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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-06-28 Council MinutesE 0 CJ • FORM 149-P SPECIAL MU ICI PLI 1. Approval o 2 Appointmen 10.15 A.M 1 30 P M 330 PM 3 5. 6. 7. 9c 10. 11. 12 13, 15. 16. l r 18 ?9. 20. 21. 22. 43 24 25. 26. 27 28. 29 30 31. 32. 33. 34. 35 36 AGENDA FOR COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 28, 1971 minutes of June 14th /71 s Gordon Park - Kneehill 4 -H Council Foremen and Dept of Highways Engineer Ken Leaf - building permit A A. M. Di, & Counties Brief reg rding resolutions of Fall Convention Circulars Report re Auxiliary Olds Munic: Alta. Dept Report re Three Hill Alta. G-as C Q I:, P. R�- is CD C R D C. R, P C. R,, P. Bui Fred Thcm Sul.o Lt., ,m Re30lUt10 Swalwell Blgel"w D Report of Report of Borrow pi Motor Veh Nodwell B Keith Mud Report cf Bridges a Taylor Si Grant You Bell and Mathieu E Gravel or Applicati Report re Report re Frminatio a vot er q s eligib_.e? Fate of ropc3ed Torrington area dam Nuro. ng Home District - actual requisition $22,502 95 pal ~,spital District " $3,517.04 of Agriculture - Farm Purchase Board loans eivervs Lake Park School Division - minutes of June 16/71 Trunk Line -- pipelines across roads - report of G. King re brief of Battle River al Planning Comm K- P Yocessi_ng of subdivision applications -- minutes of May 28th and June 4th /71 - Notice of amendment to Preliminary Regional Plan Permits Edward Frodle, Max Beam, Geo. Penner, ,son, F. C. Denham (By Ken Leaf)• Geo Gowanlock - subdivision application SE-1 -32-23-4 to correct assessment U. G. G at Huxley ,rocery & Confectionery - license .m -- call for tenders employer- employee meeting A. W. Bauer & T. Paquette - Courville crop damage ,s and :.and & fence deals etc. cle Branch, Drum. - Overioads °ca, - cus_vort assembly .le & Son - moving wide vehicles Shop Comm meeting of June 7th /71 .d Culverts Kostrosky, Nottals, Jackson, Wiks, .ing; S %a.rplps south -east ig Claims So-,vice -- Claim of T. A. Ferguson 'enske - Three Hills East Gas Co -op. - road diversion in NE -35 -32 -22-4 fishing )n for work Peter A. Nickel guard rails - District Engineer road in to Garson4s Pit is and elections this year - Will Council want list, prepared OR have the voters sign in as ly meeting? 1%W 0 • • FORM 149-P SPECIAL I I PLIE COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2$, 1971 Page 1 A re ar meeting of the Council of the M D of Kneehill 8 was held in the Municipal office, Three r Hills, on onday, June 28/71, commencing at 9 00 A.M Councillors present for this meeting were Mr AJ Mr C Mr R, Mr. A. Mr T. Mr S. Counc unable to mother -in- H Church Div. 1 W. Poole It it 2 (Reeve) W Brown 3 W Bauer 't 4 A Ferguson 11 5 C. Schmelke 't 6 llor G;-o -ges Lemay had phoned to state he was G LEMAY ttend due to the serious illness of his ; ILLNESS aw Mr G G. King, Secretary- Treasurer, was present G.G KING throughout the meeting and recorded the minutes JUNE 14/71 Mr Church moved approval of the minutes of the MINUTES meeting of June 14/71 as per copy which had been mailed' APPROVED to each Co ncillor. Carried. A bri f from the A A. M. D s & Counties gave a BRIEF -A A MD. &C report regarding the resolutions which had been passed at the Fal Convention and the decisions of the RESOLUTIONS governincrt3 in connection with same Mr. Bauer moved that this pe filed for reference. Carried. Mr Atnold Boese of Linden Contractors met with Council e stated they are finishing work in one pit in Starlano today and moving to the Garson pit to do approximately 15,000 cu yds for the Provincial Governmentlfor Hwy #27 east. He estimated this would take 10 days work They are then going back for approx 1 week's work near Scollard for the M D of Starland This means a tetal of 3 weeks before they are ready to do any wor< in this Municipal District He was directec to move fi st to the Ginther's pit when they move in to work fo this M D It was also noted that some testing into be done at George Schrothts, northeast of Trochu Mr F had met wi and had in be using f of the roa contractor condition Mr the mee Circ regard to Mr. Brown the 175.0' whichever determine Motion ca Mr 1. Associati< �rguson reported that he and Mr Paquette �h Mr Jobagy of the Provincial Dept of Hwys spected the roads which the government will Dr the gravel haul from the Garson pit All Is inspected were in good shape and it is the 's recponsib -lity to leave them in this same A BOESE - LINDEN CONTR ROADS INSPECTED GARSON PIT TO HWY. #27 old Boese of Linden Contractors then left _ A. BOESE LEFT ar from Jubilee Insurance was read in INS POLIC' roposed insurance policy for firemen. RE. FIREMEI oved that a letter be written asking about a week indemnity or the average earnings, s less, as it is almost impossible to arniigs of many people who might be involved -ied hmelke moved that other circulars from the A A M.D.