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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-04-22 Council Minutes0 r M D OF KNEEHILL #48 AGENDA - COUNCIL MEETING April 22nd, 1997 1 Approval of Agenda 2 Approval of Minutes 3 J C Jeffery Report 4 Executive Committee Report 5 Bank Reconciliation and Cash Comparison Report 6 Accounts Payable APPOINTMENTS. 9.00 A.M Mr Lonnie McCook, Public Works Superintendent 9 30 A.M Anthony & Sherry Andrews see item #10 1 30 P M Public Hearing see item #17 2 00 P M Agricultural Service Board see item #14 TRANSPORTATION ITEMS. 7 Public Works Superintendent Report 8 April 18/97 Road Committee Report 9 1997/98 Rural Transportation Grant 10 Meeting with Anthony & Sherry Andrews GENERAL ITEMS: 11 Budget Committee Report 12 Kneehill Housing Corporation 1997 Requisition 13 Equity Water Project - Possible Phase II AGRICULTURAL SERVICE BOARD AND PARKS 14 Agricultural Service Board PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT. 15 Minimum Distance Separation 16 Municipal Planning Commission Member at large 17 Public Hearing Ralph Belt LATE ITEMS. 18 Trochu Ag Society 19 Mr Vince Maruzs re 15 30 23 W4 1 w • LJ T M D OF KNEEHILL No 48 COUNCIL MINUTES April 22nd, 1997 A regular meeting of council was held in the M D of Kneehill office, 232 Main Street Three Hills, Alberta on Tuesday, April 22nd 1997 commencing at 8 30 A.M The following were present for the meeting Reeve Otto Hoff Councillors Marylea Lowen Robert E Boake James M Hanger Richard M Vickery M Glen Wagstaff Division Two Division One Division Three Division Five Division Six Division Seven John C Jeffery, Administrator Jennifer Deak, Assistant Administrator was also present and recorded the minutes Reeve Otto Hoff called the meeting to order at 8 30 A.M On behalf of Council Mr Hoff extended deepest sympathy and condolences to Mr Boake and his family for the recent death of Mr Boake's nephew Mr Hanger moved approval of the agenda. Mr Vickery moved approval of the April e, 1997 council minutes Mr Wagstaff moved approval of Mr .Ieffery's report, as presented. PRESENT CALL TO ORDER APPROVAL OF AGENDA CARRIED APPROVAL OF CARRIED MINUTES CARRIED The Executive Committee Report was presented Under Executive Committee #1, former Armien Toews property Pt NE 19 30 25 W4 a discussion followed on proceeding with negotiations again and possible speed limit restrictions for the SH 806 road project south of Linden, through the coulee Mr Vickery moved the MD. proceed to have Torchinsky Engineering Ltd involved with I the SH 806 road project, south of Linden, through the coulee, and re -look at speed limit"nd negotiations CARRIED Under Executive Committee #4 Three Hills Seed Cleaning Plant Mr Hanger reported on the latest happenings with the seed cleaning plant board reviewing a report, prepared by the seed cleaning board appointed committee of himself and Mr Don Metzger, outlining concerns and discussions with the plant manager Mr Hanger advised he felt the support of another M.D councillor on this board was required, noting a meeting had been called for Wednesday April 23/97 at 7 30 P M at the provincial building. Mr McCook entered the meeting time 9 05 A.M Under Executive Committee #8 Canada Alberta Infrastructure Grant, Mr McCook reported Torchinsky Engineering had forwarded the cost estimate for the project The estimate was $207 000 00 the total infrastructure grant was approximately $189,000 00 Mr McCook noted the estimate includes addressing the guardrails that need to be higher to meet standards It was noted the current road width was adequate and would remain unchanged EXEC COMM REPORT SH 806 PROJECT STH OF LINDEN THREE HILLS SEED CLAENING PLANT REPORT P" INTO MEETING CA NIA LTA INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT Mr. Vickery moved Mr Hoff deliver the MD 's letter to Mr Dusty Poxon, mayor of Carbon, inviting the village to participate with this project on their portion of this road 8y O��a �io�r 70 CARRIED JD/AIIN 0 11 M D OF KNEEHILL No 48 COUNCIL