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Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2019
Kneehill County
Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2019
Auditors' Report 1
Financial Statements
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 3
Consolidated Statement of Operations 4
Consolidated Statement of Change in Net Financial Assets 5
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 6
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies 7 - 9
Notes to the Financial Statements 10 - 29
Independent Auditor’s Report
To the Reeve and Council of Kneehill County
We have audited the consolidated financial statements of Kneehill County and its controlled or owned
organizations (the Group), which comprise the consolidated statement of financial position as at
December 31, 2019, and the consolidated statement of operations, consolidated statement of changes
in net financial assets, and consolidated statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and notes to
the consolidated financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies.
In our opinion, the accompanying consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material
respects, the consolidated financial position of the Group as at December 31, 2019 and its consolidated
financial performance and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Public Sector
Accounting Standards.
Basis for Opinion
We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Our
responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit
of the Financial Statements section of our report. We are independent of the Group in accordance with
the ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of the consolidated financial statements in
Canada, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for
our opinion.
Emphasis of Matter – Restated Comparative Information
We draw attention to Note 1 of the financial statements, which explains that certain comparative
information for the year ended December 31, 2018 has been restated. Our opinion is not modified with
respect of this manner.
Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Consolidated Financial
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these consolidated financial
statements in accordance with Public Sector Accounting Standards, and for such internal control as
management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free
from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
In preparing the consolidated financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the
Group’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going
concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless management either intends to liquidate
the Group or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.
Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Group’s financial reporting process.
Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements
as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s
report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee
that an audit conducted in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards will always
detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are
considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence
the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements.
Tel: 403 342 2500
Fax: 403 343 3070
BDO Canada LLP
Suite 100 179D Leva Avenue
Red Deer County AB T4E 1B9
Independent Auditor’s Report, continued
As part of an audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards, we exercise
professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also:
Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements,
whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and
obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk
of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from
error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the
override of internal control.
Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures
that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the
effectiveness of the Group’s internal control.
Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting
estimates and related disclosures made by management.
Conclude on the appropriateness of management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and,
based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or
conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern. If
we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor’s
report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate,
to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of
our auditor’s report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Group to cease to continue
as a going concern.
Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the consolidated financial statements,
including the disclosures, and whether the consolidated financial statements represent the
underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.
Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or
business activities within the Group to express an opinion on the consolidated financial statements.
We are responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of the group audit. We remain
solely responsible for our audit opinion.
We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned
scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in
internal control that we identify during our audit.
Chartered Professional Accountants,
Red Deer, Alberta
May 12, 2020
Kneehill County
Statement of Financial Position
December 31 2019 2018
(see Note 1)
Financial assets
Cash and cash equivalents (Note 2)$51,776,035 $17,053,910
Short term investments (Note 3)-32,078,323
Taxes receivable (Note 4)7,159,514 2,698,241
Accounts receivable (Note 5)1,047,472 2,616,377
Land held for resale 822,714 822,714
Investments (Note 6)270 182
60,806,005 55,269,747
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 2,503,887 1,986,784
Employee benefit obligation (Note 7) 822,493 780,675
Deposit liabilities 130,000 40,000
Deferred revenue (Note 8) 3,104,236 1,432,295
Solid waste closure and post-closure liabilities (Note 9)438,013 403,455
Liability for contaminated sites (Note 9)397,400 397,400
7,396,029 5,040,609
Net financial assets 53,409,976 50,229,138
Non-financial assets
Tangible capital assets (Note 11)112,788,495 110,192,674
Inventory for consumption (Note 12)5,629,160 7,164,023
Prepaid expenses 268,357 200,749
118,686,012 117,557,446
Accumulated surplus (Note 14)$172,095,988 $167,786,584
Debenture debt limits (Note 21)
Contingencies (Note 22)
Commitments (Note 22)
The accompanying summary of significant accounting policies and notes are an integral part of these financial statements
Kneehill County
Statement of Operations
For the year ended December 31 2019 2019 2018
(see Note 1)
Net municipal taxes (Note 16)$24,405,982 $24,547,044 $23,468,264
Government transfers for operating (Note 17)802,199 825,938 2,914,103
Sales and user fees 1,456,858 1,479,701 1,470,102
Rental revenue 166,296 198,962 222,471
Investment income 402,000 1,044,263 829,569
Penalties and costs on taxes 255,500 1,477,109 715,127
Fines and costs 20,200 19,263 24,006
Other 94,500 531,597 305,520
Local improvement tax 321,168 369,994 379,799
Drilling licenses 200,000 477,119 629,403
Sales to other governments 113,230 106,276 100,594
28,237,933 31,077,266 31,058,958
Expenditures (Note 18)