& be accepted and filed Carried CIRCULARS - - -- -Page 2 L7 0 • FORM 149-P SPECIAL MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES Mr. G. P F R A able in regc, in the Torr: will be ava: this be acct COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2$, 1971 Page 2 King advised Council that Mr Glen Evans of had been ill and,thus, no report is avail - rd to a proposed dam on the Kneehill Creek ngton area It is hoped that something Table in September Mr. Bauer moved that Dted and filed Carried PROPOSED DAM TORR AREA Mr. Sclanelke moved that Council accept the revised requisition of the Auxiliary Nursing Home District in REQUISITIONS the amount of $22,502 95 Carried Mr Fe3,gusnn moved that Council accept the revised requisition of the Olds Municipal Hospital District in the amount of 3,517 04. Carried. A circ lar from the Alberta Farm Purchase Board ALTA FARM stated that no monev is available for loans, but asked PURCHASE BOARD how much might be r -iquired if further sums were put into the fwld. Mr Bauer moved that a reply be sent advising that the demand for loans might be $200,000 to $300,000 for this Municipal District Carried. Mr G King reported to Council on his discussion hL.ivLa?S LAKE with the R C M P. at Three Hills and with Mr. Elmer Bauer regarding motorcycle gangs, etc. at KeiverQs Lake The report bowed that no one had been in personal danger in a y way, but that certain obscene acts had taken place No identification was available for anyone involved. r Schmelke moved that these reports be accepted an filed Carried Minute of the Three Hills School Division meeting T H S D of June 16/ 1 were referred to briefly Mr Fergusnn MINUTES moved that hese be accepted and filed Carried. Mr. Gordon Park met with Council on behalf of the KNEEHILL 4 -H Kneehill 4-1 Council He stated that a group of 29 young peopl are coming from Wyoming as an exchange visit and w ll on July 7th He outlined briefly WYOMING the program which is being arranged for this group and EXCHANGE VISIT asked for 4me support from Council in regard to same Mr. Ferguso� moved that Council agree to support the 4 -H Council;to a maximum of $50 00 Carried. Mr Go�don Park also advised that Mr Ray Ratzlaff, on behalf off' the Provincial Government, is supplying a kit of road maps and Alberta brochures, etc. Mr Poole moved that Mr R W Brown be delegated to welcome the 4 -H members and that all Councillors attend the barbeque if convenient Carried (Barbeque -July 9, at Tolman Pi rk ) Mr. Baler moved that the next regular Council meeting be eld on Monday, July 12/71, as the Councillors present ind cated that the Calgary Stampede and parade would not interfere Carried Mr Br regular mee discussed meeting in including c Board Car )wn advised that he could not be here for a ;ing on July 26th, alternate dates were Mr. Bauer moved that the second regular July be held on Thursday, July 29th, >mbined meeting with the Agricultural Service °ied. u I'''rti`�v REGULAR MEET JULY 12/71 REGULAR MEET JULY 29/71 --- -- - --- -Page 3 V I D� CJ • FORM 149-P SPECIAL MUNICI L SUPPLI Mr. Service B was given COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2$, 1971 Page 3 don Park enquired about the Agricultural A.S.B TOUR d Tour and a tentative date of Aug. 11th Mr Gordon Park then left the meeting. Mr Ar Bauer advised Council that he will be away A.W. BAUER on holidays from approx July 7th to 25th % HOLIDAYS A Wimb Mr. L Litz brought in toward the mised one V Considerabld that they he, for the pri( etc. The pi propose 290 of hiring ei June 270 w, agreed that have the we: the Federal Mr G King Drumheller ' laticns per, Mr Hastie to be consi ution and p manse and s service wou might lead would reque thanked Cou me water committee of Mr Hastie, and Mr. Don Williams met with Council They 3 cheques of $100 each as contributions roposed system and stated they were pro- WIMBORNE - PROPOSE re for sure and perhaps two or three others. WATER SYSTEM discussion followed. The committee stated d been told they could get three good wells e of a storage tank due to health regulations, esent well has not been tested They ripe in part for the system. The advisability .gineers was discussed and the letter of .s read from Mr R H. Vickerman It was the Wimborne committee would arrange to .1 tested to get information on the well at Grain house and related information as Secretary - Treasurer is to write the [ealth Unit for details in regard to regu- ;aining to cisterns and storage of water. ,tated that the church and manse would like iered as one customer for the $100. contrib- ,rhaps a $10 a month water charge for the reduced rate for the church. Only one .d be required. It was pointed out that this ;o difficulties as some people with businesses 3t similar consideration The delegation icil and left the meeting. Mr Ba er moved that approval be given to Alberta A.G.T.L PIPELINE` Gas Trunk Line for pipelines across roads as per maps submitted, subject to local regulations and subject to a condition that all secondary and main traffic roads have the li es bored Carried. Meeting adjourned for dinner from 12 00 noon to DINNER 1.00 P M Mr Jin Jones met with Council and asked for J JONES - approval tolsell harrows as an agent for Allied Equip- AGENT FOR ALLIED ment He would operate this business from the EQUIPMENT N & -22 -31 -234 Mr Ferguson moved that Council state that it has1no objection to this proposed business Carried Mr. Jones thanked Council and left the meeting Mr. Joie Dobler and Mr Ted Paquette, foremen, then T PAQUETTE met with Co cil �J DOBLER A callsfor tenders for the Bigelow Dam was read to Council as er advertisement which appeared in a recent BIGELOW DAM Calgary Her ld Mr Schmelke moved that this be filed as informa ion Carried Mr. A ;W Bauer and T Paquette reported that they G COURVILLE had contactied Mr George Courville and had a signed agree- CROP DAMAGE ment whore* he would accept $52 50 for crop damage when the road wags built along the north side of the NW- 35- 31 -25 -4 Mr. Fergus o moved that this report be accepted and $52 50 paid to Mr., George Courville. Carried -- - - - - -- --Page 4 C 11 9 FORM 149 -P SPECIAL i I rLi COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2$, 1971 Page 4 Other borrow pit, land & fence agreembnts in LAND & FENCE, ETC connection with the secondary road, the Mathias road AGREEMENTS and a few other locations were referred to Council Mr Church oved that these be approved Carried Mr. Tei Paquette and Mr G King reported that they had met witi Mr Otto Haller in regard to some land ROAD WORK required in the NE- 12- 32 -23 -4 for extra ditching for DELAYED rebuilding bhe road on tha north side of that quarter NE- 12- 32 -23 -4 Mr Haller tated that he would not agree to this until after harve t and no terms had been agreed upon Road work propos d for that location is therefore delayed Letter from the Motor Vehicle Branch, Drumheller, OVERLOADS stated they are making periodic checks for overloads in their area and no serious problems have developed. They welcome definite reports of infractions. Mr. Ferguso moved that this be accepted and filed. Carried. i Circul r from Nodwell Bros was read in regard to CULVERT ASSEMBLY their proposal for culvert assembly, etc Mr. Poole moved that his be filed as information Carried. Letter from Keith Muddle & Son of Red Deer requested a blanket permit concerning trailer movement of 12 foot WIDE LOAD wide and total length of 85 foot outfits, including PERMIT the truck and the house trailers Mr. Ferguson moved that a blanket permit be granted for 1971 subject to the following 1 Prior approval of the actual route to be followed. 