MINUTES April 22nd, 1997 Under Executive Committee #9, SH 836 culvert West of SW 20 30 22 W4 it was agreed to have the Public Works Superintendent and as many councillors as possible meet with Mr Al McMillan, AB Environment, prior to the council meeting with all involved parties, to review this culvert problem It was further agreed to have Mr McCook arrange this meeting and advise the councillors of same Under Executive Committee #13, AgPro Grain Inc. it was agreed to follow up the telephone call to Mr Richard Marz, MLA, with a letter, requesting M.D involvement with discussions with Alberta Transportation and Utilities and the wheat pool regarding Highway 21 SH 836 CULVERT WEST OF SW 20- 30-22-W4 &c h'75 AR irk A" Mr Vickery moved a letter be sent to Mr Richard Marz, MLA, requesting MD AGPROGRAIN involvement in discussions betiveen Alberta Transportation and Utilities and AgPro INC Grain Inc. regarding developments to Highway 21 for access to the proposed AgPro DEVELOPMENT grain handing facthty at SW 5- 33 -23 -W4 / CARRIED Under Executive Committee #20, Mountain View/Kneehill point planning costs, it was further reported Mr Paul Ehmann Utilities Officer, had tendered his resignation effective May 16/97 and Mr Alex Cunningham, Development Officer had indicated he would be retiring next year A discussion followed on the future direction of the M.D 's planning and development department, and the role of Mr John Rusling, the Mountain View/Kneehill point planner, in future developments Mr Vickery recommended Mountain View be involved in negotiations regarding the future directions of this department and Mr Rusling's role in same Under Executive Committee #23, Public Address (PA) System for council chambers a discussion followed on options and costs for providing an adequate PA system Mr Vickery moved a letter be sent to Mr Larry Goodhope, AAMD &C, requesting information regarding the number of municipalities that use a PA system, the types of systems used and the evaluation of same CARRIED Under Executive Committee #24 E911 System, Mr Jeffery further reported Mr Rinus Onos Kneehill Ambulance Director had indicated he would be willing to act as project manager to coordinate the implementation of this system in the municipality Telus was requesting a meeting with the M.D and all towns and villages in the municipality to review this system and commence procedures for the implementation of same Those present agreed the evening of May 6`h at 7 00 P M was available to schedule this meeting Mr Boake moved approval of the Executive Committee report. CARRIED Mr and Mrs Anthony Andrews entered the meeting time 9 40 A.M On behalf of Council Mr Hoff welcomed the Andrews to the meeting and introductions were made Mr Andrews advised council he and his spouse were planning on budding a new farmstead on the NE 10 29 23 W4 and wanted to use part of the north south road allowance to access this site About 1,000 1,100 feet of the road allowance required developing In response to questions Mr Andrews advised the home would not be built this year, there are corrals currently on site as well as power and telephone lines and a well (200 ft deep) that produces at the rate of 5 gal /min, Mr Wayne Garrett currently farms the undeveloped road allowance and has not been approached regarding the possible road development at this location Mr Vickery advised it was the policy of the M.D to wait until permits were in place before doing anything the M.D has a policy, 13 20A, addressing requests from ratepayers to build roads on undeveloped road allowance Mrs MIMIN FUTURE OF MD PLANNING & DEV D�EPT PA SYSTEM FOR COUNCIL ROOM E911 PROJECT MANAGER & REVIEW MEETING WITH TEL US MIL & MRS. ANDREWS INTO MEETING REQUEST TO DEVELOP UNDEV ROAD ALLOW. NE 10- 29 -23- W4 2 0 M M.D. OF KNEEHILL No 48 COUNCIL MINUTES April 22nd, 1997 Deak proceeded to read aloud this policy, which states the M.D will pay 50% of the costs, to a maximum of $15,000 00 to build a road to M.D standards on undeveloped road allowance for a