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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-12-16 Council Minutes1 2. 3 4. 5 M D OF KNEEHILL #48 DECEMBER 16, 1987 AGENDA Approval of Agenda Approval of Minutes November 24, and December 2 & 3, 1987 Bank Reconciliation to November 30 1987 J C Jeffery report December 3 - 16, 1987 Executive Committee Report December 11, 1987 Appointments 9 30 A M. Bob Leitch Opinac Energy Ltd - see #6 10 00 A M Oris Rodger, P W Superintendent 1 00 P M Development Appeal Board re #981/87 Pt. N W 31- 29 -22 -W4 - see #14 2 00 P M By -law #1128 2nd. & 3rd reading - see #13 Transportation 6 Opinac Energy Ltd request re approach 14- 12- 33 -23 -W4 6(a) Secondary Road Report General 7 Budget comparison report November 24, 1987 8. Letter from Rhodes & Co. re interim audit 9 Policy review 9(a) Alberta Transportation Public Assistance Grant Planning 10 Letter from Palliser Regional Planning Commission re parcel size and rural subdivisions 11 Subdivisions a) Dugdale S.E. 30- 29 -23 -W4 b) Larson N W 30- 29 -22 -W4 c) Elliot Lot 19 -26, Blk 6, Swalwell - approved 12 Regulations and Policy for Manure Storage Lagoons 13 Bylaw #1128 - consideration of 2nd & 3rd reading Development Appeal Board 14 Permit #981 -87 re Pt. N.W. COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 16TH, 1987 A meeting of the Council of the M.D. of Kneehill Number 48 was held on Wednesday, December 16th, 1987, commencing at 9 00 A M Notice of the date for this meeting was sent to all councillors as required under the Municipal Government Act The following were present for the meeting J Finlay Code Otto Hoff (Reeve) Robert E. Boake Richard A Marz Harold Mueller Bruce Hastie Lawrence Hogg Division 1 Division 2 Division 3 Division 4 Division 5 Division 6 Division 7 J C Jeffery, Municipal Administrator Mrs Jean Wilkinson, Assistant Administrator, was present and recorded the minutes Reeve Hoff called the meeting to order and requested a motion to approve the agenda for today Requests were made to add the following to the agenda 3a Accounts Payable 15 A S B Minutes 6b Road Committee Report 6c Fencing request Mr. Code moved approval of the agenda with addition of the above noted items CARRIED Mr. Hastie moved approval of the minutes of the November 24th, December 2nd and December 3rd council meetings CARRIED Mr Jeffery reviewed the bank reconciliation statement for the month of November, 1987 and after discussion Mr Mueller moved acceptance of the bank reconciliation statement CARRIED Mr. Boake moved approval of the accounts presented for payment today, subject to further review by the finance committee of Mr Code, Mr Hastie, Mr. Marz and Mr. Hoff. CARRIED Mr. Jeffery noted Mr Bob Leith of Opinac Eneggy Ltd , would like a relaxation of Council's policy regarding not allowing an approach for an oil well to access on to a paved or secondary road if there is an alternate route available. They have an oil well on 14 -12 -33 -234 - M. Haller's land - and would like the access road to come out onto SR 585 Mr Leitch and Mr. Haller entered the meeting at this time and there was lengthy discussion about this matter Their main objections to having the road access to the west side of the quarter is it would be too close to Mr Haller's building site and would restrict further development of his yard and would distrupt his normal farming practices for that quarter They also noted the land south of the well is very wet and boggy and it would be difficult to put a road from the well south and would require 1 112 miles of road rather than about a half mile of road. Council expressed concern about the safety factor, having more and heavier traffic coming on to the road, and the possibility of mud being dragged