2. No loads to exceed 59,000 lbs. or tire capacity, whichgver is the lesser 3. This hermit will not apply during times of road bans Motion carried. Nir D4bler advised that the air -trip mechanism AIR -TRIPS FOR for the dump boxes would cost $60.00 for the parts plus NEW TANDEMS labor. Mrs Church moved that Mr Dobler be authorized to get these for the tandem trucks Carried Mr. D b.Ler and Mr Paquette advised that many of the men wi h to have Friday, July 2nd off and are willing to work in tead on July lst, at regular rates. This JULY 1ST was discus ed Mr. Schmelke moved that Council grant HOLIDAY approval i each employee signs that he wishes to work July lst a regular time and regular rates, in consid- eration of having the day off on July 2nd, and that each, enti led to same, be also paid for the 8 hours for the st tutory holiday. Carried Counc.111 was advised that no satisfaction has been FORD MOTOR CO received from Ford Motor Company in regard to the new RE NEW TANDEMS trucks and the gear ratios NIr Leach had promised to phone last Monday and come out about Wednesday but had not done e ther. Mr Ferguson advised Council that Mr. Larry Edwards L EDWARDS wants a couple more loads of crushed gravel for his creek CREEK CROSS crossing Council was advised that Mr. Edwards had already received four loads of pit run gravel this year P.'Ir Poole 4greed to investigate. 11 A - - - - -- -Page 5 1 Pil Mr J( Mr. R< in Red Dee: the loc,--ti( at the eas, 30 maple t: of the roar ). 5 t 4q f COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 28, 1971 Page 5 e Dobler then left the meeting V J DOBLER LEFT y Gabort of the Provincial Dept of Highways then met with Council. He had inspected DEPT OF HWYS n of the trees at the farm of Neil Penner of the 5E- 17- 31 -25 -4 Approximately 25 to ees are back approx 35 feet from the center A row of good spruce trees are back about TREES - o et from the centre of the road He stated N. PENNER there would be no problem in saving the spruce trees but it would be better for the new road if the maple trees were removed Mr C urch moved that the Committee negotiate with Mr. Neil P nner for removal of the maple trees up to a maximum Df $10 each but if no deal can be made, that the trees De pruned to the 664 road allowance and that extra culy its be put in for the new road as required Carried Mr. Gabort reported that 5 miles of the Three Hills THREE HILLS west secondary road are nearly completed and he is WEST ROAD well satisfied with the work There is 475 foot sight - distance over the Schaffer hill and this is satisfactory. There is good compaction He has the computor design for the road going south and it appears very suitable. 4 Mr. Gabort also reported that the Department will supply road signs for the secondary road project and our men ROAD SIGNS can erect these as part of the job. SUPPLIED Mr G bort was asked to obtain, for this District, I at his convenience, suitable profiles, etc for the PROFILES following 1 W /SW- - 31 -22 -4 - Nottalvs - To straighten the road 2. The Orkney road, which is proposed for grading V/ 3 The B gelcw Dam road, west of Albert Smith's, approximately one -half mile Mr G King advised Council that Mr H M Alton, GUARD RAIL District E gineer, had stated he has some guard rail available at Red Deer which can be supplied free to this Municipal District for locations where same is needed Discussion followed Mr Ferguson moved that this District get and erect guard rail on the north side of the Smith hill, north of Wimborne Carried Mr Gabort agreed to supply guard rail and to deliver same for the east side of the Schaffer hill Mr Gabort was thanked for attending the meeting and he then left The report of the Shop Committee meeting of SHOP COMM REPORT June 7/71 was read to Council and the following were particularly noted 1. Sandy Sommerville is to be asked for information X regarding the electric starters for the heaters. 2. Mr S hmelke moved that the pay rate for Mr. James Ferguson, mechanic, be raised to $3 00 per hour, effective July 1/71 Carried 3 Other items referred to in the report were accepted ✓" without special comment I- - - -- -Page 6 FORM 149-P SPECIAL MU ICI L UPPLI e 0 U FORM 1494 SPECIAL ICI PLIES Consic wage rates also advise temporaril; Getting th, holiday pe: Mr. Fergus be establi with this who are re wage rates Mr K father -in- applicatio home in Gr Considerat possible e propertie- gave added put on a 1 may also F plan to sl look as mi left the n the applic applicati< Carried. Mr I and was a( Council ai COUNCIL MEETING Page 6 JUNE 2$, 1971 g .erable discussion took place in regard to EMPLOYEES for John Campbell and others. Mr Paquette !d that Archie Walker is back working for us on the motor grader with the main crew :se experienced men to fill in during the -iods and otherwise is a big help )n moved that a special wage rate category ,hed to provide that men who have experience 2unicipal District for one year or more and -hired will be classed as second -year