Legislative 656,789 649,031 523,394
Administration and Assessment 4,950,396 5,340,110 5,057,813
Protective services 1,563,023 1,417,888 1,331,814
Transportation 13,654,829 13,736,139 14,106,462
Water and wastewater 2,666,692 2,520,819 2,643,317
Waste management 511,800 508,881 643,309
Public health and welfare 265,955 249,785 218,130
Planning and development 651,236 565,884 469,779
Economic/ Agricultural development 842,533 722,627 664,264
Parks, recreation and culture 964,992 899,903 954,566
Loss on disposal of tangible capital assets -156,795 249,609
26,728,245 26,767,862 26,862,457
Excess of revenue over
expenditures - before other 1,509,688 4,309,404 4,196,501
Government transfers for capital (Note 17)2,698,429 -401,703
Contributed assets --190,117
Excess of revenue over
expenditures 4,208,117 4,309,404 4,788,321
Accumulated surplus, beginning of the year
as previously stated 167,786,584 167,786,584 162,157,496
Prior period adjustment (Note 1)--840,767
Accumulated surplus, beginning of year 167,786,584 167,786,584 162,998,263
Accumulated surplus, end of year $171,994,701 $172,095,988 $167,786,584
The accompanying summary of significant accounting policies and notes are an integral part of these financial statements
Kneehill County
Statement of Change in Net Financial Assets
For the year ended December 31 2019 2019 2018
(see Note 1)
Excess of revenue over
expenditures $4,208,117 $4,309,404 $4,788,321
Acquisition of tangible capital assets (22,756,598)(9,395,068)(5,183,006)
Amortization of tangible capital assets 5,811,230 5,811,230 5,395,839
Net loss on sale of tangible capital assets -156,795 249,609
Proceeds on sale of tangible capital assets 998,345 831,222 477,242
Contributed assets --(190,117)
(11,738,906)1,713,583 5,537,888
Change in prepaid expenses -(67,608)(4,877)
Purchase inventory for consumption (2,217,504)(3,034,641)(4,576,281)
Use inventory for consumption -4,569,504 4,556,049
Net change in net financial assets (13,956,410)3,180,838 5,512,779
Net financial assets, beginning of year 50,229,138 50,229,138 44,716,359
Net financial assets, end of year $36,272,728 $53,409,976 $50,229,138
The accompanying summary of significant accounting policies and notes are an integral part of these financial statements
Kneehill County
Statement of Cash Flows
For the year ended December 31 2019 2018
(see Note 1)
Operating transactions
Excess of revenue over expenditures $4,309,404 $4,788,321
Items not involving cash
Contributed assets -(190,117)
Amortization 5,811,230 5,395,839
Net loss on disposal of tangible capital assets 156,795 249,609
Changes in non-cash operating balances
Taxes receivable (4,461,273)(1,988,113)
Accounts receivable 1,568,905 (2,117,163)
Prepaid expenses (67,608)(4,877)
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 517,103 481,335
Inventory for consumption 1,534,863 (20,232)
Employee benefit obligation 41,818 15,831
Deposit liabilities 90,000 (50,000)
Deferred revenue 1,671,941 946,606
Solid waste closure and post closure liabilities 34,558 143,966
11,207,736 7,651,005
Capital transactions
Acquisition of tangible capital assets (9,395,068)(5,183,006)
Proceeds on sale of tangible capital assets 831,222 477,242
Investing transactions
Purchase of short term investments -(2,035,746)
Sale of short term investments 32,078,323 -
Purchase of long term investments (88)(59)
Net change in cash and cash equivalents 34,722,125 909,436
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year 17,053,910 16,144,474
Cash and cash equivalents, end of year $51,776,035 $17,053,910
Cash and cash equivalents is comprised of:
Cash and cash equivalents $51,776,035 $17,053,910
Less: restricted (Note 2)(3,104,236)(1,432,295)
$48,671,799 $15,621,615
The accompanying summary of significant accounting policies and notes are an integral part of these financial statements
Kneehill County
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
December 31, 2019
Responsibility for the
Financial Statements The financial statements of the County are the responsibility of
management. They have been prepared in accordance with Canadian
generally accepted accounting principles established by the Public
Sector Accounting Board of the Chartered Professional Accountants of
Basis of Consolidation The financial statement reflect the assets, liabilities, revenue and
expenses of all municipal organizations, committees and Boards which
are owned or controlled by the County and are, therefore, accountable
to the County Council for the administration of their financial affairs
and resources.
The schedule of taxes levied also includes operational requisitions for
educational, health, social and other external organizations that are
not part of the municipal reporting entity.
The statement excludes trust assets that are administered for the
benefit of external parties. Interdepartmental and organizational
transactions and balances are eliminated.
Cash and Cash
Equivalents Management considers all highly liquid investments with maturity of
three months or less at acquisition to be cash equivalents.
Investments Investments are recorded at cost unless there has been a decline in the
market value which is other than temporary in nature in which case the
investments are written down to market value.
Land Held for Resale Land held for resale is recorded at lower of cost or net realizable value.
Cost includes costs for land acquisition and improvements required to
prepare the land for servicing such as clearing, stripping and leveling
charges. Related development costs incurred to provide infrastructure
such as water and wastewater services, roads, sidewalks and street
lighting are recorded as physical assets under their respective function.
Inventory for
Consumption Inventories of materials and supplies for consumption are valued at the
lower of cost or replacement cost. Inventory of gravel is maintained by
perpetual records and is recorded in the accounts to the extent of
royalties, land costs, crushing costs incurred, hauling and equipment
Excess Collections and
Under-levies Excess collections arise from the difference between the actual levy
made to cover each requisition and the actual amount requisitioned. If
the actual levy exceeds the requisition, the excess collection is accrued
as a liability and as a reduction in property tax revenue. Requisition
tax rates in the subsequent year are adjusted for any excess
Kneehill County
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
December 31, 2019
Tangible Capital
Assets Tangible capital assets are recorded at cost less accumulated
amortization. Cost includes all costs directly attributable to acquisition
or construction of the tangible capital asset including transportation
costs, installation costs, design and engineering fees, legal fees and site
preparation costs. Contributed tangible capital assets are recorded at
fair value at the time of the donation, with a corresponding amount
recorded as revenue. Amortization is recorded on a straight-line basis
over the estimated life of the tangible capital asset commencing once
the asset is available for productive use as follows:
Land improvements 10 to 20 years
Buildings 25 to 50 years
Engineered Structures
Water system 15 to 75 years
Wastewater system 25 to 60 years
Other engineered structures 6 to 100 years
Machinery, equipment and furnishings 5 to 45 years
Vehicles 5 to 20 years
Assets under construction are not amortized until the asset is available
for productive use.
