HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977 Financial StatementsPROVINCE OF ALBERTA ALBERTA MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS FINANCIAL STATEMENT Hills Community Centre 1 :30 p.m. 0MUNICIPALITYxNEE11ILL,#48 CONSOLIDATION OF OPERATING FUND STATEMENTS OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE Forms 1, 7, 13, 19, 25, 31, 37, and 43 - as applicable) For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1917 REVENUE 661,1402 24 100 TAXES 0 GRANTS IN LIEU OF TAXES 35,392 89 20 300 SERVICES PROVIDED TO OTHER GOVERNMENTS 400 SALES OF GOODS AND SERVICES 66 033 89 500 OTHER REVENUE FROM OWN SOURCES 282,917 60 600 UNCONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTS 700 CONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM FEDERAL OR PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENTS AND THEIR AGENCIES 296,459 76 800 CONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM OTHER LOCAL GOVERNMENTS 900 OTHER TRANSFERS 997 04 TOTAL REVENUE 3,697,513 77 DEFICIT FOR YEAR GRAND TOTAL 3 697 513 77 EXPENDITURE Oi GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES 207,127 88 02 PROTECTIVE SERVICES 84,678 08 03 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 1,572,699 17 04 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 13,616 31 05 PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE SERVICES 9,918 7 06 ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 93,546 79 07 RECREATION AND CULTURAL SERVICES AND EDUCATION 69.886 1 08 FISCAL SERVICES 1.257.766 22 09 OTHER SERVICES 51 SCHOOL SERVICES TOTAL EXPENDITURE Ito agree with Grand Total, Total Column form 54, page 71.1)3 309 239 43 SURPLUS FOR YEAR 388 274 34 GRAND TOTAL 3 697 513 77 Exclude Interfund Operating transfers. To include functions 52 to 59 inclusive, page 53. CONSOLIDATION OF OPERATING FUND BALANCE SHEETS Forms 2, S, 14, 20, 26, 32, 36 and 44 - as applicable) As at December 31, 19 77 ASSETS 323738 78 100 CASH ON HAND AND ON DEPOSIT ABLES 425,52'68 200 RECEIV VESTMENTS 120 00 300 IN OANS AND ADVANCES40 12,393 81 L0 0 TANGIBLE ASSETS 398, 474 23 50 700 OTHER ASSETS 18, 249 88 A TEO DEFICIT TOTAL ASSETS 1, 593,152 38 LIABILITIES 100 SHORT-TERM BORROWINGS . 200PAYABLES 300 LONG-TERM DEBT 102,790 65 4000THERUABILITIES 600 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES 11,615 6,377 88 91 600 RESERVES 90,000 00 900 ACCUMULATE0SURPLUS 1,382,367 9 TOTALUABILITIES 1,593,152 38 Exclude labrfund Operating Receivables and Payables. 0MUNICIPALITY . I01MMUM.M48........... L_LJ_1_J GENERAL OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE FORM 1-A For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19-1.7 Page4 receivedfromourA.S.B. members, thecouncillorsontheMunicipal Council, theOfficeStaff, theStaffofAlbertaAgriculture, allof theM.D. employeesaswellasallthefarmersthatweworkwith. Thisco-operationmakesourworkmucheasierandpleasant. Wearealwayspleasedtohavefarmersdropintoouroffice todiscussproblemsthatwemaybeofassistanceinsolving. Respectfullysubmitted NormanSoder, AgriculturalFieldman GlennSmyth, AssistantAgriculturalFieldman f REVENUE Estimates Actual 100 TAXES Ito agree with Schedule A-2 item 2 page 6 2,658,904 00 2.661.140 2 110 Real Properly 1 2,079,048 120 Special Assessmer4(frontege)5,238 93 140 Business s 190 Other (Power, Pipe, TV.)572,507 77 200 GRANTS IN UEU OF TAXES 35,392 69 l210Fd 6erae 6T230Provincial (to include A G 34 6 0 05 n A encies250Ogw 260 Other Local Governments 270 Non-Government Organizations t290Other 300 SERVICES PROVIDED TO OTHER GOVTS 310 Federal 12 330 Provincial to 350 Oran Agencies I1 360 Other Local Governments I 390 Other 1 400 SALES OF GOODS AND SERVICES . 32, 300 00 58, 538 28 412 Sewage Services 18 413 Waste Disposal Services I 20419OtherPublicUtilities 420 Sale of Goods 21 39 438 49 430 Sale of Services 22 16 309 79 480 Recreational and Cultural 2 490 Other 5 00 500 OTHER REVENUE FROM OWN SOURCES 115 900 00 282,917 60 514 Mobile Unit Licenses 26 10,871 27 519 Other. Licenses and Permits 27 29,538 19 520 Fines (municipal by-laws only) 28 530 Rentals 20 193,488 75 3a540ConcessionsandFranchises 23 5 5 9550ReturnsonInvestments31 560 Penalties and Costs (to include Schedule A2, item 3, page 6) 32 18,194 87 590 Other 33 7.038 93 600 UNCONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM OTHER GOV'TS 357 142page65)Schedule R 00 354 572 35 610 Federal 34 620 Provincial 36 354.572 135 630 Other Local Governments 36 700 CONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM FEDERAL OR PROVINCIAL GOVTS &THEIR AGENCIES 296 9 715 Schedule R, page 65) 281 500 DO 710 Federal 3 730 Provincial 3 296,459 76 800 CONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM OTHER 39 LOCAL GOVTS (Schedule R, page 65) 900 OTHER TRANSFERS (Schedule R, page 65)997 04 910 From Own Reserves & Allowances: 911 Prior Years' Surplus (debit Form 3, item 2, page 10) 4D 912 Reserve for Future Expenditures M 913 Allowance for Uncollectible Taxes 43 997 04 919 Other . 43 920 From Other Funds: Operating (specfyy) 44 Capital: (specify) 46 990Other(specify) 46 TOTAL REVENUE 3,445,746 100 47 a e 10)DEFICIT FOR YEAR (debit Form 3 item 5 7gp GRANDTOTAL 3 445 7 690 18 1 3 MUNICIPALITY 1 .448 . GENERAL OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE FORM 1-2 For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1977 111 EXPENDITURE Estimates Actual 01 GENERAL" GOVERNMENT SERVICES 201 200 00 207,127188 01 Legislative (include Form 51, page 69) 1 33,317 40 02 General Administrative p 172.6.10 99 Other 1,200 00 02 PROTECTIVE SERVICES 86,104100 84,678158- 01 Polka Protection 4 03 Fire Protection a 04 Emergency Measures: 01 Disaster Services. 01 Director 5 11, 703 2g 02 Committee 7 03 Administrative Projects/Programs a 04 Emergency Planning Projects/Programs g 05 Training Projects/Programs - Exercises .............................10 99 Other Projects/Programs ..........................................11 99 Other 12 829 48,963 60 90 99 Other Is A - I Al AA 03 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 1,771,550100 1,572,69911 7 01 Common Services (only if Forms 7 and/or 13 completed) A 02 Road Transport (include street lighting) ma 1.572.199 117 99 Other 500 00 04 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 8 200 00 6,829110 02 Sewage Collection & Disposal 23 507 25_ 03 Garbage & Waste Collection & Disposal 24 99 Other 25 6,321 85 05 PUBLIC HEALTH & WELFARE SERVICES 7 0 0 00 9,918197 01 Public & Other Health, Medical Care, Hospital Care (include Cemeteries) . .26 05 Social Welfare 27 9,918 97 O6 Preventive Social Services ............................................2a 99 Other 06 ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 103 725 00 93 546 79 03 Agricultural Service Board ............................................30 93,546 79 07 Housing 31 99 Other 11 7 207RECREATION & CULTURAL SERVICES & EDUCATION . 01 Recreation Buildings & Facilities 33 11,152 01 02 Cultural Buildings & Facilities 34 03 Recreation Programs (Facility) 35 58,734 00 04 Cultural Programs (Facility) • • 3e 05 Education (not school requisitions) • - . • . . . . . 37 06 Programs (Non-Facility)3a 99 her 39 OB FISCAL SERVICES 1,200,753100 1 257 196 17 01 Debt Charges (to agree with Schedule A-4, page 6) • . • . . • • . . 40 02 Transfers to Own Reserves & Funds (to agree with Schedule A-1, page 6) 41 15,502 276,492 2 03 Unconditional Transfers to Other Governments & Their Agencies Ito agree with sub-total, Form 50, page 661 .............................42 965 - POI 99.01 Previous Years' Deficits Recovered (credit Form 3, item 2, page 10) 43 TOTAL EXPENDITURE 3.445. 746 00 52 3 301.882 127 SURPLUS FOR YEAR (credit Form 3, item 5, page 10) GRAND TOTAL 3 445 746 00 38 1 5 3,69 0 018 9 1 0 0 Page 3 at no charge. TREE PLANTING: We had 139 applications for trees from the area for 1977 planting, which made a total of 120,000 trees. Of these, approximately 115,000 trees were planted by the A.S.B. BARBER SPREADER: Possibly due to the late harvest, it did not appear that there was as much wild oat herbicide spread as in other years. Our spreader was only used to spread Avadex on 2122 acres, EMERGENCY WATER TANKS: The M.D. purchased three 1000 gallon water tanks with motor driven pumps. These were purchased through an emergency program that was funded by Alberta Agriculture. The program was designed to assist farmers whose water supply had deminished due to lack of water run-off. The water tanks were only used by a few farmers for hauling water last fall. They are presently being used as emergency water supply units to assist the fire departments. Alberta Agriculture also made a large dugout pumping outfit available to farmers in the area. A number of dugouts were filled in this manner. PARKS AND CEMETERIES: We have three parks in the M. n. that are serviced by the A. S, B. There was not as much vandalism at the parks in 1977. Fire wood is costly and is in continuous demand. The'A.S.B. is looking after the maintenance of fifteen cemeteries. Considerable time is spent each year keeping these in shape. PROGRAMS: Besides the normal cost sharing programs that we have, we had a program on Alkali Native Pasture Improvement and some more extensive demonstrations. The demonstrations included No Till Herbicides and Cereal Varieties plots. While we are watching the No Till with tongue in cheek, we had some interesting results from the herbicide plots and a number of farmers found the varieties plots very interesting and informative. Again we did not get the Alkali program off the ground. We feel that this program is worthy of some serious consideration, but if we have no better results in 1978 than we did in 1976 and 1977, we will probably be dropping it, GENERAL: Brian Lang who was working with Russ Norvey giving us an office with two District Agriculturists, was transferred to Provost last spring. Phillip Scott, District Agriculturist transferred here from the Olds office in January, 1978. We are very impressed with the co-operation that we have 4 µPage 2newinfestatiorsin1977. GreenFoxtailappearstohave spreadgenerallythroughoutthedistrict. PersianDarnel, another annualgrassthatgrowssimilarlytoGreenFoxtailisinthearea. Theproblemwithnewweedsisthattheycanbeprettywellestablished beforetheyarenoticed. WedidnothaveaCanadaThistleControl Programin1977, aswedidin1976. eROADSIDE SPRAYING: iWecompletelysprayedandinsomecases, patchsprayed986miles ofroadside. Weplanonsprayingallnewconstructioncompletedin thepastthreeyearstohelpassistthenewgrassseedtobecome established.WealsopatchsprayedpatchesofCanadaThistle, ToadFlaxand someofthemorepersistantweedsinareaswherethegrassseed isestablished, butpatchesofweedshavebecome established.Wealsotreatedsomeroadsidesforbrush control.ROADSIDE SEEDING:Seventyfivemilesofroadsideditchwasseededtograss followingnewconstructionin1977. Burrowpitswerealsoseeded. We normallyuseamixtureof50% CrestedWheat, 45% CreepingRedFescueand 5%Alfalfa. Wewill, however, makespecialmixesonrequestfromthe farmerinvolvedforseedingburrowpits, orroadsidesthataretobeused forhay production.LIVESTOCKINSECT CONTROL:Thenumberofcattlesprayedforwarblesandlicewasdawn from1976. In1976wesprayed3500head, whilein1977weonlysprayed 1100head. Oneoftheproblemsisthatlicearegenerallymoreactivein thecoldermonths. Wehavenowpurchasedafoggerthatcanbeusedin thecolderweather. Itshouldworkmuchbetterthanusingwateras wehavebeen before.SHELTERBELT SPRAYING:Ourshelterbeltsprayingprogramwasdownabitfrom1976with 35farmsteadssprayedascomparedto40in1976. Alotofthedamage toshelterbeltsiscausedbyclimaticconditions, suchasdrought, frostandscalding. Someherbicidedamagehasalsobeen evident.FIELDCROP INSECTS: +Withthegrasshopperpopulationdown, therewasnospraying donethatwewereawareof. Therewerenoreportsofanyotherinsects, suchastheBerthaArmyWorm. Somewirewormdamagewassuspectedin thespring, butitwasnotserious. Itappearsthatweshouldbe okayfor1978insofarasanyseriousoutbreaksof pests, +PORTABLELIVESTOCK SCALE:Theweighscalewasonlyusedby13farmersin1977. This isdownfrom40farmersin1976. Thereisarentalchargeforthe useofthescaletoindividualfarmers. 4-Hclubshavetheuseofthe scale MUNICIPALITY ...................................1eJZMW+. # E48......................................GENERAL OPERATING FUND BALANCE SHEET FORM 2 As at Deaembitr 31, 19.77 I~ ASSETS 100 CASH ON HAND AND ON DEPOSIT 738, 323178 110 Cash on Hand ............................................116,211 00 120 Cash in Bank 722,112 78 200 RECEIVABLES 423,641 19 t item12210Taxes (to agree with ScheduleA-2 page 6)194,522 23 220 Federal .................................................. 4 230 Provincial .565,744 14 250 Local Governments 6 18.616 14 261 Due From Own Funds X7Capital02 General 134,170 0 04 Water 99 Other ( specify)Operating: 03 Water X ............................8 7,979 72 99 Other ( specify)270 Trade Accounts .........................................9 2 608 86 280 Accrued 290 Other( I ) 11 300 INVESTMENTS (Analysis of Investments, page 74) 12 120 00 400 LOANS AND ADVANCES 12,393 181 410 Short- Term 420 Long-Term 14 12 393 8 500 TANGIBLE ASSETS (Inventories) 15 398, 474 23 700 OTHER ASSETS .730 Trust Accounts (to agree with 460 Liabilities) (specifyE W9,939 88 Tar, SAle, TrustR.Vb.1kC. RestCY.C. 71zvgt 740 Deposits 20 8,310 00 790 Other 21 900 ACCUMULATED DEFICIT (credit Form 3, item 6, page 10) 22 TOTAL ASSETS 23 1 591 202 89 114 LIABILITIES 100 SHORT-TERM BORROWINGS (include overdrafts) 1 200 PAYABLES 102,790 1. g5_2 210 Federal 220 Provincial (include Requisitions Unpaid page 68) 3 230 Local Governments (include Requisitions Unpaid page 68) . 4 35,311 4 241 Due To Own Funds5Capital: 02 General 04 Water 99 Other ( specify)6 Operating: 03 Water 99 Other ( specify)250 Trade Accounts T 67,479 01 260 Debenture Installments 270 Accrued 290 Other 300LONG-TERM DEBT 310 Debentures (ScheduleO.3, page 62) 11 350 OtherLong-Term Borrowings (Schedule0-5, page 64( 12 400 OTHER LIABILITIES 1 Ol13420Prepaymentof Taxes 460 Trutt Accounts (to agree with 730 Assets) (specify)1A 9,939 88 a t. Sa>e.? XVAt h~><3G. A09.2C1:2.x['WS. t 470 Deposits 16 1,000 00 490 her 11 7 00 500 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES (to agree with Schedule A-3,500, page 61 1T B00RESERVES ES Ito agree with ScheduleA-3, 600, page 6)900 ACCUMULATED SURPLUS debit Form 3, it.. 1, Pa 10)TOT MUNICIPALITY KNEEHILL#48 GENERAL OPERATING FUND 08.02 TRANSFERS TO OWN RESERVES 6 FUNDS SCHEDULE A-1 During the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1977 15 01 Reserves & Allowances flBe8: ,,.,For 1977.Expgn$e ro9rams..Nat-..Completed 1 90.0 0 00 AGRICULTURAL SERVICE BOARD OF THE MUNICIPAL DI STRICT OF KNEEHILL /48 Allowances:2 THIRTY SECOND ANNUAL REPORT 02 Own Funds 1 3-40 1A MEMBERS OF THE BOARD ARE: Operating: Water Frontage X........3 Utility Deficit (specify)1 Mr. Reginald C. Campbell, Chairman Council Member Other(speci Ge al Ca italt 185 161 42 a Mr. Leonard Litz Council Member Capital: lspecih').........?k Mr, Neil Hempel Farmer Member Mr. Harry Church Farmer Member Mr. Herman Martens Secretary to the Board 08.02 TOTAL TRANSFERS TO OWN RESERVES kFUNDS (toagree with 08.02,pegs 4) 51 276 492125 Mr. Russel Horvey District Agriculturist Mr. Norman Soder Ag. Fieldman TAXES RECEIVABLE SCHEDULE A-2 Mr. Glenn Smyth Assistant Ag. Fieldman As at December 31,197 117 Current Year's Levy Prior Year's Arrears Taxes on Property Acquired For Taxes Total not including Property Acquired for Taxes)toagreewithpage73 Balance Jan. 1 192.71 1 182,768 91 z 1,891 26 184.66 Current Levy (100, page 3)2 2-,46_1,1,4-C 24 3. Penalties and Costs in 1927 to 560, page 3)7,40 70 10,658 51 18,06 6 21 Taxes Reinstated4 353 73 353 7 Taxes Transferred5 6. Amounts Placed on Roll for Collection: Utility Accounts Other 7. TOTAL DUE 2,668,547 9 193.427 4L 2g244 1)9 8. Collections in 1917 including Costs e 2 527 42 05 9 140 599 60 939 83 2 668 965 48 9. Discounts Allowed (to Schedule Ai, 930, page 6) 10. Cancellations 28 7 34 53 410 94 2 73 11. Taxes Transferred 12. UNCOLLECTED TAXES (toml to agree with 210 Assets, page 5) .....I 14 140,83 72 is 5297931 29 16 894 22 17 194,522 2 Must be shown in appropriate Surplus/Deficit Accounts. ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES AND RESERVES SCHEDULE A-3 As at December 31, 1977 500 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES: (to agree with 5x70 Liabilities, page 5) specify) 6 377 91 Uncollectable.. Taxes 600 RESERVES: Ito agree with 600 Liabilities, page 5) 90,000 00 Specify) , Re:,,, 1977, Expenditures..{;o, be, competed, p„1978,,,,,,,,, 11DuringtheFiscalYearEndedDecember31..19-27 6 810 Interest on Short-Term loans 821 Interest on Debenture Debt (Schedule 0-1 page 60)4,493 6 page 60)829 Interest on Other Long-Term Borrowings (Schedule 0.1 831 Principal on Debenture Debt (Schedule 0-1 page 60)1,804 4- 839 Principal on Other Long-Term Borrowings (Schedule 0.1, page 60) , . . . . . . . . . 