HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976 Financial Statementsr () t .., () () Municipal District of Kneehill, No 48 PROVINCE OF ALBERTA ALBERTA MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS FINANCIAL STATEMENT For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19..u,_ MUNICIPALITY .................... M.�_IC:�:1'1'L .. J?.;?.����'l'.. �F .. �E:E.HI_L�. -��-�-.............. . NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Monday, March 21, 1977 THREE HILLS COM MUNITY CENTRE 1 :30 p.m. c, c~ e c~2 MUNICIPALITY Municipal District of Kneehill #48 CONSOLIDATION OF OPERATING FUND STATEMENTS OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE Forms 1, 7, 13,19, 25, 31, 37, and 43 - as applicable) For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 197-6 REVENUE 100 TAXES . 200 GRANTS IN LIEU OF TAXES 9 300 SERVICES PROVIDED TO OTHER GOVERNMENTS 400 SALES OF GOODS AND SERVICES g66,273.Off- 500 OTHER REVENUE FROM OWN SOURCES . . .82,949.1 600 UNCONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTS r 700 CONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM FEDERAL OR PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENTS AND THEIR AGENCIES _285,129. 7 9 800 CONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM OTHER LOCAL GOVERNMENTS .T2 5 900 OTHER TRANSFERS .571.3 TOTALREVENUE 6 7_7 DEFICIT FOR YEAR GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURE 01 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES 02 PROTECTIVE SERVICES 03 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 04 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 05 PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE SERVICES 06 ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES . 07 RECREATION AND CULTURAL SERVICES AND EDUCATION .69 759 A 08 FISCAL SERVICES . 09 OTHER SERVICES 51SCHOOL SERVICES _ TOTAL EXPENDITURE . .1 201 -4-41 1 SURPLUS FOR YEAR . .12 '14 0 S2 GRAND TOTAL . . Exclude Interfund Operating transfers. To include functions 52 to 59 inclusive, page 53, CONSOLIDATION OF OPERATING FUND BALANCE SHEETS Forms 2, 8, 14, 20, 26, 32, 38 and 44 - as applicable) As at December 31, 1916 ASSETS 100 CASH ON HAND AND ON DEPOSIT .336 144.1 200 RECEIVABLES 279 271.1 300 INVESTMENTS .120.0 400 LOANS AND ADVANCES 14 928.7 500 TANGIBLE ASSETS 413 264.8 700 OTHER ASSETS 7 435.4 900 ACCUMULATED DEFICIT TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES 100 SHORT-TERM BORROWINGS . . 200PAYABLES 300 LONG-TERM DEBT 400 OTHER LIABILITIES 500 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES 7,374.5 600 RESERVES 900 ACCUMULATED SURPLUS 9 739.7 TOTAL LIABILITIES 169.1.1151 1 82 3- PORTABLE LIVESTOCK SCALE: The weigh scale was used by 40 farmers. This scale is available to farmers on a rental basis of $5.00 per day providing the farmer picks up the scale and does his own weighing. Should we get involved the charge is $15.00 for the first hour and $10.00 per hour thereafter. TREE PLANTING: The number of trees planted were up to 69,300 trees with an additional 2500 trees planted by farmers on their own. Anyone interested in trees for 1978 should get their applications in early in 1977. Approximately 90 farmers received trees in 1976. The 1977 spring planting of trees to be done by the Service Board will be for shrub type trees only, including caraganas, lilac and honeysuckle, providing there is over 200 trees to plant. PROGRAMS: Besides our normal cost sharing programs this year such as gully filling, control of infestations of perennial weeds on private farm land, etc., we had three new programs. One was for the control of Canada Thistle on summerfallow and on stubble after harvest, another was on weed and brush control in pastures and the other was for Alkali problems. We did not get the Alkali program off the ground. We only used one third of the funds that were available for weed and brush control, but we did go over our available funds on the Canada Thistle Program. PARKS: We have three parks in the Municipal District that we maintain - Keiver's Lake, Swalwell and Tolman. We are still having problems with vandalism at these parks, but it wasn't as serious in 1976 as in other years. GENERAL: We still miss not having the District Agriculturist and Home Economist in our office. It does appear that the general public has got used to them being in their new office in the Provincial Building. I would like to thank the members of the Agricultural Service Board, the Councillors on the Municipal Council, the Staff of Alberta Agriculture and the Office Staff and other Municipal Staff that we work with for their help and co-operation in 1976. I enjoy working with the farmers in this municipality. Again I extend an invitation to you to come into our office to discuss your weed, pest, erosion or any other problems that we may be able to assist you with. Respectfully submitted Norman Soder, Agricultural Fieldman Exclude Interfund Operating Receivables and Payables. 81 2_ thelatterpartoftheyear. WEEDS: WeedsstillcontinuetobeagreatproblemtofarmerswithWildOatsbeingon topofthelist. Insomeareas, CanadaThistleisrunningaclosesecondand GreenFoxtailiscominginprettystrong. WefeelthattheoutbreakofScentless Mayweedwhichwehadin1974and1975isundercontrolprovidingweareawareof theinfestations. ThehighhumiditythatweexperiencedinAugustandthe firstpartofSeptemberreallycontributedtotheweedgrowth. ToadFlaxwas locatedinmanynewareas. TheCanadaThistleProgramwasquitewellaccepted andwasusedby64farmersinthearea. ROADSIDESPRAYING: Therewereapproximately750milesofroadsidesprayed. Weareattemptingtospray allnewgradesthathavebeenconstructedinthepastthreeyears, andall secondaryroads. Alongwiththis, wesprayedanumberofpatchesofthemore persistantperennials. Wealsosprayedandtreatedsomeroadsidesforbrush control. Fortheearlysprayingweusedaheavyapplicationof24-DAmineand forthepatchsprayingoftheperennialsweusedTordon. ROADSIDESEEDING: Approximately50milesofnewlyconstructedditchesandbarrowpitswereseeded. Gettingaquickcatchofgrassintheseareasisstillaproblem, butconsideringthe area, Iexpectthatitwillalwaysremainone. Partofthisseedingincluded constructionthatwasdonelateinthefallof1974. LIVESTOCKINSECTCONTROL: Generallyspeakingthiscontrolisforwarblesandlice. Altogetherwesprayed3500 headofcattle, forlousecontrol. Withthepourontreatmentsnowavailablefor warblecontrol, wedoverylittlesprayingforwarbles. Warbleinspectionwith compulsorytreatingstartedatallauctionmartsthisyear. Thisprogramwill continueinto1977. SN6LTERBELTSPRAYING: Wesprayed40shelterbeltsforthecontrolofinsectsin1976. Thiswasupconsiderably over1975. Sprayingwasdonemostlyforaphids, buttherewereoddinfestations oftheSpruceSawflyandanewonetous, thelarvaoftheRustyTussockMoth. FIELDCROPINSECTS: Thegrasshopperpopulationwasdownagainthisyear, withverylittlesprayingdone. Resultsofourfallsurveyshowthattheyahouldbedownevenmorein1977. There wereveryfewinfestationsofFleaBeetlesandnoreportedinfestationsofthe BerthaArmyWorm. MUNICIPALITY MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF KNEEBILL U48 q J GENERAL OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE FORM 1.1 For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31. 19-;L§ REVENUE Estimates Actual item 2 a e 6100TAXESItoagreewithScheduleA-2 110 Real Pro erty 1 Q22 755 no 1 Ar p 120 Special Assessment(frontagel 9,439 1 00 2 140 Business 3 4,955 190Other (Power,Pipe, T,V.)...520_n" .00 51 30 .29 200 GRANTS IN LIEU OF TAXES 28 620 00 29 322.84 210 Federal 8 230 Provincial (to include A.G.T.) 6 250 Own Agencies 7 260 Other Local Governments . a 270 Non-Government Organizations 8 290 Other 4p 300 SERVICES PROVIDED TO OTHER GOV'TS 310 Feder 12la 330 Provincial 13 350 Own Agencies .............................14 360 Other Local Governments 15 390 Other ...............................................................1 1,4UU.JUIJ400SALESOFGOODSANDSERVICES 59 1SO 68- 412 Sewage Services 18 2, 526.00 413 Waste Disposal Services A 419 Other Public Utilities 20 420 Sale of Goods 21 430 Sale of Services 22 480 Recreational and Cultural 23 490 Other 24 500 OTHER REVENUE FROM OWN SOURCES 1 47,550, 100 82 49.bi 514 Mobile Unit Licenses 28 7,1426- 519 Other. Licenses and Permits 27 R, 446, 520 Fines (municipal bylaws only) 28 530 Rentals 29 540 Concessions and Franchises ........................................3p 550 Returns on Investments 31 17. 373- 560 Penalties and Costs Ito include Schedule A-2, item 3, page 6) 32 590 Other 12 770.12 600 UNCONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM OTHERGOV'TS 322,000,Schedule R page 65) 00 326,680.1 610 Federal 34 620 Provincial 35 326,680 51 630 Other Local Governments 36 700 CONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM FEDERAL OR PROVINCIAL GOV'TS & THEIR AGENCIES 288,694. 00 Schedule R, page 65) 710 Federal 37 334.80 38730Provincial 800 CONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM OTHER 600 00 62.05 62.5 LOCAL GOV'TS (Schedule R, page 65) 900 OTHER TRANSFERS (Schedule R, page 65)S71 hl 910 From Own Reserves & Allowances: 911 Prior Years' Surplus (debit Form 3, item 2, page 10) 40 912 Reserve for Future Expenditures 41 913 Allowance for Uncollectible Taxes 42 919 Other _ 920 From Other Fund: Operating: (specify) 44 Capital (specify( . 45 990 Other (specify) 46 TOTAL REVENUE 47 age 10)DEFICIT FOR YEAR (debit Form 3 item 5 p GRAND TOTAL 3138,069.00 226 618.3 4 MUNICIPALITY Municipal District of Kneehill 1148 GENERAL OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE FORM 1-2 For Bto Fiscal Year Ended December 31. 1976 112 EXPENDITURE Estimates Actual 01 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES 01 Legislative (include Form 51 1page69)36,095.80 02 General Administrative 2 143 162.55 99 Other 3 1,300.00 37, 10U. 002PROTECTIVESERVICES SR 121- h6 01 Police Protection 4 03 Fire Protection 5 04 Emergency Measures: 01 Disaster Services: 01 Director 6 02 Committee 7 03 Administrative Projects/ Programs 6 04 Emergency Planning Projects/Programs . g 05 Training Projects/ Programs - Exercises . , ...10 99 Other Projects/Programs . . . 11 99 Other 12 99 other t3 24 635.51 03 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 671 600.00 1,659,617.8 01 Common Services )only if Forms 7 and/or 13 completed) 14 02 Road Transport (include street lighting) . ,,,15 1 658,065.81 99 Other ...............................................................22 1,552.04 04 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 1 5 200 60 5 2 1 A1 54 02 Sewage Collection & Disposal , , , . 23 108.66 03 Garbage & Waste Collection & Disposal .,,,,24 5,109.89 99 Other _ 25 05 PUBLIC HEALTH & WELFARE SERVICES . .9 0311. 01 Public & Other Health, Medical Care, Hospital Care (include Cemeteries) ..26 05 Social Welfare . ..27 06 Preventive Social Services .26 99 Other . . ...29 06 ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES........ 94 550. 0 92 980.2 03 Agricultural Service Board . 30 92,980 28 07 Housing ..........31 99 Other 3 66 3 0.07 RECREATION & CULTURAL SERVICES & EDUCATION 68- 7591.91 3301RecreationBuildings & Facilities 10-025 U 34s & facilities02CulturalBuilding 3603RecreationProrams (Facility)58, 734g 3604CulturalPrograms (Facility) 3705Education )not school requisitions) 3606Programs (Non-Facility) 99 Other N 1,129,899, 008FISCALSERVICES 121,777.91 page 6) , ,4001DebtCharges (to agree with Schedule A-4 18 , 0 35 70 02 Transfers to Own Reserves & Funds (to agree with Schedule A-1, page 6) 41 280,5194 56 03 Unconditional Transfers to Other Governments & Their Agencies Form 50itoagreewithsub-total page 68) 42 823, 222 65 99-01 Previous Years' Deficits Recovered (credit Form 3, item 2, page 10) ..43 EXPENDITURE US FOR YEAR (credit Form 3 it 5 10empageGRANDTOTAL 1 3,188,069.6 226,678.93 AGRICULTURAL SERVICE BOARD OF THE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF KNEEHILL F48 THIRTY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT MEMBERS OF THE BOARD ARE: Mr. Reginald G. Campbell, Chairman, Mr. Leonard Litz, Mr. Harold Howe Mr. Neil Hempel Mr. Harold Mueller Mr. John C. Jeffery Mr. Russel Harvey Mr. Norman Soder Alternate Members are: Mr. Brian Laing, District Agriculturist Mr. Glenn Smyth, Assistant Agricultural Fieldman MEMBERSHIP AND MEETINGS: 80 Council Member Council Member Farmer Member - replaced in November by Farmer Member Farmer Member Secretary to the Board District Agriculturist Agricultural Fieldman We have a good active and co-operative Agricultural Service Board, under the able chairmanship of Reginald Campbell. Mr. Harold Howe's term of office expired in the fall. Harold was a good active member on the Board and contributed a great deal of time and effort to the A.S. B. work. Thank you Harold, we will miss your co-operation and contributions, Mr. Neil Hempel, who farms south west of Acme has been appointed to fill the vacancy on the Board, and we are looking forward to our association with him. We held eight Agricultural Service Board meetings in 1976. Three of these were held jointly with the Municipal Council. Our regular,A.S.B. meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of each month. The joint meetings with Council are held on the 4th Monday of the months of March, July and November. The Provincial A.S.B. conference was held in Red Deer the last week in February. CROPS: GENERAL The dry windy conditions that prevailed in the fall of 1975 carried over into the spring of 1976. The dry, warm conditions caused the farmers a lot of concern, and rightly so, as there was a considerable amount of soil drifting. Fall and early spring seeded crops suffered quite extensively. One good point,however, was the ease that the farmers were able to seed their crops. Low areas were seeded that hadn't been seeded for years. Then towards the middle of June, the rains came, and for some farmers, crop yields were some of the best. One interesting point was that the fall crops which were seeded in 1975, which normally are harvested two weeks earlier than the spring seeded crops, did not get harvested until the spring grains were ready to be harvested. Some were even harvested after the spring crops. LIVESTOCK-:-GENERAL-- Livestock conditions throughout the area were generally good with the possible exception of the dry spring not allowing the pastures to develop as well as in other years. Ray crops were short this year as compared to other years, with some areas only producing one half of their normal yields and others, one third. Ample straw was baled for winter feed and grain reserves were good. Beef prices have been disappointing to farmers, hog prices have held up reasonably well with some drop 79 1977iselectionyear. Itwillbeyou - theratepayersandresidents - whowilldecidewhowillberesponsibletolookafteryouraffairsatthislocal levelofgovernmentforthenextthreeyears. TheMinisterofMunicipal AffairshassuggestedthattheReeveshouldbeelectedatlarge; whetherthis becomesmandatoryremainstobeseen. Thisisagoodsubjectforcitizen discussion. Ithasbeenaprivilegetoservethepeopleofthisareaforsuchalongtime, 22yearsasCouncillorwith16yearsasReeve. Thefinestassetthismunicipality hasareitspeople. Respectfullysubmitted RalphW, wn, Reeve v MUNICIPALITY Municipal District of Kneehill N8 GENERAL OPERATING FUND BALANCE SHEET FORM 38 As at December 31, 19_76 ASSETS 100 CASH ON HAND AND ON DEPOSIT 11336,144. t110CashonHand 3, 13 7 -45 120 Cash in Bank .............................................2 333-006.fi-6- 2 277-460, 7700RECEIVABLES 210 Taxes (to agree with Schedule A-2, item 12, page 6) ........3 184,660.17- 4220Fdralee 230 Provincial ................................................5 63,996,00 9250LocalGovernments 10 712.00 261 Due From Own Funds: Capital: 02 General 04 Water 7ecify)99 Other (s 152-14p Operating: 03 Water 99 Other (specify) 8 8,738,64 9270TradeAccounts 10280Accrued 290 Other (specify) 11 300 INVESTMENTS (Analysis of Investments, page 74) • . • . . • . • . • • 12 120.00 400 LOANS AND ADVANCES 410Short-Term 13 420 Long-Term 14 L 34. 928. 500 TANGIBLE ASSETS (Inventories) 15 413,264. 88 700OTHER ASSETS .7 435. 34 19ecifypith460Liabilities( (sT 9(1-4 15.9-prustAccounts (to agree w730 IP.uhllc..Reserve..T.rus.t... 1 740 Deposits .20 10. 00 790 Other ............................................21 2,221. 65 900 ACCUMULATED DEFICIT (credit Form 3, item 6, page 10) 22 TOTAL ASSETS 23 1 049, 353. 77 114 LIABILITIES 100 SHORT-TERM BORROWINGS (include overdrafts) 1 200 PAYABLE$ 44, .210 Federal 2 page 68)5 220 Provincial (include Re uisitionsUnpaid q4230LocalGovernments (include Requisitions Unpaid page 68)34,917. 6 241 Due To Own F unds Capital: 02 General 04 Water 99Other (specify) 5 Operating 03 Watere99Other ( specify)250 Trade Accounts 7 9,278. 