Tangible capital assets received as contributions are recorded at fair
value at the date of receipt and are also recorded as revenue.
Leased Assets Leases entered into that transfer substantially all the benefits and risks
associated with ownership are recorded as the acquisition of a tangible
capital asset and the incurrence of an obligation. The asset is
amortized in a manner consistent with tangible capital assets owned by
the County, and the obligation, including interest thereon, is liquidated
over the term of the lease. All other leases are accounted for as
operating leases, and the rental costs are expensed as incurred.
Pension Expenditure The County's participates in a multi-employer defined benefit pension
plan. The plan is accounted for as a defined contribution plan.
Deferred Revenue Funds received for specific purposes which are externally restricted by
legislation, regulation or agreement and are not available for general
municipal purposes are accounted for as deferred revenue on the
statement of financial position. The revenue is recognized in the
statement of operations in the year in which it is used for the specified
Government Transfers Government transfers, which include legislative grants, are recognized
in the financial statements in the period in which events giving rise to
the transfers occur, providing the transfers are authorized, any
eligibility criteria have been met, and reasonable estimates of the
amount can be made.
Kneehill County
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
December 31, 2019
Revenue Recognition Taxes are recognized as revenue in the year they are levied.
Charges for sewer and water usage are recorded as user fees.
Connection fee revenues are recognized when the connection has been
Conditional grant revenue is recognized to the extent the conditions
imposed on it have been fulfilled. Unconditional grant revenue is
recognized when monies are receivable.
Grants for the acquisition of tangible capital assets are recognized in
the period in which eligible expenditures are made.
Sales of service and other revenue is recognized on an accrual basis.
Landfill Closure and
Post Closure Liability Pursuant to Alberta Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act,
the County is required to fund the closure of its landfill site and provide
for post-closure care of the facility. Closure and post-closure activities
include, but are not limited to, final clay cover, landscaping, as well as
surface and ground water monitoring, leachate control and visual
inspection. The requirement is being provided for over the estimate of
the remaining life of the landfill site based on usage.
Liability for
Contaminated Sites A contaminated site is a site at which substances occur in
concentrations that exceed the maximum acceptable amounts under an
environmental standard. Sites that are currently in productive use are
only considered a contaminated site if an unexpected event results in
contamination. A liability for remediation of contaminated sites is
recognized when the organization is directly responsible or accepts
responsibility; it is expected that future economic benefits will be given
up; and a reasonable estimate of the amount can be made. The liability
includes all costs directly attributable to remediation activities
including post remediation operations, maintenance and monitoring.
The liability is recorded net of any expected recoveries.
Use of Estimates The preparation of financial statements in accordance with Canadian
public sector accounting standards requires management to make
estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets
and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported
amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual
results could differ from management's best estimates as additional
information becomes available in the future.
Kneehill County
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2019
1. Prior Period Adjustment
The County reviewed the capital assets that it had recorded in the financial statements and
compared it to those that they hold title to; as a result of the review it was noted that a
capital asset was missing dating back to 1998.
2018 as Reported Adjustment 2018 Restated
Tangible capital assets $109,416,581 776,093 $110,192,674
Accumulated surplus, beginning
of the year
$(162,157,496)840,767 $(162,998,263)
Accumulated surplus, end of the
Amortization expense $5,331,161 64,680 $5,395,841
Revenues over expenditures $4,853,001 (64,680)$(4,788,321)
2. Cash and Cash Equivalents
2019 2018
Current account $51,776,035 $17,053,910
The County has an undrawn line of credit of $2,500,000 that is available should the need
arise. The line of credit bears interest at prime minus 0.75%.
Included in the above amounts are the following amounts received from the Government of
Canada and the Province of Alberta as conditional grants held exclusively for future
2019 2018
Municipal Sustainability Initiative - Operating $141,829 $144,468
Municipal Sustainability Initiative - Capital 2,397,291 1,257,327
Federal Gas Tax Fund 565,116 -
Other -30,500
$3,104,236 $1,432,295
3. Short-term Investments
2019 2018
Guaranteed investment certificates, matured in 2019 $-$32,078,323
Kneehill County
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2019
4. Taxes Receivable
2019 2018
Current taxes and grants in place $6,620,385 $3,205,622
Non-current taxes and grants in place 3,156,078 2,109,568
Less: Allowance for doubtful accounts (2,616,949)(2,616,949)
$7,159,514 $2,698,241
5. Accounts Receivable
2019 2018
Trade receivables $888,901 $2,325,266
GST Receivable 158,571 291,111
$1,047,472 $2,616,377
6. Investments
2019 2018
Alberta Capital Finance Shares, at cost $121 $121
Servus Credit Union Membership Shares, at cost 149 61
$270 $182
7. Employee Benefit Obligation
2019 2018
Accrued vacation pay $252,470 $234,714
Accrued sick leave benefit 570,023 545,961
$822,493 $780,675
The vacation and sick benefits liability is comprised of vacation and sick days credits that
employees are deferring to future years. Employees have either earned the benefits (and
are vested) or are entitled to these benefits within the next budget year.