ratepayer requesting a road to access a residence, providing the road construction costs are included in the M.D budget and the work will be undertaken by a bid contractor Mr Wagstaff moved this request be referred to the Road Committee for an inspection and recommendation CARRIED It was agreed Mr Andrews should contact Mr Wayne Garrett to advise him of the possible road development and this be done as soon as possible so Mr Garrett could decide whether or not to continue seeding the road allowance at this location It was noted a blade grade standard road was 24 feet in width Mr Vickery noted the original gravel required for this proposed development would be considered the maintenance portion Mr Wagstaff requested clarification as to whether a building permit was required for building corrals Mr and Mrs Andrews thanked council and left the meeting time 9 50 A.M REQUEST TO DEV UNDEV ROAD ALLOW. NE 10 -29- 23- W4 REFERRED TO RD. COMM. irJo 7 Pte` MR & MRS. ANDREWS OUT OF MEETING The Public Works Superintendent report was presented Mr Wagstaff inquired why the M.D lifted the bans on its gravel roads so soon the County of Red Deer still had 90% PWSREPORT bans on its gravel roads Mr Vickery moved approval of the Public Works Superintendent report. APPROVAL OFPWS CARRIED REPORT The April 8/97 Road Committee report was reviewed Under report item #2 Gordon Brown campground Pt NE 23 29 21 W4, Mr Vickery inquired why a site inspection was not carved and the approach location checked by the planning and development department Mr Boake noted a condition of approval for the development permit was for turn out lanes to access the campsite and should this condition not be met the permit would not be approved It was noted this matter had been referred to the Road Committee because the approach was onto a secondary highway A discussion followed on the advantages of having the Municipal Planning Commission do site inspections for every development application The recommendation, under report item #4 to have council draft a bylaw to deal with access on private land via M.D road allowance was discussed Mr Jeffery noted the legalities of having this as a condition of the development of an undeveloped road allowance would have to be investigated A short recess was held between 10 20 A.M 10 30 A.M The review of the Road Committee report continued Under report item #9 Connie Moldrup - NW 31 28 23 W4 Mr Hoff reported the trucks accessing this location use the west approach Under report item #14 Alberta Wheat Pool Section 18 32 23 W4 the recommendation to purchase land on both the north and south sides of the road for the road project was discussed Mr Jeffery advised he would contact Mr Luoma the following morning, to obtain signatures on the necessary land buying agreement Under report item #27 Andrew Frere cul de sac, Mr Vickery noted the actual cul de sac would not be on M.D road allowance but the road to the cul de sac was on road allowance ROAD COMM. REPORT BROWN CAMPGROUND NE 23- 29 -21 -w4 MPC SITE INSPECTIONS ACCESS ON PROVATE LAND VIA MD ROADS AB WHEAT POOL SEC. 18-32-23 - W4 FRERE CUL DE SAC Mr Wagstaff moved approval of the Road Committee report APPROVAL OF RD CARRIED COMM. REPORT Mr Jeffery reported the agreement for the 1997/98 Rural Transportation Grant has been received The M.D 's allocation is $374,376.00 which is approximately $24,000 00 more RURAL_ TRANS than budgeted GRANT JD/MIN 3 0 M D OF KNEEHILL No. 48 COUNCIL MINUTES April 22nd, 1997 Mr Boake moved the provincial 1997/98 Rural Transportation Grant be signed and duly processed CARRIED Mr Jeffery reported Mr Vince Maruzs has advised a portion of the road accessing NE 15 30 23 W4 had been washed out and requested the M.D repair same Mr Jeffery reviewed the aerial photograph of this location, noting Mr Maruzs claims portions of land were traded between Gibson (formerly McCracken) and Maruzs to provide access as there was only one bridge around the coulee Mr Maruzs claims the M.D built the road and said it would maintain