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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-09-11 Council MinutesPeck White cockle IA.A.M.D. IA F U V, imbo me Torringtoi Salvation Army MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF KNEEHILL #278 MEETING HELD ON SEPTEMBER 11th, 1944 Page 1. The Council of the Municipal District of Kneehill #278 held a regular meeting on Monday September 11th, 1944. Councillors present J. rd Olson, J A Ohlhauser, Matthew Schmaltz, Hugh Parry,Reeve, F. C. Petersen, G R VI'alker and C C. Campbell The Reeve presided, and called the meeting to order at 1000 am It was moved by Mr Ohlhauser that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Carried Correspondence* Calgary General Hospital re C H Snell re Dept. of Agriculture re Bd. Public Utility Comm re Bureau of Public Welfare re George Hibbs re Dept. of Public Works re rt ti n re A A. M. D. re Alberta Farmers Union re Mrs. Lillian Pearce Surveying :,Peed burners Swalwell electrification Monthly reports SE- 30- 34 -22 -4 Mrs Bertha Peck Glenn H Farrow Convention Gravel road Carbon & South-West It was moved by Asir. Campbell that the Council refuse to approve the application of I.Jrs Bertha Peck for the leasing of the road allowance south of Sec 5- 29 -21 -4, for the reason that, according to information received, the road is needed by certain farmers of the area for reaching a well Carried It was moved. by Mr. Schmaltz that the weed inspectors of the Municipal District be informed that the weed White Cockle has been found in the Acme area, and that the weed inspectors should be watching for it in other parts of the Municipal District. Carried. It was moved by Mr Olson that the fees to the A. A. M. D. be paid, and that each Councillor be appointed as a dele- gate, and that the :''ecretary- Treasurer accompany them as a visitor to the Convention Carried. It was moved by Mr. Campbell that each delegate be paid an expense account of $35.00 for attending the convention. Carried It was moved by Mr. Schmaltz that the Carbon branch of the Alberta Farmers' Union be informed that the location of all gravel roads in the Municipal District to which the Provincial Government makes grants is approved by the District Engineer. Carried. It was moved by Mr. Walker that application be made to the Provincial Government for a grant of "x,1,500.00 for the gravelling of the Wimborne- Torrington road, on a 50 -50 basis Carried Major Carswell of the Salvation Army interviewed the Council. It was moved by !,,Ir. Ohlhauser that the Council proceed to pass a By -Lava to provide for a grant of $600.00 to the Salvation Army in the year 1944 Carried. Blade gra ekt was moved by Mr. Campbell that one of the blade graders of the "South Camp" be transferred to the "Ghost Pine Camp ". Carried. J®1� 0r s Nerrss1' COUNCIL MEETING.SEPTEMBER 11, 1944. Page 2 Financial The financial statement for the month of August, 1944 statemt. was presented to the Council. It was moved by Mr. Geo Walker that said statement be accepted and approved. Carried. Anton Hagel Mr Schmaltz reported that, according to information McCoy given to him by Mr. Anton Hagel, of Beiseker, the firm of Vd J McCoy and Sons owe Mr Hagel $ 110.40 for labor performed while gravelling was being done on the Beiseker d 'l'est project. It was moved by Mr Schmaltz that sufficient money be held back from settlemnats with Id J McCoy and Sons to pay this account, until such time as evidence is produced showing that account paid. Carried. Henry It was moved by Mr Schmaltz that the Tax Consolidation Schmidt agreement of Henry Schmidt, Beiseker, for parts of Sec 2- 28 -26 -4, be