Kneehill County
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2019
8. Deferred Revenue
Opening balance Contributions
Ending balance
MSI Operating 144,468 141,829 (144,468)141,829
MSI Capital 1,257,327 1,548,836 (408,872)2,397,291
Gas Tax Fund -565,116 -565,116
ASB program -168,359 (168,359)-
ASB environmental -50,000 (50,000)-
Other 30,500 23,739 (54,239)-
$1,432,295 2,497,879 (825,938)$3,104,236
Under various grant agreements with the Government of Canada and the Province of
Alberta, the County is required to account for grants provided and to complete the projects
or program in accordance with standards detailed in the various agreements. If these
requirements are not adhered to, grants provided will become repayable to the source
government. Unexpended funds are repayable to the source government upon final
accounting. Funds are deferred until related expenditures under the specific grant
agreement have been incurred.
9. Landfill Closure and Post-Closure Liabilities
Solid waste closure and post-closure care requirements have been defined in accordance
with industry standards and include final covering and landscaping of the landfill, removal of
ground water and leachates, and ongoing environmental monitoring, site inspection and
maintenance. The estimated total liability is based on the sum of the discounted future
cash flows for close and postclosure activities for 25 years after closure using a discount rate
of 4.4% and assuming annual inflation of 3%.
The accrued liability portion is based on the cumulative capacity used at year end compared
to the estimated total landfill capacity. The total capacity of the site is estimated at 57,600
cubic metres. The existing landfill site is expected to reach capacity in (approximately)
2028. The County has not designated assets for settling closure and post closure liabilities.
Estimated closure costs 545,235 536,787
Estimated post-closure costs 470,780 466,850
Estimated total liability 1,016,015 1,003,637
Liability accrued (438,013)(403,455)
Balance of estimated cost to accrue 578,002 600,182
Kneehill County
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2019
10. Liability for Contaminated Sites
The County has one site that falls under this standard.
This site was acquired through the tax recovery process. The contamination comes from an
underground storage tank plus additional possible contamination from the former bulk fuel
storage facility.
Costs to reclaim were estimated using the soil vapour extraction and air sparging technology
at an estimated cost of $397,400 over 3 years which includes costs to remove the tank,
install equipment and operate the equipment for 3 years. Costs to reclaim have not been
Kneehill County
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2019
11. Tangible Capital Assets
Land Land
Improvements Buildings Engineered
Machinery and
Equipment Vehicles Work in
Progress Total
Cost, beginning of year $2,384,358 $2,868,706 $19,901,899 $154,129,884 $10,417,503 $8,816,842 $3,133,419 $201,652,611
Additions 353,746 -6,750,866 1,814,939 551,351 5,930,484 15,401,386
Change in work in
progress ------(6,006,318)(6,006,318)
Write-downs & disposals ---(366,773)(1,255,132)(643,935)-(2,265,840)
Cost, end of year $2,384,358 $3,222,452 $19,901,899 $160,513,977 $10,977,310 $8,724,258 $3,057,585 $208,781,839
amortization, beginning
of year $-$1,150,542 $3,917,501 $78,272,730 $3,386,352 $4,732,812 $-$91,459,937
Amortization -134,483 438,251 3,898,798 654,657 685,041 -5,811,230
Write-downs & disposals ---(366,773)(493,182)(417,868)-(1,277,823)
amortization, end of year $-$1,285,025 $4,355,752 $81,804,755 $3,547,827 $4,999,985 $-$95,993,344
Net carrying amount, end
of year $2,384,358 $1,937,427 $15,546,147 $78,709,222 $7,429,483 $3,724,273 $3,057,585 $112,788,495
Kneehill County
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2019
11. Tangible Capital Assets (continued)
Land Land
Restated - Note 1
Machinery and
Equipment Vehicles Work in
Restated - Note 1
Cost, beginning of year $2,384,358 $2,515,749 $19,359,913 $153,400,886 $10,246,069 $8,796,551 $1,039,701 $197,743,227
Additions 356,617 541,986 772,999 990,613 430,619 2,280,289 5,373,123
Write-downs & disposals -(3,660)-(44,001)(819,179)(410,328)(186,571)(1,463,739)
Cost, end of year $2,384,358 $2,868,706 $19,901,899 $154,129,884 $10,417,503 $8,816,842 $3,133,419 $201,652,611
Accumulated amortization,
beginning of year $-$1,032,519 $3,479,244 $74,797,362 $3,099,908 $4,391,952 $-$86,800,985
Amortization 121,683 438,257 3,513,958 618,586 703,355 -5,395,839
Write-downs (3,660)-(38,590)(332,142)(362,495)-(736,887)
Accumulated amortization,
end of year $-$1,150,542 $3,917,501 $78,272,730 $3,386,352 $4,732,812 $-$91,459,937
Net carrying amount, end
of year $2,384,358 $1,718,164 $15,984,398 $75,857,154 $7,031,151 $4,084,030 $3,133,419 $110,192,674
Kneehill County
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2019
12. Inventory For Consumption
2019 2018
Gravel $5,064,900 $6,636,713
Other transportation amounts 361,566 389,397
Other 202,694 137,913
$5,629,160 $7,164,023
13. Equity in Tangible Capital Assets
2019 2018
(see Note 1)
Tangible capital assets $208,781,839 $201,652,611
Accumulated amortization (95,993,344)(91,459,937)
$112,788,495 $110,192,674
Kneehill County
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2019
14. Accumulated Surplus
2019 2018
(see Note 1)
Equity in tangible capital assets (Note 13)$112,788,495 $110,192,674
Equity in other non-financial assets 5,897,517 7,364,772
Unrestricted surplus 1,242,738 1,277,284
119,928,750 118,834,730
Operating Reserves:
Contingency 2,603,772 2,605,372
Information Technology 190,065 274,624
Joint Community Support 31,641 31,641
Doctor Recruitment 154,680 156,747
Gravel 3,656,072 2,387,679
Planning 142,679 131,580
Parks 762,715 762,715
Transitional Funds 3,060,874 816,208
Revenue Stabilization Reserve 3,745,000 2,100,000
Hamlet Infrastructure 3,493,522 3,183,819
17,841,020 12,450,385
Capital Reserves:
Capital Equipment Replacement 5,564,309 5,178,931
Buildings 763,000 381,500
Bridges 4,963,096 4,978,695
Roads 12,262,894 13,229,714
Water 3,587,107 3,587,107
Water Service Area 5,154,468 5,810,186
Environmental 2,031,344 2,066,937
Urban Sustainability -1,268,399
34,326,218 36,501,469
Total Reserves 52,167,238 48,951,854
$172,095,988 $167,786,584
The equity in tangible capital assets represents amounts already spent and invested in
infrastructure. Reserves represents funds set aside by bylaw or council resolution for
specific purposes.