men for as from July 1/71 Carried n Leaf met with Council on behalf of his KEN LEAF -RE aw, Mr F. C Denham, in respect to an BLDG PERMIT for a building permit to locate a mobile ntville, just east of the Jack Congo residexce e discussion took place in regard to the 'fects of this mobile home on adjoining and also other related matters Mr Leaf information, stating that they intended to arch, OQ x $4, to match the mobile home and it a garage later, approx 144 wide They .rt around the bottom of the mobile home to .h like a foundation as possible Mr. K Leaf Feting briefly and Council further discussed ttion Mr Schmelke moved approval of the i of the building permit as referred to above. en Leaf was then invited back into the meeting vised of Co- .ncil4s decision. He thanked d then left the meeting V v The report of the Employer - Employee Committee REPORT RE meeting held June 17/71 was read to Council and discussed EMPLOYER - Council agreed that forms should be prepared for notice EMPLOYEE COMM of lay-off as per Item 3 of the report. Item 4, in MEETING regard to assistant grade foreman for the main crew, was discussed. Mr Schmelke moved that Mr. Paquette name someone to be in charge when Mr. John Dorn is on y, holidays or when he is off sick for more than 3 days and that the one named be paid an extra 10 per hour while acting as this sub - foreman Carried Item 5, regarding Milton Rempfer - Mr Paquette stated that he felt that Mr Rempfer could not be put on as a r ggular machine operator Item 6,- It was agreed that any man going on to a V large mac ine must be given some training in all cases Item 8, regarding pay for employees at the said Committee meeting - Mr Church moved approval of payment of $12 50 for the meetings attended plus 12 per mile V to the ma imum of 4 meetings per year Carried. Mr auer moved acceptance of the Employer- Employee Committee meeting report Carried Mr advised t upset thi the opera referred it is bel light N Mr had been been end Saturday ohn Jeffery met very briefly with Council and em that the Cat 627 motor grader bad been afternoon Fortunately, Mr. Bernie Milan, or, had not been hurt The matter is being o the insurance company for investigation but eved that the damage to the machine is quite 1. Jeffery then left the meeting aquette advised Council that Ferguson Supply hecking the new TS -1€3 as necessary and have voring to make needed improvements, etc. on where possible ------ Page 7 CAT 62,; UPSET V v COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2$, 1971 'Pa ge 7 /9 c Nte Mr R. Brown stated that the Cdr Golf Club GULF CLUB wanted to p rchase two old 1300 x 24 tires. Mr PaquettD advised there were some at the Carbon TWO OLD TIRES shop which ire not suitable for retreads and it was suggested t at these be sold for $5 00 each, if suitable Report3 were read to Council and copies had been BRIDGES &c given to Mr. Paquette in regard to the following CULVERTS bridges or 2ulverts 1 Kostro ky - Additional rip rap, etc is needed & Mr Pa to recommended some cement work and this was agreed upon 2 Nottal's - W/SW- 9- 31 -22 -4 - Further study is to be made of this location 3 Jackso is - W/SW- 21- 29 -26 -4 - Channel improvements are to be made and minor other work done. 4 Southwest of Huxley at S/SE- 18- 34 -23 -4 - Estimated • cost of repair work is $200.00 Mr Church moved that tie Bridge Branch be asked to repair this bridge and that an account be sent to the insurance . company in regard to damage caused by a vehicle operated by Mr Danforth Jr of Trochu, Carried 5. The Ap leyard culvert southeast of Sharples - Letter of Feb 9/71 from the Bridge Branch was read regarding this Mr Ferguson moved that the �- Bridge Branch be asked to make repairs as per Item in the said letter at an estimated cost of $1,10 00 to $1,700.00. Carried Mr S hmelke moved that the report of Grant Young G YOUNG CLAIM Claims Service be accepted and filed in regard to the SERVICE REPORT claim of T A Ferguson for car damage Carried. Mr Bauer moved approval be granted to the Three THREE HILLS EAST Hills East Gas Co -op for crossings over road allowances ,GAS CO -OP for natural gas service as per plans received from ROAD ALLOWANCES ® Bell &e Fen ke Carried Report of Mathieu Engineering was read in regard ROAD DIVERSION to the roa diversion proposed in the NE- 35- 32 -22 -4 NE- 35- 32 -22 -4 Mr Fergus n moved that this report