72 260 Debenture installments 8 270 Accrued 9 290 Other (specify) to 300 LONG-TERM DEBT 310 Debentures (Schedule0-3, page 62) 11 350 OtherLong-Term Borrowings (Schedule Q-5, age 64) 12 400 OTHER LIABILITIES 5,253, 913420PrestfTpaymeno axe4reewith730Assets( (specifyk 460 Trust Accounts (to a 5,203. 3 . 69 g Pub.11,S..Reser.Ye. TF. 4st15470 Deposits 490 Other .....iB SD. 00 500 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES (to agree with Schedule A3 500, page 61 17 7 374. 5 600 RESERVES (to agree with ScheduleA-3, 600, page 6) 19 900 ACCUMULATED SURPLUS (debit Form 3, item 6, page 10) 193992. 528.TOTAL LIABILITIES 20 1 049 353. MUNICIPALITY .............M ipal District of Kneehill #4.8 GENERAL OPERATING FUND 08.02 TRANSFERS TO OWN RESERVES & FUNDS During the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1976 115 01 Reserves & Allowances Reserves: .1 Allowances: 02 Own Funds (specify fund): Operating: Water Frontage Utility Deficit (specify) Other (specify) Capital: (specify) Gen.ar.a.l..Caplta,l SCHEDULE A-1 78 One common sanitary landfill for the area, excepting the Town of Trochu and the Village of Torrington, became a reality in 1976. This site meets Alberta Environment and Health standards, but does not altogether suit many of our ratepayers. 1,330. 83 The hamlets now have weekly pickup by compactor truck. Weekly pickup of containers placed at various points in the Municipal District is possible, but the cost factor is discouraging. 08.02 TOTAL TRANSFERS i0 OWN RESERVES & FUNDS Ito agree with 08.02, page 4) TAXES RECEIVABLE SCHEDULE A-2 As at December 31, 19L6 117 Current Year's Levy Prior Year's Arrears Taxes on Property Acquired For Taxes Total not including Property Acquired for Taxes)toagreewith page73) 1. Balance Jan. t, 19_...........t 693 286,77 2 2,162 99 695 649.7 2. Current Levy 1100, page 3)......2,442,682 62 32442 682.62 3. Penalties and Costs in 19? 6 0o 560, page 3)6,231 36 7,551,06 114,5 4 1 6 47 4. Taxes Reinstated 5. Taxes Transferred 6. Amounts Placed on Roll for Collection: Utility Accounts . . Other . 7. TOTAL DUE 8. Collections in 19Z. including Costs 8 9 10 9. Discounts Allowed (to Schedule A-4, 930, page 6) . 1 10. Cancellations 44 69 R 1 84 AA 12 737 11. Taxes Transferred 13 12. UNCOLLECTED TAXES (total to agree with page 5) 14 162,5311 16 t5 20,231.15 to 1,891.26 77 184,660.17 muse oe snown in appropriate burpius/Uenmt Accounts. ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES AND RESERVES SCHEDULE A-3 As at December 31, 197-6 500 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES: (to agree with 500 Liabilities, page 5) Ispecity) lQAg ll.ectab,le„taxes. 600 RESERVES: (to agree with 600 Liabilities, page 5) specify) 08-01 DEBT CHARGES SCHEDULE A-4 Durinq the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 197.A 116 810 Interest on Short-Term Loans 15,539.4 821 Interest on Debenture Debt (Schedule Q-1 page 60)1-112.97 1 829 Interest on Other Long-Term Borrowings (Schedule Q-1, page 60) 3 831 Principal on Debenture Debt (Schedule Q-1, page 60) 4 1-182 31 839 Principal on Other Long-Term Borrowings (Schedule Q-1, page 60) 5 890 Other 6 O 930 Discounts (include Schedule A-2, hem 9) . Ispecify) 7 08-01 TOTAL DEBT CHARGES (to agree with 08-01, page 4) e Our towns and villages are all growing. We are experiencing some loss of land by annexation to the towns and villages. However this is very little; probably our urban areas should be annexing more to put more land in competition which might have the effect of reducing lot prices and benefit those who are building new homes. In 1976 we increased our levy for recreation purposes, and passed part of the monies on to the towns and villages as they are having large deficits in this area. Rural participation is likely running in excess of 50%. Our rural communities likewise benefited from this increased levy. During the year we have gone into Development Control under the guidance of the Calgary Regional Planning Commission. To many this may seem unwarranted, but when we see some of the things happening, such as our hamlets being overrun with derelict automobiles, or sub standard buildings, and intensive agricultural operations spring up, we need some legal clout to protect the established property owner from acts that will lessen the value of his property. Many other controls which we believe only apply in other areas are set up by Provincial Planning Act, Health, Environment, Transportation, Agriculture and other government agencies, so we must follow them also. A new Planning Act is promised this year. This new act has been in the making for several years. An Eastern Region Preliminary Plan, taking in the areas of Kneehill, Wheatland, Drumheller, I.D. U 7 and Starland is being developed. It is hoped this will be much less restrictive than the present plan. The tremendous growth in the Calgary area created many problems for Foothills and Rocky View, which barely exist in the Eastern Region, but we are now all governed by the Preliminary Regional Plan for the entire Calgary Regional Planning Commission area, Council operates with various committees and councillors sit on other regional boards of which some will be submitting reports, so I have tried to confine my remarks to the regular business of Council. Kneehill personnel are playing a roll in Provincial affairs. Mr. Gordon King is past president and on the executive of Alberta Rural Administrators Association, Mr. Alex Cunningham is Secretary of the Provincial Utilities Officers Association, and Mr. Reg. Campbell is a director of the Provincial Fire Chiefs Association. We have good neighbors and working relations with other Boards and Councils within the district on matters of mutual concern. The smooth operation of any organization doing nearly three million dollars worth of business can only be accomplished with close co-operation of Council and the entire staff. It is a privilege to work with such a dedicated group of people in both employees and Council. 77 MUNICIPALDISTRICTOFKNEEHILL448 REEVE'SREPORTFOR1976 Anotheryearhaspassed, anotheryearofprogressanditisagaintimeto reporttoyou, theratepayers,ontheaffairsoftheMunicipalDistrictofKne,ihill. SomeofouractivitieshavebeenreportedintheThreeHillsCapital, andourfinancial situationispresentedintheformofanauditedfinancialstatement. CropproductionwasexcellentthroughoutmostoftheMunicipalDistrict. A shortageofrainacrossthesouthsidegaveloweryieldstothatarea, butasawhole thecropsweregood, withexcellentharvestweathertogetthegrainoff. Livestockpricesjusthaven'tcaughtuptothepriceofgrain, butrecentfalling grainpricesshouldmakelivestockoperationsprofitableagain. Itseemsdifficult toseeahappybalance, theperiodfrom1969to1972wasabonanzaforlivestock operators, withcheapfeed, 1973tothepresenthasseenthegrainoperatorsprosper. Wheredowegofromhere? Weendedtheyearwithasmallcashsurplusthatcouldhavebeeneasilywiped outwithseveresnowconditionsduringNovemberandDecember. LastyearIreportedtoyouthatbecauseofhighinterestrates, taxpayers werewithholdingpaymentaslongaspossiblewithoutpenalty. Wechangedour penaltyto2% - December1stand10% onFebruary1st, whichresultedinlowering ourtaxarrearsbysome $511,000.00. Thisisamuchmoredesirablesituationand furtherincentivesfortaxpaymentmaynotberequiredintheimmediatefuture. Ourroadprogramwentverywellthispastseason. Whileweonlyworked9 hourdaysimoremileswerebuiltthanlastyear. Howeverlittleworkwasdone onsecondaryroadswhichareofahigherstandard, andconsequentlytakemoreworking hours. Thesurfacingcrewwasverybusy, doing7kmilesintheAcmetoGraingerarea, andrepairingmanymilesofroadspreviouslyconstructed. Thegravelprogramwasaboutthesameaswejusthavesomanytrucks. These trucksworkedaroundtheclockstockpilinggravelduringtheperiodJanuarytoApril. Theyareworkingtwoshiftsthiswinter, aswearegettingcaughtup. Wereplaced three9yardgraveltruckswithtwo12yardtruckslateintheyear. Grantswereavailablethepastyearforimprovingandupgradingourcemeteries. JohnstonHartwithsomeparttimehelphasdoneaverycommendablejobinthisarea. Councilhasreceivedmanyfavourablecomments, sothiswilllikelybecomeamunicipal serviceinthefuture, whethergrantsareavailableornot. Iwilltrytohaveanadditionalreportontheoperatingcostsofourequipment availableattheannualmeetingtobeheldMarch21st,1977. Wagesfor1977werenegotiatedwithintheguidelineswithanapproximate6% increase. 0 MUNICIPALITY Municipal District. .of Kneebill 1146 GENERAL CAPITAL FUND STATEMENT OF CAPITAL FINANCING 76 For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19 _ 7 FORM 4 121 FINANCES ACQUIRED Estimates Actual UNEXPENDED FUNDS FROM PREVIOUS YEARS LONG-TERM DEBT INCURRED . Debentures (issued to Federal) 2 Debentures (issued to Provincial) ........g 34,500.0 Debentures (issued to Others) .4 Other Long-Term Borrowings .......................5 TRANSFERS (Schedule S. page 66 & Form 6, item 3, page 10)1 253-700,100 8FromFederal 2 9 188.73 7FromProvincial From Local Governments ...............B From Own Reserves ...........g From Other Funds. Operating (specify) Gene.ral to 279 188.73 Capital (specify) 11 From Other (specify) .12 OTHER (Form 6, item3, page 10) ..........................35 000, 00 13SaleofFixedAssets 95,443.00 95 443.00 Return on Investments W Other(specify) ..........................................................15 TOTAL ACQUIRED 288 700.00 409,131.73 OVEREXPENDITURE to be provided by:..........6, 52.11 Contributions from Own Operating Fund 18 17BorrowinrovedbutnotReceivedAgpp 18SaleofAssets Other(specify) ....GrzRt& .............................................19 6,152.14 Ii, GRAND TOTAL ........................................_1288,75W.r 122 FINANCES APPLIED Estimates Actual OVEREXPENDITURE OF PREVIOUS YEARS 1 FIXED ASSETS (do not separate Works in Progress)L2 Rg Engineering Structures 2 Buildings ......3 2 192-40 Machinery & Equipment-Alberta Disaster Services excluded 4 371 419~ Machinery & Equipment-Alberta Disaster Services-Cost Shared 5 Machinery & Equipment-Alberta Disaster Services-Grant 8 Land .......T Other (Temporary Acquisition of Fixed Assets ....8 OTHER 9InterestonShort-Term Borrowings Other Financial Charges ..........10 Transfers to Own Reserves & Funds (to agree with Schedule B-1, page 9( ...11 Transfers to Other Governments (specify( 12 Other (specify) ..............................................13 I PLIEDTOTALAP DUNEXPENED FUNDS (set out details below)14 GRAND TOTAL 288,700.0 15 UNEXPENDED FUNDS Expended By-Law No. if applicable) Source of Funds Project if applicable) Total Funds Received Current Year Total of Previous Years Unexpended TOTAL (to agree with Unexpended Funds in above Statement) K)0 8 MUNICIPALITY Municipal District of Kneehill $48 GENERAL CAPITAL FUND BALANCE SHEET FORM 5 As at December 31, 19_1 6 fr 71 ASSETS 100 CASH ON HAND AND ON DEPOSIT . 110 Cash on Hand t 120 Cash in Bank 200 RECEIVABLES 220 Federal 4 230 Provincial . S 250 Local Governments 5 261 Due From Own Funds. Operating: 01 General 03 Water............ . . 99 Other (specify) . . ..,7 Capital: 04 Water 99 Other Ispecify( . 270 Trade Accounts 9 280 Accrued . 10 290 Other (specify)V 300 INVESTMENTS (Analysis of Investments, page 741 .12 400 LOANS AND ADVANCES 410 Short-Term 13 420 Long-Term . 1 500 TANGIBLE ASSETS 2, Ssa 520 Temporary Acquisition of Fixed Assets (include Land for Resale) 530 Fixed Assets (to agree with Schedule B-2, page 9) ..........1 600 DEBT CHARGES RECOVERABLE ............................18 1,392.44 700 OTHER ASSETS . . . 730 Trust Accounts (to agree with 460 LiabiImes) (specityl 79 740 Deposits 20 790 Other ^._.`21 900 ACCUMULATED DEFICIT (credit Form 6, item 8, page 10)22 TOTAL ASSETS 2 2 124 LIABILITIES 100 SHORT-TERM BORROWINGS (include overdrafts) 200PAYABLES 6 152. 4 210 Federal ..................................................2 220 Provincial . 3 230 Local Governments . ...4 241 Due To Own Funds, Operating, 01 General 03 Water 99 Other (specify) ..........5 6,152.14 Capital: 04 Water , 99 Other (specify) ............................6 250 Trade Accounts ...............7 270 Accrued . . 9 290 Other (specify) 10 300 LONG-TERM DEBT . 310 Debentures (Schedule Q-3, page 62) ..................11 350 Other Long-Term Borrowings (Schedule 0.5, page 64J .....12 400 OTHER LIABILITIES 460 Trust Accounts (to agree with 730 Assets) (specify) 14 470 Deposits ''is 490 Other t 500 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES go agree with Schedule 8-3, 500, page 9) . ..1Z 600 RESERVES Ito agree with Schedule B-3, 600, page 91 .....18 700 EQUITY IN FIXED ASSETS debit Form 6, item 8, age 10) ....19 2 496 512- TOTAL LIABILITIES 20 Municipal District of Kneehill 948MUNICIPALITY ® .............................................................10.INSURANCE IN FORCE 19 -7g 76 AMOUNT CO-AVERAGE YEARLY OF INSURANCE PREMIUM RATE FORM COVERAGE COVE 100 OF R ( AGE)COVER GE) Buildings 0 32 EEquipEquipmentnt 74,152 90 432 Liability Comprehensive 1,000,000 4095.00 Other Umbrella 15,000,000 1000.00 Other Machine 2,508,563 30 Vehicles:Amount of Third Parry Liability & Road Hazard Accident Bus Benefits- Limit Per person 1 000 000, Collision Coverage-Amount Deductible $ . . . . Specified Perils Coverage and/or Comprehensive- Amount Deductible $All Perils Other Bodily Injury & Property Damage Limits Accident Benefits-Limit Per Person 250.00 Deduc ible Collision Coverage-Amount Deductible $ . Specified Perils Coverage and/or Comprehensive- Amount Deductible $ . . .11 q95 nn Secretary-Number: .126..C..0,5D Amount 0 00.0025Treasurers Bond Date Surety Began:.. January„lgt,,~9?5.......... Renewed to,daauary..lat,3,977 11 Company: ..,.Canada.ACcideat.&.Fixe.Assurance Company INVENTORY OF ROAD EQUIPMENT Description No. of Each Valuation December 31,1975 Purchased During 1976 TOTAL Disposed of During 1976 Valuation December 31, 1976 Tractors-Track Type 4 125,000, Tractors-Wheeled 1 2.400-2 Lnn 300 Graders-Elevating 1 100,1 Df)300 Graders-Blade Graders-Motor 1 2 Trucks-Motor 31 175,OD0,113 107.52 288 107.2 29 825 Snow-plows 1 D0.7.000.0 6,500, Dozer Blades Cook Cars 00.400.0 ADD- Fresnos Scrapers 4 9,000.9,000.0 flows Post Dri er 1 550.550.0 500 yster Packer 1 0, 55,000, Vib. Packer 5 0.5000 4 900- Mixer 1 500.500.0 400- Trailers 6 8,500,8.500.0 7,500, 0o s quip.27,000.6,494.13 33 494.3 154. FWD Truck 400.400.0 300.00 0- Rooter & Rippe 1 2,500.2 500.2,000, Loader & quip 2 65,000.68 800.00 133 800.0 35,000.00 90-000. Motor Scrapers 5 175,000.1 289.92 176 289.2 175,000, Fuel Wagons 1,000.1 000.0 525.00 1 400, u er Packers 3,000.3 000.0 2 Seeps cot Pac er 3 1,500.1 500 D 1 300, Traxcavator 1 14,000.313.80 14 31 0 13 500, Steel Roller 1 900.900.0 800. P S reader 3,500.38,708.00 42 208,0 7,227.35 000 a t D st.1 17,000.17 000.0 6 000 io S stem 20 000.40 58 6 5.4-70n- W TOTAL 934,250.344 061.37 1278311.7 94 90 9. 01 0 1 1119-600, 1 SECRETARY-TREASURER'S CERTIFICATE The information contained in this Report is as shown by the Books and Records of the Municipality, and from my own observation, or obtained from other officials of the Municipality - and all of which I certify to be true and correct according to the best of my knowledge and belief, AND IN AGREEMENT WITH THE AUDITOR'S REPORT WHERE NECESSARY. Dated February 3rd ,1977 Secretary-Tressur 75 DIST . R.ICT. OF..KNEERILL. N48 MUNICIPALITY . . MUNICIPAL . VALUATIONOFPROPERTYEXEMPTFROMTAXATION (DOLLARSONLY( 19 -.Zb 9471 (Includevaluationofpropertysubjecttograntsinlieuoftaxes( ClassificationLandBuildings Engineering StructuresTotal 1. DOMINIONGOVERNMENTPROPERTY: IddiLsanann Other TOTALDOMINIONGOVERNMENTPROPERTY ......123 2. PROVINCIALGOVERNMENTPROPERTY: Utilities Other (specify) Rarks. A. Dania .18.7201.550Q270 Miac.162067n Unpatented..................... 4TOTALPROVINCIALGOVERNMENTPROPERTY21,15058 3. MUNICIPALGOVERNMENTPROPERTY: iilitdbMUO1,520ywnpayuncse bliexcludePrivateSchools)deplhnShluc,oocucs k1-0305-680 sPublicPar P08RCR115j1I181s400400 PbliLibreisWk1,1304201-550sruceor PropertyAcquiredforTaxes 24TaxRecoverAct)Sec310100410 y Other (secif550py 7TOTALMUNICIPALGOVERNMENTPROPERTY4-940B9 4. PROPERTYUSEDFOREDUCATION, RELIGIOUS, CHARITABLEANDWELFAREPURPOSES: B. I.CollendUniversitiesPPrite)esShlgcoosvaa lP2630111710116,140urposesPropertyUsedforReigious dforCharitableandWelfarePurposesPUstroperye TOTALPROPERTYUSEDFOREDUCATIONAL, RELIGIOUS, CHARITABLEAND 10WELFAREPURPOSES 79,3552,1401,21011495 13INDUSTRIALANDBUSINESSENTERPRISES:5 CommunityCenter1,28529.91Q31~195 6. OTHER (specify) GolfClubs & GeneralRecreatioRinks4,7057-82012525 10,180 RadioTower1001n ,4,n10640 GasCoOap TOTALOTHER ..................................1616,270058066.850 GRANDTOTALEXEMPTIONS121,71589,980111,695 MUNICIPALITY 9f„Kneek*-1k f48,,, ° GENERAL CAPITAL FUND TRANSFERS TO OWN RESERVES & FUNDS SCHEDULE B-1 During the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1976 f Reserves & Allowances. Reserves lspeciiyt 1 Allowances (specify): _ 2 Own Funds: Operating (specify), 31"Capital (specify) . TOTAL TRANSFERS TO OWN RESERVES & FUNDS (to Finances Applied, page 7) - . . ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES AND RESERVES SCHEDULE B-3 As at December 31, 19 EXPENDITURE FOR GENERAL FIXED ASSETS SCHEDULE B-4 197 Functional Classification Engineering Buildings Machinery &Land Total of Services Structures Equipment 1 2 3 25,264.1 4 25,264 9 01 General Government 5 6 7 41,326.0 41,3261 0( 02 Protective 10 11 n 2,392 4 03 Transportation 13 14 1S l H l h 40,652,4 40,652 1 ea t04Environmenta 17 10 19 20 lf are05PublicHealth & We 21 22 23 1,352.5 24 1,352.0- Environmental Development06 26 27 28 07 Recreation & Cultural 28 Education 29TotalExpenditureforGeneralFixed Assets (to agree with Fixed Assets, Finances Applied, page 7, 371, 419.3 820 00 15, 283 8 excluding Other 40 652.4 2 392 4 m D x U U> I v 10 p h x m N Q W ~ m I Q a U W 0 rH X v LLO m a 1 N R U C F Q a v 2 F NO 9~_~_-_7 O h u)v d N O O u h N m cc 40 N N V N J N M h h ri u) m v ul N N m o n v, n N h p D J m h 0 M w 0 D7 m N N N O Q d N h b m n n in v in 0 m ao lo co co rn m o m o N o co ca N J N t M N N h J N c EE y U ~N W m f o N a N m N N N m S e p m Q N N m o rN.pdp mc P O N 0, N 0i c D N oo m N m N to 1 S N a, N J m m W N N A N M N m C~C N NP1C7ON m b l~n n m i 1 co h 11 3 N h N cc O d Ln O 0+ m N rp GO m J m~e ~ y. C NW m o a ro N N n n M a m a o N e N m h i0 m m V n N m 2 Q z m NONC W x- 0 Q o. : N o N a v : =m LL o.Q u0av ?E .o: j O O LL a` J o QLL a, NW U 0 0 :Q~ 0 WW co : 01 >Wm ; O Nd :ULum 0 in UI W U JCmmNN m W 0 Z J b dJ ON N: 0 = J 0 J 9 :C O U0mQr mF,m t 0 JN 3 9mpQN :vuo2Po Q 0 C a = Fi 0 ONf -a1mQ0' W O N 20 v;W Z om7 >Q> o~ cWU~: .Q0=N~~ rIl Q 0 J R xl F• a 0 'o o a h 0 O O N W d' > - m O r EdTO Q O m u Z u m m>EaON.Z5 u W W m F= d Z E N 0 V L ~ U> O' J L W U« LG3~XX tll LL W JU C6LLW0 ~ULLc LA0 (5. a' Oron iE moO ucr ZJ D in 'o~ooo~oom ~oooOoo"NOO~m~o 00 oa m O o000 0 0 MUNICIPALITY . Municipal .D.istrict .of..Kneehill . #A8........... ROAD AND STREET MILEAGE 19 76 74 1 Y// 1 SURFACED ROADS AND STREETS EARTH ROADS, Etc. Improved Concrete Bituminous Gravel Other Graded Other Total Drained) 1. Provincial Highways: Main 14 90' 1 104 Secondary 86 96 59 2 2. Local Roads & Street. ubliLanes & Allevs..4 6 10 MILEAGEUOTAL 138 7 8 g 10 11 49 1080 442 235 204535, 923 EWER AND WATER MAIN MILEAGE 924 NUMBER OF PARCELS 1. Storm Sewers .................1 1. No. of Taxable Parcels 1 5849 2. Sanitary Sewers ...............2 2 2. No. of Exempt Parcels 2 201 3. Water Mains .................3 2 3. Total Number of Parcels.......3 6050 FOR SUMMER VILLAGES ONLY: No. of Taxable Parcels on which residential buildings are located .4I 925 ANALYSIS OF MUNICIPALLY OWNED UTILITIES WATER:ELECTRICITY:GAS: Number of Hook-ups 1 6 Number of Hook-ups 2 Number of Hook-ups 3 No. of Buildings for which service is not available..... 4 No. of Buildings for which servic 5isnotaailble No. of Buildings for which No. of Hydrants............ 7 e v a No. of Street Lights 8 service is not available 6 AREA OF MUNICIPALITY-IN ACRES 99-A ) LAND: Assessed for Taxation as at year end 1 831,964 Exempt from Taxation (excluding Public Parks, etc.,Streets, Lanes and Highways)......2 1,920 In Public Parks and Playgrounds 3 2,220 In Streets, Lane and Highways 4 16,394 Total Land Area 852,498 TOTAL WAT R AREA (not otherwise included), • • • • • •5 1.469 TOTAL AREA g 853,967 ANALYSIS OF INVESTMENTS Bonds, Debentures, Stock or Other Securities by Funds) Issued or Guaranteed by:General Funds Utilities Funds School Funds Total 1. Dominion Government 2. Province of Prince Edward Island 3. Province of Nova Scotia . , , . , , . 4. Province of New Brunswick.. , , 5. Province of Quebec . . . 6. Province of Ontario , , . 7. Province of Manitoba 8. Province of Saskatchewan 9. Province of Alberta 10. Province of British Columbia 11. Own Municipality 12. Other Municipalities 13. School Corporations 14. A.M.F.C 15.0thers Mim.FApa=~Xrnrp...120.00 TOTAL I 120.0 120.00 d.,,. ~N~~1~~uy 1111-pldi odiance aneets. of..Kne.ehill. .48.MUNICIPALITYMunicip.al. .District..73SECRETARY-TREASURER'SREPORT1976 LANDSUNDERTHETAXRECOVERYACT TotalnumberofParcelsFinallyNumberofParcelsSoldat AcquiredbyMunicipalitybutPublicSaleincurrentyear nil notsold (Sec. 20) asatNumberofParcelsSoldat December31ofcurrentyear26PrivateSaleincurrentyear 25 NumberUnderTaxNotification37NumberofParcelsLeasedUnder DateLastTaxNotificationSec. 2911) incurrentyear RegisteredatL.T.O. April1/76TotalParcelsDealtwithin DateofLastPublicSaleSept25 / 75current-year25 PublicSaleReceiptsincurrentyearfrom (PublicSale ReceiptsfromLandsSoldor (PrivateSale667.69LandsSoldorLeasedintPrivateSale26. leasedincurrentyear [Leasesprioryears (Leases TOTALTAXSALEANDLEASERECEIPTSINCURRENTYEAR AboveReceiptshavebeencreditedasfollows: toCommissions toMunicipalAccount -50 toTaxes toTaxSaleSurplusTrustAccount TotalTazSaleandLeaseReceiptsAccountedfor693 TAXESCANCELLEDUNDERSEC. 27(2) TheTaxRecoveryAct . 184 L TAXESONPROPERTYACQUIREDFORTAXES Number ofParcels AssessedValueTotalTaxes 1. Balance, Jan. 1, 1946..................................492,362.99 2. CurrentYear'sLevy 3. Penalties & Costsaddedin19.76114.55 4. TaxesReinstated189.87 5. TaxesTransferred 6. AmountsPlacedonRollforCollection37. TOTALDUE41 B. 'Collectionin19-:Tdncludingcosts591.71 9. DiscountsAllowed 10. Cancellations184.44 11. TaxesTransferred . 12. UNCOLLECTEDTAXES, December31, 19_761,891.26 NOTE-Shownumberofparcelsactuallysoldduringcurrentyear, winmeuassessedvaluednume frombothsalesandleasesactuallyappliedontaxesduringthecurrentyear. Theabovestatementsdonot includeDeferredPayments. toScheduleA-2, page6. 921 esidentFarmers ..Es.timate... 1400 ActualCountofMunicipalityasat _ 19- - - t ArttualDominionCensusCountofJune1976 . . MUNICIPALITY Municipal. DAistxict.Af,.Ka..eehill.14.8 GENERAL OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF SURPLUS (DEFICIT) FORM 3 For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1916 10 f DEBIT CREDIT or Deficit) at Beginning of YearlfS1Blurpusanceoa 2. Prior Years' Surplus or Deficit included in Current Budget - Transferred to General Operating Fund, e 3 or 4)nt (aStdd LpgemeExpenituretaRevenuean 3 Adjustments Affecting Operations of Previous Years: (specify) W./0. Balanee. -1.97.5 .Due. f.ro.V G.ednera.l..Cap.ita it lf4C 20 13 aram.71975 Due.aterF aa dW1.8. 19.75 Grant not tec ice 4. a TWa t eci ReceivableIredement o Prig aIrenstatementoPriorears Taxes 134, 169. 13 87 5 Surplus or Deficit for Year Under Review-Brought forward fromGenera e 3 or 4)t adiStent (d E 30 610.97 em gxpentureaOperatingFund, Revenue an p 6. Balance of Surplus or Deficit at End of Year - Carried forward to General Operating Fund, Balance Sheet (page 5)992, 528 73 7 Totals of Debit and Credit Columns 1, 2, 5 1 1,022.965.01 GENERAL CAPITAL FUND STATEMENT OF EQUITY IN FIXED ASSETS FORM 6 For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1916 i DEBIT CREDIT inning of YearedAssetsatBeFifEt1Bl lan-gyinxanceoquia 2, Ad ustments Affecting Operations of Previous Years: )specify) Balanc in tqWj0feDue FundqpeTAtingo 3. Other Adjustments Affecting Equity in Fixed Assets ifd torgAssetsacquiredbydee fAssetswrittenof Debenture Principal Paid from own Operating Fund (Schedule Q-1, a e 60)711 n6 p g Long-Term Borrowing Principal Paid from own Operating Fund 60Schedule0-1, page Transfers (Finances Acquired, page 7) 1?iaed 49Salepf0Other (Finances Acquired, page 7) d4. Assets of Other Local Governments Assume A ssumed5. Liabilities of Other Local Governments L l G overnmentsoca6. Assets Transferred to Other d b h L l GO overnmentsyteroca7LiabilitiesAssume B Balance of Equity in Fixed Assets at End of Year-Carried forward to General Capital Fund, Balance Sheet (page 8)2.496-512.98 9. Totals of Debit and Credit Columns 2,702 560.8 2 702 0 25 MUNICIPALITY MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF KNEEHILL #48 WATER OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE FORM 19 For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19-76 411 REVENUE Estimates Actual 300 SERVICES PROVIDED TO OTHER GOVTS 400 SALES OF GOODS AND SERVICES 7 000.0 6.992.182 411 Sale of Water 490 Other . 500 OTHER REVENUE FROM OWN SOURCES 25 7 00 CONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM FEDERAL OR PROVINCIAL GOV'TS & THEIR AGENCIES (Schedule R page 65) . 710 Federal ..........3 730 Provincial ..................38 800 CONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM OTHER LOCAL GOWTS (Schedule R, page 65) 900 OTHER TRANSFERS (Schedule R, page 65)1,300.00 1 330.83 910 From Own Reserves & Allowances: 912 Reserve for Future Expenditures 41 919 Other ...43 920 From Other Funds: Operating: (specify) Gene.ral 44 1,330.83 Capital: (specify) ................................................45 990 Other (specify) ....48 TOTAL REVENUE 8 300.00 47 8 323.65 DEFICIT FOR YEAR (debit Form 21, item 4, page 31) GRAND TOTAL 8,300.00 8,323, 412 EXPENDITURE Estimates Actual 04-01 WATER SUPPLY T 6.400.60 4, 691191 01 Administration 14 02 Purification & Treatment 15 03 Service of Supply 18 04 Transmission & Distributioiit 17 05 Pumping 18 06 Customer Billing & Collection 19 64 3 44- 99 Other ............................................................22 08 FISCAL SERVICES 1,900. DD 1,900 87 01 Debt Charges (to agree with Schedule G-3, page 27) .................4o 02 Transfers to OwnReserves &Funds (toagree with Schedule G-l,page27) 41 11900 1 87 TOTAL EXPENDITURE 52 6 5941 SURPLUS FOR YEAR (credit Form 21, item 4, page 31)1,729J 55 GRAND TOTAL 8,300.0 8,323 65 16 0MUNICIPALITY .........MUN.I~IP.AL..D.IS.TRLCR..UF..K IOULG..P.49 AUDITOR'S SPECIAL REPORT 72 Jo. OF VERIFICATION TAX NOTICES MAILED BY AUDITOR UNDER SEC. 70, THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ACT,34 4o. OF VERIFICATION UTILITY NOTICES MAILED BY AUDITOR UNDER SEC. 70, THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ACT AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE TO: The Members of the Council Municipal District of Kneehill 1748 Name of Municipality) We have examined the balance sheets of the various funds of .,The..Munici.pal..Dls.tricct. nf..Kneehil as at December 31, 19-71 and the related statements of Revenue and Expenditure, Surplus (Deficit). Capital Financing, and Equity in Fixed Assets for the year then ended. Our examination included a general review of the accounting procedures and such tests of accounting records and other supporting evidence as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, these financial statements present fairly the financial position of the municipality as at December 31, 197.6 and the results of its operations for the year then ended, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principals applied on a basis consistent with that of the previous year, subject to any qualifications mentioned in the Auditor's Special Report herewith. Further, in our opinion, the additional statements and reports, when considered in relation to the aforementioned statements, presents fairly the supplemental information shown. Dated at Three Hills, Alberta this . 29th. . . day of . Januar Y 1917 Signed ~yv?v?y .7 Address Three Hills, Alberta Hoven. , Chartered AccountantHen. ry..Van..Den.Firm . . . . 71-1 W z Z 0 a m f O F U w 0 0 z Q W 00 s 0 a A' ) to a; G. to m k ~ w: hM 00ay; u, u, E uun N: Wp N N: ZD a' aw wNm: IL G' 0mi LL0 0 LL G: 2m G: 0 Fa U LLp N 3 u N N 0 rt U J Uj W IL Ve ZJ 0 z 00 U t- x NN a M W 00ry rl M O a N i 'm N M as c o_ p LNG N h N h Nmm mrv N f` u, my CMM mct' LLW ccMNu mE - m8CvE Ar GD 00 N N N d N rn aaom n V N 0Drmi rn s a"0g M o M c 0 0 N ut M n M mnrm ss m c 0.09 a0 a m m uan dLLQa, N Cm N O Eo W 0 Emmg000ymmas gn 0z o N a a0 n c N V~ rn U1 rn nn mmNMM7in coco N rv 0w N N 3 s 1 N c Ca H N N M N N M avcn M TNmm- m M S C ~ 99 0UOP c0 m z: mo 'u 9 mI[00Do 0 c w 8w" n W0y EEu0mm > 0m " ~Q 00 to UrC~ZLJQ 2: O Qyma` oDo w "ndm x17wr 0 U0 Uo r oy LL0N 0 io00omoomQ 0 D N . 00 00 MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF %NEEHILL 048 26 MUNICIPALITY WATER OPERATING FUND BALANCE SHEET FORM 20 As at December 31, 197.6 413 n0au a ND AND ON DEPOSIT100CASHONHA 1Hand110Chonas 120 Cash in Bank 10 549.78 200 RECEIVABLES 220Federal 230 Provincial g 250 Local Governments g 261 Due From Own Funds. Capital: 02 General 99 Other (specify) _ Operating. 01 General 99 Other (specify) . . gdeAccounts270Tra 10280Accrued 290 Other (specify) ..Ins,talla.tion Cos,ts.,,., „ ...11 1 7 300 INVESTMENTS (Analysis of Investments, page 74) . . . . .12 OANS AND ADVANCES400L 13410Short-Term 420 Long-Term ..............M 500 TANGIBLE ASSETS (Inventories) . OTHER ASSETS700 ree with 460 Liabilities) (specify) 19730TrustAccounts (to a g 740 Deposits 20 790 Other . ...21 900 ACCUMULATED DEFICIT (credit Form 21, item 6, page 31)2 TOTAL ASSETS 10 549.7 414 LIABILITIES 100 SHORT-TERM BORROWINGS (include overdrafts) 1 200PAYABLES 210 Federal ..2 220 Provincial ............................................3 230 Local Governments ..................................4 241 Due To Own Funds: Capital: 02 General . 99 Other (specify) 5 Operating. 01 General 99 Other (specify) 5 8,738.64 7250TradeAccounts 8260DebentureInstallments g270Accrued 290 Other (specify ..10 TERM DEBTLONG300 page 62) 11310Debentures (Schedule Q-3 350 Other Long-Term Borrowings (Schedule 0.5, page 64) ....12 A T 600IES400OTHERLIBILI 14th730Assets) (s ecifA yp460Trustccounts (to agree wi 15470Dits 600.00 epos 490 Other .................t8 500 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES (to agree with Schedule G-2, 500, page 27) T 600 RESERVES (to agree with Schedule G-2, 600, page 27) . t 12900ACCUMULATEDSURPLUS (debit Form 21, item 6, page 31) .1 711 ATnrA1i1AR11mcs . _ 20 10 949 27 Municipal District of Kneehill 248 MUNICIPALITY WATER OPERATING FUND 08.02 TRANSFERS TO OWN RESERVES & FUNDS SCHEDULE G-1 During the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19-76 d15 01 Reserves & Allowances: Reserves (specify) 1 Allowances)specifyt .................................................................2 02 Own Funds' Operating (specify) .....................................................3 capital lspecifyl ...4 08-02 TOTAL TRANSFERS TO OWN RESERVES & FUNDS (to agree with 08-02, page 25) 5 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES AND RESERVES SCHEDULE G-2 As at December 31, 19_ 500 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES: (to agree with 500 Liabilities, page 26) specify) 600 RESERVES Ito agree with 600 Liabilities, page 26) _ specify) 08.01 DEBT CHARGES SCHEDULE G-3 Duringthe Fiscal Year Ended December 31 19.76 dlb aShTL 1 ns .erm oort-810 Interest on 1 104 7 821 Interest on Debenture Debi (Schedule 0-1, page 60)2 829 Interest on Other Long-Term Borrowings (Schedule 0-1, page 60)3 831 Principal on Debenture Debt (Schedule 0-1, page 601 4 7 TO 839 Principal on Other Long-Term Borrowings (Schedule 0.1, page 60) .5 890 Other e 930Discounts 7 na.m Tnrai nFRT rHARr;FS ftn with ORAL. name 26 8 .t 0 uj Z 0 b f 00 U. H 7 m 0 m 0 z Q N f Q 0 m' 0 d : tt a ,ro H. m m m i W S: 1t v' 7 Mro: ~ q: p m a4 Z Ew w a 0: O 0 m u: 2 a 41' ~ c H: Q W Q A tq • W m M: a> q; 0 W N is 0 u ro' z ma: 0H' f W r Q G' U ~ o: W o m Q D rn w 0 G u D w Q QacU_ J 2 0 Z 0 0 oo Nm o f 1 ~ N 0' 1^t N m u1 h 0 am P W O v o NCO L OO N v cc m w e1 rp H m1 N ym W po N m m yQ c° mag cc LLV c o n ro N 0 p N u N cc a ti n n n i~a a m m v v C p C, 7 m u1 0 M O u M m tD C2 p N b N N yy M d v u c.. c, 0 u W o a> o ° n u LL Q a N N 0 N mp N l'-1 p n E o E QQ AO 0 mv~ d d NT p a LL03 O N 4 O di V N N N W N Q v u> OC n In m N m7N0co M Q t7 O'N l9 pp tai N N n v 0 c o a a N lm v o Ln v v N m a N N o m 2 T Q N w d D r d CL 9 ce LL - "a a u ~3 Iu O N LL Q m rP tn 7 0 a a. N n rn w m 'c a czc uca 4 to z o Aa° 9 d ° d W 0 o Q a' O W w u cc u w a` 0 r Z o o m 0 0 0 0 0 o m N 2 N o 0 71 70-1 D z z 0 a N 2 0 to F V w 0 I m I , 1c1 a°iE iu 0 iD 1c W d i> 1 iLL c 1 ~ 1 ' o m i J F o M m p, m a, 0\ a M O at a N n N rn 00 0 v~0 teO N u1N 0 ~4 m NM rti ONNOeelN e ry mmgrn mm cr- iiu as YE -NN Ne8cE m ~r N N N o oo~ C7 ~ y n v oraReR m NJ 3;- O38 M rn m C'v d a LL m a0 n tT m nCRaR e mo d ~g i o Nyro y ccoooD srcL C74 N N LL0' m N 4a pt Onp o0 ppd~0 0 a rn m n P t7m nn N to Y n N N d og N ID N Ci a=v Co Co NA C iHN0 pp fR a, Co Co 0 c muWW 9 R FO ~ Qa W C U LL wZ «(ja mWm C LL goQW8 ELLrv3mo mo Lfto wwaUcdQ0yU c zmua5n3Em ato0mmmaUuu6oe zwmm3ranami7 0 0i3N00 W jQ' ImoaO 1m U z uDN aooom O oDom MUNICIPALITY ,.Municipal District of Kneehill #48 WATER CAPITAL FUND BALANCE SHEET FORM 23 As at December 31, 19L 423 29 ASSETS 100 CASH ON HAND AND ON DEPOSIT 110 Cash on Hand 1 11120CashinBank 200 RECEIVABLES 220 Federal 230 Provincial 250 Local Governments 261 Due From Own Funds: Operating: 01 General 99 Other (specify) Capital: 02 General 99 Other (specify) 270 Trade Accounts 280 Accrued 290 Other (Specify) .........:.............11 300 INVESTMENTS (Analysis of Investments, page 74 121 400 LOANS AND ADVANCES 410 Short-Term ...........................................1 420 Long-Term w14 500 TANGIBLE ASSETS 62,289. 