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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-05-14 Council Minutes[A FORM T1 149-P SPECIAL 1 2. 3 4 5. 6. 7 88 9. 10 11. 12 13. 14. A S B MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, MARGH 14, 1974 Min tes of March 4th meeting Ag Fieldman's report Dates for A S B. meetings Fish and Wildlife planting trees at Bigelow Dam Wild Oat Program - $14,700.00 grant Advertising spray tip payments How do we handle payments Declare Wild Oat an official pest Roaside spraying - Chemical - rate of application Roa side mowing - Do we continue program? Roa side signs - Who installs? War le control program - Inspector - reports Pa ks - splitting wood - other 1975 geed Tour to be held at Three Hills Fi ldman°s Training Program Harows for roadside seeding. Ot er _ A M Th meeting Tuesday, May at 7.30 P .M AGRICULTURAL SERVICE BOARD MAY 149 1974 P„1 f the Agricultural Service Board was held 149 19749 in the Council chambers, beginning The followin persons were present* Mr A W. Bau r, Chairman Mr Rig Camp ell Councillor Member Councillor Member PRESENT Discussions meetings and Campbell rjiov be held at t March, July, regular sery on the third called off i Carried. Mr Soder r f- Department �. tractors fo, the Bigelow Mr. Findlay Department to hel-) the possibly le Carded Mr Soder r accepted an $14,700 00 a letter fr Services, Pl of the foll ere then held concerning the Service Board the joint meetings with Council Mr Reg d that the joint meetings with Council e second Council weeting in the months of and November He further moved that the cc Board meetings would be held each month Monday at 9°00 P M and that they would be not deamed necessary by the Ag Fieldman orted that the Provincial Fish and Wildlife t of Red Deer wish to rent one of our the complete suirmaer to plant trees around am area Brief discussion was held and ode moved that we write the Fish and Game letter and tell them we would be pleased for short periods of time but we could n,. -t our tractor go for the complete sumr,er ported that our ?^'ild Oat Program had been that a grant was available to us for Mr Soder further reported that he received m Mr Gary Miller, Supervisor of Field nt In�'ustry Division; of May 3, advising wing ways to use the 11ild Oat Program. 1 Demonstration of chemical control 2 Chemical purchase incentive grants 3 Seed Clcaning Plant ii-provement 4 Srrayer up—grading grants to farmer V” 5 Purchas of small Mot sprayers for demonstration calibra ion clinics, etc FORM T1 149-P SPECIAL © �, s. DISCUSSION RE; SERVICE BD MEET. FISH & WILDLIFE DEPT — USE TRACTOR WILD OAT PROGRAM WAYS TO USE WILD OAT PROGRAM plots, lvir Findlay Code Ratepayer Member Mr Harold Howe Ratepayer Member Mr Russ Hervey District Agriculturist Mr Norm Sod ex Ag Fieldman Mr. Glenn Sm th Asst. Ag Fieldman Mr J C Jeffery Secretary to the Board Brief discus ions of the minutes of the March, 1974 MARCH MINUTES meeting were held and Mr Findlay Code moved that these APPROVED minutes be a opted Carried Mr. Norman S der, A6ricultural Fieldman, then gave his report up to Tuesday, May 14., and brief discussion AG.FIELDMAN°S was held after his report concerning various areas of REPORT his report Mr Harold. Howe moved the report be adopted as read Carried Discussions meetings and Campbell rjiov be held at t March, July, regular sery on the third called off i Carried. Mr Soder r f- Department �. tractors fo, the Bigelow Mr. Findlay Department to hel-) the possibly le Carded Mr Soder r accepted an $14,700 00 a letter fr Services, Pl of the foll ere then held concerning the Service Board the joint meetings with Council Mr Reg d that the joint meetings with Council e second Council weeting in the months of and November He further moved that the cc Board meetings would be held each month Monday at 9°00 P M and that they would be not deamed necessary by the Ag Fieldman orted that the Provincial Fish and Wildlife t of Red Deer wish to rent one of our the complete suirmaer to plant trees around am area Brief discussion was held and ode moved that we write the Fish and Game letter and tell them we would be pleased for short periods of time but we could n,. -t our tractor go for the complete sumr,er ported that our ?^'ild Oat Program had been that a grant was available to us for Mr Soder further reported that he received m Mr Gary Miller, Supervisor of Field nt In�'ustry Division; of May 3, advising wing ways to use the 11ild Oat Program. 