on to the road from the well site 1 Wei 0hil►DRAW 11 APPROVAL MINUTES BANK STATEMENT f APPROVAL OF ACCOUNTS J1 OIL WELL APPROACH 14 -12- 33-23-4 COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 16TH. 1987 Mr Code moved Council discuss this request in committee CARRIED Mr Haller and Mr Leitch left the meeting at this time. Time 9 58 A M After discussion in committee Mr Code moved council meeting reconvene, the committee meeting having been completed. CARRIED Mr. Marz then moved Opinac Energy Limited be given permission to install a road approach coming off SR 585 to provide access to the well on 14- 12- 33 -23 -4 in accordance with plans submitted by the company subject to compliance with the following conditions The Road grade be constructed so the approach on to SR 585 is level with the highway surface A stop sign is installed so traffic coming out of the well site must stop before entering the highway The company sign a letter of agreement in which they a) accept responsibility for any mud left on the highway site, or arrange to have the themselves b) accept responsibility for surface which may be caused from the well site costs incurred for removal of by vehicles leaving the well mud removed immediately any damage to the paved road by vehicles entering the highway c) agree to pave the road approach from the road surface to the property line if the well is a producer and further the M D road approach policy must be complied with CARRIED Mr Jeffery reviewed his report covering the period December 3rd, to December 16th, 1987 There was discussion about selling the old Linden Fire Truck and it was noted the Hutterian Brethren of Starland offered $8000 00 for the truck It was also noted the Village of Torrington expressed some interest but nothing further has been heard from them After discussion Mr Hogg moved the old Linden Fire Truck be sold to the Hutterian Brethren of Starland of Morrin, Alberta, for the sum of $8000 00 cash on an as is where is basis CARRIED Mr Morris Charleton had asked if the M.D. would let his son have some old farm machinery which has been sitting on the Schmuatz Gravel Pit land for over 20 years After discussion, Mr Boake moved the road committee determine what old machinery is actually there and bring a report back to Council at a later date CARRIED It was agreed the Road Committee would meet at 9 00 A.M Monday, December 21st, 1987. There was discussion about the old elevating grader which is set up as a display at the M D shop Mr Rodger feels the grader should be sandblasted and fixed up properly if the M D wish to leave it on display. After lengthy discussion Mr Mueller moved the elevating grader and ripper not be sandblasted at this time CARRIED There was discussion about the Energize Recreation Seminar which is scheduled for February 4th, 5th and 6th in Edmonton and whether some of the Council should attend There was also discussion regarding Council attending the Leadership Effectiveness Course which is being offered in Drumheller in 2 Ic��rr 5c-n E J C JEFFERY REPORT SELL OLD LINDEN FIRE TRUCK (—iGC.T S,n L DISPOSE OF OLD FARM MACHINERY (M CHARLTON REQUEST) :.01-A OXWOuiuI low u2i OLD ELEVATING GRADER DISPLAY LEADERSHIP EFFECTIVENESS COURSE G� COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 16TH. 1987 January Mr. Mueller moved to accept and file as information and Council not attend the Leadership Effectiveness Course at this time CARRIED There was lengthy discussion regarding how the M D. cheque and promissory notes are handled Mr. Marz then moved acceptance of Mr. Jeffery's report. CARRIED V1 s �� v fSe ��C, �-� w Mr Jeffery reviewed a draft report he prepared for the Secondary Road Committee meeting scheduled for January 18th 1988 in Hanna and requested