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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-10-22 Council MinutesIM FORM J�1 42 AGENDA FOR COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER ;'� , 1965 Approv 1 of minutes of meeting of Sept. 4th Monthl statement for the month ending Sept Net balance at end of previous month Receipts for the month (no loans) sub -total LESS disbursements for the monhh Net balance at end of the month Balances at end of month Royal Montreal Treasury Tax Sale Cash on hand sub -total LESS outstanding cheques Net balance at end of the month x3- General accounts and paysheets Y4 N-5. x6. x7 x8. 9. vc 10 11. -,Al2. X13 X 14. X15 16. x17. 18. `x`19 x 20 21. x 22. 23 24 -'25, +26. A, J� 27 �r 28. 29. X 30. 31 ,,f-32. ,�3 4 X35. X36. X`37 /3 8 3 -P SPECIAL SUPPLIES LTD, Appointments' I t 30 P M. Road and gravel foremen and 24th, 1965 30th /65 $354,911.09 48,824.90 403,735 99 332,700 29 71,035 70 10,915 23 26,321.29 56,747.50 562 93 1.451.19 95,998.14 24,962 44 71,035 70 Workme is Compensation Board - 1964 merit rebate $548.51 Winter works program for 1965 -66 (Nov. 1st -Apr. 30th) Resolu ion re collection of costs - fire calls outside area Budget comparisons, etc Local Authorities Bd. - By -Laws 482 a d -,x.83 approved A. P. Grain Co - agreement re &="septic tank, etc. Socon mobil Oil of Can - Tour Gas Plant Oc-t 23rd. Alta Assessment Appeal Bd. - decision on appeals C. N. R. - re Swalwell and Trochu, Master Agency, etc Bd. o Transport Comm - re CPR Wimborne to Gas Plant Summa y of accounts of R. 0. Keglowitsch in 1964 and 1965 Welfare reports - Earl Compton, Dr. Klassen & Fourniers Prov Planning Director - subdiv in SW-29-30-25-4 Aaron Reimer R 0 Keglowitsch - subdiv. in NW- 5- 30 -25 -4 D Eitzen Calgary Regional Planning Comm - minutes Oct 1st - Borodula Prairie Farm Assistance - ammndments to application Silver Line Fire Equipment - fire truck Trochu area Centr 1 Alta. Assoc - meeting in Red Deer Oct 30th Town f Olds - Community Improvement Workshop Nov. 3rd. Drum. Valley Recreational Bd - assistance Villa e of Torrington - Centennial program Villa e of Linden - +r Set procedure re payment of M. D. funds 0. A.McArthur - card of appreciation Workmens Comp. Bd - Safety Clinic Nov 3rd and 4th First Aid Course Nov 9th - - -- evenings Canadian Utilities Ltd - power line moves Rural Road Study - report of comm meeting at Didsbury, A 1M. D of Rocky View - meeting may change to Nov. 24th R Smith of Planning Comm. re above change of date, etc Underwood, McLellan and Associates - letter /� Can, Engineering Surveys - letter, etc. �/ Associated Engineering Services - brochure, etc Report re M D. of Starland in brief Reid, Crowther & Partners Ltd. - letter, etc. Repor s%p Inspections, etc in Div. 6 on Oct. 18th, IX grading program to date, future jobs gravel ti it ,x interview with Mr N German re Swalwell caveats 7 o Contingency road grant for 1966 Bridge and culvert requests Land and fence deals, payments to be made now Workm ns Comp. Bd. - compensation to family of E. Bettcher A A M. D. - heat treated grader blades Can. ;ood Roads Assoc. - Congress in London Sept. /66 A. H.JChurch - report re account of Henry Grenier c 0 r3 FORM 149 -P SPECIAL MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD, -�39. s 40. 41 42. 43. 44. 45 a� 46. s47. AGENDA FOR COUNCIL MEETING OCT. 22, 1965 Page 2 Rep " r re surveyed road west and north of Trochu nines Gravel possibilities - from River with dragline- South of Tolman bridge, Elvins Report re bridge & road at Sharples as proposed, comm to be there ;Vonday Oct. 25th at 11 A.M Report re drainage ditch near F Jakobs 5- 36- 32 -22 -4 Fees for courses from Dept. of Extension $80. each- ,'G G. King Municipalities Planning H J. Hanson Municipal Accounting George Park Assessment Uniformity Any old cable for sale? What is done with it? Meetings to explain new assessments - where and when? Notices to be mailed Dec. lst Agr cultural Service Bd - Field Supervisor - Building report loyer Emp - employee committee meeting - date, topics I I 111111 II II II II I I I� A N] A AGENDA FOR COUNCIL MEETING &&R NOV. 1/65 (Continued from Oct. 22/65) UnfinisYed business from Oct. 22/65 X 1. Rural Road Study - procedure to be followed, etc 2. Contingency road grant for 1966 3 Bridge and culvert requests 4. A. H Church - report re account of Henry Grenier .*5. Rep rt re surveyed road west & north of Trochu mines Additio al business' NO'. Repdrts of road committee* tI'a Bridge and road near Sharples b. Gravel from River near Tolman bridge c Drainage ditch near Franz Jakobs d Gravel at Tom Lowens and Dunphy, etc A 7 Subdivisions a. Report of discussion with Aaron Reimer re SW- 29- 30 -25 -4 b Goosen - C. Toews - NW -18 & SW- 19- 30 -25 -4 '\,,,8 Vhad in, Davis & Brown - re Grantville water & sewer Application for Winter Works x 9 ,, Dep of Municipal Affairs - Winter works Details re surveying and /or engineering x10 Bu iness from XgU Agric Service Bd., minutes, etc 111 C. P.R. -- line from Wimborne to Gas Plant x'12 Fire Commissioner - summary of fire losses �tl3. German, Lutz and Coady - Canus Mobile Home - account X 14. Re ort re pound damage claim - G. R Howard -- X 15 De t. of Lands & Forests - Park Aid $3,508 00 v\16 Guidance to Employer - Employee comm re 1966 agreement, ,V 17. Re Fort of Central A. A. M. D. meeting in Red Deer Oct. 30th, ox-18 Brief from A. A M D to public exp. & rev comm 19 R J. Peterson - thanks for Hesketh Recreation Grant, Agreement re septic tank, etc -0x20. De t. of Public Welfare - Preventive Welfare Services -`21 Administrative Boards - meeting in Calgary Nov. 2nd \x22. Ala Wheat Pool, Equity - request vapor light X 23. Town of Three Hills - building permit - fee $5 00 ,�K^ 24 De t. of highways - restricted development along Highways S 25 Lard and fence deals ,>r26. Stress adequate warning during road construction, etc. ,)� 27. Bridge Branch - re culvert W/SW- 29- 28 -23 -4 (Ohlhauser) OC28 M. D. recovered 62 for hauling Ensminger culvert ,ac29 Release re International Truck repaired after accident ,x 30 Re ort of gravel program ,31 Re ort of grading program, snow fences, etc. FORM 149 -P SPECIAL MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD. 3 u 11 The regul District of office, Thre at 9 � 00 A M Councillo Mr. A H Per C W 14'r R i4 Mr Dunc Mr Ralph Tyr. S. C. Mr. C C Mr G G out the meet it COUNCIL MEETING Oct 22/1965 Page 1 meeting of the Council of the Municipal ieehill No 48 was held at the Municipal Hills on Friday, October 22, 1965, commencing s present were - hurch oole Town eters Loosmore chmelke ampbell Div 1 Div 2 Div 3 (Reeve) Div 4 Div.5 Div.6 Div.7 ng, Secretary - Treasurer, was present through - g and recorded the minutes. The Three Hills School Division was not represented at this meeting Mr. Church moved that Council approve of holding the meeting on this date, instead of the original date of Oct.12/65 and that Cou cil proceed to deal with any business brought before it. qarried unan Mr Peter moved approval of the minutes of the meeting of Sept 4th nd 24th/65 as per copy mailed to each Councillor Carried Mr. Arnol Boese and Doug Hazelton met with Council with respect to t eir gravel crushing and other work. They stated that they ha finished at Tom Lowents near Dunphy and had placed appro imately 4,670 cu yds in the stockpile at Lane4s About 1200 c yds was too wet for crushing but has been left there ii another stockpile They are now working near the Dun by elevator and have approximately 4000 cu.yds. of crushing here. They stated that they were prepared to send a dragl ne to take gravel from the river near the Tolman bridg at Trochu quite soon and would work on the hourly basislas before if the Municipal District sends the Wagner machines in to stockpile the gravel They furt er stated that they thought they could get gravel from he river near Elvinvs and would take this out and stockpile it at 50¢ per cu yd They also discussed levelling the east side of the stripping at Tom Lowents The next work for the gravel crusher was discussed and it was agreei they next go to Knudsenes, then to either nell?s or L nden. Mr. Loosm re moved that all matters referred to above with Linden ontractors be referred to the road committee with power t� act Carried. Arnold Boese and Doug Hazelton then left the meeting. The mont4y Financial Statement for the month ending September 30ph/65, was then presented and discussed as per copy with those minutes This show6d a net balance at the end of the month of $71,035 70 IvJr Campbell moved approval of this monthly statement Carried Mr. H J. Hanson, Assistant Secretary - Treasurer, then presented thIe general accounts and paysheets for consideration Mr Peters moved approval of payment of the accounts and paysheets aslpresented and including the payment of $15,000 00 to Linden Contractors to apply on account Carried. See Page 2 FORM 149 -P SPECIAL MU ICIP . SUPPLIES LTD, / %,All L/ U approval of minutes Linden Contractcrs Fin. Statement accts.& paysheets FORM 14£ MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING Oct.22/65 Page 2 A letter was read from the Workmenrs Compensation Board Merit which stated that this District had been entitled to a Rebate 1964 Merit Rebate of $S48 51 The Secretary- Treasurer ad- vised that a cheque for that amount had been received and a receipt issued Mr Poole moved that this be accepted and filed. Carried Discussioi followed regarding application f<�r projects under the i ter Works program for 1965 -66 for the period ~,linter from Nov 1/6 to April 30th/66. Correspondence and reports 'forks of discussion with Department of Municipal Affairs officials was given. Ir. Peters moved that Application be made under the Winter W rks Program for the following 1. Crushing and stockpiling up to 90,000 cu.yds. of gravel and stockpiling 30,000 cu.yds. of gravel from the Red Deer River. 