HomeMy WebLinkAbout19-2 Human Resource Policy - 2021,Nneehill COUNTY Purpose: Section Human Resources Policy Title Human Resources Policy POLICY Policy No. Page 19-2 1 of 12 Date; Motion No. October 12, 2021 372/21 The purpose of this policy is to establish the framework and authority for human resources management to ensure that consistent, equitable and fiscally responsible programs and guidelines are implemented and administered within Kneehill County. Policy Guidelines: 1. Human Resources programs will be established based on the following criteria: Fairness — Programs will be equitable, without favouritism, and without discrimination Transparency — Programs will be visible and easily accessed by employees Competitive — Consider opportunities to differentiate Kneehill County as an employer of choice Fiscally Responsible — Respect the role of Kneehill County as a steward of public funds Shared Responsibility — Balance shared benefits and shared responsibilities between employees and the organization Compliance — Ensure alignment with all applicable legislation Health & Safety — We are committed to ensuring the health and safety of our employees 2. Workplace Health and Safety 2.1 The County is dedicated to providing a work environment and service where health and safety risks to employees, customers, and the public at large are minimized to the greatest extent possible, unnecessary hazards are eliminated, and incident prevention is paramount. 2.2 All policies, directives, and procedures contained in the County's Health and Safety Manual must be followed whether working with others or alone. All work performed by or for Kneehill County must meet the requirements identified in the Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Act, Regulation, and Code and must comply with the Kneehill County Safety Manual and related programs and processes. As a core value, occupational health and safety will be integrated into all Kneehill County work activities. 2.3 A healthy and safe workplace is the responsibility of every employee. 3. Code of Conduct 3.1 People who work for or represent Kneehill County will demonstrate excellence in the delivery of services that reflect Council approved direction. All employees or those representing Kneehill County will conduct themselves while at work or representing the Section Human Resources Policy Title Human Resources Policy POLICY Policy No. Page 19-2 1 2 of 12 Date; I Motion No. October 12, 2021 372/21 County, in such a way as to protect the interests and safety of all employees, customers, members of the general public and the County. 3.2 All employees are expected to further the objectives of the County and to abide by the policies, rules, and regulations established by the County. 3.3 All employees are expected to ensure all financial obligations to the County are in good standing. There should be no expectation of credit, forgiveness of debt, special treatment, discounts, favours, or extensions granted due to being an employee of the County. 3.4 All employees are expected to conduct themselves in a professional fashion and fulfill their duties with courtesy, honesty, respect, integrity, and diligence. This includes the requirement for employees to apply themselves fully to the duties of the position during work hours. 3.5 Employees must refrain from outside activities that are could bring the County directly into disrepute or compromise the reputation of the organization. 3.6 Employees shall not accept fees, gifts or other personal benefits that are connected directly or indirectly with the performance of their public service duties, from any individual, organization or corporation, other than: (i) the normal exchange of gifts between friends; (ii) the normal exchange of hospitality between persons doing business together; (iii) tokens exchanged as part of protocol; (iv) the normal presentation of gifts to persons participating in public functions; and (v) prizes won at conferences and conventions. 4. Conflict of Interest 4.1 A conflict of interest is defined as a conflict between an employee's business interest and the employee's responsibility as an employee of the County. 4.2 A conflict of interest may exist whether or not a personal monetary or other type of benefit or advantage has been received by the employee by virtue of their employment, or access to information not normally available to the general public. Without limiting the scope of the foregoing, a conflict of interest may arise in many situations, some of which include: (i) Using privileged information for personal advantage or gain; (ii) Accepting fees, gifts or rewards, from businesses, suppliers or individuals personally except as those outlined under Item 3.6; and, (iii) Accepting or engaging in outside employment which either interferes with the employee's duties or is in direct competition with the County business. POLICY Section Policy No, Page Human Resources 19-2 3 of 12 Policy Title Date: Motion No. Human Resources Policy October 12, 2021 372/21 4.2 The avoidance of the appearance of conflict of interest is as important as avoiding actual conflicts of interest. If an employee is faced with a situation where a potential conflict of interest may arise, the onus is on the employee to discuss the matter directly with the Chief Administrative Officer and receive direction before taking any action of any kind. Pursuing an activity or enterprise in contradiction to the direction received, may result in discipline, up to and including immediate termination for just cause. 