be accepted and ✓ that the project be proceeded with. Carried Appli ations for work were read as received from WORK APPLICS. Peter A N'ckel and Louis J Martin Mr Poole moved that these be referred to Mr Ted Paquette. Carried ` Mr T d Paquette reported briefly in regard to the T PAQUETTE REPORT following SOIL 1 The s it sterilant used along the surfaced roads STERILANT has b r -n very helpful and should be good for a short 'me yet 2 The snoll crew have done the one mile of grading for the Kinsey project, have cleared the corner east of Allan Painters and are finishing the Walter Toew's west project, west of Lindsn They are n xt moving to the Swalwell Dam south fob 3. The d for t Mr Ted Pa FORM 149-P SPECIAL MUNICI. L SUPPLI 5 al should be made with W. Rosgen e Loosmore bridge fairly soon. uette then left the meeting - - - -- -Page $ for the land SMALL CREW V LOOSMORE BRIDGE, • 11 0 FORM 149-P SPECIAL MUNICIP L SUPPLI Mr G Battle Riv the develo to cities and that t and that t so advised COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 28, 1971 Page 8 King read his summary of the brief of the BATTLE RIVER :r Regional Planning Commission in regard to REG PL COMM )ment of rural towns and villages as compared BRIEF Mr Bauer moved that the report be accepted its Council agree to support the said brief ie Calgary Regional Planning Commission be Carried Mr. Schmelke moved that Council approve the PROCESSING OF procedure for speeding the processing of sub - division SUB -DIV APPLICS applications but that the Calgary Regional Planning Commission be advised that there has been no problem K here as Council has been meeting approximately every 2 weeks Carried Mr. Ferguson moved that the minutes of the C.R P C MINUTES Calgary R gional Planning Commission meetings of Y May 28th Ind June 4/71 be filed Carried Mr Church moved that this Council authorize AMENDMENT OF PREL. support of the proposed amendment to the Preliminary REG PLAN Regional Ilan as requested by the M D of Foothills. ✓ Carried Mr lauer moved that Council approve of the BUILDING PERMITS building lermits as requested by Edward Frodle, Max Beam, Geo ge Penner, Fred Thompson and Geo Gowanlock, with all cetails as per applications on file Carried Application of Sulo Luoma for a sub - division In SUB - DIVISION IN the �E -18 32 -23-'4 to Create a parcel of 6.? acrQs �n V% - .?,23 -4 the northeast corner of the quarter,for the existing building Council that tite, was discussed Mr Poole advised this application had been refused by the Calgary R gional Planning CommissiDn as it is not in conformity with the required regulations Mr. Bauer moved that Council support Mr Luoma's application to sub -divid subject to relaxation of the regulations Carried. Mr Poole opposed Mr oole advised Council that Mr S Sydness, had talked to him C R.P C MEMBERSHIP Reeve of he M. D of Rockyview, about pro osed membership on the Calgary Regional Planning ommission and had suggested a plan which approximate equal representation for rural V/ would giv and urban representatives This is a suggestion only and no ac ion was taken concerning same Coun had repor Grain Gro for the e of $22,79 unchanged the corre Municipal Mr applicati confectic Lots 3 an it was advised that Mr George Park, Assessor, ASSESSMENT ed an error in his assessment of the United U G G - HUXLEY 'ers property at Huxley. The correct figure evator and annex should be $16,920 00 instead 00 The land assessment of $360 00 remains ✓ Mr. Schmelke moved that Council authorize tion of this error under the authority of the Taxation Act Carried. 'oole moved that Council approve of the LICENSE - >n of May Marsh to operate a grocery and �/ SWALWELL iery`and tobacco retail store in Swalwell on GROCERY 1 4, Blk 2 Carried - - - -- -Page 9 is N 1J FORM 149-P SPECIAL UNICIPAL SUPPLIES Count the Munici provides t that it is Brief disc reading tc that no 1: District c Mr ] Carried ui Mr. Carried ui ■__ J COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2$, 1971 Page 9 it was advised that a new Section 39 1 of pal Election Act has been added, which hat the Municipality may, by by -law, provide unnecessary to make up a list of electors. ussion followed Mr. Poole moved first By -Law #679, this being a by -law to provide st of electors be prepared for the Municipal ,f Kneehill #48 Carried unan 'erguson moved second reading to this by -law Lan hurch