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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-11-12 Council MinutesE COUNCIL MEETING NOV. 12/74 1 Approval of minutes of meeting of Oct 28th/74 2. Financial statement for month ending Oct. 31/74 3 General accounts, paysheets, etc. 4 Appointments 11 00 AM C Lau, Sanitary Inspector, D. H Unit 1 30 P M Foremen 1 30 P M M. Charleton - snowplowing account 3 15 P M W Scobie - machinery 5. Rate of pay for election officials 6. Report re Wimborne well 7 Comm report - pound damage claim 8 Comparison of revenue & expenditure with budget 9. Proposed sanitary landfill - NW -33-29-25-4 10 Proposed Huxley sewer system 11 Report of 1974 claims Operation Wetfoot & Blizzard 12 Appoint auditor 13. Alta. Mun Financing Corp - loans 14. By -Law # 755 3rd Reading Blk R Allingham, lot survey 15 Planning Matters a Report, etc. - subdiv hearing NW -20-30-25-4 b. A A.M.D. & C. - Planning Act c C.R.P C - decision re subdiv. SW -35-30-25-4 J. Boese d " - proposed subdiv E2-3-29-21-4 e Yo NW -9-29-24-4 f t4 - minutes, report of meetings 16 Building permits Vernon Toews - car garage N2-21-30-26-4 Ben Sept - SE -23-32-25-4 Metal building Elmer Wiebe - SE -22-30-25-4 machine shed Jake Klassen - W2-28-31-26-4 cattle shed 17 Snowplow acct - Murphy Ashland Oil $10 18 Report old gravel pi, SE -18-30-23-4 Ed Reimer Sale of used cul. rert 14 ft of 30P1 19 Report re load limits # 21 and # 26, etc 20 Herb Ziegler - cattle texas gate 5-23-32-27-4, rental extension 21. M. Charlton - snowplowing account 22 Three Hills S D - Acme -Lindon road 23 R Skytt - approachas to # 9 NW of Beynon 24 Accident - Truck T-'_5 - tractor R Gundlach 24. Agreements re borrow pits, etc. 26 Texaco Canada - petroleum requirements 27 Applications for work - John Falk, Rick Janzen 28. Dist Engineer, Ca._gary - painting lines, bus signs 29 Misc public works reports 30 Gravel crushing report re Tolman stockpile, etc 31. By -Law - annual grants Salvation Army, etc 32 Plastex Pipelines -- natural gas extensions 33 Report re Threc Hills Hospital Board member Approved by the Department of Municipal Affair. Form No. TI -252 (42) O *14 MONTHLY STATEMENT (SEC 61 V M.D Act, R.S.A 1955) COUNTY OF� MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF --- 1_ u ILL__#�, -------------- -- --------------------- No _ __._.____-- Month Ending --October 31st 19 74 Net Balance at End of Previous Month Receipts for the Month (Less Loans) Loans Received Sub Total LESS.— Disbursements for the Month Y Loans Paid Net Balance at End of Month Balance at End of Month—Bank ds 'a is —Treas. Br *Cash on Hand at End of Month Sub Total Less Outstanding Cheques GENERAL UasY .TOTAL ACCOUNT Pavr--1 1 Sava S Tax Sale 7a (-13,489 �3 X3 ) 334.27�'7 0:_ < �- 195.5 'Tit . _334.'^1.65 57 U50,000 00 1-4-70,97-6 24 Cheques 25 572 - 25.31 +.nt 3.8$.779.28 Z5-000.00 _13,001 9l _. 4.521-14 2''3_. 28 4N- .101-8- ._22� 4.3_ 2CO 00 — . - 18 42 43 -11 229.47 Net Balance at End of Month __L-203 r 8 QQ 2-J.28 430-1P, !7 OUTSTANDING CHEQUES OUTSTANDING ACCOUNTS PAYABLE No. Amount No Amount No. Amount Pa Amount 22 SOr4.50, x-613 til: • 7 -.107-2 -2-. $ _ I�O�n� ' .-7-000--00 22 545 20.00 25618 S 0 _ 10$0 _____S_J_ . 240f-14 1085 00 _561.9 150-00 1081 529 6 2 4 C r- 5 100 00 2 5 "',31 26 48 1083 606, 4 24.24? 150 00 2 5"-34 90. 00 10$4 37-1-,-5 __._.._.. qw 2.5108 21� 00 25649 37 5 108(- 959 9 25132 1210 68 2 5-65.7 23 70 1088 504 2 25133 1001 60 2 5650 150 00 1089 534 5 25253____ 25 QO 5659 135 0 1090 73� ,_3 .9.4 25670_ 4.0_ _ 1091 270.,241 2533 5 500 00. 25r-751 2 00 14.-521.1' Estimate of Accounts Payable not rendered 25375 240 00- 11 82 225-00 TOTAL 25445 3 00 00 257,11 100.._0_ 2550 ? 3$ X715 110 1 Submitted to Council this 255.90 J$ ._1� .5-7-.17 207 3 Day of----- : ivembar--------- 9 -74 25.59$ x.35 5722 2 501 _7! 14 K_25 _100 00, _._._ 1:2 5 04 2.5 6.05 25 _C?0 25 00 5.5.3" ---- 60.5,, X70_ 25�0 4waO Re 25,'-08 10 60 _ u et- -Treas re* TOTAL 'Cash on Hand Deposited ... .......... .................. _....................... 19........ ( SEE OVER FOR EXPENDITURE CONTROL ) 0 0 • COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 12th91974 P 1 The regular meeting of the council of the Municipal District of Kneehill #48 was held in the Municipal Office, Three Hills, on Tuesday, November 12th, 1974, commencing at 9 00 A M Councillors present for this meeting were: Mr A H Church Div. 1 Mr. C W Poole Div 2 Mr R tr1 Brown Div 3 (Reeve) Mr A W Bauer Div. 4 Mr T.A. Ferguson Div 5 Mr L Litz Div. 6 Mr R.G.Campbell Div 7 Mr. G G King, Secretary—Treasurer, was present and recorded the minutes V P R ES ERT I/ Mr Church moved approval of the minutes of APPROVAL the meeting of October 28th 1974 as circulated. OCT ?C/74 MIN Carried The financial statement for the month ending October 31st, 1974 was presented as per copy with these minutes This showed a net balance at the end of the month of $7,196 96, but with $277,000 00 owing on loans Mr. Poole moved approval of the financial statement. Carried Mr G King gave a comparison of the financial statement with that of October 31st, 19739 at which time the net balance was $25,758 28 ,but with loans owing of $349,000 00 This year no payment has been made to date on the supplementary school requisition, so the general cash picture corresponds fairly closely FINANCIAL STAT OCT/74 m FINANCIAL COMPAR I