1 Demonstration of chemical control 2 Chemical purchase incentive grants 3 Seed Clcaning Plant ii-provement 4 Srrayer up—grading grants to farmer V” 5 Purchas of small Mot sprayers for demonstration calibra ion clinics, etc FORM T1 149-P SPECIAL © �, s. DISCUSSION RE; SERVICE BD MEET. FISH & WILDLIFE DEPT — USE TRACTOR WILD OAT PROGRAM WAYS TO USE WILD OAT PROGRAM plots, r W. 13 0 FORM T7 149-P SPECIAL 6 Advc r°tis 7 5:'ages fc: 8 Assist of 9 Compensa- silage 10 Financia equi.pmen 11 Financia 12 Incentiv clinics 13 Compensa 14 Applied 15 grants t cleaning 16 Purchase 17 rants t equipmen Discussions which we cou we could put Mr Soder ad owned plants 3 stationery was decided cleaning pla that we let know that th moved that t after Munici to the vario stationery; plants Car It was furth Municipal gr tips Some the above me decided that the D A or pass the bil was also hel an official food for the Conferences Nfr Soder re Agenda He is not volat application Mr.Sodcr fur all secondar years AGRICULTURAL SERVICE BOARD MAY 14, 1974 P 2 .ng and promotion of extension meetings. �.AYS TO USE personnel to carry out so-,iie of the above WILD OAT PROG. L aircraft application of chemical CONT ;ion to farmers who cut infested fields for Discussion w� It was dccid( ing program and up to 10( inter tion: the above to advise Counc- a better- job the road and road and let assistance to farmers to cut infested areas assistance on purchase for farmers to attend for rental of silage of sprayer nozzles sprayer calibration ion involving weed notices on Wild Oats esearch projects ward purchase of registered seed where no plant exists of granular application .machinery for demonstration farmers purchasing granular application r decided to advertise the policy of the nts for a maximum of $25 00 for the spray SPRAY TIP GRANTS iscussion was held concerning how to handle tioned grants for spraying tips and It was the farriiers would bring their bills to he Ag Ficldrfian and after their approval to s to the office for payment Some discussion concerning the naminf, of the Wild Oat as est, and this was mentioned in passing as F:ht for future Provincial Scrvice Board ortcd briefly regarding his Roadside SprayinL tated he is now using 24D Amine because it le and it was decided that the rate of ROADSIDE or cheriicals would be 10 to 12 ounces SPRAYING AGENDA her reported that he is going to try to do roads and all new grades for the last two s held concerning the roadside mowing program ROADSIDE MOWING d that tyre would definitely continue the mow- PROGRAM nd try to do all secondary and paved roads feet of every intersection to clean up the for visibility It was decided to recommend Council The meeting thought that we should 1 that the Grader operators should be doing of keeping; the gravel away from the edge of feathering it back into the middle of the traffic break It up there Further suggestions BAL . tJILD OAT ere held concerning the various areas in GRANT APPLICA d apply our money It was suggested that TO SEED CLEAN. more of our grant toward seed cleaning plants PLANTS ised that there were 2 stationery privately and 4 mobile privately owned plants and Federal and Municipal owned plants It y the iiiccting to leave the private seed is until next year's and it was further suggested he Rosebud and Beiseker seed cleaning plants grants are available Mr R G Campbell .c balance of the ?Tild Oat Grant remaining ,al use for demonstrations, etc be applied .s seed cleaning plants in our arca - the iunicioal and. Federal owned: seed cleaning -led r decided to advertise the policy of the nts for a maximum of $25 00 for the spray SPRAY TIP GRANTS iscussion was held concerning how to handle tioned grants for spraying tips and It was the farriiers would bring their bills to he Ag Ficldrfian and after their approval to s to the office for payment Some discussion concerning the naminf, of the Wild Oat as est, and this was mentioned in passing as F:ht for future Provincial Scrvice Board ortcd briefly regarding his Roadside SprayinL tated he is now using 24D Amine because it le and it was decided that the rate of ROADSIDE or cheriicals would be 10 to 12 ounces SPRAYING AGENDA her reported that he is going to try to do roads and all new grades for the last two s held concerning the roadside mowing program ROADSIDE MOWING d that tyre would definitely continue the mow- PROGRAM nd try to do all secondary and paved roads feet of every intersection to clean up the for visibility It was decided to recommend Council The meeting thought that we should 1 that the Grader operators should be doing of keeping; the gravel away from the edge of feathering it back into the middle of the traffic break It up there Further suggestions A ORM Ti 149 SPECIAL AGRICULTURAL SERVICE BOARD MAY 14, 1974 P wei e that Coimcil could consider the mowing of more. ROADSIDE Pi0,.JING roads beside the secondary and paved reads meaning PROGRAM CONT the high traffic gravel roads Mr Soder re orted that the roadside signs were almost completed anh he asked who should be installing these ROADSIDE SIGNS on the entrances to the Municipal District The mectinL decided that the Service Board should be the ones to lout them up Brief discus ion was held concerning the Warble program and Mr Sode reported. that he has drafted a follow-up letter (copy attached) that he will be sending out to farmers who urchase or sell cattle through the auction r,arts, etc The meeting decided that Norm's letter was quite approp late as a follow-up, etc Mr Soder re orted that there had been some complaints regarding sp itting wood at