extended for one year, as Ivlr Schmidt has lost his 1944 crop by hail. Carried. Mgrs Mary The Secretary Treasurer presented an order from Davis the District Court tq the effect that Mrs Mary Davis of Swalwell, Alta. is now recognized as a "Deserted Mother without Cause" by the Courts. It was moved by Mr. Petersen that recommendation be made to the Mothers' Allowance Dept that an allowance of $15 00 per month be granted to Mrs. Davis Carried Truck It was moved by Mr Schmaltz that the foremen of the expe nses three road camps be instructed to give detailed information at the end of each month regarding mileage of truck when used on municipal business. Carried. Tax Sale It was moved by Mr. Schmaltz that a Tax Sale of all lands on which the arrears of taxes are greater than 10% of the valuation be held on Dec 4, 1944, and that the Secretary Treasurer is hereby instructed to proceed with same immediately in accordance with The Tax Recovery Act. Carried. Prochu It was moved_ by Mr Campbell that the Trochu Municipal vault Office be held as is, until such time as the vault is built to the office in Three Hills. tarried. Bonds It was moved by Mir Olson that Victory Bonds of par value of $3,350.00 held by the (dissolved) Municipal District of Norquay No. 279 be sold, and that the Victory Bonds of par value of �p2,000.00 held the (dissolved) Municipal District of Carbon No. 278 be registered "as to Principal" Carried Sorrowing It was moved by Mr Schmaltz that the Reeve and noney Secretary Treasurer be authorized to borrow Twenty Thousand Dollars 020,000 00) from the Royal Bank of Canada Three Hills branch, and Twenty Thousand Dollars (20 000,00) from the Treasury Branch of the Province of Alberta, Three Hills Branch in such amounts and at such times as are d -emed necessary to meet expenditures until such time as the taxes levied therefor can be collected. Carried. iloyd Second reading was given to By -Law No 14 (A By -Law Belson concerning the sale of Lot 28, Block 4, Hamlet of Huxley, Alberta to Floyd Nelson, of Trochu, Alta.) It was moved by Mr. Campbell that second reading of By -Law No 14 be passed. Carried. The Council reviewed the outstanding accounts of Seed Grain, Feed and Fodder, etc. �vDIT� Q 0 f sr say COUNCIL MEETING SEPT 11th, 1944 Page 3 It was moved by 11r Petersen that the following accounts be passed forpayment 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 2''O 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 2.32 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 , E v e g3� Gordon Witwer �I J McCoy and Sons John Enzie John Prohl Albert Stetler Lacombe Home Salvation Army rr n Prov Training School Ben's General Store Robertson Bros Ellergodt's Store umy Gore Prov. Dental Hospital City of Calgary Robertson's Store Geo . MicCurrach Dan Gordon Mrs Bogart John Robinson Eric Laird Canada Ingot Iron B B Gaetz Trochu Machine Works Three Hills hardware Atlas Lumber Co Adams Motors P. McNeil !�hitlock Lumber Co. Pepper Bros Concrete Products F. P Piper Crown Lumber Co. B. J. Kerr J D Adams Union Tractor Co Joseph Long W J Hein Prov Treas Municipal Supplies -Kings Printer 1'dm Przsiazny H J Gimbel A J Purvis Carbon Chronicle S. F. Torrance Chas E Fentiman Trentham Bros. Imperial Oil A G T Builders Hardware J E McFee Poxon's Electric Davidson Bros. Gehring Bros. Prov Treas. Stettler S. D. Red Deer S D Olds S D Wheatland S D Drumheller Hospital Postmaster Mrs. D J Kennedy Jos. Kubinec W C. B. Acme S D 8.00�for 1000 00,for 94 72,for 50.00 for 36 90 for 62 00,for 30.00, for 35.00,�for 15': OO, f or 10 00,for 30 00 for 12.17 for 25.00 for 45 00 for 26.25,/for 48.45 for 5 00 for 5.00 -for 5.00 