Kneehill County
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2019
15. Change in Accumulated Surplus
Unrestricted surplus Reserves
Equity in tangible
capital assets
Equity in other non-
financial assets 2019
Balance, beginning of year $1,277,284 $48,951,854 $110,192,674 $7,364,772 $167,786,584 $162,157,496
Prior peroid adjustment $-$-$-$-$-$840,767
Balance, beginning of year
restated $1,277,284 $48,951,854 $110,192,674 $7,364,772 $167,786,584 $162,998,263
Excess of revenue over
expenses 5,776,659 --(1,467,255)4,309,404 4,788,321
Net operating transfers to
restricted surplus (3,215,384)3,215,384 ----
Capital transfers from
restricted surplus ------
Acquisition of capital (9,395,068)-9,395,068 ---
Disposals and write-down of
assets 988,017 -(988,017)---
Amortization 5,811,230 -(5,811,230)---
Change in accumulated
surplus $(34,546)$3,215,384 $2,595,821 $(1,467,255)$4,309,404 $4,788,321
Balance, end of year $1,242,738 $52,167,238 $112,788,495 $5,897,517 $172,095,988 $167,786,584
Kneehill County
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2019
16.Taxation - Net
2019 2019 2018
Farmland $1,141,707 $1,141,511 $1,420,312
Residential 1,399,252 1,397,564 2,481,735
Commercial 745,599 739,254 926,312
Linear property 20,111,957 20,116,104 17,026,326
Designated Industrial 5,337,576 5,449,010 5,882,930
Minimum tax 47,459 47,334 50,748
Grants in lieu 918 918 998
Water area special tax (rural)81,516 81,850 79,254
Water area special tax (non residential)1,032,829 1,038,178 995,838
Recreation levy 49,997 49,889 44,405
29,948,810 30,061,612 28,908,858
Alberta School Foundation Fund 5,355,116 5,326,974 5,355,082
Kneehill Foundation 76,650 76,650 38,944
Designated Industrial Property 111,062 110,944 46,568
5,542,828 5,514,568 5,440,594
Available for general municipal purposes $24,405,982 $24,547,044 $23,468,264
Shallow Gas Tax Relief Initiative (SGTRI)
The Government of Alberta enacted a program in 2019 to assist Shallow Gas Producers
that resulted in a 35% reduction of their property taxes. The total property taxes were
reduced by $2,326,446.44 and the County was credited an equal amount through the
Provincial Education Requisition, creating a zero net impact to the County for 2019.
The Property Tax Revenue in these statements for those producers are still shown as the
amount originally levied.
17. Government Transfers
2019 2019 2018
Provincial government 802,199 825,938 2,914,103
Provincial government $2,698,429 $-$401,703
Kneehill County
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2019
18. Expenses by Object
2019 2019 2018
(see Note 1)
Salaries and wages $8,986,481 $8,634,826 $8,076,559
Contracted and general services 6,748,310 8,303,256 8,334,040
Materials, goods and utilities 4,191,311 3,054,428 3,553,593
Transfer to local agencies 859,032 311,277 303,044
Transfer to individuals and organizations 122,511 485,364 939,183
Operating bank fees 9,370 10,687 10,588
Amortization 5,811,230 5,811,230 5,395,841
Loss on sale of assets -156,794 249,609
$26,728,245 $26,767,862 $26,862,457
Kneehill County
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2019
19. Municipal Employees Pension Plans
Local Authorities Pension Plan
Certain employees of the County are eligible to be members of the Local Authorities Pension
Plan (LAPP), a multi-employer pension plan which is covered by the Public Sector Pension
Plans Act. The Plan serves about 265,813 people and over 420 employers. It is financed by
employer and employee contributions and investment earnings of the LAPP Fund. The plan
provides defined pension benefits to employees based on their length of service and rates of
The County contributes to the Plan at a rate of 9.39% of pensionable earnings up to the
Canada Pension Plan Maximum Pensionable Earnings and 13.84% for the excess. Employees
contribute to the Plan at a rate of 8.39% of pensionable earnings up to the Canada Pension
Plan Maximum Pensionable Earnings and 12.84% for the excess.