SOT 'tITH 197 Mr Bauer moved that the rate of pay for the RFIte of P y election officials for the councillor's election Election in Division 6 be set at $40 00 each, for theg, Deputy Returning Officers and the Poll Clerks. Carried Mr L Litz and G King reported regarding the ��IA,BORNE VV well at Wimborne The total depth of TtELL n ew the new well is 325 feet and they have an adequate supply of very good soft water. Due to the depth a heavier pump was required, so a new submersible was bought at $540 00 and the old one traded in at $270.00 Total invoice of Lousanna Water Wells including the pump is $3693.50. Mr Campbell moved that the report be accepted and payment of the account approved Carried The Secretary—Treasurer was asked to make a check ChECK %"tlrzBo ?E of municipal revenue from taxes in Wimborne and REVENUE & make a comparison with the expenses in Wimborne EXPENSES and report back to a later meeting 0 Ea COUNCIL .V,EETING NOVEMBER 12th,1974 P 2 POUND DISPUTA BUYER POOLE The next item involved a pound damage claim As Councillor C W Poole was personally involved in the claim, he left the meeting prior to the start of the discussion and remained out until the matter was completed A pound damage claim of $lrl$ 40 had been made by Mr C W Poole in regard to cattle owned by Morley Buyer and impounded at the pound operated by Mr Gordon Ward Mr Poole h%-'_ paid the $10,00 fee in regard to the claim and Mr Morley Buyer through his solicitor, Mr Pat Madden had filed an objection and had also paid the required $10 00 fee The committee of Council to investigate such claims comprises the two nearest available Councillors, and in this case, they were Mr A H,Church and Mr T A Ferguson This committee reported that they had made investigation and they submitted their recommendations as follows. HEADING AMOUNT CLAIMED BY RECOMMENDATION MR. C W POOLE OF COMMITTEE ---------------------------------------------------------- Trucking $40 00 $40000 Damage to Trees $200 00 $200 00 Hoof Damage on lawn and labor to clean up manure, etc, $120 00 $ 50 00 Seed Grain $ 50 00 $ 30,00 12 feet conductor pipes $ 8 40 $ $ 40 -$32$ $418-40 - 40 It is noted that the poundkeeper°s fees of $29 00 were paid to the poundkeeper and are in addition to the above, but have no effect on the damage claim Mr Campbell moved that Mr G G King as Secretary -Treasurer, be instructed to advise in writing the owner of the impounded animals Mr. Morley Buyer and the person impounding the animals, Mr C W Poole of the recommendation of the committee as shown above Carried It is also noted that either party to the pound dispute may within 21 days of the mailing of the notice of the recommendation, appeal either in writing or in person to the Council against the recommendations. Council later determines and fixes the amount to be paid and the decision is final and binding Councillor C.W. Poole returned to the meeting. REVE11;UL & Each Councillor was given a copy of a revenue and EXPENDITURE expenditure statement to the end of October, a STATaIEI T comparison with the estimated revenue for the current year as well as a revised estimate for the end of the year as prepared by the Secretary -Treasurer Mr G King pointed out that these revised estimates are not necessarily accurate but it is expected that they will be reasonably close Such items as capital expenditures take into account only those which aue known factors at this time Figures forcast a deficit at the end of the year of approximately .3 J n C C COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 12th91974 Pe3 $909000 009 but weather and other factors can greatly affect this. Discussion followed on the various items Mr. Ferguson moved that the report be accepted Carried CLAIP4S Mr. G King read a report from Alberta Disaster OPERATION 1dETFOOT Services in regard to claims paid under Operation W etfoot, 1974, and spring blizzard claims It was noted that four out of five under Operation Wetfoot had been approved by the Province and paid, but all of those for the spring blizzard losses had been refected It appeared that the Government had changed their regulations and only paid where the losses were due to a power outage Loss of calves due to the blizzard were not approved ri Mr Church moved that this information be accepted and filed Carried AUDITORS -1974 Mr Poole moved that J A Barrie and Company of ✓ Three Hills be appointed auditors for thedyear 1974 Circular of October 31st, 1974 from Alberta FINANCE CORP. Municipal Financing Corporation was read in regard CIRCULAR to greater funds available for municipal bans ✓ Mr. Poole moved that this be filed Carried BY-L,kti� NO.7 5 5 Mr. G King advised that By -Law Number 755 regarding the sale of Block R in Allingham had been duly advertised as required and no objectionsvere received. Mr Bauer moved third reading to by-law Carried mUnanimously Mr G.King reported that he had contacted Underwood McLellan and Associates in regard to the survey of Block R and various other lots in Allingham It appears that the survey would be quiteexpensive as it is difficult to find the original pins. Mr Alex Cunningham and Mr. Harold Henderson had also v looked for survey pins but had been unsuccessful Mr. Church moved that Underwood9 McLellan and Associates be authorized to proceed with the survey CarriePROV. PLANNIP?G Mr. R W Brown reportedon the Provincial Planning BOESE. APPEAL Board hearing in regard to the subdivision in the North West 20-30-25-41 just south of Linden He stated that it appears the District Engineer will I the Department of Highways not object on behalf oThe and the subdivision drill ultimately be approved. tter from hearing was adjourned without a decision the Board dated November and addressed to Lorne Bocs, stated that his company should further contact C R P C if they want the appeal considered further Mr Church moved that this report beaaccepted. 