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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-04-13 Council MinutesAGENDA - COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 13,1981
1 Approval of Minutes
2 Bank Reconciliation Statement ending March 31,1981
3 Motion approvaing accounts for the month of March 1981
4 Appointments Public Hearings R Koehn 1 00 p m (see item 23)
E. Schimke 1 30 p m
Development Appeals' James Berry 2 30pm (See item 50)
Wm Klassen 3 OOpm
5 Rural Fire Protection
6 General Recreation
7 Tax Recovery - sale to Kearns
8 Road crossings Gulf Canada, Amoco
9 Municipal Affairs - Rural Industrial Land Use policy
10 Training course - Assessors
11 Proposed Annexation - Village of Acme and Village of Torrington
12 Town of Three Hills - Hydraulic Shoring
13 R Angus - Caterpillars
14 Kenneth Hope - Application for land redesigantion
15 School Division #60 minutes, and possbile purchase A -75
16 Public works - gravel, minutes, foremens meeting
17 Road tour - March 31,1981
18 Maerz cemetery
19. Alberta Transportation - Bridge Authorizations
20 Municipal Affairs - new tax notice format
21 A A M D & C - County Act
22 Alberta Agriculture - ASB Tentative agreement
23 Public hearings. E Schimke 1 30 pm
R Koehn 1.00 pm
24 Alberta Transportation - Street Improvement program
25 Building permits
26 Alberta Transporation - Bridge inspections
27 Policy - Railway crossings - gravelling
28 Drumheller Health Unit - room rental
29 Otto Braaz, fencing
30 Alberta Power - Powerline extensions
31 Divisional meetings
32 Village of Linden Maintenance dump box site
33 Sewer line at Swalwell
34 Vince Marurz - Gravel SE 22 & SW 23 - 30 -23 -4 and others
35 Request open cut undeveloped road allowance - Vetter
36 Landfill sites correspondence and minutes
37 Road Bans
38 Capital Requi.rments for 1981
39 Road improvements 6- 11- 31- 23 -W4th
40 Calgary Regional Planning Commission - correspondence
41 A A MD & C Goverment reply to resolutions
42 Business tax by -law
43 Financial Statements - Town and Villages
44 ASB Minutes of meeting and correspondence
® 45 Neil Hazel - brushing - NE 20- 32 -25 -4
46 Purchase of Mack truck
47 Regional Resources - correspondence
48 Capital Printers - renewal of contract
49 Recreation board minutes - Torrington
50 Misc Drumheller Hospital - requisition
Travel Alberta - Orkney Hill
Allied Chemical - Calcium Chloride
Rates for steamer
Alberta Prov Fire Chiefs Convention
UFA - Dividend
Kneehill Historical Society
Development Appeal hearings. James Berry and Wm Klassen
Report on meeting at Didsbury
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A Council meeting was held April 13,1981 at 9 00 a m with the following present
Robert E Boake Reginald G Campbell, Otto Hoff, T A Ferguson, Richard Maerz,
J C Jeffery, and Linda Shearlaw as recording secretary
Doug Hazelton entered the meeting at this time to advise the Council of what he has done
at the present he is crushing for Ron Toews but will be moving Tuesday night to the M D
pit to crush the ridge running along the SE to get more room in the pit so they can make
more chips They will be at the Schmautz pit for quite a while yet
It was noted that Mrs Carol Ducs had applied for the Computer operator position and �ur
Mr Reg Campbell moved that she be offered $1,100 00 per month starting salary to be
increased after 3 months to $1,150 00, and $1,200 00 after six months if satis %toUd
Mr J C Jeffery reviewed the Bank Reconciliation for the month of March,1981 Otto Hoff V
moved this be accepted as read Carried.
