HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-03-20 Council Minutesn LJ L r � L� 11 AGENDA COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 20th, 1978 Apptova2. o� Minutes o� Meetings Match 6th, 7th, and 13th 2 Appokntments 3 Items Tabted 4tom Last meeting 31 Hudson Say Route Association Date o4 Annuat Convent.con 32 Mknutes Thtee Hktts RecAeation Boatd Meetkng Feb 20 33 Mknutes - ThAee H. tts School Dkv Meeting Match 8th 4 Set Date Am Joint A S S Meeting wkth Counckt 5 Set Date dot Next Patk Commtittee Meeting G Fxten6kon o4 Feed Ftekght A6zkstance Ptogtam 7 Atta Municipat Aj Aa-Ltz - Desttuctko n o4 Recotdz 8 Considet 1978 Gtantz dot tecteatkon putpozes 9 Lettet Ckty o� Dtumhettet agteeing to a tegionat tecAeatcon a/g 10 Set date 6oA Budget Commkttee Meeting 11 Notkce Reg Re.soutcez Pto9ect Meetkng Date 12 Ruttet Ctazh Coutze - dtaAting 8 en4otccng by -tawz 6eminat 13 Henty Van den Hoven - acceptance o6 job as audktoA 14 Rev cew o A GAantvktf-e WateA 8 Sewet Pto1 ect and tatez dot same 15 Ptovknckat P.- annting - Re�luzat te• sate o4 pubtic tezetve .hand_ 16 Date dot Secondaty Road Commkttee Meetkng - C R P C 17 Subdivision apptication SF 16- 3t -23 -4 18 Apptications joA wokk 3 19 Change daze agakn - Fmptoyee Day Back to Aptit 5/78 9 Counckt Meetkng tin A M 20 Atta Fnetgy - notkce cancel atkon tease M D StatXand 21 04 J cckat Openkng - I nt Sates S Seh.vkce Dtumhettet 22 Request atom A G T ;lot copy c�l 1978 toad Ptogtam soon 23 Cost dot 6enckng M D shop 24 Atta TAanspottatkon tepty Ae, toad ban skgns on stop signs 25 Request - Fted Pennet - Ae Loads Lkg ht Coat SuA�aee Road 26 Set Date dot Ptefiminaty Road Tout Meetcng 27 Conskdet items Got sate by pubtic auction 28 Road Ctozzkng - 4,cmonz McBean Ltd 29 Citcutat Ace Patkkng Ltd 30 Atta Ttanspottation Boatd OAdet Okf S Gays (')ett Dtkttcng Equip 31 Doug Webb Request 4ot dirt 32 Request dot Injotmation to toad 6taneaAds NF 3- 34 -22 -4 LM low ALP, COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 20th, 1978 The meetcng o6 CounckT whkch adjoutcned Match 13th, 1978, reconvened at 9 00 A M , Match 20th, 1978, wkth att eounckt otz ptezen J C Je44eAy, Munce�.pat. Adminizttatot and MA�s U/1 PRESENT Jean W,(-t inson, ks/sti /scant 14unccipat AdminilstiLatm were both ptezent, and Mtz GJctkkn1son teeotded the minutes Mt Fetguson moved apptovat o4 the minutes o4 Counckt APPROVAL OF meet.cnq o4 Match 6th and 7th, 1978 MINUTES Cattked The mknute6 o4 Counckt meetcng o� March 13th, wktt be eon6idened at the next meeting o4 Counckt Mt Jej4ety asked k4 anyone w.c6hed to make an addition to the ptoposed agenda 4ot the annua.P_ meetkng 6eheduted 4ot thk6 a4tetnoon A4tet btke4 dti6euzzkon, Mt Poote moved that the agenda as ptepaAed be zubm -cited to the annuat meet.cng 4ot ct6 eonzkdetattion Catttied MA BAOwn teviewed the potiey tcegatdkng meats dot councittots and emptoyees as pAepaAed AAOm the minutes oA the meetkng oA Match 13th, and noted the �jottowing cottectkon Item #4 Page 13 o4 the Potkcy Book shoutd Aead_ Meat. Attowanee 4ot councittoALs and