16 COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 12th,1974 P 4 SANITARY LAND Mr Charles Lau, Public Health Inspector of the FILL SITE Drumheller Health Unit met with Council The proposed sanitary land fill in NW 33-29-25-4 was discussed in detail, and correspondence from the Health Unit was read in regard to it Also referred to were various charts as submitted by the Health Unit In general the proposal is favoured, subject to testing for the water table Mr Lau stated that water test holes could be put on sites marked numbers 2, 12 and 18 on his diagram, and that this could be done with a backhoe Mr Poole moved that a committee of Mr R W Brown and Mr G.G King contact Dr. A.Warrack in regard to the land itself and that we try to arrange to have this sanitary land fill carried out as a pilot project with whatever Government assistance may be available Carried Mr Lau stated that the Village of Carbon may wish to enter into an agreement for the joint use of the sanitary land fill as referred to Mr Poole moved that Council accept this proposal in principal, with details to be arranged later Carried V hUXLEY SEG�ER The need for a sewer system in Huxley was then discussed and Mr Lau stated that the present arrangements consist a health hazard Septic tanks are being pumped out on the ground and there are eight wells in the area, any of which might become contaminated He agreed to have a letter to our office this week outlining the opinions of the Health Unit in regard to the need for a sewer system. Mr. Poole moved that Mr. R G Campbell , Mr R W Brown and Mr G King meet with the appropriate government authorities in regard to special grants for the Huxley Sewer System Carried. V/ Mr Lau was thanked for attending the meeting and bringing information and he then left AAFD & C SUBMISSION Mr. Bauer moved that the submission of the AAMD & C RE. PLANNING to the Government in regard to the proposed Planning ACT. Act be tabled Carried Council adjourned for dinner from 12^00 Noon to DM"NER 1.00 P M C. R. P. C. The decision of C R P C regarding the subdivision in SW 35-30-25-4 was read and it was specially noted that it was required that one-tenth of the reserve requirements shall be provided by cash in lieu of land and the balance of the reserve should be deferred by caveat until a further subdivision is made In the discussion it appeared that this was a rather awkward way of handling subdivisions in this area Mr Brown moved that C R P C be asked to defer the total reserve requirements on this subdivision by 0 H LJ COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 12th91974 P 5 C.R.P. C. caveat and that this Council request a policy Cor4IT. stating that if the sale reserve is $500 00 v or less that the amount be fully paid In cash, and that otherwise the reserve be deferred in total by caveat Carried A proposed subdivision In the East half of 3-29- 21-4, was considered The purpose of this is to give Vickers and Lowen access to the lands whish they farm adjacent to the Horseshoe Canyon Mr Church moved that Council recommend approval of this subdivision without survey and with the reserve to be deferred by caveat Carried Proposed subdivision of the North West of 9-29-24--4 into the Easterly and Westerly halves was considered ✓ Mr Poole moved that the Council recommend approval with the reserve to be deferred by caveat Carried Mr Ferguson moved that the September meetings' ✓ minutes as received from C R P C be accepted and filed, Carried, Mr G King advised Council that C.R P C had a title issued In the name of the Municipal District of Kneehill for 1 43 acres of land in the M11 1$ 30-25-4, this being a strip of land adjacent to the creek By having this ownership the land is taken out of the tax roll and the Municipal District then also has certain liabilities in regard to care and upkeep The title had not been requested, nor expected, and there appeared to be no real need for same. Mr Poole moved that a letter be sent to C R,P C advising that the Municipal District of Kneehi.11 does not want and is not willing to accept the title to Parcel R(1) in the North West 1$-30-25-4 Carried BUILDING PERMITS Mr Bauer moved that Council accept the report regarding building permits as issued and listed under Item 16 of the Agenda Carried DRUM. A MBUL'ANCL Mr. T.A Ferguson and A H Church reported that they had SEpv. attended a meeting at the Drumheller Hospital in regard to ambulance service They submitted a proposed budget and this was reviewed with Council. They also stated that the City is donating the present ambulance If the Municipal District is interested, they suggested that we draw a boundary for the area that would be serviced by Drumheller and that we send an estimate of the population Mr.Litz moved that this report be accepted and that the further information