same forever The road is not on M.D road allowance Mr Jeffery reported title searches were being conducted on these lands, there are no records on file indicating any agreements there are no caveats registered on the titles obtained, the original road was cancelled to 1940, when this location was under the jurisdiction of the M.D of Carbon It was noted the old M.D records had not been searched for information or reference to this matter Mr Hoff recalled the M.D had, when Mr Finlay Code was the divisional councillor approved the culvert and fixed the road at no charge Mr Jeffery noted Mr Maruzs was confused about this matter as the M.D had previously fixed the road and expected the M.D to do the same again A discussion followed on the possibility of installing two culverts at this site or replacing the original culvert with a larger one and possible cost sharing arrangements to fix same Mr McCook noted the current culvert, a MARUZS CULVERT 30' pipe, would have to be replaced NE 15- 30 -23 -w4 Mr Hanger moved the M D install a culvert at this location and cost share same on a 50150 basis with Mr Maruzs with the unrlerstanding this would be a one time project with the M.D. not returning in the future to maintain the road nor replace the culvert /YU' and further, this arrangement be subject to there being no agreement for this road being found in the archives. CARRIED P" OUT OF Mr McCook left the meeting time 11 00 A.M MEETING Mr Boake moved approval of the accounts presented for payment to -day, subject to review by the Finance Committee of Councillors Hoff, Vickery, Hanger and Wagstaff APPROVAL OF CARRIED ACCOUNTS Mr Wagstaff moved approval of the March 31'; 1997 bank reconciliation and cash APPROVAL OF comparison report, as presented FINANCIAL CARRIED REPORTS Mr Jeffery reported the Budget Committee had met and reviewed the 1997 budget including wage reviews Mr Jeffery reported on July 1/95 staff took a 5% cut, received a BUDGETCOMM. 3% increase July 1/95 and a 2% increase July 1/96, no net increase in wages had been REPORT received since July 1/93 Mr Jeffery also reported on the committee s inquiry regarding the local government courses taken by Ms Lisa Paget Ms Paget has completed the final course for her Local Government Certificate and is awaiting her marks Ms Paget has paid for these courses herself Total course costs including texts, for the program total approximately $2,900 00 It was noted in prior years, the M.D encouraged all in service training and reimbursed employees for same With the downsizing and cuts only one staff member was reimbursed for each local government program Mrs Laurie Brosseau had been fully reimbursed for local government courses and Mrs Deak for senior fellow courses LGA COURSE Mr Boake moved Ms Lisa Paget be reimbursed for the courses, including test books, REIMBURSEMENT LISA PAGET for the Local Government Municipal Administration program, subject to her successful as ,6X7 i%� � 14"74 4Y completion of the final course. CARRIED JD/MIN 4 M.D OF KNEEHILL No 48 COUNCIL MINUTES April 22nd, 1997 Mr Vickery noted the councillors also took a 5% cut the same time as staff in 1994 Mr Vickery discussed the downsizing and cuts the M.D had made over the past years noting, even with these cuts the M.D was still providing the same services The need to recognize these achievements and the merit adjustments were discussed It was reported the merit fund had a balance of $12,000 00 In response to an inquiry, Mr Jeffery estimated a 5% increase would reflect an approximate $70,000 00 increase in total salaries and wages Mr Hanger noted he felt a 5% increase was too much for one year and discussed having a 5% increase over two years Mr Hanger moved the M D staff he given a 5% salary and wage increase, effective July 1", 1997, with the understanding this increase was for the next two years with the exception of merit awards CARRIED Mr Jeffery reported the 1997 requisition for the Golden Hills Lodge had been received from the Kneehill Housing Corporation The