4.3 To prevent any implication of favoritism or bias on the part of the County, the County prohibits the purchase of any items, goods or services from an employee of the County unless specifically authorized by the Chief Administrative Officer in accordance with established procurement processes in advance of the purchase. 4.4 As a general rule, no employee may engage in secondary employment, including self- employment, or a business undertaking as an employee or shareholder where the outside employment: (a) interferes with, influences, or affects the performance of duties in the County employment; (b) provides an advantage derived from County employment; (c) is in conflict or competition with the function in which the individual is employed by the County; (d) is performed in such a way as to appear to be an official act, or to represent a County opinion; (e) involves performance of work which must be inspected or approved by another County employee where a conflict of interest or preferential treatment may exist; or, (f) directly results in any matter contributing to a proposal or contract which may require County consideration or approval whether of a financial nature or otherwise. 4.5 All County employees who engage in secondary employment shall: (a) make it known to the secondary employer that service is provided on a personal basis only and is in no way authorized, endorsed, or supported by the County; (b) conduct themselves in such a manner that there will be no ethical or legal conflict of interest; and, (c) disclose to their manager or supervisor in writing any secondary employment, business, commercial or financial interest which may give rise to a reasonable apprehension of conflict or bias in connection with the exercise of their official duties and shall maintain such information current during their period of employment. 5. Anti -Nepotism 5.1 The County recognizes that the employment of people who are related can be challenging due to the potential to create a conflict of interest and an appearance of favouritism. Section Human Resources Policy Title Human Resources Policy POLICY Policy No. Page 19-2 4 of 12 Date: Motion No. October 12, 2021 372/21 When such instances arise, the Chief Administrative Officer shall take steps to mitigate and resolve said instances. 5.2 Employees are required to disclose any relationship, which may bring them within the application of this section of the policy. The failure to do so will be considered a disciplinary matter. 6. Whistleblower 6.1 The County is committed to integrity and ethical behaviour in the workplace, and will foster and maintain an environment where employees can work safely and appropriately, without fear of retaliation. This will ensure that all employees understand that they may report any wrongdoing that may adversely impact the County, the County's customers, councillors, employees, or the public at large without fear of retaliation or a negative impact on their employment status. Reports of workplace wrongdoing may be made to the Chief Administrative Officer. 6.2 Complaints regarding the Chief Administrative Officer shall be directed to the Human Resources department. The Human Resources Coordinator will forward these complaints to the Reeve. 6.3 It is a violation for anyone to knowingly make a false complaint of wrongdoing or to provide false information regarding a complaint. Employees who violate this section of the policy are subject to disciplinary and/or corrective action, up to and including termination of employment. 7. Confidentiality 7.1 All confidential information to which any employee becomes privy to through their employment with the County is expected to be maintained strictly confidential and may not, in any circumstance, be disclosed or used without the express consent of the County. This information includes, but is not limited to any customer information, trade secrets, technical information, employee Information, and other information protected by the provisions of Freedom of Information and the Protection of Privacy Act. 7.2 This requirement of confidentiality applies during the course of employment and survives the employment relationship of any employee. 8. Drugs and Alcohol 8.1 The County is committed to the health and safety of its employees, volunteers, contractors, and the public at large. Employees, contractors, and volunteers have a responsibility to report 211KI 1 Section Policy No. Page Human Resources 19-2 5 of 12 Policy Title Date: Motion No. Human Resources Policy October 12, 2021 372/21 to work capable of performing their tasks safely and productively. Persons who attend work while under the influence of alcohol or drugs jeopardize the health, safety and well-being of others. 8.2 Employees are expected to notify their supervisor where they reasonably believe that a fellow employee, contractor, or volunteer may be working under the influence of a drug or alcohol. 