The accounts for March,.1981 were submitted Mr RG Campbell moved they be accepted as
approved by the Committee Carried BY LAW 934
With reference to the recent Tax Sale of Lots 17,18 and 19 in Block 2, Plan 5050AK
Swalwell, which were sold to Mr Allen Kearns for the sum of $1,500 00
Mr Richard Maerz Moved First reading to this By -Law #934 Carried
Mr Robert E Baoke moved Second reading to this By -Law 934 Carried
A letter from Gulf Canada Resources Inc was read requesting permission to cross road A
allowances at the NE4 32- 29- 24 -W4th Mr Otto Hoff moved that they be allowed to open
cut the North -South road but must bore the East -West Road Carried
A letter from Amoco Canada was read regarding the road improvement program for the f
E -16 and E -21 in Twp 32- 24 -W4th Richard Maerz moved that they be allowed to improve
this road to M D specifications with the M D suppling the culverts and gravel and
if the Patrol Operator is not busy he will help Carried
A letter from Muncipal Affairs regarding the Rural Industrial Land Use Policy was reviewed
at this time Discussion followed and a report was given on a meeting held in Didsbury
April 10 1981 regarding this Jean Wilkinson and Tom Ferguson attended this meeting
which dealt with planning concerns Representation and Voting structure on Planning
Commissions and the Feasibility of formation of a rural commission area It was agreed
at this meeting that a committee be formed to study the feasibility of forming a
rural commission area
Mr Otto Hoff moved that if Mr Gilbert Berdahl has the time,he be the M D 's representative
on this committee and if this is not possible, Mr Tom Ferguson be named as his alternate i
Mr Jeffery advised that there will be a Begining Assessors course on June 16 and another
on August 24, 1981 in Edmonton
Mr Reg Campbell moved that Mr John Sailer attend one course at the M D expense I
Carried i
Mr J C Jeffery reported on the course attended by Mr R E Boake, Mr B Hastie and himself,
in Calgary April 9,10 on the Art of Negotiating It was noted this would be an excellent i
course for the other councillors to review on their own time It was noted that six
cassette tapes are available for a cost of $99 00 to anyone who attended the course and i
these would be a help for everyone involved Mr Jeffery noted the course was well worth
Mr Richard Maerz moved the M D purchase one copy of these tapes to be passed around to the
councillors when they had the time to use them Carried
A letter from Calgary Regional Planning Commisi.on regarding the annexation of the
Sewage lagoon and outfall and discharge line in SE 34- 32 -26 -4 was read at this time
Mr R E Boake moved this annexation be approved Carried
A letter from the Calgary Regional Planning Commision was read regarding the Droposed
annexation of the balance of Section 19- 29 -25 -4 Mr R G Campbell moved that the '
M D Council has no opposition to the proposed annexation Carried
The Town of Three Hills would like to buy 2 of the shoring the M D now owns as they
use it so much of the time, and this way it could be shared equally between the two
Municipalities Anyone else wishing to use the Hydraulic shoring would have to have
the permission of both the M D and Town in this case
Mr Otto Hoff moved the town of Three Hills be allowed to purchase a one -half interest in
the M D shoring and also both Muncipalities would have to share 1n the upkeep of sa-e
Carried {I
2 i�
Council meeting - April 13,1981 Page 2
Mr Bruce Hastie entered the meeting at this time 10.30 a m
Letters were read from R Angus confirming the buy -back price on the Caterpillar Model 627B
Tractor Serial Number 145965 and 627 B Scraper, Serial Number 37V940 after 7 years or
14,000 hours of operation, whichever occurs first for $121,000 00 This does not mean that
the Municipality must return these units to R Angus but may trade, keep or dispose of the
units at their discretion
Another letter from R Angus was read concerning the purchase of the Caterpillar Model
627B Wheel Tractor Serial Number 145965 R Angus has returned $1,600 00 of the purchase
price to cover the side - boards which were made at the M D shop instead of being purchased
with the unit ✓`
Mr Bruce Hastie moved this information be accepted and filed Carried
An application for Approval of Land Redesignation for the NW 8- 30 -26 -4 (20 acres) was
discussed at this time /
Mr R E Boake moved that this item be tabled until the next council meeting after the
Road committee has had an opportunity to look at the situation Carried
Mr Jeffery reviewed the Minutes of the School Division meeting held March 18,1981