2. Survey ng and engineering projects for approximately the same tot 1 as last year with details to be decided later Motion ca fried. Council was advised that Mr. R 0 Keglowitsch, A.L.S. R. had left on a personal business trip to Austria on Oct 14th Keglowitsch and is expected to return on Nov-4th. Council n xt discussed a proposed resolution regarding resolution the collecti n of costs for fire calls outside of the fire re fire protection a ea with municipal equipment The proposal is calls that the cos s would be made subject to collection in the same manner s taxes The resolution was revised slightly, a copy of tha amended resolution is included with these minutes Cdr Campb ll moved that the resolution regarding the collection ft r fire calls be presented to the Central Alta. Association 3f Municipal Districts meeting in Red Deer on October 30th Carried. Each Coun illor was given a summary of receipts or st=ary re earnings and payments compared to the budget to the end of receipts September ani also compared the figures for 1964 These & budget were discuss d briefly. Mr Poole moved that this information be accepted and filed. Carried A letter and Order No 2134 from the Local Authorities Local Board was read stating that our Municipal By -Laws No 482 Auth Ed and 483 have been approved by that Board - these are in By -Laws connection w'th the Grantville water and sewer program. No.482 & Mr Peters moved that this information be filed. Carried 483 3 Discussion followed as to when bids should be called for the installation of the water and sewer system to Grantville. Grantville It was pointed out there is some possibility of a petition water,etc. asking for a vote, but this is indefinite If the work is to be done this Fall, then bids must be called fairly soon Mr Campbell moved that the committee in charge have authority to place advertisements calling for bids for the installation of the water and sewer system to Grantville Carried. The proposed agreement with Alberta Pacific Grain Ltd. k P Grain regarding its Septic Tank, etc. at Hesketh was read to Septic Tank Council Mi Poole moved that this be approved and that the Reeve a d Sec. -Treas be authorized to sign same on behalf of t is District Carried. An invitation had been received from Socony 1-7obil Oil of Inv. Canada, Ltd. to tour the Wimborne Gas Plant on Saturday, Oct. Socony mobil 23rd. It was agreed that all Councillors and Sec.- Treas. attend if c nvenient and that they meet at the Plant at 2 o'clock P M. SPECIAL LTD. t_ See Page 3 PI-4 14 4 0 COUNCIL MEETING Oct 2265 Page 3 Council adjourned for dinner from 12 00 noon to 1 00 P.M ir. Gordoi Park, Field Supervisor, met with Council and gave the rev Lew of the bids which he had received in connec- A G.Bd tion with th building to be used to store equipment used buildings by the Agriciltural Service Board These were in brief. bids 1 United Ma chine - 384 x S94 - $3,457 00 2. United Machine - 384 x 404 - $3,197.00 3. Genera Farm Supplies - 384 x 594 - $2,850 00 4 Vanxr or Butler building - 324 x 384 - $4,500.00 - 364 x 384 - $4,995.00 5. Armco rainage & Metal Products 324 x 404 - $3,726.00 6 Clearspan 354 x 404 - $3,231 00 284 x 444 - $3,422.00 404 x 404 - $3,800.00 1.11 of th quotes in Items 1 to 6 above were for metal buildings for materials only. 7. Metal ldgs & Supplies - 324 x 404 - erected cost $4,457,00 - 304 x 484 - e► 49 $4,987.00 8 U.F.A. CO—OP for a wooden building 304 x 404 with rigid frame erected - $1,940.00 f r similar building with arch rib - erected $2,019.00 The specs ications and some of the details of the various buildings we a discussed and given consideration. Mr. Poole moved that this District purchase one 304 x 404 arch rib woo en building from U.F A Co -Op as per its quote at a price o $2,019 00 erected at our yard. Carried. Hr. Peter3 moved that our application for 1965 Prairie Farm Assi,ta ce be amended to advise that the following sections have a wheat yield of less than 8 bus. per acre- P F.1. Sec 4s. 13, 23 and 24 of Twp. 28 -20 -4 and also point out that a portion of Sec 26 in 28 -20- in the City of Drumheller also has a y eld of under 8 bus per acre. Carried Mr Gordo Park reminded the members of the :n.gricultural Service Boar that they have a meeting on Friday, Oct 29th at 1 °30 P PSI He also referred to a tree plartingschool to be held at 2 d Deer on Oct.28th Mr Peters moved that Mr Gordon Park iave authority to attend the said tree planting school Carried 1 "Ir Park Also reported that they are now seeding grass on roadsides and asked tLeco- operation of each Councillor in getting a complete list of the work to be done He thanke Council and then left the meeting Pair. Ted P4quette and k Koch, road foremen, and Mr J Dobler, gravel foreman, then met with Council 14r Dobler reported that they have completed most of the work in Div 7 and are nol at the Psi D pit northwest of k1lingham working in Div 6 H� said they would finish there about next Monday It as agreed that they next do two miles of the Helton road �in Div 4, then the one mile at George Vasseur4s in Div 5 and;eontinue further work in Div 5 until Council next meets Mr Doble� reported that one of the 1963 model trucks has now approximately 110,000 miles on it and it is using about 1 qt of oils per day. He asked if Council would consider trading thislin for a new one or if they prefer to have a complete new motor installed He felt that the truck might last out this season without much overhaul though. Mr. Pooielmoved that one complete motor be ordered and kept in stock for the time being C::- rried. FORM 19 -P SPECIAL bIUNICIP SUPPLIES LTD, A�11 See Page 4 ,;-9. S. Bd seeding foremen i' gravel crew 1963 truck �1 .3 Mr. Dobler wished to hau to the duisan ii D trucks o would authori Mr Church the old cemen conditions. COUNCIL MEETING Oct 22/65 Page 4 advised that the Kinsmen Club of Three Hills some old cement from the Park at Tree Hills • ground and he offered to drive one of the Saturday afternoon for this if the council • the use of the truck moved that the use of the truck for hauling be authorized without charge under the said arried Council wa advised that Pay Ehrman, operator of the 11otor Grader to Div 6, had been sick this week and that Dwayne Smith lad been on the Motor Grader. This left the gravel crew s ort of two men for a full crew but with one truck broken own, all the machinery was in operation Mr Dobler was au horized to get a temporary driver if required Mr Dobler also reported on the accident to the Travelall in a collision on Hwy.2,1 north of Three Hills recently The other party was at fault and the Travelall is now being repaired He reported that the whole machine could be painted for ai extra $15 00 over and above the insurance. Mr Peters moved that this be authorized and the reports accepted. Ca ried Correspond nce from the Workmen's Compensation Board was read in r gard to a Safety Clinic on Nov 3rd and 4th and a First A d Course starting on Nov 9th Mr Brown moved that th se employees who wished to attend be allowed to quit work ne hour earlier on the dates affected with no loss of time, and that the foremen advise the Sec - Treas how many plan to be in attendance Carried The Sec -T eas also pointed out that the Councillors would also be welcome at the Safety Clinic and they were encouraged to attend if possible Mr Peters moved that the Committee of the Employer and Employee gro p meet at the office on Saturday, Nov.6th at f 2.00 P M to discuss any matters pertaining to working conditions a d related matters Carried 1Ar J Dobler then left the meeting. Reports a d work of the grading crews were then discussed and outlined briefly as follows. North cre Mr P quette reported that they have finished 2 miles in Div 4 kno n as the Helton road, that he has had the rubber tired machan s from the south crew with him now They are now at the B les road and working just north of the Three Hills, expec ing to finish about Tuesday next Mr Schme ke asked that one dayQs work with one of the rubber tares machines and also with a 14otor Patrol be provided to kill in waslaouts as agreed upon earlier with Hel 1- lbrecht in S"1- 7- 33 -24 -4 It was ag�eed that work be done to provide a good outlet for Bob Vetter south of i.11angham. It was also agreed that the ditch eaot of the Sarcee Butte former school site be cleaned out find that some backsloping be done and other irzprovements; be made near Philip Rocks i %r 1x Koch stated that the south crew are now working on the mile bf grading at Leon Coates south of 27- 29 -23 -4 andnext will clear ditches and do other work on the Pope Lease road as authorized earlier He will need the Euclid back fairly soon but can spare it for a few days yet FORM :10-P SPECIAL MUNICIP SUPPLIES LTD, XZ See Page 5 Kinsmen gravel truck R Ehrman Travelall accident Safety Clinic First 1-id Course meetingof Employees north crew work Vetter south c rew 11 Cd A • The Sec - reas also advised that he wars contacting the Equaliz- Equalization Board to see if any adjustment would be made in /ation Bd 1965 requisitions due to the reduction of assessments at the ,limborne Gas Plant I_ copy of a letter of Oct 14/65 from the C N R to the Eoarc of Tra sport Commissioners was read to Council in C Id P m