HomeMy WebLinkAboutBylaw 1770 - Fire Protection ServicesBYLAW NO. 1770 FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES A BYLAW OF KNEEHILL COUNTY, IN THE PROVINCE OF ALBERTA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHING FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES WHEREAS the Municipal Government Act, R.S.A. 2000, as amended, provides that a Council of a municipality may pass bylaws for municipal purposes, including the safety, health and welfare of people and the protection of people and property; AND WHEREAS the Forest and Prairie Protection Act, R.S.A. 2000, as amended, requires that the Council of a municipal district fight and control all fires within its boundaries, except within those areas of the municipal district designated a forest protection area; AND WHEREAS the Soil Conservation Act and Kneehill County Stubble Burning Bylaw, as amended, provides that permits for burning stubble are not to be issued without the approval of the Soil Conservation Officer, upon completion of an inspection; AND WHEREAS Kneehill County has been accredited by the Safety Codes Council pursuant to the Safety Codes Act, RSA 2000, in the fire discipline. AND WHEREAS the Council of Kneehill County wishes to regulate the use and setting of fires; NOW THEREFORE the Council of Kneehill County, duly assembled, enacts the following: SECTION 1 DEFINITIONS 1.1 In this Bylaw: a. "Acceptable Fire Pit" means an outdoor receptacle that meets the following specifications: A minimum of 3 meters clearance, measure from the nearest fire pit edge to the nearest edge or a building, property line, or other combustible material; ii A height not exceeding 0.6 meters when measured from the surrounding grade to the top of the pit opening; iii Equipped with a mesh screen with openings no larger than 12.5 mm; iv Enclosed sides made from bricks, concrete blocks, heavy gauge metal, or other non-combustible materials; and v Not located over any underground utilities or under and aboveground wires. b. "Agreement" means any agreement entered into by Kneehill County and another municipality or agency for the provision of fire protection services. flaw No. 1770, Fire Protection Bylaw e2of16 C, "Apparatus" means any vehicle used by the Service whether on land, water or in the air, and includes vehicles used to transport fire fighters, supplies or any hired equipment. d. "Building" means a structure that is used, or intended to be used, for supporting or sheltering persons or animals or property, except those prescribed by regulation as exempted from the National Building Code. e. "Burning Barrel" means an outdoor receptacle that meets the following specifications: A minimum of 3 meters clearance measured from the nearest edge to a building or other combustible materials; Equipped with a mesh screen with opening no larger than 12.5 mm, secured in place with latches or weights; iii Constructed of non-combustible material; iv Not located over underground utility services or under aboveground wires; and v Not located within any Hamlet District, or as per the Kneehill County Land Use Bylaw. "CAO" means Chief Administrative Officer of Kneehill County or designate to act on their behalf. g. "County" means Kneehill County. h. "County Fire Chief' means that person hired by Kneehill County as such who is responsible for County fire resources, operations and oversees management of Fire Departments operated by the County. "Council" means the Council of Kneehill County. "District Fire Chief" means that person duly appointed as such who is responsible for the resources, operation and management of a District Fire Department in a designated Fire District including any person appointed or designated by the District Fire Chief to act on their behalf. k. "District Fire Department" means a fire department established and operated by a municipality or agency other than the County that provides Fire Protection Services to a Fire District pursuant to a formal Agreement. "Enforcement Officer" means a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, a Municipal Bylaw Officer, a Peace Officer, or any person designated by Kneehill County to enforce this Bylaw. M, "Equipment" means any tools, contrivances, devices or materials used by the Service to combat an Incident or other emergency. Bylaw -No. 1770, Fire Protection Bylaw Page 3 of 16 n. "Fire Ban" means any order from the Province or the CAO/designate in consultation with the County Fire Chief in accordance with Section 13 of this Bylaw which prohibits fires in all or in any part of the County's jurisdiction. o. "Fire Chief' shall