total requisition was $50 000 00 the M.D 's share, calculated as a percentage of equalized assessment was 76 8% or $38,400 00 This amount was an increase of approximately $260 00 from the previous year Mr Vickery moved approval of this requisition ' 1 1, Mr Jeffery reported the town of Three Hills had advised it had sufficient water production capacity to handle the possible Equity Water Phase II and looked forward to working cooperatively with the M.D on any future water projects A discussion followed on the possibility of connecting the Trochu meat plant and future AgPro grain facility onto an Equity Water Phase II project It was noted P F R.A was currently investigating the phase II possibilities Mrs Lowen advised she had another appointment and left the meeting time 11 30 A.M Mr Vickery moved to table this matter until a report ivas received from P F RA regarding the possibilities of an Equity Water Phase M project CARRIED Mr Jeffery noted Mr Mike Welsh Welsh & Company the M.D 's legal counsel on the recent Subdivision and Development Appeal Board hearings, had suggested the M.D repeal the section of its planning bylaw addressing minimum distance separation (MDS) to conform with the New Code of Practices which calculates this distance using own property not adjacent landowner's property Mr Wagstaff recommended this issue be discussed and addressed after the scheduled Subdivision and Development Appeal Board hearings .IULY1 11997 SALARYAND WAGE INCREASE S% 7 P14 AvYzw -,- (Zow, zd, ) GOLDEN HILLS LODGE REQUISITION cm Ac�rs �.qy, � &nC�1is� TOWN OF THREE HILLS LETTER RE. EQUITY WATER PHASE II L UB AMENDMENT RE. MDS Mr Jeffery advised Mr Bob Penner had indicated he would be interested in sitting as a member at large on the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) Mr Penner has also BOB PENNER indicated he would like to see more stakeholders on the MPC A brief discussion followed INTERE.STINMPC on the planning process and the difficulty in understanding the various stages and steps of this process Mr Boake moved to table agenda items 15 and 16, Minimum Distance Separation and MDS & MPC Municipal Planning Commission inember at large. MATTERS TABLED CARRIED f' The meeting recessed for lunch 11 40 A.M 1 00 P M LUNCH RECESS Mrs Lowen and Mr McCook were present when the meeting continued Messrs Vickery and Wagstaff were not present Mr McCook reported council had authorized the Capital Committee a budget of CAP. COMM. $20,000,00 to purchase a used van Mr McCook noted for this amount vans with mileage BUDGETREQUEST ✓n/MIN 5 0 In m M D. OF KNEEHILL No. 48 COUNCIL MINUTES April 22nd, 1997 of approximately 120 000 km were available for a price range of $26 000 00 lease back vans with 14 16,000 km were available APPROVAL TO INCREASE Mr Hanger moved to increase the budget allocation to the Capital Coninuttee for the CAPITAL COMM van purchase from $20, 000, 00 to $26, 000.00. BUDGET CARRIED �Gdmo�o Mr McCook left the meeting time 1 15 P M PHIS OUT OF Messrs Vickery and Wagstaff entered the meeting time 1 15 P M MEETING Mr Jeffery read a letter from Mr Willie Moran Director, Trochu Ag Society requesting financial support for a rubber matting project for the Trochu Arena Complex This matting would be an alternative to using dirt on the arena floor for various agriculture events The mats are 4x6 feet and cost $36.00 each A total of 710 mats would be required to cover the arena at a cost of $30,00000 including GST shipping and storage trailer The Ag Society has allocated $12,000 00 of their budget towards this purchase with the remainder being TROCHUAG lobbied from corporate sponsors UGG has donated $6,000 00 Mr Jeffery then read a SOCIETY REQUEST letter of support for the project from Mr John Parker, district 4H leader Mr Hanger FOR FIN. SUPPORT expressed concerns regarding livestock using these mats and Mr Vickery explained FOR RUBBER MAT shavings are placed over the mats which are pressure washed after livestock use Mr PROJECT FOR Vickery further reported one half of