direction as to what else council might wish to have included in the report After lengthy discussion Mr Hastie moved acceptance of the draft report with the addition to the report, for discussion purposes only, redesignation of the former SR 816 road to a secondary road and the change of location of SR 836 - west and south through the Village of Carbon and south into the County of Wheatland Mr Code requested a recorded vote In favour - Robert E Boake, R A Marz, Bruce Hastie, Otto Hoff, Lawrence Hogg Opposed - J F Code and H. Mueller CARRIED The meeting adjourned for dinner at 11 45 A M Mr.Frank Wesseling from Palliser Regional Planning Commission entered the meeting at this time r Mr Hastie moved council meeting do now adjourn in order to hold a development appeal board hearing scheduled for today at 1 00 P M s CARRIED Time 1 00 P M Mr. Boake moved council meeting do now reconvene, the development appeal board hearing having been completed CARRIED SECONDARY ROAD COMMITTEE MEETING REPORT J r— : Tv DINNER NVA111"', 111016 :$A'I Mr Jeffery noted Mr. Welsh suggested Council not pass 2nd BYLAW NO or 3rd reading to by -law number 1128 at this meeting and 1128 after discussion Mr Hastie moved to table discussion of by- law 1128 until the January 12th, 1988 meeting of Council CARRIED Mr Jeffery read a letter from Pal 1 i ser Regional Planning Commission regarding concerns being expressed about SUBDIVISIONS farmstead removal subdivisions which do not exactly meet the FARMSTEAD local land use by-law, and other subdivision concerns REMOVAL Mr. Wesseling noted he had prepared a by -law to amend the WHICH DO NOT M D land use by -law so as to allow Council some flexibility COMPLY in dealing with a farmstead subdivision which does not comply with the land use by -law with regard to setbacks 14cr °k After discussion of this matter, Mr Marz moved the required1v�� public hearing concerning this proposed amendment to the land use by -law be held on Tuesday, January 2.6th, 1988, commencing at 1 30 P M , and notice of the public hearing be PUBLIC HEARING advertised in two issues of the local paper CARRIED Mr Wesseling noted he would get together with Mr. Cunningham within the next two weeks to review the land use by -law with regard to establishment of regulations for REGULATIONS intensive hog operations and it was agreed Council would FOR INTENSIVE OPERATIONS 3 COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 16TH, 1987 discuss this matter further on January 12th, 1988 at 1 00bi P M ti It was agreed Council would make another trip to view two more hog operations on Tuesday, December 29th, 1987. Mr Wessel i ng noted no subdivisions were ready yet and Mr SUBDIVISIONS Boake moved to tabled Item NO. 11 on the agenda until the next meeting of Council CARRIED Mr Jeffery reviewed the road committee report from the road tour held on December 15th, 1987 and various items were ROAD COMMITTEE discussed including concerns raised by Mr Allen Becker to the M D road REPORT with regard to completion of SR 575, and one of his road Mr Keim be sent approaches. M D ROAD BECKER & After discussion Mr Hoff moved the M.D. undertake the SR 575 following work for Messrs Becker - while using such public access are not to be 1 Construct a dugout harassed by any land owner, and 2. Give back the old road diversion & RUBBLE PILE PEE i� 3 Cut the west approach down 2 feet cement and is located too $1500 00 as full compensation for removal of the trees on 4 Clean up the area south of the bridge D road allowance d on condition Messrs Becker enter into an agreement with the &%Cin ca M.D. that upon completion of these items, they will make no further claims against the M.D. in connection with the SR CARRIED 575 road project /ab�ec� CARRIED TABLE