mean County Fire Chief or District Fire Chief as identified in the definitions of this bylaw. p. "Fire Department" shall mean a division of the Service that is created and owned by Council and capable of delivering Fire Protection services. q. "Fire District" means that geographical portion of the County designated by Council as such from time to time. (see Appendix C) "Fire Guardian" means that person named or appointed by Council as a Fire Guardian pursuant to the Forest and Prairie Protection Act. S. "Fire Management Committee" means a group of Fire Chiefs and CAO/designate and any others persons recommended by the CAO. That recommend policy and procedures concerning the fire service. It. "Fire Permit" means a permit issued pursuant to the Forest and Prairie Protection Act or this Bylaw. U- "Fire Protection" means those aspects of fire safety as Council may from time to time authorize the Service to perform, including but not limited to fire suppression, investigation, public education, public training and the dissemination of fire safety information. V "Hamlet District" means an unincorporated community administered by and within the boundaries of Kneehill County. W. "Incident" means a fire or other emergency situation to which the Service has responded or any other class of circumstance where the Service has responded and where a perception of harm to persons or property exists or existed. X_ "Incident Commander" means the first qualified Member of the Service in attendance at an Incident who assumes command in accordance with policies and procedures of the Service. Y. "Incinerator Fire" means a fire i which is set for the purpose of burning refuse; ii that is confined within a non-combustible structure or container that has the draft and smoke vents thereof covered with a heavy gauge metal screen not exceeding a mesh size of 12.5 millimeters; and iii which is ventilated in such a manner as to preclude the escape of combustible materials, including ash. Bylaw No. 1770, Fire Protection Bylaw Page 4 of 16 Z, "Member" means any person or officer that is duly appointed by a Fire Chief as a member of a District Fire Department or any person or member or employee of an agency asked by the Fire Chief to assist at an Incident. aa. "Outdoor Fire" means all fires except vehicle fires, structural fires, an Incinerator Fire, or a Recreational Fire. An Incinerator Fire without the required metal screen, or a Recreational Fire not contained within an Acceptable Fire Pit shall be deemed an Outdoor Fire. bb. "Prohibited Debris" means any material that when burned, will result in the release to the atmosphere of dense smoke, offensive odors or a substance, the release of which is regulated, prohibited or controlled by the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, R.S.A. 2000, or regulations thereunder and includes but is not limited to: i animal carcasses; ii animal manure; iii chemicals, and chemical containers; iv combustible material in automobile bodies; v combustible material in automobiles; vi household refuse; Vii non -wooden materials; viii paints and painting materials ix pathological waste; x rubber or plastic or anything containing or coated with rubber or plastic or similar substances; xi solid waste from sawmills or planning mills with an annual production in excess of 3500 cubic meters of lumber, unless an authorized Fire Permit has been approved; xii tires; xiii used oil; or xiv wood or wood products containing substances for the purposes of preserving wood. cc. "Property" means any real or personal property, which without limiting the generality of the foregoing includes land and structures. dd. "Public Building" includes any building where the public has general access, whether held under lease or strata title, other than a private dwelling house. ee. "Recreational Fire" means a fire contained within an Acceptable Fire Pit and is set for the purpose of cooking, obtaining warmth or viewing for pleasure. Such fire may only be fueled with seasoned non -treated wood, charcoal, natural gas or propane. ff. "Running Fire" means any fire burning outside of a confined container without being under proper control of any person. law No. 1770, Fire Protection Bylaw Page 5of16 gg. "Service" Includes all Fire Departments and District Fire Departments or any other agency, which provides emergency services to the County. hh. "Smudge Fire" means a fire confined within a non-combustible structure or container that is set on land of one half (1/2) hectare or more in area for the purpose of protecting livestock from insects. "Stubble Burning Permit" means a permit issued by a Soil Conservation Officer under the Kneehill County Stubble Burning Bylaw, as amended. jj. "Structure Fire" means a fire confined to and/or within any building, structure, machine or vehicle which will or is likely to cause the destruction of or damage to such building, structure, machine or vehicle. kk. "Summons" means a summons as defined in the Provincial Offences Procedure Act. SECTION 2 INTERPRETATION 2.1 Wherever the provisions of this Bylaw are at variance with each other, the more restrictive of the two (2) provisions shall apply. 