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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020.02.11 Council Meeting MinutesMINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 11, 2020 REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF KNEEHILL COUNTY HELD AT THE KNEEHILL COUNTY OFFICE, 1600- 2ND STREET NE, THREE HILLS, ALBERTA PRESENT: Division No. 1 Division No. 2 Division No. 3 Division No. 4 Division No. 5 Division No. 6 Division No. 7 ALSO PRESENT: Faye McGhee, Deputy Reeve Debbie Penner, Councillor Jerry Wittstock, Reeve Glen Keiver, Councillor Jim Hugo, Councillor Wade Christie, Councillor Kenneth King, Councillor Chief Administrative Officer Mike Haugen Director Corporate Services Bill McKennan Sr. Manager of Transportation and Facilities Brad Buchert Manager of Planning and Development Barb Hazelton Manager of Financial Services Will Wolfe Tax and Utility Clerk Caroline Siverson Facilities Maintenance Technician Jason Fehr Recording Secretary Carolyn Van der Kuil Communications Officer Christine Anderson CALL TO ORDER Reeve Wittstock in the Chair Reeve Wittstock called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. AGENDA 1.0 Agenda 1.1 Additions to the Agenda No additions were made to the agenda. ADOPTION OF 1.2 Adoption of Agenda AGENDA 44/2020 Councillor Christie moved approval of the agenda as presented. CARRIED MINUTES 7_(1 M imifi Q 2.1 Regular Council Meeting Minutes of January 28, 2020 45/2020 Councillor King moved approval of the January 28, 2020 Council Meeting minutes as presented. CARRIED 9� Initials COUNCIL MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 11, 2020 MUNICIPAL SERV 5.0 Municipal Services PLANNING 5.3 Planning 5.3.1 Draft La n cl Use BYIaw 1808 46/2020 Councillor King moved first reading of Land Use Bylaw 1808 that being a bylaw to establish a new Land Use Bylaw and rescind former Land Use Bylaw 1773 and amendments thereto. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 47/2020 Deputy Reeve McGhee moved to direct Administration to schedule a public engagement process prior to a public hearing being scheduled. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY CORPORATE SERV 6.0 Corporate Services 6.1 Tax Cancellation Request 48/2020 Councillor King moved that the 2019 & prior year property taxes in arrears in the amount of $1,485,335.53 be expensed and cancelled on rolls 30230631400, 30232241500, 302429203003 31232220400, 40000230000,40001610000 and 40001640000. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 49/2020 Deputy Reeve McGhee moved that administration submit an application under the Provincial Education Requisition Credit (PERC) for Uncollectable Education Property Taxes on Oil and Gas Properties. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 50/2020 Councillor King moved that administration is also directed to void any 2020 penalties currently attached to these rolls. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY BYLAW #1816 6.2 i3 law 41816 — Short -Term Borrowin 51/2020 Councillor Penner moved that Council give first reading to Bylaw #1816 that being a bylaw to authorize the short-term borrowing of funds, from time to time, as may be necessary to meet the financial obligations of Kneehill County. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 52/2020 Councillor Christie moved that second reading be given to Bylaw #1816. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 53/2020 Councillor King moved that Council gives unanimous consent for third and final reading to Bylaw #1816. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2 �J Initials COUNCIL MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 11, 2020 54/2020 Deputy Reeve McGhee moved that third reading be given to Bylaw #1816. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY The Chair called for a recess at 8:56 a.m. and called the meeting back to order at 9:01 a.m. with all previously mentioned Council members present. DELEGATIONS 3.0 Delegations 3.1_Ron Gorr Memorial (Torrington) Arena Project — grad Buchcrt k 9:00 a.m. Brad Buchert, Jason Fehr and the Torrington Ag Society presented to Council a report on all the work that has been completed to the Ron Gorr Memorial Arena Project. 