7 520 Temporary Acquisition of Fixed Assets ..................1 530 Fixed Assets (to agree with Schedule H-2, pa 30) .....1 62-289,5 600 DEBT CHARGES RECOVERABLE 7 700 OTHER ASSETS 730 Trust Accounts (to agree with 460 Liabilities) (specify):...1 740 Deposits _20 790 Other . 21 900 ACCUMULATED DEFICIT (credit Form 24, item 8, pa 31) 2 TOTAL ASSETS . 23 62 289.7 424 LIABILITIES 100 SHORT-TERM BORROWINGS (include overdrafts) 1 20 PAYABLES0 210 Federal 9220Provincial 230 Local Governments 241 Due to Own Funds: Operating: 01 General 99 Other (specify) 5 Capital: 02 General 99 Other (specify) 250 Trade Accounts 7 270 Accrued D 2 her is if) 10 300 LONG-TERM DEBT 310 Debentures (Schedule 0.3, page 62) . 11 19,233.2 350 Other Long-Term Borrowings (Schedule Q-5, page 64)...12 400 OTHER LIABILITIES 460 Trust Accounts Ito agree with 730 Assets) Ispecdy):...... 14 15470Deposits 16490Other 500 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES Ito agree with Schedule H-3, 500. page 30) 1 600 RESERVES (to agree with Schedule H-3, 600, page 30) . . 18 700 EQUITY IN FIXED ASSETS Idebn Form 24, item 8, page 31) 19 11,095. 1 Al, 9 . 64 l I TOTAL IIABII ITIES 20 30 MU N I C I P A L I T Y . . . . , MU n i . Ci . pa 1 . . D. ia t F l . Gt , pf Kn e e h i 1 1 , 04 8 WA T E R CA P I T A L FU N D TR A N S F E R S TO OW N RE S E R V E S & FU N D S SC H E D U L E H-1 Du r i n g th e Fis c a l Ye a r En d e d De c e m b e r 31 , 19 7 6 42 5 Re s e r v e s & All o w a n c e s : Re s e r v e s ( sp e c i t y l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Allo w a n c e s ( sp e c i f y ) . . . . . . . . . y Ow n Fu n d s : Op e r a t i n g ( sp e c i f y ) 3 Ca p i t a l ( sp e c i f y ) 4 TO T A L TR A N S F E R S TO OW N RE S E R V E S & FU N D S ( to Fin a n c e s Ap p l i e d , pa g e 28 ) . . . . 5 42 6 FI X E D AS S E T S SC H E D U L E H-2 ne , . e. . . ~ . , , , c, - , 0 71 ; Fu n c t i o n a l En g i n e e r i n g Ma c h i n e r y & Cla s s i f i c a t i o n St r u c t u r e s Bu i l d i n g s Eq u i p m e n t La n d To t a l 04 - 01 WA T E R t 2 3 4 5 SU P P L Y ( to ag r e e wi t h 53 0 As s e t s , pa g e 29 ) 62 , 28 9 . 51 6 2, 28 9 . 5 7 1- . - e,a a AS S E T VA L U A T I O N AL L O W A N C E S AN D RE S E R V E S SC H E D U L E H-3 o-L n< - mh a r nt t a 76 50 0 AS S E T VA L U A T I O N AL L O W A N C E S : ( to a wi t h 50 0 Lia b i l i t i e s , pa g e 29 ) re 11 , T-9- 5-F6 - 4-1, sp e c i f y ) D.ep r e c i a . ti . on . at . % 60 0 RE S E R V E S ( to ag r e e wi t h 60 0 Lia b i l i t i e s , pa g e 29 ) sp e c i f y ) . 0 LL 00 . p. f f L I f n CD : a) f 4: L L w: t 0. L a i1: w' IN' L W, f H f G: L f d. m: P. . 1 V' r' L a' t Y ( f i z 70Aft D L 2 0 0C a O a O N C O m ~ gL N Ut N ut Nm O C_ F• tl N N tl n mN tl NN V N Q lt l ~ ! rn g cc t uo v s N C , N N o$ v c E rA o,N N iI L M N r i N p N N n FI N 7 a N O O O N o 8 O N Im o , M 1~ 0, 0 N N rd N v M~ tl R v n tl m O,0 N N Y p m 3; ^ O o $ u oo u, v o LL Q d Vl N q h tl N N N O V p Q C N N rEcdm 8 i o v uO n N tl Y tl yN , N Y tl N M M M 21 I 1 8 i cc 0 co 0 0 N N n O F f W yy N M mp CI N O N D N QNv 0 J, N 0 N N O N 0` LL D rn N tl N W N W N oo fl W 3 oo oo O NO F W N N a z d J N D LL Nwc C c v4 Z N O 0 9 V v E EO y pmn m` 0 Q 0 N m C 4 N 1 x N d W N h 0i N HO0 ci - Ua 7 E ~V F- U C N o z W a, L F N F L j A Lz 1- v W J O 0 W LL W 0 0Q¢ U R dQ O W m N z LL O O m O N O O O m O N ( 1 m O O O O O m O R~ I I I mI . im 5Ia V u d OI ~ I m c ii l u N 1 ~ 1 Q c 1 ~ 0 69 MUNICIPALITY ......,MunicipalDistrict. of„Knee,hill„11,48,..... PAYMENTTOCOUNCILLORSFORMUNICIPALPURPOSES 91019-7-6 f) FORM51 DIVISION OflWAflD IFAPPLICABLENAME SALARIES ORFEESMILEAGESUBSISTENCETOTAL Mayor, ReeveorChairman: 3R.W. Brown2,976.DO1,098.60016,66140 MembersofCouncil: 2C.W. Poole2'.112.0 A.W. Sauer1.968.001 ;2R_An1717nd1,glqO~. 5T. A. 6L. G. Litz 7R.G. Campbell50SU9994499!141- TOTAL 1 162176.0 2 5,164.8 3 14755.0 4 36,095.0 to01-01, page4 PAYMENTTOSCHOOLCOMMITTEEMEMBERSFORSCHOOLPURPOSESFORM52 19_ DIVISION ORWARD (IFSALARIES APPLICABLE) NAMEORFEESMILEAGESUBSISTENCETOTAL Chairman: MembersofSchoolCommittee: 567 .8 TOTAL to01-01. page53 CONTINGENTLIABILITIES19 - FORM53 EXPLANATIONAMOUNT Alibi. MUNICIPALITY Municipal District of Rneehill #48 31 WATER OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF SURPLUS (DEFICIT) FORM 21 For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19-7 6 42~ I DEBIT CREDIT lus (or Deficit) at Beginning of YeareofSr1Bln 518-41 puaac 2. Adjustments Affecting Operations of Previous Years: ify)spec 3. Other Transactions Affecting Surplus: (specify) 4. Surplus or Deficit for Year Under Review - Brought forward from Water Operating Fund Revenue and Expenditure Statement 25 2page 5. Surplus or Deficit Transferred to General Operating Fund during the 3 4)Y t 2 ear (page orCurrent 6. Balance of Surplus or Deficit at End of Year - Carried forward to Water Operating Fund, Balance Sheet (page 26)1 211.14 7. Totals of Debit and Credit Columns 1.729.55 1 WATER CAPITAL FUND STATEMENT OF EQUITY IN FIXED ASSETS FORM 24 For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1916 DEBIT CREDIT in Fixed Assets at Beginning of Year1lnfEitB 28,388.18 qu yaaceo 2. Adjustments Affecting Operations of Previous Years, (specify) 4-332-47 W./.O 19-75.-Due.-to, Generel Operating Fund 3. Other Adjustments Affecting Equity in Fixed Assets: iftdbddorgyeeAssetsacquire ffAssetswritteno Debenture Principal Paid from own Operating Fund (Schedule C-1, a e 60)796,70 gp Long-Term Borrowing Principal Paid from own Operating Fund Schedule 0-1, page 60) . . . . . Transfers (Finances Acquired, page 28) Other (Finances Acquired, page 28) Yfh 557ear..,e..or .tDe.preciation., d4. Assets of Other Local Governments Assume 5. Liabilities of Other Local Governments Assumed l G overnments .6 Assets Transferred to Other Loca l GdbhL overnmentsyOteroca7. Liabilities Assume 8. Balance of Equity in Fixed Assets at End of Year-Carried forward to Water Capital Fund, Balance Sheet (page 29)31,960.11 9 Totals of Debit and Credit Columns 733,5 64 MUNICIPALITY MUTI1.gipAI..A.I.§C.I2,C.k..41•..RR@?.b 1.1.115.... ANALYSIS OF 19l-LONG-TERM DEBT CHARGES 901 Ito agree with appropriate expenditure statements) 0 SCHEDULE Q-1 LONG-TERM DEBT CLASSIFICATION INTEREST PRINCIPAL INSTALLMENTS TOTAL DEBT CHARGES 1.DEBENTURESISSUED General: Boulevards Buildings Curbs & Gutters Hospitals 649.25 746.23 Libraries 1 In Sewers 1 12 733.06 1 749.05 Sidewalks 13U 14 Streets 1 Other: Total General 1 1,382.31 2,495.28 Public Utilities: Water Supply 19 1 104.7 20 796.70 1,900.87 Electricity 1 Gas Telephone 25 26 Air Transport 27 28 Public Transit 29 30 Total Public Utilities 1 104.7 796.70 1,900.87 School: Schools 31 32 Repair Shops & Warehouses 33 34 School Buses 35 36 Other Vehicles 37 38 Garages & Bus Repair Shops Residences & Dormitories 41 42 Other:43 Total School TOTAL DEBT CHARGES ON DEBENTURESISSUED 2 :,2:1 7,4 2.179.01 4.396.15 2. DEBENTURES ASSUMED FROM OTHER MUNICIPALITIES TOTAL DEBT CHARGES ON DEBENTURES ASSUMED 45 46 3. TOTAL DEBENTURE DEBT CHARGES 2,217.4 2,179.01 47 4,396.15 4. LONG-TERM BORROWINGS General 48 49 Water Supply 50 51 Electricity 52 53 Gas 54 55 Telephone 56 57 Air Transport 58 5 Public Transit 50 1 _ School fit 63 TOTAL LONG-TERM BORROWINGS 64 Specny name or Municipality and purpose for which issued) MUNICIPALITY Nunicipal District of Kneehill 1148 fib 08.03 UNCONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FORM 50 For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 909 AUTHORITY FOR REQUISITION UNCONDITIONAL TRANSFER OR REQUISITION REQUISITIONS OWING FROM PREVIOUS YEARS REQUISITION PAID REQUISITION UNPAID FOUNDATION PROGRAM: tRequisition 309,375 00 309,375 00 Additional Levy ...........................2 TOTAL FOUNDATION PROGRAM 309,375 00 3 309, 375.1 00 4 SUPPLEMENTARY SCHOOL REQUISITIONS: School Division or District. No. Name Thr.ee. Hi1ls..S.choal.. Dtiui.sion. MD TOTAL SUPPLEMENTARY SCHOOL REQUISITION 5 460,173 00 8 460,173.00 HEALTH REQUISITIONS: Hospital District: No. Name Auxiliary Hospital Nursing Home Home for the Agea G Htlldo3en s Lodge 48,92 TOTAL HEALTH REQUISITIONS:648,926 52 9 48,926.52 10 PROVINCIAL PLANNING FUND REQUISITION:. 1 4 , 748 13 12 49748.13 13 IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TAX TRANSFER:... 4 15 6 SUBTOTAL...........823,222 65 17 823,222 65 16 IN COUNTIES ONLY SUPPLEMENTARY SCHOOL REQUISITION transfer to School Operating Fund - Schedule A-1, page 6) 9 GRAND TOTAL 2923,222 65 823,222.65 nil to agree with 0803, page 4 MUNICIPALITY Municipal District of Kneehill 114890~ ASSESSMENTS UPON WHICH TAXES ARE LEVIED AND MILL RATE STATEMENT, 19-76 FORM 49NON-RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY RESIDENTIAL PROPERTYTOTALTAXABLEASSESSMENTDESCRIPTIONASSESSMENTONWHICHMILLRATEAPPLIEDMILLHATEASSESSMENTONWHICHMILLRATEAPPLIED MILL RATERePIProperty:Land .................................1 15,278-231 Education:School Foundation Program 12,072,620 8 27. 7 tBuildings & Improvements .............2Other:4.586.039 School Division or District: (identify)Tbxe.e..13Al.la.9 cbp.o.l..Ai,v.is.1 n 23,416,735 9 20.8 549,025 1 20.8ElectricPowerInstallations ............3 206-600 J5 0.......Pipe Line .............................4 4-356,580CableT.V. Systems ....................5BusinessTax: 6 70, 20ofRentalValueorMillRate60TOTAL7Donotincludeassessmentvaluationsonwhichgrantsinlieuoftaxesarepaid.Heahk(tdentiW:ONLY TO BE COMPLETED BYRURALMUNICIPAITIE Hosprtaf 9rstricts:Re c.raa.t ton 23-416- 735 10 20 3.0LS:Electri P I ll icowernstaat onsandPipeLineMillRates:Auxiliary Hospital Districts:ti 2tSupplementarySchoolHospitalNursingHomes:12 22HomesforAged:Q QA .en..Hl,l.l8..LQ.4g4......23,764,955 13 2.2 662.495 z 2.2Municipal:General 21176699% 14 9_1 495 24667 119-1DebentureDebt1512SpecialLevies: .A1PblllaAGe............23,764,955 1 1.0 662,495 1.0Th.rae..Ail ls..&..Txo.chu..F.ir.e...7 9R7_710 7 291,570 ~4 7L1.nden..Fire 2,215,200 1.5 214,155 1.5 MUNICIPALITY Mu.n.i.cip.a.l. . Di . s. t.ri. c.t . . . of.. .Kn.ee.hil.l. .1148 AVERAGE RATE OF INTEREST PAYABLE ON, AND PLACE OF PAYMENT OF, UNMATURED DEBENTURE DEBT - PRINCIPAL ONLY SCHEDULE Q-2 9-0-2) As at December 31, 1916 New York London (Eng.)Other (Specify Place of Payment) Interest Canada London (Eng.)London (Eng.)New York and New York Only Only Canada Only Canada and Canada 1 12 23 34 45 56 67 78 89 Nil up to 2 2 up to 3 2 13 24 35 46 57 68 79 90 3 up to 4 3 14 25 36 47 56 69 90 91 4 up to 5 4 15 26 37 48 59 70 at 92 1,392,44 5 up to 6 5 16 27 38 49 6o 71 82 93 36,931.30 6 up to 7 6 17 28 39 50 61 72 83 94 7 up to 8 7 18 29 40 51 62 73 64 95 8 up to 9 8 19 30 41 52 63 74 as 96 9 up to 10 a 20 31 42 53 64 75 86 97 10 and over 10 21 32 43 54 65 76 87 98 34,500.00 GRAND TOTAL 11 72,823.74 22 33 44 55 66 77 as 99 To agree in Total with page 62. MUNICIPALITY ....Municipal .District„o,f..Kne•ehill„/048 ANALYSIS OF DEBENTURE DEBT SCHEDULE 0-3 As at December 31, 19-7.6 903 GROSS UNMATURED DEBT (EXCLUDING UNSOLD DEBENTURES) DEBENTUR12 DEBT SERIAL DEBENTURES SINKING FUND DEBENTURES CLASSIFICATION Municipality's Share Owners' Share Municipality's Share Owners' Share TOTAL GENERAL: Boulevards 24 Buildin s 2 25g Curbs & Gutters 3 26 Hospitals 1,392.4 2 Libraries 5 2A Sewers 7.500.48 52-197,48 Sidewalks 7 30 Streets rOther9 12 TOTAL GENERAL 8 892.44 44,697. PUBLIC UTIL ITIES: Wat r S l 19 19,233.2 y . . . . . . .uppe Electricit 11y Gas 12 as lT h 13oneeep Ai T t 14 37ransporr Public Transit 68 TOTAL PUBLIC UTILITIES 191213.89 19 2 33, SCHOOL. Schools 16 39 Repair Shops & Warehouses 17 40 1 School Buses 18 1 Other Vehicles 19 42 Garages & Bus Repair Shops Re idences & Dormitories 21s Other:22 TOTAL SCHOOL GRAND TOTAL 8,891.231 63,931.46 30 47 72,823.01 If special frontage tax levied show Owners' Share breakdown. **To agree with classification totals (principal only), page 63. MUNICIPALITY . . . . . . . . . M . un . i . c . i . pa . I D . i . s . t . ri . c . t . . . o . . f . . . Kn . ee . It . i . I . I # . 48 ANALYSIS OF TRANSFERS - CAPITAL FUNDS FINANCES ACQUIRED SCHEDULE S CONTINUED During the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19-7 6 I~ END 0 Federal Provincial Other Government &Government &Local Own Other Their Agencies Their Agencies Governments Reserves Funds Other Total Sub-total (brought forward)278 346.68 IQ ILA A Environmental Health Services...... 49 50•51 52 53 54 lWaterSupp y 55 56 57 58 59 80 Other . 62 63 64 65 86 Serviceslfarlih & W e ecHeatPubl icelSlD 67 68 69 70 71 842.OS 72 842.OS opment erv seveEnvironmenta Recreation, Cultural Services 73 74 75 76 77 78 iE onducat 79 80 81 82 83 84 Fiscal Services Other Services: 85 86 87 88 89 90 Gas 91 92 93 94 95 96 ili tyectrcE 97 98 99 100 101 102 honeTelep School Services 103 104 105 706 107 108 h l B R la ntScoousepceme 109 110 111 112 113 114 Other GRAND TOTAL 279,188.73 115279,188.3 MUNICIPALITY ,,,,Municipal District of Kneehill 1148ANALYSISOFTRANSFERS - CAPITAL FUNDS FINANCES ACQUIRED SCHEDULE S9Q] During theFiscal Year Ended December 31, 19 76FederalProvincialOtherGovernment &Government &Local Own OtherTheirAgenciesTheirAgenciesGovernmentsReservesFunds Other TotalCONDITIONAL:1 2 3 4 5 5 25,239.9125,239.91GeneralGovernmentServicesProtectiveServices:36,626.00789101112PoliceProtection13141511FireProtection741.00EmergencyMeasures:19 20 21 22 23 24DisasterServices527Other35,885.00TransportationServices:216,480.773132333435216,480.77 35RoadTransport37383940741AT-Air Transport 43PublicTransit . . • • • . . . .Sub-total (carried forward)278,346.68 278,346. 1 68 MUNICIPALITY ......Municipal District of Kneehill 1148 9O4 FUTURE DEBENTURE DEBT CHARGES BY YEARS PRINCIPAL AND SINKING FUND REQUIREMENTS AND INTEREST) AND F11TtIRF PRINCIPAL MATURITIES OF SINKING FUND DFRFNTt]RFS CrHFni F n-a SERIAL DEBENTURES ADJUSTMENTS ARISING FROM BOUNDARY CHANGES SINKING FUND DEBENTURES ASSUMED FROM OTHER ASSUMED BY OTHER Sinkin Fund Prin i l ANALYSIS BY YEARS Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest g Requirements Interest pac Maturities GENERAL 1977 1 4,491 61 1978 ..............3 1,914,55 A 4,381 51 1979 ..............s 1.285.92 4.263 93 1980 ..............7 1,375,8 4,173 87 1981 ..............g 472,92 4,076 92 1982 to Maturity ...11 45 716-a 12 48,150 39 TOTAL 53-589,92 69.538 23 PUBLIC UTILITIES 131977 40.73 14 1,060 15 1978 ..15 887,20 1.013 69 1979 17 936,is 964 65 1980 .............18 9R7-97 2o 912 90 1981 .............21 858 29 1982 to Maturity 23 14 557-U 24 2 74 TOTAL 19-233.2 9,692 42 SCHOOL 251977 1978 21 1979 29 1980 .............31 1981 .............33 V1982toMaturity35 TOTAL TOTAL 1977 2 645.1O 5.5511 76 1978 2,801.75 5,395 20 1979 2,222.14 5,228 58 1980 2 363.95 5,086 77 1981 2,497.51 4 935 21 1982toMaturity 60,293.29 53,033 13 GRAND TOTAL..... 37 72,87.3.74 38 19 , To agree with classification totals, page 62. 11J MUNICIPALITY Mw1icipal,.Distri.ct. of._.Itn .eehxai1148 ANALYSIS OF TRANSFERS - OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE SCHEDULE R cm 906 During the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1916 CT! Federal Provincial Other Own Government &Government &Local Reserves &Other Their Agencies Their Agencies Governments Allowances Funds Other Total 610/710)620/730)630/800)910)920)990) UNCONDITIONAL 600 326-680-.51 t Municipal Assistance • 2 Mobile Construction Equipment . . . 3 4 5 Other 2,925.00 6 7 8 UNCONDITIONAL (900) TOTAL - UNCONDITIONAL 326,680.51 326,680.51 CONDITIONAL (700, 800, 900) 9 10 11 12 13 14 General Government Services 1,011.75 1,011.75 P t i S iroveecterv ces: 15 16 17 18 19 20 Police Protection 21 22 23 24 25 26 Fire Protection Emergency Measures: 27 28 29 30 31 32 Disaster Services 33 34 35 36 37 38 Other. 334.80 15,923.53 62.05 229,534.00 Transportation Services: ' 39 40 41 42 43 44 Road Transport 229,534.00 45 46 47 48 49 50 Air Trans ortp 51 52 53 54 55 56 Public Transit Sub-total -Conditional(carriedforward)334.80 246,469.28 62.05 246,866.13 MUNICIPALITY Mnu.1C.1.Fa.1..D.1S.tx1.c1:...Qf..KLtef:.hill..#A8 ANALYSIS OF TRANSFERS - OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE SCHEDULE R CONTINUED urino the Fiscal Year Ended December 31. 19--7 F Federal Provincial Other Own Government &Government &Local Reserves &Other Their Agencies Their Agencies Governments Allowances Funds Other Total 610/710)620/730)630/800)910)920)990) Sub-total - Conditional 334 80 246 469.28 62 05 246,866.1 brought forward)........ Environmental Health Services:...... 57 58 59 BO 81 82 lSW 1,330.83 yaterupp 63 64 65 88 67 88 hO 7,500. 