respect to tie temporary closing of the C N R stations at Trochu Fa Swalwell and Trochu and also outlining the C N n is opinion Swalwell that this is proper procedure and that the liaster Agency Plan is of considerable advantage to the whole area Ob- jection was also voiced by the C N R to the previous corr- espondence from this District in opposition to its procedure P %ir Campbell moved that this information Le placed on file Carried Letters from the Board of Transport Commissioners advised that our pr vious correspondence to it regarding the C P R C P R.ra extension from `f]imborne to the Gas Plant will be kept on Wimborne file and considered when an official application for that line is bei g given consideration Mr. Poole moved that this be filed Carried The Secretary-Treasurer gave each Councillor a summary of the accounts of Pair R 0 SCeglowitsch for engineering accounts of legal survey work for the year 1964 and also for the period from Januar 1/65 to October 14t11-1/65 These summaries y'Keglowitsch were discussed at some lenEth and comparisons made between the various projects 14r Pool then moved that the information be accepted anf filed Carried The Seer a re.ort re had been on but .lad wor power take - the Belcher and no inco ther assist His former Compton wou was no comp case had be qualificata FORM 149 -P SPECIAL MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD, tary- Treasurer, as Welfare Officer, gave Council arding Pair Earl Compton and family Par. Comptton Welfare assistance last winter in this District near Calgary He had his hand caught in a off in late September this year and was put in Hospital for treatment He had no insurance me and his family had therefore applied for fur - ance through the City of Calgary '1elfare Depot. employer had been contacted and stated that Mr ld not be able to get his work back and that there ensation for him. The responsibility for this en accepted as there was no doubt as to residence on. See Page 6 lil�� lelfare re Com ton COUNCIL MEETING Oct 22/65 Page 5 It was agreed that the two Wagner machines be made avail- 4agners ,o able for stockpiling gravel from the river near the Tolman Tolman bridge as soon as arrangements can be completed for a drag- Lridge line to load hen I,ir Peters moved that notice be given to the cooks that lept they will be on pay and work to Nov 30th only Carried cook, X ,Ir 1Y Kocla and T. Paquette then left the meeting Council wa3 given the decision of the i-lberta kssessment decision ppeal Board in regard to the appeal of Socony Mobil Oil re assess for various properties. The assessment on machinery and Socony Mocll equipment at the �limLorne Gas Plant in the amount of $173,770.00 as deleted as the property was not in operation at the end of last October as required under the Assessment E.ct The assessment of $980 00 for other well equipment in Twp.31 -24 4 was also authorized cancelled as it was not in use. The assessment remaining on improvements at the ''?imlz,orne Gas Plant totalled $50,760 00. The See -Treas advised Council that he had discussed this with Mr Neil German, Solicitor, at Calgary and Mr German had advised not to launch an3 appeals through the court in regard to this decision as t seemed to be in keeping with the Assessment Act Mr Sc elke moved that this be accepted and filed. Curried The Sec - reas also advised that he wars contacting the Equaliz- Equalization Board to see if any adjustment would be made in /ation Bd 1965 requisitions due to the reduction of assessments at the ,limborne Gas Plant I_ copy of a letter of Oct 14/65 from the C N R to the Eoarc of Tra sport Commissioners was read to Council in C Id P m respect to tie temporary closing of the C N R stations at Trochu Fa Swalwell and Trochu and also outlining the C N n is opinion Swalwell that this is proper procedure and that the liaster Agency Plan is of considerable advantage to the whole area Ob- jection was also voiced by the C N R to the previous corr- espondence from this District in opposition to its procedure P %ir Campbell moved that this information Le placed on file Carried Letters from the Board of Transport Commissioners advised that our pr vious correspondence to it regarding the C P R C P R.ra extension from `f]imborne to the Gas Plant will be kept on Wimborne file and considered when an official application for that line is bei g given consideration Mr. Poole moved that this be filed Carried The Secretary-Treasurer gave each Councillor a summary of the accounts of Pair R 0 SCeglowitsch for engineering accounts of legal survey work for the year 1964 and also for the period from Januar 1/65 to October 14t11-1/65 These summaries y'Keglowitsch were discussed at some lenEth and comparisons made between the various projects 14r Pool then moved that the information be accepted anf filed Carried The Seer a re.ort re had been on but .lad wor power take - the Belcher and no inco ther assist His former Compton wou was no comp case had be qualificata FORM 149 -P SPECIAL MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD, tary- Treasurer, as Welfare Officer, gave Council arding Pair Earl Compton and family Par. Comptton Welfare assistance last winter in this District near Calgary He had his hand caught in a off in late September this year and was put in Hospital for treatment He had no insurance me and his family had therefore applied for fur - ance through the City of Calgary '1elfare Depot. employer had been contacted and stated that Mr ld not be able to get his work back and that there ensation for him. The responsibility for this en accepted as there was no doubt as to residence on. See Page 6 lil�� lelfare re Com ton 11 IM • Mr Loosmoi with Dr E ice. the account of agreed to subs discount and l Ioosmore move( account be ac( '6'lelf are repori Correspond referred to C Feiner to cre noted that th Linden and pa be impossible and it was al division shou within this D were annexed moved that Co division and in the discus COUITC.IL MEETING Oct 22/65 Page 6 e and G G King reported that they had met assen, dentist of Three Hills, in regard to the Fournier family. Dr. .lassen had it a revises account allowing considerable is account of $314 00 was now presented Mr that the report regarding Dr :lassen�s epted and the $314.00 paid and that the welfare regarding the Compton family be filed Carried nce from the Provincial Planning, Director was uncil in regard to the proposal of Mr Karon to a subdivision in 51-29-30-25-4 It was s would '.:e partly within the Village of tly within this Nunzczpal District It would to administer this under the Plan as drafted o the feelinr, of Council that no new sub - d be created adjacent to any Town or Village strict. It would be much better if the area o the urban municipality first Iir Brown .ncil recommend against this proposed sub - hat the Rrzxm reasons be given as outlined ion as note:I above Carried PlanninE :e i ae r 1, proposal to create a parcel of 40 59 acres in the subdvn. S-1-portion of the 1T-1- 5- 30 -25 -4 was referred to Council for consideration. Air. Brown moved that Council approve of this- subdivision. Carried j portion of the minutes of the Calgary regional Planning Coi-ir_ussxon meting of Friday, October lst was read in regard to Item 4 ane the Municipal District of Kneehill. This suggested th t the Commission would net approve of the proposed subdivision of 1':lex Bordula to create ? 2 acre parcel in NE 26- 31 -24 -4 Ito final decision has een re- ceived from the Provincial Planning Board in this regard. I ,- Church m ved that this inform.- ..tion be filed Curried T'.-e Secre ary- Treasurer advised Council that the Dodge truck for the Trochu rural fire equipment had finally been de.Livered to Silver Line Fire 'Equi.pment in 'ue';ec but that no date for delivery of the completed unit has yet been received Mr. Peters moved that this ',:-e checked further % that the cord any be =advised we want the equipment as soon as possible Carried Notice of the meeting of in Red Deer n October 30th Treasurer an all CouncilEo Peters indicated they would meeting Central the ,.E.lbe rta was read to rs except Mr likely be a 1.Bordula Trochu Fire truck I;ssociation Central Council The See.