reeve shalt. be $4 00 pet meat 6otL meats away 4tom home outskde the Muncckpat Dkzttkct whcte on Counckt bu/skne /ss ANNUAL MEET AGENDA MEAL ALLOW POLICY and 4uAthet that the poticy tegatdkng emptoyees shoutd vl� Aead- Empt.oyees ate to teeekve $4 00 pen meat loot meats away {tom home whct.e out6kde o4 the Munkcc.pat_ Dksttkct and on municcpat bu�sknerss etc A4tet bAtie6 dkzcuszkon, MA Betdaht moved that the potkcy tegatdting meats �,oA counckttotz and emptoyeez be amended as outttined above CARRIFD Mt Je�4ety advk6ed Counckt that the date dot the next JOINT A, S 9oknt meeting oA Counckt and the A S B 4atZ6 on the COUNCIL same day as CouAt of Revision - Aptit 24th, 1978 0 MEETING DAT A�tet discussion, Mt Litz moved that the joint- meeting 0 V, P'd413 o f Counckt and A S B be herd Aptkt. 25th, 19701, commencing a�v,5e ad at 9-00 A M mernkwr S CavLked A4tet d.cseu /sskonz, MA Campbett moved that the Patkz PARKS COM Committee hold a meeting Match 28th, 1978, commenckng � MEETING at 7.30 P M CaAttied It was agreed that tkz Pat FetbeA o/ Acme, and MA At Atkkn6on o j Thtee HktZ6 be knv.cted to attend thks meet.cng A�jtet d,cscu�/s. con o/ the amount o4 money wh,cch wouf-d be TENTATIVE RC!DGET FOR avaktab,ee 4ot opetatton o4 the patLkz in 1978, C:IA BAOwn PARKS moved that the Patkz Committee may tentativety �jigvte FOR 197 on having the same amount o4 money 4ot 1978, as was spent on the opetatkon o4 the patkz tin 1977 Caked A4teA dkscusskon, Mt Betdaht moved that the Budget MEETING Commkttee meet Monday, ApAct_ 3td, 1978, commencing ✓ BUDGET COMM at 9 00 A M to work on the 1978 budget Catttied Mt Jej�ety noted that filo.cLkvLs Compensattion Board and DATE Cummkns Dkeset have now advk6ed hkm that ApAit 5th is the ,/` EMPLOYEE U�l 2 DAY N IN ..We COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 20th, 1978 onty day that they ate 4Aee to come Mt Campbett moved that the Emp�oyee Day be scheduted loo,�t Aptkt 5th, 1978, and a counckt meetkng be hetd kn the 4otenoon o6 Apt,(-Z 5th, 1978, commenckno at 9. 00 A M C atti e d A6tet dcscusscon, kt was agteed that a ptetimina,'Ly toad toutL date witt be con-6ideted at the Road Comm,cttee meeting scheduted 6ot Match 22nd A copy o4 a new ketease dated Match 9th, 1978, tegatdkng the Feed Ftekght A.6,sistance Ptogtam waz tead to the meeting Mt Litz moved to accept and 4ite same az f-n�,,otmatkon Ca"ked Mt Je4jety tead a tettet ,teceived 4tom Atbetta Munkckpat A6�3al-ts tegatding the desttuctkon o�j munkckpat tecotds, He noted that the vautt down,stait,s, k6 �jutt and toom must be made in otdet to ttan,sAet othet �,,kte,s Jtom the up-6taitz vauY-t Mt BauvL moved that the tecotd,s az outtkned cheque books and canceLeed cheque,s dupt,r-cate tecei-pts pa,r-d vouchet,s watet and sewet bkttz copie,s o4 notkces nomknatkon papeA6 votet.6 tkst enumetatkon teco,,td,s and metet )Leadkngz up to Decembet 316t,, 1970 may be dezttoyed on cond.l,t.ton that a comptete Aecotd o4 the ktem,s to be de,sttoyed i6 ptepated and �kted kn the mknute book, and the de,sttuctkon o� the Aecotd,s be undettaken kn the mannet a6 suggested by Atbetta Muntctpat A�)4aktz, with the necessa.