2.2 Where there is any conflict between the provisions of this Bylaw and any other Bylaw of the County, the provisions of this Bylaw shall prevail. SECTION 3 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 The Service shall provide Fire Protection as deemed necessary by Council to safeguard the safety, lives and health of people and to protect people and property. 3.2 The County may be divided into Fire Districts. The CAO may recommend appropriate Fire Districts and emergency response station locations for the control and prevention of emergencies. 3.3 The CAO may recommend to Council agreements with other fire service agencies for the provision of Fire Protection in the whole or any part of the County or a Fire District. 3.4 Where the County is divided into Fire Districts, the CAO may arrange for Fire Protection in each Fire District pursuant to Section 3.2 or by recommending to Council the establishment of a Fire Department for that area or any combination of the foregoing. 3.5 Where Council establishes a Fire Department to provide Fire Protection in a Fire District, Council will appoint a District Fire Chief and a District Deputy Fire Chief of that Fire Department, as may be recommended by the CAO. The appointment will be reviewed on a two (2) year basis. The District Fire Chief will report directly to the County Fire Chief for fires within Kneehill County. Bvlaw No. 1770, Fire Protection Bylaw Page 6 of 16 3.6 The District Fire Chief shall be responsible for the management of fire fighters, Apparatus and Equipment, first alarm response to Incidents and the provision of fire prevention, education and suppression activities within that Fire District. 3.7 The County may establish a Fire Management Committee consisting of Fire Chiefs and any other persons recommended by the CAO. The Fire Management Committee, if established, shall recommend uniform policy & procedure concerning the Service including but not limited to rules & regulations governing the use and care of Service property, the appointment, recruiting, conduct, discipline and responsibility of Members and any other matter affecting the efficient operation of the Service and Fire Protection in the County. SECTION 4 DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY OF FIRE CHIEF OR INCIDENT COMMANDER 4.1 The Fire Chief, or any Member acting as Incident Commander at an Incident, is empowered to enter or pass through or cause any Member, Apparatus or Equipment of the Service to enter or pass through any Building or premise adjacent or near the scene of an Incident, or to convey through or to use to operate through, in, or from such adjacent or nearby Building or premise any emergency units or Equipment which is deemed necessary. 4.2 The Fire Chief, or any Member acting as Incident Commander at an Incident, is empowered to enter premises or Property where the Incident occurred and to cause any Member, Apparatus or Equipment of the Service to enter, as deemed necessary, in order to combat, control or deal with the Incident. 4.3 The Fire Chief, or any Member acting as Incident Commander at an Incident may prescribe limits in the vicinity of the Incident within which no person or vehicle shall be permitted to come or to remain, unless such person is admitted by order of the Fire Chief or Incident Commander. 4.4 The Fire Chief, or any member acting as the Incident Commander, shall be authorized to call upon Enforcement Officers to enforce restrictions on persons entering within boundaries or limits established as outlined in section 4.3 above. 4.5 The Fire Chief, or any member acting as the Incident Commander, at any Incident is hereby empowered to cause to be pulled down or demolished Buildings or other structures adjacent an Incident when it is considered necessary in order to prevent the spread of any fire or to otherwise mitigate any other emergency. 