- I Loosmore and !.,"r r asts file to attend that meeting Hotice was read to Council of a Community Improvement ?orreshop to be held at Olds on Nov.3rd. It was agreed that the Mayor of Olds be advised that two or three from this Distric may be able to attend that meeting ! - -- letter Board, City assistance facilities Board sugge $267 00 app Valley Recr for such pr policy will FORM 149 -P SPECIAL MUNICIP1 SUPPLIES LTD, Cowl l Impr. workshop: at Olds f Sept 30th/65 from the Malley Recreational f Drumheller, was read to Council in which s requested for the provision of recreational r the area adjacent to Drumheller. That ed that this District should give a grant of ximately,per year Mir Poole moved that the tional Boars: be advised that no assistance rams is being, given in 1965 but that the e considered again this coming Spring Carried )�;11_f See Page 7 Drumheller recreation [A Correspond advised that with, and the The Secretary under which t application t the Centenni.a be approved a COUNCIL I4EETIIIG Oct 22/6$ 'age 7 nce from the Village of Torrington and Linden heir Centennial projects are being proceeded ask what further information is required Treasurer presented a proposed letter and form e Towns and Villages of the area would make this District for the Municipal grant toward projects Mr Campbell moved that the form d sent to all areas concerned. Carried. Torrington & Linden Centennial t., J. card of appreciation was read from Mr Orval Mc! rthur 0 IvIcArthur for flowers a d expressions of sympathy sent from Council � appr and staff rec ntly in regard to the death of his wife Thzs was ordered f led. Correspond to Power line possible wher ection with c from this Dis south of part emergency bas be acknowledg complete the ago on the P that it is time as has !, brief d study, and x I- zunici.pal Di tie new date advice is ex The comma very briefly in regard to was that th Hr. Poole mo aural Road S I.r Schme spections of particular r extension of Plant, and t It was felt in various 1 crew were in grades wide leaving. No The Secre Mr Heil Ger which are ag German had e have the cav for so doing taken in rea nce from Canadian Utilities was read in regard move and that Company asked longer notice if zxxxktxmx power lines must be moved in conn- r road grading, programs Recent requests riot for line moves south of 27- 29 -23 -4 and of 27 and 28 in 31 -24 -4 had been on an s. Mr. Church moved that this correspondence d but that Canadian Utilities be asked to work which was started some considerable time e Lease road and that the Company be advised ngercus to leave holes for a long period of en done there. Carried. scussion took Palace regarding the rural road was noted that the proposed meeting at the trict of ockyview office was postponed with possibly Wednesday, Nov 24th, but further ected tee of Mr. Brown, Peters and lKing reported on the meeting; they had attended at Didsbury this matter, and told Council one recommendation s District should Join a Planning Commission ed that further discussion in regard to the udy be tabled until next meeting date. Carried. ke and G Ding gave a report of various in- work carried out in Div 6 on Oct 18th with ference to the roads connected with the C.P.R. its railway line from dis_lborne to the Gas the grayling work near the Ensminger culvert hat the grading, standard was much too low ,cations this year as it appeared that the a hurry to finish jobs and did not make the nough nor do a good trimming Jos before definite action was taken on these reports. ary- Treasurer advised that he had contacted an, Solicitor, in regard to old caveats inst many of the Swalwell properties Mr timated that it might cost us $'200 00 to ats removed, and that there was no real need Mr Poole moved that no -further action be rd to these old Swalwell caveats. Carried lr Peter moved that the agreements as presented for land and fence deals be accepted by Council and payments I/ authorized Carried. Correspo gave detail . her three c death of I.IATr widow & the information infl:�ormation FORM 1 9 -P SPECIAL MUNICIPA SUPPLIES LTD, dence from the 77orkmenvs Compensation Board of the compensation which Mrs. Bettcher and ildren will receive following the accidental Eldon Bettcher The monthly allowance for the three children totals $220 00 per month Other was also given 11r. Poole moved that this be accepted and filed Carried :gee Page 8 Can Utilities Dural 1 Study r i� V inspecilon of work in Div 6 Swalwell caveats U/ land �a fence deals :d C B re Airs Bettcher I In, I43r. Loosmol Municipal Disi require any s] COUNCIL HEETING Oct 22/6$ Page 8 •e moved that the Alberta L'.ssociation of heated ;riots be advised that this District will not grader heat treated grader blades Carried: blades Notice from the Canadian Good Roads i'ssoci.ation stated Can Good that a Congress would be held in London, England in Sept d. s I.ssoc of 1966, and Irave details regarding flight Mans, etc for any wishing to attend. M,r Brown moved that this be filed. Council wa; near Sharples locations I- this coming Mi I-ssistant Dis- Branch advised that and that this was agreed t nday at 11 00 riot Engineer one new bridge may be provided Fridge entails some changes in the road near zat the road committee meet there Sharples i M with fir Leon moot, and an inspector from the fridge Correspond nce from the Provincial Department of High- drainage ways stated t at they would arrange improverients in regard at Carbon to drainage a the hill northeast of Carbon and gave con- siderable details regarding this. Mr Poole moved that this be accep ed and filed Carried !!it Palph oosmore left the meeting at this time as he was not feeli g very well. T_-e Secretary-Treasurer advised Council that someone had dug a fairly deep drainage ditch near .Franz Jacobs S- 36- 32 -22 -4 and that, in his opinion, this created some hazard Mr ampbell was somewhat aware of the situation `ut did not a ree that any damage was done to the road nor any special hazard created. ?sir. Peters moved that the road committea investigate this matter Carried The Secret ry- Treasurer advised Council that the -ol owing emp oyees had enrolled for courses from the Department of Extension and that the fee for each course is X00 00• G G King - Municipalities "Planning, H.J. : anson - lvlluniApal I ccounting, George Para. - i.ssessment Uniformity 4r Peters moved that Council agree to pay the fees of $ 0 00 each to those named above who success- fully complet the course Carried The Secret ry- Treasurer advised that inquiries had been made regardin old cable that might be available P -Ir v Campbell move that the foremen have authority to sell old cable at 00 per lineal root Carried 1r. Poole reported that Leo Halstead had got an old culvert from the Carbon yard and that he would contact him regarding the price of same with the suggestion that it should be worth in the neighborhood of $$ 00. I,Ir. Clare an estimated his place ne that suffici Campbell mov Elvin in the Carried Procedure and the Chan Church moved in the Three decision be tnroughout t FORM 19 -P SPECIAL MUNICIP SUPPLIES LTD, drainage ditch near I~ Jacob exten:, ion courses old cable L Halstead old culvert V e Elvin had advised the office that he had C Elvin ,000 cu yds of gravel stockpiled east of gravel the raver for Municipal use, and he asked t money be paid him to clear his taxes. Mr that this advance be granted to Clarence nount of $378 19 to clear his 196$ taxes to be followed to explain the new assessments new es and related matters was discussed Mr assessments that the Secretary - Treasures place articles - articles Halls Capital during November, and that a ade later regarding any meetings to be held ie District Carried. See Page 9 A M COUNCIL MEETING Oct.22/65 P_�e 9 ■ Tie Secretary-Treasurer advised Council that he expected the new assessment notices would be sent out on December lst, 1965 in connection with the new general assessment. It was agr ieets. ed that all items listed in the kgenda for this meeting hat had not been dealt with be tabled until Council next The follow "ng is the list of accounts authorized paid at this meeti g 5363 Guy 5 5331 Harry Bentz D W. 54 60/ 277.78 mileage labor 5332 albert Henderson 60,00 fees 5333 Prov Secretary 94.51• petty cash 5334 5335 G.G King Osborn Sheddy 1.05- overpaid taxes 5336 Don Adams 331.721' 315.92x" labor labor 5337 5338 Elmer lauer Vernon Bitz 292 12� labor 5339 Lorne oese 294 `` 5340 John C mpbell 321.40 +� t` 5341 Robert Cranston 292.52E 357. 34v' " " 5342 Joe Do ler it 5343 John D R R Erman rn 327.52r 317 52v it 5344 5345 John E au 313-52x1` it 5346 Gus Gi ck 281.76x/` 11 5347 H.Dale Gimbel 292.12 +' i4 5348 Karl Gandlach 321 52'� 442.71r� Assist.Sec. 5349 H J Hanson 232.86J steno 5350 Violet Hart 5351 Allen Huxley 312 32vA labor 5352 t 0, Keglowitsch 989.60vA surveys 5353 Alber Kimmel 317.52+ 480 63v labor Sec.- Treas. 5354 5355 G G Ning Allen Koch 356 97YA labor 5356 Leonard Litz 5357 Allan MacLean 5358 T.0 Paquette 5359 G D. Park 5360 G L ark 5361 Geo Rempel 537? 5362 Oris Rodger 5363 Guy 5 weras 5364 D W. Smith 5365 1A R. ommerville 5366 Chris Weigum 5367 Alex illiams 5368 Lewis, & 4ailson 5369 iA T ley 5370 Mrs ena .dams 5371 Harry 537? Jack 5373 Mervi 5374 tiller 5375 Kenn( FORM 149 -P SPECIAL MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD. Bentz ,ogbill z Eld Koch th Xkam Esau 312.52,," 314.32,,' 405 56`I 376.21, 360.63" labor labor if Assessor Field Supervisor 296 52,/' labor 3c ;.I 3O$.12vli it 258.32` ;Y 293.76-A II 367.72v/ mechanic 125.00�janitor 292.12�labor 21,351.20/' paving 20.00:' labor 143.36x' cook 312 02 +' labor 264.48v) labor 35 00 %f 5 00," 269 12,' 1 f See Page 10 R 11 5401 5402 5403 5404 5405 5406 5407 5408 5409 5410 5411 5412 5413 5414 5415 5416 5417 5418 5419 5420 5421 5422 5423 5424 5425 5426 5427 5428 5429 5430 FORM 119 -P SPECIAL MUNICIP SUPPLIES LTD, Don A Verno Joe D Ray E John H Da Karl hlbe Leon Mrs C.0 S. C. R L C �T A.H R. W. 1 Ray 51 Ha rve, A h ] Russe: Ralph Canad; Provi: Distr: Recei Medic Pe nne John .►be Z Hunte Bitz ler man au Gimbel .ndlach Kimmel Litz na t.dams ,mpbell hmelke .more role Lurch rown cneuert Thiessen och L' 1 Snell Kientz Life Assurance vial Treasurer ct Treasury er General 1 Services Inc Cartage uderman iessen s Cartage 7.92vA mileage 12.48 mileage 9.96rA 46.08 40 44V' OOvA ;c 1392✓ 41 55..20vA it 5.04yA if 5 76,E is 96.64YA council fees 141.72•'' `r 'y , etc. 152.36' fs 4 , etc 159.22f1 eo , etc 281. 