be supplied to the Hospital for use in drafting an ambulance proposal, withthe understanding the costs would be divided on the basis of population Carried iI //I /�,, .006 X COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 12th,1974 P6 Mr Ted Paquette, Public Works Superintendent and Joe Dobler, Gravel Foreman, then met with Council. f r CHARL ETOr' Mr M Charleton met with Council in regard to SN01--PLO%4T A/C the $10 00 balance owing on his snowplowing account of last April 5th The minutes of Council meeting of May 13th,1974 page six were read in regard to this matter, and it showed that his complaint had been considered, but Council had decided that he should be charged the full amount as a special trip_ had been made to do the job Mr Charleton had been advised of that decision by letter on May 17th Mr Charleton admitted the Wagner made a special trip at the time the fob was done, but stated that it had been in the area a few days prior to that and should have done it at that time Considerable discussion followed Mr Poole moved that this matter be tabled and that Mr Paquette get in touch with Ken Thompson the operator and get his story, and that Mr Charleton be advised of the decision later Carried Mr Charleton then left the meeting iMURPhY AShL ND The snot,T nlow account of $10 00 of Murphy Ashland SA00!PLOF,',' Oil Company was referred to Council as the company A/C had requested further details regarding where the ,fob was done and we had been unable to determine L, this Mr Poole moved that this be tabled and Mr Paquette get further details Cam.ed REIMER GRAVEL Mr Brown and Mfr Poole reported that their had pIT - LEVELLING a request to do some further levelling at the gravel pit in the SE 1$-30-23-4 - Edward Reimer Mr Poole moved that a letter be sent to Mr. Edward Reimer stating that Council does not consider this a Municipal District responsibility as that gravel pit was used by the whole community and that it be also be pointed out that an agreement was made in regard to certain material taken from there for road purposes and also that Council considers it is not practical to slope the pit as it would require working too far back in the present farm land Car ied E. REIMER Mr Brown moved that Mr Edward Reimer be sent A/C USED CULVERT a bill for 14 feet of used 30" culvert at half price - 14 gauge - as he got same from near the Megli gravel pit �f Carried LOAD LIMITS Mr G King advised Council that the Assistant District Engineer from Red Deer had given him information regarding load limits as follows. ® Highways 7#21 and 56 had been 72,000 pounds during the summer, but for the period from October lst, 1974 to March 31st91975, the load 7 f i i KE KIW: COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBEt 12th 91974 P 7 limit is 110,000 pounds The load limit from Tolman Bride east through the M D of Starland to Number 59 is either 5,000 or 59,000 pounds, Mr Church moved that this information be tabled, and the matter of load limits from Trochu East by way of Tolman Bridge to Number 56 be discussed with Councillors of the M D of Starland Carried Mr Ferguson moved that Council agree to extend the lease arrangement with Herb Ziegler at $50 00 per year for a further 10 years for entry along the south side of SE 2332-27-4, and that Mr Ziegler, be sent a copy of the plans of texas gates Carni cd. ��CNiE LITaDi=:T.a Letter from the Three Hills School Division asked :0A`, -D if Council could do anything about the slippery SLIPPERY condition of the general Acme Linden road when that OMUDITIOi road is vet This road had a seal coat of oil put on it in the fall and there have been complaints that it becomes very sli pory ]1.� zralight shower or frost It was noted that warning signs arc now u and it was agreed that further investigation be made regarding the matter for a possible solution to the problem -iPPI: 1E N E COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 12th91974 W. ,vOI:I �'�PPLIm°TIO1 S Mr Church moved that the applications for work of John Falk and Rick Janzen be referred to Ted Paquette CarrieG. DLPT. hIa k%, -SYS Correspondence from the District Engineer, Calgary, here read in regard to - Painting lines on pavement - has been referred to � Edmonton office to be arranged if possible 2 School Bus sign to be put up near Morley Buyer's Mr Church moved that these reports be accepted Carried I,, -..IS PUBLIC Miscellaneous public works items were discussed and 6,ORX dealt with as follows. to Ted Paquette is to check regarding drainage at our west boundary - west of Acme in respect to drainage problems reported by Tom Doherty to R.W Brown 2 Ted Paquette and R G,Campbell reported that the culvert has been put in - SE of Trochu - in regard to request of Art Knievel The water will go across the road to the east side and perhaps south into the coulee 3 Canadian Western Natural Gas are rip rapping the culvert south east of Sharples on the Appleyard Road 4 Mr Bauer reported that the Hutterites agreed to leave their fence out this fall west of 12-32--27-4 No payment is to be made until the agreement comes in 5 Ted Paquette reported that the road gust east of Bert Christensen needs to be raised to give drainage Present culverts are filled with soil that has washed out of the fields He recommends use of a borrow pit from the North East corner of NE 19-33-24-4 - Mrs Ross Mr Litz moved that this project be approved and that the necessary arrangements made Carried 6 Mr. Campbell moved that Council approve of the gravel lease with Miss Sophia Baerg in regard to Part of Section 2L,-30-26-4 Carrie,! 