Contributions for the year were:
2019 2018
Employer contributions $552,742 $598,447
Employee contributions 502,344 546,617
$1,055,086 $1,145,064
As this is a multi-employer pension plan, these contributions are the County's pension
benefit expense. No pension liability for this type of plan is included in the County's
financial statements. The most recent valuation as at December 31, 2018 indicates a
surplus of $3,469 million (2017 surplus - $4,835 million) for basic pension benefits. The
actuary does not attribute portions of the unfunded liability to individual employers.
Kneehill County
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2019
20. Salary and Benefits Disclosure
Disclosure of salaries and benefits for municipal officials and designated officers as required
by Alberta Regulation 313/2000 is as follows:
Benefits &
Division 1 (1 person)54,042 6,906 60,948 42,922
Division 2 (1 person)48,408 6,876 55,284 44,253
Division 3 (1 person)64,569 7,116 71,685 52,267
Division 4 (1 person)51,969 6,636 58,605 43,987
Division 5 (1 person)48,628 3,972 52,600 32,163
Division 6 (1 person)56,900 7,296 64,196 47,966
Division 7 (1 person)56,762 6,906 63,668 48,261
Chief Administration
Officer 198,344 22,728 221,072 339,075
Salary includes regular base pay, bonuses, overtime, lump sum payments, gross honoraria
and any other direct cash remuneration.
Benefits and allowances includes the employer's share of all employee benefits and
contributions or payments made on behalf of employees including pension, health care,
dental coverage, group life insurance, accidental disability and dismemberment, dental
coverage, vision coverage, professional memberships, tuition, travel, cell phone, car
allowances, and long and short term disability plans.
21. Debt Limits
Section 276(2) of the Municipal Government Act requires that debt and debt limits as
defined by Alberta Regulation 255/100 for the County be disclosed as follows:
2019 2018
Total debt limit $46,002,591 $42,217,283
Total debt limit available 46,002,591 42,217,283
Debt servicing limit 7,667,099 7,036,214
Total debt servicing limit available 7,667,099 7,036,214
The debt limit is calculated at 1.5 times revenue of the County (as defined in Alberta
Regulation 255/00) and the debt service limit is calculated at 0.25 times such revenue.
Incurring debt beyond these limitations requires approval by the Minister of Municipal
Affairs. These thresholds are guidelines used by Alberta Municipal Affairs to identify
municipalities which could be at financial risk if further debt is acquired. The calculation
taken alone does not represent the financial stability of the municipality. Rather, the
financial statements must be interpreted as a whole.
Kneehill County
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2019
22. Contingencies
The County is a member of the Alberta Local Municipal Insurance Exchange (Munix). Under
the terms of membership, the County could become liable for its proportionate share of any
claim losses in excess of the funds held by the exchange. Any liability incurred would be
accounted for as a current transaction in the year the losses are determined.
23. Commitments
Kneehill County has contracts for 2020 to provide peace officer and by-law enforcement
services at a cost recovery for the following Municipalities: Town of Three Hills, Town of
Trochu, Village of Linden, Village of Acme, Village of Carbon.
Kneehill County is managing partner of the Aqua 7 Regional Water Services Commission. The
current contract is from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2022. The County will receive
$81,464 in those three years for fees to provide support services to the Commission.
Kneehill County is a partnering member of the Drumheller and District Solid Waste
Management Association. In 2019 Kneehill County paid requisition of $199,040, and is
expected to pay $206,941 in 2020.
Kneehill County entered into a 2 year contract for assessment services in 2018. The total
financial commitment from 2019 to 2020 will be approximately $190,000.
Kneehill County is part of a Master Fire Protection Agreement with the following
Municipalities to provide fire protection services to rural residents in the County for 2020
inclusive, the total commitment is as follows:
Town of Three Hills 52,000 52,000
Town of Trochu 49,990 32,700
Town of Drumheller 10,000 10,000
Village of Acme 42,840 41,950
Village of Carbon 41,950 41,950
Village of Linden 45,400 45,400
Kneehill County
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2019
24. Budget
The budget adopted by Council on April 23, 2019, was not prepared on a basis consistent
with that used to report actual results (Public Sector Accounting Standards). The budget
was prepared on a modified accrual basis while Public Sector Accounting Standards now
require a full accrual basis. The budget figures anticipated use of surpluses accumulated in
previous years to fund current year operation and capital activities. In addition, the budget
expensed all tangible capital asset expenditures rather than including amortization expense.