8.3 No person shall use, possess, distribute, sell, or be under the influence of drugs (including cannabis or any illegal drug) during their working hours, including meal periods, scheduled breaks or while assigned to be on -call or at any time while on County premises or in County vehicles or equipment. The use of drugs during assigned working hours is prohibited and may result in disciplinary action up to and including immediate dismissal. 8.4 The legal use of prescription drugs is permitted at work only if the use does not impair the person's ability to perform their work in a safe and productive manner. 8.5 Persons are required to disclose to the County the use of any prescription drugs which may affect the person's work performance or the safe execution of their duties. The County will take appropriate steps to accommodate a person's necessary use of prescription drugs up to the point of undue hardship. 8.6 No person shall consume alcohol or be under the influence of alcohol during their working hours, including meal periods and scheduled breaks. The consumption of alcohol or being under the influence of alcohol during working hours while on County premises or in County vehicles or equipment is prohibited and may result in disciplinary action up to and including immediate dismissal. 8.7 The use of drugs or alcohol consumption during off work time which results in impairment at work may result in disciplinary action up to and including immediate dismissal. 8.8 The County reserves the right to conduct testing for the presence of alcohol or drugs when it has reasonable cause to suspect impairment. Drug and alcohol testing may only be done with the prior authorization of the Chief Administrative Officer or their designate. 9. Smoking 9.1 Persons will not be permitted to smoke in any County vehicle or equipment, or within a prescribed distance from a doorway, window or air intake of the County's facilities, as per provincial legislation. This includes electronic cigarettes. It should be noted that if a personal POLICY Section Policy No. Page Human Resources 19-2 6 of 12 Policy Title Date; Motion No. Human Resources Policy October 12, 2021 372/21 vehicle is being used for County business to transport more than the driver, it is by definition a work place, and therefore subject to this policy. 10. Working Conditions 10.1 The County's Administration Office will normally be open during the hours of 8:30 a.m. —4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, excepting holidays and special closures. 10.2 The County will designate working hours for specific positions as deemed appropriate and operationally necessary to ensure the effective delivery of County services. 10.3 Except as otherwise provided for, the regular hours of work for administrative employees shall be seven and one-half (7.5) hours per day and thirty- seven and one half (37.5) hours per week. Hours that exceed 7.5 hours per day are deemed overtime, unless the employee has entered into an Averaging Agreement (Flex Time) as provided by the County. 10.4 Except as otherwise provided for, the regular hours of work for operations employees shall be eight (8.0) hours per day and forty (40.0) hours per week. Hours that exceed 8.0 hours per day are deemed overtime unless the employee has entered into an Averaging Agreement (Flex Time) as provided by the County. 10.5 Employees may take part in a Banked Overtime Program as provided by the County, allowing for banked overtime to be taken as time off with pay at a 1:1 ratio. Banked overtime will not exceed forty (40) hours at any one time and may not be carried over from year to year. When banked time is paid out it shall be at the overtime rate. 10.6 Employees may take part in a Flex Time Program as provided by the County, allowing for extra hours to be worked and taken as time off with pay at a 1:1 ratio. Flexed time will not exceed forty (40) hours at any one time and may not be carried over from year to year. If paid out, flexed time will be paid out at a 1:1 ratio. 10.7 Management employees shall generally work the same regular hours as the majority of their staff. Although management employees do not have stipulated hours of work they are expected to work as many hours as are necessary to fulfil their responsibilities in a satisfactory manner. In lieu of this, more flexibility may be permitted with respect to time off, as long as no significant work -related concerns occur. 10.8 Overtime hours will be paid at one and one-half (1.5) times the normal rate of pay. Section Human Resources Policy Title Human Resources Policy POLICY Policy No. i Page 19-2 7 of 12 Date: Motion No, October 12, 2021 I 372/21 10.9 Management employees will be paid overtime at one and one-half (1.5) times the normal rate of pay for any overtime accumulated as the result of extra hours directly worked as part of a state of local emergency. 10.10 Those positions identified as management will be granted ten (10) regular working days off with pay over the course of each year in lieu of overtime worked for which no compensation would otherwise be given. Those employees in the capacity of Director and above will be granted fifteen (15) regular working days off with pay each year. These days will be pro -rated upon hiring. These days cannot be used as part of a minimum required notice period upon termination of employment. Any unused days will be paid out at year end unless carried over to the next calendar year with the approval of the Chief Administrative Officer. Any unused days will be paid out upon termination of the employment relationship, unless termination was for just cause. 