890 Other 930 Discounts (include Schedule A-2, item 9) specify) 08-01 TOTAL DEBT CHARGES (to agree with 08-01, page 4)15 50 3 MEMBERSHIP AND MEETINGS: We had a good year with the Agricultural Service Board in 1977. Our Chairman, Reg. Campbell does an excellent job of keeping things rolling. We have had very good co-operation from the members on the Board with all showing good interest and genuine concern for the farmers in the M.D. and the activities of the Board. Harold Mueller's term of office expired last fall. Harold was a good member on the Board, contributing a great deal to its functions. Thank you Harold for your co-operation, Harry Church has been appointed to fill this vacancy on the Board and is doing a very good job. We held eleven A.S.B. meetings in 1977, with three being joint meetings with the Council. We attended the Provincial Conference in Red Deer in February, the A.S.B. Weed Tour in Vermillion in July, and the 1977 Regional A.S.S. Conference was hosted by our local Board and was held in Three Hills on November 30th. Our regular meeting day is the third Monday of every month with the exception of the joint meetings with Council which are held on the fourth Monday. CROPS GENERAL: The dry conditions that prevailed in the fall of 1976 carried over into the spring of 1977. Seeding conditions were good in the spring, but germination in some areas was a problem. Some seed was seeded deeper than normal and when the rains did come, it parched the soil making it hard for the seedling to emerge. This resulted in some re-seeding. Some areas of the M.D. were dry most of the summer with other areas receiving ample rain. Harvest conditions were another story with a lot of moisture resulting in some crops laying in swaths for over two months. Yields of crops varied from poor to extremely good. LIVESTOCK GENERAL: Livestock conditions throughout the year were generally good with the exception of the spring when it was so dry that pastures did not produce any growth until on in June. There were few reports on losses to livestock. Cattle prices left something to be desired. WEEDS: Wild oats and Canada Thistle are probably the two weeds that are causing the farmers the greatest loss and concern. We felt that the Sentless Mayweed was pretty well under control in 1976, but we found two 6 Page3 Governmentgrantsarenotkeepingpacewithinflation. Itis difficulttomaintainnormalservices, withoutfurthermillrate increases. Wearelookingata6% increaseingrantsfroma governmentthatalloweda20% increaseinfuelalonelastyear. Wehaveincreasedwages6% for1978, beinginlinewith provincialguidelines. Theemployeesfeelthatisinadequate, asthe costoflivingindexrose9%. Inthefuturewhenourhighcostmachineswillneedreplacing, a changeinoperationswillbenecessary, eitherwithdoubleshifts andfewermachines, orgoingtomaintenanceandemergencyequipment andcontractingthebalance. Counciliswatchingthissituation carefullyasitisourpolicytogetthebestdollarvalue foryou, thetaxpayer. AgainithasbeenaprivilegetoservethisMunicipalDistrict asReeve, andworkwiththededicatedpeopleonbothelectedand employedbasis. Respectfullysubmitted RalphW. Brown, Reeve. t MUNICIPALITY MEEHILL-048....... GENERAL CAPITAL FUND STATEMENT OF CAPITAL FINANCING FORM 4 For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 197? FINANCES ACQUIRED Estimates Actual UNEXPENDED FUNDS FROM PREVIOUS YEARS 1 LONG-TERM DEBT INCURRED Debentures )issued to Federal) .2 Debentures (issued to Provincial)3 Debentures (Issued to Others) -4 Other Long-Term Borrowings . . . . . . . .5 TRANSFERS (Schedule S, page fib & Form 6, item 3, page 101 221,700 00 207,465 42 d lFF 8romeera T 22 304FromProvincial From Local Governments a From Own Reserves From Other Funds. Operating (specify) General,185,161 2 C ecritl(s l Atapapy From Other ispecify) . . .12 OTHER (Form 6, item3, page 10) .51,000 00 69.925 1 Q1 F./A1ets(lncluding TemporarylfFidAS 13 67,562 0 a e o xe ss Return on Investments 14 Other (specify) Public. Reserve, Trost 15 2.362 1 TOTAL ACQUIRED 272,700 00 277.322 1 43 OVEREXPENDITURE to be provided by 6,000 00 96,055 28 erating FundmOwnOntibutinsfrC 16 prooo Borrowing Approved but not Received 17 Temporary F.SaleofAssets IS 10,331 96 Other (specify) Debenivres 19 85,723 2 GRAND TOTAL .3588,700 D 20 373.4!15 1 _U) 122 FINANCES APPLIED Estimates Actual OVEREXPENDITURE OF PREVIOUS YEARS . .6 200 00 11 6.152 1 14, FIXED ASSETS (do not separate Works in Progress)352,500 00 321,241 78 cturesinrinStrEn 2 90,477 65 g gee u 3 ildin sB 8,099 17 gu uipment-Alberta Disaster Services excluded 4 EMachiner 206,484 95 qy Machinery & Equipment-Alberta Disaster Services-Cost Shared 5 Machinery & Equipment-Alberta Disaster Services-Grant 6 Land . T 887 65 Other (Temporary Acquisition of Fixed Assets) 11 15 292 36 OTHER (Form 6, iten 3, page 10)........ a Interest on Short-Term Borrowings 10 esOtherFinancialCharg Transfers to Own Reserves & Funds (to agree with Schedule B-1, page 9) 11 12 ifthOG yovernmenspecersTransferstot Other (specify) .......t TOTAL APPLIED 311, 700 00 UNEXPENDED FUNDS (set out details below)W 46051 79 GRANDTOTAL .700358 DO t 5 445373,71 uucrocuncn niune Expended By-Law No. lif applicable) Source of Funds Project if applicable) Total Funds Received Current Year Total of Previous Years Unexpended Deben ture Grant Huxley Sewer S1 45R 16 4.7S4-AD 6'0 JA~A.Ul er eratjM Machin-211,4Rn 68 40 000 DO- TOTAL (to agree with Unexpended Funds in above Statement)46,051 79, 7 MUNICIPALITY ..................................1Qi!,if!98 GENERAL CAPITAL FUND BALANCE SHEET FORM 5 As at December 31, 1977 123 ASSETS 100 CASH ON HAND AND ON DEPOSIT 110 Cash on Hand ...........................................1 120 ash in Bank .............................................i 200 RECEIVABLES 220 Federal .................................................4 230 Provincial ............................................5 250 Local Governments ......................................a 261 Due From Own Funds: Operating: 01 General ..................................7 03 Water 99 Other (specify) Capital: 04 Water a 99 Other (specify) 170 Trade Accounts ..........a 280 Accrued ..........................................10 290 Other (specify) 11 300 INVESTMENTS (Analysis of Investments, page 74) 11, 400 LOANS AND ADVANCES 410 Short-Term 19 420 Lo -Term 14 500 TANGIBLE ASSETS 2.765.21 88 520 Temporary Acquisition of Fixed Assets (include Land for Resale)10,331 86 530 Fixed Assets (to agree with Schedule B-2, page 9) ..........1T 2,754,884 62 600 DEBT CHARGES RECOVERABLE 71 35 700 OTHER ASSETS 730 Trust Accounts (to agree with 460 Liabilities) (specify) 19 740 Deposits . . 20 790 Other Zf 22900ACCUMULATEDDEFICIT (credit Form 6, item 8, page 10) TOTAL ASSETS 2 765 92 2 124 LIABILITIES 100 SHORT-TERM BORROWINGS (include overdrafts) _ 200 PAYABLES 5 00 4 210 Federal 2 220 Provincial 3 230 Local Governments 4 241 Due To Own Funds. Operating. 01 General 5 50,003 49 03 Water . 99 Other (specify) . Capital: 04 Water 6 99 Other)spec,fy) 250 Trade Accounts ...7 270 Accrued . .9 290 Other (specify) 19 300 LONG-TERM DEBT 51,784 310 Debentures (Schedule 0-3, page 62) . 11 51.785 46 350 Other Lon Term Borrowings (Schedule Q-5, page 64)... 1? 400 OTHER LIABILITIES 460 Trust Accounts Ito agree with 730 Assets) (specify) 14 470 Deposits ............................................13 490 Other M 500 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES (to agree with Schedule B-3,500, page 9)17 600 RESERVES (to agree with Schedule B-3,600, page 9) 700 EQUITY IN FIXED ASSETS debit Form 6, item 8, page 10)4 28 TOTAL LIABILITIES 20 2 765.92 0 0 Page 2 We have opened a new pit for our Sanitary Landfill on the Town of Three Hills property near their sewage lagoon. Provincial regulations are making this a costly operation. We are supplying house to house garbage pickup to our hamlets. The one landfill site is very inconvenient for those living in the more removed areas of the municipality. There is a committee looking into a dump box system which would give better service to all, and get the garbage completely out of this municipality. The proposal is a regional landfill at Drumheller, serving Rneehill, Starland, Wheatland, I.D. 7 and the City of Drumheller. I personally believe this project is worthy of support. There may be provincial assistance available for this type of project. We have contacted some groups regarding their cemeteries. It is our wish that those who now maintain their cemeteries, continue to do so. However there are some cemeteries which are still being used, but have no active church or group of trustees in charge of the cemetery. In these cases, if those concerned wish, the municipality will endeavour to secure title and in that way there will be continuity of ownership and better control of the records. Assessment and taxation is always good for discussion. There are a few things happening that we should be aware of. Farm land assessment has not changed substantially in nearly 50 years, so there is a strong push to have it increased. If market or replacement value is a common denominator to compare assessments, then industry and farmland are not far apart. The problem comes about with the assessment of land other than farmland, being assessed at a percentage of market value. With the escalation of land values in the past few years, we find part of the assessment package increasing rapidly, while scme is remaining static. This brings to our area theproblem of taxation of small holdings. Those classed agricultural pay practically nothing, while those not able to qualify as agricultural are paying on very high assessments. It is the writer's humble opinion that neither situation is desirable. All assessment procedures are governed by provincial legislation. Planning is not popular, it is considered something that others should do, however it shouldn't be unrealistic to protect residential properties to some ettent from offensive operations, to leave 4 agricultural land as such, and encourage development in such a way as to use minimum of municipal services. At the time of writing the new Planning Act has not been proclaimed. When this is done, a new Preliminary Regional Plan will be adopted for the Calgary Regional Planning Commission of which Rneehill is a member. b At elections last fall the entire council was returned for another three year term. There was only one el'ction and that was in Division 2. This was a very closely contended election. It should be noted that our returning officer and deputy returning officers did their job in a very capable manner. THEMUNICIPALDISTRICTOFKNEEHILL #48 REEVE'S-REPORT-FOR-1977 Itisagainaprivilegetoreportonsomeofthehighlightsinthe operationoftheMunicipalDistrictofKneehillR48. Thefinancesare coveredbyfinancialstatement& Othermembersofcouncilwillreport onvariouscommittees. 1977wasnotagoodyearformostfarmers. Droughtandadecline ingrainprices, coupledwitheverincreasingcostsoffarmimputs, isworkingarealhardshiponmanyfarmers. Cattlepriceshaveimproved. Thereareseveralfactorsthatcontributedtoasurplusfinancial position. Thecapitalbudgetwasunderspent, simplybecausewedidnot buyasmuchequipmentasplanned. Wehavebeenbuyinggraveltrucksin thefallfortheheavywinteruse, howeverwedidnotdothisin1977. Atleasttwoofthetandumtrucksshouldbereplacedsoon. ThegovernmentpaidfortheSwalwellAccessRoad - 3.36miles. Thisroadisofhighwaystandard. Thefiveweeksofearningmoney withourequipmentinsteadofspendinghelpedourfinancialsituation. Earlyintheyeartherevenuefromoilwelldrillingrigswas practicallytripled, socoupledwithayearofhighactivity, there wasamuchgreaterrevenuethananticipated. Ourassessmentwentupby $414,557. assomegasprocessingplants wentonstream,andotherpartsoftheoilandgasindustry, inthewey ofwellheads, pipelines, tanks, etc., wereadded. Taxcollections, Ifeel, wereexcellent. The2% penalty onDecemberletwasagreatinfluenceinthecollectionoftaxes. Anadditionalpenaltyof10% isaddedonFebruarylet. Ourarrears asofFebruary1stamountedtc $97,283.15. Ourroadprogramfor1977wassimilartootheryears, inthatour equipmentworkedfromfrostoutuntilfreezeup. Fewermileswerebuilt thaninotheryears, mainlybecauseofsomeveryhighstandardgrading. Wehavewordthatcontractsarelettopavethe3.36milesfrom Highway21toSwalwell, alsothe811milesfromThreeHillswestto connectwithSecondaryRoad806. Thesamecontractalsocoverspaving throughtheVillageofLinden. Ourlightsurfaceprogramleftmuchtobedesiredin1977. Westarted lateintheseasonrunningintowetweatherduringAugust, andCouncil iscertainlymakingplanstoimproveinthisareain1978. Gravelisbecominginshortsupply. Anewpitwasopenedat Lowen'snearDunphy, butweonlyhaveaoneyearlease. Increasedloads andspeedseemtoreallyuseupthegravel. NewregulationsregardingweightlimitsbecomeeffectiveFebruary lat. Grossvehicleweightwillonlyapplytobridges, otherweights willbeaccordingtoaxlesandtiresize. MUNICIPALITY GENERAL CAPITAL FUND TRANSFERS TO OWN RESERVES & FUNDS During the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1977 125 SCHEDULE B-1 Reserves & Allowances: Reserves lspecifyl . Allowances lspecifyl . . Own Funds: Operating (specify) . . . Capital (specify) . . . . TOTAL TRANSFERS TO OWN RESERVES & FUNDS (to Finances Applied page 7) ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES AND RESERVES SCHEDULE B 3 As at December 31, 19 ,7 5110 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES. (to agree with 500 Liabilities, page 8) s ecifp y 600 RESERVES (to agree with 600 Liabilities, page 8) specify) . . . . . . . EXPENDITURE FOR GENERAL FIXED ASSETS 127 SCHEDULE B-4 Functional Classification Engineering Buildings Machinery & Land TotalofServicesStructuresEquipment 1 7 3 4 01 General Government 5,732 70 100 00 5,832 70 5 4 7 8 02 Protective 10 11 12 03 Transportation . . . . . . .61806 2 193,480 68,200,287 30 19 11 15 18 04 Environmental Health 90,477 5 90,477 17 1&19 20 05 Public Health & Welfare 21 27 23 24 06 Environmental Development 683 78 6,255 50 6,989 6 07 Recreation & Cultural 38 27 26 Education 608 7 1,016 9 737 2,362 1 Total Expenditure for General Fixed 29 Assets Ito agree with Fixed Assets, Finances Applied, page 7, excluding "Other")90.477 8,099 1 171 206,484 9 7 65 305,949 14 9 MUNICIPALITY KNEEHZIL. W FIXED ASSETS SCHEDULE B-2 As at December 31; 19 -27 FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF SERVICES Engineering Structures BuildiBuildings Machinery & Equipment Land Total 01 GENERAL GOVT:129,1801 01 Legislative 8 7 8 02 General Administrative 10 11 76,343 8 12 52,717 98 13 119 0 79 540 02 PROTECTIVE: 01 Police Pr tecti n 14 15 18 1 o o 03 Fire Protection 18 19 20 46,658 961 21 04 Emer enc Measures 22 23 24 25 g y 99 Other 28 27 28 32,881 64 29 2,284,07803TRANSPORTATION: 01 Common Services (only if Forms 7 and/or 13 completed).30 31 32 3 02 Road Transport 34 12,057 8 35 250,619 6 38 2,014,043 42 37 7,357 8 164,72404ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH: 02 Sewage Collection & Disposal 38 164 070 39 653 4 40 41 03 Garbage & Waste Collection Disposal 42 43 44 46 99 Other 46 47 48 49 06 PUBLIC HEALTH & WELFARE 01 Public & Other Health, Medical & Hospital Care 50 51 52 53 05 Social Welfare 54 55 58 57 06 Preventive Social Services 58 59 8o 61 06 ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT 83,423 03 Agricultural Service Board 62 63 4,848 6 64 78,524 94 65 50 0 07 Housing . . .88 67 88 89 99 Other 70 71 72 73 T RAL 13,936 07 RECREATION & CUL U 01 Recreation Buildings tY Facilities.74 948 5 75 9 92 0 78 1,016 19 77 2,045 1 02 Cultural Buildings & Facilities 78 79 80 81 99 Other 82 83 84 85 TOTAL =ASSETS (to agree with 630Aasete, page 177,076 8 342 392 2,225,843 1 9,571 19 5 2,754,884 Include Works in Progress. D f 8 30 3 m e 3 D 3 erg F i m m o a` m~ A °lie0 y0 ~ a' m D m 3 m m xg m mw wm m3m c BO=A y m O Dz w a ~ p r m m ~ z n m D°-3C) - m ° m Zm ~ ~ i J ? ai ey6 p O M I+ y rtp 0 O C l b m g f81 iC gN 2 4, 3' Q L)O 1 o 4 oF+ N 1 o On E 8 M u~ 1~p 11 m 1rp{ Y ro rp11 y ob w AAA m o m a m'H r!Or Y 6qj 0 1 p 7 rt W R.R.1n 7C p n 0 gi o o o F v 0Nrt IC~r pp r1 b M m R H in a m m c 1 Y Y Y Y W N Y A N Y 1 D1 Y Y Y Y A I W I O N O I Y Y A R b 0 10 V1 W Y N 1 V1 O N W J A M 00 O1 N O N O N Y lYJ1 0 y< 5 25 5 25 0 1 0 5 2 25 QQ 25 5 25 0 0 Q 0 0 1 8 I 0 0 1 8 8 0 m w Y W g P N J U W V m H I M 1 1 1 1 1 FW+ W UI 0 Y O1 W Vl Y W Y N V 0 b O N W J J A O W D1 N W O Y N W ul O N O 0 pO O 0 m tn 0 w 0 tpA pp 0 C.O 0 6 0 j tn 0 t0 M 0 N 0 M 0 O 0 1 W°I O ro J I Y 0 W 0 O 0 D iO 0 0 0 0 O O tn J 0 r p Oo W N A N g 4 p O PWJO o Y N J p W Y N W W Y W Y N J O W N Y W OI on P J to J I 1 D1 N VI IWJI O I N N VI 3 G m m D° 0 0 0 b O o o o o o o o o 0 o to 0 0 o 0 0 o o o o o o w?o o o o o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m t7 a 1 M s D m M9 a M M T A mm z in 4 O O m M D 0 c m I m,r1t 0m Q m m Q a m ac c c?am m 3 m 3 9 g o 7, % m 3o S 3 Z r~-m ~~'ao'r 3_a m m m YP~qm D3$m ~ Dm py .4 m 3 m 3 8 am: o 0a 3Yd R,c n0a r: m - 3 m a m yT' R m . C o n m 3 n NJ Y N ut Y Q° o Un o R7 q O o O m o o 0 o D mO0 0 I. m 0 u, O 0 O 0 z ma4 N o Z g N yY M n 0r N D z c1 m W Y A D G WD A IDD o nmm a m3 D O w 0 0 P 9tcm0000Min8; mO>amr C z A m C p D O 2 M O M M m IJ ffi MUNICIPALITYKNELTIIIL.