Mr R G Campbell moved these be accepted and filed Carried
Mr Jeffery advised the School Division has seen the A -33 -75 IHC 12 ton truck and are f
interested in purchasing it if the M D sells same
Mr R G Campbell moved that this be filed with the Capital requirements until a decision
is made concerning this unit Carried
Copies of the Road tour from March were made for Councillor perusal and the next road tour I
will be Tuesday, April 14,1981 at 8.30 am Mr Otto Hoff moved these be tabled until after,
the road tour Carried-` v
Mr Jeffery read a letter of authorization from the Maerz's allowing the M D to maintain
the Maerz cemetery with no liable for trespass while performing this function n
Mr Richard Maerz moved this letter be accepted and filed Carried
Alberta Transportation Bridge Authorizations were reviewed at this time*
I N E 10- 30 -25 -4 (Haining bridge)
S W 17- 28 -22 -4 (Sharples bridge)
W N W 5- 32 -22 -4 (Manor church bridge)
A letter was read concerning the bridge inspections for the following
-File 2323 W N W 5- 32 -22 -4 Repairs to this bridge after accident will be made and
Billed to the Municipality (This in turn should be billed to the Atkinson's insurance
-File 1137 SSW 5- 32 -22 -4 This bridge is in good condition and the bumps at each end
of the bridge are unrelated to the structure The bridge will not take cement or
asphalt so another solution must be found
-File 6595 INE 13- 30 -26 -4 No structural damage was done at the time of the accident and
the M D may repair this from salvage lattice rail
-File 1876 INW 10- 30 -25 -4 (Haining bridge) this bridge is in good condition and the deck
is to be stripped and minor repairs to be completed
Mr Richard Maerz moved this information be accepted and filed Carried
A new tax notice format was reviewed by Mr Jeffery, and it was noted that with the
present computer system available in the office, this is not applicable to this
Mr Bruce Hastie moved this information be filed until such time as a new computer is
purchased Carried
A letter from the A A M D & C was read concerning a Reeves meeting on April 16,1981
to finalize the Associations position on the paper for the County Act
. Mr R G Campbell moved that if Mr G A Berdahl is able to attend he represent this
Muncipality Carried
A letter was reviewed concerning the ASB Tentative agreement Mr Jeffery noted that all
Patrol operators should be advised to keep their time for backsloping as there is a 1/\
grant available for this.
Mr Bruce Hastie moved this information be accepted and filed Carried
Mr Jeffery reviewed a letter from the Municipality to Mr Ivan Perrish regarding the
Wimborne project and also Swalwell A letter had been received from Mr Kruger regarding
Council meeting - April 13 1981 Page 3
the grant available to the Municipality in 1980 for the Wimborne street improvements
Council had stated previously they felt this should not be undertaken until 1982 to
allow the sewer lines to settle, therefore Mr Jeffery will advise of the same - j
Mr Jeffery had also been in contact with the representative from Allied Chemical
regarding the hamlet of Hesketh• it is not advisable at this time to spread calcium
chloride over the top of the surfacing
Mr R E Boake moved that this report be accepted and filed Carried
The building permits were reviewed as follows
1) NW 24- 33- 25 -W4th Art Pryor - Shop
2) Pt SE 14- 30 -24 -4 Patrick Gallant - Quonset- machinery storage
3) Pt SE 14- 30 -24 -4 Patrick Gallant - Single family principle residence
4) NE 21- 33 -25 -4 Miles Smith = Dwelling
5) NE 18- 33 -24 -4 Irene Diack - 2 car garage
6) NE 36- 33 -26 -4 Alan Smith - Single wide mobile home with porch
7) SW 23- 31 -22 -4 Stan Boles - Shop
9) L -3 Bk -2 Ruarkville S H Graham - Single family residence
10) SW 13- 33 -25 -4 Charlie Siltala - Addition to residence
11) SE 4- 32 -24 -4 Ronald Wold - Addition to residence ! 1
12) NE 21- 30 -23 -4 Gordon Snell - addition to residence and garage
13) NW 16- 30 -23 -4 Elton Wilkinson - Garage & Workshop
14) SW 18- 34 -25 -4 Don Albrecht - 2nd residence for farm help
15) SW 33- 30 -25 -4 Leonar Toews - Mobile home addition
16) N- NW- 7- 30 -26 -4 Ken Hope - Machine shop
17) N- NW- 7- 30 -26 -4 Ken Hope -House with garage attached
18) N- NW- 7- 30 -26 -4 Ken Hope - Attached gargage to house
19) Pt NW 21- 30 -26 -4 Robert Bowman - Home
20) Pt NW 21- 30 -26 -4 Robert Bowman - Barn
21) Pt NW 21- 30 -26 -4 Robert Bowman - Machinery storage
22) SE 14- 29 -24 -4 Robert Elliott - Addition to 2nd residence
Mr R G Campbell moved the building permits be accepted and filed Carried
Mr Jeffery read a draft copy of the policy set on Railway crossings and grading policy.