8 0,► /j " it 199 8 o,� 61 50✓ labor 171-00, labor 328.OG labor 45.15v, A . S B 63-90,14 Ei , S. a 671 85v' pension 308 6V pension 300 72-it Un Ins. 1248 9W Inc Tax 317.80 %�M.S I 35 OO'rA labor 1791 34v/, labor 1768 26, labor 1034.88v" labor See Page 11 COUNCIL MEETING Oct 2265 Page 10 5376 Ernest Fox 296 92,v labor 5377 Stevd acher $6 97 labor 5378 B L H nses 298 72✓ `` 5379 Donald Henderson 226.82✓' 5380 Doug. Lea 226.82 +4 if 5381 Harvey Lowen 243 42,' 'Y 5382 Harvey Lowen 59.56', it 5383 0 A Arthur 247 12 ✓' " 5384 Della Rerapel 192 37v steno 5385 J H Strauss 226.02, labor 5386 Erchie `Talker 258 08' labor 5387 Fred L mmle 10 00� road rent 5388 Robert McGougan 15.00,1F if it if 5389 Carl Knudsen 35.00✓'' +)1 if 5390 Henry Sakler 20.00 5391 Elmer Kesterke 15 00v is if 5392 H Ziegler 10.00vA ti° it 5393 J.R Lane 25.o0�A land rental if 5394 Walter Tetz 25,00 5395 H. Ot osen 25 00-e s' is 5396 Orest Lukey 25 00✓' '` i4 5397 Dan Williams 25.00VA 00v� if °' it if 5398 Jack arber 25. " if 5399 Geo.V nDoren 25 OOVA 5400 N 4a'sman 25 OW " it 5401 5402 5403 5404 5405 5406 5407 5408 5409 5410 5411 5412 5413 5414 5415 5416 5417 5418 5419 5420 5421 5422 5423 5424 5425 5426 5427 5428 5429 5430 FORM 119 -P SPECIAL MUNICIP SUPPLIES LTD, Don A Verno Joe D Ray E John H Da Karl hlbe Leon Mrs C.0 S. C. R L C �T A.H R. W. 1 Ray 51 Ha rve, A h ] Russe: Ralph Canad; Provi: Distr: Recei Medic Pe nne John .►be Z Hunte Bitz ler man au Gimbel .ndlach Kimmel Litz na t.dams ,mpbell hmelke .more role Lurch rown cneuert Thiessen och L' 1 Snell Kientz Life Assurance vial Treasurer ct Treasury er General 1 Services Inc Cartage uderman iessen s Cartage 7.92vA mileage 12.48 mileage 9.96rA 46.08 40 44V' OOvA ;c 1392✓ 41 55..20vA it 5.04yA if 5 76,E is 96.64YA council fees 141.72•'' `r 'y , etc. 152.36' fs 4 , etc 159.22f1 eo , etc 281. 8 0,► /j " it 199 8 o,� 61 50✓ labor 171-00, labor 328.OG labor 45.15v, A . S B 63-90,14 Ei , S. a 671 85v' pension 308 6V pension 300 72-it Un Ins. 1248 9W Inc Tax 317.80 %�M.S I 35 OO'rA labor 1791 34v/, labor 1768 26, labor 1034.88v" labor See Page 11 14 • 0 COUNCIL MEETING Oct 22/65 Page 11 5431 G. Boa e 5432 C L. B lderson 5433 Linden Contractors 5434 Hesketh Community Assoc 5435 able D illing 211 14/ labor 20 00 -Tabor 5437 15,000.0x/ s Ltd labor 500 00- grant 7 50/ shop 5436 Accura t Auto Body 18.50; repairs 209 7 `� repairs,etc 5437 Acklan s Ltd 2 29A 5438 Acme Garage 1 00 hamlets 5439 J.cme Hardware 7.50vh P & S. 5440 f. A M. 5441 t =�lta ssoc . �t u 994 01q� material, repairs, etc 5442 Alta ovvt. Tele 179 20' office,shop fees 5443 5444 Loo Allied more Equipment 50.00�council 250 O& paving 5445 Dr J Almsn 6 40, A 5 B 5446 E:tlas Service Stn 1.4a repairs 62.35vh park,etc 5447 5448 Beave Becke Lumber s Painting 115 05v painting H U 5449 Bob Qs Radio 15 36�A P S 6 70V fuel 5450 D.k Cil Co. 5451 B t >, it Co 549 40v; fuel 18 50v /I shop, streets, 5452 Calgary Power 2722 22-, improvements 5453 C. N Z 41.73 5455 5455 C p.R Can frex 126 771/" P €� S- Canad'an Utilities 360.9V' office,shop,ete. 5457 Canad an Western Nat Gas 29 25vn shop 105 99,' newspaper, etc 5458 Capit 1 Printers 5459 Carbon Transport 4.10," repairs 5460 Village of Carbon 5.50✓' shop 5461 Crown Lumber 29 39✓' A material 3a repairs V,6? Curmi s Diesel 42 460.O0r y t: /S . B . 5463 Dep ' t of Agriculture 253 461 fuel 5464 Diede Service 5465 Drumheller Radiator Shop 3 00✓ repairs S466 Elkin ton Sales 15.80 fuel, repairs 47 50� repairs,etc 5467 5468 John Eutec rnst is Jeldin� 105 7 repairs V 5469 Charl y Evans 3 50,, shop 39 1 27f labor 5470 Farm lectric Service 5471 Farme 4s Exchange 46 204 shop,etc.. 25.00f legal fees 5472 /German, Lutz is Coady 15 15Y� fuel 5473 5474 Ghost Gibson Pine Store Farm Implements 1.55x' repairs 5475 Dr. J A Greenway 27.50v is S B 5476 H J. anson 5477 Highw y Motors 5478 Ed Ho er 5479 H T owe & Son 5480 Impec'al Oil 5',81 Jacks 5482 G G 5483 Larso 5484 1'- V- 5485 Linde FORM 149 -P SPECIAL MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD, >n v s Machine ivs r- Jelding ,ee i Gas & Oil 42 10v�i mileage 11 02V' repairs 1 8& office 330,48%^ repairs,etc, 441 68�'' fuel Shop 38.70) repairs 58.80-x' nilegae 80 60 %, repairs,etc 7.10• -�, repairs 28.43,.' repairs,fuel See Page 12 0 U Wd is me • COUNCIL MEETING Oct 22/65 Page 12 5486 Linde 5487 J,C• 5488 Mainl 5489 1"_Ti11E 5490 Hilli z Trading Co -Op ,ong & Sons one Farm Imp r Automotive Qs Cafe 5491 ia'Mcderti Tool 5492 Municipal Supplies 5493 Macleods Ltd 5494 .McKee Implements 5495 C F Paget 5496 Pefpe,r Bros 5497 Pitney Powes 54961`• Plain Jestern Gas 5498 yueenQs Printer 5499 Hart Reed Propane 5500 Richalydson Road 5501 Royal Oil 5502 SafetV Supply 5503 Sawdo 4s Drurrs 5504 Schac er Sales 5505 :heph rd Hardware 5506 Eurt Pmith Motors 5507 Street 14orrow 5508 TexacD Canada 5509 Three Hills Transport 5510 Three Star Service 5511 S F. rorrence 5512 Town i 3 Hills 5513 Trochj Motors 5514 Trocha Mutual Telephone 5515 C Turner 5516 Underwood Mc'ellan 5517 Union Tractor 5518 Vaugh 's Electric 5519 -,lelders Supplies $$20 .,high 1-4otors 5521 C V -'lvin 552? 1 —H, Church 5523 T E & J. 1A. Rowbotham 5524 HarrylChurch 5525 Georg Walker 4-00- A shop 22 201' repairs 3 69! S. B 37 13,, repairs 3.401 shop 40 00/ tools 66. 58-,' P & S 7 26�; repairs,shop 4 96✓' repairs 4, 80✓' shop 4 45'4 n repairs 244 60y meter 83 58 n office, shop 2 0& P S. 21 894, repairs,fuel 291 SOv" repairs 163 92✓' fuel 299.55✓' safety supplies 22 85vA welfare,etc 35 OOV� shop 1 95v� tools 7 35� fuel 100 Olvh repairs 2285 33v/4 fuel 5. v. repairs 1 00v repairs 15.00v° insurance 11.00vl' office, shop 5 50," fuel 9 00v, h.S.n 5 OOv�' repairs,etc 1595.77' engineering 255 09!1 repairs 20 85 ✓ office 26 78y , repairs 64.75,/' repairs,etc 378 19v'3 grav, 444 00)' road 400.00✓ road 215 00 road 180 GO%� �l purchases purchases purchases ;e 5526 R B Steel 180 00� ce if 5527 E P anu 95.00 V1 if V "' 5528 C.0 Martin 90.00' z9 i+ 5529 Robert i1eston 45 00"' 5530 Mrs. Steinbach 38 15 " If ° 5531 Art H 44 80," Mr Peter moved that this meeting do now adjourn until idonday, November lst at 9 00 E..M. Carried Time of a4iournment o 6 00 P Ml FORM 149 -P SPECIAL MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD, I Reeve Spec - -Tread C" N N A The Coun( was reconvene( I4onday, Novemt again present, COUNCIL MEETING Nov. 1/65 (cont9d from Oct.22/65) Page 13 1 meeting that had adjourned from Oct 22/65 at the Municipal office, Three Hills on r lst, 1965 at 9.00 A.M. with all Councillors Mr. D C Dau, representative of the ThreeHills School D C Dau Division, was present throughout this meeting except as meetings in this otherwise noted in these minutes for a short period outline the Crop Insurance program, and also Mr G G King, Secretary- Treasurer, was present and ficials of the local F U,A recorded the minutes. contacted in Hr. Gordon Park, Field Supervisor, met with Council G.Park and the minut s of the 1'zgricultural Service Board meeting letter be sent to of October 29-;h/65 were read to Council eclamation Council and the Mr. Peters moved that Council approve of the use of Agriculture 1080 baits fo coyote control when requested by a rate- 1080 baits payer and whe a the location meets with the requirements areas. Carried of the regulations Carried See Page 14 3 mills S.D. Discussion followed re the suggestion from the cost of r,Fricultural Service Eoard that costs of equipment and equip b labor be shared with the Three Hills School Division for- - maintenance o school grounds, cemeteries, municipal maintamng parks,etc Mr. Loosmore moved that the Council support cemetries, the idea of b ying equipment for this purpose if the School etc Division wish-,s to co- operate on a rental basis Carried. Mr Browi moved that a committee of I.r. Dune Peters committee Cliff Poole aid Gordon Park bring in a report regarding 4 re move the above an also regarding a small trailer to haul i:gricultural 3ervice Board equipment Carried It was noted that only a few of those eligible for rdside compensation for cultivation of roadside shelterbelts had shelterbelts made application Pair Schmelke moved that forms be sent to the balance of those who are eligible for such comp- ensation C rried It was voted that there will be a delay in getting storage the storage tuilding frora the U F A Co -Op. 11r Peters building moved that Mr. Gordon Park be given the power to get the ground levelled and that he try to get the Co -Op to put the foundati n in soon so that the building may be erected during colder' weather. Carried Mr Loo more moved that Mr. Gordon Park be granted G Park permission t� attend a 4H leadership conference to be 4H conf held in Edmo ton this coming Wednesday and Thursday and that he be gtnted the necessary expenses for this trip. Carried Mr Peters moved that a letter be written to the Cron Crop Insurance Boards regarding holding meetings in this Iris District to outline the Crop Insurance program, and also that chief o ficials of the local F U,A or F W U A be contacted in this regard. Carried bir Loo more moved that a further letter be sent to topsoil re the Surface eclamation Council and the Department of pipelines Agriculture tressing the importance of having topsoil 1 replaced ove pipelines in all farming areas. Carried See Page 14 FORM 1119 -P SPECIAL MUNICIPAU SUPPLIES LTD, r N Mr. Petej to attend a R. if suitable ai E M.0 Carrio Mr. Gordl ing at Red Del stated that i the Regional . the 'Jest Cent House on Dec f rora the Se ry Church moved members and M Mountain Hous Mr Gord burning permi Brief discuss the meeting rno ors met with crushing rear good.. They a the hills and asked if they gravel from s avoid extra a Peters roved ors to move t and thus make COUNCIL MEETING Nov .1 /65 s moved that Mr. Lorne Boese be diation Monitoring Course later rangements for so doing can be d Page 14 granted time this winter made through n Park advised that he had attended the meet - r in regard to the tree planting school and was very informative He also referred to gricultural Service Board Conference