#48............ VALUATIONOFPROPERTYEXEMPTFROMTAXATION (DOLLARSONLY) 1977 Includevaluationofpropertysubjecttograntsinlieuoftaxes) 9Z~ ClassificationLandBuildingsEngineering Structures Total 1. DOMINIONGOVERNMENTPROPERTY. IdiLdsnanan Other TOTALDOMINIONGOVERNMENTPROPERTY123 2. PROVINCIALGOVERNMENTPROPERTY. Structures)ludeAGT -EnineerinUtilitis(i 288,270288,270 ggenc Parks & DamsifOh11,7501,5513300 yter (spec Misc...9,03090 TOTALPROVINCIAL GOVERNMENTPROPERTY 42078051,556288270316,600 3. MUNICIPALGOVERNMENTPROPERTY. nialitMidbOU1,8854,356,235 ywncpseyu Schools (IncludePublic, excludePrivateSchools) PParksbli9301,251 uc HitalsPbliuospc PublicLibraries PropertyAcquiredforTaxes 24TaxRecoveryAct)Sec1501250 CdneteriesOther (sif590590 pecy ReserveWorksPublic1,0501110 t9unicipalitiesothr8,6501.1309780 r, 00500 TOTALMUNICIPALGOVERNMENTPROPERTY713,755Is899 -20.645 4. PROPERTYUSEDFOREDUCATION, RELIGIOUS, CHARITABLEAND WELFAREPURPOSES: CollegesandUniversitiesols (Private)Sch6,7258495-155 o liRiPdfPUgurposesorousseeroperty PropertyUsedforCharitable andWelfarePurosesp TOTALPROPERTYUSEDFOREDUCATIONAL, RELIGIOUS, CHARITABLEAND WELFAREPURPOSES 1879,04511931.731112 _1.010.775 5. INDUSTRIALANDBUSINESSENTERPRISES: 1310011411,72115 -11.820 CtatmunitXCentresf1.290285229.810 6. OTHER (speciy) Gene;alGOlfClubRinks tiPlR4810116316440 eSKedf TOTALOTHER . .181740,1518 _49 ~-Rn GRANDTOTALEXEMPTIONS119,780992D288270 19 1,400,090 0 1 MUNICIPALITY RPM= , #40... GENERAL OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF SURPLUS (DEFICIT) For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 197-7 FORM 3 I DEBIT CREDIT innin of YearDficit) at BellfS 992,528 73 ggurpusoreanceo1Ba 2. Prior Years' Surplus or Deficit included in Current Budget - Transferred to General Operating Fund, 3 4)S ortatement (pageRevenueandExpenditure 3. Adjustments Affecting Operations of Previous Years, (specify) Previous Years TaxestRItet 153 71 eme;.ns a n 4. Other Transactions Affecting Surplus: (specify( . 5 Surplus or Deficit for Year Under Review-Brought forward fromGeneral 3 4)i S orturetatementpageOperatingFund, Revenue and Expend 6. Balance of Surplus or Deficit at End of Year - Carried forward to General Operating Fund, Balance Sheet (page 5)1,381,018 45 7 Totals of Debit and Credit Columns 1 1 Ol GENERAL CAPITAL FUND STATEMENT OF EQUITY IN FIXED ASSETS FORM 6 For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1977 DEBIT CREDIT f YeartBeinninFdA 2 496. 51Z 28--- g g oixessetsa1BalanceofEquityin 1 . Adjustmens Affecting Operations of Previous Years. (specify) 3. Other Adjustments Affecting Equity in Fixed Assets, f t .Assets acquired by deed or gi 110888 50 Assets written off. Debenture Principal Paid from own Operating Fund (Schedule Q-1, a e 60)1 124 37 p g Long-Term Borrowing Principal Paid from own Operating Fund Schedule Q-1, page 60) 7 207 92 Transfers (Finances Acquired, page 69 925 O1 Other (Finances Acquired, page 7) 7Other (Finances Applied, page d4AssetsofOtherLocalGovernmentsAssume 5 Liabilities of Other Local Governments Assumed l G overnments6. Assets Transferred to Other Loca l GO overnmentstherLoca7LiabilitiesAssumedby 8. Balance of Equity in Fixed Assets at End of Year-Carried forward to General Capital Fund, Balance Sheet (page el 2,611 19 B 9 Totalso f Debrt and Credit Columns 2 775 027 78 1 2,77L=1 78 75 10 MUNICIPALITY AIEEf1TLL, #48.................. WATER OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE FORM 19 For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1917 41 REVENUE Estimates Actual 300 SERVICES PROVIDED TO OTHER GOV'TS n 400 SALES OF GOODS AND SERVICES 7 500 00 7 495 61 411 Sale at Water ......................78 490 Other a 7,325 170 55 06 500 OTHER REVENUE FROM OWN SOURCES .25 700 CONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM FEDERAL OR PROVINCIAL GOVTS & THEIR AGENCIES ISchedule R, page 65) . 710 Federal . 37 730 Provincial 38 800 CONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM OTHER LOCAL GOV'TS (Schedule R,page 65) .39 900 OTHER TRANSFERS (Schedule R. page 65)1400 00 1330 83 910 From Own Reserves & Allowances: 912 Reserve for Future Expenditures . 41 919 Other A3 920 From Other Funds. Operating: (specify) General 44 1,330 83 Capital: (specify) 45 990 Other (specify) .46 TOTAL REVENUE 8 900 00 47 8 826 44 DEFICIT FOR YEAR (debit Form 21, item 4, page 31) GRAND TOTAL 8 900 00 8.82 412 EXPENDITURE Estimates Actual 0401 WATER SUPPLY 7 000! 00 6,787 21 01 Administration 14 800 M 02 Purification & Treatment 03 Service of Supply 18 416 4 22 04Transmission &Distribution 05 Pumping 1 1 706 626 23 76 06 Customer Billing & Collection 99 Other 1 OB FISCAL SERVICES . _1 900 00 1 900 88 01 Debt Charges (to agree with Schedule G-3, page 27) 4 02 Transfers to Own Reserves & Funds (to agree with Schedule G-1,page 27) q 1 900 88 TOTAL EXPENDITURE 8 900 00 S 8 688 09 SURPLUS FOR YEAR laedit Form 21, item 4, page 31)138 35 GRAND TOTAL 8,9001 00 8 826 4 r 0MUNICIPALITY ROAD AND STREET KILOMETRES 19 SURFACED ROADS AND STREETS EARTH ROADS, Etc. 1 Improved Concrete Bituminous Grave r Graded Other Total Drained) 1 Provincial Highways. Main 4 53 1 168 1EL Secondary 90 2 74 nL 14 6 44 2 297 73 2. Local Roads & Streets 4 83 1,655 23 705 30 37 36 Y 809 3 3. Public Lanes & Alleys..6 9 66 q 16 0 TOTAL KILOMETRES T D 10 1 240 60 1 73 68 90 SEWER AND WATER MAIN KILOMETRES 923 NUMBER OF PARCELS 1 Storm Sewers .................1 1. No. of Taxable Parcels 1 2. Sanitary Sewers... .2 _ 5 12 2. No. of Exempt Parcels .........2 194 3. Water Mains ................3 3. Total Number of Parcels... .....3 6,073 10 38 FOR SUMMER VILLAGES ONLY- No. of Taxable Parcels on which residential buildings are located ANALYSIS OF MUNICIPALLY OWNED UTILITIES 117 l WATER.ELECTRICITY:GAS:. Number of Hook-ups.,?79 Number of Hookups .2 Number of Hook-ups ...3 No. of Buildings Unserviced. No. of Buildings Unserviced No. of Buildings Unser i dvce No. of Hydrants,9 No. of Street Lights,,,,, B AREA OF MUNICIPALITY-IN HECTARES 65 7) L III, LAND: Assessed for Taxation as at year end,...•,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 330 198 78 Exempt from Taxation (excluding Public Parks, eic.,Streets, Lanes and Highways)............ 2 246 46 In Public Parks and Playgrounds 3 1,009 In Streets, Lanes and Highways 4 6,634 65 Total Land Area 338,089 21 TOTAL WATER AREA Inot otherwise included) 5 570 22 TOTAL AREA 8 338 659 KNEE J!.#." ANALYSIS OF INVESTMENTS Bonds, Debentures, Stocks or Other Securities by Fundsf Issued or Guaranteed by:General Funds Utilities Funds School Funds Total 1 Dominion Government............ 2. Province of Prince Edward Island 3. Province of Nova Scotia 4. Province of New Brunswick..... 5. Province of Quebec 6. Province of Ontario . . . . 7. Province of Manitoba 8. Province of Saskatchewan 9. Province of Alberta 10. Province of British Columbia . 11. Own Municipality 12. Other Municipalities 13. School Corporations 1 F 14. A.M.F.C . 15. Others )I--. ,Cnrp......120 00 1201 00 TOTAL 120 00 To spree with the totals as shown in the Operating and Capital Balance Sheets. 25 74 MUNICIPALITY SECRETARY-TREASURER'SREPORT1977 LANDSUNDERTHETAXRECOVERYACT TotalnumberofParcelsFinally AcquiredbyMunicipalitybut notsold (Sec. 20) asat December31ofcurrentyear22 NumberUnderTaxNotification35 DateLestTaxNotification RegisteredatL.T.O. April1, 1977 DateofLastPudicSaleSept. 25, 1975 PublicSale ReceiptsfromLandsSoldor (PrivateSale89710 leasedincurrentyear (Leases NumberofParcelsSoldat PublicSaleincurrentyearNIL NumberofParcelsSoldat PrivateSaleincurrentyear4 NumberofParcelsLeasedUnder Sec. 29(1) incurrentyearN~ TotalParcelsDealtwithin currentyear4 Receiptsincurrentyearfrom (PublicSale LandsSoldorLeasedin (PrivateSal prioryears (Leases TOTALTAXSALEANDLEASERECEIPTSINCURRENTYEAR AboveReceiptshavebeencreditedasfollows: toCommissions toMunicipalAccount toTaxes93983 toTaxSaleSurplusTrustAccount TotalTaxSaleendLeaseReceiptsAccountedfor93983 TAXESCANCELLEDUNDERSEC. 27121TheTaxRecoveryAct . . , . -01094 TAXESONPROPERTYACQUIREDFORTAXES 01Number ofParcels AssessedValueTotalTaxes 1. Balance. Jan. 1, 1977 261,89126 2. CurrentYear'sLevy 3. Penalties & Costsaddedin19_ . 4. TaxesReinstated35373 5. TaxesTransferred 6. AmountsPlacedonRollforCollection 7. TOTALDUE2,24499 8. *Collectionsin1917includingcosts 4NIL93983 9. DiscountsAllowed 10. Cancellations41094 11. TaxesTransferred 12. UNCOLLECTEDTAXES, December31, 1917894 NOTE-Shownumberofparcelsactuallysoleduringcurrentyear, wunmenaswaseuvdiueanunot --P- frombothsalesandleasesactuallyappliedontaxesduringthecurrentyear, Theabovestatementsdonot includeDeterredPayments. toScheduleA-2, page6. ResidentFarmers . . . . . . ActualCantofMunicipalityasat19_ ActualDominionCensusCountofJune1976 , r.... 1- r.,. o.,.d..t.trrwunn,re... _ 59630 9 Is MUNICIPALITY WATER OPERATING FUND BALANCE SHEET FORM 20 As at December 31, 1977 4 3 ASSt15 100 CASH ON HAND AND ON DEPOSIT 110 Cash on Hand 1 120 Cash in Bank 2 200 RECEIVABLES . 4220Fl 9,929 21 edera s230Plrovincia 82Governments .50 Local 261 Due From Own Funds. ital 02 General 7cap 99 Other (specify) 01 General 8ng.Operati 99 Other (specify) - 270 Trade Accounts . 9 280 Accrued . .1111-101 1 290 Other (specify( _Installaam COS#8 .11 300 INVESTMENTS (Analysis of Investments, page 741 - - 12 400 LOANS AND ADVANCES . . 410 Short-Term . 13 420 Lon-Term 14 500 TANGIBLE ASSETS (Invem.nesl 18 700 OTHER ASSETS 730 Trust Accounts Ito agree with 460 Liabilities) Ispecl yl 19 740 Deposits . . 20 790 Other 21 900 ACCUMULATED DEFICIT (credit Form 21, item 6, page 31) 22 TOTAL ASSETS _ 23 9,92 9 2 414 LIABILITIES 100 SHORT-TERM BORROWINGS (include overdrafts) ........1 200 PAYABLES 72.r 2210Federal 3220Provincial 4230LocalGovernments 241 Due To Own Funds: a n ral02GilCeeapta 99 Other ispecify) Operatin 01 General 7,979 72 g 99 Other (specify) 7ntAo250Tds _ra e cc u 8ntreInstallments260Dbuee 9270Aedccru 290 Other (specify) ............10 300 LONG-TERM DEBT 310 Debentures (Schedule 0-3, page 62) 11 350 Other Long-Term Borrowings (Schedule G-5, 64) ....tt 400 OTHER LIABILITIES 600 00 st Accounts Ito agree with 730 Assets) (speedy) M460Tru 15470Deposits 00 DO 490 Other ...............................................16 500 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES (to agree with Schedule G-2 510, page 271 1T 600 RESERVES M a ree With Schedule G•2, 60D, page 27)18 900 ACCUMULATED 19 1 349 49 TOTAL LIABILITIES p 9,929 2 73 26 MUNICIPALITY IfNELWLL #48 WATER OPERATING FUND 08.02 TRANSFERS TO OWN RESERVES & FUNDS SCHEDULE G-1 During the Fiscal Year Ended December 31. 197 rdi~ Reserves & Allowances: Reserves (specify(... . . . . . . . 1 Allowances !specify! ....... p Own Funds: Operating (specify) Capital (specify) . . . TOTAL TRANSFERS TO OWN RESERVES & FUNDS (to agree with 08 -02, page 25)..5 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES AND RESERVES SCHEDULE G-2 As at December 31, 19-77 500 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES. (to agree with 500 Liabilities, page 26) specify). 600 RESERVES (to agree with 600 Gabditles, page 26) specify( . 08-01 DEBT CHARGES SCHEDULE G-3 During the Fiscal Year Ended December 31,197 7 4~b 810 Interest on Short-Term Loans .t 821 Interest on Debenture Debt (Schedule 0-1. page 60)2 1 06 829 interest on Other Long-Term Borrowings (Schedule Q-1, page 60) 831 Principal on Debenture Debt(Schedule Q 1, page 60)a 89 J73839PrincipalonOtherLong-Term Borrowings(Schedule Q-1, page 60)1 890 Other .6 930 Discounts y 08-01 TOTAL DEBT CHARGES (to agree with 08-01, page 25)1.9 27 I AftMUNICIPALITYIk_J ...........................[WRiTLG .#.8........................ 10AUDITOR'S SPECIAL REPORT Ia. OF VERIFICATION TAX NOTICES MAILED BY AUDITOR UNDER SEC. 70, THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ACT 31, No. OF VERIFICATION UTILITY NOTICES MAILED BY AUDITOR UNDER SEC. 70, THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ACT AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE TO: The Members of the Council XUN3:CIPAL .DISTRICT OF KNEEHnZ #98 Name of Municipality) I ICneehill #48100haveexaminedthebalancesheetsofthevariousfundsoftheMunicipal. District Of. as at December 31, 197 and the related statements of Revenue and Expenditure, Surplus (Deficit), Capital Financing, and Equity in Fixed Assets for the year then ended. Our examination included a general review of the accounting procedures and such tests of accounting records and other supporting evidence as we considered necessary in the circumstances. MY In tIW opinion, these financial statements present fairly the financial position of the municipality as at December 31, 1977 and the results of its operations for the year then ended, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the previous year, subject to any qualifications mentioned in the Auditor's Special Report herewith. try Further, in SM opinion, the additional statements and reports, when considered in relation to the aforementioned statements, presents fairly the supplemental information shown. Dated at . WW this .70.... day of... X?-b?Tl§i'Y................ ,19-78 Signed 7!IwrYy.,-, -P ^~.!Tr?.o,e:r..•........ Address.... T. . k!TWt. All???ta........... Finn 10M..V#X.REA JRO Ctlertered Actrotuttant.............................. 72 O 0 poi f a O y U co co a 0 Z Q y Q 0 O a Cott'` a] W M ¢ - Fm 0E2Ew mIL wp zN Z° c aw m wm a> 0~ 0u 2m 05 w c Ui LQ Yl y J U 0 0 O J 0 IJJ IL ZJ 7 f y 00 u NNI Fg NrdO n1 m 0 qgcQ x o mI nnm N N N N qao y m a m c uri a Ny N i el E8 wu, Oy-IN ra_Ov l r N R 10 01 M YNb m co 00g 0 - O m O N w n O m O N co y m C Oagy N 10 N e n EN l N i 0Nygr j ym m r i mcX06 0o y N v N N mm. yu$O InvO NOrnJ'yI NN O 0 m o$ iJ to 10 N N C y y y C O ya m 1 mtj : Ii pO N; mto . tL 0;000 u Cmq 'y Cmof ~ y mc'uern8m ' S0m 000J y LL0J OOm0 g aJOH 2 Oo Qomc~ a N0HTato wip Fl7wH 0 itt 0 00 is u oom 0 ooh y K LLy lyjyl7 N IG Ip i° IW iF 1 0 t 1 1m iq I: 71.1 0 40 9r 40 MUNICIPALITY IfNE4IILL W WATER CAPITAL FUND STATEMENT OF CAPITAL FINANCING For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1977 FORM 22 421 FINANCES ACQUIRED Estimates Actual UNEXPENDED FUNDS FROM PREVIOUS YEARS 1 LONG-TERM DEBT INCURRED F d ral)i d 2toeessueDebentures ( Debentures (issued to Provincial) 3 4Ohers)tDebentures(issued to Other Long-Term Borrowings 5 TRANSFERS (Schedule S. page66 & Form 24,nem 3, page3l ) 8FromFederal From Provincial 7 9lGovernmentsLFromoca 9FromOwnReserves From Other Funds: Operating (specify) .10 11Capital (specify) From Other (specify) 13 OTHER (Form 24, item 3, page 31) Sale of Fixed Assets .....13 Return on Investments .....14 Other (specify) .15 TOTAL ACQUIRED OVEREXPENDITURE to be provided by 84 000 00 84,166 61 Contributions from Own Operating Fund 1& Borrowing Approved but not Received 17 Sale of Assets ...19 19ocher{specgyl........DEDC11C1u:es 84.166 61 1RANDTOTAL...................... 84 000 00G..................zo 84,166 61 422 FINANCES APPLIED Estimates Actual OVEREXPENDITURE OF PREVIOUS YEARS 1 FIXED ASSETS (do not separate Works in Progress) Engineering Structures 84,000 0 2 84166 61 84 16 Buildings . . . 3 Machinery & Equipment . .......4 Land _ 7 Other (Temporary Acquisition of Fixed Assetsl . a OTHER (Form 24, item 3, page 31) Interest on Short-Term Borrowings 9 Other Financial Charges 10 Transfers to Own Reserves & Funds Ito agree with Schedule H-l, page 30) .11 Other (specify) 13 TOTAL APPLIED 84.000)00 84,166 61 UNEXPENDED FUNDS (set out details below)14 GRAND TOTAL 84.000 100 15 I INFYPFNOFn FIINDS Expended By Law No. if applicable) Source of Funds Project if applicable) Total Funds Received Current Year Total of Previous Years Unexpended TniAl It. mprm m with Unexpende d Funds in above Statement) . 28 MUNICIPALITY WATER CAPITAL FUND BALANCE SHEET As at December 31, 1977 423 FORM 23 ASSETS 100 CASH ON HAND AND ON DEPOSIT 110 Cash on Hand 1 120 Cash in Bank _ 2 200 RECEIVABLES 220 Federal 4 230 Provincial „ 250 Local Governments _ 8 261 Due From Own Funds: Operating. 01 General 99 Other lspecifyf . Capital. 02 General . 8 99 Other (specify) . 270 Trade Accounts . 9 280 Accrued .10 290 Other (specify) 11 300 INVESTMENTS (Analysis of Investments, page 74) 12 400 LOANS AND ADVANCES . 410 Short-Term 1 420 Long-Term . ...L4 500 TANGIBLE ASSETS 146,4561 520 Temporary Acquisition of Fixed Assets. g 530 Fixed Assets Bo agree with Schedule H-2, page 30) 17 146,45 18 600 DEBT CHARGES RECOVERABLE . 18 700 OTHER ASSETS 730 Trust Accounts (to agree with 460 Liabilities) (specify) 19 740 Deposits .20 790 Other 21 900 ACCUMULATED DEFICIT (credit Form 24, item 8, page 31) . 22 TOTAL ASSETS 3 146,49r 18 424 LIABILITIES 100 SHORT-TERM BORROWINGS (include overdrafts).. 