the mats have been purchased and tested with various TROCHUARENA livestock Cattle etc have no problems on this type of flooring but it is not good for horses as they tend to slip Mr Wagstaff noted these mats allowed the arena facility to be utilized for more activities was a better solution than hauling dirt in and out for agriculture events, would be of benefit to the 4H groups and the mats could be rented to other facilities in the area It was noted the 4H was a regional group with over 130 members in the municipality participating in various 4H clubs Mr Vickery noted a contribution towards this project would go a long way towards point service negotiations It was noted the sale of CAESA/CASCI equipment had generated $30,184 00 which the M.D had earmarked towards agriculture (Ag Exhibition) and part of these monies could be allocated towards this project which would benefit the area the 4H groups and other agricultural events APPROVAL TO Mr Wagstaff moved the M D. of Kneehill contribute $6, 000 00 to the Trochu Ag CONTRIBUTE TO TROCHUARENA Society towards the rubber matting project for the Trochu Arena Comp1m RUBBER MAT CARRIED PROJECT Mrs. Lowen moved council recess in order to hold the Public Hearing scheduled for dc- ��s Pay 1 30 P M PUBLIC HEARING CARRIED RECEss Mr Wagstaff moved Council reconvene CARRIED i Mr Alex Cunningham Development Officer, Mr John Rusling, Planner, Mr Ralph Belt, Ms Vivian Mandelm and Mr Rick Belt were all present when Council reconvened - time 130PM Mr Vickery moved first reading to Bylaw 1370, this being the bylaw to redesignate part of the north east quarter of section 1, township 32, range 24, west of the fourth meridian (Pt. NE 1- 32- 24 -W4) from agricultural (A) to Country Residential (CR) District CARRIED BYLAw1370 REDE.SIGNATION Mr Wagstaff moved second reading to this bylaw PT NE 1-32-24 - CARRIED w4 ,6vuaw (b�t Mr Boake moved third reading he given to this bylaw at this ante. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY JD/MIN • 0 4 •n M.D. OF KNEEHILL No. 48 COUNCIL MINUTES April 22nd, 1997 Mr Hanger moved third reading to Bylaiv 1370. , 1_ 1 Messrs Cunningham Rusling Ralph Belt Rick Belt and Ms Mandelin left the meeting - time 1 45 P M A short recess was held from 1 45 P M- 2 00 P M Mr Mike Koot and Mr Kevin Hoppins, Agricultural Service Board (ASB) members at MEETING WITH large, Mrs Lori Wildeman, Secretary to the ASB and Mr Lonnie McCook, Public Works ASBMEMBERS Superintendent entered the meeting Mr Hoff welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made Mr Jeffery proceeded to review the Wheatland Agricultural Service Board s Strategic Plan November 1995, reviewing the mission vision goals, strategies and actions of this ASB in addition to reviewing the 1995 and 1996 actual and 1996 and 1997 budget financial statements A discussion followed on the future direction of the M D of Kneehill ASB, including a comparison of operating costs between Wheatland and Kneehill s ASB It was noted in 1996 Wheatland ASB reported revenues of $116,443 00 and expenditures of $358,519 00 for a net department expense of $242 076 00 compared to the Kneehill 1996 revenues of $109,241 00 and department expenses of $106 607 00 for a net department expense of $2 634 00 It was noted since 1992 ASB overall costs had decreased It was also noted some of the financial comparisons were not the same as Wheatland allocated labour costs to each ASB function (mowing seeding etc.) in addition to administrative costs and also Wheatland had different agricultural concerns, such as irrigation and water management It was also noted all of Wheatland council is on the ASB with farmer members serving on sub committees Options for the M.D s ASB were discussed including the possibility of allocating to the public works department some of the ASB tasks, hiring a part time assistant ASB person with Wheatland's Ag Fieldman offering supervision It was noted Mr Jim Laszlo Wheatland s AF Fieldman had been very responsive to helping the M.D in this matter