requirements , divisional motor grader sharing and blade There was discussion about the road allowance which has been fenced off by Rueben Kelm and a pile of rubble which is R KEIM located too close to the M D road allowance. CLOSED OFF Mr Marz moved Mr Keim be sent a letter advising him the M D ROAD public have the right to travel on any M D road allowance ALLOWANCE and the public while using such public access are not to be men might have time to cut the trees before the weather harassed by any land owner, and further the rubble pile & RUBBLE PILE which consists of old lumber and cement and is located too $1500 00 as full compensation for removal of the trees on close to the M D road allowance WSW 10- 29 -26 -4 be removed responsibility for replacement of their own trees, and the within 60 days from the date of the letter feet from property line down to 30 feet from property line for replacement of the trees CARRIED CARRIED Mr Hastie moved that the road adjacent to WNW 10- 29 -26 -4 S.__1:kA9 which was gravelled recently be recorded as being approved _ as "ONE TIME GRAVEL" only and the road is not to be gravelled gravel 1 ed agai n in future. e'w�'�' Y� CARRIED Mr Marz noted he had met with Mr and Mrs Jesperson, owners of Pt SW 16- 31 -25 -4, in connection with the road REMOVAL OF project on SR 582 for 1988. However they do not want any TREES trees removed from their property unless the M.D. will PT SW 16- 31 -25 -4 replace at least 25 spruce trees at least 10 feet in height ,JESPERSON 30 feet back from the M D road allowance rather than back 135 feet as required by the M D land use by -law The land owner had agreed he would pay for half of the trees if the M D would buy them and plant them Mr Marz noted he brought the matter up today because the , men might have time to cut the trees before the weather changed. After discussion Mr. Hoff moved the M.D. accept the agreement arranged with Mr. and Mrs. Jesperson on condition the land owners are willing to accept the sum of $1500 00 as full compensation for removal of the trees on private property, the land owners accept total responsibility for replacement of their own trees, and the M.D. agree to a relaxation of the minimum setback of 135 feet from property line down to 30 feet from property line for replacement of the trees CARRIED /ab�ec� Mr. Hogg moved to table discussion of the 1988 engineering TABLE requirements , divisional motor grader sharing and blade 1988 ENGINEERING grade standards until the next meeting of Council, and MATTERS further moved approval of the balance of the road committee 4 minutes COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 16TH, 1987 CARRIED Mr Jeffery noted the M.D. received $14,058 00 from the Province for the Public Assistance Transportation Grant and reviewed the money which had been expended to date. After discussion of what the money had been used for, the special requests which had been received, and the amount of money still on hand, Mr. Hastie moved the Village of Acme be paid the sum of $177 50, The Village of Carbon be paid the sum of $414 50 and the balance of the excess funds in the amount of $4685 50 be paid to the Eltrohills Dats Society. CARRIED Mrs Wilkinson left the council meeting at this time - 3 40 P.M. PUBLIC ASSISTANCE TRANSPORTATION GRANT DISPERSAL OF EXCESS FUNDS IouC hPY S �r`PC- r if J Mr Jeffery noted Mr David Tetz would like to take an air conditioning course at SAIT January 27th to March 20th - one DAVID TETZ night each week plus one weekend AIR CONDITIONING Cost would be $190.00 After discussion Mr Hogg moved Mr COURSE Tetz be allowed to take the air conditioning course. CARRIED Mr. Code moved acceptance of the Executive Committee Report CARRIED Mrs Wilkinson Teturned to the