1 200 PAYABLES f 210 Federal . 2 220 Provincial 3 230 Local Governments . { 241 Due to Own Funds. Operating 01 General X.. 5 84.1 6 61 99 Other (specify) Capital: 02 General . 8 99 Other (specify) . . 250 Trade Accounts . . . . . . . . 270 Accrued g 290 Other (specify) 10 300 LONGTERM DEBT 18, 39 09 310 Debentures (Schedule Q-3, page 62) . 11 18,393 09 350 Other Long-Term Borrowings (Schedule 0-5, page 64) 12 400 OTHER LIABILITIES 460 Trust Accounts (to agree with 730 Assets) (specify) . 14 470 Deposits .....15 490 Other 500 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES (to agree with Schedule H-3, 500, page 30 1171 14,75 04 600 RESERVES to agree with Schedule H-3, 600, page 30) T8 4700EQUITYINFIXEDASSETSIdebltForm24, item 8, page 311 29,13 44 TOTAL LIABILITIES 201 1 18 O W F 0 a ul 0 O LL m H U m 0 co co 2 a f Q O a m ~ WmW f m Oa2Ewo XW 0 0 9 Z cc w m IL 0 m LL m 0LL 2 v o= t- Q C LL to QU m y 0 Q v W Q IL 0 U 2 0 0 U v o N r a0 Co 00 rV co a N n 01 T m a O N o S 8 0 L 00 0 m0~- N h OJ N N m h N p N gc 2,, mmm cL LLU O r O E8 n_ d m r c co 7 N n n n o m co o to og T N o m o m N N ti a n o N c' m ID v c~ Oo8 m v m N N o a uQ_4 ra a N m w n n g a E N H E N m 7 a °g my u r n r a a o00~ m N a a r N a co c a ant I m N Q) N O N Js N g n r n N rn n ID ro m i N ri 0O nO . Mw r w - v - 0O D 9 a lo w d Q _ LL m ED30F _ h LL9c E LL Q d O1 F, V) C 0 c toV ? oa` q Z G i o Z 0 in0 0 a c O _ m _ o E V ra 0 u w S m y~ nm 0 E Q a 0 a ¢ u Cc v w a` O F6 2 o oo m o o o S o m m D LL m g O 71 29 MU N I C I P A L I T Y 1m I F . EF S = . # 48 . . . . . . . CO N S O L I D A T E D CR O S S CL A S S I F I C A T I O N OF OP E R A T I N G EX P E N D I T U R E S BY PR O G R A M S AN D BY OB J E C T S FO R M 54 CO N T I N U E D Du r i n g th e Fi s c a l Ye a r En d e d De c e m b e r 31 , 19 - 77 Go v e r n m e n t Se r v i c e s Ge n e r a l Fo r Re s a l e Fo r Ow n Tr a n s f e r Fi n a n c i a l Ot h e r Pe r s o n n e l Se r v i c e s Or Ge n e r a l Ac c o u n t Go o d s Pa y m e n t s Ch a r g e s Tr a n s a c t i o n s To t a l s FU N C T I O N - Pr o g r a m s 10 0 ) 20 0 ) Su p p l y ( 30 0 ) 40 0 ) 50 0 ) 70 0 ) 80 0 ) 90 0 ) Su b - To t a l s Br o u g h t Fo r w a r d 94 6 , 37 3 38 26 2 86 8 21 12 83 3 80 1 33 7 71 59 0 , 42 8 1 11 50 , 16 3 1 9 0 50 0 00 1, 86 4 . S0 5 1 14 9 E EN V I R O N M E N T A L HE A L T H : 04 13 61 6 3 2 3 1 S 6 7 8 01 • Wa t e r Su p p l y 80 0 0 70 6 23 4, 65 4 22 62 6 76 9 10 11 12 13 14 is os a l e Co l l e c t i o n & Di s wa 02 S 50 7 25 p e g to 17 t8 19 20 21 22 os a l 03 - Ga r b a e & Wa s t e Co l l e c t i o n & Di s 6 32 1 85 g p 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 99 • Ot h e r 91 5 PU B L I C HE A L T H & WE L F A R E 05 9, 91 8 9 Ot - Pu b l i c & Ot h e r He a l t h , it a l Ca r e di l It H M 2 3 4 5 9, 91 8 97 8 7 8 e ca os p g 10 i 12 73 4 is l W lf S i 05 oc a e ar e 18 7 18 19 20 21 22 06 - Pr e v e n t i v e So c i a l Se r v i c e s 23 24 25 28 27 28 28 99 - Ot h e r Su b - To t a l s Ca r r i e d Fo r w a r d 94 7 , 17 3 26 3 , 57 4 44 24 , 31 7 2 11 , 25 6 68 59 1 , 05 4 89 50 . 16 3 19 0 1 0 r s 18 1. wl~ m m g n f C n Q t p o D m C 2 8 m m is N c v? Nr n r y c m T o: g w A 7 m m y o 0 m y n n» r M S < 7 t o m m m m 9 0 N no N o^ D D N N 9 2° < d o D M lD O Z 2. V D N C 2 A" n f p A c m m N 8 C F+ m p r A b 9 C y 2 T 4 tN 0 s 2 W X W - I g 3 D r" O m O A w f z N n m n c N O m T y 3 o a 2 C cn 2 W N J m O N IJ N N r n N N ry 1 N 2 mm m m O N C C m m r A T w r A m A of o N a m MUNICIPALITY RIEp1Ady.040. WATER OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF SURPLUS (DEFICIT) FORM 21 For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1977 41 DEBIT CREDIT innin of YearfitBefSlDit)1 B l 2 ggurpus (or e c aanceoa 2. Adjustments Affecting Operations of Previous Years. specify) 3. Other Transactions Affecting Surplus: )specify) 4. Surplus or Deficit for Year Under Review - Brought forward from Water Operating Fund Revenue and Expenditure Statement 38 5 page 25) 5. Surplus or Deficit Transferred to General Operating Fund during the t 2 Current Year (page 3 or 6) 6. Balance of Surplus or Deficit at End of Year - Carried forward to Water Operating Fund, Balance Sheet (page 26)3491 49 7. Totals of Debit and Credit Columns 1:349 149 1349 49 WATER CAPITAL FUND STATEMENT OF EQUITY IN FIXED ASSETS FORM 24 For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 197-7 DEBIT CREDIT innin of YeartsatBedAiiFifE 31,960 11 gssegnxe1. Balance o qu ty 2. Adjustments Affecting Operations of Previous Years: )specify) 3. Other Adjustments Affecting Equity in Fixed Assets: ftAssetsacquiredbydeedorgi Assets written off Debenture Principal Paid from own Operating Fund (Schedule Q-1, 60) 840 73 page Long-Term Borrowing Principal Paid from own Operating Fund Schedule Q-1, page 60) Transfers (Finances Acquired, page 28) . . Other (Finances Acquired, page 28)••......... Other (Finances Applied, page 28) 3,661 40 4. Assets of Other Local Governments Assumed 5. Liabilities of Other Local Governments Assumed 6. Assets Transferred to Other Local Governments _ 7. Liabilities Assumed by Other Local Governments 8. Balance of Equity in Fixed Assets at End of Year-Carried forward to Water Capital Fund, Balance Sheet (page 29)29,13S 4 q Tnrals of Debit and Credit Columns 32.8 84 32,84 31 t. F o. Q 2 f r i! O LL L0 NpCM F t a N N h rl 0) 0 o O C O O L u~4 N h ps~- H p tl qq N p h e N O r N N pp 14 O wm_opSmmp CL` LL~ g m OiE S m P m ID O u > r r'N n n S n F n a m a m w 88c7 - H a m mi m N N s Vf to c p N O Q N N e) p N N v!d o D o'o^m a r M ti u 2 QLL R p R R p r e a B C O O N N O E mm$n'Ti`o; N LL N Y p i O v N d m h M ep) o C d, 01 O y1 t~ M 1 N m a m D m~S W n C N W 7 y N W V n r'N to l 1 N n R N i C n 4 v n O N On Y C N ry N N ul N m m 3g T a A o N 1 r a 10 a N i e N O O N N A N o In W O Z e w e a: a Z m a m o 0 w w [ o c c o ui z O Z e o cc n m m o m ti g q i E c COc@ a 2 W Ya LYWJ (7 V e cYQ1uE(5 G i E ° 'n a L a U D: Q 6 H Q Cr G O s s 6 N s o g m f s o a 8 Ul u O O O 70 MUNICIPALITYX1!1+.1148 PAYMENTTOCOUNCILLORSFORMUNICIPALPURPOSESFORM51 1977C910-) DIVISION ORWARD IFAPPLICABLENAME SALARIES ORFEESMILEAGESUBSISTENCETOTAL Mayor, ReeveorChairman: 3R. W. Brown3,630983001,304005,92200 MembersofCouncil: 1GA. dahlBer171T808560013,38580 2WPoole0619AD-936 qW. 5TF L. G. LitzRr3601,176892 7RGC131D512809920 TOTAL 112094 2 491240 3 7,46400 4 33,31740 to01-01, page4 PAYMENTTOSCHOOLCOMMITTEEMEMBERSFORSCHOOLPURPOSESFORM52 19 DIVISION ORWARD (IF APPLICABLE)lNAME SALARIES ORFEESMILEAGESUBSISTENCETOTAL Chairman: MembersofSchoolCommittee: i TOTAL 587a to01.01. page53 CONTINGENTLIABILITIES19-FORM53 9 r MUNICIPALITY ANALYSIS OF 19-1LONG-TERM DEBT CHARGES to agree with appropriate expenditure statements) SCHEDULE O.1 ON) LONGTERM DEBT PRINCIPAL TOTAL DEBT CLASSIFICATION INTEREST INSTALLMENTS CHARGES 1. DEBENTURES ISSUED General: 1 2 Boulevards 3 4 Buildings 5 B Curbs & Gutters T 66 14 8 09 746 Hospitals S W Libraries 11 4,425 47 12 1.12 37 5,549 r84Sewers lkSid 13 4ewas St 15 15 reets Other 17 15 T tal General 4,491 61 1.80 4 6,296 o Public Utilities: 1 060 15 zd 8 73 1 900 88 Water Supply Yt 22 Electricity 23 21 Gas 25 28 Telephone Air Transport 2a 30 Public Transit blic UtilitiestalPT 1,060 15 8 73 1,90() o u School: 31 32 Schools hSW 33 34 ousesareRepairShops 35 School Buses lhVhi 37 38 esOterec i ShBR 39 40 opsrepausGarages & i 41 42 esResidences & Dormitor 43 44 Other llShTotaooc TOTAL DEBT CHARGES ON DEBENTURES ISSUED 5.551 76 2.645 It 8.12k 95 2. DEBENTURES ASSUMED FROM OTHER MUNICIPALITIES TOTAL DEBT CHARGES ON DEBENTURES ASSUMED 45 47 3. TOTAL DEBENTURE DEBT CHARGES 5,551 76 2,645 29 8,196 9 4. LONG-TERM BORROWINGS lG 48 M enera l so 51 yWaterSupp El icitt 52 52 yecr G SI 55as 55 57Telephone Ai T trranspor T sitPbli atranuc h lScoo TOTAL LONG-TERM BORROWINGS Specify name of Municipality and purpose for which issued) 89 W N07OwiN 0WQ7QZZnpz2WaJ ODWQOaaz ~ o¢ N x6 8 Ow . X0 0 m w m 6QZ a aw W mWOwZ0FaWQ r m Q j a R Oif a s s s a a a e a 07QuW6 e R s s a a a a 4 m0 W W Y ~ 0 W 9m u zg J W n n o a S YY m mz 9 9 9 A 0Y c 90 Z a a s a a e Y mc e LE n c c 9m a A a a s a a s s toW Y 00 c9 r Nrx l C pN N r M g N U~ pm NttI redN H E cc u0 na N m a m o w m s h F ~ m J h Q M ma l N3 a m m n m m O i r E o 3n n 9n 3n 3n 3n 3 3 au o i N m a m m n m m O f 81 I 46 0 MU N I C I P A L I T Y 1, RL . # 48 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09 - 03 UN C O N D I T I O N A L TR A N S F E R S Fo r th e Fi s c a l Ye a r En d e d De c e m b e r 31 , 19 1 7 FO R M 50 r & w) AU T H O R I T Y FO R RE Q U I S I T I O N UN C O N D I T I O N A L TR A N S F E R OR RE Q U I S I T I O N RE Q U I S I T I OW I N G FR PR E V I O U S Y ON S OM EA R S RE Q U I S I T I O N PA I D RE Q U I S I T I O N UN P A I D FO U N D A T I O N PR O G R A M : Re q u i s i t i o n I 31 8 . 37 3 00 31 8 , 37 3 Ad d i t i o n a l Le v y 2 TO T A L FO U N D A T I O N PR O G R A M 31 8 . 37 3 00 3 31 8 , 37 3 SU P P L E M E N T A R Y SC H O O L RE Q U I S I T I O N S ; Sc h o o l Di v i s i o n or Di s t r i c t : No . Na m e Tb r e e . Ai l l s . . Sc h o o l - My l s l o n - # 60 , . 58 5 . 62 65 58 5 62 0 65 TO T A L SU P P L E M E N T A R Y SC H O O L RE Q U I S I T I O N S 58 5 . 62 0 65 58 5 , 62 0 5 HE A L T H RE Q U I S I T I O N S : Ho s p i t a l Di s t r i c t : No Na m e Au x i l i a r y Ho s p i t a l Nu r s i n g Ho m e Ho m e fo r th e Ag e d Go l d f . . . . . . 44 . wg e , . . , , , , , _ , , , . I. 55 . 08 44 55 . 08 7 44 TO T A L HE A L T H RE Q U I S I T I O N S : CC Af t ' AA 55 . 08 7 1 0 PR O V I N C I A L PL A N N I N G FU N D RE Q U I S I T I O N : . 6.12 49 12 6. 12 0 1 49 3 IM P R O V E M E N T DI S T R I C T TA X TR A N S F E R : . . . . SU B - TO T A L 96 5 - 20 1 96 5 , 20 1 8 IN CO U N T I E S ON L Y : SU P P L E M E N T A R Y SC H O O L RE Q U I S I T I O N tr a n s f e r to Sc h o o l Op e r a t i n g Fu n d - Sc h e d u l e A- 1, pa g e 6) GR A N D TO T A L : 96 5 . 2 0 58 96 S , 20 1 58 NI L ro ag r e e wa n ua - ui , pa g e a 69 MUNICIPALITY .....XNF+$Filt .ASSESSMENTS UPON WHICH TAXES ARE LEVIED AND MILL RATE STATEMENT, 19 77 ® FORM 49NON-RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY RESIDENTIAL PROPERTYTOTALTAXABLEASSESSMENTDESCRIPTIONASSESSMENTONWHICHMILLRATEAPPLIEDMILLRATEASSESSMENTONWHICHMILLRATEAPPLIEDMILL RATERealProperty:d tL 15 288 385 Education:ramSchoolFoundationPro 12,495,199 9 27 00anBuildings & Improvements .........2ery.Oth r P 4790 662 gSchoolDivisionorDistrict: (identify(Hills School Division #60Three 23, 773, 319 9 24 80,605,688 1 24 80terop4ElectricPowerInstallations212,6504LinePi4,550,310pe5sVtblTSemeCaysYASSESSMENTTOTALP24,842,007PROERT4i72,420nessQustMillRe (aofRentalValueorTOTALTAXABLEASSESSMENT. .7 914,42724l Recreation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23, 773, 319 3 00 605 688 3 00uationsDonotincludeassessmentvaonwhichgrantsinlieuoftaxesarepaid.ONLY TO BE COMPLETED BY Health (identify):Hospital Districts:1o zoRURALMUNICIPALITIES:Electric Power InstallationsandPipeLineMillRates:Auxiliary Hospital Districts:tt 21SupplementarySchoolHospitalNursingHomes:12 22HomesforAbed.11:s L dgeGolden 24,364,319 13 2 30 477,688 23 2 30iMunicipal:alG 144 61 101 24477,688 a 19,40%ener D bb 16 25tentureeDeARt1N1idL15~EilLiS 4 16 2 0 477,688 28es:pec eva t tiFiP on .ro ecre.TOTAL MILL RATE 17 121 20 27 94 201116 ! 0 MUNICIPALITY 7L.#48............................................ ANALYSIS OF DEBENTURE DEBT SCHEDULE 0-3 As at December 31,19-77 GROSS UNMATURED DEBT (EXCLUDING UNSOLD DEBENTURES( DEBENTURE DEBT SERIAL DEBENTURES SINKING FUND DEBENTURES CLASSIFICATION Municipality's Share Owners' Share Municipality's Share Owners' Share GENERAL: Boulevards Buildin s 25g Curbs & Gutters Hospitals 712 35 27 712 35 Libraries 26 Sewers 7,423 77 29 43,649 34 51,073 Sidewalks 7 30 Streets 31 Other :32 PTOTALGENERAL8,136 12 43,649 34 51,785 46 PUBLIC UTILITIES: Water Su l 10 33 18,393 09 18,393 09 ypp Electricity 11 34 Gas 12 35 l neTh 13 36 e oep Air Tr ns ort 14 37 pa Public Transit 16 36 TOTAL PUBLIC UTILITIES 18,393 09 18 393 09 SCHOOL Schools 16 Repair Shops & Warehouses...17 School Buses 18 Other Vehicles to Garages & Bus Repair Shops 20 sidences & DormitoriesR 21 e Other:22 TOTAL SCHOOL i GRAND TOTAL 23 8,136 12 62.042 39 70,178 155 e1B110 nWi 'If special frontage tax levied show Owners' Share breakdown. "To agree with classification totals (principal only), page 63. MUNICIPALITY KNEETiZI.L. #48 FUTURE DEBENTURE DEBT CHARGES BY YEARSIPRINCIPALANDSINKINGFUNDREQUIREMENTSANnINTCCCRTIsun --.ems t-?rA % SERIAL DEBENTURES ADJUSTMENTS ARISING FROM BOUNDARY CHANGES v v.acm srnca - 5CHED21JE O-4 SINKING FUND DEBENTURES ASSUMED FROM OTHER ASSUMED BY OTHER 4ANALYSISBYYEARSPrincipalInterestPrincipalInterestPrincipalInterest Sinking Fund Requirements Interest Principal oO Maturities GENERAL 1978 1 1979 3 1,914 1 285 55 92 2 4,381 4 4,263 51 93 1980 5 1,375 98 6 4,173 87 1981 7 6 1,472 92 6 4,076 92 1982 1,577 12-10 3.972 53 1983 to Maturity It 44,258 77 12 44 177 86 TOTAL 51.785 46 65.046 62 PUBLIC UTILITIES 19,78 ..............13 887 20 14 1,013 69 1979 ..............15 1980 17 936 987 22 97 16 964 16 912 65 90 1981 16 1,042 59 20 858 29 1982 21 1983 to Maturity 23 1,100 13 438 22 9 2 800 4.082 65 09 TOTAL 18,393 09 8,632 27 SCHOOL 1978 .............25 s 1979 .............?7 6 1980 .............99 1981 11 2 1982 3.7 1983 to Maturity 35 TOTAL TOTAL 1978 2,801 75 5 395 20 1979 2,222 14 5 228 58 1980 2, - r A 01.01119 1981 2.5151 51 4,935 1982 2,6771 54 4,773 18 1983 to Mature 57 597 66 48,259 95 GRAND TOTAL 37 T. . -i- A...xiw 70,1781 55 73,678 89 0 MUNICIPALITY IR CHZI4...#48.................... ANALYSIS OF TRANSFERS - CAPITAL FUNDS FINANCES ACQUIRED SCHEDULE S CONTINUED During the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1917 Federal Provincial Other Government &Government &Local Own Other Their Agencies Their Agencies Governments Reserves Funds Other Total Sub-total (brought forward)183,518 10 183, 518 10 Environmental Health Services..... . 48 50 51 52 53 54 Water Supply 55 56 57 58 ii a0 Other 51 62 63 64 65 as Public Health & Welfare Services....16,958 16 16.958 16 07 6e N 70 71 72 Environmental Development Services 5,345 84 1. 643 6 gag Recreation, Cultural Services 73 74 75 76 77 78 Education 76 s0 s1 82 63 64 Fiscal Services Other Services: 85 8a 57 s8 69 90 Gas 81 62 83 64 95 98 87 95 96 100 101 102 T6Np71orle . School Serviess 103 104 105 106 107 100 School Bus Replacement 109 110 111 112 11 114 GRAND TOTAL i15 22,304 00 185 161 42 207,465 2 IQ agna wren tome en me U&PRM Transfers in all Capital Funds (Finances Acquired items 6-12 inclusive) s 5 MUNICIPALITY #48ANALYSISOFTRANSFERS - CAPITAL FUNDS FINANCES ACQUIRED ~ SCHEDULE SDuringtheFiscalYearEndedDecember31, 19 7 L7v77)a Federal Provincial OtherGovernment &Government &Local Own OtherTheirAgenciesTheirAgenciesGovernmentsReservesFunds Other TotalCONDITIONAL:1 2 3 4 b bGeneralGovernmentServices5.336 80 5,336 80ProtectiveServices :7 a 9 10 11 12ntiPliPtceroecoo13141516179FirPrctionteoeEmergencyMeasures:19 20 21 22 23 24icesSiervsasterD26272629soOther 178 181 30TransportationServices:91 32 33 34 3E 3ERdTt178,181 30oaransporIF4041 42AirTanrtrspo43--45 47PublicTransit • • . . • • . • • • .AliSub-total (carried forward)183.518 10 183,518 1011W MUNICIPALITY ICNE.F7ffII.d'.#48 . ANALYSIS OF REPAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL DUE ON LONG-TERM BORROWINGS SCHEDULE Q-5 PRINCIPAL BALANCE OWING ON ORIGINAL LONG-TERM BORROWING MADE IN: 1NALYSIS BY YEARS Total Principal Due 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 Prior to 1973 GENERAL: 1978 1979 ii1980 TOTAL PPUBLICUTILITIES: 1978 7 8 1979 10 tt 1980 1 TOTAL SCHOOL 1978 la 14 a 1979 1980 25,29 27 OR 20 6n 1981 M 22 2.1 1.as 1982 37 ag 39 do 111 d2 1983 to maturity TOTAL TOTAL: 1978 1979 1980 J 1981 . 1982 1983 to maturity 49 to agree with 350 Liabilities in appropriate Balance Sheets NOTE: THIS SCHEDULE NOT TO INCLUDE DEBENTURES 2 a a a a MUNICIPALITY KWEtgTx. ANALYSIS OF TRANSFERS - OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE During the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 197 SCHEDULE R Federal Provincial Other Own Government &Government &Local Reserves &Other Their Agencies Their Agencies Governments Allowances Funds Other Total 610/710)620/730(630/800(910)920)990) UNCONDITIONAL (600)354,572 t Municipal Assistance • • •348,642 00 2 Mobile Construction Equipment • • •4,565 35 3 4 S Other 1,365 00 8 7 8 UNCONDITIONAL (900) TOTAL - UNCONDITIONAL 354.572 35 354,572 35 CONDITIONAL (700, 800, SOO) 9 W 11 12 13 µGeneral Government Services.......Protective Services:15 692 28 15 18 17 18 19 20 Police Protection 21 22 23 24 25 26 Fire Protection Emergency Measures:27 28 29 30 31 32 Disaster Services 33 34 35 36 37 3B Other 15.692 28 Transportation Services:.. I 228,771 0 39 40 41 42 43 44 Road Transport228,771 00 45 46 47 48 4g 50 Air Transport .51 52 53 54 55 56 Public Transit Sub-total -Conditional (carried forward)244 463 28 1 1 1 244,461 2 it --- a F7JTTS..B MUNICIPALITY ANALYSIS OF TRANSFERS - OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE Durina the Fiscal Year Ended Decemher 31. 