Mr Richard Maerz moved that the policy be accepted as read Carried
A letter from the Drumheller Health Unit was read regarding the rental of the additional
office space An agreement should be reached with the Drumheller Health Unit with reference
to the janitorial work
Mr Otto Hoff moved this report be accepted and filed Carried
Mr Bruce Hastie moved that this item be tabled until the next meeting so Mr G A Berdahl
is present for the discussion as it is in Divison #1 Carried /ar) \W
• Letters from Alberta Power regarding the following power line extensions were reviewed
NE 36- 33- 26 -W4th Torrington
LSD 6- 12- 32- 25 -W4th Torrington
LSD 6- 3- 32- 24 -W4th Twinning Oilfield
West of 3 10,15 - 32- 22 -W4th Ghost Pine Rural
Mr Richard Maerz moved the above be approved Carried
Mr Hastie noted that the building permit issued for Mr A Smith had created a problem
The access road does not have proper site distance if put where intended
Mr R Maerz moved this be looked at when the road committee meets Carried `
Mr Campbell noted that Mr Winther has requested assistance in moving the approach to his
access road as it is in a dangerous place and has been the site of an accident This is
also to be handled by the Road committee
The meeting adjourned for dinner from 12.00 pm to 1,00 p m
Council Re- at 1 00 p m with all aforementioned councillor present
Mr R E Boakh moved the Council meeting adjourn to the Public Hearing Carried 4,
Mr R Maerz moved the Council meeting do rernrn from the Public hearing at 1 15 p m
With reference to the Public hearing held at 1.00 p.m. for the SE 4- 30 -24 -4 ,^
Mr Otto Hoff moved second reading to By -Law 931
Mr R E Boake moved third. reading to By -Law 931 I
Page 4
Council meeting - April 13,1981
Page 4
Mrs Carol Myers, representative of CRPC at this time introduced Mr Miles Cullum who is
now working with CRPC and Mr Cullum explained to Council how he will be able to assist V'
this Municipality to deal with special policy areas and Country Residential parcels
Mrs Myers advised that the Wm Maerz sub - division was refused but he may appeal this to
the Provincial Planning Board n
Mrs Myers also stated at this time that the Sailer Sub - division for 3 parcels per quarter
section had been tabled until the next commission meeting
Bruce Hastie moved the Council adjourn
to Public Hearing(time
R E Boake moved the council meeting do
now re- adjourn (1.45
m )
Mr R G Campbell moved that by -law #932 be ammended to read'220 yards by 150 yards' i
instead of 15 acres Carried
Mr Bruce Hastie moved second reading of the By -law 932 as ammended Carried
Mr Richard Maerz moved third reading of the By -law 932 as ammended Carried
Mrs Myers advised that she has been transferred to a new jurisdiction and someone else
will be appointed to this area If trouble occurs before this appointment is made the
person to contact would be Carol McLeary, the supervisor, for assistance
Mrs Myers and Mr Cullum left the meeting at this time
Mr J C Jeffery reported on the Divisional meetings held since the last council meeting
�I R E Boake moved the report be accepted and filed Carried
Letters were read from the Village of Acme the Village of Carbon and the Village of
Linden concerning the maintenance of dump box sites They are felt that the job was
not being properly done and the resepective Villages wish to be released from the
agreement with Lorne Cannon
Mr R G Campbell moved that the share of dump box maintenance for these villages will