moved third reading to this by -law Lan. Mr. Foole reported that Mr Ed Sept had spoken to him in regard to some oil which is in the creek near Ed Sept?s farm Details were lacking Mr Schmelke moved that this be referred to Mr George Boles as a member of our Surface Reclamation Council for investi- gation Carried. Mr Bauer and Mr Schme.l_ke reported verbally on the Camro e meeting of the Fir^ Associations. They stated that they regretted that no local fire chiefs had been bresent as much valuable information had been given to those present The meeting had been very interests g Mr Church moved that the report be accepted. I Carried Mr Carried MUNICIPAL T.A1*Tt M ACT P BY -LAW #679 ED SEPT -OIL ON CREEK CAMROSE FIRE ASSOC CONVENTION 'oole moved that this meeting do now adjourn ADJOURNMENT Time of adjournment, 6 30 P M -� C Secretary -Trea er U n Next regu ar meeting of Council, Monday, July 12/71, l` commencing at 9 00 A M r n FORM 149-P SPECIAL MU ICI L L! MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF KNEEHILL # 48 THREE HILLS, ALBERTA AMBULANCE JERVICE - REPORT OF DISCUSSION JUNE 2$/71 The following met at our office evening of June 28/71 M D - Councillors Divs. 1 -6 incl and G. G King, Sec. -Treas Three Hill - Mayor, all councillors, and Sec. -Treas Trochu - M yor, 5 councillors, and Sec. -Treas Linden - Mr. Walt Regehr and Mr. Henry Dick The comet concisely by that gr 1. Willin. 2 Total 3 Linden 4. To be 5 Some R 6 Calls 7. No act suggested 8 Linden contribute 9. Approx one at Vul exceed $10 10. Fees 11 Pay f would not rom Linden represented the Fire Department, they utlined a proposal for ambulance service operated up, stating to man the ambulance round the clock for 7 days week f app 20 operators with first aid Nursing Home will assist with all linen, etc. perated by Fire Dept. and app 6 others N Is have also offerred to help on call ould use fire phones, one more needed al limits for area to be served (Meeting then hole M D. & T. & V in it should be served) has a place to house the ambulance, willing to up to 1 mill on taxes. cost of a new basic unit $7,500 plus equipment, an cost $$,200. equipped Maximum should not 000. hat might be charged should pay all operating costs. r volunteer operators is of secondary importance, xpect any profit to go to any Municipality Information given by G. King of assessments of M D. and of Towns arid Villages - total slightly over 25 million Tax levy of 0 4 mills once only would pay $10,000 for the ambulance nd equipment M. D Council - members expressed support of this plan Town f Three Hills - stated definitely interested Town if Trochu - stated they are willing to further consider it. It was agreed that this be referred to the Municipal District arid to each of the Towns and Villages for consideration and a definite reply as to whether or not each is willing to participate, in this proposed ambulance service with estimated costs as g ven above Replies are to be sent to the undersigned by mid -July if at all possible. G. G. King Secretary- Treasure • FORM 149-F SPECIAL MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES REPORT MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF KNEEHILL # 48 THREE HILLS, ALTA EVENING MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 28th/71 WITH TOW OF THREE HILLS Town was represented by Mayor, all 6 councillors, and Sec. -Treas M. D. by councillors for Divs 1 -6 incl and Sec -Treas Main-iteirs discussed 1. Town request for app. 2 mi new gravel on road to its water 14 well - W SW- 27- 31 -24 -4, grade is fair only, narrow strip of gravel i uld suffice. Refer to M D. council 2 N u*s nce Grounds - more money as per previous request for $1,000 Jr. OR M. D dig the trench. Refer to M. D. council 3. Firemen - Town would like the M D payment totalling $1500. for firemen put into one pot to be distributed on some fair v point basis I had written a letter to the firemen for their opinions - no reply to date M D agrees re $1500 total but wou14 like reply from firemen 4. Use of Wagner for work in new Town Park at south -east corner of Town at special rate if possible Wagner now in our shop being repaired. Level clay and spread topsoil - Ted Paquette had looked at the job and, according to Town, est 10 to 12 hrs Considerable discussion - too much Municipal work, Carbon was refused, etc. This item dropped. 