7 Mr Campbell and Ted Paquette reported that Hopkins Construction are now crushing at the Tolman stock pile There was some problems Cue to the clay and weather conditions, but fair progress is being; made It will not be possible to clean up the whole pile as the lower part is water soaked 8 It was agreed that a c..cfinite understanuing be obtained with regard to gravel to be crushed for the M D and for Harvey Thiessen in the SE 30---,0-25-4 just irest of Linden 9 a r C E 40 C COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 12th,1974 9 It was agreed that Hopkins Construction be hired to do the crushing at the two locations referred to above subject to suitable terms being worked out 10 Mr Litz reported that the complaints of Gerald Brown had been investigated and they may try later to do some levelling along the ditch 11 Mr Poole moved that the Bridge Branch be asked to supply a culvert for just west of Swalwell in the North half of 9-30-2Lp-4 at a new location to allow for partial straightening of the road Carried 12 Mr Poole moved that the Provincial Department of Highways be requested. to pave the access road from Number 21 in to Swalwell Carried 13 Jake Reimer requests a ditch lowered west of Swalwell and it was agreed that this be inspected for 1975 He also had some knolls where he suggests we test for gravel 14 Wayne Hoff in 91 2$--29-23-4 has requested some private work tidying up old junk , etc Mr Paquette will see if this is feasible when our machinery is close at regular rates 15 Mr Paquette is also to see Art Buyer who has requestee- a few scraper loads of dirt on his property in Carbon when our machinery is working close 16 Further investigation is to be made regarding the supply by Bumper Development of a culvert for their lease road near Andy Mortimerse Mi I ON Tim iOTO;: Mr Rick Ellithorpe and Wayne Scobie met with Council and discussed parts, service and attachments available from Union Tractor They especially referred to roll over protection equipment and Kelly Ryan wheels for motor graders which they have available now for all machines except Champions and those are expected shortly They also have exchange components. They thanked A then left the meeting Council an Mr William Smyrl and Bill !lythe of Pardee Equipment met with Council and gave further information in regard to the John Deere Skldder J D 740 and snowplow Their quote less trade in of our Wagner is $56,500 00o They promised a demonstration without any obligation perhaps in February or anytime that the snow conditions are suitable They v -ere thanked for the information and they left the meeting It was agreea, that the Shop Committee investigate further regar(�ing the used Cat with both rubber tires and packer wheels Ted Paquette stated that our present snowplow could be adapted for use on this machine. The machine should be ready for inspection in Calgary soon Approximate price is $68,000 00 without trade 1 ,/1, 10 Y46 I?" L] r U LJ L101 COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 12th 1974 r 10 Mr Doblor stated that we have from 5 to 8 hired trucks '-forking for us now and they are completing the z,rork in Division 5 and starting Division 7 and hope to get around to Division 6 shortly It was agreed that the Secretary -Treasurer check with the Highway Traffic Board regarding load limits for trucks of our si-11c Mr Ferguson reported that C:allelli are picking the rocks as requested along the Garson road and are regravelling the dead haul road as needed, including the river hill near Rocks Mr Dobler reported that the following amounts of gravel have been placed on roads to close of work last Friday night Division 1 9291 cubic yards Division 2 12028 Division 3 3978 Division 4 9616 Division 5 1858$ Division 6 6632 Division 7 5544 hIRED TRUCKS G4,LLLLI - Gi':%SOI'1 f GIZ GMAV M PL`CLD PURCEiASL OF Mr Paquette reported that he had taken delivery of rF4. TRUCINS the two new Ford Tandem Gravel trucks - one is now at Linden getting a new box and hoist on it - the other is at our shop I li1'ZIiTS Mr Dobler reported;. that the new seats have been 9000 TI:UCKS put in the three 9000 Series trucks CLL`1: UP Mr. Campbell reported on the need for getting some T0IXAt- clean up work done near the Tollaan Gravel stock pile It was agreed that he and Mr Paquette arrange this as far as possible Mr. Dobler stated that he may be able to do some work with Municinal loader -,nd trucks. FORK f1T GT A"R, Other work to be done fairly soon includes theGRAV1L reclaiming at the Ginther Gravel Pit and the stripping PITS at the other nits DOUBLL S1IFT Mr Paquette suggeste(ft that the gravel trucks be GI.:;V%M operated on a double shift basis for winter stock TIIUCx,S piling so as to get more efficient use of our equi-pment Fairly lenghty discussion followed Mr John Jeffery, Assistant Secretary -Treasurer also met with Council at this time Mr Poole moved that our gravel trucks be worked double shift for stock piling and that no work be done on days when it is colder than 15 below zero Carried It was agreed that the box and hoist off the 8000 truck be put ori the new truck and that a decision