1q 1i y 9Q6 SCHEDULE R CONTINUED 00,Federal Provincial Other Own Government &Government &Local Reserves & Other Their Agencies610/ 710)Their Agencies 620/ 730) Governments 630/ 800) Allowances 910) Funds 920) Other 1990) Total Sub-total - Conditional brought forward)........244,463 28244,463 28 Environmental Health Services:......1 330 83 57 58 59 60 at 62 Water Supply 1,330 83 63 64 65 66 67 6B Other M TO 71 72 73 M Public Health & Welfare Services....Environmental Development Services 76 76 48,016 25 77 78 79 6048,01 25 Recreation, Cultural Services 61 62 83 84 85 66 Education Fiscal Services 4,97 27 67 Interest Stabilization 690 00 N Be 90 91 92 93 Other 3.29 0 23 997 04 Other Services:W 95 96 97 98 99 Gas 102 703 104 105 Electricity 106 109 110 flf Telephone 1 716 110 177 School Services TOTAL - CONDITIONAL 296 459 761 1 99 041,3301 83 63 tte GRAND TOTAL651,032 17 99 04 1,330 83653,35 98 aa a a MUNICIPALITY KWEtgTx.ANALYSIS OF TRANSFERS - OPERATING FUNDS REVENUEDuringtheFiscalYearEndedDecember31, 197 SCHEDULE RFederalProvincialOtherOwnGovernment &Government &Local Reserves &OtherTheirAgenciesTheirAgenciesGovernmentsAllowancesFunds Other Total610/710)620/730(630/800(910)920)990)UNCONDITIONAL (600)354,572tMunicipalAssistance • • •348,642 002MobileConstructionEquipment • • •4,565 3534 SOther1,365 00 8 7 8UNCONDITIONAL (900)TOTAL - UNCONDITIONAL 354.572 35 354,572 35CONDITIONAL (700, 800, SOO)9 W 11 12 13µGeneral GovernmentServices.......Protective Services:15 69228151817181920PoliceProtection212223242526FireProtectionEmergencyMeasures:27 28 29 30 3132DisasterServices33343536373BOther15.69228TransportationServices:.. I 228,7710394041424344RoadTransport228,7710045 46 47 48 4g50AirTransport .51 52 53 54 5556PublicTransitSub-total -Conditional (carried forward)244 463 28 1 1 1 244,4612it --- a F7JTTS..B MUNICIPALITY ANALYSIS OF TRANSFERS - OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE Durina the Fiscal Year Ended Decemher 31. 1q 1i y 9Q6 SCHEDULE R CONTINUED 00,Federal Provincial Other Own Government &Government &Local Reserves & Other Their Agencies610/ 710)Their Agencies 620/ 730) Governments 630/ 800) Allowances 910) Funds 920) Other 1990) Total Sub-total - Conditional brought forward)........244,463 28244,463 28 Environmental Health Services:......1 330 83 57 58 59 60 at 62 Water Supply 1,330 83 63 64 65 66 67 6B Other M TO 71 72 73 M Public Health & Welfare Services....Environmental Development Services 76 76 48,016 25 77 78 79 60 48,01 25 Recreation, Cultural Services 61 62 83 84 85 66 Education Fiscal Services 4,97 27 67 Interest Stabilization 690 00 N Be 90 91 92 93 Other3.29 0 23 997 04 Other Services:W 95 96 97 98 99 Gas 102 703 104 105 Electricity 106 109 110 flf Telephone 1 716 110 177 School Services TOTAL - CONDITIONAL 296 459 761 1 99 041,3301 83 63 tte GRAND TOTAL651,032 17 99 04 1,330 83653,35 98 MUNICIPALITY #48 ANALYSIS OF TRANSFERS - CAPITAL FUNDS FINANCES ACQUIRED ~ SCHEDULE S During the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19 7 L7v77) a Federal Provincial Other Government &Government &Local Own Other Their Agencies Their Agencies Governments Reserves Funds Other Total CONDITIONAL:1 2 3 4 b b General Government Services 5.336 80 5,336 80 Protective Services : 7 a 9 10 11 12 ntiPliPtceroecoo 13 14 15 16 17 9 Fir Pr ctionteoe Emergency Measures: 19 20 21 22 23 24 icesSiervsasterD 26 27 26 29 so Oth er 178 181 30 Transportation Services: 91 32 33 34 3E 3E R d T t 178,181 30 oa ranspor IF 40 41 42 Air T an rtrspo 43--45 47 Public Transit • • . . • • . • • • .Ali Sub-total (carried forward) 183.518 10 183,518 10 11 W MUNICIPALITY ICNE.F7ffII.d'.#48 . ANALYSIS OF REPAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL DUE ON LONG-TERM BORROWINGS SCHEDULE Q-5 PRINCIPAL BALANCE OWING ON ORIGINAL LONG-TERM BORROWING MADE IN: 1NALYSIS BY YEARS Total Principal Due 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 Prior to 1973 GENERAL: 1978 1979 ii1980 TOTAL PPUBLICUTILITIES: 1978 7 8 1979 10 tt 1980 1 TOTAL SCHOOL 1978 la 14 a 1979 1980 25,29 27 OR 20 6n 1981 M 22 2.1 1.as 1982 37 ag 39 do 111 d2 1983 to maturity TOTAL TOTAL: 1978 1979 1980 J 1981 . 1982 1983 to maturity 49 to agree with 350 Liabilities in appropriate Balance Sheets NOTE: THIS SCHEDULE NOT TO INCLUDE DEBENTURES 2 MUNICIPALITY KNEETiZI.L. #48FUTUREDEBENTUREDEBTCHARGES BY YEARSIPRINCIPALANDSINKINGFUNDREQUIREMENTSANnINTCCCRTIsun --.ems t-?rA %SERIAL DEBENTURES ADJUSTMENTS ARISING FROM BOUNDARY CHANGES v v.acm srnca - 5CHED21JE O-4SINKINGFUNDDEBENTURESASSUMEDFROMOTHERASSUMEDBYOTHER4ANALYSISBYYEARSPrincipalInterestPrincipalInterestPrincipalInterestSinkingFundRequirementsInterestPrincipaloOMaturitiesGENERAL19781197931,9141285 5592 2 4,38144,263 5193198051,375 98 6 4,173 871981761,472 92 6 4,076 9219821,577 12-10 3.972 531983toMaturityIt44,258 77 12 44 177 86TOTAL51.785 46 65.046 62PUBLICUTILITIES19,78 ..............13 887 20 14 1,013 691979 ..............15198017 936987 2297 16 96416912 65901981161,042 59 20 858 291982211983toMaturity231,10013438 229 2 8004.082 6509TOTAL18,393 09 8,632 27SCHOOL1978 .............25 s1979 .............?7 61980 .............99198111 219823.71983toMaturity35TOTALTOTAL1978 2,801 75 5 395 2019792,222 14 5 228 5819802, - r A 01.0111919812.5151 51 4,93519822,6771 54 4,773 181983toMature575976648,259 95GRANDTOTAL37T. . -i- A...xiw 70,1781 55 73,678 89 0MUNICIPALITYIRCHZI4...#48....................ANALYSIS OF TRANSFERS - CAPITAL FUNDS FINANCES ACQUIRED SCHEDULE S CONTINUED During the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1917 Federal Provincial Other Government &Government &Local Own Other Their Agencies Their Agencies Governments Reserves Funds Other Total Sub-total (brought forward)183,518 10 183, 518 10 Environmental Health Services..... . 48 50 51 52 53 54 Water Supply 55 56 57 58 ii a0 Other 51 62 63 64 65 as Public Health & Welfare Services....16,958 16 16.958 16 07 6e N 70 71 72 Environmental Development Services 5,345 84 1. 643 6 gag Recreation, Cultural Services 73 74 75 76 77 78 Education 76 s0 s1 82 63 64 Fiscal Services Other Services: 85 8a 57 s8 69 90 Gas 81 62 83 64 95 98 87 95 96 100 101 102 T6Np71orle . School Serviess 103 104 105 106 107 100 School Bus Replacement 109 110 111 112 11 114 GRAND TOTAL i15 22,304 00 185 161 42 207,465 2 IQ agna wren tome en me U&PRM Transfers in all Capital Funds (Finances Acquired items 6-12 inclusive) s 5 MUNICIPALITY .....XNF+$Filt . ASSESSMENTS UPON WHICH TAXES ARE LEVIED AND MILL RATE STATEMENT, 19 77 ® FORM 49 NON-RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY TOTAL TAXABLE ASSESSMENT DESCRIPTION ASSESSMENT ON WHICH MILL RATE APPLIED MILL RATE ASSESSMENT ON WHICH MILL RATE APPLIED MILL RATE Real Property: d tL 15 288 385 Education: ramSchoolFoundationPro 12,495,199 9 27 00 an Buildings & Improvements .........2 er y.Oth r P 4790 662 g School Division or District: (identify( Hills School Division #60Three 23, 773, 319 9 24 80,605,688 1 24 80 terop 4ElectricPowerInstallations 212,650 4LinePi 4,550,310pe 5sVtblTSemeCays Y ASSESSMENT TOTALP 24,842,007PROERT 4i 72,420nessQus tMillR e (aofRentalValueor TOTALTAXABLE ASSESSMENT. .7 914,42724 l Recreation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23, 773, 319 3 00 605 688 3 00 uationsDonotincludeassessmentva on which grants in lieu of taxes are paid. ONLY TO BE COMPLETED BY Health (identify): Hospital Districts: 1o zo RURAL MUNICIPALITIES: Electric Power Installations and Pipe Line Mill Rates: Auxiliary Hospital Districts: tt 21 Supplementary School Hospital Nursing Homes: 12 22 Homes for Abed. 11:s L dgeGolden 24,364,319 13 2 30 477,688 23 2 30 i Municipal: alG 144 61 101 24477,688 a 19,40%ener D bb 16 25 tentureeDe ARt1N1idL15~EilLiS 4 16 2 0 477,688 28 es:pec eva t tiFiP on .ro ecre. TOTAL MILL RATE 17 121 20 27 94 20 11 16 ! 0 MUNICIPALITY 7L.#48............................................ ANALYSIS OF DEBENTURE DEBT SCHEDULE 0-3 As at December 31,19-77 GROSS UNMATURED DEBT (EXCLUDING UNSOLD DEBENTURES( DEBENTURE DEBT SERIAL DEBENTURES SINKING FUND DEBENTURES CLASSIFICATION Municipality's Share Owners' Share Municipality's Share Owners' Share GENERAL: Boulevards Buildin s 25g Curbs & Gutters Hospitals 712 35 27 712 35 Libraries 26 Sewers 7,423 77 29 43,649 34 51,073 Sidewalks 7 30 Streets 31 Other :32 PTOTALGENERAL8,136 12 43,649 34 51,785 46 PUBLIC UTILITIES: Water Su l 10 33 18,393 09 18,393 09 ypp Electricity 11 34 Gas 12 35 l neTh 13 36 e oep Air Tr ns ort 14 37 pa Public Transit 16 36 TOTAL PUBLIC UTILITIES 18,393 09 18 393 09 SCHOOL Schools 16 Repair Shops & Warehouses...17 School Buses 18 Other Vehicles to Garages & Bus Repair Shops 20 sidences & DormitoriesR 21 e Other:22 TOTAL SCHOOL i GRAND TOTAL 23 8,136 12 62.042 39 70,178 155 e1B110 nWi 'If special frontage tax levied show Owners' Share breakdown. "To agree with classification totals (principal only), page 63. N 0 7 O w i N 0 W Q 7 Q Z Z n p z2 W aJ OD WQOa az~ o¢N x68 Ow. X00 mwm6 QZa awW mW O w Z 0 F a W Q rm Qj aR O i f asssaaaea 07 Q u W 6 eRssaaaa4 m 0 W W Y ~ 0 W 9muzg J W nnoaS Y Y mm z 999A 0 Yc 90 Z aasaaeY m c eLEn cc 9m aAaasaass to W Y 00 c 9 rNrxlCp NNr MgNU~ p m N tt I r ed NH Ecc u0na Nmamowms h F ~ m Jh QM mal N 3ammnmm Oi r Eo3 nn 9 n 3 n 3 n 3 n 33a u o iNmammnmmOf 81 I 46 0MUNICIPALITY 1,RL. #48...................................... 09-03 UNCONDITIONAL TRANSFERS For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1917 FORM 50 r &w) AUTHORITY FOR REQUISITION UNCONDITIONAL TRANSFER OR REQUISITION REQUISITI OWING FR PREVIOUS Y ONS OM EARS REQUISITION PAID REQUISITION UNPAID FOUNDATION PROGRAM: Requisition I 318.37 3 00 318,373 Additional Levy 2 TOTAL FOUNDATION PROGRAM 318.373 00 3 318,373 SUPPLEMENTARY SCHOOL REQUISITIONS; School Division or District: No. Name Tbree.Aills..School-Mylslon-#60,.585.62 65 585 620 65 TOTAL SUPPLEMENTARY SCHOOL REQUISITION S 585.620 65 585,620 5 HEALTH REQUISITIONS: Hospital District: No Name Auxiliary Hospital Nursing Home Home for the Aged Goldf...... 44.wge,..,,,,,_,,,.I.55.08 44 55.087 44 TOTAL HEALTH REQUISITIONS:CC Aft'AA 55 .087 1 0 PROVINCIAL PLANNING FUND REQUISITION:.6.12 49 12 6.120 1 49 3 IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TAX TRANSFER:.... SUB-TOTAL 965-201 965,201 8 IN COUNTIES ONLY: SUPPLEMENTARY SCHOOL REQUISITION transfer to School Operating Fund - Schedule A-1, page 6) GRAND TOTAL: 965.2 0 58 96S,201 58 NIL ro agree wan ua-ui, page a 69 MUNICIPALITY X1!1+.1148 PAYMENT TO COUNCILLORS FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES FORM 51 19 77 C910-) DIVISION OR WARD IF APPLICABLE NAME SALARIES OR FEES MILEAGE SUBSISTENCE TOTAL Mayor, Reeve or Chairman: 3 R. W. Brown 3,63 0 983 00 1,304 00 5,922 00 Members of Council: 1 G A. dahlBer 1 71 T 80 856 001 3,385 80 2 W Poole 0 619 AD-936 q W. 5 T F L. G. Litz Rr3 60 1,176 892 7 R G C 1 3 1 D 512 80 992 0 TOTAL 1 12094 2 4 912 40 3 7,464 00 4 33,317 40 to 01-01, page 4 PAYMENT TO SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEMBERS FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES FORM 52 19 DIVISION OR WARD (IF APPLICABLE)l NAME SALARIES OR FEES MILEAGE SUBSISTENCE TOTAL Chairman: Members of School Committee: i TOTAL 5 8 7 a to 01.01. page 53 CONTINGENT LIABILITIES 19-FORM 53 9 r MUNICIPALITY ANALYSIS OF 19-1LONG-TERM DEBT CHARGES to agree with appropriate expenditure statements) SCHEDULE O.1 ON) LONGTERM DEBT PRINCIPAL TOTAL DEBT CLASSIFICATION INTEREST INSTALLMENTS CHARGES 1. DEBENTURES ISSUED General: 1 2 Boulevards 3 4 Buildings 5 B Curbs & Gutters T 66 14 8 09 746 Hospitals S W Libraries 11 4,425 47 12 1.12 37 5,549 r84Sewers lkSid 13 4ewas St 15 15 reets Other 17 15 T tal General 4,491 61 1.80 4 6,296 o Public Utilities: 1 060 15 zd 8 73 1 900 88 Water Supply Yt 22 Electricity 23 21 Gas 25 28 Telephone Air Transport 2a 30 Public Transit blic UtilitiestalPT 1,060 15 8 73 1,90() o u School: 31 32 Schools hSW 33 34 ousesareRepairShops 35 School Buses lhVhi 37 38 esOterec i ShBR 39 40 opsrepausGarages & i 41 42 esResidences & Dormitor 43 44 Other llShTotaooc TOTAL DEBT CHARGES ON DEBENTURES ISSUED 5.551 76 2.645 It 8.12k 95 2. DEBENTURES ASSUMED FROM OTHER MUNICIPALITIES TOTAL DEBT CHARGES ON DEBENTURES ASSUMED 45 47 3. TOTAL DEBENTURE DEBT CHARGES 5,551 76 2,645 29 8,196 9 4. LONG-TERM BORROWINGS lG 48 M enera l so 51 yWaterSupp El icitt 52 52 yecr G SI 55as 55 57Telephone Ai T trranspor T sitPbli atranuc h lScoo TOTAL LONG-TERM BORROWINGS Specify name of Municipality and purpose for which issued) 89 W MUNICIPALITYRIEp1Ady.040.WATEROPERATINGFUNDSTATEMENTOFSURPLUS (DEFICIT) FORM21FortheFiscalYearEndedDecember31, 197741DEBITCREDITinninofYearfitBefSlDit)1Bl 2ggurpus (orecaanceoa2. AdjustmentsAffectingOperationsofPreviousYears.specify)3. OtherTransactionsAffectingSurplus: )specify)4. SurplusorDeficitforYearUnderReview - BroughtforwardfromWaterOperatingFundRevenueandExpenditureStatement385page25)5. SurplusorDeficitTransferredtoGeneralOperatingFundduringthet2CurrentYear (page3or6)6. BalanceofSurplusorDeficitatEndofYear - CarriedforwardtoWaterOperatingFund, BalanceSheet (page26)3491497. TotalsofDebitandCreditColumns1:349149134949WATERCAPITALFUNDSTATEMENTOFEQUITYINFIXEDASSETSFORM24FortheFiscalYearEndedDecember31, 197-7DEBITCREDITinninofYeartsatBedAiiFifE31,96011gssegnxe1. Balanceoquty2. AdjustmentsAffectingOperationsofPreviousYears: )specify)3. OtherAdjustmentsAffectingEquityinFixedAssets:ftAssetsacquiredbydeedorgiAssetswrittenoffDebenturePrincipalPaidfromownOperatingFund (ScheduleQ-1,60)84073pageLong-TermBorrowingPrincipalPaidfromownOperatingFundScheduleQ-1, page60)Transfers (FinancesAcquired, page28) . .Other (FinancesAcquired, page28)••.........Other (FinancesApplied, page28)3,661404. AssetsofOtherLocalGovernmentsAssumed5. LiabilitiesofOtherLocalGovernmentsAssumed6. AssetsTransferredtoOtherLocalGovernments _7. LiabilitiesAssumedbyOtherLocalGovernments8. BalanceofEquityinFixedAssetsatEndofYear-CarriedforwardtoWaterCapitalFund, BalanceSheet (page29)29,13S4qTnralsofDebitandCreditColumns32.88432,8431 t. Fo.Q2f r i! OLL L0 N p CM F t a N N hrl 0) 0 o OC OO L u~ 4 N h ps~ - H p tl qqN p h eN O r N N pp14 O wm _ op S m mp CL ` LL ~ g m Oi E S mP mID O u > r r' N n n S n F n a m a m w 8 8c 7 - Hammi mN NsVf toc p N O Q N N e) pN N v! d o D o'o^ m a rMti u2 Q LL R p R R p r e a B C OO N N O E mm $ n' Ti ` o; N LL N Y pi O v N d m h M ep ) oC d, 01 Oy1 t~M 1N m a m D m~ S W nC N W 7 y N W Vn r' N to l 1 N n R N i C n 4 v n O N On YC N ryN NulN mm 3g Ta AoN 1 r a 10 a N i e N O O N N A N oIn W OZ e w e a: a Z m a m o 0 w w [ o c c o ui zO Z e o cc n m m omti g q i E c C O c @ a 2 W Ya LY W J ( 7 V e cY Q 1 u E(5 G i E ° ' n a L a U D: Q 6 H Q Cr G O s s 6N s o g m f s o a 8 Ul u O O O 70 MUNICIPALITY 1mIF.EFS=. #48....... CONSOLIDATED CROSS CLASSIFICATION OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAMS AND BY OBJECTS FORM 54 CONTINUED During the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19-77 Government Services General For Resale For Own Transfer Financial Other Personnel Services Or General Account Goods Payments Charges Transactions Totals FUNCTION -Programs 100)200)Supply (300)400)500)700)800)900) Sub-Totals Brought Forward 946,373 38 262 868 21 12 833 80 1 337 71 590,4281 11 50,1631 9 0 500 00 1,864.S05 1 149 EENVIRONMENTALHEALTH:04 13 616 3 2 3 1 S 6 7 8 01 • Water Supply 800 0 706 23 4,654 22 626 76 9 10 11 12 13 14 is osaleCollection & Diswa02S 507 25 peg to 17 t8 19 20 21 22 osal03 - Garba e & Waste Collection & Dis 6 321 85 g p 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 99 • Other 915 PUBLIC HEALTH & WELFARE05 9,918 9 Ot - Public & Other Health, ital CaredilItHM 2 3 4 5 9,918 97 8 7 8 e ca osp g 10 i 12 73 4 is l W lfSi05ocaeare 18 7 18 19 20 21 22 06 - Preventive Social Services 23 24 25 28 27 28 28 99 - Other Sub-Totals Carried Forward 947,173 263,574 44 24,317 2 11,256 68 591,054 89 50.163 1901 0 r s 18 1. wl~ m m g n f C n Q t p o D m C 2 8 m m is N c v? Nrn r y c m T o: g w A 7 m m y o 0m y n n»rM S < 7 t o m m m m 9 0 N no N o^ D D N N 9 2° < d o D M lD O Z 2. V D N C 2 A" n f p A c m m N 8 C F+ m p r A b 9 C y 2 T 4 tN0 s 2 W X W -I g 3 D r"O m O A w f z N n m n c N O m T y 3 o a 2 C cn 2 W NJ m O N IJ N N r n N N ry1 N 2 mmmm O N C C m m r A T w r A m A of o N a m MUNICIPALITYWATERCAPITALFUNDBALANCESHEETAsatDecember31, 1977423 FORM23ASSETS100CASHONHANDANDONDEPOSIT110CashonHand1120CashinBank _ 2200RECEIVABLES220Federal4230Provincial „250LocalGovernments _ 8261DueFromOwnFunds:Operating. 01General99Otherlspecifyf .Capital. 02General . 899Other (specify) .270TradeAccounts . 