for al Zone which is to be held at ):rocky Mountain mber 16th or 17th, and the recommendation ce Board that all Board Members attend Hr hat Council approve attendance of Board Gordon Park at the said meeting at Rocky Carried. Park reported that he had issued 10 to 12 mostly in connection with flax straw. n followed and Mr Gordon Park then left d Boese and Doug Hazelton of Linden Contract - ouncil They stated that they are now Knudsen's and that the gravel is quite e using their cat to loosen the gravel in the payloader to feed the crusher They might have the use of a Euclid to haul ,me of the knolls to the crusher so as to Ives. This was discussed briefly and Mr .hat we pay $75 00 extra to Linden Contract- ► an additional site for crushing of gravel it unnecessary to send in the Euclid Carried Linden Contractors reported that the stockpiling near south of the Tolman bridge is proceeding very well, with our two Jagn rs hauling the gravel to the stockpiles and not having a y difficulty in doing; so. 14r Poole moved that this s ockpiling be continued as weather permits or until furtheg notice. Carried Hr Pet rs reported that Philip Rock had told hire there was a ossibility of a lot of gravel in the Red Deer River j st north of the Morrin bridge. This is to be checked liter Linden t they could d4 for this Dis- Nov.lst and necessary, t] crusher to & advisable work for the 4 `` crush p lu at the pit to have a bu pit and firs amount extra stated that crusher for a committee Stan Schmelk regarding st and Loring it It was agree this coming FORM 149 -P SPECIAL MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD. ;ontractors stated that they were quite certain 90,000 cu yds of crushing; and stockpiling :rict under the Winter `corks program between ,pril30th They further stated that, if iey would be prepared to bring in another isist in the work or to run double shifts if Phey further stated that they would do the sane price as last winter, namely 56¢ for 4 ¢ per cu yd, for placing it in stockpiles They suggested that it might be advisable L1 crusher to do the large rocks at the Megli t quoted a price of 30¢ per cu yd, of the total for this work. After some discussion, they they might be able to bring in the bull 25¢ per cu yd extra Mr Peters moved that Df Mr. Ralph Brown, Cliff Poole, Alan Church e, G G. King and the two road foremen check ripping and other matters at the Megli pit a report to the next meetin€ Carried d that the said committee meet at that pit Thursday at 9.30 A.M P""- See Page 15 L Boese EIV110 tree p lantinc; school Conf. . at Rocky Mtn ';louse burning permits Linden Contractors Knudsen Tolman Br gravel at river -P. R ock crushing; Winter T'lorks Tentative follows, but i Linden ai I'i I't -it Megli in Sharples COUNCIL MEETING Nov 1/65 Page 15 amounts of gravel crushing were noted as ko notion was made in this connection. ,ea L5,000 to 20,000 cu yd in NE 16-3.9­/,6 -- 30000 to 35000 cuyl: s N2- 10 -30 -25 - 20,000 cu.yds in N2- 10 -29 -2, 2. - 10,000 to 15,OOOcu.yds iir. Schm�lke moved that the following be approved in connection with gavel crushing work and Linden Contractors. 1. my crushing at Snell?s to be left until 1966 2 They nove from KnudsenQs to Linden and crush 15,000 to 20,000 cu. ds. 3 They then be granted permission to leave our District for approximately 1 month. Carried. Linden C ntractors advised they have a fairly large quantity of L f crush gavel near our Municipal pit which we could purc ase at 75¢ per cu yd They thaiked Council and then left the meeting gavel crushing Mr Chur h moved that this District engage Linden Linder. Contractors f r the Hinter Yilorks crushing and s ;ockpiling Corrtr of gravel at he pits, subject to then being agile to Jintler >:Jorks complete the ontract before the end of the ,ilinter Works Job 5 per2.od Carr' ed Ilan ' 7. Mr Loos ore moved that all matters pertaining to the Rural Lai: Rural toad St dy be tabled until after the meeting is held y,StzdY at the . D o. Rockyview The date of that meeting is still uncertain. i+Iption carried i. length for a Conting were the high been doing, t standard of p many other ma written to th any change in for municipal deadline for Hr Poo, ]Provincial B the followin, 385 1 Foot 131 %7 2 East 7/ / 7:�' 3 Alli. 6L34 & 4 Godl Job 5 Bros -- 6. Ilan ' 7. Nort. 7 ®776 8. -lest K. k1l the a 0 - 11 Torn I z$ 12. Dona g�z 13 E•lex 14. Insp i >iotior_ FORM 1N9 -P SPECIAL MU ICIPMI SUPPLIES LTD. discussion followed in regard to the application ncy I:oad Grant for 1966. (Matters considered Co-atx -i ency cost of the ty-e of paving this District has gran - e advantaCes and disadvantages of the lower ving, the importance of various roads and ters Mr Peters moved that a letter be Department of Highways asking if there is its policy regarding the standards required paving under this grant, and also asking the pplications for Contingency :oad grant Carried. moved that an application be made to the Bridge dge Branch for new bridges or culverts in Culver-s order of importance 1966 of the Orkney hill in 5E- 4- 30 -21 -4 rly bridge at Sharples in S -"- 17- 29 -22 -4 eham south 14/11,1- 26- 31 -26 -4 nton S/S1r1- 4- 3.1 -26 -4 eau WSe°J- 13- 31 -24 -4 illiams south - W/SW- 7- 33 -24 -4 of Jim toss - 14- 23- 33 -24 -4 rly bridge at Sharples in 511- 17- 29 -22 -4 rel - south of N`J- 3- 31 -22 -4 - with the suggestion that ite of this (;ridge be given careful consideration lhauser south of 5E- 27- 28 -23 -4 owbottom - J/ITI- 20- 29 -21 -4 dson south for two locations - '-l/S4 -5 -34 -224 and rd/N',11- 32- 33 -22 -4 Papp road 71-- 32 -23 -4 ctions and advice in regard to the following north of Kostrosky?s I/NsJ- 20- 2,9 -24 -4 John Price in 5E- 18- 31 -22 -4 V Ohlhauser - Schell 1/2,9-28-23-4 Vickery - - '1- 21-- 34 -25 -4 Clarke?s south in 5E- 22- ?7 -�.1 -4 See Page 16 arried. ,IF- 14 C+] Hr Churc Henry Grenier this past Spri Grenier be pai Submitted earl taxes as per h Hr Carspl the surveyed parts of 14- that Mr. Herb 23- 33 -23 -4 ha and had offer report indica using that ar some future d moved that th left as is an COUNCIL MEETING Nov 1/65 Page 16 reported that he had contacted Mr garding the work done by 14r. Grenier Iir Church then moved that Henry $20.00 for labor as per his account r and that this be applied on his request. Carried. ell and G G King gave a report regarding oad west and North of the Trochu mine in and 23 in 33 -2,3 -4 Council was advised Gogal, owner of the balance of the Stil- requested cancellation of the diversion d to purchase same in his quarter The ed there is no objection to Mr. Gogal a at the present, but it might be used at ,te for general traffic. Mr Camp'tiell surveyed road diversion referred to be I that Mr Gogal be so advised Carried The same committee, I�ir Campbell and G King reported that T•.r. Eric 11eissi.g has a large number of old car bodies scattered over that road diversion near his mine Mr Peters moved that a letter be written to Mr. Eric Reissig asking Vat he, remove t -e said car bodies and that copy of this letter be sent to Dr. k J S Hay at Trochu Carried Council adjourned for dinner from 12.00 noon to 1 00 P 14. I, -'r.Dau was absent- fcr a short period aster dinner The road committee reported that they had met at Sharples with i-Ir Leon Floot, Assistant District Engineer, and L.r Bud Hope, Provincial Bridge Inspector. The original propo sed route for the new road would have required moving a barn and drilling a new well for the Dickson?s, b t all had agreed that the road could be moved slightly to the north to miss these i -.n agree- ment had beer signed with I71r. trim Dixon for acreage required from the property in front of their house and also for another old building which would have to be removed The financial saving; to the District in this regard was q ite considerable. Mr Poole moved that Council appr ve of the report of the Road Committee re- garding the oad at Sharples and accept the agreement with Wm Dixo . Carried. Further information was given to Council regarding the drainage ditch near Franz Jacob's S/SW- 36- 32 -22 -4� It a*- -y eared that Mr F. Jacob and /or Stankievech Bros. had hired a ackhoe and deepened the ditch approximately 3 feet recen ly so that the total depth on the north side is now some 6 feet Mr. Campbell :roved that a letter be wr tten to Ir F Jacob and Stankievech Bros advising them that the ditch is their responsibility in case of any ccxdent Carried Mr Church reported that some levelling off had been done at Tom Lowen4s -where gravel had been re- moved and that Mr. Lowen was satisfied wit-1-1 the work up to this date He also advised that Cravel kkax gzxxzk take from the Kneehill Creek near Dunphy had now teen cr shed and stockpiled The Set ei.mer had 1 proposed sui had been re. Reimer had were annexe he would co Campbell mo FORM 149 -P SPECIAL SUPPLIES LTD, H Grenier rd.Trochu mire V11 N ,.i V, ,;A E iaeissig Sharples new rd ditch at F Jacob T.Lcwen retary- Treasurer advised that Mr t-aron I.. Reimer een into the office and had discussed his re division in S:1 -29- 30-25 -4. The subdivision ST, 4-2 , 9 -30 -25 erred to Council on October 22nd last. Mr greed it would be best if the area concerned to the Village of Linden and had stated that vi ,tact the Village Council in this regard Mr -ed that the report be accepted and filed. Carried. :gee Page 17 4f ­< Lr 64 �a COUNCIL MEETIT?G Nov 1/65 Page 17 Tir Loos more moved t .at CCouncil a� prove of the proposed subdivision effecting; Norman Goosen and Cyril Toews in rega d to a srmall portion of I�Ti1 -18- and S`1 -19- 30 -25 -4 as per plan received throuL;h the Provincial Planning; Dire for Carried. Correspo Bence f ror: Haddin, Davis & T rcwn was read regarding the proposed Grantville water and sewera.e system, and i cluding, he advertisement callinC, for bids which has rec ntly been rlaced in the papers; ` i-ie part- icularly note that tine Lids are to to opened by Council next, i4onday, ovember 8t'? at 3 00 P J'i T'r Poole noved that the corr spondence and report be acce,Aed Carried subdvn . V,1 18 & 19 -30 -25 '.iaudiin, Davis Brown re . Z bids i T•ir Pete s moves? that an application `� made for assistance un er the winter works program for the Grant- L/ ville water a d sewer system Carried. T -ir Dona d Dam re��,resentative of the Three Hills Sc :iool Divisi n, carne ac:: into the meeti.nE at this brie and was l rese t for the talance of the meeting; Tyr Chur h i-moved that the list of engineering or GL_ , ' ng; wor applied for under the winter works program we approved a per the application which has been sent in !,,'r. Joe Paquette, ro Tir Do'-- the various follows Grantville ,1 -,,l D E,au I forks re surveys obler, gravel forerman, and Nr ,,%soch and T forerien foremen, net with Council r stated that the gravel p ;aced on roads in visions in 1965 up to this date totals as Div.1 11,998 Div 2 0 8,o 890 Div 3 2,903 ' Div 4 12,32v Div 5 12,715 Div 6 11,729 Div.7 1 12,522 Total 73,093 The above figures do not'-, include work under the Re- source road grant or the Contingency grant. Mr Dobler � stated that the loader is now out at Lyster's and placinf; sand on certain roads in that area. This will require about one day more The am-0 season was d turn back ap Brown felt t his quota meats be now gravel for t Div 1 T,iv 2 Div 3 Div 4 Div 5 Div 6 Div 7 T-ie a or the Con FORM 119 -P SPECIAL MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD. it int of Cravel required for the balance of the .scussed -and T -.r Poole folt that he should 3roximately 2000 cu yds of his quota and T-'ir mat he would not _seed about 2500 cu yds of ?r Peters moved that the 1965 gravel allot - revised and that the new totals for crushed le year be as follows 13,500 10,;00 10,000 1?,, Soo 15,000 12,500 15,000 tal $9,000 cu. yds figures are not to include the resource :dt. ncy Grant road Motion carried �W W i I See Page 18 gravel on rc's . new .1 totals S 4 11 I/Ir work in 3 and 7 �lke moved Div and then in th t order Mr. Chur gravel crushi gravel in sto District then convenient statem Company showe truck that wa The report of total and the $629.39 less through the i information b be authorized i.djusters C COUNCIL MEETING Nov 165 Page 1$ that the gravel crew finish the continue through Divisions 1,2, Carried work for gravel crew h moved that Linden Contractors,when doing Linden g under Winter Forks, put all the crushed Contr re kpiles at ;its, and that this municipal reload and haul to other locations when arried. nt in detail from International Harvester that the cost of repairs to our gravel Ins re damaged by accident, totalled $629.39. truck the Insurance P-djusters agreed with that accident Release Form showed the total cost of 100 deductible, leaving $529 39 covered surance. Mr. Loosmore moved that this accepted and that the Secretary- Treasurer to sign the Pelease to the Insurance rried The need for adequate warning signs in all locations where road work or culvert installations is under way, warninE was a6ain stressed, and foremen were urged to give this ` signs special attention Mr Loos ore reported that Alberta Government Telephones, when putting in underground catle, had cut through three culverts northeast of Huxley, and perhaps re culverts many others. 14r. Campbell reported that some others had been repaired and he expected that ii G T would attend to all of these 1.1'r Dobl r asked if Council was willing to grant Orval 14c rth any pay for the week which he took off immediately f llowxnE his wifeQs death I,'r Poole moved. that Co ncil table consideration of any such Fay to 0 1. Mcirt ur until the next meeting Carried Mr Joe obler reported that a new International motor is now n stock in cur shop at Three Hills. '1%111r. Peters moved hat, when this motor is installed in a truck, that t e used motor be turned in and that we get a reconditio d motor to have in stock Carried ti letter from the De,artment of Highways and attached regulations gave details regarding the restrictions for development along highways, and among other thinUs, stated that no conviercial development is allowed within 5 miles of the access road to any urban centre These items were discussed briefly. Mr. Peters moved that this correspond- ence be filed. Carried Mr Frown reported that he had just had a telephone call from the Beiseker detachment of the is C M P and that they have apprehended some person or persons who may be responsible for the removal of Euide posts on the t.cme- Linden road The R C M P now wish to know what action this District wishes to take. Mr. Loosmore moved that charges be laid against the parties responsible and that the Reeve be authorized to attend the Hearing on behalf of the I':unicipal District Carried Mr Poo agreements i sented to th FORM 149 -P SPECIAL SUPPLIES LTD, 0 I'icl rthur re pay new motor in stock Dept of Hwys re restrictions 1:Z C ill P re Guide o: is moved that Council approve of the preliminary regard to land and fences as per list pre - meeting Carried See Page 19 V/ land tJ fence tir M F: letter inquiry gave 'II/S71- 29 -28 -23 of the opinio stated that t allow the wat Peters moved with a copy o Schell Carr The Seer trucking firm Ensminger job instead of to had to reload The Secretary Bridge Branch firm in full connection filed. Carri COUNCIL MEETING Nov 1/65 Page 19 from the Bridge Branch in reply to our _ nformation regarding the culvert installed •4 (V Ohlhauser) The Bridge Branch were i that the culvert is large enough and ie depth should be dust great enough to -r to drain from the adjoining, field Pvir. ;hat this information be accepted and filed the said letter to be sent to Mr G E ed terry- Treasurer advised Council that the delivering government culvert for the had delivered it to a site west of Wimborne the proper location Our employees then the culvert and haul it to the proper site Treasurer had correspondence through the and had received $62 00 from the trucki_ne ayment of the Municipal costs in this .r Poole Lioved that this be accepted and d culvert at V Ohlhauser A E nsminge r culvert V, T'r Ted Paquette advised that the government culvert kook installed bel w the Rock hill in S4- 10- 31- 21 -4, had been culvert 14 feet short of the specifications but one spare coupler ,/` had been left on hand The Secretary- Treasurer agreed to advise the Bridge Branch of this matter Mr. Joe obler then left the meetings. Mr Ted aquette stater that the north grading crew north is now works - south of 1=.11ingham to provide a good out- let for Mr. El Vetter They are also doing some back- � crew sloping and brushing to the south of Air Ed Vetters and in that general area Mr. Campbell moved that the Issistant District ksst Engineer be asked to meet- with Council or a committee, Dzs End, regarding the road from the Trochu Auction 1� art west to give us further information. Carried Mr. I.. Koch, foreman of the south crew, stated that south they are now completing; the mile of grading at Leon CoatesQ just north of Carbon, and are starting to clear crew ditches of drift scil,etc along the Pone Lease road There is considerable work in that area. E.dditio al work at the Trochu Park and also other Trochu work at parkE in the area, was discussed briefly Mr --ark Poole moved hat, if the drag line breaks down, the Wagners ? e a thori.zed to do some additional work at the Trochu park •hile in that area Carried Mr Cam bell moved that Harry Bentz be Yard mileage H.Bentz from Carbon to Three Hills when using his own vehicle and that he and John Dorn be each allowed payment for one- 7 J Dorn half hour travel time while operating their lagners stock,iling gravel south of the Tolman bridge Carried It was oted that the voting hours for the Federal Nov 8th hrs election on ovember 8th are from 8 00 k III to 7.00 P.M i-ir CamDbelZ moved that all read and gravel crews be for crews authorized 0 quit work at 5 00 P Psi on that date, with full regular Fay for the day Carried 14r. start at prior to FORM 1N9-P SPECIAL SUPPLIES LTD. Pet rs moved ZO 0 A.M. so co na to the that the Council meeting on Nov 8th ,, and as to give Councillors time to vote council meeting. Carried meeting /�'X See Page 20 ,­W� TWe N _R COUNCIL 14EETING Nov 1/65 Page 20 1dr. Pet rs moved that Rosco Metal Products be given an ord r for the [;cvernment type of heavy duty snow fence a follows 1 For celivery to Three Hills - 25 rolls and 2 0 posts 2 For elivery to Carbon - 25 rolls and 2 0 posts and that we nquire regarding a refund or adjustment on last winter? order in view of the fact that the snow fence sup;pli d was of poor quality Carried Mr T $aquette and , Koch left the meeting at this time nOSV0 - culverts V r Mr Cam bell moved that Council approve of the plans as submitted by the C P in connection with the ex- C.P.R. tension from Wimborne to the Gas Plant subject to the Cas plant requireaents of our previous correspondence Carried ! summa 4y of fire losses in the area to the end of fire losses tueust was r ad to Council and discussed briefly Mr Church :.loved that the 3.nformati.on be filed Carried. Iiss Kathy Meston on behalf of the 4H Beef Club of Three hills net with Council