10.11 Employees shall be allowed a paid twenty (20) minute rest period during the morning segment and a paid twenty (20) minute rest period during the afternoon segment of a working day where that working day exceeds five (5) hours. 10.12 To meet the County's obligation to return the employee's portion of the reduced Employment Insurance Premium, all eligible employees will be entitled to receive one personal day off with pay per calendar year. This day cannot be carried over to the next year and if not used, the employee will receive no compensation for it. 10.13 The County will provide three (3) personal days for all eligible employees. These days cannot be carried over to the next year and if not used, the employee will receive no compensation for any unused days. 11. Remuneration 11.1 The County will establish regular pay periods. At each regular date of pay, employees will be paid for the most recently completed pay period. 11.2 The County will establish a salary structure for all positions considering factors such as market rate, internal equity, and others deemed relevant. Council will determine the salary of the Chief Administrative Officer. 11.3 The County will target to position the organization at the 50th percentile of the market. 11.4 The Chief Administrative Officer shall be responsible for establishing remuneration programs related to On -Call, Call Back, Acting Pay, Alternate/Trainee rates, etc. in accordance with employment standards. Section Human Resources Policy Title Human Resources Policy 12. Holidays POLICY Policy No. Page 19-2 8 of 12 Date: Motion No. October 12, 2021 372/21 12.1 The following days shall be recognized as holidays and all eligible employees shall be entitled to the holidays specified, namely: New Year's Day Victoria Day Thanksgiving Day Family Day Canada Day Remembrance Day Good Friday Heritage Day Christmas Day Easter Monday Labour Day Boxing Day 12.2 Also recognized shall be any other day proclaimed as a civic holiday by the County, the Provincial Government, or the Federal Government for their employees. 12.3 When any of the above -noted holidays fall on a normal rest day or days, the following scheduled working day or days shall be deemed to be the holiday. If New Year's Day falls on the weekend, then the Friday before shall be deemed the holiday. 12.4 All employees shall receive the recognized holidays for which they are eligible with pay, or other days with pay in lieu of such holidays, or pay in lieu, providing they are available for work in accordance with the shift proceeding, during and following the designated day for the holiday or on approved leave. 12.5 Most County business shall close between Christmas Day and New Year's Day. Employees will be required to use their personal days or vacation time for this period and will be responsible for informing their supervisor of their choice. 13. Vacation Time 13.1 Employees are entitled to their vacation subject to scheduling within their own department. No employee will be allowed to have a negative vacation balance. 13.2 All permanent employees shall receive annual vacation with pay in each calendar year based on years of continuous service, as defined by employment standards, calculated on the pay period following their anniversary date, as follows: I. Up to and including eight (8) years of continuous service; fifteen (15) working days; II. After eight (8) years up to and including fifteen (15) years of continuous service; twenty (20) working days; III. After fifteen (15) years up to and including twenty-two (22) years; twenty-five (25) working days; IV. After twenty-two (22) or more years of continuous service; thirty (30) working days; Section Human Resources Policy Title Human Resources Policy POLICY Policy No. Page 19-2 9 of 12 Motion No. Date: October 12, 2021 372/21 V. At the discretion of the Chief Administrative Officer additional annual vacation may be granted at the time of hire. VI. Any part time permanent employee vacation will be calculated on a pro -rated basis, based on their hours worked. 13.3 Vacation should be taken in the year in which it was earned, however up to two (2) weeks may be carried over to the following year. 13.4 The County reserves the right to manage employee vacation based on organizational need and adherence with the provisions of this policy. If required, the County may mandate that vacation be taken. 13.5 An employee who has been on a leave of absence without pay for thirty (30) or more consecutive calendar days, except where the leave is for the purpose of attending a work - related training course, shall for the year in which the absence occurs, earn annual vacation with pay proportionate to the number of months that the employee worked with pay. 14. Sick Leave 14.1 Sick days are provided by the County for the purpose of maintaining the regular earnings of an employee when they are absent from work due to illness, medical related appointments, quarantine, or accident, for which compensation is not payable under the Workers' Compensation Act. 14.2 Eligible employees will accrue twelve (12) sick days per calendar year. Eligible employees may accumulate up to fifty (50) days of accrued sick time. 14.3 An employee who is on sick leave, short, or long term disability is not permitted to be gainfully employed by anyone other than the County during the period of absence due to illness or injury, or use the approved time off for personal gain of any kind. If an employee is found to be abusing sick leave in any way, or using it for personal gain, the employee may be terminated immediately for just cause. 