for 5 00, for 5 00 for 133.11. for 93 17 for 107 67 for 31.36 for 168.55 for 106 20 for 39 25 for 396.86 for 2.00 for 265 19 for 447 18vfor 66.10-for 15.00 for 19.40.,for 152 74,for 42.75--,for 59.40... for 95 00-for 26 65 for 3.90 for 23.50 for 9.91 for 11 41 for 1.95 .for 9.60,x. f o r 55 30,for 274 50 for 58.67 for 15.51,,. f o r 7 25,,,for 23 80,.,for 25 20 ,for 15.10 -for 71.10,-for 3702.22 =^for 3024.33�for 575 09Jfor 5586 00,for 8045.00. for 728.75-for 42 00 for 14 35 'for 53.62Afor 630.00 -for 102 51 -for labor Div. 4 gravel work labor Div 7 " 4 It 6 McCurrach Gordon Bogart Robinson Christensen Halbritter Boronets Hager a/c relief O'Brien.Haining. Bertsch Elliott Fleming. Rasmussen personal comforts sr n n ri Culverts Lumber Repairs Repairs material repairs n material repairs culverts Fuel, Oil, etc material labor repairs it Grease Gun building wagon Mothers' Allowance stationery advertising labor on grounds express express, etc advertising Insurance weed inspection fuel fuel rental and tolls hardware material repairs It freighting requis. S. S. taxes requis. school it it ii It n n " hospital stamps Fleming relief labor assessment collections Di a �e�frTSO� COUNCIL MEETING SEPT 11th, 1944 T -134 C. J. Christie T -135 G G King T -136 A J Purvis T -137 Chas Smith T -138 Irvin Smith T -139 Mrs Kate Muir T -140 Vim Howell T -141 Paul Elvin T -142 Floyd Johnson T -143 T H Markle T -144 P Will T -145 V. Gresl T -146 H J. Gimbel T -147 John Esau TO -148 N Giesbrecht T -149 A. Wulff T -150 Ernest 'Wilson T -151 Fred Liddle T -152 Chas. Trumbley T -153 C H. Parge & Sons T -154 James Grant T -155 Ed. Giguere T -156 J. H. Hager T -157 George Sauer T -158 A Gruise T -159 C. W. Smith T -160 N. Gallelli T -161 Wendel Schmaltz T -162 D. C. Stewart T -163 Wm Stewart T -164 Ed Maguire T -165 Emil Mammell T -166 C. E McArthur T -167 W. J. McCoy & Sons T -168 Mr. Murray T -169 Ernest Brewer T -170 Bernard Steward T -171 J. Prohl T -172 Alden Haerz T -173 Art Keila T-174 Wm . Vaal l z T -175 Nick Luca: T -176 Chas McKinnon T -177 Andrew Taslo T -178 George Beagrie T -179 R. Van Wart T -180 Prov Treas. T -181 Allan Ross T -182 Gottlieb Buchert T -183 George McCleary T -184 A Riedlinger T -185 J Crowle T -186 Wm. McGougan T -187 Alex. Mehle T -188 Jake Kramer T -189 Geo Cambell T -190 Beverly Peters T -191 N C Burgoyne T -192 Ray Burgoyne T -193 W. K Moore T -194 A. M Stephensen T -195 Three Hills Ration Bd T -196 A. A. M. D. T -197 Drumheller S. D. T -198 Mrs F Ensminger T -199 W. J McCoy & Sons T -200 R. Radomiske T -201 Albert McGougan T -202 Henry Haffner Page 4. 173 30-for .August salary 164.75 for If it 184.55 for " it 64.40 for labor 66 40 for it 25 00 -for relief 354.06 for labor (Aug ) 274.66-for " if 254 66 for 287.76 for 'r 227.16 for If 216 56 for 330 66,for 'r 219.26 -for tt s► 208.26,for 193 66-for " 234.16-for it It 190.06 -for " 130 00 dor 44 00 for labor (Orkney hill) 148.50,-.for 24 OO.for " 36 05sfor It 15.33<< for 29.94-for it 112 70 -for It 4526 60 -for It 14.00 -for It 50.40 ofor It 62 10 -for if 11 70 for " 60.000 for tt 50.40Nfor It 3000 00.-,for gravel work 6 00 for labor 4 00 for it 2.00 for if 10.00-for It 9 00,for it 20.84 -for It 73.00-for it 20 00" f o r If 58 00vfor it 51.20 for it 4.20-for it 12 00ofor it 6 00-for It 5.60 ,for " 11.25. for It 3 20for It 4.25ofor It 32.00ofor it 25.00-for If 35 00, for if 101.00-for It 56.00Afor If 55.00Afor If 17.50 *for it 17.50 for IT 1.63 for If 30 25 for It 22 50 for " 120 00-for assessment 1944 12590 000for requis school 18.80 -for labor 4000.00ofor gravel work 38 77Afor labor 40.29 for It 48.00 for it Carried The Council adjourned at 5 45 p.m.