be made later in regard to what trucks, if any, are to be sold or traded in Mr. Paquette and Mr Dobler then left the meeting 11 i 40 COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 12th,1974 P 11 h.i : DIN. Mr Litz reported that Mr. H Hargreaves at imborne had put an approach to his lots on the south side of Main Street by bulldozing dirt across the sidewalk Mr G King advised that no building permit or arrangement had been made Mr, Poole movee that Mr Hargreaves be advised that the sidewalk must be cleared and that he requires a building permit Carried Mr Ferguson moved first reading to by-law Number this being a by-law to provide for the following; grants for 1974 1 Salvation Army $500 00 2, Canadian National Institute 3 Sisters of Charity $100 00 4 Drumheller Ag, Society $200 5 Hudson Bay Route Association 6, Unifarm District of Kneehill VZ T`'O 75F 75$ GRi NTS for the Blind $200 00 00 $25 00 $100 00 Carried Unanimously Mr Church moved second reading tothis by-law Carried Unanimously Mr Poole moved third reading to thisby-law Carried Unanimously =�.S LIL�L Mr Poole moved approval of the natural gas line Gt L. extensions as per maps and information from Plastex L4:TU%SIOUS Pipelines Carried Ttilv:_iu ILILLS Mr King advised Council that Mr Walter Unruh, Jr. F.jOSPITAL BD was not willing to accept an appointment to the Board P• lI BER of the Three Hills Hospital District, but that Mrs Katherine Elliott of Swalwell has agreed to accept 4, Mr Poole moved that Mrs Katherine Elliott be appointed as a Board Member to the: Three Hills Hospital Board Carried WIM ;LISP. Mr Bauer rc ported that considerable number of bales r�r.LLO' L1 at the farm of Vern Kientz had burned on Halloween Night Mr Kientz had suggested that the Municipal District offer a reward, for information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone responsible for vandalism, be it public or private Mr Bauer moved that this be done Motion Defeated i UsL,.'Y ST. Mr R G,Campbell stated that he had been requested by LIGhT Mr Beal to have another street light erected in Huxley on the south side of the main street, near where a phone booth is to be placed Mr Ferguson moved that this be investigated further regarding the location of the phone booth and the supply of power before a decision is made Carried �',£`OCUPTS Mr John Jcffery p_�`_.:.— LACd. the accounts Mr Bauer moved .f that these be approved for payment as per thc, list with the minutes Carried ,,,,12 r li, COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 12th,1974 P 12 It was noted that the following should be referred C0r:hIT3r.D to the combined meeting with the Agricultural Service rrL2TI14G Board. ITt- S.E.r 1 When are applications for grants for sprayer tips to be cut off9 2 What grants are to be made to the Seed Cleaning Plants? The Secretary was asked to check whether or not any bill had been submitted to the Village of Carbon for work at its Nuisance Ground STILL Mr Campbell noted that William Postill should not P013T LT?Ti�Y be paid for right of entry, etc., in regard to the RIGHT U, Tolman Stock Pile at this time as further negotiatiPOons PIT are necessary in regard to that. 0 Mr Ferguson moved that this meeting do now adjourn d�DJOURb%:ENT Carried Time o d j ournment 6 30 P Ni Reeve Secretary-Treast- The next regular meeting, combined with A,gr Service Board Monday, November 25th,1.974 E-0 n • 0 0 0 ACCOUNTS PRESENTED TO COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 12th 1974 1096 Cancelled 1097 Robert J.Cranston 1226.26 870 31 Labor 1098 Robert Dau 1142 00 862 60 Labor 1099 Lyle Davidson 985.18 782.33 Labor 1100 Joseph Edward Duncan 1213.74 901 58 Labcr 1101 Raymond Ehrmann 1173 25 039.9m Labor 1102 Gano6lled r 1103 Cancelled 1104 Lonnie R.Fraser 843.09 657 82 labor 1105 Danny Frere 1167 46 883.10 Labor 1106 Trevor Friesen 1226.71 871 24 Labor 1107 Lyle Gelinas 1343.68 935 66 Labor 1108 Karl Gundlach 1121 51 820.84 Labor 1109 Robert K.Gundlach 1022.00 788 70 Labor 1110 Richard Hafris 1123.85 824 51 Labor 1111 Alan Hazel 1024.82 715 78 labor 1112 Ron Headrick 1086 26 832.31 Labor 1113 Harvey 0 Jesske 133. 93 934.98 Labor 1114 Albert Kimmel 12&J-05 882 61 Labor 1115 Doug Knapp 10 25 807.08 Labor 1116 Dennis L Kober 1175 15 840.08 Labor 1117 Elton Kober 717 07 560 06 Labor 1118 Alvin Koch 1331.00 933 57 Labor 1119 Cancelled 1120 Bernie Milan 1193.50 894.04 Labor 1121 � Cancelled 1122 Alec Nistor 742.00 576 70 Labor 1123 Brian Plant 1388.77 1036 71 Labor 1121+ Ken Quinlan 1030 16 768.31 Labor 1125 George Rempel 1400 27 1025.81 Labor . 2 P 1 1076 1077 Alexander Cunningham 1041 66 770 50 Ut Officer 1078 Joe Dobler 1331 36 974 83 Labor 1079 John Dorn 1302 83 890 20 Labor 1080 Earl Gaucher 5 39 5 39 Labor 1081 Vi Hart 750 00 529 61 Steno 1082 Harold Henderson 833 33 (-OF 41 Assessor 1083 Victor E Herron 386 52 371 51 Labor 1084 1085 John C Jeffery 1058 33 779.30 Assist Sec 1086 Gordon G King 1333.33 959 90 Sec.-Treas. 