5. "West44 water $10.25 per gallon for 3500 gallons water, min. order of 5 gallons Larry Davis said it would be of some value, but, at greater expense, he would much prefer the equipment for "foam". Leave to Fire Chiefs. 6 Nuisance Ground Fence - apparently the Drumheller Health Unit requested a fence, no other details available here, our members to D H U. knew nothing of this A chain link fence would be very expensive Discussed necessity - leave it until Oemanded Kind of fence, cost, and cost sharing999 7 Cemet ry - dug -out for water proposed dust west cf Station, est. $3 2 5 plus labor plus land, etc. Land 0 62 Ac perhaps up to $1, 00 acre P.PRA design of dam 138lx2$7xl44 - one million g llons, als19 useful for fire truck, spraying, etc Would also need a Sumer line to the cemetery - no cost estimate Town water supply likely too low when needed and water not as suitable P F. R. A. has no funds to contribute, anyway, max. might be only $150. to $300 Give fur`.her consideration to financ'ng, etc 8. Possi le of chip spreader, etc to do one block in Town from W. S hmidt corner east. Council to consider this after our M D work is finished 9. Old cir bodies in Three Hills ready for pickup Navajo Metals to be contacted by G. G King 10 Recr ation costs in Town going up! Up' UP' Will M. D consider �igger share of this expense? Above ite s to be referred to M D. where pos ible and reply to be sent 4` °'f council for definite policy to the Tpqn. 1 G. G. Kin ,f r Eq 11 n FORM 149-P SPECIAL UNICIPAL SUPPLIES REPORT OF MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF KNEEHILL # 48 THREE HILLS, ALBERTA NING MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 28/71 WITH TOWN OF TROCHU Town was represented by Mayor, 5 councillors, and Sec - Treas. M D by councillors for Divs 1 -6 incl and Sec. - Treas 1 Nuisan e Grounds - Town est. 2 hrs week to maintain the nuisance @ $10 hr for man and machine = $1,040. yr Asked M D for 1 that amount plus 2/3 of cost of new trenches whenever n eded Present one perhaps O.K. for 1 yr , also regular reiriew of the cost sharing. M D agreed to discuss. Possibility of only opening the N G. 1 day week with one man hired to rotate was discussed, widely varying opinions. 2 Fire Truck, Firemen, etc apparent problems, large and small, brought out including a. Trochu wants $$5. month to house the fire truck (rural) b Trochu council member objected to its firemen coming to M. D for ome 25 ft of 4in soft suction hose, had been refuved at Trochu as not needed After explanation by our Council that this was an exchange for a similar amount of hard hose, this seemed 0 K C Trochu council wants all firemen's wages paid to it - this to include the amount for rural members. Some in Town were not aware that M. D was paying the rural members by paying $1,000. yr, to the firemen's association After a lot of discussion it seemed Trochu wanted the $85. month for storage, etc., but would forego the $500. yr for the Town firemen's wages. Existing agreement dated Dec. /65 was for 5 yrs , should be reviewed in detail Agreed that a comm of Mayors and Fire Chiefs of Trochu, Three Hill and Linden together with R W. Brown and 2 others of M. D s ould meet with the aim of bringing in a revised proposal. R W Brown to be chairman and set the date, etc d. Recrea' their cape' est cost of the Rec $10,000. G Area to be adjustment always rel Trochu not Est popul assessment Clearly ex will adver petition i Agreed tha bring in a and the di would then Ponoka and Parkland c ;ion Recreation Board and Trochu Council suggest ;al project should be a new swimming pool with total )f approx $66,000. Original plan for cost sharing •eation Board was $25 000 Town, $20,000 M D., 'ant and $10,000 to 11,000. donation. same as that of Rural Fire Area or with minor Financing problems Donations promised are not _able and perhaps not acceptable to Dept. willing to accept $25,000 as its share ition 750 Town and 1250 rural (37 -63 %), split on basis would be approx. 25 -75% )lained that M. D has not set any limitsnor boundaries, rise the proposal and hold a vote if requested by z the area concerned. the Town of Trochu and its Recreation Board must first firm proposal outlining the area, the total costs, vision of costs. Methods of financing, terms, etc., have to be decided by M D Council and advertised. rural area on population basis n an assessment basis f� G G. King Secretary- Treasu-e, V