6.3 2019 Preliminary Operating Budget .results 55/2020 Councillor King moved to approve the following reserve contributions in the 2019 Operating Budget: • $55,000 to the Water Service Area Reserve • $145,000 to Revenue Stabilization Reserve (Transtor Bins) • $1,500,000 to Revenue Stabilization Reserve (Tax Issues) CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 56/2020 Councillor Christie moved to approve the remaining balance of the 2019 Operating Budget Surplus be allocated to the Roads Reserve. CARRIED 57/2020 Councillor King moved that this report be received for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY The Chair called for a recess at 9:51 a.m. and called the meeting back to order at 10:00 a.m. with all previously mentioned Council members present. PUBLIC HEARINGS 4.0 Public Hearines 4.1 Bylaw #1810 Town of Three Hills & Kneehill Count Intermunicinal Development Plan (& 10:00 a.m. 58/2020 Councillor Christie moved that the Public Hearing for Bylaw #1810 be opened at 10:00 a.m. CARRIED Person(s) who presented: Person(s) who spoke in favour: Person(s) who spoke in opposition: 3 Barb Hazelton, Planning & Development Officer None None Initials COUNCIL MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 11, 2020 Person(s) who spoke in rebuttal: None 59/2020 Councillor King moved that the Public Hearing for Bylaw # 1810 be closed at 10:23 a.m. CARRIED NEW BUSINESS 8.0 New Business 8.1 Kneehill Area Community Discovery Nights 2020 60/2020 Councillor Keiver moved to authorize the attendance of Councillors who are able to attend to the Kneehill Area Community Discovery Nights being held in Acme, Linden and Carbon. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 8.2 Kneehill County — Mountain View County Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework Committee 61/2020 Councillor King moved to appoint Deputy Reeve McGhee, Councillor Christie and Councillor Keiver to the Kneehill-Mountain View Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework Committee and that Reeve Wittstock be appointed as an alternate until the organizational meeting after the next general election. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 8.3 Cancellation of the February 18, 2020 Committee of the Whole_ Mecting 62/2020 Deputy Reeve McGhee moved to cancel the Committee of the Whole Meeting scheduled for February 18, 2020. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY DISPOSITION OF 9.0 Dis osition of Delegation Business DELEGATION BUSINESS 9.1 Bylaw 1810 — Town of Three Hills and Kneehill Count Intermunicipal Development Plan 63/2020 Councillor Penner moved second reading of Bylaw 1810 for the Town of Three Hills and Kneehill County Intermunicipal Development Plan. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 64/2020 Councillor Christie moved third reading of Bylaw 1810 for the Town of Three Hills and Kneehill County Intermunicipal Development Plan. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 9.2 Ron Gorr Memorial Torrin ton Arena Pro'ect 65/2020 Councillor King moved that Council receive for information the Ron Gorr Memorial (Torrington) Arena Project update. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4 )'Initials COUNCIL MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 11, 2020 COUNCIL ACT LIST 11.0 Council Follow -Up Action List 66/2020 Deputy Reeve McGhee moved that Council receive the February 11, 2020 Council Follow -Up Action List as presented for information. CARRIED CLOSED SESSION 12.0 Closed Session 67/2020 Councillor Christie moved that Council convene in closed session to discuss Disclosure Harmful to Business Interests of Third Party and Intergovernmental Relations pursuant to section 16 and section 21, respectively, of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, at 10:37 a.m. CARRIED The following people were in attendance of the closed session to provide a report and advise Council: Mike Haugen, CAO Bill McKennan, Director of Corporate Services Carolyn Van der Kuil, Recording Secretary 68/2020 Councillor King moved that Council return to open meeting at 12:26 p.m. CARRIED 12:27 p.m. — meeting recessed to allow return of public. 12:27 p.m. - meeting resumed. ADJOURNMENT Adlournment The meeting adjourned at 12:27 p.m. Jerry Wittstock Reeve Mike Haugen CAO YLInitials