be paid directly to them instead of the Kneehill Sanitary Landfill Committee
With reference to the proposed addition to the Swalwell Community Hall, Mr Jeffery
reported that the sewer line is in the middle of the street, 50' south of the
I property line Mr Hoff advised that he will refer this information back to the
Swalwell committee handling this
Mr R E Boake moved this information be accepted and filed Carried
A request from Marjorie Vetter was read at this time regarding permission to open -cut A
an undeveloped road allowance East of NE 27- 31 -26 -4 to run a water line
Richard Maerz moved the request be approved. Carried
By -law 933 reducing the amount of debenture borrowing required for the Wimborne i
Sewage System was read and reviewed at this time
Mr R G Campbell moved first reading to this By -law Carried .n
Mr Otto Hoff moved second reading to this by -law Carried
Mr Richard Maerz moved third reading of the by -law now be given Carried unanimously
Mr Robert Boake moved third reading to this by -law Carried
Mr Richard Maerz moved Council do now adjourn to the Development Appeal Board Hearing
(2 30 p m ) Carried
Mr R E Boake moved that the Council meeting do now reconviAmot Carried
Mr R E Boake moved that the road diversion on the SE4- 18- 33- 22 -W4th be cancelled and
returned to the Title at no cost to the landowner Carried '
Mr Bruce Hastie moved the minutes of the April 6,1981 meeting, as circulated be approved
Mr Neil Hazel has requested brushing on the South side of the E -W road at NE 20- 32 -25 -4j
Mr Richard Maerz moved this be refered to the road tour Carried
Mr George Rempel and Mr Vern Haskell entered the meeting at this time (3 30 p m ) to ,
discuss gravel and public works
Mr Wm Jones has requested first -time gravel from his residence to the bottom of the hill
to the north Mr Reg Campbell moved this be done on the road W- 2- 32 -23 -4 Carried
The Shop and Foremens minutes of March 18,1981 were reviewed and the Mr Reg Campbell moved
these be accepted and filed Carried
It was reported that a Mach: truck was purchased for a cost of $7,000 00,this included a i
fuel tank and equipment with a 1800 gallon tank
A yeild sign is needed at the corner of the NW 22- 31 -24 -4 to stop north bound traffic
Richard Maerz moved this sign be erected Carried
Council Meeting - April 13,1981
It was noted a stop sign is needed at the corner of the NW of 9- 29 -26 -4
Mr R E Boake moved this be erected Carried
Page 5
Two yield signs are needed at the SE 15- 29 -25 -4 to stop East -West traffic
R E Boake moved these signs be erected Carried '
Mr Haskell reported the gravel on the Vince Marurz land SE 22 & SW 23 in 30 -23 -4
has overburden of 8 to 10 feet before reaching any gravel and then there is not
much visible
Poffenroth land NW 34- 31 -26 -4, the gravel is below the water level and there is
no telling approximately how much is there as the water is at two to three feet
and there would be quite a bit of pumping involved
H K Toews land NW 19- 30 -25 -4 - Mr Haskell felt there would be sufficent gravel
here to warrant opening up a pit
Mr R G Campbell moved that this pit be opened this year Carried
Oliver Parry - Mr Rempel reported he had talked to Mr Parry earlier in day and Mr Parry
is still not interested in signing a contract George felt that after Vetters pit had
been closed up and cleaned up properly Mr Parry might be approached but it should be
left for now
Mr R G Campbell moved that this be left as is for the time being Carried.