4.6 The Fire Chief, or any member acting as the Incident Commander, at any Incident is hereby empowered to request equipment or technical expertise when, it is considered necessary to do so to deal with an Incident and to authorize payment for the use of such Equipment. Bylaw No. 1770, Fire Protection Bylaw Page 7 of 16 SECTION 5 FIRE GUARDIANS 5.1 The Reeve, Councilors and the CAO by virtue of their office are Fire Guardians for the County, as per the Forest and Prairie Protection Act. sc 5.2 Each year before the 1 day of April, Council shall appoint a sufficient number of Fire Guardians, for a term not exceeding one year, in accordance with the provisions of the Forest and Prairie Protection Act to carry out provisions of the Forest and Prairie Protection Act and this Bylaw within the boundaries of the County. SECTION 6 OPEN BURNING AND FIRE PERMITS 6.1 No person shall set, cause to be set, or maintain any Outdoor Fire except in accordance with the provisions of this Bylaw. 6.2 In addition to any Fire Permit required under the Forest and Prairie Protection Act, an additional Fire Permit will be required year-round under this Bylaw. 6.3 Notwithstanding clause 6.2 of this section, any Fire Permit issued pursuant to the Forest and Prairie Protection Act, shall be deemed for all purposes to be a Fire Permit issued pursuant to this Bylaw. 6.4 An application for a Fire Permit for an Outdoor Fire or a Structure Fire shall be made to a Fire Guardian and the Fire Guardian may, with absolute discretion, issue the applicant a Fire Permit. 6.5 Fire Permits issued pursuant to this Bylaw are valid for such period as shall be determined and set by the Fire Guardian issuing the permit and the Fire Permit shall have endorsed thereon the period of time for which said permit is valid. 6.6 Each Fire Permit shall contain the following information: a. the name, legal land address and signature of the applicant and the Fire Guardian; b. the legal and municipal description of the land on which the applicant proposes to set a fire; C. the type and description of material which the applicant proposes to burn; d. the requirements set out by the Fire Guardian that will be taken by the applicant to ensure that the proposed fire remains under control; e. the period of time that the applicant proposes to burn. 6.7 A Fire Permit is not required under this Bylaw for the following: a. an Incinerator Fire or b. a Recreational Fire; or C. a Burning Barrel; or d. fires for the purpose of training firefighters; or e. controlled burns conducted by the County. Bylaw No. 1770, Fire Protection Bylaw SECTION 7 JURISDICTION Page 8 of 16 7.1 The limits of the jurisdiction of the Services will extend to the area and boundaries of Kneehill County and no part of the fire Apparatus or Service shall be used beyond the limits of the County without the express authority of a written contract or mutual aid agreement providing for the supply of firefighting services or other Incident response outside the County boundaries. The CAO may authorize the Service or any portion of it to assist neighboring communities who may be experiencing an emergency. SECTION 8 REQUIREMENTS TO REPORT / INSPECTIONS 8.1 The owner or authorized agent of any property damaged by fire shall immediately report to the County Fire Chief or the District Fire Chief in the Fire District where the fire occurred and of the particulars of the fire in a form which is satisfactory to the Fire Chief or designate. 8.2 The owner or authorized agent of any person who has experienced a spill or release of a dangerous good as defined in the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act which is owned, transported or otherwise under their control, shall immediately report to the County Fire Chief or the District Fire Chief in the Fire District where the spill or release occurred and of the particulars of the spill or release in a form which is satisfactory to the Fire Chief or designate. SECTION 9 DISCHARGE OF DUTIES 9.1 Any person charged with the enforcement of this Bylaw, acting in good faith, and without malice for the County in the discharge of their duties, shall hereby not render themselves liable personally and they are hereby relieved from all personal liability for any damage that may occur to persons or property as a result of any act or omission of the Person in the discharge of those duties. 