Wheatland's council had also indicated its willingness to help the M.D but had emphasized it did not want to jeopardize their ASB services to their ratepayers by doing so It was agreed the position of Wheatland's council was understandable The discussion was continued on the expectations and future of the M.D 's ASB department Mr Hanger, the ASB Chairman noted the resignation of the M D s Ag Fieldman Mr Art Thomas, had provided the ASB with an opportunity to review its program, look at options for changes including the possibility of contracting some of these services, allocating some to the public works department and having a part time ASB person in place This was an opportunity to promote point services Mr Koot noted the M D needed an Ag Fieldman in place to deliver its programs Mr Hoppins noted he felt the ASB had re looked at the matter, decided contracting would not work and a full time person not an assistant, was needed and there was no other option but hire an Ag Fieldman Mr Wagstaff noted there may be more need for an Ag Fieldman now since the resignation of the District Agriculturist Mr Vickery reported he had discussed this issue with some ratepayers and the feelings expressed by them was that an Ag Fieldman was good to have on a year round basis The M.D s tree planting program was discussed It was noted due to the status of the ASB department the M.D would not be planting trees this year and would be telephoning ratepayers to pick up their tree orders Mr Wagstaff moved the M 1). of Kneehill continue ivith the Agricultural Service Board and advertise for an Agricultural Fieldman, salary for this position being dependent upon qualifications and arperience, and further May 26/97 be arh,ertised as the deadline for applications for this position. CARRIED It was agreed to advertise this position through the AAMD &C and the Society of Local Government Managers (SLGM) Mr Jeffery then read an advertisement for an Agricultural MIMIN WHEATLAND ASB REVIEW KNEEHILL ASB DIRECTION APPROVAL TO CONTINUE KNEEHILL ASB & HIRE ANAL FIELDMAN Z,el NA 0 Aw. k M.D. OF KNEEHILL No 48 COUNCIL MINUTES April 22nd, 1997 Fieldman, for the County of Paintearth as advertised through the SLGM It was agreed this advertisement could be adopted to meet Kneehill's requirements It was further agreed the ACFIELDMAN interview committee for this position could be the ASB with the assistance of Mr Jim INTERVIEW Laszlo COMMITTEE Mr Jeffery reported Mr Allan Mills would be returning to look after the parks this year The Parks Committee of Mr Wagstaff and Mr Hanger both agreed Mr Jeffery should 1997 PARKS discuss with Mr Mills, the overseeing of Braconnier and Swalwell parks ATTENDANT Mr Koot inquired about the status of the ASB rental equipment noting the ASB had agreed to donate the scale to the 4H and not to have any more equipment rentals It was agreed leave the rental equipment for the time being and wait and see what would develop with the ASB department Mr Koot noted, according to Mr Thomas ASB manual a cattle scale two hand sprayers and a Brillion grass seeder were the only equipment listed for rental Mr Hanger moved the meeting a(journ Time 3 20 P M .. ev INTE ll Munil Adm�mst to CARRIED ASB RENTAL EQUIPMENT ADJOURMENT 8 JOHN C JEFFERY REPORT April 9`i' to April 22 "d, 1997 REPORT. Balance Forward CORRESPONDENCE $ 0.00 1 April 10/97 RC #0026502 CAESA Final Grant $54895 2 April 11/97 RC #0026509 Golden Hills Reg Div /Early Intervention Funding - $2,819 31 3 Mar 31/97 AB Gazette 4 Mar /97 Fines Distribution 5 April 9/97 Torchinsky Engineering announcement welcoming Mr Dale Ramey to their Land Services division 6 April 8/97 Golden Hills Reg Div Meeting minutes 7 April 15/97 Municipal Planning Commission Minutes 8 March 1997 Marigold Report 9 Apr 10/97 AB Community Development letter re safety and security of semors 10 Mar 24/97 AB Seniors Advisory Council announcement re Senior Citizens Week June 1- 7/97 11 April 1997 AB community Development "Community Focus' newsletter 12 Feb /1997 Prime