Mr Rempel and Mr Haskell are to check at the Vetter pit and determine if it would
be worth setting the crusher up again or if the land should be cleaned up and
reclaimed A report is to be given at the next meeting
Stanley Gibson - Mr Rempel advised that Mr Gibson is not interested in signing a contract
at this time but one was left with him and he will contact the M D if he should change
his mind
Alton Parker - Mr Rempel advised that after April 15,1981 he will go to Mr Parkers
land near Elnora to determine if there is possible gravel there
Derek Page - NW 16- 31 -26 -4 and NE 1- 31 -26 -4 Mr Haskell advised that they will be /
testing these sites Tuesday, April 14;1981
Jim Bates - Mr Rempel and Mr Boake will contact Mr Bates and see him together
Mr Rempel suggested Council might consider the possiblity of scarifying 1/2 mile of road
from the Linden pavement East It is breaking up quite badly and George and Oris feel
if this is scarified and packed with gravel on it and allowed to sit for 2 months before
paving it may stand up to the traffic better The Road committee will look at this on
road tour
Mr Boake moved that the Linden road be scarified packed,etc as required Carried
Mr Jeffery reported he had had a complaint from Mrs Howes, regarding the dust problem
when the gravel trucks are hauling past $W- 6- 31-24 -4 Mr Boake advised that he has r
told the Howes that Calcium Chloride may be spread on the stretch of road in front of
their home but they would have to pay to have this done
Mr Ferguson reported that East of Nakaska's on Secondary 583 there is a sway In the
road that should be fixed Mr Rempel is to look into this
Mr Rempel and Mr Haskell left the meeting at 4.30p m
The minutes of the Druheller and District Solid Waste Management Association were reviewed
and a letter from Mr Cookson to the Drumheller Solid Waste was read Mr Campbell reported
on the last meeting and stated there is to be another meeting April 16,1981 and he should
have more to report after that regarding the regulations outlined by Mr Cookson.
Mr Bruce Hastie moved this be accepted and filed Carried
The minutes of the meetings for the Torrington Recreation Board and the Carbon Recreation
Board were reviewed and Mr Bruce Hastie moved that these be accepted and filed
Mr Richard Maerz moved that items 5 6, 38 and 42 be tabled until the meeting on
April 27,1981 Carried
Mr Richard Maerz left the meeting at 5.15 pm
Mr Reg Campbell gave a report on the Trochu Rural Fire Department There has been some
trouble with the Fire truck and they have found some of the repairs may not have been P
done properly A new pump may be required but the tank is in good condition
Mr Campbell was advised that the Fire Department should use its judgement as to whether
or not a new pump should be ordered as they cannot be without their truck
Council meeting - April 13,1981
Page 6
A letter from the Capital Printers was reviewed at this time outlining the contract for
the year 1981 There have been no changes in cost, but have been a few subscriptions A
Mr R E Boake moved that the contract with the Capital Printers be renewed on this
basis Carried
A letter was reviewed from MacDonald Engineering and Associates (1980) Ltd regarding
up- grading 3380 feet of access road south of Secondary 27 into 6- 11- 31 -23 -4 P
Mr R E Boake moved that MacDonald Engineering be given permission to build this road
to the M D specifications and the M D will provide the Gravel and culverts
The Government reply to the resolutions made at the 1980 fall convention were reviewed
breifly and it was agreed the councillors would read them more fully in the next few
Mr R G Campbell moved this report be accepted and filed
The minutes of the Regional Resources meeting March 23 1981 were reviewed along with
a letter to them from Roy W Balston of SE Alberta Regional Planning Commission on the r,
meeting held on the 11th of March A letter was also reviewed from Mr Peter Trynchy
Minister of Parks and Recreation
Mr R G Campbell moved these be accepted and filed Carried
Mr Otto Hoff reported on the Fire Prevention Branch meeting Volunteer firemen and
Regional co- ordinators were discussed along with many other topics
Mr R G Campbell moved this report be accepted and filed Carried
Mr Bruce Hastie moved that item 50 be tabled
Mr R E Boake moved the meeting do now adjourn - time 6.00 p m Carried
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