parks and Mr Soder reported he thought t at the wood should not be split for camps as all the campers should have an axe to split their own wood in the first place, and there would be a tendancy for people t borrow the wood He said there is plenty of wood for his summer and he suggested that the parks Committee sh uld get together for a park tour Mr Soder was advised o set up a meeting date for a park tour at a later date. NIr Soder re ortcd that the 1975 Weed Tour is to be held in Three Hils and he asked the Service Board ane Councillors o cori:.e up with suggestions for the Tour He further rlet ported that this year's will be held in Fort McLeod pproxi.mately July 4; but that the date was not firm as Brief discus training pro there was a thought the along these at the next Mr Soder re at the Vern School has a further repo two weeks as Mr Harold H get the tree Carried Mr Findlay job of spray supposedly s and that we Mr Smyth ex the chute an soon soirietim is needed to Co-ral which the surface ion was held concerning the AE Fieldman°s ram and Mr Soder reported that he thought cry great need for Fieldman training and he ouncillors should be pushing for something ines The meeting decided to bring this up ervice Board and Council z�,eeting 14ARBLE PROGRAM FOLLOW-UP LETTER SPLITTING IdOOD AT PARKS 1975 WEED TOUR AG FIELDMAN°S TRAINING PROG orted that there are 20 trees to be moved reig farm He stated that the Olds Agricultural tree remover but the cost is unknown He MOVE TREES AT V.GREIG ted the cost will probably be stated in about the school is now setting up a schedule. FARM we moved that Mr Soder be authorized to mover and to move the 20 trees involved ode reported that he had heard of a bad ng cattle at the Becker farm The Becker's ated that the cattle were not sprayed enough ad not sent enough risen to do the job properly lained that Mr Becker was the one operating that he was possibly letting them go too s He further explained that only the back be sprayed for warbles as they were using gets the blood sucking lice also but not ating lice, BECKER FARM REPORT BAD CATTLE SPRAYING JOB r� A� FORM Ti 149-P SPECIAL The 1974 sc The meeting charges for AGRICULTURAL SERVICE 30,1RD Mr Y 14, 1974 P 4 rice charge schedule was then reviewed 1974 SERVICE igreed that this would be satisfactory for CHARGE SCHEDULE fur custom operating Mr Soder re orted he would like to purchase two sets of 5°, sprin —toothed harrows to mount on the back of 2 SETS 59,SPRING- a double dis with a gr,ss seeder attachment An TOOTHED HARROWS approxiiilate ost was `ti250 00 It was decided to leave this purchask to the joint meeting of A.S.B. and Council Mr Findlay rode moved this meeting acl.journ Time of adjqirnment 11 30 P M. Carried 0 JOURNMENT Sccretdry To therd AGRICULTURAL FIELDMANTS REPORT AGRICULTURAL SERVICE BOARD MEETING TUESDAY EVENING, 4VMffff-14, 1974 P 1 MAY Over two months have passed since we held our last A.S.B. meeting and while it doesn't appear that too much has been accomplished, we have been quite busy. Meetings have taken up a good portion of our time Glenn and I attended the Horticultural Course at Brooks on March 5 and 6 and found it very informative We felt that this course was very worthwhile. On Monday, March 11, I attended a meeting at Elnora with Reg Campbell I felt that this was a good meeting even though our time was limited. It did give me the opportunity to go back to another meeting on April 8 On this date I was able to show a number of slides on weeds and discuss some problems While Elnora is out of our area, I felt that it was good in that it included farmers from our area. I feel that it is good to get out in some of these fringe areas. There was a Fieldman's meeting at Strathmore on March 21, of the Fieldmen in Region 2 It was a general discussion type of meeting which was quite informative and included some points that were to be discussed at our A.A.A.F. Association Directors meeting that was held in Edmonton on April 22 I am not sure if you are aware that I was elected Director for Region 2 at the Provincial Conference. I attended the meeting in Edmonton in this capacity. Some very interesting points were discussed and dealt with at the Directors meeting in Edmonton A new program on insurance was discussed that may replace the livestock disaster program that we presently have i s were made to hold the 1975 Provincial Conference at Lethoridge Hearings will be held later this fall on pesticides and the environment Predator control was discussed along with other points of concern and interest Glenn spent the week of March 18 to 22 inclusive at Olds taking the Pesticide Applicators Course He was success- ful in completing it and he should have his license shortly. I only spent one day at Olds, the following week We had quite a good turnout to our Wild Oat meeting in Three Hills on April 4 and a good turnout at a Wild Oat meeting arranged by Findlay Code, at Hesketh on April 11 There were 35 farmers at the Three Hills meeting and 15 at the Hesketh meeting. We arranged