Minister's Update newsletter 13 Mar /1997 Premier s Council on the Status of persons with disabilities Discussion Paper From the Welfare State Spring 1997 Farm Tek Advances magazine 14 Spring 1997 Alberta Connections newspaper 15 Land Use Planning Recommendations for Manufactured Housing in Alberta information magazine 16 AB Sports Hall of Fame Artefacts newsletter 17 Mar /Apr 1997 Electrical line magazine 18 AB North American Waterfowl Management Plan Progress Review report 19 Spring 1997 Cansel Survey Equipment GPS News 20 April 1997 David Thompson Health Region DHR New Trails newsletter and Community Celebration Breakfast invitation 21 Employment Opportunity Heavy Equipment Operator Town of Peace River 22 Employment Opportunity Shop Mechanic Town of Stettler 23 Employment Opportunity Recreational and Cultural Coordinator Town of Grimshaw 24 Employment Opportunity Parks and Recreation Operator III City of Camrose 25 Employment Opportunity Assistant Town Foreman Town of Chestermere 26 Employment Opportunity Planning and Development Manager Town of Banff 27 Annual Municipal Refresher Course advertising 28 Advertisement for sale by tender no seed till drill County of Minburn 29 Seminar advertising The Indispensable Assistant 30 Seminar advertising Effective Employee Relations in the Non Union Environment 31 Training Skills advertising Health Safety and Environmental Technician Interns 32 Seminar advertising Oil & Gas Pipeline Expansion 33 Advertising Action 21 Network 34 Advertising - DeVry Institute 35 Seminar advertising Troubleshooting and Maintenance 36 Course advertising Mediation of Divorce and Family Matters 37 April 9 & 16/97 Three Hills Capital newspaper 38 April 8 &15/97 Highway 21 News newspaper 39 March 26 & April 9/97 Olds Albertan newspaper 40 April 17/97 Western Producer newspaper Minute /j cj report, doe m 1 C� 0 libi JOHN C JEFFERY REPORT April 9'h to April 22 "d, 1997 HOME OCCUPATION AND DEVELOPMENT PERMITS 1 Terra Tours Ltd SE 28 28 21 W4 Site identification sign $3,00000 2 Jones, Mike SW 11 -30 -25 W4 Improvements to shed & home occupation machining $ - - 3 Penner, Robert L NE 31 29 24 -W4 Expansion of existing feedlot $45,00000 4 Callaghan Don & Pat NW 16 34 24 W4 Machine shed $8000.00 5 Bertram, Brian & Diana SE 30 29 23 W4 House addition $30,00000 6 Gibbs Lionel NW 31 29 -25 W4 Residence $120 000 00 7 Bigelow, Lyoness Lot 36 Blk 7, Swalwell 28'x40 2 bedroom bungalow $15,00000 Minute/jgreport.doe 2 a I y C N PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT TUESDAY, April 22nd, 1997 1 We have water trouble on dust about every road from #805 to highway #21 in the north west country We're starting now to fix these areas after the water has dropped 2 If council could hold off or discourage their ratepayers again this year for minor requests such as approaches or widening it would help us out Once again we have another fun filled year of replacing and fixing culverts 3 I'm looking at a scenario of renting a wheel loader/backhoe or hiring out work that I feel needs done, and that s digging out and opening up culverts on dust about every road we have With the winters and spring thaws we ve been having, the more pipe we have open the less trouble come spring 4 The crews won't be getting out on the projects too early this year but we have lots of work on fixing roads for now 5 Gravel trucks are hauling to #21 & #27 stock pile and also hauling to the problem areas that have washed 6 Mrs Ron Wold lut the guardrail and bridge down on the #583 creek We will be sending them a bill for damages done 7 The next big issue that will be coming at us will be the question of "why the dirt roads aren t bladed?' During this winters heavy snow we never plowed dirt roads unless requested to do so, or it was necessary We 11 get at them when they dry out 8 One of the new graders came in on Friday and the other one should be here today 9 Road bans will be lifted to 90% on the heavy pavement come Wednesday and all other light coat will remain at 75% WORKS SUPERINTENDENT