As a result, the budget figures presented in the statements of operations and change in net
financial assets represent the budget adopted by Council on April 23, 2019, with
adjustments as follows:
Budget per
Actual per
Revenues $28,237,931 -28,237,931 $31,077,266
Government transfers for capital 2,698,429 -2,698,429 -
Total revenues 30,936,360 -30,936,360 31,077,266
Legislative 656,789 -656,789 649,031
Administration 4,815,604 134,792 4,950,396 5,340,110
Protective services 1,345,300 217,723 1,563,023 1,417,888
Transportation 9,442,357 4,212,472 13,654,829 13,736,139
Water and Wastewater 1,775,116 891,576 2,666,692 2,520,819
Waste management 511,800 -511,800 508,881
Planning and development 651,236 -651,236 565,884
Parks, recreation and culture 765,050 199,942 964,992 899,903
Public health and welfare 167,802 98,153 265,955 249,785
Economic and agricultural
development services
785,962 56,571 842,533 722,627
Loss on disposal of assets ---156,795
Total Expenditures 20,917,016 5,811,229 26,728,245 26,767,862
Excess of revenues over
expenditures 10,019,344 (5,811,229)4,208,115 4,309,404
Payment of debentures
Proceeds on disposal of capital 998,345 998,345 831,222
Capital expenditures (22,756,596)(22,756,596)(9,395,068)
Contributed assets
Purchase of gravel (408,872)-(408,872)(1,189,693)
Inter-fund transfers 12,147,779 -12,147,779 (3,215,397)
Add back non cash items:
Change in closure/ post-closure ---34,558
Use of gravel ---2,761,505
Net change in non-gravel inventory ---(36,948)
Net change in prepaids (67,608)
Amortization 5,811,229 5,811,229 5,811,230
Change in gravel pit reclamation ----
Gain/ loss on disposal of capital 156,795
Net Revenue over Expenses $---$-
Kneehill County
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2019
25. Segmented Information
Situated in the heart of central Alberta, Kneehill County is a progressive rural municipality
comprised of approximately 815,000 acres of land and 2,000 kilometres of developed roads.
Agriculture remains the backbone of the local economy, complemented by a strong oil and
gas industry. Kneehill County is first and foremost a rural community that values safety and
good government for their citizens. Responsible development is encouraged that supports
our resource-based economy, while at the same time investing in and enhancing
infrastructure and services to citizens. Our municipality continues to promote environmental
responsibility, prosperity, and positive relationships with citizens, private sector and
government partners.
A wide range of services are provided by departments and for management purposes, their
operations and activities are organized and reported by fund. Certain departments that have
been separately disclosed in the segmented information, along with the services they
provide, are as follows:
Agriculture Services
The Agriculture Services Department focuses on the need to maintain agricultural production
and profitability with an emphasis on helping farmers help themselves. It involves the
participation of ratepayers and the cooperation of the Alberta Agriculture Food and Rural
Development. The key priorities and goals of the department are to advise landowners
concerning proper land utilization with a view of improving their economic well being.
Priorities include advising landowners of effective methods to control weeds, diseases,
insects and predators along with the prevention of soil and water degradation.
The Administration Department focuses on the delivery of quality services to customers at a
reasonable cost. Along with meeting all of the financial reporting requirements, this
department is also instrumental in ensuring legislative requirements are met associated with
assessment and taxation. Additional support services initiated by this department include
GPS, Records management, Information Technology and Human Resources. The goal of the
Administration team is the delivery of customer service in a friendly, courteous and helpful
manner guided by integrity and fairness.
Kneehill County
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2019
24. Segmented Information (continued)
Protective Services
Kneehill County’s Protective Services section includes that of both Fire Services and
Enforcement (Peace Officer) Services. Fire Services provides emergency fire protection and
preventative services that mitigate loss of life and property with professionally trained
volunteers and modern response equipment. Kneehill County support operating contracts
with each of the six urban fire departments in addition to major contributions emergency
response vehicles.
Emergency preparedness planning is also led by Kneehill County through the implementation
of a regional with all urban centres within our boundaries.
Kneehill County identified a need for protection of municipal infrastructure and the need to
enhance public safety. Our Peace Officers enhance some services provided by the local
RCMP in addition to the protection of municipal infrastructure and enforcement of municipal
bylaws. Enforcement assistance is also provided to other County departments such as
Planning and Operations.
Planning and Development
The Planning and Development department promotes the incorporation of progressive
planning and development practices into the organizations daily operations, along with
orderly development and land use practices benefiting residents and minimizing conflicting
uses. These practices centre around environmental stewardship, the notion of shared
responsibilities in a global community, quality, livable communities and public participation.
Recent initiatives of the department include the development of Inter-municipal
Development Plans with neighbouring municipalities, an Environmentally Significant Areas
Assessment and an Integrated Community Sustainability Plan. Long-term planning is
supported by the Municipal Development Plan and Land Use Bylaw which reflect the vision
and expectations of County residents.
The Transportation department oversees many responsibilities including that of
construction, maintenance and dust control of roads. Kneehill County has over 200 bridge
crossing sites that are also maintained by this department. The oil and gas sector along with
the development of large feedlots and new grain elevators have had significant impacts on
the growth of the County and the resulting effects on our transportation corridors. In
addition to the rural transportation routes, the Transportation department also provides
services in five major hamlets located within our boundaries.
Kneehill County
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2019
24. Segmented Information (continued)
Water, Wastewater and Waste Managements
Major infrastructure projects have taken place under the direction of Council in the area of
potable water distribution. As a member of the Aqua 7 Regional Water Services Commission,
the County has diligently worked to bring water to areas of the County where safe potable
water is not available through the traditional well systems. Major completion of these
distribution lines were completed in 2012. Other water distribution systems located
throughout the County are also part of this operation. The wastewater needs of our local
hamlets are also met by this department. As a member of the Drumheller and District Solid
Water management Association, various transfer sites provide for the collection and
disbursement of solid waste.
Expansion to handle various recyclables at these stations along with initiatives in the areas
of agricultural plastic recycling have also been facilitated through this relationship.