meeting at this time Mr Mueller moved the M D provide each permanent employee with a turkey or ham as a Christmas Gift to a maximum value of $25 00 each CARRIED Mr Boake moved to table the balance of the agenda CARRIED Mr. Marz moved this meeting do now adjourn CARRIED TIME 5 0 -P M - - -- -- -- - - -- MUNI � � --- -- - - - - - - - - MUNI '�PKL IXDMI'1VISTRATOR REEVE �� ACCEPTANCE EXECUTIVE REPORT CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR EMPLOYEES TABLE ADJOURN ROAD COMMITTEE DECEMBER 15, 1987 Richard A Marz, Bruce Hastie and J C Jeffery 1) - Met with Art and Alan Becker and Otto Hoff - 9 15 A.M. Agreed to do dugout for Beckers as soon as possible with crawler Boggy area - wide pads required Alan Becker wants all old road diversion returned to him and will let M.D. forces, Alberta Transportation and local residents haul from this area free of charge Agreed to cut down west approach area 2 ft and clean up dust south of bridge Agreed to make statement on agreements that only unused portions of the road allowance will be returned Have Alex check to see if Canadian Western Natural Gas charged us for boring road re $24,000.00 bill as Alan advised was not bored 2) - Culvert installation #841 - WSW 16- 28 -20 -W4 #75784 okay to write off and apply for grant - Area beside bridge going to Andrews needs to be cleaned up - old bridge decking 3) - Ted Andrews gravel pit N.E. 10- 29 -21 -W4 - Agreed to check with environment and make sure we receive letter from environment advising project is okay to write off. Seeding to be done as soon as possible and a couple of large rocks to be picked while the crew is there 4) - Blade grade - Thurn N E 20- 28 -24 -W4 - 1 km project no compensation paybale - okay to write off - culvert markers required on road, culvert on west end 5) - One time gravel - Keim S.W. 10- 2.9 -26 -W4 - okay to write off garbage should be cleaned up close to road allowance 6) - Blade grade and 1st time gravel N W 11- 30 -26 -W4 0 8 km project General clean up is required some rock picking required road surface is too wide (32 ft) - Richard A Marz advised to bring up blade grades and grader sharing between divisions on the next agenda. 7) - Linden rubble pit was reviewed - new pit has been dug 8) - Reviewed Toews pit - one more crush and then area will have to be reclaimed 9) - Reviewed Thiessen pit - we should have 4500 yards of gravel - will have to contact Thiessen to ascertain which are our piles 10) - Reviewed Megli pit area I ) - Reviewed Dust Control Project Env i rob ind W of 27 & 34- 30- 25 -W4. To late to see any benefit 12) - Advised to discuss Engineering for 1988 as well as Dude ranch re trees next meeting 13) - Reviewed Peter Tainsh re possible drainage to Keivers N.W. 30- 31 -25 -W4 Agreed to have Alex bring up to date next meeting and Richard A. Marz agreed to contact Glen Keiver again to ascertain what he was referring to. 14) - 1st time gravel - Richardson - W of 16- 31 -24 -W4 Okay to write off will likely need a small amount next spring • M D OF KNEEHILL #48 J.0 JEFFERY REPORT DECEMBER 15, 1987 FORWARD $387.50 1. Linden rural fire truck is at the shop in storage What are your wishes Starland Colony - David Stahl offers $8,000 00 Telephone #772 - 3855 - advised would let know December 16, 1987. 2 Maurice Charleton cost to himself 3 Ripper and Elevat wishes? Do we do 4 Accident - Alex would like the old equipment on our property at no - son's hobby - on S.W 20- 32 -26 -W4 ing Grader - $550 00 to sand blast What are your it properly or not at all Cunningham - $328 10. 