9.2 Any suit brought against a Fire Chief or a Member of the Service, as a result of any personal act or omission performed in the exercise of the duties under this Bylaw shall be legally defended by the County until the final determination of the matter. SECTION 10 FEE FOR SERVICE 10.1 In the event the County directs resources, including fire services, to respond to, to suppress, to extinguish, to control, or to contain any fire, hazardous materials or other incident within the County, including any such action taken by fire services on a false alarm, the CAO may grant approval to the County to charge any costs and expenses incurred by the County in taking such action to: a. The owner or the occupant of the land to which the services were provided; b. The person that is in control of the land to which the services were provided; C. The person who ignited, maintained or allowed the fire, or otherwise caused or created the need for the services. d. The person to whom any Fire Permit was issued, in the case of a fire. Bylaw No. 1770, Fire Protection Bylaw Page 9 of 16 10.2 In respect of the fees or charges described in Appendix B: a. The County may recover such fees or charges as a debt due and owing to the County; or b. In the case of action taken by Services in respect of land within the County, where the fees or charges are not paid upon demand by the County, the amount levied and unpaid shall be charged against the land upon which the fire was started as taxes due and owing in respect of that land. 10.3 Notwithstanding Section 10.1 above, the County may charge fees on a cost recovery basis for any other service provided by the Service in accordance with any policy Council may from time to time make. SECTION 11 PROHIBITIONS 11.1 No person shall impede, obstruct, abuse or in any way hinder a Fire Chief, Incident Commander, or any officer or Member of the Service at any Incident, or any other person in attendance at any Incident who is under the direction of the Fire Chief or Incident Commander. 11.2 No person shall place or leave in place any vehicles, article, thing or matter in such a manner as to interfere with free access or approach to any fire hydrant or service connections. 11.3 No person shall obstruct or otherwise interfere with access roads or streets or other approaches to any fire hydrants, or bodies of water designated for firefighting purposes. 11.4 No person shall in any way impact or hinder any Member of the Service or any person who may be assisting in extinguishing any fire or otherwise acting under the directions of a Fire Chief, or performing any other duties provided for in this Bylaw, and no person shall move any fire hose, or drive a vehicle over any fire hose at any fire without permission of a Fire Chief, or the Incident Commander in charge. 11.5 No person shall place or cause to be placed, any matter or thing, so as to obstruct or interfere with the operation or use of any fire hydrant, service water inlet, or outlet connections on Buildings, fire alarm control panels, manual alarm stations, or any fire detection device, or Equipment. 11.6 No person shall, either directly or indirectly, personally or through an agent, servant or employee kindle a fire and let it become a running fire on any land not their own property, or allow a running fire to pass from their property to the property of another. 11.7 No person or Member of the Service shall light any fire in an area subject to a Fire Ban. A District Fire Department must obtain approval from the CAO to conduct any burn for training purposes during a Fire Ban. 11.8 No person shall light a fire without a Fire Permit pursuant to this Bylaw. Bylaw No. 1770. Fire Protection Bylaw Page 10 of 16 11.9 With the exception of Recreational Fires or Incinerator Fires, no person shall set or maintain an Outdoor Fire whether under permit or otherwise within 15 meters of a structure. 11.10 No person shall allow his or her property, whether owned or occupied, to become a fire hazard through: a. the accumulation of combustible materials, or b. the lack of maintenance to the property or the structures upon it, or C. any contravention of municipal, provincial or federal regulations 11.11 No person, other than an employee of the County Operations Department or a Member of the Service, shall use a fire hydrant for the purpose of obtaining or discharging water from such hydrant without first receiving permission from the CAO or the Service. 11.12 Any person who in any way obstructs, prevents, or refuses to admit a Safety Codes Officer, Fire Inspector or Investigator in, to or upon any land, premises, yards or buildings for the purpose of inspecting or investigating the same, or who incites or abets such action shall be considered in breach of this Bylaw. The Safety Codes Officer(s) for the County shall have all powers as provided for in the Safety Codes Act with reference to the fire discipline. 11.13 No person shall willfully or maliciously destroy or injure any Property at afire or any Apparatus or Equipment belonging to the Service. 