14.4 An employee may use their sick time to attend to the medical, illness or accident related needs of their immediate family. Immediate family is defined as: current spouse, parent or parent in-law, brother, sister, son, daughter, related dependent, ward or guardian. 14.5 Employees working less that full time are entitled to a proportionate sick day benefit entitlement equivalent to the percentage of full time hours worked, provided they work the minimum required hours to participate in the group benefits plan. Section Human Resources Policy The Human Resources Policy POLICY Policy No. Page 19-2 10 of 12 Date: Motion No. October 12, 2021 372/21 14.6 An employee shall not be credited with nor accumulate sick leave entitlement while on any unpaid leave of absence. 14.7 Employees hired under this policy will not be eligible for any payouts of accrued sick time other than those associated with Short or Long Term Disability programs in place. 15. Leaves of Absence 15.1 The County will grant leaves of absence in accordance with provincial employment standards. 15.2 An employee may request a leave of absence without pay for any reason. Such leave will not exceed three (3) months. 15.3 While on leave, an employee's benefits will be subject to any contractual obligations binding upon the County at the time. 16. Benefits 16.1 The County will participate in the Local Authorities Pension Plan and abide by the regulations contractually set forth through participation in said plan. 16.2 Employees shall be eligible to participate in all standard employee insurance benefit plans as may be offered by the County from time to time and for which they meet eligibility criteria. 16.3 The scope of the benefit coverages and payment of the benefit premiums offered by the County shall be as determined by the County from time to time. The County may change carriers, plans or policies, or amend or terminate coverages as it deems appropriate. Where coverages are in force, the County's obligations do not extend to guaranteeing payment of claims under any particular plan or policy. The provisions of the policies and plans shall govern with respect to benefit eligibility, plan administration, plan participation and benefits provided. Policy Procedure: 1. Responsibilities The Chief Administrative Officer's responsibilities are outlined in the Chief Administrative Officer's Bylaw. The Chief Administrative Officer will have administrative authority in all human resource areas. 2. The Chief Administrative Officer will: a. Ensure appropriate research occurs prior to implementing or significantly altering a human resources program. _ POLICY Section Policy No. Page Human Resources 19-2 11 of 12 Policy Title Date: Motion No. Human Resources Policy October 12, 2021 372/21 b. Consult with the Senior Leadership Team on any new or significantly changed human resource programs. c. Provide information and possible consultation to the Extended Management Team on any new or significantly changed human resource program. 3. The Director of Corporate Services will: a. Coordinate training and education for the implementation of human resource programs. b. Ensure programs remain current, including regular review in accordance with applicable legislated requirements and best practices. 4. Management and Supervisory employees will ensure that human resource programs are consistently and fully implemented within their area of responsibility. 5. The Chief Administrative Officer will establish directives and programs within the guidelines of this policy related to the areas within this policy as well as the following human resource areas: a. Recruitment and Hiring b. Employee Records c. Health and Safety d. Talent Management (Performance Assessment, Discipline, Exit Interviews, Reimbursement of Expenses, Vacation, Sick Leave, Phased In Retirement, Leaves of Absence, Remote Work, etc.) e. Dress Code f. Learning and Development g. Organizational Effectiveness h. Employee Relations i. Compensation Structure j. Employment Terms and Conditions k. Job Evaluations I. Disability Management and Well-being m. Payroll n. Benefit Plans and Administration o. Employee and Family Assistance p. Use of Municipal Resources q. Use of Electronic Media The Chief Administrative Officer will establish directives and programs with the intent of providing the clarity, process, and efficiencies required to implement this policy and is tasked with fulfilling the County's obligations and rights as set forth in this policy. Section - — Human Resources Policy Title Human Resources Policy POLICY Policy No. Page 19-2 1 12 of 12 Date: I Motion No. October 12, 2021 372/21 6. Upon adoption of this policy, the Human Resources Policy as made effective January 1st, 2020 is rescinded. The Chief Administrative Officer is authorized to implement any necessary transitional mechanisms required to implement this policy. Jerry Wittstock, Mike Haugen, Reeve Chief Administrative Officer Approved: October 12, 2021 372/21 Review Date: October 12, 2025