1087 Ted Paquette 1166 66 788 01 Labor 1088 Keith J Smith 647 11 504.35 Labor 1089 Glenn Smyth 666.66 534 57 A S B. 1090 NormanSoder 1058 33 736 33 A.S.B. 1091 Morris Glen Wagstaff 300.58 270 28 Labor 1092 M Jean Wilkinson 650 00 514 05 Steno 1093 George Berry 1243 78 945.02 Labor 1094 Vernon Bitz 1070.36 777 05 Labor 1095 Darcy K.Boese 719.25 561 50 Labor 1096 Cancelled 1097 Robert J.Cranston 1226.26 870 31 Labor 1098 Robert Dau 1142 00 862 60 Labor 1099 Lyle Davidson 985.18 782.33 Labor 1100 Joseph Edward Duncan 1213.74 901 58 Labcr 1101 Raymond Ehrmann 1173 25 039.9m Labor 1102 Gano6lled r 1103 Cancelled 1104 Lonnie R.Fraser 843.09 657 82 labor 1105 Danny Frere 1167 46 883.10 Labor 1106 Trevor Friesen 1226.71 871 24 Labor 1107 Lyle Gelinas 1343.68 935 66 Labor 1108 Karl Gundlach 1121 51 820.84 Labor 1109 Robert K.Gundlach 1022.00 788 70 Labor 1110 Richard Hafris 1123.85 824 51 Labor 1111 Alan Hazel 1024.82 715 78 labor 1112 Ron Headrick 1086 26 832.31 Labor 1113 Harvey 0 Jesske 133. 93 934.98 Labor 1114 Albert Kimmel 12&J-05 882 61 Labor 1115 Doug Knapp 10 25 807.08 Labor 1116 Dennis L Kober 1175 15 840.08 Labor 1117 Elton Kober 717 07 560 06 Labor 1118 Alvin Koch 1331.00 933 57 Labor 1119 Cancelled 1120 Bernie Milan 1193.50 894.04 Labor 1121 � Cancelled 1122 Alec Nistor 742.00 576 70 Labor 1123 Brian Plant 1388.77 1036 71 Labor 1121+ Ken Quinlan 1030 16 768.31 Labor 1125 George Rempel 1400 27 1025.81 Labor . 2 N ACCOUNTS PRESENTED TO COUNCIL MEETING November 12th,1974 25723 Prov Tax Rebates 520,56 P 2 25724 M D Kneehill 1126 Darrel Rempfer 804 66 615 28 Labor 1127 Milton Rempfer 866 71 673 21 labor 112$ John Reznechenko 946.05 699.14 labor 1129 Oris L Rodger 1.090.30 888 18 Labor 1130 Brian Sowerby 1254 99 938 61 Labor 1131 Ken Thompson 1105 29 831 69 Labor 1132 Henry Tippe 913 18 797 91 labor 1133 John W. Trentham 1321.45 923.14 Labor 1134 John H Tutt 1090 35 81.1 11 labor 1135 Richard Vickery 1150 42 841 81 Labor 1136 Dale Weigum 1247 00 896 51 labor 1137 Mrs LilWeigum 338 30 295 70 Jaaitor 1138 Paul G.Wik 1193.50 $97.71 Labor 1139 Alexander William 1230 04 $76 71 Labor 1140 Kenneth Buchart 1315 80 938 07 Labor 1141 Ruben Ehrmann 983 43 709.86 labor 1142 Glen Enzie 57 90 57 90 labor 1143 Dale G Leslie 1182 63 860 16 labor 1144 Earl McRae 924 90 656 79 labor 25723 Prov Tax Rebates 520,56 Tax Re bates 25724 M D Kneehill 436007 Prov Tax Rebates 25725 Robert Hunter 100 00 Prov Tax Rebate 25726 M D Kneehill 1870-45 Prov Tax Rebates 25727 John Mamona 59 98 Prov. Tax Rebate 25728 Lydia Slewart 27 84 Prov Tax Rebate 25729 George Gowanlock 7 17 Provo Tax Rebate 25730 Catherine Pachta 60 56 Prov, Tax Rebate 25731 M D Kneehill 9235 22 Payroll 25732 M D Kneehill 37339°33 Payroll 25733 M.D.Kneehill 197 30 Prov.Tax Rebates 25734 M D Kneehill 6077 17 Prov Tax Rebates 25735 Albatros Radiator 6$,60 Machinery Repairs 25736 Asbestonos Corp Ltd 6 77 Inven Repairs 25737 Acklands Ltd. 101 10 Machinery Repairs,etc. 25738 Alta Health Care Ins. 506,00 Employee Med Benefits 25739 Alta Gov°tTelephones 845 09 Equipment Hired 25740 Alta.Gov't Telephones 364 33 Shop Utilities, etc. 25741 Allied Tools Ltd 25742 A1ta.Wheat Pool 25743 Alta Power Ltd 25744 Alberta List 25745 Alberta Blue Cross 25746 Joan Barendrecht 25747 Gregg Brandly 25748 A W.Bauer 93-35 Tools - P W 96 00 A S B Mis 589.34 Office Utilities 12 50 Office Supplies 15$040 Employee Med Benefits 40 80 Office Janitor i00 00 Tree Damage 8 40 Sprayer Tips A S.B.Mis I • L E� i ACCOUNTS PRESENTED TO COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 12th,1974 25749 Burroughs Business 25750 25751 25752 25753 25754 25755 Machines 546 34 Brenda Auto Supplies 272 10 Beaver Lumber 29.48 Brake Drome Co.Ltde 50 67 Beckley Campbell 186 17 Vern Bitz 16 58 Cunningham Bros. 200000 P-3 Office Printing & Stat Public Work Tools,etc, Shop Supplies Inventories repairs Water & Stewer A/cRec Roadmen*s Mileage,etc, Borrow Pit 25756 Alex Cunningham 269 65 Utilities Officer 25757 Can Pacific 458 87 Equipment Hired 25758 Calgary Drafting 9 61 Office Printing & Stat 25759 Crown Lumber 5 50 A S B Materials & Supp 25760 Crown Lumber 269 40 P W MIS 25761 Can. Electronics LtcL. 185 23 Utilities Officer 25762 Calgary Power 26 96 Shop Utilities 25763 C N R 142,14 Equipment Hired 25764 Can Western Nat Gas 56 93 Shop Utilities 25765 Dom Life Assurance 215 69 Em/ Group Ins 25766 W.&T Downe 2'1 60 Shop Supplies 25767 Downey Supplies 527023 Shop Supplies, etc 25768 Drummond & Cc 55 39 Inven.Repairs 25769 Alex Dick 7 00 Refund Overpayment 25770 M D Kneehill forA Dick 3 00 Refund Overpayment 25771 G.Leonard. Davies 175 00 Borrow Pit 25772 Ray Ehrmann 92 85 Roadmen°s Mileage 25773 Festival Ford Sales 283 15 Inven Repairs 25774 Grand & Toy 4 55 Office Stationery 25775 Garrett Motors 26025 Shop Fuel 5 Karl Gund.lach 100 6� Roadmen°s Mileage 55 Vic Gustafson 350 0 Borrow Pit 25778 Gulf Oil 8 05 Shop Fuel 25779 General Supplies 299056 Inven Repairs 25780 Gehring°s Transport 1x.40 Mach Repairs 25781 Richard Harris 49 50 Roadmen°s Mileage 25782 Harold Henderson 227,65 Assessor's Mileage 25783 Hughes Owens 92 50 Shop Supplies 25784 Hillside Restaurant 43 60 Machinery repairs 25785 Huttons Ltd 615004 Inve Repairs,etc 25786 H T Howe & Son 170 66 Inven.Repairs,etco 25787 Herb Heidel 12000 Shop Supplies 25788 Imperial Oil 3 95 Shop Fuel 25789 Imperial Oil 6 25 P .W Fuel 25790 Imperial Oil 10918 77 P W Fuel 25791 C.W.Jopps 4150 49 Gen Cap Public Works 25792 Kleysen Equip Ltd 11 96 Inven Repairs 25793 Kneehill Amb.Soc. 286 29 Ambul Rev 25794 Norman Koch 75 00 Crop Damage 25795 K,& K,Farms Ltd 200 00 Borrow Pit 25796 Doug Knapp 6 00 Roadmen°s Mileage 25797 G G King 40 50 Elections & Mileage 25798 Lousanna `,Tater 'Tells 3693 50 Water & Stwer A/cRec 25799 Linden Trading Co -Op 10,40 Public Works Mis 25800 Lammles Electric 1011 98 Pub.Works Gen,Capital oeo.o4 0 E ACCOUNTS PRESENTED TO COUNCIL NOVEMBER 12th,1974 P.4 25821 Linden Gas & oil 21 02 P.W Fuel 2225801 2Mff Manufacturers Life 2�40�40oy �° p Ins. 25804 Ward Madsen 21 20 A.S.B Mis 25$05 Mainline Farm Sales 17 60 Inventory Repairs 25$06 Stan Milan 175 00 Borrow Pit 25807 Macleods 12 49 Shop Repairs 25808 Macleods 23 83 Public Works Tools 25809 Earl McRae 13.20 Roadmen's Mileage 25810 Oilweek 29,00 Printing & Stationery 25811 Oliver Industrial Supply 25831 Simson Maxwell 3364 00 371 99 A S B Chemicals ,etc 25812 O,K Tire Stores 117.45 A S B Repairs 25813 Oleynik's Shoe Repairs 11 50 P,W Mach Repairs 25814 Roman Ohlhauser 7 36 A S.B. Mis 25$15 Plains Western Gas 10.