and held two afternoon and evening meetings on horticulture at Acme and Wimborne We also held an evening meeting on horticulture and an afternoon on practical pruning in Three Hills These meetings were all held from March 24 to 26 inclusive We had instructors in from Edmonton and Brooks The people attending appeared to feel that they were worthwhile. %W Tom Ferl at a mef that the meet soz AGRICULTURAL FIELDMAN'S REPORT AGRICULTURAL SERVICE BOARD MEETING TUESDAY EVENING,._ 14, 1974 P•2 A:;�x ;uson invited Russ and I to present some information ;ting that he held at Mount Olive School. We felt .s was a good meeting and an excellent opportunity to ie of the people in the area Th 1080 bait has all be picked up and disposed of We only fond three dead coyotes but I assume that it was more affecti e than that. The majority of the sets were eaten with the exc ption of the one at Torrington This one had not been touched The setting of 1080 baits will probably be included in the hearings presented this fall. I feel that It would be unfortunate to lose this control in favor of strychnine or cyanide We have spent considerable time on the roadside sprayer truck. There has been considerable confusion with lack of communication and having four different groups working on the outfit at the same time. Oliver Industries, Calgary, installed the hydraulics and sprayer motor, the Olds School of Agri ulture built the boom carrier, Kirk's built the tank and our own shop built the cradle for the tank and the deck. he deck is almost completed now and we have some plumbing to do and the painting inside the tank and the deck I would have been much more happy with the outfit had we been able to work on one phase at a time. There are some points that I would have liked different but they are not all tha bad the way they are. We have had a real problem getting some pieces such as regulator valves and tips. We plan on doing the painting ourselves. We had a number of cancellations on our tree orders to Oliver We attempted to fill these from Indian Head and while we are waiting for 190 bundles from Indian Head, we are still going to be short some trees, especially poplar. We will be staring planting as soon as the weather permits. We have close to 300 gallons of Dimethoate on hand for control of grasshoppers It is anyone's guess what amount would be a proper amount to start the year out with We expect a heavy infestation of grasshoppers from Three Hills south, specially in the Carbon area However, should the grasshopers be hatching now, this damp weather could be quite b neficia.l to us in controlling them We have 135 gallons of 2 4-D Amine on hand and we have ordered an additional 250 gallons This should be nearly enough o do the spraying that we have planned We will have to orde7 more Tordon 22K for patch spraying. We have weighed some calves this year but the scale has been re ted out with the farmer picking it up and doing his own wei hing mostly Glenn h s sprayed a number of head of cattle for lice and warbles Not as many as we had anticipated, but I expect that we will be getting many more calls. 3 AGRICULTURAL FIELD MAN VS REPORT AGRICULTURAL SERVICE BOARD MEETING TUESDAY EVENING, �I 14, 1974 P 3 /' ✓ 14 }i. We have the new disc for roadside seeding. It looks good but we have not had an opportunity to use it yet. We have also received the pressurized hand sprayer It looks good and it should come in real handy. We have received all of the slides for the Wild Oat Kits The slides and information for these kits came at various times and we riust have spent close to a week getting these set up and the we only used them twice. E1 on Kober started work the last three days in April and took last week off for personal reasons He is back again now I expect that Watson Reed will be coming back around the 1st of June. Neither Glenn nor I have taken any holidays I had tried to take some time off through Easter but it seemed that there was always something coming up to slow this down. I believe that Glenn is planning on taking his holidays this coming winter and I am not sure when I will be able to work mine in. E EM spectfully submit this report for your acceptance Agricultural Fieldman M.D. of Kneehill No. 48 I Agricultural Service I3card MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF KNEEHILL No 48 P O BOX 400 THREE HILLS ALBERTA TOM 2A0 Dear ode have received notice that you have purchased/sold cattle that were infested with warbles The Municipal District of Kneehill By -Law 684 established this municipality as a lilarble Control Area. The By -Law was established under the • authority of the Pest Control Act R.S A.1970. Section 4(a) of the Pest Control Act provides that every person who owns, occupies or controls any land shall take active measures to destroy all pests upon the land Should you not have done so already, would you please take the necessary steps to destroy any warbles that your livestock may now be infested with. Thank you. Yours truly, Norman Soder, Agricultural Fieldrian