11.14 No person shall falsely represent themselves as an employee or Member of, or connected with the Service. 11.15 No person shall wear, use or possess or have control of any official badge, identification or uniform of the Service except with the consent of a Fire Chief of the Service. 11.16 No person shall use, or have possession or control of any key for any service vehicle or Building unless specifically authorized by the CAO or a Fire Chief of the Service. 11.17 No person shall falsely claim sanction of the Service in soliciting any person, agency, society or company on any matter. 11.18 Any person who refuses to provide or furnish any information required under this Bylaw, when requested by a Member of the Service, or who encourages such, shall be in breach of this Bylaw. 11.19 No person shall burn or cause to be burned Prohibited Debris. 11.20 No person shall operate a Burning Barrel or burn any refuse, garbage, compost, or other materials within a Hamlet District Bylaw No. 1770. Fire Protection Bylaw Page 11 of 16 SECTION 12 PENALTIES 12.1 At the discretion of an Enforcement Officer, a Summons may be issued in respect of a Bylaw offence. 12.2 If a Summons is issued in respect of an offence, the Summons must specify the fine amount established by the Bylaw for the offence. 12.3 A person who is charged with an offence may, if a Summons is issued in respect of the offence, pay the fine amount established by the Bylaw for the offence as enumerated on Appendix B attached hereto and if the amount is paid on or before the required date the person will not be prosecuted for the offence. 12.4 If a Summons is issued in respect of a Bylaw offence, the Summons may: a. specify the fine amount established by the Bylaw for the offence in accordance with Appendix B attached hereto; OR b. require a person to appear in court without the alternative of making a voluntary payment OR C. if the Summons specifies the fine amount established by the Bylaw for the offence, make a voluntary payment equal to the specified fine. 12.5 Unless otherwise specified in this Bylaw, a person who is found guilty of an offence is liable to a fine in an amount not less than that specified in the Bylaw, and not exceeding $10,000.00, and to imprisonment for not more than one year for non-payment of the fine. 12.6 If a person is found guilty of an offence, the court may, in addition to any fine or other penalty imposed, order the person to comply with this Bylaw or a license, permit or other authorization issued under this Bylaw, or a condition of any of them. 12.7 In the case of an offence that is of a continuing nature a contravention constitutes a separate offence in respect of each day or part of a day on which it continues. 12.8 A person who is found guilty of an offence is liable to the imposition of a penalty for the offence that is in addition to a fine so long as the penalty relates to a fee, cost, rate, toll or charge that is associated with the conduct that gives rise to the offence. 12.9 Any person who violates any of the provisions of this Bylaw shall be deemed to be in contravention of this Bylaw. 12.10 Any person who contravenes or allows any other person to contravene any other of the terms, conditions or provisions of this Bylaw shall be deemed to be in contravention of this Bylaw. Bylaw No. 1770, Fire Protection Bylaw Page 12 of 16 SECTION 13 FIRE BANS 13.1 For the purpose of fire control, the CAO in consultation with the Chair of the � �d County Fire Chief may issue a Fire Ban: a. for all parts of the County; b. on all County issued Fire Permits; or c. to prohibit the lighting or require the extinguishing of any Outdoor Fire set. d. As per Appendix D, Fire Bans Chart 13.2 A Fire Ban made pursuant to this section shall be immediately published to media by the CAO to bring the matter to the attention of the public. 13.3 Fire bans will be lifted or modified at the discretion of the CAO in consultation with the County Fire Chief. SECTION 14 SEVERABILITY 14.1 If any provisions of this Bylaw are declared invalid because of any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Bylaw, or any documents which form part of this Bylaw or an application to any person or circumstance is declared invalid, the remaining provisions shall not be affected thereby, but shall remain in force. SECTION 15 REPEAL 15.1 Bylaw number 1712 and all amendments thereto are hereby rescinded. SECTION 16 EFFECTIVE DATE 16.1 This Bylaw comes into effect upon third reading of this Bylaw. This Bylaw shall have force and take effect on the final reading thereof. READ a first time on this 12th day of June, 2018. READ a second time on this 12th day of June, 2018. UNANIMOUS permission for third reading given in Council on the 12th day of June, 2018. READ a third time and final time of this 12th day of June, 2018. Chief Administrative Officer AI Hoggan -jv4 2� -)DIS, Date Bylaw Signed �)41f AW, Reeve Jerry Wittstock {.