1 00 ert 69 ~70 71 72 73 74 lfare Serviceslh & WPliH eeatubc 75 76 77 78 79 30,079.3 8 ilDltSi 30,079.38 eve opmen erv cesEnvronmenta Recreation, Cultural Services 81 82 83 84 85 86 Ed i onucat 1,317.56 Fiscal Services: 87 Interest Stabilization 88 89 90 91 92 93 Other Other Services: 94 95 96 97 98 99 Gas 100 tot 102 103 104 105 CTJ i qtyElectric 108 107 108 109 110 1 C nelhToeep School Services TOTAL-CONDITIONAL.....334.80 284,794.89 62.05 571.33 1,330.83 287,093.90 GRAND TOTAL 334.80 611,475.40 62.05 571.33 1,330.83 613,774.41 MUNICIPALITY Mw1icipal,.Distri.ct. of._.Itn .eehxai1148ANALYSISOFTRANSFERS - OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE SCHEDULE R cm906DuringtheFiscalYearEndedDecember31, 1916 CT!Federal Provincial Other OwnGovernment &Government &Local Reserves &OtherTheirAgenciesTheirAgenciesGovernmentsAllowancesFunds Other Total610/710)620/730)630/800)910)920)990)UNCONDITIONAL 600 326-680-.51tMunicipalAssistance •2MobileConstructionEquipment . . .3 4 5Other2,925.00 6 7 8UNCONDITIONAL (900)TOTAL - UNCONDITIONAL 326,680.51 326,680.51CONDITIONAL (700, 800, 900)9 10 11 12 13 14GeneralGovernmentServices1,011.75 1,011.75PtiSiroveectervces:15 16 17 18 19 20PoliceProtection212223242526FireProtectionEmergencyMeasures:27 28 29 30 31 32DisasterServices333435363738Other.334.80 15,923.53 62.05 229,534.00TransportationServices: '39 40 41 42 43 44RoadTransport229,534.004546 47 48 49 50AirTransortp515253545556PublicTransitSub-total -Conditional(carriedforward)334.80 246,469.28 62.05 246,866.13 MUNICIPALITY Mnu.1C.1.Fa.1..D.1S.tx1.c1:...Qf..KLtef:.hill..#A8 ANALYSIS OF TRANSFERS - OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE SCHEDULE R CONTINUED urino the Fiscal Year Ended December 31. 19--7 F Federal Provincial Other Own Government &Government &Local Reserves &Other Their Agencies Their Agencies Governments Allowances Funds Other Total 610/710)620/730)630/800)910)920)990) Sub-total - Conditional 334 80 246 469.28 62 05 246,866.1 brought forward)........ Environmental Health Services:...... 57 58 59 BO 81 82 lSW 1,330.83 yaterupp 63 64 65 88 67 88 hO 7,500. 1 00 ert 69 ~70 71 72 73 74 lfare Serviceslh & WPliH eeatubc 75 76 77 78 79 30,079.3 8 ilDltSi 30,079.38 eve opmen erv cesEnvronmenta Recreation, Cultural Services 81 82 83 84 85 86 Ed i onucat 1,317.56 Fiscal Services: 87 Interest Stabilization 88 89 90 91 92 93 Other Other Services: 94 95 96 97 98 99 Gas 100 tot 102 103 104 105 CTJ i qtyElectric 108 107 108 109 110 1 C nelhToeep School Services TOTAL-CONDITIONAL.....334.80 284,794.89 62.05 571.33 1,330.83 287,093.90 GRAND TOTAL 334.80 611,475.40 62.05 571.33 1,330.83 613,774.41 MUNICIPALITY ,,,,Municipal District of Kneehill 1148 ANALYSIS OF TRANSFERS - CAPITAL FUNDS FINANCES ACQUIRED SCHEDULE S 9Q] During theFiscal Year Ended December 31, 19 76 Federal Provincial Other Government &Government &Local Own Other Their Agencies Their Agencies Governments Reserves Funds Other Total CONDITIONAL:1 2 3 4 5 5 25,239.91 25,239.91 General Government Services Protective Services:36,626.00 7 8 9 10 11 12 Police Protection 13 14 15 1 1 Fire Protection 741.00 Emergency Measures: 19 20 21 22 23 24 Disaster Services 5 2 7 Other 35,885.00 Transportation Services:216,480.77 31 32 33 34 35 216,480.77 35 Road Transport 37 38 39 407 41 AT- Air Transport 43 Public Transit . . • • • . . . . Sub-total (carried forward)278,346.68 278,346. 1 68 MUNICIPALITY ......Municipal District of Kneehill 1148 9O4 FUTURE DEBENTURE DEBT CHARGES BY YEARS PRINCIPAL AND SINKING FUND REQUIREMENTS AND INTEREST) AND F11TtIRF PRINCIPAL MATURITIES OF SINKING FUND DFRFNTt]RFS CrHFni F n-a SERIAL DEBENTURES ADJUSTMENTS ARISING FROM BOUNDARY CHANGES SINKING FUND DEBENTURES ASSUMED FROM OTHER ASSUMED BY OTHER Sinkin Fund Prin i l ANALYSIS BY YEARS Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest g Requirements Interest pac Maturities GENERAL 1977 1 4,491 61 1978 ..............3 1,914,55 A 4,381 51 1979 ..............s 1.285.92 4.263 93 1980 ..............7 1,375,8 4,173 87 1981 ..............g 472,92 4,076 92 1982 to Maturity ...11 45 716-a 12 48,150 39 TOTAL 53-589,92 69.538 23 PUBLIC UTILITIES 131977 40.73 14 1,060 15 1978 ..15 887,20 1.013 69 1979 17 936,is 964 65 1980 .............18 9R7-97 2o 912 90 1981 .............21 858 29 1982 to Maturity 23 14 557-U 24 2 74 TOTAL 19-233.2 9,692 42 SCHOOL 251977 1978 21 1979 29 1980 .............31 1981 .............33 V1982toMaturity35 TOTAL TOTAL 1977 2 645.1O 5.5511 76 1978 2,801.75 5,395 20 1979 2,222.14 5,228 58 1980 2 363.95 5,086 77 1981 2,497.51 4 935 21 1982toMaturity 60,293.29 53,033 13 GRAND TOTAL..... 37 72,87.3.74 38 19 , To agree with classification totals, page 62. 11J MUNICIPALITY ....Municipal .District„o,f..Kne•ehill„/048ANALYSISOFDEBENTUREDEBT SCHEDULE 0-3AsatDecember31, 19-7.6903GROSSUNMATUREDDEBT (EXCLUDING UNSOLD DEBENTURES)DEBENTUR12 DEBT SERIAL DEBENTURES SINKING FUND DEBENTURESCLASSIFICATIONMunicipality'sShare Owners'Share Municipality'sShare Owners'Share TOTALGENERAL:Boulevards 24Buildins225gCurbs & Gutters 3 26Hospitals1,392.4 2Libraries52ASewers7.500.48 52-197,48Sidewalks730StreetsrOther912TOTALGENERAL8892.44 44,697.PUBLIC UTIL ITIES:Wat r S l 19 19,233.2y . . . . . . .uppeElectricit 11yGas12 aslTh13oneeepAiTt1437ransporrPublicTransit68TOTALPUBLICUTILITIES 191213.89 19 2 33,SCHOOL.Schools 16 39RepairShops &Warehouses 17 40 1SchoolBuses181OtherVehicles1942Garages & Bus RepairShopsReidences & Dormitories 21sOther:22TOTALSCHOOLGRANDTOTAL 8,891.231 63,931.46 30 47 72,823.01IfspecialfrontagetaxleviedshowOwners' Share breakdown. **To agree with classification totals (principal only), page 63. MUNICIPALITY . . . . . . . . . M . un . i . c . i . pa . I D . i . s . t . ri . c . t . . . o . . f . . . Kn . ee . It . i . I . I # . 48 ANALYSIS OF TRANSFERS - CAPITAL FUNDS FINANCES ACQUIRED SCHEDULE S CONTINUED During the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19-7 6 I~END0 Federal Provincial Other Government &Government &Local Own Other Their Agencies Their Agencies Governments Reserves Funds Other Total Sub-total (brought forward)278 346.68 IQ ILA A Environmental Health Services...... 49 50•51 52 53 54 lWaterSupp y 55 56 57 58 59 80 Other . 62 63 64 65 86 Serviceslfarlih & W e ecHeatPubl icelSlD 67 68 69 70 71 842.OS 72 842.OS opment erv seveEnvironmenta Recreation, Cultural Services 73 74 75 76 77 78 iE onducat 79 80 81 82 83 84 Fiscal Services Other Services: 85 86 87 88 89 90 Gas 91 92 93 94 95 96 ili tyectrcE 97 98 99 100 101 102 honeTelep School Services 103 104 105 706 107 108 h l B R la ntScoousepceme 109 110 111 112 113 114 Other GRAND TOTAL 279,188.73 115279,188.3 MUNICIPALITY Municipal District of Kneehill 1148 90~ ASSESSMENTS UPON WHICH TAXES ARE LEVIED AND MILL RATE STATEMENT, 19-76 FORM 49 NON-RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY TOTAL TAXABLE ASSESSMENT DESCRIPTION ASSESSMENT ON WHICH MILL RATE APPLIED MILL HATE ASSESSMENT ON WHICH MILL RATE APPLIED MILL RATE RePI Property: Land .................................1 15,278-231 Education: School Foundation Program 12,072,620 8 27. 7 t Buildings & Improvements .............2 Other: 4.586.039 School Division or District: (identify) Tbxe.e..13Al.la.9 cbp.o.l..Ai,v.is.1 n 23,416,735 9 20.8 549,025 1 20.8 Electric Power Installations ............3 206-600 J5 0....... Pipe Line .............................4 4-356,580 Cable T.V. Systems ....................5 Business Tax: 6 70, 20 of Rental Value or Mill Rate 60 TOTAL 7 Do not include assessment valuations on which grants in lieu of taxes are paid.Heahk(tdentiW: ONLY TO BE COMPLETED BY RURAL MUNICIPA ITIE Hosprtaf 9rstricts: Re c.raa.t ton 23-416- 735 10 20 3.0LS: Electri P I ll icowernstaat ons and Pipe Line Mill Rates:Auxiliary Hospital Districts: ti 2t Supplementary School Hospital Nursing Homes: 12 22 Homes for Aged: Q QA .en..Hl,l.l8..LQ.4g4......23,764,955 13 2.2 662.495 z 2.2 Municipal: General 21176699% 14 9_1 495 24667 119-1 Debenture Debt 15 1 2 Special Levies: .A1PblllaAGe............23,764,955 1 1.0 662,495 1.0 Th.rae..Ail ls..&..Txo.chu..F.ir.e...7 9R7_710 7 291,570 ~4 7 L1.nden..Fire 2,215,200 1.5 214,155 1.5 MUNICIPALITY Mu.n.i.cip.a.l. . Di . s. t.ri. c.t . . . of.. .Kn.ee.hil.l. .1148 AVERAGE RATE OF INTEREST PAYABLE ON, AND PLACE OF PAYMENT OF, UNMATURED DEBENTURE DEBT - PRINCIPAL ONLY SCHEDULE Q-2 9-0-2) As at December 31, 1916 New York London (Eng.)Other (Specify Place of Payment) Interest Canada London (Eng.)London (Eng.)New York and New York Only Only Canada Only Canada and Canada 1 12 23 34 45 56 67 78 89 Nil up to 2 2 up to 3 2 13 24 35 46 57 68 79 90 3 up to 4 3 14 25 36 47 56 69 90 91 4 up to 5 4 15 26 37 48 59 70 at 92 1,392,44 5 up to 6 5 16 27 38 49 6o 71 82 93 36,931.30 6 up to 7 6 17 28 39 50 61 72 83 94 7 up to 8 7 18 29 40 51 62 73 64 95 8 up to 9 8 19 30 41 52 63 74 as 96 9 up to 10 a 20 31 42 53 64 75 86 97 10 and over 10 21 32 43 54 65 76 87 98 34,500.00 GRAND TOTAL 11 72,823.74 22 33 44 55 66 77 as 99 To agree in Total with page 62. 64 MUNICIPALITYMUTI1.gipAI..A.I.§C.I2,C.k..41•..RR@?.b1.1.115.... ANALYSISOF19l-LONG-TERMDEBTCHARGES 901Itoagreewithappropriateexpenditurestatements) 0 SCHEDULEQ-1 LONG-TERMDEBT CLASSIFICATIONINTEREST PRINCIPAL INSTALLMENTS TOTALDEBT CHARGES 1.DEBENTURESISSUED General: Boulevards Buildings Curbs & Gutters Hospitals649.25746.23 Libraries1In Sewers112733.061749.05 Sidewalks13U14 Streets1 Other: TotalGeneral11,382.312,495.28 PublicUtilities: WaterSupply191104.720796.701,900.87 Electricity1 Gas Telephone2526 AirTransport2728 PublicTransit2930 TotalPublicUtilities1104.7796.701,900.87 School: Schools3132 RepairShops & Warehouses3334 SchoolBuses3536 OtherVehicles3738 Garages & BusRepairShops Residences & Dormitories4142 Other:43 TotalSchool TOTALDEBTCHARGESON DEBENTURESISSUED2 :,2:17, 2. DEBENTURESASSUMEDFROM OTHERMUNICIPALITIES TOTALDEBTCHARGESON DEBENTURESASSUMED4546 3. TOTALDEBENTUREDEBTCHARGES2,217.42,179.01 47 4,396.15 4. LONG-TERMBORROWINGS General4849 WaterSupply5051 Electricity5253 Gas5455 Telephone5657 AirTransport585 PublicTransit501 _ Schoolfit63 TOTALLONG-TERMBORROWINGS64 SpecnynameorMunicipalityandpurposeforwhichissued) MUNICIPALITY Nunicipal District of Kneehill 1148 fib 08.03 UNCONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FORM 50 For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 909 AUTHORITY FOR REQUISITION UNCONDITIONAL TRANSFER OR REQUISITION REQUISITIONS OWING FROM PREVIOUS YEARS REQUISITION PAID REQUISITION UNPAID FOUNDATION PROGRAM: tRequisition 309,375 00 309,375 00 Additional Levy ...........................2 TOTAL FOUNDATION PROGRAM 309,375 00 3 309, 375.1 00 4 SUPPLEMENTARY SCHOOL REQUISITIONS: School Division or District. No. Name Thr.ee. Hi1ls..S.choal.. Dtiui.sion. MD TOTAL SUPPLEMENTARY SCHOOL REQUISITION 5 460,173 00 8 460,173.00 HEALTH REQUISITIONS: Hospital District: No. Name Auxiliary Hospital Nursing Home Home for the Agea G Htlldo3en s Lodge 48,92 TOTAL HEALTH REQUISITIONS:648,926 52 9 48,926.52 10 PROVINCIAL PLANNING FUND REQUISITION:. 1 4 , 748 13 12 49748.13 13 IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TAX TRANSFER:... 4 15 6 SUBTOTAL...........823,222 65 17 823,222 65 16 IN COUNTIES ONLY SUPPLEMENTARY SCHOOL REQUISITION transfer to School Operating Fund - Schedule A-1, page 6) 9 GRAND TOTAL 2923,222 65 823,222.65 nil to agree with 0803, page 4 69 MUNICIPALITY ......,Municipal District. of„Knee,hill„11,48,..... PAYMENT TO COUNCILLORS FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES 910 19-7-6 f) FORM 51 DIVISION Ofl WAflD IF APPLICABLE NAME SALARIES OR FEES MILEAGE SUBSISTENCE TOTAL Mayor, Reeve or Chairman: 3 R.W. Brown 2,976.DO 1,098.6 001 6,6614 0 Members of Council: 2 C.W. Poole 2'.112.0 A.W. Sauer 1.968.00 1 ;2R_An 1 717 nd 1,glq O~. 5 T. A. 6 L. G. Litz 7 R.G. Campbell 50S U 9 994 4 99!141- TOTAL 1 162176.0 2 5,164.8 3 14 755.0 4 36,095.0 to 01-01, page 4 PAYMENT TO SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEMBERS FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES FORM 52 19_ DIVISION OR WARD (IF SALARIES APPLICABLE) NAME OR FEES MILEAGE SUBSISTENCE TOTAL Chairman: Members of School Committee: 5 6 7 .8 TOTAL to 01-01. page 53 CONTINGENT LIABILITIES 19 - FORM 53 EXPLANATION AMOUNT Alibi. MUNICIPALITY Municipal District of Rneehill #48 31 WATER OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF SURPLUS (DEFICIT) FORM 21 For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19-7 6 42~ I DEBIT CREDIT lus (or Deficit) at Beginning of YeareofSr1Bln 518-41 puaac 2. Adjustments Affecting Operations of Previous Years: if y)spec 3. Other Transactions Affecting Surplus: (specify) 4. Surplus or Deficit for Year Under Review - Brought forward from Water Operating Fund Revenue and Expenditure Statement 25 2page 5. Surplus or Deficit Transferred to General Operating Fund during the 3 4)Y t 2 ear (page orCurrent 6. Balance of Surplus or Deficit at End of Year - Carried forward to Water Operating Fund, Balance Sheet (page 26)1 211.14 7. Totals of Debit and Credit Columns 1.729.55 1 WATER CAPITAL FUND STATEMENT OF EQUITY IN FIXED ASSETS FORM 24 For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1916 DEBIT CREDIT in Fixed Assets at Beginning of Year1lnfEitB 28,388.18 qu yaaceo 2. Adjustments Affecting Operations of Previous Years, (specify) 4-332-47 W./.O 19-75.-Due.-to, Generel Operating Fund 3. Other Adjustments Affecting Equity in Fixed Assets: iftdbddorgyeeAssetsacquire ffAssetswritteno Debenture Principal Paid from own Operating Fund (Schedule C-1, a e 60)796,70 gp Long-Term Borrowing Principal Paid from own Operating Fund Schedule 0-1, page 60) . . . . . Transfers (Finances Acquired, page 28) Other (Finances Acquired, page 28) Yfh 557ear..,e..or .tDe.preciation., d4. Assets of Other Local Governments Assume 5. Liabilities of Other Local Governments Assumed l G overnments .6 Assets Transferred to Other Loca l GdbhL overnmentsyOteroca7. Liabilities Assume 8. Balance of Equity in Fixed Assets at End of Year-Carried forward to Water Capital Fund, Balance Sheet (page 29)31,960.11 9 Totals of Debit and Credit Columns 733,5 30MUNICIPALITY ....,MUni.Ci.pa1..D.iatFl.Gt,pfKneehi11, 048WATERCAPITALFUNDTRANSFERSTOOWNRESERVES & FUNDSSCHEDULEH-1DuringtheFiscalYearEndedDecember31, 1976425Reserves & Allowances:Reserves (specityl . ...................................1Allowances (specify) .........yOwnFunds: Operating (specify) 3Capital (specify) 4TOTALTRANSFERSTOOWNRESERVES & FUNDS (toFinancesApplied, page28) ....5426FIXEDASSETSSCHEDULEH-2ne,.e...~.,,, c, - , 071;FunctionalEngineeringMachinery &ClassificationStructuresBuildingsEquipmentLandTotal04-01WATERt2345SUPPLY (toagreewith530Assets,page29)62,289.5162, 289 .571- . -e,aaASSETVALUATIONALLOWANCESANDRESERVESSCHEDULEH-3o-Ln<-mharntta76500ASSETVALUATIONALLOWANCES: (toawith500Liabilities, page29)re11, T-9-5-F6-4-1,specify) D.eprecia.ti.on . at. %600RESERVES (toagreewith600Liabilities, page29)specify) . 0LL 00.p. ffL I f nCD:a) f 4: LL w: t 0. L a i 1:w' I N' L W, f H f G: Lf d.m:P.. 1 V'r' L a' t Y ( f iz 70 Aft D L 20 0C aO aO NCO m ~ g L NUt Nut Nm O C_F• tl N N tl n mN tl NNV N Q ltl~! rng cc tuo v s NC , N N o$ v c E r A o, N NiIL M N r i N pN N n FI N 7 a N O O O No 8 O N Imo,M 1~0, 0NN rdN vM~ tl R v n tl mO,0 N N Y p m 3;^ O o $u oou, vo LLQ dVl N qh tl N N N O V pQ C N Nr Ec dm8 io v uOnN tl Y tl yN,N Y tl N M M M 21 I 1 8 icc 0co 00 N N n O F f W yyN M mpCI N O N D N Q N v 0J, N0N NO N0` LL D rn N tl N W N W N oofl W 3oooo O NO FW N Na z dJ N D LL N w c C c v 4 Z N O 0 9 Vv E E O y p m n m` 0 Q 0 N m C 4 N 1 x N d W N h 0i N H O 0 ci- Ua7 E ~ V F- U C N o z W a, L F N F L j A L z 1- v W J O 0W LL W 0 0 Q¢ U R d Q O W m N zLL O O m O N O O O m O N ( 1 m O O O O O m O R~ I I I m I . im5 I aVudO I ~I mcii l uN 1 ~1 Qc 1 ~ 0 70 - 1Dzz0aN20toFVw0I m I ,1 c1a° iE i u0 iD 1 cWdi> 1iL Lc1 ~ 1 'o m i J F oMmp,m a,0\a MOat aNnNrn 0 0 0v~0 t e O Nu1 N 0 ~ 4m N M r ti O N N O ee l N ery mm g rnm m cr - ii u a s Y E - N N Ne 8 cE m ~ r NNNo oo ~ C7 ~ yn v o ra R e R m N J 3; - O 38 Mrn mC' vd a LL ma0 ntT m n C R a R e m o d ~ g io N y ro y cc o o oDs rc L C7 4 N N LL 0 ' m N 4 ap t O np o 0 pp d~ 0 0arn mnP t7 m n n N to Y n NN dog NID NCi a= vCoCo N A Ci H N 0 ppf R a, CoCo 0c m u WW 9R F O ~ Q a W C U LLwZ « ( j a mW m CLL g o Q W 8 E LL r v 3 m o m o L f to w w a U cd Q 0 y U c z m u a 5 n 3 E m a to 0 m m m a U u u 6 o e z w m m 3 r a n a m i 7 0 0 i 3 N 0 0 W j Q' I mo a O 1 m UzuD N a o o o m O o D o m MU N I C I P A L I T Y , . Mu n i c i p a l Di s t r i c t of Kn e e h i l l # 48 WA T E R CA P I T A L FU N D BA L A N C E SH E E T FO R M 23 As at De c e m b e r 31 , 19 L 42 3 29 AS S E T S 10 0 CA S H ON HA N D AN D ON DE P O S I T 11 0 Ca s h on Ha n d 111 12 0 Ca s h in Ba n k 20 0 RE C E I V A B L E S 22 0 Fe d e r a l 23 0 Pr o v i n c i a l 25 0 Lo c a l Go v e r n m e n t s 26 1 Du e Fr o m Ow n Fu n d s : Op e r a t i n g : 01 Ge n e r a l 99 Ot h e r ( sp e c i f y ) Ca p i t a l : 02 Ge n e r a l 99 Ot h e r ( sp e c i f y ) 27 0 Tr a d e Ac c o u n t s 28 0 Ac c r u e d 29 0 Ot h e r ( Sp e c i f y ) . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 30 0 IN V E S T M E N T S ( An a l y s i s of In v e s t m e n t s , pa g e 74 12 1 40 0 LO A N S AN D AD V A N C E S 41 0 Sh o r t - Te r m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 42 0 Lo n g - Te r m w1 4 50 0 TA N G I B L E AS S E T S 62 , 28 9 . 7 52 0 Te m p o r a r y Ac q u i s i t i o n of Fi x e d As s e t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 53 0 Fi x e d As s e t s ( to ag r e e wi t h Sc h e d u l e H-2, pa 30 ) . . . . . 1 62 - 28 9 , 5 60 0 DE B T CH A R G E S RE C O V E R A B L E 7 70 0 OT H E R AS S E T S 73 0 Tr u s t Ac c o u n t s ( to ag r e e wi t h 46 0 Li a b i l i t i e s ) ( sp e c i f y ) : . . . 1 74 0 De p o s i t s _ 20 79 0 Ot h e r . 21 90 0 AC C U M U L A T E D DE F I C I T ( cr e d i t Fo r m 24 , it e m 8, pa 31 ) 2 TO T A L AS S E T S . 23 62 28 9 . 7 42 4 LI A B I L I T I E S 10 0 SH O R T - TE R M BO R R O W I N G S ( in c l u d e ov e r d r a f t s ) 1 20 PA Y A B L E S 021 0 Fe d e r a l 9 22 0 Pr o v i n c i a l 23 0 Lo c a l Go v e r n m e n t s 24 1 Du e to Ow n Fu n d s : Op e r a t i n g : 01 Ge n e r a l 99 Ot h e r ( sp e c i f y ) 5 Ca p i t a l : 02 Ge n e r a l 99 Ot h e r ( sp e c i f y ) 25 0 Tr a d e Ac c o u n t s 7 27 0 Ac c r u e d D 2 he r is if ) 10 30 0 LO N G - TE R M DE B T 31 0 De b e n t u r e s ( Sc h e d u l e 0. 3, pa g e 62 ) . 11 19 , 23 3 . 2 35 0 Ot h e r Lo n g - Te r m Bo r r o w i n g s ( Sc h e d u l e Q- 5, pa g e 64 ) . . . 12 40 0 OT H E R LI A B I L I T I E S 46 0 Tr u s t Ac c o u n t s It o ag r e e wi t h 73 0 As s e t s ) Is p e c d y ) : . . . . . . 14 15 47 0 De p o s i t s 16 49 0 Ot h e r 50 0 AS S E T VA L U A T I O N AL L O W A N C E S It o ag r e e wi t h Sc h e d u l e H- 3, 50 0 . pa g e 30 ) 1 60 0 RE S E R V E S ( to ag r e e wi t h Sc h e d u l e H- 3, 60 0 , pa g e 30 ) . . 18 70 0 EQ U I T Y IN FI X E D AS S E T S Id e b n Fo r m 24 , it e m 8, pa g e 31 ) 19 11 , 09 5 . 1 Al , 9 . 64 l I TO T A L II A B I I IT I E S 20 27MunicipalDistrictofKneehill248MUNICIPALITYWATEROPERATINGFUND08.02TRANSFERSTOOWNRESERVES & FUNDSSCHEDULEG-1DuringtheFiscalYearEndedDecember31, 19-76d1501Reserves & Allowances:Reserves (specify) 1Allowances)specifyt .................................................................202OwnFunds'Operating (specify) .....................................................3capitallspecifyl ...408-02TOTALTRANSFERSTOOWNRESERVES & FUNDS (toagreewith08-02, page25) 5ASSETVALUATIONALLOWANCESANDRESERVESSCHEDULEG-2AsatDecember31, 19_500ASSETVALUATIONALLOWANCES: (toagreewith500Liabilities, page26)specify)600RESERVESItoagreewith600Liabilities, page26) _specify)08.01DEBTCHARGESSCHEDULEG-3DuringtheFiscalYearEndedDecember3119.76dlbaShTL1ns .ermoort-810Intereston11047821InterestonDebentureDebi (Schedule0-1, page60)2829InterestonOtherLong-TermBorrowings (Schedule0-1, page60)3831PrincipalonDebentureDebt (Schedule0-1, page60147TO839PrincipalonOtherLong-TermBorrowings (Schedule0.1, page60) .5890Othere930Discounts7na.mTnrainFRTrHARr;FSftnwithORAL. name268 .t 0ujZ0bf00U.H7m0m0zQNfQ0 m' 0 d : tta , ro H. mm m i W S: 1t v' 7 M ro : ~ q: p m a4 Z E w w a 0: O 0 m u: 2 a 41 ' ~ c H: Q W Q A tq • W m M: a> q; 0W N is 0 u ro ' z m a: 0 H' f W r Q G' U ~ o: W o mQDrnw0GuDw Q Q a c U_ J 2 0Z00 oo N mof 1 ~ N 0' 1^t N m u1h0 amPWOv o NC O L OO Nv cc m w e1 rp H m1 N ymW poN m m yQc° ma g cc LL V co nro N0 pNu N cca ti n n n i~ a a mm v v C p C,7 m u10 MOuM m tD C2 pN b N N yyM d v u c. .c, 0 u Wo a> o ° n u LL Q a N N 0 N mpN l' -1 p n E o E QQ AO 0 mv ~ d dN T p a LL 0 3 ON 4 O di VN NN WN Q v u> O C nIn m N m 7 N 0 co M Q t7 O' N l9 pp ta i N Nn v 0co a a Nlmv oLnvv N m a NNom 2 T Q N w d D r d CL 9 ce LL - " a a u ~ 3 Iu O N LL Q m rP tn 7 0 a a. N n rn w m ' c a c z c u ca 4 to zo A a° 9 d ° d W 0 o Q a' O W w u cc u w a` 0 r Z o o m 0 0 0 0 0 o m N 2 N o 0 71 71-1 W z Z 0 a m f O F U w 0 0 z Q W 00 s 0 a A' ) to a; G. to m k ~ w: h M 0 0 ay; u, u, E uun N: W p N N: Z D a' a w w Nm: IL G' 0 mi LL 0 0 LL G: 2 m G: 0 F a U LL p N 3 u N N 0 rt U J Uj W IL V e Z J 0 z 00 U t- x N N a M W 00 ry rl M O a N i 'm N M a s c o_ p L NG N h N h N m m m rv N f` u, my C M M mct' LL W cc M N u m E - m 8CvE A r GD 00 N N N d N rn a ao m n V N 0D r m i rn s a" 0g M o M c 0 0 N ut M n M m n r m s s m c 0.09 a0 a m m ua n d LLQ a, N C m N O E o W 0 E mmg 00 0ymmas g n 0z o N a a0 n c N V~ rn U1 rn n n mmN M M7in co co N rv 0 w N N 3 s 1 N c Ca H N N M N N M av cn M T N m m- m M S C ~ 9 9 0 UO P c 0 m z: m o 'u 9 m I[0 0 Do 0 c w 8 w" n W 0 y EE u 0 mm > 0 m " ~Q 0 0 to U r C~Z L J Q 2: O Q y m a` o Do w "n d m x 17 w r 0 U 0 U o r oy LL 0 N 0 i o 0 0 o m o o m Q 0 D N . 00 0 0 MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF %NEEHILL 048 26 MUNICIPALITY WATER OPERATING FUND BALANCE SHEET FORM 20 As at December 31, 197.6 413 n0au a ND AND ON DEPOSIT100CASHONHA 1Hand110Chonas 120 Cash in Bank 10 549.78 200 RECEIVABLES 220Federal 230 Provincial g 250 Local Governments g 261 Due From Own Funds. Capital: 02 General 99 Other (specify) _ Operating. 01 General 99 Other (specify) . . gdeAccounts270Tra 10280Accrued 290 Other (specify) ..Ins,talla.tion Cos,ts.,,., „ ...11 1 7 300 INVESTMENTS (Analysis of Investments, page 74) . . . . .12 OANS AND ADVANCES400L 13410Short-Term 420 Long-Term ..............M 500 TANGIBLE ASSETS (Inventories) . OTHER ASSETS700 ree with 460 Liabilities) (specify) 19730TrustAccounts (to a g 740 Deposits 20 790 Other . ...21 900 ACCUMULATED DEFICIT (credit Form 21, item 6, page 31)2 TOTAL ASSETS 10 549.7 414 LIABILITIES 100 SHORT-TERM BORROWINGS (include overdrafts) 1 200PAYABLES 210 Federal ..2 220 Provincial ............................................3 230 Local Governments ..................................4 241 Due To Own Funds: Capital: 02 General . 99 Other (specify) 5 Operating. 01 General 99 Other (specify) 5 8,738.64 7250TradeAccounts 8260DebentureInstallments g270Accrued 290 Other (specify ..10 TERM DEBTLONG300 page 62) 11310Debentures (Schedule Q-3 350 Other Long-Term Borrowings (Schedule 0.5, page 64) ....12 A T 600IES400OTHERLIBILI 14th730Assets) (s ecifA yp460Trustccounts (to agree wi 15470Dits 600.00 epos 490 Other .................t8 500 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES (to agree with Schedule G-2, 500, page 27) T 600 RESERVES (to agree with Schedule G-2, 600, page 27) . t 12900ACCUMULATEDSURPLUS (debit Form 21, item 6, page 31) .1 711 ATnrA1i1AR11mcs . _ 20 10 949 25 MUNICIPALITYMUNICIPALDISTRICTOFKNEEHILL #48 WATEROPERATINGFUND STATEMENTOFREVENUEANDEXPENDITUREFORM19 FortheFiscalYearEndedDecember31, 19-76 411 REVENUEEstimatesActual 300SERVICESPROVIDEDTOOTHERGOVTS 400SALESOFGOODSANDSERVICES7000.06.992.182 411SaleofWater 490Other . 500OTHERREVENUEFROMOWNSOURCES25 700CONDITIONALTRANSFERSFROMFEDERALOR PROVINCIALGOV'TS & THEIRAGENCIES (ScheduleR page65) . 710Federal ..........3 730Provincial ..................38 800CONDITIONALTRANSFERSFROMOTHERLOCAL GOWTS (ScheduleR, page65) 900OTHERTRANSFERS (ScheduleR, page65)1,300.001330.83 910FromOwnReserves & Allowances: 912ReserveforFutureExpenditures41 919Other ...43 920FromOtherFunds: Operating: (specify) Gene.ral441,330.83 Capital: (specify) ................................................45 990Other (specify) ....48 TOTALREVENUE8300.00478323.65 DEFICITFORYEAR (debitForm21, item4, page31) GRANDTOTAL8,300.008,323, 412 EXPENDITUREEstimatesActual 04-01WATERSUPPLYT6.400.604, 691191 01Administration14 02Purification & Treatment15 03ServiceofSupply18 04Transmission & Distributioiit17 05Pumping18 06CustomerBilling & Collection19 64344- 99Other ............................................................22 08FISCALSERVICES1,900. DD1,90087 01DebtCharges (toagreewithScheduleG-3, page27) .................4o 02TransferstoOwnReserves &Funds (toagreewithScheduleG-l,page27) 41 11900 1 87 TOTALEXPENDITURE52 65941 SURPLUSFORYEAR (creditForm21, item4, page31)1,729J55 GRANDTOTAL 8,300.08,32365 16 0 MUNICIPALITY .........MUN.I~IP.AL..D.IS.TRLCR..UF..K IOULG..P.49 AUDITOR'S SPECIAL REPORT 72 Jo. OF VERIFICATION TAX NOTICES MAILED BY AUDITOR UNDER SEC. 70, THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ACT,34 4o. OF VERIFICATION UTILITY NOTICES MAILED BY AUDITOR UNDER SEC. 70, THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ACT AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE TO: The Members of the Council Municipal District of Kneehill 1748 Name of Municipality) We have examined the balance sheets of the various funds of .,The..Munici.pal..Dls.tricct. nf..Kneehil as at December 31, 19-71 and the related statements of Revenue and Expenditure, Surplus (Deficit). Capital Financing, and Equity in Fixed Assets for the year then ended. Our examination included a general review of the accounting procedures and such tests of accounting records and other supporting evidence as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, these financial statements present fairly the financial position of the municipality as at December 31, 197.6 and the results of its operations for the year then ended, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principals applied on a basis consistent with that of the previous year, subject to any qualifications mentioned in the Auditor's Special Report herewith. Further, in our opinion, the additional statements and reports, when considered in relation to the aforementioned statements, presents fairly the supplemental information shown. Dated at Three Hills, Alberta this . 29th. . . day of . Januar Y 1917 Signed ~yv?v?y .7 Address Three Hills, Alberta Hoven. , Chartered AccountantHen. ry..Van..Den.Firm . . . . of..Kne.ehill. .48.MUNICIPALITY Municip.al. .District.. 73 SECRETARY-TREASURER'S REPORT 1976 LANDS UNDER THE TAX RECOVERY ACT Total number of Parcels Finally Number of Parcels Sold at Acquired by Municipality but Public Sale in current year nil not sold (Sec. 20) as at Number of Parcels Sold at December 31 of current year 26 Private Sale in current year 25 Number Under Tax Notification 37 Number of Parcels Leased Under Date Last Tax Notification Sec. 2911) in current year Registered at L.T.O. April 1/76 Total Parcels Dealt with in Date of Last Public Sale Sept 25 / 75 current-year 25 Public Sale Receipts in current year from (Public Sale Receipts from Lands Sold or (Private Sale 667.69 Lands Sold or Leased in tPrivate Sale 2 6. leased in current year [Leases prior years (Leases TOTAL TAX SALE AND LEASE RECEIPTS IN CURRENT YEAR Above Receipts have been credited as follows: to Commissions to Municipal Account -50 to Taxes to Tax Sale Surplus Trust Account Total Taz Sale and Lease Receipts Accounted for 693 TAXES CANCELLED UNDER SEC. 27(2) The Tax Recovery Act . 184 L TAXES ON PROPERTY ACQUIRED FOR TAXES Number of Parcels Assessed Value Total Taxes 1. Balance, Jan. 1, 1946..................................49 2,362.99 2. Current Year's Levy 3. Penalties & Costs added in 19.76 114.55 4. Taxes Reinstated 189.87 5. Taxes Transferred 6. Amounts Placed on Roll for Collection 37. TOTAL DUE 41 B. 'Collection in 19-:Tdncluding costs 591.71 9. Discounts Allowed 10. Cancellations 184.44 11. Taxes Transferred . 12. UNCOLLECTED TAXES, December 31, 19_76 1,891.26 NOTE-Show number of parcels actually sold during current year, win meu assessed value dnu me from both sales and leases actually applied on taxes during the current year. The above statements do not include Deferred Payments. to Schedule A-2, page 6. 921 esident Farmers ..Es.timate... 1400 Actual Count of Municipality as at _ 19- - - t Arttual Dominion Census Count of June 1976 . . MUNICIPALITY Municipal. DAistxict.Af,.Ka..eehill.14.8 GENERAL OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF SURPLUS (DEFICIT) FORM 3 For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1916 10 f DEBIT CREDIT or Deficit) at Beginning of YearlfS1Blurpusanceoa 2. Prior Years' Surplus or Deficit included in Current Budget - Transferred to General Operating Fund, e 3 or 4)nt (aStdd LpgemeExpenituretaRevenuean 3 Adjustments Affecting Operations of Previous Years: (specify) W./0. Balanee. -1.97.5 .Due. f.ro.V G.ednera.l..Cap.ita it lf4C 20 13 aram.71975 Due.aterF aa dW1.8. 19.75 Grant not tec ice 4. a TWa t eci ReceivableIredement o Prig aIrenstatementoPriorears Taxes 134, 169. 13 87 5 Surplus or Deficit for Year Under Review-Brought forward fromGenera e 3 or 4)t adiStent (d E 30 610.97 em gxpentureaOperatingFund, Revenue an p 6. Balance of Surplus or Deficit at End of Year - Carried forward to General Operating Fund, Balance Sheet (page 5)992, 528 73 7 Totals of Debit and Credit Columns 1, 2, 5 1 1,022.965.01 GENERAL CAPITAL FUND STATEMENT OF EQUITY IN FIXED ASSETS FORM 6 For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1916 i DEBIT CREDIT inning of YearedAssetsatBeFifEt1Bl lan-gyinxanceoquia 2, Ad ustments Affecting Operations of Previous Years: )specify) Balanc in tqWj0feDue FundqpeTAtingo 3. Other Adjustments Affecting Equity in Fixed Assets ifd torgAssetsacquiredbydee fAssetswrittenof Debenture Principal Paid from own Operating Fund (Schedule Q-1, a e 60)711 n6 p g Long-Term Borrowing Principal Paid from own Operating Fund 60Schedule0-1, page Transfers (Finances Acquired, page 7) 1?iaed 49Salepf0Other (Finances Acquired, page 7) d4. Assets of Other Local Governments Assume Assumed5. Liabilities of Other Local Governments L l G overnmentsoca6. Assets Transferred to Other d b h L l GO overnmentsyteroca7LiabilitiesAssume B Balance of Equity in Fixed Assets at End of Year-Carried forward to General Capital Fund, Balance Sheet (page 8)2.496-512.98 9. Totals of Debit and Credit Columns 2,702 560.8 2 702 0 m D x U U> I v10 ph xm N QW ~ m IQa U W0 rHXv LLO m a1 N R U C F Q a v 2 F NO 9~_~_-_7 Ohu)vdN O O u h N m cc 40 N N V N J N M h h ri u) m v ul N N m onv, n Nhp D J m h 0 M w 0 D7 mNNNOQdNhbmnnin v in 0m ao lo co co rn m o m o N o co ca NJ N tMN N h J N cEEy U ~N W mfo N a N m N N N mSe p m QNNmorN.pdp mcPON0, N 0i c D N oo m N mN to 1S N a, N J m m WN N A NMNmC~CNNP1C7ONmbl~nnm i1 co h113 N hNccO dLn O0+ mNrp GO mJ m~e ~ y. CNW moaroNNnnMam a o N e N m hi0m mV n N m 2 Q zm NONC Wx- 0 Qo. : NoNav : =m LL o.Qu0av ?E .o: jOOLLa` JoQLLa, NW U 00 :Q~ 0WWco : 01 >Wm ; ONd :ULum0 inUIWUJCmmNN m W 0Z JbdJ ON N: 0 = J0 J9 :COU0mQrmF,mt 0 JN 39mpQN :vuo2Po Q0Ca = Fi0ONf -a1mQ0' WO N 20v;WZom7 >Q> o~ cWU~: .Q0=N~~ rIl Q 0JRxlF• a0 'ooa h0 OONWd' > - mOr EdTOQ Om u Z umm>EaON.Z5u WWmF= dZEN0VL ~ U> O' JLWU« LG3~XXtll LLWJUC6LLW0 ~ULLcLA0 (5. a' OroniEmoOucrZJ D in 'o~ooo~oom ~oooOoo"NOO~m~o00oam O o000 00 MUNICIPALITY . Municipal .D.istrict .of..Kneehill . #A8........... ROAD AND STREET MILEAGE 19 76 74 1 Y// 1 SURFACED ROADS AND STREETS EARTH ROADS, Etc. Improved Concrete Bituminous Gravel Other Graded Other Total Drained) 1. Provincial Highways: Main 14 90' 1 104 Secondary 86 96 59 2 2. Local Roads & Street. ubliLanes & Allevs..4 6 10 MILEAGEUOTAL 138 7 8 g 10 11 49 1080 442 235 204535, 923 EWER AND WATER MAIN MILEAGE 924 NUMBER OF PARCELS 1. Storm Sewers .................1 1. No. of Taxable Parcels 1 5849 2. Sanitary Sewers ...............2 2 2. No. of Exempt Parcels 2 201 3. Water Mains .................3 2 3. Total Number of Parcels.......3 6050 FOR SUMMER VILLAGES ONLY: No. of Taxable Parcels on which residential buildings are located .4I 925 ANALYSIS OF MUNICIPALLY OWNED UTILITIES WATER:ELECTRICITY:GAS: Number of Hook-ups 1 6 Number of Hook-ups 2 Number of Hook-ups 3 No. of Buildings for which service is not available..... 4 No. of Buildings for which servic 5isnotaailble No. of Buildings for which No. of Hydrants............ 7 e v a No. of Street Lights 8 service is not available 6 AREA OF MUNICIPALITY-IN ACRES 99-A ) LAND: Assessed for Taxation as at year end 1 831,964 Exempt from Taxation (excluding Public Parks, etc.,Streets, Lanes and Highways)......2 1,920 In Public Parks and Playgrounds 3 2,220 In Streets, Lane and Highways 4 16,394 Total Land Area 852,498 TOTAL WAT R AREA (not otherwise included), • • • • • •5 1.469 TOTAL AREA g 853,967 ANALYSIS OF INVESTMENTS Bonds, Debentures, Stock or Other Securities by Funds) Issued or Guaranteed by:General Funds Utilities Funds School Funds Total 1. Dominion Government 2. Province of Prince Edward Island 3. Province of Nova Scotia . , , . , , . 4. Province of New Brunswick.. , , 5. Province of Quebec . . . 6. Province of Ontario , , . 7. Province of Manitoba 8. Province of Saskatchewan 9. Province of Alberta 10. Province of British Columbia 11. Own Municipality 12. Other Municipalities 13. School Corporations 14. A.M.F.C 15.0thers Mim.FApa=~Xrnrp...120.00 TOTAL I 120.0 120.00 d.,,. ~N~~1~~uy 1111-pldi odiance aneets. 