Parks, Recreation and Culture
Under the direction of the Transportation department, the County is responsible for the
maintenance and operation of various municipal parks and campgrounds. Enhancements over
the past several years have increased the level of services available at various locations. A
Recreation Master Plan completed several years ago was the basis for the development of
both major annual operating and capital contributions towards the various recreational
facilities (arenas, swimming pools) located within our urban centres in Kneehill County.
Public Health and Welfare
Kneehill County has taken on the financial responsibility for the facility costs of the Kneehill
Regional Medical Centre. In addition, the County controls operating expenses of 17
cemeteries, including the ground maintenance activities as provided within the Cemeteries
Act, Provincial Statues and County Policies.
The accounting policies of the segments are the same as those described in the summary of
significant accounting policies. In measuring and reporting segment revenue from
transactions with other segments, inter-segment transfers have been eliminated. The
revenues and expenses that are directly attributable to a particular segment are allocated
to that segment. Taxation revenue has been allocated to general government except where
specific tax revenues can be directly allocated to a service area.
Kneehill County
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2019
25. Segmented Information (continued)
For the year ended
December 31
Planning and
Parks and
Public Health
and Welfare
Taxation $1,405,784 $780,169 $11,155,316 $2,504,439 $662,835 $819,883 $177,610 7,041,006 $24,547,042
Government transfers for
operating 18,027 218,359 408,872 ----180,680 825,938
Sales and user fees 10,087 36,686 192,473 966,986 142,907 83,057 11,200 36,305 1,479,701
Investment income -------1,044,263 1,044,263
Fines and costs 19,263 --4,917 ---1,472,193 1,496,373
Rental revenue 9,055 350 97,057 ---92,500 -198,962
Licences and permits -------477,119 477,119
Other 74,941 -377,748 451,799 ---103,380 1,007,868
1,537,157 1,035,564 12,231,466 3,928,141 805,742 902,940 281,310 10,354,946 31,077,266
Salaries and wages 529,632 215,801 3,680,274 766,090 388,106 331,956 81,447 2,641,520 8,634,826
Contracted and general
services 282,731 225,704 4,495,047 361,124 177,750 157,513 53,883 2,549,504 8,303,256
Materials, goods and utilities 173,802 224,551 1,348,345 941,710 28 108,093 16,302 241,597 3,054,428
Transfer to local agencies 214,000 ----49,889 -47,388 311,277
Transfers to individuals and
organizations --363,654 69,199 -52,511 --485,364
Interest on long-term debt -------10,687 10,687
Amortization 217,723 56,571 4,212,472 891,576 -199,942 98,153 134,792 5,811,229
Loss on sale of capital assets (108,813)(36,561)290,567 --11,602 --156,795
1,309,075 686,066 14,390,359 3,029,699 565,884 911,506 249,785 5,625,488 26,767,862
Net surplus (deficit)$228,082 $349,498 $(2,158,893)$898,442 $239,858 $(8,566)$31,525 $4,729,458 $4,309,404
Kneehill County
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2019
25. Segmented Information (continued)
For the year ended
December 31
Water and
Planning and
Parks and
Public Health
and Welfare
Taxation $1,217,179 $651,691 $12,480,801 $2,600,599 $513,583 $834,142 $131,163 $5,039,108 $23,468,266
Government transfers for
operating 15,000 218,359 2,435,091 --75,000 -170,653 2,914,103
Government transfers for
capital --401,703 -----401,703
Sales and user fees 3,075 21,145 371,618 826,566 229,350 165,205 7,450 35,810 1,660,219
Investment income -------829,569 829,569
Fines and costs 24,006 --3,665 ---711,459 739,130
Rentals 10,223 24,966 137,283 ---50,000 -222,472
Licences and permits -------629,403 629,403
Other 24,274 -262,260 475,284 ---24,095 785,913
1,293,757 916,161 16,088,756 3,906,114 742,933 1,074,347 188,613 7,440,097 31,650,778
Salaries and wages 491,693 207,867 3,528,979 696,461 356,144 342,131 75,577 2,377,707 8,076,559
Contracted and general
services 252,099 220,461 5,136,388 486,508 113,635 218,529 32,401 1,874,024 8,334,045
Materials, goods and utilities 155,572 167,779 1,682,349 1,126,625 -106,622 11,998 302,648 3,553,593
Transfer to local agencies 214,000 ----44,405 -44,639 303,044
Transfers to individuals and
organizations --818,674 69,199 -51,310 --939,183
Interest on long-term debt --293 ----10,295 10,588
Amortization 218,451 68,158 3,758,454 907,830 -191,569 98,153 153,221 5,395,836
Loss on sale of capital assets --249,609 -----249,609
Other ---------
1,331,815 664,265 15,174,746 3,286,623 469,779 954,566 218,129 4,762,534 26,862,457
Net surplus (deficit)$(38,058)$251,896 $914,010 $619,491 $273,154 $119,781 $(29,516)$2,677,563 $4,788,321
Kneehill County
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2019
26. Subsequent Events
Subsequent to year end, the impact of COVID-19 in Canada and on the global economy has
If the impacts of COVID-19 continue there could be further impact on the Municipality and its
major customers, suppliers and other third party businesses and Municipality associates that
could impact the time and amounts realized of the Municipality's assets and future
profitability. At this time, the full potential impact of COVID-19 on the entity is not known.
27. Comparative Figures
Wherever necessary, comparative figures have been reclassified to conform with current
year financial statement presentation.
28. Approval of Financial Statements
Council and Management approved these financial statements.