230 Provincial 11,575 28 250 Own Agencies 260 Other Local Governments 270 Iron-Government Organizations 290 Other 300 SERV PRO 1,7_94 06 310 Federal 330 Provincial 0 350 Own Agencies 360 Other Local Governments 390 Other 400 SALES OF GOODS AND SERVICES 33 412 Sewage Services 1,720 49 418 Waste Disposal Services 420 Sale of Goods 25,261 430 Sale of Services 15,019 9~8 480 Recreational and Cultural 490 Other 2,097 34 500 OTHER REVENUE FROM OWN SOURCES 392 0511514MobileUnitLicenses3. 91~2 91 519 Other Licenses and Permits 0 8 5'20 Fines 8 0 530 Rentals 1 540 Concessions and Franchises 550 Returns on Investments 10 6 8 560 Penalties and Costs 7 6 6 590 Other 600 UNCONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTS (Schedule P)24829.41 00 610 Federal 620 Provincial 248,294 QC 630 Other Local Governments 700 L'ONDITIONALTRANSFERSFROM FEDORPROV GOVERN& THEIR AGENCIES (SCHEDULE P)290,746184 710 Federal 1 026 730 Provincial 800 CONDIT ERS FROM OTHER LOCAL GOVERNMENTS (Schedule P) 900 OTHER TRANSFERS (Schedule PI 910 From Own Reserves & Allowances: 911 Prior Years Surplus 912 Reserve for Future Expenditures 913 Allowance for Uncollectible Taxes 919 Other 920 From Other Funds . 9:10 Transters from Own Agencies 990 Other TOTAL REVENUE 2.662.2P9 10 DEFICIT FOR YEAR 17 771 9 GRAN DTOTALREe'ENt'E 2 837 0 0 99