regarding; Clow Moving S. i-i. V. Vehicle Signs Mr Peters moved that she be given an �' signs order for 18 signs and 12,brackets Carried. Kathy thanked Council and then left the meeting 1 Statement of Lccount from German, Lutz and German, Coady and correspondence regarding Canus Mobile Homes, Lutz,Coady was T,:resente .r Poole moved that" this be accepted re and that the said fir be paid the $322 50 in full Canus settlement of its account in this regard Carried The Secretary-Treasurer advised Council that Mr Gordon Howard had impounded some pigs at the pound of impounded Chris Buchert and had laid a damage claim of $35 00 gigs The owner of the pigs is not known at this time. Mr. Brown moved that a committee of Mr Campbell and Mr Peters investigate the damage claim Carried Council of Lands Ee F, park aid mus- The Secretar] report regarl for the Novel was reminded by a letter rests that any application be made before the end of - Treasurer agreed to bring ing totals expended up to ber 8th meeting Carried frow, the Dep ?t for surther !urea, 1966 in a further this time ready The Employer-Committee asked Council if they wished to give any guidance for the discussion with the employee committee regardxnC the 1966 agreement in regard to wares, group life insurance, or any other matters. General discussion followed. It was agreed that the committee meeting on Sat - urday get an expression of opinion only and that no definite offers 'Le made on behalf of Council at that time Councillors Church, Poole, Brown and Schmelke and the Secretary-Treasurer, G G King, had attended the meeting of the Central !'_lberta !':.ssociation of Municipal Districts in Red Deer on OctoLer 30th They gave a brief verbal resort of that meeting, and in- formation as to the resolutions which had been dis- cusses: The resolution from this District pertaining to collection of fire calls, had been approved and will now be referred to the Fall. Convention FORM 119 -P SPECIAL MUNICIP SUPPLIES LTD, I/ narks assistance employee meeting reportof Central ! !. iii D See Page 21 a A t� Each Cou the L.Lberta A t-o the Public Provincial Go its recommend Mr Church mo COUNCIL MEETING Nov 1/65 Page 21 illor was given a copy of the Brief from ociation of Municipal Districts Executive xpenditure and Revenue Comnu tiee of the rnment The high lights of that Brief and ions were referred to and discussed briefly d that the information be filed Carried. Erief to Public Ex-: &f revenue V .. letter from Mr T.J. Petersen on Le'zalf of the Je1fare Hesketh Commu ity Association thanked Council for its A. Hesketh wort: in reGarc to the Recreation grant and for the first ✓ Comuunity payment of $5 0.00 received in that regard. organ. The prop sed agreement with Pair R J Petersen re- garding locat on of his septic tank on an unused road J allowance was referred to Council Mr. Petersen agreed Petersen to remove the tank if the road is to be developed at Secretary- re ✓ any time Mr Peters moved that the Peeve and septic tank Treasurer be uthorized to sign this agreement on behalf Govi. of the Munici al District Carried. ids. & k circular from the Department of Public lelfare Je1fare dealt with Pr (ventive lelfare Services and the suggestion services of the Unit 0 ganization to handle welfare matters The unit Secretary -Tre surer, as lelfare Officer, advised Council organ. he had not ha time to stu::y the proposal carefully, but would like to do so and report back at a later meeting. moved that space lights be 1jr :gown moved that this L�e tabled in the meantime as follows. Carried lights Correspondence advised that the committee considering Brief the Briefs in regard to government Boards & Tribunals Govi. is now meeting in Caleary and that this District's Brief ids. & will be considered on November 2nd Mr Loosmore moved 'Tribunals that 14r. G. G King and I)ir Dunc Peters be authorized to , attend the Hearing on November 2nd and present the brief of the 1.1unicibal District of %neehill #48 Carried i letter from the ! >lberta '-Jheat Pool agent at Equity Equity requested Cou cil to consider installing a vapor light at f.° vapor light Equity 1'tr chmelke moved that one space light be authorized at Equity Carried 14r Peters moved that space lights be also authorized V" vapor as follows. lights ona at Beynon, one at Sharples, one at Twining and that 14r hurch check regarding the situation at nesketh. Car ied The Secretary-Treasurer advised Council that he has bldg. obtained a building permit for the buildigg to be used permit to house Agricultural Service Board equipment The fee t; ; B to the Town of Three Hills for this is �5 00 T'ir Brown moved that this now be paid Carried Mr Poo in reEa:rd to Viat cast ca iro-i for $20 prices are a authorize 1 /ir the Carbon y Mir Carsi to be locates been taken fj - DEEP MOLES FORM 1N! -P SPECIAL SUPPLIES LTD, e reported tHav he has obtained some prices scrag, scrap metal, etc. at Carbon, and believes metal be sold for approximately $32 00 per ton, 00 per ton, brass for 25¢ per lb till proximate Pair Schmelke moved that Council Poole to sell any such scrap material from rd as he deems best Carried bell moved that signs be made this winter signs at along ti,e iZed Deer river where gravel has River om it and that the signs shouk read DANGER � IN RIVET Carried. See Page 22 ii✓ COUIICIL IiEETING Nov 1/65 Page 22 Mr. Poole reported that an old basement at Swalwell basement had been left open and might create a hazard if it got hole at filled with water Mr. Church moved that Mr Poole have V awalwell authority to et this 'basement hole filled in when the machinery is n the District nearby Carried Council geed that Linden Contractors be authorized to remove and stockpile gavel from the Red Deer =liver east of Elvin ?s in E2- 30- 32- 21 -4. Mr Clarence Elvin has a lease on that area but has agreed, if he receives com ensation 'n that regard I•Ir Brown move"' that this District aErea to pay I.1r Clarence Elvin at the rate of 5¢ per cu yd. for any gavel so stockpiled with this pay - nent to cover riCht -og- entry, location for stockpile, general damag s and any ether related matters Carried Mr. Peters reported that a member of the Hot Rod ^1uL at Torrington had inquired about aul "hority to close off the road f rom llingham to Ed Vetter 4s for a period of time to allow them to run test trial It •,oas noted that a portion of t %io road is now under reconstruction and Council did not deei.z it advisable to allow the use of same due to dust hazard and the possibility of resp,on- sioility for any accidents Mr.Peters moved that the Secretary-Treasurer write to Mr Gerry Hodgson at Torrington a d advise him of Council's p inions Carried 1 "Ir Sol elke moved that this meeting do now adjourn. Time of adjo rnment 5 45 P 14 ? -70 ? reeve !:1131410. I -EX T c FORM 118 -P SPECIAL MUNICIP SUPPLIES LTD, Sec -Tre gravel at river E of ElE in? s ii`�it Rod Club re r3. s of ; llingham v_� adjourn �ULi.R MEETING OF COUNCIL _ i4ONDf.Y, November &th, 1965 encing at 10 00 1^k 1/1. Approved by the Department of Municipal Affairs MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD. — EDMONTON AND CALGARY— P27853 *57 FORM No Q MONTHLY STATEMENT (SEC 61 V M.D Act, R.S.A 1955) COUNTY OFj _________________Kneehil-- � o __ 4g____M U N I C I FA o DISTRICT O F _ •- __ _ -_- _ __._-- .____. - - -. . I� Month Ending__.- September 30 1965 _ _ - GENERAL Tax ax Sale I TOTAL ACCOUNT Montreal Treasury Surplu Net Balance at End of Previous Month Zf r ,9_11.0q Receipts for the Month (Less Loans) 1 48,824 90 Loans Received I I nil Sub Total 1 �03,735 99 LESS. — Disbursements for the Month 11529611 39 8 9 ,147.71 909931 19 �32,700.29 Loans Paid nil Net Balance at End of Month I - Balance at End of Month —Bank 10,915 23 26,321.2 I 562.93 7,799 43 -_ I& is ° — Treas. Br 1 56,74 .501 _ 56, 747 50 *Cash on Hand at End of Month I 1,451--19 I Sub Total I I 95.998-14 Less Outstanding Cheques I I 24_1962-44 Net Balance at End of Month I ( 1 0 0 OUTSTANDING CHEQUES r OUTSTANDING ACCOUNTS PAYABLE No I Amount No i Amount N-.7 Amount Amount ly ... 7 . _rejisury Montreal Loans Nil I 5351 312 32 1094 10 16 1 13281 62 5361 [? 69 5. 1 55 20.00 628 84 52 9 — 2—_ 34 43 485$, 4 39 48 62 ?� -1. -13 97 -5223 5225 2.76 9;1161 111.72 5340 321 40 53 44 x•5-2 . 5353 317 52 5356- Estimate of Accounts Payable, 5357 314 32 not rendered 53641 2 6 TOTAL 5331 54 0 _ - Submitted to Council this -------------- 5368121351.20- 4, 284 Day of .- _.._..October 1 TOTAL 4,962 44 'Cash on Hand Deposited ......:........_.. .__.4... _.. . »_..._......19. .DJ_ (SEE OVER FOR EXPENDITURE CONTROL) t965_ Reeve Secretary- _reasur 11 IL 0 "• II •P SPECIAL UPPLIES LTD, IJHEP.E ill S serve p LND TTHE funds o 1-WNICI i�L DISTRICT OF KNEEHILL No 48 THI"'BE HILLS, t.LBEHT1 ral fire protection areas have been establisied to s of many 1,1unicipal Districts and Counties S Municipal fire equipment has been provided bJ ined, or tc be obtained, from taxes on property in the areas concerned ' 1,TD ,THE E.S the said fire equipment often answers fire calls outside of the taxed area under an arrangerient by which the owner or purchaser of the property so served is to be charged a specific sun E ND ,fHEF' AS there has been consideraLle difficulty in makinC, collect' n for this service THE.UFOf E BE IT P,ESCLVED that legislation be enacted to provide that the charge for any fire call from a property owner o tside the taxed area and which is answered by rural Municipally owned fire equipment may be charged ac—ainst the pro erty and made collects ?.ale in the same runner as taxes.