5. Leadership Effectiveness Course - available January 13, 14, & 15, 1988 and January 21 & 22, 1988 Eileen Howe - 823 -7320, Drumheller $400 00 each - are you interested - supposed to be excellent course - usual cost $965.00 each 6 Discussion with Otto and Richard re cheques 7. Correspondence - Receipt from Alberta Treasury ($520 00) for fines Receipt from Alberta Transportation ($10,225.94) for road work Letter from A A A Fieldmen requesting Fieldman listing Municipality listing of fire losses from Alberta Labour Carbon & District Recreation Board November 9, 1987 Minutes A.A M D &C 1987 Fall Convention Resolutions Letter from Alta Trans for power permit approval 2- 2- 21 -22 -W4 Newsletter from Environment Week News Bridge Authorization SSW- 18- 28 -24 -W4 Recreation News Regional Report Letter from County of Leduc advertising fire trucks for sale Newsletter from Alta. Recreation on Park Tips Letter from Alta Mun. Fin Corp re interest rates Letter and pamphlet from Alta Recreation re Energize 88 Workshop Letter from Denis Gregoire, Manitoba requesting M D pins 44th Annual Report of the Hudson Bay Route Association 1987 Journal of Commerce newspaper Government Finance Officers Association 1988 Publications The Alberta Gazette November 30, 1987 edition Wildlife '87 brochure Canada - U S Free Tade Agreement brochure Letter and pamphlets from Howell Consultants Ltd re Leadership Effectiveness Course - see item #5 Building Permits Greg Reimer Pt N E. 2.4- 30 -25 -W4 Hans Mildenstein N W 31- 28 -23 -W4 addition to chicken barn hog barn and lagoon V / M D OF KNEEHILL #48 Executive Committee Meeting December 11th, 1987 Meeting commenced at 9 00 A M with the following present - Otto Hoff Richard A Marz John C. Jeffery 53. Letter from Rosebud School of Arts asking for our support towards them in their operations to become a full status post secondary fine arts educational institution within the province Committee recommended to write a letter of support 52 Information from the Law Society of Alberta re certified cheques stating the law in Canada is not clear and unsettled and the rights and liabilities of all parties to a certified cheque are far from certain. The law society also recommends changes to the Bills of Exchange Act which was passed prior to the use of cheques as negotiable instruments. Case law is also conflicting and inconsistent Accept and file for information 51 Letter from Farm Debt Review Board regarding a hearing on December 18, 1987, in Calgary reviewing the affairs of W D Waisman After a telephone call to the Farm Debt Review Board the committee recommended to accept and file as information iMeeting adjourned at 10 00 A M Is 00 r- 00 H O M W 0 z H d 6 H ¢ H a H L C U oc W Y a H W LL O F U H H LC H Q a d Q: H U H W,A" . O O - -- -- - ---- - -- --- - -- - - -- - --- -- __.._...-- ----- - ---- -- I -H 41 x 0 O 0 O Q' O r'I O O O O 0 0 M O O z tv W O G C O d 00 O cn O U i~ 4.J N ro N r--. N N O � N O G U d C W Ex- 7 - -. 0 `r) � x 14 m O ca W U) n Lr) ro Q) b�ro D � ° '') 0 O U O a' o 'n co Lr) ' O 4-1 a N O S- U) a Lr) o. -w O W -4 R P-1 d1 " 0. Q1 U O C7 n �+ N iJ (1) O a �4 G CO U 4-J ° �4 G ro N 41 - x �z+ an d ca (1) a C H �°a H pq � rJ N ro z a � H •rl -`� T � 0 N O 4-1 O u O 0 OO ON N o W M a\ o .-I O 00 U N � � ON o U) O u1 O a G d O rn n O O a, 0 0 N ro N 00 0 0 0 P-- c- v k U U) V' cC Q O o En 0 0 x E c n ° w x 41 N U H 1 ii} cn � u 00 I C N :4 N n H n N N N N r-I N ro ro H ur yr C M O1 01 M O U n H I\ U u'1 tr1 -1 Lr) ul ,-� N N O ro L G 01 V O c O 00 O O %.O O —4 C N w c c 00 •A O O H O 1.0 u Lr) m C C M V1 O O It Ln 00 U 10 10 c c -t 00 O O n d M 110 c c n n O O a1 H tr1 L4 •--i �4 N N G) L 110 00 00 b Lr) O oc r, C ro %0 00 x 00 11C 00 rn C p M N �t M ca U I O O Hm O O O 7 u v r'I O -H 41 x 0 0 O 0 O Q' 0 o r'I O O O 0 0 M 0 O M z tv W O W G C u'1 d 00 U i~ 4.J N ro N r--. N N a � N JJ U U d C W Ex- 7 - -. ao ° `r) � x 14 m v U ca W U) n Lr) ro i Q) b�ro D � ° '') 0 O U a' o 