�Ly a�44-davkt by the witnezzes to such desttuctkon Ca,,LA,ced P 2 E�,JPLOVEE DATE V-1 DATE FO PREL ROAD TOUR VI), FEED FREIGHT ASqISTANCE PROGW4 DEi3TRUCTION M D RECORDS L-1 The Ckty o� Dtumhettet has �jo.�Lwatded a tettet REG advk,skng that they wi6h to entet knto a tegkonat LA RECREATION tecteationogAeement wkth the M D , and theit AIG councit teptesentatkve wket be contacting us cn due DRUMHELLER co uts e Mt Fetguson moved to accept and �jkte az knAotmatkon Cattked Mt Je44ety then Aev.,(-ewed with Counckf hks tepott on tecAeatkon gtantz pakd to town,s and vkUages and tutat community REC otgankzationz in 1977, and 44-guAes showkng money which GRANTS woutd be avaktabte 4o,�L these gtant,s 6oA 1978 TheAe waz tengthy di,scuzzcon oj thiz mette,,L Mt Kent Knud6on o�j Ttochu enteted the meettng to ROAD ACCESS dk,scu,s,5 with Councit the posskbte subdivision o4 9 POSSIBLE the NE !4 o� 3-34-22-4 and ptovc6kon o4 toad accezz qtiBDIVISION to thk,s tand The new ownek o4 the tand, Wayne NE 3-34-22-4 J Magnuson ha,5 Aequested counckt',5 advt--ce as to the standatd ol, toads whkch woutd be tequkted to thk.5 tand file wishes to subdivide the quattvL 4-nto two 80 acte patcetz A�jtet dc,6cuss,(,on o4 th,u mattet with MA Knud,son and notkng that thete i6 a pt-4-vate acce,6.5 toad thtough Mt Knud.6on',s tand Sect,(-on 10-34-22-4 whcch coutd give acces6 to one pateet o6 the NE 3, i�� the same waA acqukted and devetoped az a toad, but woutd not give accezz to the othet 80 actez, teviewing the-expenze x-nvof-ved to gkve onty ttm,(-ted accers to one patcet, and the pkobtem,s, wh,(-ch woutd atf-,se, and d/r-,scus,6ion w,(-th Mt Knudzon 3 14 a COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 20th. 1978 P 3 about the po6ztibti.L.4-ty of gacnkng access through otheA tandz to the east side o� the NE 3, and the ptobtem6 which would vuze Mt Poote moved that MA Magnuson be advkzed that wkthout zubmizzkon o4 a 6otmat apptkcatcon to CatgaAy Regionat Ptanning Commkzzkon outtining the ptopozed subd_ -cvxcs con Council could maze no de4knkte deck6kon, but due to the to pogtaphy o4 the tand, the poAs i.bitit y o� teavkng an k6otated patcet without access, and the appatent knabitity to ptcov cde access to subdkvkded pateets on tegat Woad attowaneels, and the tttemendouz expense which would be knvotved to even provide timited access through ptkvate .hands, Council would not ttecommend appAOVat 4ot any subdivision o4 thks quatteA sectkon but should subdivizkon appnovat be obtakned, ptovti kon o4 teqdt aoad6 to notma2 Munkckpat Dksttccct ztandatds would be Aequcted and wou.2d be at the cote expense o4 the devetopeA CARRIED Aft Knudson then te4t the meeting MA 1=etguson and MA Paquette Aevtiewed necent putcha6e6 o� machinery they have compketed A tk ppeA 4oA the cat 1978 was putcchased, negotkattion�s wvLe eompteted 4ot the new MACHINE�V VAaxcavtot, and VAuck6 They also inve�5t.cgated va.A.couz PURCHAS S types o4 center dump tAa.