$7 Office Utilities 25816 Prairie Bible Inst 6 40 A S.B. repairs 2.5$17 Pounder Emulsions Ltd. $0 00 Inven Repairs 2581$ Pitney Bowes 29.25 Office Postage 25819 T C Paquette 6 00 Roadmen's Mileage 25820 Robert Peters 5 60 A S B Mis. 25821 Queen's Printer 9 70 25822 Revelstoke Companies 33 05 25$23 Russelsteel Alta.Ltd 291 26 25824 Rou's Trucking 7225 25825 S C Schmelke 161 60 25826 Neil Siemens 4 00 25827 Keith Smith 54000 25$28 E N Smyth 150 00 25829 Safety Supply 35 65 25$30 Southridge Mercury 87 02 25831 Simson Maxwell 3364 00 25832 Snap on Tools 21 15 25833 Norman Soder 9 95 25834 Town of Three Hills 159019 25$35 Three Hills Computer 5223 32 25836 Three Hills Computer or Bearer 776 68 25837 Trochu Motors 22 10 25838 Three Hills Pharmacy 5.95 25$39 Texaco Canada Ltd 33030 25840 Three Hills Transport 27 00 25841 Taylor Pearson & Carson 1$$ 44 25$42 Trentham Transport 45-50 25843 Three Hills Service Cen 1414- 18 25844 Vaughn s 35 23 25845 Union Tractor Ltd. 10$6 50 25846 Underwood McLellan 750000 25847 Wimborne Shell 2 00 25848 Walbern Industries 14 00 2584-9 Western Wheel & Parts 615 90 25£50 Wescan Power System 34.00 Office Rinting & Stat. Shop Supplies P W Mach.Repairs Acct Rec Water & Sevier Councillor's Fees A S.B. Shop repairs Roadmen's Mileage Fence Payment — bal P W Shop supplies Inve. Repairs Gen.Capital Public Works Public Works Tools A S B Fus1, etc. Shop Utilities, etc. Accounting Fees Accounting Fees Fire Prot. Trochu A SB Mis Shop Supplies P.W. Machinery Repairs Inven Repairs, etc. P.W.Mach Repairs Shop Fuel, etc Shop Supplies, etc Inve Repairs, etc. P W Surveys, etc P.W Fuel Fire Prot Linden Inven Repairs Acct Rec Water & Sewer 0 0 ACCOUNTS PRESENTED TO COUNCIL NOVEMBER 12th,1974 P-5 Prov. 25851 Prov Treasurer 205978 00 School Foundation 25852 Three Hills School Div 322935 00 School Supplementary 25853 Kneehill Ambulance 6932 92 Ambulance 25854 Golden Hills Lodge 10000 00 Requisition 25855 Herbert Ziegler 50,00 Road Rent 25856 Emil Ziegler 50 00 Road rent 25857 James Sailor 20000 Road Rent 25858 C,L Edwards 75 00 Land rent 25859 Cyril Steward 75 00 Land Rent 25860 Fred Lami.11e 10.00 Land Rent 25861 A I McGougan 10 00 Land Rent 25862 Walter Tetz 75 00 Land Rent 25863 Don Williams 50 00 Land Rent 25864 Henry Johnston Est 50 00 Land Rent 25865 E T Lowen Estate 50 00 Land Rent 25866 Mrs J Garson 50 00 Land Rent 25867 D.McVeigh 100.00 Land Rent 25868 John Watt 75 00 Land Rent 25869 M L Postill; et al 150 00 Land Rent 25870 Les Berreth 50 00 Land Rent 25871 Arthurville Connunity 50 00 Land Rent 25872 Dorothy Charleb03.s 75,00 Land Rent 25873 Edgar Riep 50 00 Land Rent Stock Pile 25874 T C Paquette 45 00 Shop Utilities 25875 Joe Dobler 45 00 Shop Utilities 25876 G.G King 45,00 Shop Utilities 25877 J.C.Jeffery 45 00 Shop Utilities 25878 John Dorn 45 00 Shop Utilities 25879 Norman Soder 45 00 Shop Utilities 25880 Robert Cranston 75 00 Tool Allowance 25881 T C Paquette 75 00 Tool Allowance 25882 Joe Dobler 75.00 Tool Allowance 25883 Harvey Jesske 75 00 Tool Allowance 25884 Alan Hazel 75 00 Tool Allowance 25885 Earl McRae 75000 Tool Allowance 25886 Town of Three Hills $00 00 Nuisance Grounds Grant 25887 Village Carbon 200.00 Nuisance Ground Grant 25888 Town of Trochu 600 00 Nuisance Ground Grant 25889 Geo. Appleyard 50 00 Poundkeeper Fee 25890 Raymond Andrew 50,00 Poundkeeper Fee 25891 Ralph toosemore 50,00 Poundkeeper Fee 25892 Doug Palleson 50000 Poundkeeper Fee 25893 Gordon Ward 50000 Poundkeeper Fee 25894 Art Taylor 50 00 Poundkeeper Fee 25895 Village of Linden 500 00 Rural Fire Prot 25896 Town of Trochu 500 00 Rural Fire Prot. 25897 Rural Fire Dept Trochu 1000 00 Rural Fire Prot 25898 Tom of Three Hills 1500 0 Rural Fire Prot 25899 Mrs Violet Rear 40,00 Elections 25500 Mrs. Winnie Benedict 40 00 Elections 6 r I I) [' A 25, 90 25,90 25, 90 25,90 25,90 25906 25,90 25,90 25,90 25,91 25,91 25,91 2;,91 25,91 25,91 25,91 25,91 25,91 M M N FORM 9 SP CI L t.CCOUI,TTS P :ESENTED TO COUNCIL 110VENIEER 12th, 1974 Mrs. Petty Vickery Norman Iloppins Eerlando Communications k H Church C. dpi. Poole R W Brown A.W. Dauer T h Ferguson Leonard Litz G Campbell .A.A.I-I. D. Receiver General Farmers & Merchants Trust Public Serv. Pension Bd. Public Sery Pension Ed Don Ferguson Doug hunter Trucking J.P Campbell 40 00 Elections 40.00 Elections 4327 00 Capital P. -`,T 334 25 Council fey. 394.34 Council fee 312 72 Council fee 206.71 Council fee 338 97 Council fee 67.50 Council fee 156 84 Council fee 9554.32 repairs,material,etc 14,163 93 Inc tax,CPP,UIC 130.16 pension 1112.25 pension 4120 81 pension 175.00 borrow pit 940 79 equip hired 445 71 equip tired End of "Lccounts .b