� Za Date Bylaw Si ned Bylaw No. 1770. Fire Protection Bylaw Page 13 of 16 APPENDIX A FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE FEES A.1 Fire and Emergency Apparatus will be billed for at the current Alberta Transportation rate, with the exception of mutual aid apparatus, which will be billed for at the responding agency's mutual aid rate. A.2 Any other fire related costs including, but not limited to, heavy equipment, private water haulers, specialty equipment and investigation costs, may be billed at the County's cost for providing the service. Bylaw No. 1770, Fire Protection Bylaw Page 14 of 16 APPENDIX B KNEEHILL COUNTY'S SPECIFIED PENALTIES ALL PENALTIES ARE EXCLUSIVE OF COSTS Offence Offence Amount of Fine Under impeding the efforts of persons authorized in this Bylaw to $1000.00 (1St offence) 11.1 / 11.4 extinguish fire or preserve life or property. nd $1500.00(2 offence) interfering with the Service's equipment or apparatus $2500.00 (3rd offence) _ $1000.00 (1St offence) 11.2 required to extinguish a fire or preserve live or property. nd $1500.00(2 offence) obstructing or interfering with access roads, streets, $2500.00 3rd offence) $1000.00 (1 st offence) 11.3/ 11.5 approaches to water supplies, or obstructing the operation nd or use of any source, connection, alarm control devises or $1500.00 (2 offence) detection equipment. allowing a fire to become a running fire, or let a running fire $2500.00 (3rd offence) $1500.00 11.6 pass from owned or occupied property to the property of another. conducting open burning within 15 meters of a structure lighting a fire without a permit $500.00 $500.00 (1St offence) 11.7 11.8 $750.00 (2nd offence) $1,000.00 (3rd & subsequent light a fire in an area subject to a fire ban offences $1000.00 11.9 11.10 allowing property to become a fire hazard. $1000.00 $1000.00 $1000.00 11.11 use of fire hydrant without consent 11.12 obstructing the efforts of a Safety Codes Officer, Fire Inspector or Investigator, or Enforcement Officer 11.13 damaging or destroying the Service's property $1000.00 11.14 false representation as a member $500.00 11.15 unauthorized weaft or possession of Service badge, $500.00 11.16 unauthorized use or possession of Service's key for $500.00 buildings, apparatus orequipment 11.17 1 falsely claiming sanction of the Service on any matter $500.00 11.18 refusing to provide information or providing false or $500.00 misleading information to a Member 11.19 burning Prohibited Debris $1000.00 (1St offence) $1500.00(2 nd offence) operating a Burning Barrel or burning refuse, garbage, $2000.00 (3rd offence) $500.00 11.20 compost. or other materials within a Hamlet District Bylaw No. 1770. Fire Protection Bylaw Page 15 of 16 APPENDIX C FIRE DISTRICT ➢ `� � �. i _ � _ -D -� _ ,_sem. `-- ILI T- -- H 1 - Fire District Map Nnoahlll 89010 W EnU geM SwAcm _..f -i� �t Aceurete A"mment . G.p Ltd. ` ... KNEEHRLCDUNfY,w•w p ••'� KREDISTRICr MAP � ari'mri7aL5tlaf w,�e.r�sfew _ _ _ _ rrwawre wwww�arw Bylaw No. 1770, Fire Protection Bylaw APPENDIX D FIRE BANS CHART r>� 16 of 16 Fire permits are required during fire season for any type of burning in the FPA, except campfires. Safe campfires are allowed in campgrounds and backcountry or random camping areas. 0 FIRE ADVISORY The fire hazard rating has increased. Fire permits may be restricted. Safe campfires are allowed in campgrounds and backcountry or random camping areas, but this level is a warning they may be restricted d the situation doesn't improve. Safe campfires are allolved in fire rings in campgrounds only. No campfires (or other open fires) or charcoal briquettes are allowed in backcountry or random camping areas. Gas or propane stoveslbaroeques and portable propane fire pits are allowed Fire permits may be suspended or cancelled and no new fire permits will be issued_ If the situation continues to worsen, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry will put on a fire ban. a�1 No campfires (or other open fires) are allowed in campgrounds or backcountry and random camping areas. This includes charcoal briquettes. Gas or propane stoves/barbeques and portable propane fire pits are allowed. All fire permits are L-7 or cancelled and no new fire permits will be issued.