75 DIST . R.ICT. OF..KNEERILL. N48 MUNICIPALITY . . MUNICIPAL . VALUATION OF PROPERTY EXEMPT FROM TAXATION (DOLLARS ONLY( 19 -.Zb 9471 (Include valuation of property subject to grants in lieu of taxes( Classification Land Buildings Engineering Structures Total 1. DOMINION GOVERNMENT PROPERTY: I ddiLsanann Other TOTAL DOMINION GOVERNMENT PROPERTY ......1 2 3 2. PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT PROPERTY: Utilities Other (specify) Rarks. A. Dania .18.720 1.550 Q 270 Miac.1 620 67n Unpatented..................... 4TOTALPROVINCIALGOVERNMENTPROPERTY 21,150 5 8 3. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT PROPERTY: i i litdbMUO 1,520ywnpayuncse bli exclude Private Schools)de plhnShl u c,oo c ucs k 1-030 5-680 sPublicPar P08RCR115j1I181s 400 400 P bli Libre i s W k 1,130 420 1-550sruceor Property Acquired for Taxes 24 Tax Recover Act)Sec 310 100 410 y Other (s ecif 550py 7TOTALMUNICIPALGOVERNMENTPROPERTY 4-940 B 9 4. PROPERTY USED FOR EDUCATION, RELIGIOUS, CHARITABLE AND WELFARE PURPOSES: B. I.Colle nd Universities PPrite)esShlgcoosva a l P 2 630 111 710 116,140urposesPropertyUsedforReigious d for Charitable and Welfare PurposesPUstroperye TOTAL PROPERTY USED FOR EDUCATIONAL, RELIGIOUS, CHARITABLE AND 10WELFAREPURPOSES 79,355 2,140 1,2 1011495 13INDUSTRIALANDBUSINESSENTERPRISES:5 Community Center 1,285 29.91Q 31~195 6. OTHER (specify) Golf Clubs & General RecreatioRinks 4,705 7-820 12 525 10,180 Radio Tower 100 1 n ,4,n 10 640 Gas Co O ap TOTAL OTHER ..................................16 16,270 0 580 66.850 GRAND TOTAL EXEMPTIONS 121,715 89,980 111,695 MUNICIPALITY 9f„Kneek*-1k f48,,, ° GENERAL CAPITAL FUND TRANSFERS TO OWN RESERVES & FUNDS SCHEDULE B-1 During the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1976 f Reserves & Allowances. Reserves lspeciiyt 1 Allowances (specify): _ 2 Own Funds: Operating (specify), 31"Capital (specify) . TOTAL TRANSFERS TO OWN RESERVES & FUNDS (to Finances Applied, page 7) - . . ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES AND RESERVES SCHEDULE B-3 As at December 31, 19 EXPENDITURE FOR GENERAL FIXED ASSETS SCHEDULE B-4 197 Functional Classification Engineering Buildings Machinery &Land Total of Services Structures Equipment 1 2 3 25,264.1 4 25,264 9 01 General Government 5 6 7 41,326.0 41,3261 0( 02 Protective 10 11 n 2,392 4 03 Transportation 13 14 1S l H l h 40,652,4 40,652 1 ea t04Environmenta 17 10 19 20 lf are05PublicHealth & We 21 22 23 1,352.5 24 1,352.0- Environmental Development06 26 27 28 07 Recreation & Cultural 28 Education 29TotalExpenditureforGeneralFixed Assets (to agree with Fixed Assets, Finances Applied, page 7, 371, 419.3 820 00 15, 283 8 excluding Other 40 652.4 2 392 4 K)0 8 MUNICIPALITYMunicipalDistrictofKneehill $48 GENERALCAPITALFUND BALANCESHEETFORM5 AsatDecember31, 19_16fr71 ASSETS 100CASHONHANDANDONDEPOSIT . 110CashonHandt 120CashinBank 200RECEIVABLES 220Federal4 230Provincial . S 250LocalGovernments5 261DueFromOwnFunds. Operating: 01General 03Water............ . . 99Other (specify) . . ..,7 Capital: 04Water 99OtherIspecify( . 270TradeAccounts9 280Accrued . 10 290Other (specify)V 300INVESTMENTS (AnalysisofInvestments, page741 .12 400LOANSANDADVANCES 410Short-Term13 420Long-Term . 1 500TANGIBLEASSETS2, Ssa 520TemporaryAcquisitionofFixedAssets (includeLandforResale) 530FixedAssets (toagreewithScheduleB-2, page9) ..........1 600DEBTCHARGESRECOVERABLE ............................181,392.44 700OTHERASSETS . . . 730TrustAccounts (toagreewith460LiabiImes) (specityl 79 740Deposits20 790Other ^._.`21 900ACCUMULATEDDEFICIT (creditForm6, item8, page10)22 TOTALASSETS22 124 LIABILITIES 100SHORT-TERMBORROWINGS (includeoverdrafts) 200PAYABLES6152. 4 210Federal ..................................................2 220Provincial . 3 230LocalGovernments . ...4 241DueToOwnFunds, Operating, 01General 03Water 99Other (specify) ..........5 6,152.14 Capital: 04Water , 99Other (specify) ............................6 250TradeAccounts ...............7 270Accrued . . 9 290Other (specify) 10 300LONG-TERMDEBT . 310Debentures (ScheduleQ-3, page62) ..................11 350OtherLong-TermBorrowings (Schedule0.5, page64J .....12 400OTHERLIABILITIES 460TrustAccounts (toagreewith730Assets) (specify) 14 470Deposits ''is 490Othert 500ASSETVALUATIONALLOWANCESgoagreewithSchedule8-3, 500, page9) . ..1Z 600RESERVESItoagreewithScheduleB-3, 600, page91 .....18 700EQUITYINFIXEDASSETSdebitForm6, item8, age10) ....192496512- TOTALLIABILITIES20 Municipal District of Kneehill 948 MUNICIPALITY ® .............................................................10. INSURANCE IN FORCE 19 -7g 76 AMOUNT CO-AVERAGE YEARLY OF INSURANCE PREMIUM RATE FORM COVERAGE COVE 100 OF R ( AGE)COVER GE) Buildings 0 32 EEquipEquipmentnt 74,152 90 432 Liability Comprehensive 1,000,000 4095.00 Other Umbrella 15,000,000 1000.00 Other Machine 2,508,563 30 Vehicles:Amount of Third Parry Liability & Road Hazard Accident Bus Benefits- Limit Per person 1 000 000, Collision Coverage-Amount Deductible $ . . . . Specified Perils Coverage and/or Comprehensive- Amount Deductible $All Perils Other Bodily Injury & Property Damage Limits Accident Benefits-Limit Per Person 250.00 Deduc ible Collision Coverage-Amount Deductible $ . Specified Perils Coverage and/or Comprehensive- Amount Deductible $ . . .11 q95 nn Secretary-Number: .126..C..0,5D Amount 0 00.0025Treasurers Bond Date Surety Began:.. January„lgt,,~9?5.......... Renewed to,daauary..lat,3,977 11 Company: ..,.Canada.ACcideat.&.Fixe.Assurance Company INVENTORY OF ROAD EQUIPMENT Description No. of Each Valuation December 31,1975 Purchased During 1976 TOTAL Disposed of During 1976 Valuation December 31, 1976 Tractors-Track Type 4 125,000, Tractors-Wheeled 1 2.400-2 Lnn 300 Graders-Elevating 1 100,1 Df)300 Graders-Blade Graders-Motor 1 2 Trucks-Motor 31 175,OD0,113 107.52 288 107.2 29 825 Snow-plows 1 D0.7.000.0 6,500, Dozer Blades Cook Cars 00.400.0 ADD- Fresnos Scrapers 4 9,000.9,000.0 flows Post Dri er 1 550.550.0 500 yster Packer 1 0, 55,000, Vib. Packer 5 0.5000 4 900- Mixer 1 500.500.0 400- Trailers 6 8,500,8.500.0 7,500, 0o s quip.27,000.6,494.13 33 494.3 154. FWD Truck 400.400.0 300.00 0- Rooter & Rippe 1 2,500.2 500.2,000, Loader & quip 2 65,000.68 800.00 133 800.0 35,000.00 90-000. Motor Scrapers 5 175,000.1 289.92 176 289.2 175,000, Fuel Wagons 1,000.1 000.0 525.00 1 400, u er Packers 3,000.3 000.0 2 Seeps cot Pac er 3 1,500.1 500 D 1 300, Traxcavator 1 14,000.313.80 14 31 0 13 500, Steel Roller 1 900.900.0 800. P S reader 3,500.38,708.00 42 208,0 7,227.35 000 a t D st.1 17,000.17 000.0 6 000 io S stem 20 000.40 58 6 5.4-70n- W TOTAL 934,250.344 061.37 1278311.7 94 90 9. 01 0 1 1119-600, 1 SECRETARY-TREASURER'S CERTIFICATE The information contained in this Report is as shown by the Books and Records of the Municipality, and from my own observation, or obtained from other officials of the Municipality - and all of which I certify to be true and correct according to the best of my knowledge and belief, AND IN AGREEMENT WITH THE AUDITOR'S REPORT WHERE NECESSARY. Dated February 3rd ,1977 Secretary-Tressur 77 MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF KNEEHILL 448 REEVE'S REPORT FOR 1976 Another year has passed, another year of progress and it is again time to report to you, the ratepayers,on the affairs of the Municipal District of Kne,ihill. Some of our activities have been reported in the Three Hills Capital, and our financial situation is presented in the form of an audited financial statement. Crop production was excellent throughout most of the Municipal District. A shortage of rain across the south side gave lower yields to that area, but as a whole the crops were good, with excellent harvest weather to get the grain off. Livestock prices just haven't caught up to the price of grain, but recent falling grain prices should make livestock operations profitable again. It seems difficult to see a happy balance, the period from 1969 to 1972 was a bonanza for livestock operators, with cheap feed, 1973 to the present has seen the grain operators prosper. Where do we go from here? We ended the year with a small cash surplus that could have been easily wiped out with severe snow conditions during November and December. Last year I reported to you that because of high interest rates, taxpayers were withholding payment as long as possible without penalty. We changed our penalty to 2% - December 1st and 10% on February 1st, which resulted in lowering our tax arrears by some $511,000.00. This is a much more desirable situation and further incentives for tax payment may not be required in the immediate future. Our road program went very well this past season. While we only worked 9 hour daysimore miles were built than last year. However little work was done on secondary roads which are of a higher standard, and consequently take more working hours. The surfacing crew was very busy, doing 7k miles in the Acme to Grainger area, and repairing many miles of roads previously constructed. The gravel program was about the same as we just have so many trucks. These trucks worked around the clock stockpiling gravel during the period January to April. They are working two shifts this winter, as we are getting caught up. We replaced three 9 yard gravel trucks with two 12 yard trucks late in the year. Grants were available the past year for improving and upgrading our cemeteries. Johnston Hart with some part time help has done a very commendable job in this area. Council has received many favourable comments, so this will likely become a municipal service in the future, whether grants are available or not. I will try to have an additional report on the operating costs of our equipment available at the annual meeting to be held March 21st,1977. Wages for 1977 were negotiated within the guidelines with an approximate 6% increase. 0MUNICIPALITYMunicipal District. .of Kneebill 1146 GENERAL CAPITAL FUND STATEMENT OF CAPITAL FINANCING 76 For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19 _ 7 FORM 4 121 FINANCES ACQUIRED Estimates Actual UNEXPENDED FUNDS FROM PREVIOUS YEARS LONG-TERM DEBT INCURRED . Debentures (issued to Federal) 2 Debentures (issued to Provincial) ........g 34,500.0 Debentures (issued to Others) .4 Other Long-Term Borrowings .......................5 TRANSFERS (Schedule S. page 66 & Form 6, item 3, page 10)1 253-700,100 8FromFederal 2 9 188.73 7FromProvincial From Local Governments ...............B From Own Reserves ...........g From Other Funds. Operating (specify) Gene.ral to 279 188.73 Capital (specify) 11 From Other (specify) .12 OTHER (Form 6, item3, page 10) ..........................35 000, 00 13SaleofFixedAssets 95,443.00 95 443.00 Return on Investments W Other(specify) ..........................................................15 TOTAL ACQUIRED 288 700.00 409,131.73 OVEREXPENDITURE to be provided by:..........6, 52.11 Contributions from Own Operating Fund 18 17BorrowinrovedbutnotReceivedAgpp 18SaleofAssets Other(specify) ....GrzRt& .............................................19 6,152.14 Ii, GRAND TOTAL ........................................_1288,75W.r 122 FINANCES APPLIED Estimates Actual OVEREXPENDITURE OF PREVIOUS YEARS 1 FIXED ASSETS (do not separate Works in Progress)L2 Rg Engineering Structures 2 Buildings ......3 2 192-40 Machinery & Equipment-Alberta Disaster Services excluded 4 371 419~ Machinery & Equipment-Alberta Disaster Services-Cost Shared 5 Machinery & Equipment-Alberta Disaster Services-Grant 8 Land .......T Other (Temporary Acquisition of Fixed Assets ....8 OTHER 9InterestonShort-Term Borrowings Other Financial Charges ..........10 Transfers to Own Reserves & Funds (to agree with Schedule B-1, page 9( ...11 Transfers to Other Governments (specify( 12 Other (specify) ..............................................13 I PLIEDTOTALAP DUNEXPENED FUNDS (set out details below)14 GRAND TOTAL 288,700.0 15 UNEXPENDED FUNDS Expended By-Law No. if applicable) Source of Funds Project if applicable) Total Funds Received Current Year Total of Previous Years Unexpended TOTAL (to agree with Unexpended Funds in above Statement) MUNICIPALITY .............MipalDistrictofKneehill #4.8GENERALOPERATINGFUND08.02TRANSFERSTOOWNRESERVES & FUNDS DuringtheFiscalYearEndedDecember31, 1976115 01Reserves & Allowances Reserves: .1 Allowances: 02OwnFunds (specifyfund): Operating: WaterFrontage UtilityDeficit (specify) Other (specify) Capital: (specify) Gen.ar.a.l..Caplta,l SCHEDULEA-1 78 One common sanitary landfill for the area, excepting the Town of Trochu and the Village of Torrington, became a reality in 1976. This site meets Alberta Environment and Health standards, but does not altogether suit many of our ratepayers. 1,330. 83 The hamlets now have weekly pickup by compactor truck. Weekly pickup of containers placed at various points in the Municipal District is possible, but the cost factor is discouraging. 08.02TOTALTRANSFERSi0OWNRESERVES & FUNDSItoagreewith08.02, page4) TAXESRECEIVABLESCHEDULEA-2 AsatDecember31, 19L6 117 CurrentYear'sLevyPriorYear'sArrearsTaxesonProperty AcquiredForTaxesTotal notincludingPropertyAcquiredforTaxes)toagreewithpage73) 1. BalanceJan. t, 19_...........t693286,7722,16299695649.7 2. CurrentLevy1100, page3)......2,442,6826232442682.62 3. PenaltiesandCostsin19? 6 0o560, page3)6,231367,551,06114,5 4 1647 4. TaxesReinstated 5. TaxesTransferred 6. AmountsPlacedonRoll forCollection: UtilityAccounts . . Other . 7. TOTALDUE 8. Collectionsin19Z. includingCosts 8910 9. DiscountsAllowed (toSchedule A-4, 930, page6) . 1 10. Cancellations4469R184AA12737 11. TaxesTransferred13 12. UNCOLLECTEDTAXES (totalto agreewithpage5) 14162,531116 t5 20,231.15 to 1,891.26 77 184,660.17 museoesnowninappropriateburpius/UenmtAccounts. ASSETVALUATIONALLOWANCESANDRESERVESSCHEDULEA-3 AsatDecember31, 197-6 500ASSETVALUATIONALLOWANCES: (toagreewith500Liabilities, page5) Ispecity) lQAgll.ectab,le„taxes. 600RESERVES: (toagreewith600Liabilities, page5) specify) 08-01DEBTCHARGESSCHEDULEA-4 DurinqtheFiscalYearEndedDecember31, 197.A116 810InterestonShort-TermLoans15,539.4 821InterestonDebentureDebt (ScheduleQ-1page60)1-112.971 829InterestonOtherLong-TermBorrowings (ScheduleQ-1, page60) 3 831PrincipalonDebentureDebt (ScheduleQ-1, page60) 41-18231 839PrincipalonOtherLong-TermBorrowings (ScheduleQ-1, page60) 5 890Other6O 930Discounts (includeScheduleA-2, hem9) . Ispecify) 7 08-01TOTALDEBTCHARGES (toagreewith08-01, page4) e Our towns and villages are all growing. We are experiencing some loss of land by annexation to the towns and villages. However this is very little; probably our urban areas should be annexing more to put more land in competition which might have the effect of reducing lot prices and benefit those who are building new homes. In 1976 we increased our levy for recreation purposes, and passed part of the monies on to the towns and villages as they are having large deficits in this area. Rural participation is likely running in excess of 50%. Our rural communities likewise benefited from this increased levy. During the year we have gone into Development Control under the guidance of the Calgary Regional Planning Commission. To many this may seem unwarranted, but when we see some of the things happening, such as our hamlets being overrun with derelict automobiles, or sub standard buildings, and intensive agricultural operations spring up, we need some legal clout to protect the established property owner from acts that will lessen the value of his property. Many other controls which we believe only apply in other areas are set up by Provincial Planning Act, Health, Environment, Transportation, Agriculture and other government agencies, so we must follow them also. A new Planning Act is promised this year. This new act has been in the making for several years. An Eastern Region Preliminary Plan, taking in the areas of Kneehill, Wheatland, Drumheller, I.D. U 7 and Starland is being developed. It is hoped this will be much less restrictive than the present plan. The tremendous growth in the Calgary area created many problems for Foothills and Rocky View, which barely exist in the Eastern Region, but we are now all governed by the Preliminary Regional Plan for the entire Calgary Regional Planning Commission area, Council operates with various committees and councillors sit on other regional boards of which some will be submitting reports, so I have tried to confine my remarks to the regular business of Council. Kneehill personnel are playing a roll in Provincial affairs. Mr. Gordon King is past president and on the executive of Alberta Rural Administrators Association, Mr. Alex Cunningham is Secretary of the Provincial Utilities Officers Association, and Mr. Reg. Campbell is a director of the Provincial Fire Chiefs Association. We have good neighbors and working relations with other Boards and Councils within the district on matters of mutual concern. The smooth operation of any organization doing nearly three million dollars worth of business can only be accomplished with close co-operation of Council and the entire staff. It is a privilege to work with such a dedicated group of people in both employees and Council. 