9280Accrued .10290Other (specify) 11300INVESTMENTS (AnalysisofInvestments, page74) 12400LOANSANDADVANCES .410Short-Term1420Long-Term . ...L4500TANGIBLEASSETS146,4561520TemporaryAcquisitionofFixedAssets. g530FixedAssetsBoagreewithScheduleH-2, page30) 17146,4518600DEBTCHARGESRECOVERABLE . 18700OTHERASSETS730TrustAccounts (toagreewith460Liabilities) (specify) 19740Deposits .20790Other21900ACCUMULATEDDEFICIT (creditForm24, item8, page31) . 22TOTALASSETS3146,49r18424LIABILITIES100SHORT-TERMBORROWINGS (includeoverdrafts).. 1200PAYABLESf210Federal . 2220Provincial3230LocalGovernments . {241DuetoOwnFunds.Operating01GeneralX.. 584.166199Other (specify)Capital: 02General . 899Other (specify) . .250TradeAccounts . . . . . . . .270Accruedg290Other (specify) 10300LONGTERMDEBT18, 3909310Debentures (ScheduleQ-3, page62) . 1118,39309350OtherLong-TermBorrowings (Schedule0-5, page64) 12400OTHERLIABILITIES460TrustAccounts (toagreewith730Assets) (specify) . 14470Deposits .....15490Other500ASSETVALUATIONALLOWANCES (toagreewithScheduleH-3, 500, page30117114,7504600RESERVEStoagreewithScheduleH-3, 600, page30) T84700EQUITYINFIXEDASSETSIdebltForm24, item8, page31129,1344TOTALLIABILITIES201118 OWF0aul0OLLmHUm0coco2afQOam ~Wm W f m Oa 2 E wo XW 009 Z ccwmIL0 m LL m 0L L 2 vo= t-Q C LLtoQUmy0QvW QIL 0 U2 00U v o N r a0Co 00 rV co aNn01 Tm aON o S 8 0 L 00 0 m0~ - N h OJ NN m h N pN g c 2, , mm m cL LL U O r O E8 n_ d mrc co7N n n no m co o to og TNom omN Ntia noN c' m ID v c~ Oo 8 mv mN N o a uQ _ 4 ra aN m w n n g a E N H E N m7 a ° g myu rn r a a o00 ~ m N a a r N a co c aan t I mN Q) N O N Js N g nrn Nrnn IDrom i N ri 0O nO . M w r w - v - 0O D 9a lo w d Q _ LL m E D 3 0 F _ h LL 9 c E LL Q d O1 F, V) C 0 c to V ? o a` q Z Gi o Z 0 in 0 0 a c O _ m _ o E V ra 0 u w S m y~ nm 0 E Q a 0 a ¢ u Cc v w a` O F6 2 o oo m o o o S o m m DLL m g O 71 29 O0po ifaOyUcocoa0ZQyQ0OaCo t t ' ` a] W M ¢ - Fm0E 2 E w m ILwp z NZ°c aw m w ma> 0~ 0u 2 m 05 wc U i LQ YlyJU00O J 0IJ J ILZ J 7f y00u N N I F g N rd O n1m0 qg c Qx om I n n m NN NN qa o y ma mc u ri a N yN iel E 8 w u,O y-I N ra _ Ovl rN R 1001 M Y N b m co 00 g 0 - OmONw n OmON co ym C Oa g yN 10N e n E Nl Ni 0 Ny g r j y m m r im c X0 6 0 oy N v N N mm . yu $ O In vO N O r n J'y I N N O0 mo$ iJ to10NNC yyyCO y am1 m tj : Ii p ON; m to . t L0; 0 0 0 u C m q ' y C m of ~ y m c' u er n 8 m ' S 0 m 0 00 J yLL 0 J O Om 0 g a JO H 2O o Q o m c~ a N 0 H Ta t o w i p F l7 w H 0it t 000 i s u o o m 0 o o h y K LL y ly j y l7 N I G I pi° IWiF 1 0 t11 m iqI: 71 . 1 040 9r40 MU N I C I P A L I T Y If N E 4 I I L L W WA T E R CA P I T A L FU N D ST A T E M E N T OF CA P I T A L FI N A N C I N G Fo r th e Fi s c a l Ye a r En d e d De c e m b e r 31 , 19 7 7 FO R M 22 42 1 FI N A N C E S AC Q U I R E D Es t i m a t e s Ac t u a l UN E X P E N D E D FU N D S FR O M PR E V I O U S YE A R S 1 LO N G - TE R M DE B T IN C U R R E D F d ra l ) i d 2 to e e ss u e De b e n t u r e s ( De b e n t u r e s ( is s u e d to Pr o v i n c i a l ) 34 O h er s ) t De b e n t u r e s ( is s u e d to Ot h e r Lo n g - Te r m Bo r r o w i n g s 5 TR A N S F E R S ( Sc h e d u l e S. pa g e 6 6 & Fo r m 24 , ne m 3, pa g e 3 l ) 8 Fr o m Fe d e r a l Fr o m Pr o v i n c i a l 79 l Go v e r n m e n t s L F ro m oc a 9 Fr o m Ow n Re s e r v e s Fr o m Ot h e r Fu n d s : Op e r a t i n g ( sp e c i f y ) . 10 11 Ca p i t a l ( sp e c i f y ) Fr o m Ot h e r ( sp e c i f y ) 13 OT H E R ( Fo r m 24 , it e m 3, pa g e 31 ) Sa l e of Fi x e d As s e t s . . . . . 13 Re t u r n on In v e s t m e n t s . . . . . 14 Ot h e r ( sp e c i f y ) . 15 TO T A L AC Q U I R E D OV E R E X P E N D I T U R E to be pr o v i d e d by 84 00 0 00 84 , 16 6 61 Co n t r i b u t i o n s fr o m Ow n Op e r a t i n g Fu n d 1& Bo r r o w i n g Ap p r o v e d bu t no t Re c e i v e d 17 Sa l e of As s e t s . . . 19 19 oc h e r { sp e c g y l . . . . . . . . DE D C 1 1 C 1 u : es 84 . 16 6 61 1 RA N D TO T A L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 00 0 00 G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . zo 84 , 16 6 61 42 2 FI N A N C E S AP P L I E D Es t i m a t e s Ac t u a l OV E R E X P E N D I T U R E OF PR E V I O U S YE A R S 1 FI X E D AS S E T S ( do no t se p a r a t e Wo r k s in Pr o g r e s s ) En g i n e e r i n g St r u c t u r e s 84 , 00 0 02 84 1 6 6 61 84 16 Bu i l d i n g s . . . 3 Ma c h i n e r y & Eq u i p m e n t . . . . . . . . 4 La n d _ 7 Ot h e r ( Te m p o r a r y Ac q u i s i t i o n of Fi x e d As s e t s l . a OT H E R ( Fo r m 24 , it e m 3, pa g e 31 ) In t e r e s t on Sh o r t - Te r m Bo r r o w i n g s 9 Ot h e r Fi n a n c i a l Ch a r g e s 10 Tr a n s f e r s to Ow n Re s e r v e s & Fu n d s It o ag r e e wi t h Sc h e d u l e H- l, pa g e 30 ) . 11 Ot h e r ( sp e c i f y ) 13 TO T A L AP P L I E D 84 . 00 0 ) 00 84 , 16 6 61 UN E X P E N D E D FU N D S ( se t ou t de t a i l s be l o w ) 14 GR A N D TO T A L 84 . 00 0 10 0 15 I IN F Y P F N O F n FI I N D S Ex p e n d e d By La w No . if ap p l i c a b l e ) So u r c e of Fu n d s Pr o j e c t if ap p l i c a b l e ) To t a l Fu n d s Re c e i v e d Cu r r e n t Ye a r To t a l of Pr e v i o u s Ye a r s Un e x p e n d e d Tn i A l It . mp r m m wi t h Un e x p e n d e d Fu n d s in ab o v e St a t e m e n t ) . 28 MUNICIPALITYIfNELWLL #48 WATEROPERATINGFUND 08.02TRANSFERSTOOWNRESERVES & FUNDSSCHEDULEG-1 DuringtheFiscalYearEndedDecember31. 197rdi~ Reserves & Allowances: Reserves (specify(... . . . . . . . 1 Allowances !specify! ....... p OwnFunds: Operating (specify) Capital (specify) . . . TOTALTRANSFERSTOOWNRESERVES & FUNDS (toagreewith08 -02, page25)..5 ASSETVALUATIONALLOWANCESANDRESERVESSCHEDULEG-2 AsatDecember31, 19-77 500ASSETVALUATIONALLOWANCES. (toagreewith500Liabilities, page26) specify). 600RESERVES (toagreewith600Gabditles, page26) specify( . 08-01DEBTCHARGESSCHEDULEG-3 DuringtheFiscalYearEndedDecember31,19774~b 810InterestonShort-TermLoans .t 821InterestonDebentureDebt (Schedule0-1. page60)2106 829interestonOtherLong-TermBorrowings (ScheduleQ-1, page60) 831PrincipalonDebentureDebt(ScheduleQ1, page60)a89J73839PrincipalonOtherLong-TermBorrowings(ScheduleQ-1, page60)1 890Other .6 930Discountsy 08-01TOTALDEBTCHARGES (toagreewith08-01, page25)1.9 27 I Aft MUNICIPALITY Ik_J ...........................[WRiTLG .#.8........................ 10 AUDITOR'S SPECIAL REPORT Ia. OF VERIFICATION TAX NOTICES MAILED BY AUDITOR UNDER SEC. 70, THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ACT 31, No. OF VERIFICATION UTILITY NOTICES MAILED BY AUDITOR UNDER SEC. 70, THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ACT AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE TO: The Members of the Council XUN3:CIPAL .DISTRICT OF KNEEHnZ #98 Name of Municipality) I ICneehill #48100haveexaminedthebalancesheetsofthevariousfundsoftheMunicipal. District Of. as at December 31, 197 and the related statements of Revenue and Expenditure, Surplus (Deficit), Capital Financing, and Equity in Fixed Assets for the year then ended. Our examination included a general review of the accounting procedures and such tests of accounting records and other supporting evidence as we considered necessary in the circumstances. MY In tIW opinion, these financial statements present fairly the financial position of the municipality as at December 31, 1977 and the results of its operations for the year then ended, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the previous year, subject to any qualifications mentioned in the Auditor's Special Report herewith. try Further, in SM opinion, the additional statements and reports, when considered in relation to the aforementioned statements, presents fairly the supplemental information shown. Dated at . WW this .70.... day of... X?-b?Tl§i'Y................ ,19-78 Signed 7!IwrYy.,-, -P ^~.!Tr?.o,e:r..•........ Address.... T. . k!TWt. All???ta........... Finn 10M..V#X.REA JRO Ctlertered Actrotuttant.............................. 72 MUNICIPALITY SECRETARY-TREASURER'S REPORT 19 77 LANDS UNDER THE TAX RECOVERY ACT Total number of Parcels Finally Acquired by Municipality but not sold (Sec. 20) as at December 31 of current year 22 Number Under Tax Notification 35 Date Lest Tax Notification Registered at L.T.O. April 1, 1977 Date of Last Pudic Sale Sept. 25, 1975 Public Sale Receipts from Lands Sold or (Private Sale 897 10 leased in current year (Leases Number of Parcels Sold at Public Sale in current year NIL Number of Parcels Sold at Private Sale in current year 4 Number of Parcels Leased Under Sec. 29(1) in current year N~ Total Parcels Dealt with in current year 4 Receipts in current year from (Public Sale Lands Sold or Leased in (Private Sal prior years (Leases TOTAL TAX SALE AND LEASE RECEIPTS IN CURRENT YEAR Above Receipts have been credited as follows: to Commissions to Municipal Account to Taxes 939 83 to Tax Sale Surplus Trust Account Total Tax Sale end Lease Receipts Accounted for 939 83 TAXES CANCELLED UNDER SEC. 27121 The Tax Recovery Act . . , . -010 94 TAXES ON PROPERTY ACQUIRED FOR TAXES 01 Number of Parcels Assessed Value Total Taxes 1. Balance. Jan. 1, 1977 26 1,891 26 2. Current Year's Levy 3. Penalties & Costs added in 19_ . 4. Taxes Reinstated 353 73 5. Taxes Transferred 6. Amounts Placed on Roll for Collection 7. TOTAL DUE 2,244 99 8. *Collections in 1917including costs 4 NIL 939 83 9. Discounts Allowed 10. Cancellations 410 94 11. Taxes Transferred 12. UNCOLLECTED TAXES, December 31, 1917 894 NOTE-Show number of parcels actually sole during current year, wun men aswaseu vdiue anu not --P- from both sales and leases actually applied on taxes during the current year, The above statements do not include Deterred Payments. to Schedule A-2, page 6. Resident Farmers . . . . . . Actual Cant of Municipality as at 19_ Actual Dominion Census Count of June 1976 , r.... 1- r.,. o.,.d..t.t rrwu nn,re... _ 59630 9 Is MUNICIPALITY WATER OPERATING FUND BALANCE SHEET FORM 20 As at December 31, 1977 4 3 ASSt15 100 CASH ON HAND AND ON DEPOSIT 110 Cash on Hand 1 120 Cash in Bank 2 200 RECEIVABLES . 4220Fl 9,929 21 edera s230Plrovincia 82Governments .50 Local 261 Due From Own Funds. ital 02 General 7cap 99 Other (specify) 01 General 8ng.Operati 99 Other (specify) - 270 Trade Accounts . 9 280 Accrued . .1111-101 1 290 Other (specify( _Installaam COS#8 .11 300 INVESTMENTS (Analysis of Investments, page 741 - - 12 400 LOANS AND ADVANCES . . 410 Short-Term . 13 420 Lon-Term 14 500 TANGIBLE ASSETS (Invem.nesl 18 700 OTHER ASSETS 730 Trust Accounts Ito agree with 460 Liabilities) Ispecl yl 19 740 Deposits . . 20 790 Other 21 900 ACCUMULATED DEFICIT (credit Form 21, item 6, page 31) 22 TOTAL ASSETS _ 23 9,92 9 2 414 LIABILITIES 100 SHORT-TERM BORROWINGS (include overdrafts) ........1 200 PAYABLES 72.r 2210Federal 3220Provincial 4230LocalGovernments 241 Due To Own Funds: a n ral02GilCeeapta 99 Other ispecify) Operatin 01 General 7,979 72 g 99 Other (specify) 7ntAo250Tds _ra e cc u 8ntreInstallments260Dbuee 9270Aedccru 290 Other (specify) ............10 300 LONG-TERM DEBT 310 Debentures (Schedule 0-3, page 62) 11 350 Other Long-Term Borrowings (Schedule G-5, 64) ....tt 400 OTHER LIABILITIES 600 00 st Accounts Ito agree with 730 Assets) (speedy) M460Tru 15470Deposits 00 DO 490 Other ...............................................16 500 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES (to agree with Schedule G-2 510, page 271 1T 600 RESERVES M a ree With Schedule G•2, 60D, page 27)18 900 ACCUMULATED 19 1 349 49 TOTAL LIABILITIES p 9,929 2 73 26 MUNICIPALITYAIEEf1TLL, #48.................. WATEROPERATINGFUND STATEMENTOFREVENUEANDEXPENDITUREFORM19 FortheFiscalYearEndedDecember31, 191741 REVENUEEstimatesActual 300SERVICESPROVIDEDTOOTHERGOV'TSn 400SALESOFGOODSANDSERVICES750000749561 411SaleatWater ......................78 490Othera 7,325 170 55 06 500OTHERREVENUEFROMOWNSOURCES .25 700CONDITIONALTRANSFERSFROMFEDERALOR PROVINCIALGOVTS & THEIRAGENCIESIScheduleR, page65) . 710Federal . 37 730Provincial38 800CONDITIONALTRANSFERSFROMOTHERLOCAL GOV'TS (ScheduleR,page65) .39 900OTHERTRANSFERS (ScheduleR. page65)140000133083 910FromOwnReserves & Allowances: 912ReserveforFutureExpenditures . 41 919OtherA3 920FromOtherFunds. Operating: (specify) General441,33083 Capital: (specify) 45 990Other (specify) .46 TOTALREVENUE89000047882644 DEFICITFORYEAR (debitForm21, item4, page31) GRANDTOTAL8900008.82 412 EXPENDITUREEstimatesActual 0401WATERSUPPLY7000! 006,78721 01Administration14800M 02Purification & Treatment 03ServiceofSupply 18 416422 04Transmission &Distribution 05Pumping 1 1 706 626 23 76 06CustomerBilling & Collection 99Other 1 OBFISCALSERVICES . _190000190088 01DebtCharges (toagreewithScheduleG-3, page27) 4 02TransferstoOwnReserves & Funds (toagreewithScheduleG-1,page27) q 190088 TOTALEXPENDITURE890000S868809 SURPLUSFORYEARlaeditForm21, item4, page31)13835 GRANDTOTAL8,90010088264 r 0 MUNICIPALITY ROAD AND STREET KILOMETRES 19 SURFACED ROADS AND STREETS EARTH ROADS, Etc. 1 Improved Concrete Bituminous Grave r Graded Other Total Drained) 1 Provincial Highways. Main 4 53 1 168 1EL Secondary 90 2 74 nL 14 6 44 2 297 73 2. Local Roads & Streets 4 83 1,655 23 705 30 37 36 Y 809 3 3. Public Lanes & Alleys..6 9 66 q 16 0 TOTAL KILOMETRES T D 10 1 240 60 1 73 68 90 SEWER AND WATER MAIN KILOMETRES 923 NUMBER OF PARCELS 1 Storm Sewers .................1 1. No. of Taxable Parcels 1 2. Sanitary Sewers... .2 _ 5 12 2. No. of Exempt Parcels .........2 194 3. Water Mains ................3 3. Total Number of Parcels... .....3 6,073 10 38 FOR SUMMER VILLAGES ONLY- No. of Taxable Parcels on which residential buildings are located ANALYSIS OF MUNICIPALLY OWNED UTILITIES 117 l WATER.ELECTRICITY:GAS:. Number of Hook-ups.,?79 Number of Hookups .2 Number of Hook-ups ...3 No. of Buildings Unserviced. No. of Buildings Unserviced No. of Buildings Unser i dvce No. of Hydrants,9 No. of Street Lights,,,,, B AREA OF MUNICIPALITY-IN HECTARES 65 7) L III, LAND: Assessed for Taxation as at year end,...•,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 330 198 78 Exempt from Taxation (excluding Public Parks, eic.,Streets, Lanes and Highways)............ 2 246 46 In Public Parks and Playgrounds 3 1,009 In Streets, Lanes and Highways 4 6,634 65 Total Land Area 338,089 21 TOTAL WATER AREA Inot otherwise included) 5 570 22 TOTAL AREA 8 338 659 KNEE J!.#." ANALYSIS OF INVESTMENTS Bonds, Debentures, Stocks or Other Securities by Fundsf Issued or Guaranteed by:General Funds Utilities Funds School Funds Total 1 Dominion Government............ 2. Province of Prince Edward Island 3. Province of Nova Scotia 4. Province of New Brunswick..... 5. Province of Quebec 6. Province of Ontario . . . . 7. Province of Manitoba 8. Province of Saskatchewan 9. Province of Alberta 10. Province of British Columbia . 11. Own Municipality 12. Other Municipalities 13. School Corporations 1 F 14. A.M.F.C . 15. Others )I--. ,Cnrp......120 00 1201 00 TOTAL 120 00 To spree with the totals as shown in the Operating and Capital Balance Sheets. 25 74 ffi MUNICIPALITY KNELTIIIL.#48............ VALUATION OF PROPERTY EXEMPT FROM TAXATION (DOLLARS ONLY) 19 77 Include valuation of property subject to grants in lieu of taxes) 9Z~ Classification Land Buildings Engineering Structures Total 1. DOMINION GOVERNMENT PROPERTY. I di L d snanan Other TOTAL DOMINION GOVERNMENT PROPERTY 1 2 3 2. PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT PROPERTY. Structures)ludeAGT -En ineerinUtilitis(i 288,270 288,270 g genc Parks & DamsifOh 11,750 1,55 13 300 yter (spec Misc...9,030 9 0 TOTAL PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT PROPERTY 4 20 780 5 1,55 6 288 270 316,600 3. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT PROPERTY. ni alitMidbOU 1,885 4,35 6,235 ywncpseyu Schools (Include Public, exclude Private Schools) P Parksbli 930 1,25 1 u c H italsPbliuospc Public Libraries Property Acquired for Taxes 24 Tax Recovery Act)Sec 150 1 250 CdneteriesOther (s if 590 590 pec y ReserveWorksPublic 1,050 1 110 t9unicipalitiesothr 8,650 1.130 9 780 r, 00 500 TOTALMUNICIPALGOVERNMENT PROPERTY 7 13,755 I s 89 9 -20.645 4. PROPERTY USED FOR EDUCATION, RELIGIOUS, CHARITABLE AND WELFARE PURPOSES: Colleges and Universitiesols (Private)Sch 6,725 8 4 95-155 o liR i PdfPUg urposesorousseeroperty Property Used for Charitable and Welfare Pur osesp TOTAL PROPERTY USED FOR EDUCATIONAL, RELIGIOUS, CHARITABLE AND WELFARE PURPOSES 18 79,045 11 931.731 112 _1.010.775 5. INDUSTRIAL AND BUSINESS ENTERPRISES: 13 100 114 11,721 15 -11.820 CtatmunitX Centresf 1.290 28 52 29.810 6. OTHER (speci y) Gene;alGOlfClubRinks tiP lR 4 810 11 63 16 440 eSKed f TOTAL OTHER . .18 17 40,15 18 _49 ~-Rn GRAND TOTAL EXEMPTIONS 119,780 992 D 288 270 19 1,400,090 0 1 MUNICIPALITY RPM= , #40... GENERAL OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF SURPLUS (DEFICIT) For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 197-7 FORM 3 I DEBIT CREDIT innin of YearDficit) at BellfS 992,528 73 ggurpusoreanceo1Ba 2. Prior Years' Surplus or Deficit included in Current Budget - Transferred to General Operating Fund, 3 4)S ortatement (pageRevenueandExpenditure 3. Adjustments Affecting Operations of Previous Years, (specify) Previous Years TaxestRItet 153 71 eme;.ns a n 4. Other Transactions Affecting Surplus: (specify( . 