'n co Lr) ' 4-1 a N O S- U) a Lr) o. -w O W -4 R P-1 d1 " 0. Q1 U O C7 n �+ N iJ (1) O a �4 G CO U 4-J ° �4 G ro N 41 - x �z+ an d ca (1) a H° H �°a H pq � rJ N i0 z a H •rl -`� T L v W U pq N O 4-1 O u ON N W M a\ O 00 U N � � ON o N u1 a G d O rn n Lr) M T G W N ro N P-- c- k U U) V' cC r-1 C:` En x c w x U O O Hm O O O 7 u m O -H 41 x 0 0 O 0 O Q' 0 o O O O O O O 0 0 M 0 O M z tv on O W G C -4 00 00 N n N N ro N r--. N N a � N JJ L U d C C M O O � x �I M I n U1 n Lr) U � d U) 0 rn O �p u'1 -4 %�O 00 01 Oi Lr) N cr O 00 n 00 n O O N o0 00 N 00 00 't I n � r � z O R O G' 7 W W U a cC O O 0 O O 0 N M -4 00 00 n s O O O 717 n Ln O1 M O 00 1 M V; n N ou O, 1J O M v O z W U a a ¢ Hm 7 u m O -H 41 x 0 [� 0 O Q' z tv on O W G C -4 W U N ro 4.J 4-J a � w JJ L U d C C d cn O O � x m � d a z O R O G' 7 W W U a cC O O 0 O O 0 N M -4 00 00 n s O O O 717 n Ln O1 M O 00 1 M V; n N ou O, 1J O M v O z W U a a ¢ -- - - - - -- ---------- - - - - -- $ NIL -- - - - - -- ��5848 -$ ------------ $ 6-6-20 -- - - - - -- #6045 $ 54,892 52 -- - - - - -- ' 5901 325.00 6048 13,854 38 5905 132 5 6049 511,639 52 5980 527 96 6050 135 00 5901 84 50 $ 654,516 09 59,Q2 159 19 — 5988 238 30 5991 126 11 5994 461.58 5996 200 00 5999 269 73 6003 713 68 6004 134 75 6012 41 80 6013 613 95 6015 92 23 6021 44,440 16 6023 63 00 6024 837 00 6025 818 18 6030 403 75 6031 1,590 30 6032 21,620 25 6037 34 50 Dutstanding Loans $ NIL _ Cash on Hand Deposited $47,288 78 Total outstanding payroll cheques Total outstanding general cheques $ NIL $ 654,516 09 $ 654,516 09 SUBMITTED TO COUNCIL THIS 16th DAY OF December A, D 19 87 -- -4' %00i ---- -- - - - - -- Reeve ----- - --ijl -- - - - - -- Municipal Administrator ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DECEMBER 16, 1987 Handwrittens 6044 M D of Kneehill - Payroll 32 920 08 November Salary 6045 Cee -Gee Earthmoving 54,892.52 Subgrade Construction 6046 Border Paving 226,428 32 SR 805 & 587 165 00 Provincial Volleyball 6047 6048 Three Hills School Golden Hills Lodge 13 854 38 Final Requisition Payment 6049 Three Hills School Div. 511,639.52 Final Requisition Payment 6050 SWCS- Alberta Chapter 135 00 Wind Erosion Seminar 6051 M D. of Kneehill - Payroll 76,061 51 December Hourly 6052 John Jeffery 134 20 Expenses 6053 Town of Three Hills 2,450 00 1987 Fire Honorarium 6054 Alberta Treasury L A P. 10,002.61 November Remittance 6055 Receiver General 49,165 08 November Remittance Regular 6056 A.A M D & C. 36,832 00 November Statement 6057 Action Automotive 288 47 Inventory, Repairs 6058 A G T. 652 99 Monthly Accounts 6059 Alberta Health Care 1 440 00 November Remittance S 1/2 27- 33 -24 -4 6060 Alberta Power - Pole Moves 3,172.68 6061 Alberta Power 915 42 Monthly Accounts 6062 Allied Tools 173 35 Tools 6063 Arthurs, R.G B 4,790.20 Survey Work 200 15 Fire Cheif Conv Expenses 6064 6065 Bauer, Garnet Beaver Lumber 220 22 Repairs, Tools etc 6066 Boake, R.E. 1,779.46 November Timesheet 6067 Border Paving Hannah Truck Lines 39,957.94 SR 805 & 587 1,050 43 Fuel at Acme Keylock 6068 6069 Bruce Burden, Dave 7 00 Meals 6070 C & D Fire Extinguisher 500 00 Torrington Fire Dept 6071 C & F Tool & Automotive 46.20 Machine Repairs 6072 Caltronics 40 00 Radio Repairs 6073 Canadian National Railway 381 24 Crossing Maintenance 5.00 Gatine - Yearly Rental 6074 Canadian Pacific Railway 6075 C W N G 204.64 Accounts 6076 Capital Printers 7 20 Ad for AB Agriculture 6077 Carbon Fire Dept 2,000 00 1987 Honorarium 6078 Carbon Valley Motors 17.95 Machine Repairs 1,863 59 Nov Timesheet & Gift 6079 6080 Code, J F. Cunningham, Alex 217 85 Convention 6081 Davies Electric co. 96 56 Machine Repair 6082 Deak, Jennifer 108.50 L A P Seminar 6083 Drive Systems 359 00 Inventory 6084 Drumheller Home All Bldg. 26 40 Nails 6085 E.J Mower 