79 1977 is election year. It will be you - the ratepayers and residents - who will decide who will be responsible to look after your affairs at this local level of government for the next three years. The Minister of Municipal Affairs has suggested that the Reeve should be elected at large; whether this becomes mandatory remains to be seen. This is a good subject for citizen discussion. It has been a privilege to serve the people of this area for such a long time, 22 years as Councillor with 16 years as Reeve. The finest asset this municipality has are its people. Respectfully submitted Ralph W, wn, Reeve v MUNICIPALITY Municipal District of Kneehill N8GENERALOPERATINGFUND BALANCE SHEET FORM 38 As at December 31, 19_76 ASSETS 100 CASH ON HAND AND ON DEPOSIT 11336,144. t110CashonHand 3, 13 7 -45 120 Cash in Bank .............................................2 333-006.fi-6- 2 277-460, 7700RECEIVABLES 210 Taxes (to agree with Schedule A-2, item 12, page 6) ........3 184,660.17- 4220Fdralee 230 Provincial ................................................5 63,996,00 9250LocalGovernments 10 712.00 261 Due From Own Funds: Capital: 02 General 04 Water 7ecify)99 Other (s 152-14p Operating: 03 Water 99 Other (specify) 8 8,738,64 9270TradeAccounts 10280Accrued 290 Other (specify) 11 300 INVESTMENTS (Analysis of Investments, page 74) • . • . . • . • . • • 12 120.00 400 LOANS AND ADVANCES 410Short-Term 13 420 Long-Term 14 L 34. 928. 500 TANGIBLE ASSETS (Inventories) 15 413,264. 88 700OTHER ASSETS .7 435. 34 19ecifypith460Liabilities( (sT 9(1-4 15.9-prustAccounts (to agree w730 IP.uhllc..Reserve..T.rus.t... 1 740 Deposits .20 10. 00 790 Other ............................................21 2,221. 65 900 ACCUMULATED DEFICIT (credit Form 3, item 6, page 10) 22 TOTAL ASSETS 23 1 049, 353. 77 114 LIABILITIES 100 SHORT-TERM BORROWINGS (include overdrafts) 1 200 PAYABLE$ 44, .210 Federal 2 page 68)5 220 Provincial (include Re uisitionsUnpaid q4230LocalGovernments (include Requisitions Unpaid page 68)34,917. 6 241 Due To Own F unds Capital: 02 General 04 Water 99Other (specify) 5 Operating 03 Watere99Other ( specify)250 Trade Accounts 7 9,278. 72 260 Debenture installments 8 270 Accrued 9 290 Other (specify) to 300 LONG-TERM DEBT 310 Debentures (Schedule0-3, page 62) 11 350 OtherLong-Term Borrowings (Schedule Q-5, age 64) 12 400 OTHER LIABILITIES 5,253, 913420PrestfTpaymeno axe4reewith730Assets( (specifyk 460 Trust Accounts (to a 5,203. 3 . 69 g Pub.11,S..Reser.Ye. TF. 4st15470 Deposits 490 Other .....iB SD. 00 500 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES (to agree with Schedule A3 500, page 61 17 7 374. 5 600 RESERVES (to agree with ScheduleA-3, 600, page 6) 19 900 ACCUMULATED SURPLUS (debit Form 3, item 6, page 10) 193992. 528.TOTAL LIABILITIES 20 1 049 353. 4MUNICIPALITYMunicipalDistrictofRneebill048 GENERALOPERATINGFUND STATEMENTOFREVENUEANDEXPENDITUREFORM1-2 FortheFiscalYearEndedDecember31, 1976112 EXPENDITUREEstimatesActual 01GENERALGOVERNMENTSERVICES . . 01Legislative (includeForm51, page69)36,095.80 02GeneralAdministrative2143162.55 99Other . .31,300.00 02PROTECTIVESERVICES ' 'Ss1 ?711; 01PoliceProtection . . . 4 03FireProtection . 5 04EmergencyMeasures: 01DisasterServices: 01Director . 02Committee , . . 7 03AdministrativeProjects/ Programsa 04EmergencyPlanningProjects/Programs . . 9 05TrainingProjects/Programs - Exercises . ......10 99OtherProjects/ Programs . 11 99Other ..........1294 99Other1324,635.51 03TRANSPORTATIONSERVICES671600. 01,659,611.8 01CommonServices (onlyifForms7and/or13completed( 14 02RoadTransport (includestreetlighting( 15 99Other ..22 1,658,065 1,552. 81 04 04ENVIRONMENTALHEALTHSERVICES . . 02SewageCollection & Disposal . 23108.66 03Garbage & WasteCollection & Disposal2451109- 9999Other ...25 05PUBLICHEALTH & WELFARESERVICES9 .1 01Public & OtherHealth, MedicalCare, HospitalCare (includeCemeteries( ..2fi 05SocialWelfare . .27A7 06PreventiveSocialServices . - . . 28 99Other - 29 06ENVIRONMENTALDEVELOPMENTSERVICES94,550.0092980. 2 03AgriculturalServiceBoard3092,98028 07Housing ....31 99Other 667107RECREATION & CULTURALSERVICES & EDUCATION68, 7591.91 01RecreationBuildings & Facilities ....33 3402CulturalBuildings & Facilities . 3503RecreationPrograms (Facility) . 04CulturalPrograms (Facility) . .3a 05Education (notschoolrequisitions) . .37 06Programs (Non-Facility) .......................................39 99other ............................................................39 08FISCALSERVICES ........1,129,899. 01,121,777.191 01DebtCharges (toagreewithScheduleA-4, page6) .4018 , 03570 02TransferstoOwnReserves & Funds (toagreewithScheduleA-1, page6) 41280,51956 03UnconditionalTransferstoOtherGovernments & TheirAgencies toagreewithsub-total, Form50, page68) .....42 823, 22265 9901PreviousYears' DeficitsRecovered (creditForm3, item2„page10) ...43 TOTALEXPENDITURE52 SURPLUSFORYEAR (creditForm3aitem5e10)gp GRANDTOTAL 3188069.0226,678,93 AGRICULTURAL SERVICE BOARD OF THE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF KNEEHILL 048 THIRTY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT MEMBERS OF THE BOARD ARE: Mr, Reginald G. Campbell, Chairman, Mr. Leonard Litz, Mr. Harold Howe Mr. Neil Hempel Mr. Harold Mueller Mr. John C. Jeffery Mr. Russel Horvey Mr. Norman Soder Alternate Members are: Mr. Brian Laing, District Agriculturist Mr. Glenn Smyth, Assistant Agricultural Fieldman MEMBERSHIP AND MEETINGS: 80 Council Member Council Member Farmer Member - replaced in November by Farmer Member Farmer Member Secretary to the Board District Agriculturist Agricultural Fieldman We have a good active and co-operative Agricultural Service Board, under the able chairmanship of Reginald Campbell. Mr. Harold Howe's term of office expired in the fall. Harold was a good active member on the Board and contributed a great deal of time and effort to the A.S. B. work. Thank you Harold, we will miss your co-operation and contributions. Mr. Neil Hempel, who farms south west of Acme has been appointed to fill the vacancy on the Board, and we are looking forward to our association with him. We held eight Agricultural Service Board meetings in 1976. Three of these were held jointly with the Municipal Council, Our regular, A. S.B. meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of each month. The joint meetings with Council are held on the 4th Monday of the months of March, July and November. The Provincial A.S.B. conference was held in Red Deer the last week in February. CROPS:--GENERAL The dry windy conditions that prevailed in the fall of 1975 carried over into the spring of 1976. The dry, warm conditions caused the farmers a lot of concern, and rightly so, as there was a considerable amount of soil drifting. Fall and early spring seeded crops suffered quite extensively. One good point,however, was the ease that the farmers were able to seed their crops. Low areas were seeded that hadn't been seeded for years. Then towards the middle of June, the rains came, and for some farmers, crop yields were some of the best. One interesting point was that the fall crops which were seeded in 1975, which normally are harvested two weeks earlier than the spring seeded crops, did not get harvested until the spring grains were ready to be harvested. Some were even harvested after the spring crops. LIVESTOCK-:-GENERAL-- Livestock conditions throughout the area were generally good with the possible exception of the dry spring not allowing the pastures to develop as well as in other years. Hay crops were short this year as compared to other years, with some areas only producing one half of their normal yields and others, one third. Ample straw was baled for winter feed and grain reserves were good. Beef prices have been disappointing to farmers, hog prices have held up reasonably well with some drop 81 2- the latter part of the year. WEEDS: Weeds still continue to be a great problem to farmers with Wild Oats being on top of the list. In some areas, Canada Thistle is running a close second and Green Foxtail is coming in pretty strong. We feel that the outbreak of Scentless Mayweed which we had in 1974 and 1975 is under control providing we are aware of the infestations. The high humidity that we experienced in August and the first part of September really contributed to the weed growth. Toad Flax was located in many new areas. The Canada Thistle Program was quite well accepted and was used by 64 farmers in the area. ROADSIDE SPRAYING: i There were approximately 750 miles of roadside sprayed. We are attempting to spray all new grades that have been constructed in the past three years, and all secondary roads. Along with this, we sprayed a number of patches of the more persistant perennials. We also sprayed and treated some roadsides for brush control. For the early spraying we used a heavy application of 2 4-D Amine and for the patch spraying of the perennials we used Tordon. ROADSIDE-SEEDING,.- Approximately 50 miles of newly constructed ditches and barrow pits were seeded. Getting a quick catch of grass in these areas is still a problem, but considering the area, I expect that it will always remain one. Part of this seeding included construction that was done late in the fall of 1974, LIVESTOCK-INSECT-CONTROL:- Generally speaking this control is for warbles and lice. Altogether we sprayed 3500 head of cattle, for louse control. With the pour on treatments now available for s warble control, we do very little spraying for warbles. Warble inspection with compulsory treating started at all auction marts this year. This program will continue into 1977. SHELTERBELT SPRAYING: We sprayed 40 shelterbelts for the control of insects in 1976. This was up considerably over 1975. Spraying was done mostly for aphids, but there were odd infestations of the Spruce Sawfly and a new one to us, the larva of the Rusty Tussock Moth. FIELD CROP INSECTS: x The grasshopper population was down again this year, with very little spraying done. Results of our fall survey show that they should be down even more in 1977. There n were very few infestations of Flea Beetles and no reported infestations of the Bertha Army Worm. MUNICIPALITY MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF RNEEHILL N48,_ q T J71 GENERAL OPERATING FUND J STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE FORM 1.1 QQ~ ~n For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 194 REVENUE Estimates Actual item 2 a e 6reewithScheduleA-2100TAXESItoag 110 Real Property . _ ' ' '11 91r,690 A4 sessmentlfronta eflA120Si 35 J wL 2 7 &A 5 _Zgpecas 140 Business f. SnO kw.3 4,255 .20 190 Other (Power. Pipe, T V.).•520'015.00 51 O1 29 200 GRANTS IN LIEU OF TAXES 28 620 00 29 322.84 l 5210Federa 230 Provincial (to include A.G.T.l 5 250 Own Agencies 7 260 Other Local Governments 6 270 Non-Government Organizations g 290 Other _ ..10 300 SERVICES PROVIDED TO OTHER GOV'TS 310 Federal 12 330 Provincial ................13 350 Own Agencies 14 360 Other Local Governments . 15 390 Other ...............................................................1 400 SALES OF GOODS AND SERVICES 1, 4 0 . 0 412 Sewage Services 15 2,526 00 413 Waste Disposal Services 19 419 other Public Utilities 20 420 Sale of Goods . . . . 21 430 Sale of Services 22 1. -A fi 301 480 Recreational and Cultural 23 490 Other 24 500 OTHER REVENUE FROM OWN SOURCES 514 Mobile Unit Licenses 25 7,426 519 Other: Licenses and Permits 27 R, 46- 520 Fines (municipal by-laws only( 26 530 Rentals 29 540 Concessions and Franchises 30 550 Returns on Investments 31 560 Penalties and Costs Ito include Schedule A-2, item 3, page 6) 32 590 Other 33 11 770.12 600 UNCONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM OTHERGOVTS a e 65(Schedule R 322,000.00 326,680.1 gp 610 Federal 34 620 Provincial 35 326,680 a 630 Other Local Governments 38 700 CONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM FEDERAL OR PROVINCIAL GOVTS&THEIR AGENCIES 286,694. 00 Schedule R,page 65)334.80 37710Federal 730 Provincial 35 800 CONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM OTHER 600.00 62.05 62.5 LOCAL GOV'TS(Schedule R, page 65)......... 900 OTHER TRANSFERS (Schedule R, page 65) - 910 From Own Reserves & Allowances: 911 Prior Years' Surplus (debit Form 3, item 2, page 10) 40 912 Reserve for Future Expenditures 41 913 Allowance for Uncollectible Taxes 42 919 Other 920 From Other Funds 44secify)O eratin ppg CapitaC (specify) 45 990 Other (specify) . . TOTAL REVENUE p item 5 a e 10)DEFICIT FOR YEAR (debit F rm 3 gpo GRAND TOTAL 3138,069.00 226 678. 3 c, c~ e c~2MUNICIPALITYMunicipalDistrictofKneehill #48 CONSOLIDATIONOFOPERATINGFUNDSTATEMENTSOFREVENUEANDEXPENDITURE Forms1, 7, 13,19, 25, 31, 37, and43 - asapplicable) FortheFiscalYearEndedDecember31, 197-6 REVENUE 100TAXES . 200GRANTSINLIEUOFTAXES9 300SERVICESPROVIDEDTOOTHERGOVERNMENTS 400SALESOFGOODSANDSERVICESg66,273.Off- 500OTHERREVENUEFROMOWNSOURCES . . .82,949.1 600UNCONDITIONALTRANSFERSFROMOTHERGOVERNMENTSr 700CONDITIONALTRANSFERSFROMFEDERALORPROVINCIAL GOVERNMENTSANDTHEIRAGENCIES _285,129. 7 9 800CONDITIONALTRANSFERSFROMOTHERLOCALGOVERNMENTS .T25 900OTHERTRANSFERS .571.3 TOTALREVENUE67_7 DEFICITFORYEAR GRANDTOTAL EXPENDITURE 01GENERALGOVERNMENTSERVICES 02PROTECTIVESERVICES 03TRANSPORTATIONSERVICES 04ENVIRONMENTALHEALTHSERVICES 05PUBLICHEALTHANDWELFARESERVICES 06ENVIRONMENTALDEVELOPMENTSERVICES . 07RECREATIONANDCULTURALSERVICESANDEDUCATION .69759A 08FISCALSERVICES . 09OTHERSERVICES 51SCHOOLSERVICES _ TOTALEXPENDITURE . .1201 -4-411 SURPLUSFORYEAR . .12 '140S2 GRANDTOTAL . . ExcludeInterfundOperatingtransfers. Toincludefunctions52to59inclusive, page53, CONSOLIDATIONOFOPERATINGFUNDBALANCESHEETS Forms2, 8, 14, 20, 26, 32, 38and44 - asapplicable) AsatDecember31, 1916 ASSETS 100CASHONHANDANDONDEPOSIT .336144.1 200RECEIVABLES279271.1 300INVESTMENTS .120.0 400LOANSANDADVANCES14928.7 500TANGIBLEASSETS413264.8 700OTHERASSETS7435.4 900ACCUMULATEDDEFICIT TOTALASSETS LIABILITIES 100SHORT-TERMBORROWINGS . . 200PAYABLES 300LONG-TERMDEBT 400OTHERLIABILITIES 500ASSETVALUATIONALLOWANCES7,374.5 600RESERVES 900ACCUMULATEDSURPLUS9739.7 TOTALLIABILITIES169.1.11511 82 3- PORTABLE LIVESTOCK SCALE: The weigh scale was used by 40 farmers. This scale is available to farmers on a rental basis of $5.00 per day providing the farmer picks up the scale and does his own weighing. Should we get involved the charge is $15.00 for the first hour and $10.00 per hour thereafter. TREE PLANTING: The number of trees planted were up to 69,300 trees with an additional 2500 trees planted by farmers on their own. Anyone interested in trees for 1978 should get their applications in early in 1977. Approximately 90 farmers received trees in 1976. The 1977 spring planting of trees to be done by the Service Board will be for shrub type trees only, including caraganas, lilac and honeysuckle, providing there is over 200 trees to plant. PROGRAMS: Besides our normal cost sharing programs this year such as gully filling, control of infestations of perennial weeds on private farm land, etc., we had three new programs. One was for the control of Canada Thistle on summerfallow and on stubble after harvest, another was on weed and brush control in pastures and the other was for Alkali problems. We did not get the Alkali program off the ground. We only used one third of the funds that were available for weed and brush control, but we did go over our available funds on the Canada Thistle Program. PARKS: We have three parks in the Municipal District that we maintain - Keiver's Lake, Swalwell and Tolman. We are still having problems with vandalism at these parks, but it wasn't as serious in 1976 as in other years. GENERAL: We still miss not having the District Agriculturist and Home Economist in our office. It does appear that the general public has got used to them being in their new office in the Provincial Building. I would like to thank the members of the Agricultural Service Board, the Councillors on the Municipal Council, the Staff of Alberta Agriculture and the Office Staff and other Municipal Staff that we work with for their help and co-operation in 1976. I enjoy working with the farmers in this municipality. Again I extend an invitation to you to come into our office to discuss your weed, pest, erosion or any other problems that we may be able to assist you with. Respectfully submitted Norman Soder, Agricultural Fieldman ExcludeInterfundOperatingReceivablesandPayables.