%.tvL6, and advtized eounctt o4 the ptoz and eons o4 dk44etent types A4teA discuszkon, MA Poole moved that the committee f have anotheA took at the di.44etent types o4 VAaktetz and authottity be gc.ven to the commkttee to putchaze 9 TRAIL R� two centeA dump ttaitvLz at a pAtice not to exceed $40,000 00 MA BAOwn noted that MA telephoned today and advi kz wtill.Lng to make a $100 the Regional Soltid Waste wkth the s ettknq up o4 a Howevet a tenet tequezti be�ote Match 31st As Unit is away on hol.cdays, MA BAown as Chaktman o4 Commkttee sho0d submit a Aeque5tkng the goveAnment 6oA this purpose Cattied Ron P)Litchatd o6 A2betcta Bnvvtonment sed that AlbeAta Envktonment 000 00 gtant ava.clable to GRANT 1= Management Committee to assist REG SOL Regional disposal system WACTE ng thkA grant must be �)otthcomcng PROJECT MA Lau o4 the Dtumhe_lleA Health .c.t was genetally agreed that the Regional Soltid Waste Management lettvt to the government pone 'PI to conskdvt mak.,cng thk6 gran MA Je64ety then Aevtiewed the Aeee,cved �)Aom the Ghost Pine A-iA Lctz moved to accept and- 4inanetial /statement Athletic A/s/sockatcon l kt e as tin 4 otcmatko n CaAAked and AepoAt 4oA 1977 GHOST PINE FIN STATEMEN The meetkng then Aevtiewed AepoAts tececved oveA the past /ew yeaAz 4)Aom the Aural eommunkty otgantzationz, with a view RBC to deteAmining (-�j the M D gtantz each year are being used FOR in a zatcz 4aetoty manneA, and to determine tit the otgankzattonl, a)Le actkve and zZ cll 7,equ.cAe gtc.ants A4teA a lengthy discuz.5tion o� xhti/s mattet, MA Betdahl moved that the Autcal commun.c.ty azzockationz o� Gamb.Qe and AAthuty -cite be Rvutten advkzkng that mote in4mmatc.on as to the aettivktkez o4 the otgantization should be zubmctted to council and unlezz 4knancial statements ate Aece,cved showing the oAgantzatcor -cs tin 4act actkve, no gtant6 wkU be made 4oA 1978, howeveA the eommuntixy otganizat.c.on ff kquest the a_nnuat grant be tufLned over to anothet suktable communkty pAoject in theiA area CARRIED R ORA RURAL ARE There was discussion Aegatdkng the grants to be made to the RBC towns and villagez kn 1978 and the pozzf-bitity of a deeteaze GRANTS TOWNS 9 VILLAG S • IM COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 20th, 1978 P 4 kn thus e g kants because o A the inctceas ed costs �oA opetcatcon o� the pa)tkz and cemeteAiez MA Poote Aeivmed to Counckt a pottkon o4 the mknutez 4AOm the CaAbon and Dkzttcct RecAeatkon BoaAd meeting hetd Febnuatcy 13th, tegaAding the eztab.tizhment o4 Aectceatio n boundvLiez by the M D and otheA pAo btemz A6teA �juAtheA dkzcuzzkon, MA FeAguzon moved that the 1978 1978 Levy 4oA pvLU, cemetvLiez and ,Lectceation be set LEVY at 3 mittz 4m 1978 FOR CaAAtked PARKS CFMFTFRI S 9RFCRFATION MA Ll-tz moved that the dcvkzkon o4 the 1978 .bevy between patU, cemeteAx.ez and Aecneation be tabled until ✓\ the next meet cng o4 Councit C aAA.c e d MA BAOwn moved that thkz meeting do now adjoutn ADJOURN untkt Thutcsday, Matcch 23Rd, 1978, at 9-00 A M ------------ Reeve Cat,tied - - -- -'j /�' �--- ---- - - - - -- Muntic a� An C�SthataA