5 Surplus or Deficit for Year Under Review-Brought forward fromGeneral 3 4)i S orturetatementpageOperatingFund, Revenue and Expend 6. Balance of Surplus or Deficit at End of Year - Carried forward to General Operating Fund, Balance Sheet (page 5)1,381,018 45 7 Totals of Debit and Credit Columns 1 1 Ol GENERAL CAPITAL FUND STATEMENT OF EQUITY IN FIXED ASSETS FORM 6 For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1977 DEBIT CREDIT f YeartBeinninFdA 2 496. 51Z 28--- g g oixessetsa1BalanceofEquityin 1 . Adjustmens Affecting Operations of Previous Years. (specify) 3. Other Adjustments Affecting Equity in Fixed Assets, f t .Assets acquired by deed or gi 110888 50 Assets written off. Debenture Principal Paid from own Operating Fund (Schedule Q-1, a e 60)1 124 37 p g Long-Term Borrowing Principal Paid from own Operating Fund Schedule Q-1, page 60) 7 207 92 Transfers (Finances Acquired, page 69 925 O1 Other (Finances Acquired, page 7) 7Other (Finances Applied, page d4AssetsofOtherLocalGovernmentsAssume 5 Liabilities of Other Local Governments Assumed l G overnments6. Assets Transferred to Other Loca l GO overnmentstherLoca7LiabilitiesAssumedby 8. Balance of Equity in Fixed Assets at End of Year-Carried forward to General Capital Fund, Balance Sheet (page el 2,611 19 B 9 Totalso f Debrt and Credit Columns 2 775 027 78 1 2,77L=1 78 75 10 MU N I C I P A L I T Y KN E E H Z I L . W FI X E D AS S E T S SC H E D U L E B-2 As at De c e m b e r 31 ; 19 - 27 FU N C T I O N A L CL A S S I F I C A T I O N OF SE R V I C E S En g i n e e r i n g St r u c t u r e s Bu i l d i Bu i l d i n g s Ma c h i n e r y & Eq u i p m e n t La n d To t a l 01 GE N E R A L GO V T : 12 9 , 18 0 1 01 Le g i s l a t i v e 8 7 8 02 Ge n e r a l Ad m i n i s t r a t i v e 10 11 76 , 34 3 8 12 52 , 71 7 98 13 11 9 0 79 54 0 02 PR O T E C T I V E : 01 Po l i c e Pr te c t i n 14 15 18 1 o o 03 Fi r e Pr o t e c t i o n 18 19 20 46 , 65 8 96 1 21 04 Em e r en c Me a s u r e s 22 23 24 25 g y 99 Ot h e r 28 27 28 32 , 88 1 64 29 2, 28 4 , 07 8 03 TR A N S P O R T A T I O N : 01 Co m m o n Se r v i c e s ( on l y if Fo r m s 7 an d / or 13 co m p l e t e d ) . 30 31 32 3 02 Ro a d Tr a n s p o r t 34 12 , 05 7 8 35 25 0 , 61 9 6 38 2, 01 4 , 04 3 42 37 7, 35 7 8 16 4 , 72 4 04 EN V I R O N M E N T A L HE A L T H : 02 Se w a g e Co l l e c t i o n & Di s p o s a l 38 16 4 07 0 39 65 3 4 40 41 03 Ga r b a g e & Wa s t e Co l l e c t i o n Di s p o s a l 42 43 44 46 99 Ot h e r 46 47 48 49 06 PU B L I C HE A L T H & WE L F A R E 01 Pu b l i c & Ot h e r He a l t h , Me d i c a l & Ho s p i t a l Ca r e 50 51 52 53 05 So c i a l We l f a r e 54 55 58 57 06 Pr e v e n t i v e So c i a l Se r v i c e s 58 59 8o 61 06 EN V I R O N M E N T A L DE V E L O P M E N T 83 , 42 3 03 Ag r i c u l t u r a l Se r v i c e Bo a r d 62 63 4,84 8 6 64 78 , 52 4 94 65 50 0 07 Ho u s i n g . . . 88 67 88 89 99 Ot h e r 70 71 72 73 T RA L 13 , 93 6 07 RE C R E A T I O N & CU L U 01 Re c r e a t i o n Bu i l d i n g s tY Fa c i l i t i e s . 74 94 8 5 75 9 92 0 78 1,01 6 19 77 2,04 5 1 02 Cu l t u r a l Bu i l d i n g s & Fa c i l i t i e s 78 79 80 81 99 Ot h e r 82 83 84 85 TO T A L = AS S E T S ( to ag r e e wi t h 63 0 A a s e t e , pa g e 17 7 , 07 6 8 34 2 39 2 2, 22 5 , 84 3 1 9,57 1 19 5 2, 75 4 , 88 4 In c l u d e Wo r k s in Pr o g r e s s . D f 8 30 3 m e 3 D 3 er g F i m m o a` m~ A ° li e 0 y0 ~ a' m D m 3 m m xg m m w w m m3 m c BO = A y m O Dz w a ~ p r m m ~ z n m D° - 3 C) - m ° m Zm ~ ~ i J ? ai ey 6 p O M I+ y rt p 0 O C l b m g f8 1 iC gN 2 4,3' Q L) O 1 o 4 o F+ N 1 o On E 8 M u~ 1~ p 11 m 1r p { Y ro rp 1 1 y ob w AA A m o m a m' H r! Or Y 6q j 0 1 p 7 rt W R. R. 1n 7C p n 0 gi o o o F v 0 N rt IC ~ r pp r1 b M m R H in a m m c 1 Y Y Y Y W N Y A N Y 1 D1 Y Y Y Y A I W I O N O I Y Y A R b 0 1 0 V1 W Y N 1 V1 O N W J A M 00 O1 N O N O N Y lY J 1 0 y< 5 25 5 25 0 1 0 5 2 25 QQ 25 5 25 0 0 Q 0 0 1 8 I 0 0 1 8 8 0 m w Y W g P N J U W V m H I M 1 1 1 1 1 FW + W UI 0 Y O1 W Vl Y W Y N V 0 b O N W J J A O W D1 N W O Y N W ul O N O 0 pO O 0 m tn 0 w 0 tp A pp 0C. O 0 6 0 j tn 0 t0 M 0 N 0 M 0 O 0 1 W° I O ro J I Y 0 W 0 O 0 D iO 0 0 0 0 O O tn J 0 r p Oo W N A N g 4 p O P W J O o Y N J p W Y N W W Y W Y N J O W N Y W OI on P J to J I 1 D1 N VI IW J I O I N N VI 3 G m m D° 0 0 0 b O o o o o o o o o 0 o to 0 0 o 0 0 o o o o o o w? o o o o o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m t7 a 1 M s D m M9 a M M T A mm z in 4 O O m M D 0 c m I m,r1 t 0m Q m m Q a m ac c c? a m m 3 m 3 9 g o 7, % m 3 o S 3 Z r~ - m ~ ~ ' ao ' r 3_a m m m Y P~ qm D3 $ m ~ Dm p y . 4 m 3 m 3 8 am : o 0a 3 Y d R, c n 0 a r: m - 3 m a m y T' R m . C o n m 3 n N J Y N ut Y Q°o Un o R7 q O o O m o o 0 o D mO 0 0 I. m 0 u,O 0 O 0 z m a4 N o Z g N yY M n 0 r N D z c1 m W Y A D G WD A ID D o nm m a m3 D O w 0 0 P 9t c m 0 0 0 0 M i n 8; mO > am r C z A m C p D O 2 MO M M m IJ THE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF KNEEHILL #48 REEVE'S-REPORT-FOR-1977 It is again a privilege to report on some of the highlights in the operation of the Municipal District of Kneehill R48. The finances are covered by financial statement& Other members of council will report on various committees. 1977 was not a good year for most farmers. Drought and a decline in grain prices, coupled with ever increasing costs of farm imputs, is working a real hardship on many farmers. Cattle prices have improved. There are several factors that contributed to a surplus financial position. The capital budget was underspent, simply because we did not buy as much equipment as planned. We have been buying gravel trucks in the fall for the heavy winter use, however we did not do this in 1977. At least two of the tandum trucks should be replaced soon. The government paid for the Swalwell Access Road - 3.36 miles. This road is of highway standard. The five weeks of earning money with our equipment instead of spending helped our financial situation. Early in the year the revenue from oil well drilling rigs was practically tripled, so coupled with a year of high activity, there was a much greater revenue than anticipated. Our assessment went up by $414,557. as some gas processing plants went on stream,and other parts of the oil and gas industry, in the wey of well heads, pipelines, tanks, etc., were added. Tax collections, I feel, were excellent. The 2% penalty on December let was a great influence in the collection of taxes. An additional penalty of 10% is added on February let. Our arrears as of February 1st amounted tc $97,283.15. Our road program for 1977 was similar to other years, in that our equipment worked from frost out until freeze up. Fewer miles were built than in other years, mainly because of some very high standard grading. We have word that contracts are let to pave the 3.36 miles from Highway 21 to Swalwell, also the 811 miles from Three Hills west to connect with Secondary Road 806. The same contract also covers paving through the Village of Linden. Our light surface program left much to be desired in 1977. We started late in the season running into wet weather during August, and Council is certainly making plans to improve in this area in 1978. Gravel is becoming in short supply. A new pit was opened at Lowen's near Dunphy, but we only have a one year lease. Increased loads and speed seem to really use up the gravel. New regulations regarding weight limits become effective February lat. Gross vehicle weight will only apply to bridges, other weights will be according to axles and tire size. MUNICIPALITY GENERAL CAPITAL FUND TRANSFERS TO OWN RESERVES & FUNDS During the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1977 125 SCHEDULE B-1 Reserves & Allowances: Reserves lspecifyl . Allowances lspecifyl . . Own Funds: Operating (specify) . . . Capital (specify) . . . . TOTAL TRANSFERS TO OWN RESERVES & FUNDS (to Finances Applied page 7) ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES AND RESERVES SCHEDULE B 3 As at December 31, 19 ,7 5110 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES. (to agree with 500 Liabilities, page 8) s ecifpy 600 RESERVES (to agree with 600 Liabilities, page 8) specify) . . . . . . . EXPENDITURE FOR GENERAL FIXED ASSETS 127 SCHEDULE B-4 Functional Classification Engineering Buildings Machinery & Land TotalofServicesStructuresEquipment 1 7 3 4 01 General Government 5,732 70 100 00 5,832 70 5 4 7 8 02 Protective 10 11 12 03 Transportation . . . . . . .61806 2 193,480 68,200,287 30 19 11 15 18 04 Environmental Health 90,477 5 90,477 17 1&19 20 05 Public Health & Welfare 21 27 23 24 06 Environmental Development 683 78 6,255 50 6,989 6 07 Recreation & Cultural 38 27 26 Education 608 7 1,016 9 737 2,362 1 Total Expenditure for General Fixed 29 Assets Ito agree with Fixed Assets, Finances Applied, page 7, excluding "Other")90.477 8,099 1 171 206,484 9 7 65 305,949 14 9 µPage 2 new infestatiors in 1977. Green Foxtail appears to have spread generally throughout the district. Persian Darnel, another annual grass that grows similarly to Green Foxtail is in the area. The problem with new weeds is that they can be pretty well established before they are noticed. We did not have a Canada Thistle Control Program in 1977, as we did in 1976. e ROADSIDE SPRAYING: i We completely sprayed and in some cases, patch sprayed 986 miles of roadside. We plan on spraying all new construction completed in the past three years to help assist the new grass seed to become established.We also patch sprayed patches of Canada Thistle, Toad Flax and some of the more persistant weeds in areas where the grass seed is established, but patches of weeds have become established.We also treated some roadsides for brush control.ROADSIDE SEEDING:Seventy five miles of roadside ditch was seeded to grass following new construction in 1977. Burrow pits were also seeded. We normally use a mixture of 50% Crested Wheat, 45% Creeping Red Fescue and 5%Alfalfa. We will, however, make special mixes on request from the farmer involved for seeding burrow pits, or roadsides that are to be used for hay production.LIVESTOCK INSECT CONTROL:The number of cattle sprayed for warbles and lice was dawn from 1976. In 1976 we sprayed 3500 head, while in 1977 we only sprayed 1100 head. One of the problems is that lice are generally more active in the colder months. We have now purchased a fogger that can be used in the colder weather. It should work much better than using water as we have been before.SHELTERBELT SPRAYING:Our shelterbelt spraying program was down a bit from 1976 with 35 farmsteads sprayed as compared to 40 in 1976. A lot of the damage to shelterbelts is caused by climatic conditions, such as drought, frost and scalding. Some herbicide damage has also been evident.FIELD CROP INSECTS: +With the grasshopper population down, there was no spraying done that we were aware of. There were no reports of any other insects, such as the Bertha Army Worm. Some wire worm damage was suspected in the spring, but it was not serious. It appears that we should be okay for 1978 insofar as any serious outbreaks of pests, +PORTABLE LIVESTOCK SCALE:The weigh scale was only used by 13 farmers in 1977. This is down from 40 farmers in 1976. There is a rental charge for the use of the scale to individual farmers. 4-H clubs have the use of the scale MUNICIPALITY ...................................1eJZMW+. # E48......................................GENERAL OPERATING FUND BALANCE SHEET FORM 2 As at Deaembitr 31, 19.77 I~ ASSETS 100 CASH ON HAND AND ON DEPOSIT 738, 323178 110 Cash on Hand ............................................1 16,211 00 120 Cash in Bank 722,112 78 200 RECEIVABLES 423,641 19 t item12210Taxes (to agree with ScheduleA-2 page 6)194,522 23 220 Federal .................................................. 4 230 Provincial .5 65,744 14 250 Local Governments 6 18.616 14 261 Due From Own Funds X7Capital02 General 134,170 0 04 Water 99 Other ( specify)Operating: 03 Water X ............................8 7,979 72 99 Other ( specify)270 Trade Accounts .........................................9 2 608 86 280 Accrued 290 Other( I ) 11 300 INVESTMENTS (Analysis of Investments, page 74) 12 120 00 400 LOANS AND ADVANCES 12,393 181 410 Short- Term 420 Long-Term 14 12 393 8 500 TANGIBLE ASSETS (Inventories) 15 398, 474 23 700 OTHER ASSETS .730 Trust Accounts (to agree with 460 Liabilities) (specifyE W9,939 88 Tar, SAle, Trust R.Vb.1kC. RestCY.C. 71zvgt 740 Deposits 20 8,310 00 790 Other 21 900 ACCUMULATED DEFICIT (credit Form 3, item 6, page 10) 22 TOTAL ASSETS 23 1 591 202 89 114 LIABILITIES 100 SHORT-TERM BORROWINGS (include overdrafts) 1 200 PAYABLES 102,790 1. g5_2 210 Federal 220 Provincial (include Requisitions Unpaid page 68) 3 230 Local Governments (include Requisitions Unpaid page 68) . 4 35,311 4 241 Due To Own Funds5Capital: 02 General 04 Water 99 Other ( specify)6 Operating: 03 Water 99 Other ( specify)250 Trade Accounts T 67,479 01 260 Debenture Installments 270 Accrued 290 Other 300 LONG-TERM DEBT 310 Debentures (ScheduleO.3, page 62) 11 350 OtherLong-Term Borrowings (Schedule 0-5, page 64( 12 400 OTHER LIABILITIES 1 Ol13420Prepaymentof Taxes 460 Trutt Accounts (to agree with 730 Assets) (specify)1A 9,939 88 a t. Sa>e.? XVAt h~><3G. A09.2C1:2.x['WS. t 470 Deposits 16 1,000 00 490 her 11 7 00 500 ASSET VALUATION ALLOWANCES (to agree with Schedule A-3,500, page 61 1T B00RESERVES ES Ito agree with ScheduleA-3, 600, page 6)900 ACCUMULATED SURPLUS debit Form 3, it.. 1, Pa 10)TOT MUNICIPALITY1 .448 .GENERALOPERATINGFUNDSTATEMENTOFREVENUEANDEXPENDITUREFORM1-2FortheFiscalYearEndedDecember31, 1977111EXPENDITUREEstimatesActual 01GENERAL" GOVERNMENTSERVICES20120000207,127188 01Legislative (includeForm51, page69) 133,31740 02GeneralAdministrativep172.6.10 99Other1,20000 02PROTECTIVESERVICES86,10410084,678158- 01PolkaProtection4 03FireProtectiona 04EmergencyMeasures: 01DisasterServices. 01Director5 11, 7032g 02Committee7 03AdministrativeProjects/Programsa 04EmergencyPlanningProjects/Programsg 05TrainingProjects/Programs - Exercises .............................10 99OtherProjects/Programs ..........................................11 99Other12 829 48,963 60 90 99OtherIsA - IAlAA 03TRANSPORTATIONSERVICES1,771,5501001,572,699117 01CommonServices (onlyifForms7and/or13completed) A 02RoadTransport (includestreetlighting) ma1.572.199117 99Other50000 04ENVIRONMENTALHEALTHSERVICES8200006,829110 02SewageCollection & Disposal2350725_ 03Garbage & WasteCollection & Disposal24 99Other25 6,32185 05PUBLICHEALTH & WELFARESERVICES700009,918197 01Public & OtherHealth, MedicalCare, HospitalCare (includeCemeteries) . .26 05SocialWelfare27 9,91897 O6PreventiveSocialServices ............................................2a 99Other 06ENVIRONMENTALDEVELOPMENTSERVICES103725009354679 03AgriculturalServiceBoard ............................................3093,54679 07Housing31 99Other11 7207RECREATION & CULTURALSERVICES & EDUCATION . 01RecreationBuildings & Facilities3311,15201 02CulturalBuildings & Facilities34 03RecreationPrograms (Facility) 3558,73400 04CulturalPrograms (Facility) • • 3e 05Education (notschoolrequisitions) • - . • . . . . . 37 06Programs (Non-Facility)3a 99her39 OBFISCALSERVICES1,200,753100125719617 01DebtCharges (toagreewithScheduleA-4, page6) • . • . . • • . . 40 02TransferstoOwnReserves & Funds (toagreewithScheduleA-1, page6) 41 15,502 276,4922 03UnconditionalTransferstoOtherGovernments & TheirAgencies Itoagreewithsub-total, Form50, page661 .............................42965 - POI 99.01PreviousYears' DeficitsRecovered (creditForm3, item2, page10) 43 TOTALEXPENDITURE3.445. 