65 70 Chainsaw Parts 6086 Eskimo Refrigeration 88 15 Inventory 6087 Esso Petroleum 1,889 34 Fuel 1,288 62 Carbon Fire Dept. 6088 Fleck Bros 6089 Fort Garry Industries 42 43 Inventory 6090 Franklin Supply 00 CANCELLED 6091 Friedrich, Joe 79.25 Mileage �- 6092 Gehring's Transport 122 50 Freight 6093 George's Farm Centre 14 19 Inventory, Repairs 6094 Gibbs Ford Mercury 909.78 Inventory 6095 Guards Implements 598 11 Invenotry, Repairs A P 6096 Gundlach, Karl 24 10 Refund Overpayment L 6097 H T Howe & Son 98.50 Inventory, Repairs 6098 Haskell, Vernon 7 00 Meals 6100 Heinrich, Emil 157 50 Surface Reclamation 6101 Hoff, Otto 1,742 04 Nov. Timesheet & D.J 6102 Hogg, Lawrence 1,640 19 November Timesheet 6103 Hudson Bay Route Assoc 100.00 1988 H B.R.A Membership 6104 Huttons 106.96 Inventory 6105 Hydrogeological Consultants 1,057 43 Keivers Lake Testing 6106 I.0 G Utilities 1 007 01 Accounts 6107 Jubilee Insurance 370.00 Volunteer Accident Ins 6108 Ken Adams Petroleum 232 00 Clean V Bogner's Truck 6109 Kirks Sheet Metal 69 28 Machine Repairs 6110 Kneehill Ambulance 6,145.95 Nov Revenue & Dec Rent 6111 Kober, Dennis 118 80 Mileage 6112 Land Titles Office 8 00 Service Requests 6113 Larons Excavating 4,532 55 Gravel Hauling 6114 Lee Maher Engineering 1,260 00 Swalwell Water System 6115 Linden Fire Dept 2,000 00 1987 Honorarium 6116 Loomis Courier 40 39 Freight 6117 Lyman Tubeco 113 81 Machine Repair 6118 Macleods 46.16 Machine Repair 6119 Maclin Ford 654.50 Machine Repair 6120 Martens, Herman 100 50 L A P. Seminar 6121 Marz, Richard 1,806.88 November Timesheet 6122 McGregor Filtering 104.50 Inventory 6123 McMurtry, James 86 00 Mileage 6124 Mobil Oil 492 22 Cancellation of Taxes 6125 Moore's Engine Prof 194.75 Machine Repair 6126 Mueller, Harold 1,694 56 November Timesheet 6127 Outdoors Unlittered 300 00 PitchIn '88 6128 Parts Plus 704 17 Inventory, Repairs 6129 Petro Canada 33,742.40 Fuel 6130 P B I. 75 00 Compressor Rental 6131 Prairie Hydralic Equip 15 63 Inventory 6132 Price Steel Ltd 50.00 Tubing 6133 Purolator Courier 14.02 Courier Charge 6134 Radio Com Products 186 59 Radio Repairs 6135 Ray's Home Hardware 275 49 Repairs, Tools, Supplies 6136 Rempfer, Milton 48 00 Mileage 6137 Rhodes & Co 4,194.00 Interm Audit Fees 6138 Rollies Motor Products 69 97 Inventory, Repairs 6139 Roszel Mfg & Dist 215 50 Machine Repair, Supplies 6140 Smith Repair 6.00 Supplies 6141 Snap on Tools 274.25 Supplies, Tools 6142 Standen Springs 532 80 Inventory 6143 George Stankievech 324 75 Reimbursement for Wire 6144 Superior Emergency 283 55 Carbon R.F.P 6145 Thomas Arthur 771 58 A S B Conv. & Seminar 6146 Three Hills Floral Centre 25.00 Flowers -J Wilkinson 6147 Three Hills Foodarama 14.68 Supplies 6148 Three Hills I D.A. 12 99 Film 6149 Three Hills Pop Shop 46 45 Freight 6150 Three Hills School Div. 395 06 Fuel at Carbon 6151 Three Hills Tire 67 50 Repairs 6152 Torrington Fire Dept 2,300.00 1987 Honorarium • 6153 TransAlta Utilities 11 03 Street Lights 6154 Trim -Line 110 00 Inventory 6155 Trochu Fire Department 1,800 00 1987 Honorarium 6156 Trochu Home All Bldg 125.10 Bullentin Boards 6157 Trochu Motors 55 35 Inventory 6158 Trochu Tire & Battery 11 02 Machine Repair 6159 Turbo Resources 964 75 Fuel • • • 6160 U F A 676.40 Supplies, Posts 6161 Village of Carbon 2,862 50 Water Bill, Trans. Grant and 1987 Fire Storage 6162 Village of Torrington 1,500 00 1987 Fire Storage 6163 Voytechek, John & Linda 535.00 Janitorial Service 6164 Weigum, Bruce 443 00 Conv & Seminar 6165 Wesclean Equipment & Cleaning 189 00 Supplies 6166 West -Gate Sanitation 716.25 Garbage Pickup for Nov 6167 Western Star Trucks 99 95 Inventory 6168 Wheatland Farm & Auto 425 01 Inventory, Supplies 6169 Wheelco Holdings 11 50 Inventory, Repairs 1,163,441.66 t /I, ,