74600523301.882127 SURPLUSFORYEAR (creditForm3, item5, page10) GRANDTOTAL344574600 3815 3,690018 9 1 0 0 Page 3 at no charge. TREE PLANTING: We had 139 applications for trees from the area for 1977 planting, which made a total of 120,000 trees. Of these, approximately 115,000 trees were planted by the A.S.B. BARBER SPREADER: Possibly due to the late harvest, it did not appear that there was as much wild oat herbicide spread as in other years. Our spreader was only used to spread Avadex on 2122 acres, EMERGENCY WATER TANKS: The M.D. purchased three 1000 gallon water tanks with motor driven pumps. These were purchased through an emergency program that was funded by Alberta Agriculture. The program was designed to assist farmers whose water supply had deminished due to lack of water run-off. The water tanks were only used by a few farmers for hauling water last fall. They are presently being used as emergency water supply units to assist the fire departments. Alberta Agriculture also made a large dugout pumping outfit available to farmers in the area. A number of dugouts were filled in this manner. PARKS AND CEMETERIES: We have three parks in the M. n. that are serviced by the A. S, B. There was not as much vandalism at the parks in 1977. Fire wood is costly and is in continuous demand. The'A.S.B. is looking after the maintenance of fifteen cemeteries. Considerable time is spent each year keeping these in shape. PROGRAMS: Besides the normal cost sharing programs that we have, we had a program on Alkali Native Pasture Improvement and some more extensive demonstrations. The demonstrations included No Till Herbicides and Cereal Varieties plots. While we are watching the No Till with tongue in cheek, we had some interesting results from the herbicide plots and a number of farmers found the varieties plots very interesting and informative. Again we did not get the Alkali program off the ground. We feel that this program is worthy of some serious consideration, but if we have no better results in 1978 than we did in 1976 and 1977, we will probably be dropping it, GENERAL: Brian Lang who was working with Russ Norvey giving us an office with two District Agriculturists, was transferred to Provost last spring. Phillip Scott, District Agriculturist transferred here from the Olds office in January, 1978. We are very impressed with the co-operation that we have 4 MUNICIPALITYKNEEHILL#48 GENERALOPERATINGFUND 08.02TRANSFERSTOOWNRESERVES6FUNDSSCHEDULEA-1 DuringtheFiscalYearEndedDecember31, 197715 01Reserves & Allowances flBe8: ,,.,For1977.Expgn$ero9rams..Nat-..Completed190.0000 AGRICULTURAL SERVICE BOARD OF THE MUNICIPAL DI STRICT OF KNEEHILL /48 Allowances:2 THIRTY SECOND ANNUAL REPORT 02OwnFunds 13-401A MEMBERS OF THE BOARD ARE: Operating: WaterFrontageX........3 UtilityDeficit (specify)1 Mr. Reginald C. Campbell, Chairman Council Member Other(speci GealCaitalt18516142a Mr. Leonard Litz Council Member Capital: lspecih').........?k Mr, Neil Hempel Farmer Member Mr. Harry Church Farmer Member Mr. Herman Martens Secretary to the Board 08.02TOTALTRANSFERSTOOWNRESERVESkFUNDS (toagreewith08.02,pegs4) 51276492125 Mr. Russel Horvey District Agriculturist Mr. Norman Soder Ag. Fieldman TAXESRECEIVABLESCHEDULEA-2 Mr. Glenn Smyth Assistant Ag. Fieldman AsatDecember31,197117 CurrentYear'sLevyPriorYear'sArrearsTaxesonProperty AcquiredForTaxesTotal notincludingPropertyAcquiredforTaxes)toagreewithpage73 BalanceJan. 1192.711182,76891z1,89126184.66 CurrentLevy (100, page3)22-,46_1,1,4-C24 3. PenaltiesandCostsin1927 to560, page3)7,407010,6585118,06621 TaxesReinstated4353733537 TaxesTransferred5 6. AmountsPlacedonRoll forCollection: UtilityAccounts Other 7. TOTALDUE2,668,5479193.4274L2g2441)9 8. Collectionsin1917 includingCosts e 25274205 9 1405996093983266896548 9. DiscountsAllowed (toSchedule Ai, 930, page6) 10. Cancellations287345341094273 11. TaxesTransferred 12. UNCOLLECTEDTAXES (tomlto agreewith210Assets, page5) .....I 14 140,8372 is 529793129 16 89422 17 194,5222 MustbeshowninappropriateSurplus/DeficitAccounts. ASSETVALUATIONALLOWANCESANDRESERVESSCHEDULEA-3 AsatDecember31, 1977 500ASSETVALUATIONALLOWANCES: (toagreewith5x70Liabilities, page5) specify) 637791 Uncollectable.. Taxes 600RESERVES: Itoagreewith600Liabilities, page5) 90,00000 Specify) , Re:,,, 1977, Expenditures..{;o, be, competed, p„1978,,,,,,,,, 11DuringtheFiscalYearEndedDecember31..19-276 810InterestonShort-Termloans 821InterestonDebentureDebt (Schedule0-1page60)4,4936 page60)829InterestonOtherLong-TermBorrowings (Schedule0.1 831PrincipalonDebentureDebt (Schedule0-1page60)1,8044- 839PrincipalonOtherLong-TermBorrowings (Schedule0.1, page60) , . . . . . . . . . 890Other 930Discounts (includeScheduleA-2, item9) specify) 08-01TOTALDEBTCHARGES (toagreewith08-01, page4)15503 MEMBERSHIP AND MEETINGS: We had a good year with the Agricultural Service Board in 1977. Our Chairman, Reg. Campbell does an excellent job of keeping things rolling. We have had very good co-operation from the members on the Board with all showing good interest and genuine concern for the farmers in the M.D. and the activities of the Board. Harold Mueller's term of office expired last fall. Harold was a good member on the Board, contributing a great deal to its functions. Thank you Harold for your co-operation, Harry Church has been appointed to fill this vacancy on the Board and is doing a very good job. We held eleven A.S.B. meetings in 1977, with three being joint meetings with the Council. We attended the Provincial Conference in Red Deer in February, the A.S.B. Weed Tour in Vermillion in July, and the 1977 Regional A.S.S. Conference was hosted by our local Board and was held in Three Hills on November 30th. Our regular meeting day is the third Monday of every month with the exception of the joint meetings with Council which are held on the fourth Monday. CROPS GENERAL: The dry conditions that prevailed in the fall of 1976 carried over into the spring of 1977. Seeding conditions were good in the spring, but germination in some areas was a problem. Some seed was seeded deeper than normal and when the rains did come, it parched the soil making it hard for the seedling to emerge. This resulted in some re-seeding. Some areas of the M.D. were dry most of the summer with other areas receiving ample rain. Harvest conditions were another story with a lot of moisture resulting in some crops laying in swaths for over two months. Yields of crops varied from poor to extremely good. LIVESTOCK GENERAL: Livestock conditions throughout the year were generally good with the exception of the spring when it was so dry that pastures did not produce any growth until on in June. There were few reports on losses to livestock. Cattle prices left something to be desired. WEEDS: Wild oats and Canada Thistle are probably the two weeds that are causing the farmers the greatest loss and concern. We felt that the Sentless Mayweed was pretty well under control in 1976, but we found two 6 MUNICIPALITY ..................................1Qi!,if!98GENERALCAPITALFUND BALANCESHEETFORM5 AsatDecember31, 1977123 ASSETS 100CASHONHANDANDONDEPOSIT 110CashonHand ...........................................1 120ashinBank .............................................i 200RECEIVABLES 220Federal .................................................4 230Provincial ............................................5 250LocalGovernments ......................................a 261DueFromOwnFunds: Operating: 01General ..................................7 03Water 99Other (specify) Capital: 04Watera 99Other (specify) 170TradeAccounts ..........a 280Accrued ..........................................10 290Other (specify) 11 300INVESTMENTS (AnalysisofInvestments, page74) 11, 400LOANSANDADVANCES 410Short-Term19 420Lo -Term14 500TANGIBLEASSETS2.765.2188 520TemporaryAcquisitionofFixedAssets (includeLandforResale)10,33186 530FixedAssets (toagreewithScheduleB-2, page9) ..........1T2,754,88462 600DEBTCHARGESRECOVERABLE7135 700OTHERASSETS 730TrustAccounts (toagreewith460Liabilities) (specify) 19 740Deposits . . 20 790OtherZf 22900ACCUMULATEDDEFICIT (creditForm6, item8, page10) TOTALASSETS2765922 124 LIABILITIES 100SHORT-TERMBORROWINGS (includeoverdrafts) _ 200PAYABLES5004 210Federal2 220Provincial3 230LocalGovernments4 241DueToOwnFunds. Operating. 01General550,00349 03Water . 99Other (specify) . Capital: 04Water6 99Other)spec,fy) 250TradeAccounts ...7 270Accrued . .9 290Other (specify) 19 300LONG-TERMDEBT51,784 310Debentures (Schedule0-3, page62) . 1151.78546 350OtherLonTermBorrowings (ScheduleQ-5, page64)... 1? 400OTHERLIABILITIES 460TrustAccountsItoagreewith730Assets) (specify) 14 470Deposits ............................................13 490OtherM 500ASSETVALUATIONALLOWANCES (toagreewithScheduleB-3,500, page9)17 600RESERVES (toagreewithScheduleB-3,600, page9) 700EQUITYINFIXEDASSETSdebitForm6, item8, page10)428 TOTALLIABILITIES202765.92 0 0 Page 2 We have opened a new pit for our Sanitary Landfill on the Town of Three Hills property near their sewage lagoon. Provincial regulations are making this a costly operation. We are supplying house to house garbage pickup to our hamlets. The one landfill site is very inconvenient for those living in the more removed areas of the municipality. There is a committee looking into a dump box system which would give better service to all, and get the garbage completely out of this municipality. The proposal is a regional landfill at Drumheller, serving Rneehill, Starland, Wheatland, I.D. 7 and the City of Drumheller. I personally believe this project is worthy of support. There may be provincial assistance available for this type of project. We have contacted some groups regarding their cemeteries. It is our wish that those who now maintain their cemeteries, continue to do so. However there are some cemeteries which are still being used, but have no active church or group of trustees in charge of the cemetery. In these cases, if those concerned wish, the municipality will endeavour to secure title and in that way there will be continuity of ownership and better control of the records. Assessment and taxation is always good for discussion. There are a few things happening that we should be aware of. Farm land assessment has not changed substantially in nearly 50 years, so there is a strong push to have it increased. If market or replacement value is a common denominator to compare assessments, then industry and farmland are not far apart. The problem comes about with the assessment of land other than farmland, being assessed at a percentage of market value. With the escalation of land values in the past few years, we find part of the assessment package increasing rapidly, while scme is remaining static. This brings to our area theproblem of taxation of small holdings. Those classed agricultural pay practically nothing, while those not able to qualify as agricultural are paying on very high assessments. It is the writer's humble opinion that neither situation is desirable. All assessment procedures are governed by provincial legislation. Planning is not popular, it is considered something that others should do, however it shouldn't be unrealistic to protect residential properties to some ettent from offensive operations, to leave 4 agricultural land as such, and encourage development in such a way as to use minimum of municipal services. At the time of writing the new Planning Act has not been proclaimed. When this is done, a new Preliminary Regional Plan will be adopted for the Calgary Regional Planning Commission of which Rneehill is a member. b At elections last fall the entire council was returned for another three year term. There was only one el'ction and that was in Division 2. This was a very closely contended election. It should be noted that our returning officer and deputy returning officers did their job in a very capable manner. Page 3 Government grants are not keeping pace with inflation. It is difficult to maintain normal services, without further millrate increases. We are looking at a 6% increase in grants from a government that allowed a 20% increase in fuel alone last year. We have increased wages 6% for 1978, being in line with provincial guidelines. The employees feel that is inadequate, as the cost of living index rose 9%. In the future when our high cost machines will need replacing, a change in operations will be necessary, either with double shifts and fewer machines, or going to maintenance and emergency equipment and contracting the balance. Council is watching this situation carefully as it is our policy to get the best dollar value for you, the taxpayer. Again it has been a privilege to serve this Municipal District as Reeve, and work with the dedicated people on both elected and employed basis. Respectfully submitted Ralph W. Brown, Reeve. t MUNICIPALITY MEEHILL-048....... GENERAL CAPITAL FUND STATEMENT OF CAPITAL FINANCING FORM 4 For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 197? FINANCES ACQUIRED Estimates Actual UNEXPENDED FUNDS FROM PREVIOUS YEARS 1 LONG-TERM DEBT INCURRED Debentures )issued to Federal) .2 Debentures (issued to Provincial)3 Debentures (Issued to Others) -4 Other Long-Term Borrowings . . . . . . . .5 TRANSFERS (Schedule S, page fib & Form 6, item 3, page 101 221,700 00 207,465 42 d lFF 8romeera T 22 304FromProvincial From Local Governments a From Own Reserves From Other Funds. Operating (specify) General,185,161 2 C ecritl(s l Atapapy From Other ispecify) . . .12 OTHER (Form 6, item3, page 10) .51,000 00 69.925 1 Q1 F./A1ets(lncluding TemporarylfFidAS 13 67,562 0 a e o xe ss Return on Investments 14 Other (specify) Public. Reserve, Trost 15 2.362 1 TOTAL ACQUIRED 272,700 00 277.322 1 43 OVEREXPENDITURE to be provided by 6,000 00 96,055 28 erating FundmOwnOntibutinsfrC 16 prooo Borrowing Approved but not Received 17 Temporary F.SaleofAssets IS 10,331 96 Other (specify) Debenivres 19 85,723 2 GRAND TOTAL .3588,700 D 20 373.4!15 1 _U) 122 FINANCES APPLIED Estimates Actual OVEREXPENDITURE OF PREVIOUS YEARS . .6 200 00 11 6.152 1 14, FIXED ASSETS (do not separate Works in Progress)352,500 00 321,241 78 cturesinrinStrEn 2 90,477 65 g gee u 3 ildin sB 8,099 17 gu uipment-Alberta Disaster Services excluded 4 EMachiner 206,484 95 qy Machinery & Equipment-Alberta Disaster Services-Cost Shared 5 Machinery & Equipment-Alberta Disaster Services-Grant 6 Land . T 887 65 Other (Temporary Acquisition of Fixed Assets) 11 15 292 36 OTHER (Form 6, iten 3, page 10)........ a Interest on Short-Term Borrowings 10 esOtherFinancialCharg Transfers to Own Reserves & Funds (to agree with Schedule B-1, page 9) 11 12 ifthOG yovernmenspecersTransferstot Other (specify) .......t TOTAL APPLIED 311, 700 00 UNEXPENDED FUNDS (set out details below)W 46051 79 GRANDTOTAL .700358 DO t 5 445373,71 uucrocuncn niune Expended By-Law No. lif applicable) Source of Funds Project if applicable) Total Funds Received Current Year Total of Previous Years Unexpended Deben ture Grant Huxley Sewer S1 45R 16 4.7S4-AD 6'0 JA~A.Ul er eratjM Machin-211,4Rn 68 40 000 DO- TOTAL (to agree with Unexpended Funds in above Statement)46,051 79, 7 0MUNICIPALITY .I01MMUM.M48...........L_LJ_1_J GENERAL OPERATING FUNDSTATEMENTOFREVENUEANDEXPENDITURE FORM 1-AFortheFiscalYearEndedDecember31, 19-1.7 Page 4 received from our A.S.B. members, the councillors on the Municipal Council, the Office Staff, the Staff of Alberta Agriculture, all of the M.D. employees as well as all the farmers that we work with. This co-operation makes our work much easier and pleasant. We are always pleased to have farmers drop into our office to discuss problems that we may be of assistance in solving. Respectfully submitted Norman Soder, Agricultural Fieldman Glenn Smyth, Assistant Agricultural Fieldman f REVENUE Estimates Actual 100 TAXES Ito agree with Schedule A-2 item 2 page 6 2,658,904 00 2.661.140 2 110 Real Properly 1 2,079,048 120 Special Assessmer4(frontege)5,238 93 140 Business s 190 Other (Power, Pipe, TV.)572,507 77 200 GRANTS IN UEU OF TAXES 35,392 69 l210Fd 6erae 6T230Provincial (to include A G 34 6 0 05 n A encies250Ogw 260 Other Local Governments 270 Non-Government Organizations t290Other 300 SERVICES PROVIDED TO OTHER GOVTS 310 Federal 12 330 Provincial to 350 Oran Agencies I1 360 Other Local Governments I 390 Other 1 400 SALES OF GOODS AND SERVICES . 32, 300 00 58, 538 28 412 Sewage Services 18 413 Waste Disposal Services I 20419OtherPublicUtilities 420 Sale of Goods 21 39 438 49 430 Sale of Services 22 16 309 79 480 Recreational and Cultural 2 490 Other 5 00 500 OTHER REVENUE FROM OWN SOURCES 115 900 00 282,917 60 514 Mobile Unit Licenses 26 10,871 27 519 Other. Licenses and Permits 27 29,538 19 520 Fines (municipal by-laws only) 28 530 Rentals 20 193,488 75 3a540ConcessionsandFranchises 23 5 5 9550ReturnsonInvestments31 560 Penalties and Costs (to include Schedule A2, item 3, page 6) 32 18,194 87 590 Other 33 7.038 93 600 UNCONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM OTHER GOV'TS 357 142page65)Schedule R 00 354 572 35 610 Federal 34 620 Provincial 36 354.572 135 630 Other Local Governments 36 700 CONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM FEDERAL OR PROVINCIAL GOVTS &THEIR AGENCIES 296 9 715 Schedule R, page 65) 281 500 DO 710 Federal 3 730 Provincial 3 296,459 76 800 CONDITIONAL TRANSFERS FROM OTHER 39 LOCAL GOVTS (Schedule R, page 65) 900 OTHER TRANSFERS (Schedule R, page 65)997 04 910 From Own Reserves & Allowances: 911 Prior Years' Surplus (debit Form 3, item 2, page 10) 4D 912 Reserve for Future Expenditures M 913 Allowance for Uncollectible Taxes 43 997 04 919 Other . 43 920 From Other Funds: Operating (specfyy) 44 Capital: (specify) 46 990Other(specify) 46 TOTAL REVENUE 3,445,746 100 47 a e 10)DEFICIT FOR YEAR (debit Form 3 item 5 7gp GRANDTOTAL 3 445 7 690 18 1 3